The Further Reforming of Conservative Judaism
The Further Reforming of Conservative Judaism in this issue ... THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN 002]-6615) is published monthly, except July and August, by the Changes in Perspective Through Torah Encounters ........ 6 Agudath Israel of America, 5 Beekman Street, New York, N.Y. The Sunday Night Class, Hillel Belsky ..•.....•.•.... 7 10038. Second class postage paid The Joyful Light, Amos Keinen ........•.••....••••.• 9 at New York, N.Y. Subscription $15.00 per year; two years, $27.00; Concerns of a Parent, Harvey S. Hecker . ...•..••.•..• 10 three years. $36.00 outside of the United States, US funds only. "Dear Mom," Molly, Moshe and I .............•.••.. 13 $20.00 in Europe and Israel. $25.00 in So. Africa and Australia. Single The Age of Teshuva, a review article ..••.•..•..•••.. 14 copy, $2.00. Send address changes Return to The Jewish Observer, 5 Beek man St., N.Y. N.Y. 10038. Printed Pathways in the U.S.A. Our Miraculous World With Perfect faith HABnt N1ssoN WoLPJN Editor The further Reforming of Conservative Judaism, Nisson Wolpin .................................•••••.. 17 Editorial Board The Critical Parent's Guidebook, Avi Shulman .•.•..•.••••.• 20 OR. ERNST BoDENHrtMER Chairman The "Chaver," Yisroel Miller ...•....•.....•.....•.•..•... 25 RABBI NATHAN BULMAN RABBI josrrtt Eu ... s Saddiq of the Sahara, Nehama Consuelo Nahmoud . ......•.•..• 28 Josu'H fRIEDENSON RABBI MOSHE SHERER Books in Review ...................................... 33 Management Board The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet NAFTOU HIRSCH !SAA( K!RZNER Chumash Bereshith (Three Sidros); NACHUM 5TF.!N A Linear Translation Business Manager Letter to a Soviet Jew, a poem by Varda Branfman .......••..• 35 PESACH H. KONSTAM Second Looks at the Jewish Scene T Hr Jrw1sH OesERVrR does not assume responsibility for the The Dioxin Connection ........................
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