EUEN TAYEOR CHOSEN CAMPUS CAEENDAR 6)RE Miss Ellen Taylor, Alpha Xi She Was Crowned by Tanya Miley, Peesident
f h a C a n a p y liege, Valdosta. Georgia, Rriday November 2, 1962 Number 3 EUEN TAYEOR CHOSEN CAMPUS CAEENDAR 6)RE Miss Ellen Taylor, Alpha Xi she was crowned by Tanya Miley, peesident. Delta, now reigns as Tau Kappa &aternity sweetheart, and was First runner-up was Martine Epsilon Calendar Girl for 1963. presented a dozen symbolic red Andreveau; second. Gail Baze- A m id tears o f laughter and joy. carnationsbyjohnny Bunch, TKE more; third. D o t t i e Thomas; fourth, Diane Osborne. ---------------------------------------------- Other seven serod-finalist chosen to grace the TKE calendar were: Betty Jo Greene, Cherry VSC Maniagemenit Richards, Carol Deen, Jane M ad dox, Jeanie Hoyle, Gerri Amon Team Competes and Sybil Freeman. Other contestants entered the Valdosta State College has cludes teams from these other contest were Helen Black, Jane entered intercollegiate competi colleges: McRae, Ann Hu ton, Nancy tion in a basic American skill-- Wisconsin State College, Eau Casey, Sherry La Montague, corporate management. The C laire; Rockhtirst C o lleg e, Kansas Linda Morgan, Ginger Gleaton, peogram was launched by Indiana City, M o.; Delta College, Uni S PE A K S - Mr. Morris Bryan speaks to the VSC student Norma Williams, Carol W illiam University's Graduate School of versity Center, M ich.; Denison October 24 assembly program . Bryan is v ic e chairm an son, Ann Smith, Kay Wright, Business and w ill consist o f co m University o f Southwestern Louis gia Board o f Regents. Cheryl Rrantley, Carol Thomas, petition between nine of the na iana, Lafayette; Iowa Wesleyan Cheryl Barton, Lee Daniel, Kathy tion's top small colleges.
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