
Koookan NewJapanese-English Dictionary ofJudo

1I1~H{!!({ ~lImm!J\ti~

JIlHh'f~ Teizii I(awamuloa tW"~JlI1 Toshiro Daigo • ~ • ~

•1 ~ ~ ,., • ~ s s ;:;"" ~ s s: •~ ~ .. , ~ !i'< . - ~ ~ ~'" (' • ili .;, ;-! ,:;e: .. ~ ...) ~ -~ '"'.- .;,'" II(. J!!; l!I*' ~ I 'R• ~ :;l "< =- ~ '!: S ii '"I' ""~ .... S i'< ·u ~ N ~ -N ~ '< l:i 0 . s ." -~ *'::Ei lO! ... *~ ~ ~'" 1 -< -

------~~- ~ ADDRESS

~~~~m~~"I~~iU.Q~~t~~{~~ .•ftl:~L~~\ m~l: I send my felicitations for the spread (;If JUdll throughout the world_ ~ Looking back. Wl~HIl dlt're were only nine "itudents in a dojo of only 12 talami (m:Hs~ But It-c~·.oQ)1:~.Q +f!':Ii\.!.!I.:- ffl::" ":.=:-1:*-ct- 11;,,1:: ?'.ki?~;lqJ hlday men. women and childreo of aU ages enjoy Judo from the bottom Iff t' It)I) ~ 1:';' ., • :till.-til: b Bt 'R(/)~\' •tJUQt.lfit'b1tl.ll .: !: "'fM1) '1 01 their hearts. g<.liniog much benefit £rom the physic.::ll endeavour of 1Ji!l~lijl:. ;:0)1.1:. r'"l!Jt'!! I:. and purpose. l:,*,UI¥t.:" 0J1;;f, ~. 14 \ew Japanese· Englif>b Dictionary of Judu because it will abo support J:i!ll! 0 "';;'llHf[~"t'''' "). r~""~Jl: L ","on Ill.lil! 0 1'ln;;'1l'III ~ IIe 0\). advocacy Ihm students should master skill~ reasonably and enjoy "<' L;;·L. m:l';alll£l:n:< IIlIlI'T<. 1Il:J.1fO)Al:lt. +t\.j.;;' tOrreel judo. fallowing tbe founder's doctrine. I hllpe, th('refore. that St~·t}.I.'~b$.l.Q.:t1:':i>7,-} lh·. *A$A~ftl'i·""I.t~l~M~. l'r many J)('ople around the .... orld will us£' tbis dictionary as much as tT">fi:i!J ~ ~''.'r JJrI L. Mf IJl.I: L -c1f]1I'l~~~ r lJ t 1" ~~f!J~ ;):.A1:. !:: p!l...sible. Ill! < ;: 0);: CIt, .::¥I mO)*;,! /,,;;'101 J. ,) " ~ IHI. IO)""~HII \!o Judo .....as e5tablished in and it... terminology is Japanese h ..., 1t,~ "'l:ll?'C. A"t' t ~ Q cliuntrit:So, our cdilOrs took this intO consideration and h

August 2(XXJ

YukimiL"i1l Kann, PrL'Sidcnl of the KiJdokan p(. Foreword

",,;nj{f~l!'?~11l'; [,.•' rl:;ll li'L'~'?b"1& I,./neli: r~IfIT" jj!"1> ..J It ..... a~ in 1~1l5 that the lounder of the KOdiikan Judo In~ljUl\(·. Pmf jigQrD t.'.iE.liL.t.:V>I:tkJE I ~",(,~·::d.; If:.i1tQ)~~1.l{. t-":"':JEll~;il"(l,'Q K.mo, (ormulated 3 pret..isc definioQfl Qf judo as ·The way of IhE" highesl or maximum efficient u~ of physical and memal eoergy· Toda~', ..... e the currt'nl !ill"" 1~ L1:. ,~""J'.n, I, 1l!""I'I,~",;.tl;t, (, ,?'. 1Ul!' HIm'. rill practitioners of judo, have auempled 10 publish a small dictionary called PThf' ~jj!m.6NfjllJ fl~ f. rm.6,j./;UfJI. 1Il.,?",iIII!!. ('IIl\'tIl'J "I> .. KOdokan ~cw japane!>e - Englh.h Dictionary of judo0, follo~ing the definition ~ I: 11 /It U,Ji:.'li.illl:IlllT.. ,H!.'. f'I<7>I'J$'j.HIi 1:. .11'" Ht -I: {,I! til the founder of Judo. We had VCr)' strong motivation to publish this IfI ~ tl-r \".b '..t:tt~ I.: &JJ.. ~ tJ ~ ~ ~ 0""- ~ ffl allOJ!l:8. tlP t.:a M"11) if. It dictionary becaus.. judoist;, have al ..... ays used their own terms and .'MJ!'-e'll'''I>''!:~V,t'.l:I>'' 11*, l*l!!HH. ,z:il'U"i1:I!IJL ulleJ'llretation witbout a basic standardization hen: in japan and Ihis is also 1: ttl!I:ll< ~ 11M!I, '?'? a R<7>l;.' >l:'i'l!i fJ "'<7>111 Ol ~, -IJij ,:~ Irut' for the resl of the world. Bul. although wc had exct'lIcnt mouves, tht' ",,,-,:1,; 1If':loJJllllil!t, .. .\\1< •>I: ."'t,::. !: •• III I",: 9 all:iliA. t;IHJ.' wnting of this dictionary went al a snaiI'~ PMt' tx>c:ause it turned out to be '"IIIIll!: L 1:;II"T.. f~:: HIlJR ~. i t,m!lf&llJJl:<7> 00 IJIII:Itil mlJ('h harder and more complex than wt': had ... nticipated. This led tn much ,... 1't~.fJf·:d..: tilafF -I:. ~-mQ).mfti:..4,H:@i.-CM.l.PbOJt.:? fru<,lralJon and chagrin because of our failure to finish it on schedule. Fnr rxampl"" it look nwch more time to -.eletl whkh word!> should br u!'oCd L.·L. +ltI:I,l'! ", ....,,,,,,. llIJidJ>l:L1:. ('!!:.'!ill< t,"'''I> .. and whether or 001 they were correct (or a dictionary. The st"nlenCI'~ :d!Jl1 i"ill~/IlU'; t,~"'Sion!> until Iht)· were .l1)l1JnU)~~ f.:.,? t:. t.\!,l.1 dccmf'd lOuitahle for indusion. However...... e at last reached thE" final "tage a'F. HI'?,,·I!.I:IiIH IJ >I: II":Ii .. 1,<7>.'<1><. .::.'? m:ItHlll buu}ed up b)' our love and dedication tn judo. 1J:[ii1Vit.1 h"'fttl~,-,". :.- t·;:'-liCi*~IIi. m~:tJd.i@IIH:·.ilL:-cI:ltw. A!> 1Irn(' fla~5lK the wider the spread of Judo Ihroughoul Ihe world which I:~ iii ~ t,.. oI:.iIlll:lll~ t L 1:, Jt. L' • "'A1JIllll<7>L~F:1fJ1!lll >I: [J OIl;, gives ut> much saLisiaCOOIL rmJliNfllJ .'.Hg·IH!:J:~.Iil'~r.-"1, ,u'?",;n'll't!'g-'?Il\[:: Thi!> dictionary will be introduced 10 thl: lnlf'rnalional judo Fcder:ition a\ t ftbit. 1'iS1(1)~ilW-rII1l~fIi:".0 L(7)!: ~¢ J: ..'j 2.L-C tl:.:l ~\,' the coming S)'dney Olympiad 2.000. We sincerely hOl)(: lhi~ dictiollary will be: u!>ed b} all Judoi!\ls competitor!', coaches and researcher<; throughout the world. We ha\'e a dream that judo lffminology will percolate throughoul the world b~' means of thL" diclionary which ...."(' hope will be used wilh love and affection In' all in Ihe year nf Ih", S)'doe)' Ulympiad 2,000 landing of judo.

~aokl ~Iurata. ilh!Jan & Curator uf lh(­ KOdokan judo /<.luSl"U1n On behalf of the editors and staff Explanatory Notes l;Uill.. Entries are listed in alphabetical order. Each includes the Jnpane!'>e 1) JJlftf~A:'ljftl,.·I': J: I) f1J::\t11 Ii I--4}.H.:. ~:t"Ij:A B CNH':~J1J t..t~ reading. ao English glO!'&. and a definition or description. E.... ery dfon 21 ~":tI:IH!·~I':iC.;t."C7J1.7T~·" rO)J:I.:-zH'lt. ~o",,ion in thb dictionary has been O);i: i".t Lt.; limited for tht- ~e of compactness and usability. and therefort: it should 3 f(IJtO)}iliH-t;P6q,)l.!.ltiL. *1:711-77"-':'1 1--c.'A.ilt. L• .*: not be considl'red comprehensive. ~O) Ii t II "'.:lia;,.O)Jl.UlI... ;I(':J.'~1ilJ! t I.. 1.: En.ry attempt has been made to divide Japanese words and cxpr('ssions imo their most logical semantit: comDnnenls to 3!>Slst 11 ~ll:""'1I11I101O).tl:""t'lllIlIi!ttt.O)lfJlilf cli~ 111>IlOl1..1" (l'ading and correct pronunciation. Long Japanese vowel !'".Ounds have been alJproxim:ned using macru(l:> (e.g. dojol in orde. to indil:ate thei. "'ll: Japane"t' pronunciations as dosely as possible. \tacrons an: omitled. I 1J'ifAtL"(Q)~I~Y:.~J:::::7/.I('" t-tt~ilC:h. QtI\L .. ~f{-r.lt1'I' howewr fo. japanese words considered already to have become pan of AU: t !:¥> t.; the English lukon (e.g. jiRQro Kano. judo). 2 I ,".~O).a..~ IIJi": 1... -!'.to) A~'''''.Vt' t jf~'o!> ~ oj I:~M" Prnl>l'r name~ are listed in the conventional japanese order. surname 3) -ti!l/(0)1Ii!fil: lII'.. tl't.I*-I<. A#'O)",iJi~ ~ 'Iln ~ I.. "(" IUd: r~a. Jtl\t:n namt' <;eCond (e.g. Fukuda Hachinosukc), the only exception ~itM" bein~ for individuals such as jigoro Kann who arc known to have 'I alm*1'0);"·1·~.k'i'O)iJiiE"'~;i'l.Amll. ~B.$:j'<;lt;l!Jl! publbhl!d \\ Idely in Westeen languages llsinj{ the Western name order. .-\11 entries art' intended to be purely descriptive and in no .... ay 'I'll!/,l ~U).t~:k~ l "(". io\ mI:{JI; l t~ lJl.' conStitul(' pn1per -instrucriom: for performing any of the IffhniQues. forms. exercises. resuscitation mNhnds or oth~r items listed. The authors. translators. and publisher" assume no responsibility or Jiabilil}· for their use. For the !iake of clarity, dc!'>Criptions of techniques a~Sllme application from a particular !'.ide of the body (left or right, generally clear from the COlllext). howen'r most could obviously b(' applied jUM as easily on either !o.ide. ~lasculine pronouns have been used throughout Slllee the English language still offers no elegant gender·neutral al1C:rnative. No discrimination whatsoever is intended toward femall" judo practitioners. - aOl [ 1U 1 I 11 ~ itt14'fI. .Mit.liQIl:gIJhit i'mil L. t.:: .Mtt lJftf:i J6{J'·lOJL ~JTii"{i. .f(7)t2.t,lJ~" 'T Hlf.:. lJ'""itjffQ)ldVi1:.h?f.:. ~Ol ' aizu aiEV iSIJ masatomo. *"AtthtQ>t.A"t'. ldIil3 ft(jq)~~ ltHHIII:i,. • - > I ~... ~ - itol': ill. i'1IIJ,. ,on 'I.:. NIH r...zllJc!; IJt. JiliMit fiJ!IB: J:. ..Aflit f" ffi'iIJ .~lfJllT ail!' wo Risu MI.;,.. T°<'WU"I:,t. ,,:>"'C. ~ f-(1). ~ rtll.-tQ::'.t L/.:: .'ff"••;~ aile ~lJ sonchO suru ~il.lt"('IJ.QJ:::)ll.:.t-;~',(li, tu'f-u:> __-it .isshin iltai J.1~ 2:". t) liT~tJ''1."".l.,.go,.,.t r..: I). fI:tirn-:JI t::< Am~O~L. =ttl:~4ta~.Q~t~lkW~~6 =q)M.~~b-t~~1 l.·tl.:.l!:Q)': t K""('I) I) {-(1)f'\'il:f.I'~iE1:ihQ 1i(1)1f~ litsulsU nil k3laJ aillI.;1:.it.iQ)l;OJ'fIf); tlt1tJf5+iJz:,t::'otJ·~.::.

4Il11Q'"':' (ai) OI!lU) &.tft~"ff r!i"t'"jIIij.g°tMd i [lq t.:.~;"1j >i- -q.Q .:.!: (iLi g 1)1 ~ I~n 01 ~ M::tJt.t;.z. aUl: 1;1 1"1 f4;tJ'f..: It', l. ,~tl t:R.IlI! 1'1 r!iG1);'Il1,:a <") "'C ~:m1'rtJ hluJ It:t. >,·fHUlIIl .....l. ~dll~)'~ til t,k /'Hlllf? t ~? I:JtWi"l1)j;J. to iJ~ L. ~;aZ:1fl t b It\ -) ....;.~ tf. "C'ft.m'?i~~ •~"'(' j)Q .: ~t':.t. 1IPJQJlt Iaumukl': (Ul1m c.1'tf"fI: ~.:.m L. -C /fit:. tJ.o::, c ., -r-:a{;• U:o>lJI @.. tJ "> JfJ il. ~ {o '1=";; .:. t n1""(' !- .b 0 ll{j--"1' (aka ICPU1 ~ft;g-q)(lO(,1jWft ~ 'I'-t f.::. tJ t:. :J:,[;,ijl1J.J (/)111*1.:iJJi 17 tl -611ft. ippan shugyflSha) ~.iltG1)Jt.I£.-t-'r.of,f;-Il·t"~<. f:il2:"tl1.x..I;t., !.:tQ;IOcm, n~5Ocmll)#i tt-r--:tt7>.:t iElID (1".J4') 1:r.lJ1)·~-c' u. .:.·AG1)': l:. 1J'*,~ -* ipponl :.t*_1Jl JI.~">'1.'t'. ~~JsL-m:., -N:tt : t:H·tJ·lt Q tJ·. .t; Q \0 '1;1 ~. :a.sru garami lIlJ.ttq)--:> ~n:t-.lt. f./''h'l?t...f.j. ,f.:JJJ'~.l:'". rJif m f-'?ftt-lJ.i' t. "'C. -tlI~O)""'. #.10\0 "i.11--co. f':\o·f.;",'lilIlUllt!:. Lf.:. cnJl-r-.fft.f-I1>. ~ ~.~'':'!if~ ibA. 't'1ll1)'IID {- ~_~ oa'i:' ~ . .::, jt{;l: J:; ~ • to! IItt. 'II U.U1"t'U: ~.?f..:J t~jlJi"'.otJ·, tf':'lir~'.Ii!"t".fl]FZ "C 11Ji: tt.tt lirlitll)~J,.oI.'U..~2Iltll:.n'.l"Ct:tl?:lLf.;l:~ (2) JqIiMt"t'I;t. JlI 1 .li;* 1E.Jtt1J-...:> Klft-Aii'xU...... i11J·LItlL. .,O~..,.. X. jbJ;.J t 11: ~tJl.b.~ "C'tJ' l'=.>;j)tJI., PJ.t ~ Itf.:.1Ij){.f'n... lot-r...... : C t1 "(.' ~ Q.0)-1jI1)-"-Jl£1U~"t". «rft1>IISq>aJIU:lRiI·., .1x.• .. 1::: L -c@ti~~ ~ tJ,. d:. t ~ .:. q).~...... JQ)JlIjb{t1.l. ~ f&O)JJ1jbltl': t:1t L "C t. >i:ti:t:~ -C in T tt. 1,H'.:. ttI: "T0 tl:t"ih ;:, F1:&1JL-CPQt~lJ:.U.:L-r\o'.otU1.lt')'O (31 t:la.tlllllnX't'I;t. tt"> ~ti: ~as.hl wa:ta Ii. 1II1II1 q-,. ~ f' J.. 1::: Vr. .m*t- nlfQ ft(JJlt:f.t. 1ibJl!1.I1-r~}J}ltl.f.::t~ OO~~= (ll,:l.1t-t(1) ~htJl. "n;.~"JL.~tJli? ilI.1t [arcmi waza .fflp(1)~rif~'i'. -mit. fn H, IU!m. Itit:, tJ'Jh!: l'Ur*~ <'i'l:I..:"J< ..t11:, ~~t.t£~t2:"tJ?-rf:Llff.:.!:~ \21 ~'frl'l t.d::·"t"~ ~, H t;. It? "CI1ilJ-t l.>t.h'l": l: fi!:1$. zI'H t.;'v),t.itl O)&!.JI'{ ~,~ ~l '/) . Ijt;l. til r~'i'¥P x. jbh.. -t"11)!it tf-lttJ' IP'P;t .i&hJ 1l)'i'T ;'(O){t, 25#rtr~.i!i "t'IJ!;l!1I:. ~~l. KH:. L. ·05t~tl-C~,Q 11.~Jtl.~~··Jt.:t~ (3) jjHt. JtlJ.ibH.• t:2u, r~li/lu:qHl!*tL-r.l:;tfr .:f).i· ~J (afuri) 1:lQ': l: ftJT41j-.f~t'1: f t:tt;ll'T': t rrtJl¥x.t.t.l.t!."('21f~:lLPJI(tJ" Xli r1hf.:J c.,l?f.:t~ 1-11 rlfl"t:', 1t~;:j;I.'''C Uhf) J 'i' -:J T-tQ.~tJ::(1)':= n? f.; .lI{tQ).t,J'i ~ ">.:. I: -*'UUi ippon seOOi nage ·.f.H;crl ~-:J ~1}Q)i$.~.U.I.:"ti·L.JML.. 'R~:JtU' anxcn c.hitai .llti-">.:t t·. (ftiJifl:lIl-:rr V)~.q)l,(Jll ·tlftnL Ii">Jii'k mfoOJ.$l,t;· t;m II 1.:Jt f..:~f 'Jit to" 1:..1) All"C til fOjM2:"-r.t.i.i! ·~"t'\12.TJm ~"li:,E"t"Ii3m 1 lTlillilr.J1!.'t t ~ tt"'C".-!. n. ~ I~ -:Jl t"C1ff;h '1:11"(tx:lt.o tl -*Alt JpPilnmake ttln:. I ....J tl?lL.o.:.t.t:.t.onlh').:.t­ \ , tJl1J lidi1) I~. to~.t l. .:. 1: .~fiffi~ ,iikuoo lsunetoshi h}tltiAt.'('ik~)t.A..1:j-jbht:.A"C'. 1l)SJ'!f. IIYJ aim rJdlJril "'(1)~;I:'iH·-r-. I.J8mt..l.:;:f:~tr-') bO)-r D;<;,lftJ !::l.'1 · ------~- ---

12 13

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J~IfJ'.I:.j.)£L/.: lt~I±8M1.I·'::'4· ."(,u/). )...,.(;-iJ-t!'t"ij?C1>i4J1 =: rH': ~t:Nt. f!t. ~ .n -c' trbtl-ll 1;-.1,1) M~~"~'ltl8'tIl jUl•. ~ 11.• liiin"l·.~t". f:..iOl1}f:lfr':ilfJeI: ~M.iI kObO renshu tjO"''"ft;:~~ ·-rtt. ~ '~"~"1fT?.. .:. =: ·l?·~~.nWl1j:.!: ,: I1h "(~'Q ::J-7 kochi UH:llfll' M~lftl'i'm"T 1.> All)': t .iI•••• kO(101kan g(lshinjul"iu .a~Ilt:i4(1),,~q) -) llH.. ""IU, ~i li_flQ" gnkal.:u geiku U8ft(/)!Pl:t(f) r.'IiIII:fJ' II -iI.tJR fll'l l! 1/ fillS lli-c' 4'H r m\.-c. Jitq) h it ~ Jf. L t.: AJ JJtft1:.Ri I: t.j"~ L f.:.6 ~ L -; ~ *':to It ;; Jt(Qtl'''U;)1t.Qtl·q)Sf.iltt:J!(~n'••~ ~ •.to-. ft. l"'iCttLf:~tt t, IJH4!1J Uf-rtr, l:-C:!~U~l){}f.:.1I'it"C.'l>.Q ..iltti::iI kUdM;-.lI\ judl11 188:!.fJ- If~Hfi1511 \ I:.Wfit1 h..D!l1,J1 f:jJf 'i: J.Uc.A.l·l( L. Jf-lJiia lktlk~'fi k:usu iM1:V.)lII\!fr ,) Mf-l¥t 'i'fJi·4-1J U;q"): t 1111. Lt, • ., lilt kok lltti of' q)fijOJ ftJd'JlJ t;: AtH: .ila~lIM~ifJtfi 1Ittf{1'IJO~liJff~I':' kodrlkan JudI' kagaLu kenk)ukai B111J1 ••* kI)kusai inhi '?on j..I:.ifiil..c7)$I"f~ :;"<11) ''? JJ{.I:til· ,f,;illl)l>i.~nr~, ;tJ.lt71Y}, ·t·~7-t¥J'. ~1l)#?l'rJ~1ft .... Q:' t VJ'IZ·~n~~ Nl Ii, -?llI'Qall)fta1. IgJli- i d !itt.., .'15 lj ft L-C, ti8:I~"iVIJr,t>!-""_)l~ 1l[~~f'l·~JhilJ'f~'~~*ilW)f..: B(1f!1 liiIJIJ~ilil.1R (kl/kUl-lli judu r('nmei ,tiliQ)I8'tH(H~.H'if,nH.,"("hll. IIF I .:!3 H:.:.·',iiu. tlifh;:M1l:~1: ~"' ~ ~1"'C fi:Jt r.. !l. t. 'fQ.ffl: .t"'"-l' '(II) InkrnallllO:tJ Jud" Ft-dt·rlloon t 1<.1£. ~ tl-o 1952ff.I':JlA~JtL.. ;-:>Q) iHU~fU~;'" ~J. o?/ll:~'-6 J,;, II ;:~IC-t Q Ii_ ¥lc7)ltlICifll.tl· 0; IIrl ~ Il,o .ilnJt.II"~itJt~J2. kl'Kk)kan judu kagal.u kt'llkyuk:Li khoJ Ailtli ~iCJ. EiI[IJ~iliI.:al(*.*'l.~ kukusaJ judo n'nmci shiai shinp:m kitei IjFl1)f.. .f+·f.fllf*~1Jft .gHtNIfJf~'Jt =: f1J1.:. tjQl.:JJli .. tin iA:;;.(~ l:IIllT '"' II- - It. 19t.iif\"' I:ailfMJ.till.A rr'oir1JJ 1Il~1- ~JJ-l.:itl ~i! ~ fl_ ltilllieilaM.*, iud/okan judugi Idkaku f:.iI /~Q') A. ~ ~ ~ f1 'IIt'(1) IflIf f­ 'f-")fl. lUrJi'T)'liU'dlf, J1lf'tI.::t,o:;o'n.,Q ".iI.~,:.t."'f.: t> J ,J·A.!f khgllsoku 1·1~lJl1)': t<:,. .:.tl~ijh'f:.a.;q}»'i!t..lIiT .1In~illiI:UtlJ"~ kfldnk:m julio shiai shinpan kileil "'jfiSlh'l.E".lf.:~ ,L.'4fII;t Il.llkoro.jCamae] .UJ~I':j.'T,Q·L·Q)rf.llilrtr-l f.:iO.(/),L·f_l.l::I~. t: ,}"flJU1.~CI)':' t lrcfl.I.JJU:'£J iflqrtUI:..t IJ /!Jt.:.(.UJ • .t * T"', ftlJ...~t~·1 ilII*f koofokanhai 1J.A:I':I1:. 4.MtfH't"O.ft- WlJ 'ib(1)!U koshili no kala lUll r jd(/)(jU) ..? JiiltlTl7>HUt-.,;L/..:,ti tHI A.:~"'II£.fI ilia J'.~lltj.lITQ f:iff ' -..lJit. ~fJlliC"')~f'*:N"'.\ '"('~'Q ~.:All~1:"," allll..." kiJdl/l.an nyuj(iill IltI:fliLA.willtr!I/}f,):II"t';h 11. •• kllshi gorumll) It!Vl --:> t1lri-J\Jl'~. Ji41\'UIiiJMI:!ML-r, ftlf ri:L. iQ../n1~'l"Jt., tL!(."fU. tk ~q)4:liJ!~fr1 ll)fI(f--r,t~_J)lJL, l'l< /t}).I:Il)-tt'. OOhl.:l2lrl.,ft lIilb'Yft* L"d'-,kan bunkakai ..it• .f:JIIl)"".t~Wll)f..:tJ. U,:l:fI:IYJ _lJl kush; jime .i!""lQ) ~(1)}J it. ~g;,* M~ v"t;t~ Hl~SJ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl:~ >r ntr:J t L "'C ,Aif,I1 J=.41 i' f9; UliIll1 t L _tt k.:t (-r.Jl1*ftl fd 'MUtt kuslIli, gakel Jtfl/l) .....J *Jft-.f"ilHt"0xl.1:~.""""1L. tHrv) ~~ l.an.. i I '1h t':'~"'""C'T)!,~L(/)': t IE.~ tn l-n+1-.~JlO)+1-Il(f)"7.,': tJ'l t"( 1ft " 1: If-r''""tft 11 t.1.:. ft.1':" .=:"...sanka.ku jim~ tzUrJ) -':} 1illil'll\:,mr(7)A'tI• .!:: (i.r~ft!li':'" -roJt"t'I"Q PItA:: tiJI!.:t:~Ii.lUl:':'''ltt..:QI I.:L"C KJr(1)Ii.~H:L"(f.,(nQ '1'f'i.XlJ koslIlI) !tari Jtfl(1) -"') tfIfi-.cO).fl:J'JAllftJlll.....IfIL.. 1i."'C'. a. ~r!.:.ttl.:.m-t1.lfH... j,·-j tll1"'(1)¥~BIIq) Ji!."'rI 1:' Ith tJ· ~ IJJ? -cUUJ/,]l11: lilTH., 1}..r1 .:..11.1: r1~ ;j.fi"'(" '='4j.ftjkO)li'KA1J tliansha lasukl'tsu nil gl"nsflkuJ J:rt'lf.tlJ IU it:U>11'"C'. ;;.tf~ .,~ 'tJO'>T!JlIr IUu>~ ~. 1,1/.11'(1)"'1], fl1.iU> f:II It: ~I 'hI 3 ttc"" ;talJll) -} t'. 2 tJ 1:1. :rt;2 k••kki UO)}J"t'()i;4'>/,' t.t •• 'lIl:~ ·1&t1~t.~'!'IJ'P.to':l: J ~1,t,2."'f.:t.">H1!III"to,:!: .a>~ ICO no sen ftl 1"-nf .11"C ~ t.:.ttl:K, t -c ttl f-1: M-t :. t 11.(.' zanshin ttl Ft-Glff..:ft. HI f(7)1i.l':.i.. -l..1tt ,(,·tIl;t "5ltil.iJfJt~ ~ kobudo kc.nk)"ukai I rl 4;O)l.d:EJttJiQ.lW (( t ;t,:f.- '111:1U * :='*1"-' 'sanbon sh6bu lit.ftlfJil.JjI: +.... "":Jl1).t.t.l:"#.)f.:.t~. ~I;,l.: '1J' . 1.: tlQ) ifj: t4titt -t- [I tJ!J I:. IIit -'II 311. jjA:tl'ii1'1 Ji.Dtin:~ itIA'f u) t PI:;Q: Itt.:Ivt1'l. t "'i +(/).IIi~lIIlfi·~iR: ..)~litftJiU-- l? l t

li{g. shiai .""(7)1& lJ!iAt.:.I) • .II f-tlt-' -j f..:/)I:Ao '':41)JJl",I1) f"'C" ~f1tllliJ 'lh I.: ~~O).:. t tJ ry f Ioollt -~ -r'11~'t,ltt:.t..: ,f.:.Jtft." Iif'&•• :shiai Laidll itClIJlIJIl2f/)ll'"'(". flf}.t,VlllJiEJ,!,i.1'U> ? .~~ nt-~iJ4.£·.U).hQl:~1:~ 't'n.tJ '·rlJ}~ t'fo Q. ~ 1i:f:I:il!..:E. [sasal' tsurikomi ashiJ JtU;:li~~I.:fPtLt..:"hI~. C51'1t;,:;;r._*"" .t.hi rahensu ~hinpan-inl 111J.I~l;tijal'l'h'tTH;. 2H';\~ .t-~I nQ)dU':'~ ~ IE. PO')J.i!. 1:: "C .1.lH:. L. llt /j..... k'J.i:: -tt-cnlr)!, tt"t'"ih " Il A. ~u>"'T!j II'"'* r." :i::it ~ sasaeru mf-q)ff,;. "Q" 'lJ: f.i,.(1) Miti IHiO')J,t ••f,; t-"::'4' L !; lit'" Jikan .\(:thQ\ ·Uff'l'lI:;''''C ':'jl.t.::.~IllIO')': t r..o,,:,.= .~ jiku ashi !!.Ir't._t.t!:"Ht"t'II ~;\I) I ~ 1Jt-"t Q JiV> =- t M~ fsasoi bls" jlflll1'l·#.J tlnl.:.J;. ,"CI;.£""..,t.:"IT'~IJ\.~""H'"'(Jfl 111.1* jilZOlai O.l+I+>· .(inaf$:· kn3«-'$(1)"'JE.q)IIlIJM~~~~~~r1),: .: nl-.t)"?·n·Qt,I·~':;tI·~.A*llin:"'fIJlttl'''--<.Q.:t tic I·~. ~. f,( iii. (shiji .t.L-rit:~·, 'Lti:-·~ltQ':': f (/)T ~ ...... , . .tr~t'L';7-? f,ct'i:"--:.,Q AIX L "("~'o C: ~ l.t,tf};t ~1t fl." rshisei ~.~., to! ~J";t f;.ilI-r IJ: nt!'f.J.15 f ;lt. +:r1) '~~.!::: L"C iii m~ IL Q IH~f* Il~~f'" tin~I" lin~u>';f (H~I.:tf..,f:.~1!j shizenlai . .:'( lUlftll'" Uudo k)05.hi .f:.itt~ni~~r Q ~~q>.:. t q)a~ .1:iI•• (judo shido~ I::.G~lli.(lJ-t.o,:,!: I/)lIIlrit1:c~ ft!&*f$ shizen hOnlai jilljlil7JN 15·t.l·':') Il!" '¥IJl,H: ..... -f­ ~ilA judiljin ~Jfti-.HL. t.ilt"'-tt~M'MI-r.(tI:·"::llt-C\'.t.A. W.~T 1i.I::sJ~::~·It. =,UII!-r ~ lJl. L. ·(.·!I"t7.)JH·. ~*&.'5 ..hjkkaku Wolfhi ~,i'''fIl.lllit;:U)II'-C. ~1f.;6(·'tm:.. f..:iO{;q>. to, (, 4i ~Jl: ftJll-t ~.J 1:: 11:3 L ~ ~ ') I:. ~iI: i:-J.'!..;; r.·tl t fl.i1-r- ...... ~ .Al7>n 1litl7)~qJ1::"'':Jfh'~ 8li shillku 8:1'. L"'CLtr.:.t ~~ mh8m·O~~~J tL~ ~fjlI1HllllJ;. tRW shido 1,(,(;-l;fl:I.Il.'oEUllf'"t' .. !'iJ.l:. 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'J'n.~ !.:<.f' ~ L"( t ill\:FjfJ ~iI ;f;ikt-~,*~-tt .«~m/i!ml:J:"?-Cfl!Jkfl~nt;:litjftl7) -c" jUdoJ . "? T fHt;:,. .:. 1,'1 ,11;~t-::'.-t, 0 ~iI-tt Uudu ichidai f:jll: ~~"( rJ) ,: I:f1~ L -C if; z, A,/F.([)": t t tI~ jiiKull '"-1"J1Il.':il'~':' C #11 lfiljijtJl1!·n~J Q)HIII(/"l<~.4IJW.',c."'C'I! 30 .11 -2.7Jm UtrIl.?!Hlfl!:r-113ml q)~1·,e.·J!t~fl-·n·~ -1I1'i tIlQ} R,j4'1):flI!':" tl!':: '1',lIf(7)fl8i.l.J'I';:.1:. L 71;t. f~t. ~JII!I}) ~ l.-' ;(tlfl. f"lp.C· .!: 1151-_ (jogaiKiwal JI{1.I':i/:i:I.' J:..: ry L~t~~~~. ~~ljWII~~h~~'~ ~.;til s)"ogai judu i'i-fJ:M. 41 ft:M. [{fJllI:ri...}'"t"-fItt'ttq')ff-ltl:.;. _'Pfti!i" shocyu Keikfl ' *.... I)'M IIlI 1:''frht~~tlllJ "/rl Q).:.t til ~1:-l..t· tiltf-til,·. !d':lf fI f:;jl2:'''lt'''C .. ·(.:.l:. 1).»ftJII"tJ. "t'. ~ l:.nlt~~'U:1J. :.tJJ~.1'::-Ct- IU'I:"'t ~ "~j(1,': ~tlfl'iJ~' 'shOll:lukuleli kf',!:cki httll(llJ••I': '''-It.lJ': 1:. it1t r,tl:8.. 1 _ AillR"t'lll~l6~ l"lffJ29'f.' iI,.,rrptl"'(~·.Q "C'ft 'S:-!tl'1 tl:1.F, f,(,,'.t 1 .,,;;,,'.it 'NIlj:.r..l"~ L.t..: IJ. or. l' ;. ~ ~ I) - ~. ~ 111.: lo 0': ~ shirukf'lkai Mr.il ~ (1) n I:••t.A,.1l t-n-M"t" "tt.:..ltt '.It...;:..., z. fr.-c. (\it fr 1l·~I-t:t1.f:-1l[1I1 L J: .; !: i'" Z, ,f:lz.1:t.l I ;"?'> :tl-C: l,' J: -J f,d1v.t-lftl t Ii '-;'i'l(1)':C .II. s~hal ~frl:.->t.: Pi -1It::fJ' BT-""f [:shiro ,epu] .l.ItQ-K·q)l'lIllt.1iY.IIt~IJ'i·f.:."I:. ~tiJ4r"irl)'ll~l:oJHe, H sh(;shl)l ."Nit-it~t..::t~(1)':J: Ilt.:MJOclll• .G:~rilcmq>f6i?t1:r-""'c1)': t Ifli t-~~ 1':/iJI1)'~"C. A.: J:. ui'is('ki .ttfTtt.(1)J:I.tq)A.U)C~"·-) k{4Iilllllii" u>lft-I:tl(&h. .ill!"J -ttl: 1:J:lI,UtW::I,uI-ro •••.sinJCikai AiI.Jall. L. -t-(1)allltl:'lt.t.:. -r, ~iG.I:Jjlt lJ il.1t 'Ui shooan &~; I,t.ll~':' t ;J:Rc1)I£Mn.1: "af,):••!Z?~Wlf""·.,q).fl. ft./,; 1::"t7)'ff:l~ t I: I:. f:iU.. .lIJ*I nonail .oh'f} rfU:JIi!.Jt!l~i;J or ;'i"trr1.lU(1)('<..iltQ)': t" ·.TJJHl~,"(,'J.9.Jm(lll frl'i'O)nPl~k'J"Q}",;A~fi'HtlRl ~ -»1, In :if;. ltJ2JiE, C:1t.lil&f, h WIa:Hil~""11.'J'1a8m"'8m. eA;mlOm'CIQm t~tL"C~'Q -.lin. U(·!J:(-B• .iI~ r'I~UIl".Art, noW" Q;, 1I:1li.,IIftl':.1:~.J-rHhl~1l ~JJ..:t: slMlf1l.'n kilci' yfj:- L1WItI.f. "'7'!- UJiltt1't;.:JlRI"1lo11.oU''lQ)JV - 11-(1)': t y~·"I1)~Iiij;J; C1~trlii>rU L"(.•iQllj;a~g-·1J1'lIJIl. .&1•••• 'shintriUi !:ihingiin .:a:~i"*'ftl..,.o t;.. J,_ 3MflJ:J!JlOf. fl.!L7> ttJl: 'JIJllI:~ •<'?~'(1)f:4i i'!IIi.. f t.:. IiIUI:JJ .. '''C 1.1 $JJ{(1)II'Itl': ~. J: .'.1t:EoiL. .£ , ",U.ft-X-l tJ1)I~.at.!H:J: I} ::-.~t1o ~"A.l:.~t'L-r~'Q t1'JJ'.e~ ~·"'-':.!:TIt...,-r~,l.> rtlJl~U~it1itllt.l(fr·"1'lJHL',i!I: r:Pll" 11"0'6.tR.\Il.: -t ~i4:th...,tt.aI(l) li"orit? it t: "'1 Jl¢l': t.. ~ ~ ~lo lII.liL. lJ.~~' <".1;1-8 shin-ki-r}oku icchj IlaUit::t;ttt"Ii,C<.lt.JJ t L"'(, ~••~llL ~... shtKlenbu iIIjliMG'>flUtll..l1)·"? Mil'"> liM' A" r,-O'r.f:!I: jr1f 1\ I} I1"ljfor IIh •~ nt..: ft 'i" 'It".... .u ",.:.(,'.!:: ~c 'Jilt u> t. t..: tj • ( .:. !: f.l1 l iI'* ~ tt7\.'t.:"h • u..ret I: lI~Ri"hfHIi:. "( ~ t.: (1)IUnU9!f.1: JOlltl· t, lfi.iJk i t· ,~·.:.t1" J~'. ";-1l")~j!"t'{l.C·~/J1){ ·ftLf.::ItI': -* "'tlt.~~ "'('(f)Jj."HiOt. z. AI"! ~ -tkf.:..t ~ ;6. e, "t' I>.Q JJl (1'"'("1: 'J.~;ttj:.)')I;Y1f ,~oH-f Ii..!: I:. ~ltQ 'l.'. ~hinshin) ,l.'ltf~l*z.. 41J.4'!-t.:'i:' J;:t:J L. II +:'t'IJJifi>(l)fUMi:-ltfi. L"(" ~(F)II jij nfl ri I ID fen}) I.:j£ ~ hi'. til FO}}) ~ .IJ fTIT l.> !tit!litJJ t411:.l1t:\.,;H:"4 O:1IQ)~.t/jtlll·:J/.:: til"t."li. f.(tlP.i.Q)h"i!I:.1: lEl.Ut'S-liJlIII shomi 'ihiai jikan '"J!"I:.~*"-.:'tUl~ 1140 lua"'.: t htl.o.ett-tot. ",~(1)." lEiIl ,shOmen J.t$tn,,11> t:11>A.(1)I:'TP~·, "_~IJ40l,·u.t.l*t: bP-') t i.'... shinshin IAnrt-n' A.il l ~ t..:'''''U)I'':~·.~ J) i:-.-i '..=i)/1}if!:.ff. t.:"'.tll.~·h "C~ '40JAJ1T"'C' b .... 11 A.lltl'!? • .it~ ·;tf'"t'oh.Q ~".<:.It.i"rr\.,. M,. t ~t"1:"_ <1".0.: t jl;T~iI jn~hi judul m-I ~'I(l)I!U~iI rtliJ..ft~IJ980ff·I':fftJl\. 1988{f.OJ·J WtJl [shinpan ,):1tU)"llt U(fJttJ.lft, all~rtJl~Tl..':' t "51lUt(f)..:t.i:­ .... J\,i"'};;i! ''''"'(''~I1l44AiJ::,-,jJ, 1!)92{J'.tI)dll--!:OTi"IJ::"~ 7;O·'J.tE }J ... .:.t{,~ (c (- filitftt II·/i. .... shinpan-in At:ttHlj'j-;t·.ot'.lt .... 2t,"t'tII.-l~.tl~A9 7

I-tt.:ttl(lrnWA.ii'or IJ".J !.:l,1)"'(". il(Ja"'t'f/)~u:t....-r Ji i'-1;f1t, r /tJ or.h oj U).:. I:. f:-b\~ 1926fJ: {kJEI5{f'·I. IL~J;:I:{.(T·ffiW4lltl?11, 'tL!f/);A:ar«lk r aJtJJti:lff .'olli npan /{ijuau! ..til H QJ 1:. f. ~ u: c1);f, l' :,; I- " FJ tlU f,.- ~l'Jl}1it .z ... '''' ":E.~ (fl."':! 91J.1J Lllf1'" "".... shin pan ktlshukai '1l1lUtl"II' t. "'i-!-t::,.. 7> \lfJi f" 1I l'JlJI:IlII'1)' -It " h.o ;A:>n~?q).: t 1lI'1'ftEB l~eill~ tandenJ ~ ·PIQl.ZJ fmlf,fil1>.:!: "C', Itilll.:j;\ ,;:- rti'i <",. 0) .: I _ft. o;hinpH.Jf U'~IJ lJ Jo"Q)flitu.> -:J ";1< :shinplln hOJ .1lfq)"t~ II '!J'f:. !IlJL.n (scishikata "IT·l':7;" ~D-It-T.QJiiJ;; f!:'ili) >r-ffi-r WtlJJI. shinpan riji I J nna(/)aMQ> --:) I\. -I!d.:/lijh.g Aft 1't"{'1! Ill, Q (sei suru ~lTci:',;j ~f(7) :0:1: iJH .t. ? I: :J ;. ~ 0 - II.-t.u ;: !:: ~ ni4n"t"b;'Q ,,~. st'.inenbu ;iI.II">I!lu.>n;.Il.~~ll£ff:g, 1--41-., k HZ • • rI:~ ;':)f1'rt1."t'~l~ ofq}"lQ) -~"('''Q -41~ff. !&:fft'tl.t L• .ilIfI»fJIII ~ ,"( ~'Q IIIJ n FtJ l.:~ft~ltlll/:.. tu: IJ ~.tr(1)m. fi"'/}liftJM. ,.: /tl-c, ~.c., fJ·(/)m~ .8 .sukui nalle} r·rt") "J Kl"f-q).IU·.,1Ij r·-rlll 'i1. ',jijrt~-rd~'~ A ~:-tal>t.:"'.)-C~'Q ...... IM L. tt: Jr.....ti\ . Hf-C /It...... ~:t. .£Ii. mF(T)lItfto1>"l: 1\' r~'.i- i'. L A ftlt>••;;!iJJl seiT)oku saaen kaISU)-(J~ "T IItf.Jl.:.(.!t"l IJ i:'''' b " ~Il.: ~JU tl-r'HiIl1'JilLL fW~' Ilr-cM-tTtL }.tr.,'I'::Jll.:mTQU't';t)~ -t.Q,:cf-,11 1922~ 'A: iFl1-q.J l1)"jiflJz-ft~t!lI,:r.Q)~I:' lfIhrnitit A:]Jl' sukoa' tfU)i'!l";" t- ((fJ'~' {ff:1J· U;hll' .;:1 t14UU j./114· ii' 11oIlJ'tnC.~4X(1)~~f.t'jJI !::'J~~tlf:: .. ~..lI..ttlt C1>f$,'.'!'7>:. 1:. fl1.l.mEllJi;1$:. sclr)'oku zen')'f) kokumin l.liiku jJUt:,DII){id} '''-J A:J1"*-i' liuko.1lxldu }i11>*1;. t- ~.t:. (db· n;'l) l tlRJI~ lnt 1*-17 T HtI:ll:. L-r ~... ~ tt t.:.~ 'lj.Q--liI1>Jtf1i r JJI ~ 'f:: l(I.1ktfft .!:::. fliq}Wa~ ~. ita· .;';'1 qH~.l,'~;z.:k/I,;TQ~L!.UlkvJ'::'t : ()" tQ)!t(1) -fl6f" III ~ ,t.:-tu.t/.I'1~' J;, ~-!l • "(fI"iS" Sllle geilw uaINln-J:') t ..I:flU) fl'l: It L. tf UII.A. ~·f"b L t.t' QtJ*m. Q.,.#t~ fseir)oku zen.)o.jila ky6ei 19t2fF IklfllfJ'J C1h~lt• til () f"tntfif1ll: t .~. t-fnttH: • ..t t..'lt't' J} M4It1 rr~' ': 1:. t ft:tq)fN .t. Q)1Ql:)t ~ ttl.: JU~1:"I> Q MJJa "it'lll:J: '?"(n t!.~;;;1&; ~ ~ *.. a rs\IIcmi WlIla CUh'>f.. .Aith. ..l./tM: t'l.:m'"C t.: h{ -.:tnU;l1Je: .: q)h AI1)~I£;(Illttt; I: lIlC1Y~1&:T fL/.llt, nIII! .U. t '" -'3 -r Jt:~·t.ll nIll!. lM",Jt,f;'r; !f'(f)ttf"()j~~I},H:J:":l-C i *#u!:,*m.q.ut::[.(~ij~tL-r~, A~I:J:~-r. ~m.u~f~~~~~';t~6ft~~A6 ~ .A~ 'eoi OlllShi -rUII) -'.J tuf~rft•• XI.t""'I:IML-rl..i;1ffi::1f ,],;f,'-':I.... SUplIISU Tnkal Ill~ f:ililll(1)llt" ~u ft,n --~ IJF"llut h·((~t•.), H IB, .(1;1;';11£-.'.:-:)\ ,"(. ~iI ~ ~t L -rttlf.o.n"t'i'J,o I: 1lU .... 1.:. l-r'tJ ('ii!, otH::"'.iJ1-'tI:JUU~, .~Uilb\ 7:'+~-~;"~l:I\lI-roll ...Ii seoi naKl'l HIll) .,? IflT'r~ l~. f~l) f(/}lIHtff-q'Jtft:fl:;"n. ,:c~t'i'.JIiT.Q .(l.!: ""Ml: Itt L. HI T4)f"~ 1i'ftl:1fU",.!:It",. ~,. LI:ttl r.Q lit'j, 1.J ,],-t!"o,:,.= "('ft.:1fWRUl, ;;;tf-tIt~IIIJ~ t ):.':"i':/ltI:fIIIT Q I~M to Jtl~ L -C~ 'Q fJUIlY:l8. lsekkJnkUleki sen'i (I ~.il:J","("u.> -l !: ~,oj X!..!.., II1II>'1 sumi I,.. ~hi Hill)'~ mr(/)t~.I.:ilIth~h.t,.-~I~, ~t.:~IJ~ trlij •• ~cngen I .fJjf.t~t ~l ~ 5tltJ t a.,.: t l' '.~"t' ~ f ,U;.1-It;s ...... /itL.. ~LiltL"t"~lf}.,U, lHl.:ttl:1I .tr St'nkllLu 11~:...t-:';-(7)ilt.h·'H1C1>tIJ~. ,.uu.•n(1)fJJ~Tfi-1/.:*'>1: T~U :."" l:lU L -c.t-1 ':.= ~iIi sumi j{lle~hi I ffi.Q-U'" --;J mf,~.z..(1)tUi~, .llot.Il'.,...... 't1 L. -{-(/)!J/lI ~lII3r:T~iI~.SIJ«~'-*. zenkuku joshi judo laijDbclsu .!ien.)huken I' 1:f41i'1ItI':j~:r~Lr.:t1t':" ••-::ftlf·f'.I'i.~ru~Uf, t1ITi'~"J.n I} laikai I.( f-qJ{+::!ftSq. H.A.:~",(,.1J II. lH.A.ft(1)J&;fiUI ~ ..r-~tttjJITQ ~tfli4"1'"U Uilt.::J:I) un jUren dl)ori 1':'1J .... ~Alitll!"'[tlldt J.t.~a~l':.l: , 1"IJJE liuriashi f:JlI1)'t-+;IYJ'..:.'\..;.J..h"t'JiQ,ft"C'n< ..(/)I t1'~J:;~':L "("lj': oJ ~IJ~h ~ tl "("~.o ~n.L ~~"'I F.~vt,.- :i:B*~ilO~~* ••~ lzen nihan judo renmel ikagaku inkail S': EI ~"t ~ madell .;.t ~ .. L ~ (7) .i!i!'!luHlj.I"I~l!~(f) "':l .t;bl:~jt[~r&" +Fr.~Jfq)fiJt*· ~JH:ff1 -t t\ t' {sore -tlJ JU,:.g~f'.IIIl':~L. 11>~11ll~'·Cl!f'f{IT4l ~. (scnpii] B1IU~I:W.,-C, 7c11l-"f--MI) 1 i&l:Il:~§~~hf:JK:rI1l.:.t 1*;'1 Ilai olOshiJ 'fal7"J -"? m.M j':P1fJi.1ll L. -til ll7"J#::t jl~ l.: 1[ ~ ffll: L. "C f:}:lfo.fi"t"3J.o ~ '" f*dh! ~tai s.:I.b:Iki) 1:J~fQ)f;tIl'tO)#th~':*l!:~tl:' f*.lK~ .~ ,sij katsuJ i/ifi;G?'-::> is?t..:f'frr~fAI~~.¢-t-(1)U:U);il1I:I'fIIH:"?~'-c [taijll kubun) --ma f$.~IJ rn~fr ~ ~ t t":1)' ¢ -t L -C Iiliif ~ IlII ~ '-CTi~ 'QJ1FHtl ~ j/j:-:1lt. fIij'!jt~ -f0) fmlf,f, lfil!jll (taijiI l>elsuJ :t.ili: Ji1:J;fJ) --?"(' U;1I"rll 5J-I':.t. -r f(-l Jiil. ' ~{I;tI\l.MtM~ti\,'. ttu:~ (: ~ "CC ~ ~~I':lj,!I'I''''-C f tJ' '? nUi'iIlSCt¥J l:~ll L tlf'.Q ~fM~f'MI L 1:.1f"( f*Wi llaijulsu) J:.;fjrn ..ft"t". ttLI.: 1 ft-ftl:l~ 1:I'i~ll ttt.:~ F~':' ~fiMllltiU1J 1.- ~ L, IMI. ,('.Rl:'J*.~,.utlt{' 'fit'-' .: O)ifIJII1.'~~ 'II'~ 1.- j."-l! :*:R: (taishnJ f;" 1, '"'C. .of"{,1)+- J., q)lIt1f: tt C t~All::ljt/it gin;;) ~J.ili, tn~. ;'P'".o:t-};'qJJ;-it:. #l L6"" f,[~ '-Cla~11': A. t). .ClIll'S: f!l11J( ~ -tt 1.> f~ "'01~, U=ff{tJlf1'f),1.> q)"t'. (Illijinicki till. t.-A'J r1.l 1 ff.(EL... fl-? ~t -"'('1f':;.ilfbq)t~Ilf!:U)':'c -MAflCJ:I2tm. mrnlY~atm T'l ~ 11'\\1.-'"/.1', nl'.t..nfit lJ.:dUi J; f) {) jr-~ ... , I*~ llaisd] 4''1$l7JtJ..t. 'Rf}Q)': C M.g..t, (sr1gil gachi ;J: 1t"~U'Ji;:q) 111 '('. 1':' h1t-H: c[,,It:A"t''.h Z, tJl, fllT'''> :*:B*itllfi" d:li nihon bUlOkukaiJ lR9Mt: (1!jlm28~) 4f]l:. fl!»t;RI;UUfi rllj!,j t1'l7tQ) fttl1 t1J 'S:'ttp-tt 1.> , 1100{ft.c;2::IT1~0)-~.!:: L -C. h-nll~r}jJ:(fO)itlFlf'i¥rr:~lBlJ L.. littl!rnflti,lc tlItta. (siitai rl-nshn) -A't'lJ:tl 1 ~,it0)4!J(f'l:I': i(f 'j.T.Q .: 1::. ~ II (J/J f.:.L!: if. ~ ttt..:r~IIJJHl (~ ft\I..,Ml [sodt· gurumil jimel f'iJf(1} 0"':) klfQ)!NJitJ'!? {illUq€,lf1f·Q)Iii' ~'-C ~ ~ ~ J.l{lmt.:. J,:1\4M>i-fll~Q)liMffill:jJ"C-cH!:Ji., ~f~"t"1:iMn1-tljPJ. til~ felUl roaih)"osen) btl H,:ftl:.t:; _ +- I.. lin 17>8Jft-l.l('ik; L ,)'''"3 t.: \ t 51 I:~;h ~ ~j ~r...t ttl TOJJ!lf,-t:;(; 1I ...... l1! ~ i.Jl,Ji., IilijM>a:- Ilq,ld: L. ttl r·O)!!tIm >i- 0: L -C tiC",).Q ~ It t:.l liftl':fi' .fj}JIJ am.:. l:, of"tti'ftU)+- 4 'k ftJ.l:'T.u i:ll f- (I ~j [I;] r.Q)ioltft (tj<~"t' • ..,t.:ilJ'.q)T-AtJ'lIJlfc1j:.Q I mT'q}~~ Ji~"l**¥).of,Ji{;). &u.: tu:*t"t 1.> Hi ~ 1,.'-1 f*t-tJ'f)T (tai \\0 ka .... asu] O~tll)Ue:t-#11'17)111 ~;I}' r;, lil';'':'C ll!Ilt:l~ [Slide Isurikomi goshiJ .~n~(7) .....J .ttJl~!\!l7r, ~1.>I.'lilliI~I':1Jl 1*t~lr< #Ir~rnif..uoo mamal1 .lA:1.t-e:fJJ m~i!I7J '-I' 1:". J10:11 !: lfH" ~ i.1" I:. tl!.... t. ·,:,.!:: ~;~~(7).tfI:f.i:, it.':lt.:~J\."""t', ~1q)lit .I>t{H: -ill-ntH.: tl'lfJi' ~"it,Q .:.. 1::. .,t."&t"/.ltl>bj,!it{t 1fq)ff~"S:'.fQ) i: t I': L"'C, :t;"8' f.iJ:. dnki:txel n!t1.'. mUtl7) ,') 37

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Iilil: 2 -:l ~IJ • .t) ~.:i:tA fdea.shl haraP Jl!Jto> -:J tllr-1.I'Jtf'rkhIl\VCIt:Jt;tfJL~·ltt:1It: WB3'11ta:. lomita \sunejiro} ,4.i1UrOlllk r (/) }" ,If.iltMiI: A.I" t..f.;ItPJW) l1l:I • .ll.11Ji!.~SU': -? t L""Cu.ltt-nL.';·ltf.:lIltlnJ. rHJ-U)J.t!."('. +ul'/f.}j,;·rJ. A HIM7fj ilfJift20ill, {Jlv !rtlH:UI'A1tff~tJi~f1·...,t: '1·& r"~ °/Illtlil ;,(,1J.-tq>tA,;.~... tJ L <'i. -{-'" ~ijtJ·.; ~l f~(/)+q)Ji f'-u. .... -r J~lf ~U:"'t'":b" " q),n~, f,{1ll'1t1:lq)~ 11865-1937J 1tliif-(7)mm>rJJ.JI: L"(.til T-(7)"lM'k';lIl-jMIJ. I'!: L -rtll FCT)flldllllmMlf-lt- L Etsi: [tmnOl.' nu.'(d l8lJ'H'.q} -'? tnff"AAA'.{t;tIi~"-I':Jf-tl·lJtlL, -f"O')t!Il '"'Ctt¥:>llH:. J.Hl..:.tll.:'~11- lllH:~.-j ~'l: U;.t-t'IIliilltt.:~~ ~nl ':J. ~. h(/)lt.t- til f~ l~ f iI'" flP L 1:lf"(I..... 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II +f~.f!1fJf :t.ilJI.: J: .Q I:..\J.I_ htt{, litf.o nageru r, _, 1tG:~rllllll~-t!t.:/rr-.ffJrf-!jIJ;"'J>Q~·I.1~~·~ B*Jtil*.- nihon budo pkkai 7~l'f.It..:ilJi1)'';. It.-· ~"(1)lfli..t~ ta· "ClIlI(.lJltl.:: .....: 1: W. *'Ul':1'ftt1t7>MJI· f;.;*(:'~'I"T.oI.fH" ti1t nage \\l!.uJ ttl f~-rnlr.ot~ 4I.iIlIl{:.iGuHU:: L -C. 6it7)tttt~f~~ l; B*ltilll nihon budotan ~JI{-t 'I ;. ~ :I ,. U)J;il.U~JttL ~il.a ~ It lL-C~·.Q (H?:Ll. II-ttlJ. JiU21. Af3 JtH:5, .H.trFfA~J.t1115' I: Jtilt(7)lQM;: ~.ill:(7)Ai1" ~.MI': I'II--t ~ utt6"fb'i' tr ..... ~ P l> l';(l Mff. tt-1*l~ ~J:rr fnan:lffi(' lle' uchi "1J.:BIIlI~U~U;:tr~lti!"?'I")1 t)t1) -~. (i r·t1)m HI~,1 t~~L~~I:L .• ~J:I'::L~kna(I:'~~(6 fn~U~~If-n Atllljij,d. ninll:en kt'isei ~ ~t.lI~Ht"'(>7-fr. 'J-i8~1.-tU,.:.tl:J;..,"C ? ItI;1tr? t.:: rt:ih ·f';:". {j lr -"-;'i" l: I<-ll-f\:/L T~~4-i4I.i1.i: <. I: 4; '..1"'( 1I . 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L ~ t 1':1./';" Q.t ..; 1:1-Q 1ItUUi nc\\azarandoril 'f/laTIj--"l..t':'L'"'C~~Tfi1::.t .+~a2 lnami jOji jlmr ~UU) -? -fUT-(1)Ill'Jiil·r.>. Jiij!M1:: t 'fl:~l."'~ -12 1 43.J

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"t", 1:.-'0) r1JJ:.E: j (l)tP-M; c. 1,,".)1: l •.••1::. .L'll·.. 2 lila f {1 n I'll:k{-t'7.l.llfr+ L4.L:.t I-: h •.:, -II' ·1.J!/.:lj-tr· el.-·-rllf).'THIC'bfli< -'r.1f"'C'fI~.!:.\l~t>tIQU:fttx -+t1f-f-AIJIJ,IJ~~'litJtJ~U:ItIL"( .. hanegoshi, _UO)'-:> U..l:!.l '1'''' ~-:>It-C,.t lj~."t'Mtl Uf-rrtlfoH ...~.i;) h,tnlei Rachil :.tft'i'flJ lIl:,Eu)rlrt", "'-;(l)M.-M(/) --:> &:fJJ ItQ) TJJ !Ii.iIi hane gnshi l(a('shi ltU,,> --? tflf.O)M.!ff" Et"U- tllfCl),f;1t Iit:.t. liB t,q).:. t I: ~ L -r, fll f.(/)/l' It f- n~(/)Ji..I£ -edIJ7.)· ~.f!.,.., -C"1""-!t. 1: f~ ItHI f'O)IiJi. 1: fJ ftUJ/i,lll"t' It?~, ~ () ~~ n'l t-rfllH-#:1it .t, 0 U' U' m.Jl:iA 'hane rnakikClmi. ~m·tHl.O) .-? M.IJ.~!ttlt"t", '1iUJ f.t-~.I. 851"-tt;"'.A;WtlJIt (bi raisensu ~h.inpiln.inl IlJ/lol.'l!lJlUftYlt!)-}f:J. 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III L.. - }j(1)1!ll ~Ml f.J ••e [Yllku~llku rcnshu 1~1ltr 1::.'"-1 Pi: f~.ll[ 1: t.. -c j; ~ r.:l:lf!.: I). ri~fe, tL (t L -r ~H f4)~~111"""'r\1"I') .iii -t!-r, ({> ~ h'lliiJ ~ 'f-h1.:t§"C"'C hI f'-i' -t"(1)A Ji t.: I) 1M&':! t.: IJ, IMoI')., It f.: tJ -t 9~.,ItJ~q);: !:: :. tu.: J: ,?""(tXo)jll!.1!i *JlI! ...... lll:(f~~k 1lI-r'> tAm lyoko ,g"akcJ ~!tt!i(f)·.-:J Hi'f-~'Hti.n:il'·~'LlblL., 1"'~IIi}jil't, wa Y;lma llrashi H~q) ~"J filiff-efllFG')I"IPlI1)l:tl.t ""i"t!i\'1-Cf'.] I) ~h. ~ ~t.:ltr-c ~ iJ{ '?.Ii! fli T'U)JlI7)¥~f'Jl1- ,Wrfli-/}' ~ .u.~'. of U)~l': #1 =f-Q) tf>i: -c-1I:)]lil~""j.'1~· (..1;1 l.. ~ til c" l!Jl"(' -Ill T,II)rQ 2: iI,l.' Uf-r~THi. 'Jil' -r11) tq-tt-t. ,.. [yukI' gurumal lIi#itfHu> --J ftFFq)G!Ji1)'I7"Iff-fd~. -l!I1L.-rA J..t tf.: tU.: firt lla-rih.o ~""'J~l L ~-nl c,. }j Q')¥lJ j{J f'l1JplljJlJ(f) Jill': ll~;)' r-" &" t- l1l1=Aaa [pmashila ~'llshitSllgU .-.mKil'YA:.r.U) -A lI1?JW>f:.ili j-J''..t 7./­ z. re mT'>S:--t(/)j'!.fi~. ttlf~H: l)-n't". lI"~(/)A:ttUl!l,-:1:"")L> 1·~~ift.'il(j~~J:~~C:~J<.ill:i",ti.t.: (1865­ t:tl':#f-C rrh(l)ItJi...... tAl!!ljj"1!I ! roko shihd g:l1anll'J lm.i1HQ) -,"?, -ttl f.0)1I }jiJ'l? -/fUJ*II~ HI 19351 f-U)~'i!lU 1: t J;; L-rof 0)f&1ii 1:-, It!! Ijfl'),,-r ttrr~(f)mMW> f 11- :=: i:5 L -r-t-Q)M ~ }'3WU31 jRli'tif:r tl) .....;; IllH: -f tl-t'i1.jll! II, L. *iitlli-(' HI f-u> f-t't- L. [11{ Ii~' i?'I/ L -C tf]I Qt{, ~ \}awaral i:jJ1(/)"J,;t~.,t.:/i;\Jl~~, ~'b';~'id.-hqlN:~·JiI.:~[1l.."C .v: tc -r r[ x. IJ,VC": hl.: frt .QU~~'-'J I.: f~':h~J L L.(U. 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a:-#l P.U)li~ H~Wfh:lh, "t ott. ~t-'$: tl:rt'J ~. Al.t UlIlillln:#{-("(.fItlfi!I n ~{!'l'tJj~~I/Jtfr~!t,(III~1t~U~I': 1::m:])I'I'(~"'Q tf~t.tbf'l! (lil-'"t'ji!ij6(fHfl.: ~L #I.:r~>s:-~.llil.""C. it,-c t .JIl1-t) rreiJ ijt,O.t-1~tBt..: t'"ilt.i),u" (renshfijij) iCi~ct~·-? ~i!l:JiI.tA7'II;'-~ ~lN [randoriJ f[~' ~:t:l ~ III L. ih rJ "C fll To f" G:~ft.: f). Vil¥) to: I) ~J 111 I: r.(~}ji­ aSit 8lftTll.llmO).:c ~ ~- ~'"C ofikW#:U)': .!: ~jQ"'t'IJ.: M" b ~ CA:h' ~ h. "'( ~'o~-tliJ;'t' if) 1J. "'f.~ ~.i1l"(' U))..., 1.;1t'(f) J--I: Iv /lll)fi-r 1ft 1,'.Q IHIIJI-''eI t 1,'.htt'"C 1,.>.g ae1:i)$; (renshfi hOhijJ *' t).i& L"C'P1111 Ji. i"OJI-'ifJ.Zty(f)": t ~lNq)Jf~ (r:llldori tlO kala) &.J{'{"t'+..l!IH~tL",(~\ll{tI/JIt~fl).:.t {XU)ij;. lllI 1IIJUI11 (n~nzoku gake) J\])' C-... ~ t I-t'tr ~.l:. f.I: <1X a- f,I,~t.Q ~ .l:._ il.1!t? ~ (rcnzuku wazaJ ;X~·~)j;: ~1t"'(HHt"'(1,' ltU).:. (1) ~(/).A.t.:~ f" M.JRfl) IH t 1,'-') t < t lIMltil:: (rctlr:Jku hl.'lIka) .tX.I:U:~'t:.1)k, MlaP~:{" t-i:r(ft!J':N!m-r~ 1.:.16 I': 1.1. ti 1:. ttU)~n 1:.il~nl.1.> I) ~lI:lI)m.!l .:. t;»1lfH Jf~-li:':' t t ~ tl '"( lI'fh\ (riaO tlJ)f1.Q)li$.;tt.itl ~illna:q)l.!l:ft1"t IJ.:. tfi p.~ )rt'<"'t"M-t ~'.Q 'rin: (J 1 l:t ~r(7)fkn·C-...rHtO)f*:"O')iI.tila- ~~U. 121 :til pUJt.H' C, t)7}U)H:...... II)~ft~~(l:tiC:. L"'(~ ,.g (1)"(' 11 ~ <. Ip) L. C:. «>.t8Il ~ b ,"d.:Jitt2:U)R':J!I':' t¥:-?"'(nitII .: .1:: 'h' ? 1r.~ (rilsureil I!.?"ctr-) tLQ)': C IrlllO)~t}il·"J:(..j.:.~~U{:f~30rrIIIJlr. ilMti (rcnraku waza) tU' c,fi....;t"'t".!Inc: Iii 'T~U)m$\;ill,y;18lU) 1:. !!III) "~~MI) (f)ffi.i'"t'rtf I} J.i';, L. 5~lJ:>S:- Ji.;hT II: Ii-C:" .0 JlS (rinen) ~(f)'$f't-i-Ji.fCTo~1riiU)IIl~. PULl (&4t'ft'1.1inlSU:, I;j{ifIJf,j 1I~.himcruJ tiIilli 1/.:I.tlLW t u.:~U)uuU)~nQ ~ ~ <-4" ..: l:. l~ilfqHt~rq)U:M; ~ilill>t~lJ:.6:H:. ~ ~all) '::::':"')I':~}fSi ~ .ijJJ!I!.~ t L 1:" J922i'f ()~ lE11 ¥) I:. ,t·M'fIJ)H"lf '£- 0 l'JCjl: ~ t ('f~{:r6-mT u: I waza) fbHt •• ZMt.l3Jn t rI1ll!.~1:~i....o (I ftk*~'kUil1t.: tLb ':(I)J) t..... tlU,.t ffilttl,t f&1f\l.UJ t b J: I.rH. ~'eI~U:-@-l.:.t:l1,'-C1lJ ~m(nu~] ~Wr~~~~~~L~A~~t •• .... H.otl"t'3.JZJ, 'LHl,I'Hl-t11-fU)~Ifi'i:"ff-;. ~~. Iit7.lH-r-. 8LJR-C:JlI~' iiJifft&J1IJAI1 (n"i\sha h;wsoku make) ,;,tftlfl1jJU~q)rl'"('. ~nnlr;jJB,»I:. ill ~ c fC!:J!i!:!"U)'t' r:%J t L. "("'t'I ~tt"'(1,''''0 kG: ~.LUY '£- ~I!Tn·/).jJljq)W:flll: J: ":>"r. J:..~'!? rf>l.\lIlft.lt J 'S:-'.n"*~ t~/.: C tii>lj (waza ;lri) ~1r·.'t1JijLSi:O)IjI~. r~III.j».!.~; III .aH:~Ji::~I': -..fo:t ~ I:llll; ,"-t" o,Alt(/J.:.1::: a.tJntt.:~'1)I, "'t~'L."'C r 4i:J .1::t.t.QJ:"'IJj:ttQ)if>..,t.:.t~ 121 tt\J,ibH: 1?25f:Y.l:),J:U~L/.:,t~ rtx~I)J ~JI'h/.:{,U);?1 jIjj~r~ (ryult'. shila l.sukil M}JitJlJtiI'u:;W'frll1illM!'n(/J,? t,1,') ~"') (iij-~~ f.:.f':L f1f\li....i!J.<,.j \:}." tt"(~, a-~lt-C1,'l. i"(1)n~fllH.l f4:(1)~P:I:K,h"C1I. I'"'t"t"J:-.l1 ~~ ij (;I)'1)'!: I ~ l:lfr.·;»10g>:i-~11I1 L. ~ -:J f.;.!ifr, X1H"P.i.ib1 9th)t f»i!d lift, l~~m"'~: Iilt~rrq)~;if,l(. +lJT?:N!IL~f,I(""-&lf. '~-r-A f ~~~ 'f.:. ftt.. 1t1J);~~'': IR: 0 .:. U)lbft -a- f(l!!li¥! I) kt :!5ij1t--t"l> tIl +0> r ,?1I)~.,g", '?;»rr~5rO<)l':'J.f. ~ ~'c ~ f,Iij~lll (ryott· jim~) ~UU) --:J -KIH'JljtrJJ1)"';;"i_F"t'~IT~Q){j.wr~'d:.u-f ttil r -+J I:,Q:, 1.!" f,d&d)3 -') t;,. J I) ttlT~P1I;{'.ibJ.."t':ro&J:U:25fjl~iJ'~11C;,tloe.n\-::lt.:. "('ill r~Q}1i'..'-:"H· +t~~:ft./~j.I1H: r"jl:tIi1 t). jiJ r U)1"jt '"t':+f-l:P(l) ri9I1Ullffll ~ If L­ 121 J:f}-.t-Q) JifJl. t1l "n.h'>.o a. IH!.:. t1.I:I'l1"" .0 u: >S:- ~ • i 1 jiIjj.'?~ (1)~~ (ryiihizalsuki nj/ shisr.iJ Iii )irn.. ~-nl:? ~. '?:t Jli-t.:."C. 1l'J J,*"t?itT-* f"azaari 3\\a.scle ipP(lII) ...t1"t-'1'1J.Oi!0> I!' ""('-. J:;-(!;--r;.1!)

e r52 -JjtJt. ~-ftll'21fr:f10) rtta.,t)J f"lfi ..::,f.:tJ!:~:.'j'lJt.lt-rQrlj, jtm3t~ (waza kenkyubu) II{jflI29iFt:alft~itt.: nH' lOla, ~(1)3liJf'1l: $ 1"1 t.I. i:I". ":l -c i.> I), rffri", ¥J;o:>t:iJ (l)~ Ji.N:,~ ~:Hl!.~Q)tl:i-l~(1)tlt - ~ t'O)/iJI ~'t ~ft~·n\.Q I l/..:t~*O);: ~ltlf? tt(1)AA. (waza no kokaJ rH:' Si t ttal:)H-'-cl. l:Bi:ff4l. ffIJljll~. -'I'"? ... :1±". :Pf";{f(. H;r.{]<. ~~1f< fo.::!:'} I:J: t), .u:q)lJJ*tJt~~!..: (~l~). ~tJ'·;J!:: (;1M· ~J t.lt·t~O)flJ!f'i'f.lJlf1i-tQ, I~HH':}.;~'-Clj. I..:t x.-tflT-tJf r$?~J '1:" l~<-ct, ~tXO)"1lf!; (ffi~if,=~H~ .. ~lj~'j'lJnO»!jb.h.I:J:.Qf.lJlml t, IJijmHi.O)~* IIlrt. 'fHTf x.l;t~ f1JJ.l 0) \.l..i!,h I: J:: Q 1'1J1f1f1 7.1' i?ltO)1:lJ-*tJ'iJ ?I:. (r-*JJ cflJltJfTQ jt(1)t5k1l (waza no kflSCtsu) ,;,toft lfuH:Hfitfll'jl;. ~. t 1O' f T·G/)':' C C < 1:'j'lJ~iil.:t,~~.ib! tl.Q J: -) t.lt?,-pqm:):l It' -C. t'1:.. t, tJlflf} "'~ JI.!I\'" ~ """'~J !li,m 12:(1).. r\\ aza no shinzuiJ tA:JI) lfHl!l~ ~ '*'1 tt'!tlt19 fwazawokakcruJ iH:l1-ci?x., !'jt'J!l:H'S'Mi-r.::t !if-b'bT (waza wo kawasu) tH.·,lfHtG1l-t-11:"',-,(I)'S'. c,?~q:(,,"Q)!ill ~ 0£"~;L #1 f-U)l'..(~H: I'j;"l.: -t i? l -C. it t -b 1:J;i'J': ~1:1 t ~ .. , J; ·H:1" Q ':c 551

I'"'''''' 8*"'!tlfi or ! ;: t ill ill ..~ Pi '" _ 'I"J~j,(llI".JI l532ll J&: ,1:(7) 1: lfllf)iitit:. it.f1U.i t'r II.J 1.J4 1532 ~tfiQ)ilti:l 1tll.litllllilll l'Jl "" It ~ ". j~*Mgpl;ti'n':'f.t }H:lunt· ~Rr-· ~it ifIIll~ill.ili!>< 1860 a"ffl/19lt. ttl.. 1882 1Il..,ff/1i.t'!II. ~l\~\>jA/-r~mlifl {,ill: 1-fIIUirtl> ".iaItI':;fJ~·'Cn:flA. U(Iwl:ft'1I~M1"'J(~jL 1884 iAllIlJ::. :tif!,';, Il:k.;.tft. ttA!U111ll1 lJ.1;:,(" /-) [;.tr4Jl J.t;-.t·r1QH't't'IIH, '1'1lIlJl. ilH·'1'U. Mllit{-~ < t - •. «'t' l;ii1't M':r:Q).i't •.:rfl!lin' () tllll1{H.:,Ht-C. t!lq)~. tMrn,uQlII;( ~tI;"t' ~ {, r:tJ 0:>1', f;l>>r flit] Lt.: ~lllUlQ)fMi1Il 188' ~") ~;, .•") miU It,,)Jt~illllln!~tv~ It". 1895 iltilUAH: J;;~'"C 11ftrnHlI{"JJi!.~ tL.o 1930 II\: 1 1!!11!:" II ,f.:J J::j(ftJtl'IU;u!'~ ~tLl. L t.:.~Ht 1d'!III;t..: q)!~T'1-U. U>fl'l'I'~~t;- C; tJ iE t: 1111 1951 [kJ~ l:llitlll~.hi .t. trt,f,t"':r:l.t.i"(f) j :£ l:".i{Ull rL'l~Q)~J 1:. t.. -rfl L 1952 ~ 114-::t.ilUUlI1I!l~(:;aitll.l':!lI;" L.. ~M.\'lt u.i/1.1.l1h~ll·r~.t.ili it11.2< !H:ar[T .Q 1956 ~ 1 Fll ~l 'If. ~jtB! f-tiIJ,;~n()J{f,("t',.tr ~ It, :!l fll~lnl.lJIl " ~ ~ ~ ~.-C. m~1: 1964 M1!lI'.Hi)X>t ,) ;.. \:]; tAI1l1 JlAtiU .!:: L.1: (U61".g, iUIIJ. "'W.&N.~ .£a.~ 111~'1' t)h"lfJ br)Ij' 1"11: ilH' f,:U5. Wit. 'I'ld. iR , jt.:1Ii:".!l}IJ"'C'~j\i,#1.. Illm~n-"t'j.t;.!IUJIJi4)J'll1r~,ttt.: ~O f'k'?;U. Ql~1l3u3.f·t:-~IPl ":Q)i'i.U)Ji.lii1it(1, 7l­ »~1J O'l,:t fr"t'$, ;., f..: 'I };i.~tJl'r htl. lflro 18-2'li/:I.::7l·lt-C, Wmti' itlffA 196' I"I~-t.illi!.'!l ~fi'.1IJJlgi!.t;I'i]A!. ~ h~ l ".llIM~ 1976 ~:;.. ~ "T-JL..i" ') ;,; l! 'I "1:.J:;~'"C r~~J nll'l/I ~ h~ 1<"t'I.t. LMt.dJ(H Lt.: 1979 ~m.!llltW:t:iI:I:mH'A:iZ (,c'Jl "t'11 (60kg8:. ti:lkl::8. 71\(g8. 78kll tit IJ) 1ft• .!:: ,l1r.lJlJ(/')j~1lJ ~iA l'it; lrhtl lI6kgM. 95klo:lt. 95kgMiel 7 ' ~fll11l1.jUt IlH-iif ~ l'4.t _iliitt' {t L -eM ~ "i 4"'(> ~ IIUlIilH- 1=. .: 1"".g 121(f)lb~I'" ~ f.: ",,'lIit liJ!II11. tt III 1988 ./.., II :t 'I ;.. ~ ., :I ~Irlllfll! ~tt••"JJll1'11lfl! lL~ H;" .!: .!:: L 1:"9:" (. ~;a1': ~ "!'H.it~'f.U~M ~ 11lIM;ttt;lhhlll.> 1i...l.1Ib!:. "I[-W 1= 11:"'(. .-;nll!: 1998 II~W ~.:L'::;"T A. Z: (:;:J P ;... I:T)"t'. If~ JlUJlJfrIIQ)~fi't;Ifi'/)tl ~ .iIi'S: lltJt(1 U..: 9] f (f,O~gl\. 66kgfl\. 73kgfl. 81~g". !MlkgB. Illl.lk!:M. lOOkgMlft1 '" (- (ll:ll

~. >!j , ill! ~ 0 ~ rl Ii' (- rr "" u." ~ >- m: » ,III :l'i JIl -£I Ilf • ~ \Ji!I II ~ JIl "t "t§ * G rr. "'! u. \J q; "'! \J rr r.I 0 \J ~ ut rl "u 'l; ;>0, ei; " '" ;; ~- \J "u.

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A ashi gatame ncg lock) A lock. From the left Bide of your face-down opponent, pollition your body over his and hook your leflleg around his left afurl lto incild To incite movement and unbalance in your opponent by forearm to exlend and control his elbow joint. I moving his upper body up and down ashl guruma (leg wh"dJ A fool tuchnique thruw. Float your opponent'fi aite wo seisu (control ,h" ... ppunent) Conlrolling your opponent's lmlance to hilt fronL or Tight rronl corner, then pivot lell. and erlcnd the movement through skillful apl)!ication ofgrips or mat techniques. back lower portion oryour right leg across his right knee to throw him over your leg ill a large cltcJe alte wo soncho suru (to r""'pc<:1

aiyotsu I ... iyo~\u; facce-off with lJ\lueh"ti S1anees] When opponents in u match atemi waza (~lriking techniques) ThniRts, strikes and kicks, particularly to or practice session engage one another u.limg lhe Rame len or right grips, physiologically weak areas of the body (vilal points). using fists, fingertips, referred to as left aiyotsu or right aiyotBu depending on which side iB the edges of lhe hands, elbows, knees, or various parts or th~ feet. Because forward. See also kcnkll )·Ot5U. (If their inheren~ dang~. atemi waza are prQhJbited during judo matches and sparring sessions. alzu (r"fcrec's'ignal General term for gestures uliCd by referees to sigilli I a pomt. or the bell Ul;ed to signal the end ofa moteh. awasete Ippon (combin"d 0"" pointl An ippon awarded to a competilor in 8 match who has scored two waza a.ri (indudmg combinations of two aka tepu r,rcd t:lpe'j 10><50 cm piece of red tape on the mat within the urea throws. two pins, or a throw and a pin) that are judged to conlltitute an Ito the right side when facing the froot) indicating the position from which Ippon. the compC'titor desih'llilted "red" should begin II mateh. awase waza [point by combination) When a combination of two waza ari anzen chltal r,.,.fcty 7.onc) Same all jOgai. The area outside the red l.ntnmi have been Judged w conlitilute an ipllon. mats Idanger 1.0ntl). required by official Judo regulations to be extend at leAst 3 meters from Lhe red mats See altrojonai ayumiashl rnatural w:alking slylel Advancing or retreating by alternately stepping With lhe right and [en fC(>t, as in ordinary walking. aomuke ,upine; f:ac<'-up; on onc'. back) Supine po~ition, Iylllg face up on the mat. B batsugun sokuJltsu shodan rins,.an, promotion by prceminenno) A means of ashi garaml lIeg enlanslen",;m) A lock. Following >l failed right lomoe /Inge 'm-the-spot promotion unique lo the red & while matches lk6haku ahiai! or ~imilllr throw. wrap your left leg Ilround your opponcnC8 right leg from held Ilt tha Kodokart in the spring and autumn. To qualify a competitor the out~idli Ilnd bel!)w to apply pressure to his knee jOint Probiblted In must score (\ certmn nllmber of ippon points throughout several makht·s, IIhilli with the specific number of these points determined by lhe rank!! of hill or .. her upponenta. c bl ralsensu shlnpan.ln (B-rkeni~oJ referee) ClasSIfication providing chikama (duu-rangc combative inltrvaJ) Combative Interval (rna: mooi) qualification to referee at reglonal.lt'vell'OmpelJtionB. within approximatt>:ly 30 celllimeters, emphaSized III the Katame no Kata See also tlima b09YO shisel de(caJi." pOllur". Posture u ed to defend against an

opponent's attacks. Same 8sjigoiSi chikara no mochiikata _y of wiag powa The UIlC ofphysical power in a Judo malch, ideaUy including deliberate attempu LO llYOld daBhlllg with thl.' budiS fbudo! martial ~rl General term for the variou8 martial ·wnys· opponent's power in favor uf manjpulating it ('fficiently to advantage pursued by the tradItional Japanese warrior, generally involving the through skillful tochnique. for example by pulling whcn pushed, pUlilhin.g pUnluit uf !lome kind of combative s)"stem or technique combmt.>d with a when pulled, etc. study afthe pr«epls ofbushido. The \loord hud/) became a gent-rally applied

tenn ",ith the e6U/1blishment of the Dai Nihnn ButokuJulI (the Great Jap3n chTmu dokuUi It:1lm dOClor Medical professional accompanying judo Manial Virtu(' Societyl hudo academy in 1919. and continues to be used 8S l('ams panicipatmg III away tmmmg campI\" or malehes, a general umn for martini wayllBuch 8sJudo. kendo, kyildo. and others, Chin Geo-Pln (Chin Gtn~Pi"'Chtn Yuan_Ping fl587 1672}) A ChinClle l«.hn;"lu,,~ bugi mania! Combative gkill!l and tecllniqu1'8 used to defend indlviduill who landed III ,Japao in 1628 aftf"r fleeing unrest in hiS onCl;t>lf and defeat I,r kill one's opponents See also bUJullIU, homeland and waa eventuaU), taken in by the Owari branch of the Tokuga....'a clan. Said w have hHn an educated individual, he is said to buJutsu marlial skills Techmquell used in war and other combatIve have tranllmitted a fonn of martial an thatlOnuenced the de'·elopment of l;ilUliliolls to defend on~lf nnd/or defeal or kill one's opponen1.8, mdudmg e,·eml styles ofjudo and Jujul!Iu, induding the Kito.ryiJ IItudjed by Jigoro the use of nrchery, .llwordsmsnlihip, 8penrllrnanship, Il'unnery, and KaM.Be died in the Nagoya region in 1672. grnppling and other empty-hsnd<>d It!chniqul's, as well as relllu'd skill8 such 815 hor"cmanl'hip, BWlmmlllg, etc. See also bugi. chakurltsu 'lllndingJlrlljght Standing SIJiUght up,

bushlda the _y of dlt wurior The moral and ethlenl code of the bushl or chosel ryaku COOt

chUgoshl (half.raisffi hi~) Lowered standlllg po81ure in which the hips arc ehiiphi no shuei lOB l69

partJally raised, as when lltnrting to stand up. awarded an ippon score, today it is no longer regarded ;n this way and the ·Mate· (·WIIII!") command is gi~'en whenever lhe situation occurs. chugoshl no shlsei rhalf_raised hips Half-standing posture on the knees in II which the hips are partially roi&ed, as when starting to stand up from Ii dakiageru Lto hug lUId lift up) To hug your opponent and lift him into the seiza position. air.

chUi chili; warning) A levied against a CompetItor who has commItted a daklot05U (10 hug and lift up Ihm throw down) To hug and lift Y(jur slightly senous foul during a match, including failure to correct. behaVIors opponent, then throw him w the mat. that have already been given a shid6lguidance) call. dakl wakare lrnr Huak turno..cr A sacrifice. \Vhen your opponent chOken third·round «Imprtiloh In a team competition, the team members attempts to 8.Sl:iUDle a fare-down kneeling position, slip both arms around in the middle set of matches. onen ronsidered the key in malung up for hiS trunk from behind to float him up and fall to the side to throw hun over ,O~ 101lSe6 in the firgt two rounds or ensuring team victory.

o dan'i d.n ranking/lenlJ A detailed system used to dnssify levels of daburu ripe chijl doublt: rqtt:ehage ConsolatllJn matches by compdIlOrs proficiency in judo techniques and training. Dan rankmp are from lIhodan from Opposite zone. competmg for tlUrd plate in a wurnament. adopted for (lsI df"gTeel tojiJdan llOth degree, or above. A 1l)'lIt.em ofkyii Igrade: clas.sJ use in team compeUtions in 1987 as a way to minimize the influence of rankinp from gokyii 15th gradelto ikkyU list grade} preoedes dan ranking. match assignment by lottery. dantalsen team ccompetition SenE'S ofmatehes pla)'ed bet..... een two teams daihyosen ",pn"Knr.lliva match A 5peciaJ match to detennine a winner In!'tead of among individual competitors. Depending on the ruJea of the toodutted between ~l'l<'<'ted representative5 of two teams when a team particular compt'titlon, these mayor may not dividE' competitor8 into COmpetitIOn has reoulted m a draw. The draw I~ broken by a win by a Slngle ..... eight dassel! representativE' from each group. deashi fOl'W2rdllead rOOt The foot that is forward. Dal Nihon Butokukal Grt:alu Japan Martial Vinue Society A private organization E'stablillhed In April 1895 as part of tbe events deashl haral forward fOOl .....~p A foot technique throw. At the instant commemorating the 1,JOOth year of the Japanese imperial line, with the your opponent has taken R step fon\"ard or backward and is on the verge of purpose of preserving find promotlOg Japanese martial arts in order to placing his weight on the stepping foot, lise your own fOOlla liWePp thai foot foster martial \'irtue and contribute lO rousing national morale frolll the rear, side, or front.

daklage high lift) A throwing technique. classified 810 a hip techlllque. debana (inJfanl or npl'Onunity) Generally the inswnt somethmg begins to Move in bt>lween the legll of your supine opponent and lin him 8ft high us move, act, or lOlemct, but ill judo refers specilicllily 1A) an opportunity Lo your shoulders. While in the past achieving thill position alone with 8 break your opponl.'nt"s bnlance 3l the inslanl he begins to advanct> or sjngle conccrted movcment WIlli recognized as an efft!ctive throw and nU.i\ck. denkii keijiban 70 fluh;; reh,

denko kelJlban (elKtronic KOrcOOllro A large electronic scoreboard Ulled 1.0 "fo"udochi Shinmyii Roku" by the ?..en monk Tnkunn. display rt!levant match time And :!Core duta. Fukuda Hachlnosuke LFu..I

dotal LlUIing IOFlber, 11 dogfaU A situation in which two competitonl fall an assistant referee's opinions differs from that of the chIef referee, he or together simultaneously after both have applied t.ecbmques at the same sbe willllldicate tbis using an official call or gesture time, ret!ult.mg 10 no IlCOre. fukush6 fourtlt-round COm~(iIOn Competitors matched III the fourth E round of a teBm cornpebtion. el ralsensu shlnpan·ln ,.A.li("CDJed referee Classification providing qualification te referee Bt nalional-le"el competitions. fumlkoml It''PPing i.) Stepping forward and placing mO!lt of your weight onto the stePPing fool. EishO-ji who Temple A temple located in the Shitaya lnaricho dlstnet of To.so where in February 1882 Jigoro Kano founded a 12-rnat school with 9 furi "pparanu. What something looks like from!.h<> oUl!!ide pupils, the beginnings ofwhut would eventually become the KDdokan.

fusegu 10 plevent To defend against your opponent's techniques or erikatsu -I"per method f"t'5uJOllIlion A resuscitation method Sit to one prevent him from atladun~. side of the unconscious VIctim, wrapping an arm behind bis neck Bnd shouJderll to support his upper body ofT the floor at about a 45 angle, then fusen 98thl ..in by drEtuh Winning becau1M' your opponent has failed to' place the palm ofJOur other hand Oil his lower abdomen and use It to press begin the match when the start has been called, indicated by the chief upwards in\.O the diaphragm while also pressing the shoulders down to referee. In the roles of the International Judo FederatIOn the chief referee reinforce lile actJon. musl confer with the other referees to obtain 8uthori%otion to make the fusen gllchi call. F fudoshin (immovable Jpinll A state in ..... hich the mind dot's not rest on filly lushCi 98chl (...in by injul'}' by opponent Winning by \x>ing injurt'd by your one thing and Lhe body is filled with lipint and energy IiIld concentrntion. opponent to the extent that you cllnnot continue thtl TOatch. Under The expression originated from a passage reading "The mind t.bat doos not International Judo f<'ederalion rules lhe chief referee merely Indicates the slop even slightly ill call1:!d the Unmoving Splrit- in a classical text callm-l willner. without indIcating that the win III by fushli gachl fwho make 73 ] hairiluua fusho make 10M by inftietion of injuf} Loamg by beI.IIg Judged responsible gogl (c:onJuhal;oDI c:onfereoec, ConsuJtation among referees to exchange for inflicting injury on YOUT opponent 80 that hl' can 110 longer continue the judgemenu about techniques and make decisions accordingly. match. gokaku gell10 InUning among equal. Randori or training among indi\idual.s G of roughly equivalent $kill, ideal for bUlldlllg an awareness of cunht.ant galla nalgo -SoftnCSll .hhout, mmgth .nthi.:] A state of outward softness tenl!ion between "taking-the opponent or -being taken' by him, the result and nexibility around a strong inner COTt>, manife.iited, for example, in a bemg traming of the mind, technique, and body to.....ard better «ImpeuUve compas..s:ionate, tolerant, easy-going attitude toward others combtned with abilit.y, lltrictncl;lI toward on~lr. go no sen re>oetive inil;"live.J Ot>featmg an opponent u.;ing te<:hniques that gakki5 judo school judo General term for judo taught. as a regular part of respond to an attack (as opposed to those !.hat preempt the opponent's the physical education curriculum in primary, juni!lr lugb, and senior high attackJ, schools. gyaku 1011 lime [reverse eros, ,mangld A strangle, Facing your opponent, Gakka Kadokan (Kodiik,," Judo Sehool) A l;yStem within the KOdOkan for slip I he fingers ofyour crossed hands inside the lapels of his judogi on both lhose wishing to ,;tudy judo. Recognized by the various schools in the'rokyo sides. pulms up, and !:Itrangle him by applymg pres;mre to both sides of his Mt!tropolitan Area, the Klid6kan Judo School provides a framework and neck. direction for teaclung Judo theory, techniques, and general physical educution based on original curriculums. 9yliga no shisel Jupine posture) A posture iovolvlDg lying on your back, gasshuku Ir::un'ng Clmp Gatherings ofjudoUrts ovemight or over several H daYll for the purposoe of intense traming and study. hadaka lime lnaked or bare urangle A strangle_ From behmd your opponent, pul your rigbt inner foreann across the fronl or )·our opponent's genryO 1ftjgtll 10SlI' The intentional loss of weight by Judo oompeutors m neck, palm down, and clasp your hands above his teft shouJder, then order to qualify for a particular .....eight class. strangle him by applying pressure aCfO;l,S the front orlm throat Wiing the combined action of both arms without gnppmg hiS judogi Ln 80)· wa)'. gina ,JUU; Q:tdIem:c~ Teehrucal skill in general. til> .....ell as spe<'iIic skills

that an individual has de\'eloped to a particularl~i high level. halrei a formal, fCn'ftD1 bow A 00'" expressing not only respecL but aJ80 deep ~ve~nce. distinguished by inclinalion or the upper body at a full 45 glso ki5gekl feigned anuking When a competitor III a match glyeJl Lhe angle and the lOWering of the bands to the knees, or in the case of a seated impression of atlaclong but clearly has no intention of follo~ing through to bow the lowering of the forehead all the way to touch the backs of the actually apply a real technique, not as part of any technical !Strategy but in hands on the noor, an ati-emptto avoid a defeat by decision due to inat.·1;lVlty. Subject to a shido fguJdance) call by the ehil"f refcn'C, who raises then JOWl'h! both fists. halrlkata (WilY of rnler;ng) The way a judoist ge.ts up conditions for thl"owill~ ur b'THppling techniques. [ 7\ ba.n.i l$uril

haisha fukkatsusen (fC'ptchage 011"en1 Rl'match among competitor! who hansoku make (hansoku makC:l dcfc:al by dtcisionJ Losing by committing have been defeated in a series ofelimination matches. heavy infractions or by continuing lighlf'r infractions e\'en after being warned about them. I "HaJlmer (·lkginfl A command given w start or restart. a match. hantel judgc:mC:lId The determination of a winner accordlDg ttl the

handaehl snisel hill-standing po5l1U"e Any posture that is Ill!llher a mat combined decision of referees. In cases in which both competitors In a posture or a standing posture, for example whLIe pi.nmng an opponent on match have equal contenlll.e. have. eqUIvalent POints, Infractions, no the mat ",rule standing on your knees. poml$. etc. I, their performance is compared bailed on a combination ofother factors including match atnrude, overaU effect and skill ofteehruques, and hane gosh! hip ~pring A hip technique throw. Break .rou.r opponen'lI presence of Violations, based on which the chlcf referee and ag"istant balance to hiB front or right froot corner, then pull him close to )"our nght rt'fcrees then give their judgementa simultaneously via red lor blue) and side and throw him with the combined upward-springing action of your .... hite nags at the call of "Hanter f·Judgt>menn. right hip and righlleg hantei gactel win by ckci'iionJ Winning a match by n!.feree deciSIon, hane goshl gaeshl hip JprinS counter A foot technique throw. When )tour opponent suempl8 a right hane goshl, before be has a chance to apply the hara gatame lw>mach lock,) A lock. From your opponent's nght side, grip technique fully, either 11ft him up and reap hiS legs to your left. WJ.th your hi... right wnst with ,rour right hand and prellS your abdomen agail1l!t his right leg or hook your leflleg around his lower left leg and reap It to your elbow to extend It against thejoint to conlrol it. right to thruw him onto hiS back. harai goshi hip ....«P A hip technique throw. Break your opponent's hane maklkoml springing •.-rap-uouDd m.-- A sacrifice. After attempting balance to his front or right front romer. then pivot and pull him to your a thip spring), release your right hand and place It on the hips and s .....eep his right thigh with the back ofyour nght thigb. outBide as )OOU twist to the left, thereby wrapping your opponent's body around yOl1J"8, then throw him by taking him with as you faU forward onW haral goshl gaeshl hip sw«p co"nlU A foot technique throw. ",'hen your the maL tippllnent attacks With a right hami goshi lhip a;weepl, hook your left. leg around his lower left. leg from behind and reap It to throw him hanem [10 spring/jump A Situation in whll~.h the po.....erful effect of 8 haJIf' goshl or uchimata sends your Qpponent's body high into the air haral maklkoml (hip ....ccp ..-rap.around duow A sacrifice. Break your opponent's bal3nce to his front or nght fronl comer, then from haral goshi hansoku twul, viola.tion Any action during a match that violates official release your right grip and twisl to the lefl., wrapping his right arm In .vour Judo rultlll and regulations, generally liubJect to some penalty depending on armplL so that his hody wraps around yOUnl, then fall fon\'ard and take the seriousue88 of the offense. hIm With you to lhrow.

hansoku gach! (...in by dc:ci'iionJ Winning beeau5e ,rour opponent has been haral tsurlkoml ashl (lifl'pull foot .wtcpJ A foot technique lhrow. After accorded 3 haJlsoku mllke (defeat by decision I. Ilulhng and lifting your opponent forward 1.0 break hill balance to his left a iii 77J hiu. gunama

front comer, sweep his len. ankle with your right. foot from the front to hiklashl rpuJla! fOOl The foot that IS pulled back out of the woy. lhrow.

hikldasu 10 draw fo,.....rdj To use body shiftmg or nther movemllnt to cause I harau 10 sw«p 1'0 throw by acting on Jour opponent's feet, leg!>. or trunk your opponenCs body to move forward. Y'lth a ilweeping-t.ypt' mOllon

hiklkomu 10 pull into To pull your opponent into a particular poSition. hata signal aas SilPlal nup in Judo include rOO (or blue in rn~mationaJ particularl.v lUI a way of movutg into mat-..... ork (newaza •. Judo Federation competltlonel and white Oags used hy ref~s, yellow nags u~ by the timekeeper, and hlue Oagll used by lhe record keeper. hlklte sl~ hand; pulliag hand The hand .,'lipping the opponent's sleeve. See 0180 lsurite, heij6shin ~.Y mind, alllUlOll The contiouou.s maJnl.enancp of a state of mind no different from that beJd dunng everyday life. Onginallng with hikltsukeru 10 pull T(I pull your opponent toward you the Zen expl'Hlliun "Heij6s.hin koremichi: this and other slales of mind, such as muga-mushin cegoJe8tIne. ofyour own to hikkoml gaeshl (lullinl-down ,urif'in throw A sacrifice Wht'n your another. opponent ben

one IOto the oLber. hlku to pull To pull your opponent toward you.

hldarl jigolai 161 dfffMiv~ p<»IU", A right defensive stance taken With the hlneru 10 twiu To lwist your own body or your opponent's body or limbs feet spread Jar apart, the left foot lllightly forward, the kneel; bent, and the center ofgmvit)" lowered lUi much as po,;sible. hiz8 gatame 1u.«.loc.k A IOtk. Pin your opponent-'s right .... nst 10 your len. armpit or using your left hand, at the some time presti your knee hldarlklkl lIcfl-handfd General term (or a left-handed pel"8lln, but In Judo a~llinllt hiB elbow joint to contmllt. also used to indlcnte 1\ pl'l"Iion skilled nt using 0 llln. stance. hlza guruma Iknee wheel) A foot technique throw Brenk your opponent'Fi hidarl shlzentai rJ~fl natural posture A naLuml poRture IOvolvmg swndulK hlllHnce to htll right frnnt comer, lhen plllc!" the sole of your !l·n fllot on his normally With Ihl'. len fout forwn.n:l nKht kneecap and use this tiS a fulcrum Mound which to throw hIm by ris 1 1Yj IUUlau nO K.lta

pulling his upper body. been unable to escape a pin for 25 seconds, 31 when 0 JOtnl1ock or strangulation technique compels the opponent to mdicate submIssion by hyerl Ittal &onr and back;u ont' A situation in which two things have the tapping the mat at least twice with his hand ur foot or calling "Maitta: or I same glance or approach the same goal and therefore may be oonsidered 41 when the elTect of a jointlock or strangulation technique is sufficiently dlm'rent aspects of the same thmg. One e'l(ample is the complimentary ObVIOUS, relationshIp during the postwar period of the Kodokan serving as general headquarters ofjudo and the AlI.JaPfUl Judo Federation serving fuJ a point ippon gachl lI.nn by ippon Winning a match by»cunng lPpoO. ofcont.act for the promotion and development ofjudo. ippon make 0_ by ippon.- Lostng a match by ha"ing your opponent srore an IPpaO. 'dor! kn~liog or snlM l«hniqua Tt>ehniquell within the Rime no Kata (Decisive Technique Formsl that mvolve both partiCipants sItting or ippon seol nage (ene-armed 5bou.ldu chrow A hand techmqur thro...... Float kneeling. In oontra5t, techniques within the Kime no KaUl in which both ,.our opponent's balance to his fronL, then while pivoting to tbe len, gnp his partJdpanL8 are standing are referred to as tachiai {slanding tedmiquesJ. righl inner sleeve and slip your right Ilrm up from under hilt theftt under his right annpit to grab the top of his right sleeve or shoulder, pull him Ilkubo Tsuneloshl [T5ltn.,rcuhi likuboJ JUjutsu master who tough\., Kito-ryu onto your back, Rtld throw him over your right shoulder, jiJjtlUIU to Jigoro Rano around 1881 and awarded him a license uf full traDltmi;;si"n (menkyo knid<."n) in October 1883. at which time he also ippon sh6bu (ippon mllich A match whose WHiner is determined by the handt!d liver to Kano the full wntlen transmiSSions of the school. Originally fifllt competitor to score ippon. an Instructor at the bakufu-operated Kobu!lho military arts training academy, Iso Masalomo Iso Masatomo (1319·1381)' Third headmaster of the Tenjm Shtn'yo-ryu school of jujutsu and teacher to Jigoro Kana follOWing thl'

lnasu 10 Pan'}'i 10 d~ lO.dip u ...., To suddenly shift your body in such a of Kano's original teacher f'ukuda HachinO>iuke. wa}' as w negate the effect ofyour oppcment'$ technique. isshln Ittai back lind fonlU A "tate dunng a match In which

ippon ippon; DtlC' poinn II <:ompln., poim In domestic JSpllJ)e!>e Judo rules, a conllllue to advance and retreat back and forth, alternately gaining and call made when a «Jmpetlwr in 8 match has executed a completely effective losing the advantage, so that It is difficult to decide which competitor is the throw or has evaded aD opponent's attack and counterE'd to throw thl! ~upenor or domrn8nt in the match. opponent instead with relatIVely (>Qual force. When grappling: 1) when a pinned competitor indicates 6ubmission by saying "Mwt18" or by tapping Itsutsu no Kala n.., Fiv., FormJ A set of fi"e KlJdokan Judo kala, known the mot at least twice with bis hand or foot, 21 WhE'D a competitor has been only by their number, expresSlI1g principII'S of attack and dl'rense in held down for aLleast 30 second! follOWing an "Osaekomi!" call, or 31 when mOVf'ment& evocative of natur8! phenomenon, They are considered to be the effcct ofa jOlnllock or slrangulation technique is suffit::Iently obvious. In I'xpre8sions of the "artislr.v" ofjudo, and are beneficial as a meaos of international judo rules, a call made II when a competitor has thrown hill studYing cll'mcnts !luch as the focusiog of (lnerg,. (kiaiJ, body movement, opponent. fully on hill back dearly and forcefully, 2) when his opponlmt hilS rind the efficient application (Jf power. 81

jonai (am inlmor) The area Inside a Judo oompeLition area. including the J red latami mal. -danger zone-border, required by official judo regulations jl90 hontal --Ilraishl ckrftlJli.. ~ prnlu~r A defensive stance Ulken with the to be a minimum 8><8 meters and a marimum of IOxJO meters.. See also feet spread apart. the knees bent, and the hips dropped Il8 low 88 possible. j6gal.

jlgotal dr(uJi,,ccond-rou"d comp<'tiIO.,J Competitors matched in the second round of {along with the Adults', Children's, and TraiOlng sections), formally a team CtlmpetitlOn. established In 1923 at the Kaiunzoku dOJo. Since many of the first female Judo practitioners were women from upper-class families. the dojo ..... as jikan lime Time allotted for B m8l(:h or praetice session. known for its unusual use of extrl'mely polite female language. "'ormal women's instruction began in 1926 under a system that became the baKis of jiku ashl pi"ol Io:g; .tlppo" leg The leg used to suppon the body .....hen the current KOd?ikan Women's Section. Training .....as at first limited performing Lec:hniques Bu~b as harai phi IhlP Ifweepl and hane gosbi (hip primarily to kata training and llght randOM. with overly strenuous maLthe!'l spnngJ. prohibited.

iila kyoei mVIU:;o.) pro~puity for ~lf and olhrn Harmonization of the self joshi judo Womenl'. Judo, The first Woment's World Judo ChampionshIp WIth others toward mutual prosperity, one of the two ideals (the other was held in 1980, with competItors from 27 countries. Following an being "maximum efficiency·) that Jigom Kano Identified as the two highest exhibition competition at the 1988 Seoul Olympic Gamell. woment's judo goals ofthose who practice Judo. was fiDally recognized as an official Olympic event at the 25th Olympiad in Barcelona, Spallt in 1992. llyn gelko (fret' training.! Free training, ~e"eraJly U.'leG to focus on honing specific skill!! or nchleving a particular obJe<'tive. Judo ljudo Literally "the way of sonnesl> and nexibility, 8 martial art Ibudo) formulated by Jigoro Kano, based on his development and jlyii renshLi Ine pn.cti«' Another tenn for nmdo,; geiko lrandon trainingl adaptatlon of several styles of JUjutsu as .....ell as his own philosophical as an alternatIve term more eRIJily undeTlltood by middle and high school Ideals. aged Judoists. Judagi kensa iupC'c:Lion of uniforms An inspectIon of judo uniforms ji)gal area pnim~" :lpnC' , The "safety wne- nutside the red tatami mat ljiidiigi I conducted by referees to confirm eumpliance y,;th ~gulations. -danger llone- bordering a judo competition art'a, required by official judo

regulation.s to be a minimum of3 meters wide. See also anzen chn.ai. Judo ichkfai III judo lifeJ Spending one's bfe ill the diligent pursuit ofjudo. See al90 6hogai Judo. J~alglwa (uca perimC'luJ The outside perimeter of the competition ares. judiijin 831

JOdejin fa judo man; a judo perwn) An individual who has gleaned both the lundo selsho ("VklOry by foUowing the true: path"J A phrase flrst. mentioned technical skills and spiritual growth that.lh~ practice ofjudo has LO offer. by Jigoro Kana in his 1922 book Yilko no Kutsudo, urging practItIoners that whflthcr they win or lose. they should do so according to the principles JUdo kyeshl (judo inluuctor All instructor qUlllified to leach Judo. ofjudo. judo no rinen the ideall of judo} The highest concepts. prmcll>les, and JO no Kata lForms ofG"nd"neu &. Flaibiliry) A t;et. of Kodllkan Judo formsl ideals to be striven towards through judo practice. In his development of ellerci8~S {kata} devised to allow judo movements to be practiced even judo. Jigoro Kano coupled the judo pnnciple of -defeallllg the opponent without. a judogi or a judo dojo. While ordmBnly judo prnctice involves using as little power ss possible" with the pUnJuit of physical training and slrong muscle and sinew contractions and requires swift movemenl, the Jjj an emphasis on mental and spuitual training, and from these he evol\'ed no Kala feature many movemen16 designed to stretch Rnd extend the body the ideal of "most. elTective use of both physical and mental ent>rgy: In and so serve as n supplement to a general physical education regimen. 1922 hl;' further developed these ideals to include -the most effiClent.. They alao incorporllte many 1I1ow. relatively gentle movements designed tCI effective uae of mind and body t(lward the good. prilllarily by applying give practitioners a clear understanding of the principles ofjudo. 'maximum efficient use of power': as wdl as Lbe concept. of "mutual prosperity for se..lf and ot.hers." JjJ no rl lprinciple of naibility1 Principle ofavoiding opposmg an opponent's force and power directly in favor of using it to one's advantage. judo ron judo theory, dilCtl.'i~ion, & Inve.'IiligationJ General term for lheories, discussions. nnd inveli;t.igationll of tQpics including Judo history, we jjJ yoku go wo selsu (skillful application of flnibility fO defuu nrengthJ A composIlion of judo technique, changes in tec.hnique according to the means by which a judoist. Df smaller stature is able to use the principles of evolution of rules, the future ofjudo. and other related issues. flexibility to throw a larger opponent. The earliest mention of this concept is in the Taoist tellt of Lao Tzu.. but in jiJ,jUt8U it found application ns the judo selshln (lh~ judo ~piril) The spirit cultIvated through judo training. principle of using an npponent'8 own force to defeat him. However, Jigoro ioduding the cummitment tll always do one's best. to compete fairly, to Kano's dissatiEifndion with the inability of this principle alone l.O describe observe the roles, and to respect one's opponent. all situations led him to develop others, including the mllXimum eUident use of power. JUjl gatame (en»:! lQC'k) A lock. From ynur opponent's riJ!'ht side, hold his right wrist with bolh hands and trap his right upper arm between your K tlugbs, then extend hill elbow againllt the joint, in the direction of hill little finger, to control I\. kachlnuklsen (elimination malche.) Same as kachinuki shisi.

Jujutsu rjiijupuJ Gen{!rnl lenn fM systems of combat using empty.handed kachlnukl shial [elimin~lion m:nchu; -winnet-.nay-up" n,alchu) Matches in or lihoJ1t.wweapon techniqllcs against unarmed or armed opponents. which winners compete continuously wdefend their positions, dropping out Dep.mding on U\.e pllrticuJar school, Jujutsu has bistorically also been as they are defeated, until only une vidor remnina. referred to aa yawara, laijutsu, wajutsu, write, kogusoku, kemp{i, hakuda, kumiuchl, kqs.hi.nomnwari. and mnny others. kaeshl waza [counlet techniquuJ Techniques t.hnt revef!'le your opponent's kauu .. [85 tcehn.ique as he begins to apply it IKl that he is thrown instead. among individuals.

kaesu 10 rC'Vl!rsr, 10 (OUfiltrilllack) To stop an opponent'!! attack and then kakuUi Uland-co-hand fighting.J General t.enn for wayl! of unarmed hand-to­ I ellecute an attack or counterattack ofyour own. hand fighting sueh as grappling.

kagamiblrakl shlkl lIlagamibiraki «rrmonyl Cell'bration at which the kamae .,Slancrl ponu",,' Any of aeveral types of posture adopted for the puunded ricl! CUkIJ8 'mochi) placed un the traditional altar purpose ofattacking and/or defending. /karnldanal durmg the New Year's holidays are used to make 8 rice dumpling soup called shimko. kaml shlh5 gatame upper f"our--co....rr bold> A hold-down Kneel above the opponent', head, reach under hiS shouldel'1l to take h,,1d of the IIldes of hi!! kalkyu ~igfll dlWilkalion The weight classification ofII Judo competitors. belt with both hands. and press your body down onto hi Current men'5 weight c1aMt"ll include weights up to tiOkg, 66kg. 73kg, 81 kg, 9Okg, and l00kg and over. Current women's classes include weij.!hllj up to kangeiko mid...ifllC'r U'lIining- Special wmter training tllnducted early In 48kg, 52kg. 57kg. 63kg. 70kg, 78kg. and o,'er 7Skg. the morning during the coldest days of winter to build stllmina and stnongthen the spirit. II KOdokan tradition since lR84 !takari gelko npeullon I.ralO1I'g The repetitive practice of a particular technique many tunes for the purpose of leaming the l5pe'(:ific means of kani basami sciuon dHOW' A :'Illerifice (prohIbited!. After breaking )"our balance bnowng. bod) shlfung, application. and use of power assotiated opp<>nenfcr. balance to the rear. jump up to stretch (lnl! le~ across his Wltb it. See also kakari renshu uomach and tbe other leI!: acroSll the backs of hill kneel!. then \I"e II l>C'I rin/;:: motmn of both legs to thra.... him backwards. kakari renshu rrpeuuon Inlflll\g The repetith-e application ofa particular technique for the purpose of learning the specific balanre brell.king, bod)' l(an5 Hai Kana Cup Officially the Jigoro Kano Int.. rnational Judo shifung. power applicntion Dnd other tl'Chnical aspects associated with iL Competition. a tournament held In remembnmCf' o'f thE' foundpr ofjudo, -See alsu uchlkoml. I(ano Jigoro Jigoro Kano (1860 ~ 1938) Founder of modern Judo and the kake r.pp(jcauoOl u«lIuon An actlllll u:oed to execute a techniq~ such II';; K6dakan dedicated to its promotwn. 80m In 1860 III Hyof::o Prefecturt' as a throw after breaking your opponent's balance IkuzushlJ and I'etting him the third son ofllshogunal deme"ne ril'e wine maker. In 1882 Kana openf!

defensIve modes as pllrt ofone's strategy in the developm<'nt of II match l!l1rrted recognitIOn ail an important. educfl-wr, serving as profes!Wr and/or prinCipal ill several of the nation'~ top academies And ulll\'cJ'lutit'lt In 1909 kakenige avoiding lec~n;q"e applical10nJ See giso k6geki 11(> became the first Japanpse memhl'r of Ih£> IntNnntinnal OlympiC Committee, Rnd in 1911 the first president of the JApan Amateur Sports kakugl lllp;htJnS; combal' General term fill' emply-hnnde<.l or armed lighting AS!lociolion. under which he led a l.ellm of athletes to tht! 1912 OlympIC lUnii Juku

Games In Stockholm. He died in 1938 during' a 8ea voyage aboard the tT8ining identified by Jigoro Kana (the other being randori. or free sparring Hlkawa Maru in 1938. I\gcd scvcnty.nine, while returning from an match trfuning). The practice of kata is considered particularly us(ofuJ for I Intern&tlOnal Olympic CommiUee meeting in Cairo. Egypl. the study of technical principles. Kani5 Juku Kano Academy A private training acad('my estahlished In .houlder wbe~l A hand technique throw Break your 1882 on the premiscs of Eisho.ji Templc. It taught primarily judo, but also opponent's balance to bili front or right front- comer, then hft. hl-Ol onto your other subjectll, to approximately 350 l>tudenlll over the course of lUi forty­ I>houldcrs across the hack ofyour neck and throw him down. year e;:ll:istence. Itll educational method was strongly oriented toward cultivating not only Judo technique. but also virtues such as courage, kataha lime -Jinglc-w....g stnngle A strangle. From behind your opponent. toughness. and frugality. reach your right aJTII around his neck to gnp hI:! lefllapel, and slip :rour I('R. hand under his 1e1l armpit and around the back of his neck. &0 that the kaoselsu waza joinl lechniquc:s Techniquetl that act on an opponent's back of your left. hand is against the back of his neck. lhen strangle him hy joints. The onlyjoint techniques that are allowed in judo matches are those pulling with your right band and pushing with your left hand. that IKt. against. the opponent's elbowJoint.. katahlzatsukJ no shlsel one kntt dowtl poslun A way of sitting with t.M kantoku dircaor, managn1 supcrvUoc- Individual overseeing the activit.ies knee and bottoms of the toe:! of one leg on the mat, the other leg bent bUI of a judo club or department. With responsibilities ranging from g('lIeral upright. Hnd the body apright. supenislOn to actual teaching. kata lujl jime half CI'OB-hZDd.ed suaop A strangle. Facing your opponent. kappi5 fUuKiu.lion techniques Methods devised in c1aS6ical Judo for the cross your arms to gnp his left lapel with your left hand, rU1gt'1'lI mside, and purpose of resuscitating. person who has lost consciousness through his rigbt lapel with your right hand. thumb inside, then strangle him using asphyxiation or other CAUBe, UflJaJly through strangulation t«hniques. the actions ofthese two hand.~ against. his neck..

karu to reap To sweep your opponent's feet. legs. or hips out from under Katame no Kata Grappliog Form-J A set of K6d6kan Judo formal him using reaping motions of)·our feet and legs. ('xert:ises (kalal designed to teach ways and mean of grappling, Including five repres€>otath'e techniques each from the categories of hold·down kata Jorm-Jl forlnal uerci-Je.; panun pra<:ricesJ FormaJ movement pa.ttern tosaekomi t. strangulation Isbimel, and Joint lkanseLSu) teehniqucli. exercises containing Idealized model movements illustrallng speCific

combative principles. katameru 10 pin; to hold down To use a bold-down technique to pm your opponent's body. or a portion of his body. in lIuch t'l way that his freedom of kala gatame ...houlder hold A hold·down. From your opponent's righl movement is l,.'()ntrolled and he is unable to move. side, put your right arm around both his neck and right arm and clasp your hands together. katame waza (grappling I~"hnjque. General namc for hold-downs, !'itrnngles, and Joint and other locks used in grappbng. kata gelko lfornl$ trainingl fornla! U..rci$ClI] One of the two type!! of judo 1u'''1e jim.. 89 kihon do...

katate jime ~one-h"ndnt llr.lng4.. ' A strangle. From )'our opponent'~ right kelsho shochl minor lre.1.lmeDI The administratIon by a medical side, hold him down on his baek and grasp his left collar with your left professional of necessary minor treatmenUt requinng onJy a "hort tune, not hand. thumb inside, and use the edge of your arm to strangle him by Including the admmistrati.on of medicines. change of supporter, e~ While appl)ing pres5ure to his lhroat. not considered a full medital eJI8mination, treatment of the I!amc area lwice is rl'garded as one full 6Bminatlon and treatment and recorded as i:KlIw1U.o· d.. op; single-leg ealangl.. menl A "Sacrifice !;mch. (prohIbited} Wrap your right arm tightly around your opponenl's neck. then u~e your right leg to enlangle the lower part of his left leg by kenka yotsu lIt..nb )·Ouu; fiu;..·off lUing opposing sflIoca) When opponents wrapping It from the inilide and prelising your !Ostep against the back of during a match or practice sessIOn en,l{agt' one another uSing opposite. left his tinkle, then hook the leg up and throw yourself backwards. or right grips so thnt they present a mirror image of one another. See also lUYOLSU. kelbl na fustw [mild injury) Light illJuries such as nrn;eblt.oeds, fillgemnil or loenall breakage, elc. kerlhanasu to Itic.lr. of1l To use ..arious thrusting motions of your feel to release yourself from your opponent's hold or grip, kelbl na Ihan .mild infranioa Prohibited Items that require -guidance,'

Including the use of an o\erl)' deferu;i\'e stance. feigned au.acks, insufficient keru l<) kick, To use ofllie bailor OUlSldE' edge of your foot to strike yoW' combative spi.nl, et.c. OPPOIK'Dt.

kelJI gakari _,,:or.. board keeper Individual ""ho lists the names of kesa gatame KaJf hold A hold-down. From your opponent's right Side rompetitoril and report8 the content of matches includmg wmneNi and and facing hia head, grip his Judogt under hiS nght armpIt with )'OUT left resul"" on the lKloreboard or In the rerord book, hand and put your right arm around behind his neck to grip hill judogJ behind the shoulder. kelJly5 tokel rum ..c1«k. The clock ul'Icd LO indicaw the hme rem8JUlng m a match, visible lo compeuwl's alld spectalors. klai (kiail CDu~"Olruion of ,pirid Concentration of one's \\TiU. sptnt, intenlion. or energy, onen 81.:mmpamed by voiced expreasioDB of this focuf'_ kelko r traiDingl practice Literally meaning' to learn tbrough contemplation of the old: the word keiko iJI used In partIcular to refer to klblsu gaeshl beet lrip A hand t~chnique thro..... Step outside )·our the litudy and pral1.ice of budo and certam other traditional Japane,;e ll1"tJl. opponent's nE\:ht foot with your left foot, then drop )'our body low from the tups and quickl)' reap his nght heel from behind .....ith your nght or left keiko hajime lthe hBl U'a.illiog of1M rev The first do)' of trainmg ,;essu,n hand. ofagi..en)'ear. kihaku .spirill .igor, go-ahead Strong intention and spint directed toward kelkoku .lr.eilwko; terio,", wunin&J A le~ied against a compertltor who h~ one'!!" training partner ur opponenl committed a 5erious foul during a match, or who hal; been given a chili (wilmingl and then commiLS a further chiH IIr "hido iguidllncel level foul. klhon dosa {bllSi.. mDvemC'IlU Varioul; essential movements, behaviors, 901 9J ki wo miru

Dod forma of conduct. that form the foundation of Judo training. These preBe.nce or lack of fouling, and uther details taken into consideration. include fllndllrnf'nUtl POints of eLlllueUe, a vonety of postures and stances, way" to advance, engage, retreal and shin lhe body, a8 well as vanous klnshl jlko prohibilcd or iIIep1 .wo"; infraccion Any teehniqul!. action. ur wop to &et up and apply techniques. conduct prohibited from use In Judo matches. Including cert8Jn throws (such 88 kawaz.u gakel, joint teehniqueb l(I any jomt. other than the elbow, kliro no hata rello... Rag YelJow nag used by Lhe timekeeper to indieBt.e and strangle techniques to any part of tht' body other than the neck. A that 8 match In progreHo I. slopped The yellow flag gael> up when the compi!litor Judged to han' commilll'd such an IOfraction 18 given an referee calla "Mate!" ,9Walt!"' and back down when he caUs "HIlJime" appropnate penalty {shido. chili, keikoku. hlUlSOku makel dept'nding on the '"Begi.nlContinue") IlE've:rity oflhe infrartion.

kiken withdrawal dOlt to inju'"1 Withdrawal or abstention from 8 match klnshl waza prohibiled It'C-hniquuJ Techniqu£'s such a kaw81.u gake due to il'lJury that preH'nlll a competItor from continuing. ulingle.leg entangleI lind lIeg en18ngl llhat are prohibit.ed in shiai. 'Oken chltsl da.ngtt _Ill' The red area bordenng ajudo competition area k1roku galtari I'KOnf kcrpaJ Individual who !iSla the reliulla declared by kiken gachl ..kenry by opponlll'cu', withdnwal Wi.Dning due ~'our opponent refl!ret!S on a IICOreboard and records them Oll 8 prt'llCflbed mau:h record ....iLhdmwing from the match after it has l'larted (or Bny I'I!lIson "heeL klme (Qlllpltu: ..pplication An DetJon lhat completes a technique decisively klru to C:UI Literally -lo rot'- but In Judo refers LO freemK ~{ouraelf from and uSing good fonn your opponent's puUing hand or cuttlOg off the e(fecuveneslII of hi! technique. Kime no Kala Df:cit;i ...c fl'chnique FOfnn A ~t of KOd6kan Judo fonnal eXl!rCist'6 IkRta, designed to teach fundamental ways and means of klsen illiliativc.lalUnp ror~I1lUin~ Pe~ption or what 18 about to ottur. defendmg agalnat attacks using thrOWing. grappling, and tnking used in Judo to sene and controllhe initiative during 8 match. for example I.el:.hniques. Eight of the~e kala are performed seated or kneelinjt and by oounter otlacktngjust before your opponent launche5 hi.. own attack tweh-e are perfonned :;tanding. A1Ml rt'ferred t.o as Shinken Shabu no Kat8 I Combati"e fo'onns!. Klto-ryu Kilo-ryli j A Bt}-Ie of c1a.ss1cal jUjuU>u from which the throwmg methods of modem Kbdiikan Judo originated. Many of the kala of Kit6-f)"il kimete dCC"iding polm The final point that determines the wmner of 1I were preserv(>d by judo fnunder Jigoro Kano 1JI the Knshiki no Kata mRtch. (Classical Fonusl. klnsa Llubtlc djffcre"..~ In some matches Hmt l"l!quire a detennination of kl wo mlru 'en.mg opportunilY Pe:rceivlOg and {okin" advantngt' of victory baaed on ~opcrior performance, the winner may be detennined by IIpportunitii.'s ri.'sultinM from the specific timing Dnd condltiona occurring comparing subtle difTerencl!!1 in comll~tJturs nVl!raU performance, with such durlOg 0 match. elements 88 attitude, technique efl'ectlvcllesw. skillfulnetl8 of appliclltioll...... ------. -

93 ) K«liil

kobli renshO [g(I~<:k ud defcnn pracliu Practice of various kinds of K~d~kan Hal [Kodobn CupJ A competitIon involVing winninR judoists attacks and defenlK'g, from a number of l)-pes of tournaments and competitIons, Officially called the K6dOkan Aai Judo Taijiibet8u Senshuken Taikai (Kadokan Cup II Kobudli KenkyOkal Clu~;nl MarliaJ Aru1 Study Group of tradilional Weight.Cla86t'd Judo Championship). martial arta established In 1928 In KOdokan by Jigoro Kano. The Pl,lrpo~ of the gToup Wfla to research and prm:crve the traditinn1 martial arlll l.Il Kodl5kan hyogiin K'OdouII Irusteu] Mf'mbers of thl.' KildOkan Board of Japan. Trustees. respolllllble for giving approval for operational plans, yearly budge18. and decislODS on accounting-relaled issue!' and other K6dilkan kochl coach Indi\'idual rehponsible for trainiDR" Judo competitors Ilod affairs, providing technical GUidanct'. KMokan Judo lll..oook.an Judo A martial art. founded in 1882 by Jigoro kOdansha hip-rankinl judoist An indi\'idual who has attained high rank Kano based on his reformulation and adaptation of several c1aaslcal jUjutsu inJudn 1generally from 5th to 10th dan I, fl)-'SteIDS

Kadokan Kodokan A place for Judo lTaimng established by JI,eoro Kano Kl5d~kan Jud~gl Kikaku Kodokan judor;i R~luJ.tions Regulations in 1882.•~. means U>8ching. study and leaming, "do· means the '

A group established within the KocUikan III 1931 to study judo from the Kadokan Bunkakai KodiJluon Cllllu", CowKit A council estabLi.pectives. to KodOkan Culture Council Although not currently acti'·e, seven operational departments handled general affairs, accounting, edlling, Ki5dokan Judo Kagaku KenkyDkal Klyo HuUrI;n of thr AslOciacion for th~ Inspecllon and observatIOn. lectures and !It'rnmat'S. and Te_warch f1tudles, ~;~ntific Study IIf KOdiibn judo Collections of research papers lind studie!> with aCllvities mcluding publishing magazines and hook", llponlioring t(t'nerated by the Association (or the Scientific Study of K6ddklln .Judo, lecturellund llemmurs, lind conductlllg advanced instructor traming Kodokan Judo Shial Shlnpan Kitei Kiidiik.n Judo Conust Rulet K6dCikancho KQdijbn Oir«lor The head ofthl! Kadokan, Regulalionfl for matches and refereeing ('ijtablished by the Koo6kan fO!' use in Japanesejudo competitions, Kadokan Goshlnjutsu Koookan Sclf·Drfr,UoI' FOflJlsl A set of Kikiokan Judo furmul exercises lklllal deSIgned to teach ways and means of llelf-defense Kadokan Kokusal Judo Senti lKodn","n Internat;onal Judu c~nlerl An using throwing. grappling. and striking techniques, formally de,-ised in internatiOnal judo center built in Tokyu's Bunkyo ward in 1984 lo 1956 to ml!ct modern needs. commemurale the 100tD anniversary of the foundlnK of Judo. The eight· f 9-1 J

floor building housell a tolal of six: large and small dojo, as well as study recognized 8S a kogeki doaa. rooms, It Iibrory, a materials archives, meeting rooms, lodging rooms, and all other facilities nceded for judo training and research_ kOgI (objection] Lodging an objection 00 a Judgement or deciSIon declared I by the referees, or the use ofgestures to indicate such an objecllon, Kadokan Osaka Kokusal Judo Senti tr"oo"ka.. Osaka Intnnuional Judo u,nttt A training facility for youth established in the Kansai area amidst K6g0hal Zen Nihon Joshi Judo Senshuken Taikai Eml'ruo' Cup All Japan the chaotiC conditions following World War II, later absorbed into the WOlIKo'sJudQ Touma.meJl1) Tournament conducted in April, considered one KOdokan and giV1!'n new status as II bronch dojo. ofthe most prestigious women's Judo tournamenl in Japan_

Kodokan YOdanshakai Kodobn Black Ddt Anocionion A nationwide kogusoku kogwob. Close-quarter combat methods emphasizing the US(' council with nwnerolUl regional and local branches established in 1922 to of short swords. daggers. or other ahart weapons, found in many c10Mical promote friendship among Judo practitioners and stimulate the combat sygtems. dev(>lopment ofjudo-related education and research. Compri~ of K&!okan yiida1l8ha (black-belt holdersl and, in principle. yiidansha-Ievel members of kohaku shlal ,-ored & ...... ile· muc."uj Eliminstlon matches in which the Dai loOihon Butokukai. Absorbed into the AlI.Japan Judo Federation in partlclpants are divided Into red and whIte teams. conducted in spring and 1949. autumn at the KlKlokan,in part as on opportunity for conducting dan ronkings. kogan katsu ·Iuticle· rUlon.l;on method A method used to drop the testicles back into place when they ha\'e been struck by a carelessJy applied koJlnsen indn-idu.al DJalch.. A judo match between mdinduals, as opposed throw or kick. Stand behind the seated victim and lill him up slightly using to 8 competition among team!§. See alllO dantaisen yOUT hands under his armpits, then let him drop. Another method involves lightly kicking the vicum's lower back. Also called inno katsu (scrolum kOk.a kOka.; dfca; mioor score In tntematJonal judo rnlt'll only, a call made methodl. when a competitor in a mat('h bas 1) used speed and strength while controlling his opponent to throw him in lIuch a way that his buttocks. kOgeld CaIUlCking Attackinl{ dunng matches or free..sparring practice with thighs, or shoulders go to the mat, or 2) when a competitor has pmned his

the int.enuon ofnpplymg te'Chniques. See also bOgyo. opponent for bet.....et"fI 10 and 15 seconds.

kogeki bogyo ulaclUng and defl"nding) Combinations of attacks And kokkl sdf-r~trainl; sdr-control] Control of one's impulses, desires, and defensell used by compeuton; during matches or free-sparring practices. other emotions through pef!lOnai strength ofwill.

kogekl dosa allack mo~emenlS] Active, inteotional movemenlll (as opposed kOkorogamae (all;lude One's stale of mind and attItude. Through to no or feigned attemptsl that actually attempt to throw an opponent. auslere practice and the challenges presented by competltiun, judo aims to Allhougb l3uch attempts do nol earn actual points. t.hey may be considered cultivate a state of mind characterized in particular by strength and when judging a win or loss by decision. Under International Judo IlCX:lbihty. Pederation Contest Rules hold-downs lasting under ten 5el'Onds are 81so kokugi [ 97' kokugl In:uionalspon The representative oompetitive sport of a nation. Koshikl no Kata (CIll.S~;cal Forms] A set of KOdokan Judo fonnal exercises (kntaJ, inherited from the Ki\.6-ryu school of jUjUu.u. illustrating ways and Kokusai lnkal (Inttrmllional AlTain Cummilt«l Committee within the AU­ means of combat while wearing annor. AlIlO known oa Kit3-ryu no Kala Japan Judo Federation responsible primarily for studying and handling (Kito-ryii Fomls). various international judo-related issues. koshl waza (hip lechniqu~l Clossificstion for throwing techniques in Kokusal Judo Renmei (InlernlltioPlll Judo Feder-uion (IJF)} A federation which the use ofthe waist and hips plays a tenral role. e!ltllblished in 1951 to oversee the international development of judo, with membership comprised ofolliciallocal federations from five continents. kasota gake (small ouler I,ook) A foot tec.hnique throw. Brenk your opponent's balance to his rear or right rear corner. then hook his right Kokusai Judo Renmei Shlal Shlnpan Kltei (International Judo Fe

Kyoka Tnkal Clnlcrnalional Compclilion Sc.lection & Developm"01 Commiu«) mae mawarl sabaki (turning to th" fronl) Shining your body 1800, starting CommitWe within the All-Japan Judo Federation responsible. primarily for from a natural posture. by moving one leg across your centerline to place it i"sues surrounding the training and development of competitors dispatched in front of your opponent's diagonally opposite leg, at the same time to international competitions. turning to place your body directly in front of him. kyokalsen (area boundary lind Line marking the boundary between the mae mawarl ukeml (forward rolling brcakfallJ Rolling breakfllll taken to inlnde and outside of a competition area, now delineated hy the outside protect the body when thrown to the fronL edge ofa 90 em wide border of red tatami milLs. mae sabakl (front 5hiftingJ Shifting your body 900- by moving one leg kyoka senshu lSp"-dally ,eleclcd compelilor] A competitor selected by the forward toward the opponent's same,side leg, at the same time pulling the All-Japan Judo Federation's Technical Committee to be the focus of other leg to the rear SO that you come to face at a right angle from your trainitlg efforts to increase competitive abilities. generally for mclusion on original direction. t.he Japanese national team. Includes A, B, C categories. with selections for A and B based on evident skill and strength and C l-eser'ved for competitors mae ukemi (forward brcakfall) Breakfall taken to protect the body when under 18 years of age. thrown to the front. Considered unreolistic since in judoists are generally thrown powerfully onto their backs. kyoshl [high knwing poslun) A ready pollture with one knee down and the other leg opened to the side. used in the Ketame no Kata (Grappling makikomi waza (wrapping Icdmiques) A general classification for side Forms), conSIdered an ideal stance for both attacking or defending when Hacrifice throwing techniques m whIch parts of the thrower's body are practicing grappling techniques. ('omplete-Iy entwined or wrapped by the opponent as part or the throw. kyusho (vital point) Any phYRiologically weak point on the hody that may maklkomu [to wrap) To throw ill such a way that part ofyour opponent'!I be attacked using strikes (atemi). body wraps around yours ail part of your technique, II common element in many sacrifice techniques. M maal combaciv., imc.rvalJ Various types of "di.stance" existing betw~n two rna sutemi waza ("UpiDC or rcar sacrifi~c ,c~hniquesJ Classification for combatants. throwing techniques in which the thrower 'sacrifices· himself by falling onto hi~ back in the prol:ess of throwing the oppo[lent. machl doja (privatc loal dojo) The term "dojo" originally referred to a place for practicing the austerities of , but eventuaUy came to 'Mate!" l"Waill-) Command given to temporarily halt a match and have designate halls and other spaces dedicated to martial arts traimng. By the both competitors return to their orrbrinal starting positions. As a gesture, later Edo period, these included the appearance of many private local ·Mate!" is indicated by the referee extending his arm al shoulder level. (machi) dojo. Around the 17508 in Edo, the Kito.ryu jUjut1>U machi deje of linKers up, in the direction of the timekeeper. A match stopped by "Matel" Takino Vuken is said to have taught thousands of studenLs, and such Judo \ ·Wait!") IS restaried by the command "Hajime!" ("Begin!"). dojo today number about 1,500 throughout Japan 0985 count!. m.owan gcil

mawllrl geiko round-robin p..u:tit,e) A practice method in which Jud0i6lll not indicate 8ubmlSljion the referee can recognize the effectiveness of the line up In two rows facing one another, train together for a time. then shin technique and award a point accordingl)'. However, this option must be one of the roWlJ to give everyone a new traimng partner, agreed upon and stated in advance by all of the referees. Mikomi dOO$ not exist in the International Judo Federation Contest Rules.. mlchl a palh: a ....y) Any ·path- ronsisting of wa)'s and means used to pursue a particular set of goals and/or ideals, In Judo thi.s path includes mohan randot! modd. frrt p~~ ml>d,el Mlndori Free sparnng matchCb pursuing the most efficient use of body and mmd, and In a moral and perfonned to provide correct examples of techniques and strategies, spiritual sense the development through judo training of such \irtues as self-control. se.lf-restmnt, givmg one's best effort at all times. and proper montei Sludtntl pupil GeneTal tenn for &l.udent or pupil. decorum and personal conduct.. morote gar! 1W00handrd reap A hand technique throw, Step in between midare gelko free uaining pram«) Older tenn for randori geiko. the Judo your opponent's legs and wrap your arms around his legs just ahove his practice method in which opponents attempt to apply their favored knees, and at the same time throw your shoulders into his chest as )'ou technique8 freely at will instead of performing agreed-upon kata. reap his legll toward you to throw him directly to his rear.

mlglilgotal highl defensiv,e PO,\lUf,eJ A right defensive stance taken with the morole seol nage two-han.kd .hQuld,er lhrow} A shoulder throw in which feet spread far apart. the right foot slightly forward, the knees bent, and both hands are used to grip the opponent's lapel or sleeve, Also called eri the center ofgravity lowered 118 much as possible. Oapelshoulder throw).

mlgl kamae lright naoc,e A stonding posture token in judo pnor to motodachl gelko 'stay-in- D2.ining) A practice method in wruch a single perfonning techniques. assumed by advancing the right foot forward from judoist 'stays in· to face numerous opponentll in succession. thereb)' either shizentai (natural po>lturel orJigolai ldefensive pol>tureJ. building skill. strength. stamina. spirit., and other elements essential to the pursuit ofJudo, m;gikiki .right-hucket General term for a right-handed person. but In judo also used to mdicate a penon slOBed atlWng a right stance. mukli no dha; no point A lack of effect of an appan"nt technique, u5ed especiaUy to describe a technique that see.nwd effective but subsequently mlgl shizental righl nawnl posnu'., A natural ~ture involving standing was judged notlO ha\'e been_ normally with the right foot forward. musha shugyli wurior .Ufl..nties AUlitere fonns of training traditionally mlkiri geiko d«imeoess Ir.l.inincJ Training designed to build a capacity to undertaken by warriors to forge psycholOgical. spiritual. and phySical make Instantaneous decisiolll, when attacking and defending. loughness. Such traming included making long solitary journeys inlo the mountains. challenging practitioners of othe.r martial arts schools to mikoml pr,ediction of df,ectivltnU5 When a referee awards an ippon by competitive matches, and making pllgrimage~ to religious !tites In pursUit decision for a strangle or jointlock lechniqu6, Depending on the level of the of iipiritual im~ight and enlightenment. competitors and in CQnsideration of their safely, even if a competitor does nagd

naname shlta uchl (diagonal. downward CUi An exercise III the 6eCOnd set N of the Seiryoku Zen'yo Kokumin Taiiku. Bring your right hand to your left nagekoml (repeliliye Ihrowing pnclice) Throwing practice in which a shoulder. palm down, thumb lind fingen extended straight and held number of opponents are thrown repeatedly using a predetermined wgether, then use the blade edge of this hand to strike downward to the technique for an agreed upon number of repetitions or length of time, an wrist of an imaginary opponent., fixing your eyes on your hand as you do so. important traming method in de\·eloping throwing technique. Also called Repeal on both sides. taking care 00 pUI snap into the strike. yakusoku renshu in Gakkojudo. naname ue L1ehl (diagonal up...... rd cut) An exercise Ul the second set of the Nage no Kata Throwing Forms) A set of KOOokan Judo formal e: COUllT or sleeve. NiholO lIudij Gakkai [ 1061 10i 1 okunashi .....i

Nlhon Budo Gakkai (japanltK Academy of Budii An organization dedicated nogarekata (..,.y of escaping or avoiding.! The way a judoist evades or reacts to aIding the dissemination, development, and cultural preservation or to rus opponent's technique. budo and bujutsu from an academic standpoint. Noml no Sukune .Nomi no SulruncJ A hero from the country of humo who Nihon Budokan japn Budi'ika. A budo training hall originally appears in the IChronicies ofJapanl. He WM pitted in a match estlJblished to accommodate the panic1pation of judo at the 1964 Tok:ro against TRima no Kehaya conducted before the Emperor Suirun in 23 B.C, Olympic Games, Currently conducts various acti\'ities related to the Aner a long struggle, Nomi no Sukune finally won b)' kicking Kehaya so promotion and development of budo, with facilities that also include a powerfully that he inflicted him with mortal wounds, and thereafter library and a mwoeum, became immortalized as the progenitor of sumo.

Nihonden KOdokan Judo (japan~ T ...ditjonal Ki'idObn judo The formal o name of KOdokan Judo. obi otoshl [Mil drop, A hand techmque throw, Grip the front of )'our opponent's belt wilh your right hand and pull him toward you, at the same Nlhon Judo Oapa.nt'Kjudo Traditional judo os it was crealed in Japan, in tulle shifting behind his righl flank and reaching acroSli his front with your particular emphasizing not only the scoring of points, but also the way in len hand to scoop his upper left leg from behind to throw. which those points are scored, prefernbly through the skillful usc of blliance breokwg (kuzushil, body shifting (tai sabnkil, and other judo obi tori gaeshl (bd{-grab Ihrow) An inrol'mal variation of for the Sl.lCril1C6 fundamentals. known as hikkomi gaeshi. nlhon seal "age lrwo shoulder IhroW!ll A general term used for lwo kinds of ogoshi (larBe hip (hrow) A hip technique throw. Break your opponent's shoulder lhrow. morote seDl nage and eli seai nage balance to his {ront or right front corner, enter dl!eply with your nght hip to float him up, and twist to tbrow hIm over it. nihon shabu IwQ-poim mud. Matches 10 wh.u:h vicwr) is awarded to the first competitor to score twO poinUl_ First described in the Kodokan Judo oguruma large wheel~ A foot technique throw. Just 88 your opponent Contest Rules & Regulations created in 1900, which stated ~Oominance beglJlS to step forward with hiS right foot, lead hIS movement LO break his and therefore victor}' among two rompetiWI13 In a match 8ball be detennined balance to his front. right comer, at the same time turnmg to your leI\. and by the first competitor to take two pomts: Such two-point matches were stretching your right leg straight uross his lower abdomen or upper ut;ed until around 1924. thighs, then lil\. him by swinging your right leg up and back while twisting and pulling down Wll1J both hands to tum him o\'er your leg. ningen kelsel charllcter-buildinB Generally refers to the educatIon, learrung, and experience from childhood on toward the development. of okurlashl haral fOOl ~weep A foot technique throw. Break )'our wisdom. inSIght. skills, and a capacity for action, Judo 8lmll at this human opponent's balance to his right Bide, nod 8S he moves hi!:! nght foot to the development through the three elemenlll of physical education "nd left to shift to the left. follow it in the direction it is moving with your left traming, conlpetition (including experience of both victory and defeat), aod loot and sweep both of his leb'll with your whole leg ond throw him on his training ufllll-' mind and spinit. back. nlndnri okuri ('r; jim(' lOB [ 109

okurl erl lime sliding colJu ~1rangl('J A strangle. From behind your YOllr right leg diagonally across the back of his right knee Rnd use your opponent, reach under his lell armpit to griP his left lapel with your left right thigh as a fulcrum over which to throw him. hand and around hiB neck to grip his upper leiliapel with your right hand. then change your left hand to gnp his nght lapel and use both hands to 050tO makikomi Uarge uuuid(' ....r.p.u

050tO garl 1:1'11" oul..r N':lp A foot lechnique throw. Break youl" npponenl's liyli waza applied I ..chniqu~ Applit'd lechnl(IUe8 lhat Ilre executed balance t.o his rear or right rear <:ornel" 1.0 shift most of his weight onto hiB ~lighlly differently fl"om their Original balJie forms. right heel, then reap hili right leg with your right leg. R ~p:lrringJ whi~h 050to guruma lI:1rge \l'lIt'f whf:dJ t\ foot technique throw, Oreuk youl" randor! lrru pl':l.C1;tn frtt Pmclll:t> sparring HeRsions In bulh opponent's unlnace to his rcul" or I"ight I"ear corner. then pivot left Lo extend pflrtlcipants practice attacking and derendlflg USlllg freely applied throwing RoIndo.i nO luna ( 110 J III

and/or pinning lechlllques. application of techniques without resting.

Randor! no Kata Fru En.eis~ Forms) Two sets of formal exercises renzoku waza Cllnlinullus combinu;anY Ilf t~chniquC-JJ The continuous includIng tht> Nage no Kata IThrowing Forms) and Katame no Kata apphcation ofCIImbinationll of techniques, one leading into the next, IGrappling Fonml) incorporating techniques considered particularly useful in randori. rial prillcipll:j thmry. The underlymg pnndple or theory of nn art. In judo thill indudell avoiding att.emptlOg to control an opponent by using power III rei rup«li d~ntm An atlltude of respect and consideration towarrl oDe's favor of throwmg him or her through ~killful balance·breaking, body partner or opponent and lhe fonn" of behavior expre8!'mg this attItude ~hlll:ing. and other teehmqued that U!: energy and movement in the ffiO!lt t>fficient, elegant way posllible. relM fof'QU of p.opcT tup«tl ffiq..~"~ malln~n; 0. d«orum Behavior (such a8 proper bowiog! expressing 80 tlltitude of respect and conSideration ritsurel JUllldiog bow A ~la[ldmg bow f.'J:ecuLed by inclining the upper toward one's partner or opponenL body from the waist at an angle of npproJ:lmatel) 30 and dropping the hands down the !lilies of the legs to a pDIIibon 8 few incht.'S above the knees. renraku henka «mlIraion and mange, For both 8ttaclung and defending, w;ed to express respect for one'S muning partner or opponent.

Ilh one of lhe mOdt Important aspeds ofapplying tee:hmque8 effectively it 1& considert'd enential to be able create good coonectloo bet~een ryohizatsuk! no shlsei both kn~ do.." poJIU", A WRy of81lUng with both continuoullly applied t«hmqut' so that em:h evolves into the nen, Thill knet$ and OOtlOlDll ofthe toes of both feet on th(o mat. the bod)' uprigbL can include both changlog s techDlq~ of your own into another techniqut' ofyour own, or changiog )"Our opponent's technique into a technique ofyour ryosha hansoku make munul 1_ due to fouling. A "tate of mutual 105Ii

own. In e'tber CIL';t' it is net'(' ary 1.0 cultivate your ability to man' logJrall.~' Otturnng wben both mmpeLltors have been determmed by the chief rereret> Rnd efficiently from ant' technique into anomer. to have SImultaneously committed llerious fouls

renraku waza cllmbillaliOll tcchniqucs The application of s('\'eral rylite lime ","O-handrd choke A strangle. Facing .)"Our opponent., grip his l.e(:hruquell in rapid succesl!ion, mo'"ing from one to thl' next in a smooth, right mllRr with your left hand and rus left mllar with .rour nght hand, unbrokt>n 8equena'. buth thumbs insIde, lIIId strangle rum by applring pressure to both sides of hiS n~k wtth the blade Sides of both fi-dL!l. renshO p.aclic~ Gent>r1c Lerm for learnjng through the repetition of ....·(~hll1quelf and exercillcs. generally s)"nonymollil with keiko. ryate shita tsukl lWo--hand downWll.d blo....] An exercise in the stWnd set of tht' Seiryoku Zen'yo Kokumin Taiiku. Rl'lisf:' botb fi!lls to your armpl18, renshO j3 praC1ie~ hall J Plllee for practicing, alao called a d6Jit For Judo rail

sankaku gatame (lriill1gular armluck) A lock. From your opponent's front, s rear. or side, wrap your right leg over biB shoulder and across hill neck. and Salgo Shiro (Shiro Saigo (1866-1922») Third 80n of Shid/} Sadajiro, a ,rour left leg under his right armpit, hooking one of your feet under the I samurai of the Aizu DQma.in. borl'l in 1866 in Aizu Wnkamatsu. In 1882 he other leg in a triangular formation. At the same time, use one or both moved tQ Tokyo and enrolled in the Kijdijknn. In 1884 he was adopted into hands to extend and control hill elbow Joint. the family of 'l'anomo Salgo, a former elder councilor of the Aizu Domain and look the name Hoshins Shiro. In 1888 he reverted to the surname sankaku jlme (lriangul.... 'trangle) A strangle, Facing your opponent, wrap Saigo in order to rffilurrecl the Saigo family line, which had died out with your right leg over his left shoulder and your len leg under his right tho pn!lll.ing of Saigo Tanomo. Exceptionally talented a martial artist, he armpit, catching your rIght foot under the buck of your own len knee in a. was particularly well known for his powerful Rrashi ("mountain triangular leg formation, and from this position squeeze his neck to storm"j tt>chnique. He earned the rank of shodan in judo in August 1883. strangle biOi. nidan in September ofUle flame year. jumped t.o yodan in August 1885, and godan in January 1889. However, he later left tho Kodokan organi:./:ation in sansha tasDketsu no gensoku (majority deci,ion among thr~) A decision May 1890 while Jigoro Kana was away travelling. He is al8tl is known to resulting when at least two of the three referees agree to a particulor have been the model for the main character In Tomita Tsunen's 1942 novel decision regarding a match. Sugat.a Sanshirl1. He died III Onomichi in Hiroshima prefecture in December 1922. sasaeru (fO .uppon\ to blocliJ To use your feet, legs, or hips to block an opponent's attempts to move his body or a part of hie body freely. salkal lrl:'ilan) The restarting ofa match thaI has been stopped. sasae tsurlkoml ashI (.upporfing.foof Iiff'pull throw) A fool technique Salko Shlnglkai (Supr"m" R"vi"w Coundl1 Council within the Kodokan throw. As you break your opponent's balancll to his right front corner, block o\'erseeing the review of candidates being recommended for promotion to his supporting right, leg by placing the sole ofyour foot just above his ankle, 7th and 8th dan, comprised of representatives from each of the ten creating a pivot point, then lean back and t.wist to the len throw him over Japanese regional blocks and several representatives appointed by the it, director of the KadOkan. sasoi katsu ("induetiu" method l'e:<1l$CilabonJ A resuscitlltion method used salshlal rremalch 1 A rematch conducted when a draw has occurred and a to revive a victim who has become uuconscious through a stranguilltion winner must be determined. for example when two competitors have technique. Position yourself behind the sitting uncunsclOUs victim with choked one anoUler into unconsciousness simultaneously to achieve a point your knee braced against his back and pull his s.houlders back with both each. hands to expand his chest.

sanbon shobu [Ihr«-pginf malch) A match in which both competitors have selka tanden (.eika tanduJpbysk·.. 1 cUfHl A reginn within the lower taken one point. creating a llituation in which the competitor W Ulke the abdomen, long regarded in Japanese budo as providing sn importllnt center third point becomes the winner. pomt for the human body and a foundation for a strong natural posture. Scin~nb" t IJ I [ 115 ) .hiaj gdko

Seinenbu LAdulu'SeelionJ A subsection of the Koookan tenching 8Y6tem Senbatsu Taljubetsu Senshuken Talkal AlI,Slar Wdghl-Cbued Judo (along with the Children's, Women's, nnd Training se<:tionsJ. Thl! Adulls' Championship) A )'early champion.ship held In Pukuoka, Japan, with eight Division i8 for adulta and young adulta from all wal.k8 of lire, from beginner competitors esch selected for seven weight categories, II to advanced, who can use the Kadiikan facilities on a daily baais and receive instruction from an)' of the four teachers always in attendanCf!. sendatsu (pion«n) Seniora who have gone lx-fore and traversed the path one is now following seirvoku saizen katsuyli maximum dJid~nt u...~ of ..-piritual ami physical su.:.ngth Re(t'r5 to the use of the mll~d and body in the most effective ways sengen (ckclnauoa) Declaration ufa draw by the referee. toward the achievement of goodoesa and virtue. First articulated in 1922 with the establishment of the K6diikan Culture CouDcil, in the ~reasion senkoku r.:.ft.r'ft'. anoounccm.:.", Verbal report!! by referees announcing ·Using power in the rnmlt efficient way ia the key to self-perfection_' Judgements of points, penalties, match victory, etc.

seiryoku zenyli, lita kyliel Mallimum dfid~nl us.:. of t.n.:.f'JY and mlnual senpli firsl-round competilors} Competitors matched In the first round of a prolpuily (or sdf .... d oLht.u First articulated in 1922 with the team competition. establishment ofthe Klld6kan Culture C(lUDciJ, t.his concept emphasizes the idea that judo may be used aa a means to cultivate the self, and that the seol nage ..-bauldcr Ibra...· A hand technique throw. Break your self thus cultivated may then be u&ed to contribute to the prospenty of opponent's balance to his front or right front comer, then pn·ot. to the Jeri otheNl and society in general. while allowing the elbow of }'our right ann to bend and come under his right armpit, then load him unto your back and throw him over your right Seirvoku Zen'yo Kokumln Taliku no Kata ,Muimum-Effidency National houlder. Pbysical Education Forms A set of Kiidiikan Judo formal exen;isea devised as a means of general physical education. Comprised of practi~ of 8010 seol otashl dropping sboulder Ihro.... A hand technique throw, Break your striking movemenu; and portions of paired movements adapted from the opponent's balance to his rrooL or right front comer, load him onto }'our Kime no KaLIl and Ju no KaLIl. back, lben drop one or botb knees to the mat to throw him over your shoulder and down, An applied fonn ofseai nage, seishikata n>tant "fconn,,1 Wsy or means used t-o cootrol sn opponent seou rio load somelhing OnlO your badt] To load your opponent onto your set suru 10 tOnlrol1 To control your opponent. hips and/or back.

selza 5eiu; forn.oJ sillingl Formal ""ay of Sitting With the legs folded Shlal (malch; hoUl] A judo match or boUl, generally go\'erned by specific underneath, shinR and tops ofthe feet against th(> mat, back straight rules for the purpose of awarding points and deUlrmming a winner.

sekkyokutekl sen'l (eOlnb~dve 'pirilfwill In figblJ Taking the initiative to shlal gelko (malch Ullining) Actual maLChes conducted as practice for real advance and engage your opponent. competitive experience, .hi'li jikan r 116 ] [117 fhinpan

shlal jlkan (mlll(h dUl"lI.tion The scheduled duntlioD ofa match shijl receive innruaion3 To respect. someone as ones teecher and receive their teaching. To be II disciple. shlalJo .compedlion area) Area In which judo matches Bre conducted, I including an area extending out 1.5 lalami mats (3 meters) past the red shlkkaku gachl r.in by disqualificalion Winning because your opponent maUl. has been disqualified.

shlai kekka mouch cesuln Re~ults ora completed match twin. loss. draw) shlkkCi knc.e-wallUng A method of waJkmg on the knt>es, ulled in the determined by the referees. Katame no Kala.

shlal salkal (malO:h UiIIfaft RestartIng ofan interrupted matcb. shimeru 10 strangle; 10 choke To appl,r pressure 1..0 )'our opponent's nec.k lUling Yflur hands, arms, legs, or by manipulating his collar or lapel shlal shlmpan kltel official judo m21ch rules and regul:llioos General term for rules. regulations, and guidelines to be followed by competitors and shlme waza nn.ogling lechniques Techniques in ..... hich the opponent is referees duringJudo matches. There are some differences between Kiidokan trangled by appl)ing pnssure to pat'lS of his neck. and international Judo rules and regulationll. Shlnglkal KDdBkan Collncil The counciJ "'lthin the K6dokan, chaired by shlal shuryO mal<:h oondusion Conclusion of a match the director of the KOOOkan. respon;;ible for detennining judo pract.nioner promotIons and awards based on the results ofmalchel and tel:itlng. and/or shlal taido PlllI<:h attilude One of the cnteria that may be used when on material!!. submitted by groups with the authority to recommend uch determining the winner of a match based on superior performance. Other promotions. criteria include malntainjng good posture and using good form when attacking and defendmg, Shlnglkal shlnglin £"'oookan Council membc:c A member of the K6diikan C,ouncil, each subsection of which is comprised of about ten members, as shldo IIhidolluidancc A levied 8gB1nst a competitor who has committed a well as one chair and one vioe-<:hair appointed by the head ofthc K6dlikan. light lou! during a malCh. Shin GI Tal mind-sk.ill-body An expression lluggellling a high-level shihan $hihllm maStC.r lea<:h<:r Ordinarily a title given 1.0 highly-qualified unificalion of mind and spirit, technique and skill and Ihe phygical body, master teachcM:l in Bcademic, artistic, and martial ana disciplines, however said to be one of the Koals ofJudo and ofJapanese bado in general. in judo circles the term is applied only lO Judo founder Jigoro Kano.

ahin-kl-ryoku leehl ll.II accord of mind, spiri•• &: power Three elements that shihansekl shihlln.'s KoIU Seal 111 the dojo reserved for lhe masU'.r leacher must function as one in ~xecuting techniques. In traditionol Japanese (shihanl. While in KOdokan Jurlo only fowlder Jigoro Kana is referred to as Judo, onJy when these three are present is a technique deemed worthy of shihan. a shihanscki ill still located at the front of the dojo in remembrance an ippon. ofrum. shinpan Lrefc.rec.ing; umpiring) l\taking judgements about the content of ohinpan chil r LIS J [ 119]

matches, Including judging technique effectiveneBS and awarding points, shl rllisensu shinpan·in (C-Lice..,ed referee) CI

shlnpan ch6 (chief of referees] Individual in charge of referee!! at. a given shiro tipu (...hil" l<:50 cm piece ofwhit.e tape on the mat within the judo competition area (I.(l the left side when facing the frooll indicating the position from which the competitor designated ·white· should begin a malch. shlnpan dosa lreferee ItJIUrU Gestures u~ed by referees to signal evaluations Bnd decisions. See also k6shiki no mu. shirukokai l"hirvko ~"".J A gathering to eat &hlruko (sweet azukH)C:an !lOUp with rice dumplingsl, part of the KodGkan'. annual New Year's shlnpan gljutsu rd"erKiog JkiU. ReJeree's degree of skill in accurately kagamibiraki ceremony. judging points. penalties, ell.". shlsei posluno The stance or way or in which the body is held. In Judo the shinpan h6 rdneaUI morthods Methods used by referees. natural posture (shuentail ill empbasized.

shinpan Tn kai Ikkua' Comminee Committee within the AlI-Japan Judo shlzen hontal uUnUghl n:llanJ pos-Iure A natural pasture involVing Federation oomprised of referees and referee screening eommittee advisono. tanding nonnally with your feet !>presd about one foot's distance (30 centlmetersl apart shinpan In rd'erttI' Team of referees conducting each match, ancluding 1 chiefreferee and 2 aSillstant·referees. shizentai mawnJ pmt..., General tenn for any natural posture, including shuen hontai, migi sbizentai, and hidan shizenlai, in which the body is shinpan koshukal referu u1lining.Kminu_ Seminar for the purpose of standing nonnally. (i.e. nat in a particularly defensive or offen!llve posturel helping referees improve thetr idrills taward license renewal. shochugeiko lmidnunmer tr2inio&oi Traming conducted during the hattest shlnpan rljl Refer« Oir«lor Individual ",ithin the International Judo months of the summer in order to culth"ate physical and mental strength. a

Federation rt"sponsible for proVlding guidance on issues related I.(l rules K&l.okan tradition since 1896. and regulations. sh6dan promotion Being promoted to a higher dan ranking. shlnshln (mind &: body) 'n Japan it was traditionally felt that the mind is cultivated thmugh the training of thl' body, and consequently these t.wo arc sh09al Judo (mdong judol Practicing Judo in a munner appropriate to still regarded as euential complement-ary clements to be cultivated one's age throughout onc's lifetime, from childhood to old age. or the through judo training. pmctice ofjudo over a lifetime in general. shinshln tanren (forging bOlh mind llnd body) Cultivating the mentnl, Shokyokutekl kOgeki (pa.ssivity in atl

thetr POInUi through overly con8ervative fighting that avoids atttlcking to shugyo tnLininp aust",iuC':Ij Hard training. u8uaUy physical or 8..Ilceuc in a\'oid giving their opponent a chance lO score a point. nature, and particularly oriented toward psychoJogtcal or spintual growth. I shomen dojo frontJ The area in ..... hich persons of higher llOCial rank or shugyosha practitionC'r~ An individual engaged in the serious study aDd seniority are seated. also called the kamiza or jOse.ki. [n many cases this practice ofjudo. area alt;O contains the traditional kamidana (shnne; .gQd shein, generally on the v.-all furthest from the entrance if po...sible. Hov;ever, in the po6twar shOren traininSl (orging ac. puli5hing. Forging and polishing the mind, years the kamidana has largely been replaced by a simple joseki fseat of spirit., and body through training. honorl. shushln chid'mcruj The rt'feree responsible for conducting maiches and shoml .hlal likan net match umc Total amount of time taken to complete declaring re.sulu. a match, including time-outs. shOshin (cuhiVlltion of the' mindl One of the lhn.~ ·ways· inherent in Judo Shonenbu (Childrco's Scction A tlUbbection of the Kodokan leaching as Identified by JlgOro Kano. In addition to Judo as a kyfllkuho \educatlOnal system (along with the Adults', Women's, and Training seetions}. Although method) and a shobuh6 (competitive traimng method), judo as 8 shiishinho chlldren were involved in KiidCikan training from the beginning, the (mind cultivation method) invoh'es diligent practice to cultivate virtues Children's Section was fOl'Tnolly established in 1934 with the entry of fifty such as courage lind patience in the pursuit of Irrell.ler wisdom and illsighl. youth aged ten to sixteen. Currently oriented toward teaching Judo to primary school children. sode guruma lIme L.I«Y('-wbed nranglC' A strnngle. Facing your opponent. place your right fOn'arm against rns throot and your left. forearm again.-t shonen kltel childrcn', ""lelI Special rules designed for Judo contests the back of his neck, grasp your own right sleeve with your len hand and among deml'ntary school and middll' sehool children. In the interest of thrust the edge ofyour right hand into lhe right aide of his neck, and from safety, the,;e rules add several mort' tWms to the prohiblted actions listed tlus ~ttion 8tTlmgle him by rotating both arms to apply pressure to hill

in the K&!akan ,Judo Contest RuiN, as well 8S revise rules for grappling. fle('k. Strangleholds in particular are subject to Judgements of Ippon b.v prediction of effecti"eness Iii(!(' mikomil that does not require full fand therefore too sode tsurikoml goshl o.I~ lift-p..u hip throw, A hip techntqu~ throw. A dangerous) application. Children's rules do nOt exist within International ..ariant of tsurikoml goshi. in which you use your right hand to hold )'our Judo f"t.'

sh~sha ...inn",; "ictor' The competitor who has won 8 match, See also 50g0 gachl combincd win Stmilar to awase waZB. but the result of 8 haishfl. CQmhmatlOn ofyour own waza an and Wamtngtt given to your opponent.

shosho cC'rtif'icau' of rankJA ct!rtllicale recognizing achievt!ment of a So kalsu (·COnipotiIC· me'thod resuscitation) A re8uscltation method. Place particular kyu or dan rank. the unt:onscious victim on his back and atraddlc him at his knees. one knee down and ont,! knee up. Spread your fingers Ilnd place both palms on his ...n.kyo aa ....iKi [ 122 J I 123 ] Juri..bi

lower abdomen n.nd use them to push his diaphragm from below towarda (shido, chlii, keikoku) for each competitor. his thoracic caVIty In an acceralatmg manner to stimulate moverment and function of the diaphragm, lungs,and heart. This causes a strong sukoa bi5do (JcorcboardJ A boal'd on .... ruch points scored by successful exhalatIOn, followed by inhalation, leading to revival ofcollllCiousness. Tha techniques (koka. yi1k6, WlUa ari) and penalties lshido, ('hOi, keikokul are method delivers considerable pressure through the hands by bringmg the displayed for each competitor. body weight to bear, but the amount of air exhaled is less than with the "inductivt>" method (8880i katllu). sukul nage .coopiog throwl A hand technique throw. From your opponent's side, use both handa to wrap around hIS thigh_ from the front sonkyo no shlsei crouched, squauing postu~ A lIitting position in which lor thrust one hand between his leglt to wrap around his butlocka) to break the knees are bent. deeply 10 a squat and the hips and buttocks are lowered his balance directly to his rear, then scoop him up and throw him o\'er the heels. backwards.

-Sono mama!" ~UoJd pOJitionJI" Call made by the chief referee to suml gaeshl comu duvw1 A sacrifice. Break your opponent'. balance to temporarily sWipend a match while allOWing both competltors to retain hia front or right front corner, then fall backwards, as you do catchmg the their poflitions and grips. indicated \'erbally or b;r placing a palm on each mstep of your nght foot under and behind hiii left. knee or thigh to lift. him competitor. Ul>ed during ground mot{'bes when a competitor seems in up and throw him over your head. danger of injury or in order to deelare a foul. Dissolved by the command ·Y09hi!"'-ContmuerJ. Under International Judo Federation Cont.ellt Rules comer drop A hand te<:hnlque throw. Step to the outside of "Sono mama-is used only during ground matches. your opponent's right foot and use the &tuft.mg movement ofyour body and the action of both of your hands to break his balance to his right rear -Sore mader "FinuJK.d(' CaD made by the chief referee to end a match. comer and throw him down in tbat direction. However, in CIU;eS where a buzzer is used. competitors should end the match the instant the bu%.ter sounds, even if the referee's "Sore made!" Supatsu C6do Sporu Code A set of reguIatiol18 supplemenl1ng the lJF ,-Finisbed1"\ callIS slightly delayed. Contest Rules detailing such areas as activity planning, weight class issues, match duration, and oilier regulationll pcrtairung to eompeLitions. sotai renshO panner Pl7lcUu) Training with a partner. See al50 tandoku renahii. Supi5tsu tnkal (Sporu CommitluJ A specialized committee within the International Judo Federation, responsible for su{'h aetivlties as planning soto maklkoml outer wrap-acolUld throw) A 8RcriIice. FlOBt )'our opponent's IJF competition actIvities, operating and regulating competitions, balance to hill right fronl corner, then release your right grip and tum to conducting studies and surveys,and handling anti.doping issues. the left tAl wrAp your right arm around his right ann, sandwiching it in your right Armpit, causing his body to wrap around yours, and from that surlashi (Jlide Jlepping;. A method or movement in which the bottoms of th., posItion continue the movement to throw him forward. feel brush Iight.ly over the surface of the mat. done to minimize vertical or lateral shifl.ing ofyour center ofgravity. sukoa (score) Total pointll {kukp, yOko, WPla arlo ipponl and penalties tUlegeiko ~ 125] co.i "'0 Qi)al

T taljutsu lwjuuul body t«hoiqoc:s A type ofjiijUtBU emphasizing Brmored tachial match: face-off: confrontation' General term for a combative grappling and throwing techniques. confrontaiton or mat.clJ, originally used in jujutsu and martial art.s to refer to any kind of combative encounter bet.ween individuals, but uRed In tal otoshl body drop A hand technique throw_ Break your opponent's modem KOdo!tan Judo 10 refer to rompetitive match" in general. balance to his right front comer. open your body and tum to &tep in front of hlJl right. foot with your right foot. then use the action of both hands to pull tachl shisei ttanding postu~ One's stance while fighting while Btandlnl!', him down and throw him o\"!~r )·our foot. for example shizentai. shizen hontai. or others from which throws may he executed. tai sabakl d.ody shifting; body contrOl Gt>ncral tenn for movemenl1l used to ~hin the position of your body and change directions in the process of tachi shobu Il;lndinl malch A match that develops primarily through the reacting to ,)'our opponent's techniques Bnd !letting up and applying use of standing techniques /throws). as opposed to one based on mat techniques ofyour O'A'O. tec:hniques. See also neshObu, laisho fifth-round competilors Competitors matched in the fifth round ofa tachl W8za nanding tcchniques Techniques executed from a standing team competition. position. tal wo hlraku ('0 open yOW' body To shin your body outwards in such a tadashll relho (correci criqllenc Or dttorum; proper ulUlation Correct way that creales a gap between Jrou and your opponent. conduct embodying a spirit of t.rue respect for one's training partner or opponent, for example in offering fI bow with the head distinctly inclin£'d in tal wo kawasu LIO shift YOlir body 10 I:VlIde To shift your body to aVOId the the traditional manner. Also, correct actions such as sitting down by ('IfL'Ct8 oryour opponent's technique or movement. lowering- the left leg t'irst. Bnd standing up by raising the right leI' iil'8t. tal wo sabaku hI) shift your body To control the movement. shlfllng, and taljlntekl gino {une-on-one skills) Activities or sports !luch ail judo, kendO IXlsilloning ofyour body. ta.i _ .hi~umenl '261 [ 1271 (okuiwau tal wo shlzumeru lto .sink your body) To drop your own center of gravity in te gatame (hand armlodu A lock. From your opponent's right side, use order to move under your opponent's center ofgravity. vour left. band to reach under hi8 right armpit to gnp his lell. front L'Ollar, at the same time gripping tua right- wrist with your right hand so fIS to elCtend tal wo suteru [10 nCl'.ifict' your body) To intentionally fall or throw down his elbow against the joinl. Alternatively, use one or boLh hands w grip your own body as part of the process ofthrowing your opponent. your opponent's wrist and twist it sround behind him to control his elbow JOlOt. Takenouchl.ryu (Takt'nouchi.ryuJ A jujutsu system founded in June 1532 b_v Takenouchi HisHmon snd currently recognized as bsving the longest Tenj!n Shln'yo.ryu (Ttnjin Shin'yo-ryii) One of t-he last. jUjutsu Ilystems to documented history ofany Japartese jUjutsu system. be formulated, founded hy Iso Mataemon Ryu Kanssl Minamoto no Masatari (died 1863. aged 761 baaed on his study of two older systl'ms, landoku renshu r,olo pnactict) Solo practice using mirrors. etc. for the Yoshin-ryu and ShilJ no Shinto--ryu. It featured many choking andjointlock purpose of perfecting lbrm and other lUIpects of one's own leehnique. See techniques, many of which fonn the basil! for a number of techniques in al!lO sotai re.nshu. KOdokan Judo. tanl otoshl (valley drop) A sacrifice. Break your opponent's balance to his tesabakl (hand mo .. C'm~t) Ways of uSIng YOUT bouds to control your rear or right rear comer. then slide your lell foot past the outside of his opponent. righl foot, or behind both of hill feet, and fall back on your left side to throw him to hill right back comer. te waza (hand tt'ch.niqucsJ Clasliificntion for throwing techniques in which the use of the hands playa a central role. tanren (forgingl lrainingJ Originally a reference to forging metal, in the Book of Five Rings it, is written ~1,OOO days of training is called 'tan-; tokel gakarl (tinlUttpC'rJ Individual in charge of timing matchf!!,! and the 10,000 daJll of Lrainmg is ettlled 'ren'." Refel'8 to strong tflunig designed to duration ofany pinning techniques. foster superior physicsl strength and endurance and refine technique. 'Toketa!~ ("Hold brok~nn Call made to indicate that- a pinned competitor taosu flo throw downJ To throw down or otherwil;e defeat your opponent. has been able to break the hold and free hImself. As a gest-ure. ~Toketa" f "Hold broken!" J is indicated by the chief referee waving his hand 2 or 3 (ura.iglll fou.-..:omcr hold) A hold-down. Sitting astride timet!. your opponent's chest, lean forwllJ'd lo pre8B his upper body down with your chest. toku (virtue,) Superior personal qualities such as self-control. courage, respect for self and others, and proper derorum Blld personal conduel.. all lawara gaeshi ("bag of riet (hrow") A soc.rifice, CSWll:! your opponent'a cultivated through conlltant efforts to examjne and polisb one's own upper body to le8Jl deeply forward, then lean over him to cover bis head essential character and buck with the front ofyour body and wrap both arms lIround his trunk, then sweep his body up as you fall backwards. Lhereby throwing bim over lokui waza (prC'ferrC'd or favorite ttcbnique) Any technique that an your bead to your rear. lOdividual finds parLiculnrly effective and ~herefore uses frC

tokuten hyojl gakarl rscorebond kecpu Individual in charge of posting and withdraw your right foot by bending your knee, then throw him with .II mAtch times And scores on Ole scoreboard. len deallhi harsl.

I toma C1ong.range combalive internl The combative Interval (rna; maal) !sugiashl (shume stepping) A method or movement by steppmg with one used in practicing kata. See WllO chikama, foot, then drawing the other fOOL up LO meet it, then stepping with the 61"11t foot again. Tomita Tsunejlro :T.unejiro Tomila The Kodokan's first 5tudent, conside..w onc of the "Four Heavenly Guardi8.llil" of the KOdokao (along tsuklnaml shlal rmonrh.ly mau::bu Ordinary matches conducted once a with Shiro SalgO, Y08hltsugu Yamashita. and Sakujirii YokoyamaI because monlh at U.e Kodokan among judoists of similar rank for the purpose of of his great skill and strength, In 1887 he eswblisbed the bu Nirnyama dan rankmg. braneh of the KOdokan, Also the father ofTomJta Tsuneo. the Author of the 1942 flO\'el SUgBta Sanshiril. tbnuting stnngle A strangle. Facing )'our opponent.. grip his lell collar willI your nghl hand and thrusl lhe edge ofJour righl hand tomoe "age circular mrow A sacrifice, Float your opponents balance against the nght side ofhis neck to stranglf." him. forward or to.....ard his front comer, then drop backward while placing your right foot on his lower abdomen, pushing him up and throwing him forward tsuku to thrustIstriJu.J To use your lingen>, fista, or elbows LO apply sharp o\'er your head. 15lrikes to yuur opponem.'s body_

tori -dou"1 the tbrower"! Ion The person who Applies 8 throw or olhf."r tsukuri poslUoning; Kt·upJ An action to set up a throw after breaking yuur lecluuque during repetition luchikoffilJ or controlled fyaku.scku I PlllCtice. opponents balance.

foriatsukal tollau joko ....Iebook appendical Supplemental appendices lsupparu 10 brafe ag:Wm aDd mrun a_y) Taking a stance m which one or offering grealer detail on official ndt>book entries, both of your arms are eXlended in sueh a way as to stave off your opponent's 8ltack. torite ,capll....: ....d arre:n.ing t«:hn;quQ Unarmed techmques used to conlrol and capLUre nn opponent (also called tnritejutsu). Also, hisloricaJly used lUI taurl goshl llifting hip Ihrow) A hip technique throw. Reach over your a til1e for law enforeement officials in certam periods. oppanl'ol's nghtshoulder or under his arm with your right hand LO grip the .!ude or rear of his belt and pull him forward to break his balance to his toroku selda lnginradon sytltm) A system of registration within the All· fronl or right front comer, then lill him onto your hips and lhrow hIm over Joplin Judo Federation. Registratioo is divided inlo Instructors snd them Competltors registration, with the latter being further divided into Individual and GrOllp registration, tsurikoml goshl Clift-pull hip throw) A hip technique throw, Use your grips on your opponent's collar and sleeve to break his balance to hIS fronL or tsubame gaeshl ["swallow couDler") A fOOL technique throw. When your right front corner, lhen drop your hips to the Jevel of his thighs, then raise opponent attemplll u right deashi harRi, shift. your weight to your left. leg them again while pulling with both hands to throw him over your hips. _------1 l,Ourikom.u ( 130 ] ( 13J J tsurikomu (10 lift and pull) 1'0 use pulling and lifting movements of the uchlmata sukashi (innu migh "'''ping Ihrow 5iipJ A hand technique tnl'OW. sleeve hand (hikita) and collar hand ttsurite) in order to "noat" your As your opponent attempts an uchimata (inner thiKh reapl. slip past his opponl'nt forward. reaping leg and augment his momentum with a twisting motion of both hands to unbalance him aod irultantly throw him forward. tsurite (It"ollu handl It"allt"hing hand The hand gripping your opponent's collar or lapel. See also hikitl'. ude gaeshl (um ra-use- Informal name for a dasa of unofficial throws executed by reversing the opponent's elbow jomt to break h.i8 bnlance while u sacrificing your own body. Because such throWfl are executed while acting uchikomi 1Itf'C'lition traininsJ The repetitIve application of a parllcular on the opponent's elbow joint, they are not recogmzed all valid. If the elbow technique for the purpose of learning the specific balance breaking, body joint is not acted upon. however. the throw is regarded as a yokowakare lIhlfbng. powor application and athl'n technical aspects associated with it. and counted a valid Often used as an entrance to ground techniques, See al8() kakan ren shu. ude garaml enl2Agtc.d ana lock] A lock. From anyone of several positiong. uchl makikomi li.IuKr wrap-around A sacnfice. From an ippon !leOi nage w.e both arm to entangle one of)'QW' opponent's anns while t'lloiating it to (one-ann shoulder throw) position. IRst.ead of lhro-wing yOUT opponent over the oU18.ide or iOllide to control his elbow j

uki phi { 132 J [ 1331 ..,..k.i w" .himnu

use both legs as if applying kees gatame and raise your upper body to face waist from behind, then from lhat position swing him up into the air to the opponent. Or, place your left. leg across your opponent's neck slld under throw him ooto his back. his arm while you hold his right arm. ushlro kesa gatame rreooCf"K soul bold) A hold·down. A hold lI.imilar to uki goshl (noaling hip throw A hip technique throw. Break your kesa gatame (scarf hold), but performed facing towards your opponent'li opponent's balance to his front or right front comer, then enter shallowly legs instead oftowards his head. with yOUT right hip while wrapping your right ann around hiS waist, and twist to the left. to throw him over and around your hi~ without raiaing ushlro mawarl sabaki [turning to thc rcar) Shiftlllg your body lRO'- by them or bending forward. moving one leg around to your rear and turning your body.

uki otoshl (Roatiol drop A band technique throw. Float your opponent's ushlro sabakl rcar shifting; Shifting the position of your body 90· by balance to bil right front comer, then pull him nrongly downward with moving one leg to the rear and turning your body so that you come to face both bands to throw him in a circle. at a nght angle from your original direction.

uki waZ8 ROaling throw' A sacrifice. Float your opponents balance to hiS ushiro ukemi rcar brcakfallJ Breakfall taken to protect the body when right front comer. then open )'our body wide and extend )"Our left fOOL to thrown to the rear. bid the outside of his right foot, then lOunediately fall onto your left side to throw him over you. utsubuse prODci face-do.....; on n,..,'s nomacb Prone positIon, lying face down on the mat. undlibunka pbpical caJIU", General term for lhe body of hiswrical and lIOCial de\'elopments in sports. athletics, and other forms ofphysical activity utsuri goshl bip uaru;fu) A hip technique throw. A counter throw used as thettruction. Vagi declined age Kano'lI request for instructioo on the one of the tbree elements nceded for a full ippon is lacking; 21 when one grounds of his own advanced age and instead introduced him to the d6,iG of contestant is able to bold hill opponent dOwn for between 20 and 25 Fukuda Hachinosuke. seronds. yakusoku renshu ("oolrolled or -asr~ed-upon' pracrice; Repetitively Wan Kenkyubu IT<ences and c technique is judged "s either effective fyiikol or ineffective ImukG). ofyour right leg to sweep his legs in an uplifting molion For grappling techniques. even if the competitor does not indicate IiUbmission. an Ippon may be awarded based or the teehnique's actual or Vamas!ta Yoshitsugu (Yamil.Jlhila Yoshiuugu (l865-19J5)" The first predicted result., for example actual or predicted loss of cOIUlCiousneSB from individual to receive the rank of tenth dan in judo. He also taught judo at a strangle or actual or predict.ed Joint breakage or dislocation from a the Japanese Naval Academy in Hiroshima and also to then U.S. President jointlock technique. Theodore Roosevelt. He is considcrt'd one of the ~Four Heavenly Guardians~ of the KOdokan (along with Saiga Shiro. Yokoyama SakujirO waza no k6setsu (skill in performing a lechniqueJ Skill in performing Il ond Tomita TSWlejini). technique, one of the criteria uBed I)y referees in cases where a winner must be chosen by decision of superior overall performance. yawsrs (yawaflll llaibililYI grappling) An older term for jrljutsu. referring roko g;Uu: [ 136 1 ( 137] rUse; gaehi

primarily to fonns of grappling. Judo principles lind their origins in the his front o~ right front comer. then drop onto your back or left. side while flexible use of power, referred to in general in the past as "yawara" or extending both legs out in front of him to throw him acroslI your "jujutsu: or ways of lighting generally using short weapons or empty­ outstretched body. handed methods. Yokoyama Sakujiro (Yokoyama Sakujiro (1869-1912») An individual who Csid~ body drop) A sacrifice. Float your opponent's balance to assisted Jigoro Kano in establishing the Kodakan, considered one of the his right front corner, in the direction of his little finger, then break it to "'Four Heavenly Guardians· of tbe K6dokan (along with Saigo Shiro, his right side while sweeping his right foot out from under him from the Yamashita Yoshitsugu, and Tomita Tsunejiro). front using the sole of yOUT left foot. falling with him onto your left side as you do. "Yoshlr ("Conlinuel") Command given to resume a match that has been temporarily suspended by a -Sono Mama!" (-Hold positions!'). (sid~ wheelJ A sacrifice. Place your left ann around your opponent's waist from the side and push with it to break his balance yotsunbal (10 crawl on all fours) To crawl on all fours with t.he hands and forward, then 13Jip your right leg deeply between his legs and drop onto your feet on the maL right side to throw him fOT\vard over your head. yo wo hleki suru [10 cootribul~ 10 50ci~ty) To act in ways that contribute to (side drop] A sacrifice. Float your opponent's balance to his or benefit society at. large, firSt stipulated in 1915 as one of the aims ofjudo right side, then slide yOUT left leg to the oublide of his right foot Ilnd drop training. onto your left side to throw him to your left. yOdansha ["black beh- hoM~r) A judo practitioner holding the rank of yoko shlho gatame (tide-locking four-comer hold] A hold·down. From your I'hodan or above.

opponent's right side, lean over him at a right angle and hold him down lID his back with your body. Pass your right arm between his legs to grip the yuko (yul!Oj efl"cclh'e) In domestic Japanesejudo rules, a call made: 1) when left side of his belt, and psss t.he other arm under his neck to grip his left. a competitor has execut.t'!d a throw that is difficult to recognize as waza ari, collar. then use your chest UI pin him with weight ofyour body. anchored at hut is close enough to deserve lesser recognition, or 2) when B competitor his four corners. haa pmned his or her opponent for at least 20 seconds. Or, in international judo rules, a call made: 1) when a throwing technique is judged to have yoko sutemi waza (side sacrifice techn;qua) Classification for throwing been partially deficient in two of the three elements needed for an ippon. or techniques in which the t.hrower "sacrifices· himself by falling to the right 21 when a competitor is able to pin his or her opponent for hetween 15 and or left. in the PT'OCtlSS ofthrowing the opponent. 20 seconds. yoko ukemi (sid~ brcakfalJ) Breakfall taken to protect the body when yOretsu Cliupc.rioriry and inferioriryJ Dctennination of superior performance thrown to the side. by one or lhe other of two competitors in the course ofa match. (side s~pantiooJ A sacrifice. Break your opponent's balance to vOsel gachl (win by su~rior performance) A way of winning other than by yiiu:i ...ak~ [ 138 , 139 J Zen Nih,," Judo Scn~hukcn Tailui

ippon or by the opponent's defeat by decision. Awarded when ytlU have established in 1949 to handle domestic Japanesejudo atTaint. Incorporated scored a waza. an or your opponent has been given a keikoku, or when you In 1988. have scored n k6kn or your opponent hail been given a chiii. Or. a victory, announced by the chief referee, awarded to the competitor judged to have Zen Nlhon Judo Aenmel lkagaku Tnkal lAlJ-Japan Judo FcdfraLion Mfdical demonstrated better overall perfonnance when all otber match elemenUi Seicncu Commillcc) Committee within the AII~Japan Judo Federation are equal. In International Judo Federation rules the chief referee merely responsible primarily for research and study in the medical and scientific indicates the winner, Wlthoulmdicating that the win is by yiisei gachi. aspects ofjudo. yusel make 10Sl by oppon~n1" superior p~rformanc~ Loss of a match Zen Nlhon Judo Senshuken Talkal Empuor'. Cup All japao Judo incurred when one's opponent has been judged as having given a superior Championship Tournament ronducted on April 29th Cthe birthday of the performance dunng the match. Showa Emperor, now a national holiday), considered one of the most z prestigious judo tournaments in Japan zal lIQu~d POSlU~ A seated posture. zanshln ranaining mind A state of awareness that continues even after throwing your opponent, maintained to allow further action and response should the opponent conunue with a counterattack. urel ,1eI1~ 00... A bow executed while seated. generally from the &e1Z8 po51110n.

Zen Juren Oayo,1 [AII.japan judo Fcd~ruion Nc....lc1tu~ Quarterly newsletter containmg reports and mformation, published by the AIl.Japan Judo Federationt's Public: RelationJJ Committee.

Zenkoku Joshi Judo Taljubetsu Senshuken Taikal (japan Wclghl-Oanc

Zen Nlhon Joshi Judo Senbatsu Taljubetsu Senshuken Talkal [AU-Japan AJI-Slar Wcigbl-Claued judo Champion.hip) A .....eight-classed women's tournament.

Zen Nlhon Judo Aenmel (AlI-Japu Judo Fcd~ral;on) Or~anization 1 [ H:ll [ ]43 J

Judo History

Year Event Event I 1532 Tak~n"uchi_ry", One ofthe o"gi,,, of jiijutsu, was c.....ted. 1956 The Ii... World Judo Champion.hip. "".as hid in Tokyo with p"rtkipanu f,om Jigoro Kano ...... oom in Mobg". Hyiigo Prefecture on OClOber 28th. 'wenty-onc C<}unui"". "" Jigoro fUno founds Kijdol

.hiai. and kohaku .hia; WlL'I added ttl the Koookan'. yearly evcn~. middleweight, hearyweight, and open "a1rgory, becoming the Ii", imernaional

From thi.. yt'V through aoou1 1887 the original forn" of the N~ on Kat. md judo compe,i',on to UK .ueh "weigh, d .... 'ys:'eo,.

KaNnle no Kau Were fonnul'ltcd. '%7 The In'ernauunal Judo hdetauon (IJ~1 Coni,",' Rules were ereated. 1887 )ii nO Kala, Go no Kat;!,. and h.uts" nO Kata ...... , formulafed. '''6 "Koka" was lint added 10 judo competition al the Mon,.....1Olympiad. 1895 Gokyi'i no Waz:a We", formulated al lhc Kodol

1930 The fir.. all-Japan judo com~lilion was held. ( 19411 .)"S'em ..... adopted for the finl timc, including weighu up 10 60. 65, 71, 78,

1938 Jigoro Kano aucndw an In'ema,ion,,1 Olymf'ic Con,m;""" mc..ung in Cai.o ,,, 86,95 kilosram., as weJl as 115 kilogram. and "hove, pin. open Cllfrgory. r'opo~ lha' Ihe 12th Olympiad be hdd in Tokyo. On May 4th, during the "" At the oXoul Olympiad, .he u,le of .he open "".egory was abolished aDd • publie r"nlrn voyage, he died of pncurnuni. while al>oud thc .hip Hil

and kendo from 1>";"1;" prutienl in .school. and rda'nl faeiliu.". 1OOkilogramJ. For girls: 48, 52, .57, 63, 70, 78, and "..er78 kg.

1948 '''e lim po'lW:lr ill.japan judo ehampoin.hip. wu heJd.

19~9 All_japan judo Federation was ""tablishnl.

1950 The &an on judo prae'iee in ..,boob and «:lucd faeili'i"" lifinl.

1951 The ;n.ern",ional judo Federa,ion W>l.!l establi.hd.

19.52 All-japan judo r...k ...uinn joinncd the ("'","na.ional Judo Fnleratioo, and Risei p,"id~, IU"", ,6, "r ","""b", 6=m, e,""',m.,, "r ,h, 1"",,,,",,..1]"d" I Fnlctation. [ J.l4 [ 115 J RepresentatIve Schools of(Japanese)Jo-..Jutsu

Name of SChool Name 01 SChool Takenouchi-ryO Torite The founder .....as Hisamori Takenouchi. Based on Jujutsu KEY: Koshi no mawari ijUjUlSU) I Kosnl no mawari of tht' 16th l:"emuryn532~ Torilc (Seizing&Bindingl Tht It'ChniQues were Koshi no mawari: KOgu90ku; Ken-pO Ken-pO (Chinese-boxing) and Ken·jun.u I'll:". Ken·julSU (Sword-play) I·ai·jmsu {Sword FlourishinKl 5eki-guchHYO JUjutsu Tile founder .....as L'jimune Sekigul:"hi. lijimune learned J.aj.. Kumi-uchi tGrappling, jutsu: I\umiticbi and KeopO. Ihen. opencd the school and Yawara Uujutsu' taught those three disciplines logether ..... ith Yawara: 'iari (-jutsu) (Spear-work) I\cnjutsu; 'iari(jutsu): I·ai(ju~u~ Toriu: and General Bu­ Yomi-Ir.umi--uchi (Grappling in armorl Jutsu. It ..... as tb first 'iChUlIllo u.w the name 'iawara. Atemi 'slrik~l K.am.etsu-waza ijoinl Iocbl Jilti-shin-ryu ~ The founder was \lasa·yori l--no-ue who 6-U1blishcd it in 1724 It ...."1l!I lhe firM scboDl of jiijutsu 10 U!'e the {erm Kodokan. ,\11 japan Judo Federation addressi judO_ 1.1&Xl. Kasuga. Bunkyo-ku. Tok)'o T \12.{)ooJ

KitG-fyu Jujutsu Tik founder .... as Sen<;ai Ibaraki. His foremoM pupil ~ras Sulr.enaa:a Yoshimura. in whose lime there ""as St\ .. upldt-\i"dllil 'Omute and 7 lOra' Yoroi·kumi-uchi forms. \Jtcl"'Allfds jigoro Kano. who eo-tablished KOdokan judo, The ChalrmanlHead 01 The tnstitute 03(3811)7156 03 (3818) 4543 learned tht":>C {onus and pre5enred them in his Kadokan The International Activities Planning ­Section KO'JJiki no lulla The Intemattlonal Activities 1st Section 03 (3818) 4561 The Intemauonal Activities 2nd Section 03 (3818) 4172 YO-shln-ryu JOjutsu The founder wa~ Yo"hitoki .o\kiyama. When he wenl The GenetaI Affatrs Section 03 (3811) 7152 China to '!tudy medicine. YoshilOkl learned Torite and The Tmasury Accounbng Section 03 (3818) 417'9 :lfter refuming to Japan made known 30J tricks skills. The Editonal Department 03 (3818) 4191 03 (3811) 7154 Thrre \11:11. ""ide dis.<;eminalion of th(' tricks through the Deliverative Council of Dan Promotion TOI<,uka branch of the school and from \Ieiji 18 10 22l1f1.85. The Museum & lJbtaIy 03 (3818) 4562 1889ltbcy wtre used at the polkc martial-art.!! mcttio~ by The Promotion Department 03 (3818) 7155 tht" ('lamt') Totsuka branch. against tht- Kodok:ln The Dojo Intl\Jcton Section 03 (3818) 4171 participants. The Oojo Users Reception Countef 03 (3818) 4893 The BlIdlng Maintenance Cootef 03 (3818) 8787 Ten-jin Shin'yO-ryO Tht founder was \Iasatari Iso who made thi!> srhool by The Osaka Intemational Judo Center 06 (6961) 0640 03 (3818) 4199 Jujutsu combinin~{parts of) both Yo-shin ;lIId Shin-no Shlll-to All Japan Judo Federation ..chools. There ware It·l tricks consi5lin~ largely of nlcml All Japan Judo Federation Registration Depattmeot 03 (3818) 4630 aud kaI1SClsu-waza. jlKQro Kann. aftCr karninl-: lhe Tcnjirl Judo FederatIon of Tokyo 03 (3818) 4246 Shinyo rrllt'rtoirt' Crom Haehi-nu-Suke Fukuda and All Japan Students Judo Federation 03 (3818) 1581 l\lfl!>atomo Iso. thereupon ~I uP(his) Kodokml Judu. All Japan Boys Judo Association 03 (3818) 4264 [ 146 r 117 J Vital Points Names for Judo Uniform Parts

TentCi (Buregma) Front view(side) Back view(side)

Uta (Naison)

[:;-~at:::::::- Kasumi (Temple) ® r Kachikake .fL--- Dokko (Chin) __.,1"-../ (Mastoid Process)

JinchO (Philtrum) & \

8 \

Suigetsu $ (Solar Plexus) 1l' DenkO (Ren) ------I­ --4c-\--~ Getsuei ,,/ I MYCiiCi (HYPQCondrium) (Apparatus Urogenitalis) / @ ~C---~br+-Tungane (Testicles)

I Ushiro eri..Rear Collar 9 Migi SodeguchtaRight Sleeve Cuff 2 Hidari Yoko eri>

Classification of TechniQues

JllUId ,w.n;q".,.(Tr wua}-Scoi nagc Tai ouWU IU.. gurum. Sub; lUll" Uki oloshi Sumi 0t0w.; Obi ",osh; Scoi olmhi Yama ....uhi MOn)lr pri Kuehiki 11lO~hi Kibi,u gaohi Uchimua ~uwhi 1i.ouelli pohi IpponllK<>i ..age Hip o!!L Loin lC'Chnique:o(Koohi WUA)-Uki p,hi Ophi K",hi guru..... T.urikomi KO~hi Hani

phiTAlri pbi Har><: &"",Ioi UlSUri p~1oi U...... gm10i Ow age SOOt uunk"mi g*i Leg &. FIMII lrc:h.iq...,.(Adti wual-Dca.hi harai Hi"", guno_ SasH tauru...mi ..hi lhol0l"ri Ouchi gari K_,o pri Kdudli pri Olwri ..... Ilani Uch.imala K_" pU A.hi gunun:a Hani U~hi T$uhame e-hi Ou.:hi pcb! Haae phi pahi H.noi phi s-:-bi lk:h.i.nu:1::I gacslU

SupilOC or Rev...... me.: Itdlniquc:o(Ma .UI"'; waD)-T_ ...s.-; paloi Un ... Hikbmi S...,.ifia: .ce:....iqua(SUlemi waQj petbi Ta..-an. palU 'ide sacrifICe IK.....aa Y"I<" gue OalU .....un UdU -kikomi Kin. buami Owl" ...... iL>mi Ucbimala makiko..i Han.i makikomi IUwuu pkc(_wrilMldc..I

KlUun 10.... p""""' Kar:a pWDt Kami .hibo g:o_ KlClu", ...... i .bi.... plamC Y,"", .bib" p""""' TalUeib" pume Kaa galaJDt o,;am' jUj' jime C"u... jiij' jimr Kau jiiii jime Hadabj....e Okwi ai lime Kalab. ji..... Do jime I-rorbidde:a) SOOc p"""" jime Kauu ji...., Rf".r jimc Tauk...... i jimcSanluku jimr Cdc g,u"me Udcb~ip-jUj' g.>

....u; p_ Udchw.igi-ban gaUIDC AW pn.IIliC-£orbiddco,) Udd!.ublgi_bl pw.c Uddoi.higi­ .c plame Udebisbigi-sankal". plaJDt

y..b~ki alr-Tuki duh; RyOgart I.ntlci Suri age KGb...bi ale-Na"amr ale Yo"" "te Ue ale T.uki "I'" Ship uuki U.him l.Ouki U.hiro ~umi u ....i T.uJd kakc Yollo ucbi U.hiro ncbi U~hiro ""hi T~llIna ale-Kin aro.ei Naoamc uero ~lr·Uthiro Slriking Imniq"Cfo(Alrmi wau) Hiji ale


The locations of the KMl5kan. All Japan Judo Federation, Universities. etc. r 00b1O tnhtrSit~

TaboU Hoon lnr.rn;il) I n KallilZav.-a wututr of Ttrhnolog:,- K)'UShu SraDg)'o I ainn;it) Toboku WuilI [ni\rrsif} \kita lni\ersit) Fukuoa lai\-ersity of Education j SeIllW ColIe~ \kiu [ni\l'T~IY Saitatn3 [ni\tMY F'ukuob institule of Ttch~' Eruoomic:. Tokuyama lnh-enit) ud Lall. ::::0 lbanki t ni\'i~n;il)' Ob)-ama Sboka t'ni\trsit)' of Twkuba FuktlOllla [nher..ity K·.u§hibn iyutJoU Kaw hhtrsit)' IJnhersit)' I nil'!-nit~ \Ieiji [nr.tl"SltJ \lbtiD [nh-trsrty ChIlO l ni\enity Kodob.a. Judo Ill$litule' \0 }apallJudo FedmniJa· .\1 japalllodustr} Judo fHltntiJa· ,.\D Japan Studfllt Judo Ftdmtj,a· Tnkyo PlD:e\cadrm)' \ippcIl Budokan

~~======Tuk)OJunttlldoGakugeilnr.ersil)'l'nh'eNt) ~ The l'ni\ersit)- of ToIl)'1! ---- Chiba t ni\a~t) ----- Intrru.ationa1 Budo t'nl\-cl'SIl) \ippon Spun Srienre [nhersit)' Taku!JJoku l"niw!>il)' \ationaJ Dtfentt ,\eadem)' Waseda I niwrsil) Keio Yokohama '\ational t'ni\Crsit}· t'ni\ersil)' [)aitn Bunka t'Diversit) Toin l'niH'rsit)' of Yokohama Kokugakuin l;nivcroity Teikrn l'nil'l'rsity Tokai t'nhernty • Yamanashi Gakuin tlnilersity 152] [ 153 )

Japanese AJpbabel Japanese numeral

;;, .- .; '- i; I H; ichi aho-dan • i • • 0 , oi ni-dan ' If < It If < If J "~;.. ~ san-dan . ~ (~ ru(yon).dan .. ,. ,. "- go.' ~ go .. g. • L ;.. shi(yonl go ...... ~ L T -!- ,. t: f -If f' •6 "< ~k. roku-dan p shi ,. g" ~ u ji ,. u w , L; ~~l shichi(narul.) $hichi(nanal-dan I, ; ., -C t I' t; -; -r ~ g Ill:;, ....i hachi-d...n ~ (t.:4--) rolw-jii ,." yu y. Lt,t.:,o,-) dUchi-jii{oUl;l-jiil ~ .. j, g. Ii ~ t.: '" -) h...chi-jii " " ~ ri ~ ~ '. kyii-jii " .. .! .. "'Jt:4., l> •• r '00 (}.< h"'. ~" .; ~ ;.. - '000 <>-;.. gO ....oo I "fI.. ichi_mסס1 0 ~~, ~.. ~. E' ~·41 ~.t kya kyu kyo gya gyu gyo L~ L41 L.. L~ I.: .. t.:.:.: sha shu sho j. i· j. t,-<, ~ t,l. cha chu cho 1.:-<, ::....:.; nya nyu nyo V'-<' V''4I lh v:~, U'4I rh V'.~ (I'll> rh hya hyu hyo bya byu bro pya pru pro Ji.~ hot/> },.l. rnya rnrumro fj-l;> ',. "" ryu ryu"" [ J54 1 [ 155 J

fJ~~.. ushlro ukemi) 12 J'IIA.~h.IUli [osaekomijikan] ..··.. ·.. I[i -&$ {oasshuku 1 ..·....···....···.. ·.. ··.. 18 [1I-f>lIiQI ••itli (ushiro kesa gaUme '12 1QIA.~hMttt.: (osaekomiloketa] ""··15 ~l:ti: [kappO; ·································\8 U (ushlrogoshll ················· ···12 JP~Ji (osaekomiwaza) ··.. ··············15 .~ (kanl basaml1 ····.. ·....·· ...... ·..\8 ril,) fJ ~ IJI ~ (Ushlro sabakJ ...... '12 1lPA.~{; (osaekomu ·....················16 aMi:lilillS rkanoJllIoro.: ···.. ·.. ········.. 18 .~lePJliIt [ushlromawarisabaklJ "'12 J\I;t~ (osa6ru) ··,························16 au kanllluku.l ························18 -&1lIlI :iI1lU: .... ·······W IT5;&h fuctlikoml)···········.······.. ····12 flPT osu] ·· .. ································16 aM ~kanO IWJ ·· ..····· · ····· .. 18 Mlf£IM't .altawoselSU' ·····..·· ....··10 ~.~ [uchl maklkomL .. -....12 ernt!/it :onore no kansei .....·..·······16 flit;! 'Il;amae, .. •••....•·•··•·· •·.. ····18 fllfl••'tQ 'aJlewosoncllOsun,("'J(l ~Ii -uchlnlata _, ·········.. ·•···.. ··13 .1I (obi otoshl_ ·······•···········.. ······16 J:l!!lnlll kamlsMlogatame ···.. ·······18 ml!!l? 'aiyOls.U' .•....•••••••••• ·········10 J*lItJi (uchmlaU gaeshl.' •······..••••··..·13 lI-.ii :otMlongaeslli· ..·········....······16 )lIJ{) ckaru, "'18 JIlliillt 'aomuke ······-·······..···········10 ~UTIJ'L. uehimatasukaSlIl ·········13 iif.... kawazu ga1Ie) ·•···•..·.. ••• ···18 1/;-;- aklllll'IMil ••••••••••.•••••.••. ···1 0 -"'f . J*l1i.~ .uchimata malQkomil •..•• "13 afI;!j :kangelkoj··..··..···········..······18 '~"JO .IE. as/llgaramf:···················· ~?}:-tt utsubuse:······-····...·······.. 13 _.!ltt kansetsu waza ··················19 ~. 'ashigurumal _···_·················10 If. :utsunllQShl' ...... • ·.. ····13 1111: kalkyO ···••••.. •·••••··········•••.. ···16 Ii. kanlOku ······••·····•····•··..•..····19 .lEtt ,lSIllwaza -., ·····.. ·····.10 Iiii cudegaeslli ••·..··..·····_··..····..·13 ii-it:J*lJI [08110 rwgoJ ·····················16 !t-&~\ 'kiai -·······..······················19 .w.fi atemlwm ·········.. ····.········10 .. ~Udf!garam._ ·······••··•••••••·••••.. ··13 iiL..Ji kaes/IlwazaJ •···.. ···_····..····16 ~C7). kllro no /uta. ·.. ···············19 Zl.50 IJ 'aturl -.. ' .. ·· ••···10 libll ': udeIlish'Ol ;Wlj galame ...... 13 ii.... kaesu ·································16 aft 'ktken. ·····•···.. ······················19 4<'-"£ 'iI)'UlTllaStll ··-·······10 Jiblll _udet1tstugIuoegalarne '-·"13 ••it If.lgarrntNrakI $hIla ···············16 aU5 klkenoachl_ ''''19 '8"it-r-* awasete lppon, ···········10 1I:!t=:J11i1 [llli!IIistI9sanwuOiQme "'13 .!Jo1)lf....: kaIW1geikt); ·····•···•..16 JtllitllUI 'killen chiUI, · ··············19 '8"hitlt 'awasewaza~ •..••.• ··········10 1tit!+*1II :1ldeIusIIIlI1 iu, oatame "'13 1J'#.j•• kabnreRShii •···•·••···••.. 16 .SI; k1set\ ,····-·······.. · ··········.. ·19 anzen chilaL •..... IO 'Rt.. Il!!¥-II :l.Ilk:hlS/llVlle gatame ·········13 t&tt kakugl ·································16 An. glSOk3gelU ·.. ········....··19 1i~.tI ... l~ltlIbotsunetoshi ·········10 IlUIlII "lldetrIshIgIllaragatame: ····.. 14 MIl~it kakUgI kecsh*l1 ···············16 gJII~ kJlll'f)'1J ······ ·················19 alE. ISO tnaSatomo ...... ·.···.-11 Jibllll ~UlJetushigitwoatarne.' .... 11 M. :kalwtll ....·········•····•·········..16 ttl! :gmOi .. ·••••....· ···········.. •..·19 -a-iI. 'issIlInl11al' ,·..················-11 .UliI 'lJlletuslltglW3Jagatame ,···..11 t&.~it .kakulO keJshIlci •·•••••.. ······17 !tift kihitku ·········.. ······················19 1iQ)~ ·······.··········11 I1SIttsUnokau alii .ura gatame, •························.. 14 !lttillf kaki!I1I08' ························17 .ii (lobIsuoaeshlJ .. ··-·····.. ··········.. 19 -1I*fit lppan shllQYOsha ..•.• "·11 aN 'uranage' ·····.. ···1·1 .tHI! ,kakel1lkll ··.. ·······.. ·.. ········17 .*Im' klllOOdOsa ····· ····..·••..·19 lppotl ···••.. ···••••• ••··· 11 il&')~ -* _:2:ft CundO bunb II IItt~ kakefU ·········-····················17 bmele 21) - *II ~ IPpoll oachl .....••.....• •.. ····11 *a;t eJs!lO'/l) , ······14 lI:!. kala ••••....••··•····•·•••..·•···•···••..··17 tlo)~ 'klme no kaui ·······•··· ······20 'IJI9On sMbII 1] -*_. 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(,phll:' ..·..·....·.. ·· .. ·.. ·.. ···..•.. ·····28 'kuzure IlaITll stuftO gatame ....•.. •..····21 [t

3t"Tg floshlbuJ ···························30 ...? (seouJ ·····.. ·.. ··33 f*~ "'bi" lIal wo kawasu) -:IS ~?~~ (Isupparu;·· .. ••..•.. •.. ·· .. 38 _4'fliS (shocyiJ geikoJ ··················31 fJIt1~ft. (sellltyokuteki sen'l) ·····33 1* £- ~ It< ltal wo sabaku) ..•·..•··• .. ···3.'> ~)S (Isubamllllaeshi) ·· .. ·..38 t.. 0;:~ (shlrukokaj) ·····················31 .... (sengen) ·· ···· ··33 1*t-itl')g Italwoshizumeru :!5 tt;_ [!Sufi goshl: •.. •.. ·· · 38 87-:1 [shiro tepu) ················,,···31 -*ti (senkoku) ··· .. ·· .. ·· .. ·.. ·33 f$tM"t"g Tlalwosutem) • 35 I!J~ (Isunkomilloshl :Yl I .II~ (sin!llkai) ····••·•···••· .. •··•·• .. &lSI*-r~Jl1*.ljIJil:i¥tI*4- fit;:flNJ< (talwohlraku) ·· 35 ttJllil!.t; [tsurikomu) •..••• ·.18 ···31 ••;&-••" (shinllikal shlngnn"1 •••.. ·]1 Ie/lkoku jOsllI judO taijijtle!su saoshuken talkal "'33 \fl. (I;lOSU) •••·.. •.. •.. ·30 ttJI}.J- (Isurita ..·· ....•.. •.. •• ·· ..38 'l.'Jt1* (shin III tall •·..····················31 ~~;&r.;J:. 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(yOdanshaJ ··· ·····.. ··········49 tii>IJ .wauarl ····•··..····.. ··· ·····51 ./iJIj lhansoku, 13 [ 1] 11:1; (yfiretslI] ············• ••..••· ..-19 tii> IJ 'A'hit'C-* tiJlI.S haosoku gachi ········13 !I§.:I Cyoko ulcem!J ··· • ··········49 wazaarl awastle lppoo ·· .. ········.. · 51 till'JAI1 hansollumake •..·..·•· .. ·· .. 13 ~fH' rmaai) .. ·.. ··············.. ··..·16 ttlllI (yokO oloshl: ············.. ··..···49 tiilf,,=g (waza kenkyObuJ ········.. · 52 ¥-iif. (hanllach! shlseU ····· ··,IJ Jl'f~. (mae ul(emi) "16 !I$ [yokO gake ····· · ······19 lto>l1:II. (waza no kOkaJ ···..······.. · 52 "~ hamen·.. ·.. ·.. · 13 llrMi! (mae sabaki ····.. ··.. ·..· 4li til. (yoko gUrtJma' ·············· ·..·..·19 1i00I'5fl1l (waza no kllselSu) ··•··········..52 lll:iE.'S 'Ilanltll gachiJ ·· ..····.. 1:) -.ttliilIJil. [maemawariukemi ..·······16 fll!!I1;lII ryoko shihO galame] 19 lio>•• fwaza no shlnwll ..··....···....52 B7-ri!:"A.~. 'tll!il1jlli! (maemawansabakl1 •· "..16 tlMi:l1i (yoko sllteml waza) •.. •..49 IitbHt~ rwazawokakeruJ ·······.. ···52 (bl ralSllnsu shlnpan·m ····13 #il.tf (makikcml waul ..···· ··.. ····16 M111lJ.",;;:!IS [yokO)'ama sakujiro] ·········19 lit tl':hT (wan wo ""wasu' ....····.. ··52 lAS ~ fhiklasl!l .....·..· ·· .. ·..·· ·1.1 -9'ilti\t· lmaklkomuJ ·....···.. ·.. ····· .. ·16 Itt~ [yoko wakaroJ ..·········.. ·····.. ·.. ·49 162 J [ 163 1

diirii yakuin (d5;o directolS; ...... ·....··70 gokaku gtllko (trainlnll among equals ···73 [ENGLISII] [el dolll falling togelher, a dOlilall' ·····..··iO 110 no un (reacllVtl iAillatlVe) ······.. ·..····73 lIyaku liilljlme (Al chiuma [E] (reverse cross strallllle...... ·············73 [close-range combatIVe interval •···.. ····_·67 gyillil no shlnl [supine posture: ..·······73 afurl (to loelle -.. ··········6-1 cbiun no mochllkata ellJlsem shlnpan·ln aill wo nisli (conlrol the opponent, ······64 'wayoluSlngpowerj ··········_··,······,···61 A·llCensed releree) ...······.. ·,,··.. ·········70 [Hl Ille wo sancho IUfli dlfmu dabrti -team doctor .. ·············61 Eisho-II (ElsllO Temple]··········....·······ro 10 respect one'S partn8t. ••••••••. " ,- .•-··64 Chin Gen-Pln eriblsu -lapel" method resuscitatlOrt I"-ro III!tau lime naked or bare stf'3flllle ,,,73 .lyolslil lGlNn Gen-PIII/Chen Yuan-Ping Itairel a formal. reYeren1 bow •.. ·········13 alyOlSU: tace-oH WIth matched stances •..&1 (1587-1672)J ·······················,···67 [F] biriDta 'W'iJY 01 enlering ••••• •••••• .. ··73 IllII ,eleree's SlQnal ························64 cllobrftsa .standing straight ·····..·····67 lIIi_ tukkllsuse. ;repethage match "'7.. au ItPIi red tape ························64 cllOnl ryokll ~COOf'lfinallol'; .... ·····.. ···61 tudoshln immoYablespuil' ···············70 -Kalimll· ·Begm!" ...·················74 anan tbilll ~So)fetyzone •••••.•••.•••....•&1 chon no sIllse/ FukUda Haehlnosuke Itandaclli shisei lomllk, ~long-tkJf"iI1Jon Siltlng posture •.. ········67 Fukutla Hadltnosuke (1827-1879)1 •···..71 ~haIf-slandmg posture ··....···············i-l ~suptnll: face-liP, on one'S back.: ,- . ····64 dlugOShl -half·f3lSed lIrps. ····••·•••.. ···67 tukastlll iSSISWlln!lereesl ········_·--·_·il hanl IOshl hip spong ..·····•·..··..······i.. nlll praml :leOentanglementj············64 ehiilostlllNl sbisel half·raISed lUllS: ···68 fukllsbi loolth·round competitors] ······71 Ilane losllilaesai aul plJme ,leg lock .•...... ··········65 dlii .chui; warnmv ························68 Illmikomi ~stePPinginl ···············..··..71 .hip SPMll COUfItel ·•••..··················74 _II/ruma lleg wt1eeI ··················00 etliiku third-fOUnd compelJlors ·········68 luri ·appearance...... •...... _.....j1 IIanl maldkoml 1$111 WIll 1001 aoo leO teeI1rlIQues' ••.• "65 Illsegu to prevent •••········•••••••••.. ··11 spnnglflg wrap-around tluow1 ······..····74 111m! wall .stnklllg techniques ········65 [0] lisen lIadll Win by defalJlIj ·····_·········71 unln 'tospllOQfjumpl ··················i4 awu,t, IpPIHl 'combrned one point "'00 1IIII0lladll IlInsote loul: VioIalJo(l, ••• ·············74 Iwn waR jlOInt by combmallOO •"'65 dlha" ripe dlifl [doublllltpeChaOe '·68 WIn by inJUry by opponenO ········71 IIlnsolr:alldtl [WMlbydeclstoitl .....-•..j4 Iyumladll "natural wallung style ·········65 dillryiiseo rrepreseotatrves match _...fi8 milo malll lIansotu mike DII Hihon Butokuul loss by trt!llcbon of illjUry' ······72 .tlal1SOkU make: oeteal by lIectsIon ······75 [Bl ,.Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society ·68 hlnlel :JOOOemem ······..·········.. · 75 d1k/age :lugh hft .... •••··•·············.. ··68 [G] hantel gaehl r WH! by deaSlOIL is batsugun laklllilsll s~ll.n lIak/ageru [to hull and Irlt up) ···.. ···.. ··69 lIara lallme 'slomach lOCk ••·••.. ••• ..···75 Jflstanl promollon by llre&mmence ·····65 dn/olon galli naillo llalJllIOSlI1 :hlpsweepl····.. ···········....75 bl rals.nsu shlnpan-In ,to ltuO amI 11ft up Ulen Ihrow down] ······69 I - Softness wnltaul, strength within" ~ ······72 lIaral goshltleslll B-liCensed releflll!' ••.••••.•••••••.•.•••.••.• ·f,fj lhlk! walculi' rear trunk turnover I ·,····.. ,69 lIakko ludD (schoolllldo) ·..··········,·.. ·72 hip sweep counterJ ····.. ·.. ·······.. ·....·i5 bogyo .IIlul [defensive posture) ·········66 IIln" (dan rankinglleven .. ·.. ······•.. ····69 Gakko Killohn haral maklkoml buda [budo martial way) ··....·....·····..66 lIanlalsen (team competitIOn; ··.. ····69 KO(lokallJudo SChool) ····..·····-.. ·· .. ···72 (hlp sweep wrap'around throwl .. ··....·.. ·75 bugl (marMllethnlllues) ,...••....,.•.....(,6 lIeashl (lorwardllead 1001 .. ·....··· ·.. ·69 lIasshuku (traIning camp) ··.. ··.. ·.. ·······72 haral tsurlkomllshl buJutsu [martial skills ·.. ·66 deuhl haral (forward loot swup) .,." ,69 lItlnryo (Weight loss] ·.. ···..············....72 lift·pullfoot sweep1 ·· ..·····.. ·· .. · ····75 bushldij tha way 01 the warnor) ·..•••· ..00 debana (lnstanl of opportunity J ····.. ···.. ·99 gino rskill: excellence; ··.. ·.. ··············72 halJu (to sweep) ··....·.. ····.. ······· ·76 denko keljlban (electronic scoreboard) .. ·70 glso kogeki (feigned attacklngJ ·..···....··n hala signal flag) ·· .. ·····.. ·...... ······..·76 diijlme [body scissors: !TUnk strangle) ·..m 1I0gi rconsultation: conference) ··········..73 hBljoshln (evaf'{fla~ mind: calmness) '''76 [ 1&1 1651

henka lUlU kala gelko llO change to switch teclllliquesl ·········76 [..JJ [K] lorms training: fOfmal exercises) ·· ..·86 henka wan (Cham;Je technlqueJ ·········76 kata t1uruma (shouldllr Wheel) ·····87 I hfdarl]llloial r1ete defensive pos\llre: "'76 jigo hontal (straight delerlSNe posture) ···80 kachlnuklsen elimination matches) -.. ···83 kataha Ilmll (Single-Wing slrangle) ······R1 hlda,lklkl [left-Mnded) .. ···..··············76 jlgolal idelensive posture) ··················80 kachlnukl shlal katahlzatsukl no shlsal hldarlrhlzenlat Oelt nalul'lll pasture) "'76 jlho :second'round competJIorsJ .. • 80 'ellmlnalion matcl!eS; 'winner-stay'up" I.one knee down posture) ····_· .. ···87 hlklashl (pulllKl IDOl) •••·• .. ·················n jlkan IlIme) tlQ matches] ···········83 kala lii]1 time hlkldasu (10 draw forward) •··········.. ··n Ilku ashl Ipivolleg: support leg) •· •..80 kaeshl waza counter techniques) •··• .. ·..83 thalt cross-handed strangle ·····•·.. ······87 ttlkikom\l .to pulllntoJ •····· .. ·············n lita kyoel kanu to reverse. 10 counter.llIack) ······&1 Katame no Kata (GrapplinG Formsl ······87 "lkUe [sleeve hand; pulling hand) ·········77 (mutual prosperity lor sell and others) "'80 kagamlbirakl slllki katamaru [to pin; to hoil! down1 ...... ·..S7 hlkitsuklru rio pull ···············.. ·······71 J!yo gelko I!ree trainlng1 .... •· ...... ••....80 kallamlblrakl ceremony)·····················&1 kalama waza lllrappllll\l techniques, ······81 hlklwake {hlklwake; adraw; alie. ·········77 llyo renshu (Iree pracllce) .. •.. ·······.. ····80 kalkyii lwelght classificatlOnJ .... ·.. · ·8-1 katata lime [one·handed slranole] ...... 88 hlkkomllllBlhl /Ollal {area perimeter zone) ...... •. · ··80 kakarilleiko (repelltion lralOlng] •..· ·8-1 kawuu gake (pullinll-down sacflflce throwl ············Ti /Ogalglwa farea penmetel •·· .. · ·····80 kakarl ransllii trellllllUon tralnlngJ •· .. ·····2.1 ["Kawazu' drop: slOg~·leg entanglement) &\ httu to pUll' ·································77 lonal 'ar" Intenor) ·•....•·.. •·· ·....81 kake (appllcallon; execulionl ..·..•..•..•· ..&1 kelbl na luslrii mUd Inlury) ··· ...... •· 88 hlneru [to twist) ••·•···········••·•.. •.. •·•· ..n liisakl ,upper seal; seal 01 hOllor ·········81 kakehlkl kelbl na lhan (mild Infraction) ······.. ••..88 Itizi gatame knee tock) .. ············..··77 Joshlbu (Woment's S!cllon ···············81 tactics; strategy. manel/Vllflng _.&1 keljlllakarl (scoreboalli keeperl ·········88 hln lIururna (knee wlleell ···•············..77 joshl judo rWoment's Judo] ·• .. ••• ····81 kakenlge kelll~ii tOkel (timeclock, .. ······•• 88 Ilyorl iIIal rfro", and back as one) ••··•••.. 7A judo (jUdO'. ·•·•••• ..•·• ..•··••···········• ·8J avoiding [ectlOlque applicallOnJ .•...... g.j kelko (trainInG: pracHce ·...... •..·_· ·88 jiidiigl kellsa (1llspecliOIl 01 uniforrnsJ '··81 kakUlli (flGhtmg: combati •.. •...... •.. •....801 kelko hajlme [I] judo Ichldal (a judo lite) .... ··············81 kakulo thand·[o-hand IIl1htlng) ······_·_···85 (1I1e first training altha year ,...... •. ········88 liidolln ra Judo man; a judo person) .. ····82 kamae (stance; posture) ~ kelkokll kelkoku: serious warning) I\X lduri [kneelfng Of seated tBChniQues) il!. judo kyiishl (lul1o IrlStructor) ···············82 bml shlhii lIalame kelsllo shochl (minor treatment) • 89 IIkllbo TSlineloshl :Tsunetoshlllkube: 78 judo no rlnen t[he Ideals of Judo1 .... ·····82 .upper lour-eorner hold' 8,0; kenke YOllu Inasu (te parry, 10dedGe; te sll/l away) '''78 Judo ron kangelko (midWinter training.! ············85 (kenka yolsu: lace'off usmg opposlOg Ippon (judO theory. discussion. & InveslIgationl •..82 kanl bauml lSClssors throw, •.•.....•. "85 stlnces) ·.. ·····89 [lP/lOO; one pom[: acomplete point •..•..78 Judo selshln ltll! Judo splril) •...... ········82 Kana Hal lKanl! Cupl ..·.. ·············•..85 karlhanasu [to IrJck olf) ··•···•.. ··•...... 89 Ippon gaclll (a win by Ippon) /9 jiijl gatama (cross lOCk] ·········· •.. ·82 Kana Jilloro keru [0 kick] ····.. ··89 Ippon make [loss by Ippon1 ···············79 liijutsu (julutsu ··········.. ·....•· .. • 82 JlgOTO Kano (1860-1938) ·············..85 kesa lIatame (scarl holdJ ·.. ·•• ··8.CI Ippon seol nage lunda selshii Kana JUku Kano Academy} 1\6 klal (kla/. concenlratlon 01 spltitJ ·········89 {one·armed shoulder ltlrow J·.. ············79 ("Victory by follOWing tha true path" J....··83 kanselsu waza [joint techllIques •• ···86 klblslliaeshl (lleel trip! $ Ippon shilbu [Jppon match) ···,.·...... ·79 Jii no Kala kantoku klhaku [splnt: vigor, go·ahead) ····•·· ·89 Iso Masalomo (Forms 01 Gentleness & FleXibility) · ··83 director; manager; SUpllJVIsorJ ....·.. ·· .. ·M kihon don basic movements) .. •·· ·89 lisa Masatomo (1819-1881)) ······...... ·79 Jii no rl principle 01 IlllXibllltyJ ······· ·83 kappii {resuscltatron lethnlquesJ •··· ..···86 kllro no heta (yellow lIag: ·.. ···.... • ·90 Isshln Ittal (back and !Orlh ·....•.. ·······79 jii yoku 00 wo salsu karu ,to reap) •·•······•··•········•··.. •...... 86 kiken Withdrawal due to IIl!ury)············90 Itsutsll no Kala nne FIve Forms) ··•·· .. ·..79 [skilltul application of fleXibility to defeal kala klken chllai {l1angerzone) •·· ....••·•· .. ,···00 strengthl ·····83 Itorms, lonnal exercises, panern Pf1lclmJ ···80 klken gachl kala gatame ,shoulder hold ········.. ·•.. ·86 (victory by opP0rl8nI"S Withdrawal' •·· ....·'00 166 t J [ 167 kime [complele apPlication i .•90 Klme no Kate (Klldo!can International Judo Center1 ...... 93 toshl wua [hlp techniqlles) ·.. ·97 kyOSll1 tlI11h kneellllll posture) ············100 kiidiikan e·sata 1I0tllsai Jlldo Sen!i kyusho (vrtal palm 1lJ() [Daclsive T@(hOlQueForms) · 90 kosoto gah 'small OilIer hook) ············97 fKo dllkan Q·saka lnl!mal/ollal Judo CtIlter I ...9.1 klmele [deciding pain!] ··· 90 tosolo gar! (small OilIer reap] g; Kadokan YUdanshatal tlnu (sublle differences i ..••••••••..••••..90 kOllclllgaeshl (M] tlnshl Jlto Kodlikan Black Belt Assoclatlonl 9-1 small inner reaptng throw countet ·.. ···97 tOllan katsu kOll~lglrl ~smaD I combative 100 .prohIbited or lllegaJ actilHl; in'fIC!JOn J •.•91 Inner reapl ············97 maal Interval ·············.. C·leshcle" restoration methodJ .... ,...... •Y.I non tlnslliwaza -prohlMed l8c1\niQues) 91 touclll matlkom! madll da"l"alp",,,··!elocal Il..,.. j ·········100 tOlletl ~attackmoJ ·····•···...... •..94 ~ t1roku lIautl :recon:l keepel I •••••.••••. '91 smalilnoer wrap-around throw .··•·•.. ·97 mae mawarl sabdl togetl bo IlYO ~ till 'IOtun •·•··· 91 laIellltl laoslll lllming 10 me front ························101 .altacking and lJelendingJ 9-1 orlll·handed thrOVMtown, ,,...•- ··97 tiS" (irlItlaW&-tlklng lorestal~ng '!l1 mati mawarilltlemi togetl dOli al1acJ( movements 9-1 KIt;·"i klllHyiil 91 nmltltl engagement posrtIOfUIlg ······98 lorwanl rOlhng brealdalll ······,···········101 ~oblllCtion: togl ...... •....•...••.•...... -95 tamltllsl/ supeoor gop advarllaOe' .. ····98 IIlIll saNkl front stullll'lg ···············101 tl wo mill 'seizlng opportUllIty '91 litiu!Za_Jasail_~TaIIi Rbi JlllSllii kumlmlkell mae Item! Iorward'I-"';aII...... ' ·••···.. 101 'Empress' Cup AI Japan Women's JLHIo ,attaelllfJd defense j)r.ICta •••••••.•••••..92 1fI1efl(lr gnp dlsadvantalte ••••.. ·98 maklkoml WIll Toumamenl 95 Koltudo K'Myiikal tllmlte takmggnps .••••••.••..•...... •.•.-96 'wrapplngledmiques ••••.••••••.•• ··10J tORl/sob 'kogusolw' •••.•.••..•.•.••.•.•-95 Classical Martql Arts •••..••••..•....•. "92 tumlle Iruol .fighbnQ lor gffllS, ·········98 makillollta lowrap ··················_·101 tiihan sltia! '.ted & W!lrle" matches "'95 to eII1 'coacI1 ...... •••••••..•••...•. '9'~ tllmll 10 engage ···························98 lila IIIteml Willi toflnS81 1nd"1\'1d~1 match) 9.') tiidallSfla . ~h-ranlong IuOOIst .••..••. -92 tande tlsolal SUpu1e 01 reat"SilCl'1"....•• ""lJeS ······101 tiitJk6ka: etlect minor score ·....•...95 ············~·· lOdohll KOdOkan:' . 92 ..-npetll!l W!lIle 1Irwn11 COIlllIUllISIY •••.. -9& ·lIIat,!" ·Wa.tt· ..······IOI lOdotaA 8ullUb! toW :self·restrain'l self-control! 95 nnl Db! :blIct bet! !l'l ..wlff gaito rounIl-rotNn practJCe ·102 tollolo;amae :,attJ1Ude ····· 95 KO~ kan Culture Council ...••...•....•.•..92 tlIDlr, omi sllillo lal.lme midi! a pitll:aWZ'/1 ···················102 toIIlIgl ')uliooaJ sportj 96 lidiulchi 'KlidOkan Director _ ...... •92 modillld llPper lour-romer holtf ·········99 mlftrl Re!ko llee tralIllrlll prat\lClJ ···IIT.! l(otuAilnbi Kidobl Gostlin/allll nnrl tna gatame mill JlptJi noht detel'l$lYe POStill'; "'102 Atfair$ Commmee J •• .. ··...96 '1TlOlI,lied .gg ~di'lkan Setf.lJetense Forms ••••...•..92 International scart hold •..•...... mlgl tamat noht SIanCtl ••..•·••••• ..·1(12 1I0tusai JUdo Aenme! liidoall Ha! KOOObn Cup ••...... 93 uzushl balance'breaklng) .•..·..········99 mlgltltl f1Qht·handeIl. ··················Uy.l .tnlematloml JLldo Federallon (IJF): •· ••••96 Kodobll !ryOllilt Klllldkan truSl!eS .••93 kyog! klsotu 'cornpellbon regul.a1lOnS ··99 mlDlshlunt.l C right natural posture "·102 1I0kusai JttdD Aenme! Shial Shlnpallllftil KOdiit.lll Judo Kodllkan JlIdoJ .....•...93 lIyii!n Flltyi illll! mitirilielko .declSN8f'leSS tramlng, ······1()2 .IlllematJooal Judo Federahon (IJF) Kodiitan JiidiilllllltHU EdocallOO & Promolion Committee gg mlkornl predlClJOn 01 e!fllC1lwl)8$$l .··102 Coolest Rules,' 915 kyoltulekl.hldi mollan ranllorl IClldOkan JUIiOgl Reglliallons) 93 tOkyii otsu lidiiun Judo lIallatullellkyiibl IMtruc1lonal cautton. ························99 molIet Iree practice, model randori)······lO'l lbreatlung--asSlSt resuSCItatlon.l 96 kyoka IIISSIIutu molllellstudent:jltJpll' .. ·.. ··.. ·······103 f0dOkan JUlIo SaentltlC Reseatth Group '''93 toni na laldo Kadokan JUdo lIa"ltu kentyiihllllyii slrengthel11nll lrammll camp I············· ·99 malate garl two-halllled reap] .. ·.. ····103 lproper altitude; sense 01 lair P~J 90 BulletJn 01 tile Assoclallon lor the lIyota intal mOlol, "01 nalle toshilluruma (hip wheel) 96 Scientllic StUlly of KOdiikan Judo! 93 International CompetitIOn Se!ecllon & [two·handed stlOulder \tlrowJ ·· .. ·.. ·····103 tosh! Jlme (hlp-braced strangle hold! '''96 Kiidiibn Judo Shl,l Shlnpan IIl1el Devel

renflrku wata (selka landen/physlcal center) ············113 [N] [0] combmalron techniques) ···········.. ·.. ··110 Selnenbu ,AdIlItS' 5ecllon. ···············114 f!osltii (practlce ···························110 seiryoku salzen kauuyo nallflkomr obi oloshi (belt d/Op] ·····················107 rensltii 10 [practice haU] ··················110 fl18Xlntum elllClenl use 0\ spllllual and (repetitIVe ItlrOWlllg pracflClL ...... I04 obi Ion laeshi belt-Qrab Itlrow. ·········107 renlolfllake physical strength) ························114 Nagfl ntt K.I. 'ThrOWlno Forms] ..•...... 1(,1.1 ogoshl (large hlP throw ··················107 cOl1unuous appltcauan oltectmiques ···110 selryoku noyii.lfl. kyoel nalln 10 throw] ························104 olluOIm. Jarge wheel] ··················107 renzob waza (Maxtmum eltlctent use at enefgy and mutual !lI1I1 Will (thrOWIng technIques ······1f).1 okllnashl blral _fOOl sweep; ············107 cont!llUOUS comllomlJonS ollednqt.tes .. '111 prOsperity fOI self Ind otl\efS ···1 U nalyoll ~wmfllng content drfference ···I().I ouri eri jime shdlllll collar strangle "'IOB rial .pnflClple theory: , ··IJ 1 Selrytlkll ZllfyO Kokllmln TaUb no KltI n.mllijljlml onore 110 kansei sell-peffec\loo) ······108 fI\lufll standlllll bOw ··················lll ,Maxmum-E1l1Cl8tlCY NabonaI Phy$1CI1 normal cross-handed stnlnole ·········10.1 euekolal jlkan JIOId-down lime ······108 ""oblZlullklno sllisel EducallOl1 Forms ················.... ····114 n.n.ml sllil. lelll osaltomlwUl .plnmng technIQUeS "'108 botn kneeS down poslure' ··············111 Sllshlkltl dneattS 01 control··········.11--1 foconuol!······~··············114 ·GIillooaloownwardtul ...... ••• ······105 osaekomll 10 hold doWn; ···············108 ""OW bansakl make ,,11111"1 nan.me ue lelll OSIeN to hoid aown. " ...... •..... ····IOS mutual loss due 10 JouiIIJg ••....•.••.····IJ I selZ1 saza;lormaISfIIlng. ···············114 dlJll'ORai upward cut ...... •...... HE osolo gaesbl ""ole lime two-handedchoke ·········111 se~ulnl SU'1 comllauYe SplntfWillO figllt. ..••., ·'·114 "slllsei matposturel ....••• ·_·······105 large ouler rtaplng throW counter ······I(ll ""Otl dril. tsukl nesllOba 19f3PPl'"ll, rNItwork. ·········105 iSo10lari 'laf\lloot8fI'Up,' ············1<»1 two-tIand downward blow ..•...·········Ill Stlb,ulI T.IJibetsu Sel'lSllllken Taibi u.au mat'ground techntques ······105 osolo Ilirum. [Wve outer WhIlel ······llE ryiso 1000nder at illlilditJon ············111 All-Sw WetQhl-aassed JudO neww randorl Oso1o makikomi ChamplOflShlp ...•...... , ·····115 lirutatsa plOIleetS ! '115 '.free rNIf work: mal WOf1I faIIlklrl ····105 : large OIItsille wtap-aftHJnD fhrow .••.• '1{19 [5] nrllin kOSDlagll1 isola 010111' large ooler drop ·········109 sengen declIrauonJ ·····················115 ,doublesmaMOIJl8f~ senkollD rel...·S announcement. ······115 ·················105 osu .10 push~ ······························109 S'IIO SblrO nilin ,grIP: ··························105 iuelli IIltslli Shrnl salQ6 (1866-1922» ············112 l8~i IIf$HOIlnd compelJtOf$' ·········115 /IIlhOll Bildo Gakkai lafgeifVlerreapCOUlller. ··················109 saikal .restarl ...···························112 seol IIge .S/lOIllder ttlrow ...... •....··115 ,Japanese Academy 01 BudO 1 ·····1116 iuetli gafl :large lOner reap' ············109 saiki SIllngi);aJ 1101 01011'11 NlbDnBullokJII JapanBUlIOkan ······106 iyo wall applied lechntques ·········109 Supreme RevIeW Council ··············-112 ,dropp,no shoulder throw ···············1l5 Nihonden Ki'idoun Jlldo nlshial remalctl' ························112 IIOU rJapanese Tradltlo/lal Kiidokan Jooo ...Wfi CR] sanbon shobll ~tnr..pornt match) ······II~ 10 load something onfo YOllr baCk ······115 Nlholl Judo (Japanese Judo I ············IU1;i sankaku g.lame ttlilngular 8fTIllocll ···113 Shlll.mafch.OOufl························115 nlhon senl n'll rando,1 ,Iree pracllC4l. free sparfing J "'109 IInkaku lime (triangular Slfangle ······113 Ihlalllilko (matctllrllnlfIQ ············JI5 (two sllouldtr lhrO'NS ····· .... ···············106 Rando,1 no Kala nnsha tlliikeuu no aenlon Ihl,ll"lln :mafctlllllfiltlonl ·········,··1J6 nibon Ibiibu fWO·polnt match ·········106 [Free f)(ercise Forms •...... '·'110 malonty decrslOfl amono II1ree ·········113 shlallo (competitIOn al1!a I. ·············116 nlngen keiser Lcttaracter·butldlngJ .·····106 rei respect. decorum ··········110 ulleru to support, to blockJ ·.. ·········113 sbl.1 kekka Imal£h results .' ·············116 nOlLlrekala relbii IUitt Ullrlkoml ubi sblal salkal (match restart •...... , 16 way ot escaping or aVoldln,11 ············107 (torms ot proper respecl, ellquene; (SUPPOfllng.footlifl,pulllhrow) ·········113 sblallhlmpan kltel NomlnoSukune (NomlnoSukune "'107 manners; ar dectlfum] ···········.. ·····110 usol kalslI [olhCial IlIdO matctl rules an

,bllli! shlOO. oulllanc! - .•.•_.... ····116 shiilllilldo ,llIeIoogiudo. .. .. ··..···119 laklillakarl ll~II"""'" ·····.. 121 ,11111'11 shlhan: masler!facherl ········.ll6 shlikyokulekl kOlekl [T] -Tokellr ('Hold llrokenrl .. ···....···121 sllillans!k! (shillant's seat.! .,...... •••.•.. [ 16 [passMly In attacking ······..·....•·· ·119 loku VIrtues ...···...... ···..•..···.. ·· .. 127 shill receive IllStruclioll ...• ···········117 slliimea dO/O Ironl ···..······.. ···· 120 uthlll lokal wan s/llkll.kll gacbl shiiml JIllallbll nol match tlfne ······120 mald'l: tau--olI. conlronla!lOfll ..····,··I:U preferred Of f3write ttdnQue ..,······IZi 'wlnbydlsqualilaooo ...•.....- ······117 Shiillllllllt CtlIIdren'sSecbon ·······.. 120 Ilthi sIlisel .stJr\dlnQ postllrt ··121 lokl1le.lilyii~..klrl Sbiklli .krlee-wa1kmo. ·················.. ··1l1 IIlOn," kllel [children's rules' ·· ....•···.. 120 tlclllslliibu standmg maltll ·•····..121 scoreboardklleper ··-········,··.. ········128 sllimeru .to sllallgle; to choke ·········11.. shisha IWlnner;viClor) •....·.. ····· ·120 lachl waza (standlllQ techniques) ······1201 timl long-range comllatMllnterval) "-128 Ihlm. wall rstrangllng llM:hnlque5J -117 shosho [certificale ot ,ank] •····•·· ···120 ladashll rllhi Tomlll Tsunellro 'Tsunellro Tomita 1 "'128 ·I~ ShlllarkJl (Koookan Coul'lCll. ············117 shUlyO' Irau14ng, .ustermes, .... ·······111 correct ellQuetle or derorum. proper lornae n.g•.ciftular throw1 · ···..

tori Co110M-the thrower: ton' ·· ····I:m Shln,lui shlqhn sku;yijsna pratllllOnet •....··••·•· ...... 121 sal11talJOn' •• ••••• •IZ' KMobnCounalmembef ..•••...... "117 ItIiRlIl IflIflIIlQ. IOfOlflO & poIshIng: ···121 taijintekl,lflii '~sUlsj ··.... I2-t lOrlatslltll 101m jOkiS ~In Ot Tal -mlnd-sloll-body 1 Iii shushill lCIltBf reler. .. ····.. ·..·121 laijiibelsu by weight daSSlf,cal/(lfl '''115 rulebook appendlCtS...... '128 11I111·.I-"1oku Icchl shiishl" IcUlllvation 01 the mimi ··,······121 laijii kubun lorile (an accorll 01 mllld, spin\, & power] ······117 sode: guruma lIme 'division by weighl classlllcallOl'l .. ····.. ·125 (capture and arrtlstinglechnlQuesJ ······1:.>8 slllnll.n 'refereeing. umPlrlng ·····117 sleeve-wheel strangle ·······121 l'llullu talJutsu. body lechlllQues ·..···l25 liirob seillo regIStratIOn system ······I~ lIlinp,. tM .ctMtf Of rele,. .... ·-118 lOde tsllriko",lgoslll tai oloshl body drop ...... • ·..·..······125 tsllbam. gllslll r·sOlOwcoulrtill· "'128 sfllnplilliu referee ges1um, "118 sIel!Ye ~lI·pull1lp throw J •••••_ •••••••••m til saNld .Ilolty $IIllIttllI Ilolty QllltrOlJ ,,,-,125 tslliliashl sllufflesfePllongl··-"'· ·····-129 sblASl'1I IIllulH lelereemo WIll ······_·1 Ul lOra IlelIl combllllld Will 121 laishii ,hlth-fOllnd compelftoo: ····..·.. 125 tsuklnlmi stllll monthl'j matches, '129 ,~ shlnpan hi llele,eelllg maltiOds] ..•••• J18 sii blsu lalwohlraku (loopenyourllOOy) ······125 IsUkkoml [Ime lthruSling strangle] tsuku [to Ihrustlslflk! ·.. · ··129 shlnp'n in tal IReferees" Comll'Uttee "'rlg t"compoSite' melhod resuscltallon I···.. ·121 lai wo kawasu tllIUfl positJOfllOll: set-lip J ••. ....•.. 1~ shlnpl" In le'erees ···········.118 sonkyo flO shlnl 10 shill your bodY 10 evade ....········15 shil\9lll1 kistliikJl CfOlll:IllId squalling pOStute ..········12:! taiwoubaku 10 slllttyour bolIyJ ••• "I~ IsIlppatll 10 brace I;IU'ISland thrust ····1:5 : I!lerMtranllQ semlnaf ...•••...., .... ·111i SoIlO /!\Iml'- "Hokl jlOSItIoRS' ···I:!2 lalw, shtzamenr to $IllIc: your body] 'I;!b away shlnpllI 'Ijl ~Rel8ree Director ·········.·118 "SGrIl made!" '~FlIlIShed'" ····_·····122 tal wo IlItenr 10 sacnhce yOur bod)'~ "126 lIurl goshl 1i1l10ll hlP throw ············119 .hlnshln \ mUld & bOdy. .I18 liital rllnshii (panner practice 1 ····.. ···12,2 TaklnOllchHyii 1Takenouch\-ryu 1 .. ····It6 Isurlkomi laslll lill·pull hip throw' ······129 .hlnshln lanrell solo maklkoml tandaku tlnshu solo practJce) ····•.. ··12& Isurikornu ,10 hlt and pull i ·····.. ········1311 lor!l11lQ both mmll and bod)' •···•·•.. ···118 'ouler Wf'iP·arouM throw ·.._..··...···122 tanlOloshJ .valleydrop_ ·_····..·•·····.. I~ lIurile ;cotlar hand: R1td'lmglWld ·..···1:10 shl rall1ll1ll stlllllJllI·11l Sllkoa score -·· .... -·..···•..···•·.. ······I2:! lantln torQlnII tr1llllllll ···_·..-·········I2ti C-iiC:efts«l refetlll •..•.• ··••••• ··119 sukoa biido scoteboanJ . _. ·123 tlOR totl1rowoown 'I~ [Ul stIit\lli,. '.wllttetape ...... ········119 sukul nalle: 5C00p11lQ Inrow' ..· ··.. 123 lale shlhi lIatam. shirl/kohl [shlluko party ••.•. ····..····119 sumlllleshl (comer IhlowJ ·····123 straight four-romer hold) ·...... ···....·126 uclllkomi ,repetltlon lralningl ....·· .. ·.. I:l) shisel (posture •.• ·....··...··.. ·•···.. ··tt!.l sumloloshl 'corner drop 1 ········IZt lawaragaeshl [·!lagolricelhrow-) "'I2ti IIchl maklkoml Inner wrsp-a/ound' ···130 shlzen hOlltal Supiitsu Co'o 'Spof1s Code; "123 Ie ,.llm. ·.lIInd armlock .•...... • ·,1!7 utili mil. iMer lhlfJh reapllllllhrow ···130 straJghlllOltural posture ·· _·119 SopillUiflbl.Spor1sCommrn ·· .. I:!3 TeajlD SlIll',iofYi Icllimata .Iuhl stIiulIlIl natural posture •...- "119 sarllnl .Sltdesteppmg _... "123 Tenl,n Shll1'yOofYU . '·"I.!i Inner thl\lh ruplng throw COlintit' ..... I:., shochiiUlko .mllISUmtnel'ttalnlflg, "II!:! sutillelko "5ICIl!ICt· praClICllJ ·.····121 tesablkl IIInd movement ··•·•.. ···..121 IIchimall maklkomJ shiidln (promotion I""""""" .. ···•... llll sullm! WIZI {sacnllu lechnlQues] ······1 ~I til wara rhand tlchnlQuesJ ....·····....·127 tInner thigh wrap-around throw i·...... ··130 172 ] ! 173 ) uthlmala sutashl wau no tisalsu ,unl metl rmBer thigh reaping lh/ow sllpJ ············131 istiliin pal10nning a lechnrque ·,··.... ·1:1-1 lOSS til owonenU supenor performance ... 13M udegauhl arrnrevefse: ·,··········••• 131 waza no Ihlmul ude garaml entangled arm loct 1·········131 the essence 01 aledlmqueJ '135 [Zl udellatlme l"a/mloclU ········....·.·...131 wau wo uteri UUSII IOl!oat something upwards I "'131 loapp!yalechruque ··············•...,.. 135 ral sealed poslure' .. ·....·············.... l~ lite r·rweIVtt· thethrown,llkel IJI WilZll wo kawau zanshln (remalfllllO mmd ·.. ············138 uhml breaklaD ..····••.. ·.. ··············131 to ·shp· or iIYOld a techmque .. ······...135 nrll seated bow ·•·•·····•···•..········138 Ifte... c1ortce1Y8 ...•••...... '-131 lu Jiirell Da'Ofi uklll,lame IIoabnghold ·······131 [Yl AU.Japan JudD FederabOl'l Newsletter' "'138 KI 1m! ,lIoalmg hlp throw ···········132 Zlntolfl Joslll Jlldo Taljiibelsl ukf Iloshl /loallng dropJ ·•·············•• ·132 Yall' SllIlllOS1lb Yagi saoanosuke. "'135 Senslllltell Tllbl lltl waZJ Iloallng throw] , ••••• B2 yamob reRSili Jipan Weighl.Qassed JudD Inllilluab p/l)'SICIl CUlture .••••• "132 cootrolled or -agreed-Ilpon· DfitCtICe • ·135 ChamplOnSlup ...... ·•·········.. ·138 Ilf'lplame bKlrPlfl ·····················131 ,HUI amlli "fTlDUf\IaI1I storm" "115 leI Nll1ol1 Jostll Judo Sttlllatsu 1f'I111I' bIclf throw •..••••• '---'132 Y'maslta YosIlflsqu Taljiibltso Se!lShllllll Taibi UIllro losbl bacIc hlp throw·· ·· .. 13:2 Yamastnta Yostutsuou 11865-1935) '135 AIl·Japan All-Star Welllhl--Glassed Judo lSIli,. teu lilam, ,awan y.JWi!1a; fIexJb*ty'lIrapphng .,135 ChafllOl(lnShlp ··.. ·•• ..········-·....····138 reYllfSe SClIl1 hOld •••••...••• ••··•••• 133 roU ph SIde bocfy drop, '-136 Zin NUIOII Jillo Reaml' Ifslll" rnl~r1 uAllI rok0luf1lma 'sidewheel ······,·······.136 AII-Japan Judo FeOerabon ·138 lurflll1ll to ttl! fear ..•- .....•.. "13:) roUotoslll.Sldedrop. ····.. ··········136 leo Nlhon Jedo Rlnmlilulau illUl UIliro uhltl fear Shlhlng...... "'133 rotl Illibii IIltame All-Japan Judo federatIOn MedlcaI ahlrouklrnl.rearbraakfaJI ···••.. ·.... 133 Slde-loCklng lour-corner hold •· .. ·······136 Sctences Comm'11ft ·139 "".... ,oka suleml waZJ Zin Nillol Juda Sensllukl. Tllai prone:lace-Oown onOl'l8"sslomach "'133 SIde sacnlice I!Chnrques ····.·········.IJ6 Emperor's CliP All Japan Judo murllosltl IlJp Ifwter '133 rota.teml SIde brealdalt ~ "136 Champillnslilp ,················139 rota ..nart .SIde separattOfll···· ..··· lJO [Wl Yok0raml Satu/lro Yotwyama saJwllfD (18$-191211 ..··1Ji wltl lalame armpit lOCk 133 'Yoshll~ ·Coolinue'· ,·•• -..•·· 137 wltl wo sltlmeru ,ollunllal 10 crawl on all lours] ····1:t7 to close lhe annprls, .•...... ,...... -133 '0 wo hlltJ lura waza ,lechnrQue]·.. ··········.. ·..·".•... 131 to conlnbule 10 SOCIety) .. ······.. ·.. ···.. 137 wau Irt ,iillelllhi r'blackbe"" hOlder ······.. ·1:17 t~1 lwau an ·techMluetxrs15· aIleiHppOIIl ... ,iito fyiiko;eHecllvel·· 137 Willa Kentyiibu ,iirltsu [superiority and mfeUOllly) • ·137 (TechnICal Research secllon ...... •...J31 ,iillt gaehl no tota eHecl of a technique) .. '13t waza (win by suoenOI pariormance] ·...... ·.... 137 Ii IJ IIllflll . 1Il!1II!1il:ll!l & III 1tr~ 11ft T~fJ:* ~ ill if{ffJ "'.;-im ~J,Jji1~11.c.J! "'" Il'HJl : IfIDl(tI! lU~~!!!!~ilim ~li/J' ~~ .. '~l~it!!! "1111"''' If/llh£ ,,/ Peter G. Bellamy Kodokan IR Derek SI~1 ~e\\ Japanese-English '* lL ,- ff'-l .. Dictionary of Judo "I r"", mg >l j,;li~'li IH)Iil~ 'HR. .l!\1IJf'111! ..(,.11 It UU If~" ~HJt2 "'lfl\~ H':UI --:1 ifi..t .lIItU .o;1lii

Date of Publication, 31s1 AugusL2000 Publisher: The FQundation of KodOkan Judo Institult" '-16-30 Kasuga. Tokyo Tel: 03 (38111 7152 Printer. Kyooo Printinjl: Co.LtdA-Ill:? Bunkyu..ku. Tok}'o Tel.03 (3817) 2111

,~lIfm'H~-r COlJyri/Jht 02000 by Kodakan Judo Instiwtt.' "ll rights reserved. This dictionary. or parts then'of. may not be teproduced in allY form wllhout permission.