Welcome to Luscious.™
WOMEN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. SWEET STREET DESSERTS IS A CERTIFIED Welcome to luscious.™ 722 Hiesters Lan Welcome to luscious. e , r e a d i n ™ g , www.sweetstreet.com P P: 1 800 793 3897 F: 1 610 921 0915 a 1 9 6 0 5 SWEET STREET DESSERTS ARE KOShER DAIRy(KD) WITh ThE ExCEPTION OF ChEWy MARShMAllOW SqUARES, ChOCOlATE MARShMAllOW BAR, EUROPEAN INDIvIDUAlS, GRAND CRU™ PETIT FOURS AND SCONES. ©2010, SWEET STREET DESSERTS. All RIGhTS RESERvED. PRINTED IN ThE U.S.A. Oi 4/10 50M Welcome to SWeet Street DeSSertS Dedication to Quality 1–3 100% Guarantee 3 WE HAVE A Important customers 4 leVerAGING lUScIoUS 5–9 WE AT SWEET STREET DESSERTS ™ MISSION Balancing Desserts 6, 7 CHOOSE TO BE THE LEADER IN THE Support Programs 8, 9 Artisan Scone Variety cups & caddies 10 GOURMET DESSERT INDUSTRY, SETTING THE Units POrtiOn POrtiOn POrtiOn Sweet elite Program 11 COde Per Case STANDARD Per Unit Per CBYase WHICHWt ALL OTHERS ARE JUDGED. 7968 4 13 52 3.5 oz 2 blueberry scones PIeS 12 twelve-Inch 12, 13 Deep Dish 14, 15 eing a leader in “sweet indulgence” is our way 1 cinnamon scone Petal Pan 15, 16 1 chocolate chip scone Variety Packs 17 of life. To maintain our leadership, we will be tHe BIG lINe 18 Pies 18 B missionaries of the dessert experience, expanding its cakes 19–21 pleasures to all parts of the day and all parts of the world. cAKeS 22 Nine-Inch round 22–24 With our unwavering commitment to profitably create a mousse 24 constantly2 chocolate evolving chunk cookies and extraordinary line of great-tasting, tiramisu 25 1 oatmeal raisin cookie Variety Packs 25 high quality desserts, innovation will always be essential cHeeSecAKeS 26 1 butter sugar cookie Nine-Inch 26–28 to our success and cutting-edge products will always ten-Inch 28 be our future.
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