TrLocal poli Police Accountability Written Evidence Section E - H 10 February 2015 Evidence Number Name Stakeholder category E29 Nigel Pearson, Chief Executive of Local government East Riding Council E30 Essex Police, Chief Constable Police force E31 Police and Crime Commissioner for Police and Crime Essex Commissioner E32 Essex Police and Crime Panel Police and Crime Panel Professor Francesca Gains Academics E33 (University of Manchester) and Professor Vivien Lowndes (University of Nottingham) Police and Crime Commissioner for Police and Crime E34 Gloucestershire Commissioner E35 Gloucestershire Police and Crime Police and Crime Panel Panel E36 Mr G Phillips Member of the public E37 Police and Crime Commissioner for Police and Crime Gwent Commissioner E38 Gwent Police and Crime Panel Police and Crime Panel E39 Police and Crime Commissioner for Police and Crime Hampshire Commissioner E40 Hampshire Police and Crime Panel Police and Crime Panel Office of the Police and Crime Police and Crime E41 Commissioner for Hertfordshire Commissioner Hertfordshire Police and Crime Police and Crime Panel E42 Panel Police and Crime Commissioner for Police and Crime E43 Humberside Commissioner RIDING HIRE COUNCIL County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone (01482) 887700 uk Nigel Pearson Solicitor Chief Executive Committee on Standards in Public Life Your Ref: Room GCOS Our Ref: NP/TAC06176/ RES 1 Horse Guards Road Enquiries to : Nigel Pearson Email: nigel.
[email protected]. uk London Tel Direct: 01482 391000 SW1A2HQ Date: 17 October 2014
[email protected] Dear Sirs Response of East Riding of Yorkshire Council to Humberside Police Force Redesign Plan I write in response to the Committee on Standards in Public Life call for submissions about the accountability to the public of Chief Constables under the elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) system introduced in November 2012.