
Koookan NewJapanese-English Dictionary ofJudo 1I1~H{!!({ ~lImm!J\ti~ JIlHh'f~ Teizii I(awamuloa tW"~JlI1 Toshiro Daigo • ~ • ~ •1 ~ ~ ,., • ~ s s ;:;"" ~ s s: •~ ~ .. , ~ !i'< . - ~ ~ ~'" (' • ili .;, ;-! ,:;e: .. ~ ...) ~ -~ '"'.- .;,'" II(. J!!; l!I*' ~ I 'R• ~ :;l "< =- ~ '!: S ii '"I' ""~ .... S i'< ·u ~ N ~ -N ~ '< l:i 0 . s ." -~ *'::Ei lO! ... *~ ~ ~'" 1 -< - --------------------------------------~~- ~ ADDRESS ~~~~m~~"I~~iU.Q~~t~~{~~ .•ftl:~L~~\ m~l: I send my felicitations for the spread (;If JUdll throughout the world_ ~<lJlmI5 (18821 {f5}J. t"o-r;(~t.fin"'tIIJ-k.8#q) "*.12:ftI:K,lJ..rtf> Looking back. Judo W<lS founded in the last ct'nlury in May of 1882 al a I ff,~;ll.LI:i1llt. '~~'I!tIl'I:li; <lHtJi\!H-. x'rlli IJ I!I:I¥O) Hi 9)!< t~l1lplt' called Eishij-Ji, Shil3yakLl. Kitainari cho, Tokyo. When it started HHI~c Le. ,R"'tBI'litc L'C. 1UH·iH Le. "'"O)t>l~HIl dlt're were only nine "itudents in a dojo of only 12 talami (m:Hs~ But It-c~·.oQ)1:~.Q +f!':Ii\.!.!I.:- ffl::" ":.=:-1:*-ct- 11;,,1:: ?'.ki?~;lqJ hlday men. women and childreo of aU ages enjoy Judo from the bottom Iff t' It)I) ~ 1:';' ., • :till.-til: b Bt 'R(/)~\' •tJUQt.lfit'b1tl.ll .: !: "'fM1) '1 01 their hearts. g<.liniog much benefit £rom the physic.::ll endeavour of 1Ji!l~lijl:. ;:0)1.1:. r'"l!Jt'!!<t;am.~Nfll ;;'U'~II<'il!(J'!:~ ",wdying a martial art with OJ moral education indudtd in irs training ,d:. =. t Ii. 'I~ A l. I} ,f, S!. L -C 111 ~ v<iE L ~ . ~:iil(1) t'P.U~tffQ) t:. AI> I:. and purpose. l:,*,UI¥t.:" 0J1;;f, ~. 14 <illlllO)jlilllHIlf.f L'C It.! ~,. "O)"<,;f, Under these circumstances. it i.!, my pleasure to publish the KQdokan <> \ew Japanese· Englif>b Dictionary of Judu because it will abo support J:i!ll! 0 "';;'llHf[~"t'''' "). r~""~Jl: L ","on Ill.lil! 0 1'ln;;'1l'III ~ IIe 0\). advocacy Ihm students should master skill~ reasonably and enjoy "<' L;;·L. m:l';alll£l:n:< IIlIlI'T<. 1Il:J.1fO)Al:lt. +<I>t\.j.;;' tOrreel judo. fallowing tbe founder's doctrine. I hllpe, th('refore. that St~·t}.I.'~b$.l.Q.:t1:':i>7,-} lh·. *A$A~ftl'i·""I.t~l~M~. l'r many J)('ople around the .... orld will us£' tbis dictionary as much as tT">fi:i!J ~ ~''.'r JJrI L. Mf IJl.I: L -c1f]1I'l~~~ r lJ t 1" ~~f!J~ ;):.A1:. !:: p!l...sible. Ill! < ;: 0);: CIt, .::¥I mO)*;,! /,,;;'101 J. ,) " ~ IHI. <it;;· <. 'I!"t'''' T, -; ;;', 't. Ji\fIJl:""L 'C.;:O) fIlJHIJ!I!'Ulmilio,!tll ;;'I>IO)""~HII \!o Judo .....as e5tablished in Japan and it... terminology is Japanese h ..., 1t,~ "'l:ll?'C. A"t' t ~ <O)'l:.ilI'I't( Tol:j,\ III ~Il. ;,a ~ which I am nOI sure could always be rorrt'Ctly understood in other h.~ltQ':' !: '.'r f'r2T ~ b ~"('-<f>Q cliuntrit:So, our cdilOrs took this intO consideration and h<!\c m<lde it as cas)" to use and understand as pos.<;ible. I confidently expect thai il ....;ll nut Inkt' th(· usen; lung lO become familiar with its contents. I lherdort: "j<;h ilIld hu~ that all will kCt'p and cherish this ~rnall dictionary as 8 dnse friend all their life. August 2(XXJ YukimiL"i1l Kann, PrL'Sidcnl of the KiJdokan p(. Foreword ",,;nj{f~l!'?~11l'; [,.•' rl:;ll li'L'~'?b"1& I,./neli: r~IfIT" jj!"1> ..J It ..... a~ in 1~1l5 that the lounder of the KOdiikan Judo In~ljUl\(·. Pmf jigQrD t.'.iE.liL.t.:V>I:tkJE I ~",(,~·::d.; If:.i1tQ)~~1.l{. t-":"':JEll~;il"(l,'Q K.mo, (ormulated 3 pret..isc definioQfl Qf judo as ·The way of IhE" highesl or maximum efficient u~ of physical and memal eoergy· Toda~', ..... e the currt'nl !ill"" 1~ L1:. ,~""J'.n, I, 1l!""I'I,~",;.tl;t, (, ,?'. 1Ul!' HIm'. rill practitioners of judo, have auempled 10 publish a small dictionary called PThf' ~jj!m.6NfjllJ fl~ f. rm.6,j./;UfJI. 1Il.,?",iIII!!. ('IIl\'tIl'J "I> .. KOdokan ~cw japane!>e - Englh.h Dictionary of judo0, follo~ing the definition ~ I: 11 /It U,Ji:.'li.illl:IlllT.. ,H!.'. f'I<7>I'J$'j.HIi 1:. .11'" Ht -I: {,I! til the founder of Judo. We had VCr)' strong motivation to publish this IfI ~ tl-r \".b '..t:tt~ I.: &JJ.. ~ tJ ~ ~ ~ 0""- ~ ffl allOJ!l:8. tlP t.:a M"11) if. It dictionary becaus.. judoist;, have al ..... ays used their own terms and .'MJ!'-e'll'''I>''!:~V,t'.l:I>'' 11*, l*l!!HH. ,z:il'U"i1:I!IJL ulleJ'llretation witbout a basic standardization hen: in japan and Ihis is also 1: ttl!I:ll< ~ 11M!I, '?'? a R<7>l;.' >l:'i'l!i fJ "'<7>111 Ol ~, -IJij ,:~ Irut' for the resl of the world. Bul. although wc had exct'lIcnt mouves, tht' ",,,-,:1,; 1If':loJJllllil!t, .. .\\1< •>I: ."'t,::. !: •• III I",: 9 all:iliA. t;IHJ.' wnting of this dictionary went al a snaiI'~ PMt' tx>c:ause it turned out to be '"IIIIll!: L 1:;II"T.. f~:: HIlJR ~. i t,m!lf&llJJl:<7> 00 IJIII:Itil mlJ('h harder and more complex than wt': had ... nticipated. This led tn much ,... 1't~.fJf·:d..: tilafF -I:. ~-mQ).mfti:..4,H:@i.-CM.l.PbOJt.:? fru<,lralJon and chagrin because of our failure to finish it on schedule. Fnr rxampl"" it look nwch more time to -.eletl whkh word!> should br u!'oCd L.·L. +ltI:I,l'! ", ....,,,,,,. llIJidJ>l:L1:. ('!!:.'!ill< t,"'''I> .. and whether or 001 they were correct (or a dictionary. The st"nlenCI'~ :d!Jl1 i"ill~/IlU'; t,~"'<t"'''41~r,;tt,I,'?li, ~l!I:HT..*,t~!: ("arne in for much re\'isioll and polishmg of exprt'!<>Sion!> until Iht)· were .l1)l1JnU)~~ f.:.,? t:. t.\!,l.1 dccmf'd lOuitahle for indusion. However......e at last reached thE" final "tage a'F. HI'?,,·I!.I:IiIH IJ >I: II":Ii .. 1,<7>.'<1><. .::.'? m:ItHlll buu}ed up b)' our love and dedication tn judo. 1J:[ii1Vit.1 h"'fttl~,-,". :.- t·;:'-liCi*~IIi. m~:tJd.i@IIH:·.ilL:-cI:ltw. A!> 1Irn(' fla~5lK the wider the spread of Judo Ihroughoul Ihe world which I:~ iii ~ t,.. oI:.iIlll:lll~ t L 1:, Jt. L' • "'A1JIllll<7>L~F:1fJ1!lll >I: [J OIl;, gives ut> much saLisiaCOOIL rmJliNfllJ .'.Hg·IH!:J:~.Iil'~r.-"1, ,u'?",;n'll't!'g-'?Il\[:: Thi!> dictionary will be introduced 10 thl: lnlf'rnalional judo Fcder:ition a\ t ftbit. 1'iS1(1)~ilW-rII1l~fIi:".0 L(7)!: ~¢ J: ..'j 2.L-C tl:.:l ~\,' the coming S)'dney Olympiad 2.000. We sincerely hOl)(: lhi~ dictiollary will be: u!>ed b} all Judoi!\ls competitor!', coaches and researcher<; throughout the world. We ha\'e a dream that judo lffminology will percolate throughoul the world b~' means of thL" diclionary which ...."(' hope will be used wilh love and affection In' all in Ihe year nf Ih", S)'doe)' Ulympiad 2,000 <lnd fur many centuries 10 WIDe a!:o a ba...,ili for lhe true under!>landing of judo. ~aokl ~Iurata. ilh!Jan & Curator uf lh(­ KOdokan judo /<.luSl"U1n On behalf of the editors and staff Explanatory Notes l;Uill.. Entries are listed in alphabetical order. Each includes the Jnpane!'>e 1) JJlftf~A:'ljftl,.·I': J: I) f1J::\t11 Ii I--4}.H.:. ~:t"Ij:A B CNH':~J1J t..t~ reading. ao English glO!'&. and a definition or description. E.... ery dfon 21 ~":tI:IH!·~I':iC.;t."C7J1.7T~·" rO)J:I.:-zH'lt. ~o",,<Jj,'{ has been made to simplify and clarify dC.!icriptions lur easy ff-l.:.il[t.'J: -) I.: Lt..: unddl'otandinK t;ven by general readers. Certain prefixes to the name; of " t\oookan. jujutsu. dojo. ele. techniques (e.g. ude hishigi) have been omitted for the sake of simplicity. mL. Jigoro Kano!:Judol.t. l!U:,:O)l<:l"E-rw: L "n 'o41)1:"'of' Thl! number of elllri~ seJected for inclu!>ion in thb dictionary has been O);i: i".t Lt.; limited for tht- ~e of compactness and usability. and therefort: it should 3 f(IJtO)}iliH-t;P6q,)l.!.ltiL. *1:711-77"-':'1 1--c.'<T.>A.ilt. L• .*: not be considl'red comprehensive. ~O) Ii t II "'.:lia;,.O)Jl.UlI... ;I(':J.'~1ilJ! t I.. 1.: En.ry attempt has been made to divide Japanese words and cxpr('ssions imo their most logical semantit: comDnnenls to 3!>Slst 11 ~ll:""'1I11I101O).tl:""t'lllIlIi!ttt.O)lfJlilf cli~ 111>IlOl1..1" (l'ading and correct pronunciation. Long Japanese vowel !'".Ounds have been alJproxim:ned using macru(l:> (e.g. dojol in orde. to indil:ate thei. "'ll: Japane"t' pronunciations as dosely as possible. \tacrons an: omitled. I 1J'ifAtL"(Q)~I~Y:.~J:::::7/.I('" t-tt~ilC:h. QtI\L .. ~f{-r.lt1'I' howewr fo. japanese words considered already to have become pan of AU: t !:¥> t.; the English lukon (e.g. jiRQro Kano. judo). 2 I ,".~O).a..~ IIJi": 1... -!'.to) A~'''''.Vt' t jf~'o!> ~ oj I:~M" Prnl>l'r name~ are listed in the conventional japanese order. surname 3) -ti!l/(0)1Ii!fil: lII'.. tl't.I*-I<. A#'O)",iJi~ ~ 'Iln ~ I.. "(" IUd: r~a.
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