Chronicle THE MAGAZINE FOR APRIL 2021 The altar and corona above at Hereford Cathedral. Like many of our churches, including our own, the Cathedral re-opens for worship at Holy Week (in fact for the annual Chrism Mass on Wednesday 31st) and for the Easter celebration. It will be good to celebrate the risen Christ back in our churches - and I love the corona above the cathedral altar, which to me speaks of the crown of thorns become a crown of glory. 1 THE CHIRBURY HILLS GROUP OF PARISHES is part of the Pontesbury Group Ministry, comprising the parishes of Chirbury, Marton, Middleton w Corndon Marsh, Trelystan & Leighton. Rector: Revd Bill Rowell (01938 552064 or 07711 298104,
[email protected]). Hon Assistant Priest: Revd Eric Brazier (01938 561450,
[email protected]). At each church, contact the wardens as follows: Chirbury - Tony Sheppard (01938 561268); Marton - Maureen Jenkins (01938 561645); Middleton - Kay Yeates (01938 561640 or Emma Bailey-Beech (01686 669971); Trelystan - Janet Jones (07967 312460) or Rod Stevens (01938 580645); Leighton - John Markwick (01938 555043). MORNING PRAYER - The Rector normally says Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at St Michael’s, Chirbury, and on Thursdays at Holy Trinity, Leighton, at about 10.30 am, and in each case the church then remains open in each case until 12 noon. RECTOR’S OFFICE DAY - Revd Bill normally sets aside Monday of each week as a day for catching up with the stuff on his desk. This is therefore also a good day to catch him by phone! OUR COVID PRECAUTIONS - All our churches are aiming to be as Covid secure as possible; these St Podwell’s are the rules we’re applying: As far as possible avoid touching door furniture and other surfaces as you enter and leave the church, and make use of the hand gel provided.