February 2017

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February 2017 February 2017 Transforming society to respect and protect all innocent human life. President Trump Restores Policy Preventing Organizations Missouri Right to Life Promoting Abortion Overseas from Receiving Foreign Aid “Show Me Life” Pro-Life Action Day United States out of the business of international abortion advocacy Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. On January 23, President Donald nations," said Carol Tobias, president of Visit your legislators Trump took executive action to restore the National Right to Life Committee, a key pro-life policy, sometimes called the nation's oldest and largest pro-life Join the noon rally the "Mexico City Policy." organization. Missouri State Capitol The policy announced today is The most important char- similar to one that had been in place in acteristic of the Mexico City 1st Floor Rotunda Republican administrations since Policy is that it establishes Jefferson City 1984, when it was an- an eligibility criterion for nounced by authority U.S. funding: if a group Guest Speaker of President Reagan at is unwilling to agree to an international popula- Mexico City Policy avoid promotion of Melissa Ohden tion-control conference abortion, that group will Melissa is the survivor of a failed in Mexico City. Under Reinstated!not receive any of the designated saline infusion abortion in 1977. Despite that policy, in order to be types of U.S. funding. the initial concerns about Melissa’s eligible for certain types In short, the Mexico City Policy is future after surviving the attempt to end of foreign aid, a private organization not about how an organization keeps her life at approximately seven months must sign a contract promising not its books. Rather, it is about the type gestation, she has not only survived to perform abortions (except to save of groups the United States is going to but thrived. With the mother's life or in cases of rape support. a Master’s Degree or incest), not to lobby to change the If a specific organization declines in Social Work, she has worked in the abortion laws of host countries, or to accept the policy because it has an fields of substance otherwise "actively promote abortion ideological commitment to promoting abuse, mental health, abortion as just one more method of as a method of family planning." domestic violence birth control, then the same funds are Steve Rupp, president of Missouri and sexual assault Right to Life, commended President channeled to other organizations that counseling, and child Trump for reinstating the Mexico City agree to the contract. There is, therefore, welfare. Policy. no overall reduction in funding for family In 2012, Melissa founded The planning programs or other programs “The U. S. for eight years has been Abortion Survivors Network (ASN). ASN resulting from the policy. promoting and paying for abortions seeks to educate the public about failed around the globe. President Trump has "Over his eight years in office, abortions and survivors while providing stopped this intrusion of the culture President Obama advanced a pro-abor- emotional, mental, and spiritual support of death in other countries, some tion agenda with executive orders and to abortion survivors. Since ASN’s with a strong commitment to life. We regulations that were destructive to the founding, Melissa has been in contact commend him for his quick action on lives of many unborn children," said Jen- with over 206 survivors. behalf of all pre-born children,” he nifer Popik, J.D., National Right to Life Fulfilling the purpose that she said. legislative director. "This executive action believes God set out for her when He "We applaud President Trump by President Trump will get the U.S. out saved her from the certain death of the for putting an end to taxpayer funding of the business of international abor- abortion attempt, Melissa is truly a voice of groups that promote the killing tion advocacy under the guise of family for the voiceless. of unborn children in developing planning." • Please, honey, the answer is no: “Hun, Swank said that despite Dunn’s pain we don’t do prenatal, hun. Noooo.” and depression, she had no life-threatening Honolulu, Hawaii, Planned Parenthood illness and her family was puzzled by her • Come to think of it…: “We actually death. There were good things happening don’t provide prenatal care within in her life: her daughter who had been in Planned Parenthood.” Glenwood Africa for about a year was coming home in the Springs, Colorado, Planned Parenthood the next day, and her son’s fiancée was • Not even kind of: “We actually don’t scheduled to give birth that week. Howev- News offer prenatal care at all.” Anchorage, er, her husband was also planning to move Alaska, Planned Parenthood out, the prosecutor said. Robert Rivas, the lawyer for the assisted • A little repetitive by now: “No suicide group, did not dispute that Jerry Planned Parenthoods provide prena- 13 things Planned Parenthood says Dincin and Larry Egbert were present at to women who need prenatal care tal care.” Des Moines, Iowa, Planned Parenthood Dunn’s death, but argued that they didn’t On January 24, Live Action released assist her suicide. • Get the message, ok?: “We don’t do a new investigative video in its Abortion The Final Exit Network has been pros- prenatal. We just don’t do prenatal, Corporation series. While much more is ecuted in several assisted suicide cases. ok.” Dover, Delaware, Planned Par- to come, one foundational truth has been In Georgia, John Celmer, who was enthood revealed: when women need prenatal care, depressed after recovering from cancer, Planned Parenthood isn’t the one to turn • Because obviously you need Planned died by assisted suicide with the Final Exit to. After all, Planned Parenthood’s focus is Parenthood for something you can do Network. Celmer’s widow, Susan Celmer, abortion. (Even Google knows this.) at home: “We don’t offer any prenatal testified against the Final Exit Network. care. No Planned Parenthood in MN After making phone calls and in-person Larry Egbert, the former medical director provides prenatal care beyond like a visits to 97 clinics, Live Action investiga- for Final Exit Network, lost his medical urine pregnancy test.” Brooklyn Park, tors found that prenatal care for women license in Maryland. Minnesota, Planned Parenthood was basically nonexistent at Planned Source: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition 1/17 Parenthood facilities. Here are 13 of the • It’s just not what we’re about: “We most outrageous things said to women by wouldn’t provide any type of prenatal Abortion facility’s ad at Trump services here at Planned Parenthood.” Planned Parenthood staffers across the inauguration upstaged in the country: Athens, Ohio, Planned Parenthood According to Planned Parenthood’s most awesome pro-life way • Real specialty revealed: “We don’t A Maryland abortion facility took offer prenatal care at Planned Parent- own words, they’re just not going to help women who want to keep their babies, ok? advantage of large crowds for President hood... we specialize in abortions.” Trump’s inauguration to advertise its lethal Farmington, New Mexico, Planned Source: LiveActionNews.org 1/25/17 services via a large billboard truck – but it Parenthood was upstaged by an even larger billboard • Pregnant women = taboo: “But if Minnesota Appeals Court upholds conviction for assisted suicide truck showing an abortion victim. you’re pregnant, we don’t see pregnant Carafem’s advertisement touted that it women.” Baton Rouge, Louisiana, In December, the Minnesota Court of offers the “10-week after pill” for $450. Planned Parenthood Appeals upheld the conviction of the Final A truck showing what an abortion does • Obviously, OBs are more qualified: Exit Network in the assisted suicide death to a 15-week-old baby closely followed “We don’t do any prenatal care; you of Doreen Dunn who died May 30, 2007. Carafem’s truck. would have to call an OB clinic to do A jury found the Final Exit Network The tens of thousands of people that.” Winston-Salem, North Carolina, guilty of assisted suicide on May 14, 2015. who were informed about the abortions Planned Parenthood The Network appealed the conviction. Carafem sells also saw what such butchery • It’s just not us: “We’re not a prenatal The La Crosse Tribune reported, during looks like. the trial, that Dakota County prosecu- care provider.” Fort Collins, Colorado, Source: LifeSiteNews.com 1/20/17 Planned Parenthood tor Elizabeth Swank told jurors that the evidence showed that two members of • I mean, all we have is nurses: “We Final Exit Network went to Dunn’s home don’t do prenatal care….” No Planned in Apple Valley to assist her suicide. They Parenthoods in the area do prenatal then removed the equipment that she used care “because we have nurse practi- National Right to Life Affiliate for suicide so that it appeared she had died tioners and you need an OBGYN.” Missouri Right to Life News of natural causes. P. O. Box 651 St. Louis, Missouri, Planned Parent- Jefferson City MO 65102 hood Dunn’s husband of 29 years arrived home on May 30, 2007, to find her dead Pam Manning, Editor • It’s just too bad: “Unfortunately, none on the couch. Swank said Dunn had a Contact Missouri Right to Life of our clinics offer prenatal care.” St. blanket pulled up to her neck with her Paul, Minnesota, Planned Parenthood 573.635.5110 hands folded on her chest. [email protected] Our favorite Valentine.... YOU! From the President ~ A page-turner right to the end! just finished Melissa Ohden’s book “You Carried Me, A I Daughters Memoir,” and I’m still stunned.
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