Lower Egypt (Delta Area) 6; Damietta 7; Port Said 12; Al Sharqia 5; Dakahlia 4; Kafr Es-Sheikh 9; Gharbia 11; Qalyubia
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Updated list of current working missions in Egypt and Sudan June 2015 Lower Egypt (Delta area) 6; Damietta 7; Port Said 12; Al Sharqia 5; Dakahlia 4; Kafr es-Sheikh 9; Gharbia 11; Qalyubia Suez area 13; Ismailia 17; Suez Alexandria area 2; Alexandria 3; Beheira 10; Menofia Cairo area 16; Cairo 14; Giza Matruh (western Desert) 1; Matruh Faiyum area 15; Faiyum Red Sea and Sinai area 8; North Sinai 18; South Sinai 23 – Red Sea Middle Egypt 20; Minya 19; Beni Suef 22; Asyut 24; Sohag Luxor area 26; Luxor 25; Qena Aswan 27; Aswan Lower Egypt (Delta) 6 – Damietta 7 – Port Said 12 – Al Sharqia Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) and Tell el-Murrah, Al Sharqia Mariusz Jucha, Polish Archaeology Center http://www.farkha.org/ https://www.facebook.com/farkha.org http://www.murra.pl/tell-el-murra/sezon-2014/?lang=en Página 1 Updated list of current working missions in Egypt and Sudan June 2015 Tell Basta Project, Al Sharqia Eva Lange, University of Würzburg, SCA http://tellbasta.tumblr.com/ Middle Kingdom Palace at Bubastis Manfred Bietak, OREA Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, SCA, University of Wurzburg http://www.orea.oeaw.ac.at/egypt_.html Tell el-Iswid South, Al Sharqia Béatrix Midant-Reynes, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tell-el-iswid/ Qantir-Piramesse, Qantir, Al Sharqia Henning Franzmeier, Hildesheim Museum, Germany http://www.ucl.ac.uk/qatar/research/qantir-piramesse http://www.rpmuseum.de/?id=340 Tell Ibrahim Awad, Al Sharqia Willem M. Van Haarlem, Allard Pierson Museum, The Netherlands http://www.allardpiersonmuseum.nl/collectie-onderzoek/onderzoeksprojecten/opgraving-tell-ibrahim- awad/opgravingen.html http://www.nwo.nl/en/research-and-results/research-projects/67/2300165467.html Tell Dibgou (MATD), Al Sharqia Philippe Brissaud, Scientific School of High Studies, Dept. of Regional Science, France http://www.telldibgou.fr www.facebook.com/telldibgou Tell el-Dab'a, Avaris, Al Sharqia Irene Forstner-Müller, Institute of Archaeology, Vienna University, Austria http://www.oeai.at/index.php/tell-el-daba.html blog of the mission - German and English https://ancientavaris.wordpress.com/category/ancient-avaris/ Tukh el-Karamous, Zagazig, Al Sharqia Enrico Acquaro, Bologna University, Italy http://www.sierrasoft.com/stories/0001/0001.asp Tanis, Sân el-Haggar, Al Sharqia Mission française des fouilles de Tanis François Leclère, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France http://www.ephe.fr/annuaire-de-la-recherche/mission-francaise-des-fouilles-de-tanis-mfft.html 5 – Dakahlia Tell el-Rub'a, Mendes, Dakhalia Donald B. Redford, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mendes-Expedition/191507070890946?sk=info&tab=overview Tell Timai, Dakhalia Robert J. Littman, Jay Silverstein, University of Hawaii, Mohamed Kenawi, Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies, Bibliotheca Alexandrina http://www.archaeological.org/fieldwork/afob/6160 4 – Kafr es-Sheikh Tell el-Fara’in, Buto, Kafr es-Sheikh Ulrich Hartung, DAI, Germany http://www.dainst.org/projekt/-/project- display/63537?p_r_p_1690909578_redirectURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dainst.org%2Fforschung%2Fprojekte Página 2 Updated list of current working missions in Egypt and Sudan June 2015 Tell el-Fara’in, Buto, Kafr es-Sheikh Ballet Pascale, IFAO, DAIK, SCA, Kafr el-Sheikh inspectorate, CEALex, USR 3134, MAEE, Université de Poitiers - HeRMA EA 3811 http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/bouto/ Sa el-Hagar, Harbeya, Kafr es-Sheikh Penelope Wilson, Durham University, EES, SCA, United Kingdom, Egypt http://community.dur.ac.uk/penelope.wilson/sais.html Regional Survey Governorate Kafr es-Shaikh Robert Schiestl , Project Regional Survey Kafr es-Shaikh, DAI, Germany http://old.dainst.org/en/node/24238?ft=all 9; Gharbia 11; Qalyubia Suez Documenting objects in the museums of Ismailia and Suez Elham Salah, Museum Sector of the MSA, Helmut Brandl, M.i.N. team, Humboldt University, Berlin www.project- min.de 13 – Ismailia Tell el-Retaba, Ismailia http://aigyptos.sk/en/tel-el-retabi http://www.archeo.uw.edu.pl/szablon.php?id=864 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aigyptos/114367518626398#!/pages/Aigyptos/114367518626398 17 – Suez Ayn Sokhna Pierre Tallet, Paris-Sorbonne, Claire Somaglino, Paris-Sorbonne http://amers.hypotheses.org Wadi el-Jarf Pierre Tallet, Foreign Affairs Ministry, IFAO, CNRS UMR 8267, Paris-Sorbonne http://amers.hypotheses.org/chantiers-de-fouilles-excavations/jarf Alexandria 2 – Alexandria Kom el-Dikka, Alexandria Grzegorz Majcherek, Polish Archaeology Center http://www.pcma.uw.edu.pl/en/pcma-newsletter/2006/hellenistic-and-graeco-roman-period/alexandria-kom-el-dikka- egypt/ Tabbet el-Nahassin Magazine, Alexandria Sand Tira Cemetery, Alexandria Jean Y. Empereur, Centre d'Études Alexandrines, Egypt http://www.cealex.org/sitecealex/navigation/FENETR_NAV_F.htm Mereya Island, east of Mereya Island, south of Mariut Lake, Alexandria Valerie Pichot, Center of Alexandrian Studies, Egypt http://www.cealex.org/sitecealex/navigation/FENETR_NAVfouil_situ_F.htm Abu Mina, Alexandria Peter Grossmann, DAI, Germany http://old.dainst.org/en/project/abu-mina?ft=all Página 3 Updated list of current working missions in Egypt and Sudan June 2015 Khaleg, Abu Qir, Eastern Port (Heraklion), Alexandria Frank Goddio, Institut Européen d'Archéologie Sous-Marine, Paris, France http://www.franckgoddio.org/projects/sunken-civilizations/alexandria.html Nelson Island, Alexandria Paolo Gallo, Turin University, Italy http://nelson-society.com/nelsons-island/ Taposiris Magna Temple, Alexandria Kathleen Martinez, Catholic Santa Domingo University, SCA, Egypt http://etc.ancient.eu/2015/02/25/taposiris-magna-stela-another-rosetta-stone/ Anfushi-Agami, Alexandria Galina A. Belova, Center for Egyptological Studies RAS, Russia http://www.cesras.ru/deyatelnost/arheologiya/aleksandriya/artpage-2 3 – Beheira Kom Truga, The Horus Hungarian Mission, West Delta, Beheira Governorate Zsuzsanna Vanek http://www.horusfoundation.hu/kom_truga_szakirodalom/index.php?id=4 Kôm Abu Billo, Beheira Sylvain Dhennin, IFAO, SCA, Université Lille 3, CNRS UMR 8164 http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/mefkat-kom-abou-billou// 10 – Menofia Qeweisna, Menofia Joanne Rowland, Freie Universität Berlin http://ees.ac.uk/research/Minufiyeh%20Archaeological%20Survey.html EES Menofia Survey Joanne Rowland, Freie Universität Berlin http://minufiyeh.tumblr.com/ Cairo area 16 – Cairo Muraille du Caire, Cairo Stéphane Pradines, IFAO, SCA, Fondation Aga Khan (AKTC), MAEE, Unesco http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/murailles-caire/ Istabl Antar, Fostat, Cairo Roland-Pierre Gayraud, LAMM, Université de Provence, IFAO, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/istabl-antar/ Temple of Heliopolis, Matariya, Cairo Aiman Ashmawy, SCA Dietrich Raue, University of Leipzig, Germany https://www.gko.uni-leipzig.de/?id=6449 14 – Giza Heit el-Ghurab, Queen Khentkawes Town & the Menkaure Valley Temple, Ancient Egypt Research Association, Giza Mark E. Lehner, U.S.A. http://www.aeraweb.org https://www.facebook.com/AncientEgyptResearchAssociatesAERA?fref=ts Página 4 Updated list of current working missions in Egypt and Sudan June 2015 Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III, Dahshur, Giza Dieter K. Arnold, Adela Oppenheim, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, U.S.A. http://www.metmuseum.org/research/archaeological-fieldwork/dahshur-egypt New Kingdom Cemetery, North Dahshur, Giza So Hasegawa, Waseda University, Japan http://www.egyptpro.sci.waseda.ac.jp/e-dhshr.html Pyramid necropolis at Abusir (EAR), Abusir, Giza Miroslav Verner, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Czech Republic http://egyptologie.ff.cuni.cz/?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/egyptologieffcuni?fref=ts Abūṣīr, Taposiris Magna, Kom el-Nougous, Giza Marie-Françoise Boussac, Paris Ouest-Nanterre, ArScAn, IFAO http://www.taposiris.com/presentation.php Leiden-Torino mission, Saqqara, Giza Maarten J. Raven, National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden University, The Netherlands www.saqqara.nl https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfSaqqara?fref=ts Tomb of Ny-ankh-Nefertem, Saqqara West, Giza Karol Mýsliwiec, Polish Center of Archaeology, Poland http://www.pcma.uw.edu.pl/en/projects/egypt/ http://www.pcma.uw.edu.pl/fileadmin/template/main/img/lat70/book70_07.pdf Bubasteion Cemetery, Saqqara, Giza Alain Zivie, National Center for Scientific Research, France http://www.hypogees.org/ Tombs of Niankh-Khnum and Khnumhotep, Saqqara, Giza Yvonne Harpur, University of Oxford, England, Britain http://www.oxfordexpeditiontoegypt.com/ South Abusir-North Saqqara, Giza Nozomu Kawai, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan, http://www.egyptpro.sci.waseda.ac.jp/e-abusir.html Memphis, Saqqara, Giza David G. Jeffreys, The Egypt Exploration Society, UK http://ees.ac.uk/research/memphis-survey.html https://www.facebook.com/egyptexplorationsociety?fref=ts Kom Helul, Saqqara, Giza Paul T. Nicholson, Egypt Exploration Society, UK http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/share/research/projectreports/catacombsanubis/catacombs-of-anubis.html Mission archéologique française de Saqqâra, Pyramids of Merenre, Ankhnes-Pepi II, Meretities II, Behenou, Saqqara, Giza Philippe Collombert, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, SCA, CNRS (UMR 8167) Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV, Commission des recherches archéologiques à l’étranger du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes http://msaqqara.free.fr/ Tomb of Hau-nefer, Tabbet el-Gech, South Saqqara, Giza Vassil Dobrev, IFAO, France, SCA, Egypt http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tabbet-al-guech/ Burial Chamber of Idout, Saqqara, Giza Hirosh Suita,