$1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 8 NO. 34 11 IYAR 5768 rvc ,arp MAY 16, 2008

INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK A BIG 60TH BIRTHDAY BASH MindBiz B Y LARRY GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 34 Clothes Make The Man Calm By Force Votes Needed Hannah Reich Berman 52 Letters To The Editor The above headline School Board Elections, Our Readers 62 reminds me of oxymoronic May 20 phrases that are frequently It is as quiet an election as PhotoByJerr Stagflation used—things like “more quiet” it is a key election. Perhaps

Martin Mushell 66 or “trying to rest.” Perhaps more than any other entities, yMeyerStudio that’s the best way to describe the local newspapers are suf- David Or Bush? the fashion in which today’s fering because, at least up David Wilder 79 is being governed. It’s until this week, there have Among the many events celebrating Israel’s 60th anniversary was a very about definitive ambiguities been no “The sky is going to special appearance by Israel’s Ashkenazic chief , Rabbi Yona Metzger, and agreeable contradictions. fall if you don’t vote against who spoke last weekend at the Young Israel of Hewlett. A capacity crowd was present at each of the rabbi’s lectures. Pictured above (L–R): Rabbi Pesach Perhaps it was during a the private schools!” ads in Lerner of the National Council of Young Israel; Rabbi Heshy Blumstein, rabbi of Young Israel of Hewlett; Rabbi Metzger; and Charles Miller, Continued on Page 6 Continued on Page 16 president of the Young Israel. More Photos Page 75 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE OUR ROSH A Greatness Weekend B Y RABBI Celebrating Israel’s BY LARRY GORDON than that—it was a greatness AVROHOM SEBROW independence at YI of weekend. The community Woodmere. See Page 69 We had a great weekend was dotted with some of our I am embarrassed to even around here, and I hope you most outstanding Torah lumi- attempt to write an article did, too. After all, what more naries and leaders, who about my rebbi, HaRav Alter can you ask for? As Thursday arrived independently to , zt’l, the dawns on our weekly routines share their vast scholarship longtime of we hear it more often. It’s and life experience with vari- in either “Have a good Shabbos,” ous segments of our local . Anything I write will “Have a great weekend,” or population. be woefully insufficient. Yet, very often both. For an observer attempting on the other hand, how can I But last week, here in the to taste a bit of all that this not write anything? The rosh /Far Rockaway Rav Henoch Leibowitz, zt’l, vicinity, it was much more Continued on Page 10 Continued on Page 24 holding the author’s daughter.

Jean and Eugen Gluck pediatric floor dedicated at On The Move For S’derot Rocket Wounds MILESTONES hospital in Israel. See Page 61 15 In Ashkelon Our Aliyah Chronicle, Part 83 B Y SHMULIK HADAD B Y SHMUEL KATZ

As U.S. President George Last week was one of many W. Bush and Prime Minister milestones here, both nation- Ehud Olmert were sitting ally and personally. The down to an intense two-hour national holidays reminded meeting in early us, once again, just how Wednesday evening, a young a country Israel is and Palestinian Grad rocket was how differently the people of launched from northern Gaza Israel show their pride, con- Kolel Shomre Hachomos: towards Israel. cern, honor, and (in some helping Israel’s needy. The rocket crashed into a cases) disrespect for the coun- See Page 76 women’s health clinic on the try in which we now live. second floor of a busy shop- We celebrated 60 years of CANDLE LIGHTING ping mall in central Ashkelon Israel’s existence last week. May 16 – 7:48 PM The Hebrew Academy of Long Beach held a family Walk-a-thon for the just before 6:00 p.m., wound- Immediately following Purim, May 23 – 7:54 PM benefit of the Israeli city of S’derot on Sunday, May 11, at the Long Beach boardwalk. See Page 46 Continued on Page 23 Continued on Page 19 2 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 3 4 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 5 CALM BY FORCE night in a late-night news conference he declared that, as far as he was some pioneering, positive way in his- Continued from Front Cover from his home. He said that he had concerned, Mr. Olmert was an “hon- tory, which will be shortly closing the never taken bribes. That of course est man.” I guess that takes care of book on him. moment off from his headaches in does not mean that he wasn’t given that, and now we can move on to the The president reiterated that dealing with no less than five separate bribes. He also said that he had not next issue. In the next breath, the Mahmoud Abbas was a trustworthy investigations of him that are present- taken one p’rutah (penny). Of course president also said that the peace and dependable peace partner. I’m ly open that Ehud Olmert, Israel’s rap- not; he probably took many p’rutahs with the Palestinians is not depend- sorry to say that this estimation makes idly failing prime minister, came up it clear that Mr. Bush does not give a with the idea of restoring quiet on the hoot about what transpires in the Gaza border with a policy that calls for aftermath of these non-implementable “calm by force.” peace ideas, so long as it just looks It has become increasingly clear Olmert is rapidly becoming entrenched something like peace from the out- that this is who Ehud Olmert is—the side—even if it is only for a few days, king of the contradiction and the after which the violence resumes. prince of oxymorons. This latest sor- in a position where he will have to do A journalist friend in Jerusalem said did and unfortunate affair, which so to me the other day that he would hate distracts from Israel’s vital issues, something drastic—potentially popular to see Olmert have to exit at this point. has led Mr. Olmert to ripping a chap- “Right now he’s the best prime minister ter out of the doublespeak of former Israel can have,” he said. On the sur- President Bill Clinton. That means and hopefully unifying. face that is quite an unusual position to there is probably a need to carefully examine Olmert’s words—especially Continued on Page 8 his denials—because if you analyze them carefully you will see that he is and possibly millions of dollars. ent on one man. Translated, that in fact telling the truth and the Anyway, why would anyone go to means it doesn’t matter who is in whole truth. such lengths for a single penny? charge in Israel and that Mr. Bush CALENDAR Amongst those truths is that which Fortunately, President Bush was in has to deliver to the world he clearly enunciated last Thursday Israel this week and upon his arrival so that he will be remembered in LUACH May 16 - May 24 ZIP Code: 11516

11 Iyar – Erev Shabbos Friday, May 16 Daf yomi: Nazir 57 Omer: 26 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 4:34 am Sunrise: 5:37 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:38 am Gr’a 9:14 am Candle Lighting: 7:48 pm 12 Iyar – Shabbos Saturday, May 17 Shabbos Parashas Behar Avos: Ch. 3 Shabbos ends**: 8:54 pm 72 min. 9:19 pm 14 Iyar – Pesach Sheini Monday, May 19 18 Iyar – Erev Shabbos Friday, May 23 Daf yomi: Nazir 64 Omer: 33 / Lag BaOmer Earliest tallis/tefillin: 4:27 am Sunrise: 5:32 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:35 am Gr’a 9:11 am Candle Lighting: 7:54 pm 19 Iyar – Shabbos Saturday, May 24 Shabbos Parashas Bechukkosai Chazak Avos: Ch. 4 Shabbos ends**: 9:02 pm 72 min. 9:26 pm * from MyZmanim.com ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your minhag Municipal Calendar For 5 Towns and NYC Tuesday, May 20 School District 15 & Library Elections Friday, May 23 Memorial Day weekend. Hewlett- Woodmere and Lawrence public schools closed. LIRR: Extra train to Far Rockaway from Penn Station at 3:48 pm. 6 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 7 CALM BY FORCE destroy infrastructure, cutting electric- FEATURES Continued from Page 6 ity and the water supply. Shipments of fuel and food are halted and are no take, particularly now, as it seems that longer transported across the Israeli Around The Five Towns 36 P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 Olmert’s political career is slowly being border into Gaza. 516-984-0079 pushed off the ledge. But from his per- This is done for days with intensity. [email protected] Classified Ads 84 [email protected] spective, Olmert is rapidly becoming Its objective is to break the back of the entrenched in a position where he will enemy, to push them into surrender LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor have to do something drastic—poten- and a verifiable commitment not to fire Insights On The Torah tially popular and hopefully unifying. any more missiles or orchestrate terror YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON Rabbi Lazer Gurkow 29 Sales Managers And the observer making that com- attacks. This brings the Russians, the Rabbi Yanki Tauber CHANA ROCHEL ROSS ment feels that Olmert is just a hairs- Europeans, the , and 48 Editorial Assistant breadth away from sending forces into Mr. Obama rushing to plead the case of SIDI BARON Gaza, pushing back the terrorists and the innocent Palestinians of Gaza who The Keen Capitalist YAKOV SERLE possibly even reoccupying the Strip. are victims of collective punishment JERRY MARKOVITZ This would throw a large wrench into for merely letting terrorists use their Martin Mushell 66 Sales Representatives the Bush-Rice plans to hand them- homes to launch rockets and stockpile SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC selves the new Palestine while simulta- weapons. Letters To The Editor 62 Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor neously patting themselves on the back This militaristic approach also CONTRIBUTING EDITORS for a job seemingly well done but in brings politicians from all sides Irwin H. Benjamin, Hannah Reich Berman Luach 6 Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg reality seriously undercooked. together, presenting a unified Toby Klein Greenwald, Michele Herenstein The positive side of all this could approach to putting down the enemy. Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Miriam Horowitz hopefully be a cessation of the land- This also puts others with devious MindBiz Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky ing of missiles in people’s homes and designs in Lebanon and Syria on Esther Mann, LMSW 34 Shmuel Katz, Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann Rochelle Miller, Rabbi Yoni Posnick, Naomi Ross cars in southern Israel. It’s typical notice. This is the way calm by force Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro, Ari Sher contemporary Olmert to say that works. It creates a good and conducive A Mother’s Musings MICHAL WEINSTEIN, BINYAMIN RHODES since he loves peace and harmony, atmosphere for peace talks and con- DOV GORDON since he shares the Bush vision of cessions. Somehow and somewhere it Phyllis J. Lubin 33 Staff Graphic Artists two states living side-by-side in can even be maneuvered so as to fit IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS peace, he therefore advocates reluc- into the Bush vision of peace. O Nutrition Counts! Staff Photographers tantly instituting a “calm by force.” FRANKEL & CO. How does this concept actually Miriam Horowitz, RD 32 Design & Production work? Well, the objective is a blissful TALIYE CORLEY calm where each of the two peoples WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? Real Estate Art Director can live and work along their borders Anessa V. Cohen 42 SUZETTE LEE calmly and peacefully. WE WANT TO KNOW! Assistant Art Director How does the force part work? You The is an independent weekly news- roll in tanks, armored personnel carri- E-MAIL US AT That’s The Way It Is! paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not ers, hundreds of heavily armed troops necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not [email protected] Hannah Reich Berman 52 responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or accompanied by air support from F-15 establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times. and F-16 precision-bombing jets. You

8 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 9 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE in his capacity as of Israel. of a rabbi and religious leader.” At the Long Beach event this past Continued from Front Cover In a mostly halting but also very well I was there along with representatives winter, the rabbi told us that after that thought-out English sprinkled with of two other media outlets, and I have to particular Shabbos, he was off to a weekend of greatness had to offer, it rearranged phrases that would proba- comment about their poor and mean- conference in Washington DC, where started with a news conference on a bly sound better in Hebrew, Rabbi ingless questions directed at the rabbi Israelis and Palestinians were to sit rainy Friday morning at the Young Israel Metzger met with the press on Friday on this occasion. Both asked the same together in a confab arranged by the of Hewlett. Israel’s Ashkenazic chief morning and expressed the sense of silly question that simply has no real or White House. The objective of such a rabbi, Yona Metzger, was the guest pride he feels to be the representative substantive answer: “Where do you see meeting was to attempt to find some there. Not too far across town, the of the State of Israel at this point in your country ten years from today at her level, any level, at which Israelis and Young Israel of Woodmere was playing our history. “Our sages tell us that the 70th anniversary?” Not to be too criti- Palestinians could find some common host to former chief rabbi Yisrael Meir age of 60 represents a point in one’s cal, but I have to say that I stood there, ground and understanding with one Lau. Both were here as the two shuls life of wisdom,” Rabbi Metzger noted, stunned, wondering how much thought another. The rabbi reported there were dedicated this past Shabbos to celebrat- pointing out that on this birthday went into preparing this question. With agreements reached. The religious ing Israel’s 60th anniversary. Israel is now capable of dispensing so much going on and so many impor- leaders of both peoples came away Back in Lawrence, Rav Chaim wise and experienced advice in a num- tant matters on Israel’s agenda today, with the understanding that books Pinchos Scheinberg, the 97-year-old ber of areas. that’s all they could come up with? being used in Palestinian schools head of Yeshiva , appeared at would in the future be expunged of several locations and held listeners anti-Jewish and anti-Israel material. spellbound with his divrei Torah and Additionally it was agreed that the stories of Jewish life from another “Having gotten to know you, I can say that I don’t Muslim clerics would tone down the time. Across the way in Far Rockaway, incendiary rhetoric that so inflames the the OU’s Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Weinrib believe that my hate and disdain for you will be able hateful passions of the everyday was the scholar-in-residence at Palestinian, who doesn’t understand Congregation Knesseth Israel. On to increase in the future.” Israel or what is in the heart of a Jew. Sunday morning, the annual breakfast Of course and as expected, none of this for Shomrei Hachomos was has yet been implemented, but Rabbi held. The event featured the presence If you’ve met or have seen Rabbi Rabbi Metzger, always the gentle- Metzger said that the fact that they sat and remarks by the Satmar , Rav Metzger, you know that he is a tall and man, answered their inquiry, saying together for two days and just discussed Zalman Leib Teitlebaum, and Rabbi impressive man who understands the that Israel always hoped for peace and these issues represented a small, per- Yisroel Reisman of . purpose of the presence in the world of prayed that ten years from now peace haps not-yet-measurable, bit of That’s quite a lineup of personali- the state of Israel. He is soft-spoken, between Arabs and would have progress. “I sat with one imam for about ties, representing a broad spectrum of erudite, and even pretty funny at times. already been long established. He said half an hour one day,” the rabbi says, contemporary Jewish life. And that’s He explains to reporters about himself he was more hopeful than he was “and we just chatted.” He explained precisely what they did—represent to that he was once in the Israel Defense encouraged and that the concept of that he told the imam about his life, his us the multifaceted and extremely ver- Forces, and indeed he was a command- peace, the idea of peace, is ever pres- background, his wife, his children, and satile lifestyles that can and do exist er of a tank brigade. That image seems ent on the mind, heart, and lips of a the different issues each one was deal- within the parameters and rubric of to conflict today with his long black Jew. “You know, when we greet some- ing with. The Muslim cleric in turn told Torah. A few months ago, I spent a religious coat and stylish rabbinical one we don’t say as you do in America Rabbi Metzger about his personal life, Shabbos in Long Beach with Rabbi hat. “You see, once I wore a different either hello or goodbye . We say shalom, speaking along the same lines. Metzger, listening to his lectures and uniform,” he says pointing to his rab- which is used both as a greeting and retelling of events he had experienced binical garb. “Today I wear the uniform also simply means ‘peace.’” Continued on Page 12

10 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 11 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE him to move around. Rav Scheinberg Continued from Page 10 is well known here, both as a sage and Torah scholar but also as the grandfa- They got to know one another over ther of Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid this brief period of time and before Weinberger of Congregation Shaaray moving on, they shook hands and the Tefila in Lawrence. Rav Scheinberg imam said to Rabbi Metzger, “Having travels with one of his sons and grand- gotten to know you, I can say that I sons, who also reside in Israel and who don’t believe that my hate and disdain assist in running the yeshiva. for you will be able to increase in the In the waning moments of Shabbos, future.” I suppose in the Middle East some 200 people gathered in a private that’s something of a compliment. home where the rabbi was staying in On the other side of town on the hope of hearing some words of Shabbos day, we were treated to the Torah and wisdom. He shared with the opportunity to be in the presence of gathering an encounter with the Rav Scheinberg. Born in the United Chofetz Chaim he had as a 20-year-old States, the rabbi traveled to study newlywed who arrived with his new Torah in the in Europe in wife from the U.S. to study Torah at 1930. From there it was on to Israel, the Mir in Europe. where he founded and now is still the As the young couple was ushered in prime moving force behind one of to meet with the saintly and elderly rav, Israel’s foremost and leading yeshivas. they were introduced as having come For many, Rav Scheinberg is a bridge from America to study. As Rav to what is now a different century, a Scheinberg tells it, the Chofetz Chaim different time, a time of overcoming responded: If G-d could come all the what would today certainly be insur- way down from the Heavens and give mountable obstacles. Reflecting on the Torah to people on earth, then a those times, it now seems that to an young couple should certainly be able extent it was the obstacles and the dif- to travel from America to study at the ficulties themselves that were the Mir in Europe. building blocks of what is today a As you can see, it was indeed a flourishing community based on Torah unique Shabbos that has already left a and a Torah way of life that is so lasting impression. It was not only felt vibrant both in Israel and the U.S. here over the weekend, but may have Rav Scheinberg, while a relatively also altered the outlook and character small man, appears bulky because he of many who had the opportunity to wears anywhere from 72 to 100 pairs participate in these great events that of tzitzis (religious fringes) on a daily offered so many of us, if only fleeting- basis. It is certainly his age and the ly, a glimpse of greatness. O many religious garments that he wears Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at that makes it somewhat difficult for [email protected].

12 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES s xc ROFEH CHOLIM CANCER SOCIETY ” The RCCS Five Towns Young Initiative Committee Presents:

The Sixth Annual RCCS Garden Barbecue Memorial Day – Monday, May 26, 2008 at 6:00pm

at the home of ARI & RUTHY JUNGREIS 515 Ocean Avenue, Lawrence

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Pinchas Chatzinoff (, Esq.) Mara D’Asra, Congregation Tifereth Zvi

Award Presenter: Dr. Shlomo Blisko

— Special Piano Performance — — Barbecue & Sushi Bar — — Wine Tasting Sponsored by Chateau de Vin —


THIS EVENT IS SPONSORED IN PART v”g khpte cegh ic ejmh b”gk




5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 13 14 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 15 SCHOOL-BOARD ELECTION Continued from Front Cover

the local papers. There have been no messages insisting or declaring that if certain board members are elected then public-school students will be forced to suffer irreparably as a conse- quence. Instead there is quiet as the District 15 (Lawrence) Board of Education election, which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 20, approaches. There are only two candidates on the ballot—Murray Forman, the current president of the board, who is running for reelection, and former board presi- dent Dr. Asher Mansdorf, who is run- ning for the seat currently held by Stanley Kopilow. In a curious and even puzzling move, the SOS (Save Our Schools) and ALPS (Alliance for Lawrence Public Schools) leadership

It’s vital that they be shown a vote of confidence and that you demonstrate your support and appreciation.

have chosen not to put up candidates this year. Speculation as to why runs the gamut. It seems they could not gener- ate widespread support in the face of mounting proof that the Board of Education has made concrete progress toward improving outcomes for all students, just as it pledged it would. Some suggest that the realiza- tion has set in that things are running so well, they can’t get better. Others point out that the opposition has resorted to litigation over issues of disagreement like Pre-K busing earli- er this school year. The reality is prob- ably somewhere in between. Some will no doubt miss the emo- tionally bruising confrontation between two sides, which simply see different ways to manage a school district and its nearly $100 million budget. To suggest that the ALPS and SOS advocates are not running candidates because they’ve been outnumbered is just not accurate. Last year’s election was close, though the members of the board who ran last year triumphed handily due mostly to high voter inter- est and community organization that rallied people to come and vote right up until the last seconds ticked away on Election Day. And that, in part, will be the chal- lenge on May 20—next Tuesday— when the polls open. The fact that no opposition candidates are running does not mean that one cannot vote to support an alternative view of this dis- trict. The option to write in a candi- date is a viable one, and it seems that those who continue to sound the alarm even after the fire has been doused are stealthily pursuing this option. The lack of opposition to the candi- dates certainly has the ability to lull 16 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

the natural constituency of the current board—fair-mind- ed people who have had their opinion shaped by action as opposed to rhetoric—into a lethargic approach to next week’s election. This is indeed dangerous on many levels and will hopefully be avoided at all costs. At the same time, partisan politics aside, most fair-mind- ed people will likely vote to communicate confidence and encouragement to the current board. The board members have performed in an exem- plary way, managing to hold the line on school taxes, cleaning up the system and making it more efficient, and improving the quality of edu- cation being dispensed to dis- trict children. The intelligent and concerned voter will most likely not pay attention to the rabble-rousing rhetoric of a very vocal minority that would like the casual observer to think they represent a consen- sus of opinion held by public- school parents. This is just not so. What parent or what resident of this district would be unhappy to see the school district hold the line on spending, improve the quality of education, and also commit large sums of money to repair and upgrade school facilities? It’s not only easy to endorse the election of Mr. Forman and Dr. Mansdorf because no one else is run- ning. It’s also vital that they be shown a vote of confidence and that you demonstrate your support and appreciation for a great deal of dedication and indeed self-sacrifice that has been endured by these two gentlemen as well as by the rest of this board. You are therefore urged and encouraged to cast your votes on May 20 for Mr. Forman and Dr. Mansdorf, thereby assuring the district of continued efficient and productive management. You are additionally urged to vote in favor of the 2008–2009 annual budget, which calls for a 3 percent increase— which, due to a budget sur- plus, translates into a decrease in your education- related taxes by an amount between one third of a per- centage point and two per- cent, depending on the final surplus. It’s frightening when these numbers are contrasted with what the board was look- ing for just two years ago— upwards of 10 percent annual increases year after year. Also make certain to vote for the Peninsula Public Library budget, so that this outstanding facility can con- tinue to serve the communities

Continued on Page 18 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 17 A Message From The Lawrence School District

For the past four consecu- including the proposed district has proposed a budg- • Purchase of new texts ment and efficient planning, tive years, starting with the 2008–2009 school budget, et increase of slightly more related to State the Board of Education and 2005–2006 school year, the the district has achieved a than 3.0%, with the tax levy curriculum mandates, in the administration have Lawrence School District negative tax levy increase. again being decreased, by addition to replacement of developed a budget for has successfully delivered For the ’05–’06 school about 0.3%. textbooks and library books; 2008–2009 that includes a either decreases in the tax year, the budget increase was The Lawrence School • Adequate funding for co- decrease in the tax levy levy amount or very low 3.5%, with a tax levy increase District is proud of the fact curricular activities, clubs, amount while continuing to increases. The tax levy of under 2.6%. For the that the proposed and interscholastic athletics enable a high-value education amount is what remains ’06–’07 school year, the total 2008–2009 school budget, if • Enhanced programs of to all students. The Board of once the district’s expendi- budget increase was approxi- approved by voters, will sup- study; Education and the adminis- ture budget has been estab- mately 3.9%, but the tax levy port: • Transportation of all tration are proud of this his- lished and all available rev- was decreased by more than • Adequate staffing for all school-age students residing torical accomplishment and enues, state aid, and unex- 2.5%. For ’07–’08, the budget programs of study; in the district; and encourage all Lawrence pended funds have been sub- increase was 0.9%, and the • Repair and replacement • The only free, full-day School District residents to tracted to reduce the burden tax levy was again of equipment; universal Pre-K program in play an active role in their dis- to local taxpayers. During decreased—by 3.9%. • The district’s five-year Nassau County. trict’s future by voting on three of the past four years, This year (’08–’09), the technology program; Through effective manage- Tuesday, May 20. O

FROM THE EDITOR Continued from Page 17

in the area. Two other items on the ballot that require your attention and vote are the mat- ters of repairs and restoration to school buildings as well as the approval of $16 million of expenditures on building reno- vations and improvements. The $16 million is part of the $30 million that was realized as a result of the sale of the Number One School. Also on the ballot for your considera- tion—and, hopefully, approval — is an expenditure of $1 mil- lion in order to upgrade and modernize the sprawling ath- letic fields attached to district schools, so that all the chil- dren in our ever-improving dis- trict can enjoy and benefit from these improvements and innovations. All this and more can be accomplished if you take a moment and vote for the above items along with Mr. Forman and Dr. Mansdorf for school board. Polls are open on Tuesday, May 20, from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. O

Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at [email protected].

For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday, May 19 at 5:00 P.M.

All graphics for ads must be in by T uesday, May 20 at 5:00 P.M.

Call 516-984-0079

18 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Our Aliyah Chronicle Of course, hand in hand with Yom Continued from Front Cover HaAtzma’ut is Yom HaZikaron, the Israeli Memorial Day. In an incredibly the beginning preparations for the cel- fitting touch, each year Israel refuses ebration could already be seen in the to celebrate its existence until it pays approach to Yerushalayim with the high honors to the people who made construction of a large “60–Israel” sign the ultimate sacrifice so that first we on the major Jerusalem– high- could exist, and then we could contin- way. Flags went up all over the roads, ue to exist. The air raid sirens go off as the highway crews spent countless twice and the nation pauses in reflec- hours adorning the light poles with our tion not once but twice, as each person national flag. is reminded to think of these heroes. Once Pesach concluded, the signs It was an opportunity to really talk really came out. Office buildings and with our kids and highlight how mirac-

He shared stories with the first and second grades about a very close friend of his who he grew up with and how he was killed in action.

yeshivot unfurled huge flags that ulous our existence is here. Even the draped over the sides of their build- younger ones can definitely relate to ings. Different celebrations were the chayalim that they see every day announced and flags began to sprout and understand how 22,437 of them from car windows throughout the have perished since 1948. It was sad to country. Schools, shuls, and other note that almost everyone knows groups sent out notices for their spe- someone who had a friend or relative cific events and the excitement began who was killed in defense of Israel. to build. Early in the week, Bank At night, after the first siren and Hapoalim distributed a free flag with minute of silence, there was a special the morning newspaper and there were memorial ceremony at the Kotel, suddenly flags waving all over the country. Continued on Page 20

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 19 Our Aliyah Chronicle and as the speakers spoke to ming appropriate to the day. tefillah in memory of the keeping our right to exist and Continued from Page 19 them, the rest of us were just Entertainment was a no-no. dead. our way of life. Picture this— witnessing the tributes. Yom HaZikaron is taken Imagine if the U.S. acted in moving Memorial Day to July which was televised, along Interestingly, the Israeli televi- very seriously here. All restau- the same manner. I don’t just 3 and making it a real day of with various speeches. The sion channels (even the satel- rants, supermarkets, and mean the waving/hanging of remembrance. Not just audience was comprised total- lite channels) broadcast either stores close early out of the flag. I mean taking time to parades and barbecues, but ly of the families of the fallen, nothing or special program- respect (similar to Yom actually reflect on the losses spending time actually reflect- HaShoah). People conscious- of generations of youth and ing on the service and dedica- ly take steps to increase their future generations in defense tion of those in the armed thoughts and (in some cases) of the country and in safe- forces and the sacrifices they often make. Imagine how much more patriotic Americans would be. NNN Unfortunately, not every- one here in Israel feels the same way. We expect the Arabs to feel somewhat less than patriotic, but the vitriol that comes from some ele- ments in the chareidi commu- nity is in some ways worse. I find it interesting that the chareidim are insistent that we accept their right to hang their “tzeniut dress only” signs from the walls of their houses yet they object to and inter- fere with our hanging the flag of our nation. One of our neighbors has been very involved with set- ting up lines of dialogue between our neighbors. He got a call last week from a member of the vehement group of chareidim. The caller was registering his concern over the proliferation of flags on the balconies and windows facing the chareidi side of the street (and you would be 1,000 percent correct in assuming I had a lot to do with encouraging my neigh- bors to hang these flags— there are two of them hanging from the windows of our house as well) and wanted to have arrangements made for the removal of the flags. The response? “Not only am I doing nothing about it, I am offended that you would even think to make such a call!” Of course, within a day the predictable response was the hanging of even more of the tzeniut patrol’s signs across the way. Sigh. Perhaps they have forgot- ten what it is like to be a Jew in a land where you are not allowed to practice freely. Perhaps they take the protec- tion offered to them by our servicemen and women for granted, forgetting that it is this blanket of protection that allows them the freedom to live here and to harass those they feel do not adhere to their interpretations of what our obligations are. I cannot figure out what these people are actually doing in Israel. Perhaps they would be better off in another country, where they can deride the existence of the state from afar rather than use it as the base for their activities.

Continued on Page 22 20 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 21 Our Aliyah Chronicle the celebrations there with a bunch of cue to which they invited their entire Minchah minyan, and you join them Continued from Page 20 his friends. Chaya went to a special moshav to come and enjoy) and start for davening. We all enjoyed the day, memorial service and then had a big our own celebratory day. and by the time we got home we were N NN party with many of her classmates. Having no experience in what is exhausted and ready for a good Mordechai came home from school Aliza went to a different memorial appropriate, we made things up and night’s sleep. telling us about one of his teachers, service and then went to a sleepover arranged to meet my brother and his Friday was a day of personal mile- who is also the assistant principal of party with several friends. And Batya family at a local pool for an afternoon stones as well, marking the first his campus, leading an outdoor went to a memorial service, went to of swimming. There was almost no one anniversary of Goldie’s surgery in the assembly and sharing stories with the watch the movie Exodus at a friend’s there and it was quite nice to have a U.S. It has been a time of upheaval first and second grades about a very house, and then watched fireworks quiet afternoon, when we were expect- for us, and although I generally do not close friend of his who he grew up from our house with Goldie. ing the place to be totally crowded. mention it much here in this space, it with and how he was killed in action. The next morning I rushed off to After the swim, we drove into a local has been a trying time for us as well. Similar programs went on throughout yeshiva. I loaded the car with students national park, found ourselves a cou- Hopefully she will continue her the country. and at 6:30 in the morning we headed ple of picnic tables, and proceeded to recovery. By the time the day was over, I know This column’s focus is supposed to that internally I felt much more posi- be on aliyah and the experiences of tive about the country as a whole and our family as we moved from its people. This is probably one of the Woodmere in the Five Towns to Bet reasons it is linked with Yom Perhaps they have forgotten what it is Shemesh. Clearly, our tale is not the HaAtzma’ut, because I certainly felt typical one. Yet, I must pause to point more appreciation that Israel is here out that every one of our peers has for 60 years than I thought I would like to be a Jew in a land where you had their own personal issues that and that feeling was definitely were, to them at least, extremely crit- enhanced by Yom HaZikaron. ical and difficult. So I wanted to take Yom HaAtzma’ut is a big party. are not allowed to practice freely. this minute to thank all of you who Having been here only once before on have been so supportive of our family Yom HaAtzma’ut (our pilot trip’s final this past year and to look forward to day was Yom HaAtzma’ut 2006—see sharing many more successes than the archives), we really did not know off to deliver rugelach, chocolate milk, light up my newly bought mini-grill failures in the future. what to expect. There were celebra- and goodie bags to soldiers at various and enjoy a barbecue together. On another personal note, Goldie tions everywhere, and each person in checkpoints and an army base. What a Since we got a late start to the day, and I want to wish a special mazal tov our family did something different well-received gesture. There is noth- most of the people who had gone to to our former neighbors Rabbi from the others. ing quite like seeing the interaction of this park were either finishing up or Mordechai and Sora Kamenetzky on I went to Efrat to be with the yeshi- our students with chayalim and chay- had departed, and within an hour we the engagement of their daughter va at the Efrat communal celebration alot only a couple of years older than had the entire area to ourselves, until Bashy. O culminating in a fireworks show, fol- them (if that much). It just feels great a shul group from the North pulled in lowed by a special Maariv and a barbe- to say thanks. and set up their barbecue next to us. Shmuel Katz is the director of Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi in the Katamon neighborhood in cue at the rosh yeshiva’s house. Goldie After a special davening at yeshiva I You know you are in Israel when you Jerusalem. Shmuel, his wife Goldie, and their six stayed at home with Mordechai and quickly rushed home to get the kids are in the middle of a national park, a children made aliyah in July of 2006. Prior to his aliyah, Shmuel was the executive director of watched fireworks from our window. together (minus Chaim, whose yeshiva bus pulls up and disgorges its passen- the in Hewlett. You can Chaim went to Yerushalayim to enjoy had its own event that day—a barbe- gers, who immediately form a contact him at [email protected].

22 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Rocket Attack Continued from Front Cover ing 15 people and burying sev- eral shoppers under piles of rubble. MDA paramedics dis- patched to the scene fought to extract those trapped under large pieces of debris, includ- ing four people who were evacuated in serious condi- tion, including a mother and her 2-year-old daughter, and 11 more who suffered from An Israeli suffered facial wounds in Ashkelon’s rocket attack. moderate wounds. Medical personnel also treated 62 peo- admitted the system had been ed based on daily security ple for shock at the scene. disconnected as of late, due to assessments that rely on intel- The Salah al-Din Brigades, a large number of false ligence information and only the military wing of the alarms. However, they said, in coordination with political Popular Resistance Commit- due to the mall attack it has officials. The policy will be tees, claimed responsibility been reactivated. According to reconsidered due to the attack for the attack. A spokesman the officials, the system has this evening, they said. for the group, Abu Abir, said: Medics evacuating a wounded Israeli from the scene of the rocket impact. been intermittently deactivat- (YNetNews.com) O “This attack was intended as a message to Israel that if it continues to escalate the situ- ation and reject the ceasefire proposal, Zionist residents of southern Palestine will con- tinue to live under danger of mortal peril and this will be their own government’s responsibility.” The attack, said Abu Abir, was dedicated to Palestinian refugees marking 60 years since the ‘Nakba.’ “We prom- ise Palestinian refugees scat- tered all over the world—you will return to your homes that were robbed from Palestine in 1948,” he said. The Jihad Jibril brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, have also claimed responsibili- ty for the attack. Ambulances rushed the wounded to the nearby Barzilai Hospital, among them a young girl who is in moderate condition and two infants who sustained light injuries. The girl’s mother is also said to be among the wounded. Paramedics also tended to several people who suffered from shock. The rise in rocket barrages has been deadly for southern Israel. 70-year-old Shuli Katz was killed by a Qassam rocket on Monday while visiting rela- tives in a small community in the Eshkol Regional Council and 48-year-old Jimmy Kdoshim of Kibbutz Kfar Aza was killed by a mortar shell last week while standing out- side his home. The IDF confirmed it had identified the rocket being launched in real time, and said it was looking into reports from local residents in Ashkelon who said the alert sirens failed to sound prior to the attack. The army said the rocket was launched from an area adjacent to the town of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, a frequent base for staging attacks. Defense officials 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 23 Our Rosh Yeshiva to them as future marbitzei Torah. Continued from Front Cover Rabbi Bentzion Chait pointed out that the rosh yeshiva was a visionary yeshiva’s chiddushim in mussar and and he dreamed that thousands of Gemara have been published by his our children and talmidim would talmidim. To gain a true perspective of spread Torah throughout America. who the rosh yeshiva was, the reader On one occasion, I visited the rosh should turn there. Here I will attempt yeshiva at his bungalow in Camp to present a few ideas. There really is Mogen Avrohom (in Swan Lake, so much more to write; I just wrote a N.Y.). The rosh yeshiva held one of my few thoughts to whet your appetite. NNN There was a barber shop near the yeshiva. A talmid from the yeshiva was He said, “I’m only getting a haircut when the rosh yeshi- va walked in. Ralph, the barber, turned to the talmid and asked, “Is going to invite close that your father?” “No,” the bachur replied. Upon hearing this, the rosh family.” … He only yeshiva countered “But he is my son!” The rosh yeshiva did not have any bio- invited hundreds of logical offspring, but the talmidim were his children. his talmidim. Rabbi Avrohom Semmel, the rosh kollel at , men- tioned the following story during his hesped of Rav Leibowitz: A few years twin girls, and I snapped a picture. I ago, the rosh yeshiva was discussing put her back in the stroller and was with the hanhalah of the yeshiva his ready to go, when the rosh yeshiva upcoming (second) wedding. Someone stopped me and said, “What about mentioned that the custom is for a sec- her twin sister? When she gets older, ond wedding to be small. The rosh she’s going to want to know where yeshiva agreed. He said, “I’m willing to her picture is!” have a small wedding. I’m only going That was a lesson the rosh yeshiva to invite close family.” That’s exactly stressed constantly—to always focus what he did—he only invited hundreds on what another person may feel. On of his talmidim. numerous occasions the rosh yeshiva Many talmidim would bring their said that American bachurim are frag- children to the rosh yeshiva. He had ile as tissue paper. He meant that so much nachas from them. When he many American bachurim are lacking saw our children, he always referred self-confidence and self-esteem and

24 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES can be hurt very easily. In Europe this each time to a different person. In our the situation didn’t lend itself to such talmid might never recover. Instead, phenomenon wasn’t as common. The group of three bachurim, we were an easy solution? What would the rosh the rosh yeshiva would say a shmuess to example he gave is that a bachur can talking among ourselves. We were yeshiva d o? Well, I had my chance to the entire yeshiva, and hope that the become very distressed that his rebbi wondering which one of us the rosh find out. On another occasion, the bachur for whom it was intended didn’t smile at him that day. Therefore, yeshiva was going to say “shalom alei- rosh yeshiva was reciting Kiddush would get the lesson. the rosh yeshiva was always extra care- chem” to. Sure enough, he turned to Levanah with six bachurim around One time the rosh yeshiva gave a ful not to even inadvertently give a the bachur on his right and said him. After saying “shalom aleichem” to shmuess to the entire yeshiva. He was bachur an impression that he wasn’t “shalom aleichem.” He turned to the three different individuals, he just con- concerned that there was a laxity in happy with him. bachur on his left and said “shalom tinued saying “shalom aleichem” three the yeshiva in a certain aspect, but he One time when the rosh yeshiva aleichem.” Then he looked at our more times. The custom is to say didn’t tell us what it was! No one could wasn’t feeling well, he davened Maariv group of three, immediately sized up “shalom aleichem” a minimum of three figure it out. The bachurim pleaded in his house on motzaei Shabbos. That the situation, and made a big display times, but there’s nothing wrong with with those very close to the rosh yeshi- motzaei Shabbos was the appropriate of waving his hand in the air to all of adding a few more for good measure. va to ask him what he was referring to. time to recite Kiddush Levanah. So, us and said loudly “shalom aleichem!” Why risk having someone be insulted The rosh yeshiva wouldn’t budge. A after Maariv, the rosh yeshiva went We hadn’t thought of that possibility that his rosh yeshiva didn’t say “shalom week later, the rosh yeshiva s aid, “You outside to say Kiddush Levanah. There of saying one big shalom aleichem to aleichem” to him? didn’t figure it out yet?” and finally let were five bachurim present. Two us all, but the rosh yeshiva did, and he NNN us in on the secret. bachurim were standing right next to avoided any hurt feelings. The rosh yeshiva did not directly On another occasion, a bachur was him. Two other bachurim and I were Still, in the back of my mind I won- rebuke his talmidim , as the Alter of wearing an inappropriate yarmulke. standing a short distance away. The dered, What if it hadn’t worked out so Slobodka did. The rosh yeshiva said However, the rosh yeshiva didn’t want to custom during Kiddush Levanah is to perfectly, with two people next to him that if he were to directly point out to say “shalom aleichem” three times, and one group away from him? What if an American bachur his faults, the Continued on Page 26

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 25 Our Rosh Yeshiva There was once a bachur from an Continued from Page 25 out-of-town yeshiva who decided to drop out of high school. His rebbi was give mussar to the talmid. Instead, he very concerned about the future of reached under his own hat, took off his this student. He arranged an appoint- yarmulke, and handed it to the bachur, ment for him with the rosh yeshiva. saying, “Please take this—I want you to When the talmid arrived at the rosh have it.” The bachur wore it proudly! yeshiva’s house, the rosh yeshiva Out of concern for the sensitivity of showed him into his study. The rosh a fellow bachur, the following question yeshiva spoke at length to this talmid. was asked of the rosh yeshiva: If one is What did he say? The talmid doesn’t in the middle of learning Torah and know. He was so in awe of the rosh someone else comes to speak to him, yeshiva that he just remained mesmer- can he cut the conversation short and ized, not listening to a word. The rosh say, “Not now, I’m learning”? There are yeshiva finished speaking to him and sefarim that say that you should. walked him outside. He gave him However, the rosh yeshiva said that you directions to the yeshiva. The rosh have to be concerned that perhaps the yeshiva gave him a warm hug and said, person talking to you is somewhat “If you stay here, I’ll take care of you.” depressed and really needs the conver- The genuine affection and concern of sation. Unfortunately, the emotional the rosh yeshiva demonstrated in that weakness of American youngsters hug had the effect that his words did makes this situation more prevalent The Rosh Yeshiva zt’l delivering a shmuess in the old yeshiva building in Forest Hills. not, and caused the bachur to rethink than it was in Europe. The halachah is his decision. He became and that a chesed that cannot be performed remained a close talmid. by someone else supersedes learning. ening, as it disturbs his concentra- discuss with the rosh yeshiva, he would NNN This conversation might be a great act tion. Davening in yeshiva started ask the rosh yeshiva’s secretary for an The rosh yeshiva had a unique way of chesed. One shouldn’t be so quick to from Mizmor Shir. It is forbidden to appointment. During my years in of showing affection for his talmidim. shoo the person away. Of course, every talk from Baruch She’amar all the yeshiva, a private appointment with HaRav Dovid Harris, shlita, related in situation must be judged independent- way through chazaras ha’shatz. There the rosh yeshiva was much sought after. his hesped of Rav Leibowitz that he ly. was only one free moment to talk to However, if a talmid had an urgent once noticed that the rosh yeshiva Whenever the rosh yeshiva was the rosh yeshiva during Shacharis, and need, the rosh yeshiva always made walked into the beis midrash, looked free, talmidim would congregate that was during the MiShebeirach for time for him. There was a talmid who at a certain talmid, and twirled his around him to ask him questions on cholim on Monday and Thursday. asked the rosh yeshiva’s secretary for an finger. Curious, Rabbi Harris asked the , shmuess, or current events. And the talmidim even utilized that appointment. He said that the matter the talmid what was meant by that He was never able to walk alone to time! When the rosh yeshiva said that wasn’t urgent and could wait until the gesture. The talmid replied that the his office, to a car, or to shul (unless the discussions disturbed his concen- rosh yeshiva had free time. He obvious- rosh yeshiva was reminding him of an he wasn’t feeling well). I remember tration, he must have been referring ly didn’t realize how busy the rosh incident that happened 15 years one time the rosh yeshiva kindly to his concentration during Ashrei yeshiva was. That secretary retired two before. The rosh yeshiva could have requested in a shmuess that the and U’Va LeTzion after leining. years later, and the talmid still didn’t talmidim not talk to him during dav- If a talmid had a personal matter to have his appointment! Continued on Page 28

26 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 27 Our Rosh Yeshiva Besides empowering ourselves, it Gan Eden and told him, “See all the Continued from Page 26 helps us realize the seriousness of vio- beautiful things I created just for you; lating someone else’s sensitivities. take special care that you don’t simply said or mouthed hello, but this One particular shmuess stands out. destroy my world.” Adam only had to was a much more meaningful and After Adam HaRishon sinned, Hashem keep one directive. Yet he violated it, personal gesture. called out to him, “Ayeka,” “Where are thereby bringing the punishment of Another talmid told me that the rosh you?” The Midrash says that from eventual death to the world. Further, yeshiva would always say “duet” when he here we learn the obligation to knock he himself deserved an immediate saw him. Why? One yom tov, this talmid before entering a room. Hashem did- death sentence, but it was rescinded and the rosh yeshiva were the only n’t suddenly ask Adam why he sinned, due to Divine mercy. Even though he kohanim on the duchan. They chanted but first said, “Where are you?” The sinned grievously, Hashem still the melody together for Birkas Kohanim. rosh yeshiva said we can see a deeper accorded him the courtesy of “Where Afterward, the rosh yeshiva approached message here. are you?” The Torah is teaching us the bachur and said, “Nu, we sounded pretty good together!” I have to admit that the phrase the rosh yeshiva had for me is somewhat The rosh yeshiva used to always say to him, less flattering. When the rosh yeshiva used to see me anytime after Chanukah (I think), he would ask me, “Keep an eye on the referee.” That “Are you ready for the party?” Why? My family (and the Vinitskys) used to particular phrase must represent something spearhead a small simchas yom tov on the last day of Pesach (when the yeshi- very interesting. va was deserted). Since I used to take charge and arrange the rosh yeshiva’s attendance, my catchphrase became “Are you ready for the party?” Imagine the following: You have that the simple courtesy should be I must say, though, that there is a lent your beautiful house to someone. extended no matter what violations a talmid who became a rosh yeshiva You warned him to be very careful person may have made. who had a much more interesting with all the precious items in the Interestingly enough, my friend told The Rosh Yeshiva, zt'l, with his father and catchphrase. This individual once house. Upon your return, you hear me an incident that occurred with him Rebbe Muvhak HaRav Dovid Leibowitz, zt’l. related to me that the rosh yeshiva loud music blaring from inside. You that portrays an application of the used to always say to him, “Keep an see loads of cars parked by your house aforementioned shmuess. One sum- eye on the referee.” (That particular and garbage strewn all over. You want mer, the bachurim went up with the counsel. One bachur took it upon him- phrase must represent something to barge into the house catching the rosh yeshiva to a summer camp. It was self to arrange this phone line. The very interesting.) derelict borrower red-handed. very important for the rosh yeshiva to camp was somewhat remote. It took The rosh yeshiva, in following the However, that’s not proper. Even in have a phone line. Besides the rosh considerable time and effort to arrange derech of Slabodka, would always this situation, you should knock first. yeshiva’s personal needs, it was neces- for a new phone line to be installed stress the fact that we all have to real- That’s what human dignity demands. sary for the all the members of K’lal ize that everyone has a tzelem Elokim. Hashem took Adam HaRishon around Yisrael who sought his da’as Torah and Continued on Page 88

28 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

face a very real risk of famine? Societal Or Divine Morality The Torah addresses this concern Society at large lives by a moral (Bamidbar 25:20–21): “And if you code. Governments legislate laws say: ‘What will I eat in the seventh against immoral acts such as murder year?’… I will command my blessing and theft and encourage ethical upon the sixth year and it will yield behavior such as charity and modesty. produce for a three-year period.” If you ask why murder is forbidden, (The three-year period encompasses the curt response would probably be, the sixth, seventh, and eighth years, “Because taking the life of another is From The Chassidic Masters as the nation must be sustained until just plain wrong.” the eighth year’s crop is harvested; If you persist and ask, “But why is it The Power Of ‘What’ see Rashi.) wrong?” the answer may very well be When the Torah offers an answer, it “Because it is!” If you further ask what usually leaves us to deduce the ques- makes it so, you can expect to hear BY RABBI LAZER GURKOW land for six years and to let it lie fallow tion for ourselves. In this case the something like “If you don’t sense it in the seventh. But when all the fields Torah chooses to articulate the ques- intuitively, then there is no point in Farmers in the are in a country are permitted to lie fallow tion. Is there anything unique about instructed by the Torah to work their for an entire year, does the nation not this particular question? Continued on Page 30

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 29 FROM THE CHASSIDIC MASTERS wrong, the answer is “It’s one of the commandments are beyond human ments. The decrees demonstrate that Continued from Page 29 Ten Commandments!” If you persist intuition? in the final analysis G-d’s wisdom and ask why it is one of the Ten The mitzvos are generally divided exceeds ours. (See M ishneh Torah, trying to explain it to you.” Commandments, the answer is “Do into two categories: (a) ethical com- Laws of B’ris Milah, ch. 8; Laws of This would indeed be the correct you expect to research and under- mandments that are easily understood, Temurah, ch. 4.) answer. Murder is wrong because stand the Divine?” such as the prohibition of theft; and If we were only given the decrees, society intuitively senses the immoral Of course, the Jew also intuitively (b) inexplicable decrees that defy then our lack of understanding would nature of this act. Al Gore, former senses that murder is wrong. But to a human comprehension, such as the have alienated us from the mitzvos. We vice-president of the , Jew there is more to it than mere intu- mitzvah of the red heifer. would be unable to internalize the commented that “democratic laws ition. If G-d ordained this prohibition The ethical commandments and commandments and thus be prevented derive their moral authority from the as a Divine commandment, then it the inexplicable decrees enjoy a sym- from developing an affinity and enthu- national consent of the people.” must be immoral for reasons beyond biotic relationship, each affecting the siasm for them. Somehow a Jew knows that moral human intuition. way we view the other. The ethical On the other hand, if we were only authority is more profound than the commandments demonstrate that it given the ethical commandments, we mere consent of a nation. B eyond The Human Mind is possible to gain a semblance of would have assumed that all Divinity is If you ask the Torah why murder is Why does a Jew believe that Divine understanding of G-d’s command- within the grasp of human compre- hension. Naturally this would have caused us to dismiss all theistic notions that are beyond our under- standing. The inexplicable decrees teach the Jew to view even the easily under- stood mitzvos through the prism of Divine wisdom, recognizing that even ethical commandments such as the prohibition of murder are beyond our cognitive or intuitive grasp.1

Two Questions, One Word This is the meaning of the question asked by the wise son (as told in the Pesach Haggadah): “What (“mah”) are

We realize that in the final analysis our comprehension doesn’t capture the Divine thought process.

the…decrees and laws that G-d our L-rd has commanded you?” (Devarim 6:20). The wise son understands that even the easily understood “laws” have dimensions that defy human compre- hension, and so he asks to understand the true meaning of all the mitzvah categories—not only the decrees, but the laws too. We now return to the question posed in our original verse, “And if you shall say: What (“mah”) shall we eat in the seventh year?” The only other questions that the Torah intro- duces in this manner are those of the four sons of the Haggadah. It is there- fore possible to assume that this question is also asked by one of the four sons. Which of the four sons asks this question? This question is cited in the Torah only after all the laws of the Sabbatical are first outlined. We thus deduce that this question is asked by the wise son, who has studied the entire subject and who is left with but one question. The wise son’s questions are quoted twice in the Torah: “What is the mean- 30 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES For more about Rabbi Gurkow and his wrtings, (Tehillim 147:19–20). According to our not the commandments themselves that the ing?” and “What shall we eat?” Though visit InnerStream.ca. understanding, the word “laws” (“mishpatim”) Psalmist is proud of, but our approach to their the questions seem unrelated, there is refers to ethical commandments. One wonders reasons. The nations of the world accept these one word that connects them. The NOTES: why the Psalmist prides himself on being a ethical standards because of reasons they 1. This explains why the Psalmist says, “He member of the only nation to receive G-d’s ethical intuitively grasp, but they ascribe no exalted Hebrew word mah,“what.” spoke…His decrees and laws to Israel; He has commandments. Haven’t most other nations wisdom to them. A Jew relates to the ethical done so for no other nation and of His accepted these ethical precepts upon themselves standard as a sacred decree that contains inner The Meaning Of ‘What’ commandments He has not informed them” even without receiving these commandments? It is secrets concealed in the realm of the Divine. The Jewish people are accustomed to this word. We are forever asking: What is the reason? What is the meaning? Like the wise son, we ask this question of all commandments and all occurrences, even those we supposedly understand. We realize that in the final analysis our compre- hension doesn’t capture the Divine thought process. What is not only a question; it is also an answer. Because in the end, the question must be allowed to stand unanswered. We ask G-d for his true reason or meaning, but we don’t claim entitlement to his answer. We plumb the Heavenly secrets to the extent that the human mind permits, but the rest is humbly left to G-d. The word what thus demonstrates profound humility. We ask it not in quarrel, but in acceptance. We ask it not in arrogance, but in submission. We ask it not in confusion, but in serene faith. The words “What shall we eat in the seventh year” is not a question as much as it is a statement. We don’t know what the sabbatical year will bring, but we are also not concerned about a famine. We humbly and confi- dently place our trust in G-d. We can now understand why the Torah uses the words “if you say…” rather than “if you ask…” This is not a question as much as it is a statement of fact. We don’t know what we will eat, but we trust that we will eat. (It is interesting to note that the Haggadah also uses the same expression, “The wise son, what does he say?” rather than “What does he ask?”) The Torah assures us that G-d will not remain indebted to us if we approach this mitzvah with the humility prescribed by the word mah, what. “He will command his blessing upon the sixth year and it will yield enough pro- duce for all three years.” (Chabad.org) O

Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 27, p. 185. See also Sefer Be’er Mayim Chayim from Rabbi Chaim Tchernowiz. Reprinted with permission from Chabad.org.Find articles for the entire family at www.chabad.org/Parshah. Rabbi Lazer Gurkow is the spiritual leader of congregation Beth Tefilah in London, Ontario.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 31

um, and cultures in the product. on the market). Secondly, they create a There are many yogurt products habit for even sweeter food, adding a Nutrition Counts! that contain sugar substitutes like “sometimes” sweet of chocolate and NutraSweet (aspartame) or Splenda candy into a daily staple. Try to wean (sucralose). These yogurts serve a pur- your children off the habit by offering pose for a small percentage of the pop- other “mix ins,” such as low-fat granola The Yogurt Explosion ulation—namely, people seeking short- or whole-grain favorite cereal, or even term weight loss and who have diffi- by choosing the granola or dried-fruit B Y MIRIAM HOROWITZ, Fruited yogurts can contain over 30 culty weaning themselves off of sweet toppings the company offers. RD, CDE grams of simple sugar in a 6-ounce serv- foods, or people with diabetes who are As with every food fad, there are ing. This increases the calorie count of learning to control their blood sugar. always products that capitalize on the Yogurt comes in so many forms today, the products. Furthermore, it trains the However, in the long term, the options positive recognition but provide inferi- it can be overwhelming. There are palate to accept sugary tastes, and to be mentioned above are a smarter choice. or quality. Some important warnings: dozens of fresh yogurt options as well as less tolerant of the tangier flavors of Low-fat or non-fat yogurts are the • Inspect the ingredients carefully, yogurt smoothies, tubes, pops, and other yogurt products. Clearly the best choice. For children under the age and beware of preservatives used to frozen yogurts. There are even yogurt- healthiest yogurt choice is the non-fat of two, the full fat (4 percent) yogurt is extend the shelf life. covered cereals. Is there merit to this or low-fat plain yogurt that contains no the one to choose. There are great baby • Some products use food coloring; frenzy, or is it just another “food fad”? added sugar or additives. Due to its yogurts on the market (such as Yobaby) this is especially true for fruited There are many different types of tang, it is often rejected by many. For which are organic, include multiple live yogurts as well as frozen yogurts. fresh yogurts on the market. They vary those of you that love the tangy flavor of cultures, and are lower in added sugar • Do not be deceived by frozen not only in flavor but also in nutrient plain yogurt or the smoothness of sour than the typical flavored yogurts. Babies yogurt products; some are just low-fat value. The best option among fresh cream (without the fat), try low-fat or would also benefit from plain whole- milk, sugar, and chemicals. They often yogurts is one that has many live active fat-free Greek-style yogurt. milk yogurt with added fruit (baby fruit), contain no live cultures. cultures. These cultures are used in the There are ways to improve the taste of thereby eliminating the processed added • The cereals with the yogurt clus- process of manufacturing the yogurt. plain yogurt. One option is to add fresh sugar. Of course the prepackaged ters or yogurt coatings often have a lot They are beneficial because they act as or frozen fruit to plain yogurt. This will yogurts are more convenient “on the of added sugar. “friendly bacteria,” keeping our colons provide natural sweetness as well as the go.” At home, the plain yogurt option is Overall, the right yogurt choice can healthy. This can be especially benefi- benefits of the fruits. Many fruits blend a great choice. This allows the parent to really make a difference. There are cial when taking antibiotics. Some stud- well with yogurt; all berries, peaches, or control the sweetness of the yogurt, some terrific products that offer great ies have proposed the benefits of these even bananas taste great. Try mixing fla- which can help develop a tolerance for taste and are a great source of low-fat “probiotics” as cancer-fighting agents. vored yogurt, such as vanilla, with some tangy yogurt. protein and calcium as well as probi- Upon purchasing, carefully inspect the plain yogurt, which will dilute the added The trend of chocolate or cookie otics. The health benefits of these ingredients on the food label; there sugar. Plain yogurt is great with baked crumbs being added to yogurt has real- products make yogurt an excellent should be at least three active live cul- low-fat tortilla chips, as well. ly taken hold. There are many children food choice worthy of daily intake. O tures listed. Among the most common Try to avoid the yogurts with the who will only accept the products with are L. acidophilus, Bifidus, and L. casei. “fruit at the bottom.” With the reduc- the added sweets. While the trend has Miriam Horowitz is a registered dietitian Some yogurts are superior, offering six tion of the size of the typical yogurt increased the overall acceptance of (American Dietetic Association) and a certified diabetes educator (National Certification Board different cultures. This is true for yogurt cup to only 6 ounces, this leaves only yogurt, it is neither the best product nor for Diabetes Educators) with a private practice smoothies, as well. about 4 ounces of yogurt, with 2 eating habit. Firstly, many of these for adults, adolescents, and children focusing on weight loss, health management, and Unfortunately, many yogurt products ounces of jelled sugary fruit. This products are higher in fat and calories. preventative care. She can be reached at contain an excessive amount of sugar. reduces the amount of protein, calci- (Though there is now a YoCrunch Light [email protected] or 917-774-3253.

32 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES it with a very special ingredient: love. third and final omelet! By they way, I My amazing Mother’s Day contin- hope you bought eggs, because they A Mother’s Musings ued after breakfast. Lea appeared as I are all used up!” was just finishing my egg, completely I wonder if things like this happen A Perfect Day How were they transporting hot tea dressed! Instead of waiting for me to on Emeril Live! BY PHYLLIS J. LUBIN and eggs up the stairs without spilling “help” her, she decided to surprise After the delicacies were in the it? Raspberry tea on my bedroom car- me! I was definitely having a good oven, the bagels purchased, and the I t’s before 6 a.m. on a Sunday morn- pet would not look good. Hopefully start. I came downstairs to find my kids off to their usual Sunday-morn- ing and I hear rumblings from the they had forgotten about the hot tea. kitchen in nice shape. The kids were ing activities (Kulanu, driver’s educa- kitchen. Who is up this early (besides Maybe they made me a less elaborate all dressed and eating their own tion, etc.), Lenny and I took a leisure- me) on a Sunday morning? Yussie and breakfast. breakfasts while I scooted out to do ly walk on Central Avenue. My, what Lea are actually still asleep and It’s 6:30 now, and Rivka and some early-morning shopping. The a wonderful and relaxed feeling I had accounted for in their own beds, and Rochel have arrived with their sur- best time to shop is 8 a.m. on a as we strolled the avenue and saw the my husband is beside me listening to prise: A breakfast tray (an engage- Sunday morning. Nice and calm, I sights. I felt like a queen as everyone the same early-morning activities. ment gift from my dear friend somehow managed to remember we met along the way wished me a Could they actually have responded Vivienne 21 years ago) along with a everything I needed: salad stuff, happy Mother’s Day (even people we to my silly request? Last night I com- didn’t know)! mented that it would be so nice if Lunch was perfect. How blessed we someone made me breakfast on are to have my parents and Lenny’s Mother’s Day. Did I think it would parents live locally. They were all at the actually happen? They even asked for “Don’t worry. We have everything house promptly at 12:30 for our lunch. my order. “Egg-white omelet with Yussie was so happy to be celebrating a low-fat cheese and peppers, and a cup under control and breakfast “holiday,” as he called it! It was great of raspberry tea,” I innocently seeing Mom’s and Mom-in-law’s smil- requested. Of course, I reminded ing faces around the dining-room them that it wasn’t necessary—that I will be served shortly.” table. Of course, having Daddy and was “just joking.” Dad-in-Law there too made the after- About 6:18 a.m. Rochel came to my noon truly perfect. bedside: “Don’t worry. We have every- My children are amazing! Each one thing under control and breakfast will complete breakfast—butter, two lasagna noodles, mozzarella cheese, has his or her own individuality and be served shortly.” pieces of perfectly toasted whole- and cauliflower for our Mother’s Day each one is special. I am thankful for “I can’t believe this is happening,” I wheat diet bread (my favorite), along luncheon. Upon my return home, I each and every one of them. thought. More importantly, I feared with the main dish that even Emeril found Hubbie home from shul and he Of course with my darling children, the state of affairs in the kitchen. I Lagasse would be proud of, consist- gave me more insight into my morn- perfect husband Leib, and my wonder- sent Lenny down to see what was ing of a nice fluffy egg-white omelet ing’s repast. ful parents and in-laws, I had a truly going on. with peppers, and, of course, hot “Do you know how much work perfect Mother’s Day! O Another update came from Rochel raspberry tea! And the best part of all: went into that breakfast? The first Phyllis Joy Lubin is an attorney with Rosenfeld & about ten minutes later: “Don’t come a card stating “We Love You.” omelet was too watery, so they started Maidenbaum, LLP, who resides in Cedarhurst down. We’re bringing you breakfast in I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed again; the second omelet was perfect, with her husband Leonard and six children: Naftali, Shoshana, Rivka, Rochel, Yosef, and bed!” that breakfast. The food was terrific but the tea accidentally spilled all Lea. She welcomes your questions and comments Now I was really getting nervous. and you could tell that the cooks made over it in transit, so they made the at [email protected].

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 33 needs and other physical needs, as Dear Guilty, well. So I’m not a total witch. What a difficult life you’ve described However, every so often—more often to me. Though you are blessed with a that I’d like to admit—I have a total and kind and special husband and fabulous complete meltdown. I just suddenly feel children, your day-to-day living is overwhelmed by the whole situation, fraught with constant anxiety and tired and fed up. When I get that way, upheaval, never knowing exactly when it’s best to run for cover. Whoever cross- you’ll be back in the hospital with your Dear Esther, into work regardless. es my path is the recipient of my wrath. husband, but knowing that you will in I’ve been married for 32 years to a My children are amazing and have And that includes Josh. fact be back and forced to face once wonderful man, “Josh.” Though he’s dealt beautifully with this challenge. As When that happens I feel so guilty. again all the fear and uncertainty that suffered from an illness probably for as a result, they have turned into very car- Nebach, he goes through so much. an experience like that involves. And long as I’ve know him, about six years ing and nurturing young adults, whom How can I add to his pain? Yet I am despite that reality, you sound as ago it became much more serious. I we are very proud of. Josh has dealt embarrassed to admit that I’ll yell at though you are a devoted wife and can’t even begin to tell you what these very impressively with his challenge, as him as if it’s his fault and as if he wants mother, who has always managed to be past six years have been like—for him, well, and I find myself often in awe of to be sick. It makes no sense at all, and present and effective in the moment, for me, and for our family. Many, many him. The person who I don’t think has after it happens I feel so awful that I taking care of Josh’s needs—and prob- emergency calls to the doctor, many ably everyone else’s, for that matter. prolonged hospital stays, many can- You are an amazing woman. I do hope celed plans and trips, and basically liv- that you recognize that. ing a life wherein we are always waiting You are troubled by your “melt- for the next shoe to drop—and sadly, it Maybe you just need a full-blown pity downs,” feeling guilty specifically over always does. The truth of the matter is how you treat your husband during that I don’t think Josh will ever be truly party, without worrying about appearing to those moments. This is understandable, healthy, and I know that this is how our since the last thing you want to do is life together will always be. Of course, add to his pain. Though these melt- I also worry that the next emergency be the perfect wife, always in control. downs are a natural consequence of the shouldn’t, G-d forbid, be his last, if you challenging life that you live, they are know what I mean. not helpful and in fact add to everyone’s Josh is an amazing man. He rarely feelings of helplessness and anger. complains and is brave and sweet. done too well is yours truly—me! To be swear to myself that I will never let When someone is ill, as is the case Thank goodness he owns his own busi- honest, most of the time I do OK. I’m myself lose it again, only to find myself with Josh, everyone’s sympathies are ness, and a number of family members very attentive to Josh’s needs. in that place once more. naturally extended to that person. work in the business, so we at least are Sometimes I think that I sleep with one How do I get control of myself when However, people often don’t take as secure financially. When Josh feels ear always tuned into Josh’s breathing I have my periodic meltdowns? There’s much time considering the quality of decent, he always goes in to work. And (or groaning), listening for any shift in got to be a better way for me to handle life of the caregiver, including the when he is not up to it and can’t work, his sleep—always ready at a moment’s my rage when I’m feeling overtired, caregiver himself or herself. Without the business is in good hands, and we’re notice to drop everything and get him stressed out, and depressed over how drawing comparisons regarding whose grateful for that. But knowing him, I’m to a doctor or a hospital when neces- we have to live. Do you have any sug- life is more difficult, since it is not sure there have been many times when sary. I pay special attention and take gestions that might help? necessary or even relevant, your life he felt awful and pushed himself to go special care of his specific dietary Guilty over the past six years has not been a

34 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES bed of roses. In many ways, your life must feel quite precarious and unsta- ble, never knowing from day to day what will be. Additionally, you don’t sound particularly hopeful that there is any cure in sight, so you really have no reason to believe that the situation will get any better for Josh and, ergo, for yourself in the future. That’s got to be a difficult pill to swallow. It sounds as though you’ve done an amazing job watching over Josh. Now I believe it’s time to additionally begin watching over yourself. People in your position need all sorts of perks to relieve the day-to-day stress that you face. And included in these perks should be opportunities for you to remove your- self, even if it’s just for a day or an hour, from the constant grind of illness that has become the fabric of your life. I would first and foremost encour- age you to find support. There are sup- port groups geared toward individuals like yourself who find themselves in the role of caregivers. This will enable you to vent as much as you need to vent, admit feeling angry at times (without guilt), and receive reassur- ance from others who truly understand what you are going through. Some people, perhaps including yourself, don’t enjoy groups and would do better with one-on-one therapy ses- sions. Again, the goal would be to find a safe place where you can share your feelings. Maybe you need to talk about feeling resentful or angry, or maybe you just need a full-blown pity party, without worrying about appearing to be the perfect wife, always in control. Sharing your honest feelings, free of fear of judgment, can help you release a great deal of your tension. You probably will also benefit from some other forms of pampering now and then. A massage is a great way to unwind and find yourself transported to another dimension. A weekly yoga class or some other form of exercise will also do the trick. Take some time for yourself. In fact, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s from one of your children or even a friend, you’re better off asking them to pinch hit for you for a while, during a particularly difficult time with Josh, so that you can catch your breath and unwind. You’re better off taking some time for yourself than being the constant martyr, only to, as you say, ultimately have a meltdown. Not only would this be a better game plan for you, but, I would imagine, for Josh as well. And finally, go easy on yourself. It sounds like you’re doing a fabulous job under circumstances that are less than fabulous. I have no doubt that Josh recognizes how fortunate he is to have such a loving and caring wife at his side, despite your occasional out- bursts. Make the most of the good times, focus on the positives, and try to live each and every day to the fullest, without focusing on what lies ahead, since no one knows for sure anyway. All the best to you and your husband. Esther

Esther Mann, LMSW, has a private practice in Lawrence. Esther is a psychotherapist and life coach and can be reached at 516-314-2295 or [email protected]. She works with individuals, couples, premarital couples, and families. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 35 statutorily requires this service.” The desire to exercise is the begin- Schaer, who said he would receive ning of the process. It is only a mental- no additional compensation or bene- ly motivating energy and it will require fits as acting mayor, announced that you to challenge your character on a he will be sworn in during a “private daily basis to implement your intention ceremony” performed by the city clerk. to exercise. Characteristics such as He scheduled a meeting of the city’s discipline and determination to exer- Orthodox Jewish Assemblyman department directors for Monday cise should become a permanent part Becomes Passaic NJ’s Acting morning. “Together, we will move for- of your character. In rising up to such Mayor ward and continue to improve the a challenge, you should: Passaic City Council President/ quality of life for everyone who lives in • Not expect immediate results Acting Mayor Gary S. Schaer released our great city,” Schaer said. and not allow yourself to become dis- a statement last Friday in the aftermath (TheYeshivaWorld.com) O heartened; of Mayor Samuel Rivera’s departure • Force yourself to exercise, even on from office, after pleading guilty to Health And Fitness days when you do not feel like doing extortion in federal court. By Sensei Warren Levi so. There must be no choice and no “This is a difficult time for Passaic,” Dear Sensei Warren, excuse; said Schaer. “I am committed, along I am constantly joining exercise • Accept that it will require hard with my city council colleagues, to classes with good intentions, but stop work and discipline; restoring confidence to the residents going after a week or two. What do • Set realistic goals of what you of Passaic and assuring them that the you suggest? wish to achieve within a realistic time services provided by our municipal The necessity to exercise and the period. For example, “If I can achieve government will continue as normal. innumerable benefits obtained from this within one month, then I will set a “The hard-working residents of exercising are well documented. new goal; if not, I will persevere until I Passaic deserve a municipal govern- However, being mentally aware of have accomplished this goal”; ment that is honest and trustworthy,” this and actually undertaking physi- • Select an activity that you will be he added. “While I did not seek this cal exercise on a regular basis are two able to sustain and which will enable position, my role as Council President Gary S. Schaer different things. you to balance the demands of your family, career, and lifestyle. This will ensure that you will not be able to find excuses not to exercise; • Remind yourself continuously that you are the only person who has the freedom and the ability to turn your intention to exercise into a reality; • Feel inspired and motivated to carry on by the almost immediate effects felt from exercising, such as more energy, a sense of achievement, improved health, improved body con- dition, increased self-esteem, etc. At Warren Levi Karate & Mixed Martial Arts, you will have the oppor- tunity to have a body analysis. Your analysis will include body-fat testing, body mass index (BMI), weight, height, blood pressure, body girth measurements, resting metabolism, skeletal muscle, and more. On review of your results, fitness options will be discussed to achieve your goals. To set up your free body analysis, call Sensei Warren at 516-569-0808. O

Ner Israel Breakfast, May 18 This Sunday, May 18 at 10:00 a.m., the annual breakfast for the benefit of Yeshivas Ner Yisrael of Baltimore is to be held at the home of Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Fay Geliebter, 25 Herrick Drive in Lawrence. The scheduled guest speaker is HaRav Tzvi Berkowitz, a senior faculty member of the yeshiva. Rabbi Berkowitz delivers the most advanced shiur in the yeshiva and is respected throughout the yeshiva world for his scholarship and insight. Many bachurim are attracted to Ner Israel because of the opportunity to attend his shiur. He maintains close ties with alumni, many of whom live in the Five Towns area. It is typical for alumni who have been out of the yeshiva for years to consult with Rav Berkowitz on a regular basis. Ner Israel Rabbinical College will soon be celebrating its 75th anniver- sary. Founded by the gaon and gadol HaRav Yaakov Yitzchok haLevi Ruderman in 1933, the yeshiva has close ties to the Five Towns communi- ty. Many of its talmidim are leaders in every aspect of communal life in the area and many students come to the 36 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES yeshiva from the area. flagship program. It is set to be locat- Dr. Geliebter is himself an alumnus, ed in the heart of Yerushalayim and to and he and his wife are parents of Ner offer courses and classes in a variety Israel beis midrash student Yisrael. of fields such as technology, program- They have graciously opened their ming, software engineering, alterna- home for this important event. The tive medicine, secretarial skills, archi- entire community is invited to partici- tecture, and interior design. This pro- pate in this demonstration of kavod gram will do wonders not only to pro- haTorah. O vide a steady income for the widows and orphans, but also to boost the Parlor Meetings To Benefit Zeh morale of the young mothers and help LaZeh Vocational Center; May 20 them regain their sense of worth and In KGH self-esteem. A series of parlor meetings has been The center is being dedicated in planned to herald the opening of the memory of Chaim Avrohom Zvi ben Chaim and Fraida Sima Moskovits Aaron Meyer and Fraida Sima Ikal bas Vocational Training Center. Rabbi Meyer Simcha Dov, a young couple Naftali Jaeger, rosh yeshiva of Sh’or who were suddenly taken in the prime Yoshuv Institute in Far Rockaway, has of their lives in a tragic car accident been invited as the guest speaker for on chol ha’moed Sukkos, leaving Tuesday, May 20, at the home of Mr. behind a small baby. The family is and Mrs. Zev Kops, 136-58 72nd hoping that this tribute and dedica- Avenue in Kew Gardens Hills. Rabbi tion will serve as a tremendous z’chus Jaeger is to give a firsthand report for their neshamos. after visiting with a group of Zeh Aiding almanos and yesomim is a LaZeh almanos. great mitzvah and those who partici- Zeh LaZeh is an organization found- pate will surely be blessed. For more ed and directed by the dynamic information about this event, call 718- Rebbetzin Raizy Rottenberg to help 686-0111. O the almanos and yesomim of Eretz Yisrael cope with their fate. To date, it Raising Today’s Children For has made a profound impact on the Tomorrow’s World, May 21 lives of 1,300 almanos and over 3,000 On Wednesday night, May 21, yesomim. The organization provides a Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser and Rabbi personal support system from the Yakov Horowitz are scheduled to speak moment that shivah begins, offering on the topic of “Raising Today’s resources, initiatives, programs, and Children for Tomorrow’s World.” The services. dynamic Rabbi Goldwasser, rav of The Chaim and Fraida Sima K’hal Bais Yitzchok, is a noted Torah Moskovits Vocational Training Center is destined to become Zeh LaZeh’s Continued on Page 40

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 37 38 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Obama Reaffirms Support For Israel

Democratic U.S. presidential candi- date Barack Obama pledged to uphold U.S. support for Israel, rebuffing his Republican rival John McCain’s claim that he was the preferred choice of Hamas. “You will not see, under my presidency, any slackening in commit- ment to Israel’s security,” Obama told The Atlantic magazine online. “My position on Hamas is indistin- guishable from the position of Hillary Clinton or John McCain. I said they are a terrorist organization and I’ve repeat- edly condemned them,” he continued. “I mean what I say: since they are a terror- ist organization, we should not be deal- ing with them until they recognize Israel, renounce terrorism,” Obama said. McCain has reiterated the claim that Hamas supports Obama, while portraying himself as a future presi- dent who would be tougher on terror groups. McCain’s campaign cited an April 13 quote from Hamas aide Ahmed Yousef who reportedly said: “We like Mr. Obama. We hope he will (win) the election.” Obama said that parts of his child- hood he spent outside the United States would stand him in good stead. “It’s con- ceivable that there are those in the Arab world who say to themselves, ‘This is a guy who spent some time in the Muslim world, has a middle name of Hussein, and appears more worldly and has called for talks with people, and so he’s not going to be engaging in the same sort of cowboy diplomacy as George Bush,’ and that’s something they’re hopeful about. I think that’s a perfectly legitimate percep- tion as long as they’re not confused about my unyielding support for Israel’s security.” Obama emphasized that he had clarified his stance during a meeting with Palestinian students in Ramallah. “One of the things that I said to those students was: ‘Look, I am sympathetic to you and the need for you guys to have a country that can function, but understand this: If you’re waiting for America to distance itself from Israel, you are delusional. Because my com- mitment, our commitment, to Israel’s security is non-negotiable.” Senator Obama offered a glimpse of his own personal feelings about Israel by saying that “there is something so pow- erful and compelling for me [about the idea of Israel], maybe because I was a kid who never entirely felt like he was rooted. My starting point when I think about the Middle East is this enormous emotional attachment and sympathy for Israel, mindful of its history, mindful of the hardship and pain and suffering that the Jewish people have undergone.” Obama continued, “Obviously it’s some- thing that has great resonance with the African-American experience.” When questioned about the justice of the Zionist idea Obama stated, “The fundamental premise of Israel and the need to preserve a Jewish state that is secure is, I think, a just idea and one that should be supported here in the United States and around the world.” (JPost.com) O 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 39 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS The featured speaker will be Sandy singles, and has made progress in chang- Rockaway, Belle Harbor, Atlantic Continued from Page 37 Shapiro, a financial planner and ing the negative culture and attitudes Beach, West Hempstead, Long Beach, insurance agent for Northwestern that are often associated with dating in and other communities. personality, author, and speaker. He Financial Mutual in Stamford, Conn. the observant Jewish community. O Rabbi Moshe Zwick, the school’s will be joined by Rabbi Horowitz, the Among the issues to be addressed are chief executive for the last 40 years, menahel of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of preparing for the transition from sin- Chabad Joins In Celebrating Israel, notes that the decision by the board of Monsey, director of Project YES, and gle life to married life, budgeting, August 18–28 directors to approve the acquisition of author of the newly released Living & saving for retirement, joint/separate Millions plan on participating in an the new site fulfills the school’s plans Parenting: A Down-to-Earth Guide. bank accounts, and dealing with the extravaganza in celebration of the to establish a permanent, centrally The lecture event is to take place at unique financial concerns of living an modern state of Israel’s 60th birthday. located site in the Five Towns. “The Congregation Ahi Ezer, 1885 Ocean observant Jewish life. There will be But Chabad of the Five Towns plans to imperative need to have one site on Parkway (corner of Avenue S) in time for questions for Mr. Shapiro celebrate in more traditional style, vis- , instead of the present Brooklyn. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and from the audience. iting the Land and its holy places. As a three leased sites, has been on the speakers begin at 8:00 p.m. Light Many singles and young married nation that will always adhere more to board’s agenda since we first planted refreshments will be served. There will couples are unprepared for the finan- the words of Moshe Rabbeinu than roots in the Five Towns eight years also be a short video of Rav Matisyahu cial decisions that need to be made those of Moshe Dayan, our Israel is ago,” said Rabbi Zwick. Salomon, shlita, mashgiach of the early in their adult lives, according to timeless and in need of no facelifts or The search committee and the Lakewood yeshiva. It will feature his Michael Feldstein, who is helping to reengineering. board of directors, under the lay lead- address at the recent International organize the event. He says that this Join Rabbi Wolowik on another fast- ership of Sam Gross, president, and Kiruv Conference which took place in program promises to be a highly paced tour through the land, including Sheldon Fliegelman, chairman of the Eretz Yisrael. This lecture event will informative seminar that will be valu- Jerusalem, Tiberius, Masada, Tsfat, board, are all pleased to have found a also be broadcast live via satellite to able to all—and help set everyone on and more. This Chabad of the Five campus for Shulamith, which promis- participating TCN sites nationwide. the right financial path. Towns tour is planned for August es to be a first-class, state-of-the-art, Acheinu, the renowned kiruv organ- The cost for the program is $8, 18–28 and will feature a celebration of educational and religious institution. ization in Eretz Yisrael, will be spon- payable at the door, and includes pizza the modern miracle of the 60th “The new campus in Inwood will be soring the event. For additional infor- and soda. As an added bonus, the shul anniversary as well as the 4,000-year- fully developed as soon as possible, and mation about this event or general is hosting a Carlebach concert in old Promised Land. For more informa- it is our expectation with G-d’s help inquiries, please call Acheinu’s U.S. honor of Lag BaOmer following the tion visit www.chabad5towns.com or that it will be open during the 2009 office at 1-877-5-ACHEINU. O ETM event, which those who attend call 516-295-2478. O academic year,” said Mr. Fliegelman. the financial planning program are “Every school wants to expand and EndTheMadness Financial Planning encouraged to also attend. The event is Five Towns Campus For grow, and the board certainly views this Program And Social, May 22 open to singles and recently married Shulamith School establishment of a permanent new site On Thursday night, May 22, the eve couples. For more information, please Shulamith School for Girls, estab- as a vital sign, indicative of the growth of Lag BaOmer, EndTheMadness will contact Chananya at admin@endthe- lished in 1929 as the pioneer institute and success over the last eight years. In be sponsoring a seminar called “G-d madness.org. for chinuch habanot in the United fact, the Shulamith parent body in Will Provide, Then What? Financial EndTheMadness (www.endthemad- States, has agreed to purchase a school Woodmere fully supports the board’s Planning for Marriage.” The event is ness.org) is a unique effort that address- campus in Inwood. The school’s Long decision and has encouraged this aus- scheduled to be held at the Ocean es the angst and hardships associated Island division, established in 2000 in picious expansion.” Parkway Jewish Center, 550 Ocean with dating and marriage within the Woodmere, presently has an enroll- The school is confident that the new Parkway (between Ditmas and 18th Orthodox community. It regularly spon- ment of 500 students, nursery through campus will soon be occupied by a Avenues) in Brooklyn, 7:00–9:00 p.m. sors Shabbatons and other programs for grade 8 serving the Five Towns, Far superb early childhood program, an

40 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES exemplary elementary and middle school, and an outstanding high s”xc school, with an overall total student enrollment of over 1,000 girls. Shulamith will continue, as always, to maintain its standard of excellence in religious and secular studies, empha- sizing midot, a positive attitude to Eretz Yisrael, and an Ivrit b’Ivrit limudei kodesh program within a warm and Torah-rich atmosphere. Shulamith in Brooklyn, the forerun- ner of the Long Island school, will con- tinue to earn its worldwide reputation by creatively responding to all challenges inherent in developing an uncompromis- ing Orthodox school for girls al pi halachah. Shulamith of the Five Towns promises to continue and follow in that same derech, educationally. Shulamith in Inwood intends to pro- vide the careful and attentive approach required for present-day chinuch ha’banot, with excellence in the class- room in both limudei kodesh and secu- lar subjects, a strong sense of Jewish history, and a love of Eretz Yisrael and K’lal Yisrael, in addition to opportuni- ties for personal expression in areas such as music, art, drama, sports, swim- ming, computers, and much more. The professional educational leader- ship of Shulamith in the Five Towns includes Rabbi Nosson Schreiber, mid- dle school principal; Mrs. Joyce Yarmak, elementary school principal; Mrs. Estee Scher, early childhood principal; and Rabbi Jacob Rabinowitz, chairman of the Shulamith School Board of Education. Families who are interested in fur- ther information or a personal inter- view about Shulamith in the Five Towns should please call Rabbi Moshe Zwick, executive director, at 718-338- 4000, ext. 12, or Mrs. Naomi N. Herzberg, school administrator, at 516-295-2239, ext. 3. O

Gift Of Life’s Annual Gala, May 15 Seventeen years ago, Jay Feinberg, then 23 years old, was diagnosed with leukemia, prompting a major bone- marrow drive in the worldwide Jewish community. “Friends of Jay,” an organ- ization created to help save Jay’s life by finding a match, recruited more than 60,000 donors in four years, yielding matches for hundreds of patients in similar circumstances—but not for Jay. With Jay’s health deteriorating, a final donor drive was held, which finally yielded Jay’s miracle match in the last person tested, Becky Keller (formerly Faibisoff). He received a successful transplant at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in 1995. Following his recovery, Feinberg continued the work that had been done on his behalf, through the establishment of Gift of Life. Now, Jay Feinberg is celebrating his “bar mitzvah year” of survival from leukemia at “Partners for Life,” the eighth annual Gift of Life bone mar- row foundation gala dinner, on May 15 at the New York Marriott Marquis. The celebration marks not only Feinberg’s survival, but Gift of Life’s success in saving hundreds of lives. Since his suc- cessful transplant, Jay has dedicated his life to developing the largest Jewish

Continued on Page 43 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 41 appeal. A lot of homeowners put all of really makes the garden pop. It doesn’t their energy into the backyard, but the have to be expensive or entail a lot of front of the house is where first effort. For instance, there are a lot of impressions are made. There are three good solar lights that can easily be simple improvements you can make stuck into the ground. The sun heats that make a big difference out front: them up all day and then at night they paint your door in a color that con- come on with a nice soft glow. 15 Of The Biggest Landscaping Mistakes trasts with the base of your home; keep 5 . Underestimating the cost. There the grass trim and green; and plant is a lot of sticker shock in the world of Spring has arrived, and with it all of think about your hardscape. If you are colorful flowers. plants. People often think, “It’s just a our best intentions towards making a putting in a deck, for example, you 4. Overlooking exterior lighting. couple of plants, how expensive could gardening creation from which we will need to make sure those elements of The biggest mistake people make when it be?” Another area that gets underes- reap the rewards. Here are some tips timated in the landscaping budget is for what to avoid. the cost of labor involved. When you’re 1 . Not having a plan. Don’t start a starting a landscape project, make sure landscaping project without a plan. When you look out, you should you have enough in your budget, Decide on a specific theme or look and because you want to do the job one then draw it out on paper. Figure out time—and you want to do it right. where you want to put your plants and see the glass framed with 6. Ignoring the seasons. Plan your shrubs in relation to the shape and garden with regard to the seasons. style of your house. Don’t forget to fac- When homeowners go to a nursery or tor in your budget—and when you hit beautiful trees and foliage. plant yard, they often just buy what’s the nursery, stick to it. in season at the time. Various flowers 2. Mismatched style. When select- bloom at certain times of the year. If ing plants, you should match the your garden also reflect positively planning their yard is that they only you’ve got a lot of plants that are architecture of your home with the upon your house. visualize it during the day. Just adding blooming in the spring, remember that theme of your garden. Besides the 3. Neglecting curb appeal. Never some exterior lighting not only helps in the fall you are going to need some plants in your garden, you need to underestimate the power of curb with vision and movement, but it also other plants if you want foliage. Select plants that look good in the winter and in the spring if possible. 7. Overlooking maintenance. Part of planning a garden is also planning time to maintain it. Make up a maintenance schedule and abide by it. Garden beds need to be weeded once or twice a month, at a minimum. If you don’t have the time to take care of your garden, make sure you have enough money to pay somebody to do it. 8. Too much of the same thing. Intermingle various shapes and sizes to give you interest in your yard as well as to attract the right kind of insects. Also keep in mind that different plants need different nutrients; if you try to grow too much of any one type of plant, it will suck the nutrients out of the soil. 9. Impulse buying. Do a little research before you reach and grab. Have some sort of shopping list in mind, and then get what you want and leave. It is very hard to return flowers, so this step is imperative. 10. Failing to be family-friendly. A lot of people get carried away with the theme of their yard. They don’t think about how they are going to use the lawn or the area, they just think about how they want it to look. For example, a rock garden is really attractive, but probably not the best thing for a fami- ly with small children. Sit down and make a list of what you want to do in your yard, making sure to look at the needs of everyone in the household. 11. Using the wrong tools. Having the right tool ensures your safety and is more efficient in the long run. Think about the size of the job and choose the size of the tool accordingly. Some must-haves are safety goggles, gloves, a solid shovel, and a good rake. 12. Scattered color. Before making a trip to the nursery, you need to know what palette you’d like as well as which colors work best together. Look at the color of your house and then choose a color that really frames it. 13. Improper pruning. Pruning can be just as much an art form as it is a technique, but when pruning is

Continued on Page 44 42 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS selection of beauty and health treat- and spend a few hours strolling as the mountain blossoms offer a colorful Continued from Page 41 ments. A beautiful synagogue and through that fascinating city. On contrast to the absolutely crystal-clear well-stocked beis midrash is also Wednesday, June 11, isru chag, he will waters of the coast. bone marrow and cord blood registry available. take the group on a short tour of the The all-inclusive five-night (six- in . Delicious glatt kosher (pas and chalav hot spots of Le Marche: San Marino, day) package with airfare and trans- Tony Award-winning actor Ron Rifkin Yisrael) cuisine will be served thrice daily Europe’s oldest Republic; Pesaro, the fers ranges from as low as $1,799 to is the MC. The 2008 Partners for Life under the strict rabbinical supervision of home of the first printing of the $2,399 per person, double occupan- Award is being presented to Yeshiva the Milan rabbinate supervised by Rav and Fano, the residence of cy, depending on level of accommo- University for its continued dedication Yitzchak Belinow and his dedicated staff Rebbe Azaraya de Fano, the great dation. Children under 11 years old to Gift of Life’s mission. YU has facili- of mashgichim. A wonderful tea room, Kabbalist. There will be ample time receive up to a 40 percent discount tated more transplants than any other Italian-style, will be available 24/7. for touring since the return flight to on hotel stay in parents’ room! These institution via Gift of Life’s campus HaRav Dr. Nosson Dovid the U.S. leaves at 4:45 p.m., arriving prices include taxes and gratuities. recruitment program. To date, more Rabinowich, a leading talmid at JFK at 7:50 p.m. Due to last year’s tremendous suc- than 2,500 students have registered, chacham, historian, prolific author of On Friday, the day of arrival, the after- cess, the hotel will once again be also and 23 have already saved lives via their important scholarly works, popular noon will be devoted to hotel orientation, offering a kosher program throughout donations. Accepting the award on lecturer, and expert Italian guide will discovering the beach, and some quaint the summer. Reservations can be made behalf of YU students is Richard Joel, serve as rav and scholar-in-residence shopping in town, with candle lighting for a hotel stay only or as an extension president of the university. during Shavuos (as well as on the no later than 7:37 p.m., enough time for to one of Jewish Heritage Tour’s excur- Several bone-marrow donors will be weekends of July 18–20 and August all the above. On motzaei Shabbos, there sions to Italy or even Spain. introduced to their grateful transplant 22–24). He will be giving daf yomi, are a variety of shows and musical enter- To reserve for Shavuos or for your recipients by Jerome Fisher, founder of lomdishe shiurim, lectures on Jewish tainment in the area. Art enthusiasts can summer vacation at Jewish Heritage Nine West and a prominent philan- history, and sermons in the synagogue also enjoy a mini Montmartre, where Tours’ unbelievable early bird rates, thropist; Evie Golfine, a cancer sur- throughout this program. He has also dozens of painters and sculptors work call 1-888-253-9167 or 917-753- vivor who volunteers as a courier for offered to take the guests on a won- and converse with the public. A charm- 5178, visit www.ahavathtorah.com, or Gift of Life; and Warren Eisenberg, co- derful day (early departure with lunch ing road zigzags up to Gabicce Monte, e-mail [email protected]. Space is founder of Bed Bath & Beyond and boxes in hand) of touring to Florence part of the Mount San Bartolo Regional very limited. O currently its co-chairman, also on the on erev yom tov (only 2.5 hours away!) Park, set up in 1994. From there a board of directors of Gift of Life. to visit the Great Synagogue there breathtaking panorama can be enjoyed, Continued on Page 45 The donor-recipient meetings, tak- ing place on stage in front of 750 guests, were arranged in compliance with practices that protect the anonymity of the involved participants. Following the transplant, donors and recipients are permitted to correspond through letters that are screened for identifying information. If both parties agree, they may meet after a full year has passed. In addition to many nota- bles, the audience will include donors, recipients, volunteers, staff, and finan- cial supporters of Gift of Life. For more information about the Partners for Life gala or Gift of Life, please call 1-800-9MARROW or visit www.giftoflife.org. O

An Unforgettable Shavuos in Magnificent Italy, June 6–11 Jewish Heritage Tours is sponsor- ing a wonderful vacation this Shavuos (June 6–11) at the Grand Hotel Michelacci in the gorgeous coastal town of Gabbice Mare, locat- ed right on the eternally serene and soothing Adriatic Sea. Gabicce Mare reflects the changing face of nature: over a few kilometers, beautiful sandy beaches alternate on the coast with inlets of rocky gorges and small coves that overlook the deep waters of the sea, ideal for scuba diving. Nearby are the tiny tourist harbor of Vallugola and the ancient legendary Roman city of Valbruna with its underwater harbor. Jewish Heritage Tours will take care of the travel and transfer needs, including a direct flight to Bologna from JFK arriving June 6 and VIP transfer to the hotel. Renowned all along the Adriatic coast for its excellent facilities and classy service, the Grand Hotel Michelacci state-of-the-art hotel is located on the promenade of Gabicce Mare, one of the most elegant seaside resorts in Italy. Facilities include a large indoor heated pool, as well as two full-size outdoor swimming pools and a kiddie pool. The international- ly acclaimed beauty center on prem- ises offers customers hydro massages, sauna, two Turkish baths, and a 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 43 REAL ESTATE Continued from Page 42

improperly done, you can do more harm than good. In fact, in some cases it is better not to prune at all than to do it improperly. Every plant has a different pruning process. 14. Being shortsighted. Being shortsighted is a com- mon problem because many people don’t know what the eventual growth of their plants will be. You need to find out how they spread, how they reproduce, and what type of maintenance they require. There are soft- ware programs available that allow you to design a land- scape and, with the click of a button, will show you the growth rate of those plants over a year or two or more. 15. Forgetting the view from your window. It may seem like common sense to think about the view from inside the house, but a lot of people forget it. Keep in mind what it looks like from all angles. Place your con- tainers where you want them and then go inside and look through every major window to see what they’ll look like before you plant. It should be like a painting; when you look out, you should see the glass framed with beautiful trees and foliage. Now that you have planned, prepared, and planted your garden, pat yourself on your back, sit back in a comfortable chair or hammock, and reap your rewards. O

Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a licensed real-estate broker (Anessa V Cohen Realty) and a licensed N.Y.S. mortgage broker (A.C. Action Mortgage Corp.) with over 20 years of experience, offering full-service residential and commercial real-estate services in the Five Towns and throughout the tri-state area. She can be reached at 516-569-5007 or via her website, www.AVCrealty.com. Readers are encouraged to send questions or comments to [email protected].

For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday,May 19 at 5:00 P.M.

All graphics for ads must be in by Tuesday,May 20 at 5:00 P.M.

Call 516-984-0079

44 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Continued from Page 43 Baseball’s Melting Pot, Lecture on June 1 On Sunday, June 1 at 11:00 a.m, the Bayswater Jewish Center (23-55 Healy Avenue, at Dickens Street) is to pres- ent “Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?” a lecture by Dr. William M. Simons. The lecture, sponsored by New York State Council for the Humanities, is free and open to the public. William M. Simons, a pro- fessor of history at SUNY Oneonta and a recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, is a specialist in baseball studies. Dr. Simons serves as the man- aging director of the Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, the long-running aca- demic conference held annual- ly at the National Baseball Hall

Dr. William M. Simons of Fame, and has edited four baseball books. As a means of illuminating America’s racial and ethnic past, the lecture examines and compares an iconic baseball triumvirate — Jackie Robin- son, Joe DiMaggio, and Hank Greenberg. Prior to its travail of recent years, baseball long reigned as the undisputed national pastime. The micro- cosm of baseball reflected the main currents of American life and culture. Even in its current state, baseball, with the ascent of Latin and Asian stars, pro- vides minority America with symbolic heroes. During its golden age, the game possessed the power to dramatize the imperfect machinations of the nation’s melting pot. Jackie Robinson’s battle to integrate baseball, for example, symbolized the collective struggle of blacks against racism. Likewise, Italian-American superstar Joe DiMaggio and the Jewish slugger Hank Greenberg were meaningful symbols for their respective ethnic groups. O

Continued on Page 46 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 45

AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS daily Kassam missile attacks, students Continued from Page 45 at SKA were eager to do something to help. The girls were particularly moved HALB and SKA Charity Walk-a- by the thought of children who could thon For The Children Of S’derot not play outside for fear of not making In an incredible display of enthusi- it back to safety in time, and the idea asm and solidarity, over 500 people was generated to create a walk-a-thon walked the Long Beach boardwalk this to raise money to build a protected past Sunday, joining in the Family playground. Walk-a-thon for S’derot sponsored by After many weeks of hard work, the

Top row, L–R: Rachel Nussbaum and Kayla Goldsmith. Bottom row, L–R: Danielle Weisstuch and Emi Renov

Stella K. Abraham High School for day finally arrived—and what a beauti- Girls in partnership with HALB ful day to walk the boardwalk! With Elementary School. SKA principal Mrs. Helen Spirn lead- Following an inspiring presentation ing the march, students and faculty two months ago about the plight of the from SKA and HALB, along with their residents of S’derot who live one kilo- families and other members of the Five meter from the and endure Towns community, walked together. A

46 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES as far away as Vietnam, it set off anoth- drated fruits and vegetables. er, smaller quake in the outskirts of Star-K also certifies a sig- Beijing, over 900 miles away. nificant number of canneries that Landslides, power failures, and fall- pack fruits and vegetables, as well as a en mobile phone towers, leaving much number of snack food productions. of the affected area cut off from the They cover the entire spectrum from outside world, did not prevent Rabbi smaller operations to large industrial Rossanis from communicating about complexes, manufacturing an array of the tragedy with Star-K’s headquarters products. Chances are that many of in Baltimore, Maryland. the finished food products the Rabbi Rossanis, who is one of Star- American kosher consumer eats in a K’s three full-time salaried mashgichim day were processed with ingredients in China, inspects five to eight Star-K or components that were manufac- factories in a typical week. With the tured in a plant in China which was constant flow of Star-K’s additional visited by a Star-K mashgiach—and, part-time mashgichim, there can be as perhaps, close to the epicenter of the many as six different mashgichim earthquake. O supervising its close to 300 plants throughout the country. For the past Soirée, Participants at the SKA/HALB Walk-a-thon. five years the Star-K has maintained a May 21 fully staffed office in to coor- The PTA of Yeshiva of Far Rockaway sea of red bandanas pledging support left 240,000 people dead and posed a dinate operations, and a full-time Star- cordially invites the women of the for the people of S’derot could be seen severe challenge to the government. K mashgiach has resided in Shanghai community to its annual soirée. This for two miles, and an incredible feeling Measuring a magnitude of 7.9, to inspect the Star-K factories. The year, the PTA will honor two excep- of camaraderie was created. Monday’s powerful earthquake toppled vast majority of these plants produce tional local women, Rebbetzin Esther The girls were so happy to see the thousands of homes, factories, and food ingredients, including several dif- Stein and Mrs. Chanie Markowitz. fruits of their labor translate into such offices, and trapped students in ferent types of additives, preservatives, an enormous success; they are thank- schools. Not only were its tremors felt vitamins, nutraceuticals, and dehy- Continued on Page 51 ful for all the community support that allowed them to reach their goal and raise enough money to build a protect- ed playground. Thank you so much to the sponsors, Franklin Printing, Gourmet Glatt, Strauss Bakery, Qcumber’s, the SKA Parent Council, and the HALB Women’s League; and to the volunteers, Michelle Bodek, Mandy Brecher, Yocheved Goldberg, Bonnie Schertz, Dasi Weitz, Esther Weinstein, Jan Wernick, and Irit Wittman. This event could not have taken place without them. O

Star-K Mashgiach Safe In China’s Worst Earthquake In Three Decades By Margie Pensak On Monday, May 12, at 2:28 p.m. local time (2:28 a.m. Eastern time), Rabbi Ilan Rossanis was in the Yibin airport, in Southwestern China’s Sichuan Province, about to board his flight to Beijing. The veteran mash- giach, who has worked for Star-K Certification for eight years, had just completed an inspection of China Jianzhong Nuclear Fuel Corporation’s Food Division, manufacturer of Star-K certified eucalyptus oil, citral, and other products commonly found in kosher certified foods. As he was attempting to pack his laptop in his carry-on, the entire air- port terminal began shaking. In the next two or three minutes, a plethora of passengers and terminal workers were evacuated. Only after the build- ing stopped trembling, within another few minutes, were they allowed to return. Although, baruch Hashem, there were no casualties or damage to the airport buildings and infrastruc- ture, the rabbi’s flight was cancelled, leaving him to take a much longer bus ride to Beijing. Rabbi Rossanis was about 300 km, or about 185 miles, from the epicenter of China’s worst earthquake in three decades, which left more than 12,000 dead, 26,000 injured, and 18,000 buried in rubble. The country’s last devastating natural disaster occurred in 1976. It was then that eastern China suffered an earthquake which 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 47

A Celebrated Death same day that celebrates the end of the The 18th of Iyar is Lag BaOmer— dying of Rabbi Akiva’s disciples, cele- the 33rd day of the omer count which brates the death of his greatest disci- spans the seven weeks from Pesach to ple! To unravel the paradox of Lag Shavuos. Two joyous occasions are BaOmer, we must first examine the associated with this day. During the root of the disrespect that caused the omer period we mourn the deaths of plague among Rabbi Akiva’s disciples. 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva who died in a plague because, as the From The Chassidic Masters Talmud informs us, “They did not con- duct themselves with respect for each other”; Lag BaOmer is the day on The very same day Twenty-Four which the plague ended and the dying ceased. Lag BaOmer is also the that celebrates the anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Akiva’s greatest disciple, Rabbi end of the dying of Thousand Plus One Shimon bar Yochai. Before his death (many years later, without connection Rabbi Akiva’s to the plague), Rabbi Shimon referred There was once a man who had every minute—to the pursuit of truth. to the day of his passing as “the day of disciples, celebrates 24,000 disciples. He taught them to Yet his truth was true enough to love. my happiness” and instructed his dis- love, but their love was too absolute— He, too, passed from this world, and ciples that it be observed each year as too true—to be loving. They died, and the anniversary of his passing is cele- a day of joyous celebration. the death of his their death spawned a period of brated as a day of joy and festivity to Why is the passing of Rabbi Akiva’s mourning that darkens our calendar to this very day. other disciples mourned as a national greatest disciple! this very day. This is the story of Lag BaOmer— tragedy, while the passing of Rabbi This man had one disciple who the story of Rabbi Akiva and his great- Shimon bar Yochai is remembered with devoted his entire life—literally his est disciple, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. celebration and joy? Indeed, the very Rabbi Akiva taught that “Love your fellow as yourself is a cardinal principle in the Torah”; indeed, this is the most famous of his teachings. One would therefore expect that Rabbi Akiva’s dis- ciples would be the foremost exem- plars of this principle. How was it that they, of all people, were deficient in this area? But their very diligence in fulfilling the precept of “Love your fellow as yourself” was their undoing. Our Sages have said that “just as every person’s face differs from the faces of his fel- lows, so, too, every person’s mind dif- fers from the minds of his fellows.” When the 24,000 disciples of Rabbi Akiva studied their master’s teachings, the result was 24,000 nuances of understanding, as the same concepts were assimilated by 24,000 minds— each unique and distinct from its 23,999 fellows. Had Rabbi Akiva’s stu- dents loved each other less, this would have been a matter of minor concern; but because each disciple loved his fel- lows as he loved himself, he felt com- pelled to correct their erroneous think- ing and behavior, and to enlighten them as to the true meaning of their master’s words. For the same reason, they found themselves incapable of expressing a hypocritical respect for each other’s views when they sincerely believed that the others’ understanding was lacking, even in the slightest degree. The greater a person is, the higher are the standards by which he is judged; in the words of our Sages, “With the righteous, G-d is exacting to a hairsbreadth.” Thus, what for people of our caliber would be considered a minor failing had a devastating effect upon the disciples of Rabbi Akiva.

The Thirteenth Year But there was one disciple of Rabbi Akiva who learned to overcome the pit- falls of uncompromising love and uncompromising truth, as exemplified by the following incident in the life of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai: The Talmud relates that when the Roman rulers of the Holy Land placed a price on the heads of Rabbi Shimon 48 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES and his son Rabbi Elazar, the two of them hid in a cave for twelve years. During this time, they spent every minute of their day studying Torah. When they emerged from the cave, they were shocked to discover people plowing and sowing: how could people set aside the eternal life that is Torah and occupy their days with the transi- tory life of the material? So intense was their wrath at such folly that what- ever met with their burning glance went up in flames. Proclaimed a voice from Heaven: “Have you come out to destroy My world? Return to your cave!” Rabbi Shimon’s thirteenth year of study, while increasing his knowl- edge and appreciation of the truth of Torah, also taught him the value of endeavors other than his own. Now, wherever he went, his look would heal rather than destroy. The 4,000-year history of Jewish learning has known many great and diligent students of Torah; yet none epitomized the absolute devotion to the pursuit of the Divine truth to the extent exemplified by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Throughout the writings of our Sages, his example is cited as the ultimate case of Toraso umnaso, “one whose study of Torah is his sole voca- tion.” Certainly, then, Rabbi Shimon’s commitment to truth was no less absolute than that of Rabbi Akiva’s other disciples. Yet his truth was true enough to love. In his thirteenth year in the cave, he attained a dimension of the Divine truth that tolerates—indeed embraces—the many and diverse avenues of connection to G-d which the Creator has provided to a humani- ty whose minds, characters, and tem- peraments are as diverse as their num- ber. In his thirteenth year in the cave, Rabbi Shimon attained a level of truth in which he could utterly devote him- self to the eternal life that is Torah— and advocate such devotion for every- one else—and at the same time appre- ciate and respect the path of those who serve G-d via the temporal life of material endeavors. So the very same day that celebrates the end of the plague among Rabbi Akiva’s disciples also celebrates the passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. The Chassidic masters explain that the passing of a righteous person marks the point at which “all his deeds, teachings, and works” attain the pin- nacle of fulfillment and realization and the point of their most powerful influ- ence upon our lives. And the deeds, teaching, and works of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai are the ultimate rectifica- tion of Rabbi Akiva’s disciples’ tragic failure to achieve the proper synthesis of love and truth that would make their love true and their truth loving.

As Yourself As noted above, it is only among men of the caliber of Rabbi Akiva’s dis- ciples that such a failing could bode such devastating results. But our Sages chose to record this story for posterity and fix it in our lives with a series of laws that govern our behavior in the weeks between Pesach and Shavuos each year. Obviously, we, too,

Continued on Page 50 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 49 THE CHASSIDIC MASTERS Continued from Page 49

have something to learn from what happened to Rabbi Akiva’s disciples. The lesson is twofold: We must learn from their virtues as well as from their mis- takes. We must learn to care enough for our fellow man not to indulge his errors and accommodate his failings. This might be the easiest and most socially comfortable way to behave, but, rather than tolerance, it bespeaks an indifference toward his or her welfare. On the other hand, we must never allow our commitment to his bet- terment to lessen in the slightest our respect and esteem toward him, no mat- ter how misguided and unre- sponsive he might be. If this seems paradoxical, it is. But the ability to embrace this paradox is at the very heart of the Torah’s command- ment to “Love your fellow as yourself.” For in regard to our- selves, it is a paradox with which we are quite comfort- able—every psychologically healthy person loves himself unconditionally and, at the same time, incessantly strives to improve himself. This para- dox we must also cultivate in our relationship with others: On the one hand, we must never compromise our efforts to improve our fellow man out of respect for his views and feelings; on the other hand, we must never allow these efforts to compromise our love and respect for him. For to succumb to either compromise is to fail to love him as we love ourselves—a principle which Rabbi Akiva considered fundamental to G-d’s blueprint for life and of which Hillel said, “This is the entire Torah; the rest is commentary.” O

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; adapted by Yanki Tauber. Courtesy of MeaningfulLife.com.

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50 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Continued from Page 47

Rebbetzin Stein is the mother of YFR talmidim Nosson and Abba; the family actually lives across the street from the yeshiva. She is the wife of the late Rabbi Moshe Dov Stein, z’l, a world-renowned talmid chacham and poseik. Rebbetzin Stein is a longtime active member of our community and raised her wonderful family in Far Rockaway. She is known for her chesed and simchas ha’chayim. Mrs. Chanie Markowitz of Woodmere is the mother of YFR talmid Zev and the wife of Dr. Sheldon (Shlomo) Markowitz, who is the chief of the Department of Medicine at St. John’s Hospital. Mrs. Markowitz teaches math at Shevach High School and Machon Yehudis Academy in Queens. She is known for her dedica- tion to her family and students, as well as her tremendous hachnasas orchim. The soirée will iy’H take place on Wednesday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m. at the Ateres Nechama Liba Simcha Hall. A scrumptious dairy buffet will be served. Come browse the spring boutiques and enter to win great raffle prizes! RSVP at 718-327-7600 or [email protected]. O

Dr. Bernard Lander Honored At Jewish Heritage Salute To Israel Dr. Bernard Lander, founder and president of Touro College, was hon- ored recently by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and the Brooklyn Jewish Heritage Committee at a ceremony at Brooklyn Borough Hall marking “Jewish Heritage Night–A Salute to Israel.” Dr. Lander was presented with a proclamation that recognizes him as a “social scientist, educator, and leader in the Jewish community and pioneer of Jewish and general higher educa- tion—for his unparalleled efforts in creating and building educational institutions.” Dr. Lander founded Touro College in 1971 to enrich the Jewish community, be an educational resource for the larger American com- munity, and help the underserved. Touro has experienced phenomenal growth since its founding and is cur- rently educating approximately 17,500 students at locations in New York, , , , Jerusalem, Moscow, Berlin, and Paris. In addition to his work in building Touro College, Dr. Lander was cited for his co-founding of the Yeshiva Dov Revel day school in Queens; his work as a consultant to three United States presidents; his tenure as a professor of sociology at City University of New York; his service as dean of ’s Bernard Revel Graduate School; his work as a former rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation of Baltimore; and his service for more than 30 years as a vice president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. The evening’s five honorees were recognized for demonstrating com- mitment to the preservation of Jewish history that increases public aware- ness, knowledge, and appreciation of

Continued on Page 58 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 51 Clothes Can Make The Man

Why do I pay attention to the on- petrator on the very day he did the air descriptions that police give out deed, a description of his attire will be for wanted criminal suspects? It’s utterly worthless. not as if I think I might be seeing Most people change their clothes one of these guys anytime soon, but every day. Heck, on a hot summer day for some reason I still give it my all in the concentration department. One never knows! Some day I may be able to assist the cops and become a heroine. Do the police The only problem with that dream is that two minutes after I see or hear the physical description, it goes com- think that this pletely out of my head. The guy on the lam could walk right in front of me and I wouldn’t have a clue. He dude isn’t going could be sporting a Fu Manchu, have a scar clear across his face, or be missing one ear, and chances are I to change his still wouldn’t recognize him as the one they’re looking for. It appears clothes? that I’m not destined to become a heroine anytime soon. There is one facet of these descrip- tions that I find confusing. I under- stand the need to point out physical I’ve been known to change mine twice characteristics, but why include a in one day. So why bother telling the description of the guy’s clothing? Do public what the guy was wearing on the police think that this dude isn’t the day the crime was committed? I going to change his clothes? Unless one happens to spot the alleged per- Continued on Page 54

52 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 53 THAT’S THE WAY IT IS! Most Arabs tend to have swarthy before heard such a detailed descrip- and silver, but you do understand Continued from Page 52 complexions and very dark hair. So tion. And chances are that they’ve that it was really just brass and giving a personal description wasn’t never heard one like it since. chrome.” Now the second police always wonder about that. particularly useful. The only detail “He was wearing navy trousers. officer took a seat. It reminds me of another time and she was able to give regarding this They were cuffed, flared at the bot- “His shoes had a shiny patent- another place, when one of my person was that his hair was wavy and tom, and made of polished cotton” leather look. That they were of the daughters was in Israel. It was short- he wore it parted on the right side. was how she started out. The inter- cheap plastic variety was obvious even ly after the start of the intifada, and The cops seemed somewhat taken viewing officers looked at each other. at a distance. The toes were very she was a passenger in a car that was aback by that information. Most vic- She seemed not to notice—or not to pointy and the laces were light brown, unknowingly traveling through an tims of a stone-throwing incident care. She was on a roll. “His shirt was which looked awful with the black area crawling with militant protes- wouldn’t have noticed whether the white and the sleeves were rolled up shoes. His belt was a garish shade of tors. The key word here is militant. perpetrator parted his hair on the to just below the elbow. They were tan, which looked ridiculous against These protestors didn’t carry placards right or the left. uneven; one sleeve was rolled up sev- the blue pants loops. Over all, it wasn’t and they didn’t march silently in front a great look.” of an embassy. It’s hard to imagine what the police To some folks a protest means made of this description, but one strapping a bomb onto their bodies thing is certain: if they had gone out and trying to kill as many people as to look for this guy that very day, they they can, taking themselves out in Most victims of a stone-throwing would have spotted him in a heart- the process. And those that aren’t beat. Unfortunately, the police in excited by the thought of suicide do incident wouldn’t have noticed Israel usually have bigger fish to fry, the “next best” thing. They place a and given the fact that the victim’s bomb in an empty car, park it in the injuries were (baruch Hashem) not heart of a shopping district, and det- whether the perpetrator parted his life-threatening, it’s doubtful that onate it from a safe distance. Others, they made much of an effort to find uneducated in the art of bomb mak- hair on the right or the left. the stone thrower. On the other ing, lob stones at innocent civilians hand, they may have looked for him driving by. Why they’re called stones out of curiosity, just to check out that is a mystery. They’re not stones by description she’d given. any means. They’re rocks. Quite a Could be that I was wrong. There difference. As part of their usual routine, the eral inches higher than the other. The might be something to this business of On the occasion of my daughter’s cops then asked if she could remem- shirt had an elongated pointed collar, describing an attacker’s clothing. experience, it was a rock. She had ber what the rock thrower was wear- of the button-down variety, and there Obviously, for some people it would do the rock to prove it—along with a ing. Could she remember? You bet was a logo on the breast pocket.” At the trick and might yield results after gash across her face that bled pro- she could! At the time, my daughter, that point, one of the officers decided all—that is, provided the search is con- fusely. She was driven to a hospital to a clothing designer, was working in to take a chair. He was probably weak ducted before the criminal gets a have her wound stitched up, and as the fashion industry, and no detail in the knees. chance to change his clothes. O she was being attended to, the ever went unnoticed by her. Need I My daughter continued, “He wore mishtarah (Israeli police) were right say more? a watch on his left wrist, and the Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and is a licensed real-estate broker associated with there asking questions. What could It’s a safe bet that the policemen watch face was a square. I’ll say that Marjorie Hausman Realty. She can be reached at she tell them? who were questioning her never the band was a combination of gold [email protected] or 516-902-3733.

54 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 55 them that they truly belong to Eretz ancient paths where the good way is; Yisrael and that Eretz Yisrael would and walk in it, and find rest for your Yirmiyahu’s Vision always belong to them. soul” (6:16). The Jewish people’s outright denial The response is negative. “We will of Yirmiyahu’s prophecy is astounding. not walk in it.” BY STEVEN GENACK houses in the cities of the Levi’im The following is a summary of the In other words, they have a new would always belong to the Levi fami- unfortunate exchange: modernized religion: Go back to the The Torah reading of Behar begins lies. G-d loves us too much to punish us. old ways? Don’t be absurd. The new is with a description of the Sabbatical This week’s haftorah reinforces the “No evil will come upon us. We will so much more suited to our tastes. year. G-d commanded the Israelites to notion of our eternal relationship with not see sword nor famine. These “This is a nation that has not obeyed let the land of Israel lie fallow in the our homeland, Eretz Yisrael. In the doomsday prophets are just a bunch of the L-rd its G-d or responded to cor- seventh year. It was a year of rest for midst of a heavy Babylonian siege wind ” (5:13). rection. Truth has perished, therefore the land. Only that which grew natu- against Yerushalayim, the prophet Yirmiyahu answers them with a the L-rd has rejected and abandoned rally was permitted during the Yirmiyahu was instructed to make a message from G-d, saying, “G-d would this generation” (7:28). Sabbatical year. most puzzling transaction. make His words in his mouth a fire, NNN The 50th year was of special signifi- G-d sent Yirmiyahu a message while and this people wood, and it shall The evidence is all around us that cance as it marked the completion of he was in prison that he was to redeem devour them” (5:14). “A mighty nation we are on the threshold of something seven cycles of the Sabbatical year. the ancestral field of his uncle shall attack the land (5:15). big. The talks and plans of war, the ris- This year was known as the Yovel, or Chanamael ben Shalum. (That is the “Hear this, O foolish and senseless ing violence and crime, the powerful the Jubilee. This special year was intro- direct connection to parashas Behar.) people, who have eyes, but see not, political growth of combined religious duced with the sounding of the shofar. Yirmiyahu purchased the field and who have ears, but hear not” (5:21). activists, the emergence of the United The Jubilee year was a year of freedom. gave the deed of purchase, to be But the people are stubborn and States as the world superpower going “Proclaim liberty throughout the land secured in a sealed clay vessel for safe- rebellious. They listen instead to their out to exterminate evil (however it unto all the inhabitants thereof.” These keeping, to his student Baruch ben false teachers, wicked men, expert at defines evil) in the world, a host of nat- cherished words are engraved upon the Nuriah (who would succeed Yirmiyahu defrauding others. Yirmiyahu exclaims, ural disasters (floods, earthquakes, tor- Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. According as spiritual leader of the nation). “An appalling and horrible thing has nadoes etc.), the shaky economy. We to Vayikra, land that was leased to Why was Yirmiyahu instructed to happened in the land; the prophets hear the footsteps of an approaching another person was restored to its orig- waste his money in securing what, for prophesy falsely, and my people love to G-d as He comes to put an end to sin inal owner in the Jubilee year. “The him, was a seemingly useless property? have it so” (5:30-31). and this world of iniquity. We know it land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for It may be suggested that Yirmiyahu It’s coming,” warns Yirmiyahu. is coming, yet are we going to make the Land is Mine.” The true owner of began setting his sights on the future “Blow the trumpet! Evil looms ahead. the fatal mistake of assuming that at the land of Israel is G-d. and purchased property in preparation The Babylonians are coming!” last G-d will deliver us without any Vayikra explains how people could for the return of the Jewish people But the people do not listen to the special cooperation on our part? redeem their land and their houses. In from exile. In Yirmiyahu’s mind this weeping prophet. The false prophets That’s exactly what the people in the Jubilee year, a property would upcoming exile was but a passing oppose him, and the priests cry, Yirmiyahu’s day thought. G-d allowed a return to the original owner who phase, and he rightfully occupied him- “peace, peace” when there is no peace. famine to sweep over their land to try would negotiate a fair price with the self with life after the brief Babylonian There is no malice on Yirmiyahu’s and get their attention. The leaders purchaser. A relative would redeem the stay. Yirmiyahu taught the Jews that part. He wants them to take heed, to called for a day of fasting and prayer. property of a man who could not afford the Jewish people never really leave come back under G-d’s protection and People came from all over to the tem- to buy it back Houses could be Eretz Yisrael, and that they are always gentle care. Again he cries: “Stand by ple in Jerusalem with their burnt offer- redeemed in a similar way. However, bound to their homeland. He taught the roads and look, and ask for the ings to entreat G-d for rain (14:12).

56 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES “ You O L-rd,” they prayed, “are in our known throughout the ages as “the midst, and we are called by Your name; prophet of doom,” for he was G-d’s do not leave us!” (14:9). They were main spokesman in the generation of having an encouraging worship serv- the destruction of Jerusalem’s first ice. So-called prophets were telling Temple. But there’s much more to this them that they would not suffer great figure in Jewish history. famine, for G-d would give them last- Yirmiyahu was the one who risked ing peace (14:13)—when suddenly his life to plead with the Jewish king to Yirmiyahu came walking in. change his ways before it would be too Yirmiyahu is no fool. He sees the late. For his trouble, the prophet was hopeless situation realistically. The pur- thrown into prison without food or chase deed is to be put in a special hope of rescue. He was the one who earthen jar because it will need to last wrote a scroll (that would eventually for many years before the people are become Eichah) predicting the terror restored to Israel. Indeed, now having of the destruction—only to have it torn done the deed, even Yirmiyahu falters up and thrown into a fire. And he was for a moment. He cries out. The city is the one who, after having been saved given over to the Babylonians. Why this from prison by the king of Babylonia, useless gesture of buying land? The found the courage to face his patron answer comes in the darkness of the with prophecies of the coming end of night which surrounds him. “Nothing is that nation. beyond G-d…” (Yirmiyahu 32:27). Yirmiyahu was also the man who In that connection, the haftorah from joined the suffering lines of marchers the 32nd chapter of Yirmiyahu becomes on their way to exile in Babylonia, and of great importance. It tells in great who placed their chains over his own detail about how a field was bought and shoulders too. He was the one who fol- all the necessary documents were kept. lowed the last remnants of the Jews of This was done at a time when Yirmiyahu Israel into their lonely, self-imposed was in prison because he had prophesied exile in Egypt—despite the fact that the destruction of Jerusalem. Under they hadn’t listened to him when he those circumstances the story about the had told them not to go. field could seem utterly unimportant. We get the picture of a man totally But Yirmiyahu was not only a prophet of dedicated to his people, concerned doom, he was also a prophet of hope. with nothing else than what was best “For thus saith the L-rd of hosts, the G-d for them. There are times when G-d of Israel: Houses and fields and vine- decides that we need harsh rebuke to yards shall yet again be bought in this bring us back to the right path, and land.” Jerusalem may be destroyed, but there are times when we need comfort. the people will survive—and there is no Without a thought for his own safety people without land! or honor, Yirmiyahu was there for us in It was Yirmiyahu’s lot in life to be both of those times. O

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 57 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS degree in 2003 in educational leader- and founder of the Shtetl enormous expenses of making a wed- Continued from Page 51 ship. Mr. Waronker has achieved Foundation; and two organizations— ding resulted in Chai Five collecting extraordinary success at the middle Sephardic Bikur Holim and Shema enough to cover basic—yet major— Jewish heritage and culture, and for school, which was considered one of Kolainu–Hear Our Voices. O costs, all thanks to our young, ener- putting forth resources and energy to the most dangerous in the borough getic Chai Five members! The girls advance Jewish causes. when he became principal. Today, the Chabad’s Chai Five Fulfills Young worked diligently and responsibly, fill- Honoree Shimon Waronker, princi- school has virtually no violence, and Couple’s Wedding Dreams ing the forms and collecting the money pal at Jordan L. Mott Middle School its students obtain higher test scores While many were busy cleaning for that was promised to them.” 22 in , is a graduate of and have the best attendance rate in Pesach, the Chabad of the Five Towns The girls held a swim-a-thon and a Chai Five club helped one young cou- charity box drive to raise the necessary ple have the wedding of their dreams. funds for the kallah—a Hurricane On April 6, the group of 25 third- to Katrina survivor—and her chasan. In fifth-grade girls traveled to Crown addition, Rubashkin notes, “the shtik Heights to see their months of hard (fun accessories for wedding entertain- work pay off on the glowing faces of ment) we brought was a real hit! The the bride and groom. arches, candy bags, and dances got Chani Rubashkin, one of the coordi- everyone moving. They twirled and nators of the group, summarized the twisted on the dance floor like never experience: “What started out as a nice before! Needless to say, the kallah pro- gesture to minimally partake in the fusely expressed how impressed, grate- PhotoByK athr ynKirk

At the Brooklyn Jewish Heritage Salute to Israel (L–R): Steve Cohen, co-chair of the Brooklyn Jewish Heritage Committee; Shimon Waronker, principal of Jordan L. Mott Middle School 22 in the Bronx; Dr. Mayer Ballas, board member and former president of Sephardic Bikur Holim; Joshua Weinstein, president and founder of Shema Kolainu–Hear Our Voices; Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz; Dr. Bernard Lander, president and founder of Touro College; Zev Brenner, host of “Talkline with Zev Brenner” and president and CEO of Talkline Communications Network; Judith Shapiro, co-chair of the Brooklyn Jewish Heritage Committee; and Dr. Yaffa Eliach, president and founder of the Shtetl Foundation.

Touro’s School of Education and the Bronx. Psychology, Graduate Division. Mr. Other honorees at the event Waronker received his master’s included Dr. Yaffa Eliach, president Chabad’s Chai Five girls celebrate with the kallah.

58 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES ful, and appreciative she was with Israeli and American performers and these young girls who wholeheartedly greetings by important political and took interest in helping others.” Jewish leaders. Free admission. For The Chabad of the Five Towns further information, visit Youth Group seeks to develop these www.IsraelDayConcert.com. O positive midos (personality characteris- tics). Under the leadership of Chaya S’derot Is Smoldering: Yeshivat Mushka Marozow and Chani S’derot Dinner, June 4 Rubashkin, the Chai Five girls have “Hamas wants S’derot to burn with performed many acts of chesed in fun, Kassams. Rabbi Fendel and the Hesder creative ways. Although the year is Yeshiva in S’derot make sure that coming to an end, the club leaders are S’derot burns—with the fire of Torah certain that doing chesed projects, and scholarship,” said Assemblyman such as their Chanukah toy drive and Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn). On his packing “baskets of joy,” helped create weekly program, The Dov Hikind a love for looking out and being there Show, which airs Saturday nights on for others. 570AM WMCA at 11:00 p.m., Dov Chai Five would like to thank all the asked Rabbi Fendel how his wife deals sponsors and family members who with the red alert siren which alerts gave encouragement and got involved residents to incoming Kassams. Rabbi to make this happen. For more infor- Fendel detailed how his wife did not mation about Chai Five or any of strap his newborn child into a car seat, Chabad of the Five Towns’s other and that was lucky because the red youth groups for all ages, please con- alert sounded and she had just seconds tact the youth director, Rabbi Meir to extricate the infant immediately and Geisinsky, at 516-295-2478 or visit seek cover. “She’s amazing,” Rabbi www.chabad5towns.com. O Fendel says of his rebbetzin; “I’m the one with the fear.” Salute To Israel Concert, June 1 Rabbi Fendel impressed the studio The Fifteenth Annual Israel Day audience and the listeners with his Concert is set to take place at Central faith: “We’re building a community cen- Park’s Summer Stage (entrance at ter, a yeshiva and shul complex with a Fifth Avenue and 72nd Street) on June concrete 1,500-ton ceiling to thwart 1, 2:30–6:30 p.m., rain or shine, after Kassams. There’s so much building the Salute to Israel Parade. going on in S’derot. There’s life. There’s The concert is dedicated to a united hope. Torah flourishes in S’derot.” Jerusalem, the eight murdered Mercaz Rabbi Fendel spoke of his five-year- HaRav Yeshiva students, the Israeli old, who knows the safest places to MIA’s, the release of , find shelter when he hears the telltale and the heroic residents of S’derot. There will be entertainment by great Continued on Page 60

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 59 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS of S’derot. S’derot is the city where Continued from Page 59 our patriarchs and matriarchs walked 5,000 years ago. Rabbi Fendel says whoosh of incoming rockets. He spoke that Hamas will be able to see this of a newlywed young man who chose new shul in Khan Younis, its stately to spend his break bein ha’sedarim in facade rising on the landscape. They yeshiva catching another page of cannot scare Rabbi Fendel or his five- Gemara, while at that same moment a year-old off, and Hamas will not suc- Kassam landed in his living room. ceed in burning S’derot. S’derot con- “S’derot is the city of miracles and tinues to burn, but it is with the fire miraculous individuals whose faith- of Torah.” fulness to G-d is extraordinary,” You can be a partner in perpetuating Hikind adds. “I spent part of Purim in the Torah scholarship of Yeshivat S’derot with Rabbi Fendel and I was Hesder S’derot by participating in their captivated by his sincerity and gen- dinner on June 4. You will help build erosity of spirit. With his face alight S’derot—taller, more stately, safer, and PhotoByWinR with the glow of a Torah scholar, he is stronger than ever—and keep the

the life and breath of Yeshiva Hesder flame of Torah aglow. For further infor- obins S’derot, as the yeshiva is the lifeblood mation please call 718-853-9616. O Rabbi Fendel dancing with the boys in the yeshiva. PhotoByWinR PhotoByWinR obins obins

Boys davening at the Yeshiva Hesder S’derot. Outside the yeshiva.

60 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Laniado Hospital children. The official dedication took Dedication And Dinner, May 28 place in Netanya, Israel this past chol The dedication of the Jean and hamo’ed Sukkos in the presence of Mr. Eugen Gluck Pediatric Floor in the and Mrs. Gluck and their children and Children of Memorial grandchildren. Hospital at Laniado Hospital in Being that the Glucks are so revered Netanya, Israel, and a celebration of and loved by so many, the American Israel’s 60th anniversary is to be had at Friends of Laniado Hospital received the annual dinner of the American numerous requests from their extend- Friends of Laniado Hospital in the ed family and friends to give them the New York Marriott Marquis on opportunity to also participate in this Wednesday evening, May 28. very special dedication. Mr. and Mrs. Eugen Gluck of For more information, reservations, Queens—highly respected and well- or journal ads, contact American known for their chesed and kindness as Friends of Laniado Hospital, 18 West well as their philanthropy in supporting 45th Street, Suite 307, New York, NY many institutions in Israel and the 10036. Call 212-944-2690, fax 212- U.S.—are dedicating the pediatric floor 944-7512, e-mail [email protected], in the Children of the Holocaust or visit www.laniadohospital.org. O Memorial Hospital at Laniado Hospital in honor of their children and grand- Continued on Page 63

Mr. and Mrs. Eugen Gluck in the Laniado Hospital.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 61

go about it. I am sure there are others Torah, newlyweds, and frum retirees who would like to help as well. I think arriving in Israel is rising every year. that in the meantime, anyone who Religious Anglo communities are could help this family or any other sprouting up in places like Modiim, family they know, this is the biggest Nof Ayalon, Yad Binyamin, Pisgat Zev, mitzvah one could do. True tzedakah— Raanana, Petach Tikvah, and others. just help, no questions asked. Kollel families and kiruv groups are Judy Sokol, bringing Toras Hashem to outlying Communal Charity Fund outside and then you could do any- Woodmere communities, completely changing the Dear Editor, thing you want on the inside? If you secular map of Eretz Yisrael. For the I think the idea of having a commu- have millions of dollars to spend, A Positive Perspective On Israel’s first time ever, S’derot, a southern nal charity fund, (Letters to the Editor, spend half that amount for the house 60th Birthday immigrant city bombarded with daily 5TJT, May 9), is a terrific one. I have and half the amount towards tzedakah. Dear Editor, missiles, has a full-fledged yeshiva and also had difficulties with some of the After 120 years, I am sure it would For all those who can only recount kollel avreichim, with young men on a funds we have around town. I don’t look better for you if you are seen giv- the negatives of the State of Israel on waiting list hoping to join this makom think the people who run these funds ing some to those in need. its anniversary, this is my response: Torah. could relate to the average person. I By the way, this does not apply to all The idea of returning to the land of Yet you find it hard to offer a posi- would just like to tell these affluent the affluent in the area; but to those our forefathers, the dream of our past tive perspective on the country’s 60th people that although Hashem has who it does apply to, they probably sages, held emotional sway way before anniversary? Why? To overlook the given them this money, at any time He know who they are—it really does not Zionism was conceived. Talmidei problems, negatives, hardships, anti- could take it away just as fast. impress anyone except you. I actually HaGra and the Gra himself yearned to Torah feelings, corrupt leadership, is Sometimes we Jews are our own am turned off by all this flashiness. I leave the deadened shores of Europe naiveté at its best. Nevertheless, this is worst enemy. When the goyim walk on think having a community fund, run by to start anew in the spiritual Eretz only the 60th year, and the State of Broadway and see all those huge hous- a group of people, is a great idea. No Yisrael. Now, more than ever, flights Israel is a work in progress. The gates es, why must we hear, “Oh, those Jews questions asked, no mussar, just help. are packed to the gills with Torah- of Israel are open wide for all Jews to have all the money.” Is it really neces- To the letter writer: I would like to observant families and individuals enter, in contrast to the borders of sary to show off all the money you help this family you were talking coming on aliyah. The annual rate of every country that were shut tight in have? What about a nice house on the about. Please let me know how I could yeshiva and seminary students, b’nei the 1940s. In Europe, 95 percent of Lithuanian Jewry was trapped, unsuc- cessful in leaving, and subsequently destroyed due to the closed (to Jews) border policy of every country. Israel has become the undisputed world Torah study center. Today there are thousands of yeshivas filled to capacity with tens of thousands of stu- dents (male and female). Chidushim, sefarim, and halachic decisions even in the world of technology are written and explored, and solutions are incor- porated, in Israel. This year there are an abundant number of farming enter- prises observing the intricate halachos of Shemittah. The gemachim, chesed organizations, medical innovations, etc., are world-renowned and available for every Jew to benefit from. To some extent, this growth has been provided either directly or indirectly by the Jewish State with its support of Torah education and its teachers. It does seem as if at least a thank-you is in order, as the halachah of hakaras ha’tov teaches us. Sincerely, Mrs. Caren V. May

For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday, May 19 at 5:00 P.M.

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62 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Continued from Page 61 Lose Your Excess Weight With A Kosher Online Program By Mindy Pearl The New York Times report- ed recently that “about 173,500 adult New Yorkers became obese and more than 73,000 received new diag- noses of diabetes from 2002 to 2004, according to a new study by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Put another way, ‘the citywide weight gain totaled more than 10 million pounds in just two years’ the city noted…” One of the major contribu- tors to excessive weight gain and subsequent diabetes is the consumption of soda and other sugar-sweetened drinks. In another new study, appear- ing in the Journal of Urban Health, Health Department researchers examined the impact of sugar-sweetened sodas on New York City adults. Overall, the survey found that 27% consume one or more sugar-sweetened sodas each day, accounting for almost 300 calories daily from soda alone. Women who were frequent soda drinkers were significantly heavier than those who drank soda infre- quently, even after taking into account their age and level of physical activity. And there’s no reason to believe New Yorkers have a monopoly on obesity. Chances are the weight gain trend is similar in cities and towns throughout the United States. Our rich traditional menu gives me reason to believe that we’re probably contribut- ing a fair amount of weight to the 10 million pound pot. Even with Pesach now behind us, some of us find the matzah balls hard to forget, not because they were that mem- orable, but because our newly tight waistbands serve as a constant reminder every time we’re courageous enough to exhale. Some of us know how to moderate our food intake. It’s an innate ability, as natural as avoiding too much cold, heat, fumes, or anything harmful. The rest of us will be looking for a structured weight loss plan that will get those bonus pounds off and keep them off as well. “The rest of us” are in luck. Diet centers and weight loss plans are cropping up faster than you can say: “I want to lose weight now!” And because the Internet is the perfect venue to track and analyze weight loss and provide a sup-

Continued on Page 65 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 63 64 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS With the program finally available Continued from Page 63 on the Internet, StartFresh.com has a global membership; so if you want to port forum for dieters who often share swap recipes with an Aussie from recipes and tips, along with frustrations down under, now you can. and successes, online dieting has The website includes a kosher become as natural to many as online recipe library, shopping lists, and an shopping. exercise plan. You’ll find lowfat In a sea of diet dot-coms: Jenny recipes from gefilte fish to kugel and Craig, Weight Watchers, Atkins, eDiets, tzimmes along with motivational arti- and dozens if not hundreds more, it cles about how to deal with tradition- seemed astonishing though that a al foods especially on Shabbos and kosher version of an all around online holidays. diet website wasn’t available. After all, If you want the anonymity of the we have access to Jewish/kosher ver- Internet, the technology of computer sions of practically everything else you tracked progress in addition to real life can think of online. coaches, the flexibility to create limit- For those of us who want to keep less what-if scenarios, and the conven- kosher and fit, our time has come. The ience of doing it all from your home or world’s only weight control program office, and you want it all to be kosher catering exclusively to the kosher com- at that, you finally get to have your munity has launched a personalized kugel and eat it too. You can visit online weight loss and fitness website www.startfresh.com or call 800-226- called Startfresh.com. Many kosher 5000 for more details. Labriut! O consumers in the New York area are familiar with the flagship Start Fresh program. The program which was founded in 1980 by Erma S. Bressler has gained national fame in the Jewish and kosher communities. “Over the years, while we helped our clients lose weight and become healthier, we received phone calls from relatives and friends in other states and countries asking for classes in their neighborhoods. We filled the request for the local neighborhoods,” says Marcia Bodenstein, current CEO and everyone’s favorite instructor. “Now anyone with Internet access can reach us.”

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 65 The Keen Capitalist

Stagflation: American society are glorified rights movement, anti-war Reminiscent Of The 1970s as either a time of innocence, demonstrations, and the BY MARTIN MUSHELL change, or rapid growth. The rebellion against the conser- sixties, for example, will be vative norms of the time. The Many decades in our remembered for the civil eighties transitioned us from the industrial to the informa- tion age, as many of the advances of the nineties were born in the eighties. The go- go nineties will be remem- bered as the decade of great technological advances, rela- tive world peace, low infla- tion, and tremendous eco- nomic expansion. Our current decade, which indeed included technological advances of its own, not to mention the largest housing boom of all time, is reaching a difficult juncture—stagfla- tion. The phrase, coined by Iain Macleod, refers to a peri- od of inflation combined with stagnant economic growth and increased unemployment. This unfortunately is reminis- cent of the seventies. For much of that decade the United States fell into a deep

66 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES recession, with prices of basic necessi- quarter of 2008. Many economists puters, many U.S. businesses receive shows that recipients generally spend ties soaring. This situation was further believe that this positive figure was revenue. The computer may be made the money, leading to some degree of exacerbated by the oil shocks of 1973 mostly a result of orders placed in by Dell or Hewlett Packard, the soft- economic recovery. and 1979. Although I was too young to 2007, but it keeps us out of a techni- ware by Microsoft, the processing So before you dust off your old bell remember, I have heard all about the cal recession nonetheless. chip by Intel, and so on. Even when a bottoms and tie dyed tees, remember long lines at the gas pump and alter- Though the evidence seems to simple Google search is performed, that today we are far more equipped to nate days of the week for fill-ups. point to an era of stagflation, I do not the California-based company col- handle an economic deceleration. We Today, we are coming off two great believe that our experience will evoke lects ad revenue. should trust that our country has the bull runs. First is the superbull market memories of the seventies. We have Furthermore, as I mentioned in tools, the know-how, and worldwide which began in 1982. During this time come a long way over the past last week’s article, commodities are political clout to stay afloat through the Dow Jones Industrial Average decades, as we are more advanced so expensive due partially to the economic storms. O increased 15 times, from 777 points to and diversified economically. The Federal Reserve Board’s lowering of 11,722 points in January 2000. A environment today is much different interest rates. The head of the Martin Mushell has seven years of valuation experience, and manages assets for LPL $1,000 investment in the DJIA then, and we have great years of growth board, Ben Bernanke, is a student of Investments. He can be reached at would be worth $165,000 today. The behind us to sustain ourselves until the Great Depression and has used [email protected] or at 646-283-1685. second is the housing boom which began in the nineties and collapsed in the middle of our decade. Peaks and valleys are commonplace For they are My in economics and bull runs cannot Even in a tough market, American continue on indefinitely. What makes servants, whom I our current economic environment took out of the land unique is that generally after reaching innovation is still in the forefront. a peak, the economy softens and there of Egypt; they cannot are less dollars chasing products, be sold into slavery causing deflation in prices. Today, commodity prices have reached an all the economy picks up again. We are his understanding of what went (Vayikra 25:42) time high. When there is less cash now in a global economy where our wrong then to alleviate today’s trou- available, retailers usually tend to products and services are being con- bles. The lowering of rates to combat At the time of the Exodus, lower prices. However, with inflation sumed more and more rapidly. Even this market slowdown is a temporary G-d made freedom the affecting set costs, retailers are forced in a tough market, American innova- move to buffer the situation. As the to charge a higher price. Add in a tion is still in the forefront. economy rebounds, the Fed plans to inherent and eternal state slowing economy, and it is a lethal For example, autos, industrial raise rates which will stave off infla- of the Jew. From that point combination. equipment, and pharmaceutical prod- tion. Eventually high-priced energy While we are not technically in a ucts are basic necessities for develop- costs and other commodities will run on, no power or force on recession, we are definitely in a period ing and established countries around their respective courses and then earth can subvert our of stagnant growth. The textbook defi- the world. The laptop with wi-fi capa- ease. nition of a recession is when gross bilities and other communication Another factor which should help intrinsic freedom. domestic product contracts for two devices are basic needs for businesses the economy bounce back is the stim- consecutive quarters, and economic everywhere. When a business in ulus package passed by Congress and (Maharal) output growth was 0.6% in the first Brazil orders 100 new personal com- being mailed out this month. History

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 67 HAFTR Celebrates Yom HaAtzma’ut

HAFTR celebrated Yom HaAtzma’ut with the nursery having a parade around the block. The parade was followed by the 4th-grade choir and 5th-grade daglanot/Israeli flag ceremony.

68 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Rav Lau Visits Young Israel Of Woodmere Photo By Jason Bokor

Young Israel of Woodmere held a huge celebration in honor of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel. In attendance was Rabbi , chief rabbi of Tel Aviv and former chief rabbi of Israel, and Chazzan BenZion Miller along with his choir. The events were attended by well over a thousand people and the meals included approximately 350 to 400 guests.

Pictured above: Back row (L–R)—Ira Scharaga, Yom HaAtzma’ut Committee member; Ben Weinstock, chairman of the board; and Avi Lauer, president of Young Israel of Woodmere. Front row (L–R)—Cantor BenZion Miller; Rabbi Hershel Billet; and Rabbi Lau.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 69 Rabbi Pollack At Shaaray Tefila Photos By Ivan H. Norman

Rabbi Yehoshua Pollack, Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, spoke on Wednesday, May 7, at Congregation Shaaray Tefila. He was introduced by Rabbi Dovid Weinberger, rav of the shul. Pictured above (L–R): Rabbi Weinberger, Rabbi Pollack, David Malik, Yisroel Turnheim, and Arie Pollack, brother of Rabbi Pollack.

70 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES A Community Celebration

Participating in a community event in Cedarhurst Park celebrating Israel’s 60th anniversary were (L–R) Nassau County Legislator Jeff Toback; Clerk of the Legislature Chumi Diamond; County Executive Thomas Suozzi; and Executive Director of the JCC Rina Shkolnik.

Submit your photo to the 5 Towns Jewish Times! You can upload your digital photos and see them printed in the weekly edition of the 5 Towns Jewish Times www.5tjt.com/sendphotos

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 71 Indomitable Israel


“And whether we like it or not, the coming into being of a Jewish State in Palestine is an event in world his- tory to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand or even three thousand years… This is an event in world his- tory…”—Sir Winston Churchill (Martin Gilbert, Churchill and the Jews)

This is nothing less than a modern blood libel—that we are poisoning the wells of the Palestinians.

Israel in 2008 looks little like the tiny agricultural nation that declared its independence 60 years ago. Modern Israel is a high-tech super- power, leading the world in medicine, biotech, computer science, environ- mental science, culture, and art. After 2,000 years of exile, fresh from the ovens of Europe, with virtually noth- ing, Jews came to rebuild their lives as free people in their homeland. Despite our enemies who wish to destroy her, as well as our very own self-hating Jewicidal tools, we as Jews are magnificent. We have much to be proud of and to celebrate. In fact, let me dare to say that the nations of the world should thank G-d for us. What we’ve given to the world over the past 60 years in the fields of science, medi- cine, technology, the arts, and acade-

The Five Towns Jewish Times wishes to express its sincerest condolences to the Hoffman family on the recent passing of Dr. Nathan Hoffman, z’l, father of 5TJT contributor Rabbi Yair Hoffman.

72 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES mia is immeasurable, miraculous even. Sir Winston Churchill, a great friend of the Jews and Zionism, said, “Some people like Jews and some do not, but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remark- able race which has ever appeared in the world.” (Martin Gilbert, Churchill and the Jews) In Israel’s 60 years, the Jews thrived. Free to pursue their dreams, the Jews flourished and their enemies seethed; Jews prospered, while their enemies plotted their annihilation. The end of the Third Reich was merely a hudna, a cessation of hostil- ities until the annihilationists could regroup, rearm, redeploy. But Israel succeeded and Islamic jihad failed in all but one thing. The enemies of the people of Israel succeeded in infect- ing the world politic with their vile Jew-hatred. Worse still, “enlight- ened,” guilty, secular Jews sidled up to the enemy and worked their evil inside Israel, the U.S. and other Western nations. It galls me that the Jews I fight for are self-destructive, suicidal even. Here in America (and the world over), Israel’s real friends are in the Republican Party and yet over 80% of American Jews are Democrats. I don’t get it. The conventional wisdom on the Left is that Israel is an oppressor and her actions are worse than the world’s most depraved and dangerous regimes. Chomsky, Finkelstein, Soros—these men are the killers. There have been two disturbing arti- cles this month on why Israel should- n’t exist. One was a venomous piece of anti-Semitic invective from Johann Hari in the London Independent, under the title “Israel is suppressing a secret it must face.” He writes: “I would love to be able to crash the birthday party with words of reassur- ance. Israel has given us great novel- ists like Amos Oz and A. B. Yehoshua, great filmmakers like Joseph Cedar, great scientific research into Alzheimer’s, and great dissident jour- nalists like Amira Hass, Tom Segev, and Gideon Levy to expose her own crimes… But I can’t do it. Whenever I try to mouth these words, a remem- bered smell fills my nostrils. Across the occupied , raw untreat- ed sewage is pumped every day out of the Jewish settlements, along large metal pipes, straight onto Palestinian land. From there, it can enter the groundwater and the reservoirs, and become a poison.” This is nothing less than a modern blood libel; instead of Jews murdering Gentile children to make matzah, we are poisoning the wells of the poor, ter- rorist Palestinians. Well, Mr. Hari, we shan’t require your attendance, thank you very much. In fact, since you’re so distressed and upset by our existence, here’s a suggestion for you: stop using your mobile phone, your computer, many medications, and a long list of other daily inventions from the hard labor and work of the Jews of the filthy State of Israel. The other deeply disturbing article was written by Karin Laub for AP

Continued on Page 74 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 73 Indomitable Israel Continued from Page 73

under the title, “Palestinian Plight Is Flip Side Of Israel’s Independence Joy.” Her piece is one continuous sob story over the plight of the Palestinians and their life in refugee camps. Once again, it’s the big, bad, nasty Jews with their security wall, nightly raids against terrorists and oil blockade of the Gaza Strip. She writes, “As Israel celebrates its achievements—robust economy, democracy, and army—Palestinians look back on a history of failures. ‘We were the losers over the years…and we will keep losing,’ said Luay Shabaneh, head of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.” There is no history of who started all the wars, why the Palestinians fled, and their continued war against the Jewish democratic state since its inception, and the continued, daily barrage of deadly rocket fire by the ter- rorists of Hamas in Gaza (which Israel pulled out of in 2005, to her great detriment) upon the people of S’derot. This is a one-sided piece of Arab prop- aganda, without an Israeli counter- point or narrative; it wouldn’t even pass in a Journalism 101 course. The fallacious term “Palestinian,” while slow to take, caught fire when the media worm turned. And there’s been no going back. Israel-bashing is Jew-bashing, the world’s oldest pro- fession. Period. Anti-Zionism, anti- Israel is anti-Semitism—a modern mask to an age-old hate. Don’t believe the Jew-hater that tells you, “I have no problem with Jews, it’s Israel’s policies that are abhorrent.” The constant historical blood libel that “Jews delight in the blood of oth- ers” is incomprehensible. If anything, Israel has been too docile and too accommodating to an enemy that vows to destroy her. Dr. Martin Luther King did not suffer liars that declared that they don’t hate the Jews, just Zionism. Dr. King brilliantly dismantled such rhetoric: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.” So I say to Israel, stand loud and proud. Give up nothing. Turn over not a pebble. For every rocket fired, drop a MOAB. Take back Gaza. Secure Judea and Samaria. Stop buying . Throw leftist bums out. Stand straight and walk on. Be worthy of your ances- tors. “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in noth- ing, great or small, large or petty— never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” (Winston Churchill) We survived Pharaoh, Haman, the Inquisition, the pogroms, the Shoah, and the continued attempt by our Arab enemies to annihilate us. So I say to our enemies, we shall be proudly standing long after you have disappeared, footnotes of history. () O

Pamela Geller is the former associate publisher of the New York Observer and the founder of the “Atlas Shrugs” website. 74 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 60th Birthday Bash Photos By Jerry Meyer Studio

Above: At Young Israel of Hewlett’s celebration of Israel’s 60th birthday, Rabbi Heshy Blumstein greets Israel’s chief rabbi, Rabbi Yona Metzger, prior to a Friday-morning news conference held at the synagogue. At left is Rabbi Pesach Lerner, executive director of the National Council of Young Israel. At right is Charles Miller, the shul president.

At right: Rabbi Metzger answering questions from the print and electronic media.

You shall not defraud one another (Vayikra 25:14) Legally, it is only forbidden to defraud one’s fellow. But a Chassid must go beyond the letter of the law, and take care not to delude himself, either.

(Rabbi Bunim of Peshischah)

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 75 Kolel Shomre Hachomos Breakfast Photos By Ira Thomas Creations

Above: Mr. Alex Edelman (at left), host of the Kolel Shomre Hachomos breakfast, and Mr. Melech Rubin, director of Kolel Shomre Hachomos in New York.

At left: The Satmar Rebbe, Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, who delivered divrei berachah. (Not pictured): Rabbi Yisroel Reisman was the keynote speaker. The event, held on Sunday, May 11, raised urgently needed funds for the poverty-stricken in Israel.

76 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

tion. The functional and the larger world community must stop Parenting The Palestinians coddling these brats and remember that good parenting involves saying ‘no’ to bad behavior. A time out may be B Y AARON VELASQUEZ zation that one can seek and hold power their oil dollars to fund the schools which required, sometimes a good spanking. by inflaming the hatreds of one’s own teach hatred. It is time to realize that It is up to those of us who value Golda Meir said, “The Arabs will people, rather than teaching respect and whining and irresponsibility are hall- progress, civilization, truth, justice, stop fighting us when they love their love for one’s neighbors, who are, after marks of immaturity. When someone is women’s and children’s rights, freedom children more than they hate Jews.” all, “people of the Book,” too. acting like a child, it becomes necessary of speech, and the freedoms of and This quote provides the key to unravel- from religion, to formulate an educa- ing the question of why the tion program which quenches the hot Palestinians persist in attacking their fires of hatred in the hearts of misin- neighbors the Israelis, rather than formed Muslims worldwide. emulating them. A people goes much What is made in Palestine? Neither What is needed in Arab homes and farther by emulating those more func- mosques is a careful self-examination, tional than themselves than they do the explosives nor the vests they rather than calls for violence in the with relentless blame and hatred. name of victimhood. There is a voice in Witness the Japanese, conquered in the hearts of Palestinian parents calling World War II, studying and improving are strapped to are homemade. them to abandon hate and remember upon the structures of American indus- that G-d is love. That voice cannot be trial might. Japan raised itself from feu- heard over the angry rhetoric of the dalism to world economic powerhouse self-serving imams and mullahs. When in roughly the same period of time the We in the larger community must take to treat them as a child. that voice is heard and acted upon judi- Palestinians have had since the found- it upon ourselves to stop mollycoddling The militant Islamists are acting ciously, the nightmare will end. Only ing of Israel. I drive a Japanese car, I the militants, stop feeding their victim out, biting the hand that feeds them, then will the process start whereby have a Japanese TV, stereo, and DVD mentality and stop allowing the duplicity throwing tantrums, and refusing to Arabs will love their children more than player. I trust the integrity of Japanese of our friends in the Arab world who use cooperate, contribute or take correc- they hate Jews. (Arutz Sheva) O products, often more than their American counterparts. What is made in Palestine? Neither the explosives nor the vests they are strapped to are homemade. However, the hate and inculcation of victimiza- tion is homegrown and carefully culti- vated from generation to generation. The hate is more important to the Palestinians than the state of their sur- roundings, the condition of their spir- its, the well-being of their families, or the prospects for peace. This hate has become the focus of Palestinian nationalism, and is echoed in the larger world as pan-Arab Wahhabist nationalism. The trouble is that hate is destructive and gives no thought to anything beyond itself. It eventuates as a culture given up to self- indulgence and denial. The emotional payoff of self-indulgent revenge is addictive and the force of anger is great. One can see the appeal in feeling something besides shame at one’s cir- cumstances, but once the high of pride- ful anger has worn off, one is plunged back into apathy and shame. In order to escape the low of shame and apathy, it seems necessary to take another trip into the madness of anger and revenge- taking. However, there is a middle way. What is necessary for Palestine is a moral inventory and the acceptance of responsibility for the condition of the culture. This applies to the Arab cul- ture and that of Islam worldwide in the current Dark Ages of militant Muslim behavior. It is time for Muslims to understand that their own militancy is not caused by the decadent West. It is caused by the fall in integrity of their own lead- ers. It is caused by the pernicious writ- ings of Muhammad ibn Abd-Al- Wahhab and others who mistook Muhammad’s later years of paranoia and violence for the intent of their God, Allah the All-Merciful. Every section of the Koran opens with “In the Words of Allah the All- Merciful.” It is only by denial and pur- poseful distortion that a leader can send children out to fight and die in the name of the All-Merciful. It is only by pur- poseful mendacity and artful rationali- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 77 ed: “Press said in May 2007 two Gaza women who received permits to travel First, Refute The Defamation for treatment were discovered under interrogation to have been sent to carry B Y ANDREA LEVIN introduction entitled “Collective ’ Gaza out suicide bombings. In June 2005 a Punishment of the Weakest” by Coordination and Liaison woman allowed into Israel for medical Almost simultaneously in early Ambrogio Manenti, head of the Administration, was heavily quoted care was discovered in a border security April, separate news stories under- WHO’s Gaza and West Bank office, debunking the report. The Times, check to be wearing explosives.” scored Israel’s public opinion enumerates factors relating to Associated Press, Chicago Tribune and Elsewhere, Press was quoted saying: quandary. A new BBC poll of more Palestinian difficulties gaining admis- others cited various of his statements. “They [Hamas] use humanitarian than 17,000 people in 34 countries sion to Israeli hospital care. It omits He responded specifically to a WHO needs to attack us. We have to check reported only Iran ranked worse than completely the ongoing rocket attacks every request.” the Jewish state in having a “mainly and terrorist assaults on crossing Much more can and should be said negative influence in the world.” points by Gazans that kill and maim about the shoddy, indefensible WHO North Korea, Pakistan, and China Israeli civilians and necessitate Israeli Two Gaza women report. (A haphazard chronology for rated more favorably. countermeasures, including close one patient is suggestive of the care- Another report told of conflicting monitoring of the entry of Palestin- who received permits to less attention to accuracy. In the study public relations endeavors by Israeli ians—even those in ambulances. travel for treatment dated April 2008, a woman is said to governmental departments; the (Nor, obviously, is there any hint of have died on November 11, 2008 after tourism ministry argued for its cam- irony in the WHO’s excoriating Israel were discovered under a fall on September 24, 2007 for paign to disseminate positive images for not doing a better job in caring for which she sought treatment on via YouTube to attract visitors, while the medical needs of a people whose interrogation to have September 6, 2007.) the Foreign Ministry contended graph- leaders are sworn to the destruction of But Press’s rejoinders and their ic photos of the terrorist attack on the Jewish state.) been sent to carry out reverberation in the media’s coverage of Merkaz HaRav had to be displayed to What is notable about the WHO suicide bombings. yet another distorted attack on Israel communicate what Israel endures. story in the context of Israel’s struggle are a reminder that nothing in the war At the very same time, a new UN to communicate the facts about its of ideas and images takes the place of World Health Organization report actions, is that media coverage of the the all-important work of refuting entered the information stream, harsh- UN report greatly benefitted from claim that Israeli delays had caused the defamation. One day perhaps journal- ly condemning Israel for allegedly swift and effective response by Israeli death of a critically ill boy. Disputing ists will interject a caveat whenever inhumane conduct toward Gazan officials. The New York Times, for the charges, Press said Israel approved writing about a UN study on Israel cau- Palestinians—the very kind of ostensi- example, noted in its second paragraph an application for the patient’s transfer tioning readers that the contents are bly objective study by an international that “Israeli officials rejected the to an Israeli hospital the same day it very likely propagandistic and unreli- body that has incrementally helped [WHO] findings on Wednesday. They was received, but that delay ensued at able. Meanwhile, Israeli officials should undermine Israel’s global reputation. said that the people who had compiled the behest of a Palestinian doctor seek- follow Press’s example and respond rap- The 54-page document is familiar the report had never asked them about ing to stabilize the boy’s condition idly and in detail to false, poisonous fare from the UN in its lack of neutral- the cases, that Israeli officials had no before moving him. claims against the Jewish state from any ity and fairness, its disregard for Israeli records of entry permits being sought Many of the news stories also includ- source. (camera.org) O concerns and scapegoating of that in some of the cases and that details of ed Press’s reminder that delays in admit- Andrea Levin is Executive Director of CAMERA, country for difficulties Palestinians other cases were inaccurate.” ting Palestinian patients are unavoidable the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East themselves have plainly caused. An Col. Nir Press, commander of the for security reasons. The Tribune report- Reporting in America

78 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

The road from Hebron was closed and I had to run up the hill to reach the David’s Vision Or Bush’s Vision? synagogue. When I arrived the bulldozer was in B Y DAVID WILDER Mualem, then a councilman, died later ‘ma’achaz’ it was declared, and a action. It was a terrible site, seeing a that night in the hospital. I remember ‘ma’achaz’ it was. When the govern- synagogue being razed. Had it been a Chazon David. Many people are him well, as he was a true community ment decided to prove to the United mosque, Israeli security forces would- familiar with the name of the small servant. Among other things, he drove States that it really meant business, n’t have dared to implement such a synagogue just off the main road an ambulance and once took my wife Chazon David was placed on the black solution; but synagogues are less leading from Kiryat Arba to Hebron. and me to the hospital while she was list; a ‘settlement’ to be exterminated. important than mosques, at least in Constructed some seven years ago in labor with one of our children. Word filtered down: the site is to be the view of Israeli decision-makers. after the murder of David Cohen and The synagogue’s name hit the spot: destroyed. It was a few days before Down it went, plowed into the ground. Hezi Mualem on the same day, the Chazon (for Hezzy) David (for David . Who has time, only days Since then the synagogue was built place of worship was to eternalize and knocked down countless times— their memories. between 30 to 40 times. But, surpris- I fled from the office a little early ing or not, for the past three years it today because our rooms and the has stood undisturbed. Prayer services halls are being painted. I was speak- The troops surrounded the were held every day, including the ing to one of the painters just before Shabbat. Torah classes were also con- leaving, telling him that I’d spent the ducted there. day working on the events occurring synagogue, removed its But, as soon as the ‘piece talks’ at Chazon David. He looked at me started thawing out, Chazon David rather dejectedly and told me that on was remembered: an ever ready sacri- that day some seven years ago, he had furniture, books, and holy articles, fice to be slaughtered on the altar of sent David Cohen to buy some build- pacification—pacifying the White ing material. Cohen had just arrived and again plowed it down. House and its surroundings; in this at the western gate of Kiryat Arba case, Ms. Rice. when an Arab car drove by and We thought the time had come last opened fire. David Cohen’s car was week, but when word leaked out and hit and he never had a chance. over 100 people showed up, ready to Later that night the Kiryat Arba Cohen). In English the name means before the holiday, to worry about a take on the troops, the government local council met and decided to ‘David’s vision.’ In truth many people small synagogue? Well, it seems that backed down, albeit temporarily. protest the opening of a roadblock were unaware of the synagogue’s exis- many people in Kiryat Arba and However it seems that last night they which had allowed the killers to easily tence. However it did not escape the Hebron cared very much. When the saw that the time was ripe. At about escape. They met on the road by the always present eyes of the Israeli ver- huge tractors arrived in the middle of two o’clock two policewomen in civil- western gate leading from the Ramat sion of Big Brother. Three years ago it the night, they were met by a large ian clothing showed up at the guard Mamre (Givat HaHarsina) neighbor- was labeled a ‘ma’achaz.’ ‘Ma’achazim’ group of concerned people, men, booth at the western gate and with- hood (now closed). Arabs saw them are usually defined as ‘hilltop settle- women, and children. Of course the out a word stole the guard’s security there and notified some terrorists who ments’ but the fact that this site was on security forces used much force to radio and telephone. A little while opened fire on the men in the pitch the road in between two Kiryat Arba keep them away from the actual site dark. A few men were hit, but Hezzy neighborhoods made no difference. A and so as not to stop the destruction. Continued on Page 80

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 79 David Or Bush’s Vision? Which David? Take your choice. Continued from Page 79 David Cohen and Hezzy Mualem sure- ly had a vision, to live a life of authen- later the troops showed up, sealed off tic in their land, building the road from Hebron and closed the Eretz Yisrael for the Jewish people. But Kiryat Arba gate, surrounded the syn- so did their namesakes—David, King agogue, removed its furniture, books of Israel and Yehezkel (Hezzy, for and holy articles and again plowed it short), Prophet of Israel, both of down. By the time I was able to get whom were righteous leaders of their there it was gone. people. Despite the fact that they lived But it won’t be gone for long. Kids thousands of years ago, their legacy, a already started laying the foundation real legacy, still lives on today. Their for the renovated synagogue. Of inheritance, as well as the legacy of course, when the police realized what David Cohen and Hezzy Mualem, as was going on they brutally chased personified by the Chazon David syna- them away. But not for long. The kids gogue, will exist long after Bush, will be back, as will the adults too. Condi and their so-called vision are There are two kinds of visions: long forgotten. O Bush’s vision is based on temporal results, like the Nobel Peace prize or The Jewish Community of Hebron can be reached saving his legacy post-Iraq. There are at [email protected], 718-677-6886. those who buy Bush’s vision, like the former editor of Haaretz who asked Condi to ‘rape Israel,’ forcing us to ‘make peace,’ including numerous Submit your photo to the ‘painful’ concessions.’ Others, like the current prime minister, thought that 5 Towns Jewish Times! Bush’s vision would save his hide from an Israeli court and maybe even a jail cell. And the list goes on and on. You can upload your But the Bush vision is very near- sighted, seeing only as far as his nose, digital photos and see them if that far. Acquiescence to Arab terror is as far from a true vision as is possi- printed in the weekly edition ble. Nothing could be farther from a of the 5 Towns Jewish Times vision founded on truth and ideals. That’s the difference between Bush’s vision and David’s Vision—one total sheker, that being falsehood, and the www.5tjt.com/sendphotos other being total emet, that being truth.

80 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES

Olmert: ‘We’ll Give Up A Large Part Of The Territories’

BY HILLEL FENDEL Samaria (not including Jerusalem). of return” for hundreds of thousands near the regional municipality of The PA, however, continues to demand of Arabs who left Israel in 1948 and Eshkol. Then there were a series of Newsweek’s Lally Weymouth talked at least 98.5% of the contested area millions of their descendants, Olmert seven rockets shot from Gaza to [the with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (including Jerusalem), as well as com- said that they “don’t have a right of Israeli town of] S’derot.” The inter- about important issues facing Israel in pensation on a 1-to-1 basis for the return.” “I don’t think that this is on viewer did not ask Olmert to explain an exclusive interview published on remainder. Giving up 90% of Judea the agenda as far as Israel is con- himself. Thursday, Israel’s Independence Day. and Samaria could involve the expul- cerned,” the Prime Minister said. Regarding Syria, Olmert said he is Asked about attempts to reach a sion and displacement of well over Possibly the most important feature interested in negotiating with Syrian final-status agreement with the 100,000 Jews. of the interview—that Olmert is con- President Assad, and that “I never Palestinian Authority, Olmert said that Asked about earlier hopes for a sidering resigning—was rendered heard from my friend George W. Bush the final borders “will be closer to what peace agreement with the Palestinian obsolete by the time it was published. any warning or any request not to they were in ‘67 than what they are negotiate with the Syrians.” Olmert today.” Olmert explained that this is said that though Israel is “very unhap- “because we will give up a large part of py with the continued intensive the territories…in the context of full, involvement of Syria in the affairs of comprehensive peace.” It is not clear if A final agreement appears unreachable, Lebanon” and with “the continued the ellipsis [three dots] inserted by links between Iran, Syria, , Newsweek represents additional details whereas a declaration of principles could and Hamas,” still, “relations between of Olmert’s planned retreat, such as us and Syria have to be reexamined.” the number of Jewish communities he Regarding Iran, Olmert reiterated plans to raze under the terms of such bind Israel for decades to come. that Israel would “not tolerate a an agreement. nuclear weapon in the hands of people The Jewish population in Judea and who say openly, explicitly, and publicly Samaria stood at 282,000 at the end of that they want to wipe Israel off the 2007, according to the Interior Authority by the end of 2008, Olmert This, because Olmert said on map,” but said that the U.S. is “the Ministry. This is an increase of 5.2% said he now hopes just for a “more Thursday evening, just a few hours leader of the international effort to over the year before—three times detailed and accurate outline of how a after the magazine was circulated, that stop the Iranians from becoming higher than the population jump in all solution of the two states should look.” he would resign only if he was actually nuclear.” He said that Israel does not of Israel. The population figures do Arutz-Sheva’s correspondent Haggai indicted. agree with the U.S. National not include citizens living in commu- Huberman stated, however, that this Regarding Gaza, Olmert was asked Intelligence Estimate that Iran had nities deemed illegal by the govern- could be even more significant than an if there will soon be no choice but to probably shelved its nuclear weapons ment. Another approximately 250,000 attempt to reach a final-status agree- take military action against the Hamas program, and feels instead that Iran’s Jews live in areas of Jerusalem liberat- ment, “because a final agreement regime there. Olmert answered: “I “military program continues and has ed after the 1967 Six Day War. appears unreachable, whereas a decla- don’t like this terminology that you never been stopped. If this program Recent reports have stated that ration of principles could bind Israel have no choice. You always have a continues, at some point they will be Olmert has agreed to withdraw from for decades to come.” choice. While we were talking, two in possession of a nuclear weapon.” between 89% and 92% of Judea and Regarding the Arabs’ claimed “right Kassam rockets landed in open areas (Arutz Sheva) O

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 81 82 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Your Ad Could Be Here.


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Bnos Malka Academy of Queens seeks All features ...... $779K ...... $729K Teachers to fill the following positions Local yeshiva looking for elementary secular studies teachers for Sept '08. Call 516-263-6417 Lawrence — NU 2 MKT. Legal 3FAM. for the 2008-2009 academic year. Please fax resume to 718-868-3003 or Lg. 3Br/2/2, Full FIN. bsmt., walk to all. Cedarhurst — Nu 2 Mkt. Lg Lr, Dr, Limudei Kodesh: 3rd grade and 7th e-mail [email protected] NYU sep. mtr, htg & Wtr . . . . . $949K grade. Experience required. General EIK, Den, 5 Br, 3bth, Skilits, Cabana, Lg prop., IG pool, Walk to all. . . $699K 5 TOWN HOMES 516-322-3555 Studies: Pre1A and Middle School Seeking experienced and qualified 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 Science. Experience and State License Jewish History teachers for Shevach Ced: Nu 2 Mkt. Col, 4Br, 2.5bth, All NU, required. E-mail resume to Den, Mrbl EIK, Full Fin. Bsmt, walk to High School for September 2008. Please Far Rockaway/Lawrence: House For [email protected] or fax resume to 718-263-3759, or e-mail Sale 2 BR/ 2 BA, Newly Renovated, all...... $799K fax 718-228-9159 [email protected] Dead-end street, Price ...... $539K 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 Call Owner: 516-750-9257 Luxurious apartments: Penthouse in Far Rockaway — House For Sale Bucman, Modiin. 5 BR, balconies, 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath plus guest room. Shabbos elevator, 2 sinks, 2.5 bths. Renovated w/New Kitchen, New ...... $350K Bathrooms. Huge Master Bedroom. Villa 6 BR, c/ac, parking, storage, back- Price...... $499K yard ...... $550K Call Owner 917-836-6838 Call 718-471-8888 West Lawrence-Far Rockaway Open House Woodmere — For sale by owner. 797 Empire Ave. New construction. 5 BR, 2.5 bths, large LR, FDR, kosher 11-12 p.m...... $800's EIK, den, playroom. Near YI Woodmere 156 Beach 9. New construction condos and Island ...... $765K for sale or rent. 11:30-1:30 p.m. Call 516-295-6884 Lawrence — 4/5 bdrm homes for rent Cedarhurst-Woodmere — Open Houses Looking for a Beautiful Home in a Pine St., Woodmere. By appt., magnifi- GREAT Community? Look no further cently renovated 6 bdrm, col. Lg, fdr, than Oceanside, NY. Call about the den, library, 150 deep property next exciting "Come Home to 150 Clinton Rd., Lawrence. 2-3:30 p.m. Oceanside" Shabbaton. Find out why Multi-level home, beautiful wrap around so many young frum families are prop, igp. moving to this warm and friendly 115 Harold Rd., Hewlett Neck. 12-1:30. community. Spacious and Extremely C/h col. on beautiful cul-de sac.. $900'sK Herrick Dr., Lawrence. Elegant Tudor, Affordable Homes. Call Robert Manel 5 bdrms, den, library, many beautiful at 516-458-4847 Hal Knopf Realty details igp [email protected]. Want to Co-op Open Houses know how you can save $25K - $55K on Lawrence — 285 Central Ave. apt.A6 the purchase of your new home? 11:00-12 p.m. 2 bdrm 11/2 bths mint Call David C. Welner at 718-928-4775 ...... $279K [email protected] Woodmere — 141 Wyckoff Pl. 1:30-2:30 1 bdrm, 1 bth, elevator...... $169K Israel— Luxurious Cedarhurst — 288 Cedarhurst Ave. 6E duplex penthouse, magnificent view, 4 12-1 p.m. 2 bdrm, 2 bth, mint ... $299K porches, 3 bths, 5.5 BR, built-in mikveh Milky Forst Properties, Inc. in apt, central a/c, elevator, great 516-239-0306 location. 718-871-0494.

North Woodmere — New listing. High ranch, 5 BR, 2.5 bths, hardwood floors, Classified Ads are large den, deck, fenced yard, all sys- tems, possible mother-daughter. $645K. Continued on the Next Page. Owner 516-791-2884 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 85 CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Continued from Page 85 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE For Sale In Jerusalem Lawrence Open House Sun 5/18 12-2 2-3 BR rental apt 2 family house 2 BR, FOR SALE BAKA - Penthouse! 150 sqm on 2 floors. 110 Barrett Rd.— 4br 3ba ranch, pool, lg LR, DR, EIK, den, quiet location. Private Shabbat elevator! Separate ...... $1M+ ...... $2,200 entrance, Parking, Sukkah Terraces. Condo— Lrg 1br 2ba $500sK 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 Cedarhurst —3br colonial. Large rooms Cedarhurst — High rise, 3 BR, 2.5 bths, Fabulous Views!! Shaarei Chesed— ...... $499K brand new appliances, central air, new Adorable 2+ bedroom. Ground floor, Far Rockaway — 2 Huge Office Spaces. roof, close to all shuls. Call 516-569-9243 Woodmere— Colonial 4br 2.5ba.. $600sK Sukkah patio, steps to the "Gra" Shul. 6,000 and 2,500 Sq Ft. 2nd Floor. Near All new 3br ranch...... $549K Subway & LIRR. Build to Suit. Can Be Miami Beach — Tower 41. Ocean View. Distinctive Properties, +972-544-553- Smolinsky Properties 516-295-4444 1 bdrm, 17th floor. Stunning. 649, 1-516-620-0668 + 7 HOURS Divided. Owner 917-359-9776 732-522-0813 [email protected] Woodmere— Lovely col. On dead end, 4 Woodmere/Cedarhurst— 1 and 2 BR Woodmere — by owner. 560 Derby Ave. BR, 4 bths, large FDR, skylit den, huge available. Secure buildings, updated Waterfront, 6 BR, 3 bth, playroom, huge Brand new construction on Clubhouse master, office, finished basement with EIK, Shabbos elevator close to all and kitchen, den, fireplace, sprinklers, AC, Road in the heart of Woodmere Park. wood built-ins, 60x100, close to shuls, train station. Call Sherri 516-297-7995 80x100. Call Ronnie 917-295-7678 Contemporary style home. 6 BR, 4 Bths, train, mic. $679K Must see 516-569-2156 Far Rockaway— 1 BR, 2 BR and 3 BR Radiant Heat, Alarms, Camera apartments. some balconies. New Lawrence — Co-op 1 BR, 261 Central equipped, 85X100. Buyer has ability to N. Wdmr: HiRanch, 4Br, 2.5Bth, Nu kitchens, lots of closets, 24 hr doorman, Ave. spacious LR, first floor, parquet customize interior before completion Kit, Lg. Den, deck, Overlg Property. security cameras. Close to White Shul, floors, Asking price ...... $155K Shor Yoshuv and train...... $1.899M Reduced ...... $659K maintenance fees $800. Call 347-409-3266 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 Call Sherri 516-297-7995 Call Avi 917-512-5442 Weissman Realty Group, LLC Bayswater House for sale — 100 x 110 Woodmere Park — Brand new 516-791-6100 corner lot, 3 BR, 2 Full Bthrms, L/R, Mediterranean style construction. 6 BR, Attention: Large property, corner D/R, EIK, closed porch/bedroom, huge 3 Full Bths, 91X100, Radiant heat, Cedarhurst and Woodmere 150x100 apx. Miami Alexander Hotel — Short or long heated finished basement, laundry Alarms , Camera equipped. Buyer has 13 large rooms, 3 baths. Good for term rental. 2 BR, 2 bths, luxury, room. Designer extras. Near ability to customize interior before com- kindergarten, elementary school, yeshi- Shabbos elevator, swimming pool, bal- Shuls/Yeshiva. Asking . . . . . $598,500K pletion...... $1.899M va, synagogue, or other institution. cony, parking, beachfront. Owner: 917-434-2220 Call Avi 917-512-5442 Parking garage for 4 cars and 2 buses. Call Zeev Kolman 212-245-1715 or Boynton Beach, FL — Beautiful, like Cedarhurst — New to the market. Won't Immediate. Reasonable. 917-287-5858 new, custom home. 55+ community. Last! Beautiful 5 Bdrm Split located on Owner 347-439-8234 3 BR, 2 bths, permanent a/c sukkah, a Cul-De-Sac block. New roof, windows, Brooklyn— Office for rent. Windows to close to shuls, many extras. working fireplace, and a sunroom with street, private entrance, private bath- Call 516-476-2407/93 a skylight off a spacious Eat-In Kitchen. room, carpets, a/c, intercom, 500 square FOR RENT feet. Call 917-721-3370 Cedarhurst — 288 Leroy Avenue. Mint Walk to all. Call Jackie 516-526-8841 Hewlett — Brand new construction, 5 condition, large center hall col., 5 BR, 3 Office space for rent. bths, EIK, large den with built-ins, bedrms, 2.5 baths, office, wood flrs, Central Avenue. Includes utilities, AC, FDR, finished basement, central AC, in- CAC, Laundry room on 2nd flr..... $699K alarm, internet. ground sprinkler, huge outdoor porch, Call Jackie 516-526-8841 Cedarhurst — House Rental LR/FDR, Call 516-569-4949 x104 low taxes. $775K by owner. 551-206-1187 Woodmere — Sprawling ranch on deep den, 3br, 2.5bth, Fin. Bsmt . . . . . $2,300 property 4 bedrms, 3 baths, Master Call 516-322-3555 For sale by owner. Woodmere — Ced. — 3+ br apt, 1.5 bth, lg FDR, new suite, walk to all...... $1.250M Beautiful & Bright 4BR, 2.5B, Split Cedarhurst — House Rental; kit, den, EIK, on quiet street, walk to all . . $2,200 Level w/Den and Gunite IG Pool many Call Jackie 516-526-8841 N Wdm. — house rental. Hi-ranch in built-ins and Hardwood Flrs . . . . $709K Weissman Realty Group, LLC 3br., 2.5 bth. bsmt ...... $2,400 A Must See! Call 516-569-4115 516-791-6100 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710 MIC. 4 br, CAC, den, on quiet street. 5 TOWN HOMES 516-569-5710

Miami Beach-The Dalano Effect — Stunning millionaire's row, panoramic view, beach block, 2 BR, 3 bths, approx- imately 1,700 square feet, white porce- lain floors, vessel sink, gorgeous pool, state-of-the-art gym, valet parking. Rent $3,800, Sale $675K. Call 917-301-0104

Far Rockaway — Walk-in Apt on Beach 9. Newly renovated. Close to syna- gogues ...... $675 including all Call 646-342-4030 or 718-350-6303

Far Rockaway — Lg. Hse Rental: 4br, 2bth, bsmt., hi-ceilings, NU bths, W\D. Call 516-322-3555

Far Rockaway — Apartment available. Brand new construction. Furnished or unfurnished. 3 BR, 2bths. Cleaning and laundry services available. Perfect for the elderly. Call Sherri 516-569-5450

The deadline for placing classified ads in the next issue of the 5TJT is Monday,May 19 at 5:00 P.M. Call 516-569-0502

86 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 87

Our Rosh Yeshiva putah. Most rashei yeshiva wear a kap- Continued from Page 28 putah, hence the chassid’s mistake.) There was a talmid who shared the and activated before the rosh yeshiva’s same last name as the rosh yeshiva. arrival. Baruch Hashem, the bachur This talmid was walking down the hall- succeeded. Yet, during the first few way when his friend called out days of camp, the rosh yeshiva experi- “Leibowitz!” The rosh yeshiva, who was enced constant phone outages. also in the hallway, turned around! The bachur realized that someone The rosh yeshiva was once dis- was tampering with the phone lines at cussing a certain point with two the network interface box and surrep- gedolim. He offered his opinion, but titiously connecting his own phone. one of the gedolim still disagreed. He The bachur repaired the problem, only later found his position in the Ketzos. to have it happen again. He decided to I would have been on the phone right conduct a “stakeout” to see who the away! Yet since it was not a halachic culprit was. His patience was rewarded matter, the rosh yeshiva just let it slide. when the culprit came to change the Rabbi Bentzion Chait related that he wires. He ran at full speed to catch the once tried to tell the rosh yeshiva that culprit in the act. But on the way, he HaRav Shmuel Birenbaum, zt’l, said passed by the rosh yeshiva.’s door The Rosh Yeshiva, zt’l, lighting the Menorah. that Rabbi Leibowitz is a gadol ha’dor. Apparently, the rosh yeshiva and his The rosh yeshiva kept asking Rabbi rebbetzin had gotten wind of what was Chait to repeat what he said because happening. They called the bachur he couldn’t understand what Rabbi who was in hot pursuit to come inside. Chait was saying. The rosh yeshiva They made him sit until he calmed c ouldn’t fathom that such praise was down. The rosh yeshiva and rebbetzin being said about him, and so it didn’t then told him, “This isn’t the proper register. After several repetitions, the thing to do. Now that you know who rosh yeshiva finally “heard” what Rabbi the responsible individual is, approach Chait was saying. He said “Bentzion, him like a mentch!” you’re embarrassing me” (the implica- N NN tion being that it couldn’t possibly be The rosh yeshiva was exceedingly true). Finally, the rosh yeshiva said, “I humble. know—I helped him out on the sugya He sometimes vacationed in New of Chardal, that’s why he said that.” Hampshire. A chassid who was also I would like to add one non-Litvishe vacationing there asked the rosh yeshi- story. The rosh yeshiva had a neighbor va, “Where do you daven during the who was very spiteful. One year, he year?” made a big deal about some leaves He replied, “At a yeshiva in from the rosh yeshiva’s s’chach that fell Queens.” (The rosh yeshiva usually wore a suit during the week, not a kap- The Rosh Yeshiva, zt’l, making havdallah. Continued on Page 90

88 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 89 Our Rosh Yeshiva that everything that Rav Pam, zt’l, Continued from Page 88 wrote in an article about his rebbi, Rav Dovid Leibowitz, zt’l, is true also of off the sukkah and into his backyard. Rav Dovid’s son, the rosh yeshiva. So I The neighbor raised his voice in anger will end off with Rav Pam’s words to the rosh yeshiva and declared, “This (published in 1941):

Rav Leibowitz with Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv in Yerushalayim in 2005. Standing is the rosh yeshiva’s longtime secretary, Shimon Ishal.

is the last year that your leaves will fall The rosh yeshiva, nishmaso Eden, in my backyard!” And that’s exactly lives on in the hearts of his ever grate- what happened. The neighbor didn’t ful talmidim. The rosh yeshiva is make it until the next Sukkos. immortalized by the great Torah cen- HaRav Dovid Weiner made the ter, Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yisroel Meir point in his hesped of the rosh yeshiva HaKohen. O

90 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 16, 2008 91 92 May 16, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES