בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)

 EKEV 

_ CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA + Dvar Yearning and Fulfillment Moshe tells the Jewish people (8:1), “All the commandments that I command you today you shall safeguard ( tishmeru ) to perform them, so that you will live and proliferate and inherit the Land …” But what if we do not have the opportunity to fulfill all the commandments? What if circumstances prevent us from fulfilling those commandments that are specific to Eretz Yisrael? The answer, says Rav Levi Yitzchak, lies in the feelings we have for the mitzvos. If we yearn to fulfill them, then we may one day merit to actually fulfill them. The word tishmeru , you shall safeguard, can also mean you shall anticipate, as in (Bereishis 36:11) “and his father awaited ( shamar ) the matter.” The Torah is telling us that if we are filled with genuine yearning for the fulfillment of all the mitzvos then we will one day inherit the Land. n n n Story Both Rav Avraham Dov of Avritsch, author of Beis Ayin , and Rav Aharon of Zhitomir, author of , were stude nts of Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. One time, Rav Avraham Dov visited Rav Aharon and found him sick in bed.

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“I’m so happy to see you, my friend,” said Rav Aharon. “And I you,” said Rav Avraham Dov. “I hope that my visit hastens your recovery.” “You can help me recover. I know what medicine will cure me.” “And what is that?” “I have to drink water from Eretz Yisrael,” said Rav Aharon. Rav Avraham Dov considered that for a moment, then he nodded. “But how can I help you?” “I’ll tell you how. You are planning to travel to Eretz Yisrael, isn’t that so?” “Yes, I am. But how would you know something like that? I haven’t told anyone of my plans. Not a soul.” “But I know. I can see it in your thoughts. In fact, your thoughts are mostly focused on Eretz Yisrael even now when you are here in the , isn’t that so?” “Yes, it is.” “Well, you are where your thoughts are, isn’t that so?” “Yes, it is. The Ramban asks how the from Eretz Yisrael could have come to Yaakov before he even entered the land, and he answers that since Yaakov on his way to Eretz Yisrael, it was as if he was already there.” “Exactly,” said Rav Aharon, “and by the same token, it is as if you are already in Eretz Yisrael, too.” “All right. So how can I help you?” “Take a mouthful of water and pour it into a cup. That water will heal me.” And indeed it did. nnn

הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula , which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh , Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha . Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______. Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying , and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighting the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well. The author of the Pele Yo’etz , Rav Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a tefilla . Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

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Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ #ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ ,צַ ת !ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ / הַ מָ גֵ ' מִ !ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹ עֵ עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ מוֹ ד כ ]ד" ]ד"

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נמְ חַ ת  לְ עִ יל י נִ ְ מַ ת * בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹ רָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/'!ֵ !ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' מִ לְ פָ י2נֶ 'ה אֶ קֵ ינ וֵאקֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ , ֶ#ְ קַ !ֵל !ְרַ חֲמִ י% בְרָ צוֹ' (ָל מַ עֲ)ֶ ה הַ טוֹב ֶ ,נִי עוֹ)ֶ ה , !ֵי' !ְמַחַ ָ בָ ה , !ֵי' !ְדִ י!ר , !ֵי' !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ (ֹ ל (ֹ לִ כזְ ת  לְ נמְ חַ ת  לְ עִ יל י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ 2מְ יִ )ְ רָ לאֵ , !ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר חַ  נְ ָ מָ ה ֶ ל * בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' ֶ #ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ % צְ ר רוֹ ת !ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י%יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem , our G-d and the G -d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a re sting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of his teaching or writings. See more at:

n n n n n Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS EIKEV Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and rdrdrd + 222222 of Menachem ~ Begins Friday Night (Jul 30 th )  Rav Mordechai ben Hillel, the “Mordechai” (~1230 –1298). A descendent of the Ravya , he was a principal talmid of the Maharam miRottenberg , and a close friend of the Rosh . The Mordechai cites views of French and German authorities and brings the piskei Halocha of the Tosefos without the discussion. He, his wife and their five children were all burned at the stake during the Rindfleisch pogroms, when over 100,000 in Bavaria and Austria were murdered, and well over a hundred communi ties disappeared, (5058/1298);  Rav Meir HaGodol of Premishlan. One of the closest Chassidim of the Ba’al Tov ; his grandson (also Rav Meir) became more famous than he, (5533/1773);  Rav Eliyohu HaKohen Dushnitzer , Mashgiach of Lomza in Petach Tikva, mechaber of Nachlas Eliyohu . He was involved with the famous dybuk story, which also involved the Chofetz Chaim , (5709/1949);  Rav Shmuel Meyuchas of Yerushalayim, (5531/1771). rdrdrd st + 232323 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Jul 31 )  Rav Moshe Adas , a Se fardi sage from Yerushalayim, mechaber of Poras Yosef , (5729/1969);  Rav Dovid Sutton Dabbah (1885–1949). Born and raised in Aleppo, Syria, he married in

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1910, and was asked to serve as the Rav of Killis, Turkey, near the Syrian border. He returned to Syria in 1916, but his wife passed away at the age of twenty-five one year later. He remarried in 1918, and left for Yerushalayim in 1924, as daily life for Jews in Syria became quite difficult. Settling in the Bucharim neighborhood, he studied at the Yeshiva Poras Yosef . Several years later, he traveled to , hoping to raise funds for the Jews of Yerushalayim. Shortly after his arrival, the leader of the Syrian community in Argentina, Rav Shaul Sutton, was niftar , and Rav Dovid was asked to succeed him. He became Rav and Av Bais Din of Buenos Aires and authored Yaaleh HaDas , chiddushim on gittin and mishpetei Bais Din , (5709/1949);  Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky , the Steipler Gaon , mechaber of Kehillas Yaakov (1899– 1985/5745). His father, Rav Chaim Peretz, was a shochet in Hornesteipel. When Rav Chaim Peretz was sixty years old, his wife passed away, leaving him with three daughters. He asked his Rav , Rav Mordechai Dov, the son-in-law of Rav Chaim Sanzer, whether he should remarry. On the latter’s recommendation, he married a young woman, and he fathered three sons. The oldest was Rav Yaakov Yisrael. His father was a Chassid of Rav Yaakov Yisrael of Cherkass, and he named him after his . At the age of eleven, Rav Yaakov Yisrael was recruited to learn with Rav Yosef Yoisel Horowitz at Novardok. At nineteen, he was sent by the Alter of Novardok to head a Yeshiva at Rogatchov. After a stint in the Russian army, he was appointed of Novardok at Pinsk. The Chazon Ish sought him as a husband for his sister. He authored many works, most notably Kehillas Yaakov . His son, Rav , is a leading Torah authority in Eretz Yisrael, (5745/1985);  Rav Binyomin Aharon Solnik of Podheitz, mechaber of Mas’as Binyomin , (5380/1620);  Rav Shimon Goldstein (1942–2005). Born in Williamsburg to Rav Dovid and Rochel Goldstein, he learned in Yeshiva Torah V’Daas , and was orphaned of both his parents at a young age. He lived with his grandmother for a few years. After her petira , he moved into the Chaim dormitory as a young teenager. He became very close to the Rosh Yeshiva , Rav , who had a major hashpo’a on his derech halimud and hashkofa . Despite his difficult situation, he was one of the happiest talmidim in the Yeshiva . After his marriage, Rav Shimon continued learning in the Yeshiva , and joined the staff as a Rav three years later. Rav Shimon never left the koslei Bais Medrash for any other employment until the day of his petira , a beloved eighth-grade Rebbe for decades, (5765/2005). ththth st + 22242444 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Sunday Night (Aug 1 )  Rav Aharon of Terbeli, mechaber of Machaneh Aharon , (5501/1741);  Rav Efraim Zalman ben Rav Menachem Margulies, Rav and Av Bais Din of Brod. He authored many seforim , including Bais Efraim , Olelos Efraim , Shaarei Efraim and Mateh Efraim ; perhaps his most famous work, it contains all the halochos pertaining to Elul and Tishrei , (5522/1762–5588/1828);  Rav Dovid Ortinberg of Berditchev, the Tehilla L’Dovid , (5670/1910);  Rav Yitzchok Kovos HaSheni (II), a Sefardi sage, (5614/1854);  Rav Sholom Halperin , the Vasloier Rebbe (1857–1939), born to Rav Dovid Halpern, a son-in-law of Rav Yisrael of . At the age of seventeen, he married his cousin Chana Sora, the daughter of the first Bohusher Rebbe , Rav Yitzchok. When Rav Sholom was nearing forty years of age, the Bohusher Rebbe decided that it was time for his son-in-law to lead his own Chassidim , (5699/1939).

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ththth nd + 252525 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Monday Night (Aug 2 )  Rav Moshe Hager of Antiniya, (5754/1994);  Rav Yeshayohu Menachem ben Rav Yitzchok of Cracow, the originator of the Heter Iska , (5359/1599);  Rav Yaakov Meshulom Orenstein , Rav of Lvov and mechaber of Yeshuos Yaakov , (5599/1839). ththth rd + 262626 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Aug 3 )  Rav Noach Naftoli of Kobrin, (5649/1889);  Rav Meir Ashkenazi , Rav of Shanghai (1891–1954/5714), born in Tcherikov, in Russia’s Pale of Settlement to Lubavitcher Chassidim . At the outbreak of the First World War, his family, together with many others, fled Russia to Manchuria. It was there, in the city of Harbin, that Rav Meir and Toiba Liba were married. Rav Ashkenazi and his family moved to the port-city of Vladivostok on the eastern coast of Russia. Not long afterward, in 1918, the community there appointed Rav Ashkenazi as their Rav . After seven years, he moved to assist the small Jewish community in Shanghai, China. Deteriorating conditions in Europe in the 1930s led to a slow stream of German, Austrian and Russian Jews into the Far East, which increased considerably at the outbreak of the Second World War. By the end of 1941, there were eighteen thousand Jewish refugees in Shanghai – ten times the number of Jews in Shanghai just ten years earlier, (5714/1954);  Rav Yoel Teitelbaum of Sighet, the Rav (1888–1979/5739). A descendant of the Yismach Moshe (Rav of Ujhel), “Rav Yoilish” traced his ancestry to the Maharsha and the Rema . He received his early training from his father, Rav Yomtov Lipa Teitelbaum, Rav of Sighet and mechaber of Kedushas Yom Tov . He then became a Chassid of Rav Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam in Shinava (the Divrei Yechezkel ). At the age of seventeen, he was appointed Rav of Musza in . After appointments at Orshova and Kroli, he became Rav of Satmar from 1935 to 1944. He was one of 1684 Hungarian Jews saved from the Nazi killing machine as a result of the negotiations of Rav Michoel Ber Weissmandl with Adolf Eichmann. In 1946, he arrived in the Williamsburg section of and rebuilt the Satmar community. He authored and Divrei Yoel and is buried in Monroe, , a hamlet in upstate New York that he founded and built, (5739/1979);  Rav Eliyohu Boruch Goldschmidt (1935–2000/5760). Rav Elya was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where his parents had moved in 1938, along with their three-year-old son, in flight from Nazi . Rav Elya moved to Lakewood in 1960 and drew close to Rav . He spent twenty years at Lakewood, followed by another twenty years as at Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg. Rav Elya was suddenly niftar while working on a new sefer on sholom bayis , entitled Dear Son , planned as a counterpart to his best-selling Dear Daughter on the same subject, (5760/2000). ththth th + 272727 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Aug 4 )

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 Rav Yehuda Fatiya (Pethayya; Pettiyah; Fattiah; Patia) (1859–1942/5702), Iraqi Godol and Mekubol and the foremost talmid of the Ben Ish Chai , who said that he was the reincarnation of the Noda B’Yehuda . He said that he had to come back to the earth for although in his last lifetime, he was a Tzaddik , he did not fulfill his Torah obligation to study Kabbola . So in this life, the study of Kabbola was his main focus and tikkun . Born in Baghdad, he eventually moved to Eretz Yisrael, where he was niftar . He authored fifteen seforim ; his most famous sefer , Minchas Yehuda , is one of the most revelatory works about demons, how they act and deceive people. He was an expert in exposing these demons and casting them out. He relates a story about gilgulim (reincarnation) that includes the soul of Shabsai Tzvi. He also authored Bais Lechem Yehuda and Yayin HaRoke’ach , (5702/1942);  Rav Yehoshua Charif of Cracow, mechaber of Maginei Shlomo , an attempt to resolve the questions of the Ba’alei Tosefos against . He was the great-grandfather of the Pnei Yehoshua . Born in Vilna at end of the sixteenth century, he arrived in Cracow in 1640 as Rosh Yeshiva , replacing Rav Yoel Sirkis (the Bach ) as Rav a few months later. He held the position until Rav Yom Tov Lipman Heller ( Tosefos Yom Tov ) became Rav in 1643. Among his talmidim was Rav Shabsai Cohen (the Shach ), (5408/1648);  Rav Avrohom Mordechai Alter , son of the Chiddushei Harim and father of the Sfas Emes , (5613/1853);  Rav Shmuel Tzvi Hirsch ben Rav Avrohom Abish Horowitz of (1921–1997/5757), known as “Reb Hershele” of Spinka. He was the Spinka Rebbe of Williamsburg and grandson of Rav Yitzchok Weiss (1875–1944), who was the mechaber of Chakal Yitzchok , (5757/1997);  Rav Meshulom Feish HaLevi ben Rav Mordechai Lowy, Tosher Rebbe , (5775/2015);  Rav Menachem Kohn (1964–2006). Born to Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Yitzchok Eizik Kohn, both Holocaust survivors who had moved to after the war, he was the youngest of four brothers. A watershed in his life was his entry into the at the age of fourteen, following in the footsteps of his brothers who had also learned in Telshe. For the next twenty-eight years, his neshoma became bound to the Yeshiva of Telshe, its Roshei Yeshiva and Talmidei Chachomim . Throughout the years, Rav Menachem penned his own chiddushei Torah , and a number of years ago he published two seforim , one on Maseches Beitza and the second on Maseches Mo’ed Koton . He called the seforim Ateres Avi , in memory of his father. On the day before the accident that took his life, Rav Menachem went to Monroe to daven at the tziyun of the Satmar Rebbe on his Yahrzeit . He also went to visit the current Satmar Rebbe , (5766/2006). ththth + 282828 of Menachem Av ~ Begins Thursday Night (Aug 5th )  The birthday of the Maggid of Mezritch;  Rav Yitzchok Akrish , mechaber of the sefer Kiryas Arba , (5648/1888);  Rav Naftoli Tzvi Yehuda Berlin , the Netziv , (1817–1893/5653), Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin. He authored Ha’amek Dovor , a commentary on the Chumash ; Meromei Sodeh on the ; Ha’amek Sh’eila , on the She’eltos of Rav Achai Gaon ; and Meishiv Dovor , a collection of his responsa. He was born in Mir, and became the son-in-law of Rav Yitzchok, son of Rav Chaim of Volozhin (1749–1821) when he was fourteen years old. In 1849, upon the petira of Rav Yitzchok, his father-in-law, Rav Yitzchok’s older son-in-law, Rav Eliezer Yitzchok, was appointed to succeed him. However, he passed away five years later, and the Netziv was appointed Rosh Yeshiva , a position he held for forty years. Volozhin was forcibly 6  Eikev / [email protected]

closed by the Russians in 1893. Rav Naftoli Tzvi was a foremost luminary of his time. Among his children were Rav Chaim Berlin and Rav Meir Bar-Ilan [born to two different mothers], (5653/1893);  Rav Avrohom Chaim Ades (1848–1925), born in Halab (Aram Soba), Syria, among the most ancient Jewish communities in the world. According to tradition, Jews lived there even before the destruction of the first Bais HaMikdosh . As a youngster, Rav Avrohom studied under Rav Mordecahi Abadi and Rav Ezra Tawill HaKohen . At the age of twenty, he married the daughter of Rav Moshe Swed, Rav of Aram Soba. In 1896, Rav Avrohom immigrated to Eretz Yisrael and settled in Yerushalayim. Soon after his arrival, he learned at Rechovos HaNohor , a Kabbola Yeshiva in the Bucharian neighborhood. Among his talmidim were Rav Yosef Yedid HaLevi , Rav Shlomo Refoel Laniado, Rav Ezra Chamawi, Rav Ezra Attia (later to become Rosh Yeshiva of Poras Yosef ), and Rav Yaakov Katzin, (5685/1925);  Rav Avrohom Yaakov HaKohen Pam , Rosh Yeshiva of Torah V’Daas (1913–2001/5761). Rav Pam’s father, Rav Meir, was a product of Solobodka and Radin. As a child, Rav Pam studied in Kovna. His family later moved to the United States, where his father was appointed to the faculty of Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin Yeshiva . The thirteen-year-old began to study in Torah V’Daas . He became very close with the Rosh Yeshiva , Rav Dovid Leibowitz, and Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz. After his marriage, he taught at Torah V’Daas for sixty years. After the petira of Rav Moshe Feinstein, he was appointed president of Chinuch Atzmai in the United States. He was also a member of the presidium of the largest Torah organization in America, Torah Umesorah. He founded the Shuvu organization for the chinuch of Russian children in Eretz Yisrael. He was loved by all. He is buried in Mount Judah Cemetery in , New York, (5761/2001);  Rav Moshe Finkel , born in Mir to Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel. He grew up with his great- grandfather, Rav Boruch Kamai, the Rav of Mir. He learned at Slobodka under his grandfather, Rav Nosson Zvi Finkel, the Alter of Slobodka, then at Kelm, where he learned bechavrusa with Rav Povarsky, then at Baranovitch, under Rav and Rav . Shortly before World War II, he immigrated to Yerushalayim and married the daughter of Rav Mordechai Dovid Levin, mechaber of Darchei Dovid . There, he worked diligently under his father for the , (5669/1909–5764/2004). 

Y HILLULA DE’TDE’TZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Rebbe Reb Melech in Noam Elimelech explains the reason why when we mention a Tzaddik who has passed on we say: Zechuso Yogen Oleinu (may his merit shield us). The Noam Elimelech asks: why would the Tzaddik give away his merit to someone else to shield him? Perhaps he would keep that merit for his own benefit in the next world! He answers that zechuso should not be translated as “merit” rather as zach venoki – “pure and refined”. When we say Zechuso Yogen Oleinu , we are asking that the purity and refinement that the Tzaddik underwent through his Torah study, sincerely motivated lishma – which refined him; this light should be drawn down over us all and stand by his generation to shield and protect us all. (Parshas ).

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Those Tzaddikim who, during their lifetimes, awakened and roused the hearts and souls of the Jewish people, continue to do so even after they have passed on from this world. (Atzei Chaim – Mishpotim ).  The Tzaddikim who reside in the world of truth are called Melitzei Yosher , for during their lifetimes they advocated on behalf of the Jewish people to protect them from all manner of prosecution, and they continue to plead our case and advocate on our behalf in the next world, just as Chazal teach us regarding Moshe ( Sota 13b) that “Moshe passed away there” (Devorim 34:5) and yet it says in Shemos (34:28) that he was there with Hashem ? The Gemora answers the contradiction by saying that just as in the first place he stood and served before Hashem , so does he now still stand and serve before Hashem till this day, advocating on our behalf before Hashem just as he did in his lifetime – and so do all the Tzaddikim of each generation in the upper realms. ( – Zechor Bris ). 

Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES ndndnd Rav Meir HaGodol of PremishlanPremishlan,,,, 222222 of Av Rav Meir was born in 5471/1711 to would only sell it to “Meir the Trustworthy” Rav Yaakov of Premishlan, known as and no one else. In no hurry to conclude his Yaakov Ish Tom . Rav Yaakov traced his shiurim, Rav Meir made the merchant wait yichus to Rav Yaakov of Korbil, the Rishon until the end of the day. Later that night, who wrote She’eilos U’Teshuvos Min after returning from the Bais Medrash , Rav HaShomayim . Rav Meir’s son was Rav Meir paid a high price for the honeycomb Aharon Leib, who was the father of the (his ehrlichkeit would not let him buy it for well-known Rav Meir’l Premishlaner. Rav less), even though he was forced to borrow Meir’s other sons were Rav Dovid of money to do so. Kalisch and Rav Pesach Chassid. Taking it apart, the In his younger years, Rav Meir discovered that there was barely any honey supported himself by selling goods for in the honeycomb; but then, inspecting it various vendors. Even among the local more closely, she found that it concealed a gentiles he gained a reputation as “Meir the huge sum of money. Rav Meir refused to trustworthy”, for his fair business practices derive benefit from his metzia without and ehrlichkeit . further investigation. In the end, after After a while, Rav Meir gave up satisfying himself that this was indeed yad working so he would be free to learn in the Hashem , he kept the money. Bais Medrash all day. He suffered When his grandson, Rav Meir’l of debilitating poverty but stood steadfast in Premishlan, told this story, he added, his decision to devote himself entirely to “Great malochim the money there, the service of Hashem . because of his strong middas habitochon .” One day a merchant showed up in town with a honeycomb, insisting that he

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According to a mesora , Rav Meir mountain. When the road was icy, the HaGodol wrote a sefer called Ohr Toraso people had to detour around the mountain shel Rav Meir , but the sefer was burned. so as not to slip. Rav Meir, however, would Zechuso yogen oleinu . march straight up the mountain and would never falter. When asked by some youngsters the secret to his success he  responded, “Az mir zenen tzi gebinden oyven falt min nisht arup hinten – When Tied up Above one is connected Above, one does not fall Rav Meir of Premishlan’s trek to down!” immerse in the mikve attracted much Toras Menachem 5711, volume 2, page 105 attention. The mikve was situated at a point in a river on the slope of a tall  Rav Yaakov Yisrael KanievskyKanievsky,,,, 232323 rdrdrd of Menachem Av The Steipler Gaon The Fiery Determination of moments with him for the rest of his life Novardok and was never able to do anything that Everyone has his own portrait of could recapture or repeat the life that it each Godol he has come across. The pumped into his broken body. This was the following story of Rav Yaakov Yisrael way the Steipler approached every mitzva Kanievsky, the Steipler Gaon , is what opportunity, Kala K’Chamura . comes to mind every time his name is The Steipler was born in mentioned. When he was drafted into the Hornesteipel in 1899 after his father, Rav Russian Army and Shabbos approached, he Chaim Peretz, a sixty-year-old widower, marched right into his commander’s office received a berocha from the Hornesteipel and let it be known that he would not be Rebbe , a son-in-law of Rav Chaim of Mechallel Shabbos . The officer was so (the Divrei Chaim ), that if he remarried he taken aback by the unprecedented chutzpa would be zoche to a son, after only having and suicidal gambit of this new recruit that daughters. His father was a shochet and a he said he would allow him to keep great masmid and yerei Shomayim , and Shabbos if he agreed to one condition. In a his young mother a great tzaddeikes . continuation of his stubbornness the Together they had three sons, the oldest Steipler said he did not even have to tell being Rav Yaakov Yisrael. In his youth Rav him what he has in mind because the Yaakov Yisrael contracted life-threatening answer was yes, he agreed. typhus, and, although he managed to “Okay,” said the officer, “in that survive, it caused permanent damage to his case, since you will give more work to your hearing. co-soldiers, they will have the privilege of After learning Torah from his father beating you to their hearts’ content.” in his early years, at age ten his father sent Despite knowing the viciousness of him to Kremenchug to learn in a Talmud these strong young men and their anti- Torah organized by talmidim of Yeshiva Semitism, the Steipler not only happily Slabodka. A year later his father was niftar . accepted this savage near-death beating but He was recalled home to be with his broken he said that he carried these special mother, but when a contingent from

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Yeshiva Novardok came to the town to across the border! recruit on behalf of the Alter of Novardok, From there he went to learn in Rav Yosef Yoizel Horowitz, his mother Bialystok under Rav Avrohom Yoffen, a jumped at the opportunity to send her son-in-law of the Alter . He published his eleven-year-old son away from poverty to a first sefer in 1924 and then word of his place where he could fulfill his only dream greatness in Torah spread. The Chazon Ish , of learning Torah and be provided with who was then already in , food at the same time. suggested Rav Yaakov Yisrael as a match At age nineteen, Rav Yaakov Yisrael for his sister, whom he eventually married, was sent to Rogatchov to open a branch of after seeing his sefer Shaarei Tvuna that the Novardok network of Yeshivos that was published in 1925. He then went on to spanned Russia. It was during this time become Rosh Yeshiva in the Novardok that he was drafted into the Russian Army branch in Pinsk. In 1934, he moved to to fight in the Bolshevik Revolution. Many Eretz Yisrael and settled in Bnei Brak, the stories exist regarding his unyielding town of his brother-in-law, the Chazon Ish . determination to keep the mitzvos . The Steipler Gaon spent the rest of After he was freed from the army, his life shunning the limelight, despite the situation in Russia for the Jews being the unofficial successor of his deteriorated to the point where talmidim brother-in-law, the Chazon Ish , upon his were sneaking across the border on a petira in 1953. He spent most of his time in steady basis. This was a very dangerous his modest surroundings learning Torah . undertaking and being caught could be Such greatness cannot be kept a secret and fatal. When Rav Yaakov Yisrael’s turn an audience with him was priceless for the came, they were to be smuggled by a throngs who came to learn from him, ask farmer who divided up the group among him questions, seek his advice, and receive various family members. Rav Yaakov his berocha . He was a role model of Yisrael was sent with the farmer’s uncompromising determination in kiyum daughter. Worrying about being alone with of every one of the Taryag Mitzvos . His her ( ), he ran away straight into the Torah is treasured by Bnei Torah across arms of the Russians. He was jailed but the globe. Most of all, to many of us, his soon managed to escape. fiery image and example is forever etched On his next attempt he needed to in the forefront of our minds. stop to relieve himself. Despite the fact that The Steipler Gaon returned his holy he could have waited until he crossed and neshoma to its Maker on the 23 rd of Av , his group refused to wait, he broke off from 5745/1985. It is said that 200,000 people his group and missed his turn, not wanting attended his levaya , the then-largest ever to violate the aveira of bal teshaktzu . in Bnei Brak. Yehi Zichro Boruch ! During his next attempt it was mincha time and he didn’t want to miss the zman . He The-Fiery-Determination-Of-Novhardok/4002 went to a quiet place in the forest to daven and after spending much time speaking to  his Creator, oblivious to the whole world, The Steipler Gaon – Taking Care of when he finished, he realized his group had Living and Breathing Seforim long gone. Lost in the forest, he started wandering until he found himself next to a Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Bais Medrash . When he asked someone Steipler Gaon , was especially makpid on where he was they told him he was in kevod hasefer . The sefer Toldos Yaakov Slutzk, . He had finally made it gives some examples of his diligence and

10  Eikev / [email protected] sensitivity in his kevod hasefer . The Steipler’ s Matza for the Seder • Once, when someone took out the One year, a Talmid Chochom in Bnei wrong sefer for him, before returning it to Brak was niftar before . Shortly its place on the shelf he made sure to learn thereafter, one of the Steipler ’s close something from it in order not to talmidim came to see him and discuss a “embarrass” it. matter concerning the almona (widow) of • He would fix every rip in his the Talmid Chochom . seforim . When he rebound his he In the midst of the conversation, the said, “I have pleasure from the fact that my Steipler said suddenly, “ Pesach is seforim have been restored with their approaching. The almona will sit down the proper honor.” night of the Seder and be pained by her • If he would fall asleep on a sefer loneliness. She will remember that her after learning until his last ounce of energy husband always ate hand matza the night dissipated, he would feel terrible about the of the Seder , but most probably she would lack of kovod for the sefer . not have bought hand matza . I’ll give some of my matza to her.” • Two of his seforim , Bircas Peretz and Chayei Olam were originally sold at The Steipler got up, took out his cost price because he felt they were package of matza and gave some to his worthwhile to disseminate publicly. talmid . He said, “There’s enough here for Afterward, he decided to raise the price the night of the Seder . When you give her because he felt it was not kovod for the the matza , don’t say that I sent it to her, seforim to be sold so inexpensively. The because it’s forbidden to give a present to a profits were given to tzedoka . woman. Simply say that I gave you this to In many shuls and Yeshivos in Eretz give over to someone who needs it.” Yisrael, there is a letter hung near the The talmid later said, “It’s seforim shelves regarding the importance impossible to describe in words the of returning seforim after using them and incredible excitement and tears in the not leaving them on the table. It tells a house of the almona when I entered and story of a time that the Steipler Gaon said to her, “I have matza for you from the finished learning in a Yeshiva not far his Steipler for the night of the Seder .” ( Chaim home. After walking approximately a Sheyesh Bohem : Halichos Vehanhogos ) hundred meters, despite the fact that walking was very difficult for him, he Seder/2129 realized that he had not returned his sefer  to its place. He then turned around, went back to the place he was sitting, returned Buying Seforim in the Three the sefer , and then went home. The Rema paskens (OC 551:2) that The Steipler Gaon was a living Sefer the issur of building and planting in the Torah . We may never reach his level of three weeks and even nine days does not Torah but there is no reason we cannot apply if it is for a mitzva . The Mishna reach his level of respect for the seforim Berura (14) says that if someone does not that the Torah is written in. yet have children and is scheduled to get married after Tisha B’Av , he may buy Care-of-Living-Breathing-Seforim/2341 clothing for the wedding even in the nine days.  The Piskei Tshuvos (10) says that based on this you may buy seforim in the 11  Eikev / [email protected] nine days if you need the sefer to learn his family members not to open it until from. However, he brings that the Steipler after Tisha B’Av . So great was his simcha in Gaon (Orchos Rabbeinu ) was machmir not learning new seforim that he was makpid to allow new seforim into his home in the for himself, since for him it was too joyous three weeks. an event. One time when a box of seforim arrived during the nine days, he instructed The-Three-Weeks/4631  Rav Binyomin Aharon Solnik of Podheitz ,,, 232323 rdrdrd of Menachem Av Mechaber of Mas’as Binyomin Rav Binyomin Aharon Solnik, son of all Gedolim . His son Rav Yaakov Yukel was Rav Avrohom, was a talmid of the Rema the mechaber of Nachalas Yaakov on and of the Maharshal , and one of the Rashi ’s commentary on the Torah . Rav leading Talmidei Chachomim in Cracow. Avrohom was Rav of Tarnopol and later After the Rema ’s petira , Rav Rav in Brisk. Binyomin Aharon moved to Silesia and His son-in-law was Rav Menachem later to Podheitz. He corresponded in Mann, Rav in Vienna and later chief Rav of halachic matters with many Gedolim of his Austria. time, notably the Maharam of ; Rav Rav Binyomin Aharon was niftar on Yosef Steinhart, the Zichron Yosef ; and Rav the 23 rd of Av 5370/1610. Mordechai Yaffe, the Levush . His sefer Zecher Tzaddik livrachah. Mas’as Binyomin includes 112 teshuvos . Rav Binyomin Aharon’s sons were  Rav Dovid Ortinberg of BerditchevBerditchev,,,, 22242444ththth ofofof Menachem Av The Tehilla L’Dovid Rav Dovid Ortinberg was the son of Levi of Berditchev, whose influence was Rav Yisrael Tzvi, a descendant of Rav Zev still strongly felt. (After the petira of the Wolf of Zhitomir, the Ohr HaMeir, and of Kedushas Levi , no one was ever named the inner group of Chassidim of the Saraf Rav of Berditchev. He could be called of Strelisk. Dayan , but not Rav of the city; no one After the petira of the Strelisker could replace the Kedushas Levi .) Rebbe , Rav Yisrael Tzvi traveled to the Even as Rav , Rav Dudia continued court of the Ruzhiner Rebbe . His son, Rav to travel to the Ruzhiner Rebbe and, after Dudia, as he was called, was a devoted his petira, to his son Rav Avrohom Yaakov, Chassid of the Ruzhiner and later of his the Sadigura Rebbe and, later, to the children. Boyaner Rebbe . He was noted for his utter Shortly after his marriage, he was bittul to his , despite his being a asked by the kehilla of Berditchev to serve Rav , or, as some Chassidim said, because as Dayan in their city. This was a he was a Rav and Talmid Chochom . prestigious position: the city was home to Rav Dudia wrote several well-known many Talmidei Chachomim , and it was just Halocha seforim : Tehilla L’Dovid on forty years since the petira of the Kedushas Hilchos Shabbos and Shoham V’Yoshpeh

12  Eikev / [email protected] on the Rambam . Zecher Tzaddik livrachah. Niftar on the twenty-fourth of Av 5670/1910, he was buried in Berditchev.  Rav Sholom HalperinHalperin,,,, 22242444ththth ofofof Menachem Av The Vasloier Rebbe Among the many towns dotting the The Ruzhiner smiled at Rav Dovid’s countryside of is a town called original answer and blessed him that Vasloi. Although not a particularly Hashem should help him in whatever he important town, in the years before the needed, even if he did not know that he Second World War it became a household needed it. name among Jews across the country, for As a young child, Rav Dovid’s son, in it lived the famed Tzaddik Rav Sholom Rav Sholom, was Halperin, who became known as the Rebbe recognized as possessing of Vasloi. He was regarded by all who saw an extraordinary mind him as an Ish Elokim (holy man), and and character. However, thousands came from far and wide to see even these attributes were him and to receive his berocha (blessing). exceeded by his Rav Sholom was born on the remarkable hasmoda fifteenth of Shevat 5617 (1857). His father (diligence) and the energy was Rav Dovid Halperin, who was a son-in- he invested in his learning and Avodas law of the Rebbe , Rav Yisrael of Ruzhin. Hashem . Most of his waking hours were Rav Dovid was from a distinguished line of spent delving deep into Shas (Talmud ) and famous Rabbonim and Gedolim . Rav poskim (legal tracts) until he had a Dovid, however, refused to accept the yoke considerable reputation as a Talmid of Rabbonus (the Rabbinate), preferring to Chochom . remain within the shadow of his shver In 1873, when Rav Sholom turned (father-in-law), the Ruzhiner, where he seventeen, he married his cousin, Chana could sit and learn without interruption. Sora, the daughter of the first Bohusher Despite his reticence, Rav Dovid Rebbe , Rav Yitzchok. After his chassuna soon made a name for himself as a major (wedding), he stayed on in Bohush, Talmid Chochom . Blessed with a very continuing to learn without interruption. sharp head, his comments and sayings Some of the Bohusher Chassidim did not were passed from mouth to ear. On one take too kindly to the fact that Rav Sholom occasion, when the Ruzhiner gave him a would only enter his shver ’s (father-in- berocha that Hashem should fulfill all his law’s) tisch after his shver was already heart’s desires, Rav Dovid asked, “Is that seated, but Rav Sholom did not take any all?” notice. His time was too precious to be “Isn’t that enough?” the Ruzhiner wasted. asked him back in surprise. When Rav Sholom was nearing forty “There are things which happen to a years of age, the Bohusher Rebbe decided person which he doesn’t even dream of,” that it was time for his son-in-law to Rav Dovid explained. “Did it ever occur to emerge from behind his seforim and begin me that one day I would end up being the to lead his own Chassidim . To this end, the Rebbe ’s son-in-law? Yet it still happened!” Bohusher Rebbe sent him to the town of Radukan, where he was received with open 13  Eikev / [email protected] arms by its many inhabitants. The Yidden kehilla (community) that if the school was (Jews) of the town rejoiced at having Rav not shut down immediately, he would move Sholom in their midst, and indeed after a out of Radukan. His words, however, were short time his gadlus (ability, greatness) not taken seriously, and after being invited was recognized by those around him, and by his Chassidim in nearby Vasloi to move they crowned him their Rebbe , opening a to their town, he left Radukan. large Bais Medrash (shul and study hall) Not long after Rav Sholom left for him. Radukan, Middas HaDin (retribution) In 1907, a pogrom descended on the descended on the town, causing them to town. Roving bands of armed goyim had repent their ways. One of the heads of the been circulating in the area and they new school was found murdered with his decided to attack the Jews of Radukan. In a wife lying next to him. Searches were made panic, the Yidden fled to the large court of to find the killer, but to no avail. A few days Rav Sholom, where they gathered, awaiting later, a second Yid was found murdered in their fate. The local goyim , however, did his shop, together with his wife and not want to lose Rav Sholom, for they had daughter, and not long afterward, a third also been witness to the power of his Yid was found killed. Like the first Yid , berochos ; they surrounded the Rebbe ’s these other two Yidden had also been building and forcefully prevented the instrumental in opening the new school. If armed bands from harming the Yidden . all this was not enough, a plague also On another occasion, when news descended on the town, bringing severe arrived of an imminent pogrom, Rav illness to many of the children in the Sholom enclosed himself in his room and, school. taking out a packet of cigarettes, he started At an emergency meeting arranged to smoke, all the while deep in thought. No by the kehilla , it was decided to send a sooner had he finished one cigarette, than delegation to Rav Sholom to ask he started the next one. The Rebbe ’s room forgiveness for having caused him to leave started to fill up with a cloud of smoke. the town and to ask him to move back. Outside, in the streets, a fog started to When the delegation arrived in Vasloi, Rav descend on the town. As the cloud of smoke Sholom told them that he forgave them all thickened in the Rebbe ’s room, so too did and, even though he would not move back the fog intensify. The fog became so thick to Radukan, he would, however, come for a that it was almost impossible to see visit. The news that Rav Sholom had anything more than a few feet away. The forgiven them and was even coming for a goyim were forced to call off their pogrom visit brought a festive atmosphere in and thus the Yidden were saved. Radukan and a beautiful kabbolas ponim For more than thirteen years, Rav (reception) was arranged. Sholom lived in Radukan, leading his flock During the kabbolas ponim , all the with an iron hand. Even though the members of the Haskola came one by one Haskola (Reform movement) had managed to apologize to him and to beg his to penetrate most of the towns in Romania, forgiveness with broken hearts. Rav in Radukan, Rav Sholom stood firm, Sholom told them that he had never had preventing them from gaining a foothold. even the slightest hakpoda (stringency, i.e. However, even he was not able to totally resentment) against them and he reassured stop their spread and, in 1909, a school was them that all would return to normal. A few opened by the maskilim (reformers) of the days after Rav Sholom left, the murderer area. was found and duly punished, and peace Rav Sholom warned the heads of the and quiet returned once again to the streets 14  Eikev / [email protected] of Radukan. Rav Sholom was among the few In Vasloi, a large court and Bais Gedolim who fought against the new Medrash were built. Although many had movement tooth and nail. Many attempts flocked to Rav Sholom while he had lived in were made to try to convince him to change Radukan, in Vasloi even more came to see his mind, but they all ended in failure. One his avoda . Every Friday night, the whole of the heads of the local Zionist movement town would assemble around Rav Sholom’s told Rav Sholom that he did not tisch to watch him as he recited Kiddush , understand why Rav Sholom did not his soul-piercing voice causing many a support aliya to Eretz Yisrael, considering heart to miss a beat. that in Romania, the Jews were surrounded Not only did the Yidden regard Rav on all sides by anti-Semites who constantly Sholom as an Ish Elokim (holy man). The sought to make their lives a misery. local goyim would also stand in awe of him Rav Sholom took out a map of the every time he walked along the street. The Middle East and showed it to the man, Rav of Vasloi, Rav Dov Rabinovitz, told the saying, “Look, here is Syria and here is following story: “I was once walking along and and Iraq. More than one the streets of Vasloi when suddenly a hundred million Arabs live in these beautiful carriage stopped alongside me countries and you think you will be able to and from inside it emerged the governor of live in peace? I am telling you that they will Vasloi. He walked up to me and asked, ‘Tell fight against the Yidden until Moshiach will me, are you the Rav of the town?’ come and redeem us.” “When I answered him in the Rav Sholom’s fight against affirmative, he said to me, ‘But you don’t knew no compromise. If a Rav who had seem to be a Rav ,’ and he explained Zionist leanings came to see Rav Sholom – himself, saying, ‘Surely, you know the and in Romania there were many such famed Rav Sholom Halperin. He was once Rabbonim – he would not offer him a seat walking in the forest around Vasloi, and on but would let the Rav stand the whole time. his way he passed by a group of soldiers When the Gabbo’im (attendants) tried to who were under my command. The second convince Rav Sholom to offer such my soldiers caught a glimpse of this Rav Rabbonim a seat, he told them, “What are they became so scared that they bolted in you worried about – are you scared they fright in every direction. Others remained won’t come again? I really don’t want them rooted to the spot, too petrified to move.’ to come again!” As the governor finished, he said to me, Another area in which the Haskolo ‘But when people see you coming they don’t managed to make major inroads into feel any fear at all, so how is it possible that Romanian Jewry in general was regarding you are a Rav ?’” the sanctity of Shabbos . Many of the Among the main trials that were the Yidden became lax in keeping the laws of of the Yidden in Europe was the Shabbos and would keep their shops open attraction of Zionism and all that it on Shabbos like during the . The town entailed. Although in Poland and Galicia of Vasloi was one of the few places in the Gedolim (sages) had seen the dangers Romania where such a thing was unheard involved in their ideas and had by and large of. On the few occasions that someone managed to prevent its spread, in Romania dared to open his shop on Shabbos , Rav it spread like wildfire, trapping in its net Sholom would march down to the shop and not just the simple people but many stand outside until the shop was hastily Rabbonim and Talmidei Chachomim too. closed down. With the outbreak of the First World 15  Eikev / [email protected]

War in 1914, thousands of Russian soldiers Amongst the constant stream of descended on Vasloi. When their Chassidim who came to Vasloi were quite a commander saw Rav Sholom’s large number of great Talmidei Chachomim , courtyard, he decided that it would be ideal who would come to speak in learning with for his headquarters. The commander Rav Sholom. One of the greatest poskim in called Rav Sholom’s Gabbo’im and ordered Romania, Rav Chaim Mordechai Roller, them to vacate the court by Shabbos . If by mechaber of the classic sefer Be’er Chaim Shabbos they hadn’t left the court, then Mordechai , had become close with Rav they would all be forcibly evicted. Sholom from his days in Bohush. The Gabbo’im begged the Rav Chaim Mordechai would come commander to change his mind, but to no to Vasloi once a month. Each time he came, avail. The Rebbe with all his family had to they would close themselves in a room for leave by Shabbos . When Rav Sholom heard hours on end, engaging in deep Talmudic the news he did not react at all – as if it had discussion. Rav Chaim Mordechai would nothing to do with him. As Friday drew not cease praising Rav Sholom, saying that near, his Chassidim begged Rav Sholom to he was one of the major Talmidei leave the court and not to cause a Chillul Chachomim of the generation, someone Hashem and Chillul Shabbos through truly familiar with any topic. being evicted on Shabbos, but Rav Sholom Rav Sholom also excelled in ignored their pleas. Friday afternoon Kabbola . One of the famous Mekubolim of arrived – and still Rav Sholom showed no Yerushalayim, Rav Osher Zelig Margolios, interest in moving; in desperation his lived for a short time in Romania. During Chassidim demanded to know his reasons his stay there, he was a frequent visitor in for not leaving the court. In a soft and Vasloi. Every time he came across a determined voice, Rav Sholom told them, passage in Kabbola that he wasn’t able to “The commander will not live to carry out understand, he would ask Rav Sholom, who his plan.” would answer him straight away. Even In order to occupy a private many years later, Rav Osher Zelig would building, the law required that the takeover say that although one cannot compare first be approved by a certain high-ranking living in Eretz Yisrael to living in Chutz officer in Bucharest. The commander, who La’Aretz , (abroad) he did miss being able to anyhow had to go to Bucharest for an ask Rav Sholom his questions. important meeting, went by himself to In Rav Sholom’s later years, his obtain permission for his new Chassidim decided that it was necessary to headquarters, which he received without a make an extension to his court. After the problem. The commander traveled back to extension was completed, the Chassidim Vasloi by express train, which was due to wanted Rav Sholom to go and look at the arrive early Shabbos morning. new quarters that had been built. Rav Just outside Vasloi the train came to Sholom, however, refused their request. a halt. The commander, thinking that they The inspection could wait until Erev had arrived, opened the carriage door to Pesach , when he would have an leave the train. As he opened the door, the opportunity to view the new rooms while train started to move again. The sudden jolt carrying out Bedikas Chometz (the search caught the commander off-guard and he for chometz ). To go now in the middle of fell onto the rails where he was crushed to the year would be a waste of precious time, death by the moving train. From then on, which could be better spent learning. Rav Sholom was left in peace, his name Indeed, those who still remember uttered in awe by Yidden and goyim alike. Rav Sholom recount that even more 16  Eikev / [email protected] impressive than all the miracles that he this also does not help, he should remind performed was his unbelievable hasmoda himself that a person does not live forever (diligence). Every spare second was utilized and one day he will have to account for his for learning. Rav Sholom would forgo actions. buttering his bread during mealtimes. The Rav Sholom would say that these time was simply too precious to be wasted three different methods mentioned in the on such trivial pursuits. Gemora allude to the three different types Despite his fierceness against of people in Klal Yisrael: The first category anything that was deemed a threat to are the Talmidei Chachomim – those who Torah -true Yiddishkeit , he led his learn Torah . Afterward come those who, Chassidim like a true shepherd, caring for even if they cannot learn, still fear all their problems and worries. Every HaKodosh Boruch Hu , putting their trust broken heart was sure to be warmly in Hashem and davening three times daily. received and Rav Sholom would comfort The last category is the Yid who has fallen and console everyone. Even those who had by the wayside, and although he does not strayed from the path of Yiddishkeit would keep the Torah and Mitzvos , he still be given his undivided care and attention remembers to come once a year to shul on until their problems had been solved. At his parents’ yahrzeits (anniversary of their the same time, Rav Sholom would try to petiros ) to recite Kaddish for them. One convince them to better their ways. should not despair even of such a person; He would often say that it is he is still capable of conquering his Yetzer forbidden to give up hope on any Yid , HoRa if he has the will to do so. In keeping however low he has fallen, for every Yid has with his words, Rav Sholom was ‘ mekareiv ’ in him a spark which, when ignited, will (brought close) every Yid who knocked on bring him back to Torah and Mitzvos . In his door, no matter how far he had strayed. this derech (way) he explained the words of Almost until his last day, Rav the Gemora in Maseches Berochos , that a Sholom continued his avoda as usual. On person must always ensure that his Yetzer his last Shabbos , he recited Kiddush in the HaTov (good inclination) controls his Bais Medrash as every week. On Friday, Yetzer HoRa (bad inclination) and not vice the twenty-fourth of Av 5699 (1939), Rav versa. If the person feels that his Yetzer Sholom’s holy neshoma (soul) ascended to HoRa is gaining control, then he should shomayim . learn Torah in order to defeat it. If the Yetzer HoRa is not subdued through his learning, he should recite Kerias Shema . If  Rav Yaakov Meshulom OrensteinOrenstein,,,, 252525 ththth ofofof Menachem Av The Yeshuos Yaakov Rav Yaakov Meshulom served as the Yeshuos Yaakov , the Lemberger Rav , Rav head of Lwów’s Rabbinical court for some Yaakov Orenstein: thirty-five years and authored the famed Similar to Rav Yosef Shaul work Yeshuos Yaakov on the Shulchon Natanson, Rav Yaakov Orenstein was also Aruch and another peirush (commentary) not predisposed to agree with the Chassidic on the Chumash by the same title. movement, yet he was not among its open The following three tales should opponents. The Klausenberger Rebbe used illustrate to us some of the greatness of the to tell how he had heard from the chief Rav 17  Eikev / [email protected] of Nasoyd, who had himself heard from the known by the title of his work, the Klausenberger’s great uncle, the Shinover Chiddushei HaRim , and later the first Rav , how much the Yeshuos Yaakov Gerrer Rebbe , visited Lemberg. He wished honored the talmidim of the Ba’al Shem to be granted an audience with the Tov . Once, he was visited by the Apter Rav , Lemberger Rav , Rav Yaakov Orenstein, to Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel, and in explain the ways of Kotzker Chassidus to honor of his guest he asked that his him and to quell the false rumors spread Rebbetzin should prepare something. The about them. Rav Yaakov’s son, Rav Rebbetzin made a swift batch of milchig Mordechai Ze’ev, who would also one day pancakes and they were served to the serve as the chief Rav of Lwów (Lemberg) Apter. As he took his fork and knife to cut greeted the Chiddushei HaRim and the pancakes, something happened and discussed many matters with him. Seeing suddenly he was seen pushing the plate that his guest from Warsaw was a great away. Torah scholar, who professed to be a “Please tell me, Lemberger Rav ,” Kotzker Chassid , no less, Rav Mordechai asked the Apter Rav , “from where did these Ze’ev was confused. He began to ask about pancakes come?” The host paled and asked many of the nasty rumors that he had what was wrong. When the assembled saw heard about the Chassidim and their that the Apter was not eating, they stood strange ways and antics, but the waiting to see what would happen next. Chiddushei HaRim waved them away as They soon heard the Rebbetzin calling out, slanderous lies. Later that evening, Rav “Don’t serve the pancakes! Don’t eat the Mordechai Ze’ev took the Chiddushei pancakes!” HaRim to meet with his father, Rav When she was told that in fact her Yaakov, the Lemberger Rav . Upon entering guest had refrained, she explained that in his study, the Yeshuos Yaakov was seen her haste to prepare the pancakes, she had meeting with a merchant who had come to made the milky buttery batter herself and ask a question regarding a matter in Jewish asked one of the maid girls in the kitchen to law. “ Vos machstu ?” asked the Lemberger fry them up. The girl, not realizing that the Rav . pancakes were full of milk, had accidentally Understanding the question to mean fried them on a pan used for meat dishes. in its plainest sense, “How do you do?” the Seeing what seemed to be an open display merchant answered, “Thank G-d, I am well of supernatural insight, the Yeshuos in health and regarding wealth, there is Yaakov turned to his guest for an work, Boruch Hashem …” explanation. The Apter Rav calmly The Lemberger Rav cut him off explained why he had pushed his plate impatiently, asking once more, “I asked you away: “When I cut the pancake, the milk ‘Vos Machstu ?’” and butter squirted into my eye! Seeing Temporarily confused, the merchant that this food had such chutzpa I knew it began again to say the same thing. Then must not be kosher! Kosher food just does the Lemberger Rav thundered back, “But I not behave that way!” Although the Apter asked you, ‘ Vos Machstu ?’” Rav was, of course, jesting, the “I beg your pardon, Rav ,” said the Klausenberger said nonetheless the idea flustered merchant, but I have already illustrates that even regarding inanimate attempted to answer the same question objects there is a difference between purity posed to me now almost three times.” or sanctity and impurity or profanity. The Lemberger Rav explained, “Yes, In another story, the well-known but you are not answering my question; talmid of Rav Mendele, the Kotzker Rebbe ,

18  Eikev / [email protected] you are telling me about your physical state and was later no longer counted among the of being, but I asked you, ‘ Vos Machstu ?’ I opponents of . meant how are YOU doing: spiritually, how Finally, it is told that one day before are you? Do you have times set aside for Rav Yaakov Orenstein had renounced his the study of Torah and for tefilla ? Do you opposition to Chassidus , he was seized with make an accounting of your charitable a great desire to meet with and learn from work and so forth? That is YOUR true state one of the talmidim of the Ba’al Shem Tov of affairs.” The Chiddushei HaRim was to see if their way was indeed false. That greatly impressed by the Lemberger Rav ’s night, a Tzaddik appeared to him in a ways. vision, in his dream. “You are mistaken in When he had answered the your opposition,” the Tzaddik claimed. merchant’s questions, the Lemberger Rav “But why do they daven so late, even turned to his guest and immediately began after the required time for the recitation of asking him questions in learning and the Shema ?” he asked. difficult contradictions in Gemora . The two The Tzaddik replied, “Even if their began to swim through the sea of Talmudic preparations cause the time for the Shema logic. Rav Yaakov was of course testing his to have passed, still they truly recite the guest, who his son claimed was a true Shema , which, as the pasuk says, must be scholar, despite being a Chassid . The study recited “with all your heart and soul”, and learning grew so intense that after whereas many misnagdim , our opponents, several hours had passed, the two dueling fulfill the dictum to recite the Shema on Rabbonim sat in deep concentration alone time, but whatever it is that they are saying, (for everyone else had already left) with wet it is not the Shema , for they do not say it towels wrapped across their foreheads to with all their heart and soul.” keep their minds cool, and prevent their brains from overheating! Seeing that his When the Lemberger Rav awoke, he guest was indeed a Talmid Chochom , Rav remembered the strange dream. Soon Yaakov proceeded to ask him about the afterward, the holy Ropshitzer visited, and rumors he too had heard. when the Lemberger Rav met him, he was astonished to see the Tzaddik from his “Vicious slander and lies!” dream. exclaimed the Chiddushei HaRim . Having seen a clear demonstration of his guest’s “Nu , Lemberger Rav ,” quipped Rav Talmudic acumen, the Lemberger Rav was Naftoli Ropshitzer, “is the question still ready to hear and accept his explanations bothering you or has it been resolved?”  Rav Noach Naftoli of Kobrin, 262626 ththth of Menachem Av Rav Noach Naftoli, born in group of his grandfather’s Chassidim . 5596/1836, was the son of Rav Yisrael (Most of the Chassidim accepted Rav Yaakov, who was the son of the famed Rav Avrohom of as their Rebbe .) Moshe of Kobrin. He was the son-in-law of Rav Noach Naftoli was known as an his uncle, Rav Boruch Chaim Levin, a son- outstanding Talmid Chochom . His in-law of Rav Moshe of Kobrin. appearance was regal. Following the petira of his On the twenty-sixth of Av grandfather, Rav Moshe of Kobrin, on the 5649/1889, at the age of sixty-three, Rav twenty-ninth of Nissan 5618/1858, Rav Noach Naftoli was niftar in Komin, while Noach Naftoli was appointed Rebbe by a cutting the bread at his table. 19  Eikev / [email protected]

His sons, Rav Dovid Shlomo of grandfather, Amoros Tehoros , under the Kobrin and Rav Aharon Levi of title Maamorim Tehorim. Diamatshcve, succeeded him as Rebbe . Zechuso yogen olein u. Many of Rav Noach Naftoli’s Divrei -history-26-avaugust-22/ Torah were printed in the sefer of his


Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, 26th of Menachem Av

The Satmar Rav One Motzo’ei Shabbos Kodesh , the Satmar Rav was one of the blessed parshas Eikev , the Tosher Rebbe sat at descendants of this berocha . Melave Malka with his Chassidim and (The Tosher Reb be , Shlit”a related related: the story of the Yetev Lev ’s chassuna in This upcoming twenty-sixth of Av is greater detail on Motzo’ei Shabbos Parshas the Yahrzeit of the Toldos in the context of Rav Hirschel of holy Satmar Rav . Rymanow’s Yahrzeit .) Even before he was Rav Hirsch of Rymanow was a born, the Sanzer Kohen and had the minhag to bless Klal Rav , mechaber of Yisrael , bestowing abun dant berochos and Divrei Chaim , goodness upon them. Whatever he said was testified as to his fulfilled. When he was younger, before he upcoming became well known, he still had great greatness. Rav power to dispense berochos , as I heard Yoel’s father, the from my grandfather about the chassuna of mechaber of the Yetev Lev of Sighet and this is the story Kedushas YomTov , he told me (here the Tosher Rebbe , Shlit’”a was childless for retold the story heard from his many years and when he came before his grandfather): Rebbe , the Sanzer Rav , the Divrei Chaim When the Yetev Lev married the promised him in a letter that he would have daughter of Rav Moshe Dovid Ashkenazi, children blessed by Hashem . His prophetic the Av Bais Din of Taltsheva, the words were, of course, fulfilled: the grandfather, the mechaber of Yismach Kedushas Yom Tov had two luminaries, his Moshe , gave his son, Rav Elozor Nissan sons Rav Yoel of Satmar and Rav Yoel’s (the father of the chosson ) a certain brother, the holy mechaber of the Atzei amount of money to distribute as tzedoka Chaim of Sighet, as well as several to the poor who were present at the daughters. From the sanctity and chassuna . Amongst the poor there was one righteousness of these two brothers alone, particular pauper who, having received the we see that the Sanzer Rav ’s were allotted amount of tzedoka which Rav fulfilled and that the Kedushas Yom Tov Elozor Nissan distributed to each one, merited children blessed by Hashem . The insisted that he add more money to the Kedushas Yom Tov ’s grandfat her, the Yetev amount and asked for a certain very large Lev of Sighet, was similarly blessed at his sum, so large that Rav Elozor Nissan kindly wedding by Rav Tzvi Hirsch of Rymanow told him that the money was not his and he that he, too, would merit children, could not use his discretion to give one generations blessed by Hashem . Obviously

20  Eikev / [email protected] pauper such a princely sum. year-old lad, he merited visiti ng the holy He turned and went to his father, sanctuary of Rav Mordechai’leh of the Yismach Moshe , related the pauper’s Nadworna. Rav Mordechai’leh asked the request and asked him what to do. young child what he was studying in “I wish to see this pauper,” said the . Rav Yoel answered that he studied Yismach Moshe , Chumash with Rashi ’s commentary. Rav Mordechai’leh farhered (tested) him and and from his room was pleased to se e he knew the material the crowd parted well. He then told him to be very diligent in so as to allow him studying Chumash with Rashi every week, to peer through saying, “Mordechai’leh knew several great the door and see men, who, in their older years, they did not the face of the know where HaKodosh Boruch Hu dwells, anonymous pauper because they were not diligent in studying who had requested Chumash with Rashi .” He promised the such a sum of young Rav Yoel that if he would diligently tzedoka . When the study Chumash Rashi week by week, he Yismach Moshe saw who it was, he turned to his son, Rav Elozor Nissan, and told him would rise to very high levels. to give the poor man the entire sum of The holy Satmar Rav fulfilled these tzedoka he had requested, witho ut arguing. words all his life. The words of Rav When the pauper received the Mordechai’leh were very precious to him: money, he blessed Rav Elozor Nissan and every day after davening , while still the chosson , the Yetev Lev , with a great adorned in tallis and tefillin , the Satmar berocha , Rav studied Chumash and Rashi ; even in promising them his old age when this practice was difficult and taxing for him, he never gave it up. that from this marriage would The Satmar Rav ’s kochos in tzedoka come forth were very great. He would give out huge generations of sums to the poor and destitute, looking holy, righteous after their needs and helping to care for descendants. them. Afterward, he When he was Rav in Kroli in his vanished without younger years, the Satmar Rav asked his a trace. gabbai to invite the wealthy Rav Chaim Many years later, when the kalla ’s Sht ern of Pest and explain that he had an father, the Taltsheca Rav , prepared to urgent and important matter of business to move to Eretz Yisrael, his son -in-law, the discuss with him. When Rav Shtern arrived Yetev Lev , accompanied him to visit many in Kroli, Rav Yoel explained the reason for Rebbes and Tzaddikim , among them Rav his summons: “You should know that in Hirsch Rymanower. The Yetev Lev Pest, there are approximately forty families immediately r ecognized his face – it was I kno w of who are so destitute that they the pauper who had attended his wedding cannot even put bread on their tables. I am so many years before, who had blessed him asking you to please see to it that at least with descendants who would be their needs for Shabbos are taken care of.” Tzaddikim . Among those descendants was Rav Chaim answered Rav Yoel, the Satmar Rav . “Surely I will fulfill what the Rav is asking When the Satmar Rav was a six- of me, on o ne condition – that the Rav does not make me a Chassid !” 21  Eikev / [email protected]

Rav Yoel smiled and answered to the sweetly, “ Mein tei’ere kind (My precious neighboring child)! Why, if you fulfill my request and town of take care of fulfilling the needs of the poor, Satmar, I will be your Chassid !” where he (Based on Avo das Avoda Sichos Kodesh II) hoped to grow in  Torah away from the Teaching Us To Stand Tall In limelight and his father’s Chassidim . America Things didn’t work out that way, and The Tchebiner Rav would marvel at within a year, due to pressure from his the Brisker Rav ’s depth in learning and the many admirers, Rav Yoel was leading his Brisker Rav would marvel at the Tchebiner own Kehilla and Chassidim . Rav ’s breadth of Torah knowledge. Both of Ra v Yoel’s first official position was them were in awe of the Sa tmar Rav ’s as Rav of Orishiva, Czechoslovakia, which breadth and depth of Torah wisdom. So the he accepted in 1911 at the age of twenty - story goes. Not only was the Satmar Rav four. It was there that he gained a the architect of Chassidishe life in post -war reputation as a fearless kano’i, padlocking a America, but he was one of the generation’s wedding hall and not letting the seuda greatest Torah scholars and poskim . He proceed, after the ba’alei simcha (hosts) was truly a living legend. violated his warning against mixed Rav Yo el Teitelbaum was born on dancing. It was during his years in Orishiva the eighteenth of Teves 5647/1887 to his after opening a Yeshiva that Rav Yoel’s father Rav Chananya Yom Tov Lipa, the halachic psak became sought after, with Rebbe in the Hungarian town of Sighet. He shailos pouring in from all over . was a direct descendant of the Yismach In 1924, after Rav Yoel fel t he had brought Moshe and the Yetev Lev . After being Orishiva to the level of Yiddishkeit childless for many years, the Kedushas required, he accepted a similar position in Yom Tov had two sons: Rav Chaim Tzvi, Kroli. The ten years he spent in Kroli was, the Atzei Chaim of Sighet, and Rav Yoel. in his opinion, some of the best years of his Rav Yoel or Yoilish as he was called, was a life, learning and teaching Torah . Due to wonder child. His bar mitzva derosha kept pressure upon the vacancy of the position the crowd spellbound and was the big news of the Rav of Satmar, in 1934 he acceded the next day in the newspapers. In a and moved back to his adopted town of practi ce that lasted through his life, Rav many years before. By this time he was Yoel often did not sleep in a bed, instead already recognized by the likes of Rav learning through the night by forcing as the leader of himself awake by placing his feet in bucket Hungarian Jewry and one of the Gedolei of freezing cold water. HaDor . Rav Yoel got married at the age of From the outbreak of World War II seventeen to Chava Horowitz, the da ughter until the Nazi beasts invaded Hungary, the of the Plancher Rebbe . His gravely ill father Rebbe did not sit still. He was actively was Mesader Kiddushin and was niftar two involved in the rescue efforts of his Polish weeks later. After the petira of the brethren. When the Nazis invaded, Rav Kedushas Yom Tov , Rav Yoel’s older Yoel was fortunate to be awarded a seat on brother, the Atzei Chaim , became Rebbe the famous Kastner train, after Rudolf and Rav of Sighet. Rav Yoel quietly moved Kastner’s mother appeared to him in a

22  Eikev / [email protected] dream and told him that if the Satmar Rav Chinuch , a great deal of Torah learning, was not on the train, all its passengers and their enviable Chessed network, which would not survive. The Kastner train was a reaches Jews from all walks of life, trainload of people who were to be taken regardless of affiliation and background. out of Nazi-occupied te rritory to freedom But more than just buildi ng Satmar, he was in Switzerland as part of a deal between the a “ Rebbe ’s Rebbe ”, in his fatherly way Zionist leader in Hungary, Rudolf Kastner, guiding many other transplanted and the Nazi hierarchy. Although originally Chassidishe courts and helping them intended for important Hungarian Zionist rebuild and firmly plant their roots on the members and their families, many once-treife soil of America. The Rebbe members of the Chareidi communi ty were taught us how to stand tall in America and also able to get on. The train did not be pr oud Jews just like we were in the initially go to Switzerland as promised, but shtetlach of Europe. For this all of after a detour and a four-month layover in American Jewry and even world Jewry has the infamous Bergen-Belsen death camp a great amount of respect and gratitude. (albeit in a special section), they were The Satmar Rav was niftar on the twenty- finally sent on their way. sixth of Av 5639/1979. Yehi Zichro Boruch . After the war, Rav Yoel moved to -Satmar-Rov-Rav- Eretz Yisrael. However, shortly thereafter, Yoel-Teitelbaum-Teaching-Us-To -Stand-Tall-In-America/4007 through Hashgoch a Protis ,  he Rav Yitzchok Hutner, Ra”m of embarked Chaim Berlin and mechaber of Pachad on a Yitzchok , used to say that the Satmar Rav fundraisin was able to see with a far -reaching vision, g trip to greater than many other Rebbes and New York Rabbonim , saying, “He sees further than all and ended of us.” up settling there. While Rav Aharon Kotler and Rav He once told the following story Moshe Feinstein rebuilt non-Chassidishe which demonstrated this far -reaching Jewry, Rav Yoel laid the foundations for vision: Chassidishe America. Rav Yoel knew Once, two messengers arrived from exactly what he wanted and built it Eretz Yisrael to visit the offices of Agudas according to the script he wrote. Yisrael in America. They told how recently, While he was often at odds many missionaries had been traveling from halachically and hashkafically with Rav village to village and from city to city, Aharon and Rav Moshe, they all had the attempting to turn Jews away from greatest mutual respect and admiration, so Yiddishkeit toward Christianity. The much so that when Rav Aharon asked the Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael asked the Satmar Rav not to drive his car after Rabbonim of the Aguda to sign a letter of Shekia (sunset) on Friday, which the protest against these missionary activities, Satmar Rav held was permitted until a which would then be sent to the Israeli later zman , he obeyed without question. prime minister, protesting the missionaries’ nefarious activities. The Satmar Rav built Williamsburg into a bastion of Satmar Chassidus and Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav founded Kiryas Yoel with many Mosdos of , as well as Rav Hutner

23  Eikev / [email protected] and Rav Kalmanovitch and others minister without the Satmar Rav ’s discussed the issue, wrote up such a letter signature. and protested vehemently against what was A few weeks later, they all saw just going on. They decided to enlist the help how prophetic the Satmar Rav ’s words and support of the Satmar Rav as well, were; they all came true – not one word thinking that perhaps he too woul d sign the was false. The p rime minister of Eretz letter. Yisrael took the letter with him to the Two important Rabbonim acted as Vatican, showed it to the Pope and the messengers and visited the Satmar Rav in entire episode became public news. Then his home, asking him to sign the letter and we all understood that a divine spirit of pledge his support in protest against the intuition spoke through the Satmar Rav , missionary activities in Eretz Yisrael. and through his Torah and righte ousness The Rav read the letter and he had the power and foresight to see what answered t hem, “I cannot sign this letter.” would indeed happen. The Satmar Rav then offered the following Rav Yitzchok Hutner concluded, explanation as to why he would not sign: “I “Der Satmar Rav hot gezen far ois mit a know that in the next few days the Israeli pur chodoshim vus es vet zayn – the prime minister has a trip scheduled to Satmar Rav saw a few months ahead what Italy. Surely he will take the opportunity to would be!” ( Moshiyan Shel Yisrael II, page visit th e Vatican and meet with the Pope. 20) “Once he receives this letter, I  believe that he will take it with him, show it to the Pope and use it as a tool to find favor The Satmar Rav ’s Berocha in the pontiff’s eyes. He will wave our letter Once, after the war, a young man of protest and say to the Pope, ‘See – they approached the Satmar Rav for a berocha . aske d me to intercede against missionary “What makes you think I can give you a activities, but no – even though Eretz berocha ?” asked the Tzaddik . Yisrael is a medina for Yidden , we believe “Someone whose opinion counts in freedom of religion, and each religion even in heaven surely has the right to has the right to practice unhindered and bestow berochos ,” answered the young teach its ideas to anyone. See – even man. though the American Rabbonim protest against me, we – the Israeli government – “Well, pay them no heed and do not listen to if you could them.’” prove that were true The Satmar Rav concluded and said, about me, “I believe the Israeli prime minister will surely I take this letter to the Pope and thereby would cause a great Chillul Hashem (desecration bestow my of Hashem ’s name) – and so I cannot sign berocha a letter which will be used in such a way.” upon you. The messengers thought that the Any person Satmar Rav was simply pushing them off who knows with excuses. They did not believe that that what he said was true, nor did they take it someone’s se riously at all. The letter was signed, opinion sealed and delivered to the Israeli prime counts in

24  Eikev / [email protected] heaven is worthy of a berocha !” smiled the recognize any of them till she spotted the Satmar Rav . “Pray tell, how you would Satmar Rav , whom she recognized from know such a thing.” her childhood in Rumania. ‘ Rebbe , Rebbe , The young man told how, as they save my son!’ she cried to him, ‘Have were almost mercy.’ liberated, he Rav Yoel bowing before King ‘Do not worry,’ said th e Satmar Rav , and a friend Carol II of Romania, 1936. ‘he will live.’ Then she woke up.” ran in search of food to feed their starving So saying, the young man turned to brethren. The Nazis caught them both and the Satmar Rav and said, “You see, Rebbe , hanged his friend immediately. my mother told me how your opinion “They would have hanged me too on counts in heaven and I am living proof!” the spot, except that I had done some “Well said,” smiled the Satmar Rav favors for a few officers and they decided to – and gave him his berocha . at least grant me one final wish as thanks ( Licht Vol. 33 No. 8 Kislev 5742, pages 9–12) for my good deeds. I asked to be able to see my mother one last time and to say  goodbye. At first they protested that the women’s camp was too far and it would The Satmar Rav used to speak take too long, but finally they agreed. They against a few misguided souls, who, in their took me to her and as I stood there before campaigns, would always seem to find her, I said goodbye, explaining that they shortcomings among religious Jews, yet were going to kill me. My mother fainted somehow always managed to find only on the me rits and good among the wicked. spot. As Such people, he said, were they characterized by the pasuk in Mishlei 17:15: were “He who vindicates the wicked and taking condemns the righteous – also both are an care of abomination to Hashem.” The Satmar Rav her to asked why the pasuk needs to say that also revive both of these are an abomination. Isn’t her, she someone who makes wicked people appear came to righteous an abomination even alone – and and isn’t someone who villanizes righteous whispered to me, ‘You will live! You will people also an abomination on his own? live!’ The truth is that each separately can “I was dragged away by the Nazis be understood . If someone is always and as they led me to the gallows, the looking for the cloud’s silver lining and American forces attacked and began to rain seeking to make everything appear good, heavy artillery and bombs on the camp. always searching for merits and trying to The noise and explosions caused the Nazis see people in a positive light, we can to flee for cover and I escaped. Later, when understand that just maybe he will even the American officers liberated us, I was make the wicked appear to be r ighteous. reunited with my mother. I asked her how Conversely, someone who paints everyone she knew I would live. She told me that in a negative light and sees shortcomings when she fainted, she rose up before the and demerits everywhere, he too can be Heavenly tribunal and saw many misled by his temper to see righteous Tzaddikim with long beards and hadras people as having faults. ponim (radiant countenances). She did not But someone who simultaneously 25  Eikev / [email protected] errs to the point where he only sees the did. When asked for an explanation, he righteous as wicked and the wicked as said that this person did not want to help righteous? Surely, that is an abomination an old weak Jew; rather he wanted the to Hashem when he always does both of mitzva of Bikur Cholim – and he was not a these! cheifetz shel mitzva .  Person-Not-Your-Mitzva/3824 The Satmar Rav Holds $1,000 for  Happiness The Satmar Rav , Rav Yoel Parshas Eikev : Satmar Rav – The Teitelbaum, was famous for giving out huge Beginning of the Big Year sums of money to people who came to ask Einei Hashem Elokecho bah him for help. One day a man came from meireishis hashana v’ad acharis shana – Eretz Yisrael and asked him for money to “The eyes of Hashem are always upon it, marry off his daughter. The Satmar Rav from the beginning of the year until year’s asked him how much he needed. The man end” (11:12). The Satmar Rebbe asks, “Why quickly calculated the cost of an apartment, does the pasuk say for reishis – hashana , the wedding, and all the other expenses but for acharis it only says shana ?” and said that he needed $30,000. He answers that the nature of people The Satmar Rav then left the room is that in the beginning of a new year, when and came back with a stack of bills. The people are in the teshuva mode, they say, man counted it and saw that it was “This year I will be better. This year I will $29,000. His happiness knew no bounds. give more tzedoka , I will watch my anger, He went out literally dancing in the streets. and learn more Torah . This will be THE One of the people with the Satmar year!” But when the year passes and he Rav asked him why he left him a thousand didn’t fulfill any of his “New Year dollars short, rather than donating the Resolutions”, he sees that the year, which entire amount. The Satmar Rav answered he thought would be THE year, turned out that had he given him the full amount he to be “just another year”. The pasuk says would have initially been ecstatic. for reishis hashana – in the beginning he However, a few minutes later, he would thinks this year will be ha shana – the year, have been upset at himself for not asking but at the end of the year it’s only acharis for more. I wanted the man to be happy. By shana – just another year. giving him $29,000, the man was ecstatic We say in the Kedusha of Mussaf : that he got as much as he could ever have Hein go’alti es’chem acharis kereishis – dreamed for. “When will I redeem you?” says Hashem . “When Acharis kereishis – the end of the Happiness/4697 year will be like the beginning.” When all  the promises and resolutions that one makes before Rosh HaShana will still be in Satmar Rebbe – I Am a Person, Not place at the end of the year, that is when Your Mitzva the Geula will come! Once when the Satmar Rebbe was leaving the hospital after an illness, a very Satmar-Rov-The-Beginning-Of-The-Big-Year/2646 pushy person insisted on helping get his  coat on. The Satmar Rebbe told him that he did not need his help, although he really

26  Eikev / [email protected]

Rav Yoel of Satmar was a immediately set out to rebuild the descendant of the Yismach Moshe, Rav Chassidic community. Initially, his Moshe Teitelbaum of Ujhel, and the Yetev followers consisted mainly of Holocaust Lev . He traced his ancestry to the survivors. With his strong and outspoken illustrious Maharsha and Rema . He was a personality, he breathed new life into them, gifted child who received his early Torah giving them g uidance and inspiration. A instruction from his father, Rav Chananya staunch defender of the Torah way of life, Yomtov Lipa Teitelbaum, Rav of Sighet, he forcefully opposed even the slightest and mechaber of Kedushas Yom Tov. While innovation or deviation from tradition. yet a young man, he showed great promise With his charismatic personality, as a Talmudic sc holar and was acclaimed illustrious scholarship and deep piety, he for his deep piety. While devoting the attracted thousands of new Chassidim . He major part of his day to the analytic established large Yeshivos and girls’ research of Talmud and Halocha , he schools in America and Eretz Yisrael and immersed himself for several hours each erected a small town, Kiryas Yoel, with a day in the study of the great books of big Yeshiva and elegant home on the Mussar (ethics), such as Chovos outskirts of Monroe, New York. HaLevovos by Rav Bachya ibn Pakuda. He Rav Yoel firmly believed that a became a Chassid of Rav Yechezkel Shraga Jewish state would be e stablished only of Shiniava, upon the coming of Moshiach . As a result, who was the he spoke out sharply against Zionism and son of Rav any group participating in the Israeli Chaim of Sanz. government. He did not oppose living in At the age of Eretz Yisrael. Satmar Chassidim in Eretz seventeen, Rav Yisrael reject any form of monetary Yoel was assistance from the government. appointed Rav The writings of Rav Yoel, which have of Musza, gained wide acceptance, were published Czechoslovaki under the titles Va’yoel Moshe and Divrei a. Yoel . These volumes comprise his halachic He novellae, responsa, sermons and essays. In subsequently a clear and concise l anguage, he expounds served as Rav his views that reflect his vast knowledge of Orshova and Kroli, and in 1935 he and valiant spirit. The towering personality assumed the post of Rav of Satmar, where of the Satmar Rav has injected his he officiated until 1944. At the time, he was Chassidim and other Chassidic sects with a miraculously saved from the claws of the sense of pride and self esteem, raising the Nazis as one of the 1,684 Hungarian Jews standards of Torah observa nce to great on the famous “Kastner train”. This group heights. He left an indelible imprint on his was allowed to leave for Switzerla nd with a Chassidim and on Torah -observant Jewry stopover in Bergen-Belsen, as a result of at large. the negotiations Rav Michoel Ber Rav Yoel had three daughters from Weissmandel of Nitra had conducted with his first wife, but no children from his Adolf Eichmann. second righteous wife Rebbetzin Alte Faiga After spending about two years in (1912-2001) whom he married in 1937. His Eretz Yisrael, the Satmar Rav arrived in the success would not have been possible United States in 1946. Settling in the without her great support and acts of Williamsburg section of Brooklyn where he tremendous kindness. Rav Yoel was

27  Eikev / [email protected] succeeded by his nephew, Rav Moshe as their anti-Zionist beliefs. Although Teitelbaum. Satmar is large (numbering around Rav Yoel and his Satmar movement 250,000 worldwide) and very influential, it are “notorious” to this day for giving and has not received much positive publicity, raising huge amounts of tzedoka to and is often subject to stereotyping. religious and non-religious Jews in need. This doesn’t usually get as much attention

 Rav Yehuda Fatiya of Yerushalayim, 27th of Menachem Av Born: Bagdad, Iraq, 1859; Niftar : Eretz Fatiyah enumerates a number of personal Yisrael , 1942 – Mekubol experiences in which he witnessed how Rav Fatiya rose to be the foremost demons appeared to people in dreams and talmid of the Ben Ish Chai . He said while awake in all kinds of forms with the regarding himself that he was the intent of deceiving them for some unknown reincarnation of Rav Yechezkel Landau, a devious purpose. Rav Fatiya was an expert great Ashkenazi halachist , mechaber of the in exposing these demons and casting them Responsa Noda B’Yehuda . Rav Fatiya said out. He has recorded the procedures for that he had to come back to the earth for, doing these things in his work. although in his last lifetime, he was a  Tzaddik , he did not fulfill his Torah obligation to study Kabbola . So in this life, Rav Yehuda Fatiya about dreams... the study of Kabbola was his main focus Rav Yehuda Fatiya explains in detail and tikkun (rectification). how to distinguish between dreams that Among his many works, which come from angels and those which come include multiple commentaries to the holy from demons. He gives a warning that and Eitz Chaim , Rav Yehuda demons are not stupid and know very well authored Minchas Yehuda . In it, he writes how to seduce people as they sleep. These of his experiences with earth-bound souls, unclean entities have learned the art of and the exorcisms that he performed. Even replication and can show an individual in among Mekubolim , this is not the norm. their dreams false Heavenly and sublime Rav Fatiya was a step above the rest. Rav spiritual symbols. The person will believe Fatiya was a master at detecting the that he is receiving a holy Heavenly presence of spirits and demons and an message, whereas in fact the soul is being expert in the art of exorcism. However, he deceived into becoming an agent of evil. also knew that people many times make up Just as there are unscrupulous people in or imagine things to be that are just not this world seeking to dupe and deceive true. He never simply accepted someone’s others for their own personal gain, so are word that he was in contact with a spirit or there spiritual beings that wish to do the demon. In order to ascertain that person’s same. The dream world is the realm of the credibility, Rav Yehuda would test him to unconscious; as such, it is the rightful see if he really was having an other-worldly domain of spirits both good and evil. experience or not. Therefore, when we dream, we must be Minchas Yehuda by Rav Fatiya is very cautious. We must learn how to one of the most revelatory works about control our dreams. A dream interpreter demons and how they act and deceive must also be aware that not all message people in the most malicious ways. Rav dreams come from holy sources. 28  Eikev / [email protected]

“When a man’s soul ascends above Pharaoh had never heard of Yosef to that as he sleeps, if he is sinful then his soul is day. Yet, that day forever changed the lives cast about from place to place by the forces of both men and both nations. Hashem of the powers of evil; this is why one sees gave Pharaoh his dreams. Hashem inflicted himself in a dream in another country or in Pharaoh’s wise men with stupidity. another land” ( Zohar III, page 222b). Hashem brought Yosef to Egypt, made him Rav Fatiya brings down examples of a dream master and brought him before how demons appear in dreams in the form Pharaoh, all in accordance with the Divine of Tzaddikim or as “ascended masters”. plan. They can show dreamers images of the A demonic dream takes on a heavens, the holy throne, or even different form. During a demonic dream, a Kabbalistic symbolism. All this is their person feels great agitation. He may feel a attempt to convince the dreamer to believe weight on his chest as if someone is sitting in that which they send to him. In this way, on him. The dream images are confusing the forces of evil ensnare for themselves and blurry. No clear mental message is another soul. The demons always begin by received. He awakens with feelings of showing one images of holiness to convince anxiety and panic. He feels an inner the person that what he is seeing in his conviction toward a certain course of dreams is “kosher”. Then, after the soul is action, yet no logical or permissible means convinced and believes in what it is being avail themselves. The person is then led to shown, the demons lead him step by step, believe that his family, friends or until eventually the person sinks into community is holding back from him some mental illness. In this state, the demons form of “unmanifest destiny”. The forces of can control the person’s mind and body. evil then return in dreams to confuse the The only way to avoid the onset of such a person even further, making him demonic attack is the recitation of the full suspicious of others around him. order of the nighttime Shema Yisrael Eventually, paranoia sets in and is soon tefilla . followed by schizophrenia. All this occurred Rav Fatiya explains the difference because the person opened himself to between angelic dreams and demonic foreign outside influences without first dreams as follows. An angelic dream is a being on a proper level of kedusha message dream. Therefore, during the (holiness) to defend himself. ( Minchas dream the dreamer will remain calm and Yehuda ) reposed, almost unemotional, regardless of what is seen. The dreamer will watch the  dream vision like watching a film, while the image’s inner meanings will somehow be A Story of Possession - The Evil Soul imprinted on his mind. Upon awakening, of the False Messiah Shabsai Tzvi Strikes the dreamer is not frightened or alarmed. from Beyond the Grave ~ Copyright © 1995 Although he is perplexed about what to do by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved. next, the next step always seems to become Introduction manifest. Such was the case with Pharaoh. After he awoke from his dream, he knew he Rav Yehuda Fatiya was truly a needed it interpreted. Intuitively, he felt remarkable man, a master Mekubol, as the that the interpretations his wise men were following story will show. This rendering is giving him were all wrong. He knew more of a paraphrased translation than something was missing. Only then did his literal. I sometimes changed tenses, and cupbearer speak to Pharaoh about Yosef. added a needed word that is implied (but

29  Eikev / [email protected] not in) the original text. I have chosen this Kaddish or Kedusha . It had not been format to bring this piece to you so that you twenty years since he had gone to Rav can get the feel of the original flow that the Yosef Chaim (the Ben Ish Chai ) who sent a piece has to it. letter to Rav Eliyahu Mani in Chevron. The There are many lessons within this response was that (Bakhur) had a great episode. Those who work today with klipah (evil shells/husks) within his heart, Yichudim and exorcisms rely heavily on and that he (Rav Mani) could not help him. Rav Yehuda’s work as a guide to how to The Ben Ish Chai consulted with me recognize spirits and how to deal with them at that time and told me to write a mezuza , once they have been identified. This and prescribed that Bakhur should wear it episode unfortunately is not unique. over his heart. This, however, had no effect. Demonic possession is not limited to the Therefore he had returned to me to inquire realm of the horror film. Whenever we as whether he had a spirit within him. Being Jews violate the mitzvos , we become open that Bakhur was an honest, G-d-fearing to spiritual-psychic attack. I offer this man, I consented to his request. I started to translation so as to open the eyes of those perform Yichudim (Unifications, a specific who do not see. Remember, this story is form of Jewish meditation in Kabbalistic real. We have an insider’s view of what Jewish mysticism, especially denoting the happened. Know that a lot of stories going complete meditative method developed by on around us today are similar to this one. the Arizal ) by his ear, the Yichudim used Armed with the knowledge this episode will against spirits. Thus the breath of the provide, you may become more aware of Yichud enters into his ear, and then into his what is really going on in the hearts and organs, for the breath of the Yichud minds of those around us. May Hashem disturbs the breath of the spirit. bless and protect his people Eretz Yisrael While I was reciting the Yichudim from all our enemies, seen and unseen, into his ear, Bakhur started to laugh. I corporeal and non-corporeal. Amen ! asked him what he was laughing about; he  answered and said that he can almost hear another person inside himself, and he is HoRuchos Mesaperos – The Spirits very viciously cursing you, saying this one’s Speak Rav , Yosef Chaim (the Ben Ish Chai ) On Monday, the 22 nd of Kislev 5663, advised you to wear a mezuza , he should a man named Reuven ben Moshe Mani ben take the mezuza and place it up his Bais Rahama came to me. He was possessed by HaBoshes (the embarrassing place) (G-d a spirit named Yohana. While I was forbid). Now his talmid has become the yet working with him, another man, Rav . He is only half of his Rav , Yosef Yehezkel Ezra ben Yisrael came to me. His Chaim. In this way did the spirit me family name is Bakhur. He said to me that and mock me. for a number of years evil thoughts would Upon hearing all this, I returned to pop into his head as though from nowhere. recite Yichudim by his ear numerous times, During the silent Amida tefilla , or during without interruption, until such a time that Kaddish or Kedusha , he would hear a voice the spirit was cursing, twisting and turning within him saying, “Give up your religion, within Bakhur’s heart. But I would not pay convert and become a Christian” (G-d the spirit any mind. In the end Bakhur forbid). inquired of the spirit within him, and he These thoughts were so powerful said, “Ask Yehuda what he wants from me.” that they would disturb his concentration, I said to him, “I want to know from preventing him from answering the what city you come and what is your name. 30  Eikev / [email protected]

I want you to tell me the absolute truth. If rectify your soul and allow you to ascend to you lie to me, I will show you what I can do the , so that you won’t by placing severe punishments and suffer from being earthbound anymore.” sufferings upon you.” The spirit said, “This is not possible, The spirit answered Bakhur saying, not for you or for your rectifications. I do “There have been a number of people like not wish to go to the Garden of Eden.” Yehuda who tried to get me to reveal my I said to the spirit, “Again you name, but they weren’t able to get anything challenge me?” I brought my mouth close from me. I am stronger than stone. I do not to Bakhur’s ear so as to again recite the open up to just anyone.” Yichudim . The spirit then screamed within I said to the spirit, “If so, I will Bakhur’s mind, and said he would reveal continue to try, and we will see who will be his name. successful in the end. If you are truly a He said his name was Dovid ben strong spirit and are accustomed to Savti ben Rivka from the city of Izmir sufferings, then prepare yourself to suffer (Turkey). He said that he was an apostate the travails of the the Yichudim , for they and that he had slept with gentile women, are like an unquenchable flame, and they and that he left no children, and that he are more painful then hell itself; for I will had possessed Bakhur some seventeen not leave you alone until you truthfully tell years earlier. me your name and whence you came. You The spirit then asked why I had will suffer all this pain for nothing, because flipped the world over on him. He said, “I you do not submit to me. You are causing have never hurt (Bakhur) or caused him all this suffering to fall upon you, and not any harm, and if you are so concerned me.” about these insignificant thoughts, I will be I started again to recite Yichudim by careful from now on not to cause him evil Bakhur’s ear as I did previously; I also blew thoughts. Just leave me here in my place, the Shofar close to his ear with the for if I were to leave, where would I go? meditations that are appropriate for this. Where would I find rest?” Bakhur started to scream. “Enough, Bakhur said to the spirit, “Go to enough!! I surrender.” Gehinnom .” The spirit now wanted to tell me his The spirit answered, “I am not yet name and place of origin. Yet I wasn’t ready worthy to enter into Gehinnom, for I am to listen. For I know it is the way of the guilty of sleeping with a menstrual woman, spirits to be like Pharaoh; they only a gentile woman, and a prostitute. Please surrender for a moment, then go back to don’t go again to Yehuda, for I can’t stand being stiff-necked. Therefore I decided to it. Let me stay here in my place, and I will show the spirit the power of the Holy not bother you further.” Names. All these things did the spirit speak Only when I was finished with the within Bakhur’s mind, and he (Bakhur) Yichudim was the spirit tired and worn would speak them to me. Being that I really down, and asked me to give him time to didn’t want to deal with spirits, I made a relax from his travails. condition with the spirit. If he would return Afterward, the spirit asked me, and place evil thoughts in Bakhur’s mind, I “Why do you seek to know my name and would set my hand against him. place of origin? Why do you need to know Only a few short days had passed this?” when the spirit returned to his evil ways I said to the spirit, “So that I can and brought evil thoughts into Bakhur’s 31  Eikev / [email protected] mind. Bakhur came to me and related what not to continue with Shabsai Tzvi, fearing was happening. he would hurt me, G-d forbid. I started to recite Yichudim by his The next day, Bakhur came to me, ear. I commanded the spirit that this time and I started Yichudim for Shabsai Tzvi. to truthfully tell me his name, for the From within Bakhur, Shabsai Tzvi began who oversees the Yichudim had already again to curse me with awful . revealed to me the spirit’s name and place Bakhur would tell me all. of origin. (This frightened the spirit.) I told I stopped the Yichudim , and started the spirit that I would continue to recite a to speak gently to the spirit, words that number of Yichudim by Bakhur’s ear until would touch his heart. I spoke with him, he revealed to me his name, just as the saying, “Let me ask you some questions: angel had told it to me. What is my strife with you? Do you think The spirit was very disturbed by this, that I wish to take revenge for what you did and he said his name was Tzvi, and that his when you were alive?” mother’s name was Rivka, and that he was The spirit answered that he did not from Izmir. I commanded him to tell me think this. I asked him, “Do you really think the truth; for initially the spirit said his my intent with these Yichudim is to cause name was Dovid ben Savti, and now he said you harm so that I will receive a Heavenly his name was Tzvi. reward for my endeavors with Bakhur?” I asked him outright, “Aren’t you The spirit said, “It’s not that.” none other than the notorious Shabsai Tzvi I said, “For Bakhur is a poor man, he from Izmir, who made himself to be a cannot pay me for my services. Why then messiah?” do you think I am troubling myself taking The spirit answered that this was the time away from my learning, if not for the truth. I asked him, “If so, you died in the sake of your soul? For is it still not a spark year 1666; it has not been 237 years from from G-d above? Can it not shine like the your death. Tell me where you have most brilliant pearl? It is only due to sin reincarnated until now? How were you that you have fallen. The Holy One, blessed judged?” by He, is above all, and the Source of all. It The spirit answered me mockingly, is by His design that you entered into “Even if you get for yourself enough paper Bakhur’s body, so that by such, your soul to write a book and enough pens (I will not would have a limit and end to its sufferings tell you), for these things are none of your by the work I am doing with you. I am business. Now, you are late for your class in making the endeavors to rectify you. What the Yeshiva . Your talmidim are awaiting then is my sin, my blemish, that you curse you, they are looking for you. How much me with all these horrible curses?” time will you waste, delaying here with The spirit said to me, “I can’t stand me?” the sufferings of the Yichudim .” I saw that what he said was true. I I said to him, “It is the way of the arose and left for the Yeshiva . I decided I world that if a person is sick from an illness would finish this work tomorrow. While in deep inside the body, the doctor has to the Yeshiva I met Rav Shimon Aharon open up the body in order to remove the Agasi; I related to him this matter of cause of the illness. Even if this causes Shabsai Tzvi, and how he had possessed much pain, the person suffers it so that he the soul of Bakhur. Rav Shimon went and can get well. He doesn’t curse the doctor. told these things to Rav Yosef Chaim (the As for me, it is not my way to discuss things Ben Ish Chai ). Together they warned me in such depth with the spirits, for the vast

32  Eikev / [email protected] majority of them are quite ignorant, and I started performing a number of can’t tell the difference between what is Yichudim , and the spirit would scream good for them and what is bad. However, I horrible screams. Yet I would not pay know what I know. I know that you are a attention to his screams until I was very learned individual. You know how to exhausted from performing the Yichudim . judge for yourself what is for your own The spirit also was tired and exhausted good and what is not. Therefore, I am from all his travails. It was not able to correct in what I am doing with you, and speak anything for a good amount of time. your curses can have no effect upon me; for After this I asked the spirit if the I know that your soul does not truly wish to Yichudim had helped rectify him. The spirit curse me. It is the klippa that surrounds said, “Yes, yes, your honor, I feel that the you that is forcing you to act thus. weight of the klippa is lighter upon me.” Therefore, I forgive your soul.” These were I then asked him, “How thick is the my words with Shabsai Tzvi that I spoke klippa that is left upon you?” The spirit with kindness and respect (toward him). answered, “Without exaggeration, it is at Rav Yosef Chaim and Rav Shimon Agasi least two feet thick.” had both told me to be aggressive with him. I asked him, “I have one question to When I finished my words, the spirit ask you: tell me, does the ball of the sun answered me in the words of a wise man. “I revolve around the earth, or is it stationary will not conceal from you a thing. For even in the heavens, or it is suspended in the air though I suffer from the Yichudim , like a of this world?” man who has wounds in the flesh, and along comes the doctor who covers the The spirit answered me, “Do you wounds with vinegar and salt, until it can wish for me to enter my head between the hurt no more; yet, when the Yichud is great mountains (meaning the souls of the finished, I do feel that my flesh has Talmudic Sages, dwelling above) so that softened, and that the wounds are healing. they will crush my head? What you find I feel at ease. And now, I agree with your written in the books, learn. I have no path. I want you to perform Yichudim upon business in these matters.” me. And even if I jump or scream, pay no I asked the spirit a number of other attention to my pain, for I scream due to questions, yet here I will only write the the tremendous pain.” answers that were given to me, and from I told him that this was still not the answers I’m sure that you will enough. “When a person becomes drunk, understand what the questions were. and stumbles around, falling into a pit of The spirit continued, “I am he, mud, he cries out to those passing by to Shabsai Tzvi. My death was by hanging. I help him up. It goes without saying that the did not repent of my sins. I was buried in a one in the mud helps those helping him to gentile cemetery. While I was yet alive the pull him out of the mud. He doesn’t depend klippa would materialize before my eyes. on them to do all the work. In relation to They are what caused me to become evil. I this I ask you not to place your full burden did not keep myself in holiness. [The spirit upon me. I will work to remove the klippa told me that] he had reincarnated from surrounding you on the outside, but numerous times that cannot be counted. you must make the efforts to remove your He merited to achieve the levels of nefesh klippa from within yourself. Hashem will and ruach . When the neshoma started to help us both.” manifest within him is when it happened The spirit answered, “Yes. Yes, let’s what happened. Now he acknowledges that do it and prosper.” Moshe, our teacher, upon him be peace, is

33  Eikev / [email protected] true, and that his prophecy is true, and that deceive it into going in an evil direction. his Torah is true. Yet all this will bear him Until here are the words of the Sha’ar (the spirit) no fruits; for being that he is HaGilgulim . It is possible that what the dead, he is not obligated to observe the Rav (the Arizal ) meant here when he mitzvos (Shabbos 30a). The merits he had referred to the souls who “bond (with the earned from any mitzvos that he did living person) in great secrecy” is that they perform are already gone. do this for the reason mentioned above, so [At this point, Rav Yehuda inserts that they will be recognized, and thus they this side note: Evil spirits can only speak in will be free to mock and otherwise trouble the heart, but not in the mouth. I give the public.] witness to this. In 1914 a virgin woman Let us return to our subject. With came to me who was then thirty-five years regards to Bakhur, he was the old. She was blind in both her eyes. She reincarnation of the ruach (aspect of the had reincarnated within her the soul of a soul of Shabsai Tzvi). The nefesh aspect Rav that was of my generation, whom I had was still living in an animal in the forest. It known very well. did not want to be in this place, nor did it With all this, he would only speak want to ever reincarnate in the body of a within her heart and not within her mouth, Jew. It wanted to stay in the forest. even though she was blind. She did not (Regarding Shabsai Tzvi), he was thirty-five study Torah , and this Rav was attracted to years old when he died. I asked him a her while he was still alive. Even now he number of other questions that he did not was trying to get her commit a sexual sin want to answer me, for he was still encased with another Rav , saying that from their in a klippa two feet thick. union would the Messiah be born. Yet, she After five days, I again spoke with did not listen at all to his voice. After the spirit in a softer tone, and I saw that he performing Yichudim and making efforts, had relented tremendously. He was the identity of this Rav was made known to actually remorseful over the sins that he me, as well as the fact that he had desired had done. He was now very anxious for me her…This then is the reason why the spirits to try to complete his rectification. He now speak only in the heart, and not in the abundantly blessed me and the members of mouth. They do not want to be recognized. my family. He said he wasn’t saying all this This way they can be mocking and (talk about repentance) for my sake, but maligning. rather because it was true. In Sha’ar HaGilgulim 22, 22A, it is (He told me) that his first sin was written, “When one reincarnates in a that he had fallen victim to committing person, it is done in one of two ways. The adultery. And that it is true what they say first deals with the souls of the wicked, who about him, that he had had a homosexual after their deaths are not even worthy to affair while he was wrapped in his tallis enter into Gehinnom (hell) – they enter and tefillin . He even once sent a young man into the bodies of living persons here in to have an illicit adulterous affair with his this world. The second manner is when a own wife Sora, telling the boy what was soul impregnates a person by what is called written in the Torah , “All that Sora says to an ibbur . This soul bonds (with the living you, listen to her.” person) in great secrecy. Thus, if that After his death he was punished person then commits a sin, the incarnated with demonic beatings for twelve years. soul within can then overpower the soul of Until now he had always reincarnated into that person whom they are inhabiting, and wild animals. Being in Bakhur was his first cause that person to sin further and to time possessing a human. He then 34  Eikev / [email protected] explained to me why he was able to enter STN – tear the Soton ) and the evil thoughts into Bakhur to possess him, the reason will be nullified. being that once Bakhur, when a young From that day onward, the spirit of man, gave a young girl a (forbidden) kiss. Shabsai Tzvi would request of Bakhur that This Bakhur did thirty years ago. he study more and more Zohar every day, Prior to this, the spirit said, he would hang more than the day before, even if this around Bakhur’s proximity, because meant taking time out from making a Bakhur was from the same source soul as living. When it came to going into the he, the spirit, was. (The teachings mikve, the spirit would cause Bakhur to referencing this are in Sefer HaLikutim , hurry so fast that he would almost fall Yirmiyohu 8:14)…For the sake of one down the stairs into the water. The spirit forbidden kiss was an opening created for would also awaken him every morning the spirit to come in and possess Bakhur. early, in time for tefilla . Yet the spirit is judged (and punished) The spirit also requested of me that I every Friday, from the second hour of the should recite Yichudim for him every day day through the fourth hour and a half. The into Bakhur’s ear, including the blowing of spirit told me that he is punished alongside the Shofar . The spirit thought that by doing the spirit of Yeshu HaNotzri in boiling all this maybe he would merit to enter feces. Regarding myself, the spirit told me, Gehinnom . that I am here reincarnated for the second I asked the spirit when he would time, and that fifteen years ago I merited to leave Bakhur. He told me not to ask. When receive the ruach level of soul. The spirit he was ready to enter into Gehinnom he said that it was Hashem who brought him would leave Bakhur, without having to be to me, in order for me to rectify him. asked. And in truth, this is the way it was. Regarding Bakhur, he must learn For after a few days, Bakhur was no longer Zohar every day, in the early hours of the being disturbed in his sleep, I examined predawn morning, as well as after his meal, him and found no traces of the spirit of for the sake of the elevation of the soul of Shabsai Tzvi. Thus ends a true story of Shabsai Tzvi ben Rivka. He must go to the demonic possession, what caused it and mikve every day. He must not be concerned what efforts need be made to rectify such a with the evil thoughs that pop up in his terrible situation. Let us all learn from this mind. And when they do pop up, he should a lesson, to safeguard and protect recite the pasuk : Rochash libi dovor tov – ourselves. Evil surrounds us. It can only be “My heart is astir with a good thing” neutralized by the good within us. And (Tehillim 45:2) and meditate upon the holy there is no good but Torah , the word of the Name resh ches shin .” Also meditate upon living G-d. the holy Name Kibel Rinat Ameycha (KRA  Rav Shmuel TTzvizvi Hirsch Horowitz, “Reb Hershele” of Spinka Reb Hershele was the son of Rav (1838–1909), founding Spinka Rebbe and Avrohom Abish Horowitz (1897–1944), mechaber of Imrei Yosef . Reb Hershele Kruler Rav and son-in-law of Rav Yitzchok served his grandfather as personal Isaac Weiss (1875–1944), much adored attendant, attending to him twenty-four Spinka Rebbe and mechaber of Chakal hours a day, sleeping in the same room. Yitzchok ; son of Rav Yosef Meir Weiss Rav Avrohom Abish and Rav Yitzchok Isaac

35  Eikev / [email protected] were murdered in . Reb personality taken from within our midst. Hershele lost both his parents and Reb Hershele was succeeded by five grandfather. sons. They are: Rav Yissochor Dov Berish Horowitz (niftar 2007), late Spinka Rebbe of Williams burg, eldest son In 1947, Reb Hershele arrived in of Reb America and settled on the Lower East Hershele Spinka. Rav Yissochor Dov Berish Side, establishing a Bais Medrash on East was succeeded by his eldest son, Rav Yosef 7th Street. His piety drew many adherents Meir Horowitz, Spinka Rebbe in and, in 1961, he moved his Bais Medrash to Williamsburg; Rav Avrohom Abish Keap Street in Williamsburg. That Bais Horowitz, Bais Yitzchok Isaac Spinka Medrash endures to this very day. Rebbe in Williamsburg; Rav Yitzchok Isaac Hundreds of people beleaguered his Horowitz, Toldos Zvi Spinka Rebbe in doorstep daily, seeking his advice and Williamsburg; Rav Nuta Horowitz, Bais blessing. Sadly, the Torah flame people Avrohom Spinka Rebbe in Boro Park; and knew as Reb Hershele burned its last on Rav Naftoli Horowitz, Krula Rebbe of Friday night, Shabbos Re’eh , 27 th of Av, Williamsburg, all of whom nobly carry on August 29, 1997, collapsing while saying with pious devotion to Heaven as their Divrei Torah during his holy tisch , in the father taught by example. presence of his Chassidim . Thus was a holy  Rav Meshulom Feish HaLevi Lowy, 27th of Menachem Av Tosher Rebbe I have very fond memories of the l’kovod Melave Malka . I repeated the Rebbe and have tremendous hakoras hatov famous story of Rav Mendele M’Riminov, for the chessed and love he bestowed upon that once the Tzaddik needed money to me among the many other thousands of marry off a bride whose parents had passed people he saw and helped. The Rebbe away. After knocking on numerous doors, guided me and I learned a tremendous Rav Mendele saw he was still very short of amount from his derech . He also his goals. shepherded me to my current Rebbe , whom While walking home late at night, he I personally heard him call ‘Mordechai noticed the tailor’s light was still on and HaTzaddik ’. decided to visit him. The tailor was One of the last times I saw him was honored that the Rebbe had come to him on a Motzo’ei Shabbos in Fort Laurderdale, and after the Rebbe explained his plight, Florida when I was asked to walk with him the tailor asked, “How much money in total for his daily ‘exercise’. The Rebbe held onto does the Rebbe n eed?” my arm and while we walked he stopped The Rebbe said, “Two thousand gold and asked me for a story of a Tzaddik coins.” 36  Eikev / [email protected]

The tailor went into his safe and for the Yahrzeit . removed two thousand gold coins and told The Rebbe then made a request. He the Rebbe as follows: “I scrimped and knew of a descendant of Rebbe Reb saved for the last two years in order to buy Elimelech who was getting married soon – a new machine to make my work easier, but and would this wealthy fellow mind how can I keep it for myself when I see the collecting money for this cause on the plane Rebbe and an orphaned bride in pain!” to Poland. The man replied that it made The Rebbe was overwhelmed and him feel a bit uncomfortable; couldn’t he proceeded to bless this Tzaddik of a tailor just write out a check for any amount the and wished Tosher Rebbe requested? The Rebbe him among refused and insisted that he personally other things collect a sum of money and that it could not that he should come from the wealthy man’s pocket. be blessed Having no choice, the man did as he with riches. was asked and collected quite a bit of The money for the cause. After arriving back in Rebbe ’s the U.S., this fellow received a call in blessings came to fruition and the tailor middle of the night (par for the course) became phenomenally wealthy. When Rav from the Tosher Rebbe , asking him if he Mendele once went to visit his Rebbe , could please bring the tzedoka money to Rebbe Reb Melech, his Rebbe (who saw Rebbe Reb Elimelech’s descendant. The this episode with his holy eyes) took Rav Rebbe was adamant that he should drop off Mendele to task, asking how he had the money that morning. The fellow did as permission to grant such phenomenal the Rebbe asked. wealth to one person. Later that day, this wealthy man’s Rav Mendele explained, “ Rebbe , I child was crossing the street when he saw a only wished upon him to become a regular dog and froze in middle of the street, as a wealthy man. However, this tailor gives of result of which, l” o, he got hit by a bus and his heart and money without any cheshbon was trapped under the bus’s axle. After (calculations) – so in Heaven they also gave extricating the child, it was determined that and continue to give to him without any the child’s scan showed he had brain cheshbon !!” damage. The father frantically called the The Tosher Rebbe stopped in his Tosher Rebbe for a berocha and the Rebbe tracks and craned his head to look at me replied, “If you dropped off the money, and gave me a wonderful smile. then nothing will be wrong with your The story of Rav Mendele epitomizes child!” the essence of the Tosher Rebbe . He was Tzaddik gozer v’HaKodosh Boruch one of the last links to the previous Hu mekayeim …After several days the child generation. was released from the hospital with nary a One quick story: broken bone. A wealthy Yid once came to the Later on when he made a seudas Rebbe ’s Purim tisch . When he took leave of hado’a at the Toshe Rebbe , the Rebbe told the Rebbe , the Rebbe asked him numerous everyone present that this wasn’t his questions about tzedoka issues. During mofeis ; he just saw a calamity befalling the their conversation, this wealthy man Yid and was looking for some kind of mentioned to the Rebbe that he would be zechus to save him. The Rebbe knew that traveling to Rebbe Reb Elimelech’s kever Rebbe Reb Elimelech promised to

37  Eikev / [email protected] intercede before Hashem on behalf of Two weeks ago the Rebbe attended anyone who helps his children. That is why the marriage of his great-granddaughter. this wealthy fellow could not give the Yesterday his condition deteriorated money from his pocket and had to go drastically; he was classified as critical and collecting and get a bit embarrassed – his family was summoned. In the afternoon because only through some hardship would hours, he was niftar . it force this nes . The Rebbe was born in 5682/1922 in I personally know the fellow from the village of Nirtosh, known as to the this story and have seen this child and can Jewish population. His parents were Rav attest he is completely healed. Mordechai Segal Lowy, the eldest son of Let us remember this story when we Rav Elimelech of Tosh, and Rebbetzin get bombarded for tzedoka on the Yomim Tzirel, the daughter of Rav Yaakov Fekete Noro’im and are fortunate to be on the of Nirbator. other side of the door. It is with a bit of In 5690/1930, his father was difficulty and adversity that we can ‘force’ appointed Rav of nearby Demetcher. the yeshua !!! At the age of twelve, the Rebbe On the eve of Rosh Chodesh Elul , traveled to Kalov, to the Yeshiva headed by may Hashem accept our tefillos quickly – his great-uncle, the Rav of the city, Rav may the Rebbe be a meilitz yosher for Klal Menachem Braude, the Be’er Menachem . Yisrael and may we all be zoche to a At that young age he was noted for his personal and collective geula , Amen !! hasmoda and devotion to his learning and Zechuso Yogein Oleinu !! was recognized as an iluy .  On the 23 rd of Kislev 5703/1943, his grandfather passed away, and his father, The Torah world was plunged into Rav Mordechai, was appointed Rebbe . mourning on the 27 th of Menachem Av In 1943, the Rebbe was drafted to 5775 with the petira of the Tosher Rebbe , the forced labor brigades in Hungary and Rav Meshulom Feish Lowy, at the age of sent to camps in Koschitza and Margita. ninety-three. The overseers treated him as if he were One of the eldest and most crazy, because of his piety, and that made it venerated Rebbes of the generation, the possible for him to maintain a religious Tosher Rebbe was frequently hospitalized lifestyle. in recent years. Since Adar 5768/2008, In March 1944, Hungary was when he contracted severe pneumonia, his captured by the Germans. In April, the health had been in a state of decline. Jews of the region were assembled, among Communities all over the Jewish them the members of the Lowy family, into world davened fervently for his recovery, the Nirgehaze ghetto, and from there they and the name Rav Meshulom Feish ben were sent to Auschwitz. Most of the Rebbe ’s Tzirel was constantly on the lips of those extended family perished there, and his who admired him, as his health fluctuated father, the Rebbe , was murdered on Rosh over the past years. Chodesh Elul 5704/1944. Several weeks after the pneumonia, After the Red Army entered Margita, the Rebbe recovered and returned home to the Rebbe was released from the labor Tosh, in Canada, although very weak. camp. He then traveled to Arad, Mako and When he appeared in the Bais Medrash finally to Kleinwardein. that Purim , the Chassidim cried with joy at In 5706/1946 he married Rebbetzin what was seen as a medical miracle. Chava, the daughter of Rav Yehuda 38  Eikev / [email protected]

Weingarten of Yerushalayim, a descendant the spectrum streamed to his court. of the Rebbe Reb . Thousands of Chassidim from the United He was appointed by the survivors States and of Tosher Chassidus to serve as the Rebbe Canada, from in Nirgehaze, where he stayed for two and a Eretz Yisrael half years. He served there as a Dayan on and from the special Bais Din that helped agunos Europe, remarry after the war. At that point, fear of visited him the communist regime led him to instruct regularly, his community to leave the country. especially for After two years in Austria, in Adar Shabbosos and Yomim Tovim , to witness 5711/1951 the Rebbe arrived in America. He his holy visage and to receive a berocha first lived in Williamsburg, and later moved from him. Among those who came were to , Canada, where his older many Chassidim of other courts, as well as brother, Reb Chaim Yosef, lived. Their Litvishe Yidden , businessmen, Sefardim sister, Fraidel, the wife of Rav Shmuel Meir and Ashkenazim . Leifer, also survived the war. The Rebbe ’s Avodas HaKodesh was As soon as he arrived in Montreal, carried out with tremendous mesirus the Rebbe decided to establish his nefesh , the Chassidim relate, and note that community outside the city in order to until his final days he made sure to avoid the influences of the outside world. complete the entire Sefer Tehillim every day, no matter what. He spent most of his In 5723/1963, the Rebbe established day davening , as each tefilla took many a Chassidic neighborhood named Kiryas hours. Only after an exhausting Maariv did Tosh in the suburb, about thirty he allow himself to eat something — a meal kilometers from Montreal. Over the years that was breakfast, lunch and supper in many Chassidim flocked to him, and there one. are also Tosher communities in Brooklyn, Monroe, , Eretz Yisrael and His Divrei Torah and stories were Belgium. printed in the seforim Avodas Avoda . st A full range of institutions was The Rebbe was widowed on the 21 of Elul 5756/1996 of his Rebbetzin Chava. established in Tosh, including schools for He subsequently married Rebbetzin Malka boys and girls, a Yeshiva Gedola and Lowy. Yeshiva Ketana , and anything else a Jewish community needs. Today, some four On the 18 th of Teves 5758, the hundred families live there. Rebbe ’s eldest son, Rav Mordechai, son-in- law of Rav Yechezkele Mertz, was niftar at The Tosher Rebbe loved peace and the age of fifty. The petira occurred in the harmony and would pursue it; he avoided middle of Shacharis , when Rav Mordechai discord like was saying Krias Shema . Since it was on a fire. He was Friday, the Rebbe carried on his avoda known for his throughout Shabbos as if all were regular, Ahavas to the astonishment of the Chassidim . Yisrael and disbursed The Rebbe’s other son, Rav tremendous Elimelech serves as the Rav of . sums for His surviving daughters are Rebbetzin tzedoka . He Tzirel Fish, Rebbetzin Fradel Katz, and was admired by all, and people from across Rebbetzin Sossie Kahana. The Rebbe’s

39  Eikev / [email protected] daughter, Rebbetzin Berocha Chana Mayer, Zechuso yogein oleinu . predeceased him. The Rebbe is also survived by many meshulem-feish-lowy/ grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.  Rav Avrohom Yaakov HaKohen PamPam,,,, 282828 ththth of Menachem Av Rosh Yeshiva of Torah V'Daas The Majesty of Man Rosh Yeshiva excelled in doing just that. To By: Rav Mordechai Kamenetsky him, every talmid was a world unto How do you capture the essence of himself. an elderly man, stricken with a devastating Once, one of Rav Pam’s talmidim and – ultimately – fatal disease, who insists was caught secretly studying math during a on attending a fundraising event, having to Gemora class. The talmid explained that he be brought by ambulance and stretcher? was afraid that he had not mastered the With every last ounce of his failing strength subject and was going to fail a test. Instead he dressed in his Shabbos finery and left of taking offense at the slight, Rav Pam his home for the sake of ten thousand assured the boy that if he would study the children he had never seen with his eyes day’s Gemora lesson with diligence, then but had touched with his heart and soul. he himself would tutor him after class. How do you write believable stories Math, as it just so happened, was an area of of a man who would cry bitter tears when the Rav ’s expertise. hearing the plight of individuals in need? Rav Pam’s talmidim were truly like How do you convey the essence of a his children. Rav Moshe Francis, a founder person whose mesiras nefesh (self- of the Chicago Community , which sacrifice) for Torah transcended the has had a major impact on the constraints of his aged and stricken body? strengthening of Jewish observance and scholarship in the Midwest, remembers No one who was privileged to meet that he was once speaking with Rav Pam at Rav Avrohom Pam, the Rosh Yeshiva a wedding when someone asked, “Is this (dean) of Brooklyn’s Yeshiva Torah your son?” V’Daas , will ever forget the warm smile that sparkled for every person: the strong Rav Pam did not hesitate. “ K’ben ,” or weak, rich or poor, observant or those he responded. “Like a son.” searching to find the correct path.   Life Partner In the Beginning In 1943, Rav Pam married Sora Rav Pam was appointed a Maggid Balmuth. Although Rav Pam often Shiur (Talmudic lecturer) in Torah V’Daas expressed his gratitude for having chosen in 1939. With secularism running rampant the right path in life, there was one choice even in the Orthodox community, that he forever emphasized to his motivating young Jewish American boys to talmidim , in a manner exceeding any follow their spiritual heritage in those days other. He always expressed great gratitude was a daunting challenge. But the future to the Creator for having merited a

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Rebbetzin who tended to his every need, development of future generations. This enabling him to pursue a life filled with was another aspect of the Rosh Yeshiva ’s divine service and Torah study. ability to take the small and commonplace The Rebbetzin put order to the things in life and elevate them to tools of thousands of requests for appointments, greatness. advice and letters of approbation. Rav Pam Well after midnight, after the constantly expressed his gratitude for her devastating news of the Rosh Yeshiva ’s ever-present care and concern, not only for passing reached the world, some of Rav the physical amenities of his daily life, but Pam’s closest talmidim made their way to for enabling him to grow in spirituality as the house to join the Rebbetzin and offer well. whatever solace they could. Upon entering The Rosh Yeshiva ’s emphasis on the the house, they were shocked to discover importance of mutual respect in marriage the Rebbetzin at work on her ironing found expression in his gentle reminders to board. To their astonishment, she talmidim to celebrate their wedding responded, “I am simply ironing Rav Pam’s anniversaries every year, and without fail. tallis and kittel for the burial tomorrow. I When Yosi Heber, a close talmid of know it’s late at night, but this is my last Rav Pam, became engaged, the Rosh chance to honor him.” Yeshiva was one of the first to be called with the good news. Immediately, Yosi was  asked if a date had been set for the wedding. It was August 22. “Why, that’s my The Quintessential Humble Man anniversary!” exclaimed the Rosh Yeshiva . Rav Pam never wore the traditional “It will be easy to remember!” Not one to frock (Prince Albert coat) of a Rosh Yeshiva forget an important date or miss an and always wore a simple fedora, not a opportunity, Rav Heber made it his Hamburg or up-brim hat, as most Yeshiva practice to send out an anniversary card to deans wear. Rav Pam and his Rebbetzin every year Rav Pam would leave his hat in the thereafter. As the years passed, he made a public cloakroom of Torah point of sharing his nachas , joy, with the V’Daas , alongside those of his talmidim . Pams and included a picture of the children Once, he innocently took his hat, not as each addition to his family arrived. realizing someone, obviously not knowing In Rav Pam’s final year, the card was to whom it belonged, had mistakenly sent out a bit early. During (the balanced his coffee mug on its back brim. seven-day period of mourning) the The mug immediately came flying Rebbetzin motioned to Rav Yosi Heber, down from the shelf, shattering in a that she had something to tell him. cacophony of ceramic shards. Without “I wanted you to know that I hesitating, Rav Pam went to get a broom mentioned to Rav Pam on Tuesday, that I and shovel. He insisted on sweeping up the received your anniversary card. I took it to mess by himself. Then, he went to the local the hospital and read it to the Rosh Yeshiva hardware store to get a replacement mug. and he reacted to it. It was the last time he He could not find the exact matching color reacted to anything!” and so he wrote a note. In his meticulously A small, inconsequential thing like crafted expression and perfect lettering, he an anniversary when used correctly can attached this message to the mug: become another solid brick in the I was negligent in my actions foundation of a marriage and the and I shattered your mug. I

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have bought this one to Torah sages who decried improper replace it. I hope that you business practices or fraudulent dealings forgive me. In the event that with government agencies. He did not this replacement does not differentiate between stealing on an suffice, please contact me as individual, institutional or governmental soon as possible to arrange level. It was all prohibited and he let it be compensation. known, emphatically and insistently. The note was signed simply: Though he was often the featured Avrohom Pam. speaker at conventions of Agudas Yisrael (Author’s note: The note from Rav and other important venues with the ears Pam was cherished by the mug’s owner, of people focused on his every word – when much more than the replaced mug. It is he left the podium, he was as always the framed and hangs on his wall!) humble giant and master of simplicity. Rav Pam had learned for himself A talmid recalls how he was in a car and taught others that you never lose by with Rav Pam and a talmid his own age, keeping quiet. who was also named Avrohom. His stop Of course, that viewpoint only came first and upon leaving the car he applied to personal honor; when it came to turned to his peer, wishing him, “Good Chillul Hashem , there was never a moment night, Avrohom.” of silence! Rav Pam, unfazed at being Many years ago, Rav Pam and his addressed so informally and not realizing Rebbetzin made their only visit to Eretz that the message was intended for the other Yisrael together. They stayed in talmid , simply smiled and returned the Yerushalayim, but when Rav Pam visited farewell. “Good night to you, too.” Bnei Brak, the Ponovezh Yeshiva was  holding its annual Yarchei Kalla summer program. Rav Pam saw this opportunity to Shuvu sit and study in virtual anonymity, and In 1990, when the floodgates of the decided to stay in the Yeshiva setting. Soviet Union burst open, Jewry was faced The Pams moved into the dorm with the prospect of hundreds of thousands specially set up for the Yarchei Kalla of souls potentially being lost to secular families, and for two weeks, Rav Pam sat oblivion. Rav Avrohom Yosef Leizerson of and learned. After two weeks, he was the Chinuch Atzmai organization recalls invited to a lifecycle event in the Ponovezh years later that he was present at the Dining Room, when he saw some people annual Agudas Yisrael convention that whispering. Then, suddenly a distinguished year and was among those who spoke to man approached. the Rosh Yeshiva of the spiritual disaster “Torah V’Daas Rosh Yeshiva , please facing the children. sit up front at the head table.” At that year’s keynote session, Rav The next morning, realizing that his Pam made an impassioned plea to begin a identity was compromised, he and his wife network of schools in Eretz Yisrael for the returned immediately to Yerushalayim. children of these Russian immigrants.  That Motzo’ei Shabbos , he convened a meeting of the wealthy and influential Leadership participants at that year’s convention. Rav Pam would lead the charge of On the way to the meeting, he met a talmid , whom he would later call a 42  Eikev / [email protected]

“partner” and a “friend”, Rav Avrohom one lecture. “What is wrong with Biderman. He brought him along to the ‘whatchamacallit’?” he asked. meeting. It was at that meeting that Shuvu “It shows you are not thinking,” he was born, and then and there Rav Pam replied. appointed Rav Avrohom Biderman as As a young man, Rav Pam was chairman. traveling home on the New Lots Avenue Rav Pam lived and breathed Shuvu. subway line when he spotted a five-dollar It became his focus and his nachas over the bill lying face down. course of the last decade of his life. He mentioned the find to his wife, Laymen ready to donate five or ten who responded, “Perhaps we can purchase thousand dollars to Shuvu would increase a special treat with the new-found money.” their contributions tenfold after hearing Rav Pam hesitated. “I cannot. How Rav Pam’s impassioned pleas. can we enjoy something special when there Rav Pam would often cajole laymen is someone out there who is broken- to give tzedoka with self-sacrifice. He once hearted?” told Rav Sidney Glenner of Chicago that the Rav Moshe Francis, dean of challenge of the last generation was, Chicago’s Community Kollel , remembers quoting the words of the central Shema how an impoverished man came to Rav tefilla , b’chol nafshecha – giving up one’s Pam toward the end of a study session in life. The challenge of this generation is the Yeshiva . He closed his Gemora , and b’chol m’odecha – giving up one’s money told his talmid , “This is a mitzva that will for the causes of Torah . not be performed by anyone else here.  Therefore, I must stop studying the Torah .” He then excused himself and took Outlook the man home for a meal. There were a few expressions that A man once came to Rav Pam in bothered Rav Pam. He did not like it when desperate straits. He asked the Rosh people would talk about the amahliger Yeshiva to contact certain philanthropists yohren , the good old days, when everything on his behalf. Rav Pam responded that he was so pure. had just called them all for other charities. He felt that we must do our best to He was unable to help the man. He gave improve our generation without deriding it. him what he could from his own money And, if someone felt that it was once better, and the man left. he did not want him lamenting the fact. Less than half an hour later, the man Rather, he wanted to see him act in a way realized he had left something in Rav Pam’s that would raise the level of this study. When he came back he found Rav generation. Pam crying over his inability to help the He stressed the need to be exacting poor man. when speaking. He asked his talmidim to  refrain from the vernacular that infiltrated the Yeshiva world from the street. He felt it Honesty was unbecoming for them to express themselves in a less than articulate It was a late wedding and Rav Pam, manner, and once told the boys that they who did not have a driver, was one of the should remove “whatchamacallit” from last to leave. It was a blustery winter night. their vocabularies. As no one who stayed offered him a ride, he shared a taxi with a talmid who later A close talmid approached him after 43  Eikev / [email protected] related this story: Horowitz, constantly talk about the The cab driver started to drive away greatness of their Rebbe , Rav Pam. And so, from the hall when Rav Pam noticed that on the slight chance that Rav Pam would the man had not turned up the meter flag. hear his story, the young man called the The ride would therefore not be recorded Rosh Yeshiva who instructed him to come into the travel log. Assuming that it was an to Torah V’Daas an hour before mincha . oversight, the Rosh Yeshiva mentioned that The boy was brought before the the meter was not running. Rosh Yeshiva , where, frankly and openly, “My boss,” the driver exclaimed, he told him what he had done and the “he’s a ganev (thief)! I should make a lot ramifications of his actions. Rav Pam more than he offers me. It’s okay to chided him strongly about his indiscretion moonlight once in a while, even if I am on and left him thoroughly chagrined. his time! Anyway, what’s the difference to Then they broke for davening . you? The fare is twelve bucks. Do you mind Once the services ended, Rav Pam if I keep all of it?” changed his demeanor. “I see that you are Rav Pam was adamant – it was not truly an ehrlicher bochur – devout lad – honest. and you will start anew.” The boy, by now “Listen,” said the driver. “It’s my repentant and unable to speak, nodded his way or the highway. I saw you shivering on head and Rav Pam agreed to help. this freezing night. I stopped. I picked you The next day, Rav Lefkowitz was up and I’m takin’ you home. Let me just do sitting in his office when the phone rang. my thing. What does it bother you if I make The soft voice on the other end of some spare cash?” the line said, “This is Avrohom Pam.” The Rav Pam sighed. “I’ll tell you what. Rosh Yeshiva went on to ask that the boy Run the meter. I will pay you double. Give be returned to the Yeshiva despite the your boss what is coming to him and keep ramifications the administration the same amount for yourself.” anticipated. “It is on my head.” The driver agreed. At the end of the Rav Lefkowitz needed no cajoling. trip the meter showed twelve dollars. Rav After all, he mused, it is not often that a Pam paid him twenty-four dollars and gave member of the Council of Torah Sages calls him a tip of two dollars. on behalf of a talmid he has only met once in his life!  The postscript is vintage Rav Pam. Every Child, an Entire World The talmid went on to become a prized Rav Simcha Lefkowitz, Associate pupil in the Yeshiva , won the valedictory Dean of , related award for religious studies, and became an that a few years ago, the Yeshiva had to outstanding talmid in one of the most dismiss a particular talmid for an action prestigious Yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael after that clearly defied the Yeshiva ’s standards he graduated from the South Shore and policies. Mesivta , Ateres Yaakov . Pressure from the parenting There was once a child who was committee and others could not influence unable to advance to the next grade level, the staff, which had thought long and hard as his skills were way below that of his before rendering their decision. anticipated grade level. There was no way the principal would allow the boy to The young man had heard his advance into first grade. The frantic mother teachers, Rav Leib Wolf, and Rav Yehuda called Rav Pam, who in turn called the 44  Eikev / [email protected] principal. Rosh Mesivta (Dean of the high school) of “If a tutor would bring him up to the Yeshiva of South Shore. He is also the grade level over the summer, would you mechaber of’s weekly Parsha allow him to enter first grade?” As soon as Parables ( Drasha ) shiur . the principal agreed, Rav Pam arranged for a talmid of the Yeshiva to spend the  summer learning with the child, for which Rav Pam paid from his own pocket. A True Jewish Leader  By: Rav Avi Shafran Late the evening of August 16, 2001, At the End the Jewish world became immeasurably Rav Pam’s efforts in his final public poorer. Though most Jews may never have appearance surpass any human capacity. heard of Rav Avrohom Pam, who returned It took him literally two hours to his soul to his Creator that night, he was dress and come to greet the gathering, all beloved and revered for decades for the sake of the future of the children of throughout the Orthodox community as Shuvu. one of the truly great spiritual leaders of Though many will remember his our generation. strong demeanor, his light gait and The funeral, mere hours after “Rav uplifting spirit before his terrible illness, no Pam”, as he was known, departed this one will ever forget his indefatigable self- world, drew thousands to Torah V’Daas , sacrifice throughout the last years of his the Yeshiva he led for over three decades in life. His determination and zeal for the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn. spreading the divine Word in spite of his The building, where his body lay, was waning strength will give us strength for packed to overflowing, and the crowd endless generations. His ethical teachings spilled over into the streets below. will remind all of us to walk in his ways, a The powerful attendance – despite true example of the ultimate walking in the the fact that much of Brooklyn’s Orthodox ways of the Torah . community summers in the Catskill The tragic news emanated from the Mountains, three to four hours’ drive away hospital room in Brooklyn, packed with – reflected the special nature of the man talmidim and family members, and those who had gathered had come to reverberated throughout the Torah world honor. that whole night. Rav Pam had returned his The funeral was not lengthy; the soul to his Creator. deceased – not surprisingly to anyone who Tens of thousands traveled to knew him – had left explicit orders that Yeshiva Torah V’Daas to pay homage to there be no eulogies. There was recitation this Torah giant. of several chapters of Tehillim , one of Rav As per his request, there were no Pam’s sons said a few tearful words and the eulogies, only Tehillim and expressions of long funeral procession made its way to a gratitude spoken by his oldest son, Rav Queens cemetery where the Rosh Yeshiva Aharon. and member of the Council of Torah Sages May his memory be a blessing and was laid to rest. may he be a heavenly advocate for Klal In times like ours, authority and Yisrael. importance are often measured in Rav Mordechai Kamenetzky is the newspaper column-inches; success, in stock portfolios; and influence, by the 45  Eikev / [email protected] phone numbers in one’s electronic continued, whether one is acting as an organizer. There are parallel universes, individual or on behalf of an institution, or however, with very different laws of nature, whether one is dealing with a fellow Jew, a and the Orthodox world is one. non-Jew or a government. Meticulous Rav Pam lived humbly, both in honesty, he told the packed but hushed demeanor and in trappings. He was a room, is the mandate of every Jew, and physically small man who lived in a small must be the hallmark of everyone claiming house and spoke in a small voice. Yet tens to be observant. of thousands of Jews considered him a He reminded his listeners that the Godol – literally, “large,” a spiritual giant. Gemora teaches that the first question a They regarded his words as gems to Jew is asked in the World to Come is: “Did be gathered, even when his message you conduct your financial dealings with consisted of criticism. For his listeners emuna [integrity]?” Emuna , he went on to knew – from his reputation, his demeanor explain, also means “faith”, alluding to the and the unmistakable pain on his face – fact that faith in our Creator as the source that Rav Pam’s exclusive motivations were of our daily bread is antithetical to acting fear of Hashem and love for fellow Jews. dishonestly. Before thousands at an Agudas Rav Pam’s deep concern for proper Yisrael convention, he movingly bemoaned behavior encompassed the personal realm what he perceived to be an erosion of no less. Once, standing in his Yeshiva ’s sholom bayis – “peace in the home” – hallway, he seemed distraught. When asked among Jewish families. Jewish children what the matter was, he sadly recounted can only breathe and thrive, he said quietly, how he had just heard one of the boys say, his heart in every word, in “an atmosphere “Shut up.” And he wouldn’t even of harmony and sweetness”, and spouses pronounce the offensive phrase; he spelled must always show the deepest respect for it out, in a whisper. one another. Perhaps above all, he was powerfully “Where,” he asked his listeners, “is dedicated to making authentic Jewish the feeling for the mother of one’s own education available to all Jewish children – children, for the father of one’s own the “jewels in the crown” of Hashem , as he children?” once wrote. Thus he worked tirelessly on Honesty and integrity were also behalf of Jewish educational causes both in recurrent themes of Rav Pam’s. Too ill to the United States and in Eretz Yisrael, attend the Agudas Yisrael national prime among them an organization he convention toward the end of his life, he personally founded, Shuvu. It provides nevertheless “addressed” the crowd in a young immigrants to Eretz Yisrael, largely pre-recorded video appearance on large from the former Soviet Union, with a screens positioned throughout the huge comprehensive in an convention center. open and loving environment, helping both the children and their parents reconnect While he cautioned against being with their Jewish religious heritage. judgmental of others and noted the extreme financial pressures that bear so The guest of honor at Shuvu’s tenth heavily on many Orthodox families and anniversary dinner mere months ago, Rav Pam was presented with a scroll that, when institutions, he decried financial wrongdoings on the part of Orthodox Jews it was unfurled, stretched clear across the as a “desecration of Hashem ’s name”. large banquet hall. It contained a paragraph of heartfelt appreciation for the It makes no difference, he Rav – and the signatures of the ten 46  Eikev / [email protected] thousand boys and girls enrolled in Shuvu after hours of review and diligence, were schools in Eretz Yisrael. what Rav Pam was saying, and, in the name A Jewish tradition has it that worthy of the Pnei Yehoshua ! Until this day I individuals, even after their petiros , are attribute that experience solely to his able to intercede with Hashem on behalf of berocha . I had come full circle. the Jewish people. All Jews, whether they  knew of Rav Pam during his life or not, would do well to recognize the profound Rav Avrohom Yaakov Pam was born loss to us all that his petira represents. But in Vidz, a small village in Lithuania. His all of us can take some comfort as well in father, Rav Meir, was an exceptional Torah the fact that he will surely be a meilitz scholar. Rav Pam would tell his family and yosher , an interceder of integrity on behalf talmidim that his father almost never went of his people during these troubled and to bed. He would learn until he dozed off frightening Jewish times. from fatigue, and would wake up in the Am Echad Resources middle of the night and return to his Rav Avi Shafran serves as director of public affairs for Agudath studies. His mother was a learned and Eretz Yisrael of America. pious woman. Rav Pam would say about her that since she was incapable of seeing bad in people, she never could speak ill of  anyone. She was also fluent in the entire Tanach and was expert at using its lessons My own personal meeting and to comfort the downtrodden. experience with Rav Pam was on Purim Rav Meir Pam first learned in many years ago. I was taken by one of my Knesses Bais Yitzchok , and later in the Rebbeim , Rav Jay Yaakov Schwartz Chofetz Chaim ’s Kollel Kodoshim , where (formerly Mora DeAsra of Oceanside LI, two of his colleagues were Rav Elchonon but today of , Eretz Yisrael) Wasserman and Rav Yosef Kahaneman, the for a berocha from Rav Pam. I was a future Ponevezher Rav . Rav Kahaneman chutzpadik American teenager, so what did later was the Rav of Vidz for a while, and I ask for? A berocha that I should be zoche invited Rav Meir to give lectures in the to be able to learn Kol HaTorah Kulah ! Yeshiva there. In 1927, Rav Meir Pam came And the Tzaddik smiled, warmly clutched to the United States. After securing my hand and gave that to me! It was on positions as a Talmud lecturer in Yeshiva Purim , a time that tefillos can be answered, Rav Chaim Berlin and as Rav of the Bais and to this day I believe it is the source for Medrash HaGodol in Brownsville, he any hatzlocha I have in learning. brought over his family. I had a kind of closure which came When Rav Avrohom Pam was eleven full circle when years later I attended the years old, his parents sent him away from Siyum HaShas together with Rav Schwartz home to a Yeshiva . There was a time when and many other Oceansiders and Rav Pam he slept on a bench in the local shul , but was the speaker who introduced Maseches nothing deterred him from learning as long Berochos , the only mesechta I had made a and intensely as he could. He was part of a siyum on at the time. He began with the special group of youngsters in Slabodka, first Tosafos in Shas , something I had where he became a frequent Shabbos guest studied over and over (since I didn’t know of Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky. It was a warm much else), and I was amazed and literally relationship that was to be resumed many speechless when the answers I had written years later when Rav Kamenetzky became to Tosafos ’s questions many months ago, Rosh Yeshiva in Torah V’Daas . 47  Eikev / [email protected]

When Rav Pam returned to America Wasserman, Rav Dovid Povarsky, Rav he became a talmid in Torah V’Daas in Yechiel Michel Feinstein, Rav Moshe Brooklyn. He remained there for the rest of Shmuel Shapiro, Rav Shmuel Birnbaum his life. Rav Pam’s teaching career began at and many, many others. May their memory Yeshiva Torah V’Daas in 1938, when was be a blessing to all. appointed a Talmudic lecturer there. Holding various teaching positions at m.asp Torah V’Daas , Rav Pam spent over sixty years there, including even teaching  mathematics, utilizing his degree from City College. For many years he delivered the Rav Avrohom Pam: “Then They Will semicha class to talmidim studying toward Call Me Humble” Rabbinic ordination. One time someone introduced Rav Rav Pam was totally unassuming in Avrohom Pam, the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah his dress, his speech, as well as in his V’Daas , with all sorts of flattering mannerisms. Rav Pam was a great comments, including calling him the Godol Talmudic scholar, but he was famous for HaDor . Rav Pam got up and gave his his humility and soft-spoken style. He was speech without making any remarks about one of the great spiritual leaders of our the introduction. generation and a member of the Council of Afterward, someone close to him Torah Sages of Agudas Yisrael . approached him and asked his normally Rav Avrohom Yaakov Pam had humble Rebbe why he did not protest or at tremendous concern for families in Eretz least deflect any of the comments made Yisrael and the Rav Meir Ba’al HaNes about him. Rav Pam answered that at that Salant charity fund. Rav Pam is a signatory point, the only thing it would have on the historic 1979 Kol Koreh (broadside) accomplished was that people would have on behalf of Rav Meir Ba’al HaNes Salant, said, “He is so humble as well!” together with such Torah giants as Rav May this great Tzaddik be a lesson Moshe Feinstein, Rav Yaakov Yisrael and inspiration in true humility! Kanievsky the “ Steipler ”, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Elozor Simcha Pam-Then-They-Will-Call-Me-Humble/3228  Rav Naphtali Tzvi Yehuda ben Yaakov BerlinBerlin,,,, 282828 ththth of Menachem Av Netziv of Volozhin Keviyas Itim = Shalom Bayis tremendously successful businessman. The Rebbe Meir used to say: Engage friend told the Netziv with a sorrowful sigh, minimally in business and occupy yourself “I must reveal before you the truth, with Torah (Avos 4:12) everyone knows me for my financial When Rav Ovadiah Yosef used to success and my material well-being, and teach this Mishna from Pirkei Avos he honestly thank Hashem , I can testify that would illustrate it with the following story regarding my friendships, my livelihood found in the sefer Mekor Baruch - Volume and my business I have no complaints. I III page 843: have many friends, business associates and contacts and my standing in society is There once came before the Netziv a good. I have a successful business and friend who was known all about as a 48  Eikev / [email protected] everything seems to be running just fine. enemies are the people of his household Yes, that is until I cross the threshold and and a man’s wife is his very household as it enter my home which I cannot call my says in Shabbos 118b and Tosfos in domain! No sooner do I come home that I Berachos 51a, that tells us that as the wife find myself downcast, downtrodden, alone, runs most household matters, she is called forsaken and forgotten! My wife ignores my the Bayis . needs, she treats me like a useless good for Now we know that in Bereishis , nothing. She never asks my opinion on any Adam’s wife Chava is described as Ezer matters, instead she rules our house like a KeNegdo , and in Yevamos 63a, Chazal say Queen. She is strong willed whereas I am that if he merits she is an ezer and by nature kinder and softer, she displays helpmate and if not she is kenegdo against might and I am bending and soft spoken. him. Further, we know in Sotah 17a, that All the servants have by now fallen in line Chazal also tell us that if a man and wife to her manner of running the home. They are at peace - the Shechina resides with all follow her orders and hers only, leaving them and if not a fire consumes them. Now me on the sidelines like a spectator whose you see clearly what your problem is don’t presence has no meaning or consequence - you? In order that Hashem find your ways I feel like I am living alone in my own pleasant so that your enemy wife should personal Gehinom – Oh, please help me make peace with you - you must establish and advise me what to do to regain my and set aside times for Torah study. When standing at home and my wife’s respect, you are kovea itim leTorah , then Hashem love and care?” will find your ways pleasing once again. The Netziv asked his sad friend to Now, rearrange your daily schedule around describe his daily schedule and his friend your study sessions and see the results and filled his ears with a busy day full of fruits of your labor as your wife will once business meetings, lunches, deals and so on again know her place. I can tell you,” added and so forth. “Don’t you have any free the Netziv in conclusion “that from my own time?” asked the Netziv surprised. “No, my personal experience, only when I acquired business is so busy I have no time left in my my proper portion in Torah did my day for anything unrelated,” declared the standing at home with my wife change to friend. “And what about your Torah its proper way and manner.” study?” inquired the Netziv , who knew full After the Netziv passed away, this well that his friend knew how to learn and friend and businessman visited the Netziv’s could study Torah if he so wished. The son Rav Chaim Berlin and told him this friend hemmed and hawed and admitted story while holding his hands, clasping that he had been neglecting his Torah them warmly and kissing them study. “Now let me advise you thus,” affectionately, “Your father’s advice saved continued the Netziv , “it says in Mishlei my life, my standing. My marriage slowly 16:17, that when Hashem is pleased with a but surely became blessed by Hashem and man’s ways then also his enemies shall my Shalom Bayis was restored and my make peace with him as well. Now Chazal standing repaired. My house now runs with tell us in the that the enemies the foundations of Torah and Mitzvos , I described here refer to none other than his owe your father everything!” ( Anaf Etz wife. As it says in Micha 7:6, a man’s Avos, pages 270-272) 

49  Eikev / [email protected]

A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. - Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) Parshas Eikev CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA

Teshuva - Seize The Moment

“And now, what does Hashem ask of you…” (10:12)

The Ohr HaChaim explains that since after a person transgresses one of Hashem’s commandments, he or others may believe that their way back to repent and return is either sealed or distant, and would be a very daunting journey. Therefore the pasuk uses the word, VeAta, meaning, ‘And now.’ As Chazal explain in Medrash Rabba, VeAta refers to teshuva. We must seize the moment and take the opportunity to do teshuva, to repent and return, right now. The Ohr HaChaim thus rereads our pasuk as saying, “And if you sinned and transgressed against Hashem, and now, what does Hashem ask of you?” And now — at this moment, when you wish to repent and return to Him and do teshuva — how do you rectify this matter and fix your wrongdoings? Answers the pasuk: “By fearing Him.” This alone is sufficient to now appease Hashem and reconcile with Him once again.

“And to walk in his ways…”

- 1 of 29 - Our pasuk continues, adding this second condition. The Ohr HaChaim here brings a Chazal from Rabba: “If you have done bundles and bundles of transgressions, then do bundles and bundles of mitzvos to outweigh them.” In order to explain this, the Ohr HaChaim now cites the Rambam, who introduces a novel insight in his commentary to the Mishna at the end of Meseches Makkos: If a person angers Hashem with sin and transgression, then even if he does just one single , yet fulfills it to its utmost potential, that single mitzvah has the power to give him merit both in this world and the next.

The Ohr HaChaim then clarifies the idea further by bringing the following mashal:

There were once two servants who served the same king. One of them was a faithful servant, whose perfect actions caused him always to find favor with the king; in fact, the king never had reason to be angry with him, ever. One day, this faithful servant came before the king bearing a gift, an offering of a beautiful turtledove!

The second servant, however, was not faithful. He did not serve the king properly, neglecting his duties and angering his master. One day, he, too, showed up with a gift for the king: a large, fat ox.

Now, whose offering was more pleasing to the king? Naturally, we can imagine that the king shall rejoice and be happier even with the small, white, pure dove than with the fat ox, simply because of the nature of all the grief and anger that the second, unfaithful, neglectful servant caused the king in the first place!

This, says the Ohr HaChaim is why the pasuk tells the , “Walk in His paths, perform bundles of mitzvos” — because you angered Hashem when you transgressed, now, in order to do teshuva, you need bundles and bundles.

Praises for the Ohr HaChaim Hakodosh

Rav Yitzchok Isaac of Komarna tells us that the Tov had taught that the soul of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh had the Ruach of Dovid HaMelech, from the supernal realm of Atzilus. The Holy , himself, had the soul of the Nefesh of Dovid HaMelech from the supernal realm of Atzilus. This is why the Baal Shem Tov desired very much to meet the Ohr HaChaim. Had they met, this nefesh and ruach would have joined together, which would have drawn down and revealed the next higher soul levels of of Atzilus (Neshama and Chaya), and then the final redemption would have come (Nesiv Mitzvosecha, 1:9).

- 2 of 29 - The Beis Avrohom of Slonim, in the name of the first Slonimer Rebbe, author of Yesod HaAvoda, explains this lofty concept with a little more detail: The holy Baal Shem Tov’s derech avoda was based on Tefilla, prayer, and he had the nefesh of Dovid. The holy Ohr HaChaim had the ruach of Dovid, and his derech avoda was through Torah. Had they met, then together they could have drawn down the soul level of Nishmat Dovid (the neshama of Dovid), and if this Neshama level would have joined with the nefesh and ruach of the Baal Shem Tov and the Ohr HaChaim, respectively, then Moshiach Ben Dovid would have arrived (Beis Avrohom, Shavous, p161). Gedolim Be'misasm Yoser

Yahrzeits For Parshas Eikev

Rav Mordechai Ashkenazi His father, Reb Chaim Peretz, was a shochet in (Ha'Mordechai) (Av 22) Horensteipel. When Ren Chaim Peretz was 60

Rav Eliyahu Hakohen Dushnitzer years old, his wife died, leaving him with three (Mashgiach Petach Tikva, daughters. He asked his rebbe, Rav Mordechai Nachlas Eliyohu) (Av 22) Dov, the son-in-law of Rav Chaim Sanzer, Rav Shmuel Meyuchas of Yerushalayim whether he should remarry. On the latter’s (Av 22) recommendation, he married a young woman, and he fathered three sons. The oldest was Rav Yaakov Yisrael. At the age of 11, Rav Yaakov Yisrael was recruited to learn with Rav Yosef Rav Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky The Yosel Hurvitz at Novardock. At 19, he was sent Steipler, Kehilos Yaakov (Av 23) by the Alter of Novardock to head a yeshiva at Rogatshov. After a stint in the Russian army, he was appointed rosh yeshiva of Novardock at Pinsk. The Chazon Ish saught him as a husband for his sister. He authored many works, most notably Kehillas Yaakov. His son, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, is a leading Torah authority in Yisrael

Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, the Steipler Gaon, author of Kehillas Yaakov (1899-1985).

- 3 of 29 - Rav Binyomin Aharon Selnick Ashkenazi Rav Shimon Goldstein (Av 23) Masaot Binyomin (Av 23)

Rav Shimon Goldstein (1942-2005). Born in Rav Binyomin Aharon Solnik, son of Rav Williamsburg to Reb Dovid and Rochel Avrohom, was a talmid of the Rema and of the Goldstein, he learned in , Maharshal, and one of the leadingTalmidei and was orphaned of both his parents at a Chachomim in Cracow. young age. He resided with his grandmother for a few years. After her petirah, he moved After the Rema’s petira, Rav Binyomin Aharon into the Chaim Berlin dormitory as a young moved to Silesia and later to Podheitz. He teenager. He became very close to the rosh corresponded in halachic matters with many yeshiva, Rav Yitzchak Hutner, who had a major Gedolim of his time, notably the Maharam of hashpa’ah on his derech halimud and . Lublin; Rav Yosef Steinhart, the Zichron Yosef; Despite his difficult situation, he was one of the and Rav Mordechai Yaffe, the Levush. His sefer happiest talmidim in the yeshiva. After his Mas’as Binyomin includes 112 teshuvos. marriage, Rav Shimon continued learning in the yeshiva, and joined the staff as a rebbi Rav Binyomin Aharon’s sons were all Gedolim. three years later. Rav Shimon never left the His son Rav Yaakov Yukel was the mechaber of koslei bais medrash for any other employment Nachalas Yaakov on Rashi’s commentary on the until the day of his petirah, a beloved eighth Torah. Rav Avrohom was Rav of Tarnopol and grade rebbi for decades. later Rav in Brisk.

His son-in-law was Rav Menachem Mann, Rav in Vienna and later Chief Rav of Austria. Rav Tzvi Hirsch Horowitz (Av 23)

Rav Binyomin Aharon was niftar on the twenty- third of Menachem Av 5370/1610. Son of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok Horowitz, the Chozeh of Lublin

Zecher tzaddik livrachah. He was named after his father’s father- in- law, Rav Hirsh of Lanczut. ugust-19/ His first marriage was to the daughter of Rav Aryeh Leib of Valtshisk.

His second marriage was to the daughter of

- 4 of 29 - Rav Nota of Chelm. merchant selling coral. He also owned factories in Brody and Vienna. He studied Torah all his When Rav Hirsch MeShares of Rymanow was life and chose Brody as his hometown among ill, he heard of it and visited him saying, our her great scholars and sages. He opened his names are the same: you are named Rav Tzvi own Bais Medrash in his home and paskened Hirsch ben Sprintza and I, too, am Tzvi Hirsh and wrote responsa, corresponding with such ben Sprintza., I hereby accept your decree of Gedolim as the Noda BeYehuda, Rav Refoel death upon myself. He passed away a short HaKohen of Hamburg, the Shaagas Arye, the .and was laid to rest Chasam Sofer and Rav Akiva Eiger תקצ''גwhile later on 23 Av in Rimanov. He was on good terms with the Chassidim and Rav Moshe Yechiel Michel Paket (Av talmidim of the Mezritcher Maggid. 23)

Rav Yisroel Charif of Lvov (Av 23) He was counted among the famed Chachomim Rav Dovid Sutton Dabbah (Rav & Av of the Kloiz in Brody and studied Kabbola in the Beis Din of Beunos Aires, Yaaleh Hadas) shteibel with other Mekubolim, next to the (Av 23) kloiz.

.תקפח He passed away on 24 Av

Rav Efraim Zalman Margolius Mate Efraim (Av 24)

Rav Dovid Ortinberg Tehilla L'Dovid (Av He became a talmid of his uncle, Rav 24) Alexander, and of the Mekubol, Rav Yitzchok HaKohen ben Rav Yoel, the Rav of Koretz and later of Ostrog. Rav Efraim also studied under Rav Dovid Ortinberg was the son of Rav Yisrael Rav Yechezkel Landau, the famed mechaber of Tzvi, a descendant of Rav Zev Wolf of Zhitomir, the Noda BeYehuda. the Ohr HaMeir, and of the inner group of Chassidim of the Saraf of Strelisk.

He was known to be humble and modest, shunning all honors and running away from After the petira of the Strelisker Rebbe, Rav them; he did all he could not to serve in the Yisrael Tzvi traveled to the court of the rabbinate as a source of livelihood. In his youth Ruzhiner Rebbe. His son, Rav Dudia, as he was he was appointed Rav of Ohanov, but he quickly called, was a devoted Chassid of the Ruzhiner gave up the position. He turned down the offer and later of his children. of the post of Rav in de Main, after Rav Tzvi Hirsh Horowitz passed away and left Shortly after his marriage, he was asked by the the position vacant. Instead he became a kehilla of Berditchev to serve as Dayan in their

- 5 of 29 - city. This was a prestigious position: the city Son of Reb Tzvi Aryeh. was home to many Talmidei Chachomim, and it was just forty years since thepetira of the Son-in-law of Rav Yaakov Kobilansky, who is Kedushas Levi of Berditchev, whose influence son-in-law of Rav Meir Horodotsky, who is the was still strongly felt. (After the petira of the son of Rav Duvid Leikes, a talmid of the Baal Kedushas Levi, no one was ever named Rav of Shem Tov. Berditchev. He could be called Dayan, but not Reb Tzvi Aryeh succeeded his father ,תקע''ב Rav of the city; no one could replace the In Kedushas Levi.) as rav and rebbe in Alik. He established and expanded the Chassidus his father founded, Even as Rav, Rav Dudia continued to travel to and was close to Rav Mottele Tshernobler and the Ruzhiner Rebbe and, after his petira, to his Rav Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of . son Rav Avrohom Yaakov, the Sadigura Rebbe and, later, to the Boyaner Rebbe. He was noted Some of his Torah was published in his son’s for his utter bittul to his Rebbes, despite his sefer, Gedulas Mordechai and later published being a Rav, or, as someChassidim said, together with the Torah of the other tzaddikim because he was a Rav and Talmid Chochom. of Alik in Likkutei Torah and Tal Oros.

Rav Dudia wrote several well-knownHalocha He passed away in Alik / Olek 25 Teves / Av .תר''ט seforim: Tehilla L’Dovid on Hilchos Shabbos 1849 and Shoham V’Yoshpeh on the Rambam. His sons were: Rav Tzvi Aryeh of Falshtein, Rav Niftar on the twenty-fourth of Av 5670/1910, he Mordechai his successor in Alik, and Rav was buried in Berditchev. Yisroel of Dilitin.

Zecher tzaddik livrachah. A 660- page, hand- written manuscript of his chiddushim on Torah and Shas called Keser Malchus on Torah and Shas resides in the ugust-20/ National Library (unpublished).

Rav Aharon of Terbeli (Machneh Rav Avrohom Chaim Horowitz of Aharon) (Av 24) (Av 25)

Rav Sholom Halperin (Vasloier Rebbe) Rav Yaakov Meshulem Orenstein (Av 24) (Yeshuos Yaakov, Av Beis Din of Lvov) (Av 25)

Rav Yeshaya Menachem (Av Beis Din of Krakow, Biurim Kibdu Hashem) (Av 25)

Rav Yosef Dovid Landau (Av 25) Rav Moshe Hager of Anitiniya (Av 25)

- 6 of 29 - Rav Noach Naftali Rabinowitz Admor of Rav Eliyohu Boruch Goldschmidt Dear Kobrin, Birchos Lo'ad (Av 26) Daughter (Av 26)

Rav Noach Naftoli, born in 5596/1836, was the Rav Eliyahu Baruch Goldschmidt (1935-2000). son of Rav Yisrael Yaakov, who was the son of Rav Elya was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the famed Rav Moshe of Kobrin. He was the where his parents had moved in 1938, along son-in-law of his uncle, Rav Boruch Chaim with their three-year-old son, in flight from Levin, a son-in-law of Rav Moshe of Kobrin. Nazi Germany. Rav Elya moved to Lakewood in 1960 and drew close to Rav Aharon Kotler. He Following the petira of his grandfather, Rav spent 20 years at Lakewood, followed by Moshe of Kobrin, on the twenty-ninth of Nissan another 20 years as mashgiach ruchani at 5618/1858, Rav Noach Naftoli was appointed Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Rebbe by a group of his grandfather’sFallsburg. Rav Elya was suddenly niftar while Chassidim. (Most of theChassidim accepted working on a new sefer on Shalom bayis Rav Avrohom of Slonim as their Rebbe.) entitled Dear Son, planned as a counterpart to his best-selling Dear Daughter on the same Rav Noach Naftoli was known as ansubject. outstanding Talmid Chochom. His appearance Rav Yoel Teitelbaum (Satmar Rebbe, was regal. Divrei Yoel) (Av 26)

On the twenty-sixth of Av 5649/1889, at the age of sixty-three, Rav Noach Naftoli was niftar in

Komin, while cutting the bread at his table. Rav Yehoshua Heschel Charif Meginei Shlomo (Av 27) His sons, Rav Dovid Shlomo of Kobrin and Rav Aharon Levi of Diamatshcve, succeeded him as His wife was called . Rebbe.

Rav Yehoshua was a talmid of the Maharam of Many of Rav Noach Naftoli’s Divrei Torah were Lublin and a talmid of Rav Yehoshua Falk, the printed in the sefer of his grandfather, Amoros mechaber of the Sem”a. He served as the head Tehoros, under the title M’aamorim Tehorim. of the rabbinical court of Lvov outside the city. He authored two famous works:Maginei Zechuso yagen aleinu. Shlomo on the Talmud, where he defends the opinion of Rav Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi) against the authors of the Tosfos, and the responsa ugust-22/

- 7 of 29 - Pnei Yehoshua (not to be confused with the commentary on the Talmud of the same name, authored by his grandson and namesake). Rav Meshulem Feish Segal Lowy Av Beis Din of Tosh, Avodas Avodah (Av 27) He was laid to rest in the ancient Bais HaChaim adjacent to the Rema shul, near such Tzaddikim as the Rebbe Reb Heschel and the Bach.

His son Rav Moshe’s daughter, Teivel, married Rav Shmuel Shmelke Margolis, Av Bais Din of Elkish. Their son was Rav Elozor Roke’ach of Brody and Rav of , mechaber of Maasei Roke’ach.

Rav Yehoshua Heschel served in Grodno, Premisla, Lvov and finally in Cracow. Later in his life, he accepted the position ofRosh Yeshiva in Cracow alongside Rav YomTov Lipman Heller, themechaber of Tosfos YomTov, who served as theAv Bais Din.

As he lay on his deathbed, he turned to the The Torah world was plunged into mourning on heads of the community who surrounded him, the 27th of Menachem Av 5775 with the petira saying, “Make way for Rashi, whom I defended, of the Tosher Rebbe, Rav Meshulom Feish for he is coming to escort me to the Next Lowy, at the age of ninety-three. World.” One of the eldest and most venerated Rebbes of He was laid to rest in the ancient Bais HaChaim the generation, the Tosher Rebbe was adjacent to the Rema shul, near such Tzaddikim frequently hospitalized in recent years. Since as the Rebbe Reb Heschel and the Bach. Adar 5768/2008, when he contracted severe pneumonia, his health had been in a state of His son Rav Moshe’s daughter, Teivel, married decline. Rav Shmuel Shmelke Margolis, Av Bais Din of Elkish. Their son was Rav Elozor Roke’ach of Communities all over the Jewish world davened Brody and Rav of Amsterdam, mechaber of fervently for his recovery, and the name Rav Maasei Roke’ach. Meshulom Feish ben Tzirel was constantly on the lips of those who admired him, as his health fluctuated over the past years.

- 8 of 29 - Several weeks after the pneumonia, the Rebbe him as if he were crazy, because of his piety, recovered and returned home to Tosh, in and that made it possible for him to maintain a Canada, although very weak. When hereligious lifestyle. appeared in the Bais Medrash that Purim, the Chassidim cried with joy at what was seen as a In March 1944, Hungary was captured by the medical miracle. Germans. In April, the Jews of the region were assembled, among them the members of the Two weeks ago the Rebbe attended theLowy family, into the Nirgehaze ghetto, and marriage of his great-granddaughter. Yesterday from there they were sent to Auschwitz. Most his condition deteriorated drastically; he was of the Rebbe’s extended family perished there, classified as critical and his family wasand his father, the Rebbe, was murdered on summoned. In the afternoon hours, he was Rosh Chodesh Elul 5704/1944. niftar. After the Red Army entered Margita, the Rebbe The Rebbe was born in 5682/1922 in the village was released from the labor camp. He then of Nirtosh, known as Tosh to the Jewish traveled to Arad, Mako and finally to population. His parents were Rav Mordechai Kleinwardein. Segal Lowy, the eldest son of Rav Elimelech of Tosh, and Rebbetzin Tzirel, the daughter of Rav In 5706/1946 he married Rebbetzin Chava, the Yaakov Fekete of Nirbator. daughter of Rav Yehuda Weingarten of Yerushalayim, a descendant of the Rebbe Reb In 5690/1930, his father was appointed Rav of Elimelech of Lizhensk. nearby Demetcher. He was appointed by the survivors of Tosher At the age of twelve, the Rebbe traveled to Chassidus to serve as the Rebbe in Nirgehaze, Kalov, to the Yeshiva headed by his great-uncle, where he stayed for two and a half years. He the Rav of the city, Rav Menachem Braude, the served there as a Dayan on the special Bais Din Be’er Menachem. At that young age he was that helped agunos remarry after the war. At noted for his hasmoda and devotion to his that point, fear of the communist regime led learning and was recognized as an iluy. him to instruct his community to leave the country. On the 23rd of Kislev 5703/1943, his grandfather passed away, and his father, Rav After two years in Austria, in Adar 5711/1951 Mordechai, was appointed Rebbe. the Rebbe arrived in America. He first lived in Williamsburg, and later moved to Montreal, In 1943, the Rebbe was drafted to the forced Canada, where his older brother, Reb Chaim labor brigades in Hungary and sent to camps in Yosef, lived. Their sister, Fraidel, the wife of Koschitza and Margita. The overseers treated Rav Shmuel Meir Leifer, also survived the war.

- 9 of 29 - As soon as he arrived in Montreal, the Rebbe every day, no matter what. He spent most of his decided to establish his community outside the day davening, as each tefilla took many hours. city in order to avoid the influences of the Only after an exhausting Maariv did he allow outside world. himself to eat something — a meal that was breakfast, lunch and supper in one. In 5723/1963, the Rebbe established a Chassidic neighborhood named Kiryas Tosh in His Divrei Torah and stories were printed in the the Boisbriand suburb, about thirty kilometers seforim Avodas Avoda. from Montreal. Over the years many Chassidim flocked to him, and there are also Tosher The Rebbe was widowed on the 21st of Elul communities in Brooklyn, Monroe, London, 5756/1996 of his Rebbetzin Chava. He Eretz Yisrael and Belgium. subsequently married Rebbetzin Malka Lowy.

A full range of institutions was established in On the 18th of Teves 5758, the Rebbe’s eldest Tosh, including schools for boys and girls, a son, Rav Mordechai, son-in-law of Rav Yeshiva Gedola and Yeshiva Ketana, and Yechezkele Mertz, was niftar at the age of fifty. anything else a Jewish community needs. The petira occurred in the middle of Shacharis, Today, some four hundred families live there. when Rav Mordechai was saying Krias Shema. Since it was on a Friday, the Rebbe carried on The Tosher Rebbe loved peace and harmony his avoda throughout Shabbos as if all were and would pursue it; he avoided discord like regular, to the astonishment of the Chassidim. fire. He was known for his Ahavas Yisrael and disbursed tremendous sums for tzedoka. He The Rebbe’s other son, Rav Elimelech serves as was admired by all, and people from across the the Rav of Kiryas Tosh. His surviving daughters spectrum streamed to his court. Thousands of are Rebbetzin Tzirel Fish, Rebbetzin Fradel Chassidim from the United States and Canada, Katz, and Rebbetzin Sossie Kahana. The from Eretz Yisrael and from Europe, visited him Rebbe’s daughter, Rebbetzin Berocha Chana regularly, especially for Shabbosos and Yomim Mayer, predeceased him. Tovim, to witness his holy visage and to receive a berocha from him. Among those who came The Rebbe is also survived by many were many Chassidim of other courts, as well grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great- as Litvishe Yidden, businessmen, Sefardim and great-grandchildren. Ashkenazim. Zechuso yogein oleinu. The Rebbe’s Avodas HaKodesh was carried out with tremendous mesirus nefesh, the Chassidim relate, and note that until his final days he e-zya-harav-meshulem-feish-lowy/ made sure to complete the entire Sefer Tehillim

- 10 of 29 - Rav Menachem Kohn (Av 27) Rav Chaim Dov Keller Sefer Chidekel, Rosh Yeshiva, Telshe Chicago (Av 27) Rav Menachem Kohn (1964-2006). Born to Mr. and Mrs. Yosef Yitzchak Eizik Kohn, both Holocaust survivors who had moved to Los Angeles after the war. He was the youngest of four brothers. A watershed in his life was his entry into the Telshe Yeshiva at the age of 14, following in the footsteps of his brothers who had also learned in Telshe. For the next 28 years, his neshama became bound to the yeshiva of Telshe, its Roshei Yeshiva and talmidei chachomim. Throughout the years, Rav Chaim Dov Keller was born in 1930 in New Reb Menachem penned his own chiddushei York City and attended Yeshiva Rabeinu Torah, and a number of years ago he published Yitzchak Elchanan (RIETS). When the Telshe two sefarim, one on Mesechta Beitza and the Yeshiva was established by Harav Eliya Meir second on Mesechta Moed Kotton. He called Bloch and Harav Mottel Katz, zichronam the sefarim Ateres Avi, in memory of his father. levrachah, in Cleveland in 1940, Rav Keller The day before the accident which took his life, joined the yeshiva and became a close talmid of Reb Menachem went to Monroe to daven at the Rav Elya Meir. tziyun of the Satmar Rebbe on his yahrtzeit. He also went to visit the current Satmar Rebbe. In 1960, Harav Avraham Chaim Levin and Harav Chaim Schmelczer, zichronam levrachah, founded the Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago, and Rav Keller joined the yeshiva the following year. Over many decades, he taught Torah to thousands of talmidim, and was one of the premier roshei yeshiva of his time.

Rav Keller was known for his forceful and eloquent defense of authentic Yiddishkeit, and was often called upon to deliver the unadulterated daas Torah though his powerful speeches and articulate writing. He was a prominent member of the Nesius of Agudas

- 11 of 29 - Yisrael of America. great-grandchildren.

Rav Keller married Chaya Devorah née Levin, Yehi zichro baruch. the daughter of Harav Eliezer Levin, zt”l, a talmid of the Chafetz Chaim and longtime Rav in Detroit. After her passing, he Rav Yehuda Fattiah (Beis Lechem married tbl”c Rebbitzen Shulamis Prager. Yehuda) (Av 27)

Several years ago, Rav Keller published several Rav Yaakov Tzvi of Borsha (Av 27) volumes of Sefer Chidekel, a compendium of Rav Shmuel Tzvi Horowitz of Spinka his chiddushim. (Tiferes Tzvi) (Av 27) Rav Avrohom Mordechai Alter (Av 27)

Rav Keller’s last address was given in Telshe Rav Menachem Nachum Dov Ber Yeshiva on Purim of this year, and shortly after Friedman of Sadigur (Av 27) he was stricken with COVID-19. After being hospitalized for an extended period of time, his home was converted to a quasi-hospital room, and he spent the last few weeks being cared for Rav Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin the Netziv (Av 28) in his familiar surroundings.

The levayah will be held outdoors next to the 1 Av (others say: 28 Av) Rav Naphtali Tzvi yeshiva at 3535 West Foster Avenue.Yehudah Berlin, the “Netziv of Volozhin” The aron will be brought to Lakewood for a levayah on Tuesday at 12:00 in Bais Medrash Son of Rav Yaakov Govoha, and kevurah will be in Eretz Yisrael on תקע''ז Wednesday. Born in Mir

Rav Keller is survived by ybl”c his wife, A descendant of Rabbeinu Elchanan Baal Rebbitzen Shulamis Prager; his sons Harav HaTosfos Shmuel Yeshaya Keller, Rosh Yeshiva in Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago; Harav Elya Meir Keller, At age 14, he married the daughter of Rav Ra”M in Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah of Lakewood; Yitzchok of Volozhin. and his daughters Mrs. Kraindel Mannes, principal at Bais Yaakov High School inHe studied Torah in his father-in-law’s home for Chicago; Mrs. Sori Schechter, principal of Bais twenty years. During this time, he was known Yaakov of Lakewood; Mrs. Chani Treff of to stand all day long with his feet in a pail of Lakewood; and Mrs. Bogen ofcold water by night. Yerushalayim; and many grandchildren and

- 12 of 29 - After his father- in- law’s passing, his brother- in- law, Rav Eliezer Yitzchok, became Rosh yeshiva and three years later, with his passing, Rav Shalom Ulman of Yerushalayim the Netziv became Rosh yeshivah. Author Daas Elokim (Av 28)

He published the following seforim: Emek She’elah on the Sheiltos; , Halachic Responsa as, Shut Mayshiv Davar, and HaEmek Davar, and Harchev Davar on the Torah; Maytav Shir on Shir HaShirim. a fire broke out and destroyed the Etz , תרמ''ו In Chaim Yeshivah, but the Netziv rebuilt and in Romania. He תר"ץthe secularBorn on 27 , תרל''טreopened it. Then, in authorities closed the yeshivah over the issue of studied under Rav Eliyahu Dessler and was one secular studies but he ardently fought against of the Michtav meEliyahu's favorite pupils. He the the wicked maskilim and Volozhin reopened served as a dayan in Tel Aviv. He was best known as a mekubal who studied and taught .תרמ''א again in the teachings of the Ramchal. The Netziv He passed away at age 78 in His most well known sefer is perhaps Daas Elokim where he studies the Ramchal's seder .תרנ''ג Warsaw on Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av HaShtalshelus of the Arizal adding a (Others say 28 Av) commentary culled from all the Ramchal's many seforim to give the nishmal for the His son was Rav Chaim Berlin AvBeisDin mashal. He was a chavrusa of such gedolim as Kobrin. Rav Chaim Friedlaner and Rav Yiutzchok Zilberman. He was perhaps best known for his His sons- in- law were; Rav Raphael Shapira commentaries on the works of the Ramchal. He AvBeisDin Babroisk and Rav Chaimpassed away on 28 Av 5773 at age 83 in the Soloveitchik AvBeisDin Brisk. Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City and was laid to rest on Har HaZeisim.

Rav Moshe Finkel (Av 28)

Rav Moshe Finkel, born in Mir to Rav Eliezer

- 13 of 29 - Yehuda Finkel. He gew up with his great- haTorah. grandfather, Rav Baruch Kamai, the Rav of Mir. He learned at Slobodka under his grandfather, The Rebbetzin grew up on ’s Lower Rav Nosson Zvi Finkel, the Alter of Slobodka, East Side, where her parents, Reb Avrohom, then at Kelm, where he learned bechavrusa z”l, and Mrs. Ita Devorah Kaplan, a”h, resided. with Rav Povarsky, then at BBaranovitch, under She was a student in the very first class of the Rav Elchanan Wasserman and Rav Shlomo neighborhood’s Bais Yaakov, and took great Heiman. Shortly before WW2, he immigrated to pride in having remained steadfast in her Yerushalyim and married the daughter of Rav commitment to Yiddishkeit at a time when Mordechai Davod Levin, author of Darchei many of her peers succumb to the rampant Dovid. There, he worked diligently under his assimilationist trends that prevailed at the father for the Mir Yeshiva (1909-2004). time.

Even while pursuing higher education, when challenged by classmates or professors, young Rebbetzin Sheila (Chava ) Feinstein Sheila, with signature strength and down-to- (Av 28) earth logic, never shied away from standing up for her beliefs. At the levayah, held at the Yeshivah of , Rav Reuven spoke of his lateIn the early 1960s, she would marry Rav Rebbetzin’s great dedication in her essential Reuven, ybl”c, Rav Moshe’s youngest child, role in enabling his own growth and decades who by then had already distinguished himself of harbotzas haTorah. for his great dedication and mastery of Torah. Despite becoming the daughter-in-law of one of “She supported me … she was mechazek me the Gedolei Yisrael, the decision to marry and took care of the whole olam hazeh part of a talmid chacham and to take a role in my life,” he said. supporting his years of study in kollel was hardy a popular or easy one at the time. With a commanding and regal presence, joined with exceptional intelligence and wit, Rebbetzin In addition to her key role in aiding her Feinstein’s dynamic personality propelled her husband’s growth, the Rebbetzin increasingly to be one of the pillars upon which her became one of the main caregivers to Rav husband’s yeshivah stood, and to be among the Moshe and his wife in their later years. Living most trusted and loyal assistants to her revered in an apartment nearby, the Rebbetzin became father-in-law, Harav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l. At a regular presence in the home of the elder the same, she was a highly respected educator Feinsteins, doing all she could to assist her for many years in ’s Public father-in-law, relating that she hand-sewed the School system and later in several mosdos robe he often wore around the house.

- 14 of 29 - In 1966, Rav Reuven opened a branch of years as the general studies principal at the Mesivtha Tiferes Jerusalem (MTJ) in Staten girls’ division of Yeshivat Shaarei Torah in Island, widely known as the Yeshivah of Staten Flatbush and afterward as curriculum advisor Island. Despite the many responsibilities of her at MTJ’s Lower East Side location. At both family and professional life at that point, the mosdos, the Rebbetzin took on her role with Rebbetzin played an active role in seeing to it tremendous dedication, seeing to it that the that the physical amenities of the yeshivah schools were run in a way that would best should be such that its talmidim would be able accommodate the student body and made to focus entirely on their studies. With a keen herself readily available for, staff, parents, and eye for detail and an understanding of the talmidim alike. challenges faced by a young bachur away from home, she saw to it that particulars like the As in her professional life, when dealing with menu and other comforts were such that the family and the broader community, the talmidim should feel cared for and nurtured. It Rebbetzin took a strong and sharp, yet loving is due in no small part to the Rebbetzin’s approach. dedication that the yeshivah has long been one of Klal Yisrael’s noted mosdos haTorah. “To read Eishes Chayil, it’s all about you,” her son, Harav Dovid Beinish Feinstein, said in For many years, the Rebbetzin worked an his hesped. “My father … once spoke about elementary-school teacher in New York public how people do chessed because … [on some schools. Even in the increasingly challenging level] they want something back. My mother culture of the city’s educational system, her did chessed shel emes for everybody.” majestic and forceful bearing garnered great respect. She would go on to be appointed a On July 24, the Rebbetzin and Rav Reuven were principal, a position that she successfully in a car accident. Rav Reuven suffered occupied for many years. As when she was a relatively light injuries, while the Rebbetzin classroom teacher, while maintaining discipline was hospitalized and listed in serious condition. and high academic standards, she also exuded Soon after the incident, initial reports had been a sincere sense of caring and devotion to the optimistic for her recovery, but in recent days, pupils in her charge. In the decades she spent she took a turn for the worse and in the public school system, the Rebbetzin not was niftar late Wednesday night. only raised performance levels in her schools, but was a source of widely recognized kiddush Following the levayah in Staten Island, the aron shem Shamayim with her intellect andwas flown to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah on Har integrity. Hamenuchos.

Even after retiring from her position in the The Rebbetzin is survived by, ybl”c, her public schools, the Rebbetzin served for many husband Rav Reuven, sons Harav Dovid

- 15 of 29 - Beinush and Harav Avrohom, daughters Rebbetzin Malka Eisenberg and Rebbetzin Ahuvah Weiss, as well as by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Yehi zichrah baruch.

Rav Yaakov Chaim Zelig Goldshlag (Yoraiach L'Moadim) (Av 28)

Rav Noach Chaim Eisenstadt (Av Beis Din of Shtetzin Litta) (Av 28)

Rav Avrohom Chaim Adess (Av 28)

Rav Avrohom Yaakov Hakohen Pam (Atara L'Melech) (Av 28)

Gedolim Be'Masayhem

Stories & Anecdotes

Gaon in 5719 (1959). The his youth and it features Rav Yaakov Yisroel Steipler sent him a letter “wonderful chiddushim on the Kanievsky The Steipler, requesting financial assistance most difficult areas of the Kehilos Yaakov (Av 23) for printing the first volume of order of Kodshim”. In the his magnum opusKehillas letter, the Steipler encourages

TRANSMITTING TORAH Yaakov. In the letter, the Rav Ruderman to write more Steipler wrote that he had such seforim. After showing Rav Ruderman would show seen and learned Ravthe letter to the talmid, Rav talmidim a letter that he Ruderman’s sefer Avodas Ruderman said, “I have received from the Steipler HaLevi that he had written in enough chiddushim to write

- 16 of 29 - ten more volumes of Avodas Torah a central part of their daughters. From the sanctity HaLevi, but I am now writing lives. and righteousness of these two leibidige seforim, living brothers alone, we see that the seforim, my talmidim.” Sanzer Rav’s blessings were Rav Yoel Teitelbaum Satmar Rebbe, Divrei Yoel fulfilled and that the Kedushas The Rosh Yeshiva continued, (Av 26) Yom Tov merited children “Teaching takes full blessed by Hashem. The concentration, as the Gemora Kedushas Yom Tov’s STORIES RELATED BY THE teaches that only if a Rebbe is grandfather, the Yetev Lev of TOSHER REBBE ABOUT REB similar to a Maloch should one YOEL TEITELBAUM Sighet, was similarly blessed seek to learn Torah from him. at his wedding by Rav Tzvi One Motza’ei Shabbos Kodesh, We know that a Maloch cannot Hirsch of Rymanow that he, parshas Eikev, the Tosher do more than one shelichus, too, would merit children, Rebbe sat at Melave Malka one job at a time. Teaching generations blessed by with his Chassidim and talmidim preoccupies me so Hashem. Obviously the Satmar related: completely that I cannot sit Rav was one of the blessed and write seforim.” Indeed, descendants of this beracha. This upcoming twenty-sixth of the Rosh Yeshiva invested Av is the Yahrzeit of the holy tremendous effort into (The Tosher Rebbe Shlit’a Satmar Rav. Even before he teaching and shaping each related the story of the Yetev was born, the Sanzer Rav, talmid. Lev’s chassuna in greater author of Divrei Chaim, detail on Motza’ei Shabbos testified as to his upcoming The Rosh Yeshiva established Parshas Toldos in the context greatness. Rav Yoel’s father, thousands of talmidim. Among of Rav Hirschel of Rymanow’s the author of Kedushas Yom them, hundreds became Yahrzeit.) Tov, was childless for many Gedolei Torah and Marbitzei years and when he came Torah who continue his legacy Rav Hirsch of Rymanow was a before his Rebbe, the Sanzer and illuminate the Torah world Kohen and had the minhag to Rav, the Divrei Chaim with their shiurim and bless Klal Yisrael, bestowing promised him in a letter that chiddushei Torah. Although of abundant berachos and he would have children course, there was a special goodness upon them. blessed by Hashem. His focus on establishing talmidim Whatever he said was fulfilled. prophetic words were, of who would becomeTorah When he was younger, before course, fulfilled: the Kedushas giants in their own right, the he became well-known, he still Yom Tov had two luminaries, Rosh Yeshiva understood the had great power to dispense his sons Rav Yoel of Satmar individual character of each berachos, as I heard from my and Rav Yoel’s brother, the talmid and encouraged them, grandfather about the holy author of the Atzei Chaim each in his own way, to make chassuna of the Yetev Lev of of Sighet, as well as several

- 17 of 29 - Sighet and this is the story he from his room the crowd Among those descendants was told me (here the Tosher parted so as to allow him to the Satmar Rav. Rebbe Shlit’a retold the story peer through the door and see heard from his grandfather): the face of the anonymous When the Satmar Rav was a pauper who had requested six-year-old lad, he merited to When the Yetev Lev married such a sum of tzedaka. When visit the holy sanctuary of Rav the daughter of Rav Moshe the Yismach Moshe saw who it Mordechai’leh of Nadworna. Dovid Ashkenazi, the Av Beis was, he turned to his son, Rav Rav Mordechai’leh asked the Din of Taltsheva, theElazar Nissan, and told him to young child what he was grandfather, the author of give the poor man the entire studying in cheder. Rav Yoel Yismach Moshe, gave his son sum of tzedaka he had answered that he studied Rav Elazar Nissan (the father requested, without arguing. Chumash with Rashi’s of the chosson) a certain commentary. Rav amount of money to distribute When the pauper received the Mordechai’leh farhered as tzedaka to the poor who money, he blessed Rav Elazar (tested) him and was pleased were present at the chassuna. Nissan and the Chosson, the to see he knew the material Amongst the poor there was Yetev Lev, with a great well. He then told him to be one particular pauper who, beracha, promising them that very diligent in studying having received the allotted from this marriage would Chumash with Rashi every amount of tzedaka which Rav come forth generations of holy week, saying, “Mordechai’leh Elazar distributed to righteous descendants.knew several great men, who, each one, insisted that he add Afterward, he vanishedin their older years, they did more money to the amount without a trace. not know where HaKodosh and asked for a certain very Boruch Hu dwells, because large sum - so large that Rav Many years later, when the they were not diligent in Elazar Nissan kindly told him ’s father, the Taltsheca studying Chumash with that the money was not his Rav, prepared to move to Rashi.” He promised the and he could not use his Eretz Yisrael, his son-in-law, young Rav Yoel that if he discretion to give one pauper the Yetev Lev, accompanied would diligently study such a princely sum. him to visit many Rebbes and Chumash Rashi week by week, Tzaddikim, among them Rav he would rise to very high He turned and went to his Hirsch Rymanower. The Yetev levels. father, the Yismach Moshe, Lev immediately recognized related the pauper’s request his face – it waste pauper who The holy Satmar Rav fulfilled and asked him what to do. had attended his wedding so these words all his life. The many years before, who had words of Rav Mordechai’leh “I wish to see this pauper,” blessed him with descendants were very precious to him: said the Yismach Moshe, and who would be Tzaddikim. every day after davening,

- 18 of 29 - while still adorned in tallis and condition – that the Rav does The young man told how, as tefillin, the Satmar Ravnot make me a Chassid!” they were almost liberated, he studied Chumash and Rashi; and a friend ran in search of even in his old age when this Rav Yoel smiled and answered food to feed their starving practice was difficult and sweetly, “Mein tei’ere kind brethren. The Nazis caught taxing for him, he never gave (My precious child)! Why, if them both and hanged his it up. you fulfill my request and take friend immediately. care of fulfilling the needs of The Satmar Rav’s kochos in the poor, I will be your "They would have hanged me Tzedaka were very great. He Chassid!” too on the spot, except that I would give out huge sums to had done some favors for a the poor and destitute, looking (Based on Avodas Avodah few officers and they decided after their needs and helping Sichos Kodesh II) to at least grant me one final to care for them. wish as thanks for my good SATMAR RAV'S BERACHA deeds. I asked to be able to When he was Rav in Kruly in Once, after the war, a young see my mother one last time his younger years, the Satmar man approached the Satmar and to say goodbye. At first Rav asked his gabbai to invite Rav for a beracha. “What they protested that the the wealthy Rav Chaim Shtern makes you think I can give you women's camp was too far and of Pest and explain that he had a beracha?” asked the it would take too long, but an urgent and important Tzaddik. finally they agreed. They took matter of business to discuss me to her and as I stood there with him. When Rav Shtern "Someone whose opinion before her, I said goodbye, arrived in Kruly, Rav Yoel counts even in heaven surely explaining that they were explained the reason for his has the right to bestow going to kill me. My mother summons: “You should know berachos," answered the fainted on the spot. As they that in Pest, there areyoung man. were taking care of her to approximately forty families I revive her, she came to and know of who are so destitute "Well, if you could prove that whispered to me, ‘You will that they cannot even put were true about me, surely I live! You will live!’ bread on their tables. I am would bestow myberacha asking you to please see to it upon you. Any person who “I was dragged away by the that at least their needs for knows that someone's opinion Nazis and as they led me to Shabbos are taken care of.” counts in heaven is worthy of a the gallows, the American beracha!" smiled the Satmar forces attacked and began to Rav Chaim answered Rav Yoel, Rav. "Pray tell, how you would rain heavy artillery and bombs “Surely I will fulfill what the know such a thing." on the camp. The noise and Rav is asking of me, on one explosions caused the Nazis to

- 19 of 29 - flee for cover and I escaped. THE SATMAR RAV'S Rav Hutner and Rav FORESIGHT Later, when the American Kalmanovitsh and others officers liberated us, I was Rav Yitzchok Hutner, Ra”m of discussed the issue, wrote up reunited with my mother. I Chaim Berlin and author of such a letter and protested asked her how she knew I Pachad Yitzchok, used to say vehemently against what was would live. She told me that that the Satmar Rav was able going on. They decided to when she fainted, she rose up to see with a far-reaching enlist the help and support of before the Heavenly tribunal vision, greater than many the Satmar Rav as well, and saw many Tzaddikim with other Rebbes and Rabbonim, thinking that perhaps he too long beards and hadrasponim saying, "He sees further than would sign the letter. (radiant countenances). She all of us." did not recognize any of them Two importantRabbonim till she spotted the Satmar He once told the following acted as messengers and Rav, whom she recognized story which demonstrated this visited the Satmar Rav in his from her childhood infar-reaching vision: home, asking him to sign the Rumania. ‘Rebbe, Rebbe, save letter and pledge his support my son!’ she cried to him, Once, two messengers arrived in protest against the ‘Have mercy.’ from Eretz Yisrael to visit the missionary activities in Eretz offices of Agudas Yisrael in Yisrael. ‘Do not worry,’ said the America. They told how Satmar Rav, ‘he will live.’ recently, many missionaries The Rav read the letter and Then she woke up." had been traveling from answered them, "I cannot sign village to village and from city this letter." The Satmar Rav So saying, the young man to city, attempting to turn then offered the following turned to the Satmar Rav and Jews away fromYiddishkeit explanation as to why he said, "You see, Rebbe, my toward Christianity. The would not sign: mother told me how your Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael opinion counts in heaven and I asked the Rabbonim of the "I know that in the next few am living proof!" Agudah to sign a letter of days the Israeli prime minister protest against thesehas a trip scheduled to Italy. "Well said,” smiled the Satmar missionary activities, which Surely he will take the Rav– and gave him hiswould then be sent to the opportunity to visit the Vatican beracha. Israeli prime minister,and meet with the Pope. protesting the missionaries’ (Yiddish Licht Vol. 33 No. 8 nefarious activities. “Once he receives this letter, I Kislev 5742, pages 9-12) believe that he will take it with Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav him, show it to the Pope and Yaakov Kamenetsky, as well as use it as a tool to find favor in

- 20 of 29 - the pontiff's eyes. He will wave A few weeks later, they all saw Shlomo. our letter of protest and say to just how prophetic the Satmar the Pope, ‘See – they asked me Rav's words were; they all Rav Meir, the father of to intercede againstcame true – not one word was Shabsai Cohen (famed missionary activities, but no – false. The prime minister of mechaber of the commentary even though is a medina Israel took the letter with him Sha”ch on Shulchon Aruch) for Yidden, we believe in to the Vatican, showed it to studied Gemora together with freedom of religion, and each the Pope and the entire Rav Yehoshua. They agreed religion has the right to episode became public news. that when they studied a new practice unhindered and teach Then we all understood that a sugya they would refrain from its ideas to anyone. See – even Divine spirit of intuition spoke referring to Rashi and Tosfos though the Americanthrough the Satmar Rav, and commentaries and instead Rabbonim protest against me, through his Torah and attempt to each arrive at his we – the Israeli government – righteousness he had the own understanding of the pay them no heed and do not power and foresight to see topic. Invariably, when they listen to them.’" what would indeed happen. would discuss their understanding, Rav Meir’s The Satmar Rav concluded Rav Yitzchok Hutneropinion was always consistent and said, "I believe the Israeli concluded, "Der Satmar Rav with the comments of the prime minister will take this hot gezen far ois mit a pur Tosfos, whereas Rav letter to the Pope and thereby chodoshim vus es vet zayn– Yehoshua’s was always in cause a great Chillul Hashem the Satmar Rav saw a few accordance with Rashi. And so (desecration ofHashem ’s months ahead what would be!" Rav Yehoshua would then name) – and so I cannot sign a (Moshiyan Shel Yisrael II, defend Rashi’s position (which letter which will be used in page 20) was his own as well) against such a way." the questions of the Tosfos. As a reward for his diligence and Rav Yehoshua Heschel The messengers thought that Charif Meginei Shlomo (Av alacrity in defending Rashi, his the Satmar Rav was simply 27) grandson would relate that he pushing them off with excuses. once told his students that They did not believe that what Rashi himself appeared to him DEFENDING RASHI he said was true, nor did they in a vision and congratulated take it seriously at all. The In the workIr Hatzedek him, saying, “Happy is your lot letter was signed, sealed and p.85–6 are a few stories and portion in the Next World delivered to the Israeli prime explaining Rav Yehoshua’s for defending me against those minister without the Satmar practice in defending Rashi’s ferocious , the Tosfos!” Rav's signature. position and how he came to author the workMaginei

- 21 of 29 - episode unfortunately is not name is Bakhur. He said to me Rav Yehuda Fattiah Beis unique. Demonic possession is that for a number of years evil Lechem Yehuda (Av 27) not limited to the realm of the thoughts would pop into his horror film. Whenever we as head as though from nowhere. Jews violate the mitzvos, we During the silent Amida tefilla, THE SPIRITS SPEAK become open to spiritual- or during Kaddish or Kedusha, A Story of Possession - The psychic attack. I offer this he would hear a voice within Evil Soul of the False Messiah translation so as to open the him saying, “Give up your Shabsai Tzvi Strikes from eyes of those who do not see. religion, convert and become a Beyond the Grave ~ Copyright Remember, this story is real. Christian” (G-d forbid). © 1995 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. We have an insider’s view of All rights reserved. what happened. Know that a These thoughts were so lot of stories going on around powerful that they would Introduction us today are similar to this disturb his concentration, one. Armed with thepreventing him from Rav Yehuda Fatiya was truly a knowledge this episode will answering the Kaddish or remarkable man, a master provide, you may become Kedusha. It had not been Mekubol, as the following more aware of what is really twenty years since he had story will show. This rendering going on in the hearts and gone to Rav Yosef Chaim (the is more of a paraphrased minds of those around us. May Ben Ish Chai) who sent a letter translation than literal. I Hashem bless and protect his to Rav Eliyahu Mani in sometimes changed tenses, people Eretz Yisrael from all Chevron. The response was and added a needed word that our enemies, seen and unseen, that (Bakhur) had a great is implied (but not in) the corporeal and non-corporeal. klipah (evil shells/husks) original text. I have chosen Amen! within his heart, and that he this format to bring this piece (Rav Mani) could not help him. to you so that you can get the HoRuchos Mesaperos – The feel of the original flow that Spirits Speak The Ben Ish Chai consulted the piece has to it. with me at that time and told On Monday, the 22nd of Kislev me to write a mezuza, and There are many lessons within 5663, a man named Reuven prescribed that Bakhur should this episode. Those who work ben Moshe Mani ben Rahama wear it over his heart. This, today with Yichudim and came to me. He was possessed however, had no effect. exorcisms rely heavily on Rav by a spirit named David Therefore he had returned to Yehuda’s work as a guide to Yohana. While I was yet me to inquire whether he had how to recognize spirits and working with him, another a spirit within him. Being that how to deal with them once man, Yehezkel Ezraben Bakhur was an honest, G-d- they have been identified. This Yisrael came to me. His family fearing man, I consented to his

- 22 of 29 - request. I started to perform without interruption, until are more painful then hell Yichudim (Unifications, a such a time that the spirit was itself; for I will not leave you specific form of Jewishcursing, twisting and turning alone until you truthfully tell meditation in Kabbalistic within Bakhur’s heart. But I me your name and whence you Jewish mysticism, especially would not pay the spirit any came. You will suffer all this denoting the completemind. In the end Bakhur pain for nothing, because you meditative method developed inquired of the spirit within do not submit to me. You are by the Arizal) by his ear, the him, and he said, “Ask Yehuda causing all this suffering to fall Yichudim used against spirits. what he wants from me.” upon you, and not me.” Thus the breath of the Yichud enters into his ear, and then I said to him, “I want to know I started again to recite into his organs, for the breath from what city you come and Yichudim by Bakhur’s ear as I of the Yichud disturbs the what is your name. I want you did previously; I also blew the breath of the spirit. to tell me the absolute truth. If Shofar close to his ear with you lie to me, I will show you the meditations that are While I was reciting the what I can do by placing appropriate for this. Yichudim into his ear, Bakhur severe punishments and started to laugh. I asked him sufferings upon you.” Bakhur started to scream. what he was laughing about; “Enough, enough!! I he answered and said that he The spirit answered Bakhur surrender.” can almost hear another saying, “There have been a person inside himself, and he number of people like Yehuda The spirit now wanted to tell is very viciously cursing you, who tried to get me to reveal me his name and place of saying this one’s Rav, Yosef my name, but they weren’t origin. Yet I wasn’t ready to Chaim (the Ben Ish Chai) able to get anything from me. I listen. For I know it is the way advised you to wear a mezuza, am stronger than stone. I do of the spirits to be like he should take the mezuza and not open up to just anyone.” Pharaoh; they only surrender place it up his Bais HaBoshes for a moment, then go back to (the embarrassing place) (G-d I said to the spirit, “If so, I will being stiff-necked. Therefore I forbid). Now his talmid has continue to try, and we will decided to show the spirit the become the Rav. He is only see who will be successful in power of the Holy Names. half of his Rav, Yosef Chaim. the end. If you are truly a In this way did the spirit curse strong spirit and areOnly when I was finished with me and mock me. accustomed to sufferings, then the Yichudim was the spirit prepare yourself to suffer the tired and worn down, and Upon hearing all this, I travails of the the Yichudim, asked me to give him time to returned to recite Yichudim by for they are like anrelax from his travails. his ear numerous times, unquenchable flame, and they

- 23 of 29 - Afterward, the spirit asked me, had flipped the world over on Only a few short days had “Why do you seek to know my him. He said, “I have never passed when the spirit name and place of origin? Why hurt (Bakhur) or caused him returned to his evil ways and do you need to know this?” any harm, and if you are so brought evil thoughts into concerned about theseBakhur’s mind. Bakhur came I said to the spirit, “So that I insignificant thoughts, I will be to me and related what was can rectify your soul and allow careful from now on not to happening. you to ascend to the Garden of cause him evil thoughts. Just Eden, so that you won’t suffer leave me here in my place, for I started to recite Yichudim by from being earthboundif I were to leave, where would his ear. I commanded the anymore.” I go? Where would I find spirit that this time to rest?” truthfully tell me his name, for The spirit said, “This is not the angel who oversees the possible, not for you or for Bakhur said to the spirit, “Go Yichudim had already revealed your rectifications. I do not to Gehinnom.” to me the spirit’s name and wish to go to the Garden of place of origin. (This Eden.” The spirit answered, “I am not frightened the spirit.) I told yet worthy to enter into the spirit that I would continue I said to the spirit, “Again you Gehinnom, for I am guilty of to recite a number of Yichudim challenge me?” I brought my sleeping with a menstrual by Bakhur’s ear until he mouth close to Bakhur’s ear so woman, a gentile woman, and revealed to me his name, just as to again recite thea prostitute. Please don’t go as the angel had told it to me. Yichudim. The spirit then again to Yehuda, for I can’t screamed within Bakhur’s stand it. Let me stay here in The spirit was very disturbed mind, and said he would my place, and I will not bother by this, and he said his name reveal his name. you further.” was Tzvi, and that his mother’s name was Rivka, and He said his name was Dovid All these things did the spirit that he was from Izmir. I ben Savti ben Rivka from the speak within Bakhur’s mind, commanded him to tell me the city of Izmir (Turkey). He said and he (Bakhur) would speak truth; for initially the spirit that he was an apostate and them to me. Being that I really said his name was Dovid ben that he had slept with gentile didn’t want to deal with Savti, and now he said his women, and that he left no spirits, I made a condition with name was Tzvi. children, and that he had the spirit. If he would return possessed Bakhur someand place evil thoughts in I asked him outright, “Aren’t seventeen years earlier. Bakhur’s mind, I would set my you none other than the hand against him. notorious Shabsai Tzvi from The spirit then asked why I Izmir, who made himself to be

- 24 of 29 - a messiah?” forbid. not shine like the most brilliant pearl? It is only due to The spirit answered that this The next day, Bakhur came to sin that you have fallen. The was the truth. I asked him, “If me, and I started Yichudim for Holy One, blessed by He, is so, you died in the year 1666; Shabsai Tzvi. From within above all, and the Source of it has not been 237 years from Bakhur, Shabsai Tzvi began all. It is by His design that you your death. Tell me where you again to curse me with awful entered into Bakhur’s body, so have reincarnated until now? curses. Bakhur would tell me that by such, your soul would How were you judged?” all. have a limit and end to its sufferings by the work I am The spirit answered me I stopped the Yichudim, and doing with you. I am making mockingly, “Even if you get for started to speak gently to the the endeavors to rectify you. yourself enough paper to write spirit, words that would touch What then is my sin, my a book and enough pens (I will his heart. I spoke with him, blemish, that you curse me not tell you), for these things saying, “Let me ask you some with all these horrible are none of your business. questions: What is my strife curses?” Now, you are late for your with you? Do you think that I class in theYeshiva . Your wish to take revenge for what The spirit said to me, “I can’t talmidim are awaiting you, you did when you were alive?” stand the sufferings of the they are looking for you. How Yichudim.” much time will you waste, The spirit answered that he delaying here with me?” did not think this. I asked him, I said to him, “It is the way of “Do you really think my intent the world that if a person is I saw that what he said was with these Yichudim is to sick from an illness deep true. I arose and left for the cause you harm so that I will inside the body, the doctor has Yeshiva. I decided I would receive a Heavenly reward for to open up the body in order to finish this work tomorrow. my endeavors with Bakhur?” remove the cause of the While in the Yeshiva I met Rav illness. Even if this causes Shimon Aharon Agasi; I The spirit said, “It’s not that.” much pain, the person suffers related to him this matter of it so that he can get well. He Shabsai Tzvi, and how he had I said, “For Bakhur is a poor doesn’t curse the doctor. As possessed the soul of Bakhur. man, he cannot pay me for my for me, it is not my way to Rav Shimon went and told services. Why then do you discuss things in such depth these things to Rav Yosef think I am troubling myself with the spirits, for the vast Chaim (the Ben Ish Chai). taking time away from my majority of them are quite Together they warned me not learning, if not for the sake of ignorant, and can’t tell the to continue with Shabsai Tzvi, your soul? For is it still not a difference between what is fearing he would hurt me, G-d spark from G-d above? Can it good for them and what is bad.

- 25 of 29 - However, I know what I know. want you to perform Yichudim exhausted from all his travails. I know that you are a very upon me. And even if I jump or It was not able to speak learned individual. You know scream, pay no attention to my anything for a good amount of how to judge for yourself what pain, for I scream due to the time. is for your own good and what tremendous pain.” is not. Therefore, I am correct After this I asked the spirit if in what I am doing with you, I told him that this was still the Yichudim had helped and your curses can have no not enough. “When a person rectify him. The spirit said, effect upon me; for I know that becomes drunk, and stumbles “Yes, yes, your honor, I feel your soul does not truly wish around, falling into a pit of that the weight of the klippa is to curse me. It is theklippa mud, he cries out to those lighter upon me.” that surrounds you that is passing by to help him up. It forcing you to act thus. goes without saying that the I then asked him, “How thick Therefore, I forgive your soul.” one in the mud helps those is the klippa that is left upon These were my words with helping him to pull him out of you?” The spirit answered, Shabsai Tzvi that I spoke with the mud. He doesn’t depend “Without exaggeration, it is at kindness and respect (toward on them to do all the work. In least two feet thick.” him). Rav Yosef Chaim and relation to this I ask you not to Rav Shimon Agasi had both place your full burden upon I asked him, “I have one told me to be aggressive with me. I will work to remove the question to ask you: tell me, him. klippa from surrounding you does the ball of the sun on the outside, but you must revolve around the earth, or is When I finished my words, the make the efforts to remove it stationary in the heavens, or spirit answered me in the your klippa from within it is suspended in the air of words of a wise man. “I will yourself. Hashem will help us this world?” not conceal from you a thing. both.” For even though I suffer from The spirit answered me, “Do the Yichudim, like a man who The spirit answered, “Yes. Yes, you wish for me to enter my has wounds in the flesh, and let’s do it and prosper.” head between the great along comes the doctor who mountains (meaning the souls covers the wounds with I started performing a number of the Talmudic Sages, vinegar and salt, until it can of Yichudim, and the spirit dwelling above) so that they hurt no more; yet, when the would scream horriblewill crush my head? What you Yichud is finished, I do feel screams. Yet I would not pay find written in the books, that my flesh has softened, attention to his screams until I learn. I have no business in and that the wounds are was exhausted fromthese matters.” healing. I feel at ease. And performing the Yichudim. The now, I agree with your path. I spirit also was tired and I asked the spirit a number of

- 26 of 29 - other questions, yet here I will [At this point, Rav Yehuda it is written, “When one only write the answers that inserts this side note: Evil reincarnates in a person, it is were given to me, and from spirits can only speak in the done in one of two ways. The the answers I’m sure that you heart, but not in the mouth. I first deals with the souls of the will understand what the give witness to this. In 1914 a wicked, who after their deaths questions were. virgin woman came to me who are not even worthy to enter was then thirty-five years old. into Gehinnom (hell) – they The spirit continued, “I am he, She was blind in both her enter into the bodies of living Shabsai Tzvi. My death was by eyes. She had reincarnated persons here in this world. The hanging. I did not repent of my within her the soul of a Rav second manner is when a soul sins. I was buried in a gentile that was of my generation, impregnates a person by what cemetery. While I was yet whom I had known very well. is called an ibbur. This soul alive the klippa would bonds (with the living person) materialize before my eyes. With all this, he would only in great secrecy. Thus, if that They are what caused me to speak within her heart and not person then commits a sin, the become evil. I did not keep within her mouth, even though incarnated soul within can myself in holiness. [The spirit she was blind. She did not then overpower the soul of told me that] he hadstudy Torah, and this Rav was that person whom they are reincarnated numerous times attracted to her while he was inhabiting, and cause that that cannot be counted. He still alive. Even now he was person to sin further and to merited to achieve the levels trying to get her commit a deceive it into going in an evil of nefesh and ruach. When the sexual sin with another Rav, direction. Until here are the neshoma started to manifest saying that from their union words of theSha’ar within him is when itwould the Messiah be born. HaGilgulim. It is possible that happened what happened. Yet, she did not listen at all to what the Rav (the Arizal) Now he acknowledges that his voice. After performing meant here when he referred Moshe, our teacher, upon him Yichudim and making efforts, to the souls who “bond (with be peace, is true, and that his the identity of this Rav was the living person) in great prophecy is true, and that his made known to me, as well as secrecy” is that they do this Torah is true. Yet all this will the fact that he had desired for the reason mentioned bear him (the spirit) no fruits; her…This then is the reason above, so that they will be for being that he is dead, he is why the spirits speak only in recognized, and thus they will not obligated to observe the the heart, and not in the be free to mock and otherwise mitzvos (Shabbos 30a). The mouth. They do not want to be trouble the public.] merits he had earned from any recognized. This way they can mitzvos that he did perform be mocking and maligning. Let us return to our subject. are already gone. With regards to Bakhur, he In Sha’ar HaGilgulim 22, 22A, was the reincarnation of the

- 27 of 29 - ruach (aspect of the soul of tefillin. He even once sent a hour of the day through the Shabsai Tzvi). Thenefesh young man to have an illicit fourth hour and a half. The aspect was still living in an adulterous affair with his own spirit told me that he is animal in the forest. It did not wife Sora, telling the boy what punished alongside the spirit want to be in this place, nor was written in the Torah, “All of Yeshu HaNotzri in boiling did it want to ever reincarnate that Sora says to you, listen to feces. Regarding myself, the in the body of a Jew. It wanted her.” spirit told me, that I am here to stay in the forest. reincarnated for the second (Regarding Shabsai Tzvi), he After his death he wastime, and that fifteen years was thirty-five years old when punished with demonicago I merited to receive the he died. I asked him a number beatings for twelve years. ruach level of soul. The spirit of other questions that he did Until now he had always said that it was Hashem who not want to answer me, for he reincarnated into wildbrought him to me, in order was still encased in a klippa animals. Being in Bakhur was for me to rectify him. two feet thick. his first time possessing a human. He then explained to Regarding Bakhur, he must After five days, I again spoke me why he was able to enter learn Zohar every day, in the with the spirit in a softer tone, into Bakhur to possess him, early hours of the predawn and I saw that he had relented the reason being that once morning, as well as after his tremendously. He was actually Bakhur, when a young man, meal, for the sake of the remorseful over the sins that gave a young girl a (forbidden) elevation of the soul of he had done. He was now very kiss. Shabsai Tzvi ben Rivka. He anxious for me to try to must go to the mikve every complete his rectification. He This Bakhur did thirty years day. He must not be now abundantly blessed me ago. Prior to this, the spirit concerned with the evil and the members of my family. said, he would hang around thoughs that pop up in his He said he wasn’t saying all Bakhur’s proximity, because mind. And when they do pop this (talk about repentance) Bakhur was from the same up, he should recite the pasuk: for my sake, but rather source soul as he, the spirit, Rochash libi dovor tov – “My because it was true. was. (The teachingsheart is astir with a good referencing this are in Sefer thing” (Tehillim 45:2) and (He told me) that his first sin HaLikutim, Yirmiyohu meditate upon the holy Name was that he had fallen victim 8:14)…For the sake of one resh ches shin.” Also meditate to committing adultery. And forbidden kiss was an opening upon the holy NameKibel that it is true what they say created for the spirit to come Rinat Ameycha (KRA STN – about him, that he had had a in and possess Bakhur. Yet the tear the Soton) and the evil homosexual affair while he spirit is judged (and punished) thoughts will be nullified. was wrapped in his tallis and every Friday, from the second

- 28 of 29 - From that day onward, the demonic possession, what spirit of Shabsai Tzvi would caused it and what efforts request of Bakhur that he need be made to rectify such a study more and more Zohar terrible situation. Let us all every day, more than the day learn from this a lesson, to before, even if this meant safeguard and protect taking time out from making a ourselves. Evil surrounds us. It living. When it came to going can only be neutralized by the into the mikve, the spirit good within us. And there is would cause Bakhur to hurry no good but Torah, the word of so fast that he would almost the living G-d. fall down the stairs into the water. The spirit would also awaken him every morning early, in time fortefilla .

The spirit also requested of me that I should recite Yichudim for him every day into Bakhur’s ear, including the blowing of the Shofar. The spirit thought that by doing all this maybe he would merit to enter Gehinnom.

I asked the spirit when he would leave Bakhur. He told me not to ask. When he was ready to enter into Gehinnom he would leave Bakhur, without having to be asked. And in truth, this is the way it was. For after a few days, Bakhur was no longer being disturbed in his sleep, I examined him and found no traces of the spirit of Shabsai Tzvi. Thus ends a true story of

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(If you will listen (11:13/ א שמוע תשמעו יא( )'יג' יא( Zera This passuk teaches that if we do the will Hashem we will be rewarded. Numerous pessukim seem to imply this same idea ( 6:18, 11:21, 11:27, Vayikra 26:3). 0 This concept needs elaboration especially considering the following Mishna. The Shimshon Mishna says (Avos 1:3): Do not act as servants who serve their master for reward. Rather, act  as servants that serve their master without desire for reward. And fear heaven should be upon you. There are numerous questions on this Mishna. As mentioned, the Torah in many Eikev places speaks about the reward a person will receive for his service of Hashem. How then can the Mishna teach not to serve Hashem for reward when the Torah seems to make a point The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon of mentioning the reward for our service of Hashem numerous times? Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel Nachmani, was born in 5467 Another question on the Mishna is the repetitious statement. Once the Mishna says (1706/1707) into an illustrious Do not act as servants who serve their master for reward the ending is self understood - that family with great Rabbinical one should not serve Hashem for the reward. Why does the Mishna have to reiterate - rather, lineage. He studied the revealed and concealed parts of the Torah by the act as servants that serve their master without desire to receive reward? Torah greats of his day. Lastly, what does the Mishna intend to add with the ending words, and fear heaven He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, should be upon you? If a person is at the level that he is serving Hashem not for reward, such Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was recognized as a holy and pious a person obviously fears heaven? individual, as well as a tremendous To understand this Mishna, the word the Mishna uses for reward must be analyzed. Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. Here, the Mishna . שכר He passed away on the 6 th of Elul The word the Torah usually uses to refer to reward for one's actions is means nutritional פרס Rashi in Megilla (7a) explains that the word . פרס uses the word .(1779) 5539 His Seforim were named, Toldos sustenance. Thus, the Mishna is not saying one should not anticipate reward for his actions Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera since the Mishna does not use the typical word for reward. The Mishna means something Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of else entirely. Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the The (Berachos 17b. See Gemara inside for full details, this is what results Torah. In his introduction, he explains that since his only son had from the conclusion) teaches the following about how Hashem allots food to people. There died during his lifetime, he wrote are those that are sustained through Hashem's Tzedaka, since on account of their merits they his Seforim to perpetuate his own memory after his passing. are not worthy of being sustained. There are those that eat in their own merit. And there are The following is his passionate those that refuse to eat even in their own merit. This last group are great Tzaddikim who request to learn his works. although are so righteous, they can be sustained with plenty even in this world, yet they “I implore of you with ten terms of supplication to choose from my chose to take the absolute minimum to save all their reward for the next world. Chiddushim (novella) the piece that This is what the Mishna is referring to. The Mishna is not referring to one's reward finds favor in your eyes, for your learning will sooth my soul etc… for his Mitzvos. Rather, the Mishna is teaching how one should accept his sustenance in this , פרס This righteousness will stand by world. The Mishna is saying that even if one is worthy based on his merits for receive his“ you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, his nutritional sustenance, he should not serve Hashem like this. This the meaning of the first and be satiated in the next. In this merit, Hashem will repay you with part of the Mishna. children, health and sustenance. However, this still leaves open the possibility for such a person to accept sustenance “…and now my brothers and out of the Tzedaka of Hashem. To negate this idea, the Mishna says, rather, act as servants friends etc. do a true kindness, and with your eyes you will see children that serve their master without desire to receive reward. To teach that one should take the and grandchildren surrounding least possible so as not to eat up any of his reward (it would seem that eating from Hashem's your table, houses filled with all Tzedaka also eats one's reward up to some extent). Therefore, one should chose to live off the that is good, wealth and honor will not cease from your children…” minimum. Thus, the Mishna is not reiterating the flip side of the first statement. The Mishna .is teaching another step in how one should accept his sustenance לזכר נשמת Living like this can bring with it a mistake in service of Hashem and therefore the רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז Mishna adds - and fear heaven should be upon you. The Gemara teaches (Yerushalmi בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז

ויה" ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק Kiddushin 4:12), that a person will have to give an account in heaven for the wonderful creations that Hashem created for man to consume and he did not enjoy them. A person who לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה acts without true fear of Hashem has a problem balancing all the aspects of serving Hashem לשוב בתשובה שלימה בקרוב properly. Here, the Mishna is cautioning one who wishes to minimize his intake of this world לזכות רפואה שלימה משה to save his reward for the next world, that even such an approach which seemingly stems שניאור זלמ ב רחל .from fear of heaven, must be monitored by additional fear of heaven ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב According to this approach, the pessukim clearly speak about the eventually reward that one will receive for serving Hashem in this world. While this Mishna is not saying what לאה .many understand it to be saying לזכות כל ע  ישראל זכות רבינו ימלי טוב בעד רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה זכות רבינו יעמוד לר' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא מרובה בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני בכל מקו שה

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Parshas Ekev

The meforshim were troubled as to why is it that parshas VaEschanan concludes with the concept of haYom la'asosam - to do the mitzvos today - in the here and now. Chazal elucidated in Avodah Zarah 3, that we can deduce - do them today and earn reward for them in the coming world - because there is no reward for mitzvos in this physical world of olam hazeh. However, in our parshah, the Torah seems to go back on its word and contradict this, because here it seems to say that so long as we keep the mitzvos, we will be rewarded - even here and now in this world. The Chasam Sofer explains, that the reward we receive in this world is not for the act of the mitzvah itself but rather for the joy and simchah that accompanies fulfillment of the mitzvah. Rav Mordechai suggests an explanation for this as follows: The reason why there is no reward for mitzvos here in this world is because olam hazeh is physical and therefore it has limitations and boundaries, whereas the reward for mitzvos is spiritual and boundless, limitless and infinite! It is therefore simply physically impossible to reward us properly in this limited physical world for the performance of a mitzvah. However, when we do a mitzvah with simchah and joy, then that simchah draws down shefa - bountiful blessings and an influx down here into this world. This is because simchah is not actually an integral part of the mitzvah itself - therefore it can be rewarded here in this world. The opposite though, Heaven forbid, is also true, that if we fulfill mitzvos without simchah and joy, we are rebuked, as it says in Parshas Ki Savo after the entire rebuke, Hashem concludes that all those evils befall us because we did not serve Hashem with a happy and joyful heart. The meforshim are bothered by this and ask - is that right? Do we really deserve such harsh and severe punishment for not serving Hashem with joy and for failing to fulfill the mitzvos with simchah?! After all, it is not a sin?! However, based on the explanation we just gave it makes sense, because we can say that punishment comes for sin, and only when we fulfill the Divine Will then we merit all kinds of bountiful blessings and shefa and we merit that our sins are erased by that shefa. It is well known that the Mezritcher Maggid used to say that the meaning of the poem Kol MeKadesh that we sung Friday night by the Shabbos Tisch from the Zemiros - when we sing the stanza - draw down Your kindness to those who Know You - O Vengeful Jealous G-d! At first glance it makes no sense - it seems almost contradictory to ask Hashem to act with Chessed and loving kindness while

Page 1 of 4 describing Him as a Jealous and Vengeful G-d?! The Maggid resolved this seeming contradiction based on the following parable: A mashal – There was once a king who son the prince was very rebellious, and one day he acted especially wayward and the royal ministers wanted to punish him soundly for his grave sins. However, his father, the king, decided not to punish him so badly, because after all he was the prince. What did the king do in order to teach the rebellious prince a lesson and cause him to repent his ways? The king acted towards his son with even greater kindness, the more favors he did for the prince, and the kinder and nicer that the king acted towards him, the more he pampered and loved him, the greater the prince's discomfort grew. More and more, he felt terrible and wretched, undeserving and unworthy of his father, the king's love and affections after having wronged the king so badly. "See how kind and good my father is and how despicable I am for having rebelled and wronged him", this continued until the prince could no longer contain himself and he cried out and called out in pain at just how ashamed he was to have mistreated his father after all the kindness that his father had showered upon him and done so many favors for him. He then began to ponder and reflect on how his father always took care of him and his needs and provided for him and his regret grew and grew until he hated himself for having rebelled so badly against his beloved father who had only done so much good for him. And so it is with us and our relationship towards Hashem, Hashem can punish us in one of two ways for our sins and transgressions: either He sends us pain and suffering in order serve as a wakeup call - or the second way is that Hashem does acts of love and kindness - sending bountiful blessings and openly revealed love, and this awakens a person's feelings of remorse and regret for their previous actions that were rebellions against Hashem and he is ashamed and lowers and humbles himself saying "How could I have sinned against such a good and loving Father Who does so much good and kindness for me?" Especially when we reflect on how each and every breath we take is all a gift from Hashem, and how then could we have rebelled against Him so brazenly? This fills a person with pangs of remorse and regret and humbles him before Hashem and this strengthens our resolve to accept upon ourselves the yoke of the kingship of Heaven - the Ol Malchus Shomayim to fulfill the Divine Will. This is what we mean when we ask - Draw down Your kindness to those who Know You - O vengeful and jealous G-d. In this way, the revenge is through acts of loving kindness - and in the same manner we ask Hashem to erase our sins but not via pain and suffering, sickness or evil. We are asking Hashem for shefa and bounty so that we achieve forgiveness and atonement. Therefore, we can conclude that simchah shel mitzvah - the joy and happiness while fulfilling mitzvos draws down an influx of blessings that itself erases past sins and serves as a form of punishment for those sins, and then no further punishment is needed, which is not the case when we fail to serve Hashem out of simchah, and then we still require punishment for sin to atone and correct our wrongdoings. Now we can understand our pasuk - VeHaya Ekev Tishmaun - because Chazal teach us that VeHaya is a term that connotes simchah - because through simchah shel mitzvah we merit reward, even here and now in this world, and through this we merit to be saved from all kinds of punishments and we receive all manner of bountiful blessings and influx. May Hashem help us to always rejoice and be happy be'simchah shel mitzvah - and to always live be'simchah with happiness and joy and thereby to merit to receive all manner of hashpaos tovos, Amen, Selah.

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And it will be, because you will heed these ordinances," Devarim 7:12" - והיה עקב תשמעון Rav Mordechai suggests a reason why the Torah promises us reward for our mitzvah observance? (As it says in the beginning of the parshah: And it will be, because you will heed these ordinances and keep them and perform, etc . . . And He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your soil, your grain, your wine, and your oil, the offspring of your cattle and the choice of your flocks, in the land which He swore to your forefathers to give you. You shall be blessed above all peoples etc., Pesukim 12-14) Even though we know that there can be no reward for mitzvos in this world, nonetheless for the amount of alacrity - zerizus that we put into our mitzvah observance, for that we deserve reward, even here in this world of Olam Hazeh. Perhaps, the purpose for this is as follows: the reason why there is no reward for mitzvos in this physical world is because mitzvos are fulfilled together with our spiritual counterpart partner - the soul. Since that is the case, we need to reward the soul, and that is not possible here in this world, the eternal world is only possible in the supernal world above. However, when we connect and combine body and soul as one unit, when they function as one to perform and fulfill the mitzvah, then we can justly and rightly say that we need to receive reward here in this world as well, because the body participates in the mitzvah. Therefore, when we perform mitzvos in zerizus and alacrity which goes against our nature and breaks down the body's natural tendencies, we deserve worldly reward. That is because our natural instinct is to be lazy and avoid work and effort. Especially nowadays when we have all the modern conveniences that save us time and effort, and we try and get everything done quicker, faster and more efficiently with less exertion and effort. Today, people study Shas and poskim with recordings and all kinds of commentaries as shortcuts, so that a person could lie down in his bed and study without any efforts exerted at all. And so, it is regarding mitzvos, the same attitude goes, where nowadays people want their mitzvah observance to be effortless. People want to do mitzvos easily and quickly like building a prefab sukkah without any hard work, or having someone else select the daled minim for you quickly. And so too it is when it comes to davening, that people due to our many sins, we see so many people find davening a bore and a chore, it is so strenuous and hard for them that they do their best to fulfill this mitzvah and just get it over and done with. Their davening itself lacks any emphasis on understanding the basic words that they say or simple kavanah, they cannot even bring themselves to work just a little bit, invest just a little effort, rather they want everything easy, comfortable and effortless - and this is sheer laziness. Obviously, this is all due to the efforts of the who seduces people to do mitzvos without any effort or strain, since really it is well known that you simply cannot get anywhere or achieve any great spiritual levels or stature without putting in effort - as the saying goes: no pain no gain. So too it is regarding avodas Hashem, it requires effort, as Chazal teach us in Megillah 7b, that if a person says I worked hard and succeeded, we believe him because Torah requires yigiyah - effort and hard work. To merit Torah achievement means to exert yourself. And all matters of kedusha are included in this that it is simply impossible to achieve sheleimus and fulfillment except through hard work. Especially when it comes to Torah, where Chazal said in Berachos 63 that - the Torah can only be fulfilled by those who kill themselves over it - that it is impossible to make an acquisition in Torah - no kinyan without effort and hard work. The holy seforim cite that the kedusha of Torah that comes with

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Torah study and is drawn from that is a form of bountiful influx and blessings that cannot be acquired except by effort and hard work. The reason why this is so? Because the holy Torah is a spiritual matter altogether and how can a physical body weighed down by base gross gashmiyos receive spirituality except with effort?! This effort refines the gross physicality and allows us to accept and receive shefa from the holy Torah. And so, it is regarding all other matters in avodas Hashem. However, when it comes to worldly matters, there is where laziness is a virtue and not a vice. Better to be cold and as the seforim say Bereishis 31:3, “All day I baked in the hot sun and froze at night”, that the day hints at matters of avodas Hashem like light, whereas the night hints at this world and its darkness, and Yaakov is teaching us that when it comes to spiritual matters of avodah, we perform them in a blazing hot manner - aflame with excitement. However, when it comes to nighttime matters of darkness, we act frozen and cold. Back to the point we were making, with alacrity and zerizus, we merit to receive reward in this world, because we serve Hashem with our bodies. However, a person needs to remember that there are those who run each morning to the beis medrash, not because of alacrity or zerizus but because the opposite is true, they are lazy and wake up late, so late that they must run to catch the last minyan in shul. The truth is that we must accustom ourselves to zerizus and alacrity to fulfill every mitzvah with zerizus, simchah and joy. This includes waking up and getting up each morning be'zerizus, as Dovid haMelech says in Tehillim 119:60, "I hurried and did not delay," I hurried, because I was zariz and acted with zerizus and I did not delay, that I was not in a hurry because of any delays, rather I was truly hurried and zariz, and in this manner we can reinterpret the hint in our pasuk in Ekev: "And it will be, because you will heed these ordinances" (Devarim 7:12), which we can say that Ekev alludes to the heels of our feet. The pasuk is alluding to the fact that when we walk it should be done with joy and zerizus - hinted at by the opening words of VeHaya Ekev, because Ekev is the heel and VeHaya is a lashon simchah, as Chazal said in Megillah 11b. This teaches us, that when we walk with joy to fulfill the will and ratzon Hashem - then we "will heed these ordinances," meaning that we should not be hurrying and running off to shul because we woke up so late and that we delayed and were lazy, rather we should act with zerizus because of shamor - which he looked - וְאָב יוִ֖ שָמַַ֥ ר אֶ ת־הַדָבָָֽ ר also means to await and eagerly anticipate (veAviv Shamar es haDavar forward to it – Bereishis 37:11) when we will finally get to fulfill this mitzvah? By so doing, we merit that all our goals and achievements are fulfilled and that all the promises mentioned later on in our parshah come to fruition and the reward and bountiful shefa will be given to us here in this world. May Hashem help us to receive and be strengthened with zerizus and alacrity and to distance ourselves from laziness. To work hard and exert efforts in Torah and mitzvos and not to regard them as a heaven burden that we want to just get them over with and done, as fast as possible - rather that we fulfill them happily with simchah and joy, eagerly anticipating the upcoming opportunity. By so doing, may we merit all the hashpaos tovos, until we merit the coming of our righteous redeemer speedily in our days, Amen.

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Weekly Bulletin on the Parshah s"xc Eikev July 31st 2021 22nd of Av 5781 Pachad David Published by Mosdot “Orot Chaim U’Moshe” in Israel Under the auspices of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita 914 Son of the tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Ahron Pinto, zt”l, and grandson of the holy tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Chaim Pinto, zy”a MASKIL LEDAVID Weekly talk on the Parshah given by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

The Merit of Making Aliya

Excerpt from a Gathering of Inspiration in Honor of the Absorption of French Immigrants "For Hashem, your G-d, is bringing you to a good Torah, without interruption, even when Abba was sick Land: a Land with streams of water, of springs and or we faced any other disturbance. Continue studying underground water coming forth in valley and Torah with self-sacrifice. mountain; a Land of wheat, barley, grape, fig, and I would like to share the events concerning my ; a Land of oil-olives and date-honey; own aliya to the Holy Land. Before I made aliya, I a Land where you will eat bread without poverty asked Maran HaGaon Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef zy"a for – you will lack nothing there; a Land whose stones his opinion, whether I should move to the Holy Land. Paris • Orh ‘Haïm Ve Moché are iron and from whose mountains you will mine This was his reply: "Of course, of course. It is a Holy 32, rue du Plateau • 75019 Paris • France copper" (Devarim 8:7-9) Land which sanctifies its occupants. And you should Tel: 01 42 08 25 40 • Fax: 01 42 06 00 33 These verses bring to our attention the mag- continue both here and there your involvement with [email protected] nificence of Eretz Yisrael, the Holy Land. The Torah the public. Although here this holy occupation is very stresses, "For Hashem, your G-d, is bringing you to a difficult, if, with Hashem's help, you are successful, good Land" meaning, when you come to Eretz Yisrael you will enjoy a great merit." Jérusalem • Pninei David you should know you are coming to the Holy Land. Indeed, as Maran Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef zy"a dis- Rehov Bayit Va Gan 8 • Jérusalem • Israël It is not simply another land but a land which is holy. closed, I see clearly how very challenging the work is Tel: +972 2643 3605 • Fax: +972 2643 3570 What, in fact, makes Eretz Yisrael different from any [email protected] in the Holy Land. For as long as I have been here, I can other land? Why is only this country called the Holy think of many families who made aliya but at some Land while other places are simply 'lands'? point regretted their decision. Either they returned The Holy Torah, together with the special mitzvot to France or moved to a different country, but they Ashdod • Orh ‘Haim Ve Moshe specific to this Land alone, are what make Eretz Yis- did not stay here, due to the fact that they were not Rehov Ha-Admour Mi- 43 • Ashod • Israël rael holy, and we have the merit of settling in this well prepared for their move. Where to live, which Tel: +972 88 566 233 • Fax: +972 88 521 527 Holy Land. schools would be best for the children, and more all [email protected] If it is the Torah and mitzvot which make the land require advance thought. holy, then it should be that every Jew who makes This is a result of believing the Holy Land is a place Aliya finds himself on a spiritual ascent in the merit of tourism, and not of Torah and mitzvah observance. Ra’anana • Kol ‘Haïm of his Torah study and mitzvah observance. However, Since this was their thought, they did not prepare Rehov Ha’ahouza 98 • Ra’anana • Israël unfortunately, there are those who upon arriving in themselves in any way for life in the Holy Land. Even Tel: +972 98 828 078 • +972 58 792 9003 if later on they did wish to change, by the time they [email protected] Eretz Yisrael, about which the verse says (Devarim 11:12), "A Land that Hashem, your G-d, seeks out; the woke up and opened their eyes to contemplate their eyes of Hashem, your G-d, are always upon it, from situation and decide how to go further, they had the beginning of the year to year's end", instead of depleted all their capital and found themselves in a finding themselves elevated, lose heart due to the big mess. Hilula many challenges strewn in their path. We must realize ours is not the generation of the Since we are discussing the significance of Torah Exodus and our accomplishments do not come close to those of that generation. Those who left Egypt went 21 – Rabbi Ahron Roke'ach, the Admor which is what provides us with strength, I wish to say of Belz at this point, believe me, the only thing that comforted into the desolate Wilderness empty handed, without 22 – Rabbi Mordechai Bar Hillel, author me after my mother's passing, was the Holy Torah. even food and water or any prior preparation. The of 'Mordechai' Sometime after my mother, the Rabbanit a"h, sent my verse describes this clearly ( 12:39), "for they 23 – Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky brother Rabbi Ya'akov away to Yeshiva, my esteemed were driven from Egypt for they could not delay, nor 24 – Rabbi Yishmael HaKohen, hy"d, father zy"a suffered a stroke. When my brother heard had they made provisions for themselves." All they Rav of Tzfat about it he called my mother and said: "I heard that had was the remnants of the matzah which they ate 25 – Rabbi Shmuel Meyuchas Abba had a stroke. Can I come visit him?" Ima a"h an- along the way. In the merit of this faith Hashem show- 26 – Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Admor swered (in Arabic), "Your father can die, your mother ered them with wonders and miracles, which further of Satmar can die, but you will remain in Yeshiva!" ingrained faith in Hashem in their hearts. 27 – Rabbi Yehuda ben Moshe Fetaya This is how our parents instilled in us faith and love But how can we compare ourselves to them? We are 28 – Rabbi Avraham Chaim Adas for Torah; to live it in all situations, whether good or a simple generation, and so must prepare ourselves bad. Indeed, our parents demonstrated self-sacrifice appropriately for each and every matter. We are re- for the sake of Torah study, and they were the ones quired to invest thought and seek counsel in planning who encouraged us to constantly elevate ourselves in the future of each person involved. Walking in their Ways Tidbits of faith and trust penned by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

This World Takes Its Toll I was once driving with my escort, R’ In Our Father's Path Moshe Mirali, on a highway in New Jersey. After driving a few kilometers, the traffic You Deserve the Inheritance! suddenly backed up. We were surprised at There are several verses in the Torah that serve to strengthen our trust in the Master of the World who sustains and nourishes all His creatures. Any effort on this and, rolling down the windows to figure our part concerning our sustenance and livelihood are only considered hishtadlut, out the source of the traffic jam, our ears appropriate effort. Just as an intelligent person does not think he helps the engine were assaulted by shouts. A driver was short push the train, so we too do not help Hashem sustain us. He alone provides for us, while with our actions we are only fulfilling the mitzvah of hishtadlut. ten cents of the toll fare and was therefore We find a reference to this in this week's Parshah, in a powerfully precise declara- being detained. tion (Devarim 8:3), "In order to make you know that not by bread alone does man I asked R’ Moshe to go over to this driver live, rather by everything that emanates from the mouth of G-d does man live." and offer him ten cents so we could continue This is demonstrated by a story related by HaGaon Rabbi Asher Weiss shlita, on our way. And I realized this incident came concerning an avreich from Manchester who dedicates his day to Torah study with great diligence. Even as his family grew, the avreich studiously continued his Torah my way to teach me a lesson. study, with the entire management of the home falling on the shoulders of his Our lives in this world are like a ride along righteous wife who willingly sacrificed for the sake of her husband's Torah learning. a highway, making our way to our Final Des- An entire family of mesirat nefesh; the father, the mother and the children who followed in their parent's footsteps. All their acquaintances wondered, how do tination, the World to Come. “The days of they support themselves? Such a large family yet they always seem happy. The our years among them are seventy years, father continued with his diligent Torah study while the family continued growing. and if with might, eighty years” (Tehillim They had their twelfth and even thirteenth child, yet the father did not consider 90:10). When the day will come and we forsaking his Torah studies. The pleasure he derived from the sweetness of Torah, together with the tremendous support he received from his wife and children, gave reach the end of our journey, we will have him the strength and fortitude to continue. to pay the price with our Torah and mitzvot. Together with the growing challenge of supporting their large family, they And woe to the one who is short of even strengthened their trust in Hashem that He is the One who sustains and provides one cent! for every living being. All attempts on the part of friends to convince him to go and work at least half a day to lighten the burden of parnassah fell on deaf ears. He was bound to Torah learning with ropes of love that no one could untie. The One day upon returning home from the Beit Midrash, this " said" (Yeshayahu 49) avreich noticed a letter in his mail box. From the look of the en- velope it was clear this was no regular letter. Indeed, it contained The connection to : This Haftarah is the second of the seven a summons from the district court for a court case to determine special 'Haftarot of Comfort' that are read beginning with the Shabbat his affairs. He was most surprised; since when does an avreich following Tisha B'Av. They are chapters of comfort for Bnei Yisrael, together who spends his entire day inside the Beit Midrash have concerns with sections of faith in Hashem and His Torah. with the courts? He certainly had not transgressed any criminal offense and was not involved in any financial deal which could Guard Your Tongue have gone wrong. His speculations grew as the day of the court case approached. Take the Results into Account He arrived at the court where it turned out that in line with the There is another situation which permits relating deroga- will of one of the town's great millionaires, he was the sole heir tory information for a beneficial purpose: if one's intention of all his assets which amounted to no less than several billion! is to help someone who suffered from the behavior of the His astonishment knew no bounds. He was sure someone was playing a prank on him. What connection did he have to a gentile millionaire who one involved. he had never heard of in his life? He had no doubt there was some mis- If someone personally witnesses a Jew causing financial or take here, but the judge explained all was in order. The deceased was a other harm to his fellow, and his purpose is to help the victim childless individual who loved children, so he declared in his will that he get compensation, this is considered a beneficial purpose and is donating all his assets to the largest family in town! he is permitted to relate the story. However, he must first "We checked through the towns' records," the judge explained, "and confirm the facts are correct, rebuke the one who caused discovered that your family of thirteen children is the largest in town. the damage, and he must also take into account the results Although there are other families with twelve children, your thirteenth of relating this information, making sure the perpetrator will child who was born two weeks ago transformed you into the largest family not suffer more than the law stipulates. in town; therefore the inheritance is yours alone!" Treasures Based on the teachings of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pearls of the Parsha Pinto, shlita

No Need for More than One Apartment! "Lest you will eat and be satisfied, and you will build good houses and settle" (Devarim 8:12) The sefer Ben David quotes Rabbi Ya'akov Duwek HaKohen of Aram Tzova who asks why the verse begins with the future tense, "you will eat" but concludes with the past tense Mitzvot that Man Treads with His Heel "and be [lit. and are] satisfied." Similarly, it goes on to say "you will build" in the future "This shall be the reward when you hearken to tense and concludes with "settle [lit. you settled]" which is the past tense? these ordinances, and you observe and perform Rabbi Ya'akov explains beautifully that the Torah wishes to warn Am Yisrael that they them; Hashem, your G-d, will safeguard for you the should not indulge in the pleasures of This World above what is necessary. That is why and the kindness that He swore to your the verse says "Lest you will eat and be satisfied" meaning, guard yourself not to overeat forefathers" (Devarim 7:12) if you are already satisfied. Also concerning the warning "you will build good houses and Rashi explains the term "eikev – when" which also settle", it means to say, if you have a house and are already settled in it, don’t wish for means heel. It alludes to the sort of commandments another, even more comfortable, home. Because if G-d forbid you are drawn after luxu- people may regard as relatively unimportant so they ries, you can arrive at "Your heart will become haughty and you will forget Hashem, your tend to figuratively 'tread on them with their heels'. G-d" (Devarim 8:14). However, in the case where a person is hungry or does not possess However, these mitzvot too every person must ob- a house, this warning is not applicable and the Torah permits him to engage in obtaining serve, just as he observes other seemingly more major these matters so he will be satisfied and settled and able to serve Hashem. This will not mitzvot. A person may sometimes think nothing will cause him to be drawn after the counsel of the Yetzer Hara. happen if he arrives a few minutes late for his shiur or prays just once without a minyan. While these are not The Mitzvah Testifies about the One Who Created It severe sins, the Torah explicitly commands us that even "Do not turn to the stubbornness of this people" (Devarim 9:27) these 'small' things that man treats lightly and treads How can one say to the King, "Do not turn…"? Does it not say "For [His] eyes are upon with his heel, he must guard carefully, for they too are man's ways"? Hashem oversees everything, observes all mankind and judges each one, part of the Holy Torah. for the good or bad. There are also some important, significant mitzvot The Holy Zohar ( 83:1) writes that Rabbi Chiya expounds on the extent to that a person treads with his heel. These are mitzvot we which a person must be careful not to sin, so as not to transgress before the Holy King. fulfill daily and therefore grow accustomed to them and don't pay enough attention to them. When it comes to Come and see, if one performs a mitzvah, that mitzvah ascends, stands before Hashem the blowing of the shofar, each one of us concentrates and says, I am from so and so who created me. Hashem stands the mitzvah before Him on the mitzvah and entertains thoughts of repentance, so He can look at it daily and thereby benefit the person on account of it. But if a person for it is a rare mitzvah performed once a year. But when transgresses a Torah command, the sin ascends before Him and says, I am from so and we don our tzitzit every morning, we don’t get excited so who created me. Hashem then stands the sin before Him and looks at it to punish the or even think about it at all; we just put it on like any sinner. If he repents, it says about him "So too, Hashem has commuted your sin; you will other garment. This is the destructive power of rou- not die." Hashem removes the sin from before Himself so as not to look at it, to benefit tine, concerning which Hashem warns us to be careful the person. not to fall in the trap of habit and not tread on these That is why it says, "Do not turn to the stubbornness of this people, and to its wicked- mitzvot with our heel. Rather, we should strengthen ness and to its sin." ourselves and put thought into every mitzvah we do, contemplating its great reward and lofty concepts, and in this way we will not treat these routine mitzvot with ... The Sabbatical Year ... indifference. It is worthwhile understanding why the Torah chose Laws Concerning the Mitzvah of Shemittah particularly the heel to convey the idea of something a person tramples on and disregards. There is a positive commandment to desist from any work involving the ground and The reason could be that since the heel is found at the trees in the seventh year. There are three general mitzvot concerning this year: the end of the leg, it hints to a person's end in This 1. Shevitat ha'aretz – allowing the land to rest completely in the seventh year; World. When man wishes to repent and pay attention also to mitzvot he has become accustomed to perform- refraining from working the ground, tending to the trees or any related activities. ing daily, he must contemplate his end – consider what 2. Shemittat hapeirot – declaring all produce of the fields and trees ownerless dur- will be his lot when he passes away and ascends to the ing this year, treating the produce with the appropriate laws of sanctity, and remov- Heavenly Court. This thought will certainly serve to ing from one's home any produce that is no longer available in the fields, making it arouse in him the awareness that every single mitzvah, available to everyone alike. however 'small' and 'regular' it may be, earns us great reward in Heaven. After one hundred and twenty years 3. Shemittat kesafim – waiving any debts owed to him at the end of the seventh year. he will require all those thousands of mitzvot that come Calculating the seventh years is not reckoned from the creation of the world, rather his way every day which he fulfills out of habit without paying much attention to them. they began counting the cycle fourteen years after Bnei Yisrael entered Eretz Yisrael, This is how Rabbi Ya'akov Abuchatzera zy"a, author of from the time they were settled in the Land which is when the obligation to observe Pituchei Chotem, explains the adjacency of the Parshiot Shemittah began. It follows that the first Shemittah they observed was twenty-one Eikev and Re'eh. If man wishes to work on himself and years after they entered the Land. not tread on 'easy' mitzvot, he must see (Re'eh) the The mitzvah of Shemittah applies only in Eretz Yisrael as it says, "When you come into heel (Eikev), meaning he must consider the day of death when he will long for even the most minor mitzvah. If a the Land that I give you, the Land shall observe a Shabbat rest for Hashem." Therefore, person contemplates this while still alive, he will merit the laws of Shemittah regarding money do apply in chutz la'aretz as well, while laws beautifying the mitzvot and bringing them to perfection regarding the land and its produce are not observed even as a rabbinical decree. by fulfilling them with the appropriate concentration. A NOVEL LOOK AT THE PARSHA

from Yeshiva, I look out for young with nothing to fill my time. Rabbi children who wish to cross the road Asher noticed what was going on and and help them cross safely." invited me to speak to him. At the And the same applies to spiritual end of our lengthy conversation, he matters. Spiritual kindness, Rabbi entrusted me with a mission: to take Moshe Levi zt"l points out, is no less care of a certain bachur who was not chesed than material assistance. If, in a good mental state. I was to take Acts of Kindness 'On the Way' for example, someone hears that his him under my wing and provide for "The passionate man will recognize, friend is sick and recites Tehillim for all his needs. And so I found myself understand and know that almost all him, it is an act of chesed. busy from morning to night, caring and the survival of our Jewish for that bachur. Indeed, Rabbi Moshe acted as he nation, particularly in this long and preached. When the wife of Rabbi "One day, I suddenly realized Rabbi bitter exile, depends on supporting Meir Mazuz shlit"a was sick, he ar- Asher's great kindness. On the one our brothers and relatives, ensuring ranged a trip to the Kotel to pray for hand he saved me from boredom they do not collapse." This is how the her, and on the way arranged that and lack of structure, while at the Gaon, Rabbi Kalfon Moshe HaKohen his talmidim recite eighteen books of same time he benefited that bachur zt"l, illuminates the mitzvah we read Tehillim for her recovery. by giving him the feeling he is not about in this week's Parshah (Devarim alone; there is someone who cares 11:22), "For if you will observe this en- Even When They Make Us Angry about him. tire commandment that I command The father of the depressed and "One day the phone rang. Rabbi you, to perform it, to love Hashem, broken hearted was HaGaon Hat- Asher was on the line, telling me his your G-d, to walk in all his ways and to zadik Rabbi Asher Freund zt"l. His daughter was getting married soon cleave to Him." As Rashi elaborates: house was open to one and all at all and he wants to invite me and that "He is merciful – you should be merci- times, day and night. He would show bachur to join in his simcha. ful; He performs acts of kindnesses – exceptional kindness to all those ill- "The day of the wedding arrived you should perform acts of kindness." fated individuals, drawing them close and we walked over to Rabbi Asher's Indeed, man is inclined to think and taking care of all their needs like home. As we approached his home, that only those of means can perform a compassionate father. He would he was already waiting outside, his true chesed. For example, only a perform those acts of kindness with shtreimel adorning his head. As soon wealthy person can afford to donate modesty and simplicity as was the as he noticed us he asked me, 'Did you a hundred thousand dollars for a sick way of the distinguished Yerushalmi shine the bachur's shoes in honor of person who has to undergo a costly residents, fleeing from publicity and the wedding?' I replied I had not done operation. But this is a big mistake, honor. He would constantly impart a so. He quickly ran back inside, fetched the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Levi zt"l, message of simple faith, that we do some shoe polish and began shining author of Menuchat Ahava, points not deserve anything and all we have the bachur's shoes…" is due to Hashem's kindness. out. Any act a person carries out to One of Rabbi Asher's acquaintances benefit someone else is included in He would explain the Chazal, "Just told over another story: "Some of the mitzvah of chesed. If a person as He is merciful – so you should be those who hung around in Rabbi only wishes, he can pick up acts of merciful" in the following way: Just as Asher's home were unfortunately in kindness at every step of his way, He is merciful, just as Hashem is mer- a bad state. There was one bachur throughout the day. ciful towards Bnei Yisrael even when whose situation was so wretched, Parents, for example, do not realize they do not behave appropriately, we he would scream and grow wild and that taking care of their children is an too must adopt this trait and even this behavior caused the other guests act of chesed. Not just any chesed, when people anger us or act towards discomfort. I gently tried to bring to but chesed of the highest caliber, for us in a way we do not approve of, we Rabbi Asher's attention that maybe the most important manifestation of must still behave with compassion it would be worthwhile sending this chesed is that which is carried out and cleave to Hashem's ways. bachur away, but he replied assert- within the home. Rabbi Moshe Levi The one involved related his story: ively: "Is it my home that I can send zt"l testifies: "From when I grasped "At one point I began sliding spiritu- people away?" this idea, I tried to seize acts of kind- ally. I slowly deteriorated, in prayers ness. For example, on my way to and and Torah too, until I was left bored לזיכוי הרבים, לתרומות ולהנצחות בטל': 052-7672739 brocha. the holinessof sheet inlightof holiness ofthis Please guardthe ָך בֹודֶ כְ ּסֵ י לִפְ כִ א נֵ One may quietly ask for a speedyOnemaya quietly forrecovery foronewhoneedsask it: The sources The [LIKE THE MIRIADS OF SWEAT PORES]. AND HE ATTACHES MY SPIRITUAL SOUL TO MY PHYSICAL BODY EVEN EVEN MYPHYSICALBODY TO SOUL MYSPIRITUAL ATTACHES ANDHE PORES]. SWEAT OF MIRIADS THE [LIKE ALSO RETAINS MY BREATH INSIDE ME,EVENTHOUGHMY AND BODY ISFULL OF APERTURES MANY HOLES HE WAYS. WONDEROUS IN NUTRIENTS THE FROM WASTES THE OF FILTERING THE CONTROLS HASHEM SO ARE FUNCTIONS BODILY OUR THOUGH [EVEN GLORY OF THRONE YOUR FROM US DOWN AT LOOKS WHO YOU, ONLY BEFORE AND MANYLIMBS WITH HIS BODY HE CREATED AND FROM NOTHING DETAIL INEVERY JEW EXACT AFFAIRS OF THECREATIONS, BUTOVERSEES WHO IS OURGOD. HE IS ALL-POWERFUL, AND CONTROLS ALL HIS I WOULDNOTBEABLETOCONTINUEEXIST ם קַ תְ הִ לְ ׁשָ ּיֵ אֶ אִי פְ ר לְ הִ תְ קַ ּיֵ ם בֹו רָ ּובָ א בֹו In theChareidimitisalsobroughtdownthatamitzvah LIFNEI KISEICHVODECHO U-VORO VO Asher Yotzor brocha Yotzor Asher THOUGH THEYAREOPPOSITES.INDEEDHECONSTANTLY PERFORMSMANYWONDERSFORUS. IY EFSHARLEHISKAYEM ORGANS HASHEM (of the interpretations) Socher Tov,70) me." said "ThereforeIamnotingandyoushallsave merit heissavedfromtroubles.DovidHamelech If apersonremembersG-d'swonders,inthis ד'

(The Chid'aobmaccordingtoErechNiflaos,Medrash LOWLY] is similar to the issimilar It isa HIM WITH NOURISHMENT, ANDHEALSOHIM WITHNOURISHMENT, SUPPLY HE DESIGNEDMAN'SORGANSTO WISDOM, ENORMOUS WITH HASHEM'S BESTOWED ONHIMGREATINTELIGENCE ינּו ֹלקֵ אֱ לֵיּ areaccording toRashi, Avudraham, Shulchan Oruch, BeitYosef, RM'A, Levush, the GR'A, , Ben Ish Chai, Rav Friedlander, Rav Pinkas, ELOKEINU mitzvas aseh mitzvas ׂשֹות לַ ּומַ עֲ יא לִ פְ ִי ַע שו BECHOCHMOH ה ּתָ אַ ת ה מָ כְ חָ ּבְח ְמ brocha ATOH UMAFLI LA-ASOS YOU fromtheTorahtorememberG-d'skindness,asitsays"And youshallremembertheentirejourney ב הַ נַ ּוָ ּבְ צַ יָ ּלֵ "אֲׁשֶר תר"כַ ו ַתה ל of יָ לּוי וְ ּגָ דּועַ SYSTEM ISREVEALEDAND THIS EXTRAORDINARY GOLUI VEYODUA Hagomel OR IFONEORGANWOULDBECOMEOBSTRUCTED SOURCE OF ALL SOURCE ם ד ם אֹו יִ הֶ מֵ חָ אֶ ּסָ תֵ ֶח ֵה UNDERSTOOD BORUCH רּוְך ּבָ ְּ BLESSINGS O YISOSEMECHODME-HEM because "four people areobligatedtogive There isno thanks" andapersonwho "four is one one – ofthem. was ill because (of the613mitzvahsofRabeinuYona) sicker thanthiscase ______bisoch shi'ar cholei Yisroel." cholei shi'ar bisoch ______"Yehi rotzon milfonecha shetishlach refua shleima mei'otzar matnas chinam bichesed u'vrachamim li li u'vrachamim bichesed chinam matnas mei'otzar shleima refua shetishlach milfonecha rotzon "Yehi Hagaon RavAYLShteinman

PERFECTION, SO THATEVERYLIMBWORKSPERFECTLY PERFECTION, SO WHO CREATEDTHE HUMAN BODYWITH GREAT ם ת ר ר אֲ יָ הָ אָ אֶ דָ צַ ׁשֶ ָצ ֶתה ָד ת ה ּלּו אֲפִ חָ אֶ עָ ׁשָע ֶח ת ַ ּכ רְ ּבִ ְּ )ספרד( ים יםחֲ לּולִ חֲ לּולִ ASHER YOTZARESHO-ODOM WHO CONTINUES RECREATING THE WORLD ALWAYS WAS,IS AND WILL BEFOREVER, AND MASTER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE WHO AFILOO SHO-OECHOS HEART, THELUNGS, THE STOMACH, THE THE E.G. ORGANS HOLLOW MANY AND . (Responsa MinHashomayim,34) CHALULIM EVEN FORASHORTTIME LIVER ANDTHEKIDNEYS. to rememberG-d'skindnessesanddeliberateuponthem. EVERY SECOND HASHEM ד' ם הֶ מֵ ד חָ אֶ חַ תֵ ּפָ יִ ם ׁשֶ אִ ם יִ ּפָ תֵ חַ אֶ חָ ד מֵ הֶ ם doctor tocurehimandthatitisagreatsegulahforgoodhealth SHE-IM YIPOSEACHECHODME-HEM BECAUSE IFONEOFTHEMWOULDOPENTOOMUCH longevity. "ThisdeedopenstheHeavenlygates." Our SagespraisedapersonwhomadetheAsherYotzorblessing while concentratingoneachwordandsaidhewouldnotneeda ORGANS OF EXCRETION TO FUNCTION EFFICIENTLY, EFFICIENTLY, FUNCTION TO EXCRETION OF ORGANS BIRDSAND ALL LIVING BEINGS [BYDIRECTING THEIR ANIMALS, HUMANS, ALL i.e. FLESH- ALL HEALS WHO HASHEM PROTECTSTHEMALLFROMSICKNESS] ר ּבָ כָ ל רֹופֵ א ׂשָ AND TO STAND BEFORE YOU [TO SERVE [TO YOU STANDBEFORE AND TO ROFEH CHOLBOSOR FOOD AND WINDPIPE FOOD AND THE ORGANS e.g. HISVALVES, MOUTHAND VEINS, HIS AND PIPELINESMANY APERTURES, AND VELA-AMOD LEFONECHO יָך נֶ פָ מֹדלְ עֲ לַ וְל ֲמדל ָנ ָ YOU [WHO IS HERE YOU [WHO IS HERE ים ים נְ בִ נְ בִ קָ קָ ִי ְק ִי LISTENING TOME] NEKOVIM ה ּתָ אַ ת WHO RULES OVER EVERY RULESOVER WHO KINGTHEWHOLEUNIVERSEOF FOR EXCRETINGWASTES ATOH ם הָ מֶ עֹולָ ְךלֶ ךה ֹל MELECH HO-OLOM … ". YOU] CREATURE (SeferCharedim,Chap.9) THE SOURCE OF THE SOURCEOF ALL BROCHOS BORUCH רּוְך ּבָ ְּ Nefesh Chaya,p.60) (RabbiPinkasob'm, 's Legacy A Social Network for Prayer. Complete the book of tehillim 1000's of times a day collectively

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