Anthropogenic Enhancement of Egypt's Mediterranean Fishery

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Anthropogenic Enhancement of Egypt's Mediterranean Fishery Anthropogenic enhancement of Egypt’s Mediterranean fishery Autumn J. Oczkowskia,1, Scott W. Nixona, Stephen L. Grangera, Abdel-Fattah M. El-Sayedb, and Richard A. McKinneyc aGraduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI 02882; bOceanography Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt; and cUnited States Environmental Protection Agency, Atlantic Ecology Division, Narragansett, RI 02882 Communicated by Peter Vitousek, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, December 10, 2008 (received for review September 8, 2008) The highly productive coastal Mediterranean fishery off the Nile River delta collapsed after the completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1965. But the fishery has been recovering dramatically since the mid-1980s, coincident with large increases in fertilizer application and sewage discharge in Egypt. We use stable isotopes of nitrogen (␦15N) to demonstrate that 60%–100% of the current fishery production may be from primary production stimulated by nutri- ents from fertilizer and sewage runoff. Although the establish- ment of the dam put Egypt in an ideal position to observe the impact of rapid increases in nutrient loading on coastal productiv- ity in an extremely oligotrophic sea, the Egyptian situation is not unique. Such anthropogenically enhanced fisheries also may occur along the northern rim of the Mediterranean and offshore of some rapidly developing tropical countries, where nutrient concentra- tions in the coastal waters were previously very low. fisheries ͉ Nile delta ͉ nutrient enrichment ͉ stable isotope n contrast to many of the world’s fisheries, which are in serious Idecline (1, 2), Egypt’s Mediterranean fishery offshore of the Nile River delta has been expanding dramatically in recent decades and at rates higher than can be explained by fishing Fig. 1. The lower Nile valley and delta from LandSat images (http:// effort alone (3, 4). Although the dependence of the Egyptian Point 1 is the mouth of the Rosetta culture on the Nile has been noted for thousands of years, the Branch, point 2 is a sampling location on the Rosetta, point 3 is Cairo, point 4 importance of the river for the offshore fishery is less well is a sampling location on the Damietta Branch, and point 5 is the mouth of the known. Damietta. For additional specific sampling locations, see Fig. S1. More than 95% of Egypt’s population and all of its agriculture Ͻ are concentrated in 5% of Egypt’s land, along the banks of the Public water and sewer systems have expanded greatly (4), and 2 Nile and throughout the 25,000-km Nile delta (Fig. 1). For more annual fertilizer consumption has increased almost 4-fold, from than 5,000 years, Egyptians depended on the annual fall flooding 3.4 ϫ 105 tons to 13 ϫ 105 tons (11). Before 1965, the Nile flood of the Nile, which irrigated and fertilized the floodplain and delivered about 7 ϫ 103 tons yearϪ1 of N and 7–11 ϫ 103 tons eventually discharged to the Mediterranean Sea. Nutrients in the yearϪ1of P to the Mediterranean coast (4). Today, the Rosetta floodwater thus supported a large diatom bloom and a produc- Branch of the Nile alone discharges almost 3 times more tive fishery, particularly for sardines (5, 6). As early as the 19th inorganic N (DIN) per year (2 ϫ 104 tons) and about half as century, Egypt’s population began to outpace its resources, and much bioavailable P (4 ϫ 103 tons) into this oligotrophic region, talk of damming the Nile began (7). When the Aswan High Dam and there are 7 other major and countless minor drainage points was completed in 1965, the fall flood decreased by about 90%, along the coast (15, 16). Improved sewerage infrastructure now and the water held in the Lake Nassar reservoir behind the dam allows effluent to efficiently reach the coast (4), and tile-drained was used to irrigate 3 crops a year instead of 1 crop (8). But an fields release water into more than 13,000 km of drainage canals, unintended and widely reported consequence of the dam was which eventually discharge offshore (17). Like the cities and that the coastal fish landings dropped dramatically without the fertile (and buoyant) floodwaters (Fig. 2) (4, 5, 9, 10). towns on the delta, most of Cairo’s human waste (from almost But in the late 1980s, the coastal fishery began to exhibit a 20 million people) is released directly into these drainage canals. surprising recovery. Today, landings are more than 3 times the Alexandria’s wastewater (from about 4 million people) receives predam levels (Fig. 2) (4, 11). Although improvements in fishing primary treatment without nutrient removal and is discharged technology and increasing effort must have played some role in the recovery, neither catch per trip data for 1966–1986 nor catch Author contributions: A.J.O. and S.W.N. designed research; A.J.O., S.L.G., and A.-F.M.E.-S. per boat data for 1995–2007 show any clear trends (13, 14). A performed research; S.L.G. and R.A.M. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; A.J.O. and recent assessment of potential anthropogenic nutrient sources in S.W.N. analyzed data; and A.J.O. and S.W.N. wrote the paper. Egypt also suggested that these sources may have more than The authors declare no conflict of interest. replaced the fertility carried by the historical floodwaters (4). Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. Since the completion of the dam, Egypt’s population has more 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. than doubled, and per capita calorie and meat consumption have This article contains supporting information online at increased by 33% and 45%, respectively, which translates to 0812568106/DCSupplemental. more people excreting more nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). © 2009 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA 1364–1367 ͉ PNAS ͉ February 3, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 5͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0812568106 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Fig. 2. Egypt’s Mediterranean fish landings (closed circles) and fertilizer consumption (gray circles) (11, 12). into the Maryut Lagoon, just inshore of the city. The lagoon water is eventually pumped out to sea. The morphology of the Egyptian coast and the west-to-east ␦15 Mediterranean Sea water circulation (18) provide a unique Fig. 3. Mean N values of fish sampled offshore of the Nile delta. Error bars represent standard deviations; the number of fish collected at each location is opportunity to directly test the hypothesis that the recent rise in above the bar. Fish from Marsa Matruh and Alexandria (light bars) were fish landings off the delta is due to increasing N (and associated significantly lighter than those from the delta (dark bars) (P Ͻ .0001). P) loads from fertilizer and sewage runoff. Although we hypoth- esized that anthropogenic loads of both N and P are largely supporting the coastal fishery, we were able to measure only the Surface particulate organic matter (Ն 0.1 ␮m) and nitrate 15 Ϫ 15 ␦ SCIENCE contributions of N, using stable isotopes ( N). The primary (NO3 ) in this area have ␦ N values of approximately Ϫ0.2% sources of N (i.e., fertilizers, sewage) also contain significant and 2.5%, respectively (22). Considering a trophic fractionation SUSTAINABILITY amounts of P; thus, we use ␦15N as a proxy for both N and P loads. of approximately 3.5% (23) and the mixed trophic levels of these For example, the Rosetta Branch of the Nile discharges fertilizer fish, the values for the fish off Marsa Matruh and Alexandria and sewage-enriched water that has a N:P molar ratio of 11:1, (Ϸ 6%) are consistent with Mediterranean particulate organic Ϫ which is close to the Redfield ratio of 16:1 (15, 16). Although matter and NO3 values (Table S1). These values also are similar some evidence exists that the open Mediterranean Sea is P- to those reported for fish from Linosa Island, Italy (5%–7%), in limited (19), whether this is also true for coastal regions is the center of the Mediterranean, west of Marsa Matruh (24). unclear. In fact, a review of nutrient data from the Nile delta Fish sampled at 4 locations offshore of the delta (i.e., in the lagoons (which have open exchange with coastal Mediterranean deltaic plume) and across more than 220 km of coastline had waters) suggests that they are N-limited (20). Because the ␦15N values 5% heavier than those from the west (P Ͻ .0001; Fig. Mediterranean system is characterized by extremely low con- 3), but differences at the 4 locations were not statistically centrations of both N and P, loadings of both are likely very significant. Mean ␦13C values were indistinguishable among all important to this coastal system. Thus, N loading would result in offshore fish from all locations and were within the range seen coastal P limitation if P loading did not increase in parallel with elsewhere in the Mediterranean (Ϫ12% to Ϫ19%). Although N loading. Although the focus of this paper is necessarily on N ␦15N values increase with trophic level, the differences among loads and associated ␦15N values in fish, the importance of locations for ␦15N likely cannot be explained by the variation in bioavailable anthropogenic P is directly linked to these results. trophic levels present. For example, sardines (Sardinella sardinella), the only widespread primary consumers (herbivores, Results and Discussion the lowest consumer trophic level) in the offshore data set, were We measured stable isotopes of N (␦15N) in the muscle tissue of heavier off the delta (10.0% Ϯ 1.4%; n ϭ 51) than virtually all fish collected offshore of the western desert near the Egyptian of the fish from the west, or ‘‘upstream’’ of the Nile delta border with Libya (Marsa Matruh), ‘‘downstream’’ of this site at (P Ͻ .0001), which are largely carnivorous.
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