Intangible Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean
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©SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO DEL ESTADO DE MICHOACÁN/A. RÍOS,2006 ©SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO DEL ESTADO DE MICHOACÁN/A. RÍOS,2006 C & D • № 12 • 2014 5 C & D • № 12 • 2014 SUMMARY EDITORIAL FERNANDO BRUGMAN © ACAIPI, FUNDACIÓN GAIA AMAZONAS/SERGIO BARTELSMAN, 2006 BARTELSMAN, AMAZONAS/SERGIO GAIA FUNDACIÓN ACAIPI, © COVER: THE YURUPARÍ RITUAL 3 EDITORIAL 22 JAGUARS' CONVENTION 54 BACK TO SCHOOL 4 A VIBRANT CULTURE 25 WHO DOES CONSENT? 61 FAR BEYOND FOLKLORE ver 1,000 delegates from 138 countries par- ral Heritage Fund, established under the Convention, ticipated in the 9th Annual Meeting of finances the Strategy implementation activities thanks 6 CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMME 31 PASS IT ON 68 IDENTITY AND CONTINUITY IN SPACE Othe Intergovernmental Committee for the to the voluntary contributions of countries like Norway, 12 INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE 33 YOUNG HERITAGE 75 ASSESSMENT OF THE TRAINING PRO- Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, in Spain, Netherlands and Japan, and the direct contribu- GRAMME ELEMENTS INCLUDED IN ONE OF THE 39 WOMEN'S LEGACY November 2014 in Paris. Among them were represen- tions of the beneficiary States themselves. LISTS OF THE CONVENTION OR IN THE 84 CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMME tatives of many Latin American and Caribbean coun- Around four years ago, 11 experts of the region parti- REGISTER OF BEST PRACTICES 46 CIVIL SOCIETY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS tries that have already ratified the Convention for the cipated in a Training of Trainers Workshop in Havana 86 CRESPIAL'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. This to implement the capacity-building strategy in Latin IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNESCO region, which exhibits a rich diversity of cultural mani- America and the Caribbean. Over 500 people have ever PROGRAMME festations, is deeply committed to defending and safe- since benefited from this programme, thanks to these 88 THE VODOU LIBRARY guarding this heritage. facilitators and the support provided by the UNESCO Safeguarding the intangible heritage is tantamount to field offices in the region and the Intangible Cultural ensuring the continued transmission and recreation of Heritage Section in Paris. its practices, representations, expressions, knowledge This issue of Culture and Development includes the and skills that communities, groups and, in some cases, assessments of these facilitators on the Strategy imple- individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. mentation results. Its contributions show that, despite It includes the instruments, objects, artefacts, and cul- the progress made, there is still a long way to go. It also tural spaces associated therewith. includes the conclusions and recommendations formu- This heritage is manifested in oral traditions and ex- lated by the UNESCO Office in Havana, and an article ©CENTRO DE LA DIVERSIDAD CULTURAL, 2013 pressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and on the contribution of the Regional Centre for the Safe- festive events, knowledge and practices concerning na- guarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (CRESPIAL) ture and the universe, and traditional craftsmanship. It to the implementation of the Convention. provides a sense of identity and continuity, thus promo- Likewise, it contains illustrations of the elements of ting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity, the intangible cultural heritage of the region that have as essential foundations for sustainable development. been inscribed on the Lists of the Convention or the Re- However, we are not always aware of this vital contri- gister of Best Safeguarding Practices. bution of the intangible heritage to development. Each The magazine also features a special contribution from of these changing manifestations results from ways of Haiti in connection with Vodou, on the International understanding the world and social organization. They Decade for People of African Descent. are also mechanisms for dialogue and conflict resolu- A special recognition goes to the Kingdom of Norway for tion, and instruments for social cohesion and, above all, its support to the safeguarding of the intangible cultural for the transmission of knowledge. heritage in the world and the publication of this issue. EDITORIAL TEAM CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT 12 CONTACT UNESCO LA HABANA UNESCO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR CULTURE IN LATIN EDITION: LEIRE FERNÁNDEZ • [email protected] [email protected] Out of the 33 States of the Region, 30 have already un- AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN, HAVANA, CUBA DESIGN: MIGUEL GUERRERO • [email protected] CALLE CALZADA NO. 551, ESQUINA A CALLE D, FERNANDO BRUGMAN · LEIRE FERNÁNDEZ · GILDA TRANSLATION: ADOLFO FUENTES • [email protected] VEDADO, LA HABANA. CP 10400 dertaken to safeguard this heritage under the Conven- BETANCOURT · BEGOÑA GUZMÁN PRINTING: ESCANDÓN IMPRESORES • [email protected] PHONE: +537 833 3438, 832 2840, 832 7741, 832 7638 FAX: +537 833 3144 tion. To support their initiatives, UNESCO has formula- ted a number of proposals as part of the Global Strategy CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT IS A PERIODIC MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY THE UNESCO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR CULTURE IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN SINCE 2000. THE MAGAZINE IS A SPACE FOR REFLECTION, EXCHANGES AND DISSEMINATION OF IDEAS AND EXPERIENCES DEALING WITH CULTURE AS A PRIORITY ELEMENT FOR THE HUMAN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. for Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE SECTION AT UNESCO PARIS (CÉCILE DUVELLE, BERTA DE SANCRISTOBAL) AND THE UNESCO QUITO OFFICE (ALCIRA SANDOVAL, FABIÁN BEDÓN) HAVE CONTRIBUTED IN THIS ISSUE N° 12. ARTICLES SIGNED the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Intangible Cultu- EXPRESS THEIR AUTHORS´ CRITERIA AND SHALL IN NO WAY ENTAIL A COMMITMENT BY UNESCO. IMAGES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY AUTHORS THEMSELVES WHO ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE SAME. THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS MAGAZINE IS AVAILABLE, BOTH IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH, AT: WWW.UNESCO.ORG/HAVANA Y WWW.UNESCO.LACULT.ORG C & D • № 12 • 2014 5 C & D • № 12 • 2014 SUMMARY EDITORIAL FERNANDO BRUGMAN © ACAIPI, FUNDACIÓN GAIA AMAZONAS/SERGIO BARTELSMAN, 2006 BARTELSMAN, AMAZONAS/SERGIO GAIA FUNDACIÓN ACAIPI, © COVER: THE YURUPARÍ RITUAL 3 EDITORIAL 22 JAGUARS' CONVENTION 54 BACK TO SCHOOL 4 A VIBRANT CULTURE 25 WHO DOES CONSENT? 61 FAR BEYOND FOLKLORE ver 1,000 delegates from 138 countries par- ral Heritage Fund, established under the Convention, ticipated in the 9th Annual Meeting of finances the Strategy implementation activities thanks 6 CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMME 31 PASS IT ON 68 IDENTITY AND CONTINUITY IN SPACE Othe Intergovernmental Committee for the to the voluntary contributions of countries like Norway, 12 INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE 33 YOUNG HERITAGE 75 ASSESSMENT OF THE TRAINING PRO- Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, in Spain, Netherlands and Japan, and the direct contribu- GRAMME ELEMENTS INCLUDED IN ONE OF THE 39 WOMEN'S LEGACY November 2014 in Paris. Among them were represen- tions of the beneficiary States themselves. LISTS OF THE CONVENTION OR IN THE 84 CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMME tatives of many Latin American and Caribbean coun- Around four years ago, 11 experts of the region parti- REGISTER OF BEST PRACTICES 46 CIVIL SOCIETY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS tries that have already ratified the Convention for the cipated in a Training of Trainers Workshop in Havana 86 CRESPIAL'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. This to implement the capacity-building strategy in Latin IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNESCO region, which exhibits a rich diversity of cultural mani- America and the Caribbean. Over 500 people have ever PROGRAMME festations, is deeply committed to defending and safe- since benefited from this programme, thanks to these 88 THE VODOU LIBRARY guarding this heritage. facilitators and the support provided by the UNESCO Safeguarding the intangible heritage is tantamount to field offices in the region and the Intangible Cultural ensuring the continued transmission and recreation of Heritage Section in Paris. its practices, representations, expressions, knowledge This issue of Culture and Development includes the and skills that communities, groups and, in some cases, assessments of these facilitators on the Strategy imple- individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. mentation results. Its contributions show that, despite It includes the instruments, objects, artefacts, and cul- the progress made, there is still a long way to go. It also tural spaces associated therewith. includes the conclusions and recommendations formu- This heritage is manifested in oral traditions and ex- lated by the UNESCO Office in Havana, and an article ©CENTRO DE LA DIVERSIDAD CULTURAL, 2013 pressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and on the contribution of the Regional Centre for the Safe- festive events, knowledge and practices concerning na- guarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (CRESPIAL) ture and the universe, and traditional craftsmanship. It to the implementation of the Convention. provides a sense of identity and continuity, thus promo- Likewise, it contains illustrations of the elements of ting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity, the intangible cultural heritage of the region that have as essential foundations for sustainable development. been inscribed on the Lists of the Convention or the Re- However, we are not always aware of this vital contri- gister of Best Safeguarding Practices.