September/October 2019 • Volume 46, Number 5

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September/October 2019 • Volume 46, Number 5 September/October 2019 • Volume 46, Number 5 p. 10 p. 11 p. 13 Joanne Chory Pam Ronald Returns 2019 ASPB/AAAS Receives Princess to Sweden for Mass Media Fellow of Asturias Award Honorary Doctorate Reports In for Technical and Scientific Research THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BIOLOGISTS President’s Letter Highlights from #PlantBio19 Be the Change BY CELINE CASEYS BY ROB LAST, Michigan State University, and University of California, Davis MARY WILLIAMS, Features Editor, The Plant Cell rom August 3 to 7, 2019, San Jose “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, hosted Plant Biology 2019. The meet- it’s the only thing that ever has.” Attributed to Margaret Mead (1901–1978), American cultural Fing hosted 1,454 participants repre- anthropologist senting 51 countries. For a few days, the city, known worldwide as the home to Silicon hether or not Dr. Valley, and its convention center became the Mead actually ut- hub for all things plant biology. Wtered this quote, the continued on page 5 words are as meaningful today as anytime during our lives. We all have opportunities to make positive change, and collabora- tive change is more enjoyable, and perhaps more durable, than flying solo. Which groups of committed citizens do you af- filiate with? Are you an active or aspiring agent of change at work, at home, or within your social network? Perhaps, like us, you some- times wonder whether you are doing enough to promote positive change. It is not uncommon for plant those early in their careers. The answer is scientists to wonder whether it’s a good idea “absolutely yes,” and here we provide a few to dilute their effort outside of research and examples and thoughts. teaching, and this is especially prevalent for continued on page 3 Contents Council members highlighted in blue ASPB Council also serve on the Board of Directors. President Rob Last Immediate Past President; Chair Harry Klee President-elect Judy Callis Secretary Andrew Bent 1 President’s Letter Treasurer; Chair, Board of Trustees Rick Vierstra Elected Members Christine Foyer Maureen McCann 1 Highlights from #PlantBio2019 Chair, Membership Committee Jill Deikman Chair, Minority Affairs Committee Gustavo MacIntosh 8 The Traveling #ThePlantCellebration30 T-Shirt: Chair, Publications Committee Neil E. Olszewski From San Jose to “Yes!” Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Laura Wayne Chair, Education Committee Sarah Wyatt Chair, International Committee Anja Geitman 10 Joanne Chory Receives Princess of Asturias Award for Chair, Science Policy Committee Nathan Springer Technical and Scientific Research Sectional Representatives Mid-Atlantic Section Hua Lu 11 Pam Ronald Returns to Sweden for Honorary Doctorate Midwestern Section Gustavo MacIntosh Northeastern Section Carolyn Lee-Parsons 13 2019 ASPB/AAAS Mass Media Fellow Reports In Southern Section Ashlee McCaskill Western Section Kulvinder Gill Mexico Rubén Rellán Álvarez 14 Report from the 2019 AAAS Ralph W. F. Hardy Mass Environmental and Ecological Media Science & Engineering Fellow Plant Physiology Section Andy VanLoocke Primarily Undergraduate Institutions Section Leeann Thornton Science Policy ASPB Staff 15 Policy Update Chief executive officer Crispin Taylor, [email protected] Chief financial officer Clara Woodall, [email protected] Executive and governance affairs administrator Sylvia Lee, [email protected] Education Forum Accounting manager Teressa Leath, [email protected] Senior staff accountant Jotee Pundu, [email protected] 17 Education and Outreach at the Plant Biology 2019 Senior staff accountant Francky Rakotomanana, [email protected] #ASPBForward Innovation Pavilion Director of meetings and events Jean Rosenberg, [email protected] Conference coordinator Teresa Myers, [email protected] 18 Education Evaluation and Assessment at Senior membership manager Shoshana Kronfeld, [email protected] Plant Biology 2019 Community engagement administrator Katie Rogers Web systems manager Mark James, [email protected] Legislative and public affairs director vacant 19 Education Concurrent Symposium at Plant Biology 2019 Executive coordinator, Plant Science Showcases Novel Ways to Increase Student Research Network Natalie Henkhaus, [email protected] Interest and Engagement with Plants Education coordinator Winnie Nham, [email protected] Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, [email protected] Publications assistant Diane McCauley, [email protected] Subscriptions manager Suzanne Cholwek, [email protected] Subscriptions assistant Linda Palmer, [email protected] Managing editor Jennifer Regala, [email protected] Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, [email protected] Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, [email protected] Peer review manager, Plant Physiology Ashton Wolf, [email protected] Senior features editor, The Plant Cell Nan Eckardt, [email protected] Features editor, The Plant Cell Mary Williams, [email protected] Production manager, The Plant Cell Susan Entwistle, [email protected] Peer review manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, [email protected] The ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is also available online. It is published six times annually in odd-numbered months. Its purposes are to keep membership informed of ASPB activities and to reinforce the value of membership. The ASPB News is edited and produced by ASPB staff from material provided by members and other interested parties. Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered month (for example, April 5 for May/June publication). Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-296-0904. © 2019 American Society of Plant Biologists 2 ASPB NEWS | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019 President’s Letter PRESIDENT’S LETTER on a project that benefits others ASPB training resources to have a Influence the World by continued from page 1 can make you a better scien- global impact. Alex Rajewski and Becoming Part of Some- tist. Reciprocally, being happy Sterling Field are helping ASPB thing Big and Positive Work–Life Balance Happens at work can make you a better to be a more welcoming environ- For complex reasons beyond the in Unexpected Ways friend, parent, and citizen. Self- ment for LGBTQ+ community scope of this essay, citizens across Winslow Briggs (1928–2019; awareness and self-care provide members using Plantae ( the world are becoming increas- ASPB_WinslowBriggs) enjoyed the foundation from which you LGBTQ_PlantSci) and through ingly insular and nationalistic. a career that spanned decades, can effect positive change. activities at the annual Plant This is interrupting an unusually doing science until his death 25 Biology conference. Sonali Roy long period of relative stability years after his offi- Allow Yourself and Benjamin Schwessinger have in large parts of the world and is cial retirement from to Be Influenced led efforts to bring reproducibility dangerous. Seventy years without the directorship of by Others training and training resources a continent-scale war was un- the Plant Biology Maureen Hanson’s heard of over hundreds of years Department of the to the community (see​​ dedication to im- of European history. If you live in Carnegie Institution ExperimentalReproducibility101 proving the Cornell a country where it is possible, get for Science at to get started). We are inspired by plant biology com- involved in politics by donating Stanford in 1993. Liz Haswell, Joanna Friesner, and munity made a your time or money. If you have In a memo- Jen Nemhauser for amplifying the tremendous impres- no taste for politics or you do rable conversation, importance of diversity for the sion during Rob’s not live in a democracy, work for Winslow talked future of plant science. They offer time in Ithaca. In positive change in your commu- about how impor- advice about making our disci- addition to running a successful nity. In addition to improving the tant downtime was to his creative plines more diverse on Plantae research group, Maureen led NSF- world, it may lead you to become process. He described how hiking, funded plant sciences training (see PlantScienceDiversity happier and more productive. doing volunteer work at a nearby programs during those years, pro- and their article in July/August Every one of us has a role to play California state park, or relaxing viding fellowships for undergradu- ASPB News), as well as through the in making the world more stable. in a beautiful place allowed his ates, grad students, and postdocs DiversifyPlantSci database ( After pondering what message thoughts to move in unexpected and bringing advanced technolo- DiversifyPlantSciList) and the to leave with you, we offer the directions, occasionally leading gies to Cornell’s campus. Maureen @DiversifyPlantSci Twitter words of U.S. footballer Megan to some new scientific insight. created grassroots institutional account. Consider how you can Rapinoe after her team received the Winslow is remembered not only change and inspired faculty mem- follow these advocacy examples Key to the City of New York from for his contributions to science, bers and others to follow. by identifying institutional and Mayor Bill DeBlasio on July 10, but also for the time he spent with Today we are fortunate to community needs, and then use 2019: “This is my charge to every- others—his encouragement and be surrounded by many other your energy and intellect to cata- one. We have to be better. We have mentorship. members of the ASPB community to love more, hate less. We’ve got When you think about lyze change. who continue to offer inspira- to listen more and talk less. We’ve work–life balance, remember tion, often using Plantae and got to know that this is everybody’s that a change of scene or work responsibility. Every single person here. Every single person who is not here. Every single person who doesn’t want to be here. Every single person who agrees and doesn’t agree. It’s our responsibility to make this world a better place.” ASPB NEWS | VOLUME 46, NUMBER 5 3 Blossomed THE PLANT CELL IS 30! 1989 #ThePlantCellebration30 This year Plant Biology 2019 celebrated 30 years of The Plant Cell.
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted July 20, 2016. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. CRISPR-Cas9 mediated mutagenesis of a DMR6 ortholog in tomato confers broad-spectrum disease resistance Daniela Paula de Toledo Thomazella, Quinton Brail, Douglas Dahlbeck, Brian Staskawicz* Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley CA 94720 *corresponding author: [email protected] Keywords: disease resistance, tomato, DMR6, CRISPR/Cas9 technology, crop engineering, food security 1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted July 20, 2016. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. Abstract Pathogenic microbes are responsible for severe production losses in crops worldwide. The use of disease resistant crop varieties can be a sustainable approach to meet the food demand of the world’s growing population. However, classical plant breeding is usually laborious and time- consuming, thus hampering efficient improvement of many crops. With the advent of genome editing technologies, in particular the CRISPR/Cas9 (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/Cas9) system, we are now able to introduce improved crop traits in a rapid and efficient manner. In this work, we genome edited durable disease resistance in tomato by modifying a specific gene associated with disease resistance. Recently, it was demonstrated that a mutation of a single gene called DMR6 (downy mildew resistance 6) confers resistance to several pathogens in Arabidopsis thaliana.
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