SUMMARY: During 1997 the Lancashire Constabulary looked for a policing style, which would deliver its aim of making the communities of Lancashire, feel safe involved and reassured. A subsequent presentation at Lancashire Police HQ by a representative of PRCU (then PRG), highlighted POP as potentially suitable. A formal project management methodology was used to set out the process to be followed. Although no 'implementation template existed, the project was able to highlight strategic issues which had consistently confronted other agencies. This led to a risk assessment identifying areas which could create the most difficulty to implementing POP within the Constabulary.

During the start of the 1998/9 year the of Lancashire stated that all officers and support staff of the Lancashire Constabulary would embrace Problem Oriented Policing. This led to each division and department developing both one year and three year plans showing how they would deliver POP. The result was a phenomenal range of co-coordinated interventions made at Force, Divisional, and geographic level, thereby creating the policing environment in which community based initiatives could thrive. The result has been a reversal in level of performance in terms of Crime Reduction from lagging behind the national average during 1992-7, to being the country's top performer during 1998/9. More qualitative assessment was provided in the form of an independent evaluation by the District Audit Office, which established the level of implementation of POP on each Division and Department. Second, a statistically reliable analysis was completed on all POP initiatives within one Division, to provide further information in order to enhance the partnership process.

The culmination of these assessments once more started the SARA process. A Force steering group, analysed progress and through consultation decided the way forward. In short, it is argued that the implementation of POP within the Lancashire Constabulary is unique for a number of reasons: !"It explicitly articulated the benefits prior to implementation. !"It affected all individuals within the Force as well as a significant number of systems. !"Implementation was systematic, following a formal project management methodology. !"Evaluation involved all Divisions and Departments being independently assessed by the District Audit office. !"The process can be linked to enhanced performance !"The submission provides a template for POP implementation, which may benefit other agencies.


SCANNING !"It would provide a framework for more effective policing During 1997, the new Chief Constable of Lancashire had set the direction and aims for the !"It would provide more cost effective policing Lancashire Constabulary. The problem she now faced was in deciding the policing style that !"It works - police forces who have effectively could deliver these aspirations. During this implemented this approach had reduced scanning period the Chief Constable invited crime/disorder and overall demand PRG (Professor Tilley), to provide an overview of Problem Oriented Policing, to an open forum This group also made the significant decision at Lancashire Police HQ. At the end of that that this philosophy would be implemented presentation the Chief Constable concluded that holistically. This meant it would utilise all the Constabulary would look at this philosophy officers rather than using a tiered approach of policing in greater detail. which would separate problem solving officers (i.e. community beat officers) from other Initially research focused on whether problem officers, deployed on response. Concerned that oriented policing was a viable operational style so many police agencies had tried and failed to to introduce. As a result using formal project implement this approach the second phase of the management methodology police forces, such as corporate project was to map out the changes Leicestershire, Cleveland, Thames Valley, that would be required, and then risk assess the Surrey, and Strathclyde, were scrutinised. impact such changes would have on the Consultation also took place with the Police Constabulary. Research Group (Home Office, England), as well as other academics active in this field. A ANALYSIS wider review, via the Internet and PERF (USA), led to a 12 day visit to the San Diego Police The analysis found that all of the organisations Department, USA Although each agency had reviewed appeared to confront consistent committed considerable resources to this strategic issues. Successful implementation philosophy the reason for doing so appeared depended upon quality staff, who know their mainly intuitive. part within the organisation, who have the tools to deliver, who are allowed to deliver, who want During 1997 a meeting of Chief Officers and to deliver, and who do deliver outputs and Divisional Commanders decided that a business outcomes. From each of these strategic areas case had been sufficiently made out to implement emanated considerable levels of change, as the POP. The evidence focused on 6 principal reasons: following paragraphs indicate.

!" It was consistent with the style of policing the Quality staff public of Lancashire wanted, in that it was

community focused and involved a There is considerable research in the U.S. and partnership approach. England to say that those who are 'attracted' to

!" work within police agencies, are more suited to It was inevitable as it was in line with enforcement than a community approach, which forthcoming legislation (Crime & Disorder utilises partnerships to solve problems. This Act), that statutorily required the police and meant that prior to implementation issues such local government to enter into community as recruitment, induction, selection, reward, and safety initiatives together. appraisal needed to be examined.

!"It provided a viable strategy for reducing public demand.


Who know their part in the And finally, who delivers outputs and organisation outcomes?

Those who were employed to deliver problem- How do police forces know that their inputs solving within the Constabulary had to have (their officers, their vehicles, and their policing clarity of role and purpose. The Chief Constable strategies) are linked to their outputs and therefore had to explicitly define the purpose for eventually outcomes? Another important issue her staff, and define the competencies she here was that the service provided should be expected from Constables, Sergeants, Inspectors, ethical, which led to methods of audit and and Superintendents. For clarity all this had to evaluation being debated. be communicated and understood. Once these implementation issues were Who have the tools to deliver? completed a present position audit was completed at a Force level and a risk assessment Many tools were identified. Most importantly was then made concerning the blockages that staff needed to be empowered and be close to might be faced and the impact these would have their community; as such resources were most in hindering implementation. Some of the risk effective when they were devolved to local was significant. The move to geographical control. Secondly ISIT systems needed to supply policing for instance had been seen in many accurate and timely information; for the forces to dilute resources and create officer Constabulary this meant that crime and disorder safety issues, which made many forces move records had to be merged. Further there was the away from this type of structure. Once each risk critical issue of partnerships and the capability to had been highlighted a contingency plan was put implement them successfully at strategic and in place. For instance one activity to minimise tactical levels. Finally, and overarching all of difficulty was an informal weekly meeting these, came the concept of knowledge between the staff associations and the Deputy management, in that the organisation needed to Chief Constable to quickly dispel rumours. be able to harness and spread good practice. Finally the project also provided a checklist of success factors, which would enable everyone Who are allowed to deliver? within the Constabulary to know what the successful implementation of POP would look Identifying and producing the tools was only like. effective if staff were able to use them, therefore leadership was identified as one of the most RESPONSE crucial aspects. There was also a need to manage the incoming demand from the public, only Once the analysis had been completed deploying to necessary incidents, thereby giving implementation followed the same level of officers the space to pro-actively identify and planning. Using the same strategic framework solve community problems. mentioned earlier, representative teams from each Division and Department (including commanders, Who want to deliver? constables and support staff) went through a 2-day workshop. This resulted in each providing both a This area includes organisational culture. A one-year and a three year plan looking at the longitudinal study conducted of new recruits changes they would make to embed POP within replicated other findings found nationally. It their part of the organisation. This meant showed how police officers went from a service unprecedented change to systems and processes minded approach to a perspective that was throughout the Constabulary (shown below), internally focused, and biased towards which moved forward in a coordinated fashion. enforcement. Clearly plans to reverse this cultural indoctrination were required.


Quality staff of disorder and nuisance, and the reduction of road casualties. The qualitative elements have The work done within the Constabulary in relation evolved over the 3 years and relate to public to Human Resource systems involved the satisfaction and confidence. following: !"Roles were re-evaluated to make sure they !"Recruitment was reviewed to sustain the added value to community problem solving community problem solving philosophy. !"Priority posts were filled to support POP, !"External consultants developed a competency vacancies were held in support departments. framework. This involved Constables, Sergeants, Inspectors and Superintendents !"A Constabulary video was produced to explain together with support staff equivalents. The the POP philosophy. framework sets out the behaviours required by the organisation, to which POP is an explicit !"Each division and department provided and significant part. training so that all their staff understood their part in this philosophy. !"The POP philosophy was infused into all induction processes and selection processes. !"A monthly internal newspaper continually Recruitment for specialist posts, including dedicates space to highlight the POP approach detective posts and promotion to Sergeant, involved all staff being questioned about their !"Presentations were made to all stakeholder involvement and understanding of problem groups and the general community to make solving. them aware of the philosophy the Force was following. !"Open learning centres were opened at HQ and on Divisions with CD ROM's provided Who have the tools to deliver? covering problem solving expertise. In these areas the Constabulary took the following !"Probationary Constables have to complete a action: problem solving initiative in their training. !"The Constabulary changed to a structure, !"A reward system was initiated. Examples which divided the Force into geographical involved an annual competition whereby the areas, under the direction of a geographic winner went to the international conference at Inspector to promote ownership and local San Diego. Similarly Chief Officer identity. Each Division was assessed as to commendations have changed to acknowledge whether it had placed as much of its resources work that is partnership as well as law as possible under the control of geographical enforcement based. areas.

Who know their part in the !"Budgets were devolved to Division and organization? departmental control. Recent financial cuts have fallen on support departments rather than Actions taken here involved: Divisions.

!"Drawing up quantitative and qualitative !"Training, such as financial management, was objectives to focus the Constabulary into given so that staff in geographical areas had problem solving. The quantitative objectives the skills to manage their areas. included the reduction of crime, the reduction


!"Discreet communities were identified and !"Presentations were made to all stakeholder profiled to facilitate local problem solving. groups and the general community to make them aware of the POP philosophy. !"Consultation groups were identified and systems put in place to gather their views !"Suitable partners at strategic and tactical level have been identified at a divisional level and !"There was considerable work done to put the directories of useful contacts have been systems in place to effectively produced identify/analyse/ respond to community problems as well as analysing the response to !"Local officers are acknowledged for getting community problems. involved in partnerships at a tactical level.

!"Each geographic area and support department !"Joint training has taken place with partners, set individual plans and targets. Two analysts albeit not on a systematic basis. on each Division provide, relevant and timely information concerning reoccurring incidents !"The Lancashire Partnership Against Crime and trends. Areas also have on daily basis (LANPAC), a registered charity provides information concerning reported crime and funding for community problem solving disorder. initiatives (i.e. youth shelters). Since April 1999 they have provided £91,000 to fully or !"An intranet database has been put in place to part fund bids which have taken a problem share good practice. At present there are 180 solving approach to reducing crime and initiatives on this database. disorder.

!"Three problem-solving conferences have been Who want to deliver? held at Force HQ, and have had guests from the USA. Actions in this area include:

Who are allowed to deliver? !"Interventions have taken place to move the organisational culture of the Force from the Actions in this area include: present state to one, which facilitates problem solving. !"A force project was initiated to look at call handling centres and deployment issues. !"Leaders were selected and put in place in Communication rooms will move, later this respect of their understanding and year from 14 to 6 centres. Whilst this process commitment to the philosophy. is taking place there is a push to only deploy officers to those incidents they need to attend. !"Chief Officers regularly state their Processes are being developed which resolve commitment to the philosophy. demand at the earliest opportunity (a one stop shop). !"There has been a clear commitment that staff should be empowered and there are !"There are a considerable number of considerable examples to show this is recruitment initiatives looking at volunteers happening. to assist with community problems. And finally, who delivers outputs and !" A SARA form was introduced across the outcomes? Force to structure problem solving. Actions in this area include:


!"The importance of ethics and values has been looked at whether the critical POP success articulated in the strategy of the force. An factors outlined in the original project had been ethics working group has been established. delivered (such issues as levels of awareness, senior officer commitment, local structures, !"Checks and balances have been put in place rewards etc.). In the methodology that followed to audit such issues as crime reporting. the team from the District Audit department had formal meetings with Chief Officers. They also !"A rigorous performance management circulated 350 questionnaires (received a 50% structure has been put in place which holds response rate), and conducted focus groups people accountable for community problem comprising operational officers from all solving. This structure starts with ACPO and Divisions and HQ. The results provided an follows a tiered approach to Divisions, overview of progress across all Divisions and Departments, geographic areas and HQ, and highlighted the themes were significant individuals (through the PDR process). progress (or otherwise) had been made. It showed that the Constabulary had come a long way in embedding POP within the workforce ASSESSMENT however there was still progress to be made. One significant factor was that the Division were Thorough and honest evaluation has been it had been most accepted had experienced the critical to the implementation process. During most success in terms of crime reduction ( -9.3% 1998/9 many lower level assessments were in the 1st year and -12.5% in the second year). made, for instance the views of 200 operational officers were assessed at the Force POP The assessment so far had shown that the conference to establish whether they had performance of the Lancashire Constabulary was increased awareness (which they had). Similarly improving and that POP systems had been the POP training project which was also implemented. However what of the quality of formally managed also had an evaluation written the POP initiatives themselves, could they be into the process. shown to make a difference within the community? Anecdotally there were many It was felt however that formal evaluation had to success stories. Problems that had existed for be at 3 levels, and also had to have some many years had been tackled. Similarly the independence. The most important criteria was Constabulary had entered more examples than outcome. It was felt POP implementation was any other Force (16 entries) for the first Tilley not an end in itself; it must make a difference to award, and had been awarded a runners up the communities of Lancashire. In the two full place. The Force had also presented 3 papers at years since implementation Lancashire has seen the 2nd British POP conference and 3 a reduction in crime, disorder and casualties. operational officers were sent to the 1998 Similarly customer satisfaction is reported at international POP conference after the first high levels. However it is specifically in respect Force competition was held. Lancashire also of crime that we see a difference in performance. assisted the national development of POP Between 1992/3 & 1997/8 the Lancashire through numerous presentations to other Forces, Constabulary displayed a -10.7% reduction in and its presence on the National POP working crime, which was considerably behind the group. However because previously HMIC national average of -17.9%. During 1998/9 the (1998) in a national review of Community Constabulary area showed the largest reduction Safety partnerships had found only 5% of crime in the country (-10.1% against national described as ultimately successful. It was average - 1.4%). It continues to show this trend. decided a more detailed evaluation should take place. As such all problem solving initiatives However, this level of performance did not tell over a period of one year, within one Division the Constabulary it was in any part due to the were reviewed. POP approach. The second level therefore


The analysis commenced with a simple coding was therefore available which could assist matrix. Each of the 46 initiatives were initially officers in implementing initiatives. analysed as to whether they involved a particular partner (59 potential partnerships were !"Sustainability was negatively correlated with proposed, later amalgamated into 17 categories). partnerships which are intensive in police These initiatives were then analysed as to resources. whether they were community focused; based on crime prevention theory; had clear objectives; GOING AROUND THE LOOP had evaluation criteria; had sufficient resources; had been evaluated; had been successful; AGAIN - provided sustainable solutions; and had an exit SCANNING strategy. These variables were an amalgam which external bodies such as the Audit The three levels of assessment showed that the Commission, Crime Concern, and Constabulary had done a significant amount of H.M.Inspectorate of Constabulary had work in implementing POP however it was emphasised as important. recognised that the SARA process was dynamic and that it should start again. The desired The subsequent, statistically validated analysis outcome remained the same, that all staff would highlighted a number of important issues. implement problem oriented policing to help achieve the objectives of the Force, notably to They were: reduce crime, disorder, road casualties and improve public satisfaction and public !"Although 33% were successful (a significant confidence. improvement on HMIC findings), this meant 67% of initiatives did not result in sustainable The scanning process had remained constant; reductions of crime/disorder. This was a there were representatives of the Force on a terrible waste of resources. national working group which liased with other Forces and the 2"d National POP conference had !"Many potential partners such as the County provided information which had not been fully Council, Health Authorities, victim groups, analysed. The District Audit department report help groups, minority groups and the had also been extremely useful. It showed the environment agency were poorly utilised. It level of commitment to POP across the Force appeared that those partners closest to the area within individual divisions and at HQ. This problem were the ones most likely to be used coincided with a new Deputy Chief Constable (i.e. local authority, schools, local business). who had moved from another Police Force committed to POP, and who had fresh ideas. As !"The majority of initiatives (71%) had clear a result a Force wide steering group, comprising objectives and were community focused, a Divisional representatives and operational HQ possible benefit from a structured problem departments, chaired by the Deputy Chief solving approach the SARA model had Constable, met to discuss the way forward. provided. ANALYSIS !"Sustainability is positively correlated with those initiatives which are: innovative, This initiated further analysis of how POP could be properly resourced, having clear objectives, improved. The main issues that were discussed evaluation criteria, being theory based and related to: increased visibility and commitment having the involvement of more than one from senior managers; enhanced intelligence partner. This corroborated the findings of systems to support the process; and the effective HMIC, Crime Concern and most recently the spread of good practice. Each representative of the Audit Commission (1999). A simple checklist group was asked to separately analyse their part of


the organisation, consult with staff on their !"The Force POP steering group is now a Division and produce an action plan. regular meeting with established terms of reference. RESPONSE ASSESSMENT Following on from the analysis, further responses were implemented: These more recent responses has invigorated the POP approach within Lancashire. The Force !"All items for management meetings (including POP steering group continues to look for new Chief Officers, Divisional Commanders, opportunities and looks to bring other partner Operations Managers etc.) are now submitted agencies on board. All meetings at a senior level using the SARA format. are constantly reminded of the SARA approach due to those forms being used in the process. !"At each monthly Operations Manager meeting Similarly operational meetings constantly there is a standing item on POP where each discuss problem solving initiatives due to the divisional representative shares a problem- fact that they are a standing item. solving example with his/her colleagues. For the first time officers are routinely getting !"All Divisions and the 2 main operational Chief Constable commendations for partnership wings of HQ have submitted action plans on initiatives and the Force has set out a more co- how to develop Problem Oriented Policing in ordinated approach to problem solving having their area. This has resulted in POP co- distinguished different levels it can take place at ordinators being identified at a Force, Division i.e. individual, geographic team, divisional, and geographic area. force level.

!"A corporate policy has been compiled and Again this year the Constabulary continues to agreed, setting out responsibility in terms of reduce crime and disorder, when this is a rising implementing problem-oriented policing. trend in many other areas across the Country.

!"Divisional Commanders were requested to CONCLUSION proactively identify those officers who had implemented community problem solving It is hoped that this submission shows the initiatives which had made an impact in the considerable effort that is needed to transform community, for a Chief Constables good practice, in terms of problem solving, into commendation. common practice, across an organisation covering approximately 5000 people. This !"There is now ownership for the central submission has probably failed in outlining the database which spreads POP good-practice, considerable difficulties in travelling this path; this has been audited and edited to improve the debates over geographic policing, quality. empowerment, and culture being particularly significant.

!"A briefing system which downloads a number However it is argued that the implementation of of databases (i.e. intelligence, warrants, POP within the Lancashire Constabulary is custody system, crime and incidents has now unique for a number of reasons. It explicitly been developed which allows officers to articulated the benefits prior to implementation. obtain detailed briefings on a particular It affected all individuals within the Force as geographical area at the touch of a button well as a significant number of systems. (recently highlighted as good practice by Implementation was systematic, and followed a HMIC). formal project management methodology.


Evaluation was wide ranging and involved all 7. Programmes relating to the 3 Force POP Divisions and Departments being independently conferences assessed by the District Audit department. 8. Minutes from Operation Managers monthly Further, and most importantly it showed that the meeting showing standing item outlining successful implementation of POP can assist a POP initiatives. Police Service make a significant difference to 9. Issue report in SARA format for decision the communities it serves. making forums (i.e. Chief Officer group, Commanders conference etc.). One final critical point is that the Constabulary has 10. District Auditors report showing evaluation continued to move forward in POP and has gone of POP within Lancashire Constabulary. through the SARA process on a Force wide basis a 11. Formal evaluation of partnerships in Southern number of times. It now starts to co-ordinate Division of Lancashire Constabulary. regional, force, divisional, and geographic POP 12. Minutes from Constabulary POP steering responses. This method of thinking coupled with group. the Crime & Disorder Act continues to open up 13. Terms of reference Force working party on new possibilities. It is hoped this submission gives POP. other Forces a template, which will serve as a 14. Lancashire Constabulary database of good starting point, when they consider implementing practice. the POP philosophy. 15. Minutes from national POP working group showing Lancashire involvement in national FOR MORE INFORMATION development. 16. National/Force/Divisional performance Superintendent Stuart Kirby; Operations statistics. Manager; Eastern Division; Lancashire Constabulary; Northgate, BB2 1AE; Phone 01254 353502; Fax 01254 353536


Not surprisingly this project has initiated a considerable amount of miscellaneous documentation. The following documents can be produced if necessary:

1. Project initiation document - problem oriented policing within Lancashire Constabulary. 2. The feasibility of implementing problem oriented policing within the Lancashire Constabulary - final project document. 3. Supporting documents for the Divisional and departmental strategic planning workshops resulting in POP implementation plans. 4. Competency framework for all staff within the Constabulary showing the priority of POP. 5. Problem oriented policing - a users handbook for officers within the Constabulary. 6. Problem oriented policing - a Constabulary produced video.
