TOWN HALL 6311 Old Church Road, Caledon, ON L7C1J6 Town of caledon 905,584.227211.888.CALED0N IFAX 905.584.43251 March 28, 2011 RECEIVED CLERK'S DEPT. Region of Peel 10 Peel Centre Drive APR 0 4 2011 Brampton, Ontario L6T4B9 REG. NO.: FILE NO.: Attention: Ms. Carol Reid, Clerk PLANNING, DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dear Ms. Reid: RE: Bolton Commuter Rail Service - Feasibility Study At the regular meeting of Council held on March 22, 2011, Council received Report PD-2011-019 regarding the Bolton Commuter Rail Service - Feasibility Study. The following was adopted: ThatReport PD-2011-019 regarding Bolton Commuter Rail Service Feasibility Study-Metrolinx be received; and That Metrolinx be requested to expedite the implementation of GO commuter rail service to Bolton and accordingly initiate the property protection process,environmental assessment studyand detailed design process;and That Metrolinx be requested to amend its capital budget to include planning, augmentation and construction within a 10-year priority time frame tofacilitate early implementation for the GOrail service to Bolton; and That Council direct staff to work with the Region of Peel to undertake necessary steps to initiate the Official Plan Amendments as appropriate todesignate the location ofthe preferred GOstation and layover facility site;and That a copy ofReport PD-2011-019 andtheresulting Council resolution be forwarded to Metrolinx, the Regions ofPeel and York and the Cities of Brampton, Mississauga and Vaughan. Please find attached a copy of Report PD-2011-019. If you have any questions regarding the report, please contact Kant Chawla, Senior Transportation Planner at 905-584-2272- ext: 4293 or
[email protected].