Dawson Williams, M.D
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THE THU JO!RNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. * EDITED Bt DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D., ASSISTED BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR, VOLUME II 1904. JULY TO DECE=MBER. PRflITED A:ND P¶I3LISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 429, STRAND, W.C. Dirc. 31, 1904.1 '- INDEX. lMemav' JoVANAx I INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1904. A. adopted by English and Welsh counties, 2719; award of, by the College of Physicians of Abbazia, proposed memorial to Billroth at, 1257 and county councils, 2760 Philadelphia, 2428 am'-_ Abdominal gestation, case of (Lieut.-Col. A. C. Act, Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 2904, 784 Amateur prescribing in the halfpenny' press Sturmer), 2693 Public Authorlties Protection, 103 I617 pregnancy, primary, g98 the Workmen's Compensation, curious Amatus lusitanus, note on, 9oi section, prevention of ventral hernia action, 1485 Amblyopic eye, return of vIsion to (G. Aubrey as a seq,uel to (E. Stanmore Bishop), 53, 473; Actinomycosis, case of (Mr. Leedham-Green), Jell) 695, 1783 (E. Hastings Tweedy), 355, 708 I696 Ambulance aid, discussion on the organization Aberdeen, bequest to Royal Infirmary, 36; Acts, the Inebriate, report of the Home Office during peace of civil, medical, and (Colonel health of, 614, 2266; companies R.A.M.C. Inspector under, I536; leading article OD, 2722 J. E. Squire), 79 ; (Major E. C. Freeman), 381; (Vols.), 772; King's College Chapel, new Adamson, H. G., Leishman-Donovan body in (J. E. Mo]son), 38x (Major T. McCulloch), 381; window, 2487 ; population of, 1487 Delhi boil, 42 (Surgeon-General Cuffe), 382; (Deputy In- University. See University Addinsell, Augustus W., a further contribution spector-GeneralT. J. Preston),382; (Surgeon- Abortion, charge of procuring, 48; charge of towards the study of the natural history of General W. K. Van Reypen), 382; (Surgeon- criminal, 360 ; removal through the abdominal tubal gestation, 1167 General A. Keogh), 382 wall of a stick used- to procure, 1405 Address in surgery at annual meeting (Sir in civil life, 6og Abscess of the appendix followed by abscess in William Macewen), 232 dogs, demonstration by Major the iliac region, 1409 Adelaide, correspondence from, 775; annual Hautdeville Richardson, 1477, 1589 cerebral, case of, 2755 meeting of the South Australian Branch, 775; - - horse, 1620 liver recoveryfrom, followed by abscess Nemesis, 77S _ scheme for London, I6oo, 162o of lung ana empyema (James Cantlie), 672 Adiposis dolorosa in two sisters (J. A. Ham- -- service for Manchester, proposed, ~mastoid, after measles, operation, re- mond), 121 150 covery (laurie Asher Lawrence), 2230 Adulteration of food, 1474: at Manchester, 206; work, is the widespread slight of the Pancreas (L. P. Gamgee), 1637 of peas with copper sulphate, 417 training in beneficial to the community ? subphrenic, paper on, I639 Advertisement, an, 6i6; the science and art of, (S. Hamilton), 330 tropical, and dysentery, 628 1346; responsibility for fraudulent 1496; an America. See United States Abscesses a ter appendicitis, visceral, 1333 unsolicited, I600; the gentle craft or, 2775 American nostrum vendors, 475, 709, 1674 Abyssinia, vaccination in. I588 Advertising, medical, 49, 104, 308, 4s6, 476, 709. nurses in Japan, 852 Academie de M deciuc, priz"s of the,z657 869, 953, 2440, 2730 ; of medical practitioners at Amoebic dysentewy, 2766 Academy, Royal, of kediciuts of Ireland, 854, foreign health resorts, 48, i9gS ; of patent medi- Amphistoma Watsoni, 663 1110, 141I, 2463, 2574; candidates for post of cines, 30I; by cottage hospitals, 476; by mid- Anaemia, a form of, 1247 general secretary, 854; .election of secretary wives, 477; in surgery windows, 953: of health splenic, clinical features of (W.> and officers for the ensuing year, xIIO lectures, 2046; of hydropathic establishnlents, Mitchell Stevens), gog - - - ~~~~~~~~Sec- I277 Anaerobes, preliminary;note on the cultivation tion of Pathology: Two cases of lymphatic Aethusa cynapium, poisoning by (H. E. Davison), of (D. J. Hamilton), xi leukaemia, 1411; specimen of aortic aneurysm 224 Anaesthesia, surgical, reviews of books on, Iogo perforating the oesophagus, 1411; specimen Age incidence in zymotic diseases. 85x Anaesthetics, administration of by dentists, 154 of aneurysm of the aortic arch which had Air, in the heart, 6i, 275I; bacterial pollution of, Analgesia, local (Arthur E. Barker), 2682 ruptured into the pleura, I411; inefficient 931 Anastomosis, intestinal (Mr. Leedham Green), operations for gastric ulcer, 2463; case of Aix-la-ChapeUe, accommodation at, 1128 1637 anomalous cretinism, 1574; caisson disease, Albrand, Walter, Die Kostordnlng au Heil- und Anatomical specimens for museum purposes, note on, 2574; two cases of Hodgkin's disease, Pflege-Anstalten, rev., 925 suggested method of mounting (C. J. Patten), 1574; fatal case of glanders in a man, 2640; Albuminuria, functional (Henry George Arm- 1378 glioma of retina, 1640; haematology of a case strong), 905 ; in pregnancy, I407 Anatomy, reviews of books on, x1ox of myelaemia, I640; case of liver disease, 1640 Albuminuric retinitis (George Carpenter), 1308 teaching of in the middle ages (J. P. of Surgery, french, the last year of Alcohol, American Medical Society for the Study Payne), 1353 the existence of, note on, I12 of, ;765 the youug idea in, 1680 of sciences, Paris, award of Le Compte Of,-76 effect of on the heart, 443; and hygiene, Anderson, Daniel Elie, discussion on the, prize, 392 84, 1I85 prophylaxis of malaria, 641 Acarus iuiection, 2204 in enteric fever, use of, I614 -- Richard J., discussion on giants ana Accident, whatis an'? 359; liability for, 953 and insanity, 69o, 2X26, 1475 dwarfe, 1382 Accidents among woramen, international con- question, medical conference on, 225 - B., epidemic catarrhal jaundice, 673 gress on, 693 Alcoholic beverages, bearing of the use of upon Andrews, Russell, specimens of ruptured preg- Accommodation, further investigations on poverty (T. P. Whittaker), nant tubes, T520 (Karl Grossmasnn), 734 poisoning in a ch of 4 (W. J. Bur- Anencephalous fetus, protracted pregnancy,.82; Acland, Theodore Dyke, discussion on the treat- roughs), 1749 scalp simulating bag of membranes (A. L. ment of tubercuious pleural effusion and Alcoholism in New York, 332 Scott), I750 pneumothorax, 2003 insanity and heredity, 2765 Aneurysm, traumatic axillary, 1408; of intra- Acne-keloid, case of (A. Douglas Heath), 989 Aldred, Wilfred A., report of case of spina bifida crnial part of left internal carotid caused by Act, the Bread, 844 successfully treated under care of T. White- bullet wound, I409; aortic, perforating the- - Infant Life Protection, 1897, 928; amend- head Reid, I9 oesophagus, 1411 ; of the aortic arch ruptuing ment of the law, 929 Alexander, W., dumb-bell calculus, removed into the pleura, 1411 Infectious Diseases Notification, z678; pro- from a man 43 years of age, 1S75; paper on Aneurysms of the large vessels treated by sub- secution in Ireland, 52277 adenoma of the endometrium, i642 cutaneous injections of gelatine, sos - the Licensing (scoTand) 1903, Section LV, Algiers as a health resort, 1424 Angus, J. Acworth, protectivepower of vaccina- 1496 Alimentary canal, the human, bacteriology of tion, 2005 Lunacy, the, and private asylums, 2328 certain parts of the .and of the inflammatory Anilinedyes as colouring mixtures, SI - Medical and Dentists, evasions of, 2528 processes arising therefrom, I457 Animal food, arterio-sclerosis, constipation and, -* Midwives, the, 79, I33 350, 686, 765, 1337, Alkali works and cotton-weaving sheds, annual 863 1547, 1719- and the teaching of miowitery report of, 2o6 Animals, humane slaughtering of, 199, 301, 364; to students (Charles J. Wright), 222; in Lan- Allbutt, T. Clifford, the historical relations be- experiments on, 109, 258 3oi; cruelty to, 401 cashIre, 350, 462; appointment of lady in- tween surgery anc medicine, 789 experiments on the grating of the thymus. spector, 392; report of General Purposes All for the worst, 779, 864, II18 gland in, I697 Committee to Surrey County Council, 46I; AllinghaTn, Herbert William, obituary notice of, Ankylostomiasis and notification, go; diagnosis. training of in Glamorgan, 462, 2432 ; resolution 2347 ; will of, 2760 of infection of, in mines, 301 ; recent, adopted by Council of the lncorporated Almatetn, note on, 2468 researches on, 449; committee engaged in Medical Practitioners' Association, 765; adop- Almedilla y Ping, Josquim, note on the know- deviring measures to prevent the introduc- tion of in Manchester, 1041I; classes in con- ledgeof medicine possessed by Cervantes, X609 tion: or, into the pits of Yorkshire, 765; nexion with at Cardiff, 2041; payment of Alpine research station, selection of pite for an, a skin infection, 852; a practical suggestion medical practitioners summoned by midwife, 452 for the prevention of (Patrick Manson), 1246; 2O99; in New Zealand, I337; aid for midwives Alps, open methods of wound treatment in the, lecture on in Wales, I431; in collieries (lead- in practice before the passing of the Act in 2421, 1543 ing article), 2762 1902, 4359 1491; in countydistricts, 1496; adop- Alston, H., the metric system, 263 Anniversaries of the month, I726 tion of in Cumberland, I658, 2729; methods Alvarenga prize, announcement of the next Annual Museum, the, 420' INDEX 0- I 4I xA"mmI%op==J D [Dz 3X, I I Antarctic region, lecture on, I728 Army, exchange, 264, 307, 555, 623, 785, 2045, 2346, Cathedral, 249; co-option of members of Anthrax, Salavo's serum treatment of, in man, 2496, I6I6, 2672, 2732, 1778 council, 249; next annual meeting, 249; anDual 226 ; and its spread, 348 ; immunization against, medical report, go, 2ox meeting, I906, 24?; president's ainner party, 6to medical reserve, promotions and appoint- 249; election of bonorary members, 249; Antbropoid apes and syphilis, 932 ments iu, 102, 224, 264, 307, 357, 477, 6239 2223, Annual Representative Meeting, 249: recep- Anthropological Institute, delivery of the Huxley 2299, 1549, I6x6, i673, 2778 tion of foreign delegates, 25I; Middlemore Memorial Lecture of, Iox6 medical reserve, an (leading article), 2720 prize, 25x; reception at Wadham College, 25i; Anchropometric investigation, and the physical sanitary reorganization of, 4Co vice-chancellor's conversazione.