
Problem of Musicians SalariesConfrontsPhilharmonic and Symphony ttlfiere to Dine Co-day .00 April lf-24, are the women's clubs 129 W. DINNER $1 Fate of the Orchestras Now Statu as well as city officers oC the Fed¬ TO-DAY * Concert Calendar. erated Clubs have worked oat in con¬ 48th St. DAILY LUNCHEON. WV- a HOTEL BRISTOL _ Appears to Hang- in nection with the music, week c<*nmittee TO-WAY. programme which urges participation in the Balance. Carnegie Hall, 3. Philharmonic So- some specific way Upon all at'Oliateii or¬ DINNER*0 Aeolian Hall. 3. Symphony ganizations and emphasises particularly * t mm ciety; of mueical entertain- TO-DAY Society; Carnegie Hall. 8:16. Na- the giving special West & 67th St. Also a la Carte. H> w. j. mi:m>i:iison. tlonaJ Symphony Orchestra; Long- menis at their headquarters during the town .House Desirable Single RTtis Warren's week. TtUS ail is filli?d with rumors of acre Theatres 3, Frederic ballad conoert; Town Hall, 3, Er- 50 great doings in the musical neat Dohnanyl. composer-pianist; -MUS. RIESEKFELD'S RGCCT.iL. 285 Amsterdam Ave world. Perhaps the roost im- Metropolitan Opera House. 8:30, Mabel makes . and When Dunning, soprano, 73d The Little White 'Cavalleria Rusticana" "Pagii- House?.5! (At St.) Nerved 1PM-8:30PM Wirtav,; ot all the subjects discussed her appearance in song recital at Aeo¬ a ^cl" in concert form; Cooper lian Hall Monday afternoon, Mardli 21. is the orchestral -Ituation. The ac¬ 'Anion Hall, 8:lo. People's Institute 423 music by chorus the public will hear and see the wtfc of tions of many men are past under¬ concert, Spanish Hugo Rlosenfeld, orchestral conciuctor Madison Ave. Restaurant de La Paix s\nA sololsgs from Schola Canto- and rT£?ZTt~&. and those of the union mu¬ Kurt Behlndler conductor. and director of the Rlvoli, IRlalto 48 & standing, rmn, Criterion theatres. Eight y ars ago, 49 St. Breikfast.Luncheon.Dinner.Afternoon Tea sician surely cujinot be explained by HOX I>AT. when Mr. Rlosenfeld was a concert mas¬ «ny power, human or divine. Here are 3. -Miss Margaret ter of tha Opera Company, 892 7th Av.-56th St. Aeoli in Hall. he married had the fact*. The National Sym¬ Cla tk£«*i. soprano; Aeolian Hall, young singer, CHICKEN VlU CPft (Jitaianon CLt'B BREAKFASTS. ceaae to exist at 8 16V DLVNRR, phony Orchestra will Gabrllowitsch and Opera Company and had made a suc¬ A la Carte Service ' season. This 8:1&,; Osstp Luncheon 65c- SUNDAY DINNER he close of the present Alex im'ler Sehmuller in piano and cessful concert tour. $1.25. All Hours. will throw about ninety orchestral violin .recital. Two years after their marriage a little players out of employment. Do they DUNISTKNG daughter was born to them and the 20 East 34th St. TUjk THVW CA CMCHW « 8IMK DDiNffi accept the lesson? Not at all. CMRS. HLX'O TUESDAY. mother gave up profesalonal duties and Oppo.it. Altman'. ClK CilLLZ=DU ""UfflSfl National Orchestra lall. 2:30, National Sym- devoted herself to studying, keeping The Symphony RlESEHPEU?) Carnegie X and little Janet Riesen- 'S UNIQUE DINING PLACE.CLOSED SUNDAYS might have lived through another sea- WHO 16 T4 phony t\ rcheatra: Carnegie Hall, house raising BE HEARD 8:15, Mrrt Hulda l>a.shanska, so¬ feld. The child is now 6 years old and son, or perhaps more than one, if its can de¬ 351 WEST 57TI1 ST. LUNCH, 60c. 171 SQNO prano; a4 olian Hall, 3, Clarence airs. Riesenfeld finds that she NKAR DINNER. BOc. supporters could have seen their way vote more time to music. Henco the CIRCl.lt. RECITAL. Loomis, c<\ mposer-pianist, assisted TTTI . COT.IMBVS 5884. SUN. DFN.. »i.00. »o meet the demands of the musicians. by eevana) artists: Aeolian Hall, concert venture. down terms which Her will include sixteen But the union laid 8:15, >Jew York Chamber Music programme QUAINTEST PLACE IN* AMERICA literally drove the backers of the or- Society; TaVn Hall, 8:15, Oscar numbers by Handel. Rinaido da Capua. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. chestra out of the field. The enter¬ Seagle, brui tona; Metropolitan Carey, Brahms, Erich "Wolff, Wolf could not be conducted on the 1 Opera Horn*. 8:15. Cantor Ger- Ferrari. Debussy, Koechlin, Aubert. prise Helen SirotA Bruneau, Milan Roder, Carl Enget, terms made by its employees. shon Sirota.i .Miss confronts the in concert; Pl^za. Hotel, 3, Miss Lazar Samlnsky and AVood. The same situation Frances PelriVi J«ies, assisted by Philharmonic and Symphwiy societies. MISS M^RIE MASDELEINE in recital of Lonpracre. (/ 30TH ST. Hotel martba %7l RECITAL AEOLIAN HALL Francis Itogei V. harp¬ COXCERT FOR THE BLIND. TO-DlVY SPECIAL DINNER #i rn The musicians have laid down their OU CARP sichord music oml classic songs. *$1.:.0. NOON TO 9 P. M demands are such A concert has been arranged by Miss FAMOUS HOFBRAU Terms and their \\ k d M sda v. for the Ulasbington enter¬ Emma R. Stlne.r Community >4i«ii'.l>iinrin(-Rnnqurli that neither of these orchestral SJ&". Schola Canto- Centre of the 'New York G-uild for the 30 East 30th Street can carried on Carneg.e Hall. 5th Avenue prises be successfully rum Aeolian Jin'l, ". Miss Marie Jewish Blind this afternoon at 240 East WSSBBSSSSSBS^KBBBSBtt Near if the terms are granted. The mem¬ Well have KXCI.CSIVK. Magdelelne Du Oa^'P. pianist. 105th street. known artists Try our Buimday dinners: Krlcasseo Chicken, Newly Decorated Throughout. bers of the unicn of musicians are volunteered their services. Southern stylie. $1.00. Best In town. THE Women sitting calmly back in their chairs THUKHD>»VV. BLUE GATE, 342 Lexington Ave. Exclusively. awaiting the surrender of the guaran¬ Carnegie Hall, 3, Sy.niy >lion.v Society; Attractive Restaurant. Carnegie Hall. 8:1.Y, Boston Sym¬ HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. tors of the two orchestras.. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. r«av«v;;w The musicians must be paid so and so phony Orchestra; A^H'llan Hall. 3, much. They must determine just how Mine. Olga SamaroffA\>ianiat; Aeo¬ often, how long and when and where lian Hall. 8:1 C, An niel Wolf, ROOM and how they will rehearse. The part¬ pianist. AND ing of the ways comes at the point of the FRIDAY. F"urnlshed matter of salaries can BATH PLEASANTLY rehearsals. The Carnegie Hall. 2:30. L,a »-:cala Or¬ Suites of - rooms * SITUATED probably be adjusted. Orchestras never chestra: Carnegie Hall. Sym¬ bath. $." a day and up ON Overlooking Hudson River nay their own expenses. The backers Aeolian 3:30, for 1 or 2 persons. HOTKI* to phony Soclefy: \flali, HOTEL expect to go down into their pockets Miss Giulia Gilli, mezzo soprano: JimSaid make good the deficits. Of course there Aeolian Hall, 8:15, Miss A any Xelll, it was the finest dinner LUCERNE WILLARD-WEST END is a limit even to this. But public spir¬ violinist; Carnegie C'haintiti' Music 201 West 79th Ititli St. and West End Av. ited men and women have time and time Hall, 8:15, Miss Mary W.tttsrman, he ever ate!" Convenient to all lines transit. with Its new addition of 125 to ©O A quiet and refined family hotel. rooms with bath at $3 00 per day again shown a wonderful readiness Itl'K violinist. or demands. "The room was so Yearly !eas«s on furnished and up; also handsomely fur¬ meet increased SATURDAY. dining unfurnished apartments. Also nished Suites of two rooms and But when the musicians seek to con- cozy, the waiter was so at¬ weekly or transient, rates. Cui¬ bath. $0.00 a day and .». >: of the trol the enterprises and take the artistic KURT I Carnegie Hall, 2:30, Boston Sym¬ tentive . and everything sine and service hlghlft Special Yearly Ratea the hands of the con- SCHINDLER/^^^s-... phony Orchestra; Carnegie .Hall, class. A la <-art« Leasee. A la cart* direction out of SCHOLA tasted so good. My dear, table d'hote. table d'hote. ductors, they are going to meet their CONDUCTOR of -the 8:15, Miss Jean BarondessV so¬ we're there A. T. Hardy. AT A. T. Hardy. of these lines does CANTORUM in CONCERT. prano ; Aeolian Hall. 11. convert going every G. G. Stamm. Waterloo. The writer «. * now. C. Stamm. C. not know what Harry Karkncss Flagler CARNEGIE HALL . for children by Symphony SocU* y; Sunday but he knows what he would do Aeolian Hall. 3. Oliver Deruft n, "You know. Jim says we Attractive will do, to but if he were in Mr. Flagler's place. Be¬ pianist; Aeolian Hall. 8:15, Max have economize, you PRICES don't realize are economiz¬ fore yielding up control to the musicians Kotlarsky. pianist; MetropolItaV1 you lie would put the New York SymplKny Operas at Metropolitan Museum of Art. S. free orchestral' ing when you dine at the Hotel Society out of exlsten-.. Then an¬ concert. Bristol. The one dollar table . other eighty-five or ninety "artists" V > d'hote dinner is really wonder- would be without employment. Whether MOM DAY. ful. They have such a nice Hotel Bretton Hall that would convince the union that Its "The Polish Jew" and "L'Oracolo," Wasivn's fourth ballad concert ;U the I variety, the portions are just Theatre this afternoon are 85th to 86th Street intolerable tyranny ought to come to an the first opera with Mmes. Delau- LoniV^-re right, and the cooking is sim¬ nols and Howard, and Chief Cau- A Miss Jadltll Hallett Frank. Scottish so¬ ply delicious. end Is problematical. But it might lead ANGELO BAD prano:' Frieda ICfink, of orchestral enter- polican, Messrs. Chamlee and Gus- " ,Mlss contralto; "Last Sunday, after our ap¬ to the organization tfs TONIO *» THE POLISH JEW" metropolitan. George fteimtacrr, tenor, Norman Suhicay Slat/on at Door (86th St.) prises on a commonwealth basis. tafson; the second opera with Miss Jollif, ' petizer and soup, we had the ELEVATED STATION 2 BLOCKS SGTH ST. Messrs. Harrold and Scotti. barytor*'. and Miss Meta Schumann, ac- tenderest and most delicious AND MOST Nothing could be more beneficial to Borl, The I.MUiEST ATTRACTIVE M1DTOWN the business of music. It would not take WEDNESDAY. companftt. programme includes sirloin steak saute, with a rich HOTEL on fironi folk and other the union musician long to discover that Matinee."Zuza," with Miss Farrar, is the concert Sunday- afternoon, Gods Into Valhalla, "Khinegold;" many interesting songs. sauce made from fresh mush¬ Convenient to ail shops and theatres. backer. Messrs. C'rimi and De Luca. Even¬ March 27. The Sunday performance thi Rhlo of tho Valkyries, from the . « . rooms, that I ever ate. he could not exist without the mark the conclusion of the New and Funeral Really, rooms with An orchestra aiming to pay its own wav ing."XI Trova tore," with Mines. will "Valkyrie," Sietp'ried's To-night, uikler the auspioes of the I'm through going the rounds Exceptionally large, quiet bath Muzio and Gordon. Messrs. York series of Philharmonic concerts for Music, from thf "Dlis'k of the Gods." Music LeaRUt* of -the People's of restaurants. from Its receipts would not get through Kings¬ concert for Institute, The Bristol is and spacious closets, giving all the comforts ton and Danise. the society's seventy-ninth .season, but At the society's symphony a free concer* of music a our rhe first month of u musical season. next tn Spanish by vnt>w dining room." and of the best N. Y. hotels The outcome of the not the end of the orchestral activities, children, Saturday morning, selected c4)orut: aiid soloists from the advantages City logical present THURSDAY. as it the is: Intro¬ conditions In the orchestral world is the will leave on Monday, March 28. Aeolian Hall, prograimme Schola Caiitoruni. conducted by Kurt KVEMXfi DINXES, S1.00 at reasonable rates. abolition of both Philharmonic and "Andrea Chenier." with Mines. Muzio for a ten weeks' tour extending; from duction to act thren, "Lohengrin," Wag¬ Schtndler, wilt be given at Cooper NOON 75c Restaurant of Highest Standard at Attractive Prices Sym¬ coast to coast, and some sev¬ ner; suite from "Carmetj," Bizet: an¬ LUNCHEON, societies. cannot exist on and Howard. Messrs. Gigli, Danise embraelrfc Union. phony They cities and towns in the United dante from symphony, . . . Special Business .Wen's 'he terms proposed by their musicians. and Dldur. enty "Surprise" States and Canada. This is the Phil¬ Haydn; the Minuet of the Fly, Czibulka, At concert Luncheon. 50c Now the supporters of these orchestras V RIDAY. "The to-night's operatic at the ^ harmonic's first visit to the Pfaciflc coast and march from Prophet." Mey¬ Metropolitan Rusticana" and Lo see them go out of ex- "Manon," with Miss Farrar. Messrs. and the Northwest. Mr. and erbeer. "Cavajleria "rl |H'\ are aU mu8lc !overs- Stnansky "Paglbiccl" 'will t>o given in concert HOTEL BRISTOL ohi.f «fy Hackett, Chalmers and Rothier. Assistant Conductor Hadley will act in form. The singers to be heard in the first Sr pleasure in form of pub- SATURDAY. their For the last of Boston 128

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