PEOPLES’ FORUM SEMINAR TEN YEARS ON: CORRIB GAS – GREAT GAS FOR WHOM? Retrospect and Prospect VENUE: INVER COMMUNITY CENTRE 01/02 JULY 2011 Over the past ten years the proposed Shell/Corrib Gas Project has highlighted issues that go to the heart of governance in Ireland: Community Consultation, Planning, Regulation, Environmental Protection/Human Rights, Media, Policing and the Common Good. SPEAKERS: DR. KIERAN ALLEN, Author and Lecturer UCD; HARRY BROWNE, Lecturer in Media DIT; NIALL KING, Retired Principal Rossport N.S; MAJELLA McCARRON, OLA; MRS. JOY PHIDO, OGONI; COLM RAPPLE, Journalist and Economist; ROSSPORT SOLIDARITY CAMP. PROGRAMME 01 FRIDAY JULY 8-10pm MEET, GREET, REMEMBER SATURDAY 02 JULY 10-10.30 REGISTRATION, INTRODUCTION 10.30-1.00 SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATIONS 1.00-2.00 LUNCH 2.00-6.00 OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION. CHAIR: LELIA DOOLAN FURTHER INFO: 087 959 1474
[email protected] ACCOMMODATION: Kilcommon Lodge Holiday Hostel B&B 097 84621 McGrath’s Pub B&B 097 84626 Introduction Kilcommon Parish 2001-2011 Baptisms* 199 Deaths 296 Primary & Secondary School Population 2000/2001 2010/2011 Ceathrú Thaidhg 46 30 Gleann na Muaidhe 23 25 Inbhear 81 33 Poll a‟ tSómais 57 47 Ros Dumhach 51 38 Coláiste Chomáin Ros Dumhach 105 41** * In Kilcommon Parish baptisms may still be taken as a close indicator of total births. ** The total attendance at Coláiste Chomáin in 2011 is 78 to include those taking PLC courses. The short table above encapsulates what defines the current human community at this time and in the Place that is Kilcommon Parish – births, deaths, school-going children; humdrum humanity.