
f h a C a n a p y liege, Valdosta. Georgia, Rriday November 2, 1962 Number 3 EUEN TAYEOR CHOSEN CAMPUS CAEENDAR 6)RE Miss Ellen Taylor, Alpha Xi she was crowned by Tanya Miley, peesident. Delta, now reigns as Tau Kappa &aternity sweetheart, and was First runner-up was Martine Epsilon Calendar Girl for 1963. presented a dozen symbolic red Andreveau; second. Gail Baze- A m id tears o f laughter and joy. carnationsbyjohnny Bunch, TKE more; third. D o t t i e Thomas; fourth, Diane Osborne. ---------------------------------------------- Other seven serod-finalist chosen to grace the TKE calendar were: Betty Jo Greene, Cherry VSC Maniagemenit Richards, Carol Deen, Jane M ad­ dox, Jeanie Hoyle, Gerri Amon Team Competes and Sybil Freeman. Other contestants entered the Valdosta State College has cludes teams from these other contest were Helen Black, Jane entered intercollegiate competi­ colleges: McRae, Ann Hu ton, Nancy tion in a basic American skill-- Wisconsin State College, Eau Casey, Sherry La Montague, corporate management. The C laire; Rockhtirst C o lleg e, Kansas Linda Morgan, Ginger Gleaton, peogram was launched by Indiana City, M o.; Delta College, Uni­ S PE A K S - Mr. Morris Bryan speaks to the VSC student Norma Williams, Carol W illiam­ University's Graduate School of versity Center, M ich.; Denison October 24 assembly program . Bryan is v ic e chairm an son, Ann Smith, Kay Wright, Business and w ill consist o f co m ­ University o f Southwestern Louis­ gia Board o f Regents. Cheryl Rrantley, Carol Thomas, petition between nine of the na­ iana, Lafayette; Iowa Wesleyan Cheryl Barton, Lee Daniel, Kathy tion's top small colleges. College, Mt. Pleasant; Wilming­ Whitaker, Sandra Riggins and This unusual lesson in the free ton (Ohio) College; and August- Cindy Chandler. enterprise system w ill be carried ana College, Rock Island, ni. During the evening the con­ on over a six-month period as an Nine VSC business a n d a c­ test director Gene Gcodrum pee­ honor's peogram within the newly counting students have been sented Pageant Hostess Mrs. organized Mid-A meric a Aca­ selected for the school's team. ^an, vice chairman which each individual can af­ Dorothy Carter with a gift of ap- d em ic Conference ", which in ­ X Board of Regents o f the fect the destiny of our nation. (Continued on Page 6) peeciation. $nity of Georgia, addressed That area is the quality of the " The girls were judged on peise, Jet. 24 assembly. work of the individual citizen. evening gown, sperts wear co m ­ 5fst observed that Jan- Bryan emphasized that great petition and photogenic quali­ marks VSC's Rftieth anni- things are done by individuals ties. They paraded across a and then announced that rather than by groupe, and that stage decorated with a Halloween liesantdmes are serious. He the question is whether the indi­ theme. FTank Scarf was the mas­ - ^ that there is an area in vidual is nationally minded or ter of ceremonies and was intro­ selfishly minded. duced by the hratemity presi­ Bryan was appoin ted v ic e dent, Johnny Bunch. chairman in 1952 and was reap- During intermission, the au­ Ihe Tender Trap peinted in 1959. In addition dience was entertained by Jane Bryan, a resident o f Jefferson, is Meeks. Bobby Pierce and Jimmy ays Nov. 15 active in local affairs. Among "Shelly Berman" Smith. other positions, he holds that o f A very effective theme cen­ Sock and Buskin Club, chairman of the Jefferson Board tered around Halloween was the er the direction o f Mr. John o f Education. setting peovided by the Brothers; win present The Tender Contest Director, Gene Good- by Max Schulman, on rum. Sound. Tom m y H ill; and ^mber 15, 16 and 17. Th e Lights, Mike Reubin. whose most recent best ? was Rally Round The F lag, ^tes the television script Civil Service <bie Gillis. Dr. Vernon B. Fox. an out­ E x a m s Set ^ play, which one club standing educator and crimino­ Applications are now being 3ber described as being a logist, w ill speak at assembly on accepted for the 1963 Federal &om beginning to end, is a Wednesday, Nov. 7, on the sub­ FRESHMEN OFFICERS - NewlyelectedheshmanclassofRcers Service Entrance Examination the don comedy with one punch ject of crime in the United States are, left to right: top, Kay Powell, Carole Williamson and Bobby United States Civil Service after another. The story as related to young people. Pierce; bottom. Gene Greneker, Ann Smith and Elaine Pitts. Com m ission has annoEmced. cnu many love interests, Dr. Fox re c e iv e d his A . B .. This examination, open to col­ of which are one-sided, Masters, and Ph. D. degrees hrom leg e jEiniors, seniors and gra ­ leading man decides to Michigan State University and is Greneker Heads Slate duate students regardless o f ma­ ^ the most unsuspecting o f now a member o f the Department jor study, as well as to persons itirgirlswhothink they have of Social Welfare at Florida State rapped. O f Freshmen Officers who have hadeqEiivalent experi­ University. ence. offers the opportEmity to kearsal is shaping up fin e, He has had extensive experi­ VSC freshmen turned out 173 senior class vice peesident Ann begin a career in the Federal *^ters are being built, and ence in his field, having served strong last week as the Rrosh-- PoweH. service in one of some 60 differ­ ut is working hard'". stated as peychologist and deputy war­ many still eating ca m paign Ann Smith, Thomasville and ent occupational fields. A writ­ *bidy. *1 am very pleased den of the State Rrison o f South­ candy--cast their ballots for class Carole WiHiamson, Pembroke, ten test^ reqEiired. the cast. Especially am I ern Michigan: director of Human o fficers. were both victorious in their bids The pesitions to be filled horn 0 have a cast with as much Relations Institute; Tallahassee Other classes picked their for secretary and treasEErer, r e ­ the BSEE are in variOEis Federal snce as this one". Mental Health Clinic; Honorary leaders last speing. spectively. agencies and are located in oiMion for the play to be Chairman; man of the Florida Gene Greneker, a 20-year Elected to the Student Govern­ ted Washington, D. C. .and throEigh- in Pound Hall w ill be Delinquency Control Institute, old former Valdosta disc jockey, ment Association were Bobby ollar and will be put into out the United States. Depend­ and other pesitions. was elected ffeshman class pee­ Pierce, who w ill repeesent hesh- ing on the qualifications of the fee future peoductions. The speaker has w ritten a sident over three other candi­ men men, and Elaine Pitts, girls one interested in any part book Violence Behind Bars and is dates. Greneker defeated David representative. Pierce is a native candidate, starting salaries w ill eduction such as ligh tin g, listed in Who's Who in American Fuller, Abbeville; Warren Isham, of Lakeland, and Miss Pitts hails be $4,345 or $5,355 a year.- or building scenery, Education and Who's Who in the Jacksonville, Fla.; and Jim from Valdosta. Management Intemshipe with 'ted to attend the Drama South and Southwest. W hiteside, IndianapeUs; In­ lYtias Pitts, who had no oppe- starting salaries of $5.355 or !"^etings the Erst Monday Dr. Fox, who has spoken at diana. sition on the ballot, had to fight $6,435 a year, will also be y month. One member o f VSC before, visits colleges and Vice presidential honors were off a strong write-in campaign to filled &om this exattiination. '^id the ciub could use universities each year to discuss captEured by Kay PoweH, another captEire her pest. Top write-in Applicants who apply by Nov. ° many areas, because as crime, its peevalence, how it Valdosta resident. Miss Powell vote getter was Chubby Barefoot, 1962, will be scheduled for the ^Ple participated, acti- affects students, and what they is a member of the Campus who fell jEiSt short o f the winning written test to be held on Nov. '^nuid become better. can do to peevent it. Canopy staff and is the sister of m argin. (Continued on Page 6) PACE TW O T H E CAMPUS CANOPY Rriday. November i ipg Tommy Nev^som President Kennedy has taken risky action in 1 Disagree, establishing a blockade around Cuba. Such actions as this could easily plunge the world into nuclear war. Professor Despite the danger o f the president's stand, we must agree with M m . Our nation has too High up in the building near the watt: f Lt long been on the defensive, buckling under to tain, the professor, a department head, .mpp, pressure. We are still the strongest power to us to say we had missed the boatwith ot-. 4; protect liberty &om those who would destroy it. musings about W illiam Faulkner and the The communist takeover in Cuba has been riots. very braze. We must take strong steps to keep "Haven't you read Faulkner? Didn't y no the red plague out of other Latin American na­ he said he would go out and shoot Ne r tions^ But this is not our only concern in Cuba. integration cam e?, " the professor began The danger to our nation imposed by the missille Our first reaction was pleasure. Itv^ grr bases being set up there is not all we must con­ someone had read our few feeble words, u.d tbj sider. he disagreed with them, and that he saidn^? Ui^ The real question is whether or not we will agreed.
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