3Jrktish Tdtmw4 ,#Ttuttml the JOURNAL of the BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
[ TinE BRITI8e DEC. 2?, 1907.] [MEDICAL JOURNAL THE 3jrktish tdtMw4 ,#ttuttmL THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY DAWSON WILLIAMS, M.D. ASSISTED BY CHARLES LOUIS TAYLOR. VOLUME II 1907. JUJLY TO 3DECE:MBEI. Jtntiaun: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 6, CATHERINE STREET, STRAND, W.C. r Tu Dam= DEC. 28; 1q07.] [MUDICAL Jo-RXAs 3 INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1907. A. on, 40* definition of " workman," 61 ; indus- Alopecia areata, removed from list of trial diseases, 121; duties of medical men diseases which came under law relating to Abdominal aorta, case of aneurysm of (T. under the Act,121; epileptics and, 167; Home epidemics in the schools of Paris, 141; Garnet S. Leary, with note on patholog cal Becretary cancels all existing appoint- treatment of, 491 appearance by Constance Ellis), 714 ments as medical referee, 220; medical Alsace-Lorraine, small-pox in, 771 Abdominal cavity, gauze five months in, 44 referees under; 237, 1022; note on, 766; AlvareD9a Prize awarded to W. Lewis Chap- Abdominal hysterectomy. See Hysterectomy domestic servants and, 942,1022; hospital man, 1265 Abdominal ineisions, direction of (L. Ernest nurses, 1109; district medical officers, 110J; Amateur in drugs. See Drugs Maylard), 895; correspondence on, 1105, county court case, 1469; cases, 1626, 1751; Ambiguous reactions in sugar testing 1280, 1466 medical fees in, 1i34 (Stephen G. Longworth), 19 Abdominal operations. care of the patient Acts, Inebriates, report of inspector under, Ambulance, metropolitan street, 854,1607,1841; during serious (H. Bellamy Gardner), 14 1083 leading article on, 1607; city of London Abdominal operations, success in (J.
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