
But Mario Bandlnl managed ’’Add a Dash of Pity," and for THE EVENING novel, STAR the money to pipe the water to his new to be published Wfthinjltn, D. C., Monday, July 27. J*Jf the top of hls'n. THE LYONS DEN by Little, Brown. He wrote A-13 ** * * them during his tour of "Ro- ‘‘incorrigibly lazy” Qershwln producer, will have six shows Ekberg By LEONARD LYONS manoff and Juliet.” Ustinov's HOLLYWOOD Anita and I were days encourages that description. on next season. night. son was born six after this wondering aloud t’other play "Today," he has said, “I plan Philip Courtney, (Ban- first opened in England. head of By SHEILAH GRAHAM "How come Kim Novak play- day's Anita) Would Save Carnegie "And last week," said the a full work—changing Coty’s, visited the Boviet Fair dint’s ex-flame, so was wright-star, “my son saw the my typewriter ribbon." here Deputy so beautiful and so pursued, —Van Cllblirn pianist will net 118,000 from gave and told the Min- play and some penetrat- * ** «* ' i has managed to evade matri- brooded for a while, after ** * ister of the his next two concerts . . Now ing criticisms.” Trade about his plan: mony?” Kim is 25 or 26. I peculiar reviews by the London he’s dedicating himself to eav- l The police will put up can- At the remember at dis- Jean Cocteau, who wrote and Amerloan Exhibit In can’t this critics. He absented himself Ing Carnegie Hall from being I direct vas around the Hudson Moscow, Coty Career Beckons Linda tance. from his New York apartment will the screenpaly foE- Cele- would distribute torn down. He has a theory | “Orpheus' Testament," says bration Theater In Central ROME (NANA).—Linda Linda, wearing red and busied In long samples of its wares, free, to all she was a La Ekberg. by the way. never himself that the spirits of all the great that found per- Park, because Christian, who is always good hours of practice in the base- who at last he’s the thousands of comers. The Soviet official wig—"l didn't have time to get dances with shoes on. Anita musicians performed there | fect man to play It: He took standees on hills say of .. The the have been ! frowned at this, and said It for a story, called to she my showed me the bruises from ment left their stamp In the walls,' hair done and I have wigs the role himself . . . Risa Sch- watching the shows for free was leaving Rome for Berlin to her recent manhandling in "A which should be preserved. would cause a stampede. the 17-year-old . . . The seven in star with O. W. Fischer in in all colors—blond, red and Life.” One of her last wartz. who'll film stars brown." Sweet Ethel Merman's young son,' play the lead in Paddy Chayef- “Our Man In Havana" are sup- "Goodbye to the Clouds." "You scenes took place In the middle city of cats—they're all over Robert, had ADVERTISEMENT a memorable week Sky’s "The Tenth Man,” also plied with chauffeur-driven ' see I meant It when I told you The Lucille Ball-Drsi Arnaz of the famed fountain from the place, especially In the in Denver: The courts ap- is enrolled College Rolls Royces and «¦> - I about my tour of Italy was not a happy at Hunter Bentleys, for * was serious career. "Three Coins, etc.” And while open-air restaurants at nlaht, proved his change . Special people of name to for the fall . . Yogi Berra’s the ride to and from the stu- introductory offer Godfrey Reinhardt is directing. one. according to the the drenched the they paw your lor heard them. Desi has been water beau- where arm his stepfather’s and now he’s! friends advised him that when dios. But their director, Carol to interest new readers... I have three more pictures to who teous blond at the witching food. Six, overworking. He has to keep Robert Jr. The bov also he’s "on deck,” to follow Mickey Reed, drives a shopworn tiny make in Europe and two big hour of midnight, Romans ** * * full capac- 3.000 won the Statewide quick-draw- Mantle at bat with two outs, Austin . . . David Merrick, the August ones in Hollywood. Why did I his studios going at and aahed. She used up and-flie gun . oohed Cecil B. De Mllle would have contest . Bea- he refrain from he lose money. . . donning his come to Rome? To get my ity or would I evening gowns before the bought three been pleased with the fact that trice Lillie will recite "Peter j shin guards. It shows a lack wardrobe for the picture, which Orson Welles has a scehe was right. In passing, the and the ADVERTISEMENT magnificent seaside villa near his "T e n Commandments” Wolf” with Skitch 1 of confidence In Mickey. is all of one suit.” when I saw water wtus icy! Henderson conducting Reader’s huge profit Italy, Rome. The awesome Orson made a In the Lon- i Ira Gershwin's first book. Helps You Overcome ** * * strong don Symphony, they’ll lives there very quietly with his where It Is still running and then “Lyrics on Several Occasions,'’! recording of . . Italian wife, and currently with Franco Silva, Anita's current They also like “The Young make a it .The 1 will be published in October. ! Newport Festival is making 1 FALSE TEETH Digest TH( daughter from his heart Interest, has the Lions." In it he’ll reveal how of, 'ONI OF SIX BIST FILMS Rebecca Joined ambitious plans most OF ALL marriage Hayworth. cast of Victor Mature's "Han- Giulietta Masina has Just to have the his song hits came Into being. Looseness and Worry regular price TlMir with Rita premiere of jazz opera 35< ** * * nibal picture with Rita Gam. completed a film with Richard a new Although he’s written 18 No longer annoyed or feel 111-at- 1 there year. scores be They still like Ingrid Berg- Franco asked Anita what Victor Basrhart, who was such a next with his brother, George, and eaae because of looee wobbly fait# GRAND ** * FASTEETH, Improved alka- * teeth. an " • ILLUSION (lie #W ION SHOWN KIN CHIN • SIfNNF FERNET man in Italy in spite of the was like. Her reply was unprint- glorious fool in "La Strada" 50 shows and films containing line I non-acid l powder, sprinkled on 9Q(!l month IISCBttitiMtI fact that she will probably nev- able. NEVER invite them to with her. Basehart’s wife, Val- Peter Ustinov is In New York 800 songs, collaborating with your platee holds them nrmerto they T only play- arrange feel more comfortable Avoid embar- er return to the land of Rossel- the same picture again. entina Cortesa, has been :to the publication of the top composers of our times. | rassment by plates. Oat caused loose I • a*”" frjrsj? lini . . . Marilyn Monroe, by They should call Rome the acting in Milan. his collection of short stories, he has a reputation for being FASTEETH at any drug counter. unanimous consent, is the most popular American actress in Italy. And they haven’t yet seen her in "Some Like it Hot” FpnauESi . . Lollobrigida the | AIN-CONDHIONED . Gina is richest woman in Italy, since the huge success of her “Most Beautiful Woman in the World”

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F You’ll find it easier to get ahead when inflation is off your back I^ippimS 4k / “We’re making good money -but why can’t we get ahead?”

\OU can’t get ahead for the same reason that , eliminated altogether. Your representatives may he- A good way to keep yourself fully informed on most families can’t get ahead: There’s too little heve exactly as you do hut if they hear mainly from how your representatives are voting is through your and OTHER OUTSTANDING, savings you pay living expenses. pressure groups who demand more spending, it is newspaper, Dl left for after for v FFERBNT U • for &ALi£rNIGHTLY i j.l jj.l. j , „ hard them to hold the line against inflation. That And the odd thing is that most of us can actually clear 3. Whenever you shop, don’t he afraid to be price- Variations Classiques, Pas de Deux, Swan Lake, Gait* Parisienne. I is wh and others nccd to make it that count more dollars in each paycheck. But they don t conscious. You have a to Lake, expect the government to live within its right receive full value m The Blue Bird, (two Acts and a |%|= buy as much as t,ie Prologue;,£wan Scheherazade. they used to. income. for mon <*>’ you spend.

• *• Sylphides, Imperial, The , j •*. Black Swan, . „ ... » EJ Ballet Gait# Parisienne. dollar has fallen victim to inflation-has lost . a \vi.™ -n c 6 > " rt 2 ' Your state a,,d loca •’epresentatives also may 11 find Imperial, 32* in purchasing power just since end of World H Ballet Pas de Trois, ‘Slavonic Dances, The Nutcracker E3 the ™*J;.? ® ":™?; '' f Ml (two Acts a being you tighten- ld ?f’llthullK' ve >’our fami hat and Prologue). War 11. What’s more, forces that can create more appreciate reminded that favor ]y I Lake, ln U statc extra protection you want them to have. And as Swan Don Quixote, The Nutcracker (two Acts and a Pro- O inflation are still building up, still S P on and local expenditures. logue , threatening what I Scheherazade. " S °"T wdl be rov,d - you earn and what you save ITT P jj 11 IHT lIH mg |tal> II Giselle w 0 Acts), Pas de Trois, The Nutcracker (two Acts and a NgßYliiniimijfffliffinMHl' I ITthc cap f*°r more jobs and greater opportu- You read about these inflationary forces in the nity for all. Ballet Imperial, Don Quixote, Slavonic Dances, Gaite Parisienne. E3 We all look forward to the prosperous year. es or ene Sl a . . ahead, , 1 , , 1970 hut we’ll be a lot more sure of them when \ - 1960 ~ , tional ‘'l9so *»*U , tax money is not pav , ~ forthcomingB to for these I ' t i"o* * our dollar, „„ . \ economy on a l.„. rikt _ fIA) J rests stable extras, we have to pay with more inflation. No A 9o« \ [ denying it—excessive government is spending a pri- 80« • • • mary cause of the inflation that makes it tough for Lfit 70« -V—- --you to get ahead. s \ 60= 'Xofot Brought to you in the interest of every American * ~~at~ | SEPTEMBER t /T 50« who is concerned with preserving the value of the wiHiHtr fhbulO(/sfAB/AN»C\y6t ||| HOW YOU CAN HELP STOP INFLATION H Hj Quam> Eddy eflonettc FUMCEUO pint focartfStirs•• J \S%Tlo' 3^ 1. Write to your senators and congressmen ~j G SEATS AVAILABLE ALL and tell INSTITUTE OF LIFE INSURANCE n r . 9?£, FOR PERFORMANCES CJ 1330 F St. N.W SUPER MUSIC CITY BOX OFFICE ST. 3 3234 ffil them you favor tightening up on expenditures. Open Daily M to 5:30 PM 1 | ~. Central Source of Information about Life Insurance ¦ Cart.o- ? Barron Amp Box a. rafel Os!. Daily 10 a m.-10 pm—TU. 2-26-0 ¦¦ Many expenditures can be reduced, postponed or L___— - 488 york Pnees: -$3.00 - $3.85 , new 22, N. Y. „ „ $2.50 PI Fr *« Parkin* at Bus Service from ;,v| Amphltheate^— <*

fu,y 28 Sunday August 'l. iIVh A thru fl H¦ H IEATI:R r *m» ,ns «P™ durln* this U aerUirf rtlTlC fV«mr° m in10:00JSr A*T/ H tjVket buying/ M tOlO 00 F M for •» advance Inflation is "the cruelest tax of all"