Lyndhurst Board of Education Their School
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PACE TWELVE T H E LEADER THURSDAY, JULY 25. 1068 Sister Williams New Baby In Town Commercial Leader Leader-Free Press R e a p in g W ind Of B a d G o v e r n m e n t A t Institute And The South Bergen Review Newspaper\ »ti'vnqnor nfof Ih*the Mr. find Mrs. Norm in Si**‘xn Boroughs of Sister Anne William, of Queen Nt of Hermanne Drive, Fland Lynrihurxt’s Official Newspaper East Rutherford & Carlstadt There was a po*t named John Donne But it is also true that long before the S ince 1021 who-pointed otlt that whenever the church cities were flooded by the tides of new (,f Pi ace lli’h S c tool. is one of re», N J.; atttVH'heo |be birth of ■‘uhlH'.itkiu Office 278 Grove St., E»'t Rutherford bell rang it rang for «11 of us. comers they have failed their tru:-t— be 'Kt Spanish teachers from M-.eir first child. Atme Marie. <i 251 Kidgr Road. I.yndliu st, N J. 417 Second St., Carlstadt throughout the U.S. ami Caaad.* Ib., H »¿s.. <m June 27lh «I Do Telephone GEneva 8 R'.Ofl—8701 And so those who sat back and laughed cause of the crookedness of their govern Telephone (iEneva 8 *700—8701 ¡'t.rrtft’-ni' a f’ve-d ty Workshop v er G eneral H »spital. Dover. Second Class Pw taft Paid At Editor John Savino while the pol'tictans riddled the cit'es iike m ents. — Ruthetford. N. J. Publication Office Newark and Jersey Citv and Paterion are When the floods came there was no in and Institute in Philadelphia to N.J. The baby's mother is llv-î Fditor John Savino 251 Ridge Road. Lvndhu'-st. N J now reaping the reward for the'r folly* telligent and honest way of meeting them. -, 11 it I y a revolutionary audio-vis f-.rm er E ileen R. M artcll of No. Second Class Postage Paid At Subscription $3.00 Ter Year All the had government that Frartk The politicians tried the old systems. And ual method of teaching lan Arlington.' Ten Cents Per Copy Rutherford. N. J. Subscription $3.59 Per Year Hague ladled first upon Jersey City, then of course the systems broke down. The guages. Ten Cents Per Copy upon Hudron County and then upon the brutally oppressed had no other form of Ai the Center for Curriculum ADVERTISEMENT 7 0 0 0 * Weekly state, is now catching up io all of us. expression but to burn down the prisons tievelopmerit, the Woikshop par- .t ‘ 'pants will t(c introduced to the "The LEADER The decision to transfer the ccst of in which they were penned. teaching procedures of a Vida y Beck’s Column No. Arlington Leader SPEAKS for relief from municipalities to the state And now all the rest of us are paying. is merelv an effort to help the b’g cities (T.aiogós de Kspnim TTHirs,. tn»tght And The Bergen Sunday Leader SOUTH BERGEN” It is ironic that (he politicians who na»;' By MAX BKCK cope with their enormous tax burdens. fortercd chicanery, deception and double by the Saint-Cloud Method, de North Arlington's Th?v are unable to pay for their schools -dealing in their cities now have scape veloped in France, and was the Official Newspaper so that the rest of the state is being for il stilt of a project suggested to 157 Kidge Rd No. Arlington. N.J I^HIIICâM p lfSt fljSOCIàfl«» goats on which to blame their ills— the Phone 9916051 or GE 8*700 ced to p itch in. Negroes and Puerto Ricans. the F ra n 'ii Governm ent by the Editor John Savino * Ok««« • 0»tr»<l • fWkMfM» It is entirely true that forces over which But long before they arrived the cities United Nations in 5951. Social Editor — 991 1839 the cities have had no control— the mi had been robbed blind. Xeeond Class Postage Paid At grations from the south of the Negroes Kearny, N. J 07032 Carlstadt Bov Subscription $3.00 Per Year and from Puerto Rico of the islanders A. d we are paying for it today. Cebbrates 7th Ten Cents Per Copy have been overwhelming. Ah, John Donne,you truthful rascal! rv n a ld Lillis of 621 Sevi*fah T ill I t S D A Y , JULY 2.’». 1 % 8 t.. Ciiristodt celebrated his tenth l.n tl day with a party for thf Fight Launched On Racism 'owing guests; Michael- Jones, Kevin Jones, Valerie Zimmvr- Fourteen major Bergen County and repudiate the support of any beneficially affect election eani- ninno, Denis- and I’o'iby Zim- <ivu 0, led b y 'th e Ur person or organization using con paigns in B ergen County. t'.-.n League-for Bergen County, demned tactics, whether in his Sponsors- of the Position State "V Bode, Debra Welch, Walter Mrs. John Latsha have launched a drive to bar ap vuppoit or simply in opposition m ent. in addition to the League, .Fold, his sister Pamela Lillis uf peals to racism and prejudice in to his opponents. include the National Conference ( arlstadt. and his niece. Susan Sparked by what the groups of Christians and Jews, New Jer Dimjiall of Wood-Ridge. Donald W hat? Go to press without copy Of this Mrs. Latsha had much. She political campaigning throughout termed racist appeals in the 1967 sey Region; the National of Neg is the son ot John Lillis who w as from Mrs. Latsha? -* — ---* was fortunate to live most of her pro-^, tile area. Every year during a hot spell The ol'Santzatinns, joined in an eiection campaigns, both Coun ro Women. Bergen County Chap i.ead Chef in charge oí the Bar It sounds incredible. But is all too duct i ve life in good health. She was >ve gel' our share of calls about ; d hoc Fair Campaign Practices ty-wide and locally in Englewood ter; the American Jewish Con becue. *—-I;- true. Mrs. John S. Latsha, the social able up until the very end to appreci break downs of air conditioners. Committee, revealed this week and other communities, the pro gress, New Jersey Region; the historian of our area for so many ate the very adventure of waking Those units are amazingly reli Hit first step m their program — gram planned by the Committee D'nai B'rith Anti - . Defaniation Pa jl Spina Named years, died last week. Thus ended a each morning to the expectation of a able and efficient, given only a a POSITION STATEMENT and r.lso calls for the establishment League, New Jersey Region, the chapter in the journalism of one of full and active day. To BlooTnfield List little bit of care. piodge to which all candidates r,f a grievance com m ittee to Fergen County Council of Chur the Kingsland Patent, one of the most .T h e re was no cynicism in this mag In many cases where the eom- ter political office have been which complaints concerning un ches. and the Englewood League BLOOMFIELD — Paul Spina inspiring areas of America. nificent woman. There was no des plaint is not enough cooling, wo asked to subscribe. ethical campaign tactics 'can be of Women Voters. must have a quality point aver Mrs. Latsha was of it and for it. pair. She looked upon each horizon as find the filters clogged up with Miss Marion Purheck, a mem- i reeled for. action. Also, the Bergen County 'Edu age minimum of 3.21) tor honors She wrote one of its first histories. the beacon of hope. Beyond, she knew, dust. It stands to reason that the ! <i of Ihq .League's Board of Di- "The Urban League for Ber cation Association, the Bergen of 22 Sm y/esant Avenue, Lynd- It was a small effort on a giant sub was the ultimate satisfaction of the air flow is inhibited by a clogged leetors and former Assistant to gen County has been deeply con- County Chamber of Commerce; liurst has- been nam ed to the ject. She approached it with humility. life well lived. „ filter. Tt is so easy to replace the Superintendent of Schools in .cci ned over the racial overtones the National Association for the Dean's List for the second' sem Yet what she learned and what she The sins of the world left no mark or clean it if it is a so called upon M rs. Latsha. W ith in each .*oul, Hackensack, heads the unit. and biases which were evident Advancement of Colored People, ester. it was announced by wrote served as an inspiration for permanent type. The coils in the The campaign code calls on all in various media and in spcech- B ergen Cunty C hapter; the Y. K loo ill field College. A student to those who came afterward. she knew, was the seed of the creator. front and back also have to be candidates to condemn and repu js during the campaign prior to K.C.A. of Bergen County; the be named to the Dean’s List The full implications of the history Given thè proper nurture the seed frcp, of obstructions. These coils would expand. And she knew the diate any campaign appeal to ra the elections in the fall of 1967," Hackensack Y.W.C.A.; and the end for high honors, 3.60._ of the Kingsland Patent, first ex ; ie similar to the radiator of an beauty of the flower would surpass cial prejudice, misrepresentation states the introduction to thy Bergen County Council of Priesis posed by Mrs.