Democratic People’s Republic of Korea No. 34 (3 174) weekly e-mail:
[email protected] Sat, August 21, Juche 110 (2021) General Secretary Kim Jong Un gives field guidance over riverside terraced houses building project Kim Jong Un, most convenient general secretary and hygienic of the Workers’ environment can Party of Korea be provided for and president of the people. He the State Affairs also pointed to the of the DPRK, need to make the gave on-the-spot configurations of guidance over the cities and towns construction of the diverse, attractive Pothong Riverside and unique so as Terraced Houses to create features District. peculiar to each of He was greeted them. on the spot by Jong Saying that it Sang Hak, Jo Yong would be good to Won, Ri Hi Yong give the district and other senior the administrative officials of the division name Central Committee “Kyongru-dong” of the Party and meaning a beau- c o m m a n d i n g tiful gem terrace, officers and leading he gave an officials of the instruction for the units involved in relevant sector to the construction. deliberate on it. He learned about He expressed the construction great satisfaction project as he over the fact that looked round several places of the viewpoint of architectural beauty. Calling for carefully making a radical change has been brought construction site. He said that the project should and implementing a plan for urban about in the riverside area to leave He said that the residential district, be pushed as scheduled by taking construction for raising the level no traces of some 140 days ago, built with the land undulations timely measures for the supply of of modernization and civilization despite lack of everything and left intact, looks nice, and that an equipment and materials in keeping of the capital city and local cities difficulties, thanks to the builders’ example has been set for a terraced with the rapid progress of the and towns, he underscored the patriotism and loyalty, and highly houses district that is built on sloping project.