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The 5 Towns Jewish Times! You Can Upload Your Digital Photos and See Them Printed in the Weekly Edition of the 5 Towns Jewish Times $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 8 NO. 34 11 IYAR 5768 rvc ,arp MAY 16, 2008 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK A BIG 60TH BIRTHDAY BASH MindBiz B Y LARRY GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 34 Clothes Make The Man Calm By Force Votes Needed Hannah Reich Berman 52 Letters To The Editor The above headline School Board Elections, Our Readers 62 reminds me of oxymoronic May 20 phrases that are frequently It is as quiet an election as PhotoByJerr Stagflation used—things like “more quiet” it is a key election. Perhaps Martin Mushell 66 or “trying to rest.” Perhaps more than any other entities, yMeyerStudio that’s the best way to describe the local newspapers are suf- David Or Bush? the fashion in which today’s fering because, at least up David Wilder 79 Israel is being governed. It’s until this week, there have Among the many events celebrating Israel’s 60th anniversary was a very about definitive ambiguities been no “The sky is going to special appearance by Israel’s Ashkenazic chief rabbi, Rabbi Yona Metzger, and agreeable contradictions. fall if you don’t vote against who spoke last weekend at the Young Israel of Hewlett. A capacity crowd was present at each of the rabbi’s lectures. Pictured above (L–R): Rabbi Pesach Perhaps it was during a the private schools!” ads in Lerner of the National Council of Young Israel; Rabbi Heshy Blumstein, rabbi of Young Israel of Hewlett; Rabbi Metzger; and Charles Miller, Continued on Page 6 Continued on Page 16 president of the Young Israel. More Photos Page 75 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE OUR ROSH YESHIVA A Greatness Weekend B Y RABBI Celebrating Israel’s BY LARRY GORDON than that—it was a greatness AVROHOM SEBROW independence at YI of weekend. The community Woodmere. See Page 69 We had a great weekend was dotted with some of our I am embarrassed to even around here, and I hope you most outstanding Torah lumi- attempt to write an article did, too. After all, what more naries and leaders, who about my rebbi, HaRav Alter can you ask for? As Thursday arrived independently to Henoch Leibowitz, zt’l, the dawns on our weekly routines share their vast scholarship longtime rosh yeshiva of we hear it more often. It’s and life experience with vari- Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in either “Have a good Shabbos,” ous segments of our local Queens. Anything I write will “Have a great weekend,” or population. be woefully insufficient. Yet, very often both. For an observer attempting on the other hand, how can I But last week, here in the to taste a bit of all that this not write anything? The rosh Five Towns/Far Rockaway Rav Henoch Leibowitz, zt’l, vicinity, it was much more Continued on Page 10 Continued on Page 24 holding the author’s daughter. Jean and Eugen Gluck pediatric floor dedicated at On The Move For S’derot Rocket Wounds MILESTONES hospital in Israel. See Page 61 15 In Ashkelon Our Aliyah Chronicle, Part 83 B Y SHMULIK HADAD B Y SHMUEL KATZ As U.S. President George Last week was one of many W. Bush and Prime Minister milestones here, both nation- Ehud Olmert were sitting ally and personally. The down to an intense two-hour national holidays reminded meeting in Jerusalem early us, once again, just how Wednesday evening, a young a country Israel is and Palestinian Grad rocket was how differently the people of launched from northern Gaza Israel show their pride, con- Kolel Shomre Hachomos: towards Israel. cern, honor, and (in some helping Israel’s needy. The rocket crashed into a cases) disrespect for the coun- See Page 76 women’s health clinic on the try in which we now live. second floor of a busy shop- We celebrated 60 years of CANDLE LIGHTING ping mall in central Ashkelon Israel’s existence last week. May 16 – 7:48 PM The Hebrew Academy of Long Beach held a family Walk-a-thon for the just before 6:00 p.m., wound- Immediately following Purim, May 23 – 7:54 PM benefit of the Israeli city of S’derot on Sunday, May 11, at the Long Beach boardwalk. See Page 46 Continued on Page 23 Continued on Page 19 2 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 3 4 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 5 CALM BY FORCE night in a late-night news conference he declared that, as far as he was some pioneering, positive way in his- Continued from Front Cover from his home. He said that he had concerned, Mr. Olmert was an “hon- tory, which will be shortly closing the never taken bribes. That of course est man.” I guess that takes care of book on him. moment off from his headaches in does not mean that he wasn’t given that, and now we can move on to the The president reiterated that dealing with no less than five separate bribes. He also said that he had not next issue. In the next breath, the Mahmoud Abbas was a trustworthy investigations of him that are present- taken one p’rutah (penny). Of course president also said that the peace and dependable peace partner. I’m ly open that Ehud Olmert, Israel’s rap- not; he probably took many p’rutahs with the Palestinians is not depend- sorry to say that this estimation makes idly failing prime minister, came up it clear that Mr. Bush does not give a with the idea of restoring quiet on the hoot about what transpires in the Gaza border with a policy that calls for aftermath of these non-implementable “calm by force.” peace ideas, so long as it just looks It has become increasingly clear Olmert is rapidly becoming entrenched something like peace from the out- that this is who Ehud Olmert is—the side—even if it is only for a few days, king of the contradiction and the after which the violence resumes. prince of oxymorons. This latest sor- in a position where he will have to do A journalist friend in Jerusalem said did and unfortunate affair, which so to me the other day that he would hate distracts from Israel’s vital issues, something drastic—potentially popular to see Olmert have to exit at this point. has led Mr. Olmert to ripping a chap- “Right now he’s the best prime minister ter out of the doublespeak of former Israel can have,” he said. On the sur- President Bill Clinton. That means and hopefully unifying. face that is quite an unusual position to there is probably a need to carefully examine Olmert’s words—especially Continued on Page 8 his denials—because if you analyze them carefully you will see that he is and possibly millions of dollars. ent on one man. Translated, that in fact telling the truth and the Anyway, why would anyone go to means it doesn’t matter who is in whole truth. such lengths for a single penny? charge in Israel and that Mr. Bush CALENDAR Amongst those truths is that which Fortunately, President Bush was in has to deliver Palestine to the world he clearly enunciated last Thursday Israel this week and upon his arrival so that he will be remembered in LUACH May 16 - May 24 ZIP Code: 11516 11 Iyar – Erev Shabbos Friday, May 16 Daf yomi: Nazir 57 Omer: 26 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 4:34 am Sunrise: 5:37 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:38 am Gr’a 9:14 am Candle Lighting: 7:48 pm 12 Iyar – Shabbos Saturday, May 17 Shabbos Parashas Behar Avos: Ch. 3 Shabbos ends**: 8:54 pm 72 min. 9:19 pm 14 Iyar – Pesach Sheini Monday, May 19 18 Iyar – Erev Shabbos Friday, May 23 Daf yomi: Nazir 64 Omer: 33 / Lag BaOmer Earliest tallis/tefillin: 4:27 am Sunrise: 5:32 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:35 am Gr’a 9:11 am Candle Lighting: 7:54 pm 19 Iyar – Shabbos Saturday, May 24 Shabbos Parashas Bechukkosai Chazak Avos: Ch. 4 Shabbos ends**: 9:02 pm 72 min. 9:26 pm * from ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your minhag Municipal Calendar For 5 Towns and NYC Tuesday, May 20 School District 15 & Library Elections Friday, May 23 Memorial Day weekend. Hewlett- Woodmere and Lawrence public schools closed. LIRR: Extra train to Far Rockaway from Penn Station at 3:48 pm. 6 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 7 CALM BY FORCE destroy infrastructure, cutting electric- FEATURES Continued from Page 6 ity and the water supply. Shipments of fuel and food are halted and are no take, particularly now, as it seems that longer transported across the Israeli Around The Five Towns 36 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 Olmert’s political career is slowly being border into Gaza. 516-984-0079 pushed off the ledge. But from his per- This is done for days with intensity. [email protected] Classified Ads 84 [email protected] spective, Olmert is rapidly becoming Its objective is to break the back of the entrenched in a position where he will enemy, to push them into surrender LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor have to do something drastic—poten- and a verifiable commitment not to fire Insights On The Torah tially popular and hopefully unifying. any more missiles or orchestrate terror YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON Rabbi Lazer Gurkow 29 Sales Managers And the observer making that com- attacks.
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