22924 Hon. Robert A. Brady Hon. Michael G. Oxley Hon
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22924 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 27, 1999 screening was broadcast live on New York tel- ple, exercising their individual liberty by mak- willing, dedicated person can have a positive evision, while simultaneously 500 ‘‘Neighbor to ing their voices heard. One person can make influence on policies that benefit the nation as Neighbor’’ meetings were held in homes and a difference that can benefit us all. a whole. Operating forthrightly and with integ- community centers around New York City to Congress is, and should be composed of rity, they can inform us, and help to make our discuss race relations. Rubenstein’s efforts 535 laymen. We each have expertise in some- policies sounder. That is an important con- were critical to restoring civility and under- thing, but on the wide array of issues with tribution, and, perhaps, the most vital lesson standing in Crown Heights, and I believe that which we deal, we need a lot more informa- Brad leaves behind. it is about the people. they speak volumes about the character and tion, a lot of educating—or we can make some People like Brad Currey. commitment of this outstanding man. mistakes. The two concepts—one person f Howard Rubenstein has come a long way making a difference, and Congress needing since 1954, when he founded Rubenstein As- solid information on a wide variety of topics— PERSONAL EXPLANATION sociates, Inc., working on the kitchen table at are combined in the career of a man named his parents’ home. In honor of the 45th anni- Brad Currey, Jr. HON. ROBERT A. WEYGAND versary of this event and in recognition of the Brad Currey retires at the end of this year OF RHODE ISLAND outstanding contributions that he has made to as Chairman, President, and CEO of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his community and our country, I urge my col- Rock-Tenn Company in Norcross, Georgia. Monday, September 27, 1999 leagues to join me in extending warmest con- Brad always says that Rock-Tenn’s value is gratulations and our most sincere appreciation based on the unique competence of its peo- Mr. WEYGAND. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, to Howard J. Rubenstein. ple; with those people, he built one of the September 24, 1999, I was not present for f country’s largest manufacturers and con- rollcall votes Nos. 444, 445, 446, and 447. verters of 100 percent recycled paperboard. Had I been present I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ TRIBUTE TO STAPELEY IN Their products are all around us, but we rarely on rollcall vote 444, ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote 445, GERMANTOWN recognize them: cereal boxes, bookcovers, ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote 446, and ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall overnight express mail envelopes, and count- vote 447. HON. ROBERT A. BRADY less other items. f During his career with Rock-Tenn, Brad OF PENNSYLVANIA TRIBUTE TO ALLEN FUNT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES demonstrated why a ‘‘special interest group’’ is not necessarily a bad thing. He has helped Monday, September 27, 1999 Congress refine an important part of environ- HON. SAM FARR Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I mental policy, especially in the area of recy- OF CALIFORNIA rise to honor Stapeley in Germantown, a cling. In doing so, he and his colleagues in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Quaker sponsored retirement community, as it 100 percent paper recycling industry helped Monday, September 27, 1999 celebrates 95 years of service and commit- remind us of the broad power Congress has to ment to the community. Founded in 1904 by affect the way business is done. Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise Philadelphia philanthropist Anna T. Jeanes, its A few years back, we grappled with what today to honor a man who with boundless en- mission today reflects the vision of its founder, was referred to at the time as the ‘‘solid waste ergy and enthusiasm spread laughter through- to create an ‘‘abiding place, a refuge, a crisis.’’ Legislation was introduced and consid- out the nation with his long-running TV show home’’. ered in the Commerce Committee to help spur ‘‘Candid Camera.’’ Allen Funt died at his home Stapeley is a full-service, accredited con- the recycling markets. We certainly did not in Pebble Beach on September 5, 1999 at the tinuing care retirement community that wel- know all that we needed to know about recy- age of 84. comes residents and staff of all faiths, races, cling, and few people in environmental organi- Born on September 16, 1914 in New York, and cultural backgrounds. zations or the lobbying community had an ex- Allen attended Cornell University graduating In an atmosphere of harmony, equality, sim- pert background in it, either. Brad Currey rec- with a bachelor of arts degree in fine arts. As plicity, integrity, and concern for community, ognized that the future of his paper recycling an undergraduate student, Allen was a scholar Stapeley serves over 200 older persons and industry was about to be decided in Congress. of human nature and conducted psychology includes 42 independent living apartments and He called on his industry colleagues, many of experiments which began his interest in peo- a 120-bed skilled nursing facility. whom were owners and operators of small ple’s reactions. Mr. Funt also worked as an Stapeley continues to attract new residents family-run recycled paper companies, and assistant for an Eleanor Roosevelt radio show because of its reputation as a tolerant, di- convinced them of the need to make their from which he began to engender ideas about verse, and affordable provider of quality care voice heard in the debate on solid waste and combining spontaneous reactions of people for seniors. In keeping with its mission to pro- recycled issues. From that point, the story with radio. During World War II, Allen was en- vide high quality, moderately priced care to its takes on a more ‘‘inside Washington‘‘char-listed in the Army and served in the Army Sig- residents, the Stapeley Healthcare Center acter: they chose a name for themselves, the nal Corps where he continued to study his maintains a Medical Assistance census that is Paper Recycling Coalition (PRC), and hired a idea about combining spontaneous reactions 76 percent. Among the community of Quaker consulting firm to guide them through the leg- and radio as he experimented with location re- retirement facilities, it is recognized for its islative and regulatory process. cording and concealment techniques. After commitment to individuals who have ex- Thanks to Brad and his colleagues, I have leaving the Army, Allen founded ‘‘Candid hausted their personal assets. learned more about the recycled paper indus- Microphone’’ on ABC in 1948. In 1960, CBS In recognition of its years of service to one try and its presence in Ohio and around the picked up the show for a 7-year run and for of the most vulnerable segments of our com- country. I have also learned more about the the year 1960–1961 it was the seventh-best munity, I join the New Stapeley as it cele- issues that affect them, and recognized that rated show in the nation. CBS now airs ‘‘Can- brates its anniversary and the completion of heir collective voice was valuable in crafting did Camera’’ with Allen’s son, Peter Funt, as renovations to one of its original and historic the nation’s recycling policies. They created a the host. buildings. more visible identity for the recycled paper in- For half a century Allen Funt loved to make f dustry, and they did it without arm-twisting or people smile. He was a visionary who pio- crass tactics. They did it with information. neered what has become an entire program- TRIBUTE TO BRAD CURREY, JR. From what I have heard from his friends, in- ming genre, but who also genuinely cared serting the paper recycling industry in the pol- about people and appreciated the healing HON. MICHAEL G. OXLEY icymaking process is just one of many Brad power of laughter. In the late 1960’s, Allen do- OF OHIO Currey accomplishments. As Brad gets ready nated his entire Candid Camera film library to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to retire, I want to thank him for his guidance the psychology department of his alma mater, and assure him that he has made a dif- Cornell University, in order to share his in- Monday, September 27, 1999 ference—he has had a positive impact on the sights into the human psyche and his work Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, the strength of policy process. Like Brad, I hope others will with the students. After settling in the Mon- our republic lies in the participation of all peo- see that they too can make a difference. One terey peninsula in 1978, Allen held fundraisers VerDate jul 14 2003 14:52 May 26, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E27SE9.000 E27SE9 September 27, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22925 to support Carmel schools in the 1980’s and TRIBUTE TO BARRIE AND their achievements. They have truly served donated ‘‘Candid Camera’’ tapes to hospitals MICHAEL GROBSTEIN their community with distinction. and the homes of the terminally ill as well as f started the ‘‘Laughter Therapy Foundation.’’ HON. BRAD SHERMAN IN MEMORY OF KEITH D. OGLESBY Allen Funt was truly a remarkable man who OF CALIFORNIA will be fondly remembered for his ingenuity IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JIM DeMINT and enthusiasm. His appreciation of laughter’s Monday, September 27, 1999 power to heal provided for 52 years of good OF SOUTH CAROLINA comedy for the entire nation.