EUEN TAYEOR CHOSEN CAMPUS CAEENDAR 6)RE Miss Ellen Taylor, Alpha Xi She Was Crowned by Tanya Miley, Peesident
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f h a C a n a p y liege, Valdosta. Georgia, Rriday November 2, 1962 Number 3 EUEN TAYEOR CHOSEN CAMPUS CAEENDAR 6)RE Miss Ellen Taylor, Alpha Xi she was crowned by Tanya Miley, peesident. Delta, now reigns as Tau Kappa &aternity sweetheart, and was First runner-up was Martine Epsilon Calendar Girl for 1963. presented a dozen symbolic red Andreveau; second. Gail Baze- A m id tears o f laughter and joy. carnationsbyjohnny Bunch, TKE more; third. D o t t i e Thomas; fourth, Diane Osborne. ---------------------------------------------- Other seven serod-finalist chosen to grace the TKE calendar were: Betty Jo Greene, Cherry VSC Maniagemenit Richards, Carol Deen, Jane M ad dox, Jeanie Hoyle, Gerri Amon Team Competes and Sybil Freeman. Other contestants entered the Valdosta State College has cludes teams from these other contest were Helen Black, Jane entered intercollegiate competi colleges: McRae, Ann Hu ton, Nancy tion in a basic American skill-- Wisconsin State College, Eau Casey, Sherry La Montague, corporate management. The C laire; Rockhtirst C o lleg e, Kansas Linda Morgan, Ginger Gleaton, peogram was launched by Indiana City, M o.; Delta College, Uni S PE A K S - Mr. Morris Bryan speaks to the VSC student Norma Williams, Carol W illiam University's Graduate School of versity Center, M ich.; Denison October 24 assembly program . Bryan is v ic e chairm an son, Ann Smith, Kay Wright, Business and w ill consist o f co m University o f Southwestern Louis gia Board o f Regents. Cheryl Rrantley, Carol Thomas, petition between nine of the na iana, Lafayette; Iowa Wesleyan Cheryl Barton, Lee Daniel, Kathy tion's top small colleges. College, Mt. Pleasant; Wilming Whitaker, Sandra Riggins and This unusual lesson in the free ton (Ohio) College; and August- Cindy Chandler. enterprise system w ill be carried ana College, Rock Island, ni. During the evening the con on over a six-month period as an Nine VSC business a n d a c test director Gene Gcodrum pee honor's peogram within the newly counting students have been sented Pageant Hostess Mrs. organized Mid-A meric a Aca selected for the school's team. ^an, vice chairman which each individual can af Dorothy Carter with a gift of ap- d em ic Conference ", which in X Board of Regents o f the fect the destiny of our nation. (Continued on Page 6) peeciation. $nity of Georgia, addressed That area is the quality of the " The girls were judged on peise, Jet. 24 assembly. work of the individual citizen. evening gown, sperts wear co m 5fst observed that Jan- Bryan emphasized that great petition and photogenic quali marks VSC's Rftieth anni- things are done by individuals ties. They paraded across a and then announced that rather than by groupe, and that stage decorated with a Halloween liesantdmes are serious. He the question is whether the indi theme. FTank Scarf was the mas - ^ that there is an area in vidual is nationally minded or ter of ceremonies and was intro selfishly minded. duced by the hratemity presi Bryan was appoin ted v ic e dent, Johnny Bunch. chairman in 1952 and was reap- During intermission, the au Ihe Tender Trap peinted in 1959. In addition dience was entertained by Jane Bryan, a resident o f Jefferson, is Meeks. Bobby Pierce and Jimmy ays Nov. 15 active in local affairs. Among "Shelly Berman" Smith. other positions, he holds that o f A very effective theme cen Sock and Buskin Club, chairman of the Jefferson Board tered around Halloween was the er the direction o f Mr. John o f Education. setting peovided by the Brothers; win present The Tender Contest Director, Gene Good- by Max Schulman, on rum. Sound. Tom m y H ill; and ^mber 15, 16 and 17. Th e Lights, Mike Reubin. whose most recent best ? was Rally Round The F lag, ^tes the television script Civil Service <bie Gillis. Dr. Vernon B. Fox. an out E x a m s Set ^ play, which one club standing educator and crimino Applications are now being 3ber described as being a logist, w ill speak at assembly on accepted for the 1963 Federal &om beginning to end, is a Wednesday, Nov. 7, on the sub FRESHMEN OFFICERS - NewlyelectedheshmanclassofRcers Service Entrance Examination the don comedy with one punch ject of crime in the United States are, left to right: top, Kay Powell, Carole Williamson and Bobby United States Civil Service after another. The story as related to young people. Pierce; bottom. Gene Greneker, Ann Smith and Elaine Pitts. Com m ission has annoEmced. cnu many love interests, Dr. Fox re c e iv e d his A . B .. This examination, open to col of which are one-sided, Masters, and Ph. D. degrees hrom leg e jEiniors, seniors and gra leading man decides to Michigan State University and is Greneker Heads Slate duate students regardless o f ma ^ the most unsuspecting o f now a member o f the Department jor study, as well as to persons itirgirlswhothink they have of Social Welfare at Florida State rapped. O f Freshmen Officers who have hadeqEiivalent experi University. ence. offers the opportEmity to kearsal is shaping up fin e, He has had extensive experi VSC freshmen turned out 173 senior class vice peesident Ann begin a career in the Federal *^ters are being built, and ence in his field, having served strong last week as the Rrosh-- PoweH. service in one of some 60 differ ut is working hard'". stated as peychologist and deputy war many still eating ca m paign Ann Smith, Thomasville and ent occupational fields. A writ *bidy. *1 am very pleased den of the State Rrison o f South candy--cast their ballots for class Carole WiHiamson, Pembroke, ten test^ reqEiired. the cast. Especially am I ern Michigan: director of Human o fficers. were both victorious in their bids The pesitions to be filled horn 0 have a cast with as much Relations Institute; Tallahassee Other classes picked their for secretary and treasEErer, r e the BSEE are in variOEis Federal snce as this one". Mental Health Clinic; Honorary leaders last speing. spectively. agencies and are located in oiMion for the play to be Chairman; man of the Florida Gene Greneker, a 20-year Elected to the Student Govern ted Washington, D. C. .and throEigh- in Pound Hall w ill be Delinquency Control Institute, old former Valdosta disc jockey, ment Association were Bobby ollar and will be put into out the United States. Depend and other pesitions. was elected ffeshman class pee Pierce, who w ill repeesent hesh- ing on the qualifications of the fee future peoductions. The speaker has w ritten a sident over three other candi men men, and Elaine Pitts, girls one interested in any part book Violence Behind Bars and is dates. Greneker defeated David representative. Pierce is a native candidate, starting salaries w ill eduction such as ligh tin g, listed in Who's Who in American Fuller, Abbeville; Warren Isham, of Lakeland, and Miss Pitts hails be $4,345 or $5,355 a year.- or building scenery, Education and Who's Who in the Jacksonville, Fla.; and Jim from Valdosta. Management Intemshipe with 'ted to attend the Drama South and Southwest. W hiteside, IndianapeUs; In lYtias Pitts, who had no oppe- starting salaries of $5.355 or !"^etings the Erst Monday Dr. Fox, who has spoken at diana. sition on the ballot, had to fight $6,435 a year, will also be y month. One member o f VSC before, visits colleges and Vice presidential honors were off a strong write-in campaign to filled &om this exattiination. '^id the ciub could use universities each year to discuss captEured by Kay PoweH, another captEire her pest. Top write-in Applicants who apply by Nov. ° many areas, because as crime, its peevalence, how it Valdosta resident. Miss Powell vote getter was Chubby Barefoot, 1962, will be scheduled for the ^Ple participated, acti- affects students, and what they is a member of the Campus who fell jEiSt short o f the winning written test to be held on Nov. '^nuid become better. can do to peevent it. Canopy staff and is the sister of m argin. (Continued on Page 6) PACE TW O T H E CAMPUS CANOPY Rriday. November i ipg Tommy Nev^som President Kennedy has taken risky action in 1 Disagree, establishing a blockade around Cuba. Such actions as this could easily plunge the world into nuclear war. Professor Despite the danger o f the president's stand, we must agree with M m . Our nation has too High up in the building near the watt: f Lt long been on the defensive, buckling under to tain, the professor, a department head, .mpp, pressure. We are still the strongest power to us to say we had missed the boatwith ot-. 4; protect liberty &om those who would destroy it. musings about W illiam Faulkner and the The communist takeover in Cuba has been riots. very braze. We must take strong steps to keep "Haven't you read Faulkner? Didn't y no the red plague out of other Latin American na he said he would go out and shoot Ne r tions^ But this is not our only concern in Cuba. integration cam e?, " the professor began The danger to our nation imposed by the missille Our first reaction was pleasure. Itv^ grr bases being set up there is not all we must con someone had read our few feeble words, u.d tbj sider. he disagreed with them, and that he saidn^? Ui^ The real question is whether or not we will agreed.