Table of Contents

General Abbreviations...... IX

Joachim Friedrich Quack and Christian Witschel Introduction: Religious Confluences in the ; or: Why ‘Oriental Cults’ Again?...... 1

I The Concept of ‘Oriental Cults’ in Recent Debates

Jaime Alvar The ‘’ of ‘Oriental Cults’...... 23

Julietta Steinhauer Osiris mystes und Isisorgia - Gab es ,Mysterien6 der ägyptischen Gottheiten? .... 47

II Origins and Diffusion of ‘Oriental Cults’ within the Imperium Romanum: The Case of Dolichenus

Engelbert Winter The Cult of Jupiter Dolichenus and its Origins. The Sanctuary at Dülük Baba Tepesi near Doliche...... 79

Michael Blömer The Cult of Jupiter Dolichenus in the East...... 96

Mihäly Loränd Deszpa Jupiter Optimus Maximus Dolichenus and the Re-Imagination of the Empire: Religious Dynamics, Social Integration, and Imperial Narratives...... 113

III Expanding frorn Egypt into Globality: The Case of and Osiris

Ian S. Moyer The Hymns of Isidorus at Medinet Mach: Global Currents in a Local Context....182

Svenja Nagel One for All and All for One? Isis unaas quae es(t) omnia in the Egyptian Temples of the Graeco-Roman Period...... 207 Martin Andreas Stadler New Light on the Universality of Isis (pVienna D. 6297+6329+10101)...... 232

Joachim Friedrich Quack Resting in Pieces and Integrating the Oikoumene. On the Mental Expansion of the Religious Landscape by Means of the Body Parts of Osiris...... 244

IV The Visual Conceptualization of ‘Oriental Gods’

Miguel John Versluys Egypt as Part of the Romankoine: Mnemohistory and the Iseum Campense in Rome...... 274

Darius Frackowiak Mithräische Bilderwelten. Eine Untersuchung zu ausgewählten ikonographischen Elementen im römischen Mithraskult...... 294

Ralf Krumeich Zwischen Orient und Okzident. Bilder des Jupiter Dolichenus und der Regina aus dem Osten und Westen des Römischen Reiches...... 329

V Changing Forms o f Sacred Space, Sanctuaries and Rituals

Kathrin Kleibl An Audience in Search of a Theatre - The Staging of the Divine in the Sanctuaries of Graeco-Egyptian Gods...... 353

Florence Saragoza Exploring Walls: On Sacred Space in the PompeianIseum...... 372

Andreas Hensen Templa et spelaea Mithrae. Unity and Diversity in the Topography, Architecture and Design of Sanctuaries in the Cult of Mithras...... 384

Richard Gordon From East to West: Staging Religious Experience in the Mithraic...... Temple413 List of Contributors...... 443

Index of Sources...... 447

Index of Names...... 460

Plates...... I-LXXXV

Colour Plates...... I-VII