Urbanization and Agricultural Policy in Egypt
/.~C~~£82_1 09 034 FAER-169 URBAN'IZATIONAND A,G,RICULTURAL 'POLICY IN E,GYPT.CFOREIGN A~,' 'I RICULTURAL ECONOMIC REPT.) I JOHN B. PARKER, ET ALECONOMIC RESEA'R , ,CH SERVICE, WASHINGTON, DC' INTERNATION'AL ECONOMICS DIV. SEP 81 5' I ' 3P IljL IIIIIWIIII/I.A 11~lt6 . PS82-109.034 Oi"b.ni~ati'on and Agricultural Policy in Egypt (u.s.) .Economic Research Service Washington, DC Sep 81 . , y Z&t' i I U.s. .......[11111 I . PID NltiOhlLTeclMlifal. - . ·.Jli lillIS._ '..m.18' ' ...,. aacuMINTATION IL........... .' .'...... ,',.. :_ .... ,' ..,;> •. .:. ,1&. ' '... .. .111........ '1111 I.R .... .... , ..• _.MQI , .... '" FAE;R-169,.__"-____--...L__,._"__~.-1'1I8Z.J 0'_911''1 Ii~";";" .. 'rille............. .. ...... ~ Urbanization and Agricultural Policy In Egypy September 1981 . ...... ..,. 7.~ 8; ~ .,........I0Il IIept. No. John B. Parker and James R. Coyle FAER-169 .. ~.... 0 ........................ ~ In'ternatior~al Economics Division Economic Research Service II. ContnIct(C) or Gf!2nt(Q) No• . U.S. Department of Agriculture (C) ! Washington ~ D. C. 20250 (Q) ',. I'~ (Urnlt: 200 __) . '\.../ Policies related to agricultural production procurement in Egypt have pushed people out of rural areas while food subsidies have attracted them into cities. Urban growth in turn has caused substantial cropland loss, increased food imports, . - -.' ._"-_.- - --1 - ~ and led to political and economic/destabilization. Thi.s study eJ~amit:les the relatign ship between agricultural policy and the tremendous growth of urban areas, and pro poses changes in Egypt's agricultural pricing, food subsidy, and land use programs. 17. Document AlllllysIs I. Descriptors Agricultural production Policies Growth Procurement l.and use Urbanization It.
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