Bridgewater Review Volume 24 | Issue 1 Article 14 Jun-2005 Book Reviews Charles F. Angell Bridgewater State College,
[email protected] Recommended Citation Angell, Charles F. (2005). Book Reviews. Bridgewater Review, 24(1), 31-32. Available at: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. ber being disappointed that the film of the actual tsuna- try. The highest rates were in Detroit (41 and a bit), mi was so inferior to the Hollywood depiction of a simi- Saint Louis (42) and New Orleans (44). In fact, cities in Book Reviews lar, though fictional, event. Did others have this general have higher murder rates than do less densely Philip Roth, The Plot Against America reaction, and did we Americans respond less aggressive- settled areas. For example, while the 2001 murder rate (Houghton Mifflin, 2004) ly to the event than we would have if the coverage had for Massachusetts was only 2 persons per hundred matched the impact of the film? thousand population, the rate for Boston was 11. If you Richard Clarke, “Ten Years Later,” still want to live in a fairly large city and are looking for Atlantic Monthly (Jan./Feb., 2005) Ironically, a second problem that is created by a fascina- low murder rates, try Austin, Texas (3.9 per hundred tion with disaster is that at the same time as we dilute Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran thousand residents), or Honolulu (2.3). its real impacts, we may come to exaggerate its likely (Random House Trade Paperback, 2004) impact in our lives.