3Jrktish Tdtmw4 ,#Ttuttml the JOURNAL of the BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
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[ TinE BRITI8e DEC. 2?, 1907.] [MEDICAL JOURNAL THE 3jrktish tdtMw4 ,#ttuttmL THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D. ASSISTED BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. VOLUME II 1907. JUJLY TO 3DECE:MBEI. Jtntiaun: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 6, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND, W.C. r Tu Dam= DEC. 28; 1q07.] [MUDICAL Jo-RXAs 3 INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1907. A. on, 40* definition of " workman," 61 ; indus- Alopecia areata, removed from list of trial diseases, 121; duties of medical men diseases which came under law relating to Abdominal aorta, case of aneurysm of (T. under the Act,121; epileptics and, 167; Home epidemics in the schools of Paris, 141; Garnet S. Leary, with note on patholog cal Becretary cancels all existing appoint- treatment of, 491 appearance by Constance Ellis), 714 ments as medical referee, 220; medical Alsace-Lorraine, small-pox in, 771 Abdominal cavity, gauze five months in, 44 referees under; 237, 1022; note on, 766; AlvareD9a Prize awarded to W. Lewis Chap- Abdominal hysterectomy. See Hysterectomy domestic servants and, 942,1022; hospital man, 1265 Abdominal ineisions, direction of (L. Ernest nurses, 1109; district medical officers, 110J; Amateur in drugs. See Drugs Maylard), 895; correspondence on, 1105, county court case, 1469; cases, 1626, 1751; Ambiguous reactions in sugar testing 1280, 1466 medical fees in, 1i34 (Stephen G. Longworth), 19 Abdominal operations. care of the patient Acts, Inebriates, report of inspector under, Ambulance, metropolitan street, 854,1607,1841; during serious (H. Bellamy Gardner), 14 1083 leading article on, 1607; city of London Abdominal operations, success in (J. H. Acts, Public Health, 108, 295 police, 1178 Dauber), 792 ADAM, JAMES: Acqte pneumonia in children, Ambulance teams, 770 Abdominal operations, review of books on, 51 Ambulance. See also St. John 207 ADDINGTON, the Prime Minister, note on, America. See United States Abdominal pain, review of books on, 1652 269 America, North, conditions of practice in, Abdominal sections in hospital practice, Addison's anaemia. See Anaemia 615 notes on a series of 100 consecutive cases Address in Medicine, 250; leading article on, America, South, conditions of practice in, (J. Inglis Parsons), 452 277 615 Abdominal surgery, some experiences in Address in Surgery, 255; leading article on, American Medical Association. See Associa- (F. T. Paul), 1113 278. See al8o Association, annual meeting tion Aberdare, infant mortality at, Ill Adenoids, curette for, 1720 American Medical Directory, rev., 23; note on, Aberdeen, health of, 650; Professor Finlay on Adenoids in eye disease (Dr. Killen), 1585 492 alcohol, 1182 Adulteration of flour, 839. See al8o Food American men of science, 1546 Abortifacient pills, 1860 adulteration American students in German universities, Abortion, determinants of, and how to com- Advertisement, fraudulent, 174 1800 bat them (James Oliver), 1567 Advertisements, immoral, crusade against, Ametropia after removal of the lens, spee- Abortion, tubal, case of (frank A. Nyulasy), 226 lacles iii (Archibald Stanley Percival), 1776 1570 Advertiser, ingenious, 366 Amputation. interscapulo-thoracic (Edred M. ABRAHAM, PHINEAS S.: Ringworm question Africa, conditions of practice in, 615 Corner), 822 in elementary sehools, 387 Africa, East. See East Anaemia, Addison's, specific-infective nature Ab3cess. appendical, perforated gangrenous Africa general service medal, 1468 of, its course and treatment (William appendix: appendectomy and recovery (re- Africa, South. See South Hunter), 1299; leading article on, 1358 ported by Richard Slocock), 83 Africa, West. See West Anaemia in ankylostomiasis (Arthur E. Abscess, bone, due to a bacillus allied to After-care Association. See Association Boycott), 1318; discussion, 1320 B. parati,phosus (F. G. Bushnell), 1775 Age. medico-legal aspects of. 783 Anaemia, pernicious, discussion on, 1299, Abscess, brain, complicating case of acute Agra, sanitary report of. 1602 1311; leading article on, 1358 middle ear suppuration (W. S. Syme), 98l Ahifeld's method of disinfection of hand in Anaemia, pernicious, two cases of, with Abscess of liver, one hundred cases (James midwifery, 1859 unusual features (J. Fortune), 1041 - Cantlie), 1342 AIKMAN, Dr. : Case, 1517 Anaesthesia, ether, by the open method (H. Abscess, retropharyngeal (H. Irving Pinches), Air. suboutaneous injeetions of, as a means BellamyGardner), 1516 *(Francis WN. Bailey). 813; (W. H. Vickery), 1237 of relieving certain painful manifestations, 1823; (Alexander Brownlee, with remarks Abscess of spleen in Andaman Islands, 8 1297, 1559 by J. Lvnn Tllomas), 1824; correspondence Absorbit reducing paste, composition of, 25 Alabone treatment, 1472 on, 1621, 1747 Absorption from the peritoneal cavity (B. H. Alaxa, 24 Anaesthesia, local, syringe for. 91 Buxton), 1421 Albumen, tests for, 1696 Anaesthesia, local, in tooth extraction, Acaddmie de Mgdecine, prizes, 1793 Albuminuria from a life assurance point of syringe for, 91 Academy, Roval. of Medicine in Irelsnd, view (Robert Wilkinson), 1714 Anaesthesia, lumbar. See Lumb%r 1087,1426,1586,1712; election of officers, 1087 Albumosuria, myelopathic, case of (W. Lang- Anaesthesia, relative value of inhalation and ligature of innominate artery (Sir Thomas don Brown). 686 injection methods of inducing (El. P. Dean), Myles), 1426; President's address, 1586; ex- ALcINDOR, JOHN: Intense hepatic conges- 869'; discussion, 872; correspondence on hibits, 1586. Section of Pathology: Villous tion in an infant, 1581 1028 tumour of the bladder (Dr. Boxwell), 1712; Alcohol and " hobnail" liver, 1276, 1362, 1375, Anaesthetic hairwash, dangers of, 776 thrombosis of arm with gangrene (Dr. 1467, 1559 Anaesthetic shampoo, 764 O'Carroll),, 1712; laryngeal specimens, (Pro- Alcohiol and insanity (F. W. Mott), 797; dis- Anaesthetics, review of books on, 22 fessor White), 1712. Section of Surgery: cussion, 801; leading article on, 835; corre- Analgesic, spinal, stovaine as (J. Hogarth Ascites and the T,lma-Morison operation spondence on, 1021 Pringle), 12 (W. I. de C. Wheeler), 1713; mucous colitis Alcohol, Professor Finlay on, 1182 Anaphylaxis, F88 and appendicostomy (Seton Pringle), 1713 Alcolhol and mountaineering. 485 Anastomosis between the common bile duct Accuracy of thought in medicine (W. Hale Alcohol, review of books on, 21, 459 and the duodenum for obstructive jaundice Wbite), 250 Alcohol, scientific investigation of. 922 (Andrew Fullerton), 1118 Acetonaemic condition s of children Alcohol and taxation in Russia, 1844 Anatomical results of efficient mastication (Frederick Langmead) 819; discussion, 821; Alcoholic beverages, sale of in sanatoriums, (F. J. Bennett), 1502 correspondence on, 1288,1380 772 Anatomv. review of books on, 391, 827, 1039, Achondroplasia (?), case of (Dr. ITobhouse), 85 Alcoholic patent medicines, 1800 1718, 1783 Achondroplasia (H. H. Clarke), 1261; (J. A. C. Alcoholism, exhibition on, 842 Ancient Britain and the Invasion of Julius Macewen), 1646 Alcoholism, mortality from in France, 1683 Caesar, 1788 ACKLAND, JOHN MCKNO: Relation of dental Alcoholism, practical measures to discourage, Andaman Islands, abscess of spleen in, 8 surgery to medicine, 1483 1555. See also Inebriety ANDERS, HOWARD S. : Physical Diagnosis, with ACKLAND, W. R.: Notes on some cases of ALDRED, WILFRED A.: Two cases ef poisoning Case Examples of the Inductive Method, rev., neuralgia, 1499 by weed killer, 626 911 ACLAND, TAEODORE D1YKE: Need for the in- AL'EXANDER of Abonoteielhos, a notorious ANDERSON. A. M.: Special report on danger- spection of allresidential secondary schools quack, 1356 ous or injurious processes in the coating of in matters relating to sanitation and ALEXANDER, DAVID A.: The stethoscope, metal with lead or a mixture of lead and hygiene, 496 184 tin, 1799 Act. Employment of Children, 1449; London ALEXANDER, FORBES JAMES: Two cases of ANDERSON, JOHN F.: Studies upon Hyper- County Council and, 1449 umbilical fistula, 1237 susceptibility and Immunity, 1089 Act, new Food, 1613 Alfreton medical practitioners decide as ANDERSON, LOUISA CTARRETT: Case of sar- Act, Medical, Amendment of, 1907. 818 to rate of pay of sick clubs, 1793 coma of small intestine, 886 Act, the Midwives, 843, 1010, 1084.1357,1601; in Algeria, plague in, 1170 ANDERSON, Major: Abscess of spleen in Manchester, 843; in Salford, 1010; payment Algiron, 208 malarial persons in Andaman Islands, 8 of medical men called in to assist mid- Alkaloids and thleir derivatives, plea for uni- ANDERSON, Lieutenant-Colonel R., elected wvives, 1084, 1357; the working of, 1601; formity in the nomenclature of, 560 Mayor of Bury St. Edmunds, 1449 North Riding of Yorkshire, 1602 ALLAN, J. : Poisoning by bromoform, 299 ANDERSON, Sir THOMAS MCCALL, appointed Act. Notification, and infectious hospitals, Allan's antifat, 209 Honorary Physician to the King, 227 1192 ALLBUTT, T. CLIFFORD: K.C.B. conferred ANDERSON, W. MONRO: Ether administra- Act. Provision of Meals, 1742; Newport and, upon, 1451; (editor) A System o,f Medicine by tion by the orpn method, 1747 1742 Many Writers, rev., 88; what do we mean by ANDREWES, F. W.: Lessons in Disinfection and Act, Early Notification of Births. See Bill tachyeardia? 938 Sterilization, rev., 913 A<t. Workmen's Compensation, 22. 40, 61, 121, ALLCHIN, W. H., knighthood conferred upon, ANDREWS, MARION: Triple pregnancy, 1584; 167, 220, 237, 166, 942, 1022, 1109, 1469, 1626,1734 1452 operation for ovarian cysts during preg- 1751; review of bozks on, 12; leading