Caring for the patient with acute

You may encounter patients with acute psychosis as a result of in any practice area. Understanding the patient’s experience and knowing how to respond are keys to a successful outcome.

By Charles Alan Walker, PhD, RN

In this article, we discuss how to recognize the event sequence that frequently takes place during a psychotic episode, measures to take when a patient with psychosis expe- riences , strategies to help patients with psychosis establish and maintain control of their behavior, how to monitor physical health in the patient with schizo- phrenia, effective communication tech- niques when a patient exhibits thought disturbances, and appropriate interventions to use when a patient expresses or has . What’s schizophrenia? Schizophrenic spectrum is a group of psychotic reactions in which the patient experiences loose association of thoughts, dulled or blunted affect, anhedonia, ambivalence, and impaired social relation- ships. Schizophrenia is characterized by ideas of reference, delusions, and hallucinations (see Common symptoms of schizophrenia ). Many causative factors have been suggest- ed for this psychiatric disorder, including cortical atrophy, life stress, faulty family LAMY

interactions, and low socioeconomic status. /A But prevailing notions about schizophrenia’s FOTOSTOCK

etiology point to hereditary contributions of GE

various genes, which predispose a person to A

40 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! May/June 2015

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 2.0 ANCC CONTACT HOURS psychosis

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. an increased number of and sensitivity to • level of everyday functioning in work dopamine-regulated neurons. and self-care markedly below expectation In the active phase of schizophrenia, • continuous disturbance of premorbid psychotic symptoms are prominent. The or acute symptoms lasting 6 months or more Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental • schizoaffective, depressive, or bipolar Disorders, 5th edition, diagnostic criteria for disorder with psychotic features schizophrenia include two or more of the ruled out following: • the disturbance isn’t attributable to the • delusions physiologic effects of a substance or another • hallucinations medical condition. • disorganized speech Antipsychotic medications remain the • grossly disorganized behavior mainstay of treatment for psychotic disor- • negative symptoms such as ders. Atypical antipsychotics, such as aripip- razole, olanzapine, and ziprasidone, have become the first line of therapy. These medi- Common symptoms of schizophrenia cations have a more favorable adverse reac- tion profile and they address both positive Symptom Definition Positive or and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. negative symptom Because schizophrenia is a chronic illness, Ambivalence Indecisiveness about a Negative patients require long-term integrated treat- course of action ment. For the majority of patients, the most Anhedonia Lack of pleasure in Negative effective treatment is a combination of anti- everyday pursuits psychotic medication and psychotherapy. Apathy Lack of motivation to Negative accomplish even the most Understanding the breakdown mundane tasks There are four stages of a schizophrenic A firmly fixed belief that Positive breakdown. During the first stage, patients can’t be corrected by logic experience a kind of euphoria with high Grandiose The belief that one has great Positive energy. They may feel quite good temporar- delusion power, prestige, or wealth ily as if they’re on a mission or quest and A sensory-perceptual Positive their life has been given some greater mean- experience with no basis in ing. This phase usually lasts a few days dur- reality; often auditory, but may ing which the patient doesn’t get much sleep, be visual, tactile, or olfactory calls friends and family at all hours of the day Ideas of The irrational assumption Positive and night, and may be difficult to live with. reference that, when in the presence The second stage includes what are of others, one is the object termed ideas of reference—everything of their discussion or ridicule refers to the patient and there isn’t anything Loose association Thinking characterized by Positive that doesn’t have special and deep mean- speech in which focus shifts ing. There’s a subtle shift between the from one topic to another; if euphoric sense of purpose and the patient’s severe, speech may be belief that everything that’s happening has incoherent some personal significance. Words spoken Thought blocking The inability to complete a Negative on TV are specific messages to the patient, thought or finish a sentence; not general advertising. Little glances and this experience may be conversations between people on the street extremely frustrating/ aren’t to each other, but are secret codes to bewildering the patient.

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Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. The third stage is associated with what’s known as the destructuring of perception. Events are either super strong or too weak for the patient to perceive, and there’s a A therapeutic, interpersonal breakdown in the sensory processing appa- relationship between nurse ratus. Have you ever seen the world through and patient helps the a kaleidoscope? People and places that were once predictable and familiar become disori- patient tolerate symptoms enting and unfamiliar; the world is on a tilt. when acutely ill and serves This is what happens to the patient experi- as a basis for further encing psychosis. In the fourth and final stage, patients interaction as the patient aren’t able to inhibit extraneous or irrelevant gets better. stimuli—everything comes flooding in on them. This is no longer a euphoric state, but a very frightening one. At this point in their breakdown, patients often exhibit full-blown The best approach to a patient whose delusions and hallucinations. Generally, psychosis appears to be increasing is to patients who experience such a break or reduce his or her anxiety. You can do this exacerbation of illness are hospitalized in by bringing the patient back to your reality. a community mental health center for a You might say, “I think I’m making you more short stay, usually averaging 5 to 7 days. anxious” or “Talking about this seems to Outpatient treatment is also recommended. make you more anxious.” For example, if a During this hospital stay, psychotropic patient says, “I’m Jesus Christ, I’m God”—a medications are administered and schizo- grandiose delusion—you shouldn’t respond phrenia will usually be brought under by interpreting that the delusion is a response control within 2 to 4 weeks. Measures will to the patient’s insecurity. Rather, you want be taken to reduce the patient’s anxiety and to respond to the process: the patient is get- care for the patient’s physical needs until ting more anxious, which is fueling the psy- he or she is well enough to assume these chosis. You might say, “I think right now responsibilities. A therapeutic, interpersonal you’re getting more anxious. Why don’t we relationship between nurse and patient helps stop this discussion and sit here quietly for a the patient tolerate symptoms when acutely minute” as opposed to “It sounds like what ill. The relationship also serves as a basis for you’re saying or feeling is...” further interaction as the patient gets better. There are times when sitting with the patient silently is the best response. You Reducing anxiety aren’t overstimulating the patient, but you’re Reducing the patient’s anxiety is one of the giving him or her a sense of security—the most important initial measures you can patient isn’t alone and he or she can rely on take. The patient having an acute psychotic your reality for a while. episode is intensely frightened. Fear is the To review, techniques that can help reduce prevailing problem in the initial phase of anxiety include sharing your reality, respond- treatment; the more intense the fear, the ing to the process rather than interpreting, more intense the psychotic symptoms. You and staying with the patient quietly. can assume that the more the patient is talk- ing through delusions, the more intense the Helping patients gain control hallucinations, the more frightened and In addition to reducing anxiety, you’ll anxious he or she is. want to help patients establish and maintain May/June 2015 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 43

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. control of their behavior. If you’re working You might say, “We know you may be terri- with a newly admitted patient experiencing bly frightened, but we want you to know psychosis, you need some capacity to relate that you’re safe here. These fears are symp- to that individual and these skills must be toms of your illness, and we’re going to pro- learned. You must learn to speak to the pa- tect you. We aren’t going to let you get out of tient’s concern without hemming him or her control if that should be a concern to you. in and without pressuring too much, yet And we would like you to warn us if you’re you have to set firm limits. concerned about getting out of control.” The symptoms of psychosis usually wax When you make that sort of unilateral state- and wane; that is, if the patient is having ment, the patient is often comforted. auditory hallucinations or ideas of reference, If patients sense, in the midst of their terror, the intensity of those symptoms—and the which is often inexpressible, that you under- patient’s capacity to distance him- or herself stand to some degree what they’re experienc- from them, control them, or resist them— ing, they’re often reassured. If patients fear probably varies throughout the day and day that they may lose control of their impulses— to day. So a patient who can’t help him- or usually violent impulses—they may be herself at one point during the hospital stay relieved to know that you aren’t frightened may be able to at another time, particularly if that they have those concerns, and there are you encourage him or her to do so. sufficient personnel that if they act out their This vacillation in self-control means that impulses, you’ll assist them to regain control. extremes are to be avoided. To treat patients Most patients with psychosis, even with psychosis as if they have no capacity to though they may seem out of touch with control themselves is an error. To treat them reality, have excellent memories for what as if everything is under their control is also goes on during an acute episode. They an error, but for you to exhort them to man- remember what you do for them; what you age whatever degree of control they can don’t do for them; and whatever you may maintain is quite a reasonable expectation. do to them, which they may interpret nega- You must remember that the patient with tively. Although they may be mute and psychosis is responding to an internal state unresponsive, patients with psychosis of mind over which you have little or no remember what’s said. Keep this in mind control. In fact, the patient is experiencing when you work with these patients. things that the observer isn’t experiencing. In review, to help patients establish and maintain control, you should speak to consider this patients’ concerns, set firm limits, encourage patients to control themselves as much as Mr. M talked nonstop about fulfilling his messianic mission. He repeatedly emphasized that in the second millennium, he would exalt the 12 tribes they’re able, and ensure them of their safety. of Israel and the saved would number only 2,000. Often, he stopped midsentence and asked, “Do you understand?” To which I replied, “No, Monitoring physical health I don’t understand.” Frustrated, Mr. M, said, “Of course, you wouldn’t Monitoring the physical health of patients understand. You don’t have superior, Godly intelligence.” Then he with psychosis is also necessary. You must grabbed my legal pad and pencil, and wrote the numerals 2, 12, and make sure that patients are having their 2,000 while continuing to rant. At this point, I said, “What I do understand daily needs met—eating, toileting, and is that you wrote the numbers 2, 12, and 2,000 on my paper.” Mr. M resting sufficiently. Patients may ignore stopped ranting and said, “Yes, I wrote 2, 12, and 2,000 on your paper. some of these functions during a psychotic Would you like to see my drawings? They’re in my room.” episode. Be alert to signs of physical illness, Analysis: This patient was talking through his delusion at a rapid pace, such as lassitude or lethargy. Not all of the anxiously wanting to be understood. When I finally validated something we could both agree on, he ceased his ranting and invited me to see his artwork. patient’s physical symptoms may be mani- festations of the psychiatric problem.

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Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. You should actively intervene when the Consider these patient is behaving in ways detrimental to his strategies to com- Five therapeutic principles or her health. Although an intervention prin- municate effectively • Show acceptance without value judgment. ciple is to allow the patient to control as much (see Suggestions for • Observe the patient’s verbal and of his or her life as possible, there are instanc- communication). nonverbal cues. es when a psychiatric disorder can seriously • Listen for themes. • Focus on the patient’s feelings. interfere with the patient’s well-being. An When interviewing • Be honest and direct. • instance might be when a patient is unable to a patient with psy- Actively listen. voluntarily decide to rest for the sake of his or chosis, it’s often dif- her own health. Because of the patient’s ficult to understand his or her story. If the ambivalence, he or she might walk into the patient is talking but is difficult to follow, room in preparation for taking a nap, then you can listen for themes. Try to understand walk back out, walk in, and walk back out. the most important theme in the patient’s You have the difficult challenge of decid- conversation. For example, the patient might ing at which point you need to take responsi- be repetitively speaking about “decapitated bility for the patient’s well-being, with the babies, bloody knives, zombies, and empty ultimate goal of gradually transferring that graves.” Rather than asking questions about control back to the patient as he or she these things, it’s better to simply ask the pa- achieves some level of readiness. In this tient, “Are you feeling frightened?” Often, a instance, it would be appropriate for you to patient who’s rambling will respond that he take the patient gently, but firmly by the arm or she is feeling frightened. and walk with him or her to the room. After • Speak simply and concretely. One of the you’re there, you would assist the patient to most important things to keep in mind when sit on the bed and then lie down. You might caring for a patient with psychosis is to say, “Now you’ll rest. I’ll stay with you while speak simply and concretely so that the pa- you rest or I’ll check back with you to make tient is able to follow. A long paragraph with sure you’re resting. But now you’ll rest.” many abstract ideas will be difficult for the To review, monitoring the patient’s physi- patient to understand and respond to be- cal health includes meeting basic needs, cause it’s too much stimulation. Accompany attending to urgent health concerns, recog- simple language with simple gestures. nizing signs of illness, and preparing for the Rather than orienting the patient to his or patient’s indecision related to matters affect- her room using complex instructions about ing his or her physical well-being. the call bell, TV re- mote device, or bed Communicating effectively controls, you might Suggestions for The ability to communicate effectively is im- say simply, “Come communication portant when caring for patients who are ex- and sit” while ges- • Listen for themes. periencing an acute psychotic episode. It’s turing with an open • Speak simply and concretely. impossible to provide a nurse with a script hand and an invit- • Anticipate the patient’s experience. of therapeutic words, phrases, or sentences; ing facial expression. • Ask if the patient is hallucinating; if so, ask instead, it’s preferable for you to use your • Anticipate the pa- if he or she is hearing voices and what own personal style to operationalize a num- tient’s experience. they’re saying. ber of therapeutic principles (see Five thera- Sensitive communi- • Avoid disagreeing with delusions or asking peutic principles). If you’re extroverted and cation is particularly detailed questions about them. • sociable, then use it to greatest effect without helpful when a pa- Notice the patient’s nonverbal cues; look for incongruence with what he or she says. overstimulating the patient. If you’re intro- tient experiences • Stay with the patient who’s having auditory verted and soft-spoken, then use silence to thought blocking imperative or command hallucinations. allow the patient to reveal his or her feelings. (the patient has May/June 2015 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! 45

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. many thoughts but can’t choose one to say), experienced as very real for the patient. In expresses a delusion, or appears to be having most cases, hallucinations are threatening hallucinations. When a patient is having tre- and ominous. It’s useful for you to reassure mendous difficulty with thought blocking, the patient who’s hallucinating. Any areas in letting him or her know that you understand which you have some control over protecting what’s happening is often a relief. The patient the patient should be pointed out. You might who can’t complete a sentence is very embar- say, “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I will pro- rassed and feels that something strange is tect you. I will stay with you.” You can share happening to him or her that no one can un- your perception of reality by saying, “I don’t derstand. So it’s immensely helpful for the pa- see, smell, or hear what you’re experiencing, tient to know that you can anticipate what he but I can see how it’s upsetting you.” or she is experiencing, even if just a little bit. It’s critical for you to realize that whenev- If the patient is experiencing delusions, one er a patient is experiencing perceptual dis- of the key principles of effective communica- tortions, other sensory input can be equally tion is letting him or her know when you don’t distorted and become equally frightening. understand. Communication can proceed Avoid touching patients who are actively most effectively if you’re clear on what has hallucinating without telling them that been understood and what hasn’t. It’s impor- you’re going to touch them. Patients who tant that you don’t disagree with the patient’s are hallucinating may interpret sensory delusion; don’t attempt to rationalize or argue input in a way other than you intended. with him or her. What you can say is, “I don’t For patients experiencing auditory halluci- share that fear, but I understand that’s the way nations, some of the time it’s blatant enough you see things now.” In that way, you provide that they’ll respond to the voices. Often, you some consensual validation of the patient’s can pick this up through subtle behavior. reality without taking a punitive or disrespect- You see the patient moving his or her head ful attitude toward his or her experience. or lips as if responding to something in the If the patient is experiencing hallucina- environment. You should then ask, “Are you tions, to intervene constructively you need hearing voices?” If the answer is yes, then to remember, first and foremost, that halluci- say, “What are the voices telling you?” nations, although not real for you, are It’s important to know the content of auditory hallucinations: there’s a difference consider this between voices making benign statements and voices telling the patient to harm him- or Ms. R stood in a corner of the day room waiting her turn for morning herself or someone else (command hallucina- snacks, which included peanut butter and sliced apples. When she finally approached, I asked her pleasantly if she would like a piece of apple. She tions). When a patient hears auditory impera- responded with a deep and furious growl, “I don’t want an apple unless tive or command hallucinations, stay with the there’s a snake wrapped around it.” Instead of trying to interpret Ms. R’s patient and constantly observe him or her. imagery, I simply said, “I’m not going to harm you with this apple slice. In review, to communicate effectively, you Apples are good for us…see,” and I bit into the apple slice. Ms. R reluc- should use your own style, listen for themes, tantly took two apple slices and some peanut butter. speak simply and concretely, indicate when Analysis: Rather than rush to interpret Ms. R’s response as an allusion you don’t understand, avoid disagreeing to the Genesis narrative about Eve, the serpent, forbidden fruit, original with delusions, share your perception of sin, and guilt, I responded to the process. Ms. R was fearful and I spoke reality, and remain with the patient having to her fear. auditory command hallucinations. Epilogue: Eight days later, as she was preparing for discharge, Ms. R sat next to me and said, “I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you that day you offered Awareness and sensitivity needed me the apple. I know I scared many of the other patients, including my room- mate. I was scared, too. I saw the snake as vividly as I see you now.” Care of the patient with acute psycho- sis requires your awareness of the

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Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. sensory- perceptual problems he or she is on the web experiencing and being able to apply that awareness to specific situations. Care also • American Psychiatric Association: requires you to be sensitive to the patient’s • Cleveland Clinic: feelings and preserve as much of his or diseasemanagement/psychiatry-psychology/schizophrenia-acute-psychosis • her dignity as possible. Doing so will posi- Mayo Clinic: basics/definition/con-20021077 tively influence patients’ progress during • National Alliance on Mental Illness: the rehabilitative phase of their illness. ■ Mental-Health-Conditions/Schizophrenia • REFERENCES National Institute of Mental Health: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Washington, DC: • World Health Organization: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013. Clark WG. Schizophrenia and genomics: linking research to practice. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv. 2007;45(6):24-28. Rudnick A, Martins J. Coping and schizophrenia: a Harrison J, Newell R, Small N. Do nurses’ responses re-analysis. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2009;23(1):11-15. cause more distress than the presence of visions and voices? Ment Health Pract. 2008;11(5):17-19. Saunders JC. Perioperative nursing care of patients with schizophrenia. AORN J. 2009;89(5):893-897. Ko CJ, Smith P, Liao HY, Chiang HH. Searching for rein- tegration: life experiences of people with schizophrenia. Walsh J, Stevenson C, Cutcliffe J, Zinck K. Creating a J Clin Nurs. 2014;23(3/4):394-401. space for recovery-focused psychiatric nursing care. Nurs Inq. 2008;15(3):251-259. Marchisio S, Vanetti M, Valsesia R, Carnevale L, Panella M. Effect of introducing a care pathway to standardize Charles Alan Walker is a Professor at Texas Christian University, treatment and nursing of schizophrenia. Community Ment Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences, in Fort Worth, Tex. Health J. 2009;45(4):255-259. The author and planners have disclosed no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise. Reed SI. First-episode psychosis: a literature review. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2008;17(2):85-91. DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000462645.52688.23

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