Amaterasu-Ōmikami (天照大御神), in His Quest to Slay the Eight-Headed Serpent Demon Yamata-No-Orochi (八岐大蛇) in Izumo Province (出雲国)

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Amaterasu-Ōmikami (天照大御神), in His Quest to Slay the Eight-Headed Serpent Demon Yamata-No-Orochi (八岐大蛇) in Izumo Province (出雲国) Northeast Asian Shamanism 神道, 신도, 御嶽信仰, 神教, & ᡝᡝᡝᡝ ‘Lady’ Minami “Danni” Kurosaki (黒崎美波、お巫女様) ⛩ My Personal History & Involvement The Kurosaki Clan (黒崎の一族) ● Our earliest ancestor was directly involved with assisting the warrior god Susanō-no-Mikoto (須佐之 男命), the disgraced brother of sun goddess Amaterasu-Ōmikami (天照大御神), in his quest to slay the eight-headed serpent demon Yamata-no-Orochi (八岐大蛇) in Izumo Province (出雲国) ● Since then, the Kurosaki clan has been one of a few influential families in the history of Shintoism throughout Ancient and Feudal Japan ● We are a part of the Ten Sacred Treasures (十種の神宝) of Japanese history; our treasure that was offered to Susanō is the Dragon-repelling Shawl (大蛇ノ比礼) Inheritance of Kannushi/Miko-ship ● Because of our family’s status in traditional Japan after that event, heirship and training is passed down through the branches of the family on who will be the next Danshi kannushi (男子神主, Male Priest), Joshi kannushi (女子神主, Female Priestess), Miko (巫女, Female Shaman/Shrine Maiden) or Danfu (男巫, Male Shaman/Shrine Valet) in that generational line ● Not all kannushi and miko come from a long family line - anyone can be a part of the Shintō clergy granted they apply and go through proper training! ● I belong to a branch of the family, and as the oldest child in my generational line, I am next to succeed the title of (matriarch/patriarch) for my immediate family ● The current matriarch of our entire the clan is Miu Kurosaki, and the current matriarch of my direct immediate family is Hikaru Kurosaki (Luz Valentín) Introduction, Concepts, & Interrelated Religions What is Shintō (神道)? ● Shintō (神道) - The indigenous religion of Japan, prior to the absorption of foreign religions ● 神 (Can be pronounced shin or kami) means ‘god’ or ‘deity’ ● 道 (Can be pronounced dō or michi) means ‘way’ or ‘path’ ● This religion, in more ancient contexts, is usually called Kami-no-Michi (神乃道), which has the same meaning as Shintō; the way of the gods Interrelated religions to Shintō The indigenous Shintō religion of Japan is directly related to the Sindo (神道/신도) or Singyo (神教 /신교) religion indigenous to Korea, Shénjiào (神教) indigenous to the Chinese world, Utaki Shinkō (御嶽信仰) of the Ryukyu Kingdom (present-day Okinawa Prefecture in Japan), and indigenous Northern Asian shamanism from Manchuria, Mongolia (ᡝᡝᡝᡝ), Siberia, and Ezo (present-day Hokkaido Prefecture in Japan) And the proof is in the spiritual ‘pudding’! A Korean Sindo Mudang (left) and a Japanese Shinto Miko (right), both performing fan & bell purification rituals Kakyo Exams (科挙/科擧/과거/ᡝᡝᡝ ᡝᡝᡝᡝ ᡝᡝᡝᡝᡝᡝᡝ) ● An educational written exam which curriculum was based in the ancient Chinese classics (texts of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism) which was eventually borrowed into surrounding countries of China, like Vietnam, Mongolia, Korea, and very briefly, Japan. ● Adopting the exam to Japanese tastes, Shintoism was added as a subject of study, especially for those wanting to become kannushi or miko. ○ Korean mudang-in-waiting preparing to take gwageo, the Korean version of kakyo → ● There is also a practical aspect of the exam, having to be able to perform certain ceremonies & rituals, being able to play a traditional instrument & sing incantations, and being adept at 剣術 (kenjutsu, swordsmanship) & 弓術 (kyūjutsu, bowmanship/archery) Kakyo/Gwageo (科擧/과거) Kyujutsu/Gungsul (弓術/궁술) A God and a Spirit? What’s the difference? Kami (神) are gods belonging to anything organic in nature. Rocks are kami, grass is kami, even hurricanes are the creation of storm kami. Humans of great achievement to society can also be “canonized” or deified as kami by the Kannushi of the Grand Shrine after they pass away Tamashī (魂) or Tama (霊) are the living spirits within all organic, living things. Humans have tamashī, your pets have tamashī, that tree you used to hang your tire swing on even has a tamashī Tamashī that have passed on are often thought to be seen in nature in the form of Hakuchō (白蝶); white butterflies When one passes on, their tamashī crosses a border marked by a Torī (鳥居). Torī are the red gates that separate the land of the living from Yomi (黄泉), the land of dead souls All of the distinguished heavenly kami, called the Koto-ama-tsu-kami (別天津神) reside in Taka-ama-gahara (高天原), the land of High Heaven Kami vs Tamashī ● 15th Century depiction of Tenman-Tenjin (天満天神), who was born Sugawara no Michizane (菅原 道眞), a brilliant poet who was deified as the kami of learning after his death [LEFT] ● 15th Century depiction of a tamashii who has yet to cross a torii [ABOVE] Types of Shrines and Places of Worship in Shintō Where do we pray? ● Kamidana (神棚) - A diorama-sized Shinto altar that lay-people keep in their homes ● Hokura (祠) - Miniature Shinto shrines seen at roadsides ● Torī (鳥居) - The gateway between the living and the dead; often marks the entrance of a shrine ● Jinja (神社) - A standard-sized Shinto shrine ● Taisha (大社) - A Great Shrine, larger than a Jinja ● Jingū (神宮) - A Grand Shrine, but usually refers to the only Jingū in Japan, the Ise Grand Shrine; it is actually a complex of several shrines <- Fushimi Inari in Kyoto Ise Jingu in Ise -> <- Hokora in Yokohama Hokora in Kyoto -> Spiritual Artifacts & Tools What do we use for prayer and fortune? ● Unmei no Akai-Ito (運命の赤い糸) - Red Thread of Fate ● Magatama (勾玉) - A mystical amulet shaped like a comma, typically made of jade ● Omamori (お守り) - A protective amulet imbued with specified properties, kept in a cloth pouch ● Shide (紙垂) - Paper streamer-like talismans used in blessing & purification rituals ● Haraegushi (祓串) - A wand with several shide on them, used for blessings & purifications ● Sensu (扇子) - Traditional folding fans, used in purifications and beckoning rituals ● Suzu (鈴) - A hand-bell used in purifications and beckoning rituals ● Yaiba (刃) - A blade used in purification and demon-slaying rituals & protection demonstrations ● Shīsā/Komainu (シーサー/狛犬) - Guardian Dogs, usually at the entrance of shrines ● Maneki Neko (招き猫) - Fortune Cats, usually found in small shrines or at homes Some Notable Kami Izanagi & Izanami (伊邪那岐 & 伊邪那美) The “creation duo”, the brother-husband and sister-wife duo had descended from Takamagahara (高天原, Heaven) and created the nation of Japan and several Titan-like kami with a mystical naginata. Izanami had died whilst giving birth to Kagutsuchi, and Izanagi had slain him in revenge. After disobeying orders from Amenominakushi (天之御中主神, the kami of the Universe, and their father) not to visit Izanami in Yomi, Izanagi witnessed her now-hellish appearance, was cast out, and had been disgraced. After he was cleansed, he created the three “lesser” kami that would protect Earth. Amaterasu-Ōmikami (天照大御神) The Sun Goddess of Shintō, one of the most important gods in the Shintō pantheon. She is the righteous daughter of Izanagi, and is responsible for the rising and falling of the Sun, and is the progenitor of the Japanese royal family. Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (月読尊) The Moon God, he is the son of Izanagi and brother & husband to Amaterasu. As the Moon God, he is responsible for the rising and falling of the Moon, among other things Susanō-no-Mikoto (須佐之男命) The God of the Raging Seas, he is the final son of Izanagi, and the youngest brother to Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. After losing a bet to his sister, he had ruined the rice fields that she had created in a fit of rage. A depressed Amaterasu hid in a cave for a while, hiding the sun from Earth. In retaliation, their father cast Susanō out of Heaven to atone for what he had done. He had made up for this by saving Princess Kushinada of Izumo from the wrath of the Yamata-no-Orochi, later marrying the princess, and offering his sister Amaterasu the sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (草薙の剣) that he had found in Orochi’s neck as a peace offering. Tenjin (天神) Born Sugiwara no Michizane (菅原道眞) on August 1st, 845 AD, he was the first “canonized”/deified human into kamiship for his contribution to the art of prose & poetry. As Tenjin, he is now the kami of learning, and many students pray to him to this day for good luck on their exams. Ebisu (恵比寿) Ebisu is the Shinto kami of fishermen, and of good fortune and luck. Fishermen would always pray to Ebisu for luck in hefty catches, and lay-people pray to him for fortune with money. Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神) The Shinto kami of fertility, rice, saké, tea, foxes, blacksmithery and agriculture, Inari is one of the most important kami for rice farmers and sword blacksmiths. They (as a kami that appears as both sexes) often sends out kitsune (fox spirits) to assist them in their work. The dish inarizushi is named after them, as it was said that deep fried tofu was a delicacy of Inari. Does Shintō have Religious Texts? Yes it does! ● The Nihon Shoki (日本書紀, ca. 720 AD, sometimes called the Nihongi 日本紀) and the Kojiki (古事記, ca. 711 AD) are the two most important texts that any devout Shintoist planning to become a “full-time” kannushi or miko should read ● However, in total, there are actually TEN sacred chronicles that detail this rich, ancient history Religious Hierarchy Shintō Etiquette and Rituals Shintō aspects reflected in Japanese culture ● 戴きます - itadakimasu - (I) will humbly receive (your tama) as nourishment ● 御馳走様でした - gochisōsamadeshita - (I) have graciously feasted upon (your respectful tama) ● 感謝します - kansha shimasu - To give thanks (archaic form & stronger than 有り難う御座います - arigatō gozaimasu) ● 頑張ってください - ganbatte kudasai - Please do your best (from the term 頑張る - ganbaru - to persist/hold out/stand firm/endure) ● 仕方がない/しょうがない - shikata ga nai/shōganai - It cannot be helped Kenbu/Geommu (劍舞/검무) - Ritual Sword Dance What to do at a Shintō Shrine in Japan.
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