August – October 2017 – Projected Situation: November to March 2018 REPOBLIKAN’I MADAGASIKARA
INTEGRATED FOOD SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Current situation: August – October 2017 – Projected situation: November to March 2018 REPOBLIKAN’I MADAGASIKARA IPC analysis carried out from 9 to 15 October 2017 for the South and the South East of Madagascar KEY OUTPUTS OF FOOD INSECURITY FROM AUGUST TO OCTOBER 2017 % POPULATION NEEDING EMERGENCY ACTION (PHASE 3 & 4 OF The most affected areas: IPC) Districts in emergency without humanitarian assistance (IPC Phase 3 !): AMBOASARY SUD and Percentage1 of household and number of people who need emergency the four communes in the district of Taolagnaro (Ranopiso, Analapatsy, Andranobory, action to proctect their livelihood and reduce food shortage from August Ankariera) to October 2017, in the areas affected by natural disaster (drought/flood) Districts in crisis (IPC Phase 3): VANGAINDRANO, FARAFANGANA, TULEAR II – (Commune of in the districts of the South and South East of Madagascar and compared Beheloka/Efoetse), AMPANIHY, BETIOKY, AMBOVOMBE, BELOHA, BEKILY, TSIHOMBE to the situation from March to May 2017. Districts in stressed (IPC Phase 2) : VOHIPENO and MANAKARA. For all the analyzed geographical area, 9% of the population (approximately 261 388 persons) are in emergency phase (IPC phase 4) and 34% of the population (approximately 1 027 783 persons) is classified in crisis phase (IPC phase 3). Food consumption: In the South East, the District of Farafangana records a high proportion of households having a poor FCS (Food Consumption Score) (20,1%) ; the other districts have a rate ranging from 3 and 7,8%. With regard to the South, Ampanihy, Beloha, Tsihombe, the 4 Communes of Taolagnaro, Bekily, and Toliara II recorded an FCS exceding 20%.
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