Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 2003

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Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 2003 Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council VOLUME XXXV 2003 ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM 16 - 19 November Death Valley California, U.S.A. Edited by Dean A. Hendrickson Texas Natural History Collection University of Texas at Austin 10100 Burnet Road, PRC 176 / R4000 Austin, Texas 78758-4445, U.S.A. and Lloyd T. Findley Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C.-Unidad Guaymas Carretera al Varadero Nacional Km. 6.6, “Las Playitas” Apartado Postal 284, Guaymas, Sonora 85400, MÉXICO published: online December 1, 2004; in print January 15, 2005 - ISSN 1068-0381 P.O. Box 337 Bishop, California 93515-0337 760-872-8751 Voice & Fax e-mail: [email protected] PROCEEDINGS OF THE DESERT FISHES COUNCIL – VOL.XXXV (2003 SYMPOSIUM) MISSION / MISIÓN The mission of the Desert Fishes Council is to preserve the biological integrity of desert aquatic ecosystems and their associated life forms, to hold symposia to report related research and management endeavors, and to effect rapid dissemination of information concerning activities of the Council and its members . OFFICERS / OFICIALES President: Paul C. Marsh, Arizona State University, School of Life Sciences, P.O Box 874501, Tempe, AZ 85287-4501 Immediate Past President: David Propst, Conservation Services División, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, NM 87504 Executive Secretary: E. Phil Pister, P.O. Box 337, Bishop, California 93515-0337 COMMITTEES / COMITÉS Executive Committee: Michael E. Douglas, Anthony A. Echelle (Member-at-Large), Dean A. Hendrickson, Nadine Kanim, Paul C. Marsh, E. Phil Pister, David L. Propst, Jerome Stefferud Areas Coordinator: Nadine Kanim Awards: Astrid Kodric Brown Membership: Jerome Stefferud Proceedings Co-Editors: Lloyd T. Findley and Dean A. Hendrickson Proceedings Translation: Gabriela Montemayor, Lloyd T. Findley, and Miguel A. Cisneros Program: Michael E. Douglas (Chair), Dean A. Hendrickson, Nadine Kanim Webmaster: Dean A. Hendrickson Local Committee: E. Phil Pister MEMBERSHIP / MEMBRESÍA Membership in the Desert Fishes Council is open to any person or organization interested in or engaged in the management, protection, or scientific study of desert fishes, or some related phase of desert fish conservation. Membership includes subscription to the Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council. Annual dues are $25 (regular: domestic or foreign), $15 (student), $35 (family: 1 Proceedings), >$35 (sustaining), $650 (life, single payment), and $1,000 (patron: single payment). Membership applications are available on the website (below). Send dues payments and general contributions along with address information (including affiliation, voice, fax, and e-mail) and indication of permission to include this information in a published directory of the Desert Fishes Council to:Jerry Stefferud, Membership Chair, 315 East Medlock Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85012, 602-274-5544, email: dfc- [email protected]. Membership applications are found at the end of this volume and online payment of dues using PayPal is available on the DFC website. ABOUT THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE DESERT FISHES COUNCIL / SOBRE LOS PROCEDIMIENTOS DEL CONSEJO DE PECES DEL DESIERTO It is the policy of the Council to select and publish in the annual Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council abstracts, discussion summaries, business items, resolutions, and other material submitted and presented at the Annual Symposium. All contributions are subject to editorial review and are published following technical editing and automated electronic processing to standardize format. Resolutions are published exactly as passed by the membership in the business meeting of the Annual Symposium. The Proceedings Translation Committee provides original translations of abstracts in English when translations are not provided by authors, and edits all Spanish abstracts provided by authors. The Translation Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts in one language to improve grammar and clarity before translating to the other language, but accepts full responsibility for errors in translations for abstracts they translate. The Proceedings are normally published and delivered to all members of the Desert Fishes Council and subscribing libraries in the year following the Annual Symposium. The Council offers extensive information on the World Wide Web about itself and the organisms and ecosystems it strives to protect: Permission to utilize copyrighted artwork on the cover was granted by University of Arizona Press and the artist, Barbara Terkanian. ISSN 1068-0381 The entire DFC Proceedings is printed on recycled paper i PROCEEDINGS OF THE DESERT FISHES COUNCIL – VOL.XXXV (2003 SYMPOSIUM) TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLA DE CONTENIDOS MISSION / MISIÓN........................................................................................................................................................I OFFICERS / OFICIALES................................................................................................................................................I COMMITTEES / COMITÉS ...........................................................................................................................................I MEMBERSHIP / MEMBRESÍA.....................................................................................................................................I ABOUT THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE DESERT FISHES COUNCIL / SOBRE LOS PROCEDIMIENTOS DEL CONSEJO DE PECES DEL DESIERTO ........................................................................................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLA DE CONTENIDOS................................................................................................II ABSTRACTS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER (FIRST AUTHOR) / RESUMENES EN ORDEN ALFABETICO (PRIMER AUTOR)........1 ALLAN, NATHAN L.; ANDERSEN, MATTHEW E.; BROOKS, JIM; EDWARDS, ROBERT J.; GARRETT, GARY P.; HUBBS, CLARK; KANIM, NADINE; MODDE, TIM; PARMENTER, STEVE; STEFFERUD, JERRY; STEFFERUND, SALLY; HILARY WATTS ............................................................................................................................................................................1 Desert Fishes Council 2002 species status tracking tables .........................................................................................1 Tablas para el seguimiento de estatus de especies del Consejo de Peces del Desierto 2002 ......................................1 ALLAN, NATHAN L.; GARRETT, GARY P.; EDWARDS, ROBERT J.; HUBBS, CLARK ..........................................................2 Texas Area report: Desert fishes research and management in Texas during 2003....................................................2 Informe del Área de Texas: Investigación y manejo en peces del desierto en Texas durante el 2003........................2 ALLAN, NATHAN L.; KARGES, JOHN; ECHELLE, ANTHONY A.; ECHELLE, ALICE F. ........................................................3 Conservation history of Leon Springs pupfish ...........................................................................................................3 Historia de la conservación del cachorrito de Manantiales León................................................................................3 ANDERSEN, MATTHEW E.; MILLER, PEGGY A.................................................................................................................4 Bonneville Basin Area report .....................................................................................................................................4 Informe del Área de la Cuenca Bonneville.................................................................................................................4 AYALA, JILL R.; RADER, RUSSELL B.; BELK, MARK C....................................................................................................5 Overlap in seasonal and diel habitat utilization of least chub, Iotichthys phlegethontis, and western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis.........................................................................................................................................................5 Sobreposición en la utilización circadiano y estacional del hábitat de la carpita mínima, Iotichthys phlegethontis, y el guayacón mosquito, Gambusia affinis ....................................................................................................................5 BADAME, PAUL V.; HUDSON, J. MICHAEL.......................................................................................................................6 Population estimates for humpback chub, Gila cypha, and roundtail chub, Gila robusta, in Westwater Canyon, Colorado River, Utah, 1998-2002...............................................................................................................................6 Estimación poblacional de carpa jorobada, Gila cypha, y carpa cola redonda, Gila robusta, en el Cañón Westwater del Río Colorado en Utah, 1998-2002 ........................................................................................................................6 BAILEY, CARMEN L.; FRIDELL, RICHARD A.; WHEELER, KEVIN K. ................................................................................7 Effects of drought on least chub, Ioticthys plegethontis .............................................................................................7 Efectos de la sequía en poblaciones de carpita mínima, Ioticthys plegethontis ..........................................................7
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