בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)



The Effects of Sin Generally, when Hashem elevates a tzaddik and rewards him, He does not reveal the reason for the reward. And yet we find that Hashem did reveal to Pinchos that he was being rewarded with the gift of eternal priesthood “because he was zealous for his L -rd and atoned for the people of Yisrael.” Why was an exception made for Pinchos? Hashem does not reveal the reason, explains Rav Levi Yi tzchok, because He does not want the tzaddik to become fixated on behaving in a certain way. If he would know that Hashem rewarded him for this behavior he would always strive to behave that way, no matter the circumstances. But on certain occasions his s ervice of Hashem might actually require him to behave in exactly the opposite way, and knowing why he was rewarded, he might refrain from doing so; after all, self-interest is a powerful force. Therefore, Hashem prefers to keep him in the dark regarding th e reasons he was rewarded, and consequently, he will always do what the situation requires. Pinchos, however, knew that by killing Zimri he would become disqualified from serving as a Kohen , since a Kohen with blood on his hands, even justifiable blood, may not perform the avodah . Nonetheless, when he saw that the situation required an act of zealotry, he did not refrain from performing it. Therefore, since Pinchos had shown himself to be indifferent to his self-interest when it came to doing the right thin g, Hashem saw no reason

1  Pinchas / [email protected] not to reveal to him the reason he was being rewarded. A question, however, remains. He had killed Zimri with full justification but there was no denying that he had blood on his hands. How then was Pinchos qualified to serve as a Kohen being that he had blood on his hands? We can also ask a second question. After mentioning Pinchos’ reward, the Torah identifies “the man from Yisrael who was slain with the Midianite woman.” Why is it necessary to mention the Midianite woman again? We already know the circumstances of Zimri’s death. Sin has a deleterious effect on the sinner’s soul. If he has improper thoughts, the part of his soul called neshamah dikedushah becomes estranged from Hashem . If he speaks improperly, the part of his soul called ruach dikedushah , spirit of holiness, becomes estranged. And if he performs sinful acts, the part of his soul called nefesh dikedushah , soul of holiness, becomes estranged. This then is what the Torah is telling us by emphasizing that Zimri was slain with the Midianite woman. Since he had sinned so grievously and estranged himself from Hashem , he was already considered to have been slain , and Pinchos was in effect killing a man who was already dead. n He was known as Yossele the Shosek, meaning Yossele the Silent, a well-known chassid of Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev. He never spoke any words that were not part of his prayers or his learning. Furthermore, he was so emaciated that practically every bone in his body protruded through his paper-thin skin. People recognized him as a tzaddik , but his story was unknown. Why had he accepted upon himself a vow of silence? Why did he starve himself to such an extent that his very health was threatened? The reason for his vow of silence and abstinence was only revealed several generations later when one of his descendants told the story to Rav Michal of Tulczyn, a son of Rav Nosson of Nemirov. Rav Yossele was a great talmid chacham . In fact, not only was he a chassid of Rav Levi Yitzchok, he was also his ; they learned Gemara together every day, delving into its depths and arguing endlessly over the meanings and interpretations. But for all his seriousness, Rav Yossele also had a very active sense of humor. He was very quick-witted and sharp-tongued. He always had a twinkle in his eye and had a quip or a humorous remark for every occasion. One day, he was learning together with Rav Levi Yitzchok, and as usual, they were soon deep in a heated argument over the meaning of a particular passage. Rav Levi Yitzchok brought proof to his point of view, and Rav Yossele countered with ingenious proofs of his own. The battle raged for a long time without one conceding to the other. “I want you to know,” said Rav Levi Yitzchok, “that the yeshivah in heaven agrees with my explanation. When they study this piece of Gemara, they explain it as I do.” Rav Yossele chuckled. “Well, even in heaven they can make mistakes.” Rav Levi Yitzchok reeled back in horror. “Look, my dear Yossele, where your joking has led you. You are so driven to make one of your jokes that you even mock Heaven.” 2  Pinchas / [email protected]

The look of pain and shock on Rav Levi Yitzchok’s face shook Rav Yossele to his very core. For the first time, he faced up to the flaw in his character, and right then and there, he resolved to take upon himself a regimen of atonement. From that day on, he resolved never to speak another word that was not sanctified by prayer or learning and to deny himself the pleasures of the body. And in time he became known as Yossele the Silent. n n n

הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula , which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh , Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha . Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______. Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying blessing, and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighting the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well. The author of the Pele Yo’etz , Rav Eliezer Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a tefilla . Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulgaria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ צַ ת ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ  הַ מָ גֵ  מִ ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹ עֵ  עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ מוֹ ד כ ]ד" ]ד"

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נ&מְ חַ ת & לְ עִ יל& י נִ ְ מַ ת ) בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹ רָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/ֵ ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ  מִ לְ פָ י-נֶ 'ה אֶ /קֵ ינ& וֵא/קֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ& , ֶ ְ קַ ֵל ְרַ חֲמִ י1 &בְרָ צוֹ 2ָל מַ ע3ֲֶ ה הַ טוֹב ֶ נִי עו3ֶֹ ה , ֵי ְמַחַ ָ בָ ה , ֵי ְדִ י&ר , ֵי ְמַ ע3ֲֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ 2ֹ ל 2ֹ לִ כ&זְ ת & לְ נ&מְ חַ ת & לְ עִ יל& י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ -מְ יִ 3ְ רָ לאֵ &, ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר& חַ & נְ ָ מָ ה ֶ ל ) בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ  ֶ ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ 1 צְ ר& רוֹ ת ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י1יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem , our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a resting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of his teaching or writings. See more at:

3  Pinchas / [email protected]

Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS PINCHAS Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and rdrdrd + 232323 of ~ Begins Friday Night (Jul 2nd)  Rav Moshe Cordovero ( Remak ) (born 1522), one of the most famous Mekubolim . The Remak was the son of Rav Yaakov, one of the exiles from Cardova, Spain. He studied nigleh (revealed Torah ) under the great Mekubolim Rav (who would become his brother-in-law) and Rav Yosef Karo. Rav Chaim Vital was among his greatest talmidim . He was the mechaber of Tomer Devora and Pardes Rimonim . In the latter book, he systematized all Kabbalistic knowledge that had been revealed until then. In his sefer Ohr Ne’erav , he explains the necessity of studying Kabbola but also criticizes those who study this subject without prior Torah knowledge, pointing out that one must first study Torah , Mishna and Gemora before studying Kabbola . He also wrote a comprehensive commentary on the entitled Ohr Yokor , but it was n ot published for four hundred years. Publication of this multi -volume work was finally begun in 1962 and completed in 1989. Although he served as Rosh and as a Dayan , his fame rests on his contribution to Kabbalistic literature and thought. The Sat mar , Rav Yoel, had a kabbola (receiving) from the Divrei Chaim of that the sefer Tomer Devora is a segula against the “known disease” – may Hashem save us – and if one is not able to learn it himself, he should have someone read it in front of h im. (It is available in English translation). There is a story told about his burial. When he was about to be buried, two different towns were striving for the right to bury him. He had told his students that the one who could see the fire when he was buri ed would be the next teacher and the whole world would follow his method. At the burial, the only person who could see the fire was the Ari HaKodosh , who was new in town, (5330/1570);  Rav Yechezkel Katzenellenbogen , the Knesses Yechezkel , (5509/1749);  Rav Dovid Morgenstern of , son and successor of the Kotzker Rebbe , Rav Menachem Mendel;  Rav Gedalya Aharon Kenig (Koenig), mechaber of Chayei Nefesh , founder of Kiryat in Tzefas. He was succeeded by his son, Rav Elozor Mordechai Kenig, (5741/1981);  Rav Nechemia Alter , son of the Sefas Emes , (5702/1942);  Rav Yaakov Yosef of Ostrah, (5609/1849);  Rav Shaul Moshe Zilberman , the Viershaver Rav , and mechaber of Pardes Shaul , (5699/1939). ththth + 242424 of Tammuz ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (Jul 3rd)  Rav Yitzchok Grodzinski of Vilna, (5626/1866);  Rav Yitzchok Kolitz (born 1922), born in Elita, , to Rav Eliyohu Dovid Nachman Kolitz, Rav of the town and a chavrusa of the Chazon Ish for many years. His father was niftar when he was three years old. After spen ding several years in public school, Rav

4  Pinchas / [email protected]

Yitzchok went to Slabodka when he was ten years old. In 1935, he moved to Eretz Yisrael with his mother and older brother. At the age of fourteen, he met Rav , with whom he developed a close relationship for life. He learned at Chevron and became close to Rav Yechezkel Sarna. After the 1948 war, he became a in a Yeshiva in Rechovot; during that time, he became a ben bayis of the Chazon Ish . In 1955, he was appointed a Dayan in Tel Aviv, then Av Bais Din , then chief Rav (following Rav Bezalel Zolti). [25 th of Tammuz, per 2007], (5763/2003);  Rav Yaakov Yosef ben Rav Dov (born 1840). Born in Krozhe, a province of Kovno, he studied in the under the Netziv , where he was known as Rav Yaakov Charif because of his sharp mind. He was one of the foremost students of Rav Yisrael Salanter. In 1888, he accepted an invitation to become the first and only chief Rav of New York, as elected by the Association of American Orthodox Hebrew Congregations. He also took an active role in establishing the Eitz Chaim Yeshiva , founded in 1866. He authored Le’ . He is buried in , New York, at Union Field Cemetery. Large crowds go to daven there on the Yahrzeit , and the cemetery opens earlier and closes later on the Yahrzeit . Rav Yoel, the Rebbe , encouraged people to go to his kever . People also go there throughout the year to daven for yeshuos , (5662/1902);  Rav Amrom Yishai Bilitzer , Rav of Szerencz, (5649/1889). ththth + 252525 of Tammuz ~ Begins Sunday Night (Jul 4th )  Rav Yosef Yitzchok Rottenberg , head of Belgian community, (5756/1996);  Rav Aharon Berachia ben Moshe of Modina, a student of the Rema . He was the mechaber of Ma’avar Yabok , a collection of mitzvos related to bikur cholim and everything having to do with the dead until burial, (5399/1639);  Rav Meir HaLevi of ben Rav Shmuel, mechaber of Ohr LaShomayim . He was the Rav of Apta after the Ohev Yisrael , who moved to Mezhibuzh, after sensing that Rav Meir was supposed to become Rav of Apta. He was a talmid muvhok of the Chozeh of . One of his most famous talmidim is the Tiferes Shlomo of , (5587/1827 or 5591/1831)  Rav Yeshaya Zilberstein of Veitzen (Wac), mechaber of Maasei LaMelech , (5690/1930);  Rav Yisrael Eliyohu Yehoshua Trunk (born 1821). Born in Plotsk, he received most of his teaching from his father, who was niftar when he was just eleven. As a teenager, he spent three months with the Kotzker Rebbe , whose direction he followed for the remainder of his life. When he was twenty, Rav Yisrael Eliyohu Yehoshua founded a Yeshiva and served as Rav in Shrensk for seven years. Later in Vorka, his fame as a grew. In 1860, he moved to Kutna, which lies near Gustenin and Zichlin. The first record of in Kutna is a document from 1513, in which King Zigmund of grants a year’s moratorium to the gentile debtors of three Kutna Jews: Moshe, Shlomo and Liebke. Rav Yisrael Eliy0hu Yehoshua published several seforim , including Yeshuas Yisrael , on Choshen Mishpot ; Yeshuos Malko and Yovin Da’as . His only son, Rav Moshe Pinchas, succeeded him as Rav in Kutno. The demise of the Kutna kehilla came when the Nazis finished liquidating its remaining Jews on March 26, 1942, (5653/1893);  Rav Arye Leib , the Sha’agas Arye , (5545/1785).

5  Pinchas / [email protected]

ththth + 262626 of Tammuz ~ Begins Monday Night (Jul 5th )  Rav Nachman Bulman (born 1925). His parents, Rav Meir and Ettel Bulman were Gerrer Chassidim who had moved to the Lower East Side from Poland. Rav Meir had lost his first wife in childbirth and his second wife in a pogrom. He had also lost two children. In their forties, the Bulmans wrote to the Imrei Emes of for a berocha for children. The result of that blessing was Nachman, who was born in New York. He attended Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon and then studied in its rabbinical program. He received semicha and a B.A. (in philosophy) from Yeshiva College. During the week, he learned in the Litvishe Yeshiva . On Shabbos and Yom Tov , he absorbed the atmosphere of his parents’ Polishe shteibel with a love of Chassidus . For years, he was also a frequent visitor at the tischen of the Modzitzer Rebbe , Rav Shaul Yedidya Taub. In 1950, Rav Nachman married Shaindel Freund, his aishes chayil for fifty-two years. He found a position in the town of Danville, Virginia, a small Orthodox community that consisted of about thirty families. He held the position for three years. From 1953–1954, Rav Bulman served as Mashgiach in Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon. He was once again pulled to the world of Rabbonus when he became Rav in South Fallsburg, N.Y., in 1954. During this time, he founded the National Conference of Youth (NCSY), together with Rav Weitman, Rav Goodman and Rav Chait. His next position was as head of Adas Yeshurun shul in Newport News, Virginia, beginning in 1957. Rav Bulman then returned to his position as Mashgiach in from 1962–1963, and then worked for Torah Umesorah from 1963–1967. In 1967, he took his next rabbinical position as the Rav of the Young Yisrael of Far Rockaway. During this time, he founded Sarah Schenirer High School and Seminary in 1968, and the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway ( Derech Eison ), and he taught in both places, (5762/2002);  Rav Yehoshua ben Rav Yosef, a Sefardi sage and the Av Bais Din of Cracow, (5408/1648);  Rav Yehuda Moshe Patia , a Sefardi sage and the mechaber of the sefer Bais Lechem Yehuda , 5702/1942);  Rav Refoel Ochana from Teverya, mechaber of the sefer Mareh HaYelodim , (5662/1902);  Rav Sinai Halberstam of Zhemigrod (born 1870). Rav Chaim of Sanz especially treasured his fourth son, Rav Boruch of Gorlitz, saying that a lofty soul such as his had not descended to the world for the past three hundred years. When he was fourteen, Rav Boruch married the daughter of Rav Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum, the Yitav Lev of Sighet and a talmid of Rav Chaim Sanzer, and in 1870, Rav Sinai was born to the couple, in Rudnik. After reaching adulthood, Rav Sinai served as Rav for several years in Gorlitz and Koloshitz, before taking over a permanent position in Zmigród, a scenic mountain town about 150 kilometers from Cracow, where Jews had lived since at least 1410. Zmigród had a relatively small community; a 1900 census records it having 1,240 Jews out of a total population of 2,249. Nowadays, this region of Austrian-controlled Galicia is part of Poland. He escaped the Nazis by fleeing to Lemberg, Galicia, but was exiled to Siberia by the Soviets. He did not survive the trip, (5701/1941). Today in History – 26 th of Tammuz  Saladin’s army defeated Crusader army at Karnei Chittin, and signaled beginning of the end for Crusader kingdom, 1187;  A pope (Clement V?) banned forced baptism of Jews, 1345. This decree was overturned by

6  Pinchas / [email protected]

subsequent popes in 1597 and 1747;  The Ba’al Shem Tov and Rav Chaim HaKohen Rappaport, the Rav of Lemberg (Lvov), overcame the Frankist cult in a public dispute, 1759;  Napoleon decreed that all Jews of the French Empire must adopt family names, 1808;  Adolf Hitler, yimach shemo , published his personal manifesto, Mein Kampf , 1925;  Jews of Upina, Lithuania, were executed by the Nazis, 1941. ththth + 272727 of Tammuz ~ Begins Tuesday Night (Jul 6th )  Yosef HaTzaddik ben Yaakov Avinu ;  Rav Yaakov Adess , born in Yerushalayim (born 1898), the youngest of his father’s four sons. He received his early education from his father, Rav Avrohom Chaim Adess. In 1910, his father placed him in Yeshiva Moed , where he learned under Rav Refoel Shlomo Laniado and Rav Yosef Yedid HaLevi . There, he stayed as Maggid Shiur from 1920–1923, when the Yeshiva closed. He moved with Rav Laniado to Poras Yosef , first as Maggid Shiur and later as . Most of his writings on were destroyed when the Jordanians captured the Old City in 1948. At the end of 1945, Rav Adess was appointed Av Bais Din in Yerushalayim. In 1955, he was chosen to serve on the Chief Rabbinate’s Bais Din HaGodol , (5723/1963);  Rav (born 1913), born in Grodna to Rav Michel Dovid (Rav of Grodna for forty years) and Sora Pearl, daughter of Rav Avrohom Gelburd, who had served as Grodna’s previous Rav for almost fifty years. At a very young age, he began to study in the Sha’ar HaTorah Yeshiva of Grodna, under Rav , eventually becoming his talmid muvhok . In 1935, his father was niftar , and the Gedolei Torah urged Rav Shmuel to succeed him. However, he was drafted into the Russian army and moved to Eretz Yisrael. There he began studying in the Lomza Yeshiva in Petach Tikva. In 1944, Rav opened the Ponovezh Yeshiva and chose Rav Shmuel, only thirty at the time, to head the Yeshiva . Later on, he was joined by Rav Dovid Povarsky and Rav Elozor Menachem Man Shach. Subsequently, he was asked by Rav Kahaneman to head the newly founded Grodna Yeshiva in Ashdod, (5739/1979);  Rav Elimelech (Yom Tov) Ehrlich (born 1914), a seventh-generation Karlin Chassid , was born in the town of Kodznahorodok, next to Stolin, not far from the border of Poland and Russia. During World War II, his family moved to Samarkand. There, he composed niggunim for the many Jewish refugees, cheering their broken hearts. His role in life was thus fixed. After the war, in Paris, Rav Yom Tov discovered a new brand of fire that began to kindle in his heart: Novardok. He later moved to New York, and then to Eretz Yisrael, (5749/1989);  Rav Elozor ben Rav Meir Abuchatzeira, assassinated by a deranged individual in the year 5771. He was born in the year 5708, (5771/2011);  Rav Yitzchok Charif of Sambur, mechaber of Pnei Yitzchok , (5593/1833);  Rav Shmuel Aharon Rubin , Rav of Kartshin, (5637/1877);  Rav Mordechai Twersky , Skverer Rebbe of Flatbush (born 1924). Born in Kishinev, he moved with his family to America when he was four months old. When his father, Rav Yitzchok, was niftar in 1941, Rav Mordechai and his brother, Rav Dovid, ran their father’s Bais Medrash in Boro Park. Rav Mordechai opened the Skverer Bais Medrash in 1970, (5767/2007).

7  Pinchas / [email protected]

ththth + 282828 of Tammuz ~ Begins Wednesday Night (Jul 7th )  Rav Elozor of Lizhensk. He was the oldest son of the Rebbe Reb . He put together his father’s sefer Noam Elimelech , which has several letters of Rav Elozor in the back. His sons were Rav Naftoli of Lizhensk and Rav Mendel Ber of Pshevorsk and his son-in-law was Rav Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira of Moglenitz, (5566/1806);  Rav Moshe ben Rav Tzvi Hirsch Teitelbaum, Av Bais Din of Ujhely (Uhel), (born 1759), mechaber of Yismach Moshe , founder of Satmar and Sighet dynasties. He was a direct descendent of the Rema . He served as Rav and Av Bais Din of Shinova at the age of twenty-six. He made a for his only daughter with a Chassid of the Chozeh of Lublin, and shortly thereafter became a follower himself. He taught Rav Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova. He said he remembered himself in a previous in Mitzrayim and could even describe what the house that he stayed in looked like. He said that when the machlokes of Korach took place he did not take any sides; he stayed in his tent until the machlokes ended and only then came out, when it was determined who was correct. Rav Meshulam Igra said about him, “ Moshe Emes v’Toraso Emes .” The Sighet and Satmar dynasties descend from him, (5601/1841);  Rav Shlomo Ganzfried (born 1804), born in Ungwar, Hungary. His father was niftar while he was still young, and he was raised by the Rav of Ungwar, Rav Tzvi Hirsch Heller. He is the mechaber of Kitzur Shulchon Aruch , (5647/1886);  Rav Nachman ben Rav Chaim Arye HaKohen Kahana, Av Bais Din of . He was the son-in-law of the first Spinka Rebbe , the Imrei Yosef . He wrote Sefer Orchos Chaim on Shulchon Aruch Orach Chaim , (5664/1904);  Rav Yaakov Shaul Elyashar , Sefardi chief Rav of Eretz Yisrael (born 1817). Born to Rav Eliezer Yerucham Elyashar in Tzefas, young Yaakov Shaul moved with his mother at the age of six to Yerushalayim; his father passed away a year later. His mother’s second husband, Rav Binyomin Mordechai Navon, took the boy under his wing. In 1883, Rav Yaakov Shaul accepted the position of Rishon LeTzion . At the inauguration, he also received the title of Chacham Bashi by the Turkish rulers. Rav Yaakov Shaul authored the sefer Yissa Berocha . His son, Rav Nissim Elyashar, founded a Charedi community in Yerushalayim and named it , in his father’s honor, (5666/1906);  Rav Chaim Friedlander (born 1923), Mashgiach in Ponovezh, considered one of the closest talmidim of Rav Dessler. Mechaber of Sifsei Chaim and Mesilos Chaim B’Chinuch , (5746/1986).  Rav Moshe Mordechai Chodosh , Rosh Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon , (5776/2016); ththth + 292929 of Tammuz ~ Begins Thursday Night (Jul 8th )  Rav Yochonon HaSandlar , Tanna ; b. 1040). He traced his ancestry through the Tanno'im) רש ''י ( Rav Shlomo Yitzchoki ( Rashi  Rav Yochonon HaSandlar and Hillel the Elder back to Dovid HaMelech . He received his early Talmudic training from his father, Rav Yitzchok. At a young age he went to Worms, Germany, to broaden his knowledge under Rav Yaakov ben Yokor. At the age of twenty-five he returned to his native Troyes. Amazingly, Rashi accomplished all his work during the period of the Crusades, when life was extremely dangerous for the Jews. Rashi had three daughters, who were great scholars in their own right, but were also married to men of

8  Pinchas / [email protected]

greatness, and had children known as the Ba’alei Tosafos , the most famous of whom, Rav Yaakov ben Meir, was known as Rabbeinu Tam, (4800/1040);  Rav Yehoshua Boaz , the Shiltei HaGibborim , Italian commentator to Rif (1612/5372). Y HILLULA DE’TDE’TZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Maharil, in Hilchos Taanis, teaches us that the reason why there is a custom to visit the Bais hachaim on a fast is because “this place is the resting place of the Tzaddikim and is therefore sanctified, pure and holy and our tefillos are more readily heard, accepted and answered when davened on holy ground. When you daven there, do not make requests of the dead who are buried there; rather ask Hashem to answer you mercifully in their merit. Then circle around the graves and donate charity before reciting tefillos.” בית הקברות הוא מקו מנוחת הצדיקי ומתו כ הוא מקו קדוש וטהור התפילה נתקבלה ש יותר , א אל ישי מגמתו נגד המתי , א יבקש מהשי“ ת שית עליו רחמי בזכות הצדיקי שוכני עפר , ויקי הקברות , וית צדקה קוד שיאמר התחינות. The Zohar in VaYeira page 71 teaches us that if we suffer any calamity or tragedy we have the custom to go and daven at the kevorim of Tzaddikim . The reason for this is that we approach them with fasting, remorse and repentance, and we have in mind that the departed souls ask and daven for us before Hashem on High, as opposed to the prohibition against speaking to the dead which is an idolatrous practice where the idol worshippers sought out the impure dead souls and bodies using sorcery and witchcraft. Instead, beseech our Tzaddikim who, in gan eden , are truly alive, and ask through tefilla and fasting and teshuva alone. 

Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES Rav Amrom Yishai Bilitzer, 242424 ththth of Tammuz Rav of Szerencz Rav Amrom Yishai HaLevi Bilitzer instrumental in its growth, establishing a was born in 5594/1834. His father was Rav Yeshiva there in which Torah was taught up Yitzchok Isaac Bilitzer, the Rav of Nagiada, until the Holocaust. , mechaber of Be’er Yitzchok . Rav Amrom Yishai corresponded Rav Amrom Yishai learned under regularly with his Rebbe, Rav Chaim Sofer. Rav Chaim Sofer, the mechaber of She’eilos There are many teshuvos written to Rav U’Teshuvos Machaneh Chaim . Amrom Yishai in She’eilos U’Teshuvos He married Rebbetzin Shifra, the Machneh Chaim . Rav Chaim Sanzer, in a daughter of Rav , a noted teshuva to Rav Amrom Yishai ( Divrei Talmid Chochom from Ungvar. Chaim , vol. 2, Orach Chaim, siman 5), He was appointed the first official lavishes upon him titles such as Charif and Rav in Szerencz, a growing Kehilla in the Chassid . northeast region of Hungary. He was His son-in-law Rav Feivish Tzvi

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Gross, in his sefer Nachlas Tzvi , also His sons-in-law were Rav Chaim praises him highly. Mordechai Adler, Rav of Paryia; Rav Rav Amrom Yishai served as Rav in Yehuda Leib Lemberger-Lvov, Rav of Szerencz for thiry-five years, a period of Ruszhani; and Rav Meshulom Feivish Zvi spiritual growth for his Kehilla . He was Gross of , mechaber of Nachalas niftar on the 24 th of Tammuz 5649/1889 at Tzvi and Ateres Tzvi . the age of sixty-five and was buried in His descendants have erected an Szerencz. ohel over his kever in Szerencz. He was succeeded by his illustrious Zechuso yagen aleinu. son, Rav Pinchos Bilitzer, mechaber of Giv’as Pinchos , where many of Rav Amrom Yishai’s chiddushim are printed.  Rav Arye Leib Ben Osher Ginsberg of MetzMetz,, 252525 ththth of Tammuz Mechaber of Shaagas Arye Rav Aryeh Leib was born in constantly forced to move on. But in 5455/1695 in Lithuania. His father was Rav 5526/1766 he was appointed Rav of Metz, Osher, Rav in Pinsk and one of the leading where he served until his petira . Rabbonim of his time. Rav Aryeh Leib was When he became Rav of Metz, the renowned for his hasmoda . Sha’agas Aryeh was nearly seventy years It is related that once, when in old. The leaders of the community were Frankfurt, he lodged at the home of Rav concerned over the appointment because Pinchos Horowitz, mechaber of the Haflo’a he was already an elderly man. He asked and Ponim Yofos . The “simple” guest asked them how long they expected a Rav to for three Gemaros for the night — serve. “For about twenty years,” they Yevomos , Kesubos and Kiddushin . The responded. He was niftar twenty years Haflo’a was surprised, but willingly fulfilled later, at ninety. his guest’s request. Some hours later, the A few months before his petira , Rav Haflo’a peeked into the room of his guest Aryeh Leib invited the community to a and saw him laboring over the Gemara, HaShas . He was in especially high learning daf by daf . By morning he had spirits at this Siyum . When he was asked finished all three masechtos, no small feat the reason for his simcha , he explained that by anyone’s standards. The Haflo’a began this was his thousandth Siyum on the Shas . to ask him questions on his learning. Rav Aryeh Leib was niftar on the Within minutes, he realized that this guest 25 th of Tammuz 5545/1785. (Some give the was none other than Rav Aryeh Leib, the day of his petira as the 15 th of Tammuz; Sha’agas Aryeh . other sources give it as the 25 th of Sivan.) His first position was as Rosh He wrote Sha’agas Aryeh ; Gevuras Yeshiva in Volozhin, where one of his Ari on Maseches Yoma ; and Turei Even on prized talmidim was Rav Chaim Maseches Rosh HaShana . Volozhiner. Zecher tzaddik livrachah. Interestingly, even after his sefer Sha’agas Aryeh was published, he found it hard to achieve a suitable position and was 

10  Pinchas / [email protected]

Blumka’s Kloiz time to various Rabbonim and Talmidei The Shaagas Arye was a great Gaon , Chachomim as they needed. To the yet he had his detractors. When he set up Shaagas Arye she lent out the volume for his Yeshiva in Minsk not all the citizens Mesechta Berochos . A week later, the and residents were counted among his Gaon , the Shaagas Arye , tried to return it supporters. So many were those who could and exchange it for another Mesechta and not stand his sharp wit and criticisms that she answered back, “Oh no, you cannot fool one Erev Shabbos his opponents simply or cheat me so quickly! No one can took the Shaagas Arye and his wife, loaded complete learning one Mesechta so fast – them and their meager possessions onto a no way!” And so the Shaagas Arye was cart and had them run out of town, so far forced to hold on to the Mesechta Berochos out that they would have been stranded for so long and much of his sefer was with no means to even make Shabbos ! therefore written on topics therein. (Maasei Tzaddikim p. 12) Among the masses though, there was one poor, simple woman who  appreciated the Shaagas Arye ’s greatness. She did not let the machlokes or the A Berocha for Rav Zalmale of Shaagas Arye ’s detractors dissuade her. Volozhin Blumka was her name, and selling candles When the Shaagas Arye left Minsk and challa was her occupation. As the he traveled to Volozhin and settled there Shaagas Arye was being led away in for some time. He served as the Rav of disgrace, she pushed her way through the Volozhin but did not remain there for long throngs until she reached the cart. There because the salary was very poor. she handed the Shaagas Arye and his wife Among the ba’alei batim , there was candles and three challos for Shabbos so one wealthy , Rav Yitzchok (later that at least they would not lack these famous as the father of Rav Chaim the meager necessities. The Shaagas Arye was Rosh Yeshiva , mechaber of Nefesh greatly moved and he gave her his berocha : HaChaim and his brother Rav Zalmale of “May Hashem repay your kindness and Volozhin), who had an extensive library of reward you with wealth and honor!” seforim and the Shaagas Arye was a Blumka eventually became a wealthy frequent guest in their home studying businesswoman and built a shul called Torah . Blumka’s Kloiz . ( Hillula Kadisha p. 516– It so happened that once during his 517) studies, Rav Yitzchok’s wife, who was  expecting a baby, was seized with strong labor pains. Knowing that the Shaagas The Shaagas Arye ’s Sefer Arye was sitting and studying Torah in the Rav Neta Freund related that the next room, and not wanting to cause him reason that the sefer Shaagas Arye deals so any bitul Torah , she amazingly she held much with Mesechta Berochos was simply back from crying out in pain. Silently she that the Shaagas Arye was so poor that he bore the labor pains so as not to disturb the could not afford to purchase a Shas , let Shaagas Arye ’s learning. Eventually, the alone own many volumes of either. Shaagas Arye learned of this and was so There was a wealthy merchant moved by her mesirus nefesh that he gave woman who recognized the value of Torah her a berocha . “ Ribbono Shel Olom , this study and she owned a large, beautiful woman held back from calling out for the Shas . She used to lend out one volume at a sake and honor of Torah ! In this zechus , bless her that the son born to her grow to 11  Pinchas / [email protected] be such a great Torah scholar that the Shaagas Arye had only served as Rav of entire world will know of his genius!” The Volozhin, a small town, and Rosh Yeshiva child was named Rav Shlomo Zalman and of Minsk, and how could those positions grew to become the great Rav Zalmale compare to the great city of Metz?! Volozhiner. ( Hillula Kadisha p. 519) One day, Yehuda Charif ’s daughter The Gaon of Vilna met the Shaagas lost her sanity. She eventually became so ill Arye and testified that the Shaagas Arye that the doctors knew no cure and the was able to recall the entire order of the family suffered greatly. With modern Shas in his memory within just one hour’s medicine having given up on her, Yehuda time span of thinking. ( Hillula Kadisha p. Charif turned to any source of possible 522) treatment. Eventually he heard of a miracle  worker, a Ba’al Shem who was supposed to be able to cure any one. When this His Holy Countenance While impostor came to Metz, the Shaagas Arye , Wearing Tefillin who was well acquainted with this joker and his ilk, sent the fake Ba’al Shem The Shaagas Arye was once packing and chased him out of town. traveling by covered wagon when thieves Yehuda Charif was incensed. He was so set upon them and attempted to rob the angry that his daughter’s possible cure was driver of his money. chased away by none other than the Rav , The Shaagas Arye sat robed in tallis the Shaagas Arye , whom he already and crowned in tefillin studying. When he disliked and held a grudge against that he heard the commotion and understood what decided that enough was enough. was happening, he put his head out of the He sent his poor, sick, mentally ill covered wagon to see what was going on. daughter to the Shaagas Arye . She was The thieves saw his face and fled, terror- disturbed and she would sing, dance and struck, running for their lives at the sight of make a disturbance at all times of day. Her the holy Tzaddik . The wagon driver was nuisance so greatly disturbed the Shaagas simply amazed. “ Rebbe , why did those Arye that he could not learn Torah and so robbers turn tail and run away like that all he turned to her gently and said softly and of a sudden?” kindly, “My daughter, why are you acting The Shaagas Arye answered him, “It so crazy? For how long will you be this says in the Torah , ‘And all the nations of way? Please go home gezunterheit ,” (which the world shall see that the name of G-d is literally means “go home healthy”) and so called upon you and they shall fear you’. she did; she went home healed and healthy, Chazal teach that this pasuk refers to sound in body and mind! tefillin. When they saw the tefillin on my “Please, Daddy,” she greeted her head, they ran for their lives!” ( Hillula amazed father, “please change my tattered Kadisha p. 528) and ripped dress.” Yehuda Charif fell  before the Shaagas Arye pleading and begging the Rav ’s forgiveness and asked to Go Gezunterheit be allowed to add his name to the When the Shaagas Arye was certificate of appointment. From then on appointed Rav of Metz there was one his great affection for the Shaagas Arye wealthy merchant who refused to sign the knew no bounds and they became great document appointing the Shaagas Arye as friends. He followed the Rav ’s pesakim and Rav . His name was Yehuda Charif and he lent his hand to help the new Rav of Metz. based his rejection on the fact that the (Toldos Rabbeinu HaShaagas Arye , page 97b)

12  Pinchas / [email protected]

Rav Meir ben Shmuel Segal HaLevi Rottenberg of Apta, 252525 ththth of Tammuz Mechaber of Ohr LaShomayim Every year Rebbe Naftali Horowitz Hashem . the Krula Rebbe shlit"a tells Baruch His mother eked out a meager living Amsel ( ) to send this email. by making and selling liquor. Every The 25 th of Tammuz marks the morning after he had finished davening , yahrzheit of the Ohr LaShamayim . He was she would present her son with two rolls. a talmid of the Chozeh of Lublin, and was One day at the usual time she Rav in Apta after the Ohev Yisroel . approached Meir and said sadly, "Today The Ohr LaShamayim asked that on you didn't pray as well as usual and cannot the day of his yarzheit , one light a candle have your rolls." and give on his behalf. In doing Her accuracy was uncanny. "How do so, one should say his name, Rav Meyer you know my dear mother, that today I ben Rav Shmuel Halevi zy'a . didn't manage to daven with as In addition, the Krula Rebbe adds in much kavonoh as I should have?" the name of the Tiferes Shlomo , Rebbe His mother then revealed to him Shlomo of Radomsk zy'a , that it is that every day while he davened she cooked praiseworthy to recite the special tefillah the liquor and in the zchus of his tefillos the for parnassah composed by the Ohr results were excellent. LaShamayim . A copy of that Tefillah is "Today, however, everything burned attached via email due to Sheimos . and I immediately understood that Please feel free to forward this email your tefillos did not rise straight to Heaven, to anyone you'd like. as usual." After promising to invest greater  effort in his tefillos , he once again received the rolls. The Ohr LaShomayim’s davening (Ohel Shlomo Radomsk page 37 #29) His was a life of almost constant  hardship and poverty, yet a life of total devotion to Hashem . Even after he married, Rav Meir Orphaned of his father as a child, lived in abject poverty. Yet this did not Rav Meir was brought up by his mother. deter him from being steeped in his Torah One early morning before daylight, he felt and avodoh day and night. his mother gently waking him to rise for For most of the week he would fast davening and Torah learning. Seeing it was all day, only eating his meager daily meal of considerably earlier than usual, the young kasha in the evening. Meir turned over onto the other side to Since they only had one plate in the continue his sleep. After a few minutes, he house, his Rebbetzin would borrow a felt again that he was being awoken. This second one from a neighbor so that she too time he got up, but was astonished to find could sit and eat together with her his mother still asleep in bed. She had not husband. woken him at all. One day Rav Meir stayed away The realization at that point struck learning longer than usual and the couple's him that he was being prodded from `supper' was left waiting on the table. Heaven to rise and serve his Master. Seeing that the Rebbetzin had not returned From that day on Rav Meir decided the plate yet, her neighbor came to fetch it. to devote his entire existence to avodas 13  Pinchas / [email protected]

The Rebbetzin requested that she wait until for your living." Rav Meir came home, but the woman had Extremely embarrassed, Rav Meir no time to wait. Losing her patience, she left the mikveh . grabbed at the plate, accidentally spilling The man who had hurt him stayed its precious contents over the floor. on in Lublin another two weeks, until a Tears welled up in the Rebbetzin's messenger arrived to tell him that his eyes and then spilled over her cheeks, as house and all his wealth had been ravaged she realized that she had nothing to serve by a devastating fire. her husband when he would come home to Left a pauper, the man hysterically break his fast. burst into the room of the Chozeh to beg for This was the scene to which Rav his help. The holy Chozeh's supernatural Meir returned a few minutes later. After eyes scanned the kvittel in his hand and hearing the reason for her tears, Rav Meir beyond. "It seems that you scorned declared, "This is the last of our trials of a talmid chochom and great tzaddik poverty. Very soon the time will come when recently. Only when you will succeed in we'll yet eat out of plates of silver and being mesaken this aveiroh will your gold!" former wealth be returned to you." Indeed, several days later, the Rav Years later, when Rav Meir was of Stavnitz was appointed to serve in already renowned as one of the gedolei Pintchov, a larger town. The hador, he spent a Shabbos in the smaller kehilloh of Stavnitz, now without a hometown of the formerly wealthy Jew. rov , asked Meir to fill their void. He On Friday night as the davening was did so and, true to his words, in honor of about to begin, a cry rang out from the Pesach , one of the wealthy Jews of Stavnitz beggar's row as one of them fell to the floor presented the new Rav - Rav Meir with a in a faint. set of silver plates lichvod the yom tov . His fellow congregants rushed to his  aid, but as soon as the man came to he began crying aloud to Rav Meir: "Forgive Rabbeinu was one of the me, Rebbe , have mercy on me." close talmidim of Rav Yaakov Yitzchok, the Chozeh of Lublin, even traveling to him He related to the crowd how he had when he was a Rav himself. mocked a poor, destitute Yid in Lublin and had subsequently lost his wealth. The older The Chozeh once remarked of Reb members of the community, who Meir that he didn't get distracted from his remembered when good times had smiled fear of Hashem Yisborach , even for a single on the man, nodded knowingly. They too second all day. recalled the dreadful fire that had Once, when Rav Meir was in Lublin swallowed his possessions in his absence. to see his Rebbe , his tattered clothes were "Rabbosai , this is the talmid in an even worse state than usual. He went chochom and great tzaddik to whom the to the mikveh in Lublin and tarried there a Chozeh was referring." long while, immersing himself many times. Rav Meir's honor was restored and A wealthy Jew, seeing what he from that day the wheel of fortune turned thought was a lowly beggar with no decent once again, this time for the better. clothing immersing so much in the mikveh , began to taunt him.  "Why are you wasting your time From Stavnitz, Rabbeinu went on to there?" he mocked. "Go and do something 14  Pinchas / [email protected] become rav in Apta. segulah for parnossoh when said The takeover took place in the wake with kavonoh . of remarkable events: The Tiferes Shlomo, a Kohen , would One night the Apta Rav , the Ohev relate that on the Sholosh Regolim , when Yisroel , awoke with a gripping fear. He the kohanim go up to bless the Yidden with revealed to his family that he had heard an their bircas kohanim , his Rebbe , Rabbi announcement in Heaven that Meir, who was a Levi , washed his hands. would become rav in Apta, meaning that "From the power of my great he was destined soon to pass away, for, Rebbe's water," declared the Tiferes "two kings cannot share one crown." Shlomo , "I drew spiritual strength The Ohev Yisroel decided that the and yiras Shomayim for the following half best way to prolong his life would be to a year!" move to another town, leaving Apta All material on this site is available for Rav Meir. copyrighted and its use is restricted. With utmost urgency, the Apta Rav called together the roshei kehilloh and, CONDITIONS OF USE after explaining his position, packed his The Dei'ah Vedibur - Information & household together and moved to Yas in Insight Internet site contains copyrighted Romania. material, trademarks and other proprietary In turn, the roshei kehilloh went to information, including, but not limited to, text, software, photos, video, graphics, music and Rav Meir, asking him to fulfill the decree of sound, and the entire contents of Dei'ah the Apta Rav and serve as rav in Apta, Vedibur - Information & Insight are which he did in 5679 (1919). copyrighted as a collective work under the Interestingly, some years later, when international copyright laws. the Ohev Yisroel was niftar on 5 th Nissan , The owners of the material include the news reached Apta on Erev Pesach . Not Mordecai Plaut, Yated Ne'eman, and other wishing to spoil the Rov's yom tov with the corporate entities and individuals. news of his Rebbe's death, the people of Permission is granted to download Apta refrained from telling him. However, materials for personal use only. No ownership following the Seder , Rabbeinu wondered rights are acquired by downloading aloud, "I saw my Rebbe , the Ohev Yisroel , copyrighted material. surrounded by a light so dazzling I couldn't Permission is expressly denied to even look at him, and his son, Rav Yitzchok modify, publish, transmit, participate in the Meir, sitting on the floor as one in transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in mourning." any way exploit, any of the content, in whole or in part, except as otherwise expressly permitted His puzzle was solved when the under local of international copyright law. No people around him revealed the sad news copying, redistribution, retransmission, of his Rebbe's passing. publication or commercial exploitation of  downloaded material is permitted without the express permission of Mordecai Plaut and the One of the closest talmidim of copyright owner. In the event of any permitted Rabbeinu was the Tiferes Shlomo of copying, redistribution or publication of copyrighted material, no changes in or deletion Radomsk. He would often recite of author attribution, trademark legend or a tefilloh composed by Rabbeinu , insisting copyright notice shall be made. it was a powerful 

15  Pinchas / [email protected]

Rav Sinai Halberstam of ZhemigradZhemigrad,, 2, 262 666ththth ofofof Tammuz Rav Sinai Halberstam was born in tried to protest, but the reigning Rav 5630/1870 in Rudnick. When his father, hushed them. “There is nothing to correct,” Rav Baruch of Gorlitz, asked his own he said. father, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, what to Rav Sinai accepted the rabbonus of name the baby, the Sanzer Rav said to Zhemigrad and led the town for over thirty name him after Rav Baruch’s maternal years. He was renowned as a darshan and great-grandfather, Rav Elazar Nissan of composer of niggunim , and for caring for Drohobitch, (the father of his father-in-law, the poor with mesirus nefesh . He rose the Yetev Lev of Sighet). But then the every night at chatzos to learn Kabbola Divrei Chaim asked another Godol who was until the morning. present. Every Purim, Rav Sinai received “It is the custom,” the Godol replied, many mishlochei manos containing “that one does not name after a person who envelopes with tzedaka as a major was niftar young.” Rav Elazar Nissan had component. He would match the sum to his been niftar young. list of needy recipients and send out new The Divrei Chaim thought for a envelopes with his gabbai all over town. By moment. “Then name him Sinai, for that evening, not a penny was left in the house. has the same letters as Nissan, and may he When he became ill later in life, he grow up to be a Sinai V’Oker Horim , a moved to Cracow for treatment. A few giant in the depth and breadth of Torah.” years later the Nazis overran Poland, and At a young age Rav Sinai married he fled to Lemberg, Galicia. Tragically, his the daughter of Rav Naftoli Horowitz of Rebbetzin was niftar and was buried in . Boberka. Rav Sinai was known for his The Soviets exiled Rav Sinai and his chessed , even in his early years. While a family to Siberia on an overcrowded train newlywed still living with his in-laws in in which the prisoners were confined for Melitz, his Rebbetzin noticed that some of weeks. Rav Sinai did not survive the trip. his garments were missing. Rav Sinai had Niftar on the 26 th of Tammuz, 5701/1941, been given eighteen undershirts before his he was buried in the forests of Omsk. wedding, and now he had only ten. He Clean, white fabric was miraculously explained to his wife that he had noticed a procured for use as tachrichim , and the person at the mikveh who had only one family was further privileged to erect a tattered undershirt to his name, so he gave matzeiva on his kever in the forest. him some of his own. Sons of his who perished in the Rav Sinai was appointed Rav of Holocaust were Rav Chaim Yehuda, Rav in Koloshitz after his wedding. He served Oshpitzin; Rav Avrohom Abish of Satmar; there briefly until the elderly Rav of Rav Dovid of Radomsk; Rav Aharon of Zhemigrad was niftar , leaving his position Zitomir; Rav Yechezkel of Rudnick; and to “a grandson of the Divrei Chaim”. When Rav Baruch of Zokilkov. His son-in-law was the post was offered to Rav Sinai in Rav Boruch of Sanz-Gribov. Hashem 5664/1904, he was reminded of an incident yinkom domom . that had occurred many years before. In Sons who survived the war are Rav Zhemigrad with his father for a simcha , his Yaakov of Tchakava-Yerushalayim; Rav father publicly offered him a l’chaim as Rav Yisrael of Zhemigrad-New York; and Rav of Zhemigrad. The Chassidim of Zhemigrad Aryeh Leibish of Zhemigrad-, and

16  Pinchas / [email protected] his son-in-law Rav Yaakov Moskowitz of Zechusam yagen aleinu. -.

 Rav Nachman BulmanBulman,,,, 262626 ththth of T ammuz "Who can imagine ever again seeing become his wife after the petira of his wife such genius and passion joined together in Rachel; and cried over the thought of the one person?" Rav Noach Orlowek grave that would one day claim that beauty. remarked to me at the conclusion of the Rav Bulman had a similar ability to levaya for Rav Nachman Bulman late encompass many conflicting emotions at Motzaei Shabbos. the same time, and to understand the Few people ever lived at the level of source of each of them. emotional intensity of Rav Bulman. The While still in his early thirties, he surprise is not that his poor, misshapen was already the most sought after orator in heart eventually gave out, but that it could the American Orthodox world. His have sustained him for seventy-seven years speeches were not mere entertainments, under the constant strain to which it was but intense learning experiences. Even subjected. those who could not follow the profundity That too must have been included in of his thought felt themselves being the berachah of the Imrei Emes. Rav transported to higher realms as he spoke. Bulman’s father Meir had already buried Starting softly, there came a point in every two wives and two children in Europe and speech where Rav Bulman would become his mother was in her mid-forties when so carried away with his subject that his they wrote to the Imrei Emes of Gur for a voice would crack, and with it the hearts of berachah that they should yet be blessed his listeners. At an Agudath Yisrael with children. Rav Bulman was the fruit of convention in the late 50’s, he spoke of the that berachah . duty of the Orthodox community to reach No event in the Ribbono shel Olams out to Jews who had not yet recognized world ever seemed trivial to Rav Bulman. that they were parched for Torah. When Everything was cosmic in his eyes, and he the young man finished, the Kopycznitzer responded accordingly. Anything might Rebbe rushed over and kissed him. trigger a welter Nowhere was his passion more of emotions, evident than in his davening. Bochurim without would slip out of their yeshivos before diminishing his Neilah to go to the Young Yisrael of Far analytical Rockaway to hear Rav Bulman plead with clarity. The the Ribbono shel Olam for each and every Gemara member of Klal Yisrael. Kohanim who (Avodah Zara gazed upon Rav Bulmans face as they 20.) relates that prepared to duchan for the last time on Rav Akiva once saw Rufina, the beautiful sensed that he was in another wife of Turnus Rufus. Rav Akiva spat, then world, directly in front of the Kisei laughed, and finally cried. He spat as he HaKavod (Throne of Glory). (As recently as remembered the lowly source of her four years ago before his petira , he still was beauty; laughed out of recognition that she the Shaliach Tzibur for Kol Nidrei , Maariv, was destined to be a ger tzedek and to Mussaf , and Neilah on Yom Kippur.)

17  Pinchas / [email protected]

Rav Bulman once told a bochur at Rav Bulman founded could no longer Ohr Somayach who approached him in Elul sustain itself, it simply closed its doors with a question in emunah to defer the rather than become a community school, in question until after Mussaf on Rosh which Torah would be reduced to one of Hashanah. Listening to Rav Bulman speak the options. In both cases, the members of to Hashem in tefilloh was sufficient to the kehillah were simply acting according remove all intellectual doubts. To him, to the principles that they had learned from davening was a conversation with the Rav Bulman. Creator. He once explained to Rav Upon moving to Eretz Yisrael in Mordechai Pearlman, the long-time 1975, Rav Bulman became the Mashgiach Shaliach Tzibur at Ohr Somayach for the at Ohr Somayach. The author of these Yomim Noraim, every place where the words is one of hundreds who would likely niggun should go up or down depending never found their way into the Torah upon the different middah (aspect) of community but for Rav Bulman. Hashem being referred to according to His office was the address for all . those seeking to be convinced of the truth Rav Bulman was a Klal-Yisrael-Jew, of Torah. He found a way to connect to whose heart embraced every single Yid. He each student according to his needs. One rejoiced at every Jewish simcha , and former student, who went on to become a suffered every Yiddishe tzara , whether of Hillel rav on several large campuses, recalls the Klal or of an individual. His only that the turning point for him was when he personal need was other Jews to whom he told Rav Bulman that he intended to spend could devote himself totally. From the age Pesach vacation sightseeing in Egypt. Rav of twenty-five, he led kehillos in Danville Bulman began crying. Those tears not only and Newport News, Virginia; South marked the end of the travel plans to Fallsburg; and Far Rockaway. In every Egypt, but the beginning of the young mans place he served, he made a lasting impact. taking his studies seriously. When he arrived in Danville, there was not Another student was spending the even half a minyan of Shabbos-observant summer at Ohr Somayach prior to men. Yet numbered among the youth that commencing studies to become a he touched in his three years in Danville Conservative clergyman. At their first are roshei yeshiva, rabbonim, and the wives meeting, Rav Bulman did not begin with a of rabbonim and teachers. Long after he frontal attack on the Conservative left Danville, the congregants still looked to movement. Rather he suggested that the him as their rav. Twenty-three years after young man read the last chapter of his departure, on the eve of the Bulmans Conservative by Marshall Sklare, a to Eretz Yisrael, the Danville sociologist deeply sympathetic to the congregation made a special farewell party movement. After discussing the remarkable for the Bulmans. growth of the movement in the 1950's and Rav Bulman implanted in the 1960's, Sklare concludes with an unpromising soil of rural Virginia, the assessment of the movement's minimal Hirschian Austritt principle of eschewing impact on the spiritual life of its followers. all connection of anything that smacked of Rav Bulman was wise enough to recognize heresy. When the community in Danville that the young man would conclude on his was no longer viable, the members razed own that his idealistic commitment to the the shul rather than risk it being taken over Jewish people would find no satisfaction by a Reform congregation or a church. within the Conservative movement. Who When the day school in Newport News that but Rav Bulman could have so quickly

18  Pinchas / [email protected] grasped the nature of someone to whom he Newport News. She then pulled back was speaking for the first time, or could nearby to reveal a large range of children have known where to direct the young man all beautifully dressed in Shabbos clothes. so that he would feel the decision to "All these children are yours, she told Rav abandon his career plans was his own and Bulman, "For without you, neither I nor not forced upon him. any of them would be here today. After four years at Ohr Somayach, Knowing that you have the power to Rav Bulman devoted the next fourteen influence generations, should be your years of his life to creating a community in inspiration, Rav Bulman told the educators. Migdal HaEmek in the Lower Galilee. He himself was the best proof of the power Kiryas Nachliel was designed for those of one caring individual to touch hundreds mostly English-speaking immigrants who of lives. For over a quarter of a century, his had not found their place in the major home was the central address in Eretz Orthodox centers of Yerushalayim or Bnei Yisrael for hundreds of English-speaking Brak. It was a community of baalebatim , immigrants or those contemplating aliyah . firmly anchored by a yeshiva and and He was incapable of guarding his with constant shiurim for men, women, own strength or time. His door was open to and children from the rav. The effort to all who sought him, and there was no issue create a community with few parallels since that was beneath him. By taking so deeply the Frankfurt of Rav Samson Raphael to heart the problems that were brought to Hirsch sapped Rav Bulman’s strength and him, he had a unique ability to lift the health. Nevertheless most of those who despair from those who poured out their shared in that ultimately failed experiment hearts to him. Because he cared so much with Rav Bulman would look back on the they no longer had to. years invested as the richest of their lives. All those who could not find their The list of accomplishments on Rav place within the Yisraeli religious society Bulmans imaginary curriculum vitae is a found their way to Rav Bulman’s door. long one: first editor of the Jewish What they perceived as failure, Rav Observer and long time member of the Bulman assured them, was often a sign of magazines editorial board; founder of their strengths the result of their quest for Sarah Schenirer High School in Boro Park; truth and purity, of their pain at the failure founder, together with Rav Jechiel Perr, of of the community to live up to its own Yeshiva Derech Ayson of Far Rockaway; highest ideals. At the same time, he would translator of Rav Eliyahu Kitovs three- gradually show them how to find their volume classic Sefer Todaah (The Book of place within society. Our Heritage). But his greatest impact was The last time I spoke to Rav Bulman at surely through the thousands of shiurim he length, he was filled with excitement about taught over fifty years and upon the a group of young teenage girls in the thousands who sought out his advice. neighborhood with whom he met every Years ago, at the first staff meeting Shabbos. Most of the group suffered from of Seminary Darchei Binah, Rav Bulman serious adjustment problems after moving told the teachers how he had been to Eretz Yisrael from America at an older approached by a middle-aged woman at a age, and Rav Bulman felt that he had been Torah Umesorah convention. She asked, able to help them get over the hurdle. "Rav Bulman do you remember me? Rav He understood that different Bulman confessed that he did not. The neshamos are drawn to different aspects of woman told him that she had been his Torah, and had an uncanny ability to direct student more than twenty years earlier in

19  Pinchas / [email protected] different people to the proper path in Torah to hold back his heart from any Jew in for them. That he could do only because he need. He had heart enough to give to himself was so grounded in the full panoply everyone but himself. of Torah expression. He never learned to conserve and Each group claimed him, and in a marshall his strength. As soon as he saw way they were all right. He was a proud the truth, he acted upon it. "Im a Kotzker" Chassid, with an absolute command of the he said of himself. Chassidic masters. At the same time, he "He was," says Rav Ben Tzion was enamored with Rav Samson Raphael Kermaier, who worked closely with Rav Hirsch. He opened up the eyes of Bulman in his last years, "the most gallant thousands for the first time to the Kuzari ; man I ever met. He sallied forth into battle to the Maharal ; to the Beis Elokim of the without calculating the likelihood of Mabit; to the Nesivos HaShalom of the success and undeterred by the wounds he Slonimer Rebbe; to the on Shir still bore from previous battles." HaShirim . Each shiur would begin with an Along the way, there were great overview of the topic, and then a triumphs. Shortly after his arrival in Eretz reverential word-by-word reading of the Yisrael, he took the lead in bringing text, in the course of which he together all the various religious factions to demonstrated how each word is pregnant combat former Mayor Teddy with meaning. Kolleks plan to build an amphitheater for With Rav Bulman’s passing, a sports on Shabbos on land that is today the complete commentary on Tanach has been chareidi neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo. lost and another on the Maharal and Well past midnight on Motzaei another on . His knowledge Shabbos, Jews converged upon Ohr of the latter was both panoramic and Somayach for Rav Bulman’s levaya , some detailed. What delighted him above all was traveling for four hours to get there. Soon the rich tapestry of Torah as lived by Jews the beis medrash was filled to overflowing, throughout the ages. He knew each thread and many were forced to stand outside of Torah thought at its sources, and how all where they were unable to hear a word of the threads intertwined. the hespedim . To those who could not hear By virtue of his phenomenal breadth the hespedim , it barely mattered. For they and depth of his knowledge, he was gathered in groups, often with old friends perhaps the figure in our time best they had not seen in years, to deliver their qualified to carry forth the project begun by own hespedim and describe Rav Bulman’s Rav Chaim Heller in Berlin between the impact on their lives. two world wars of teaching ma lhashiv They felt little need to have their lapikorus . sense of loss aroused by others. For they all Such a work for our times will now knew that they would never again merit to never be written. Nor will the hundreds of be touched by someone embodying such a commentaries that Rav Bulman carried combination of mind and heart. around in his head and heart.

A great loss certainly; a failure no. Hamodia newspaper article by Yonason For if Rav Bulman never found the time to Rosenblum commit to paper the synthesis of classical Torah thought that was uniquely his, it was only because he never found it within him 

20  Pinchas / [email protected]

Yosef HaTzaddik ben Yaakov AvinuAvinu,,,, 272727 ththth of Tammuz Yosef HaTzaddik was exceedingly Due to the tremendous strength of good looking and only seventeen at the the sitra achra (other side), Yosef time when he was enslaved all alone in a HaTzaddik almost fell. However, all his foreign land. Potifar’s wife was not previous resistance now came to his aid Egyptian and had great beauty. She tried and he visualized the image of his father everyday to get him to sin - the Medrash Yaakov Avinu . He then medditated on the states she would change her clothing many name containing the Mystery of the times a day as well as other tactics. Yet, Kesones Pasim . This was the last thing his Yosef not only did not sin he never looked father had taught him. With this he at her even once. overcame his desires - he stabbed his Potifar’s wife had her servants tie fingers and toes in the ground placing his down Yosef HaTzaddik and they placed a full weight on them until the desires left metal brace around his neck with a sharp him. [ Medresh states that the seed escaped point right under his chin. Yosef HaTzaddik still refused to look at her and each time he would lower his head and cut open his chin. It therefore says "They bound his legs in rope and metal pierced his soul" (Tehillim 105.) This happened every single day for a period of a year. He never once gave in to his desires. His biggest test happened on the day of " Nital ". From ancient times, this day has been a day of worship for the Pagens. It is the shortest day of the year and when the night is the longest. It is on this day that through his ten fingers. That is one of the the forces of darkness have the most power. reasons that the Asarei Harigei Malchus The Christians took this day and use it for (the ten famous Maryters) had to repair their Xmas. The day is so impure that many and atone. That’s a testament for the high Kabbalists are afraid to study Torah on this madrega Yosef HaTzaddik was.] night fearing the other side might suck Even when the wife of Potifar tried energy from it. Instead they do acts of forcing him to sin, he escaped not delaying kindness to overrun the Dinim . there for even a second. To get away from The Egyptians - who worshiped the her, he left her grabbing his overcoat. Yosef forces of the other side would make a huge HaTzaddik knew full and well that she celebration for their gods on this day. They would now have evidence to accuse him. would do much demonic worship to receive He also knew the fate of an adulteress slave black power. On that day, the house was in Egyptian law - death. totally empty since everybody went to However, Potifar – who was an participate in the worship, only the wife of enuch - who knew his business dealings Potifar was home claiming she was sick. On had been blessed since the arrival of Yosef this particular day, Yosef HaTzaddik was at HaTzaddik and refused to have him killed. his lowest point since the other side holds After tremendous pressure from his wife, much power. The wife of Potifar was on the he instead had Yosef HaTzaddik thrown highest since the power of the snake was into a pit. The wife of Potifar would ruling. constantly sneak into the jail and continue

21  Pinchas / [email protected] to tempt him including offering him When the Jews wanted to cross the freedom and money, and had him tortured Yam Suf it refused to split, until it saw the when he refused. coffin of Yosef HaTzaddik . Yosef HaTzaddik did not give in he won the battle. He earned the title Yosef Hatzaddik . He received the position of Tzaddik Yesod Olam and Yesod Sh’Besod . Kabbalah teaches that once an action has already been done in history it carves a path. When this action is repeated, it becomes easier each time. Yosef HaTzaddik had the hardest temptations in history, not only because of the circumstances but also because of the strength of his desires which no one ever experienced and no one ever will. When This is what Rebbe Nachman writes Yosef HaTzaddik defeated this and was about Yosef HaTzaddik : "Yosef HaTzaddik Shomer Habis - he paved a path for future who was Shomer Habris merited to receive Shomrei Habris . the Bechorah (title of Firstborne) and this Yosef HaTzaddik received much manifests in having the power of prayer. reward in this world and the next. He This is the sword with the double blade." became viceroy of Egypt - the most Attached is a prayer from the AriZal powerful country of that age. As it says in and the Ben Ish Chai that should be said on Tehillim 105 "He made him master off his the yearly anniversity of a person’s bris that house and controller of all his wealth. He is mesaken p’gam habris . It can be said had the power to impress the highest- when necessary too. Being that the AriZal’s ranking officials and was able to outsmart yahrzeit is coming up within the next few even their wisest men." week’s, we will repost the tefillah again at The Talmud in Brachos says that the that time. In the AriZal’s tefillah , he lists descendents of Yosef HaTzaddik are not tremendous blessings for those who subject to damage caused by the evil eye. complete the tikkun Mem Ches and say his Yosef HaTzaddik who did not let his eyes tefillah . gaze at something they were not allowed to, May the zechus of Yosef HaTzaddik his descendents rule over the power of the always shield us from all harm, Amen . eye.  Rav Yitzchok Charif of SamburSambur,,,, 272727 ththth ofofof Tammuz Mechaber of Pnei Yitzchok Rav Yitzchok Charif was the son of highest esteem. Rav Moshe of Dregatchin, the mechaber of When Rav Yitzchok was appointed Maggid Mishneh on the Mishnas Rav of Sambur, the non-Jewish ruler of the Chassidim . region came to receive his blessing. Rav Yitzchok was known as a Godol Rav Yitzchok was well respected and in both nigleh and nistar . Many of the admired by the members of the kehilla for generation’s tzaddikim held him in the 22  Pinchas / [email protected] his fatherly love and dedication to all their Yitzchok had declined, he wanted to needs. Despite his lofty level of Torah and discuss the matter with him, and hear his kedusha , Rav Yitzchok was involved in all opinion. He traveled to Sambur to meet that was happening in the city, and thus with Rav Yitzchok. Upon his arrival in drew the people close to the Torah. Sambur, Rav Yitzchok arranged for a lavish Many kehillos wanted to have Rav seuda to be held in honor of the guest, with Yitzchok as their Rav. Following the petira the leaders of the kehilla attending as well. of Rav Meir Berabi, the kehilla of Pressburg During the seuda , Rav Meshulom asked sought to appoint Rav Yitzchok as their Rav Yitzchok why he didn’t accept the Rav. So as not to delay his decision, they Rabbonus of Pressburg. Rav Yitzchok sent a K’sav Rabbonus right away to the looked up in amazement and said that he home of the Rosh HaKohol of Sambur. had never received such an offer. Upon receiving the letter, the Rosh The Rosh HaKohol stood up and HaKohol decided not to show it to Rav confessed that he was the one who had Yitzchok, fearing that he would leave the received — and hidden — the letters, city. When the kehilla of Pressburg did not explaining that he did not want Rav receive any response from Rav Yitzchok, Yitzchok to leave the city. they sent another letter — again to the Rav Yitzchok ruled that the Rosh HaKohol — and again he did not pass Rabbonus rightfully belonged to Rav it on. Meshulom Igra, for he was the one to When they realized that Rav receive the K’sav Rabbonus . Yitzchok was not responding, the Pressburg Rav Yitzchok wrote She’eilos kehilla sent a letter to Rav Meshulom Igra, U’Teshuvos Pnei Yitzchok and Ho’Elef and in their letter they related the whole Lecha Shlomo on Shas . issue, that they sent Rav Yitzchok two He was niftar on the 27 th of Tammuz letters, and since he ignored them, they 5593/1833. were now offering Rav Igra the Rabbonus . Zecher tzaddik livrachah. Rav Meshulom Igra was tempted to accept the prestigious Rabbonus of Pressburg, but upon hearing that Rav  Rav Shmuel Aharon Rubin, 272727 ththth ofofof Tammuz Rav of Kartshin Rav Shmuel Aharon Rubin was born traveled to the court of the Divrei Chaim of about 5584/1824. His father was Rav Tzvi Sanz. Elazar, a Dayan in Cracow. He was a Rav Shmuel Aharon was also close descendant of (and named after) Rav with the leading Poskim of his time, Shmuel Aharon of Kaidonov. especially Rav Yosef Shaul Natansohn, who He learned under Rav Moshe Wolf wrote him many halachic responsa and Frenkel, Rav of Pshevorsk and mechaber of gave a warm haskoma to his sefer Bais Meishiv KaHalacha . After his marriage, he Aharon on Hilchos Gittin . settled in Brigel where his father-in-law In 5625/1865, Rav Shmuel Aharon lived, and became close to Rav Aryeh was appointed Rav of Zvarow, and a short Lifschitz, the Aryeh D’Bei Ila’i. Following while later, of Kartshin. The Divrei Chaim, the petira of the Aryeh D’Bei Ila’i, he together with Rav Tzvi Hirsch of Rimanov,

23  Pinchas / [email protected] wrote a letter to the kehilla of Kartshin in He was niftar on the 27 th of praise of their new Rav. Tammuz, 5637/1877, in Karlsbad, and Rav Shmuel Aharon wrote several buried in Cracow, near the kever of his seforim : Bais Aharon on Gittin ; Haggada father. Shel Pesach Lachma Anya ; a commentary Zecher tzaddik livrachah. on P’sikta Rabbosi ; She’eilos U’Teshuvos Shem Olom ; Droshos Bais Aharon and others.  Rav Shmuel RozovskyRozovsky,, 272727 ththth of Tammuz Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ponovezh Rav Shmuel was born in Grodna to Rozovsky, about a boy in the Yeshiva for Rav Michel Dovid (Rav of Grodna for forty his daughter who reached eligible age. years) and Sarah Pearl, daughter of Rav He asked the Rosh Yeshiva how Avrohom Gelburd, who had served as many hours a day the boy learned. Was he Grodna's previous Rav for almost fifty punctual in arriving to Seder and did he years. At a very young age, he began to spend his time diligently. Did he come to study in the Sha’ar HaTorah Yeshiva of davening on time and did he actively Grodna, under Rav Shimon Shkop, participate in Shiur . Did he ask relevant eventually becoming his talmid muvhok . In questions and did he understand the 1935, his father was niftar , and the Gedolei answers. Torah urged Rav Shmuel to succeed him. After receiving a favorable report to However, he was drafted into the Russian his questions, he thanked Rav Shmuel for army and moved to Eretz Yisrael. There, he his time and began to leave. At that point began studying in the Lomza Yeshiva in Rav Shmuel in his gentle and noble manner Petach Tikva. turned to father and said, until now you In 1944, Rav Yosef Shlomo asked me questions, is it okay if I ask you Kahaneman opened the Ponovezh Yeshiva some questions? The father agreed. and chose Rav Shmuel, only thirty years It seems to me that you are old at the time, to head the Yeshiva. Later inquiring about the boy for your daughter on, he was joined by Rav Dovid Povarsky and you seem happy with the report I gave and Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach. you. You obviously think that all your Subsequently, he was asked by Rav daughter needs to know is whether he Kahaneman to head the newly founded comes on time and he is a Lamdan . Grodna Yeshiva in Ashdod. However, it is entirely possible that your (Dovid Bernstein - Newscenter) daughter would like to know if he is a mentch .  It would seem fitting that you ask me, how often does he brush his teeth? Is Some Shidduch Questions from Rav he pleasant to sit near? How does he Shmuel Rozovsky behave in the dining room? Does he arrive One day, a Yid from Yerushalayim first to the dining room and take the traveled to Bnei Brak to ask the legendary biggest portion, or does he linger after Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh, Rav Shmuel Mincha for a few minutes to learn with a Chavrusa and eat whatever portion is left? 24  Pinchas / [email protected]

What does he do when the pitcher is need to check these things out. If he is empty on the table, does he sit patiently spoiled and he arrives home in the waiting for someone else to fill it up for him afternoon and does not like the food your or does he run to fill it up himself? Does he daughter worked hard to prepare, his face occasionally go into the kitchen to thank will crumple in obvious dissatisfaction. Will the staff for preparing the food? Does he your daughter then be happy that her eat the food even if he doesn't like it and father checked the boy out with the Rosh thank them graciously for preparing it or Yeshiva who told him that he knows every does he just go to the nearby kiosk to buy Ktzos and Rav Akiva Eiger in Bava Basra ? something he likes? Will you daughter say, it's true that he has You came to the conclusion that he no manners and no social skills but I is a masmid , did you ask what he does respect him anyway because he knows all when he finishes learning late at night and the intricacies of the sugya of the bees and his roommates are sleeping? Does he take the mustard in Bava Basra ? off his shoes and tiptoe in so as not to wake This was Rav Shmuel's approach to them or does he walk in noisily? Does he finding a fine boy for your daughter. make his bed and keep his things neat? I think, said Rav Shmuel that you From-Rav-Shmuel-Rozovsky/5098  Rav Moshe Teitelbaum, 272727 ththth ofofof Tammuz The Yismach Moshe Rav Moshe Teitelbaum, known by Vilna Gaon told him to return home the name of his sefer on Chumash , because Hungary needed him. What the Yismach Moshe , was held in high esteem Gaon meant is subject to interpretation, by the Gedolim of his day. "The Gaon but surely had he remained in Vilna the HaGodol , the pillar and tower, the course of Chassidic history would have righteous and holy, the Rav of all of Klal been altered. Yisrael ", wrote the Sho'el UMeishiv of After his daughter married the Lvov. " Moshe Emes V'Soraso Emes " wrote Aryeh D'Bei Ila'i, Rav Aryeh Leib Lipshitz, Rav Meshulom Igra. The Chasam Sofer the Yismach Moshe noticed strange considered him to be a dear friend and held behavior by his new son-in-law. When he him in the highest esteem. realized that Rav Aryeh Leib was a Chassid, The Yismach Moshe was born in he admonished him for his ways. Rav Premysl in 5519/1759. While the Yismach Aryeh Leib agreed to give up Chassidus if Moshe spread the light of Chassidus to the Yismach Moshe would travel with him Hungary, he was a staunch Misnaged in his to visit the Chozeh of Lublin, his Rebbe, earlier years. The biography of the Vilna just once. The rest, as they say, is history. Gaon by Rav Menachem Gerlitz tells the The Yismach Moshe not only left his son- story how, as a young boy, the Yismach in-law alone, he himself became a Chassid Moshe made a journey to see the Gaon in of the Chozeh and a Rebbe to thousands, Vilna. He was fortunate to be admitted to with his base in Uyhel, founding the great speak to the Gaon and even eat the Sighet-Satmar dynasty. Shabbos seuda with him. The Yismach Aside from the sefer Yismach Moshe asked the Vilna Gaon if he could Moshe , his other seforim include Shailos remain in Vilna to become his talmid . The U’Tshuvos Heishiv Moshe and Tefilla

25  Pinchas / [email protected]

L'Moshe on Tehillim . His descendants Soon afterwards, a shadchan include his two sons, the Atzei Chaim of (matchmaker) suggested that perhaps the Sighet and the of Satmar; righteous Chana, daughter of the famed his grandson, the Yetev Lev, as well as the tzaddik Rav Moshe Teitelbaum, better Kedushas Yom Tov. The Yismach Moshe known as the Yismach Moshe, would be an was niftar on the 28 th of Tammuz appropriate match for Rav Aryeh Leib. The 5601/1841. Yismach Moshe spent some time getting to Yehi Zichro Boruch . know Rav Aryeh Leib, and was taken aback by the young man's extreme dedication and Teitelbaum-The-Yismach-Moshe-The-Light-Of-All-Of- unparalleled brilliance. There was no doubt Hungary/3942 in his mind: He would do anything to secure Rav Aryeh Leib as a husband for his  daughter. He went as far as to tell the shadchan that he was willing to obligate Choosing a Shidduch – The Mashal of himself in an unusually generous dowry. the Yismach Moshe for the Aryeh His wife, when he informed her of Dvei Illai his plans, was not impressed. "Should our As a young adult, Rav Aryeh Leib, daughter take someone else's leftovers? If better known as the famous Aryeh d'Bei he wasn't good enough for his first wife... Ilai, married the daughter of a wealthy man And a dowry fit for a king to boot! from Preimsle. It was agreed that his "Let me tell you a parable," he said. father-in-law would support the young "A simple farmer is plowing his field when couple indefinitely in order that his his plow suddenly grinds to a halt. Upon brilliant son-in-law could study Torah examination, he discovers a wooden chest undisturbed by the burden of providing for buried in the earth. Perturbed by the delay, a growing family. Unfortunately, it did not yet with no choice, he digs out the chest. take long before his daughter grew tired of Inside he finds hundreds and hundreds of her husband's rigid schedule and lack of precious gems and jewels. Simpleton that interest in anything outside of Torah and he was, he assumes the jewels are seeds, serving Hashem . Her father was a wealthy and proceeds to soak them in water in magnate who had connections with order to soften them. When they become prominent businessmen and hobnobbed soft he will plant them. To his dismay, the with the elite. At the dinner table, he would "seeds" just don't seem to soften, even after enthral his family with tales of trips to far- many days of soaking. He takes them to a away places and exotic lands, and his neighbour to ask his opinion. His meetings and dealings with the rich and neighbour, somewhat brighter than he, famous. Deep down, she had hoped that realizes what the "seeds" really are. 'You her husband would one day too be a know," says he, "these seeds are old and successful businessman in whom she could won't likely bear fruit. Leave them here, take pride. She began to pester Rav Aryeh and I will give you these other seeds Leib, asking him when he would be instead. They are fresh and will give you finished his studies, so that he could get excellent produce!' The simple farmer down to the business of building an empire. thanks his generous neighbour profusely Incredulous, Rav Aryeh Leib told her in no for his help. Both the simple farmer and his uncertain terms that he had no interest in wily neighbour are thrilled with their empire- building. It became obvious that newfound wealth." the two were not compatible, and before long they were divorced. "If his first in-laws," said Rav Moshe to his wife, "were so foolish as to discard

26  Pinchas / [email protected] the jewel they had been given in exchange "Chazal say, after all, that one should sell for some simple seeds, should we not have everything one has in order to marry his the cunn ing to quickly grab up the jewel daughter to a talmid chacham (Torah they've left behind?" scholar) [Talmud, Pesachim 49a]! Rest Since Rav Moshe was not a wealthy assured that this young man is one of the man, and even after selling most everything future giants of our generation." After he had, he still couldn't come up with the hearing s uch an impassioned speech from amount he had promised for the dowry, he her husband, she did so without hesitation. asked his wife that she sell her jewell ery. 

Rav Shlomo (Yitzchoki) ben Rav Yitzchok ,,, 292929 ththth of TaTaTa mmuz Rashi Rav Shlomo ben Rav Yitzchok lived like his father used to do. from February 22, 1040 to July 13, 1105, On the 29 th day of Tammuz, in the 4800 - 4865 in the . year 4865, Rashi passed away at sixty -five Interestingly, he was thirty -three years of age, and was buried in Troyes. Rav generations from Rav Yochanan Sholom of says that whoever learns HaSandlar, whose yohrzeit is the same day. and c ompletes Rashi on the Parasha each He was generally known as Rashi, and is week is assured that he will be able to sit in said to have been a descendant of Dovid the of Rashi in Olam Habah. The HaMelech, although he himself made no Rebbe of Pinsk-Karlin told over the such claim at all. Rashi was born in the following story: town of Troyes in northern France. His There were a father Yitzchok was a great scholar, but group of students very poor. He made a meager living from traveling to Meron the sale of wine. when the car that Rashi was still a youngster when he they were travelling left his home town and went to Worms and in flipped over, other towns that were known for their great causing the death of Torah scholars. With great zeal Rashi three of them. The learnt Torah and Talmud, and after som e chavrusa of one of eight years of ardent study, he returned to these students was his home town again. He was then about extremely saddened twenty-five years of age, and continued to by the death of his study on his own. Rashi began to write his dear friend. One famous commentary on the Tanach and night this dead friend came to him in a Talmud at an early age. The Tanach was dream and said: “Don’t be sorrowful. very diffi cult to understand properly, and Remember how we use d to learn Chumash the Talmud was even more difficult. Rashi and Rashi, every week, with great diligence. decided to write a commentary in simple Now, when I came to the Upper World, language that would make it easy for every they judged that I should be admitted into one to learn and understand the Torah. the chamber of Rashi in Gan Eden, and Rashi was elected Rav of his town, therefore there is no need for you to be in Troyes, but he did not accept any wages, sorrow”. and made his living from the sale of wine,

27  Pinchas / [email protected]

RASHI (Rav Shlomo Yitzchoki) jeweler. The jeweler hadn't enough money By: Nissan Mindel to pay for such a large diamond, and Every little child in Cheder knows suggested to the bishop to buy it. Now, the the name. How the Jewish children look bishop had been looking for such a forward to the happy day when they will diamond in order to put it on his cross. He begin to learn Chumash with Rashi ! The offered a huge amount of money for it. very script of Rashi is fascinating! Once When Rav Yitzchok heard for w hat purpose Chumash with the Rashi comment ary is the bishop wanted the stone, he refused to begun, the children know they have sell it. He knew, however, that if he did not reached a new milestone on their sell the stone, it would be taken from him wonderful and enchanting road to forcibly – and so he threw it into the sea. A scholarship and wisdom. Heavenly Voice then resounded: "For this great sacrifice you will be blessed with a But who was Rashi ? When did he son who will outshine all the precious live? Where did he live? How did he live? stones in the world, and the light of his These are some of the questions that many Torah will shine forever." The following children ask themselves when they begin to year a son was born to him, and he called learn Rashi , and these are some of the him Shlomo, saying, “May Hashem grant questions that I am going to answer here. him wisdom like Shlomo HaMelech .” "Rashi " is not the full name of th at [A nother legend has it that Rashi’s great man. It is merely a combination of father was granted such a special soul for a the three Hebrew letters: Resh , Shin and son because he cleaned the shul (even Yud , which stand for Rav Shlomo Yitzchoki using his beard as a broom)]. – Rav Shlomo, the son of Yitzchok . Rashi was still a youngster when he Rav Shlomo Yitzchoki, or Rashi as left his hometown for Worms and other he is generally known, was born almost a towns that were known for their gre at thousand years ago , in the year 4800. He Torah scholars. With great zeal Rashi lived for sixty-five years. Rashi is said to be learned Torah and Talmud , and after some a descendant of Dovid HaMelech . eight years of ardent study, he returned to Rashi was born in the town of his hometown. He was then about twenty - Troyes in five years of age, but he continued to study France; on his own. Soon he became known as a some very gre at scholar, and thousands of people students and scholars flocked to him, to believe he learn from him. Rashi was elected Rav of was born his town Troyes, but he did not accept any in wages, and made his living from the sale of Worms. wine, like his father had done. His father Rashi began to write his famous Yitzchok commentary on the Tanach and Talmud at was a an early age. The Torah was very difficult to great scholar, but very poor. He made a understand properly, and the Talmud was meager living from the sale of wine. even more difficult. Rashi decided to write A wonderful story is told about the a commentary in simple language that birth of Rashi : His father, Rav Yitzchok, would make it easy for everyone to learn once found a rare diamond. "Now there will and understand the Torah . But Rashi was be no more poverty," he thought, and went very modest, and even after he had become to sell the precious stone to the local famous far and wide, he hesitated to come

28  Pinchas / [email protected] out into the open with his commentary. He throughout the world. In every Yeshiva, in wanted to make sure that it would be every Torah school, Rashi's commentary favorably received. So what did he do? He was used by young and old, and he opened wrote his commentaries on slips of the eyes of all the Torah scholars. No other parchment and set out on a two-year Rav or commentator gained so much journey, visiting the various Torah popularity as Rashi. There are very few academies of those days. He went Chumoshim or Gemoras printed without incognito, never disclosing his identity. Rashi, and the study of the Torah and Rashi came to a Yeshiva and sat Talmud is now almost unthinkable without down to listen to the lecture of the Rosh the aid of Rashi's explanation. Yeshiva. There came a difficult passage in Rashi had no sons, but he had the Talmud, which the Rav struggled to several daughters: some say two; others say explain to his students – but did not three. succeed very well. When Rashi was left His sons-in-law and grandchildren alone, he took the slip with his were famous scholars and commentators of commentary, in which that passage of the the Torah and Talmud . One of his Talmud was explained simply and clearly, grandsons was Rabbeinu Tam; another was and put it into the Gemora of the head of Rashbam (Rav Shmuel ben Meir). Rashi's the academy. On the following morning, grandsons and talmidim were the authors when the Rav opened his Gemora, he found of the Tosafos known to all students of the a mysterious slip of parchment in which Talmud. the passage of the Talmud was so clearly In the last years of his life Rashi and simply explained that he was amazed. lived to see troubled times. It was the time He told his students about it, and they all of the Crusades, when thousands of Jews decided it must have been sent from were massacred by wild mobs that wiped Heaven. Rashi listened to their praises of out whole communities on their way. his commentary and was very happy to Rashi's heart was broken and full of sorrow know how useful it was to the students, but about the plight of his unfortunate he did not say that it was his. And so Rashi brethren, and he wrote piyutim , some of went on visiting various academies of the which have become part of our tefillos Torah in various lands and cities, and (especially in the selichos ). everywhere he planted his slips of commentaries secretly. The way these slips In his old age, Rashi's health failed were received made Rashi realize more and him. He was weak and ailing and could no more how needed they were, and he longer write. His daughter then acted as his continued to write his commentaries on the secretary, and he dictated to her his entire Chumash, Novi , and all the answers to the many queries that used to Masechtos of the vast 'Sea of the Talmud'. come to him from the greatest scholars of These "mysterious" slips of parchment his time. were copied and widely circulated On the 29 th of Tammuz, in the year throughout all the academies of the Torah, 4865, Rashi was niftar . Rashi, however, but nobody knew who the author was. continues to live through his works which One time, Rashi was discovered are studied by all students of Talmudei planting a slip of his commentary in the Torah and Yeshivos, and by adult scholars usual manner, and the secret was out. too. Immediately he was acclaimed by all as the For hundreds of years there stood great author of that wonderful the ancient Beis Medrash in Worms in commentary. Rashi's name became known which Rashi used to learn. In it stood the

29  Pinchas / [email protected] ancient stone chair upon which he used to Dovid Pardo ( Maskil L’Dovid ). sit. Many people would come and look with awe upon these ancient relics. But in the Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchoki – Rashi (4800-4865) By Nissan Mindel beginning of the month of Teves in the year Published and copyrighted by Kehot Publication Society 5698 (1937) some vandals set it on fire and destroyed it. Shlomo- Yitzchoki-Rashi.htm Shlomo- Yitzchoki-Rashi.htm   The House of Rashi Additional notes on Rashi The foundations of Ashkenazic Jewry in Western Europe, and later Tradition ascribes Rashi’s descent from the Eastern Europe, are really essentially the Davidic dynasty as follows: Rashi was the story of one family: the family of Rashi. grandson of Rav Elyakim, who was the Many scholarly and more popular books, thirty-first generation from Rav Yochanan articles, treatises and biographies have HaSandlar, who was the fourth generation been written about this giant of the ages. from Rav Gamliel HaZaken (the Elder), Yet to a great extent he remains elusive, who was the son of Rav Shimon HaNasi, almost mysterious in his role as the teacher who was the son of Hillel HaZaken, who of Bnei Yisrael . was from the descendants of Shefatia, the son of Dovid HaMelech. Still, if there is anyone in Jewish life that has achieved immortality, it is Rashi. Rashi studied under Rav Yaakov ben No Jew who studies the Torah or the Yakar, Rav Yitzchok HaLevi and Rav Talmud does so without Rashi . Rashi is the Yitzchok ben Yehuda, who were disciples of guiding hand, the gentle teacher, the Rabbeinu Gershom. unobtrusive commentator who simplifies, Beside his commentary, Rashi was explains and inspires all who study Torah. the legal expert to whom questions were Rashi was a vinter; he was involved sent from all over Europe. His answers in the growing of grapes and the which are cited in the contemporary Jewish manufacture and sale of wine. Even a legal literature as coming from his cursory review of his commentaries will rabbinical academy ( Sifrei D’Bei Rashi ) are reveal his immense knowledge and included in Machzor Vitry (the earliest intellectual curiosity regarding not only European book), Sefer Talmudic traditions, but all fields of human Ha’Ora , Issur V’Heter L’Rashi and others. life and nature, including agriculture, Rashi script was widely used in animal husbandry, tool making, Spain during the Middle Ages. It was used commercial law and transactions, anatomy, to distinguish between the Biblical text, astronomy, botany, rudimentary medicine and Rashi’s commentary but it seems that and mathematics. Rashi never used it. The establishment of the Jewish Although Rashi’s commentary is community in France and Germany in the considered as addressing the literal level of 11 th century is nothing short of miraculous. the text, no less than two hundred There probably were only 5-10,000 commentaries were written on it. The more Ashkenazic Jews in the world at that time. well-known ones were written by the (The majority of Jews lived in Spain, North Maharal of Prague ( Gur Aryeh ), Rav Africa, Babylon and the land of Eretz Eliyahu Mizrachi ( HaRe'em ), Rav Avrohom Yisrael.) France, which was the leading HaLevi Bakrat ( Sefer Zikaron ) and Rav 30  Pinchas / [email protected] country of Christian Europe, was itself they wanted to purchase the stone and put beset by many internal dissentions, mini- it in a crown or crucifix that would be used civil wars and the inability to form a strong in the church services. Rather than and lasting government. Due to the lack of declining their offer, he denied having it. a strong central government, the Jews were When they came to search his home they always subject to the whims of the local could not find it… for he had thrown it warlords. In this fanatical, intolerant and away in the river. That act of monetary hostile Christian environment Rashi grew sacrifice was the merit that earned him a up. child like Rashi. Despite of all of these obstacles, The third legend has several Rashi became Rashi and the Jewish versions. One has to do with Godfrey of community in France built the foundation Boullion, the leader of the French knights of all future Ashkenazic Jewry. in the First Crusade. He stopped in Troyes  on the way to the Holy Land and asked Rashi if he would be successful. Rashi told Three Legends him that initially he would capture Yerushalayim from the Muslims, but after a Legends need not be true to period of time the Christians would be characterize a person. Even if they are not driven from Yerushalayim and he would literally true in all their details they paint a return to France with only three horses. picture of the person and the times. Among Godfrey told him that if he came back with the legends about Rashi three stand out. In even four horses he would personally truth, Rashi is a person of such destroy the Jewish community and kill commanding stature – what he Rashi. The Crusade went just as Rashi accomplished is so beyond human belief – predicted, but Godfrey remembered the that it is difficult to speak of him any prediction and made sure that, if nothing objective or historical terms. Therefore, else, he returned with four horses. And these legends are as good as any place to indeed he did. However, as he crossed begin to get the picture of who he was. under the arch of the city the keystone of The first legend has to do with his the arch collapsed and one of the horses mother. While she was pregnant with Rashi was killed. she visited the city of Worms. One day she These legends emphasize the was walking down a narrow alleyway when supernatural and paint Rashi as a miracle a French knight on a horse galloped worker. However, the greatest miracle was through the street. He was about to ride Rashi’s accomplishments. That is the first over her when she flattened herself against thing that needs to be understood. There is the stone wall. Inexplicably, a niche opened no legend greater than Rashi himself. The in the wall and she was saved. [This legends surrounding him are rooted in the indentation can still be seen today]. genuine admiration the man and his The second legend addresses the monumental accomplishments. question: What merit did the parents of Rashi have to give birth to such a child?  Rashi’s father was a dealer in precious stones, which was an unusual profession The Kuntrus for a Jew at that time. He had in his When Rashi was a young man, he possession a particular stone that was well- left Troyes and traveled to Worms (that is known in the community of Troyes. One why today there is a famous Rashi chapel in day the church nobleman told him that Worms) to attend the great yeshiva headed

31  Pinchas / [email protected] by Rav Yaakov ben Yakar, a disciple of the discount the possibility of Rashi having a great Rabbeinu Gershom, the founder of third daughter. Ashkenazic Jewry. After the petira of Rav Rashi treated his daughters as sons Yaakov ben Yakar, Rashi studied under a in some ways. It was known that they wore great scholar who was a student of the tefillin . He taught them Torah in an age great Babylonian scholar, Rabbeinu Hai when most women were completely and Gaon. In short, Rashi inherited the functionally illiterate. His daughters helped traditions of the two great streams of Torah Rashi in his transcription and editing of his knowledge: Ashkenazic and Babylonian commentaries and even offered Jewry. independent opinions of their own on When Rav Yaakov was niftar in Torah and halachic matters. 1064, Rashi continued learning in Worms Rashi was especially close to his for another year and then moved to Mainz. grandsons, and his oldest grandson, Rav By the time Rashi entered the yeshiva in Shmuel ben Meir (Rashbam), completed Mainz, it had existed for sixty-five years. Rashi’s third edition commentary to some Over those years, a general notebook had of the tractates of the Talmud after the been composed – the work of three petira of his grandfather. Rashi’s youngest generations of students, called the Kuntres grandson, Ravi Yaakov ben Meir (Rabbeinu Mainz (Notebook of Mainz). But whereas Tam) was yet a child when Rashi was many of the other students adopted the niftar , but Rashi had a profound influence notebook whole, Rashi sought to improve on him. Rav Yaakov was an exacting critic it. From his youth until his last day, he kept of Rashi in many areas of commentary — rewriting, erasing, and adding words to it. and at the same time he was his staunchest That perfectionism is the hallmark of his defender against the criticism of outsiders. supreme intellectual honesty. [In fact, He felt that only relatives had the right to before he was niftar – he commented to his critique Rashi or have a different halachic daughter that if he had to write the opinion. commentary again, he would’ve used half Rashi’s family and descendants were the words]. known as The House of Rashi and it was Rashi apparently studied close to deemed a great honor in all later fifteen years in Worms and Mainz before generations to somehow be associated with returning to Troyes. He returned with that house. notebooks full of glosses, and from those notebooks he developed his commentary.  In his humility, Rashi distributed his first draft of his commentary to the Talmud Talmudic Commentary anonymously under the simple title of The primary rule of thumb that Kuntrus . In later generations, Rashi Rashi adhered to in all his commentaries himself would be referred to as Kuntrus. was: “A person should always teach in the  most concise fashion.” If not for Rashi, the Talmud would The House of Rashi be virtually a sealed book. It does not have punctuation and is written in a sixth While in the academy in Worms- century Aramaic dialect. Due to its Mainz, Rashi married. He had two difficulty, the Talmud was not a book of the daughters, Miriam and Yocheved. There is masses. The man who opened it to a much legend that Rashi had a third daughter, wider audience was Rashi. Rachel. However, most current scholars Rashi occupies a unique place in the 32  Pinchas / [email protected]

Jewish world, on par with Moshe on his level, whether he is kindergarten or Rabbeinu. Rashi is every Jew’s has achieved the highest levels of kindergarten teacher. When little children scholarship. learn his commentary on the Chumash for Rashi’s commentary is also the first time, it makes perfect sense to interspersed with Talmudic legends, which them. are our bridge to Biblical times. With all Then, as they graduate to Talmud, due respect to archaeologists and their Rashi takes them by the hand and leads attempt to open a window to life back then, them through that vast sea of they may uncover genuine artifacts, but unpunctuated words, telling them, “The they haven’t got a clue as to what the sentence ends here. This is what it means. Jewish people were like. A Jew does not This is the question. This is the answer.” So feel a connection to Dovid HaMelech by as a Jew grows older and hopefully wiser, seeing his sword in the Israel Museum. A he realizes that Rashi was not only his Jew connects to Dovid HaMelech through kindergarten teacher, but he signed our the stories of the Bible, and those stories PhD. come to life through the Talmudic stories Rashi’s love of people shines cited by Rashi. through every word. There is not one For nine-hundred years all Jews, denigrating word in his entire commentary, from early childhood to mature scholarly which is an extraordinary accomplishment. maturity, have studied with love, awe and He never criticizes others even when he faithfulness the Torah with Rashi’s disagrees with their explanations and commentary. The phrases in that decisions. commentary have entered the everyday Rashi is not vindictive even toward language and speech of Jews everywhere. Jews who left Judaism. He repeated over His words and insights remain as fresh and and over that “a Jew that has sinned is still vital and relevant today as they were on the a Jew.” He allows for the terrible pressures day that they were written. that the medieval Church placed on Jews to  convert. Rashi states that “in our exile we are not independent; we must engage in Amidst the First Crusade commerce with the non-Jewish society In 1096, toward the end of his life, since our living income is from them. And Rashi witnessed the horrors and massacres we are justly in fear of them [and cannot of the First Crusade. His mentors and provoke them].” colleagues in Speyers, Worms and Mainz  were slaughtered and the great yeshiva of Rabbeinu Gershom disappeared. Yet he Commentary to the Bible writes as though he’s sitting in the middle Perhaps Rashi’s greatest legacy to of paradise without a worry in the world later generations is his commentary to the except the simple meaning of the text. written Torah itself. Rashi made the Torah Through the efforts of the local accessible to everybody – from the smallest bishop, whom Rashi knew and befriended, child to the greatest scholar. The entire the Jewish community of Troyes was Torah exists in Rashi’s commentary to the spared the ravages of that Crusade. Bible, including all the morals, ethics, However, he mourned the fate of French commandments, explanations and the Jewry, correctly sensing that within two entire basis for the Talmud and Oral Law. centuries it would cease to exist because of Each person draws out of it what he needs continuing pogroms and eventual

33  Pinchas / [email protected] expulsions. students would yet continue his At his petira in 1105, the Jewish monumental teachings of Torah in France community in France would begin to well into the thirteenth century. decline, though his descendants and -house-of-rashi/ 


Tikkun Chatzos During The Three cry for the Bais HaMikdash for half an hour Weeks: after midday each day during the three It is the minhag of many great weeks. In the famed Yeshiva of Pressburg tzaddikim to rise each night at midnight for they used to say Tikkun Chatzos at midday Tikkun Chatzos and mourn bitterly the during the three weeks. Others argue with churban Bais HaMikdash and the galus of this minhag and say that Tikkun Chatzos the Shechina . Many people who do not say should only be said privately as this is an Tikkun Chatzos during the year are noheg emotional time an individual should spend to say it during the three weeks. alone with Hashem . ( Pischei Tshuvos ) The Mishna Berura (551:103) cites -Chatzos-In-The-3-Weeks/512 the writings of the Arizal that one should  לזכר נשמת אמנו החשובה , , נפש יקרה ועדינה אשה יראת ה ' ובעלת מדות טובות מרת זיסל ל''ז ל''ז בת הרה" ה מו " ה מאיר זאב הכה כ " "ע ה הי"ד מעיר נירעדהאז יע א" א" ונכדת הרה" ק רבי אהר צבי טערקלטויב זי" ע מבריד אשת הרה" ח מו " ה אברה חיי ה"ע גאלדענבערג She was a Holocaust survivor who never let that period of time define her life. Although she lost most of her family - she claimed that Hashem gave her an amazing life. She had a unique knack of making everyone who encountered her feel like they were the most important loved person. Her inimitable smile never left her face. She transmitted a strong value system stressing Emunas Hashem and Tzaddikim . Her love for stories of tzaddikim gave her chiyus and she conveyed that chizuk to anyone who met her. In her eighty--nine years of life, there wasn’t one person who had an untoward word or adverse feelings about her. She loved her family deep ly and immensely. May Hashem console her . אמ , family and may she be a constant melitza yeshura ( מתו אמונה טהורה ) בדר המסורה ( והתנהגה כאשה כשרה) לכל משפחתה , היא הודה היא הדרה  נקיה וטהורה היוצר וצר צורה ( וקיבלה הגזירה) נפטרה בש" ט בת תשעי שנה ביו ד"כ לחודש כסלו ( ערב חנוכה ) ) שנת תשע ח" ק"לפ תמלי" טוב בעד משפחתה היקרה תקי לתחיה לק" הימי במהרה 'ה'ב'צ'נ'ת

34  Pinchas / [email protected]

A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. - Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) Parshas Pinchas CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA

Gedolim Be'misasm Yoser

Yahrzeits For Parshas Pinchas

- 1 of 26 - Shiur Komah .ז. שיעור קומה בעניני קבלה .7

A commentary on .ח. סידור תפילה למשה .8 Rav Moshe Cordovero RAMAK, Tomer Devorah (Tammuz 23) the Tefillah LeMoshe (Older Edition Siddur Tefila leMoshe Vol1 & Vol 2)

Tomer Devorah ט. תומר דבורה מוסר .9 Mussar based on the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy

Perhaps most renowned for Pardes Rimonim

Some of his other more well known seforim include:

Rav Aryeh Yehuda Leib Segal (Tammuz 1. Ohr (23 .א. ספר אור נערב על מעלת לימוד הקבלה Ne'erav on the virtues of studying Kabbalah Son of Rav Sholom Segal of Zbaraz.

ב. ספר הגירושין מהלכים וביאורים שנתחדשו לו .2 Son-in-law of Rav Yosef Yuska of Alik Sefer.בעת גירוש ספרד ע"י מגיד מן השמים HaGeirushin about the Spanish Expulsion Rav Aryeh Leib was one of the great disciples that was revealed to him by an angelic of the Mezritcher Maggid. maggid from Heaven

He was Rav in Voltshisk which borders Galicia ג. ספר אלימה רבתי הקדמות וביאורים בחכמת .3 and Volhyn and was considered among the Eilima Rabasi Introduction to the .giants in Torah among the chassidim .הקבלה study of Kabbalah Afterwards, he was offered the rabbonus of Jassi, but he refused it and offered it to his son, Yosef Yuska instead. He himself left for ד.Rav אור יקר כשמו כן הוא חיבור יקר הערך .4 .and settled in Tiveria תקסה Eretz Yisroel in .כעשרים ושניים כרכים ביאור על דברי הזוה"ק

He was counted among the rabbonim and .ה. אור לישרים .5 gaonim that the Kozhnitzer Maggid consulted regarding the aguna of Stashuv. He became a .ו. זבחי שלמיםביאור על תפילות ר"ה ויוהכ"פ .6 Zivchei Shelamim on the High Holiday mechutan with Rav Nachman of Breslov and Liturgy the Chozeh of Lublin when their descendants

- 2 of 26 - married. Shpetivka who was also in Eretz Yisroel.

Rav Tzvi Hirsch, the son of the Chozeh, married his daughter.

Rav Yechezkel Katzenelenbogen Kenesses His sons, Rav Pinchos and Rav Chaim Feivish, Yechezkel (Tammuz 23) as well as his son-in-law, Rav Duvid Koppel Horowitz, a grandson of the Chozeh, all moved Rav Yechezkel Katzenellenbogen was born in to Eretz Yisroel together with him. They settled Brisk on the18th of Kislev in 5428/1668 or in Tzefas and established a chassidic center 5429/1669 (he writes in histzava’a that he independent from the one in Tiveria that was wasn’t sure exactly which year). His father was under the Vitebsker and Kalisker. This is why Rav Avrohom, Dayan of the city. their aliyah is not mentioned in the letters of Tiveria and their signatures do not appear In Brisk, Rav Yechezkel learned under Rav among them. Mordechai Ziskind Rottenberg, Rav of the city, and later under his son Rav Moshe Rottenberg. and was תקעג He passed away 23 Tammuz 1813 He was already noted in his youth for his sharp laid to rest in Tzefas between the Arizal and the mind and amazing memory. Bais Yosef.

Rav Yechezkel was taken as chosson by Rav His burial place is in the maaras kevura--the Shlomo Zalman, a grandson of the Bach and same cave, together with Rav Dovid Shlomo son-in-law of the Tosfos Yom Tov. Eibshitz of Soroka, author of Arvei Nachal and Rav Avrohom Dov Auerbach of Avritsh, author He was Rav in the Lithuanian towns of Zettil, of Bas Ayin. Ruzani, and, in 5464/1704, in Kaidan. In 5473/1713, he was chosen as Rav of the His other children who remained in the prestigious Kehillos of Altona, Hamburg and diaspora were: Rav Yosef Yuska of Jassi; the Wandsbek, known by the acronym Ah”u. wife of Rav Yeshaya Leib, son of Rav Yosef Moshe of Krasna; the wife of Rav Tzvi Hirsch, As a leading Rav andposek , many she’eilos the son of the Chozeh of Lublin. In Chayei were addressed to him, and these served as the Moharan it mentioned that his son, Maharash, basis of his sefer She’eilos U’Teshuvos Knesses married in Berditchev, perhaps to the daughter Yechezkel. of Rav Levi Yitzchok? Many other details about his family in Eretz Yisroel are unknown. We As Rav, Rav Yechezkel enacted takanos for the know that his son, Rav Chaim Feivish, survived improvement of his various Kehillos. He was and that he went on to ,תקצז the earthquake of not afraid to defend the rights of the side that marry the daughter of Rav Yaakov Shimshon of won in Bais Din, even if this meant fighting

- 3 of 26 - against one of the more honored members of the Kehilla.

He also fought against those who wished to Rav Gedalya Aharon Kenig (Koenig) Chayei Nefesh, Founder of Kiryat Breslov make inroads into traditionalYiddishkeit , in Tzfas (Tammuz 23) especially Shabsai Tzvi and his followers.

Rav Gedaliah Aharon Kenig was famous for his Rav Yechezkel was held in the highest esteem extraordinary ability to connect with any Jew, by many of the otherGedolei HaDor. Both and for his openness and accessibility to all Ashkenazi and Sephardi Rabbonim sent him types of spiritual seekers. His one-room home she’eilos and discussed Torah topics with him. in Jerusalem was always open to all. He was recognized as a genius in the revealed as well Much honored by members of his Kehilla, Rav as the mystical aspects of the Torah, and Yechezkel was also given full authority by the channeled his knowledge into the world by government. giving practical simple advice to those who came to him. He held that one must always He served as Rav of Altona for thiry-six years, rd work to refine their character and through until his petira on the 23 of Tammuz personal example, taught sensitivity and 5509/1749. patience towards others, in even the most trying of circumstances. Besides Knesses Yechezkel, Rav Yechezkel also wrote Lechem Yechezkel on the Rambam and Born in Jerusalem in 1921, Rav Gedaliah was a Mayim Yechezkel on Torah. young man when he was drawn to the teachings of Rebbe Nachman by Rav Avraham His sons were Rav Dovid, who replaced him as Sternhartz. He was the leading disciple of Rav Rav in Kaidan, and was the Rebbe of the Vilna Avraham and for the duration of their 15-year Gaon; Rav Yaakov; and Rav Feivel. Another son relationship, virtually no day passed that Rav passed away in childhood. Gedaliah didn't see his mentor. He authored Chayey Nefesh, a book on what it His sons-in-law were Rav Yaakov HaLevi means to bind oneself to the Tzaddik, and left Schorr, Rav of Krasz; Rav Yitzchok, Rav of numerous other unpublished manuscripts, Hena; and Rav Nosson Nota Ashkenazi, Dayan including commentaries on the Likutey in Altona. Moharan. A trip to the United States in 1979, to publicize Kiryat Breslev in Tsfat, helped mark a Zecher tzaddik livrachah. decisive opening of the door to the outside world for those interested in Breslev Chassidut. muzjuly-21/ He was single-minded in his devotion to Rebbe

- 4 of 26 - Nachman, saying , "He's saving the world!" He saw as his life's work the establishment of the Breslev community in Tsfat, a mission personally entrusted to him by Rav Avraham. Rav Gedaliah believed the fulfillment of this mission would bring tremendous good to the world, by ultimately being the vehicle that would bring the light of Rebbe Nachman completely into the world. Served as chief rabbi of New York City's Association of American Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, a federation of Eastern Rav Yaakov Yosef of Ostroh (Ostrog) European Jewish . Born in Krozhe, a (Tammuz 23) province of Kovno, he studied in the Nevyozer Kloiz under Rabbi Yisroel Salanter and in the Rav Avrohom Yitzchok Heller of Tzfas (Tammuz 23) Volozhiner yeshiva under the Netziv.

Rav Nechemia Alter (Tammuz 23) He became successively rabbi of Vilon in 1868, Yurburg in 1870, Zhagory and then Rav Shaul Moshe Zilberman (Viershaver Rav, Pardes Shaul) (Tammuz Kovno. His fame as a preacher spread, so that 23) in 1883 the community of Vilna selected him as its maggid.

The Orthodox Jewish community of New York Rav Yaakov Yosef Joseph Rav HaKollel, was united under a common religious authority Chief Rabbi of NY (Tammuz 24) they sent a circular offering the post throughout Eastern Europe. Rav Joseph was among those offered the prestigious position. In 1888 he accepted the position of The American Orthodox Hebrew Congregations—comprising 18 kehilos and headed by Bais Ha'Medrash Ha'—were thrilled when he accepted the position.

They attempted to create one central rabbinic authority in America to maintain order in the fields of Kashrus and expand programs. Due to internal strife and machlokes

- 5 of 26 - after six years, the Association stopped paying Machaneh Chaim. his salary. The butchers then paid him until 1895. He married Rebbetzin Shifra, the daughter of Rav Shlomo Heiman, a noted Talmid Chochom Among Rav Joseph's most notablefrom Ungvar. accomplishments, including the hiring of qualified shochtim, introducing irremovable He was appointed the first official Rav in seals ("plumba") to identify kosher foul, and set Szerencz, a growing Kehilla in the northeast up Mashgichim to oversee slaughter houses. He region of Hungary. He was instrumental in its also took an active role in establishing the the growth, establishing a Yeshiva there in which first yeshivah on the Lower East Side, Etz Torah was taught up until the Holocaust. Chaim , which was founded in 1886. (It was the forerunner of Yeshiva University). Rav Amrom Yishai corresponded regularly with his Rebbe, Rav Chaim Sofer. There are many In 1897, Joseph suffered a stroke, which teshuvos written to Rav Amrom Yishai in incapacitated him for the rest of his life. He She’eilos U’Teshuvos Machneh Chaim. Rav died at age 62 and his funeral was one of the Chaim Sanzer, in a teshuva to Rav Amrom largest in New York, attended by more than Yishai (Divrei Chaim, vol. 2, Orach Chaim, 50,000 Jews. siman 5), lavishes upon him titles such as Charif and Chassid. The Satmar Rav, Rav Yoel Teitelbaum encouraged his chassidim to daven at the tzion His son-in-law Rav Feivish Tzvi Gross, in his of the Rav Yaakov Yosef. It is reported that sefer Nachlas Tzvi, also praises him highly. many people have experienced yeshuos (found salvation) after visiting the tzion. Rav Amrom Yishai served as Rav in Szerencz for thiry-five years, a period of spiritual growth for his Kehilla. He was niftar on the 24th of Tammuz 5649/1889 at the age of sixty-five and was buried in Szerencz. Rav Amrom Yishai Bilitzer Av Beis Din of Szerencs (Tammuz 24) He was succeeded by his illustrious son, Rav Pinchos Bilitzer, mechaber of Giv’as Pinchos, Rav Amrom Yishai HaLevi Bilitzer was born in where many of Rav Amrom Yishai’s chiddushim 5594/1834. His father was Rav Yitzchok Isaac are printed. Bilitzer, the Rav of Nagiada, Slovakia, mechaber of Be’er Yitzchok. His sons-in-law were Rav Chaim Mordechai Adler, Rav of Paryia; Rav Yehuda Leib Rav Amrom Yishai learned under Rav Chaim Lemberger-Lvov, Rav of Ruszhani; and Rav Sofer, the mechaber of She’eilos U’Teshuvos

- 6 of 26 - Meshulom Feivish Zvi Gross of Brooklyn, Yitzchok Yoel Rabinowitz (Av Beis Din mechaber of Nachalas Tzvi and Ateres Tzvi. of Kontikoziva) (Tammuz 24)

His descendants have erected an ohel over his Rav Pinchos Sholom Halevi Rottenberg of Kassan (Tammuz 24) kever in Szerencz.

Rav Yitzchok Grodzinski of Vilna Zechuso yagen aleinu. (Tammuz 24) 24-tammuzjuly-22/ Rebbe Meir Segal HaLevi Rottenberg Ohr LaShamayim, Or La'Shomayim (Tammuz 25)

Rav Yitzchok Kolitz (Tammuz 24) Rav Meir studied under Rav תק"כBorn in Yitzchak Avraham Katz, who was the Av Beis Rav Yitzchak Kolitz (1922-2003). Born in Elita, Din of Pintshuv and author of Kesser Kehuna. Lithuania, to Rav Eliyahu Dovid Nachman Kolitz, Rav of the town and a chavrusa of the He settled first in Stavnitz and afterwards in Chazon Ish for many years. His father passed Apta after the Ohev Yisrael departed and away when he was 3 years old. After spening moved to Mezhibuz. several years in the public school, Rav Yitzchak went to Slobodka when he was 10 years old. In His older brother, Rav Mordechai of Stavnitz, 1935, he moved to Eretz Yisrael with his influenced him to study Chassidus, and he mother and older brother. At the age of 14, he began to frequent the bais medrash of the met Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, with whom he Chozeh of Lublin, to study under him and learn developed a close relationship for life. He the ways of Torah and avodah. The Chozeh learned at Chevron and became close to Rav testified, “He is a Levi who can be traced back Yechezkel Sarna. After the 1948 war, he to Levi ben Yaakov!” (Ohel HaRebbi Ohr became a magid shiur in a yeshiva in Rechovot; HaNiflaos 58). during that time, he became a ben bayis of the Chzon Ish. In 1955, he was appointed a dayan When the Chozeh honored him and his brother in Tel Aviv, then Av Beis Din, then Chief Rabbi to lead the Shabbos zemiros, he declared, (following Rav Bezalel Zolti). “They sing just like the Levi’im in the Bais Hamikdash!” (Pinos HaBayis p.87) Rav Eliezer Lebowitz (Damesek Eliezer) (Tammuz 24) After the Chozeh’s passing, many of his disciples flocked to Rav Meir.

- 7 of 26 - He passed away on 25 Tammuz 5587 (1827). He settled in Stavnitz and afterwards in Apta after the Ohev Yisroel left Apta and moved to His Segulos: Mezibuz.

Tefilah Of The Ohr Lashamayim Rav Meir His older brother Rav Mordechai of Stavnitz Of Apta 25 Tammuz influenced him to draw near to Chassidus and he began to frequent the bais medrash of the ** See Appendix Below Chozeh of Lublin to study under him. There, he learned the ways of Torah and avodah. The The 25th of Tammuz marks the yarzheit of the Chozeh testified that “Hhe is a Levi who can be Ohr LaShamayim. He was a talmid of the traced back to Levi ben Yaakov!” (Ohel Chozeh of Lublin, and was Rav in Apta after the HhaRebbi Ohr HaNiflaos 58). Ohev Yisroel. When the Chozeh honored him and his brother The Ohr LaShamayim asked that on the day of to lead the Shabbos zemiros he declared his yarzheit, one light a candle and give remarked, that “they sing just like the Levi’im tzedakah on his behalf. In doing so, one should in Bbais Hhamikdash!” (Pinos HaBayis p. 87) say his name, Reb Meyer ben Reb Shmuel Halevi zy'a. After the Chozeh’s passing many of his disciples flocked to Rav Meir. In addition, the Krula Rebbe adds in the name .תקפ''ז of the Tiferes Shlomo, Rebbe Shlomo ofHe passed away on 25 Tammuz Radomsk zy'a, that it is praiseworthy to recite the special tefillah for parnassah composed by the Ohr LaShamayim. A copy of that Tefillah is attached. Rav Aharon Berachia Maavar Yabok (Tammuz 25)

Author of Maavar Yabok

Rav Meir Halevi Rottenberg Ohr Son of Rav Moshe LaShamayim (Tammuz 25)

Rav Aharon was an Italian kabbalist and Son of Rav Shmuel chassid. A Disciple of Rav Hillel of Modena and Rav Menachem Azaria of Fano (Rama MiPano). Rav Meir studied under Rav Yitzchok Avraham Katz, AvBeisDin Pintshuv and author of Kesser His seforim deal with kabbalah, mussar and Kehuna prayer including: Meiri Shachar his sefer of

- 8 of 26 - tefillos and kavanos for the chevra shomrim l’boker and his magnum opus on the last rites, confessionals, customs, and prayers for the sick, dead, and dying. This work on levaya Rav Nachman Bulman (Tammuz 26) (burial) and shiva (mourning) is named, Maavar Yabok. The Maavar Yabok became the guidebook for leaving this world.

His seforim, Meil Tzeddaka and Bigdei Kodesh were published posthumously as was a commentary to Tikkunei Zohar. His works on Arizal and on the Rif’s Hilchos Shabbos and Taanis all remain in manuscript form.

Rav Nachman Bulman (1925-2002). His According to the Chida, he was a great chassid parents, Reb Meir and Ettel Bulman were and an angelic maggid. Gerrer chasidim who had moved to the Lower East Side from Poland. Reb Meir had lost his He passed away 26 Tammuz first wife in childbirth and his second wife in a .שצ''ט 1639 pogrom. He had also lost two children. In their Rav Aryeh Leib Ginzburg of Mitz 40s, the Bulmans received the Imrei Emes of (Shaagas Aryeh) (Tammuz 25) Ger for a bracha for children. The result of that Rav Yisrael Yehoshua Trunk of Kutna blessing was Nachman, who was born in New (Yeshuos Malko) (Tammuz 25) York. He attended Yeshivas Rabbenu Yitzchak Elchonon and then studied in its rabbinical Rav Shimon Shlomo of Alik (Sheva Oros) (Tammuz 25) program. He received semicha and a B.A. (in philosophy) from Yeshiva College. During the Rav Yeshaya Zilberstein of Veitzen week, he learned in the Litvishe yeshiva way. (Maasei Lemelech, Rav of Vitzen) On Shabbos and Yom Tov he absorbed the (Tammuz 25) atmosphere of his parents' Polishe shteibel with Rav Moshe Shpitz (Av Beis Din of a love of chassidus. For years, he was also a Tchenger) (Tammuz 25) frequent visitor at the tishin of the Modzitzer

Rav Yosef Yitzchok Rottenberg (Head Rebbe, Rav Shaul Yedidya Taub. In 1950, Reb of Belgian Community) (Tammuz 25) Nachman married Shaindel Freund, his aiyshes chayil for 52 years. He found a position in the town of Danville, Virginia, a small Orthodox community which consisted of about 30 families. He held the position for 3 years. From 1953-1954, Rabbi Bulman served as mashgiach

- 9 of 26 - in Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchonon. He plague that struck his locale. was once again pulled to the world of rabbonus when he became rov in South Fallsburg, N.Y., His divrei Torah are cited in Dudaim BaSadeh. in 1954. During this time, he founded the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY), together with Weitman, Goodman, and Chait. His next position was as Rav Tzvi Hirsch Charif Av Beis Din Yabrov head of Adas Jeshurun synagogue in Newport (Tammuz 26) News, Virginia, beginning in 1957. Rabbi Bulman then returned to his position as AvBeisDin Yabrov mashgiach in Yeshiva University from 1962-1963, and then worked for Torah Son of Rav Moshe Pinchos Charif, AvBeisDin, Umesorah from 1963-1967. In 1967, he took his Lwow next rabbinical position as the rav of the Young Israel of Far Rockaway. During this time, he He passed away on Thursday, 26 Tammuz .תצ''ז founded Sarah Schenirer High School and Seminary in 1968, and the Yeshiva of Far (See Matzeivos Kodesh Vol 1 Siman 89) Rockaway (Yeshivas Derech Eison), and he taught in both places.

Rav Sinai Halberstam Zhmigrader Rebbe (Tammuz 26) Rav Tzvi Hirsch of Chirov Dudaim Basadeh (Tammuz 26) Rav Sinai Halberstam was born in 5630/1870 in Rudnick. When his father, Rav Baruch of Son of Rav Meir Gorlitz, asked his own father, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, what to name the baby, the Sanzer Rav Son-in-law of Rav Menachem Mendel of said to name him after Rav Baruch’s maternal and brother-in-law of Rav Naphtali of Ropshitz. great-grandfather, Rav Elazar Nissan of Drohobitch, (the father of his father-in-law, the He was among the youngest disciples of Rav Yetev Lev of Sighet). But then the Divrei Chaim Elimelech of Lizensk and after Rav Elimelech asked another Godol who was present. passed away, he was a disciple of the Kozhnitzer Maggid. “It is the custom,” the Godol replied, “that one does not name after a person who was niftar He served as Maggid Mesharim in Chirov. young.” Rav Elazar Nissan had been niftar young. during a תקצ''א He passed away on 26 Tammuz

- 10 of 26 - The Divrei Chaim thought for a moment. “Then to learn Kabbola until the morning. name him Sinai, for that has the same letters as Nissan, and may he grow up to be a Sinai Every Purim, Rav Sinai received many V’Oker Horim, a giant in the depth and breadth mishlochei manos containing envelopes with of Torah.” tzedaka as a major component. He would match the sum to his list of needy recipients and send At a young age Rav Sinai married the daughter out new envelopes with his gabbai all over of Rav Naftoli Horowitz of Melitz. town. By evening, not a penny was left in the house. Rav Sinai was known for his chessed, even in his early years. While a newlywed still living When he became ill later in life, he moved to with his in-laws in Melitz, his Rebbetzin noticed Cracow for treatment. A few years later the that some of his garments were missing. Rav Nazis overran Poland, and he fled to Lemberg, Sinai had been given eighteen undershirts Galicia. Tragically, his Rebbetzin was niftar and before his wedding, and now he had only ten. was buried in Boberka. He explained to his wife that he had noticed a person at the mikveh who had only one tattered The Soviets exiled Rav Sinai and his family to undershirt to his name, so he gave him some of Siberia on an overcrowded train in which the his own. prisoners were confined for weeks. Rav Sinai did not survive the trip. Niftar on the 26th of Rav Sinai was appointed Rav of Koloshitz after Tammuz, 5701/1941, he was buried in the his wedding. He served there briefly until the forests of Omsk. Clean, white fabric was elderly Rav of Zhemigrad was niftar, leaving his miraculously procured for use as tachrichim, position to “a grandson of the Divrei Chaim”. and the family was further privileged to erect a When the post was offered to Rav Sinai in matzeiva on his kever in the forest. 5664/1904, he was reminded of an incident that had occurred many years before. In Zhemigrad Sons of his who perished in the Holocaust were with his father for a simcha, his father publicly Rav Chaim Yehuda, Rav in Oshpitzin; Rav offered him a l’chaim as Rav of Zhemigrad. The Avrohom Abish of Satmar; Rav Dovid of Chassidim of Zhemigrad tried to protest, but Radomsk; Rav Aharon of Zitomir; Rav the reigning Rav hushed them. “There is Yechezkel of Rudnick; and Rav Baruch of nothing to correct,” he said. Zokilkov. His son-in-law was Rav Boruch of Sanz-Gribov. Hashem yinkom domom. Rav Sinai accepted the rabbonus of Zhemigrad and led the town for over thirty years. He was Sons who survived the war are Rav Yaakov of renowned as a darshan and composer of Tchakava-Yerushalayim; Rav Yisrael of niggunim, and for caring for the poor with Zhemigrad-New York; and Rav Aryeh Leibish of mesirus nefesh. He rose every night at chatzos Zhemigrad-Bnei Brak, and his son-in-law Rav

- 11 of 26 - Yaakov Moskowitz of Shotz-Haifa. Shaul Natansohn, who wrote him many halachic responsa and gave a warm haskoma to Zechusam yagen aleinu. his sefer Bais Aharon on Hilchos Gittin. In 5625/1865, Rav Shmuel Aharon was muzjuly-24/ appointed Rav of Zvarow, and a short while later, of Kartshin. The Divrei Chaim, together Rav Noach of Karov (Kav Chen) with Rav Tzvi Hirsch of Rimanov, wrote a letter (Tammuz 26) to the kehilla of Kartshin in praise of their new Rav. Rav Alter Chaim Halevi Shifman (Yalkut HaChaim, Alter Shochet) (Tammuz 26) Rav Shmuel Aharon wrote several seforim: Bais Rav Yechiel Michel Ichel Landau (Av Aharon on Gittin; Haggada Shel Pesach Lachma Beis Din of Prashnitz) (Tammuz 26) Anya; a commentary on P’sikta Rabbosi; Rav Yechezkel Shraga of Shinev (Rav She’eilos U’Teshuvos Shem Olom; Droshos Bais Sinai of Zhemigrad) (Tammuz 26) Aharon and others.

He was niftar on the 27th of Tammuz, 5637/1877, in Karlsbad, and buried in Cracow, Rav Shmuel Aharon of Kortchin (Tammuz near the kever of his father. 27) Zecher tzaddik livrachah. Rav Shmuel Aharon Rubin was born about 5584/1824. His father was Rav Tzvi Elazar, a Dayan in Cracow. He was a descendant of (and muzjuly-25/ named after) Rav Shmuel Aharon of Kaidonov.

He learned under Rav Moshe Wolf Frenkel, Rav of Pshevorsk and mechaber of Meishiv Rav Yitzchak Charif Eisenberg Pnei KaHalacha. After his marriage, he settled in Yitzchok (Tammuz 27) Brigel where his father-in-law lived, and became close to Rav Aryeh Lifschitz, the Aryeh Rav Yitzchok Charif was the son of Rav Moshe D’Bei Ila’i. Following the petira of the Aryeh of Dregatchin, the mechaber of Maggid D’Bei Ila’i, he traveled to the court of the Divrei Mishneh on the Mishnas Chassidim. Chaim of Sanz.

Rav Yitzchok was known as a Godol in both Rav Shmuel Aharon was also close with the nigleh and nistar. Many of the generation’s leading Poskim of his time, especially Rav Yosef tzaddikim held him in the highest esteem.

- 12 of 26 - When Rav Yitzchok was appointed Rav of hear his opinion. He traveled to Sambur to Sambur, the non-Jewish ruler of the region meet with Rav Yitzchok. Upon his arrival in came to receive his blessing. Sambur, Rav Yitzchok arranged for a lavish seuda to be held in honor of the guest, with the Rav Yitzchok was well respected and admired leaders of the kehilla attending as well. During by the members of the kehilla for his fatherly the seuda, Rav Meshulom asked Rav Yitzchok love and dedication to all their needs. Despite why he didn’t accept the Rabbonus of his lofty level of Torah and kedusha, Rav Pressburg. Rav Yitzchok looked up in Yitzchok was involved in all that was happening amazement and said that he had never received in the city, and thus drew the people close to such an offer. the Torah. The Rosh HaKohol stood up and confessed that Many kehillos wanted to have Rav Yitzchok as he was the one who had received — and hidden their Rav. Following the petira of Rav Meir — the letters, explaining that he did not want Berabi, the kehilla of Pressburg sought to Rav Yitzchok to leave the city. appoint Rav Yitzchok as their Rav. So as not to delay his decision, they sent a K’sav Rabbonus Rav Yitzchok ruled that the Rabbonus rightfully right away to the home of the Rosh HaKohol of belonged to Rav Meshulom Igra, for he was the Sambur. Upon receiving the letter, the Rosh one to receive the K’sav Rabbonus. HaKohol decided not to show it to Rav Yitzchok, fearing that he would leave the city. When the Rav Yitzchok wrote She’eilos U’Teshuvos Pnei kehilla of Pressburg did not receive anyYitzchok and Ho’Elef Lecha Shlomo on Shas. response from Rav Yitzchok, they sent another letter — again to the Rosh HaKohol — and He was niftar on the 27th of Tammuz again he did not pass it on. 5593/1833.

When they realized that Rav Yitzchok was not Zecher tzaddik livrachah. responding, the Pressburg kehilla sent a letter to Rav Meshulom Igra, and in their letter they related the whole issue, that they sent Rav 27-tammuzjuly-5/ Yitzchok two letters, and since he ignored them, they were now offering Rav Igra the Rabbonus.

Rav Yaakov Adess Av Beis Din Rav Meshulom Igra was tempted to accept the Yerushalayim (Tammuz 27) prestigious Rabbonus of Pressburg, but upon hearing that Rav Yitzchok had declined, he Rav Yaakov Adess, born in Yerushalayim wanted to discuss the matter with him, and (1898-1963), the youngest of his father's four

- 13 of 26 - sons. He received his early education from his Shach. Subsequently, he was asked by Rav father, Rav Avraham Chaim Adess. In 1910, his Kahaneman to head the newly founded Grodna father placed him in Yeshivas Ohel Moed, Yeshiva in Ashdod. where he learned under Rav Raphael Shlomo Laniado and Rav Yosef Yedid Halevi. There, he stayed as magid shiur from 1920-1923, when the yeshiva closed. He moved with Rav Laniado Rav Elimelech Ehrlich (Tammuz 27) to Porat Yosef, first as magid shiur and later as Rosh Yeshiva. Most of his writings on Shas were destroyed when the Jordanians captured Rav Elimelech Ehrlich (1914-1989), a seventh the Old City in 1948. At the end of 1945, Rav generation Karlin chossid, was born in the town Adess was appointed as av beis din inof Kodznahorodok, next to Stolin, not far from Yerushalayim. In 1955, he was chosen to serve the border of Poland and Russia. During WW II, on the Chief Rabbinate's Beis Din Hagodol. his family moved to Samarkand. There, he composed Yiddish niggunim for the many Jewish refugees, cheering their broken hearts. His role in life was thus fixed. After the war, in Paris, Rav Yom Tov discovered a new brand of Rav Shmuel Rozovsky (Tammuz 27) fire which began to kindle in his heart: Novardok. He later moved to New York, and Rav Shmuel Rozovsky (1913-1979), born in then to Eretz Yisrael. Grodna to Rav Michel Dovid (Rav of Grodna for 40 years) and Sarah Pearl, daughter of Rav Avraham Gelburd, who had served as Grodna's previous rav for almost 50 years. At a very Rav Mordechai Twersky Skverer Rebbe in young age, he began to study in the Shaar Flatbush (Tammuz 27) HaTorah Yeshivah of Grodna, under Rav Shimon Shkop, eventually becoming his talmid Rav Mordechai Twersky, Skverer Rebbe of muvhak. In 1935, his father was niftar, and the Flatbush (1924-2007). Born in Kishinev, he gedolei Torah urged Rav Shmuel to succeed moved with his family to America when he was him. However, he was drafted into the Russian four months old. When his father, Rav Yitzchak, army and moved to Eretz Yisrael. There he was niftar in 1941, Rav Mordechai and his began studying in the Lomza Yeshivah in brother, Rav Dovid, ran their father’s beis Petach Tikvah. In 1944, Rav Yosef Shlomo in Boro Park. Rav Mordechai opened Kahaneman opened the Ponovezh Yeshivah and the Skverer beis midrash in 1970. chose Rav Shmuel, only 30 at the time, to head the yeshivah. Later on, he was joined by Rav Rav Moshe Chaim Taub of Dovid Povarsky and Rav Elazar Menachem Man (Tammuz 27)

- 14 of 26 - Horowitz along with the woman, Motol, Rav Shmuel Zanvil of Litovisk (Tammuz testified falsely against five non-Jews. These 27) gentiles are innocent but because of the Jews’ Rav Nachum Tribitch (Tammuz 27) hatred against the falsely accused they fabricated testimony and now these five Yosef ben Yaakov Ovinu (Tammuz 27) gentiles were condemned to death. These Jews fled and they are now in Jerusalem in the home of one Yitzchok Freidman of Mezritsh. We ask your honor to help locate these people and get Chacham Yaakov Shaul Elyashar them to admit their crime that their testimony Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael (Tammuz 28) was false and done because of hatred against the accused. Doing so will surely save the lives of the innocent gentiles from capital punishment and save all of us Jews here from hatred and threat of violence and pogroms against us. Please contact the Russian consul in Jerusalem and he will know how to send a telegram to Warsaw. My address is Rabbi Rabinowitz, , Warsaw.

The Rishon L’Tzion, Rav Elyashar was very surprised by this telegram and asked his secretary, Rav Chaim Michel Michelin, to try 28 Tammuz Rav Yaakov Shaul Elyashar, the and locate the people mentioned in the letter. Rishon L’Tzion When they were found, they claimed that their testimony was true and the accused gentiles Son of Rabbi Eliezer Yerucham Elyashar, born had, in fact, murdered the government official. in Tzefat

Rav Elyashar set up an urgent conference of Author of Yisa Berachah rabbis and community leaders to discuss the events. When they had gathered and the One day, Rav Yaakov Shaul received the meeting began during the discussion the following telegram: Warsaw 13 July 1906 Rishon L’’Tzion sat silently. Finally at the end he got up and declared that in his opinion the I am a rabbi presiding in Novominsk and I am telegram was fabricated and that it was a setup writing to your honor on behalf of all the and a trap. “Perhaps the entire telegram is a congregation. A few months ago, a government forgery. Either, the Rabbi who signed does not official named Nacziolink was murdered and know what he signed, or his name is being two brothers named Eliezer and Noach

- 15 of 26 - forged on this document. Alternatively, he was exact same manner written as both Rav Salant forced under some threat to sign against his and Rav Elyashar had suggested (without will. If we respond in any way, it can lead to having conferred on the matter beforehand). violence and pogroms against the Jews there. They confirmed that they were forbidden to In my opinion, we have two choices. Either we interfere with another nation’s sovereignty on ignore this completely or we answer politely matters of foreign affairs. that in my position as Chacham Bashi under Turkish rule and law, I am in no position to Some weeks later the Jewish papers HaZman interfere in the affairs of a foreign country and and HaTzefira praised the wise sages of nation.” Not everyone agreed with the Rishon Jerusalem from having averted disaster by L’Tzion’s appraisal of the situation. Some ignoring the forged telegrams sent by enemies agreed and others disagreed. Rav Elyashar to ensnare the Jewish people. Had the rabbis of suggested that they ask the opinion of the Jerusalem fallen for the trap, who knows where revered chief Ashkenazi Rav Shmuel Salant. the matter would have ended?

It was a late hour when they set out to find the Two days after these events, on 28 Tammuz .Rishon L'Tzion passed away ,תרס''ו rav and told him of the situation and the ensuing disagreement. However, the delegation did not tell Rav Salant about the Rishon L’Tzion’s opinion so as not to influence his decision in any way.

They were emphatic that the telegram was a fabrication and that either the Rabbi in Novominsk did not know anything about the matter or perhaps his name was forged. “What should we do?” they asked. Rav Salant responded that either they should ignore it or they should respond that as Chacham Bashi Rav Elyashar was forbidden under Turkish rule and law to interfere in the foreign affairs of other countries. When word reached the meeting, all those gathered in the Rishon L'Tzion’s home were astounded at how both wise sages were like two prophets who prophesied equally!

They sent back the answer via telegram in the

- 16 of 26 - Rav Elozor Weissblum of Lizhensk (Pirkei D'Rav Elozor) (Tammuz 28)

Rav Shlomo Ganzfried author of Kitzur Rav Yeshaya Meshulem Zusha of (Tammuz 28) Chernobyl (Tammuz 28)

Rav Nachman Kahana of Spinka (Orchos Chaim) (Tammuz 28)

Rav Tzvi Avigdor Fisch (Reb Hirsch'le) (Tammuz 28)

Rav Avrohom Langer (Tammuz 28)

Rav Menachem Nachum Friedman of Tchortkov (Tammuz 28)

Rav Chaim Friedlander (Mashgiach in Ponovezh, Sifsei Chaim, Mesilos Chaim B'Chinuch) (Tammuz 28)

Rav Moshe of Zaloshin (Tammuz 29)

Rav Moshe of Zaloshin was themechaber of Mishpat Tzedek, Tikkun Shabbos and Geulas Yisrael. In 1815, he was appointed leader of the Rav Shlomo Ganzfried was the author of the Chassidic community in Zaloshin. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.

Rav Moshe Teitelbaum (Yismach Moshe, Rav of Uhjel (Ohel)) (Tammuz 28) Rav Avrohom Portleona Shiltei Giborim Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv (Tammuz (Tammuz 29) 28)

Rav Elazar Weissblum of Lizhensk Author of Shiltei Giborim (Tammuz 28)

Son of Rav Dovid

- 17 of 26 - ש''ב An Italian scholar born in Mantuba 1542 Rav Yaakov Moshe of Zoloshin (Mishpat Tzedek) (Tammuz 29) His family name, Portleona, was Hebraicized as Shaar-Aryeh. He studied under Rav Yaakov Rav Naftali of Kishinov (Tammuz 29) Fano of Bologna and especially under Rav Rav Shimon of Zelichov (Naharei Aish) Avrohom Provencali who taught him Talmud as (Tammuz 29) well as Latin and logic. Rav Dovid Yehuda Rottenberg (Tehilla L'Dovid, Av Beis Din of Sanofeter) He also studied medicine and philosophy in the (Tammuz 29) University of Pavia and was awarded his Rav Shmuel Zanvil Ber (Av Beis Din of .שכ''ג diploma graduating in 1563 Litevisk, Reb Zanvil Charif) (Tammuz 29)

He was well known as an expert physician. At Rav Yochanan HaSandler (Tammuz 29) the request of one of the dukes, he authored two volumes in Latin on medicine, part of which details the use of gold in healing. The Pope Gregory XIV granted him a special license to practice medicine, even allowing him to treat gentiles.

He authored the sefer, Shiltei Gibborim, his magnum opus. This work discusses (in its own description): “the shape and construction of the Bais HaMikdash; the eight priestly vestments of the Kohen Gadol; the stones of the choshen and their segulos and properties; the avodah of the Leviim and the art of music and song as well as instruments, such as the thirty-six instruments that Dovid HaMelech knew to play; all the concepts of the korbanos-- the sacrificial offerings and the nature of animals, birds, and beasts; and of languages, warfare, and weaponry.

.שע''ב He passed away on 29 Tammuz 1612

Rav Shlomo Yitzchaky (Rashi HaKodosh) (Tammuz 29)

- 18 of 26 - Gedolim Be'Masayhem

Stories & Anecdotes

kavana? If so, I will give you sell. Today, I observed that I Rebbe Meir Segal HaLevi Rottenberg Ohr this French toast, and if not, was unable to properly distill LaShamayim, Or you’ll get simple bread with the spirits as I do each day. La'Shomayim (Tammuz salt.” He would answer yes The batch was ruined and I 25) and get his fried toast. knew it was due to your lack of ohr lashamayim's french toast proper kavana in your One day, upon his return, davening! This is my sign; The Ohr LaShamayim lost his there was no French toast each day when I make a father at a young age and was waiting for Meir’l. “Mammeh, successful batch of brandy, I raised by his mother, the where is my toast?” he asked. know it is a sign that you tzadeikes. She used to say that davened properly with kavana, she could discern her holy “Meir’l, I see that you did not and when it is ruined, like son’s kavanos in davening by daven today with proper today, I knew it was a sign how her cooking and distillery kavana.” that you did not.” would turn out. This is the story: He was ashamed, yet he The young Meir’l admitted the wondered, “How do you know? truth and promised that from When the Ohr LaShamayim How can you tell that today I then on he woulddaven was a young lad, upon his didn’t daven with proper properly – and so she made return from Shacharis each kavana?” him his French Toast. Ohel( morning, his mother used to Shlomo Radomsk p. 37 #29) make him French toast for his She answered him thus: “Each breakfast. Before she served day I prepare bronfen; I distill him, she would ask, “Meir’l, spirits and make brandy to did you daven today with

- 19 of 26 - Shaagas Arye and his wife to return it and exchange it for Rav Aryeh Leib Ginzburg Shaagas Aryeh candles and three challos for another Mesechta and she (Tammuz 25) Shabbos so that at least they answered back, “Oh no, you would not lack these meager cannot fool or cheat me so blumka's kloiz necessities. The Shaagas Arye quickly! No one can complete The Shaagas Arye was a great was greatly moved and he learning one Mesechta so fast Gaon, yet he had hisgave her his berocha: “May – no way!” And so the Shaagas detractors. When he set up his Hashem repay your kindness Arye was forced to hold on to Yeshiva in Minsk not all the and reward you with wealth the Mesechta Berochos for so citizens and residents were and honor!” Blumka eventually long and much of his sefer was counted among his supporters. became a wealthytherefore written on topics So many were those who could businesswoman and built a therein. (Maasei Tzaddikim p. not stand his sharp wit and shul called Blumka’s Kloiz. 12) criticisms that one Erev (Hillula Kadisha p. 516–517) a berocha for rav zalmale of Shabbos his opponents simply the shaagas aryeh's sefer volozhin took the Shaagas Arye and his wife, loaded them and their Rav Neta Freund related that When the Shaagas Arye left meager possessions onto a the reason that the sefer Minsk he traveled to Volozhin cart and had them run out of Shaagas Arye deals so much and settled there for some town, so far out that they with Mesechta Berochos was time. He served as the Rav of would have been stranded simply that the Shaagas Arye Volozhin but did not remain with no means to even make was so poor that he could not there for long because the Shabbos! afford to purchase a Shas, let salary was very poor. alone own many volumes of Among the masses though, Talmud either. Among the ba’alei batim, there there was one poor, simple was one wealthy Jew, Rav woman who appreciated the There was a wealthy merchant Yitzchok (later famous as the Shaagas Arye’s greatness. She woman who recognized the father of Rav Chaim the Rosh did not let the machlokes or value of and she Yeshiva, mechaber of Nefesh the Shaagas Arye’s detractors owned a large, beautiful Shas. HaChaim and his brother Rav dissuade her. Blumka was her She used to lend out one Zalmale of Volozhin), who had name, and selling candles and volume at a time to various an extensive library of seforim challa was her occupation. As Rabbonim and Talmideiand the Shaagas Arye was a the Shaagas Arye was being Chachomim as they needed. frequent guest in their home led away in disgrace, she To the Shaagas Arye she lent studying Torah. pushed her way through the out the volume for Mesechta throngs until she reached the Berochos. A week later, the It so happened that once cart. There she handed the Gaon, the Shaagas Arye, tried during his studies, Rav

- 20 of 26 - Yitzchok’s wife, who was his holy countenance while When the Shaagas Arye was expecting a baby, was seized wearing tefillin appointed Rav of Metz there with strong labor pains. was one wealthy merchant The Shaagas Arye was once Knowing that the Shaagas who refused to sign the traveling by covered wagon Arye was sitting and studying document appointing the when thieves set upon them Torah in the next room, and Shaagas Arye as Rav. His and attempted to rob the not wanting to cause him any name was Yehuda Charif and driver of his money. bitul Torah, she amazingly she he based his rejection on the held back from crying out in fact that the Shaagas Arye had The Shaagas Arye sat robed in pain. Silently she bore the only served as Rav of Volozhin, tallis and crowned in tefillin labor pains so as not to disturb a small town, and Rosh studying. When he heard the the Shaagas Arye’s learning. Yeshiva of Minsk, and how commotion and understood Eventually, the Shaagas Arye could those positions compare what was happening, he put learned of this and was so to the great city of Metz?! his head out of the covered moved by her mesirus nefesh wagon to see what was going that he gave her a berocha. One day, Yehuda Charif’s on. The thieves saw his face “Ribbono Shel Olom, this daughter lost her sanity. She and fled, terror-struck, woman held back from calling eventually became so ill that running for their lives at the out for the sake and honor of the doctors knew no cure and sight of the holy Tzaddik. The Torah! In this zechus, bless the family suffered greatly. wagon driver was simply her that the son born to her With modern medicine having amazed. “Rebbe, why did grow to be such a great Torah given up on her, Yehuda those robbers turn tail and run scholar that the entire world Charif turned to any source of away like that all of a will know of his genius!” The possible treatment. Eventually sudden?” child was named Rav Shlomo he heard of a miracle worker, Zalman and grew to become a Ba’al Shem who was The Shaagas Arye answered the great Rav Zalmale supposed to be able to cure him, “It says in the Torah, Volozhiner. (Hillula Kadisha p. any one. When this impostor ‘And all the nations of the 519) came to Metz, the Shaagas world shall see that the name Arye, who was well acquainted of G-d is called upon you and The Gaon of Vilna met the with this joker and his ilk, sent they shall fear you’. Chazal Shaagas Arye and testified the fake Ba’al Shem packing teach that this pasuk refers to that the Shaagas Arye was and chased him out of town. tefillin. When they saw the able to recall the entire order Yehuda Charif was incensed. tefillin on my head, they ran of the Shas in his memory He was so angry that his for their lives!” (Hillula within just one hour’s time daughter’s possible cure was Kadisha p. 528) span of thinking. (Hillula chased away by none other Kadisha p. 522) go gezunterheit than the Rav, the Shaagas

- 21 of 26 - Arye, whom he alreadybecame great friends. He problem. Rav Sholom Sofer disliked and held a grudge followed the Rav’s pesakim (scion of the illustrious family against that he decided that and lent his hand to help the of the Chasam Sofer) was enough was enough. new Rav of Metz. (Toldos hired to replace their recently Rabbeinu HaShaagas Arye, retired rabbi. At the time, he He sent his poor, sick,page 97b) was but a yungerman, a young mentally ill daughter to the avreich lacking the authority Shaagas Arye. She was to remove the oldshoichet Rav Moshe Teitelbaum disturbed and she would sing, from his position. Yet, as each Yismach Moshe, Rav of dance and make a disturbance Uhjel (Ohel) (Tammuz 28) side became more entrenched at all times of day. Her in their opinion,machlokes “who appointed you a nuisance so greatly disturbed took over the town. Distinct murderer?” the Shaagas Arye that he feuding lines were drawn with could not learn Torah and so “Just look how his hands are some supporting the he turned to her gently and shaking,” one shoichet pointed respected, but elderly said softly and kindly, “My out to his friend, one of the shoichet, and others opposing daughter, why are you acting other shoichtim. His friend him because of his shaky so crazy? For how long will just shook his head in silent hands. you be this way? Please go agreement. It wasn’t the elder home gezunterheit,” (which shoichet’s fault; he had simply “How can you dare retire our literally means “go home reached a venerable old age, beloved shoichet who has healthy”) and so she did; she and as old age set in, so did dedicated his life to ensuring went home healed andrheumatism, and trembling that we eat kosher meat? Have healthy, sound in body and hands. One thing theyou no shame?” argued one mind! townsfolk agreed on: they no side. longer trusted the shoichet’s “Please, Daddy,” she greeted unsteady hands; they wanted “How can you not retire an old her amazed father, “please him to retire. But the shoichet shoichet? It is precisely our change my tattered and ripped had his pride and refused to dedication to kosher meat that dress.” Yehuda Charif fell be forced into retirement. He forces us to replace someone before the Shaagas Arye and the townsfolk reached an whose hands tremble and can pleading and begging the impasse, with neither wishing no longer serve as a Rav’s forgiveness and asked to to yield. competent shoichet! Have you be allowed to add his name to no yiras shomayim?” argued the certificate of appointment. In the middle of the dispute, a the other side. From then on his great new rabbi arrived—and with affection for the Shaagas Arye him, new hope for theThe new Rav, observing the knew no bounds and they resolution of the town’scontroversy decided to speak

- 22 of 26 - with the Shoichet. He advised have an idea; you go back letter. When I finally sat down him as follows: “Look, my good home and as soon as I have to write the letter and address shoichet, you see how bitter the time, I shall write up a it, I fell asleep. As I slept, I had this dispute is. I am on your letter and send it straight to a dream. In my vision I saw my side; I don’t think there is any your rabbi, Rav Sofer back in venerable zeide, the holy substance to their complaint. Brezhna where you live.” Yismach Moshe who As a new rabbi here however, questioned me in I lack the authority to take any The shoichet agreed and consternation: concrete action to help you returned home. keep your position and put an “If they are searching high end to the machlokes. My Some time passed and the and low across the whole suggestion is that you go to yohr zeit of the Yismach country for a murderer, the gaon, Rav Moshe Yosef Moshe approached. When Rav someone who wishes to harm Teitelbaum of Uhjel and ask Sholom Sofer made his way to the livelihood and to shame an him to test your abilities. Once Uhjel for theyohrzeit , he old man, spilling his blood, he sees that your abilities as stopped in to visit Rav Moshe couldn’t they find anyone shoichet have Yosefnot as well. better than you?” deteriorated, he will surely write you a letter of“Well, well, I owe you a When the vision ended, I approbation. He will attest to letter,” apologized the Uhjler awoke with a start and the ink the fact that the meat is Rav to the Brezhner Rav, Rav pot tipped over and ink spilled kosher and that will settle the Sofer. “Please check what has over the freshly written letter matter!” happened to the letter you and ruined it, just as you see it wished me to compose.” He here. I took this as a sign that The shoichet agreed and left pointed to a stack of papers on I was not to be the one to send for Uhjel. top of which lay letteryou this letter. Therefore, I rendered illegible due to a haven’t sent you anything until When the Uhjler Rav, Rav great blot of ink smeared all today.” (Teshuas Tzadikim p. Moshe Yosef Teitelbaum saw over it. 511) the Shoichet, he saw for unable to withstand the himself how unsteady his “Let me tell you the story of rambam’s yiras shomayim hands were. Yet, he was this letter: When I met your unwilling to embarrass the shoichet and I saw firsthand The Tosher rebbe and the elderly man. The ravhow his hands shook I realized Satmar Rebbe both used to suggested the following: I should write to you. Still, I relate the following story on didn’t want to shame the poor different occasions: “I don’t have time this minute old man so I sent him home to sit and write up the letter. I and promised to send you the The Uhjler Rebbe, author of

- 23 of 26 - Yismach Moshe, once made a eyewitness to this custom: thus: “Brother, we were request that Heaven grant him obliged to let him eat the fruit. the yiras shomayim of a He told how as soon as three If he had not, the serpent’s lie Tanna. This request was stars appeared, they would would still stand and would denied on the grounds that he bring candles to the Rebbe’s never have been proven false. would be unable to withstand table (because the tisch was The serpent said to him, ‘Your such yiras shomayim. He conducted in the dark) and the eyes will open and you will be repeated his petition to at Rebbe related, “rebbe, Reb as Hashem, knowing good and least receive theyiras Elimelech used to conduct his evil and able to create worlds.’ shomayim of an Amora or one sholosh seudos long, long into This is why Adam had to eat of the ; yet again, his the night. Once, a general the fruit — once he did so, he request was denied on the came to the rebbe’s tisch and saw that even though he had very same grounds: He would tried to press rebbe, Reb eaten of the fruit, he was still simply be unable to handle Meilech to end the seuda and just a human being and no such yiras shomayim. Finally, daven Maariv, but the rebbe more.” (Ohel Elimelech 272) he made a third request, to be paid him no heed. Because the wedding at the inn granted the level ofyiras this ‘general,’ in fact, was the shomayim of the Rambam. minister of gehinnom! But When the two brothers the This finaltefillah was rebbe, Reb Elimelech did not Rebbe Reb Elimelech and the answered. The Yismach Moshe fear him. I, however, do fear Rebbe Reb Zisha were saw however, that he was him, so I said, ‘Bring mayim wandering disguised as simply incapable ofacharonim and let’s bensch!’” beggars in self-imposed exile, withstanding such ayiras (Mareh Aish #117) they spent the night in a shomayim. He then davened kretchma, an inn, in which a adam’s sin that it be take it away-- and so wedding was being celebrated. it was. (Teshuos Tzadikim see The Rebbe Reb Zisha once The two brothers were among also Avodas Avoda Sichos asked his brother, “Mythe poor people who had Shemos) beloved brother, in the holy gathered to partake of some of writings it is written that all the food, as was the custom in the souls were once included those days. The wedding Rav Elazar Weissblum and contained in Adam, the guests were a rough and crass (Tammuz 28) first man. If so, we must also bunch. Their spirits were the general of gehinnom have been there at the merry from drink, and they moment he sinned and ate began to poke fun at the The Dzhikover’s custom was from the tree of knowledge. unfortunate poor people. After not to draw out the third Why didn’t we prevent him each round of dancing, they Shabbos meal too long into the from doing so?” The Rebbe summarily snatched up a poor night. One of the chassidim Reb Elimelech answered him man, threw him to the ground, was in Krenitz and was an

- 24 of 26 - and honored him with a string again to snatch their victim. of abuse. Then they would They were about to drag the start another round ofRebbe Reb Elimelech for a dancing, throw the poor beating when one of the group beggar once more to the shouted, “It isn’t fair to keep ground, and treat him to beating only this guest. Let us another round of slaps and take that one who is sitting in punches. the corner and honor him with a few blows so that he will be Since the Rebbe Reb Zisha sure to remember this was sitting nearest to the wedding!” crowd, he was the honored recipient of the abuse. Rebbe Sure enough, they once more Elimelech, sitting in the grabbed the poor Reb Zisha corner, was left alone while from the corner thinking that his hapless brother suffered he had not yet tasted a the brunt of the abuse. In beating. After they had truth, Rebbe Elimelech was finished, the Rebbe Reb Zisha quite jealous of the suffering said to his brother, “See, my his brother had merited, for he beloved brother, whoever is was being given thedestined to be struck will be opportunity to atone for his struck wherever he sits. They sins. He decided it was his seek him out and deal him his turn to receive such an due portion.” (Ohel Elimelech “opportunity.” He waited until 177). Reb Zisha was sitting down after another bout of abuse and the crowd was busy dancing. He whispered into Reb Zisha’s ear, “My beloved brother, let us switch places. Sit here on my seat and I will sit on yours, and then you can rest a bit from the beatings you have received.”

They quickly switched places, and the rowdy group came

- 25 of 26 - תפילת רבי מאיר מאפטא

יומא דהלולא כ״ה תמוז נא להזכיר ולאומרם ביום היא״צ שלו ולהדליק נר בשבילו ולתן צדקה בעד הזכרת נשמתו לע״נ הרה״ק רבי מאיר בהרה״ק רבי שמואל הלוי זצללה״ה זי״ע

תפלה מהרב הקדוש רבי מאיר הלוי מאפטא בעהמ"ח אור לשמים זי"ע אשר הרה"ק מראדאמסק בעהמ"ח ספר תפארת שלמה זצוקלה"ה היה רגיל לאומרה בכל יום ערב ובוקר ואמר שהוא סגולה נוראה לפרנסה ולהצלחה לאומרה בכל יום רִּבֹון הָעֹולָמִים יָדַעְתִי כִי הִנְנִי ּבְיָדְךָ לְבַד כַחֹמֶרּבְיַד הַטֹוצֵר. וְאִםגַם אֶתְַאםֵץ ּבְעֵ צֹות וְתַחְּבולֹות וְכָל יֹושְבֵי תֵבֵליַעַמְדו לִימִינִי לְהֹושִיעֵנִי וְלִתְמֹךְ נַפְשִי, מִּבַלְעֲדֵי עֺזְךָ וְעֶזְרָתְךָ אֵין עֶזְרָה וִישועָה. וְאִם חָלִילָה יַחְפְצו כֺלָם לְהָרַע ָאז ַאתָה ּבְחֶמְלָ תְךָ תָשִים עֵינֶיךָ עָלַיוְתַשְקִיף עָלַילְטֹובָה מִםְעֹון קָדְשְךָ . הִמֵה חֲבָלִים נָפְלָה לִי ּבַמְעִימִ ים, וִישועָתִ י ּבָָאה, וְעֶזְרָתִי תִגָלֶה. לָכֵן עָזְרֵנִי רִּבֹון הָעֹולָמִים לִהְיֹות עֵינַי פְתוחֹות לִרְאֹות תָמִיד אֲמִתות הַדָבָר הַזֶה, וִיהִי תָקועַ וְקָבועַ אֱמונָתְךָ ּבְלִּבִי ּבְכָל עֵת לְבַל ָאסור לֹא בְדִּבור וְלֹא בְמַעֲשֶה וְלֹא בְמַחְשָבָה לַעֲבֹד זולָתְךָ חָלִילָה, כִי אִם תִרְדֹף נַפְשִי רְצֹונְךָ הַחֹוב ּבֶאֱ מֶת. גַם עָזְרֵנִי לְבַליָמוש מֵרַעְיֹונַי ומִלִּבִי גְדֺלָתְךָ וגְבורֹותֶיךָ וְהֹופָעַת חִיותְךָ ּבְ כָל רֶגַע, וְקֹוטֶן עֶרְכִי ּבֵין מַעֲשֶיךָ , ומַה מֶחְשָב אֲנִי ּבֵין יְצורֶיךָ , וכְַאיִן אֲנִי נֶגֶד ּבְרואֶ יךָ אִם גַם הָיִיתִי נָקִי מִכָל חֵטְא, ומַהגַם כִיעֲֹונֹותַי רָבו לְמַעְלָה רֹאש נְקַלֹתִ י מִכָל ּבְרואֶיךָ כִי הֵם עֹושִים רְצֹונְךָ אֲשֶר לְכָךְנֹוצְרו וַאֲנִי ּבְגֹבַה לִּבִי מְתֹעָב ּבְעֵינֶךָ . וְעָזְרֵנִי לִהְיֹות מִ דַת הַכְנָעָה וְשִפְלות רוחַ דָבוק ּבְ לִּבִיובְרַעְיֹונַי ּבְכָל עֵת ובְכָל רֶגַע, וְתִהְיֶה יִרְָאתְךָ עַל פָנַי לְבִלְתִי אֶחֱטָא, וְיִשְמַחלִּבִי תָמִידּבְךָ אֲשֶרּבְרָאתַנִי לִכְבֹודְךָ , וְַאהֲבָתְךָתִבְעַר ּבְ קִרְּבִי, ומֵחָכְמָתְךָ תַאֲצִיל עָלַי לִהְיֹות נֶגֶד עֵינַי גְדֺ לָתְךָ וגְבורָתֶךָ ומִעוט עֶרְכִי וְחֶ סְרֹון ּבִינָתִי, וְלֹא יִגְּבַה לִּבִי, וְלֹא אֶרְדֹוף ַאחַר הַכָבֹוד וגְדֺלָה וְעֹשֶר כִי אִם תִכְ סֹף נַפְשִי לַעֲשֹות רְצֹונְךָהַטָשָר ּבְעֵינֶיךָ , וְאֶהְיֶה מוכָן ּבְכָל רֶגַע לִמְסֹר נַפְשִי רוחִי וְנִשְמָתִי וְגופִי ומְאֹדִי עַל קְדֺשַ ת שְמֶךָ , וְהָסֵר כָל ה מְסָכִים הַםַבְדִילִים ּבֵינִי לְבֵינְךָ , וְהַחְזִירֵנִי ּבִתְשובָ ה שְלֵמָה לְפָנֶיךָ . וְיונְעַם לִי כָל אֲשֶר תַעֲשֶה עִםָדִי וְלֹא יְבַלְּבְלֵנִי שום עִנְיָן מֵעֲבֹודָתְךָ הָאֲמִתִית, וְלֹא תַעֲלֶה קִנְַאת ָאדָם עָלַי וְלֹא קִנְָאתִי עַל אֲחֵרִים, וְלֹא אֶתְַאוֶה לְשום דָבָר זולַת רְצֹונְךָ , וְהֹורֵינו דֶרֶךְ חֺקֶיךָ לְעָבְדְךָּבְלֵב נָבָר וְזָךְ ובְשִמְחָה וְרוחַ נְמוכָה ובְַאהֲבַת עַםְךָ יִשְרָאֵל, וְיִתְקַדֵש שִמְךָ עַל יָדִי וְעַל יְדֵי זַרְעִי וְזֶרַע זַרְעִי עַד כָל הַדֹורֹות וְלֹא יִםָצֵ א פְסול ּבָנו חָלִילָה, וְנִמָצֵל מֵחִלול הַשֵם, וְנִזְכֶה לַעֲסֹק ּבְתֹורָתְךָלִשְמָה ּבִ תְמִידות מִתֹוךְ הַרְחָבָה, ּבִתְשובָה ובְדַעַת ובְשִמְחָה וְלֵב טָהֹור, וְנִשָמֵר מִכָל חֵטְא ומִכָל עָֹון, וְנִשְמַח ּבְדִבְרֵי תֹורָתֶךָ ובְמִצְֹותֶיךָלְעֹולָם וָעֶד, וְנִזְכֶה לְתַקֵן אֵת אֲשֶר הֶעֱוִינו וְלֹא נֵבֹוש ּבָעֹולָ ם הַזֶה וְלֹא נִכָלֵם לָעֹולָםהַּבָא ָאמֵן כֵן יְהִי רָ צֹון:

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והיתה לו ולזרעו וגו ' כהונת עול ( כה )'יג' Zera Shimshon0 It shall be for him and his children etc. eternal priesthood (25:13)

 In Pirkei Avos (6:5), the Mishna says that Torah is greater than priesthood and kingship. Kingship comes with twenty four virtues/advantages and Pinchas priesthood comes thirty, while Torah is only acquired through forty eight virtues. This Mishna needs reconciliation with different statements from Chazal. The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel The Medrash says (Yalkut Shimoni §843), explaining the passuk (Tehillim 92:9), Nachmani, was born in 5467 (1706/1707) into an illustrious 'You, Hashem, remain forever'. The Medrash explains this to be referring to the family with great Rabbinical lineage. He studied the revealed and gifts that Hashem gave to people that last forever. The Medrash gives the concealed parts of the Torah by the examples of kingship that last in the family of Dovid HaMelech forever (see Torah greats of his day. He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, Divrei HaYamim II 13:5) and priesthood, as the passuk in this week's parsha Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was recognized as a holy and pious says, ' It shall be for him and his children etc. eternal priesthood' . From here we see that individual, as well as a tremendous Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. the gifts of both kingship and priesthood are forever. He passed away on the 6 th of Elul 5539 (1779). Torah however, seems to be the opposite. The Gemara teaches (Nedarim His Seforim were named, Toldos 81a), that the reason why we often find that the children of Torah scholars are not Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera Torah scholars is so that people should not think that the Torah is passed down Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the from father to son. Rather, anyone that toils over Torah can merit it. Torah. In his introduction, he explains that since his only son had According to the Mishna, Torah is greater that priesthood and kingship died during his lifetime, he wrote his Seforim to perpetuate his own and should at least be the same as them and should remain forever in that family. memory after his passing. If Torah is indeed greater, why does the one who acquires it seem to lack the The following is his passionate request to learn his works. staying advantage that priesthood and kingship have? “I implore of you with ten terms of supplication to choose from my The Zera Shimshon gives the following clear-cut explanation. Chiddushim (novella) the piece that finds favor in your eyes, for your The eternity of priesthood and kingship is in this world. They remain in learning will sooth my soul etc… “This righteousness will stand by their respective families for generations but only in this world. The Torah too you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, and be satiated in the next. In this remains forever with the person who learned it but not in this world. Therefore, merit, Hashem will repay you with it does not remain with his family since it accompanies him into the next world children, health and sustenance. “…and now my brothers and and he merits his eternal reward for his Torah there. friends etc. do a true kindness, and with your eyes you will see children This explains the passuk that says (Bamidbar 19:14), 'This is the Torah, a and grandchildren surrounding your table, houses filled with all person who dies etc' . Although this passuk comes to teach the laws of impurity that is good, wealth and honor will not cease from your children…” that spreads when a dead person die inside an enclosed structure, the Gemara Brachos) teaches that it also teaches a lesson about learning Torah (since the) לזכר נשמת .(passuk uses the word Torah רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז

,Using the Gemara's interpretation of this passuk and based on the above ויה" ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק - this passuk can be understood to be teaching the following. This is the Torah לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה when does a person merit to see the eternity of his Torah learning? When he לשוב בתשובה שלימה בקרוב passes away (a person who dies). Only then does the eternity of his Torah לזכות רפואה שלימה משה .learning become revealed שניאור זלמ ב רחל

ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב זכות רבינו ימלי טוב בעד רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה לאה ז כות רבינו יעמוד לר ' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא מרובה בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני לזכות כל ע  ישראל בכל מקו שה

signup & dedications – [email protected] Weekly Bulletin on the Parshah s"xc Pinchas July 3rd 2021 rd Pachad David 23 of Tamuz 5781 Published by Mosdot “Orot Chaim U’Moshe” in Israel Under the auspices of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita 910 Son of the tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Ahron Pinto, zt”l, and grandson of the holy tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Chaim Pinto, zy”a MASKIL LEDAVID Weekly talk on the Parshah given by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

Observing Mitzvot for the Sake of Heaven

"Pinchas son of Elazar son of Aharon the Kohen chesed so people will thank him and praise his deeds, and turned back My wrath from upon the Children of so forth. In this way his entire spiritual life is insincere; his Israel, when he zealously avenged My vengeance true desire is to glorify his own name. This leaves him empty among them, so I did not consume the Children of of substance and with a feeling of monotony, for the mo- ment the praises disappear, he is left with no benefit from Israel in My vengeance" (Bamidbar 25:11) the deed. Chazal have told us (Ketubot 59a), idleness leads Chazal say on this verse, "Hashem said, it is correct that man to immorality. he [Pinchas] take his reward [G-d's covenant of peace]" This is what happened to Am Yisrael when they came (Bamidbar Rabba, 21:1). This seems hard to understand to Shittim. They continued to study Torah and observe the since Chazal say elsewhere (Kiddushin 39b), "The reward mitzvot, but their study was devoid of toil and not for the Paris • Orh ‘Haïm Ve Moché for a is not given in This World." If man receives sake of Heaven. So automatically they became involved in reward for mitzvot only in the Next World, how could it be 32, rue du Plateau • 75019 Paris • France matters of nonsense and this is what led them to the sin that Pinchas was rewarded now? Tel: 01 42 08 25 40 • Fax: 01 42 06 00 33 of immorality. Similarly, despite being a tribal leader and [email protected] Another difficulty: When Pinchas killed Zimri son of Salu, great in Torah, Zimri ben Salu's Torah study was insincere; leader of the tribe of Shimon, he brought an end to the it stemmed from his desire for glorification. Therefore, plague that raged among Am Yisrael. Had he not done so, despite his greatness and distinguished personality, he Jérusalem • Pninei David the plague would have continued to cause many deaths was drawn to this sin and transgressed it publicly without and possibly even wiped out the entire tribe of Shimon. embarrassment or fear. Rehov Bayit Va Gan 8 • Jérusalem • Israël The plague may have even spread to the other tribes, for When the people saw Zimri's act, they did not know what Tel: +972 2643 3605 • Fax: +972 2643 3570 when the accuser has control, even tzadikim who have never [email protected] to do and began crying, as it says (Bamidbar 25:6), "Behold! sinned may be punished for the sins of the public. So how A man of the Children of Israel came and brought a Midianite can we possibly conceive Pinchas's enormous reward for woman near to his brothers in the sight of Moshe and in the preventing all this? And how is it at all possible to reward sight of the entire assembly of the Children of Israel; and Ashdod • Orh ‘Haim Ve Moshe in This World for an act that saved the entire Klal Yisrael? they were weeping at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting." A further question can be asked: The verse tells us Am They reacted in this way because they too were afflicted Rehov Ha-Admour Mi-Belz 43 • Ashod • Israël Yisrael must harass and hate the Midianites because they Tel: +972 88 566 233 • Fax: +972 88 521 527 with this plague of not acting for the sake of Heaven, and [email protected] caused Am Yisrael to transgress the sin of immorality. "Ha- because of personal involvement, were uncomfortable ex- rass the Midianites and smite them; for they harassed you pressing their opinion. Only one person did what had to be through their conspiracy that they conspired against you done without fear and calculations – Pinchas, son of Elazar, in the matter of Peor, and in the matter of Cozbi, daughter and with his act he atoned for Am Yisrael's sin. Ra’anana • Kol ‘Haïm of a leader of Midian, their sister, who was slain on the day In addition, the reward Pinchas received was not a of the plague, in the matter of Peor" (Bamidbar 25:17-18). Rehov Ha’ahouza 98 • Ra’anana • Israël material reward, since reward for a mitzvah is not given Tel: +972 98 828 078 • +972 58 792 9003 Many of the world's nations are afflicted with the plague of in This World. Rather, Hashem appointed him as a Kohen [email protected] immorality yet we are not commanded to harass them for who serves in the Beit Hamikdash and lives in a miraculous we have no dealings with them; we let them do what they fashion, sustained by the hands of Hashem. want. Seemingly, we should also not harass the Midianites, I once travelled from to Zurich to meet a wealthy for Am Yisrael was guilty for being pulled after their wicked person, intending to ask him for a donation to support our ways. Why are the Midianites held accountable for this? holy institutions. Throughout the journey I deliberated on Hilula We will also try to understand how the leader of a tribe, the best way to approach him, how it would be worthwhile a great Torah scholar, fell to such a low status and publicly to begin the conversation and what to mention later on etc. committed this terrible sin. As soon as I arrived, the philanthropist began talking about 23 – Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, author of The explanation could be according to the Gemara (San- his many endeavors, and every time I wished to open my 'Tomer Devora' hedrin 106a) which writes on the verse "Israel settled in mouth and say something I had prepared in connection 24 – Rabbi Yehoshua Berdugo Shittim and the people began to commit harlotry with the with the donation I was expecting from him, he continued 25 – Rabbi Yisrael Yehoshua of Kutna, daughters of Moav" (Bamidbar 25:1): "What is the meaning speaking about his associated business affairs. The meeting author of 'Yeshu'ot Malko' of 'Shittim?' Rabbi Yehoshua said, they engaged in matters eventually ended without my managing to slip in even one 26 – Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried of shtut-nonsense and this was immediately followed by word about the donation. 'and the people began to commit harlotry with the daugh- 27 – Rabbi Elazar Abuchatzera As I left his home I felt the visit had been in vain. But ters of Moav.'" It is clear from the Gemara that they were after some soul-searching I consoled myself by thinking, I 28 – Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv first involved in nonsensical matters which led to immoral did not wish to ask for a donation for personal concerns, 29 – Rabbeinu Shlomo Yitzchaki, the conduct. This is in line with the Chazal ( 3a), "A person but for the sake of spreading Torah and supporting our Holy Rashi does not sin unless a spirit of nonsense enters him first." We institutions. If my deeds are truly for Heaven's sake, what will clarify the 'nonsensical matters' with which Yisrael were difference does it make if I made my speech or not? I did engaged, which led them to the severe sin of immorality. what I could and Hashem will do the rest, as it says (Yirmi- A person may study Torah and observe many mitzvot, yahu 17:5), "Accursed is the man who trusts in people and but he does so for personal gain and not for the sake of makes flesh [and blood] his strength and turns his heart Heaven. He learns so as to receive a Torah position, he does away from Hashem." Walking in their Ways Tidbits of faith and trust penned by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita

New and Improved In 2000, Mr. Tzvi was working in his store when he had a In Our Father's Path sudden heart attack. An ambulance was immediately summoned and paramedics began working on him. But it looked like his heart he Yeshiva Students Are as Precious to Me as My refused to continue beating and he was almost pronounced dead. However, the Hatzalah members repeatedly tried to revive him Own Children and shocked him with nine electric shocks, which unfortunately The central quality required of a communal leader is an at- had no effect. The doctor turned to Mr. Tzvi’s wife and suggested tribute which appears in this week's Parshah: "a man in whom there is spirit." she contact the chevrah kadisha, for these were seemingly her husband's last moments. Many descriptions have been offered in trying to define this attribute; all are appropriate and necessary assets for a leader. We Mr. Tzvi was rushed to the hospital in one final effort to save his would like to focus on one of them, an attribute which HaGaon life. In the ambulance, apart from his heart attack, he suffered a Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg zt"l, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Or stroke, which only complicated his condition. When they arrived in Yerushalayim, personified. he was left in the emergency room, not even rushed into intensive This is what his son-in-law, HaGaon Rabbi Chaim Dov Altusky care, for there was seemingly nothing left to do. zt"l, related: Meanwhile, his family was not giving up so fast. They demanded I once accompanied Rabbeinu to the home of a certain wealthy he be taken to intensive care but there too he received no medi- person. This philanthropist generously stated that he wishes to cal care since the doctors considered him dead. Meanwhile, they assist this important cause and thereby raise the glory of Torah. called me up to receive my blessing for a refuah sheleimah for Tzvi He asked Rabbeinu to delineate the Yeshiva's chief expenses, for ben Chana. I immediately sent them a letter delineating which this is where he would like to contribute. Rabbeinu considered the areas to strengthen to grant him the merit for recovery. This letter matter and answered, dormitory and catering expenses (this was provided his family with encouragement that with Hashem’s help, just after the new dormitory had been built). The philanthropist his condition would improve. responded: "I have a wonderful solution for you for these two After two hours, Mr. Tzvi’s heart began showing signs of life. The matters! A solution explicitly defined by the Mishna (Avot 6:4): doctors, who had already given up on him, were worried about "Eat bread with salt, drink water in small measure, sleep on the brain damage. But there was none. Slowly, he began moving his ground." Since Chazal say these are conditions for growth in Torah, why not use this model of behavior with your talmidim? body, until he opened his eyes and even clearly recognized every- body present. He started speaking and became more alert from Rabbeinu replied: "Would you do this with your own children? one minute to the next. Never! I consider the Yeshiva students as my children; the Ye- shiva is like their private home. Therefore, I want them to be as When the doctors saw this 'revival of the dead' they were comfortable as possible." amazed. “We have encountered many medical miracles, but a One of his well-known customs was that every day he would miracle like this is beyond description. This man came back from come to the busy shtieblach of the 'Shomrei – Anshei the dead!” Sfard' Beit Haknesset on 13th Avenue, Boro Park, where his talmid, HaRav Singer, was Rav. For several hours he would stand The Haftarah by the entrance, collecting money for his Yeshiva. Every so often he would circulate among the worshippers, asking them for a "The words of Yirmiyahu" (Yirmiyahu 1) donation. Sometimes he used his overturned hat as the collec- The connection to Shabbat: The Haftarah speaks about the prediction tion box for the money. of calamity prophesized by Yirmiyahu HaNavi, concerning the destruc- It was a rare sight. An exceptional Talmid Chacham, one of the tion of the Holy City of Yerushalayim and the exile of Am Yisrael. It is the Gedolei Hador and great marbitz Torah, personally asking the first of the three special Haftarot read during the three weeks preceding masses to support his talmidim! He clearly had special consid- Tisha B'Av. erations in doing so. Some thought Rabbeinu wanted to degrade himself for the sake of the Torah and its scholars, since he was Guard Your Tongue accustomed to quoting the words of the Holy Zohar (Chelek 2, pg. 166) who explains that Yechezkel HaNavi merited the Expressing Appreciation and Concern name 'Ben Buzi' because he achieved perfection in the merit of It is forbidden to criticize someone behind his back while condoning his biza – humiliating himself – for the sake of Torah and mitzvot. behavior in his presence. Actually, flattery is never permitted, much more so Others heard him explain that he specifically stands in this spot in such a case. and collects tzedakah from individuals to merit Am Yisrael with supporting Torah, for it is not the dominion of the rich alone. The solution is to show respect and concern for the person, but explicit It was something so important to him that even on Chol Ham- objection to his behavior. oed Pesach, when he was staying in Monsey at the home of One is obligated to rebuke the person and try and convince him to rectify his daughter, Rabbanit Rosenberg, he would travel specially to his ways. If after several attempts one's rebuke goes unheeded, one is exempt those shtieblach and remain there, collecting tzedakah, until of the obligation. the afternoon. Treasures Based on the teachings of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pearls of the Parsha Pinto, shlita

A Mitzvah as a Reward for a Mitzvah "Therefore, say: Behold! I give him My covenant of peace" (Bamidbar 25:12) The Midrash writes concerning Pinchas, "It is correct that he takes his reward." The Chatam Sofer zy"a asks, why is this the case? Isn’t there a rule in Chazal, "The reward for a mitzvah is not given in This World?" Unlimited Elevation The Chatam Sofer answers: The reason why there is no reward for a mitzvah in This World is because the reward for a mitzvah is another mitzvah. Meaning, a "Hashem said to Moshe, 'Take to yourself Yehoshua who serves Hashem does not seek any reward at all. He only aspires to merit son of Nun, a man in whom there is spirit, and lean performing this mitzvah once again. your hands upon him'" (Bamidbar 27:18) Here with Pinchas, his mitzvah was that he killed someone who had relations with Moshe Rabbeinu asked Hashem to appoint someone a non-Jew. Pinchas certainly did not wish for this mitzvah opportunity to present in his place after his death, a man with the ability to itself once again, and that is why "It is correct that he takes his reward" since the lead the congregation even when they complain and rule "The reward for a mitzvah is a mitzvah" is not applicable in this case. sin, "a man with spirit", meaning someone patient and The Greatness of Appropriate Tzedakah modest who has the patience to bear each of them at "The sons of Gad according to their families: of Tzephon, the Tzephonite all times. So Hashem commanded Moshe to appoint family; of Chaggi, the Chaggite family; of Shuni, the Shunite family" (Bamid- Yehoshua bin Nun as his successor. What was special bar 26:15) about Yehoshua bin Nun that he was specifically chosen The sefer Maor V'Shemesh explains this verse as an allusion to the mitzvah of by Hashem, out of a generation blessed with so many tzedakah: great and special personalities, such as Pinchas son "The sons of Gad" hints to the mitzvah of tzedakah as the Gemara explains, "The of Elazar who was zealous for his G-d, among others? letters gimel and daled refer to gemol dalim – bestowing on the poor." This verse The answer could be that Yehoshua was prominent wishes to bring our attention to three points that must be carefully considered when for his attribute of modesty and submission. Even as a giving tzedakah: veteran talmid of Moshe Rabbeinu, he never thought First of all, tzedakah must be given secretly so as not to embarrass the poor. he already knew everything. When Moshe Rabbeinu The second quality is to give charity with joy and a pleasant countenance, "Let went up to Heaven to receive the second set of Luchot, your heart not feel bad when you give him." Yehoshua did not take a vacation but pitched his tent at Thirdly, Chazal expound on the words "You shall surely give him": One should give the foot of the mountain so he could continue learning and give again. from Moshe Rabbeinu as soon as he would descend. This verse hints to these three areas: "The sons of Gad" hints to gemol dalim – be- Throughout his life he felt like a talmid standing in front stowing on the poor. "Of Tzephon, the Tzephonite family" means one should give in of his Rebbe, still having so much to add in his avodat secrecy, tzaphon meaning hidden. "Of Chaggi, the Chaggite family" is an expression Hashem and Torah study, to the extent that the Torah of chag – festival, meaning the charity should be given joyfully. Finally, "Of Shuni, the calls him 'the servant of Moshe' (Bamidbar 11:28), Shunite family" refers to giving repeatedly, Shuni from the term 'yeshaneh – repeat'. because he actually felt like a servant before his master. There is no Holiness Like the Holiness of the Torah Only a person who possesses humility and is able to "Of Puvah, the Punite family" (Bamidbar 26:23) show submission before every person, can lead and The Holy Ohr Hachaim writes: The pious one wrote that the mouth of a Torah understand the heart of each individual. He is the one scholar has the law of a serving vessel which is used for holy things, for there is no who is given the mantel of leadership. holiness like the holiness of the Torah. Due to this one may not use one's mouth to discuss secular matters, even though it is not considered as a forbidden form of One who constantly submits himself to his master speech. also possesses another quality: he never stops elevat- mouth that toils in Torah where half ing himself in his avodat Hashem, for he doesn’t feel – פה Puvah' alludes to: the – פוה' This is what the Name of the Almighty rests. 'The Punite family' means one must empty one's he arrived at the peak; he always seeks to rise higher mouth of everything besides Torah utterances, and this is one of the forty-eight and higher. qualities with which Torah is acquired, among them 'limited conversation, limited Immediately following the section of appointing Ye- laughter, limited pleasure' and other examples that are considered as luxuries. hoshua son of Nun, the Parshah details at great length 'Of Yashuv' is an allusion to increasing one's study (yeshiva) which should not be all the daily offerings and the additional offerings- of a temporary concern. It is also necessary to ponder every single detail of the Torah, fered on the festivals. This is surprising since Sefer Vayi- until one comprehends its essence, as is required for understanding the halachah. kra is the book in which all the offerings are detailed. So This is the 'main requirement of Torah' and another section of the forty-eight quali- why does Parshat Pinchas (in Sefer Bamidbar) mention ties – 'yishuv – deliberation'. 'Thinking deliberately in his study, asking and answer- ing, pondering over what he has learned etc.' Also listed as part of these essential the details of the tamid and mussaf offerings? qualities is 'listening, articulate speech and intuitive understanding', among other According to what we explained above, one can say similar matters in the section of intellectual understanding. the additional festival offerings allude to the fact that 'Of Shimron, the Shimronite family' hints to extra guarding, which obligates a ben while there are offerings offered daily in the Mikdash, Torah more than the masses. it is possible to add to them, just like the mussaf of- The Ohr HaChaim zy"a adds: From here one can derive to what extent a ben Torah fering. Therefore, detailing the offerings immediately must preserve all details of the mitzvot, and Chazal said (Chovat Helevavot, sha'ar following the appointment of Yehoshua as leader of the 7) that the early pious ones were careful with fifty gates of permissible behavior so people, teaches us that this was his notable attribute; as not to stumble with something forbidden, and this is the meaning of 'Shimron, constantly adding to his Avodat Hashem, Torah study the Shimronite family'. and mitzvah observance. A NOVEL LOOK AT THE PARSHA

he dropped on Japan and thereby ended the Holy Shabbat, therefore we will be unable Second World War. to listen to your valuable weekly speech. Naturally, the president's dealings and Therefore, I ask that the speech be delivered actions during that fateful period were of at a different time. great interest to the American citizens. Since Thanking you in advance, they were curious about his plans, delibera- Mrs. Berel tions and strategies, it was decided that the She signed the letter, addressed it to the president would deliver a weekly speech to White House and sent it off… Why Did the American President the nation which would be broadcast in the Change the Broadcasting media, delineating a summary of the previ- The White House mail box receives thou- sands of letters every day and about 95% Schedule? ous week's activities and announcing his plans for the coming week. of them are sent to the nearest trash bin Each of us has areas we would like to without a further glance. Bored citizens Specialists and professionals were called change; whether in our personal life, the from around the world send letters to the upon to calculate the most preferred day way we interact with our family and friends, American President and it is quite simple to or even pertaining to public affairs. For ex- and time for this lecture. They arrived at presume that most of them are ignored… ample, most people are aware of a certain the conclusion that the best time for the The chances that Mrs. Berel's letter would change they would like to make in their president's speech would be Friday evening receive a different fate were nil. Neverthe- personal life, either spiritual or material, at 8 pm prompt. It is a time when people are less, she decided to send the letter. One adding hours of Torah study, or lehavdil, at home and relaxed, so the speech would small step, something that was in her increasing their income. Yet despite knowing draw the highest number of listeners! power to do, for the sake of the holiness the change is good and beneficial for them, Almost all the citizens welcomed the of the Shabbat so it should not be publicly they do not take steps to implement it. news with joy. Only a small minority – re- desecrated! ligious Jews – were painfully disturbed by In this week's Parshah, points out HaGaon A week passed and to her great shock Rabbi Asher Kovleski shlit"a, we read about the announcement. So many Jews found it difficult to observe Shabbat according and surprise, she found an envelope from Pinchas son of Elazar, for whom, the Midrash the White House in her mail box! Inside tells us, miracles were performed, without to the law, and now their challenge would only increase. Who knows if they would suc- was a short, matter-of-fact letter, confirm- which he would not have succeeded in being ing that the president had read her letter zealous for G-d's Name. If so, what in fact ceed in surmounting this test? In addition, among the media personnel and president's and was considering the request with due did Pinchas do?! Why did he deserve such seriousness. Only three weeks passed and employees were quite a few Jews, and now a great reward if all he did was some small in his weekly speech the President an- they would have no choice but to desecrate step and his mission was in fact completed nounced that from now on the speech will the Shabbat! with miracles?! be delivered on a different day and not on The Holy Alshich reveals an awe-inspiring All the Jews sighed at the news but one Friday night! Jewish lady, Mrs. Berel a"h, could not make idea: Pinchas merited reward for taking the How unbelievable! The facts are clear: peace with the idea. "Master of the World," first step! Everything a Jew does, Hashem one unassuming, ordinary woman, with a she cried out, "This is mass desecration of in fact does for him. All that we merit, we short, simple letter, managed to change the Shabbat! How many Jews who really want receive as a gift. All that is required of us is time of the American President's speech and to observe Shabbat will stumble? How the first step, to jump into the water, to begin merited preventing hundreds of Jews from many employees, who would love to be at the process. This is what Pinchas did and that steady Shabbat desecration! is why he merited reward, for taking the first home making Kiddush for their families, The conclusion: It doesn’t matter what step which led to a turnabout! will have to show up for work because of the president's speech! It is simply heart- transformation you wish to implement. It Because success in any area, for any breaking!" may be in your personal life, public affairs, person, starts with one step. Sometimes or community concerns. Everything begins Mrs. Berel sat down, took a pen and paper, small, almost inconspicuous, but it is the with one small step, and even if it seems and began writing a letter to the president: most decisive, dramatic step, the one that unlikely, insignificant, or minimal, that small has an effect and the power to change the To the distinguished Mr. Harry Truman, step is capable of effecting tremendous world. All we need to do is the first step, honorable President of the White House, change, of transforming the world, leading with all our strength and intensity, without Washington. to your longed-for goal! Let us not be afraid being afraid. And then Hashem will assist us First of all, I would like to thank you for or anxious; all we have to do is our bit, the in arriving at our destination, in actualizing your wonderful leadership of our country. I first step, and then Hashem will shower us our aspirations! am a loyal citizen and wish for the country's with His assistance! The thirty-third American president, Harry success with all my might. I was happy to Let us say good-bye to predictions and Truman, will be remembered in the pages of hear that you intend to give a weekly speech perils, rational considerations and delib- history as president of a turbulent period, and I would definitely want to listen to your erations, and simply go ahead and act! who effected many changes in the policies of words and feel part of the nation… One small step, a step that can bring about security, foreign and interior affairs; changes But, since I, and other thousands like me, change and create transformations. Our that had an effect on the entire world. He are Shabbat observant Jews, the timing small step is all that is required. The rest was the one who made the decision to use a of the lecture does not allow for this. We Hashem will do, completing the mission in nuclear bomb, the only time in history, which cannot use any electrical devices on the a magnificent fashion!

Parshas Pinchas

Tzror - Harass the Midianites (Bamidbar 25:7)

Rashi here comments that Tzror is to be understood like Zachor and Shamor. Rav Mordechai suggests that perhaps we can understand this based on what the holy seforim teach us, that based on just how much effort we expend and put into the weekdays to distance ourselves from evil and draw near and close to serving Hashem, in the very same measure that we put in, we get out of it - based on our efforts we merit to enjoy the sanctity of Shabbos Kodesh. It is like an investment in that what you put in, is what you get out. As Chazal say, whoever works hard and toils on Erev Shabbos has what to eat on Shabbos - thanks to his efforts. The primary war effort is against the evil yetzer hara, who is constantly chasing after us, and without Hashem's help we would be lost and never succeed in defeating him. However, we also need to awaken a deep intense hatred towards the yetzer hara, and by so doing so, it will make it so much easier for us to defeat and overcome him. In the holy Avodas Yisroel, the Kozhnizter Maggid teaches us on the pasuk - on that day we arrived at Midbar Sinai - that Chazal taught that a great antisemitic hatred descended onto all of the nations on the very day of Matan Torah. Now, the simple plain meaning of this is, that the nations of the world hate Am Yisroel because they are jealous that Am Yisroel merited receiving the Torah, and not they. However, the Kozhnitzer Maggid explain in Avodas Yisroel that the etymology of the word Sinai is Sinah – hatred. Our preparation for Kabbalas haTorah - how we ready ourselves to receive Torah is by generating hatred and loathing for the evil loathsome ways of the nations of the world. When we loath the way that they live and conduct themselves by acting evil, that hatred is a way to prepare ourselves to be able to properly receive the Torah. The same goes for Shabbos Kodesh, to fight and defeat the evil yetzer hara during the weekdays is what unlocks for us the Kedushah of the Shabbos, we cannot be ready for one without

Page 1 of 2 the other. This then is what we understand when Hashem commands Moshe in our pasuk to ‘harass the Midianites and hate and loathe them and their evil ways and loathsome conduct - the maasay goyim’. We need to hate the yetzer hara that pursues and chases us down in the very same way with the same hatred and loathing. By so doing, we merit the Zachor and Shamor of Shabbos. Based on how much hatred and to what level of harassment we invest, so will our reward pay off and we merit to Zachor and Shamor of Kedushas Shabbos in a commensurate manner.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In this week's parsha we read the parshiyos of all the Moadim and Yomim Tovim. Such a reading awakens the latent power of those times and has the segulah to inject us with the kedushah of the Moadim and Yom Tov. It is known from the holy seforim that the 21 days in between 17th of Tammuz and 9th of Av are Bein haMeitzarim - and in that time the kedushah of Yom Tov awakens specifically then. Pesach, , Yom Kippur and Sukkos are 21 days long and on each day of the three weeks - the kedushah of all these Yomim Tovim awakens. In other holy seforim, they teach us that the 21 days of the three weeks correspond to the days in between Rosh HaShana until Hoshana Rabbah - to what can this be compared? Like someone who wants to build an edifice, what does he do first? He draws up the architectural plans and drawings on papers and only after he has the plans drawn up, then he actually builds. Similarly, when it comes to these holy awesome days of the three weeks of Bein haMeitzarim - they take on the same shape and form as the Yomim Noaraim - and based on how we conduct ourselves during this time, so in equal measure will we merit the kedushah of those upcoming Yomim Noraim and Yomim Tovim. In the Avodas Yisroel, the Kozhnizter Maggid teaches us the meaning of the pasuk in Eichah (1:3), that all who chased her caught up to her in the dire straits and narrow alleys - that during these days a person can merit to achieve high levels, reaching and grasping unto Hashem. He explains this based on a Mashal that when a king is at home in his palace, it is extremely difficult to gain an audience and be granted the opportunity to see the king, however, when the king is traveling on the road, even rustic country folk can see him. So it is with Hashem, so to speak, as it were, when Hashem is in galus, exiled during these days it is much easier for us to merit to grasp Him. The primary objective for us is to strengthen our avodas Hashem and set aside specific time for Torah study and strengthen our avodah more so during these days, and by so doing we can merit the final full redemption when the honor and glory of Heaven will be fully revealed speedily in our days, Amen.

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