Suprayitno, Riamona Sadelman Tulis, Ira Zuraida, The Strategy to Increase the Regional Revenue (PAD) of the Government of Central through the Governor Regulation No. 16/2018

Author Index Volume 2, Issue 3

Aminudin, Achmad 232 Rahmayanti, Krisna Puji 191 Baiquni, M. 217 Rhama, Bhayu 204 Bida, Obed 175 Said, Muhammad 217 Kusumasari, Bevaola 217 Suprayitno 245 Margono, Subando Agus 217 Tulis, Riamona Sadelman 245 Rahayu, Amy Yayuk Sri 191 Zuraida, Ira 245

Subject Index Volume 2, Issue 3

citizen charter 238 government regulation 249 collaborative management 217 health policy 232 contestation 217 organizational structure 191 decentralization 175 policy analysis 204 democratization 232 public policy 175 ecotourism 204 regional revenue 245 education 204 structural position 191 functional position 191 tourism plan 204

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About Author

Aminuddin, Achmad is an active lecturer in the Department of Public Administration, University of . In addition to teaching, he is also an active researcher. His latest research was entitled: "Implementation and Sustainability of the Bengkulu City Samisake Program in 2017. Continued with" Impact of the Samisake City Bengkulu Program (2018)". He earned a Doctorate degree in Unair (2014) with a concentration in the field of Public Administration. Now he dedicates his passion and knowledge to teach in the Masters Program and Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bengkulu. Other research is the Effectiveness of the Poor Family Empowerment Program in Srikaton Village, Bengkulu Tengah (2014). Social Capital in the development of the community of Tanjung Terdana Village, Pondok Kubang District, Bengkulu Tengah Regency. His most favorite research was: "Institutionalization and the Impact of the UPKD Program in the Bengkulu Regional Development Project (BRDP) Village in 2007". Baiquni, M. is Professor in Regional Geography, Faculty of Geography. Current position is Head Department of Development Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is a Chairperson of FORPIMGEO ( Forum of Leaders in Geography and Geographical Education). Chairperson Board of Trustee INSIST (Indonesia Society for Social Transformation). Fellow LEAD (Leadership for Environment And Development) London. Lifetime member of SID (Society for International Development) Rome. He Graduated from Geography UGM (1988), Master of Arts in Development Studies on Decentarized Urban Infrastructure and Development Policy, in Institute of Social Studies Den Haag, The Netherlands (1994). Doctor in Geography on Livelihoods and Resource Management, Sandwich Program between UGM and Utrecht University, The Nederlands (2006). Bida, Obed is an active lecturer in the Faculty of Law, Social Sciences and Politics of the Indonesia Open University and currently has become a doctoral candidate in the Department of Management and Public Policy at Gadjah Mada University. In addition to teaching, the author also actively examines various interests in public administration studies including the Implementation of the School Operational Assistance Program (BOS) in City, Southeast Sulawesi Province (2008), Relationship between Knowledge and Skills Development and Employee Competence at Kendari City Search and Rescuse Office (2012). Kusumasari, Bevaola earns Doctoral Degree in Department of Management, Monash University. She is currently an active lecturer in the Department of Public Policy and Management, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is also active as an Editorial Board at Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JSP) FISIPOL UGM since 2015. Margono, Subando Agus is a lecturer in Departement of Management and Public Policy, Faculty of Social and Political Science, FISIPOL, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is Doctor in Youth Studies and Policy. Current position is Chair of Undergraduate Programme of Department Public Policy Management. His Research is on Farmers Marginalization and Climate Change as a team member (2016), Publicness and National Education Management as a team leader (2015), Publicness Managment in Public and non Public Organization (2014), Student Brawl, Cases in Three Cities: , Makasar and , Yousure and Youth

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Minister (2014), Cah Ampera: Hybrid Identity of Kampung Youth in Negotiating Citizenship (2014), Comphrehensive Study On Adolescence And Youth Related Policies In Indonesia (2014), Framework for a Holistic Development Policy. Yousure and UNFPA (2014), etc. Rahmayanti, Krisna Puji is an active lecturer at the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia. She earned her master degree at Master of Public Administration, International Development Department, the University of Birmingham with a scholarship from Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan Republik Indonesia (LPDP RI). In addition to teaching, she is also an active researcher. Her current research area is about the access of public services (in conflict and disaster-affected region; for minority group; and women and child), the management function of the public sector (BUMDes and Non-State Public Sector), and the smoke-free policy and development. Recently she published an academic journal entitled Public Service Delivery in a Conflict and Disaster region (2018). Rahayu, Amy Yayuk Sri is a professor at the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia. She has produced several writings in the form of books and academic journals, among them are: Birokrasi dan Governance (2018), Career Role Analysis of Civil Servants at the State Employment Agency (2016), Analysis of the Planning and Development of Employee Career Paths in the Job Placement for a Supervisor Position in Badan Kepegawaian Negara (2016), A Problem Mapping of Public Sector Personnel Management Road Map in Indonesia (2016), and Manajemen Perubahan dan Inovasi (2015). Rhama, Bhayu is a tourism practitioner and academic at Administration Public Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of who focuses on ecotourism activities in national parks. His passion for ecotourism granted him a full scholarship for Ph.D. study at the University of Central Lancashire, UK and resulted in research to develop ecotourism policy in Sebangau National Park. He has also done several pieces of research and publications regarding the issue, such as journal publication with the title The Implementation of Halal Tourism in Indonesia National Park (2017) and book publication with the title Taman Nasional dan Ekowisata (2018). Said, Muhammad is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Administration, FISIPOL, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Besides, He is also a lecturer at the Petta Baringeng Soppeng School of Social and Political Sciences, Indonesia. In addition to teaching, he is also an active researcher and training. His research is on “Anatomi Konflik di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (2014) as one of the field team members of a research Center For Population And Policy Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada. His research is on The Implementation of Health Public Service Quality in Soppeng Ajjappange Hospital (2010) and Women and Politic Participation in General Election (2009), Kopertis Wilayah IX Sulawesi. Training on Collaborative Learning in Responsibility Natural Resource Management, Centre of Social Excellence (CSE) Indonesia (2017). Suprayitno is a lecturer at University of Palangka Raya (UPR) in Public administration study program, Faculty of Social and Political Science. He is also active in some organization like human resource development and youth community such as ICMI, Menara Insan Cita and Province KNPI. Now, research is one of his favorite things to do. Some-

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of his previous research are The preparation of CSR directories youth cooperation with State Minister for youth and sports affairs Republic Indonesia (2014), and about The diversity of teachers in Indonesia ‘Study is Central Kalimantan’ in cooperation with PPIM UIN Jakarta (2018), and the last research about The benefits of village fund in central Kalimantan villageand cooperation with Ministry of Village Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, Republic Indonesia (2018), His motto for life is “ Today fight, tomorrow win”. Tulis, Riamona Sadelman earned her Master’s Degree from Universitas Indonesia (University of Indonesia), 2006. Now she is a lecturer at University of Palangka Raya (UPR) also as a Head of Public administration study program, Faculty of Social and Political science, her new research are Policy implementation for fulfilling 30% quota of women’s representation in the 2014 legislative member election: A study on the PDI-P and the PPP in Palangka Raya (2017) and also Collaborative Management of Implementation of Child Protection Policy in the City of Palangka Raya (2018). Zuraida, Ira is a lecturer at University of Palangka Raya (UPR) in Public administration study program, Faculty of Social and Political Science. She is also active in research and dedication especially in Palangka Raya City. Some of her dedication is in 2018, she given responsibility to be the one of drafting team selection in KPUD to five regencies in Central Kalimantan Province.

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Previous Issue

Policy & Governance Review Volume 1 Issue 1 • Public Administration at A Crossroad: Policy on Agricultural Extension within Digital Society • Elaboration on Public Administration Crises: An Endeavor in Seeking Scientific Identity • Smart Environment Program, Smart Way to Smart City • Promoting Collaboration in Jabodetabekjur: A Learning Regions Perpective on Knowledge- Based Economy • Relation among Stakeholders in HIV/AIDS Response Case Study: Municipality • The Influence of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Culture at Bank Syariah Mandiri Branch Office and Sub Branch Office

Volume 1 Issue 2 • Governing People through Risk Technology: A Case Study of Garbage Clinical Insurance in , Indonesia • Beyond Good Governance: Lesson from Forest and Cultural Governance in Pelalawan, Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau • Bela Beli Kulon Progo as A Policy for Strengthening the Capacity of Local Economy • Policy Formulation and Implementation on Participatory Budgeting in Seoul, South Korea • Evaluation of Creative (Metal) Industry Development Policy in Dealing with the ASEAN Economic Community in Sidoarjo • The Adaptability of The Society in Dealing with The Vulnerability of Earthquake Threats in Bantul

Volume 1 Issue 3 • Revisiting Understanding of The Whistleblowing Concept in The Context of Indonesia • Tweeting in Disaster Area: An Analysis of Tweets during 2016 Mayor Floods in Indonesia • Innovation Development to Increase Local Competitive Advantage in Mojokerto Regency • Policy of Inclusive Education for Education for All in Indonesia • Collaboration of Stakeholders in Formation and Development Nagari-Owned Enterprise • Effort to Overcome Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation Victims in City Tourism Area,

Volume 2 Issue 1 • Institutionalization of Ethical Principles to Overcome Ethical Dilemmas in the Public Sector • Political Interconnection in the Operation of Digital Terrestrial Free-to-Air Television Broadcasting • The Impacts of Transferring Marine and Fisheries Affairs in West Java Province and Indramayu Regency • Factors Affecting the Implementation of Canal Blocking Development as Fire Prevention Solution in River Village Tohor • The Enhancement of Regional Disaster Management Agencies (BPBD) of Sumbawa Regency’s Capability in Flash Flood Management Through Aid Assistance of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) • Strategic Ambidexterity Learning of Innovation Activities: A Study of Indonesian Business Group Leader

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Volume 2 Issue 2 • Logic Model of Governance Innovation and Public Policy in Public Service • Compliance and Conflict of Value in Public Policy Implementation: Comparison between the New Order and the Reformation Era • Actor Relations in Interregional Cooperation Policy Dynamics • Case Study: The Banjar Bakula Metropolitan Area Development Program in Province • Labor Market Flexibility: Advantages for Workforce or Threat? • Role of Democratic Volunteers as the "Election Marketer" • Implementation of Mental Health Policies toward Indonesia Free Restraint

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267 Policy & Governance Review, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2018

ii ISSN 2580-3395 (Print) ISSN 2580-4820 (Online)


Decentralization in Educational Disparity of the Southeast Sulawesi Province Obed Bida


UME 2 The Tendency of Transition from Structural to Functional Positions in National Civil Service Agency and the Ministry of Environment ISSUE 3 and Forestry Amy Y.S Rahayu, Krisna Puji Rahmayanti

SEPTEMBER 2018 The Analysis of the Central Kalimantan Tourism Development Plan Based on Ecotourism Policy Perspective Bhayu Rhama

ISSN 2580-3395 (Print) The Dynamics of Social Network Structures and Contestation in the Collaborative Management of Lake Tempe in South Sulawesi Muhammad Said, Bevaola Kusumasari, M. Baiquni, Subando Agus Sumargono

Democratize Health Policy Through Citizen's Charter in North Bengkulu District ISSN 2580-4820 (Online) Achmad Aminudin The Strategy to Increase the Regional Revenue (PAD) of the Government of Central Kalimantan Through the Governor Regulation Number 16 year 2018 Suprayitno, Riamona Sadelman Tulis, Ira Zuraida

Address: Jl. Socio Yusticia Bulaksumur Yogyakarta ISSN 2580-3395 (Print) ISSN 2580-4820 (Online) Phone: 082299796677 Email: [email protected] Website: