FREE THEMED ARTICLES DOI: 10.12957/demetra.2015.16054 The recognition of foods and food-related knowledge and practices as an intangible cultural heritage Juliana Santilli1 Abstract 1 Promotora de Justiça do Ministério Público The article analyzes some recent initiatives of patrimonialization do Distrito Federal. Pesquisadora associada ao of food, knowledge and eating practices at international and programa “Populações locais, agrobiodiversidade national levels. UNESCO analyzes the recognition processes, e conhecimentos tradicionais”, realizado em parceria entre o Institut de Recherche pour le as an “intangible cultural heritage,” of the Mediterranean Développement (IRD), e a Universidade Estadual diet, the traditional Mexican cuisine, the gastronomic French de Campinas (Unicamp). food, Washoku (the Japanese culinary system), and Croatian gingerbread. IPHAN has recorded as intangible cultural heritage: Correspondence Juliana Santilli the craft of acarajé from Bahia, the traditional production of E-mail:
[email protected] cajuína in Piauí; the artisan way of making white cheese in Minas Gerais, and the traditional agricultural system of the Rio Negro, Amazonas state. There are other ongoing initiatives such as the craft of the tacacazeiras in Pará. The article discusses the main questions around such initiatives, and the potential improvements they can pose in promoting food diversity as an expression of cultural diversity. Keywords: Food. Food-related Knowledge and Practices. Cultural Heritage. Biodiversity. DEMETRA; 2015;