Returnity The Way Back to Eternity SELECTED T EACHINGS FROM THE CHASSIDIC MASTERS ON T ESHUVAH Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker TRANSFIRE PRESS Jewish Books that Transform Inspire Light You on Fire First Published 2013 Copyright © 2012 by Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from both the copyright holder and publisher, except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles and reviews. PUBLISHED BY Transfire Press
[email protected] 972-2-992-1218 edited AND desiGNED BY Brand Name Publishing
[email protected] COVER DESIGN BY א.י.ש. אשדוד Printed in Israel For information on dedications or special editions or to order, contact Trans- fire Press at
[email protected] or 972-2-992-1218. In memory of our grandparents ר' שמואל משה בן יחיאל דוב הכהן זצ"ל ר' דוד בן בצלאל ז"ל מרת הינדא בת משה לייב ע"ה ר' שלום בן ר' פנחס בונים הכהן רוזנברג ז"ל and in honor of our grandparents עמו"ש MR. AND MRS. EUGEN & JEAN GlucK עמו"ש MRS. Adelaide FRIedman עמו"ש MRS. Annette RosenberG You are the link to our mesorah, and your mesiras nefesh brought forth many generations of Torah-observant Jews who understand the significance of what it means to be a Yid. We are proud to be your grandchildren, and we hope to bring you nachas in all that we might accomplish in our lives.