בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

R’ Moshe Weintraub’s* Rebbetzin took ill and was hospitalized in the same hospital as R’ Shmuel Berenbaum’s son Rav Leib ZT”L. Where is PIRCHEI the first place in the Visiting hours are Hashem Torah that talks about 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Agudas Yisroel of America the mitzvah of Bikur visiting daily. February 4, 2017 - Vol: 4 Issue: 14 - ח׳ שבט, תשע"ז Cholim?... Avrohom After his Bris. פרשה: בא - הפטרה: הדבר אשר דבר ה׳ אל ירמיהו... )ירמיהו מו:יג-כח( Right. Every first in I’ll wait near דף יומי: בבא בתרא י״ג משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם - ותן טל ומטר the torah has significance the escalator ... what do you think is the and learn until מצות עשה: 9 מצות לא תעשה: pshat? visiting hours 11 start.

*Revered Magid Shiur in Torah Vodaath. TorahThoughts R’ Leib, the Rosh Hayeshiva’s son, was their suffering if it will enhance their appreciation of the salvation and וְהִ גַּדְתָּ לְבִ נְָךבַּיּוֹם הַּ הוּא … )שְ מוֹת יג:ח( just niftar, and I was bringing the Rosh to remember the miracles — מִשָּרָּ שֵ י הַּ מִ צְ וָּ ה לְ מִ צְ וָּ ה ו s Kindness (see’ד' …Psst! Please can Hayeshiva upstairs when he stopped. And you shall relate to your children on that day .(took us out of the slavery ד' are directly related when ת וֹ רָּ ה in the מִ צְ וֹ ת you find a way to Do you know how many changed ד' remembering [the miracles of] our The primary message is to remember that ,זֵ כֶ ר לִ יצִ יאַת מִ צְ רָּ יִ ם of מִ ו צְ ָּ ה move Rebbi away from ??? to the this area? Oy, there is R’ ‘nature’ and showed the entire world that He controls the universe. but there , מִ צְ וֹ ת alone there are 19 פָּ רָּ שָּ ה In this week’s ? מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם Weintraub. I don’t leaving , מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם leave כְ ל ל ַּ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל The purpose of all the miracles was to help ,on a permanent basis מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם want to chalilah hurt are far more, such as not moving back to .as well ( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה ה) קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח related which is the purpose of slaughtering the מִ צְ וֹ ת convert] for three generations), the]) מִ צְ רִ י his feelings... not marrying a is to realize that at זֵ רכֶ לִ יצִ יאַת מִ צְ רָּ יִ ם that mention our Another message of מִ צְ וֹ ת There are other . צִ י צִ י ת and תְ פִ ִ ל י ן ,יוֹם טוֹב to so that we should remember the pain we that time we became an exalted Jewish nation. We changed from , מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם servitude, in , שִ עְ ב וּ ד נ בְ יֵ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל to His Chosen nation called ,יַּעֲקֺב children of ,בְ נֵי יַּעֲקֺב suffered and treat a slave with care, or feel the pain of a widow or being such as not מִ צְ וֹ ת princes. Therefore there are , בְנֵ י מַּ לָּ כִ י ם poor person. and to remember leaving permitting a non-Jew to participate in the offering and eating of the ,זֵ כֶ ר לִ יצִ יאַת מִ צְ רָּ יִ ם learns from חִ נּ וּ ְך The קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח and not breaking any bone of the ( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה י ג-יד) קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח Egypt, at least three messages, and possibly four. These are all part of .( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה ט ז) the obligation to recount the ,( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה כ א) סִ פוּר יְצִ יאַת מִצְרָּ יִם of מִ ו צְ ָּ ה the leaving Egypt. Another important message is to remember the haste with נ בְ יֵ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל story of to כְ לַּ ל יִשְ רָּ אֵ ל When the time arrives for . מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם took us out of ד' The possible fourth message is not mentioned outright in the which to remember the hardship we be taken out of their difficulties, it can happen very quickly — in the מִ ו צְ ָּ ה since there is no separate חִ נּ וּ ְך of not eating מִצְ וֹת experienced during that bitter period of history. Although there is a ‘blink of an eye.’ This is taught to us with the .( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה י א) in our home חָּ מֵ ץ and not having (מִצְ וָּה יב) חָּ מֵ ץ Rebbi, let’s try to go the eating from מִ ו צְ ָּ ה is part of the מִ ו צְ ָּ ה this , מָּ ר וֹ ר to eat מִצְ ו ה ָּ מִ ן ת הַּ וֹ רָּ ה R’ Weintraub always asks the Rosh זֵ כֶ ר לִ יצִ יאַת to recognize all the messages of זוֹכֶ ה to the room now; maybe May we be of remembering the bitterness מִ ו צְ ָּ ה There is no separate .קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח Yeshiva how is his son feeling...The the in the ‘blink of an גְאוּלָּה may we see the ultimate זְ כ וּ ת and in this מִ צְ רָּ ִי ם they will let us come in a does not focus on past כְ לַּ ל יִשְ רָּ אֵ ל . doesn’t want to tell R’ itself. This teaches an eternal lesson few minutes early. . בִ מְ הֵ רָּ ה בְ י ָּ מֵ י נ וּ אָ מֵ ן ’Weintraub about the petirah, as this eye ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :only focuses on Adapted from כְ ל ל ַּ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל .suffering by itself, for that has no purpose will cause him anguish...

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses renowned for his , זַ צַ ״ ל R’ Eliezer Silver כְּ לַ ל selfless dedication on behalf of ר׳ בּוּנִ ם born in Obeliai, Lithuania, to , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Eliezer Silver ט' שבט learned in Dvinsk with the Rogatchover , מַ לְ כָּ ה and צֶ מַ ח 5728 — 5642 would often travel throughout , יִ שְּ רָ אֵ ל 1968 — 1882 At .ר׳ ַח ִיים סוֹלוֹב ֵײ ִצ׳יק and ( א וֹ ר שָּ מֵ חַ ) ר׳ מֵ אִ ר י שִ מְ חָּ ה ,Gaon Grodzinski. In 1907, R' the USA and Canada to raise funds ר׳ ַח ִיים עוֹ ֶזר from סְ מִ י כ ָּ ה Even in the midst of this tragedy Rav Shmuel the age of 24, he received first and deliver fiery speeches for his , רָּ ב Berenbaum was thinking of another person’s feelings. Silver immigrated to the USA with his wife Pearl, taking a position as in , then in Pennsylvania, and later on in Massachusetts. In 1931, Yiddishe brethren during their most in Cincinnati, where he remained until difficult hour. He had a unique way to רָּ ב he accepted an offer to serve as of his host’s food. It כַשְּ רוּת and established deal with the אֲ תגֻדַ יִשְרָּאֵ ל He founded the American branch of . פְ י טִ רָּ ה his was born in Knyszyn, Poland, to and . He learned under In 1949, he founded the Day School in .וַ עַ ד הַ צָּ לָּ ה the גיטל ר׳ אַריה לײבּ ר׳ שמוּאל ברנבּוֹים זצ״ל in Baranovitch and later went to Mir, Poland. At the onset of WWII, the is said that he brought his own food in his ר׳ אלחנן וסרמן זצ״ל top hat. He would explain to the host that he צֶ מַ ח in 1960. His son, R' David, published עַ נְ פֵ י אֶ רֶ ז fled across Russia Cincinnati. He published ישיבה was forced to move to Vilna, Lithuania. Miraculously, the ישיבה ! שְּ חִ י טָ ה in 1968. ate chicken only from his own אֶ רֶ ז .moved to the USA ישיבה to Kobe, Japan, and then to Shanghai, China. After the war, the married R’ Avrohom Kalmanowitz’s daughter. In 1952, he became the ר׳ שמוּאל for the next 56 ישיבה and led the ר׳ שרגא משה together with his brother-in-law ראשׁ ישיבה לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל were legendary, his greatest legacy Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication שמחת החיים knowledge and תּוֹרה years. While his vast לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י learning. via email, please send an email to [email protected] תּוֹרה and his great love for התמדה was his uncompromising

This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored כ“ח טבת For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5680 - 5768 1920 - 2008 For the contest participants of the first week .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required Contest שובבים 3nd Annual Pirchei with Living the Torah Rewarding a rd רֶ בִ י His . רָ ב the Brisker ,ז״ל ,the great R' Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik , רֶ בִ י וּלְכָל בְ נֵי יִשְרָאֵ ל לֺא יֶחֱרַ ץ כֶלֶב לְשֺנוֹ…לְמַ עַן תֵדְ עוּן אֲשֶ ר יַפְ לֶה ה׳ בֵין מִצְרַ יִם וּבֵין contest Refael Oberlander, Dovid Rubinstein, Yaakov Schonbrun, Yakovשְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָד תַרְ גּוּם of שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ם — מִ צְ ָו ה week of 3 reassured him that not only was he permitted to remarry but he ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל . But against all the Children of , no dog shall sharpen Is your school or city represented in the Pirchei international Schwartzmer, Yakov Shienerman, Mayer Slamowics, Yoni Solomon, ,contest? Whether you are from North Miami Eliezer Speiser, Avi Stahl, ; Yaakov Harari-Rafulשְׁנַיִם מִקְרָא וְאֶחָד תַרְגּוּם himself suggested a young רָ ב strongly encouraged him to do so. The his tongue … so that you should realize that Hashem will have widowed woman. Beach (FL), Chicago (IL), South Bend (IN), Karmiel (Israel), Baltimore Yeshivat Ateret Torah; , NY; Avrohom Kaufman, Asher Yeshaya ;Eager to move forward with his life, Yosef accepted the (MD), Clifton / Edison / Lakewood / Passaic / Piscataway (NJ), Knopfler, Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY (שְ מוֹת יא:ז) ” differentiated between Egypt and Israel ,was Brooklyn / Far Rockaway / Inwood / Kew Gardens / Monsey / Staten Yehuda Dear, Eliyahu Derman, Yitzy Eisenstein, Yehoshua Eisner רָ ב the suggestion. He met the woman and soon married her. The , מַ כ וֹ ת explains that with all the other כְתַ ב סוֹפֵר The ,find Island (NY); Cincinnati / Cleveland / Wickliffe (OH), Gateshead / Shmuel Feuer, Zevi Gelbtuch, Avraham Gelman, Chaim Goldfarb תַ ְל מִ י ד did not overjoyed that he had been instrumental in helping his מִ צְ רִ ײִ ם punishment that was directed only towards the ,Yitzchok Chaim Gunsberg, Yoni Klein, Binyomin Levine, Moshe Sicker קִ דּ וּ שׁ ד ׳ Manchester (UK), or elsewhere, you can still join the amazing some measure of happiness after all he had gone through. The new מִ צְ רִ ײִ ם loved His people. The הקב״ה conclusively show how much who have participated. Tzvi Steif, Gamliel Mordechai Sternberg, Menachem Taub, Yonatan תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם were naturally deserving of punishment because of the way they of the hundreds of couple were happy and well suited, but after many years they still To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade (6+) should complete Waintraub, Dovid Weissmandl, Shimi Zweig, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, ,Monsey, NY; Asher Gutkin, Henoch Montrose, Yaakov Meir Polstein , רְ בִ י ִ ע י 4th grade (9+) until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade (8+) until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה were victims and deserved to be remained childless. the בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל .oppressed another people ,7th and 8th grades Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yaakov Abrahams, Lev Ehsanipoor , שִׁ שִׁ י 6th grade (11+) until , חֲ מִ י שִׁ י saved from their tormentors. Seventeen years passed. Many of their friends urged them 5th grade (10+) until ,Participants will be entered in a raffle Akiva Elman, Menashe Guttenberg, Yoel Hettleman, Chaim Levi . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה for advice, but Yosef adamantly refused. And then, to (12+) complete the entire רָ ב the noise was horrendous. to go to the ,מַ כַת בְ כוֹרוֹת , מַ כָ ה At the last ,Yissacher Lieder, Moshe Ribakow, Chofetz Chaim, Baltimore .מִקְרָ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ ים Dogs are naturally sensitive to loud sounds, and react by barking. their indescribable joy, the couple found out that they were for a beautiful set of be announcing the names of those who are MD Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Meir אי״ה now showed His true love to every Jew. In reality, the dogs’ We will הקב״ה ,contest (faxes must be Heinemann, Moshe Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Ezra Kassin שְׁ ַנ ִי ם מִ קְ רָ א וְ אֶ חָ ד תַ רְ גּ וּ ם expecting a child. Soon, a baby boy was born to them. Yosef entered into the רָ ב to share the wonderful news and the רֶ בִ י barking would have been drowned out by the great noise. However, immediately ran to his the barking still added some minimal amplification to the din. By received by Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). Below are the current contestants: Yeshiva Bais HaTorah, Lakewood, NJ; Cobi Scherer, Yonason Singer, ;On his way out Yosef met a friend. After Grade 1 – Yitzchok Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Eliezer Teitelbaum, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH . שִ מְ חָ ה was filled with the friend asked, “Do you feel Aschendoff, Shuey Berger, Avrohom Dovid Blum, Shimon Brach, Levi Simcha Levovitz, Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Sholom , מַ זָ ל ט וֹ ב showed how much He loved and guided embracing Yosef and wishing הקב״ה ,stopping the barking merit, to which you can attribute this?” The Brecher, Eli Brody, Daniel Bruck, Ephraim Cohen, Moshe Cywiak, Yisroel Benyominson, Yitzchok Karp, Shlomo Lapin, Yosef Purec, Providence , זְ כ וּ ת showed His true love for His there is a particular הקב״ה . הַ שְ ָג חָ ה פְ רָ טִ י ת the Jews with His people by ensuring that they did not suffer even minute additional answer was shocking. Drillik, Simcha Fireworker, Avi Goldbord, Nachi Goldstein, Shlomo Gross, Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Aron Shlomo Davis, Yecheskel discomfort. “For many years you and many others urged me to go to Avi Grossberger, Aharon Itzkowitz, Chagai Jaapon, Sruli Kagan, Sruli Feld, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Kriger, Yair Lasry, Chaim Lederer, Elchonon Lorber, Zevy Markovics, Grade 5 – Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Moshe Gelb, Menachem Manis for children. And you probably wondered בְ רָ ָכ ה to receive a רֶ בִ י our ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Yosef Sternberg came home to find his home ransacked, Yechiel Yehuda Minzer, Yonason Moradi, Nisson Noviko, Avromi Perl, Lang, Shmuel Chaim Yomtov, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Aharon Fried, why I refused to go… Well, now I can tell you. When I first came from Dovid Pomerantz, Shlomo Salgo, Yitzchak Schlaff, Zevy Schilit, Aharon Harel, Chanoch Harel, Dovi Hirsch, Moshe Simcha Itzkowitz, with no trace of his wife or his children. He had dreaded this day — Europe, my life was in shambles. I could not let go of the family and Mordechai Slomovics, Eli Steur, Bentzi Stroh, David Tepfer, Dovid Tessler, Yitzi Lang, Avromy Leshkowitz, Zvi Elimelech Levitin, Shuli Lowy, for help. He Avrohom Vaiselberg, Nesanel Vaiselberg, Moshe Wertzberger, Nathan Michoel Minzer, Shmuel Pearlman, Aharon Plotsker, Aryeh Leib רֶ בִ י the Nazis had come and taken them away. He tried to compose the world that I had left behind. Finally I turned to our He was Yaiche, Chaim Zahler, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Silberberg, Yehuda Travitsky, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yeshiva Torah . שִ דּ וּ ְך himself, but his heart was torn to pieces. Yosef realized that now his encouraged me to remarry and he even arranged the life was in danger too and he must flee. He joined the men and boys thrilled to have been instrumental in removing some of my pain. Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Tessler, Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Moshe Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Fallsburg, NY; Ari Wind, , Woodmere, NY; Yossie for children, that בְ רָ ָכ ה and fled the “Had I gone to him to ask for a ,בָ חוּר of the Mirrer Yeshivah, which he had attended as a country with them. Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Yerachmiel Rothenberg, Clifton Atlas, Dov Belsky, Yehuda Chaifetz, Menashe Moshe Hack, Reuven would have implied that we were unhappy. And it is possible that this Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Zev Cohen, Chatzkel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Kleiner, Tzvi Linzer, Sruly Lurie, Yehoshua Oratz, Meir Simcha Paige, Levi ,pain, since he was partially responsible for Chaim, Lakewood, NJ; Refoel Smith, Yeshiva Ketana Passaic; Dovid Yitzchak Salazar, Binyomin Statfeld, Aryeh Leib Stein, Chaim Steinhardt רֶ בִ י After the war, Yosef joined thousands of others who would have caused the searched for any remaining relatives. After a few months of some of that anguish, having arranged the marriage. How could I Rabinowitz, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ. Yoni Zeiger, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Chaim Yeruchem .for children? I Grade 2 – Gavriel Mahperi, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Meir Benhamo, Cohen, Chaim Shmuel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, NJ בְ רָ ָכ ה pain just because I wanted a רֶ בִ י unsuccessful searching, Yosef decided that he would be best off have caused my that Pinchas Bookson, Moshe Dahan, Daniel Friedman, Ari Goldman, Eliyahu Grade 6 – Eliyohu Falik, Mordechai Kaplan, The Cheder; Binyomin Zev זְ כ וּ ת Perhaps there he would find peace. want you to know,” he concluded, “I think it was that . אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל making his way to Yosef tried to rekindle his desire for life but could not let go Jakubovic, Moshe Eliezer Kahan, Shimon Kaufman, Avrumi Kupczyk, Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Moshe Levi, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; enabled us to merit having children.” David Mordechai, Yehuda Obermeister, Gavriel Orzel, Daniel Shilman, Aryeh Brachfeld, Zev Lapidoth, Shimon Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; of the family he had left behind. Finally he unburdened himself to his Adapted from: Touched by a Story 3 (with kind permission from ) Yisroel Yefet, Moishe Zimmerman, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Nesanel Nissim Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda Yehuda Keller, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Moshe Bentzion Blum, Moshe Kaufman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Brachfeld, Shlomo Czeisler, Shlomo Fettman, Shimi Fireworker, Dovid Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY; Naftali Grumet, Yeshiva Friedman, Aharon Yeshaya Gifter, Yossi Gray, Shmuel Haas, Yisrael Ketana of ; Inwood, NY; Yehuda Anteby, Yeshiva Beth FocusonMiddos Yehuda Haas, Aharon Horowitz, Shaya Landau, Avrohom Zev Levitin, Mikroh, Monsey, NY; Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein, Binyomin Feldman, Dear Talmid, Akiva Lieberman, Aharon Mehlman, Ahron Oberlander, Shlomo Yosef Chaim Gholian, Asher Goldberg, Boruch Meiselman, Nachi whose be a religious Jew!” pain, and addressed him as would a loving גָדוֹל was a זַ צַ ״ ל R' Eliezer Silver “What makes you say that?” asked R' father. “My dear son, why focus on that one Reichman, Yosef Reisman, Kalman Rubinstein, Shmuel Schreiber, Simcha Meyers, Dovid Mintz, Srully Solloff, Avrohom C. Sopher, Yisroel Meir ,love for his fellow Jew, knew no Shapiro, Mayer Baruch Slomovics, Tzvi Eli Stern, Hillel Travitsky, Sruli Tendler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin , אַ הֲ ת בַ יִ שְׂ רָ אֵ ל bounds. He was instrumental in saving tens of Silver softly. individual who made such a difficult demand? “I saw something in the camp that I Why not look at the beautiful devotion of all of Yifat, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Aryeh Kohl, Yeshiva Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Moshe Heineman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; thousands of Jews during the WWII era. In Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; will never forget,” he grumbled. “There was a those who gave up their bread just to pray from Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Avromi Atlas, Yeshivas Torah 1939, he founded and was president of the Cincinnati, OH; Yehoshua Hack, Aharon Eliezer Karp, Shmuel The man thought for a long time Institute, Baltimore, MD; Mordechai Shlomo Smith, Yeshiva Ketana ”? סִ דּ וּ ר so-called ‘religious’ man who had smuggled a that Vaad Hatzolah. He raised over $5,000,000 to Passaic, Passiac, NJ; Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Rosenthal, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Dovi .in the and then smiled סִ דּ וּ ר into the camp. He had the sole סִ דּ וּ ר buy not just the freedom, but the lives, of many barracks and only agreed to lend it to an inmate Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. Steinhaus, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. ,this broken man and R' Grade 3 – Dovi Lerner, Zevi Melcer, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yissachar Grade 7 – Eitan Brown, Yosef Chaim Gutman, Moshe Ya'akov Herskovic , ל תַ ְׂ מִ י ד thousands of Jews trapped behind enemy lines. My [Editor’s note: $5,000,000 during 1939-1945 is on one condition: in return for half a day’s Silver considered the same situation. Yet, they ration of bread! Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Fastag, Avrohom Meir Fried, David Kapetas, Zevi Leibler, Akiva Merl, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Mendy worth more than $300,000,000 by today’s each viewed it very differently! R' Silver saw a Zalmi Friedman, Daniel Gershbaum, Yehoshua Gershbaum, Moshe Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; standards. In 1939, a loaf of bread cost 8¢, a NY “And what happened?” asked R' side to the story that the man had missed in his Silver curiously. Shmuel Guttman, Mendy Herbstman, Moshe Koritz, Ari Korsinsky, Shuie Moishy Orange, Mirrer Yeshiva Ketana; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Meir subway ride was 5¢, and an average house cost anger. If you are hurt, you will often not see the Lang, Yerachmiel Lasker, Dovy Levy, Boruch Leib Mandel, Yakov Perl, Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Shmuel Pitterman, Yeshiva Toras Aron; under $4,000.] “Many gave half their bread so that whole picture! Speak about your frustration ;he answered in Shaulie Schechter, Dovi Werner, Yitzy Yachie, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Lakewood, NJ; Mordechai Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School ”! סִ דּ וּ ר they could use the man’s or a close friend. You may be Brooklyn, NY; Shmuel Wind, Tani Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Golden, Shimon Kapilevich, Yisroel Mordechai רֶ בִ י After the war, he traveled to Europe with a to visit the DP camps filled with Holocaust an angry tone. “I want nothing to do with a surprised how someone else views the same religion where a religious person robs starving Woodmere, NY; Yaakov Mordechai Shacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, Karp, Ezra Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; survivors. On one such visit, he was approached picture. NJ; Baruch Berger, Gedalya Charish, Mordechai Shaul David, Michel Menachem Posen, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK; Shimon Adler, Yitsy יְׂהִ יזִכְׂ רוֹ בָרוְּך! ”!by a man who defiantly said, “, I will never people of their bread ,Fishman, Refael Shmuel Hertz, Dovid Herzig, Dovid Yehuda Jacobowitz, Bamberger, Benzion Englard, Binyomin Goldman, Tovia Leiberman רֶ בִ י Your ,בְׂ יְׂדִ ידוּת R' Silver understood the young man’s A letter from a Rebbi — based on interviews Dov Karfiol, Baruch Sher, Eliyahu Slomovits, Yeshiva Toras Aron, Yankele Levin, Pinchos Levkovits, Shmuli Prijs, Aron Tsvi Saunders, Beis Lakewood, NJ. Hatalmud; Manchester, UK. Grade 4 – Yonah Fogel, Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Avrohom Rosenberg, Grade 8 – Yehuda Auerbach, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky,  According to some opinions, one who has not completed  According to some opinions, one may finish uncompleted Alex Tusher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Eli Weichselbaum, Yeshiva Ohr Leiby Mutterperl, Yeshurin Sorscher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Menachem Levitansky, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yehoshua ,Shraga; Eliyahu Berger, Moshe Blum, Shlomo Czeisler, Yaakov Czeisler שְׁ מִ י ִנ י ֲע צֶ רֶ ת שִ מְׁ חַ ת ת וֹ רָ ה שְׁ נַיִם מִקְׁרָ א דוְׁאֶחָ תַרְׁ גּוּם ,may until (or in Chaim Davis, Dovid Egri, Dovy Einhorn, Daniel Farkas, Shmully Frank, Ari Reidler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Azriel Yudkowsky תְׁ פִ ת לַ מִ נְׁ חָ ה בְׁ שַ בָ ת before שְׁ נַיִם מִקְׁרָ א ד וְׁאֶחָ תַרְׁ גּוּם Halacha .Gray, Avrumie Hellmann, Ahron Yehuda Herbstman, Bentzy Leshem, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI .( אֶ רֶ ץ י ִ שְׁ רָ אֵ ל .complete it until Wednesday of the following week .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ א : הִ לְ כוֹות שְׁ נַיִם מִקְ רָ א וְאֶחָ ד וּ ַ תרְ וּגווּם Contest שובבים 3nd Annual Pirchei with Living the Torah Rewarding a Rebbe rd רֶ בִ י His . רָ ב the Brisker ,ז״ל ,the great R' Yitzchak Zev Soloveitchik , רֶ בִ י וּלְכָל בְ נֵי יִשְרָאֵ ל לֺא יֶחֱרַ ץ כֶלֶב לְשֺנוֹ…לְמַ עַן תֵדְ עוּן אֲשֶ ר יַפְ לֶה ה׳ בֵין מִצְרַ יִם וּבֵין contest Refael Oberlander, Dovid Rubinstein, Yaakov Schonbrun, Yakovשְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָד תַרְ גּוּם of שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ם — מִ צְ ָו ה week of 3 reassured him that not only was he permitted to remarry but he ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל . But against all the Children of Israel, no dog shall sharpen Is your school or city represented in the Pirchei international Schwartzmer, Yakov Shienerman, Mayer Slamowics, Yoni Solomon, ,contest? Whether you are from North Miami Eliezer Speiser, Avi Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Yaakov Harari-Rafulשְׁנַיִם מִקְרָא וְאֶחָד תַרְגּוּם himself suggested a young רָ ב strongly encouraged him to do so. The his tongue … so that you should realize that Hashem will have widowed woman. Beach (FL), Chicago (IL), South Bend (IN), Karmiel (Israel), Baltimore Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Kaufman, Asher Yeshaya ;Eager to move forward with his life, Yosef accepted the (MD), Clifton / Edison / Lakewood / Passaic / Piscataway (NJ), Knopfler, Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY (שְ מוֹת יא:ז) ” differentiated between Egypt and Israel ,was Brooklyn / Far Rockaway / Inwood / Kew Gardens / Monsey / Staten Yehuda Dear, Eliyahu Derman, Yitzy Eisenstein, Yehoshua Eisner רָ ב the suggestion. He met the woman and soon married her. The , מַ כ וֹ ת explains that with all the other כְתַ ב סוֹפֵר The ,find Island (NY); Cincinnati / Cleveland / Wickliffe (OH), Gateshead / Shmuel Feuer, Zevi Gelbtuch, Avraham Gelman, Chaim Goldfarb תַ ְל מִ י ד did not overjoyed that he had been instrumental in helping his מִ צְ רִ ײִ ם punishment that was directed only towards the ,Yitzchok Chaim Gunsberg, Yoni Klein, Binyomin Levine, Moshe Sicker קִ דּ וּ שׁ ד ׳ Manchester (UK), or elsewhere, you can still join the amazing some measure of happiness after all he had gone through. The new מִ צְ רִ ײִ ם loved His people. The הקב״ה conclusively show how much who have participated. Tzvi Steif, Gamliel Mordechai Sternberg, Menachem Taub, Yonatan תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם were naturally deserving of punishment because of the way they of the hundreds of couple were happy and well suited, but after many years they still To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade (6+) should complete Waintraub, Dovid Weissmandl, Shimi Zweig, Yeshiva of Spring Valley, ,Monsey, NY; Asher Gutkin, Henoch Montrose, Yaakov Meir Polstein , רְ בִ י ִ ע י 4th grade (9+) until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade (8+) until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה were victims and deserved to be remained childless. the בְ ֵנ י ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל .oppressed another people ,7th and 8th grades Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yaakov Abrahams, Lev Ehsanipoor , שִׁ שִׁ י 6th grade (11+) until , חֲ מִ י שִׁ י saved from their tormentors. Seventeen years passed. Many of their friends urged them 5th grade (10+) until ,Participants will be entered in a raffle Akiva Elman, Menashe Guttenberg, Yoel Hettleman, Chaim Levi . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה for advice, but Yosef adamantly refused. And then, to (12+) complete the entire רָ ב the noise was horrendous. to go to the ,מַ כַת בְ כוֹרוֹת , מַ כָ ה At the last ,Yissacher Lieder, Moshe Ribakow, , Baltimore .מִקְרָ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ ים Dogs are naturally sensitive to loud sounds, and react by barking. their indescribable joy, the couple found out that they were for a beautiful set of be announcing the names of those who are MD Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Mordechai Meir אי״ה now showed His true love to every Jew. In reality, the dogs’ We will הקב״ה ,contest (faxes must be Heinemann, Moshe Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Ezra Kassin שְׁ ַנ ִי ם מִ קְ רָ א וְ אֶ חָ ד תַ רְ גּ וּ ם expecting a child. Soon, a baby boy was born to them. Yosef entered into the רָ ב to share the wonderful news and the רֶ בִ י barking would have been drowned out by the great noise. However, immediately ran to his the barking still added some minimal amplification to the din. By received by Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). Below are the current contestants: Yeshiva Bais HaTorah, Lakewood, NJ; Cobi Scherer, Yonason Singer, ;On his way out Yosef met a friend. After Grade 1 – Yitzchok Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Eliezer Teitelbaum, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Cincinnati, OH . שִ מְ חָ ה was filled with the friend asked, “Do you feel Aschendoff, Shuey Berger, Avrohom Dovid Blum, Shimon Brach, Levi Simcha Levovitz, Yeshiva Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Sholom , מַ זָ ל ט וֹ ב showed how much He loved and guided embracing Yosef and wishing הקב״ה ,stopping the barking merit, to which you can attribute this?” The Brecher, Eli Brody, Daniel Bruck, Ephraim Cohen, Moshe Cywiak, Yisroel Benyominson, Yitzchok Karp, Shlomo Lapin, Yosef Purec, Providence , זְ כ וּ ת showed His true love for His there is a particular הקב״ה . הַ שְ ָג חָ ה פְ רָ טִ י ת the Jews with His people by ensuring that they did not suffer even minute additional answer was shocking. Drillik, Simcha Fireworker, Avi Goldbord, Nachi Goldstein, Shlomo Gross, Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Aron Shlomo Davis, Yecheskel discomfort. “For many years you and many others urged me to go to Avi Grossberger, Aharon Itzkowitz, Chagai Jaapon, Sruli Kagan, Sruli Feld, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. Kriger, Yair Lasry, Chaim Lederer, Elchonon Lorber, Zevy Markovics, Grade 5 – Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Moshe Gelb, Menachem Manis for children. And you probably wondered בְ רָ ָכ ה to receive a רֶ בִ י our ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Yosef Sternberg came home to find his home ransacked, Yechiel Yehuda Minzer, Yonason Moradi, Nisson Noviko, Avromi Perl, Lang, Shmuel Chaim Yomtov, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Aharon Fried, why I refused to go… Well, now I can tell you. When I first came from Dovid Pomerantz, Shlomo Salgo, Yitzchak Schlaff, Zevy Schilit, Aharon Harel, Chanoch Harel, Dovi Hirsch, Moshe Simcha Itzkowitz, with no trace of his wife or his children. He had dreaded this day — Europe, my life was in shambles. I could not let go of the family and Mordechai Slomovics, Eli Steur, Bentzi Stroh, David Tepfer, Dovid Tessler, Yitzi Lang, Avromy Leshkowitz, Zvi Elimelech Levitin, Shuli Lowy, for help. He Avrohom Vaiselberg, Nesanel Vaiselberg, Moshe Wertzberger, Nathan Michoel Minzer, Shmuel Pearlman, Aharon Plotsker, Aryeh Leib רֶ בִ י the Nazis had come and taken them away. He tried to compose the world that I had left behind. Finally I turned to our He was Yaiche, Chaim Zahler, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Silberberg, Yehuda Travitsky, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yeshiva Torah . שִ דּ וּ ְך himself, but his heart was torn to pieces. Yosef realized that now his encouraged me to remarry and he even arranged the life was in danger too and he must flee. He joined the men and boys thrilled to have been instrumental in removing some of my pain. Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Yehuda Tessler, Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Solomon, Fallsburg Cheder School, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Moshe Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Fallsburg, NY; Ari Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Woodmere, NY; Yossie for children, that בְ רָ ָכ ה and fled the “Had I gone to him to ask for a ,בָ חוּר of the Mirrer Yeshivah, which he had attended as a country with them. Tzion, Piscataway Township, NJ; Yerachmiel Rothenberg, Clifton Atlas, Dov Belsky, Yehuda Chaifetz, Menashe Moshe Hack, Reuven would have implied that we were unhappy. And it is possible that this Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Zev Cohen, Chatzkel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Kleiner, Tzvi Linzer, Sruly Lurie, Yehoshua Oratz, Meir Simcha Paige, Levi ,pain, since he was partially responsible for Chaim, Lakewood, NJ; Refoel Smith, Yeshiva Ketana Passaic; Dovid Yitzchak Salazar, Binyomin Statfeld, Aryeh Leib Stein, Chaim Steinhardt רֶ בִ י After the war, Yosef joined thousands of others who would have caused the searched for any remaining relatives. After a few months of some of that anguish, having arranged the marriage. How could I Rabinowitz, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch; Passiac, NJ. Yoni Zeiger, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Chaim Yeruchem .for children? I Grade 2 – Gavriel Mahperi, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Meir Benhamo, Cohen, Chaim Shmuel Rayman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, NJ בְ רָ ָכ ה pain just because I wanted a רֶ בִ י unsuccessful searching, Yosef decided that he would be best off have caused my that Pinchas Bookson, Moshe Dahan, Daniel Friedman, Ari Goldman, Eliyahu Grade 6 – Eliyohu Falik, Mordechai Kaplan, The Cheder; Binyomin Zev זְ כ וּ ת Perhaps there he would find peace. want you to know,” he concluded, “I think it was that . אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל making his way to Yosef tried to rekindle his desire for life but could not let go Jakubovic, Moshe Eliezer Kahan, Shimon Kaufman, Avrumi Kupczyk, Helberg, Tiferes Elimelech; Moshe Levi, Yeshiva Ketana of Bensonhurst; enabled us to merit having children.” David Mordechai, Yehuda Obermeister, Gavriel Orzel, Daniel Shilman, Aryeh Brachfeld, Zev Lapidoth, Shimon Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; of the family he had left behind. Finally he unburdened himself to his Adapted from: Touched by a Story 3 (with kind permission from ArtScroll) Yisroel Yefet, Moishe Zimmerman, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Nesanel Nissim Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda Yehuda Keller, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Moshe Bentzion Blum, Moshe Kaufman, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Brachfeld, Shlomo Czeisler, Shlomo Fettman, Shimi Fireworker, Dovid Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Far Rockaway, NY; Naftali Grumet, Yeshiva Friedman, Aharon Yeshaya Gifter, Yossi Gray, Shmuel Haas, Yisrael Ketana of Long Island; Inwood, NY; Yehuda Anteby, Yeshiva Beth FocusonMiddos Yehuda Haas, Aharon Horowitz, Shaya Landau, Avrohom Zev Levitin, Mikroh, Monsey, NY; Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein, Binyomin Feldman, Dear Talmid, Akiva Lieberman, Aharon Mehlman, Ahron Oberlander, Shlomo Yosef Chaim Gholian, Asher Goldberg, Boruch Meiselman, Nachi whose be a religious Jew!” pain, and addressed him as would a loving גָדוֹל was a זַ צַ ״ ל R' Eliezer Silver “What makes you say that?” asked R' father. “My dear son, why focus on that one Reichman, Yosef Reisman, Kalman Rubinstein, Shmuel Schreiber, Simcha Meyers, Dovid Mintz, Srully Solloff, Avrohom C. Sopher, Yisroel Meir ,love for his fellow Jew, knew no Shapiro, Mayer Baruch Slomovics, Tzvi Eli Stern, Hillel Travitsky, Sruli Tendler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin , אַ הֲ ת בַ יִ שְׂ רָ אֵ ל bounds. He was instrumental in saving tens of Silver softly. individual who made such a difficult demand? “I saw something in the camp that I Why not look at the beautiful devotion of all of Yifat, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Aryeh Kohl, Yeshiva Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Moshe Heineman, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; thousands of Jews during the WWII era. In Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; will never forget,” he grumbled. “There was a those who gave up their bread just to pray from Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Avromi Atlas, Yeshivas Torah 1939, he founded and was president of the Cincinnati, OH; Yehoshua Hack, Aharon Eliezer Karp, Shmuel The man thought for a long time Institute, Baltimore, MD; Mordechai Shlomo Smith, Yeshiva Ketana ”? סִ דּ וּ ר so-called ‘religious’ man who had smuggled a that Vaad Hatzolah. He raised over $5,000,000 to Passaic, Passiac, NJ; Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School; Rosenthal, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; Dovi .in the and then smiled סִ דּ וּ ר into the camp. He had the sole סִ דּ וּ ר buy not just the freedom, but the lives, of many barracks and only agreed to lend it to an inmate Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH. Steinhaus, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK. ,this broken man and R' Grade 3 – Dovi Lerner, Zevi Melcer, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Yissachar Grade 7 – Eitan Brown, Yosef Chaim Gutman, Moshe Ya'akov Herskovic , ל תַ ְׂ מִ י ד thousands of Jews trapped behind enemy lines. My [Editor’s note: $5,000,000 during 1939-1945 is on one condition: in return for half a day’s Silver considered the same situation. Yet, they ration of bread! Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Moshe Fastag, Avrohom Meir Fried, David Kapetas, Zevi Leibler, Akiva Merl, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Mendy worth more than $300,000,000 by today’s each viewed it very differently! R' Silver saw a Zalmi Friedman, Daniel Gershbaum, Yehoshua Gershbaum, Moshe Reiss, Yeshiva Karlin-Stolin; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; standards. In 1939, a loaf of bread cost 8¢, a NY “And what happened?” asked R' side to the story that the man had missed in his Silver curiously. Shmuel Guttman, Mendy Herbstman, Moshe Koritz, Ari Korsinsky, Shuie Moishy Orange, Mirrer Yeshiva Ketana; Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Meir subway ride was 5¢, and an average house cost anger. If you are hurt, you will often not see the Lang, Yerachmiel Lasker, Dovy Levy, Boruch Leib Mandel, Yakov Perl, Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Shmuel Pitterman, Yeshiva Toras Aron; under $4,000.] “Many gave half their bread so that whole picture! Speak about your frustration ;he answered in Shaulie Schechter, Dovi Werner, Yitzy Yachie, Yeshiva Torah Vodaas; Lakewood, NJ; Mordechai Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School ”! סִ דּ וּ ר they could use the man’s or a close friend. You may be Brooklyn, NY; Shmuel Wind, Tani Wind, Yeshiva of South Shore, Cincinnati, OH; Chaim Golden, Shimon Kapilevich, Yisroel Mordechai רֶ בִ י After the war, he traveled to Europe with a to visit the DP camps filled with Holocaust an angry tone. “I want nothing to do with a surprised how someone else views the same religion where a religious person robs starving Woodmere, NY; Yaakov Mordechai Shacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, Karp, Ezra Minkin, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI; survivors. On one such visit, he was approached picture. NJ; Baruch Berger, Gedalya Charish, Mordechai Shaul David, Michel Menachem Posen, Kesser Torah; Gateshead, UK; Shimon Adler, Yitsy יְׂהִ יזִכְׂ רוֹ בָרוְּך! ”!by a man who defiantly said, “Rabbi, I will never people of their bread ,Fishman, Refael Shmuel Hertz, Dovid Herzig, Dovid Yehuda Jacobowitz, Bamberger, Benzion Englard, Binyomin Goldman, Tovia Leiberman רֶ בִ י Your ,בְׂ יְׂדִ ידוּת R' Silver understood the young man’s A letter from a Rebbi — based on interviews Dov Karfiol, Baruch Sher, Eliyahu Slomovits, Yeshiva Toras Aron, Yankele Levin, Pinchos Levkovits, Shmuli Prijs, Aron Tsvi Saunders, Beis Lakewood, NJ. Hatalmud; Manchester, UK. Grade 4 – Yonah Fogel, Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Avrohom Rosenberg, Grade 8 – Yehuda Auerbach, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky,  According to some opinions, one who has not completed  According to some opinions, one may finish uncompleted Alex Tusher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Eli Weichselbaum, Yeshiva Ohr Leiby Mutterperl, Yeshurin Sorscher, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Menachem Levitansky, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Yehoshua ,Shraga; Eliyahu Berger, Moshe Blum, Shlomo Czeisler, Yaakov Czeisler שְׁ מִ י ִנ י ֲע צֶ רֶ ת שִ מְׁ חַ ת ת וֹ רָ ה שְׁ נַיִם מִקְׁרָ א דוְׁאֶחָ תַרְׁ גּוּם ,may until (or in Chaim Davis, Dovid Egri, Dovy Einhorn, Daniel Farkas, Shmully Frank, Ari Reidler, Yeshivas Torah Institute, Baltimore, MD; Azriel Yudkowsky תְׁ פִ ת לַ מִ נְׁ חָ ה בְׁ שַ בָ ת before שְׁ נַיִם מִקְׁרָ א ד וְׁאֶחָ תַרְׁ גּוּם Halacha .Gray, Avrumie Hellmann, Ahron Yehuda Herbstman, Bentzy Leshem, Providence Hebrew Day School; Providence, RI .( אֶ רֶ ץ י ִ שְׁ רָ אֵ ל .complete it until Wednesday of the following week .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ א : הִ לְ כוֹות שְׁ נַיִם מִקְ רָ א וְאֶחָ ד וּ ַ תרְ וּגווּם בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

R’ Moshe Weintraub’s* Rebbetzin took ill and was hospitalized in the same hospital as R’ Shmuel Berenbaum’s son Rav Leib ZT”L. Where is PIRCHEI the first place in the Visiting hours are Hashem Torah that talks about 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Agudas Yisroel of America the mitzvah of Bikur visiting daily. February 4, 2017 - Vol: 4 Issue: 14 - ח׳ שבט, תשע"ז Cholim?... Avrohom After his Bris. פרשה: בא - הפטרה: הדבר אשר דבר ה׳ אל ירמיהו... )ירמיהו מו:יג-כח( Right. Every first in I’ll wait near דף יומי: בבא בתרא י״ג משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם - ותן טל ומטר the torah has significance the escalator ... what do you think is the and learn until מצות עשה: 9 מצות לא תעשה: pshat? visiting hours 11 start.

*Revered Magid Shiur in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. TorahThoughts R’ Leib, the Rosh Hayeshiva’s son, was their suffering if it will enhance their appreciation of the salvation and וְהִ גַּדְתָּ לְבִ נְָךבַּיּוֹם הַּ הוּא … )שְ מוֹת יג:ח( just niftar, and I was bringing the Rosh to remember the miracles — מִשָּרָּ שֵ י הַּ מִ צְ וָּ ה לְ מִ צְ וָּ ה ו s Kindness (see’ד' …Psst! Please can Hayeshiva upstairs when he stopped. And you shall relate to your children on that day .(took us out of the slavery ד' are directly related when ת וֹ רָּ ה in the מִ צְ וֹ ת you find a way to Do you know how many changed ד' remembering [the miracles of] our The primary message is to remember that ,זֵ כֶ ר לִ יצִ יאַת מִ צְ רָּ יִ ם of מִ ו צְ ָּ ה move Rebbi away from ??? to the this area? Oy, there is R’ ‘nature’ and showed the entire world that He controls the universe. but there , מִ צְ וֹ ת alone there are 19 פָּ רָּ שָּ ה In this week’s ? מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם Weintraub. I don’t leaving , מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם leave כְ ל ל ַּ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל The purpose of all the miracles was to help ,on a permanent basis מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם want to chalilah hurt are far more, such as not moving back to .as well ( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה ה) קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח related which is the purpose of slaughtering the מִ צְ וֹ ת convert] for three generations), the]) מִ צְ רִ י his feelings... not marrying a is to realize that at זֵ רכֶ לִ יצִ יאַת מִ צְ רָּ יִ ם that mention our Another message of מִ צְ וֹ ת There are other . צִ י צִ י ת and תְ פִ ִ ל י ן ,יוֹם טוֹב to so that we should remember the pain we that time we became an exalted Jewish nation. We changed from , מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם servitude, in , שִ עְ ב וּ ד נ בְ יֵ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל to His Chosen nation called ,יַּעֲקֺב children of ,בְ נֵי יַּעֲקֺב suffered and treat a slave with care, or feel the pain of a widow or being such as not מִ צְ וֹ ת princes. Therefore there are , בְנֵ י מַּ לָּ כִ י ם poor person. and to remember leaving permitting a non-Jew to participate in the offering and eating of the ,זֵ כֶ ר לִ יצִ יאַת מִ צְ רָּ יִ ם learns from חִ נּ וּ ְך The קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח and not breaking any bone of the ( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה י ג-יד) קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח Egypt, at least three messages, and possibly four. These are all part of .( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה ט ז) the obligation to recount the ,( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה כ א) סִ פוּר יְצִ יאַת מִצְרָּ יִם of מִ ו צְ ָּ ה the leaving Egypt. Another important message is to remember the haste with נ בְ יֵ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל story of to כְ לַּ ל יִשְ רָּ אֵ ל When the time arrives for . מִ צְ רַּ ִי ם took us out of ד' The possible fourth message is not mentioned outright in the which to remember the hardship we be taken out of their difficulties, it can happen very quickly — in the מִ ו צְ ָּ ה since there is no separate חִ נּ וּ ְך of not eating מִצְ וֹת experienced during that bitter period of history. Although there is a ‘blink of an eye.’ This is taught to us with the .( מִ ו צְ ָּ ה י א) in our home חָּ מֵ ץ and not having (מִצְ וָּה יב) חָּ מֵ ץ Rebbi, let’s try to go the eating from מִ ו צְ ָּ ה is part of the מִ ו צְ ָּ ה this , מָּ ר וֹ ר to eat מִצְ ו ה ָּ מִ ן ת הַּ וֹ רָּ ה R’ Weintraub always asks the Rosh זֵ כֶ ר לִ יצִ יאַת to recognize all the messages of זוֹכֶ ה to the room now; maybe May we be of remembering the bitterness מִ ו צְ ָּ ה There is no separate .קָּרְ בָּן פֶסַּ ח Yeshiva how is his son feeling...The the in the ‘blink of an גְאוּלָּה may we see the ultimate זְ כ וּ ת and in this מִ צְ רָּ ִי ם they will let us come in a does not focus on past כְ לַּ ל יִשְ רָּ אֵ ל .Rosh Yeshiva doesn’t want to tell R’ itself. This teaches an eternal lesson few minutes early. . בִ מְ הֵ רָּ ה בְ י ָּ מֵ י נ וּ אָ מֵ ן ’Weintraub about the petirah, as this eye ספר החנוך על פרשת השבוע :only focuses on Adapted from כְ ל ל ַּ י ִ שְ רָּ אֵ ל .suffering by itself, for that has no purpose will cause him anguish...

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses renowned for his , זַ צַ ״ ל R’ Eliezer Silver כְּ לַ ל selfless dedication on behalf of ר׳ בּוּנִ ם born in Obeliai, Lithuania, to , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Eliezer Silver ט' שבט learned in Dvinsk with the Rogatchover , מַ לְ כָּ ה and צֶ מַ ח 5728 — 5642 would often travel throughout , יִ שְּ רָ אֵ ל 1968 — 1882 At .ר׳ ַח ִיים סוֹלוֹב ֵײ ִצ׳יק and ( א וֹ ר שָּ מֵ חַ ) ר׳ מֵ אִ ר י שִ מְ חָּ ה ,Gaon Grodzinski. In 1907, R' the USA and Canada to raise funds ר׳ ַח ִיים עוֹ ֶזר from סְ מִ י כ ָּ ה Even in the midst of this tragedy Rav Shmuel the age of 24, he received first and deliver fiery speeches for his , רָּ ב Berenbaum was thinking of another person’s feelings. Silver immigrated to the USA with his wife Pearl, taking a position as in New York, then in Pennsylvania, and later on in Massachusetts. In 1931, Yiddishe brethren during their most in Cincinnati, where he remained until difficult hour. He had a unique way to רָּ ב he accepted an offer to serve as of his host’s food. It כַשְּ רוּת and established deal with the אֲ תגֻדַ יִשְרָּאֵ ל He founded the American branch of . פְ י טִ רָּ ה his was born in Knyszyn, Poland, to and . He learned under In 1949, he founded the Chofetz Chaim Day School in .וַ עַ ד הַ צָּ לָּ ה the גיטל ר׳ אַריה לײבּ ר׳ שמוּאל ברנבּוֹים זצ״ל in Baranovitch and later went to Mir, Poland. At the onset of WWII, the is said that he brought his own food in his ר׳ אלחנן וסרמן זצ״ל top hat. He would explain to the host that he צֶ מַ ח in 1960. His son, R' David, published עַ נְ פֵ י אֶ רֶ ז fled across Russia Cincinnati. He published ישיבה was forced to move to Vilna, Lithuania. Miraculously, the ישיבה ! שְּ חִ י טָ ה in 1968. ate chicken only from his own אֶ רֶ ז .moved to the USA ישיבה to Kobe, Japan, and then to Shanghai, China. After the war, the married R’ Avrohom Kalmanowitz’s daughter. In 1952, he became the ר׳ שמוּאל for the next 56 ישיבה and led the ר׳ שרגא משה together with his brother-in-law ראשׁ ישיבה לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל were legendary, his greatest legacy Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication שמחת החיים knowledge and תּוֹרה years. While his vast לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י learning. via email, please send an email to [email protected] תּוֹרה and his great love for התמדה was his uncompromising

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