Physiology. of Arabs and the Meccans Themselves Is That the Cause of the 1271
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1270 diameter being 8 in., its transverse measurement 3 in., and Wn have been asked to state that the dates of the its size from surface to base 4 in. Of the smaller tumours one Lettsomian Lectures on Peritonitis, to be delivered at the was about the size of a plum and the other a little smaller. Medical Society of London by Mr. F. Treves, have been It is truly remarkable that such a condition of things should altered from those previously announced, and will be as have been compatible with life for so long a period, and follows : - First lecture, Jan. 29th, 1894 ; the second, that with comparative comfort. What would have been Feb. 12th ; and the third, Feb. 26th. the course of affairs had the tumour been removed at the operation ? The large one was apparently easily removable, THE Brown Lecture will be delivered on Tuesday next, but it is scarcely to be wondered at that, having regard Nov. 21st, at 5 P.M., by Professor-Superintendent C. S. to its size, the surgeon had a natural disinclination to deal Sherrington in the theatre of the London University. The with such a mass. chosen the lecturer is "The " -- subject by Knee-jerk." THE following are the arrangements for the final Fellow- ship examination at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, for which forty-two candidates have entered CHOLERA AND INTERNATIONAL ACTION. their names, and which will be conducted at the Exa- mination Hall, with the exception of the vivâ-voce part, AT the present time, when climatic conditions unfavourable which will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons :— to cholera have reduced the epidemic to insignificant propor- Monday, Nov. 20th, Written Examination, 1.30 to 5.30 P.M.; tions, and when the disease may be said to be hybernating or Tuesday, the 21st, Clinical Examination, 1.30 to about dormant, with the possibility of being hereafter revitalised, it 6 P.M. ; Wednesday, the 22nd, Operations, 1.30 to about behoves us to inquire whether everything has been done that 6 P.M.; Thursday, the 23rd, Surgical Anatomy, 2 P.M. to can be done in the way of prevention of such epidemics in 4.15 P. M.; Friday, the 24th, vivâ voce, Pathology, 5 P. M. to future. We may begin by asking ourselves whether we have 9.30 P. M. All candidates will be required to attend on the in Europe been hitherto proceeding on the right tack in above-mentioned India as the source and manu- days. - regarding exclusively great factory of cholera, whence it is carried and distributed over THE fourth award of the Reuben Memorial Harvey other parts of the world ; and whether we may not have been Triennial Prize is announced to be made on lst, 1894. July so blindfolding ourselves with that assumption as not to have The which is of the value of ;t25. is open to the prize, sufficiently recognised the existence of another and more of all students of the various schools competition recognised dangerous source of that disease which is nearer to Europe of medicine in Dublin and also of graduates or licentiates of and to ourselves ? these bodies of not more than three years’ standing at the After all, the real object of all sanitary and scientific time of the award. The which, while with a essays dealing inquiry is to arrive at a sound decision as to the work selected the must not subject by candidate, range beyond required to save life in the future. If there is any truth the of animal or should be regions physiology pathology, at all in the currant and common-sense creed that our with the of the of lodged registrar Royal College Physicians preventive measures should be primarily applied to removing of Ireland on or before June lst next. the causes or checking the development and spread of any THE annual dinner of the staff and past and present given disease at its source, then the time has surely come for some international action to be taken in to the students of the Dental Hospital of London will be held on regard to Mecca. Saturday, Dec. 2nd, at the Hotel Metropole (Whitehall Salon), pilgrimages under the presidency of Mr. John Whitaker Hulke, F. R. S., So long as the apathy of the Ottoman Power prevails in President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. regard to all matters of sanitation, and the cities of Arabia remain in their it is Gentlemen either now or formerly connected with the hos- present disgraceful condition, perfectly futile to insist a of and vessels pital or medical school, who may through inadvertence not upon rigid inspection pilgrims have received special notice and who desire to be present, going there from India, and equally so to impose a system of at Suez or elsewhere on the crowds of cholera- are requested to communicate with the Dean at the Dental quarantine stricken Mussulmans returning from these pilgrimages. Hospital, Leicester-square. - It seems to us that it is to the Haj cities and the WE understand that the State Medicine Syndicate of the Persian Gulf rather than to India that attention should be University of Cambridge has arranged that there shall be an directed. It has frequently been declared that the British examination in State Medicine in the Easter Term, com- Government objects to quarantine solely on mercenary mencing on April 17th, 1894. This announcement is rendered grounds ; but there are in reality quite other reasons for its necessary by the fact that in the calendar and elsewhere assuming that attitude. The mere fact that cholera quaran- April 3rd is set down as the day of the commencement of tine is not only discountenanced but forbidden in British the examination. shows that the Government of that has ____ India, country no faith in its usefulness to protect its own subjects DR. THEODORE DYKE ACLAND, M.A., M.D. Oxon., from cholera. The practice of India, based upon large F.R.C.P. Lond., has been appointed to St. Physician and long experience, is the exact reverse of establish- Thomas’s Hospital in succession to Dr. John Harley. Mr. ing quarantine cordons, for when cholera appears among Bernard Pitts, M.A., M.C.Cantab., F.R.C.S., has been the troops they are at once encamped, and the sites to St. Thomas’s in succession to appointed Surgeon Hospital of the are shifted and until the disease Sir W. Mac Cormac. camps again again ____ disappears. Not only has that practice been attended THE chairman of the Board of Management of the Tem- with success as regards the affected troops, but it has not been found that the or their have perance Hospital has requested Sir Benjamin W. Richardson, troops camping grounds acted as foci for the dissemination of the disease. The true F. R. S., to draw up a report to the Board from the data at cause of the outbreaks of cholera in Arabia seasons of command on the treatment of typhoid fever in that institution. during pilgrimage is the filthy condition of Mecca and Muna, and of THE council of the Royal Institution have elected Mr. the water used by the pilgrims. This was graphically set forth Charles Stewait, M. R. C. S., curator of the 1B1 museum of the Royal in a report by Abdur Razzack in 1882, where it is stated: College of Surgeons, to the post of Fullerian Professor of ’’ The common opinion among the sensible and knowing classes Physiology. of Arabs and the Meccans themselves is that the cause of the 1271 sckness which generally prevails among the pilgrims after their from Jeddah and Mecca describe the state of the sacred ascent from Arafat and Muna, and continues for some time cities as being filthy in the extreme, especially after the u Mecca also, is the insanitary condition of Muna and sacrifice of thousands of animals-to say nothing of foul tie abominable stench that pervades the town after the first drinking water and the overcrowding of an exhausted and <hy, and increases day by day, as well as the impure water starving crowd of pilgrims. Although the exact origin of vhich the majority of the pilgrims drink. The people are the last epidemic, which began at Damietta in Egypt, was vell aware of these facts, and there are few believers in never traced, it was in all probability attributable to pilgrim Those who tax India with originating Hedjaz cholera, instead importation and to the foul state of the water, soil, and site, <f recognising and combating the too obvious exciting causes as also to the overcrowding at the Damietta fair. which exist in these holy places, on seeing which it is impos- The noteworthy points in the report of the health officer sible not to feel indignation as a Mussulman, as well as dis- of the port of Bombay which call for serious attention at " approval as a medical man. the present time are briefly these : (1) the insanitary con- It has often been urged that what is wanted to prevent the dition of Jedda and the sacred cities, and the enormous mor- extension of Asiatic cholera is a strict quarantine station at tality among the pilgrims in Arabia ; and (2) the high death- the entrance of the Rad Sea, where all ships from India rate on board ship; (3) the danger to Europe from the - should be searchingly dealt with. But what are the facts2 Persian Gulf and Haj cities rather than from India ; (4) the rin the first place, the proportion of ships leaving India apathy of the Turks in all sanitary matters ; (5) the in which cholera appears is extremely small, and, notwith- necessity for the establishment of an International Board standing the constant, direct, and rapid communication at Jedda with a medical officer representing the Indian between India and Europe, vii Egypt, it cannot be shown Government.