ב"ה למען ישמעו • מטות-מסעי תשפ"א • 626 Editor - RABBI SHIMON HELLINGER AWAITING HIS COMING (I) THE VALUE OF LONGING and mourning the churban, a bitter cry broke out. on a certain date his beloved son-in-law would Turning around, Reb Yitzchok turned around and be arriving for a visit. The whole household The Rambam writes that it is not only obligatory saw Reb Avrohom HaMalach sitting with his head prepared excitedly for his arrival. The great day to believe in the coming of Moshiach; one must between his knees, weeping bitterly. Long after came, but the visitor was nowhere to be seen. also await his coming. Moreover, a person who everyone had left, he continued watching Reb The family became restless. What could possibly does not do so is denying the Torah, Moshe Avrohom, who sat in the same position without have delayed him? The Yismach Moshe sat in his Rabbeinu and all the other nevi'im. moving. When the clock struck midnight, Reb room engrossed in his seforim while some family Yitzchok retired for the night. members waited outside impatiently, when a )רמב"ם הל' מלכים פי"א ה"א( carriage suddenly appeared on the horizon. The The following morning, when he arrived early to The Midrash writes that at the time of the Rebbe's shammes excitedly ran inside to bring shul, he found the Malach still mourning, in the churban, Yitzchok Avinu asked Hashem, "Will the him the good news: "Rebbe, he has arrived!" Yidden perhaps never merit to return?" Hashem midst of a puddle of tears. From time to time, he answered: There will come a generation that will would lift his head and ask in pain: "He's still not The Rebbe jumped up from his chair, put on his await the Geula, and they will immediately be here…?!" fine Shabbosdiker kapota and shtreimel and ran outside towards the approaching carriage. Seeing )יחס טשרנוביל( redeemed. The Midrash adds that even if that is the only merit they have, for that alone they are none other than his son-in-law stepping down worthy of being redeemed. from the carriage, he was unable to bear the pain CONSIDER and fell to the ground in a faint. When he came In this spirit, the Chida explains the meaning to, his family heard him moaning to himself, "Oy! Why is longing for the "את צמח דוד עבדך מהרה תצמיח... ,of our daily request It's not him… He hasn't yet arrived…" What kind of a reason is so significant, that it .כי לישועתך קוינו כל היום" )ומביא גואל ע' 127 ואילך( Geulah that? The Chida answers: We are asking Hashem merits us its arrival? to send us Moshiach immediately, and as to the The Rambam writes that the chachomim looked possible argument that we are undeserving, we How do we come to yearn forward to the days of Moshiach because at that say, "…because we hope for your salvation all day" for the spiritual side of the time Yidden will be able to learn Torah and keep – as a reward for actively awaiting Moshiach, we mitzvos undisturbed, not because of the pleasures deserve to be redeemed. Geulah? that will then be freely available. )ילקוט שמעוני איכה תתקצז, תהלים תשלו, מדבר קדמות ערך קיווי( Tzaddikim living in the time of the Yismach Moshe, The Rebbe adds that although the perfection of Chazal teach us that when a person is brought Reb Moshe Teitelbaum, used to say that he was the world is part of the belief in Moshiach, it is not for judgment to the Beis Din shel Maalah, one of a gilgul of Yirmiyahu HaNovi, who prophesied part of the mitzva of waiting for him. )רמב"ם הל' מלכים ספי"ב, שערי גאולה ע' מד הע' the questions he is asked is, Tzipisa liyeshua? – the churban of the First Beis HaMikdosh. He would )13 "Did you hope and look forward to the salvation constantly cry about this lengthy golus, especially promised by the nevi'im?" during the Three Weeks, and he longed for The famed chossid Reb Hillel Paritcher Moshiach intensely. Whenever he heard some transmitted to us this teaching by Reb Levi )מסכת שבת דף ל"א ע"א( hustle in the street, he would run to the window: Yitzchok of Berditchev: YEARNING FOR MOSHIACH Had Moshiach arrived? Next to his bed, his best On Shabbos Chazon every Yid is shown a vision of Shabbos clothing always lay prepared. And every Reb Yitzchok of Radvil heard so much of the the Third Beis HaMikdosh. This sight inspires us to night, before going to sleep, he would warn his greatness of Reb Avrohom HaMalach, son of the yearn for it, and to follow a path that will enable shammes to wake him the moment the shofar of Maggid, that he traveled to see him. He arrived us to be zocheh to behold its actual rebuilding, Moshiach was heard. in town on erev Tisha BeAv. That night, as with the ultimate Geula. )אוה״ת נ״ך )ח״ב( ע׳ א׳צז בשוה"ג( everyone in shul sat on the floor, reading Eicha He once received a letter informing him that THE LIONS OF THE LUXURY MARKET NEW BUY - SELL - TRADE "YOSHVIM" Patek Philippe PROGRAM PREPARING YOUR BOOKAP Richard FOR P MilleRINT www.SELLMILESNOW.com Rolex Cartier KingstonMesivta.org LEVIIM.COM 732-987-7765 MOSHE KRAVITSKY 347-243-1742 RABBI CHAIM HILLEL RASKIN ROV OF ANASH - PETACH TIKVA REB LEVI YITZCHAK OF BERDITCHEV PURCHASES IN THE NINE DAYS Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev was Rebbe’s instruction—they advised him ,After his to hide in the room behind a curtain .(1740) ת"ק I’m visiting a frum neighborhood during the Nine Days born in the year chassunah, he went to study from and then present his request at an and I need a new hat, may I buy it? the Maggid of Mezritch. He served appropriate moment. From his hiding Chazal tell us that when the month of Av enters, we decrease in as the Rov of the city of Berditchev place, Reb Mordechai could watch Reb joy due to our mourning over the Beis HaMikdash. Therefore, and was one of the most famous Levi Yitzchak’s assiduous avoda. Rebbes. Reb Levi Yitzchak was halacha delineates certain joyous activities that are prohibited First, the tzaddik sat at a table in 1 known as the “saneigor” (advocate) of during the beginning of Av until after Tisha b’Av. dveikus as both gabboim inserted Yidden, always finding merit in every spoonfuls of food into his mouth, Joyous purchases are forbidden. Examples include buying a situation. He was niftar on the 25th of 2 with only small portions of it actually .(1809) תק"ע ,vehicle, couch, furniture, curtains, or silver utensils. Simple Tishrei dishes may be purchased as they don’t bring significant joy.3 being eaten. The meal was soon over and the elderly tzaddik was laid One should not even order these items in advance if they will down on a bed. His gabboim sat near Reb Mordechai Liepler was active arrive during the Nine Days. Some poskim hold that after the fact him, one at his head and the other in pidyon shvuyim and freeing young one needn’t postpone the delivery if a "kinyan" took place prior. at his feet, and they simultaneously men from serving in the Czar’s army. If the item is only needed after the Nine Days — e.g. a washing read from Mishnayos and from Zohar Eventually, the government found machine — one can order it and stipulate that the complete respectively. The tzaddik was deep out and planned to arrest him, so acquisition should only take effect later. asleep, yet every so often he would Reb Mordechai hurried to the Alter stop them and correct their reading. Purchases for mitzva purposes — e.g. a sefer, tallis or tefillin — or Rebbe for a bracha. At that time, the 4 After a short while Reb Levi Yitzchak for one’s livelihood — e.g. a car to drive work — are allowed. Alter Rebbe’s granddaughter had just rose and washed neggel vasser. Likewise, utensils that are truly needed for the home may married the grandson of Reb Levi be purchased — e.g. to replace a broken refrigerator or air Yitzchak of Berditchev in Zhlobin, At that moment, Reb Mordechai came conditioner in the hot summer — or appliances needed in a case and Reb Mordechai arrived during out of his place and asked for a bracha. of illness, chas veshalom. the week of sheva brachos. When he At first Reb Levi Yitzchak told him Throughout the entire three weeks, it is customary not to presented his request, the Alter Rebbe off for endangering his life by being wear new clothing for the first time since it generates joy as advised him to approach his mechutan, involved in activities which opposed indicated by the recital of shehecheyanu (although in practice the Rov of Berditchev. the government, but upon hearing that it was at the Alter Rebbe’s instruction we don’t usually say shehecheyanu on clothing on its own merit). The gabboim of Reb Levi Yitzchak did he conceded, “If so, you are righteous This includes even Shabbos, as we still refrain from reciting not want to allow him to disturb the 5 in your case. Go in peace!” And that is shehecheyanu then. During the Nine Days, there is an added tzaddik’s schedule, but when they what happened. prohibition not to purchase new clothing, even items that are heard his plight—especially the Alter )מגדל עז ע' קסז( unquestionably not worthy of a shehecheyanu.6 If a major sale will be missed or you are in a location for limited time where the item is available — e.g.
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