

A SUPPLEMENTARY GUIDE to the Archive Collections in the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research

David M. Smith


QD 1980

ISSN 0305 8506

In the int.e ce a t.s of economy Lhi s volume has beet! reproduced by small offset li thogruphy , The churgr- made is purely to cover production costs. CONTENTS

In Lroduc tion i


Rpcords of Provincial Administration 1

Records of Diocesan Administration 2

1. G(>neral Registers 2

2. Subdivisions of General Administrative Records

A. Papers relating to Clergy

B. Papers rein ting to D~nefices 6

C. Paper::! reluting to Patronage 9

D. Papers relating to Churcbes, Churchyards and Church Schools 10

E. Papers relll(.ingto Parsonage Houses 10

F. Papprg re l et.Ing La Glebe 11

G. Papers relating til Diocesan Doards and Committees 12

II, Paperl; rl'lating Lo Parish Registers 22

3. Diocesan Rl!gisLry 23 ITecorus of Jurisdiction 25 Records of Visitation Z7






II. The Institute's Microfilm and Photocopy Collections 60 INDEX 68 mrRODUCT ION

The GuidI' to till' Archive Collections in the Borthwick Inati tute of Historical Rescar-ch , published in 1971 (Borthwick Text and Cel end.ar

1), con t a incd all account of the co] l ec t i ons as they ex i sted in August 1()72. 'f'hit; present Supplem(mtar} Guiue de tails all the accessions from tha L Lime un t 11 May 1980, Tt wi 11 be seen that a. considerable amount. of important" mut er ia l , d icce aen , parochial and private, has been deposited in the Ins l i lu le during these years, AnoUlt'r notable feature has been the acquisition of ur-ch ives and co l Lcc t i ons from within Ute Urri ve rs i Ly , not only the ear ly ree ords of the Unive r-sLty itself, bu L also UH!

Ill"chivps of the Cen t.re JOI' Southern African Sluuies and collect.ions from the ['niverHily Li hrary and several d epar tmen ts . The Institute has also b...en Lnvol ved in t.he sorting and listing of the Rcwnt.r-oc Papers deposited

a l. lhe Lnive rs r t y t s Institute of Social and LC0t10mlC Res ear ch ,

It shou l d also ut' noted that at pr es en t it is po s ai bl e , wi th pe rmis s ion , to mak« Ul'I'!UljLl'mt'llts to consu l t the papers of the Earl of flulifHx (Wooo f amiIy o I' Hick Leton and Garrowby) at the Institute, These records arc kept. ut Gur rowby Hall,

l'he ur rangemon t of" the Supplementary Guide follows that of the Guirlf'. Tn r e spcc t. nf additions (u vxi s t ing d e po s i Ls , page numbe rs in

par-cn t hosua re I'e r to UH' appropri at e pages of the Guide whe re more details of tile material can be I'ound, The 1""0 append ic ea contain u

I(>CO rd ()f summary 1i H t s curnpl ('ted (in udd i t ion to those noted in UIC main t.ext.] and the microfilm and photocopy collections of th(> Jns t t tu t«,

Tlu' compilation of lUI)" glJidl' impl ie s a Itreat deal of corporate

('ffort and I must expre ss my thanks to my co l l cague s at the Institute

fill' all their help w i th t he pr e par a t.i ou of this volume. Finally, thanks

arc due trl ~lr'~ Erma ~Iearl(l"'s ,,·ho has typed the text wi th her usual accuru{:y MU ski 11.

,June 19~U Duvjtl 1'1. Smith




Following the cons Lit.ut.i on of the General Synod of Lhe Church of ln 1970, some working papers of th.is assembly have been deposit.ed by the Diocesan Registrar, together with modern Convocation material. Some of the more recent records are not yet available for consultation.

1. Convocation Books [Conv.Bk]

17. 1929-1939

2. Convocation Papers [Cony]

cont.inued 1951-1974

3. General Synod Papers [GSP]

1970-1974 (3 boxes)


1. Confirmation Files continued 1930-1968 (32 boxes)

2. Notifications oC confinuations 1916-1962 (2 boxes)

:;. YORK 1I0{f;E or LAYMEN [m..Y ]

'rh(' quvs t.i on of lay representation in the 19lh-cl'ntury Convocations fI r the Conierbury and York provinces even Lual ly led to proposals Lo r JlOl1fH~S of Laymen in "ach province which would meet witb RECOIWS OF PROVINCIAL ADMn"ISTRATION

Convocation and would be conau 1teo abou t mut t~rl'l r-e qu t ring par l f emen t.ary legislation. Cant erbu ry provinc e t s !I0U:H' of Laymon was set up in 1880; tha L of the York p"ovincc in IBI,2.

Printed repo l'tS and 1'('HOI u !.iOIlR 189:t-1 <)01) Correspondence 1898-190~ ('3 hoxes)

[A SllJlllllUZY lisL is uva i l ab Le at Uw Tns t.i tu t e ]



A. Archbishops' Registers (pp.6-16)

The pr-ue t.i c e of kc(·piug registers a t, Yurk ce us cd Oil 31 De cr-mbe r 1971 and the mor-o mcd c rn r-eg isI (>1'9 have now be on d(' posi h.,d a L I hI' Jna tf tu te , t oge Lhor wi Lh n loose qu i r e of a reg Is t.e r of t.bl' t.une of ArChbishop Richtll'U S't.e rne which come to Li gh L in 1975.

Reg.33A. RICllAHD S'J'LIl.Nl:. (166',-16H))

A qui 1'1' ru Lat ing t.o bus ine ae t ransuc Let! by S le ru e , It IIlls uo t prnved POSIH hi!' t o d e t e rm i no the s oquenc c of lhis qui r e In SLern(>'fl known reg is t.e r (Reg.33). [A c af end ar is uvu i lah lo ut. Uw lust.iLute]

COSNO OOIu)ON IJ\JI;G (1 fI()9-1928)

WILL rAM n::r-lPl£ ( 1929-1 9112)


Ilcg.52. CYRIL FURSTER GARBETT (19 12-1955 ) ' VACANCY 1956

MS. indl'x

Reg.53. mnnm MICflAEL II.l\MSEY (1956-1961 )

Reg.54. FREDERICK DONALD COGGAN (1961-1974) (contains acts of the years 1961-71)

In udd i tion La the se accessions since 1973, there have been several recent. publications on the archiepiscopal registers, notably: ~ Re isler of II'illlwn Helton archbisho of York 131 ~13,*O volume 1, ed , R.H.T.Hill Co.nterbury and York Society 70, 1977 , covering f'os , 555-62101 Reg.9H; ibid., volume 2, cd. D.Robinson (CanLerbury and York SOCiety 71, 1978), covering fos.269-320 of Reg.9A; A Calendar of t.ht' re ister of RoberL Waldb archbjsho of York 1397, ed.D.M. Smith Borthwick Text and Calendar 2, York, 1974 , editing Reg.15; FWd Tbe ne if! tel' of o.rchbi sho of Yor,k 1480-1 00 vclump I, cd. E.B.Barker and York Society 9, 197 co vo r ing 1'08.1-289 of Reg.23.

A study of lost York archiepiscopal reg) sters, using the evidence of five modj evaI Inven Lor i es , has be en publ i shed in the Bortbwick Tnsti tute nulletin 1 110.1 (1~75), 31-7, and a more del-ailed analytical survoy of the first t.hi rty-two York regie Lcre will appear in D.M.Smith, Guide to Bisbo s' ne illters of En land and Wales (tc be pub l i ahod uy th e Royal llistorical Society In 1981 . Further typed ubstructs have been completed of Reg.311-36 and 50, and indexes have been compiled for Reg.3 l-37,ll0B,112-50. A typed calendar and index of t.he st'de vacantI' reii' Bier for 11.176(Reg. 5A,rcs •509-1~) has also been made (Add.I'IS.160) and a calendar of a 17th-century abstract of the missing serle vacante register of 1)52-3 has been published in the Dor1hwick Insti lute Bulletin i no.2 (1976), 75-90.

B. Jast.i LuLicn Act Books lInat.AB] (pp.17-18)

The first thrl'f' institution act books have been the subject of an ar t.i cl o by D.~f.Smith, 'Th,' York institution net booka e d ieceaan r('~:i8lraLion in the sixteenth century' in Archives l3 (1978),17l-9. Seven additional vo Iumc s have been depoeih'd since 1973. RECORDS OF DIOCESAN AD~llNISTRATTON

B. Institution Act Books (continued)

9. amend to read: 1683-1686,1691-1705

28. 1899-1908

29. 1909-1916

30. 1916-1925

31. 1925-1928

32. 1929-1935 33. 1935-19!l2 34. 19lt2-19lt8

Inst.AD.28-34 are indexed by person and place.

C. Admissions Registers [Adm.Reg.]

Tabulated records of at~issions to benefices, giving the name of the incumbent and benefice, thc dc tc of admission, t.he name of the patron, the reason for the vacancy, and the officiating bishop. 'I'hi s series Was di scon Linued in 1978.

1. 1875-1898 3. 1928-1962

2. 1899-1927 4. 1962-1978


A. Papers relat.ing to Clergy

1. Ordinations (p.19)

a] Ordination Papers [OrdJ continued 1951-1975 (18 l)oxes) RECORDS OF THE ARCHBISHOP

b] Ordination Lists [Ord.L] 1962-1977 (1 folder)

2. Admissions Papers [Adm] (p.21)

amend from 1515 to 1531 continued 1951-1969

[A summary list 1531-1603 is available at the Institute]

3. Nominations (p.22)

a] Stipendiary curates [Nom.C] continued to 1975 (21 boxes)

(SllImJary lists of the nominations of schoolmasters, parish clerks, midwives and surgeons are available at the Institute]

q. Curates' licences (p.22)

a] Registers of stipendiary curates' licences continued [Lie,C,Reg.]

7. 1913-1911.5

8. 1945-1969

9. 1969-1977

The registers are indexed by person and place

b] Copies of curates' licences ~ld returned licences [Lie.C]

continued to 1952 (1 bundle)

5. Non-residence (pp.23-q)

f{egiaters of licences continued [NIl.Reg.]

6. 1932-1950


A. Papers relating to Clergy (continued)

6, Resignations [Res) (p.25)

continued 1954-1975 (2 boxes)

[A summary list 1531-1899 is available at the Institute]

7. Clerical Discipline and Offences (pp.25-6)

aJ Offences under the Public Worsbip Regulation Act [C.Disc. ]

1. court book 1874-1882 b] Case papers and correspondence relaling to proceedings under the Clergy Discipline Act [C,Disc.] 1895-1962 (It boxes) cJ Election of Assessors [C.Disc.Ass.] conlinued 1937-1964 (1 box)

8. Rural Deans llID] (p.26)

copies of commissions continued 1951-1961t (1 bundle)

9. Colonial and Overseas ClergY [CoLC] (p.27)

Papers (correspondence, testimonials, draft licences etc.)

conlinued 1951-1978 (13 boxes)

B. Papers relating to Benefices

1. F~dowment and Augmentation of Benefices (pp,2s..9)

a] Deeds of ~ndowment augmenting benefices,


correspondence and papers

1831-1955 (3 boxes)

b] Returns of Poor Livings [PL.Ret.]

6. Returns to Queen Anne's Bounty of the nature and value of benefices with cure of souls not exceeding £150 in the diocese 1809.

2. Ordcr8 in Council rOC] (p.29)

FH es of ccp i es of Drder s in Council, plans. correspondence 1828-1969 (20 boxes)

fA summary list wnd index are available at the Institutej those Orders in Council dealinf!; wi tb the creation of new ecclesi Elatical parishes have also been listed in 'Tbe formation of ecclesiastical parishes and districts in the diocesf' of York 1818-1968: a swnmary list', Borthwick Institute Bulletin 2 no.1 (1979), 27-59J

3. Tables of Fees [TF] (p.30)

sealed inslruments, correspondence

continued 19~7-1962 (1 box)

11. VuioDs of Benefices [UB]

Files relating to the unions of benefices in accordance wi til the Ilnion of Benefices He asur-e 1923

1947-1950 (1 bOX)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]


5. Ecclesiastical Commissioners' Instruments

The Ecclesiastical Commissioners (later Church Commissioners) were empowered to deal in certain arcus of parochial proper~ without recourse to Orders in Council and the instruments whereby th Ls was achieved were filed in the diocesan rcgistry.

aJ Grants to benefices [GB(CC)J

186/j-1962 (8 boxes)

[A summary list 186~-1919 is available at tllC Institute]

bJ Grants of right of nomination of ministers [NOM(CC)J

1867-1921,i (1 bundle)

[A summary list ia available at the Institute]

cJ Substitution of new parish churches for old ones [NC(CC)]

1861-1916 (1 bundle)

[A swnmary list and index are available at tile Institute]

d ] Autho~'ization of churches serving new ecc lesiustical districts

1865-1911 (1 bundle)

e J Parsonage house grants [PIT(CC))

1867-1919 (2 boxes)

IJ Authorized changes in the status of benefices, designating them vicarages or rectories [CS(CC)]

1865-1868 (1 bundle)

g] Grants of pew renta towards stipends [PR(CC)]

1825-1856 (1 bundl e )

hJ Authorization of parochial ft'cs rFeca(CC)] 1912-1919 (1 bundle)


C. Papers reI ating to Patz'onage

1. Rights of Patronage under the Benefices Act 1898 (p.31)

a] Transfer of patronage: notifications, printed forms, correspondence [M.TP]

amend to read: 1899-1954 () boxes)

(A summary list and index are available at the Institute]

2. Abstracts of titles to AdvowBons [Adv] (p.}l)

amend to read: 17th-19tb centuries

[A summary list and index are available at the Institute]

3. Suspension of Presentation [SPM]

By Llle Bene f Lc es (Suspension of Prescnt..aLion) Measures 19~6 and 1953, the diocesan is able to postpone for a period the lilling of vacancies in benefices (usually for economic reasons) and to sequester the income of the benefices. He is also able to make provision for the performance 01 ecclesiastical duties during the period of suspension.

files of papers, correspondence 191j~l972 (3 boxes)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

D. Papers relating to Churches, Churchyardtl and Cburch Schools

1. Consecration Deeds [CD] (p.}2)

Consecration files

continued 1901-1970 (23 boxes)

(A summaryliat and index are avu i Lab Le at the Institute] 9 RECORDS OF DIOCESAN ADMTNlSmATION

D. Papers relating 1.0 Churches, Churchyards and Church Schools (conUnucd)

2. Declarations of Consecration of Additionu] Churchyards [CD.Add] (p.32)

Conveyances, plans, declarations

continued 1895-1966 (9 boxes)

[A summary list and index arc available at the Institute]

3. Licences for the of marriages in churches,

peLiLioDs, copies ul licences, correspondence

amend to: 1827-1967 (5 boxes)

It. Hission Rooms [MR]

conveyances, and correspondence 1879-1913 (1 box)

[A summary list is available at the InstiLute]

5. School Returns [sn]

Returns compi led in connection with the 1902 Education Bill, cOncerning details of school trust deeds etc. (Cleveland archdeaconry only) 1902 (1 bOx)

[A summary list is available aL the Institute]

E. Papers relaUng to Parsonage HOllses

1. MortgagcA undeI' Gilbert's Act rMGA] (p.3't)


bonds, specifications, planst correspondence

continued 1893-1976 (11 boxes)

[A summary list 1893-1923 is available at the Institute]

2. Sites for New Parsonage Houses [NPH] (pp.34-5)

Draft conveyances, correspondence

amend to read: 1811-1970 (15 boxes)

F. Papers relating to Glebe

1. Glebe Exchanges [GE] (p.35)

petitions, commissions and returns, drafts and deeds of exchange, correspondence

amend to read: 1712-1906 (16 boxes)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

2. Terriers [Ter] (p.36)

The first series of glebe terriers, described in the Guide, extended from the late seventeenth to the late nineteenth century. In 1977 a second series of modern terriers and inventories was deposited by the diocesan registrar.

Terriers and inventories 189~1977 (30 boxes)

[A summary list. lUld index are available at the Institu.te; consultation of the modern terriers is restricted]


G. Papers relating to DiocesW'1 Boards WId Commil tees

1. York Diocesan Board of Finance (p.3S)

At a meeting of the York Diocesan COIlr~rellcc in 1912, it was resolved to recognise certain depar tmen t.s of Church work 89 essential to the welfare of the Church, WId as descrving to he assisted by funds collected throughout the diocese, and 8. Diocesan Board of Finance was appointed 1,0 fonn in succes save years estimates of the money which should be collected throughout the diocese to aid the councils WId committ.ees concerned with the several department.s of church work (e.g. training for the nrin i a Lry , church bui Id ing», llIiRRions, religious education, the expenses of diocesan orgnnisution etc.).

a] Cash Dooks [DO/DBF.1J

1. 1914-1925 4. 1950-1959

2. 1925-1937 5. 1959-1968 3. 1937-1949 6. 1968-1973

bJ Central Diocesan Fund [DO/DBF.2]

cash book 1911-1916

oj Petty cash account books [DO/DBF.3]

1960-1975 (3 volumes)

d] Diocesan Leaflet, [DO/DEF.I.]

account books 1959-1968 (2 volumrs) receipts 1972-1973

eJ Postage books [DO/DBF.51 1965-1972 (6 volumes)

fJ Diocesan quota [DO/DI1]<'.6]

acooullt books t 951-1973 (6 vo lwnrs) correspondence 196J1-197 • '

g) Impl'csL account. books [OO/DI1F'.7]



11] Office account books [DO/DBF.a]

1932-197q (7 volumes)

i] Board statements of accounts [DO/DBF.9]

1970-1973 (1 file)

j] Trinjty Sunday and St Peter's Tide Appeal [DO/DBF.l0J

account books 1958-1973 (2 volumes) receipts and correspondence 1972-197lt

k] Board receipts [DO/OBF.1!)


1] Secretary's miscellaneous correspondence [DO/DBF.12]

19'*8-1950 (1 file)

m] Annual reports and statements of' accounts (printed)


n] Stipends .Files [DO/Sf']

files of correspondence and papers about clerical stipends arranged by parish 1947-1969 (25 boxes)

0] Stipends Registers [DO/SR]

carbon copies of Church Commissioners returns of benefice income 19~j-1966 (2 boxes)

p] Accounts and vouchers

files of accounts, statements, vouchers, and mi8cellaneous financial papers 1927-1976 (7 boxes)

2. Diocesan Council of Church Bxt.('nsion (ChUI'cb Duilding and Endowment Aid Society) [DO/CCE]


2. Diocesan Cotmcil of Church Extension (contlnuf'd)

2. cash book 1931-1965

3. correspondence and papers 1935-1952 (I box]

3. Churcb Ruildings Appeal [DOjCBA]

1. General correspondence files 191t0-1965 (1 box]

2. Duilding projects, files On individual parishes 1947-1973 (19 filcs)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

4. Diocesan Council of Education [DOlcE]

1. accounts 1959-1972

2. correspondence and papers 1960-1971 (1 bOX)

5. Diocesan COWlcil of Haintonance lDO/C~l]

1. minute book 1920-1946

2. Clorgy Aid Fund account books and cur-r-e spondunce 1936-1975 (II vo Iumos , 1 IHe)

:;• Li ving Agen ts Fund

regi s t er s (JJ' gran ts 1955-1969 and account books 19It5-1973 (6 volwncs)

6. Diocesan Dilapidations Doard [Dilap.]

The incumbent's liabili t.y for d i Lap.Id.at.Lons was Tf'gulutl.d by the Ecclesiastical Df Lopfdat i ona Act 1871 which uutho rd aod the d Lccoaea bishop to ilSRess the deb t. due to the new in cumuen L by his predecessor after Laking into nccount t.he rl'port of El pennnnent diocesan surveyor. Th i s s t.a Lut.e rt'wnincd in force


until 1923 when the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measure was passed by the Church Assembly, resulting in the appointment of Diocel:lM DilapidatioDs Boards. Amendments have been subsequently made to this Heasure by the Church Assembly. The York Diocesan Dilnpidations Doard held its first meeting in August 1924 and was reconstituted as the York Diocesan Parsonages Board in 1974, following the Repair of Denefice Buildings Measure ot 1972.

1. Minute Books

1. 1921t-1928 5. 1942-1946 lA. index to 1. 6. 1946-1949 2. 1928-193 • 7. 195~1952 ' 3. 19311-1938 8. 1953-1957

~.1938-1942 9. 1957-1969

2. Dilapidations registers

A register, arranged by benefice, giving brief tabulated detailA about surveys, certificates, rates etc.

iB. (same parishes ns lA) 1945-1958

2A. 1925-19 .5 ' 2B. (swne pari shea as 2A) 19115-1958 JA. 1926-1952

3D. (sWIle parishes os 3A) 191.17-1958

3. Cash Books

1. 1925-1938 2. 1939-1958

3. 1959-1~711


6. Diocesan Dilapidations Doard (continued)

ts ; Board Corrcspondence

j 924-1959 (3 boxt's)

5. Gcneral Adlllinistrative Papers

(draft reports, printed material etc.) 1920s-19508 (3 boxes)

6. Surveyors' files

correspondence and papers of individual surveyors 1924-1957 (2 boxes)

7. Surveyors' accounts and vouchers

1932-1973 (9 boxes)

8. Schemes and Commissions

correspondence and papers (1 box)

9. Capital Expenditure Sch eme

papers 1963-1966 (1 box)

10. Lists of benefices

(lIsts of certificates, inspections, prioritics, etc.) 1924-1963 (1 bOX)

11. Insurance schedules 1960s (2 boxes)

12. Insurance correspondence 19211-1973 (1 box)

13. Parish files

corrcspondence and papers arranged hy parish 1920s-19508 (136 boxes)

[A sununary list is avaIlable at the InsLi Lute]


Iq. Capital Expenditure Scheme parish files

196Os-1970s (10 boxes)

15. Miscellaneous accounts

192ft-19GB (1 box)

16. Account books and lists of certificates 1871-1966 (1 box]

7. Diocesan Evangelistic Council (DO/EC]

The Council was constituted by the Archbishop to be the chief missionary agency in the diocese

accounts book (inc!. correspondence) 1969-1972

8. Diocesan Family Welfare Association [DO/FWA]

1. accounts and statements 1962-1973 (1 file)

2. account book 1966-1972

9. Dioccsan Inspection of Churchcs Committee [DICC]

The diocesan Bcheme for the quinquennial inspection of churcbes was sei up by the Diocesan Conference following the passing of the Inspection of Churches Measure 1955

copies of architects' reports and recomm~dations

East Riding archdeaconry 1957-1965 Cleveland arcbdeaconry 196q (2 boxes)

10. Diocesan National Scbool Committee (York City sub-committee)

minute books 1ijq3-1940 (3 volumes)


11. Diocesan OT'dination Candidates COUDcil [DO/nCC]

1. account books 1909-1959 (2 volumes)

2. correspondence 1966-1976 (L bOx)

12. Diocesan Pastoral Committee [DO/PC]

minute book 1950-1965

13. Diocesan Poor Denefices Fund

letter 1936-19 l9 book '

14. Dioce8~1 Synod and Synodical Council [DO/SC]

2. correspondence Md papers 1965-L975 (1 box)

15. Archbishop IS COUDe)1 and Standing Committee [00/ ACSC]

The Council has the role of p18lll1ing the business of the Synod, preparing agenda for its sessions, initiating proposals for action and to act in a jtenf'ral advisory capacLty

minutes and cor rcspcndcnc c 1971i-1977 (1 file)

16. Diocesan War Damage Committee [DO/DRC]

The Diocesan War Damngc Commit t ee was formed in ~Iarch 19U. ')'he Committee continued to function until tho passing of the Diocesan Hcorganisation Committee MNHlUre J9't1, when the Yo r'k Diocesan Ucorgnnisation COllllllitteewaR appointed by the IHocesan Conference in acco rd ance with the Measure. it Rub-committee was established for the Hull area in 19lt6. In 1969 all


reorganisation affairs became the business of the new Diocesan Pastoral Committee. (15 boxes)


1. Registers of war-damaged church property in the diocese

1. Churches A-M

2. Churches N-Y

3. Parsonage houses

2. Accounts

account books and correspondence 19%1-1972

3. Committee minute6

19q1-1959 (incomplete)

4. Secretary's reports

5. Correspondence

General files of correspondence, reports, memoranda and circulars, schedules of war-damaged property 1941-1969

6. Returns of Cburch Fabric

answers to questionnaires as to the present position regarding restoration, compensation etc. of all war- damaged properties in the diocese 1950

7. Demolition

files relating to demolition of war-damaged churches and sales of sites 1952-1963

8. Parish Files

reports, correspondence and accounts, arranged by


8. Parish Files (continued)

parish and specifying property damaged or destroyed 19~0-1969 (161 files)


1. Hull Sub-Committee

minll Les, half-yearly reports, co.rrl·sponclence and papers 1943-1956

2. Reports

schedule of war-damaged cburch~s in Hull, rpport~ On individual parishes and unione of benefices, suggestions for the reorganisation of Lho central area of Hull n.d. 191.A9

3. Corr~spondence

General files of correspondence and papers relating to lIullchurches and church schools, and reorganisation schemes 19~5-1957

4. Hull Executive Action Committee

minutes 1951-1953 (incomplete) and reviews of progress 1950-1953

5. Joint-meetings

minutes and records of meetings wi th TOloll plwming commd t t.ec, Hull Djstrict Synod of the Hethodl~t Church etc. 19~/~1947

6. Denefice Schemes

.files relating to the formation of new benefices in tbe Hull area 19'19-1965

7. New churches by ported payments

Several new churches or additions to churches .inthe Hu l1 Ill'cawere partly financed by ported payments Ott damaged or (lestroyed churches in the city which were


not rebuilt

correspondence wld papers 1950-1961 (7 files)

17. Archbi shop Garbett· s Appeal for Cl ('rIO' Stipends [DO/ACSJ

account book 19~5-1952

18. DiOCI'HWl campaign 'Calling all churchpeople I 1949 [DO/CAC]

correspondence, minut.es, accounts 191J8-1950 (1 box)

19. Diocesan Save the Churches Fund [DO/CF]

correspond enc e 191i9-1953 (1 file)

20. Arch~ishopls Boundary Commission

A commission set up to consider the re-arrangement of archidiaconal, ruridecanal and parochial boundaries

report, correspondence, Orders in Council 1936 (1 box)

21. Archbishop' A Commission on Diocesan Administration

A commiHsion set up to investigate diocesan organisation and ndminilit.ration

r-epor-t s und conmen t s 19'17 (1 box)

22. Commiltee on the Property and Finances of the Church

A committee nominated by the two Archbishops at the request of the National Afiscrnbly of the Church of Fngland to enquire into the property and I'Lnunces of Lite Church


22. Committee On the Property and Finances of the Church [cout.Inued]

correspondence, dra.f t re turns 1921 (1 bOx)

23. Parochial Documents Commissjon [DO/POC]

Survey (York archdeaconry only) respecting additional parochial documents acquired sincc the report of the Commission. The Archbishop's Commission was originally appointed in 1918 !~d revived in 1935. The East Riding archdeaconry survey was published in the record series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society in 1939 (vol. 99). 19~9 (1 file)

2~. York Redundant Churches Commission [mce]

A commission set up by Lbe Archbishop to consider tile future of the ancient churches in lJleci ty of York no longer needed for pastoral uses.

minute book, correspondence, reports nod papers 1965-1969 (q boxes)

[These are not yet available for consultation]

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

H. Papers relating to Parish Registers

1. Parish Register Transcripts rPRT]

The transcripts have now all been sorted into parishes and microfilms are available for consultation at the Institute. Full detail s of the dates ana range 0 f all the transcripts at the InsLitute (including those for peculiar jurisdictions) are given in N.K.~I.Gurney, A Handli'll of arish re iater transcri 1.8 at.the Borthwick Insti tu Le of Hi stori cal Research Borthwick Text and Calendar 3, York, 1976).



A. Records of the Diocesan Registrar and other officials of the Archbishop (pp.45-9)

a] Correspondence and working papers [DR.C & pJ

continued 1960-1973 (1.0 boxes)

b] Letter books [DR.L.nk]

continued 1960-1975 (13 volumes)

c] Financial records

1) Office account and day books [DR. Acct..13k.]

1853-1975 (27 volumes)

2) Nottinghamshire probate account book [DR.Prob.]

18119-1857 (1 volume)

3) 's Ordination Fund [DR.Ord.]

correspondence and vouchers 1963-197~ (1 box)

d] Diocesan Registry Files [DHF]

General files of correspondence and documents I arranged chiefly by parish, and covering all aspects of diocesan administration, 81though th e bulk of the material is concerned with glebe 8I1d pari sh property. Some mod ern material is not yet avail able for consul tation.

1. Serics 1, mainly 1910s-19508 (71 boxes)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

2. Serics 2, mainly 19508-1970B (69 boxes)

[A summaryJist is available at the lnstitute]

3. SCl'i PI'! 3, 19th-20th century (26 boxes)

[A summary 'l lst; is avaf labIe at the Institute] RECORDS OF DIOCESAN ADMINISTRATION

B. Charity Records

1. Lady Conyngham's Trust [LeT)

The charity was founded by the will of Ellen, Countess Conyngham dated 13 August 181~ io provide annuitics to six poor women residents of York aged over 50, doles for inmates of the four York hospitals for women, annuities to tpn poor clergymen holding livings under £200 annual value in Yorkshire, and annuities to twelve poor widows of clergymen who rcsided in Yorkshire.

Accounts and financial recorda, applications for annuities, papers relating to the trustees and the Ch ar i Ly Commission, steward's papers, miscellaneous correspondence 1816-1962 (6 boxes)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

2. Turner Trust [Turner]

The trust was founded in 1889 by Mrs Ann Turner of Dingle Head, near Liverpool, whereby the interest on II capital sum of £20,000 was directed to be paid to any retired Anglican clergymen, selected by the governors, who bad served for ten years or upwards in the York diocese and were incapable from illness or age of performing clerical duties

Trust deeds, minutes, applications for grants, financial records, administrative correspondence 1886-1960 (7 boxes)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

3. Wandes:ford Hospital

[A swmmary list is available at the Institute]

c. Non-diocesan records from the Diocesan Registry

Private papers

nofiart o.l register 1893-1939 (1 volume) RECORDS OF THE ARCTIDISHOP



1. Abstract Books [Abs.BkJ (p.56)

aJ Prerogative court 1848-1858 (2 volumes)

bJ Consistory court 1871-1948 (2 volumes)

2. Matrimonial Records (p.58)

a] Marriage allegations [MS]

contioued 1951-1978 (23 boxes)

b] Applications for marriage licences [ML]

1955-1967 (1 volume)

3. Faculties (p.59)

a] Facu lty Books continued [Fac.Bk] 14. 194,9-1952 15. 195}-1957

16. 1957-1961 17. 1961-1964

18. 1965-.1967

Each volume bas a place index

b] Facu ILy Papers [Fllc.]

continued 1951-1976 (109 boxes)

[A summary list 1951-1962 is available at tbe Institute]


3. FaeuI ties [cou t inued ]

c ] Faculties not proceeded with [Fac.NPJ

files of faculty papers, plans, cOJ'l'elipondenc() relating to applications that were not proceeded with 19~0-1967 (3 boxes)

[A sununary list 1940-1959 is ava i l nbl e at the Institute]

~. Sequestrations (p.60)

a] Sequestration nooks [Scq.Bk]

1 • 1903-1936

2. 1936-1959

b] Sequestration Papers [Seq.]

continued 1970-1975 (9 bllxes)

5. Surrogates [Surr.] (p.60)

Commissions, bonds and correspondence relatjng to the appointment of surrogates

continued 1960-1975 (1 box)

6. Deposition Book [Dep.Bk] A volume of depositions of witnesses in causcs bc£oX'(> the archbishop's courts. 'I'his is the only York deposition book to have come to light.

lA list of causes contained in the volume is available at the Institute]



V.157S/CD.l (p.62) has been edited by W.J. Sheils, Arcbbisho Grindal's Visitation 1 com erta et dcLecLa book Borthwick Text and Calendar It, York, 1977)

V.1969 Archbishop Cogg8ll's primary visitation of the diocese of York

Visitatiou papers premonitions, calls. Aurrogation act, inhibitions, answers to articles of enqujry, miscellaneous papers (2 boxes)

[Not y~t available for consultation]

See also below, BishopLhorpe Papers. p.)l, for visitation returns of 1931 and 1969. RECOllDS OF rtn ARClDmACONS


1. Induction mOfldatcl:l [Y. ImLJ

(2 boxes) continued 1939-1976

2. Visitation .files [Y. V]

From 1970 onwards, visitation records ore no L kept fI('J'aral~' «(.. g. calls, citation mandatee, nrt.iclcB of erullliry ('t.c.) buL altogether in annual files (3 boxes) 1970-1976


1. Induction mandat~~ [ER.Tnd]

corrt tnued 1958-1976 (I bo~)

2. Administrative correspondence and [lupus lrn.A.Hisc]

1958-1968 (1 bOX)

3. Visitation files [ra.v]

1970-1976 (6 boxes)


1. Induction mandates [c.reu]

continued 1958-1976 (1 box]


2. Administrative correspondence and papers [C.A.Misc]

19th-20th centuries (3 boxes)

3. Visitation memoranda books [C.V/MS]

Volumes, arranged by rural deanery, giving details of the benefice, incumbent, revenues, fabric, parsonage, communicants, dissenters etc., with notes of the archdeacon's orders 1829-1830

1. Bulmer deanery

2. Cleveland deanery

3. Rydale deanery

q. Rural deans' visitation returns [C.RD/net]

Returns compiled by the rural deans for the archdeacon, conc arn ing the church Iabric, the churchyard, glebe, charities etc.

1919-1938 (1 bOx)

5. Vjsitation files [C.V]

(2 boxes)


Since the publication of the GUIde, sevi!l'alcolluctions of ruridecanal records [rom the diocese have been dopo s ited. PI'j nc ipally they consist of minutes of chapter meetings and ruridccannl conferenccfI, but on occasion there is additional mllLcrial of cOllsiderable .inicrest. The following rur al deaneries have depo si ted thei.r' r-ecorda (coved rig dates are given);

Buckrose deanery (1H8B-1967) F.scrick deanery (1916-1980) Harthill deanery (1921-1969) Helmsley deanery (1870-1937) Hull deanery (1868-1964) Markei Weightoll deanery (l843-1967) North Holderness deanery (1952-1969) Pocklington deanery (1873-1979) Selby deanery (1955-1970) South Holderness deanery (1892-1919) York city deanery (1950-1975)

[Summary lists are available at Lhe Lna t i.t.u t.e]


1. Recusant Returns [Bp.Ree.Ret] (pp.1l15-6)

Returns of Roman Catholics in the diocese 173~

amend to: 17lt3

2. Visitation Records [Bp.V] (pp.l~6-8)

aJ Archbishop Temple's primary visitation of the diocese of York

Visitation returns 1931 (3 boxes)

bJ Archbishop Coggan's primary visitation of the diocese of York

Visitation returns 1969 (2 boxes)

Statistical files (3 vOlumes)

[these r'eco rds are Dot yet available for consul tatioo J

For further material relating to the 1969 visitation see above, p.27.

3. Confirmations [BP.CFM] (p.150)

continued 1960-1969 (10 boxes)

4. Estates of the Archbishop [np.Rev] (pp.152-3)

VIII Manors of Cawood and Wistow

Cawood court rolls 1555-1632 surrenders 1655-1782 court papers 1660-1842

Wistow court rolls 1570-16lt8

court paper-s 1652-1842

Cawood and Wistow call books and lists 1755-1798


VIII ~fanors of Cawood and Wistow (continued)

Cawood and Wlstow schedule of aur r-endera 1750-1790

correspondence and papel'S 160&-1781 (27 boxes)

['rllcse records were Lransferrcd I'r'om the Yo rkah ir e Archaeological Society, Leeds]

IX Official and garden accounts 1947-1955 (1 bOx)

[A summary list of these estate records is available at the Institute]

5. Volumes relating to the state of the djoc~se lSp.OloJ (pp.153-4)

12 Archdeacon Hayter's Book (1730-1749)

copy of Sharp }IS. (Up.Dio.) for t.h e nrchdcuconry of York, excluding the Doncaster deanery

6. ClergY files [Bp.CFl

Files relaLing 1,,0 parochial clergy (now deceasell) 20th century

(5 boxes)

[These records are no t available for consultation until 2007J


1. Executors' and Administrators' UCCOWlts[Prob.Ex]

(1 bOx)

2. Invpntories exhibited late [Prob.lnv]

1699-1703 (1 bOx)

lSIlIIIIWry lists arc available at the Institute]


Typescript indexes of wills and administrations 1688-1731 are now completed and available for consultation at the Institute.


A continuation of the printed ind.ex, covering the years 1825-1857. has been printed in the Borthwick Institute nullctin i no.l (1975), 39-~2. Amend printed index of original wills to read 1~27-1658


Original willA: amend to: 1531-1842


Original Wills: amend to: 1623-1629

PREm:NDAL conu'!' UF WETWANG (p.l?3)

Original "'illa: amend to: 155~1850

PECULUU COl1H.'rOF SNAI'l'lI (p.180) Pr-ohat,» Act Books: amend to: 1597-1628, 1715-1858



Since the pnb licn t ion of the Guide, tIl!'following pr obn Le records have been indexed and typescript indexes made avnf Inhl e I'or consul tation

Court of the Precentor of York (p.162) Court of Lhe Chancellor of York (pp.162-3) Court of the SUbdean of York (p.163) Court of the Succentor of York (p.163) Peculiar Court of Acomb (p.164) Prebendal Court of Ampleforth (p.165) Prebendal Court of Apesthol'pe (p.166) Prebendal Court of Hamby (p.166) Prebendal Court of Bilton (p.16G) Prebendal Court of Bole (pp.166-7) Prebendal Court of Dunnington (p.167) Prebendal Court of Friday thorpe (p.168) Prebendal Court of Givendale (p.l68) Prebend a1 Court of Grindal (p.169) Prebendal Court of Holme Archippiscopi (p.169) Prebendal Court of Langt,ort (p.170) Prebendal Court of North Newbald (pp.170-1) Prebenrlal Court of Osba1dwick (p.l7l) Prebendal Court of Riccall (p.17J) Prebendal Court of Stillington (p.171) Prebendal Court of Tockerington (p.l72) Prebendal Court of Ulleskelf (p.I72) Prebendal Court of Wartltill (pp.172-3) Prebendal Court of Weighton (p.173) Prebendal Court of We twang (p.173) Prebendal Court of Wistow (pp .173-11) Peculiar Court of SaUon (p.l7I ..) Peculiar Court of Wadworth (pp.17lt-5)

In addition, ex i at ing but incomplete manu scri p t. Indcxe a for probate records of the following jurjsdjctioos have been cORlpll!ted, viz! PROBATE RECORDS

Court of the Dean of York 172~-1857 (p.162) Peculiar Court of Aine and ToIIerton 1~58-1GOl (p.164) Peouliar Court of Bishop Wilton 1531-1616 (p.165) Prebendal Court of Bugthorpc 151,4-1669 (p.167) Prebendal Court of Fenton 1528-1616 (p.168) Prebendal Court of Husthwaitc 1633-1661 (p.169) Prebendal Court of Strensall 1528-161.l0, 17l.iO-1852 (p.172) Peculiar Court of South Cave 1558-1579 (p.174)


The only accessions since the publication of the Guide have been manorial records from church estates, viz:

Manor of Essington in llolderness Rectory court rolls 1634-1951 court papers 1631-1898 [transferred from !lull University Library]

Manor of Easingwold court rolls 1615-1936 (1 box and 3 volumes)

Manor of Grafton cwn Grindall court rolls 1727-1933 ~5 vo Iume s ) court papers 1720-1921. 3 boxes)

Manor of Helperby court rolls 1731-1935 (8 volumes)

[Summary lists of these records arc available at the Institute, as are lists of other sections of the Church COlIDDissioners' records completed since 1973J

At the present time, discussions are in progress over the d i spo saf of the non-cur r en t es Late record s of the bishopric of Ripon, "Which was endowed, on its creation in 1836, wi th estat.es formerly belonging to the dioceses of York and Durham. In due course, some of the earlier material (going back Lo the 16Ul century) will be deposited at the Institute and flll'tberdetaHs will be given in Lhe appropriate issue of the Dortbwick Institute Bulletin.


Since the publication of the Guide, further parishes have deposited their records and there hav~course been many additional deposits to existing parochial collections. Summary lists of all these deposits are available at the Institute.

Note: the parish records of Great Ouseburn, Marton with Grafton, and Sandhutton near Thirsk with Carlton Miniott (noted in the Guide) have since been transferred by agree- ment to the North Yorkshire County Record Office, County ITaIl, Northallerton.

There follows a summary list of deposited parish registers in the Institute, with covering dates. C = baptisms; M = marriages; B = burials.


ACASTERMALDIS CB176+-1812; M1765-1837 (3 vols.)

ACKLAMNEARMALTON C 1716-1962; M 1716-1837; B 1716-1878 (7 vols.)

ACOMa c 1634-1946; H 1631l-1956; B 1634-1939 (24 vols.)

ALlERTHORPE C 1616-1812; M. 1616-1925; B 1616-1695 (7 vola.)

ALNE C 1560-1898; M 1560-1893; B 1560-1873 (13 vols.)

APPLETON LE STREET c 1715-1856; ~f 1716-1936; B 1715~1855 (9 vols.)

ASKlIAM BRYAN C 1695-1916; M 1695-1836; B 1695-1943 (6 vols.)

.ASKHAM RICHAIID C 1579-1964; M 1579-1837; B 1579-1812 (5 vols.)

AUGIrrON C 1610-1847; 101 1610-1839; B 1610-1883 (10 vols.)

BARLBY C 1780-19~3; M 1853-1967; B 1782-1919 (6 vols.)

BARTON lE STREET C 1701-1885; M 1702-1906; B 170}-1950 (6 vols.)

BILBROUGH CD 1695-1812; M 1695-1951 (6 vols.)

BILTON IN AINSTY C 1571-1842; M 1571-1837~ B 1571-1868 (8 vols.)

BmDFORTH C 1616-1977; M 1616-1947 (gap 1823-1858); B .1616-1812 (5 vols.)

BIRDSALL C 1568-1918; M 1568-1836; D 1558-1812 (6 vols.)

BTIlK1N C 161t9-1873; M 16119-1837; B 1649-1862 (9 vols.)


BISTIOP WILTON C 1613-19IJ~; M 1613-1973; D 1613-1866 (15 vOls.)

DISHOPTHORPE C 1692-1973; H 1692-1837; B 1692-1925 (7 vols.)

DOLTON ~Wy C 1571-1862; M 1571-1Y38; D 1571-1812 (8 vols.)

HOSSALL C 1613-1925; M 161}-1972; B 161J-1911 (13 vols.)

BRAF'F'EllTON C 1798-19114; M 1798-1938; B 1798-1917 (9 vols.)

BRAMHAM C 1586-1906; M 1586-19q7; B 1586-1913 (16 vols.)

BRANDS BY C 1575-1902; M 1575-1899; B 1575-11)03 (6 vols.)

BRAYTON C 1614-.1895; ?-f 1653-1970; B 16H-1907 (2q vola.)

DUBWITH C 1623-J881; ~1 1621J-193JJj D 162/t-J8118 (15 vols.)

BUGTUORPE CMD 1662-1812; (q vols.)

BULMER C 1589-1846; M 1572-1947; B 1571-1860 (13 vols.)

BURNEY CB 1584-1812; M 158/i-18}S (5 vols.)

DURYTTIORPE C 1721-1927; M 1720-1960; D 1720-1812 (8 vols.)

BUTTERCRAMBE C 1635-1772; M 1636-1672, 1708-1720; B 1635-1742, 1763 (2 vols.) Further entries in Bossall regjsters.

CARLTON BY SNAITH C 1618-1949J M 1617-1971; B 1618-1941 (14 vols.)

CATTON CB 1592-1978; M 1592-1976 (10 vols.)

CAWOOD C 1591-1856; M 1591-1926; B 1592-1958 (14 vols.)

CIVlPEL ilADDLESEY C 1874-.1936; M 1874-1969 (4 vOls.)

CHURCH FENTON C 1630-1853; ~f 1630-1966; B 1627-1978 (11 voLs , ]

CLIFFORD C 1842-1902; M 1852-1977; D 18~2-1937 (3 vols.)

COPMANTHOJ~E C 1759-1883; B 1759-1947 (3 vols.)

COXWOID C 1'583-1957; H 1583-1962; B 158}-1859 (15 vols.)

C 17L1-1866; ~ 1711-1938; B 1711-1Q39 (8 vOls.)

CRAYKE C 1558-1856; t-f 1558-1837; B 1558-1898 (7 vols.)

DALBY CB 1656-1812; M 1656-18112 (1 VOlA.)


DRAX C 1599-1947; H 1597-1907; B 1597-1900 (20 vols.)

DUNNINGTON C 1583-1935; }1 1573-1953; B 1615-1863 (8 vols.)

EASINGM:lLD C 1599-1900; M 159~1936; B 1599-1922 (lit vols.)

ELLERTON C 1675-1897; H 1675-1836; B 1675-1812 (5 vola.)

ELVINGTON C 1600-1867; H 1600-1835; B 1600-19U (8 vols.)

ESCRICK C 1617-1877; 1-1 1617-1952; B 1617-1874- (10 vols.)

EVERINGHAM CB 1653-1812; H 1653-1839 (5 vols.)

FAIRBURN lot 19116-1968 (2 vols.)

FAnLINGTON CB 161~1812; M 1614.-1837 (6 vols.)

FOSTON CH 1588-1892; B 1588-1966 (9 vols.)

FUIJi'ORD C 1653-1883; M 1653-1892; B 1653-1888 (13 vols.)

FULL SUTTON C 1713-1977; H 1713-1836; B 1713-1978 (5 vo Ls; ]

GIVENDALE, GREAT C 1658-1812; lot 1657-1837; B 1657-1811 (5 vols.)

GOODMANTWf C 1696-1923; M 1696-1959; B 1696-1812 (7 vola.)

GRIt-ISTON, NORTH CMU 1686-1977 (7 vols.)

IlARSWELL C 1653-1812; M 1672-1837; 13 1659-1809 (3 vols.)

HAXBY C 1667-1865; H 1667-1956; n 1667-1894. (7 vols.)

HAYTON C 1610-1899; lot 1610-1837; B 1610-1951 (6 vols.)

HEAL\UGH cn 1698-1812; H 1698-1936 (5 vols.)

IlEINSLEY, GATE C 1689-1969; M 1689-1959; B 1689-1812 (6 vols.)

TlEINSlli"Y,UPPER CB 16~2-1812; H 1642-1955 (5 vol B.)

IIELPEnTIIORPE C 1733-19171 \1 1733-1977 (5 vols.)

HEMING mo UGH C 1605-1960; H 1605-1927; D 1605-1973 (17 vo l s s ]

HESLERTON, WEST C 1561-1867; H 1584-1837; B 1561-1931 (8 vols.) fIESLINGTON C 1653-1968; ~I 165J,_1972j B 1653-19011 (9 vols.)


HOIME ON SPALDING HOOR C 1559-19/ilq H 1559-1973 (lacwH.w 1565-73, 159J-98) i D 1559-1971 (23 vU]!J.) HOLTBY CB 1679-1812; M J679-1836 (3 vols.)

HOVINGHAM c 16~2-1889; M 1642-1961; B 1642-1903 (12 vOls.)

HOIISHAM 1-1 1933-1954 (1 vol.)

HUGGATE C 1539-162'], 170~1933i M 1539-162'], 170~t837; B 1539-1627. 170~1914 (8 vols.)

HUNTINGTON C 1590-1869; M 1590-1937; n 1590-1892 (8 vols.)

HUSTHWAITE C 1674-185lt; ~f 167/t-1837i B 167/.....189l (6 volll.)

HUTTONS AM:OO C 1711!-1867; M 17H-1836; B 17111-1928 (7 vols.) KEXBY M 1852-1977 (1 vol.)

KILNWICK PERCY C 1688-1812; M 1688-19115; II 1690-1812 (II vols.)

KIRBY GRINDALYTHE C 1722-1873; M 1722-1978; D L722-1917 (6 vols.)

KD1IJY UNDERDAIE C 1557-1912; 1-I1557-11)/jHj n 1557-18L2 (10 vols.)

KIRKBY WIIARF'E C 1583-1888; H 1587-1968; B 1')86-1876 (13 vols.)

KNAPTON C 1834-1856; M 1760-1835 (2 vOls.)

LANGTON c 1653-1887; M 1655-18371 B 1654-1812 (5 vols.)

LEDSRAM C 1539-1921; H 1539-1967; R 1539-1935 (16 vols.)

IDNDESOOnoUGIJ C 1580-19'J1; N 1580-1837; Tl 1580-1812 (7 vols.)

IDrTONS AMBO c 1875-19/J6; t-f 1876-11)19; n 187(.....194IJ (3 voll:l.)

MALTON, NEW. St Leonard C 1600-1950; M 1600-191,7; B 1600-1893 (24 vols.)

MALTON, NEW. S e Hichael C 1570-1933; M 1570-191!5; 13 1570-1850 (18 vola.)

MALTON, OLD C 1606-1928; ,., 1606-1959; B 1606-11)111 (21 voIR.) f.lA.ll.KF.T WEIGJ1TON c 1553-1889; ~f 155J-IHH1; 11 1553-19Go (t5 vols.)

MAR..'iTON, LONG C 1(,1,5-1865; H l6l45-1817; B 16115-1885 (10 vola.)

HARt'ON CUM HOXTIY CB 153~HH2; ", J539-19',6 (5 vo l s , ] PARISH RECORDS

MICKLEFIELD C 1861-19~7; M 1886-1975; B 1877-1918 (9 vOls.)

~HLLINGTON C 1609-1897; ~I 1609-1953; B 1609-1812 (7 vols.)

MONK FRYSTON C 1538-1812; M 1538-1837; D 1538-1859 (7 vols.)

Moon HONK'l'ON C 1697-1895; M 1697-1953; B 1697-1927 (11 vols.)

MYTONONSWALE CB 16511-1812; M 1654-1837 (4 vols.)

NABURN C 1653-1877; ~I 165}-1835; B 1653-1971 (7 vols.)

NEWTONlITHE CB 1633-1812; M 1634.-1837 (5 vo l s s )

NEWTONUPONOUSE C 1653-1913; ~i 1653-1939; B 1653-1858 (8 vols.)

NORTON c 1558-19115; I't 1558-1931; D 1558-1929 (18 vols.)

NUNDURNlIOilfE CD 1586-1812; M 1586-1837 (3 vols.)

OSBALDWICK C L581-1975; I't 1581-1976; B 1581-1906 (12 vols.)

OVERTON C 1593-19~8; tot 1593-1934; B 1593-1962 (10 vols.)

POCKLINGTON C 1599-1B9q; H 1599-1872; B 1599-1897 (11 vols.)

POPPLETON,NETHER C 1640-1970; M 1640-1978; B 16q0-1953 (s vols.)

POPPLETON,UPPER C 1829-1980; M 1B1iO-1978; D 1829-1950 (3 vols.)

RASKELF C 1747-1867; M 17q7-18qO; D 17~7-1909 (6 vols.)

RtCCALL C 1669-1893; M 1669-1753. 1813-1964.; B 1669-1916 {8 vols.}

RILLINGTON C 1638-1963; M 1638-19&,; B 1638-1855 (13 vols.)

RUFFORTIl C 1655-190q; ~f 1655-1837; B 1655-1812 (6 vols.)

RYTHER C 1596-1909; H l559-1978; B 1558-1812 (8 vols.)

SANDHUTTON (BY OOSSALL) M 1862-1968 (2 vols.)

SAXTON C 1539-1888; ~1 151,0-1919; D l538-1886 (s vo Ls , ]

SCAMPSTON ~I H!39-1950 (1 vo l.v ]

SCRAYINGIlAN C 161t8-1877; H 1G4,8-1977; B 1648-1946 (12 vols.)

SEATONROSS CB 1653-1812; M 1670-1837 (5 vols.) PARISH RECOIIDS

SETTRINGTON C 1559-1977; H 1559-1963; B 1559-1979 (11 vo l s ,")


SllERBTIDN IN WillFORD LYTHF. C 1653-1976; ~f 1653-1958; 13 1653-19118 (11 vols.)

SHERIFF HUTTON C 1628-1931j; H 1628-1929; B 1628-1891 (12 vola.)

SHIPI'ONTHORPE C 1675-1880; H 1675-1753; B 1675-1916 (4 vola.)

SKELTON NEAR YORK e 1538-1936; ~t l538-1837; B 1538-1931 (8 vols.)

SKIPWITH C 1654-6, 1670-1853; tot 165 1-6, 1670-1837; Il 165'.-6, 1670-1880 (10 vols.) '

SKIRPENBECK CB 1660-1812; M 16Go-1837 (6 vols.)

SLINGS BY C 1687-1857; M 1687-1947; B 1687-1885 (7 vo Lsv]

STAMFOIlD mIDGE c~m 1s6S-1978 (1 vol s.)

STJLLINGFLEET C 1598-1876; H 1598-1837; B 1598-186) (13 vol".)

STILLINGTON c 1666-1923; M 1666-1971; B 1666-1954 (12 vols.)

STOCKTON ON THE FORES'f C 1653-1877; M 1653-1837; n 1653-192~ (10 vols.)

STREmALL C 1566-1949; ?of 1607-1968; B 1607-1962 (11 vol s.)

SUTTON ON TIlE FUllEST C 1557-1865; M 1557-18371 B 1557-1856 (9 vols.)

SUTTON UPON DERWENT CB 1593-1812; H 1593-1837 (') vols.)

TADCAS'fEn C 1570-J9h2; ~1 1570-1<)6')i D 1')70-1932 (21-1vols.)

TERRINGTON C 1599-1W.7; MIl 1599-1837 (8 vols.)

THORGANBY c 165}-1885; H 1653-1835; 11 16j}-1957 (7 vols.)

THOllMANBY C 165S-1812; H 165B-IH36; n J 65 H-lIH :! (5 vo 1R. )

TTIORNTONON SPAlDING ~fOon C 1615-1')01; t-116')2-19(;2; U 1(,1')-1871

(11 • vo l s s ]

THORP ancn G 1595-1899; H 151)5-1970; n 1'i95-11)21. (I~ vulA.)

~'lIORPE BASSRT1' en J657-1979; ~(1657-1978 (7 vol s .] PARISll RECORDS

WALTON CB 1619-UU2; H 1619-1960 (7 vOls.)

WAH.'l'ER C 1653-1872; M 1653-1837; B 1653-1937 (6 vols.)

WARTHILL CB 1689-181 2; H 1689-1962 (5 vo Is. )

WEAVEIl.THORPE C 1682-1978; H 1682-1978; B 1682-1854 (9 vols.)

WESTOW C 1549-1852; M 1549-1836; B 1549-1883 (9 vols.)

WIl.t\J:l.R.MfIE STREET Cr-ID 1538-1978 (7 vols.)

WHARRAM PERCY C 155/~1933; M 155~-1928; B 1570-190q (6 vols.)

WIIEIDRAKE C 1603-1848; M 1603-1836; B 1603-1875 (9 vols.)

WHENDY CB 1556-1812; H 1556-1837 (3 vols.)

WHITWELL ON TIlE HlLL M 1861-1972 (3 vol sv ]

WIGGlN'fON C 1691-1886; ~r 1691-1952; B 1691-1933 (10 vols.)

WIGHILL CB 1717-1812; M 1717-1837 (5 vols.)

WlLJlElI.FOSS CB 1618-1978; ~1 1618-1973 (lit vols.)

WlNl'RINGHAM C 1558-1887 j ~1 1558-1837; B 1558-1812 (5 vols.)

WlSTOW C 1590-1917; M 1590-1965; B 1590-1857 (10 vols.)

'{APllAM CL'M }1ELTONllY C 1707-1812; M 1734-1836; B 165q_1811 (6 vols.)

YEDTNGHAM CB 1717-18H:!; l<[ 1717-1952 (4 vols.)


All Saints, North Street C 1578-1889; M 1578-1885; B 1578-1848 (9 vols.)

All Saints, Pavement C 1?54-1855; M 1555-1950; B 15511-181111 (14 vols.)

lioly Trinity, Goodramgate C 157}-1876; M 1573-1957; B 1573-181'2 (12 vols.)

Holy Trinity, lIewort.b C 1869-1954; ~1 1870-1966; B 191i9-1967 (13 vo Ls .]

Holy Trini Ly, King's Court C 1616-1885; M 1616-1885; n 1616-1847 (9 vols.) PARISH RECORDS

YORK CITY (continued)

Holy Trinity, Micklcgate C 1586--191,t5;t-11586-19 17; B 158(~1850 (15 vols.) '

St Crux C 15 i0-1896; M 15111-1880; B 1539-1851 (11 ' vols.) St Cuthbert C 1581-1920; M 1581-1919; D 1581-1852 (15 vols.)

St Denys C 1558/9-196'.; 1-1 1558/9-19'111; D 1558-1854 (16 vol s , ]

St Edward, Dringhouses C 1849-1964; M 1853-1958; D 1824-1890, 1953-1955 (7 vols.)

St Helen, Stonegate C 1568-1890; M 1568-1967; U 1568-1852 (10 vols.)

St John, Ouscbridge C 1570-1932; M 1570-1933; B 1570-1847 (13 voh.)

St Lawrence C 1606-1920; H 1606-1900; B 1606-1867 (22 vols.)

St Luke C 1902-1910 (1 vol.)

St Margaret, Wlllmgate C 157J.-1970; M l"i75-L973; B 1576-185/J (21 voLs s ]

St Martin, Coney Street C 1557-1941; M 1557-1942; n 1557-1851 (11 VOlA.)

St Martin cum Gregory C 1539-1939t M 1539-1939; B 1539-1854 (11 vo l sv ]

St Mary Bishophill Junior C 1602-1910; M 1602-1951; n 1602-1853 (19 vOls.)

St Mary Bisnophjll Senlor C 159B-1897; M 159B-1868; B 1598-185 t (12 vo l s s ] ' St Mary, Cllstlegate C 160IJ-1875; ~I 16o!,t-19"}i l:l IGO/i-lWi9, 1922-1928 (1~ vols.)

S t Maurice C 1650-1966; ~I 1650-1960; B 1650-185'J (Hi voIR.)

St M.ichaelt Spurriergate G l59~1')28; ~I 1'j()~lB37; U I 59B-H!I ~ (r; vo lA.)

S t. Olavc c 1518-1877; ~(1'538-1871; l:l llj')B-185/t (16 volsv ) PARISII RECORDS

Si,Paul C 1851-19117; M 1856-1960 (16 vols.)

Si, Philip & St James, Clifton C 1871-19611; M 1871-1971 (13 vols.)

St Sampson C 16J10~1965; M 16110-19611; B 164.0-18,*8 (!Ii vols.)

St Saviour C 1567-1939; M 1567-1939; D 1567-1852, 1932-1939 (19 vols.)

Si..Thomas C 1855-1946; M 1855-194.5 (J2 vols.) PRIVATE AND INSTl1'UTIONAL DEPOSTTS

1. Addlcshaw Papers [Addleshaw]

A collection of personnl and fllllll ly pupcr s and correspond- encc , working notes and printed material of Rev, G.W.O. Addh'shaw, Tl'CIlRurcr of tork ~1inaf:.er (191.16-1963) and Dean of Clu-s Ler (1963- 1977) (29 boxes )

2. Centre for Southern African Studies

The collections acquired by tbe Ccntr('· j'ol' So,uthem AfricWI Studies in the University of York contain primary sourre moterial on southern Atrica, mainly in Ute nature of poU tl cal and p e r aoue.I papers, correspondence, t'Pports, pumph Le i a etc. of tile 19th and 20th centuries. For dctails of t.h i s mat.cr i al , ace A Guide to Southern African Archives ~n the Universit of York, couip.i l cd by T. Lodge and ed i t.ed by A. V. Akeroyd and C.P. Lunt Uni vcr-s i ty of York, 1979). Th£' collectlon is nov hOUlwd in Lhe Bozthwi ck Institute and can be consul ted there. Copi cs of the Guide Can be purohased from the Secre tory, Cen t.r e for Sou Llwl"r1 Africllll S tud I c s , University of York, Heslington, York, YOl 5DD.

J. ChrisLian Faith Society lCFS]

Originating as the Society for Conversion, Religious Instruction and Education of the Negro S]uves in the West India Islnnds, founded in 1788, the Society Inter \WCWDl' known us the Society for Advancing OH' Chr-i s t.Jun l"uith in the W('sL India Islands. The Landed endowments of the Society cons iated principally in an extensive cAtate at BrufferLon o r lg ino.Tly purchased in 169~ by trustees acting under lilt' will of Robert Boy] e (d.1691), who left 0 sum of money to be laid ou t DU the propogation of Chr.ist.iani ty among infidels. The cstute was transferred to th.~Society !!Iter u Chancu ry d Lspu Le , WId frOID 179/, til(> profits of thp Dl'afferton property accrued to Lhe Society. Most of the papel'S in this c ol Lec Lj on relate to UI(' Ilr-af f e r Lon estate, but ther-e are some popl'rs of more general in h'TeHt COo- cerning Lbe work of t.h~ Society.

Decd~1 account.s, rentols, legal paperfl. corrcspondence 1682-1945 (17 boxes)

[A AWIIID!lry list. is uva iLub Le ut the InAtitut,e] q. Records of Lh(' Dr ax Chari t.y School [DeS]

By his will, dut.cd 30 July 16u9, Chnr l cs Head of Dar l.t on '.u PRIVATE AND INSTITUTIONAL DEPOSITS

(Notts.) established a trust for the free school which he had founded in Drax, and for the six almshouses which he hoo.81so buil t in Lhe parish. £2000 was designated for the purchase of lands in or near Drax, to be transferred to six men of Drax, As trustees; when the trustees should be reduced in number to two, they should transfer the premises to six more men to act a8 trustees. A summary list is available at the Institute.

The records of the Read charity have been subdivided as follows:

1. Papers relating to the establishment of the trust, and its constitution 1669-1846 (1 box)

2. Deeds and papers concerning the appointment of new trustees and the conveyance of the trust estates 1674-1889 (1 box)

3. Administrative records, minutes and correspondence 1794-1893 (q boxes)

q. Papers relating to Drax Charity School, its staff and pupils 17311-1880 (2 boxes)

5. Financial papers 1755-1935 (11 boxes) 6. Trust estates: Deeds and related documents, to property in Carlton by Snaith, Drax, Goole and Newland 1534-1916 (5 boxes)

7. Trust est.ates: Surveys and valuations 1808-1882 (1 box)

B. Trust estates: correspondence and papers 1813-1883 (2 boxes]

5. Forder Papers [Forder]

Files of papers and correspondence deposited by the Ven. C.R. Forder, archdeacon of York J957-1972 (3 boxes)

[These are not yet available for consultation]

6. Records of the Grey Coat School! York [GCS J

The York Grey Cont School Wall a chadty school for girls


6. Records of the Grey Coat Schoo I, York (COl] t inued ]

opened in 1705 as the resul t of a publ ic subscr-Lp Hon mec Ung attended by the Archbishop, the Dean of York, Lhe Lord Huyor, aldermen of thf' Cl Ly and o the r patrons. "h(' schco l was firsl established in Marygate but moved in 1785 to newly-built premises in ~fonkgale, which were only vacated in t960. Further 11l!~ails of the school nlay be found in t.he Victoria County History of the Ci iy of York (1961), p. 447; and the Di-cen Len Souvenir of the York Blue Coat Boys' find Grey Cout Girls' School York, 1905 •

a] Minute books of the Lad i es ' COlJllllittee 1789-1959 (JO volumes)

bJ Minute book of Lha Gent Lemeu' s Sub-commi ttee 1853-1931

cJ Account books 1827-1948 (ii volumes)

d] Matron's log book 190~19'18

e] Registers of visitors 1847-1908 (3 volumes)

fJ Records of the schoolchildren 1830-1957 (2 boxe s )

(A summary list is available at the Institutp]

7. Hamil ton Thompson Papers (Add.t-£S )

Working paper-a and notebooks on medieval r-cc l ('S i !lstiea! history of Professor Ale'!tulder Hamilton Tbompson (187}-1952). This large collection includes not.ebouka of earlier historians, .i.n, Wf\lbran (1817-1869), Sir William st John Hope (185/t-1916) and n.M. Serjeuntson (1861-1916), ac qu t zed by Hwni1ton Thompson (10) vo Iumea]

[A summary list is in progress]

8. Archives of the Briti>lh BTlUlch of the International Arthurian Society (BHlAS ]

The In t.ernlltl onnl Arthur' ian Soci ety i B an asaocj nt; on which is concerned wit.h the study of ArLhuriall works in medieval Ii t.crn tur-e Tlu' archi veil of t.he Brit I sh Branch Wt"'e depoe! ted in tho 11lSLi Lute in 1979 by the C(m~.rP for Hed.ievnl StudicA in the University (Jf YOl'k. co r-r-oapond encv and papers 20th century '.8 PRIVATE AND INSTITUTIONAL DEPOSITS

9. Knowles Collection

A small collection of designs and patterns for stained glass windows by J.W. Knowles (1 box)

10. Lawrance Papers [Lawrance]

The historical working ~apers and correspondence of Rev. N.A.H. Lawrance (d.1972) in connection with bis work on the parochial clergy of the East Riding archdeaconry, including parochial fasti lists for the four deaneries of the archdeaconry up to 1660 (1 box, 7 volumes)

11. Merchant Taylors' Company of York [MTA] The company of tailors, drapers and hosiers received a royal charter of incorporation in 1662, but the earliest mention of the tailors as a guild dates from the ordinances of 1386-7. For a full history of the guild, see B. Johnson, The Acts and Ordinances of the Co~pany of Merchant Taylors in the City of York (York, 19IJ9).

1. Court Minute Booka 16~1-l930 (9 volWlles) draft minutes 1817-1894 (10 volwnes)

2. Account Books 1665-1869 (3 volumes)

3. Apprentice Books 1606-1862 (2 volwnes)

4. Abled Masters' Dooks 1559-1931 (3 volumes) 5. Certificates of admission to the freedom of the Company 1723-1800 (3 volumes)

6. Ordinances of the Company 1605, 1623, 1663 (incl. register of leases 1623-1638) (3 items)

7. Brogue Boo~ 1707-14, 173~lB, 175~-60 B. Miscellaneous Volumes oaths of various officers of thp company 1560 and acts of courL 1564-89; legal business, volume of extracts from minute books, cop,yof ordinances (3 volumes)


11. Merchant Taylors t Company (contimll'd)

9. Chart,era and Arms 1662 chart ..r of Chill'] es II I conveyance of char-t.cr rent of Inc or-por-at i on 1830, gran t of arms 1963

10. Miscellaneous Documents - promissory noles, schedule of deeds, apprenticeship ind en.Lur e s etc. 17q9-1966

1j. Deeds relating to proper Ly in York 1586..1917

12. Papers relating to other gilds

a) volumes relating to the Bakers' Company 1729-1825 b) ordinances of the Weavers' Company 1;78-1606 c) ordinances of the Company of Embroiderers, Vestment makers, Cutters ~d Drawer~ 1591 d) account book of Lhe Innholdere' Compuny 163}-t778

13. Stray documents unrelated to the t-ferchanl. Taylor!!' Company 1588-1783

12. Mirfield Collection [~fir£ieldJ

The collection comprises the papers of four members of Llle Community of the Resurrection at Mil'fi e Id, W.H. Frere, E.K. l'albot, L.S. Thornton and J .N. F'iggis.

Papers of w.n. Frl're

Frere (l86}- J 938) was one of the founder members of tile Community lind its superior 1902-1913 lind 1916-1922. He was Bishop of Truro from 1923 to 1935 when he rctir4.!u and r e turncd t.o Mirfield. Fuller details of his car'enr can be fOWlU In C.S. Phillips and others, Walter Howard Frere: a memoir (J9'l7)

a] No t.es and papers connected wi th his scholarly enquiries into ecc l e ai as tIcn'l history, church music and liturgical studies (to boxcs)

bJ Papers and correspondence re l atiug Lo J<'ren" s work ill con t.emporury church affair's (excluding 1,11(' Mulirw8


Conversations and Prayer Book Revision, see below) 1908-1935 (4 boxes)

c] ~1alines Conversations

Reports, papers and memoranda for the conversations held at Malines between 1921 and 1926 by represent- atives of the Anglican and churches, originally under tlLe chairma.nship of Cardinal Mercier. Many of these documents were annotated or revised by Frere and, in addition, his correspondence on the subject, comprising some 600 letters, is also deposited (see also additional deposit, 10, below) 1921-1935 (3 boxes)

dJ Prayer Book Revision

Papers, correspondence and memoranda relating to Frere's involvement in the revision of the Book of COllllllonPrayer which resulted in the abortive Deposited Books of 1927 and 1928 190}-1935 (7 boxes)

eJ Miscellaneous correspondence 1913-1937 (1 box)

f] Frere family correspondence 1809-1869 (4, boxes)

g] Fn~re' s personal record of the Malines Conv'ersations (additional deposit)

notebooks and correspondence (2 boxes)

Papers of E.K. Talbot

Talbot (l877-19q9) was the son of E.S. Talbot, warden of Keble College, Oxford and later Bishop of Rochester and . He entered the Community in 1907 and was its superior 1922-19~0. Further details can be found in G.P.H. Powson, Edward Keble Talbot. His Community and bis friends (1954)

Papers for retreats, sermORs, addresses, conference papers, notebooks, correspondence and memoranda 1907-1949 (~ boxes)

Papers of L.S. Thornton

L.S. Thornton (188~-1960) was ordained in 1907 and entered the COlIIDunity in 1915. lIis earlier writings were concerned wi tb philosophic al Ulj>Ory but eubsequen tly he transferred his interests to moral and biblical theology


Papers of L.S. Thorn!,on [cou t.inued ]

Papers, sermons, ms. eS!:H1Ys, m-t.Lc l us and book s , no tebooks, cor respondence and memur-and a 1921-1953 (3 boxcs)

Papers of J.N. Figgia

Figgis (d. t 919) WIlS an h i at.or Lnn , who h av.Lng established his reputation at Cambridge, entered the Commwlity in 1896. Included among his papers arc let!'crs concernrd

wi th the edi tiog of Lord Ac ton I s cor-r-eapondcnc a

Papers, sermons, notebooks and correspondence 1889-1917 (2 boxes)

MiscellllneouB items

Unidentified notebooks, etc. (1 bOX)

[A summary list is available at the InstituLe]

13. Orchestral Employers' Association tOEA]

'fhe Association was established ill 19'1.Ho.s ' an udvisory and consul tan t body on mat Ler-s of common illteI'cl:li .. in the organisation and maintennnce of orches t.rns ' • In 1971 t.he name of the Association was changed to the Assoc iat Ion of Dritisb Orchestras. The archives wer e of I'e r ed to til€' Department of Economics of the Unhr"l'sity of York in 1979 und deposited in the Jns td tu t,e in 1980, so tbut they might Ill' preserved and used us a sour-cc for the studies Cl! tit!' d eve Lop.... ment of orehe s t.rns during the period 19118-1971.

minute books, filcs of correspoud

R.B. Weir, Catalo ne of the Archive of th(' OrchesLrul Employel's' Association duplicated, YOI'k, 1980 l i s La till! archives. Copies of this cat.al cgue UT(, uvaf.Iub l e ul th~ Institute and at the National Regi.s!'cr of Archiv\.'s, Quuli ly Court, Chancery Lane, .

14. The Archives of the Retrl.'ut., York [Rdn.nt]

Th!' bistvry 0.1' the Quaker I'ound u t Iun , '{'he Ito t.r eu i., I l h« rirst asyhuo established in this country with tht' Ilpl'ciul


object of providing humane treatment for the mentally afflicted' t has been well chronicled. In 1813 Samuel Tuke published his Description of the Retreat and fifteen years later A Sketch of the Origin, Progress! and Present State of the Retreat. J. Thurnam produced Statistics of the Retreat from 1796 to 18~O in 18U and in 1846 there appeared the Review of the Early History of The Retreat ncar York. In tbis present century, H.C. Hunt published A Retired Habitation: a history of The RetreaL, York (1932).

A. Administrative Records

Directors' and Committee minute books and rough minutes 1792-1917 (27 volumes) B. Correspondence and Papers (outgoing)

Letter books of the Superintendent, Secretary and Treasurer 1876-1909 (22 volumes) c. Correspondence and Papers (incoming) 1) General correspondence files relating Chiefly to patients and administrative business 1796-1899 (approx. 100,000 items)

Dound volumes of incoming correspondence (similar business) 1877-1898 (3~ volumes)

D. Visitors' Records

Visitors' books and Committee Visitors' books 1798-1902 (7 volumes) E. Financial Records General ledgerB, subscription books and miscellaneous c8lihond accounts books 1792-1899 (!,i5volumes)

F. Stuff R('cords

Records relating to appointments and ~ageB 182H-1921 (~volumes, 1 file)

G. Recorda relating to the Commissioners in Lunacy

CommiAsioners' visitors' book, correspondence, returns and papers 1839-1899 (2 volumes, 1 box)


Archives of the Retreat (continued)

H. Retreat Building

Building accounts, pLans and pupor s 1795-1895

I. Administrative Miscellanea 1810-1919

J. Patients' Records

Admissions registers and returns 1796-1911 (5 volwnes)

K. Medical Records

Registers of certificates, case books, medical journals and weekly reports eic. 1796-1895 (37 volumes, 1 bo x]

L. Miscellanea

Historical notes, Me family correspondence, papers and correspondence relHting to York Lunatic A~]um etc. 1788-1958

[A summary list is available ut the Inl:!titu t~J

15. Steel and FIe tchel' Collection

A small collection of designs and patterns for stained glass windows by C.E. Steel and A.M. Fletcher (1 bOX)

16. Records of the Unitarian Chapt'LI Si Suvlourgnil" York [UCSS] (pp.193-/, )

A ) ar'ge deposit of addi t.Jonal rnateri al W{11i received in 1m7. Consisting primarily of conmit.tee minutes and administrative records, correspondence and papers relating Lo t.he Colton Trust (Thomas Colton, mini El Ler of th" chapel), property decd s and €'l:Itaie and financial material. 1579-19115 (31 boxcs )

[A sUDDnarylist is available> nL th(' [nstitutcJ. PRIVATE AND INSTITUTIONAL DEPOSITS

17. University Archives [YUAJ

The Institute is also the repository for the York University Archives and a small collection of minutes, papers and correspondence has been received from the University Registrar concerned with the establishment of the University.

[These are not available for consultation]

18. Un) versi ty Library Manuscripts [tn, ]

A miscellaneous collectionwhicb has come into the possession of the University Library anti is stored for convenience sake at the Institute.

1-3 Log books and order book of Admiral RObert Fairfax (1666-1725) (3 volumes)

Working notes of Robert Surtees (1779-183~) relatin¥ to material in his History of Durham (1 box)

5 Private papers, notes and correspondence of Major David Graham Pole (1877-1952), H.P. for South Derbyshire 1929-31 and parliamentary private secretary to the Secretary of State for War, 1931 1915-1952 (4 boxes)

6 Private papers, notes and correspondence of Whiteley, Labour a~ent for Huddersfield (1921-5), West Birmingham (1932-6) and Elland (1936-"7) and M.P. for Birmingham (Ladywood) 1929-1931 1910-1950 (2 boxes)

7 Records of Newman Darton, pawnbroker, of Thorne 1912-1949 (6 volumes)

8 Working notes and correspondence of Professor N. Garmonsway 1931-1962 (1 file)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]

19. Warp Deposit [Ware]

Two serjes of manorial records deposited by Ware and Co., Solicitors, of York (Diocesan Registry)

1. Mnnor of lleminghrougb courL rolls 1816-1935 (7 volumes)


19. Ware Deposi t (con Unueu )

2. ~fanor of Stillington with Nawton and WombIeton court rolls 1712-1935 (9 volumes)

[A summary list is available at the Institute]


In addition Lo lhe summary lists and indexes noted in tilis Supplement, several collections only noted in the original Guide have been listed since its publication. These include the following (page references are to the Guide):

p.23 Non-residence

The first three registers of non-residence licences (NR.Reg.1-3) have been calendared

p.25 Relinquishment of Orders

deeds of relinquishment 1871-1896

p.28 Assignment of stipends

assignments 1825-1836

p.31 Papers relating LO Patronage

patronage agreements 1898-1914

p.33 Papers relating to Churches, Churchyards and Churcb Schools

temporary licences to use churches etc. pending consecration 1762-1870

licences for divine service in mission chapels etc. in outlying areas of parishes 1819-1935

school sites 1869-1920

pp.3'*-5Papers relating to Parsonage Houses

soles of old parsonage houses 1873-1923

schedules of fjxtures 1909-1925

57 p.~2 Plans of Archiepiscopal Estates

p.~4 Archiepiscopal Papers

Dishopthorpe Palace 1888-1891

The Queen's College, Oxford 1720-t878

Mrunorial Lo Archbishops

p.52 High Commission Court

cause papers 1562-1637 the list will be published in the Borthwick Institute Dulletio 2, no.2 (1980)

p.57 Archbishop's Courts

cause papers: lists have been completed 01 the nineteenth-century files 88 follows:

Chancery court 1800-1886

Consistory court 1800-1882

'l'estamentary cause papers (Excht>quer IWd Prerogative courts) 1800-1857

p.GO Surrogates

The three regis ters of appo in !.ment.s 1706-1830 bave been calendared

p.105 Dean and Chapter nominations

schoolmas ters 1663-1815

p.l06 Dissenters

meeting-house cert.ificalcA 175/1-1806

58 p.l09 Dean and Chapter Court.

A list. of the cause by

p.109 Dean and Chapter Faculty Papers 1674-183Q

p.ll4 DeMery Court

p.l14 Deancry Fact]lty Papers 1728-1821,

Bishopihorpp Papers

Corrcspondence and Papers: the papers of Archbishops Sharp, Dawes, Gilbert., Markham, Ve~on llarcourt, Temple, and Garbett have been lisied, as have papers relating to Beverley Hinsl er- and the diocese of Sodor and Man

p.lIi5 Schllols and Chari ties

pp.189-96 Private deposits

Bain Lon Deeds

Bedford Deeds

Wenlock Family Deeds and Papers

Yarbur gh MunimenLs


Over the years the InstiLute has bui It up a co Llcc t i00 of microfilms and photocopies of records of relevance to tile d epos I ted co Ll ect.Ions or to the rus ear ch projects based at. tile Tns Li Lute. Tile following list is divided into natiooal, provincial, ciiocesan and capitular, monastic, probate and miscellaneous sections and includes the collections of tIle Bri Lish Academy Ep isco pa.l Acta project. TIl{> microfi 1m or photocopy call number is given after each de ac r iptl on.

National Records

Recusant rolls for England and Wales 1593/q - 1610/1L (Public Record Office, £377/2-19) and CXWUlUB1 returns of recusants 1580-1635 (ibid., EJ63/9) Ph.67

Provincial Recorda

Royal visitation of the Northern province 1559 (Public Record Office, State Papers 12/10) MIt' 29

"Compton Census' 1676 (Northern prov ince part) (nodley, ms , Tanner 150) }IF 26

Diocesan and Capitular Records


Cartulary of the Sel:' (Lambeth, ms.1212) MF 50

Registers of the Archbishops 1279-161j5 MP 51-69


Regj sters of the Bi ahops 1292-1392 MF75


Registers of tile Disbops 1397-1536 MP 120-2


Sede vacnnt e regist er of the d iocelli' t!Jo6 MF 8',


Register of Bishop Hatfield (13~5-81) MF 84


National Library of Wales: catalogue of Hereford Dean & Chapter muniments MF l.l8-9


Registers of tbe Bishops 1299-1631 MF 86-8, 126-8


1851 Religious Census, Ripon diocese (Public Record Office, no .129) MF 10}, 111-18


Cartularies oC the Cathedral (Salisbury, Register of St Osmund; Liber Evidentiarum C) HP 137, 139


Cartulary of the See (Salisbury, Liber Evldentiarum B) MF 138


Registers 01 the Bishops 1l.l47-86,1501-28 MF 123-5


Sede vacantc register of the diocese 1301-11135 MF 83


Sede vacuoLe registers of the diocese 1396-7, 1500 (British Library, Cotton Galba E X) ~1Fl.l3

Cartulari es of the Minster (British Library, Co t bon Claudius B III; Cotton Vi t eLlLua A II) MP 99, 1}1 see also YORK DIOCESE. Parliamentary survey.

61 Diocesan and Cl.l.pil.ular Record~ (continued)


Cartulary of tho See (British Li urnry , ms. [,nnlldol%ne1102) MP 43

Formulary books (15th cent.) (Cambl'idlC IIL, Add.ms.3115 (r); Ely dio. recordH F/5, 32-33) ~II'7

Valuation and inventory of properties of thC' 1:1('(' and inventory of palaces t 535/6 (Public Record or rice, SC.11/766) MP Id

Survey of Archbishop's Larms n.d. (Publ l c Reco rd Office, SC.J2/17/58) MF 41

'A particular & perfect certificate of all the ministers wi thin the diocese of York ••• (temp. AJ'chbl,'I!lUll PiHS, l589-9L.t) (LnmbeUl, Curle misc. XII no.9) MP J5

Visitations of the archdeaconry of Nottingham by the Archbishops 1590-1640 (Not t ingham Uni vez-sI ty MflllU8cr i pis Department A.6, 8, ior , 11, 13,23, 2/i, liG) MF 132

Visitalion of Ilexhamsb Lr-a peculiar 1667 (Durhum Uni ver-s i ty , Episcopal Visitation Book ), f08.170-8) Ph.5

The papers of Arehbi!"hop duhn Shurp (l691-1711t) (Lloyo-finket· family munimen t.s , llardwi cke Court, Gloueesl.et'shire) MF 15-20

Parliament.ary survey of the d i uceao and chapt.e r I6IJ7-50 (, COIllD. XIIIl/t7-18) MI' 98

L851 Religious Census, York d ioecse (Publ ic Record orr i cc I HO.129/491) MF 10). 111-18


Cartulary of the ~lin8tcr (Uni ve r s i ty Co1It!gt', Oxford, ms. 82) HP 107

CarLu!luy of tbp Rolh'slon Chan try , Be.ver l ey Mil1t1t.c·I' (Washington, Librury of COlIgrcss, Ac.1093) MF 108

HOIlS!! Lie Uccords


Cur tu l ary o f tfllo priory (Bodley, Laud misc. G/J~) "'11<' ~3 BAlIDNEY ABBEY

Cartulary of the abbey (British Library, Cotton Vespasian E XX) MF 71


Cartulary of the abbey (British Library, Cotton Faustina B r) Z.IF46


Extracts from lost cartulary (Bodley, ms. Dodsworth 1~~, fos. 1-77) MF 105


Cartulary of the abbey (British Library, Egerton ms.2823)j and fragment of cartulary (Bodley, ms. Dodsworth 76, fo. 146) MF 92, Ph.61


Cartulary (part) of the prioI{'"(Briti sh Library Harley ms. 2110, fos. 119-135) MF 81


Cartulary of the abbey (Spalding Gentlemen's Society me.) HP ~5


Cartulary of the priory (Bodley, ms.Top.Yorks. c.72); and fragment of cartulary (Bodley, ms , Dodsworth 76, fos,124-6) "1F 70, Ph. 62


Cartulary of the abbey (British Library, Egerton ms. 2827) MF 104


Cart.ulary of Lhe priory (Essex Record Office, D/DBy.Q.19) MP 78

63 Monastic Records (continued)


Cartulary of the priory (Bodley, Add.C.51) ~w 97


Cartulary of the priory (llertlorushirc Record Office, ms , 17465) MF 74


Cartularies of the abbey (Bod.l!.!y, UUIV. Coll.mes, 1(;7, 170; ms. Rawlinson B ~~9) MF 129-30


Cartulary of the abbey (Gloucc8 ter Deun & Chapter, Registers A & B) Hr 80


Cartulary of the priory (British Library, Harley lOS. 3650) HF 95


Cartulary of the priory (Bodley, ms. Fairfax 7) Ml~91


CarLularies of the priory (Public Record Office C 115/KA.9, Kl/6681, K2/6683. 6686, Ll/6687, 6689, 6690) MF 1311-6


Cartulary of {he priory ( Record Office, Acc.t5l.i) .Ph.t19


Curtu Lary of UIP priory (Ghent Stale Archives, SI. Peter's abbey, 1st aor , , no.7, pt..i) ~1F76 MALTON PRIORY

Cartulary of the priory (British Library, Cotton Claudius D XI) HF 4l.t


Cartularies of the priory (British Library, Royal 11 B IX; Cotton Vespasian E XVII) MF 9l.t, 85


Cartulary of the priory (British Library, Cotton Vespasian E XIX) MP 96


Fragment of cartulary of the priory (Norfolk Record Office, NRS. 2'7262) Ph.li2


Cartulary of the abbey (Peterborough Dean & Chapter, Swaffham's Register) MF 72 lWfSh'Y ABBEY

Surveys and rentals, 13th cent. (British Library, Cotton Galba E X) MF 43


Lpn! of oartulary of the priory (British Library Add. Ch.46362) Ph.l.t6


Cartulary (part) of the priory (British Library, Cotton Faustina A IV, f08,1-/.6) MP 81


Car-tul ary of the abbey (National Library of Wales, ms.7851) MF' 89 Monastic Records (cont..imll'd)


Car-t.u l ar ie s of the priory (Hwnp14hire [t('cord O.ffiCl·, Uegislers I, 2, & 3) HT' 79


Car tu l ar+e s !If the pr io ry (British Library, Add.0lB.35296, Harley ms, 742) MP 109-10


Tnventories of charters of the priory (Public Iteco rd OfflCl', SC. 1l/1126) Ph.1.8


Cartulary of the priory (SL Orner, b i bl s pub l vma, 7',6) m' 77


CartuJary of the priory (Bodley, ms, T'oirfax 9) MP 1)0


Cartularies of the ho sp i tal (Brl tl sh Li b r-ary , Cotton Nero D TU, Dodley, ms , Ra ....Li nson B't55) MF 1.7, 106


Cartulttrit'H of the abbey (Uri t.r sh LilJrury, Add. ID!:!. 38816, Harley ms , 236; Bodley, DIS. Dodsworth 76, fOB. ;6-64., 121-3 (fragments) MF' 100-1, Ph.58-(iO

Probate Records

rn:xJ1A.\1SlI ms PECULIAR

Volume of registered vl l l a and in ven t o rie s lor lIexhomflhiT'1' 169'1-1706 (Newcastle, Society 01 Antiqunl'ics) Ph.6

66 Miscellaneous Ecclesiastical Records

ARCUlVES OF TIlE OLD BROTHERHOOD (Oscott College, Sutton ColdIield) MF 30-3, 36-40

ROUtE UFON SPAIDING mOR ROMAN CATHOLIC RECORDS MF 102 AberIord 37 archb i ehops ' registers abstrncL books 25 see und er York, ar chbd ahopa of Acaster Malbis 37 archdeaconries eccoun t book sep Cleveland, East Riding, probate 23 Nottingham, York accoWlts articles of enquiry 27, 28 archbishop's official 32 Askham Bryan 37 charity 21• Askham Richard 37 diocesan boards 12-19 Association of Uri t,il:lllOrchel:lt ras 52 diocesan regisLry 23 Aughton 37 executors' and augmen tations administrators' 33 sce under beneficps garden 32 Bainton Deeds 59 Acklam ncar Malton 37 Bardaey abbey (Lincs.) 63 Acomb 37 Barlby 37 peculiar jurisdiction 3~ Barlings abbey (Lincs.) 63 Acton, Lord 52 Barnby prebendal jurisdiction 3~ Acts of Parliament Dur ton, NC'WIIIUlI 55 see Benefices Act 1898 Barton Ie Street 37 Clergy Discipline Bedford DeC(]B 59 Act 1892 benefices Ecclesiastical Iluthorized chaagvs in thu status Di 1apidations Act 1871 of 8 Education Act 1902 endoWlent and augmen tatd.on of Public Worship 6-7 Regulation Act 1874 grant.A to 8 Addlesha~, Rev. G.W.O., treasurer unions of 7 of York, dean of Chester 1.6 Beverley ]\finAter 59, 62 Addlesha~ Papers ~6 Rolleston chanlry in 62 administrators' accounts 33 BeneficeR Act 1898 9 admissions 5 Benefices (Suspension of Pr~scnLaLion) registers It !1easure J 9111'; 9 advowsons Bi 1hrough 37 abat.ree ts of ti Hes to 9 Bilton in Ainst.y 37 see also patronage prebendal juriAdicLlon 34 Allerthorpe 37 Birdforth 37 Alne 37 lJirdsnll 37 Alne and Tollerton peculiar Birkin 37 jurisdiction 35 Dirmingham Alvinghnm priOry (Lincs.) 62 Ladywcod (consti tuency) 55 Ampleforth prebendal West (conet! tueney) 55 jurisuictiotl 31t Bishop vu ton 38 Apesthorp~ (Notts.) peculjar jurisdiction 3J, 35 prebendal junLsd Lc b ion 34 Biahop the rpe 38 appeal fWlds Pulacc 58 Church Buildings 14 nole (Notls.) prebendal jurisdiction for clergy stipends 21 3" Trinity Sund ay and SL P<'t.er'R Dol ton Per-cy 38 Tidt' 13 Bo lton pri ory 63 Applet.on 1e S't.rcc t 37 nossn1I 38 Ar-chb ishop ' » Counc Ll 18

68 boundaries Charles II 50 archidiaconal 21 Chichester diocese parochial 21 registers of 60 ruridecanal 21 Christian Faith Society 46 boundary commission 21 Church Assembly 15, 21 Boyle, Robert q6 Church Buildings Appeal 1~ Brafferton 38, q6 Church Commissioners 8, 36 Bramham 38 Church Extension, Diocesan Brandsby :;8 Council of 13-1q Brayton 38 Church Fenton 38 Dubwith :;8 see also Fenton prebendal Duckrose deanery 30 jurisdiction Bug thorpe 38 Churches prebendal jurisdiction 35 authorization of, for new Bulmer 38 districts 8 deanery 29 fabric returns 19 Burnby 38 inspection of 17 Burytborpe 38 redundan t 22 Buttercrambe 38 substitution of parish 8 Byland abbey 63 war-dam~ed 19 'Calling all churcbpeople' campaign 21 ChurChyards 29 calls Z7, 28 citation mandates 28 Canterbury clergy "9 Convocation of see Convocation colonial and overseas 6 diocese files 32 cartulary of 60 Clergy Aid Fund 14 registers of 60 Clergy Discipline Act 1892 6 llous~of Laymen see Laymen Cleveland archdeaconry 17, 28-9 Capital expenditure scheme 16-17 deanery 29 Carlisle diocese ChHord 38 registers of 60 Clifton Carlton by Snaitb 38, 47 ~ York, St Philip and car~ularips 60-6 St James, Clifton CaALle Acre priory (Norf.) 6:; Coggan, Frederick Donald, Cotton 38 abp. of York cause papers 58-9 register 3 Cave, South, peculiar juri~tlietion 35 viaitation Z7 Cuwood 38 visitation returns 31 I'nwood and Wistow manor 31-2 colonial clergy CensuR, IS~1 ~eligious 61-2 see clergy, colonial and Central Diocesan Fund 12 overseas Centre for Medieval Studies, York Colton, Thomas 5q University !.is Colton Trust 5~ Centre for Sou t.bernAfrican Studies, commission(l:I) York University i, ~6 boundary 21 Chancery court 33, 58 on diocesan administration Chapel Haddlescy 38 21 chapels parochial documents 22 licence for marriages 10 surrogates' 26 Charity Comrui ~ion 2q York redundant churches 22 charlly rccordH 2~, 29, 59 CODDllHtec on the Property and see also Conyngbam's Trust Finances of the church Turner Trust 21-2 York, Wll1ldcsfordHo spital comm:u:niconts 29

69 Community of the Resurrection, dioc~sfU'l registrar Mirfield 50-2 sce rcgistrar, dioccsan 'Compton Census' Go dioCC;an registry Couierence, Dioccsun 17, 18 ~ registry, diocesan ruridecanal 30 Dfoceeun Reor"llI1isation Commlii-I'e confirmations 31 Hc fIsure 19'11 18 con.fil'lllations,arcbiepiscoplll, of d Incescn BurvI'yors bishops 1 ace surveyor e , .lioCCIJLUl consecrations D i omoo Synorl of churches and churchyards see Synod, Vioc~Ran 9-10 dis~tt'r& 29. 58 Consistory court 58 D'is t r ie t Synod s(>(.' Synod abstract books 25 districts, ecclesiastical H Convocation of Canterbury 1 Doncaster d ClJ.llc.l"Y 32 Convocation of York 1 Dr-ax 39, /i7 Conyngham, Ellen, countcss 24 Chad t,y School M....7 Conyngham's Trust 24 priory 63 Copmanthorpe )8 DriughoU8f'8 court books ElCC Yo rk , Si [<;tlwnrd, Drlnghouac8 abs t.ruc I;. 25 Duun ing t.cn 39 Consistory 25 p r-cbr-nd a l jU.l'i stl Lc t 1011 3't Prerogat.tve 25 Durham cath ed ru'l court roUs vucancy rl'gisLer 60 ~ manorinl rccords DUl'hwn lli OC"He :;6 courts register of 61 scc Chancery; Conf:list.o.ry. Entiby abbey 6) Exchequer; lIigh Eflsington in Holdcrnl's8 roc lory Commisaion; Prel'ogativc; munllr JG York dean and chapter F:asing'fl'old39 Coxwold 38 muno r 36 Crambc 38 ~;nBt Hiding archdeuconry 17, 22, Crayke 38 I,!J Crowlnnd abbey (l.incs.) 63 Ecc 1csi asLical Commi ssiorwrs curates illl'li runlt'nts 8 s Lipendiary SCI' 01 so Churcl; COllDDi8sl onere licenccs 5 EcclesiasLicul Dilnpidntions Act nominations 5 J 871 J11 Dalby 38 Fccl,'siusti cal Di 1upidutions Darlton (Notts.) It6-7 ~Ieasure 1923 15 Dawes, Wil] inrn, ubp. of Ynrk 'j(} ecclesiastical districts deposition book 26 lwe rUstricLs DerLyshirc, South (couRt i tucncy ] Educa t.i on , Diocesun Counc i l of II, 55 Educu i.i on AcL JC)02 10 Diocesan Conference IUland (conlltit~cncy) 55 ~ Conference, Diocesan I~l1er Lon 39 Dilapidations Board, Dioc('saD lU'Iingf.on 39 1l.t-17 end OloUlCD ta registers 15 seo under bcneficc~ Dingle Head (nour Liverpool, Escrick 39 Lane s • ) 2/j deanery )0 di Occflan boards and commi ttl'.,s es tnt e Teeo ,',I fI Iwe undl'I' Individunl nawes ol'chbishopric 31-2, 36, 'i8, 62 dioceslln 1('allel 12 OurjUlJD bhhol'ri c 36 dioCCI'ltI,u quota 12 IUpoll bishufll'ic 36

70 Evangelistic Council, Diocesan 17 Gt'cat Ouseburn Everinghwn i9 ~ Ouscburn, Great Exchequer court ii, 58 Grimston, North 39 execuLors' account.s 33 Grindal, Edmund, ahp. of York ~ye priory (Suff.) 63 visitation court book 27 faculties 25-6, 59 Grindal prebendal jurisdiction Fairburn 39 33-'* Fairfax, Admiral Robert 55 Halifax, carl of Family Welfare Association, archives of i Diocesan 17 Hamilton Thompson Papers q8 Farlington :59 Harcourt, Edward Venables Vernon, fees abp. of York 59 authorization of parochial 8 Harswell 39 tables of 7 Barthill deanery 30 Fenton prebendal jurisdiction 35 Hatfield, Thomas, bp. of Durham see also Church Fenton registcr 61 Ferriby, North; priory 64 Raxby 39 Figgia, Rev. J.N. 52 Hayter, Thomas, ado. of York Finance, Diocesan Aoard of 12-13 Hayter's book 32 Flwnstead priory (nerts.) 6lt Hayton 39 Fletcher, A.M. 5~ Dealaugb 39 Forder, Rev. C.R., ado. of York 47 Ile lmal ey deanery 30 Forder Papers ~7 Helmsley, Gate 39 Foston 39 Helmsley, Upper 39 FounLains abbey 64 Helperby manor 36 Frere, W.H., bp. of Truro 50-1 Helperthorpc 39 Frere family 51 Hemingbrougb 39 }'ridayLhorpc prebendal jur-t sdi.ot.ron manor 55 34 Here ford cathedral 61' Fulford 39 Ueslerton, West 39 Full Sutton 39 Ifcslington 39 Garbett. Cyril Forster, ubp. of Heworth York 21, 59 !!! York, Holy Trinity, register 3 Heworth Garmonaway, N. 55 Hexbwushire (Northumb.) peculiar Garrowby Hall i jurisdiction 62, 66 Gate Helms l ey Hickleton i Bce nelmslcy, Gale High Commission court 58 General Synod Holderness, North, deanery 30 ~ Synod, General Holderness, South, deanery }O Gilbert, John, abp. of York 59 [Jolme Archiepiscopi pr ebcnd.aI Givendale, Great :59 jurisdiction 34 prebendal jurisdiction 311 Holme On Spalding Moor 40 p;lebc 29 Roman Catholic records 67 exchanges It Ilo I t..by '10 see also terriers Hope, Sir William St John l,a Gloucester abbey 64 lJovingham qO Goodmanham 39 JIowahGlb.ltO Goolt> 47 Huddersfield (constituency) 55 Grafton Iluggat.e 1,0 see ~1o.rLonwi til Graf ton lIull 20 Grafton cum Grindnll milnor 36 deanery 30 Great Gj vendal e District Synod of the Methodist ~ Givcnuulc, Great Church 20

71 Hull (continued) Luttone Ambo l.tO Executive A~tion Committee 20 Maintenance, Diocesan Council of Reorganisation Subcommittee 20-1 lIi Huntington l.tD Malines Conversations 50-1 Hus thwai te 40 Mallon priory 65 prebendal jurisdiction 35 Mal ton, New, St Le onnrd '10 Huttons Ambo l.tO St ~jj chae l '10 induction mundaLea 28 Maltou, Old 'iO inhibi tions 'Zl manorial records 31-2, 36, 5~-G Inspec tion of Churches Commi t t ce , Harket Weighton 1.0 Diocesan 17 deanery 30 Inspection of Churches ~fea!iure sec also Wl;!ightOil prebpudal 1955 17 jUl'iBO ict ion Institute of Social and Economic ~farkhfl1ll, WilUum, ubp. of York 59 Research. York Universi ty i ma.rriage institution act books }-4 allegations :.l5 insurance 16 licenccs 25 International Arthurian Society Murston, Long 4.0 Its Marton cum Moxby 40 inventories 1J Harton wi th GraIlon 37 probate, exhibiLed late 33 Hel tou , WilliwlI, abp. of York Kenilworth priory (Warw.) Qt rf.'gistcr 3 Kcxby ilO Meltonby Kilnw1ck Percy l.tO !'IN' YaphBlllcum Mel tonLy Kingston upon Hull ~ Hull Hickle/ield 41 Kirby Grindalythe 40 midwives Kirby Underdale 40 noulinatl ons 5 Kirkby Wharfc 40 HillingtoD III Kirkham priory 6l.t ministers Knapton /10 nominations 8 Knowles, J .W. 119 Mirfielrl Collection 50-2 Knowles Collec tion IJ9 mission chapels 57 Lang, Cosmo Gordon, abp. of York r-ooms 10 register 2 Monk Frystou t.1 Longtoft prebendal jurisdiction Moor Monkton 1.1 Langton 40 mortgagcs Lanthony priory (Glos.) 64 under Gilbert's Act 10-11 Lawrance, Rev. N.A.II. IJ9 8C~ also parsonagc houscs Lawrance Papers 49 l-loxby Laymen, Canterbury flouse of 2 sce Marton cum Moxby Laym~n, York House of 1-2 ~Iytonon Swalc 41 Lcdsham 40 Nahum 111 Leeds priory (Kent) 6~ N'ational School Corumittee, )etter books 23 Diocesan 17 1 Lewishnm priory (Kent) 6 1 Nether Popp l e ton !H!(> Poppleton, licences Nether of chapels for marriuges 10 'lew falton for divine service in mission sec Hulton, New chapels etc. 57 Newbald, Nor tb , prebendal temporary I to USf' churches j ur i sdi c lion 31J pend ing ccnsocrut.i.on 57 Newland 47 Living I\gcnLs Fund JJ. Newt.on Kyme 1.1 LondcHbol'Oligh lIO Newton UPOIl (Just' 't t Long Mnrstoll nom i110 t ion ~ Marston, Long grnnt e of r+gh t of 1:1 72 nominations parishes, creation of new 7 see curates parliamentary survey 62 midwives parsonage houses 29 ministers grants 8 parish clerks mortgages under Gilbert's Act schoolmasters 10-11 surgeons sales of 57 non-residence 5, 57 scheuules of fixtures 57 registers 57 sites 1:1 North Ferriby war-damaged 19 sce Ferriby, North Parsonages Board, Diocesan 15 North Grimston Pastoral Committee, Diocesan see Grimston, North 18, 19 North Ho Ld erne as patronage sec Holderness, North agreements 57 No rth Newbald transfer of 9 sec Newbald, North see also advowsons Northampton presentation, St Andrew's priory 65 suspension of Norton 41 Pentney priory (Norf.) 65 Norwich diocese Peterborough abbey (Northants.) 65 registers of 61 pew rents Nostell priory 65 grants of 8 notarial regi ster 24 Piers, Jolm, abp. of York 62 Nottingham archdeaconry 62 plans 58 Nottinghamshire 23 Pocklington 41 Nunburnholme ~1 deanery 30 Old Brotherhood Archives 67 Pole. Major David Graham 55 Old Malton Poor Benefices Fund, Diocesan 18 see Malton, Old poor livings 7 Orchestral Employers' Poppleton, Nether ,.1 Association 52 Poppleton, Upper 41 Orders in Council 7, 21 Prayer Book Rcvt sf on 51 Ordination Candidates Council, premonitions Z7 Diocesan 18 Prerogative court 33, 58 Ordination Fund 23 abstract books 25 ordinations 11-5 presentation, suspension of 9 see also relinquishment of probate records 33-5, 66 orders see also testamentary causes Osbaldwick 41 Public Worship Regulation Act prebendal jurisdiction 34 1874 6 Oscott College 67 Queen Anne's Bounty 7 Ou seburn , Gr-e aL 37 Ramsey abbey (Hunts.) 65 overseas clergy Ramsey, Arthur Michael, abp. of see clergy, colonial and York overseas register 3 Overton Id Raske i r It! Oxford, The Queen's College 58 Read, Charl es '.6 parish clerk!> rectories 8 nominations 5 recus ant returns 31, 60 pari sh records 37-ll'5 rolls 60 parish register transcripts 22 Rf'tiundant Churches Commi SSl on 22 parieh regi/ii..crs rc~iRtrnr, diOCCRfin 23 d cpo sIted 37-45

73 registry, diocesan Se amps t.on Id records 23 Hchool(H) 59 Religious Census 1851 61-2 returns 10 relinquishment of orders 57 si les ']7 Reorganisation Committ~e, se~ also NnLlonnl School Diocesan 18-21 Commill('(', DiOCetl8Jl (null Suucommi t.t.ee ) 20-1 Drax Ch~l'j ty Schoo 1 Repajrs of Benefices Buildings ",chou IIIl.tlli I'l"S Measure 1972 15 nominations 5, 5M resignal.ions 6 Scray ingluen If J returns Seaton Roas III church fabric 19 Sel by d.eunory 30 of poor livings 7 scquent.rn t.Lona 26 recusant 31, 60 ScrjeWltslln, n.H. 4R rural deans' 29 Set td ngtcn Lt2 schoo I 10 Sbarp, John, uhp. of York 59, 62 Riccall itt Sherburn in Llmt·t. ',2 prebend a] jurisd ict.Lon 3/1 Sherburn in Harford Ly the /,2 Rillington 41 Sh er i I'f Hutton l12 Ripon diocese 36, 61 Ship Lon thorpe 42 RolJeston chantry Skel Lon ncar Yock /,2 see Beverl ey ~finstcr Sk ip\\i th Jt::? Roman Catholics Shrewsbury abbey (Salop.) 65 see Holmc on Spalding Hoor Skirpenbcck 112 recusant returns nod rolls Sliuj.l:!illy 112 Ro t.her'ham.,Thomas, n1Jp. of York Sna i th pecul i ar Juri sri lei loti 13 reg i at er 3 Sudol' and ~lIm d ro c e ac 59 Rowntree Papers i Sou UI Clive 65 Royston priory (Ilerts.) H('!' Cave, Soulh IJ1 Itulforth SOIl:U;-llo Id.ernc l<8 rural deaneries sec Ilo Ldcr-nnss , Sou tit see Buckrose; Bulmer; Sou 111....1ck priory (IIIlIl LB.) 66 Clevelanu; Doncal'!ter; Spalding priory (LincH.) 66 Escrick; Harthill; Stnmford (l,incs.) lIelmslcy; Ho lue rncaa , St Ntcluwl' 8 priory 66 ~fJl'Lh; Holderness, South; SUunl'ortL nridgc 112 Hull; MlU'kcL Weighton; eLutiHtical filCH 31 Pocklington; Rydale; SLututolY MCQsures S e 1by i Y(J rk clty RPt' Rt'oeficl'R [Su speus ion of TUral deans 6 -_ Presl'uLuLion) M('1I8urc' returns 29 11)'10 ruridecanal chapters 10 lJiOCCHllf1 nNIl'gnniAutioll conferellcel'! 30 ComwiLtv~ McuBurc 19~1 records 30 FcclcHiusticul Dilull1dntioH8 Rydale deanery 29 Measure 1923 Ryther 1.1 Inspec ti ou of'Cllllrches St Ncot' s priory (Hunts.) 65 HCfll:illr(' 1955 Salisbury c(lihel-b'al 61 ItepHir" o l' Bt'lIericl'S Su l Lon peculiar jurisdiction }" Build iugs HelHntJ'(' 197:! Sand Hu Han by Bossall Id Union oI fjc>npJ'lcus Sand lIu t. ton n('ar 'rh irsk 37 ~I('llsu,'e 11)~) Save the Churclws Fund, S t (' (.1, r. J. 1JI Diocesan 21 S lL'C 1 IUHI F1 f! Lchc l' r;olluc ti 011 5/1 l-iuxton I,t Sll'l'nl', flichUl'd., ubp. of YOl'k rt'gilltt'1" ~ StillingflecL q2 transcripts Stillingion 42 ~ parish register transcripts prebendal jurisdiction 34 'l'uke family 51,. Siillington \IIi tilNawion and Turner, Mrs.Ann 2~ Wombleton manor 56 Turner Trust 21t stipends, clergy Ullcskelf prebendal jurisdiction 34 Archbishop Gnrbett'6 appeal Union of Benefices Measure 1923 7 for 21 see also under benefices assi~ents of 57 Upper Helmsley files 13 see Helmsley, Upper grants towards 8 Upper Poppleton registers 13 see Poppleton, Upper Stockion On the Forest ~2 vnc~y administration Strensall 112 Durham register 60 prebendal jurisdiction 35 Worcester register 60 surgeons York registers 3, 61 nominations 5 vicarages 8 surrogates 26, 58 vi s t La L'i on registers 58 archidiaconal 28-9 Surrogntion act 27 archiepiscopal 27, 31, 62 Surtees, Robert 55 memoranda books 29 surveyors, diocesan 16 returns 29, 31 suspension see presentation royal 60 Sutton On the Forest q2 ruridecanal 29 Sutton upon Derwent 42 statistical files 31 Synod, Diocesan 18 Wadworth peculiar jurisdiction 3~ District (Hull) of Methodist Wulbran, J.R. 118 Church 20 Waldby, Robert, abp. of York General 1 regi8ter 3 Synodical Council 18 Walton (in Ainsty) 1,.3 'fadcfister 1t2 Wandesford Hospital Talbot, Rev. E.K. 51 see York. Wandesford Hospital Talbot, E.S., warden of Keble war damage 18-21 College, bp. of Rochester, and War Damage Conni ttec, Diocesan I!inchester 51 18-21 Temple, William, abp. 01 York 59 Ware Deposit 55-6 register 2 WartH 43 visitalion returns 31 priory 66 terriers, glebe 11 Warthill 43 Terrington 1t2 prebendal jUl'isdiction 3% testamentary causes 58 Weaverthorpe ~3 Thompson, Alcxand er llamil ton lJ.8 WeightoD prebendal jurisdiction 3% Thorganby 1,.2 see also Market Weighton Tbonnanby 1,.2 Wenlock Family Deeds and Papers 59 Thorne 55 West Hcslerton 1'bornton, Rev. L.S. 51-2 see Heslerton, West Thornton on Spalding Hoor lt2 liesto; 43 Thorp Arch 1,.2 Wetwang prebendal jurisdiction 33-4 '1'horpeBaasct t /.2 Wharram le Street l,tJ 'l'hrowley priory (Kent) 66 Wharram Percy 43 Tockel' ington (Northumb.) prebendal wbeldrake 43 jurisdiction 34 Whenby 43 Tollert-oll 1I1liLeley, Wilfrid 55 ~ Alne and Tollcrton WIlit"'cll On tbe Hill '13

75 Wigginton '*3 York Wighill Jf} cathedral church of St Peter Wilbedoss It) subdeanery peculiar Winchester diocese juriadic t.t on 3lt. registers of 61 succen to rahf p of the CWlOIlS Wintl'ingham 43 peculiar .iuriRuicLlon 31, WiatO\\' 43 vacancy rcgiRtcrs ,,61 manor see Cawood and churches WisLowmanor All Su.int.s , Nortb Strce!; It) prebend al ju r-Lsd ic t.i on 3/• All SnintB, PrwemcnL l.i3 Wood family IloIy Trini Ly, Goodrol1lgute 113 see Halifax, earl of Holy 'frinity, Heworth I(~ Worcester cathedral Holy Trinity, King's Cour t, li3 vacancy register 61 fioly Trinity, Mick]ciat~ 44 Yapham cum Meltonby 43 se Crux 1,'1 Yarburgh Muniments 59 st Cuthbcr L 4./1 Yedingham 43 St Denys lilt York St Edward, Dringhouscs 1.11 Dakers' Company 50 St Helm, Stonegatc Jill Company of Embroiderers. st John, Uusebridge 411 Vestment makers, ell tiers St LaWlencc 1,11 and Drawers 50 St Luke I", Grey Coat School lj7-8 St Margaret, Walmgate '11• hospi Lals 24 St MarLin, Co~ey Street 44 see also York, St Leonard's St l-1al'tin cum Gr('gury '111 hospital St Ha.ry Bishopbill JWlioJ' '1', Innholders' Company 50 St Mary Bishophill Senior I". Lunatic A~lum 54 St Mary, Cna tl cguf.e 41, Marygate 48 St Hauricc 4/1 Merchant Taylors' Company St I-fichael, Spurricrgllt.c J,/l '.9-50 St. DLave 11', Monkgate 4.8 St Paul 45 Tbe Retreat 52-li St Philip IlltO St JWIJCS, St Leonard's hospital 66 Clifton It5 St Mary's abbey 66 St SWIJPSOD '15 St Saviourgate Unitarian St. Saviour 1'5 Chapel 54 S 1 Tbom(U:I "5 Wandesford ilospital 24 rcdundan t 22 Weavers' Company 50 city deanery 30 archbi.shops of Convocation of memorials io 58 sec Convocation of York registers of 2-3 diome sce also under individual cartulary 62 names l'ormularics 62 archdeaconry 22, 28, 32 surveys 32, 62 cathedral church of St Peter House of Laymen cartularies 61 see Laymen, York House of chancellorship pccul tur ~lin8tt'r jur i sd tc Li on 3lt. .!!£.!.:. Yo rk , c athodr-c l church of dean and chapter court 59 St Po t e r deanery peculiar jurisdictjon Un ivers i ty 35 ureh i ves ')5 cour!; 59 cl cpar !men tor Econom ie e 52 preccntorsbjp peculillr 1i hrury r, 55 jurisdiction 34 76 York University see alao Centre for Hedieval Studies Centre for Southern African Studies Institute of Social and Economic Research