Synchro and Resolver Engineering Handbook We have been a leader in the rotary components industry for over 50 years. Our staff includes electrical, mechanical, manufacturing and software engineers, metallurgists, chemists, physicists and materials scientists. Ongoing emphasis on research and product development has provided us with the expertise to solve real-life manufacturing problems. Using state-of-the-art tools in our complete analytical facility, our capabilities include a full range of environmental test, calibration and inspection services. Moog Components Group places a continuing emphasis on quality manufacturing and product development to ensure that our products meet our customer’s requirements as well as our stringent quality goals. Moog Components Group has earned ISO-9001 certification. We look forward to working with you to meet your resolver requirements. 1213 North Main Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060-3127 800/336-2112 ext. 279 • 540/552-3011 • FAX 540/557-6400 • • e-mail:
[email protected] Specifications and information are subject to change without prior notice. © 2004 Moog Components Group Inc. MSG90020 12/04 Synchro and Resolver Engineering Handbook Contents Page Section 1.0 Introduction 1-1 Section 2.0 Synchros and Resolvers 2-1 2.1 Theory of Operation and Classic Applications 2-1 2.1.1 Transmitter 2-1 2.1.2 Receiver 2-1 2.1.3 Differential 2-2 2.1.4 Control Transformer 2-2 2.1.5 Transolver and Differential Resolver 2-3 2.1.6 Resolver 2-3 2.1.7 Linear Transformer 2-5 2.2 Brushless Synchros and Resolvers