Iran’s Foreign and Defense Policies Kenneth Katzman Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs Updated April 29, 2020 Congressional Research Service 7-.... R44017 SUMMARY R44017 Iran’s Foreign and Defense Policies April 29, 2020 Iran’s national security policy is arguably the product of many overlapping and sometimes competing factors such as the ideology of Iran’s Islamic revolution, Kenneth Katzman perception of threats to the regime and to the country, and long-standing national Specialist in Middle interests. Iran’s leadership: Eastern Affairs
[email protected] Seeks to deter or thwart U.S. or other efforts to invade or intimidate Iran or to bring about a change of regime. For a copy of the full report, please call 7-.... or visit Takes advantage of regional conflicts to advance a broader goal of overturning a power structure in the Middle East that it asserts favors the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other Sunni Muslim Arab regimes. Seeks to restore a sense of “greatness” reminiscent of ancient Persian empires. Provides material support to regional allied governments and armed factions, including increasingly precise missile systems that enable Iran to project power. Supports acts of international terrorism, as the “leading” or “most active” state sponsor of terrorism, according to annual State Department reports on international terrorism. Backs actions against international shipping in the Persian Gulf and in Iraq that represent, in part, an attempt to pressure the United States to relax sanctions on Iran. These actions have continued despite Iran’s struggles with the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak there.