JOMSIGN:Adversity Journal Skills of in Multicultural Young Family Studies in Tribe Guidance in Gamsungi and Counseling Village - Utara Volume 4, No.1, March 2020: Page 101-113 ISSN 2549-7065 (print) || ISSN 2549-7073 (online) Available online at


First Received: 7nd January 2020 Final Proof Received: 16th May 2020 Abstract: Adversity skills are the ability to respond to adversity and a series of ways to improve response to adversity. This study aims to produce profiles of adversity skills in married couples (husband and wife) in young families (aged 1-5 years) Tobelo tribe in responding to family problems. The data was collected using the Quick Take ARP (Adversity Response Profile) scale adopted from Paul G. Stolz, and involved research respondents of thirty married couples. Descriptive data analysis using one way ANOVA. The results showed that the profile of adversity skills in young Tobelo tribal families was in the campers category on average. That is, the average young family is still in the comfort zone and requires an effort trigger to be more successful in the family. The implications of these findings are used as data on the initial conditions of adversity skills, which can then be followed up to conduct further research by developing instruments used to uncover urgent family problems.

Keywords: adversity skills, young family, tobelo tribe

JOMSIGN: Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling Website:

Permalink: How to cite (APA): Pujiyanti, A. (2020). Adversity Skills in Young Family Tobelo Tribe in Gamsungi Village - Halmahera Utara. JOMSIGN: Journal of Multicultural Studies in Guidance and Counseling, 4(1), Page. 101-113

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION Adversity skills are analogous to the term adversity intelligence (Stoltz, 2000). According to Calissta Roy (Roy, 2008), adversity is a noun that means misfortune, distress or difficulty. In French and Latin interpreted as detrimental or misdirected. Adversity is one of the determinants of achieving success, including family success (Carol.K & Elizabeth.A, 2009) (“Corrigendum: Childhood Adversity, Self-Esteem, and Diurnal Cortisol Profiles Across the Life Span,” 2018) in dealing with various problems called family crises (Willis, 2017).

1 Universitas Hein Namotemo, Maluku Utara, ; [email protected]

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Adversity skills, according to Stoltz (Stoltz, 2000), originated from the story of a climber named Beck Weathers who collapsed in the snow but had a strong determination to be able to survive. From the story of Beck Weather's experience, deep within humans, some forces are still sleeping soundly; the power that will bring astonishment; and they never imagined that the individual actually owned it, and if it is moved and acted upon it will change their lives quickly. Stoltz calls this adversity intelligence. Adversity has been a study from 1861 until now. At the beginning of adversity research more focused on the field of health both medical and psychiatric (Ramaiah et al., 2017). In psychology, adversity is found to be related to resilience (Coetzee et al., 2017). Resilience cannot be measured directly but it is concluded based on the significant presence, (Noltemeyer & Bush, 2013) as well as adversity skills. (Supriatna, 2017) who has synthesized life skills, through Delphi studies and identified four categories of life skills development, namely skills: (1) human relations and interpersonal communication; (2) problem-solving and decision-making; (3) maintenance of health and physical fitness; and (4) identification of development and life goals, whether practised in the family, community, work or school. This study focuses on identifying the development and purpose of life in the family environment. Research respondents on adversity were found more in children and adolescents (Zilioli et al., 2016) (Donnelly et al., 2018) (Laditka & Laditka, 2018a) (Laditka & Laditka, 2018b) (Kysar-Moon, 2019). Research respondents in children to adulthood in men and women with middle and high economic incomes (Hwang et al., 2019) (Behler et al., 2019). Adversity research is also carried out on political attitudes (Randles et al., 2017) positive responses to adversity from a cultural perspective (Meili & Maercker, 2019) While adversity research on family respondents (Donnelly et al., 2018). Adversity skills have not been much discussed in the lives of young families who are still vulnerable to family problems. Young families are families of 1-6 years of age, also called families at the crisis stage. The height of the crisis in the family can lead to divorce. In 2016, divorce rates reached 19.9% of 1.8 million events. While the 2017 data, the divorce rate reached 18.8% of 1.9 million events. Referring to the data in 2017, there were 357 family couples divorced that year. Data shows that divorce is more common at under-5 marriages and under 35 years of age. Lukman Hakim Syaifudin as Minister of Religion said that there was a

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shift in the gradation of values regarding the sanctity of marriage. According to any religion, marriage is a sacred thing because of covenants in the name of God. (, 30 November 2018). This is the basic reason that marriage education for young families is important to learn so that there is a clearer picture of the level of difficulty in young families. Only with good parents, will give birth to quality children. If the family environment is the first educational environment, then families with the type of people who surrender in the millennial era are a threat to form a prosperous family and have an impact on vulnerability in maintaining family integrity. A prosperous family is a symbol of success in marriage. Success in marriage occurs when there is an adjustment in marriage, both in culture (Johnson & Williams, 2015), mindset, and lifestyle. Adjustments in marriage can include 3 aspects; cognitive, affective and psychomotor (Hidayati, 2017). The Tobelo family also underwent an adjustment process in marriage. In marital adjustment, several obstacles must be resolved, and require good difficulty skills. The Tobelo tribes are people who reside in the northern peninsula area, Halmahera Island and most of the mainland of Island, some of which live to spread to the interior of Halmahera, such as to the Patani, , and Gane regions. There are also in the Raja Ampat Islands - Papua. Their area of origin is included in the area of the District in , Maluku Province. In this mini-research, the researcher focused the research respondents of the Tobelo Tribe's young family who lived in Gamsungi Village, Tobelo District, . The purpose of this study was to conduct a study of the profile of young family skills in the Tobelo Tribe village based on gender, respondent age, age of marriage, and last education.

METHOD This study uses a descriptive survey that aims to measure adversity skills in young families of the Tobelo Tribe. This research was conducted in Gamsungi Village, Tobelo District, North Maluku Province. The survey was conducted using the Adversity Response Profile (ARP) from Paul G. Stoltz, which has been adapted and speaks Indonesian. Descriptive statistical data analysis was carried out after carrying out a survey conducted at the respondent's home within a 1-week duration at a different time. Data collection is done in stages. Respondents in this study amounted to 60

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respondents (30 husbands, 30 wives). The basis for researching the Tobelo tribe is found the phenomenon of the vulnerability of young families in maintaining household integrity (Tobelo pos, 2018: 6) and the level of adversity of young families in Tobelo is unknown. Paul G. Stoltz's Adversity Response Profile (ARP) used consisted of 30 items with an approved model. In one problem consists of two questions that can calculate two dimensions, for example, questions 1a (Dimension Endurance) and 1b (Dimension Reach). The instrument in this study consisted of 21 negative event questions consisting of events that caused problems or obstacles, and 9 positive event questions that contained pleasing explanations. Because adversity skills are the ability of individuals to respond and respond to problems and difficulties associated with various unpleasant or problematic problems in life, scoring can only be done on items with negative approval of as many as 21 items, and relating to 9 questions that are asked positive results. The scale uses a linear scale model composed of options 1-5 with the appropriate choice of choice as desired. The statements agree to reveal 4 dimensions that exist in adversity skills. The adversity dimension consists of the following 4 things: Control (C), Origin and Ownership (O₂), Reach (R), Endurance (E) (Stoltz, 2000). Based on the results of scores from the 4 dimensions, it can be categorized into quitters, campers, climbers. Quitters are individuals who do not have the vision and belief in a vision of the future, who think less about how to invest the time, money and heartache needed to improve themselves. Campers are people who do not achieve the highest achievements and contributions and do not take full advantage of their potential. Climbers are individuals who realize their full potential and continue to develop by learning and improving themselves throughout life. When the instrument lattice is stated in Table 1. Table 1. Letters of Adversity Skills Instrument for Tobelo Young Families Control (C) O₂ Reach (R) Endurance (E) Item peristiwa Origin Ownership positif 1a, 6a, 8a, 9a, 1b, 8b, 6b, 7a, 9b, 2a, 4a, 11a, 2b, 4b, 7b, 11b, 3, 5, 13, 17, 10a, 16a, 18a, 10b, 16b, 26b, 28b. 12a, 14a, 12b, 14b, 15b, 20, 23, 25, 19a, 26a, 28a, 18b, 19b, 15a, 21a, 21b, 22b, 24b. 27, 30. 29a. 29b. 22a, 24a.

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The instruments in this study, after being adopted and modified, were first tested for validity and reliability. It intends to obtain adequate data in the data collection process. The results of trials on the instrument stated that there were some invalid items. Invalid items as follows. Control: 1a, 6a, 8a, 10a, 18a, 29a. Origin: 1b, 8b, 29b. Ownership: 9b. Reach: 2a, 11a, 15a, 24a. Endurance: 4b, 7b, 14b, 15b, 24b. In Table 1. Valid items are written with Bold. Valid and reliable items that can be used are as follows: 5 Control items, 4 Origin Items, 4 Ownership items, 5 Reach items, 5 Endurance items. So that the total items used are 23 items. Table 2. Valid & Reliable Items for each dimension Control O₂ Reach (R) Endurance Total (C) (E) Origin Ownership 9a, 16a, 10b, 16b, 6b, 7a, 26b, 4a, 12a, 2b, 11b, 12b, 23 item 19a, 26a, 18b, 19b. 28b 14a, 21a, 21b, 22b. 28a. 22a.

The determination of respondents is done by stratified random sampling by considering the age of marriage. In the process of collecting data, respondents are accompanied and mentored in the filling process. This mini- research study uses descriptive statistical analysis. To find out the results of difficulty skills in the Tobelo Tribe's young family in Gamsungi Village, Kec. Tobelo Kab. Maluku Utara in 4-dimensional difficulties using one-way ANOVA analysis. T-tests are used to help determine differences in skills of difficulty by sex (Male / Husband or Woman / Wife), as well as to find out differences in average difficulty skills based on respondent's age, marriage age, and last education. The data collected will be analyzed in each dimension and classified into 3 namely: stop smoking, camping, climbing. The data collected is an assessment process and is grouped based on dimensions, and based on the categorization of predetermined intervals and calculated frequencies, as well as the percentage of responses from respondents' answers. The categorization interval formula is as follows:

Interval = Biggest Data - Smallest Data Number of groups Interval = 115-23 3 = 30,67 (Fulfilled Into 30)

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Furthermore, after the data is collected, it can be categorized as follows: Table 3.Data categorization of adversity skills in Tobelo Young Families Category Interval F % Climber 0 0 Campers 54- 83 0 0 Quiters 0 0 Total 60 100 In describing ARP assessment data adopted by the scale of difficulty skills in young Tobelo families in the village of Gamsungi - North Halmahera consisting of men as husbands and women as wives, the next step is to test normality and homogeneity. After normal and homogeneous data, a t-test is then performed, to answer the research hypothesis. Descriptive analysis was conducted to explain the findings of the difficulty skill profile based on 4 dimensions in terms of gender (Hikmatussyarifah et al., 2016) respondent's age, marriage age, last education

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Systematic discussions of the results of the study are as follows: (a) General description of adversity skills in young families (presented in table 4), (b) Skills of male difficulties (Husbands) in young families of the Tobelo Tribe, (c)) Adversity Skills for Women (Wives) in Tobelo Tribal young families, (d) Descriptive Analysis of Adversity Skills Dimensions in Tobelo Young Families by sex, respondent age, age of marriage, and last education. A. General description of adversity skills in young Tobelo families The results of the research in the field show that the adversity skills of difficulties in young families of the Tobelo tribe are mostly in the campers category. With class permission, class intervals are approved. Table 4. Data on adversity skills in Tobelo Young Families Category Interval F % Climber 1 1,6 Campers 54- 83 53 88,4 Quiters 6 10 Total 60 100 Based on the data in Table 4. It shows that the description of the difficulty of the Tobelo youth is more in the Campers category than 53 respondents (88.4%). The Quitters category consists of 6 respondents (10%) and Climbers respondent category 1 is 1%. The highest score is 85

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(Climbers), but still tends to camp because the score is not far from the minimum limit and is a male respondent with a respondent age of 30 years, the last education S2 and age of marriage 4 years. While the lowest score is 48 (Quitters) are female respondents with a respondent age of 29 years, the last education is S1 and the age of marriage is 4 years. This can be interpreted that skill difficulties in young families in the Tobelo Tribe are included in the camping category. Campers are people who do not achieve the highest achievements and contributions and do not utilize their full potential. In this case, the average respondent is still in the comfort zone, that is the condition of a person feeling satisfied with his life achievements such as work, adequate material and good social relations (spouse), but have not reached a contribution. more in achievement. There are still triggering efforts that can be increased to maximize the potential in achieving ultimate success in the family. To produce a triggering effort, guidance and counselling interventions can be carried out with appropriate care. Table 5 Data on Difficulty Skills in Tobelo Young Families by Gender (Men & Women) 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Std. Std. Lower Upper N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Min. Max. Male 30 71.10 8.281 1.512 68.01 74.19 55 85 Female 30 56.97 4.709 .860 55.21 58.72 48 69 Total 60 64.03 9.767 1.261 61.51 66.56 48 85 To make it easier to understand the data, the authors present the Adversity Skills score to the young families of the Tobelo Tribe by sex (Male & Female) for further discussion in the next section. B. Male (husband) Skills Skills in a young family of the Tobelo Tribe The results of the field study show that adversity skills in young Tobelo tribes with male sex (husband) are as follows:

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Tabel 6 . Data on Male (Husband) Adversity Skills in young families of the Tobelo Tribe Category Interval F % Climber 1 0,34 Campers 54- 83 29 96,6 Quiters 0 0 Total 30 100 Based on Table 6. It can be interpreted that the Difficulty Level of Men (Husbands) in the Tobelo Tribal Young Families is more in the camping category, which is 96.6% or 29 respondents, none are included in the Quitters category, while the Climber category is 0, 34% or 1 respondent. To facilitate the interpretation of the data, the writer groups campers with 2 types, namely: low campers and high campers. The scores obtained are in the low campers by 10 people (the lowest score is 55) and the high campers by 19 people ((the highest score is 83 and there are 3 people with a score above 80) with an average in difficult skills of men (husband ) in the Tobelo Tribal youth family are 64. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the men (husband) in the Tobelo Tribal youth family are included in the high camping category, the highest score is owned by male respondents with respondent age S2 and age of marriage is 4 years, with the Climbers category, the lowest score of male respondents (husbands) was 55 with respondents aged 20 years, high school education and age of marriage 2. In the study (Syarafina, Inas: 2016) skill difficulties at the BK level of students, the female gender has a higher score than men. C. Women's (wife's) difficulty skills in Tobelo's young family Based on Table 6. It can be interpreted that the Difficulties Skills of Women (Wives) in the Tobelo Tribe young families are more in the camping category by 80% (24 Respondents) and the Quitters category by 20% (6 respondents). To facilitate the interpretation of the data, the writer groups campers with 2 types, namely: low campers and high campers. The score obtained by female respondents (wife) is at low campers of 6 people (the lowest score is 54 and the highest score is 69) with an average data on the difficulties of women (wife) in young families of the Tobelo tribe is 56 Based on this data, it can be concluded that female respondents (wives) in Tobelo Tribal youth families are more in the camping category with a special category of high campers who tend to be Quitters. The highest score is 69 owned by female respondents (wives) with the

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respondent's age of 26 years, the last education is a secondary school and the age of marriage is 4 years, with the Campers category. The lowest score of female respondents (wife) is 48 with the age of respondents 29 years, the last S1 education and the age of marriage 4 years included in the Quitters category. Tabel 7. Data on the Difficulties of Women (Wives) in Tobelo Young Families Category Interval F % Climber 0 0 Campers 54- 83 24 80 Quiters 6 20 Total 30 100 D. Descriptive Analysis of the Difficulty Skills Dimension in Tobelo’s Young Family. Based on the results of correlation analysis, the results of data processing presented in Table 8 are presented as follows. Adversity skills have 4 dimensions: Control (C), Origin and Ownership (O₂ ), Reach (R), Endurance (E). In the Control dimension, gender has a significance of 0.533. While age, age of marriage, and last education did not have a significant effect. In Reach Dimension (R), age and gender have a significant influence with scores of 0.261 and 0.840 respectively and the final total shows a significant contribution that significantly influences skill difficulties in the family. In the Endurance Dimension (E) the data shows that age, gender, and current education do not have a significant contribution. Whereas in the dimensions of Origin and Ownership (O₂ ), age, gender, and current education have a significant contribution. The facts show that age has a contribution of 0.285, gender 0.535, and education last 0.271. Recent education has contributed to the origins because awareness about the causes of problems at the higher education level is increasingly well realized about the causes and origins of the problem. In the Ownership Dimension, gender has a significant influence of 0.435 on both men and women. This is a good thing and can be developed further at the level of dealing with household problems in young families.

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Table 8. Correlation Analysis Usia Usi Pernika Pen Tot a Sex han d. C R E Or Ow al Age Pearson - .71 .261 .07 .285 .258 Correla 1 .30 .329* .134 .105 0** * 2 * * tion 5* Sig. (2- .01 .00 .58 .010 .307 .044 .027 .424 .047 tailed) 8 0 6 N 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Sex Pearson ------Correla .30 1 0.000 .14 .533 .840 .10 .535 .435 .761 tion 5* 0 ** ** 1 ** ** ** Sig. (2- .01 .28 .44 1.000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000 tailed) 8 7 2 N 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Age of Pearson - .32 0.0 - .17 marria Correla 1 .07 .239 .066 .160 .170 9* 00 .010 4 ge tion 3 Sig. (2- .01 1.0 .58 .18 .066 .942 .616 .223 .194 tailed) 0 00 2 3 N 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 last Pearson - - .71 .271 educat Correla .14 -.073 1 .023 .177 .04 .061 .145 0** * ion tion 0 9 Sig. (2- .00 .28 .71 .582 .863 .177 .036 .645 .268 tailed) 0 7 2 N 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on the research results with the limitations experienced when researching, the next research process is expected to pay more attention to the instruments used by using deeper problem topic content, to be able to uncover urgent family problems to be resolved immediately, so as not to cause the impact of family crisis. This type of research can also be continued by conducting in-depth research through in-depth interviews. Research is also needed on the skills of difficulties in children in young families to complement the results of this study. The results showed that the difficulty of skills in each individual can be influenced by several things, in each dimension of difficulty skills. The most influential aspect is gender, which has a very significant influence on difficulty skills. The results showed that some young families

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were in the camping category, and men's difficulty skills were higher than women. whereas the last level of education only affects the origin dimension but does not affect the total.

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