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-l 'ge;gp uo13uo1ec,{Fc '09 ?rJrc rrlnlrd€csnquog ,"sourecBJ enburrueldequecsuouur'oJeqrlrTEurBJeur o^Jeule snqnuenguoc snqrJolreJur snqquurpnlI8uol snqonp 'sll€u€ldruoJ Jlpollfqd sr^Jeu srlnur€l pes aodrccgold'y sruuJpe,rou sorcedsslsuanwlol .V (I eJnBrC),rou ds'qcee1 '9 slsuaJarulolBITBJV .{ulouoxBJ 'HJUgd pue vNC tu suoFcellocuo pas"q 'pelBls 'qcrq^\ .1er.ra1eru eJE esraueqlossalun peuruexesueullceds 1p ,,rroqssdeut uoqnqugslc ,{rpulor; eJBstuerueJnseeru llv (gg6I) qgle-I ? s33ug s,,,ro11o;sarceds peuelearql ro e.re:ro; s8urpoceql '!.ErIBJlsnV Jo €Jold,,eqt v olJDcVuo erunlo,rSururocquo; eql loJ puEeJold peuonueur-e^oqpeql JoJexel eseqlJosluerulee4 ,{grrelc ol ereqpaqsqqnd a:e 1:oal srqlruorl s8urpurg 'uorl€urruBxe 'dnoJ8 ,ex?t peJrnbal odtocotca\d y aqt sEeJeq ol porJqeJ ,(1puuo;ur Jo dnoJ8 E ur surelqordpuB peJe^ocsrp s?,{1 eerE plegy.4llleqrwo4 p!JDJyJoserceds ^\eu B ,,,uor8egurm:uq eq1;o .uope8Dse,rur eJolC,,eql JoJe€ecBsorurl IoqlJolunorc? us SuupdeJduI roqgn; unba: luql sexelduroc .u,rou1 fuerll puE exEt peqrJcsepunJo Jaqunu E eJeeleql lEqt u^\ou) st 1\ D!J2)V urq1rr11 ,(1:ood ,(llecruetoq ere leql searea^rsuelxe seq llts (S.gI Jo rluou) /fuolrrleJureqpoNeqryo,,pugdol, eq1 uoqJnpoJlul 'pelueseJd aJ€ExBl qe JoJsd€ur uoDnqllsrq .pept,lorderu dno:8 aq1ur uxet yp o1,(a1u pue suopducsep,passncslp e:e dnoJ8eql u1llr,,,,\sdqsuolleled .q.Be-I .D .lll}nun .V, Drotlllnulqra y'sarceds,^^eup pue ueprElIye onIAI f,elped(ueprct,i.) slsuauurqwnuDj 'dsqns 'y 'odtocolcald 'dsqns 'qlueg odtoto|cald xa uunJ od)ocolJa1d.y Sutpr.lcursB paugap .@aMaulrnld s (aDroL[ryntlcas) dnor8 odtocoltald y l€ruroJureqJ- lcag) dno:B od.toc,gpld.V ,066I) l€nuoJul eqt ur sercads,reu e sB peqgcsep sr qc?e.I C slsuaraupl tztJDJV ZgE-IgE :(€) 6 Ers nN ?rluJlsnv uJerlJouuro4 (esscEsourhl)rrJr2yJosebeds ,reu puEsefoN .t.C .qc?e.I IrBrlsqv 'uor$aurled .96t tf80 fuorruel uraqloN xog Od 'JN 'runuEqJeH eql Jo uorssmruJoJuorlv^JesuoJ fuoluJel uJoqloN qr?e_I.I.c "rlBJlsnY uJaqFou Iuo{ (oBeJEsour\\) olJDcVlo se.Dadsiaau pue saloN (t661)z9r-rs€:(€) 6 Drsr,(nN 352 NuytsiaVol.9, No. 3 (1994) Frgjf,el. Acada tolmelea.rirA - floweringbranch, B -se€d,C-pod. AtuomLD. Cowie1434 & C.R.Dunhp (DNA\I B & C from 1.r. Coltie 1844(DNA). (A & C scalebar = 1 cm, B scalebar = 5 mm) Typus:Litchfield National Park, Northern Tenitory, 13'06'5, 130" 51'E,23 Nov. 199O,I.D Cowie 1427 &C.R. Dunl.op(holo DNA; iso: BRI, CANB, K, NSW, PERTH 01851829). Erect shrub to 1.5m high, sometimessuckering, sub-pruinose on young phyllodes,branchlets and inflorescences.Brqnchlets flattened or angular,glabrous. Stipulesearly caducous.Pulvinus 4-7 mm long, glabrous. Phyllodes shallowlyrecurved, dimidiately narrowly elliptic, 110-245mm long, 48-88 mrn wide, 2.1-4.2 times long as wide, glabrous;main longitudinal nerves3 to 4 (rarely to 6), distant, basallyconfluent but remainingfree from abaxialmarginal nerve, anastomoses numerous andforming a somewhatopenand irregularreticulum; baseasymmetric;margin rarely indentedat the glands;apex acuteto obtusewith an obscuremucro. Glands tptomirrcnt, 3-4,lowermost at distal end ofpulvinus, additional glandsscattered along adaxialmargin, narrow andelongated, 1-2mmlong. Inflorescences typically 1-2 axillary racemes,sometimes forming terminal panicles,6-12 headsper raceme;raceme axis 55-150 mrn long, rather stout,shaight, glabrous. Heads glob ar,white to creamor pale yellow, 7-11 mm wide, c. 80-flowered. Peduncles9-26mmlong, glabrous;basalpeduncular bracts persistent, I or on upper pedunclesoften 2, glabrous,ciliate; bracteolespeltate, 1.2-1.4 mm long, with aflattened, glabrous or ciliate stipe, laminae sub-circular,evident in young buds, fimbriolate with white or pale golden hairs. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx 1.2-1.5mmlong, sparselypuberulous at apex and abaxially on prominent midnerve, shallowly lobed, membranousother than midnerve; calyx lobes broadly -l .etsu?d reurloJ eqt uo peJluecEu raq serceds aqt;o uo[nqr4srp aql tuo{ se,rueplaqlrde cgrce ds eqJ-,(Botout]A '3gg 'seru 3urpo3 leUE [[e,,[Jelocer o1srueddu pue 1rud tuuorleNplegqJ]r1 ur peluasardar11e,r sr 'y srsualawlot pauelEerqlpeJeprsuoJlou srl! uorlnqFlsppetcFtserJoqAnorfllv 'sn1D1suoltogasuo) 'peqsqqelseSunuoceq seedecsa puolsecco q1t,r pale^lllnc ,(lepr,ad^\ou s1t1 qSnoqtle uorSor re,rld euolcr^ eql ol palcrJlseJsr rlaunp V lo ecueJ]rrla)o '(u]c l€rnt€u eql ,&olrual urequoN eqt uJrIriA Ll-V x Zi-ZI) sepo ,{qd re8rel pu? slelqru€rq 'ule^ .V eteJal+ aql purSreru eql qlra.rsure,r pupngrtuol eql Jo oJsenuuoc["sBq eqt [q s\uaraulot 'sepollfqd rrroq per{srn8uqslpsr nuunp V pue slelqJueJqsnour1nlal-etellels ,{lalnuru esuep ,u,rou)l ,olocuas .V eql ,{q .{llBdrcuuddnotS eql u! Bx?IJelpo uror; peqstn8uqsrpsr IIe,r tou qAroqtlq 'BrluJlSnV uJelsalt Jo uol3er ,{euequrry eql Jo spel? JoAu elEpsfJc pue flepsl eql ol pe]cglsel sr lr (266I) releeqld puB (g16l),(elped,{q frolureJ urequoN eql ur rncco ol peuodu sr 1rq8noqlp .x,{1uc pue otocuas'y eureu eql Jo uolleJlldde Surllolur uorsnJ:uorls€d ueeq seq alaqJ relroqs ,ura^ eW pup (It-I€) peaq red sre,trog;o lequnu Jo,{,\eJeql IBurBJeureql 18luenguoc ,(1psuqBuraq suro^l€urpntr8uol prxBq" eqt'slelqcuEJqe1ere1 Sulteq re11e1eq1 fq peqsrn8uqsrpequBc lr qcq,\\ luo+ pdrp)&Dld Votpquyer,{1esolclsoru srpue dno:8 srql ur sSuoleqA1me1c xsuatawlot V (gL KeFled) dno:8 srql ur peceldlseq ,{lqeqordoqe ue puelsue3noulo{ ,{alpedoqopjdal y puB.qlueg xe uunJ suaJs?aol[ V pu€-I uoquJv Jo nealeldauolspuus eql uro4 s?rcedspequcsapun 1e,( se :aqloue puu 'V'tnuegxe'uunJ 'Vseprlcur IIrJrnI(uepretr^{)nrru p oroJpas qcrq,Lrdnor8 pelelel r(lasolJB Jo uox€l ouo sI pueB![Br1snV ulequou ssoJJBseroads elqeue,r pee:dsepl,r ! sr .llentrAl.{ rdlotfto1d y .saqru{ly 'fe141ur pelcelloc ueeqe^Eq spees eJnteut q1r,,n seun8el .,ft€nJqeC -Jaque^oN ruo{ uosuosle,,[ eql Suunp petou ueeq s?q Suue,rolC -spoltad Suwntl puo Eultauolg 'sltos ,{puesuo lseroguedo u1 ,lotqog (9 e.rn8rC)'re^ru ,(lEqol spr",,rqlnos 'e8uea do1alqu1eqt lnoq8norrl uroq peprocelpuB ,(rolurel uroquoNeql ur .l]JJlepug-uolt qy1s!(I .(YNA) ,t,N TTPDII ,A,8 ,g,gy.g1,ja,rry .t961 4 ELIswolnlA'A'I'j'266I u"f 9I "0€I ,{p6 t(yNe,)gLuosulqoy 53 'qeC '!I,t9.0€I 'S,ZgogI'peod ,idSN t re^rg ,{pq uo ra,rry,{pC uo{ [uD{t.ZZ] setrutI :(HJf,Ad 'lgw ') 'vNc 'SNVJ 'ruS '(V) '166I t88I at oS 0I ,{"ht '5,65.ZI're^rx ssrurc 'peou 9'A,gt.OgI plegqqr-IrEeu :(Hlugd "^[sN,.Iaw,x,vN(,sNVJ'tBg) doluno.a.J 8 tEvt a! o).o.I '066 '^oN 'a,9?"0tI '5,60.€I ,Ired ,,{1r3 .A.J t €Z teuorl€Nplauqqll 1so1o1 1)er,.(yNq) dopn1 '0661 .S,9€o€I.pEoU 8 g0rl at^oC O't ^oN 6,9,9t.0EI re^rg,{pq ,1eet3fearns r"eu :(VNe) 't861 'a,9t.0€ 's,20.€ '{r€r 'o 'v861 oEI umu4^ogo tec I I I slpd sruerolc:(vNc) 09 uma og '^oN '5,71oE1'a8ueg:eurlol .paultuoxa t'9,8t.0€I :AdOInn1gI NSAHIUON suawtradsnqjo 'pees eqtse 3uo1su seuu t.0.J.sJruu S-? poploJ,lu" u? olur pepuedxa ,{lpnper8elcrun; :uado urpJSoJneld :ept.r tutu g.L-L,auol urur g1-g ,prosdrlla,pauallEg ,u,roJq 'euln8el 'epL!\ ur esJelsuerlspaa5 elelncrdu turu I ol 3ur,relnasqo qlr,$ ur8rrru .pe,r:eu ,(yalelncqe: 'snorqp18'fpoo.,r-qns ,{lesJe^sue! ol snoeceuoc,apr,$urur 0€-0Z,Auol uru0I I-gg.]eg,lq8rers.Buolqo 'u,$oJq 'e1u1rdqs .esnlqo ,{l^\o.uEu ol qsr,{er8 spod'snorqelS ,{_re,rg ,snourseJl"r{^\eluos pue paue{rql '3uo1 'aleloecuelqo ,xed€ ruur7 1-1 o1elelnqleds ls elzruoc puupexagur 1nq Burpeuds ,{pq81s ro lceJeseqol :lcBlur eqnl;o pvd elpprurSur,reey eseq le Sulprzdesosle uego 1nq elpprur o1 peqol ,xedu 'auo1tnw .xede l€ al?lltJ'x,{l"Jse Suol s" salung Z-SI g.7-7017otoJ l€ elerlrJ,pe^Jncur ,JEInBu"Fl 'q7va,7 urDrv ID I 354 Nu''tsiavol. 9, No. 3 (1994) Acacilt plcctocarpa Cunn. ex Benth. and allies A. plectocqrpars acommon,wide-ranging species from the Kimberley regionof Westen Australia through easternAnhem Land, Northern Territory to the QueenslandGulf areaand it exhibits some variation which hascaused confusion in identification. Specimenswith narrow phyllodeshave, in the past,generally been attributed to the taxon describedas A. tanurubirinensis by Maiden (1917)but later reducedto a subspeciesofA. plectocarpaby Pedley( 1990). The geographicand morphological limits of subsp.tanumbiri?enri.s were not well known. Pedley (1978) remarkedthat fruiting matedal was unknown. In the absenceof fruits, specimensof A. plectocatpq have often been confused with A. torulosaBenth.ex F. Muell. The sandstoneescarpment of westernArnhem Land hasbeen a particularly difficult areain terms of the variation exhibited within A. plectocarpa ,ren.rlat specimens with somewhat naFow but generally long, curved phyllodes have been consideredas stbsp. tanumbirinensis. Other forms showing differencesofcorolla indumentumand inflorescenceor pod dimensionshave been dealt with variously asbelong\ngtoA. plectocarpaor to undescribedtaxa. In preparingto describeone ofthese segregatetaxa it becameobvious that somecladfication of the complex was required. This task was greatly facilitated following the recentrecognition by Tindale and Kodela (pers.comm.) that one of the No hem Territory entitiesin this complex was A. annitiiF N4uell ex Maiden, previously only known from the type collection in Queensland.Based on the immaturepods ofthe type collection, Pedley ( 1978)considered A. armitii as conspecificwith A. torulosa. However, in recentJreatments he hasreinstated it as a distinct species(Pedley 1987). The podsofA. armitii show no relationshipto A. torulosa(whichaseclearlymoniliform) butcertainlysupportacloserelationship with A. plectocarpa. After further investigationother species may alsobe found to belongwith this group.A. hammondii Maiden and the closely relatedbut poorly known A. mallocladaMaiden &Blakely havePlectocorpa type pods. A. hemsLeyiMaidenis alsosimilar but the pods arenot undulate,nor arethe seedsalternate along the pod which suggestsonly superficial similarity. The complex in the Northern Tenitory is consideredhere to involve 4 closelyrelated taxa namely, A. p lectocarpasnbsp.plectocarpa and sttbsp. tanumbirinensis,A. armitii ^r\dA. echinuliflora, with further workpossibly establishingother species in the group. The latterspecies is describedbelow asnew. Becausesome ofthese taxa have been kRown from incomplete material or few specimensa key and descriptionsare provided.