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67 Bibliotheca Orientalis Lxxiv N° 1-2, Januari-April 2017 68 67 BIBlIOTHEcA ORIENTAlIS lxxIV N° 1-2, januari-april 2017 68 have been 100 years of age in 2015. Furthermore, he notes that Barguet was encouraged by Goyon to compile his bio- graphic portrait and pathway through Egyptology. It was Barguet’s wish that his contribution would appear only after his death. A word of thanks is presented to Christine Gallois, the co-editor of this book. The chapter concludes with a photo of Barguet. Paul Barguet 1915-2012 (pp. 9-11) is Jean-Claude ­Goyon’s compendium of Barguet’s upcoming chapter Une vie d’égyptologue (pp. 17-22). Goyon was appointed by ­Barguet in 1993 as his testamentary executor and he was also entrusted with his memoirs. Bibliographie de Paul Barguet (pp. 13-16) is composed by Jean-Claude Goyon. This chapter lists 74 relevant publica- tions of Barguet between 1950 - 2001. Une vie d’égyptologue (pp. 17-22), with a short introduc- FARAONIscH EgypTE tion from Jean-Claude Goyon, is the contribution of Paul Barguet in which he reviews the years between his adoles- [Cercle Lyonnais d’égyptologie Victor-Loret] — Un savant cence and roughly 1980. au pays du fleuve-dieu. Hommages égyptologiques à After his study at the Lycée Condorcet in Paris and his Paul Barguet. (Kyphi, 7). Khéops, Paris, 2015. (29,5 cm, first contact with the world of hieroglyphs and Egyptian tem- 239). ISBN 2-916142-07-X. ISSN 1289-9305. € 59,-. ples Barguet passed his bachelor of Classical Arts. He con- tinued his studies at the Université Paris-Sorbonne during the In honour of the late French Egyptologist Paul Barguet 2nd World War. Barguet was appointed as a researcher for († 2012) sixteen scholars, who have known and valued him, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in contributed to this tome. Additionally, a chapter written 1946. already in 1995 by Barguet himself is included, in which he His life and career was influenced by various Egyptolo- reviews his career. Though written in French, this volume gists, most of whom are mentioned in this chapter. Desroches- also includes an essay in Italian. Most chapters begin with a Noblecourt inspired Barguet to attend her lectures on Egyp- personal thought of the author related to Barguet. tological epigraphy at l’École du Louvre. Moreover, she The body of this book is well organized into nineteen introduced him to the Conservation des Musées de France chapters: Avant-propos — Paul Barguet 1915-2012 — (Barguet became curator of the Musée du Louvre in 1959) Bibliographie de Paul Barguet — Une vie d’égyptologue — where he met Vandier. Barguet developed a strong interest D’Edfou à Dendara: la sérénité du ciel — La statue Louvre in the Coffin Texts. In his French translation (1986) he E 8059, un chien typiquement non-égyptien — Les textes de divided De Buck’s order of spells into thematic groups. la paroi sud de la salle des Annales de Thoutmosis III — ­Lefebvre appointed Barguet as a member of Institut Français Réflexion sur l’opération d’abattage de l’obélisque unique d’Archéologie Orientale (IFAO) in 1947. With Kuentz (direc- — Le fonds Paul Barguet au musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon tor of IFAO), Daumas and Leclant he explored several sites — Une représentation symbolique du temple d’Amon-Rê à in Nubia and in Sudan. At Karnak he worked together with Karnak — Regard sur la Contrée de lumière (Akhet) — Sur Leclant and Robichon to uncover the foundations of the l’étrange et intentionnel anonymat d’une grande épouse Montu temple. The devastation at Karnak and Luxor directed royale de Ramsès III — Les représentations du rituel du him to study all of their temples one by one. couronnement jusqu’au règne de la reine Hatchepsout — Numerous times Barguet took the train to Gebel el-­ Montou, taureau de Médamoud à Karnak-Nord — Scrittura Silsileh to study texts of Nile stelas. He was very pleased to parlante (discorso) e scrittura muta (testo)1) — Mais que work in this pays du fleuve-dieu. At Aswan he made a copy faisait donc Qenherkhepechef dans le parvis des temples? of the Famina Stela on Sehel Island. His examination and — Thèbes, printemps 242 av. J.-C., Ptolémée III et la reine his initial translation in 1953 are of great value. In 1950 Bérénice II à Karnak? — Les Kéréthim: des Keftiou, Barguet eye witnessed the discovery of the location of Thut- nomades fixés momentanément dans Ouadj-our, c’est-à-dire mose III’s obelisk at Karnak. This inspired him to further le Delta du Nil — Trois notes sur Edfou. This work is pre- investigate this area where he uncovered the base of the ceded by a convenient table of contents. Annotated chapters Unique Obelisk. He received the award France-Égypte in are completed with a bibliography. An index has been omit- 1954. In 1959 he started working in Lyon at the Faculté des ted, however. Excellent photos are presented in colour and Beaux-Arts. Here Barguet became the director of the Institut monochrome. Clear (schematic) illustrations and informative d’Égyptologie in 1966. Between 1976-1978 he was the epigraphic drawings are presented in black/white. Hiero- director of Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de glyphic texts are presented in an outstanding quality, some- Karnak (CFEETK). times with a red nuance. The lay-out of this paperback is Barguet finishes his contribution with expressing his grati- pleasant. tude to Goyon. He also emphasizes that Egypt is the country of his dreams and that its landscapes are always in his mind. Avant-propos (pp. 7-8) is a foreword in which the editor D’Edfou à Dendara: la sérénité du ciel (pp. 23-31) is an of this book, Luc Gabolde, memorizes that Barguet would essay of Sylvie Cauville with 2 photos, 3 schemes with hier- oglyphic texts and transcriptions, and 1 epigraphic drawing. 1) In the table of contents erroneously ‘Strittura parlante’ is written. Both temples, Edfu as well as Dendera, proclaim the clarity 69 BOEkBESPREkingen — fARAONIScH EGYPTE 70 of the sky. Herewith, leaving the celestial regions, Horus of illustrations. Five objects from the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Edfu arises in the domain of Hathor.2) Poetic phraseology is Lyon are discussed: the lower part of an ushabti of Amen- transplanted at Dendera to accommodate the falcon: Edfu’s hotep III — from WV22, an ushabti of the singer of Amon carved hieroglyphs accompany the falcon in the heart of the Mqut-iyti (19th Dynasty) — probably from West Thebes, a shrine of Hathor at Dendera. Here the intense blue ceiling commemorative victory scarab of Sethi I (Men-Maât-Rê) — shows three bands of equal length. In the centre 19 winged probably from Thebes, a small statue of a young royal person disks for Horus, in the southeast 19 white crowned vultures (Khâ-kheper-Rê is the name on the back, corresponding with for Nekhbet, and in the northwest 19 vultures headed with the praenomen of Pinudjem I) of unknown provenance, and the cobra and the red crown for Wadjet. Overall this is a small object of unknown provenance (22nd Dynasty) of a framed by two columns of hieroglyphic texts. man with a lion-head. The verses of Edfu and Dendera contrast celestial and Une représentation symbolique du temple d’Amon-Rê à hellish world, east and west, shadow and light, life and death, Karnak (pp. 131-135) presents 2 photos and a plan of the day and night, the birth and death of a star, the child and the temple of Amon-Rê at Karnak during the reign of Thut- old man, and so on. mose III. Pierre Grandet argues that the specific insertion of La statue Louvre E 8059, un chien typiquement non-égyp- the name of Amun-Rê in the Hathor Chapel, constructed by tien (pp. 32-43) is a contribution of Élisabeth David with 16 Thutmose III at Deir el-Bahri, is not a coincidence. Therefore photos. David notes that this granite statue of a sitting dog he proposes to understand this addition as a symbolic repre- — probably from Mit Rahina — was not yet exposed to the sentation of the temple of Karnak. If so, then it is required to public when Barguet started to visit the department. Statue E clarify why this ingenious provision does not seem to have 8059 appeared in Vandier’s visitors guide in 1961. been taken on other contemporary monuments. Les textes de la paroi sud de la salle des Annales de In Regard sur la Contrée de lumière (Akhet) (pp. 137-142) Thoutmosis III à Karnak. Reconstitution architecturale et Christian Jacq describes, thanks to the Coffin Texts and the restitution épigraphique (pp. 44-110) by Luc and Marc Pyramid Texts, with a well detailed annotation the various Gabolde presents 10 photos, 9 epigraphic drawings, 60 cap- aspects of the Akhet. In short sections the Akhet is discussed: tioned columns with hieroglyphic texts, various figures, and Link between heaven and earth; Journey to the Akhet; King- a reconstructed plan of the 6th Pylon’s courtyard centre at the dom of the waters, Glorious world of the Akhet; A created end of the reign of Thutmose III. This essay with a bibliog- domain; Inhabitants of the Akhet; What happens in the raphy of over 125 entries is divided into four chapters: I. Les Akhet? assemblages et la disposition des blocs, II. Les raccords tex- Sur l’étrange et intentionnel anonymat d’une grande tuels et l’organisation générale du texte, III. Textes hiéro- épouse royale de Ramsès III (pp. 143-158) is an essay of glyphiques et traduction suivie des fragments du mur sud des Christian Leblanc.
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