Director o/Cellsus Operal;olls, Himachal Pradesh.


1. MAP OF THE DISTRICT 2. IMPORTANT STATISTICS XIIl-XIV 3. ANALYTICAL NOTE 1-21 (I) Introduction 3 (ii) Census Concepts and definitions Urban area, rural area, vil1age, census house, household, scheduled castes and scbeduIe,d tribes, literates, work, main worker, marginal worker, non· worker, cultiva,tor, agricultural ,-6 labourer, household industry, other workers and urban agglomeration

(Jii) Brief history of the District y The. People, Dress, Houses and Equipment, Foob Habits, Monast.i~ism, Language 6-9 (iv) History of the Distrid._Census Ha~dbook,and its scop~ 10 (v) Seo!,e of Village Directory I~ll (vi) Physical aspects Boundaries, physical features,clirnate, geology, valleys, rivers and streams, Jakes and springs 1I·13 (vii) Major characteristics of the district Forests, wild life sanctuary, flora, f"una, desert development pruje.ct, electricity and power, land and land use pattern, agriculture. horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, industry. irrigation. roads, trade, commerce and banking, transport 13-19 (viii) Social and cultural nents 1.9-20 (b) Pl8~es of historiul, archeological and tourist interest 2U (x) Analysis of village directory data 20·21

4, ANALYSIS OF THE DATA 25-32 Population : (I) Decadal Variation in Population Since 1901 25 (II) Sex Ratio Since 1901 25 Table I Population and Number of VjJ]ages 1991 2.1 Table 2 Decadal Change in Distribution of Population 26 Table 3 Percentage Distribution of Vi11ages by Population Ranges 199] 27 Table 4 Distribution of Villages by Density 27 Table 5 Sex Ratio for Rural Population of C.D. Blocks, 1991 27 Table 6 Proportion of Scheduled Caste Population to Total Population in the Vmagcs 23 Table 7 Proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population to Total Population in the Villages 28 Table 8 Literacy rate, far Rural Population of C.D, blacks by

iii 5. Par' A • Village and Town Directory SECTION I·VILLAGE DIRECTORY 39-135

(al til Map of Poo C.D. Block List of Villages arranged in alphabetic.l order of Poo C.D. Block 39-46 Note explaining the Cadell used in tbe Village Directory 47-49 Viltag. Directory of PM C.D. Block ' 50-69 (iil Map of Kalpa C.D. Block ·List of Villages arranged in alphabetical order of Kalpa C.D. Block 73-79 Village Directory of Kalpa C.D. 'Block 80-95 (iii) Mal' of Nichar C.D. Block List of villages amnged in alphabetical order of Nicbar C.D. Block 99-103 Village Direct01Y of Nichar C.D. Block l04-113 (bl Appendix I - C.D. BlocKwise Abstract of Educational, Medicil and other Amenities II4-lI9 Appendi. II - Land utilization data in respect- of Non-municipal towns (Census lown) 120 Appendi>. Ill· - C.D. Block",!s. list of Villages where no amenity other than the drinking water is available 121-123 Appendix IV - C.D. Blockwise list of villages .""oroing to pmp<>rUon of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to population by range; 124-135 SECTION II • TOWN DIRECTORY 143-173 6. Part B • Primary Census Abstract Introduction to Primary Census Abslract 143 ,oj (i) District. 144-140 (ii) Village-wise PCA 151}.2S3 (iii) Appendix 254 (b) Primary Census Abstract for S.he~ul.d C~'te, and Scbeduled Tribes (1) Primary Cen~us Abstract for Scheduled Castes 260-265 (iiI Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled rrib~s 268-273

jv FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks 1981. However, the format of PCA has been restructured (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. continuing since tllen with some innovations/modification:; Nine fold industrial classification of main workers has ailer each decennial Census. This is the most valuable been given as against four fold industrial classification district level publication brought out by the Census presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sex­ Organisation On behalf of each State Govt.fUnion Territory wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on included in peA for the first time with a view to enabling some of the basic demographic and socio- economic data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all characteristics and on the avoilability of certain important children below 7 years of age have been trealed as civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected respective districts. This publication has thus proved to that the above mentioned modifications will help the be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, planners in chalking out more effective developmental academicians and researchers. progranuues. The scope of tJle DCH was initially confined to One of the most important innovations in the certoin important census tables on population, economic 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level and socia-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the instead of the traditional TabsilJTaluklPS level presentation. district. The DCHs published aIler the 196i Census contained It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory a descriptive account of the district, administratiVe statistics, and PCA data at C.D Block level will help the planners in census tables and Village and Town Directories including formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as lhe CD PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Tbwn Directories planning. and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) ~ere released in all the States and Union Territories. The third Part (C) of In order to facilitate the task of administrators. the Distnct Census Handbooks comprising adntinistrative planners and re~rcners intending to use Village Directoryl statistics and district census taoles, which was a/so to be peA data_. either from the magnetic tapes/floppies or from brought out, could not be published in many States!UTs the published records, both the computer and manual due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. codes for each village have been provided for lhe 1991 In 1981. some new features along with the restructuring of Census alongwith the correspunding codes of 1981. the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced This publication is a joint venture of the State in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each Government and the Census organisation. The data -have district aller the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village been collected and compiled under lhe direction of Shri, and Town Directories, the PeA of villages and towns (ward­ H.S.Atwal, Director of Census Operations, Himachal wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA Pradesh, on behalf of the State Government administration up to tahsiVtown level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate. which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together i~ designing and coorc.ination of the publication was initiated the Village directory and if an amenity was not available in by Dr. K.P.· Ittamr.n, former Deputy Registrar General the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the (Social Studies) a'ld Shri M.M. Om. Joint Director. For nearest place having such amenity was given. Information the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/data on some new items such as adult hteracy centres, primary and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient health sub.oCentrcs and commtmity health workers in the features emerging from a micro-level analvsis of Censusl Village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook from of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised information on approach to the village was also provided in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of for the first time in the Village Directory so as to giVe an Shri M.K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S). idea about the nllniher of inaccessible villages in each district. This task was carried out by Shri A.K. Singh, Deputy In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the Director who was assisted by Shri N.S. Soam, Assistant requirements of the Minimum Needs Progrnmme, a Statement Director and his staff. Techni"cal guidance in the IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners preparation of the maps was· initially provided by Dr. B.K. to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by other amenities in the slums. In this statement details on Mrs. Minati GhOSh, the present Deputy Registrar General civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of (Map), class I and class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trilies population and I am thankful to all those who have contributed another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in to this project. Statements IV and V respectively. The manner of presentation of the DClls for the New Delhi, A.R. NANDA 1991 Census is by and large the same as fOllowed in June II, 1992. Registrar General.


The need of reliable data at the £,l'ass root level my grateful thanks to him. I have a1so to record with for planned development. administrative requirements the gratitude the valuable guidance provided by Dr. as well as academic studies promoted the innovation M. K. Jain. Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of District Census Handbook in the 1951 Census. This and Mrs. Minati Ghosh, Deputy Registrar General valuable district level publication is continuing since (Map) for his handbook. than under the banner of each decennial census with some modification. The 1991 Census Operations in Himachal Pradesh were carried out under the able and dynamic Like the 1981 Census. in 1991 also the District direction of Shri H. S. Atwal, Director of Census Census Handbook is being brought out in a single Operations. All credit for the successful .conduct of volume in two parts. Part-A includes Village and Town the census operations, despite topograpbica1 and Directory, while Part·B conlo;n; Village and Town climatic constraints in the slate. goes to him. The data Primary Census Abstract Village Directory presents presented in this handbook were also compiled by the

basic information at the villag~ level i.e. its name~ total time Shri Atwal was recalled by the State Government area, land use pattern, availability of amenities and on 25th May, 1993. facilities like education, medical, drinking water, post and telegraph, communication, approach road, power Shri A. S. Negi. Investigator. prepared the draft supply etc., besides providing data on population and of this handbook on the basis iif the data compiled by number of hcuseholds. Primuy Census Abstract SIShri Narpat Ram and R. S. Chandel. Computers. The provides information on area, occupied residential draft prepared by Shri Negi was revised by me. houses, number of households, sex-wise data on total Different maps and cover design for this handbook population, population in the age-group of O~6 years, were prepared in the Map section of this Directorate number of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, under the supervision of Shri J. P. Purohit, Sellipr number of literates. main workers, marginal workers. Geographer. Manuscript of this handbook ~as typed non~workers and division of main workers into nine by Shri Piare Lal, Senior Stenographer and Shri Gian industrial categories in respect of each village and town Chand, Junior Stenographer. Shri R. D. Ba1i Statistical (ward) of the district. At the 1991 Censu, with a view Assistant assisted by Mrs. Neema Devi, Computer. to cat~r to the needs of planning process, census I data was responsible for preparing the final press copy of have been for the first time presented at the Community this handbook. Printing Section of this Directorate Development Block level instead of the traditional tahsil under the supervision of Sbri Jagdish Chander, Printing level presentation in the previous censuses. Inspector, looked after the printing of this handbook. I expre,s my appreciation for the painstaking dedicated During the entire peTiod of the 1991 Census service rendered by all of them. and subsequent compilation of data for this handbook we had the honour of having enlightened guidance and encouragement from Shri A. R. Nanda,. Registrar UL. Sah General and Census Commissioner of India and I express Dated: May 12th, J 995 Deputy Director




1. Sh. C.L. Sharma Assistant Di~"''''L'''''' 2. Sh. D.R. Khanna Assistant Director

Village Directory

1. Sh. Baboo Ram Assistant Director 2. Sh. A.S. Negi 'Investigator 3. Sh. P.C. Nain; Investigator 4. Sh. Y.C. Negi Investigator 5. Sh. Rallan Chand Statistical Assistant 6. Sh. R.S Negi Statistical Assistant 1. Sh. R.K. Shanna Statistical Assistant 8. Sh. N.C. Chakraborty Statistical Assistant 9. Sh. Ram Singh Thakur Statistical Assistant 10. Sh. R.D. Bali Statistical Assistant 11. Sh. G. N. Narta Statistical Assistant 12. Sh. Malkiat Rai Computer 13. Sh. Dhirendta Prasad Computer 14. Sh. Narp.t Ram Computer 15. Sh. Surinder Mob.n Computer 16. Smt. Neelam Sharma Computer 17. Smt. Neema Devi Computer 18. Sh. Surjan Singh N.int. Computer 19. Smt, Sunita Rani Assistant Compiler 20. Smt. SllaRta Sharma Assistant Compiler 21. Sb. Amarjit Singb Jassal Assistant Compiler 22. Sh. Kiron Kumar Sharma H. P. M. O.

Primary Cen:su~ Abstract

I. Sh. S.K. Bhandari Investigator 2. Sh. M, S. Neg; Investigator 3. Sh. Baldev Singb Invcstigator 4. Sh. Harbans Singh Grover Statistical Assistant 5. Sh. Rattan Chand Sharma Statistical Assistant 6. Sh. Ram Singh Thakur Statistical Assistant 7. Sh. C,M. Azad Statistical Assistant 8. Sh, Shant. Prashad Statistical Assistant 9. Sh. Chander Mohan Computer 10. Sh. Laiq R.am Computer II. Sh. Ram Lal Computer 12. Smt. Usha Kumari Computer J3. Sh. Surender Mohan Computer 14. Sh. S. C. Yadav Computer 15. Sh. Ramesh Chand Chandel Computer 16. Sh. Anil Thakur Computer 17. Smt. Sunit_ R_ni Assistant Compiler 18. Smt. Shanta Sharma Assistant Compiler

Preparation of Map.

1. Sh. J.P.Purohit Senior Geographer 2. Smt. Veena Thakur Cartographer 3. Sh. Tuka Ram Senior Artist 4. Sh. Parma Nand Sharma Senior Artist 5. Sh. Het Ram Verma Artist 6. Sh. Shankar Lal Artist 7. Sh. Vidya Sagar Draughts man 8. Sh. Jagdish Singb Ferro Print Operator 9. Sh. Kiran Kumar Sharma Hand Press Machine Operator


L Sh. Piare Lal Senior Stenographer 2. Sh. Gian Chand Junior Stenographer 3. Sh. Vireoder Singh Lower Division Clerk


1. Sh. Kiran Kumar SbamJa Hand Press Machine Operator


I. SIl. Jagdisb Chander Gautam Printing Inspector 2. Sh. Sohan La! Quam; Proof Reade; J. Sh. Som Krishan Sharma Proof Reader



16 20 km


s ", . T ...... -"\ C T {

,rJOVl;DAR'I. "Hff ABOVE POPULATION SUI'I\lr, POO POD WIH! NAME • A POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE. PTC j I'itoerc ~a1'W of t~c 1 'l~ l/ .. ",b Jt-.S I d,ll .. " Irom "S "ecdc;",ort~r$ tC'l'I'e- 1"~JC" TECh~. CAL ,~smUllo".j., m B KALPA RECKONb PEa ''1 ,~~ brnckQ!5 ,IRCUIT HOUSf AND CH. RH J;E5T ,,"OLISE l 8owf\do'l' s"'o..~ ,~ updOlcd ~p c NICHAR NICHAR lSi O('Ctl~c, 1~

Bosad UpOI" Survr.!1 of Indio mop w:!" tho PQrJf\lSSlO1I 01 tM! SUhFlyor Gonl!'QI of Indio ©i3o'


POPULATION TOTAL Persons 5,lIO,&77 71,270

Males 2,617,407 38,39~ Females 2,553,410 32,876

RURAL Persons 4,721,681 71,270 Males 2,372,193 38,394 Females 2,349,488 32,&76

URBAN Persons 449,196 Males 245,274 Females 203,922 DECENNiAL POPULATION GROWTH RATE 19&1-91 2U.79 19.69

AREA (Sq. Kms.) 55,673 6,401



LITERACY RATE Persons 63.86 SIU6 (EXCLUDING CHILDREN iN THE Males 75.36 72.04 AGE·GROUP 0-6) Females 52.13 42.04



(i) MAIN WORKERS Persons 3iAi 47.:

(ii) MARGINAL WORKERS Persons 8,42 5.10 Males 1.56 1.22 Females 15,45 9.64

(iii) NON-WORKERS Persons 57.17 47.58 Males 49.* 39.n Females 65.19 56.52



(i) CULTIVATORS Persons ,).25 -54,49 Males 54.15 40.72 Females %.91 S2,45

(ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 3.30 5.11 Males 3.81 4.% Females 1.98 5.40




(iv) MINING AND QUARRYING Persons 0.26 0.05 Males 0.35 0.07 Females 0.Q2 om

(v) (a) MANUFACTURING, PROCESSING, Persons 1.43 2.80 SERVICING AND REPAIRS IN Males 1.70 3.57 HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Females 0.72 1.24


(vi) CONSTRUCTIONS Persons 4.85 11.63 Males 6.41 15.40 Females 0.79 3.98

(vii) TRADE AND COMMERCE Persons 4.40 2.32 Males 5.&6 3.36 Females 0.59 0.21

(viii) TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND Persons 1.93 0.&6 COMMUNICATIONS Males 2.61 1.26 Females 0.15 0.05

(ix) OTHER SERVICES Persons 14.40 18.20 Males 17.18 24.73 Females 7.18 4.92

PERGENTAGE9FSCHEDULED Persons 25.34 26.87 CASTES POPULATION TO TOTAL Males 25.45 25.74 PO~ULATION Females 25.23 28.20

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED Persons 4.22 55.58 TRIBES POPULATION TO TOTAL Males 4.21 49.54 POPULATION Females 4.23 62.62


NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 19,388 662 Inhabited 16,997 228 Uninhabited 2,391 434



(b) All other places which satisfy the Introducing the District 'following criteIia : Kinnaur, the north-eastern frontier district of (i) A minimum population of 5,000 HImachal Pradesh lies in the western Himalayas on (iO At least 75% of male working population engaged in non..agricllitnral profession. both banks of nver Sullej. Kinnaur region, formerly a (iii) density of population of aUeast 400 part (If tl1C native state of Bushahr, was until recently A known as Chilli Tahsil of Mahasu district. Kinnaur, as persons per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile). a separate district, appeared on the map of Himachal Pradesh on 1st May, 1960. This border district was However, up to the 1991 Census none of the carved out from the erslwhile Mahosu district of the area of the Kinnaur district fulfils the above Slated " State by merging the Chini Tahsil and 14 villages of criteria and, as stated earlier, there is no urban area in Rampur TahsiL The district derives its name from the the district. Kannaura or Kinnara. the original inhabitants of the region, which have been listed as a scheduled tribe in Rural Area: the State. The district bas three sub-divisions namely In the absepce of any of the characteristics Poo. Kalpa and Nichar. Poo sub-division com;rises th; explained above for the urban area tbe place will be treated as rural. tahsils of Moorang and POD and the sub-tahsil of Hangrang. KaJpa sub-division consists of the tahsils Village: Kaipa and Sangla, while Nichar sub~division has only one taIlsii of the same name. There are three community development blocks in the district and lheir boundaries In Himachal- Pradesh the smallest rural arc co-terminus with tIle three sub-divisions. habitation is called the village, It mostly follows the limits of revenue village as recognised by the district , the present headquarters of the administration. The revenue village need not necessarily dIstrict. nestled in picturesque surroundings at an be a single agglomeration of habitalion. It rna)' hav~ cleyation of 2,290 metres, is located at a distance of 13 one or more hamlets. Revenue village has a very kms.from Kalpa, the earlier headquarters. The magestic definite surveyed boundary and each vtllage is ~ snow- capped Ki nner Kailash overlooks the separate adminfstrative unit wilh separate village "headquarlers on the opposite side. Reckong Peo is account. In Himachal Pradesh following rural units arc gradually emerging into a township with the treated as revenue viUage or equivalent· construction of different district level office buildings of the State Government. educational and med ical 1 Re~enue Village In the districts of Cbamba Institutions, residential and business complexes. Mandi, Bilaspur, ShimJa. However. so far the dis1Tict has no u~ban area. It \:l:as Kiruiaur, Sinra.n; SoI;n~ Una a total number of 662 villages of these only 228 are excepting Bangana Tahsil of mbabited a~d lhe remaining 434 are uninhabited. The Una District and Lahul & total area of the district is 6,401 sq. kms. At the 1991 Spiti district (in 'respect' of Census the total population of the district is 71,270 villages transferred from persons of lhese 38,394 are males and 32,876 females, Pangi 1aItsil) Kinnaur district ranks 3rd in order of area and lIth in order of populatlOn among the districts of Himachal l 'Tikka' having a distinct Kangra and HamirpuJ Pradesh subhadbast number. districts and Bangana tahsil of Una district. Census Concepts anti Definitions In order to understand the meaning and 3. 'Phatti' h::lving a distinct Kullu, Lahul & Spi(i imparlance of the terms used in the analysis of data in subbadbast number districts (except villages this publ ication. it is essential to explain the definition transferred from Pangi). of the terms and concepts of the census. The same are Census House : given as foHows A 'Census House' is a buildlng or part of a building having a separate main entrance from the road Urban Area: or common courtyard or staircases etc., used or The definItion of an urban ar~a in the census recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied or terminology is given as under : vacant. It may be used for i1 residential or non­ residential 'purpose or both. (a) All the places having Municipality, Corporation. Cantonment Board and Household: Notified Area Committee. A household_ is a .group .of persons who commonly li .... e together and would take their meals from 18. Dmin a common kitchen unless the -exigencies of work prevented 19. DaraL Daryai any of them from ".oing so .. There may be a household 20. Dame, Doole of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated ll. Dhaki, Toori persons 'or having a mix of both. j'.xamples of unrelated 22. Dbanak household.s are B

I Ad,Dhanni In the early nineties an important amendmenl 2 Badhi, NagaIu made in the constitution by \-irtuc of which the per 3. Balmiki, Bhangi. Chuhra, Chum, Chuhre p10fessing Buddhist religion were. also reckone, 4. Bandhela belonging to Scheduled Castes. 5. Bangali 6. Banjara Scheduled Tribe< '1. Bansi 8. Barad Bhot,'Bodh 9. Barar,Burar, Berar 10. BatwaJ l Gaddi (excluding tile territories specified in II. Bauria, Bawaria sub,sectioo (I) of Section 5 of the Punjab 12. Bal.Jgar Reorganisation Act, 1%6 (31 of! %6) other 13. Bhanjra, Bhanjre than' the Lahul & Spiti distrip!). . 14 Chamar,]alia Cbarnar, Rci1gar,Raigar. Ramdasi, Ravidasl Ramdasia, Mochi Gujjar (exclndingthe territoriesspeciJied in IS. Chanal Sub ,Section (I) o[Section 5 of the Punjab 16. Chhimba, Dhobi Reorganisation Act, 1966 (J I ofl966 ). 17. Dag; 4. Jad, Lamba, Khampa village in rural area and only within the premises of Ule 5. Kannaura, KmMra house where the household lives in the urban area, The 6. LabauIa large proportion of workers in a household industry should 7. Pangwala consist of memilers of the household including the head, 8. Swangla The industry should not be run on a scale of registered factory otherwise it has' got to be registered under the In the preceding para, tribes shown at serial No. Indian factories Act. I, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 have been treated as Scheduled Tribes throughout the State of Himachal Pradesh wherever they Other Workers: AU workers who have been engaged in live, whereas in case of Gaddi and Gujjar the area some socio-economic activity during the last one year, restrictions still persist. _. who are nol cultivators or agricultural labourers or in Household Industry are other workers. The type of worker Literates: A person who can both read and write with that come under Ihis calegory includes factory workers. understanding in any language is to be treated as literate. plantation workers, those in trade. commerce, business. A person who can merely rcad but cannot write, is not transport, mining, constructions, political or social work. literate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate all government servants, municipal employees, teacher's, should have received any formal education or should have priests, entertainment artists, etc. In fact an those who passed any minimum educational standard. All children of' work in any field of economic 'activity other lhan cultivator. age of 6 years or less have been treated as illiterate even agricllltural labourer or household industry are other if a child is going to school and may have picked up workers. reading and writing a few odd words. Urban ~m"':"tion: The conoept of 'Utbitl Agglomeration' Work : Work is defined as participation in any is an innovation of the 1971 Census and is an improvement economically productive activity. Such participation may over the concept of 'Town Group' introduced in the 1961 be physical or mental in nature, Work involves not only Census. It was decided to follow the concept of Urban actual work but also effective supervision and direction Agglomeration for the 1991 Census also and data are of work presented' on the same lines as were presented in the 1971 as well as 1981 Censuses. Main Worker: A person who has worked for the major part of the year is termed as Main Worker. By major part Urban Agglomeration is a contiimous spread of the year it IS meant six months (l8~ days). constituting a town and its adjoining urban outgrowths or two or more physically contiguolls towns having a Marginal Worker: A person who has worked for less common boundary together with continuous well than six months (183 days) in the year is· termed as recognised urban outgrowths, if any, of such towns. Very Marginal Worker. often, around a core city or a statutory town, there corne up fairly large well-recognised railway colonies, university Non·Worker : A person who has not worked at all during campuses, etc. Even though these are outsidc- the the preceeding one year from the date of enumeration is precincts of a statutory cIty -or a town or within the non·workeI, revenue limits of the village (s) which is (are) contiguous to the town, such areas may not by themselves qualify to Cultivator: A person is cultivator if he or she is engaged be treated as towns. But, it they form a continuous spread either as employer, single worker or family worker in with the town, they .are outgrowths of the town and cultivation of land owned or held from Government or deserve to be Ueated as urban. Such towns, together with held rrem private persons or lri.stitutions for payment in their outgrowths, have been treated as one urban unit money, kind or share. Cultivation includes supervision or called 'Urban Agglomeration'. Thus. an urban direction of cultivation. agglomeration may constitute:

Agricultural Labourer: A person who works on another (i) A city or town with contiguous outgrowth person's land for wages in money, kind or share is regarded (the "art of outgrowth being outside the as an agricultural labourer. He or she has no risk in statutory .limits but falling within the cultivatIon but he or she mcrcly works in another person's boundaries of the adjoining viliage or land for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right to villages); lease or conuol on the land 011 which he/she works. (ii) one town with similar outgrowth or two or llou.!iehold Industry; It IS an industry which involves at· more adjoining towns with their outgrowths least manufacturing or processing or servicing or repairing as i'n (i) above~ or conducted by the head of household himself! herself and or by member of the househotd at Ilome or "within the (iii) a city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths, all of which form a Suwarnagotra. (in the High Hjmalayas) were continuous spread. incorpolated in his empire. After the death of Harsha in A.D. 647 the country was once again divided into Brief History or tbe District old pJincipalities of the sixth century B.C. (S.C. BajpaL KinDaur . A Restricted Laad in the Himalaya. 1991, pp. The dislIict. until recently known as Chilli tahsil 24-26). of fermer Mahasu district, came into being as an independent district from 1st May, 1960. Prior to merger In the background of the historical conditions of the States at the eve of independence. Kinnaur described in the preceding para, Bajpai, focussing Dn yalley was a part of erstwhile Bushahr State which had the. Kinnaur region, has stated that "it appears that headquarters at Ramjmr. the princes being adventurous owing to territorial greed. first went to these high hills and established themselves In tJ:te absence of authentic h~stori(;al records on varying terri10ries in accordance with their powers. the early history £If Kjnnaur region is obscure and the Particularly the area between , its tributaries and reference of Ihe Kinnaur or Kannaura and their land is Baspa up to Mansaroycr was under the rule of Thakkars by and large con.fined to legends and mytbologicaJ ·from very early limes. Tl\ey wen;:; known by the pl~ce accounts. Bajpai is of the opinion that it would be they had occupied like that of Chilli Thakur and Kamn.) worti1.while to look at the region of Kinnaur along with Thakur, under the overall suzeranity of Maurya and general conditions of northern India, particula.rly the Gupta Kings later on. It was ·the Thakur of Kamru who hilly region of Himalayas during the pedod from 6th proved strongest of all the otber chiefs of the, area century B.C. to A.D. 647. According to him. in the and annexed their territories by force same time after oeginning of the 6tb century B.C. India was divided the rail of the Konauj Empire and lard the foundation into sixteen great Janpadas ancI several smaller ones. of the state of Bushahr, to which ihe region of Kinnaur Among them Gandhara, Kamboja, Kuru. Kosbal. Mull, belonged til! the dissolution of the state very recently". Vaili. Panchal, Sakya were either in the southern (op.cit. pp. 26-27) Himalayan .ranges or h:ld territories extended up to Hima,tayan ranges. Among the states tbat were Regarding the Busha.hr state and Its rulers 'flourishing in the sixth century B.C~ the Kingdom of Bajpai mcnllons that in the:: medjeval period. t hQugh Magadha was the first to make a ;successful bid for some of the hili slates such as Kangra, Chamba and supremacy unde~ Bimbisara. Its ~mperors belonging t'O Sinnaur were attacked and made tributary to the Mughol $unga, Nanda and J\..1aurya dynastie-; carried their emperor of Delhi, Bushahr state could not be reached banners up to the inhabited parts of inner HimaJayan by" any adventurer of that period. The consolidation regions. Chandragupta Maurya brought about lIs and-' addition of tenitories to BlIshahr stale continued political unification under one scepture, negQtia[ed and during thai period also. The Thakoorais of DulaitoQ, alliance with Parvataka (Himalayan King) before empire Kurungoloo and KuaUro wele annexed about Samwat building. With Ihe belp of sever_al frontier tribes such 1611. Perhaps he was Raja Chaiar Singh. who brought as the Kimt's, Kambojas,'Panasikas and. Valhika. he the whole area of the erstwhile .Bushahr slate under built up the great Mauryan Empire. The empire of his control, He was considered as .most virtuous ruler Ashokn <,tendea up to the 'natural bo~ndaries of India during bi$ reign. Nothing particular is known abOlll his and beyond. that in the west. After the collapse of the successor Kalyan Singh. The successor of Kalyan Mau9an ~Empire the Kll'Shansas e~tablishcd an Singh according to genealogy was Raja Kehri Singh. ~,'(tensi\'e empire within and beyond Ip,dia in the north­ He is described as tne highest skilled warrior of the west.. Emp~ror Kani.shka's hegemony' .spread Q,"'er time. Kehri Singh's successors ' .... ele [Jot of the same Kashmir ~nd the Central Asian rcg,ans of Kashgar, mettle. Besides mention in genealogy of Bushahr state. Yarkand.and Khotan. His hold extend up to the territory nothing is known abo'ut Vijay Singh and Udai Singh. h of the inner Hima~ayas .and Kinnanr ipust have been is said that on~ Raja Ram Singh mad.e- Rampuf" his the part of this empire. In the meantime northern India capital, in place of Sarahan. and Kamru. OUTing ~is , ... -as divided into a numb-er of small kingdoms and reign a series of contests began with the Raja of Kulu autonomous t.ribal·stat~s. Under such a divlded country and Busllahr had lost the territory of Sera!. It seems the Gupta Empire grew. Samudragupta's empire included that the territories which were annexed by Raja KehTi tbe territories of Rohilkhand. Kumaon, Garhwal. Nepal Singh b~ame free during the weak .fule of Raj. Rod,. and Assam. Its northern boundary 'was along tne High Singh. But his successor Ugar Singh took them over Himalayas. Kinnaur _must have been Jncluded in it ~too. by force of" arms (op. cit. pp .. 32-33). ~arly in the seventh century, Harsha. came to power at Thaneswar in A.O: 606. Dudllg the course Qf next four· According to Punjab Stales Gazetteer - Shirnl, decades he had established a most powerful empire in Hills States, from 1803 to 1815 the er5mbil. state of India. All the "isting Kingdo",s of Kapi!a. Kashmir, Bushahr· raced the menace of Gurkha invasions. Kuluta. Satadru. Mon-li-pa-lo (Ladakh) and Immediately after lhc death of Raja Kesri Singh. ·the

6 Gurkhas made a massive attack on Bushabr. The minor Mahabharta". (A Note on Kinoars, Man in India, Vo1,34, ruler and his mother who could Dot withstand the attack No.1, 1954 : PAO). While in a recent dctailed a~~unt on fled away t(] Kamru leaving behind a rich treasury at the people, Bajpai informs that the Kinners h~ve deep Sarahan. The Gurkhas looted the treasury and roots in Indian mythology, iengeds and literature and completely destroyed the records of the state. are considered as a di stinct rac'e, somewhere between Regarding the Gurkha occupation, Bajpai has stated human beings and gods. Buddhist and Jain literature that the Gurkhas of Nepal had extended their dominions have mentioned the Kinneras time and again. Kinneras greatly during the end of the eighteenth century and have found a prominent place in Indian and Central the beginning of nineteenth century. Amar Singh Asian art The whole of the ceiling of cave One at Thapa, the Gurkha leader, went up to Kangra valley. Ajanta has 40nc them a great honour. They have also He was driven from the valley by the superior forces been depicted in countless sculptures. Besides, the of Ranjit Singh, and those of Raja Sansar Chand of Kinneras have also found mention in stories of Jatakas Kangra. The tract between the Sullcj and Jamuna came (op. cit. pp. 21-23). under British protection by the Treaty of 1809 between Ranjit Singh and British Government. Thus the BritISh Writing aoout tne legendary 'Kinnerdesh' i.e. Government took positive steps to expel the Gurkhas the land of Kannauras, Bajpai (op. cit. p,23} informs and after a long .nd despar.te struggle, Ochterlony . that the land of Kinnera at one time -was supposed to completely defeated Am.r Singh Thapa on 15th April, lie between the sources of the Ganga in the east and 1815. On tlle conclusion of Gurkha war, Raja Mahendra the Chandrabhaga river in the west. It is also said that Singh was granted a sanad on 6th November, 18J5. It this land was spread between the rivers Jamuna and gave Khaneti and Delath Thakur.is to Bushahr, and a Suliej, To the north of it was the soulhern part of part of Rawain, which was a district of the state, was Kasbmir, probably' Zaskar range, which was forming transferred to Keonthal; Kurnharsain was constituted a the northern boundary, and the southern boundary was separate Thakurai (op. cit pp. 33·34). Dhaula Dhar. The modern Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh is the remnant of the old legendary and From the foregoing account it would appear mythological land of Kinnerdesh. There must have been that during the princely days Kinnaur vailey acted as pressure from di'fferent sides on Ihese people. It is a bul wark to the Bushahr state. Ho,wever, with the probable the Vedic Aryans of the plains pushed Ilapse of paramountancy, the Kinnaur, then known as upwards, and another branch of Aryans Khasha might Chini tahsi~. was merged to form a part of then Mahasu have penetrated into the region gradually marching district. The pargana AtharahlBish comprised of through the hi lis of Kashmir. villages Niehar, Sungara, Kangos, Paunda, Bari~ Taranda and Chatihfa yillage with patwar circle at Paunda. the Hllwever, the prescnt day Kannaura do not paragana Pandrah/Bish consisted the revenue estates comprise a homogenous group and display significant ,r Nathpa, Kandar, Barakamha, Chhotakamha, Garshu and territorial and ethnic diversity. For a better Rupi ,.ith patwar circle at Rupi were in Rampur tahsil. understanding of ethnic and cultural distribution the Kinnaur district according to Nag, may be classified In fact, then Chini tahsil covered the entire into three territorial units. These are, namely, Lower. KinnaUI valley beyond Wangtu which was created in Middle a~d. Upper ·Kinnaur. Lower Kinnaur comprises 1891 by the then ruler Tikka Raghunath Singh. Thus, the area between Chaura at the boundary of Kinnaur since 1891 onwards Chini tahsil continued to be in district with Rampur Bushahi and Kalpa including

As stated earlier, the people of lower Kinnaur A number of dialects are spoken by the are mostly Hindus, though some reference of Buddhism inhabitants of district Kinnanr which came under is also evident. Their most important gods and 'Kinnauri' or 'Kanauri', According to the classification goddesses are Durga or Chandi. Bhairon, Ush. or Ukha, of languages, made by the Linguistic Survey of India, Narayan, Vishnu, Badrinath and Bhimkali. The Chamang 'Kanauri' comes under Tibcto-Chinesc Family of and Domang in addition have their own favourite languages. 1\ has further been classified as a language deities such as Nag Deota. Besides each village has belonging to Western Sub-Group of Pronominalized its preSldlng deity. The inhabitants of middle Kinnaur Himalayan Group belonging to Tibeto-Himalayan Branch are Buddhist as well as Hi odu. In the northern area under Tibeto - Burman Sub-Family (Census of India Buddhist influence is stronger. The important deities 1961, Vol. I. India, Part II·C(ii), Language Tables, p. of middle Kinnanr are Chandi. Gauri Shankar. Kansa CLXVI). In Shimla Hill States Gazetteer, 1910, there is and Narayanjee. There 3TC some monasteries besides a mention of three dialects spoken in Kinnaur. Bajpai the temples. The village god at Kanam worshipped by has mentioned that there are as many as nine different people of Buddhist faith is Dahl., who has certain dialects used by various sections in district Kinnaur. features associated"with the earlier Bon religion. The According to him. "one of them Sangnaur is spoken in image of Dabla is installed along with those of Buddha a solitary village Sangn_ur of tehsil puh. The villagcs and Guru Rinpocbc: (Padma Sambhava) in one of the on the Tibetan border' speak Tibetan dialects of western. monasteries at Kanam. The religion of upper Kinnaur Tibet. The. extent of spoken Tibetan is limited to the is mostly Buddhism, having the institution of Lamaism. village of Nesang, Kunu and Charang adjoining Tibet. They mostly follow Mahayan Buddhist religion. Almost Jangiam dialect is spoken in Jangi, Lippa and ASIang every village has a monastery with Lamas and Jomos, villages of Morang tehsil. The Shumccho dialect is who are recruited from amongst the Rajput (Kanet)only. spoken in the villages of Kanam, Labrang, Spito. Shy.so, Tailing 'and ;Rushkalang of Puh tehsil. A According to Chib, a major pah of the district Kinnauri - Jangiam mixture is the language used in is inhabited by people professing Lama religion. Rakchham and villages of Sangla tehsil. The Though venerated by the inhabitants of Nichar and Scheduled Castes or Harijans speak a language which Sangl. tahsils, Lama faith does not have a strong hold is closer to that of certain parts of the adjoining in these areas. There are Buddhist temples in many of districts of Kinnaur. Besides these dialects the educated the VIllage, of these areas yet the followers of this people of Kinnaur can speak Hindi also.Both men and faith do not form a significant group. In Kalpa, Morang women, specially in Sangla and Kalp. valley, can speak and Poo tahsils Lamas are consulted and their services EngHsh in addition to their mother tongue and Hindi utilised in performance of many religious ceremonies, (op.cit.p.p. 42-43). in Nichar and Sangla people do not nec~ssarily consult History of the District eemus Handbook IUld Its Scope: communicatioll$, approach to vmage, near~s1 town and distance, power supply etc, This part also contatUs Tbe need of data al the grass Toot level bot'h information regarding total population and number of for the administratlve, planmng as well as academic households. In the 1971 Census as well as In the 19&1 studies promoted the inO()vation of District Census Census, the Vtllage Directory format in District Census Handbook. The District Census Handbook was firstly Handbook Part·A had 20 columns while in 1991 Yillag, intrQduced during the 1951 Census which brought out Directory, the number of columns has been reduced to the ccns\l.s data down to the town/village level. Till 18 only due to deletion of Column 14 (Staple Food) then (he census data was presented mostly up to and Column 20 (Remarks). dlstrictltahsillsub·tahsil/town level only. As already stattdabove, Part-Bwould contain The District Census Handbook of 1951, apart­ the \>ll1age and Town Primary Census Abstract wluch from the census data contained general information includes data regarding total area oftheviJIage about the district like, ph~sical, socio·cultural and occupied residential houses, total [lumber of administrative aspects of the dlstnc( including both househoJds, popuJallon and its sex-wise data break-u:p. types of data. census as welras non-census, It also includes break-up of Scheduled Castes and The 1951 pattern of District Census Handbook Scheduled 'Tribes, Iltetacy and the break·up of continued uninterrupted till 1961. In 1961 the scope of population by sex into IX ~tegories j,e, L Cultivators, the Diwicl Census Handbook was made more II. Agricultural Labourers, Ill. Livestock, Forestry. comprehensive by including certain additional items Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied The enllre presentation was diVide« into four parts. activities, IV. Mining and Quarrying, V(a) First part dealt with the land and the people and the Manuractuting, Processing, Servicing and Repairs in second part contained census tables. However, third' Household Industry, V(b). Manufacturing, Processing, part conmined information regarding agriculture, medical Servicing and Repairs in ollleT than Hr)USehold Industry, and bealth while fourth part contained village/town VI: Construction, VII. Trade & Commerce, V!1I. directory. Transport, Storage and Communication and IX, Olher Services. Apart from the aforesaid da~ the P.C,A also During 19H it was realised tilat the conlain data on marginal workers and non·workers, In combination of census as well as non·census data in thc I?SI Census, the lIlalO workers were dealt in 4 a single publication, resulted inl1llnecessary delay ill broad industrial categories only. . til'!lelv publication of census results and in order to avoid"'iiiordinate delay. it was docided'that census data The sources for information regarding Village shouldl!:e"deli~edfrom the non-census data and the Directory have mamly been revenuc agcncies. Ilesides, publication should be-brought· o~t in. two volumes the information ha$ also been supplemented by various

Thus, District Census Handbook was spii\ed into two other departments like education, medical 1 local bodies volumes, First volume dealt with village/town-wise etc. The data collected from these agencies have been Primary Census Abstract of the district whereas the duly scrutini~ed to ensure their authenticity. second volume dealt wlth 'the non-census dala, social, economiC and cultural tables. SCODe of VlIIli!:t Directorv Statements:

In the 1981 Census in order to streamline and to'overcome del~y.jn bringing out the pubhcatlon, the Village wise data in respect of ameOlties nnd second part or 1971 District Census Handbook was Ihe land use pattern are depicted in IS columns First omitted: Thus, 198\ District Census Handbook brought column or tile Village Direl.iory deals wilh the location out '~l!lage/ town directory in Part A and town/village­ code numbers assigned to Ihe village in serial order. In wise Primary Census Abstract of thc concernCll·distriet seoond column, names of villages in English and Hmdi in Part B. veJSion alongwith their hadbast nllmbers have been given. Column three depicts th~ total area of villages 'i~ the '1991 Census too, with a'view to avoidi~ in hectares, Column four gives information about total delay in bringing out Ihe pnblicatton, District Census population and !lllmber of llOUsehold~ in brackets Handbook is being brought out in a single volume in Columns S to 10, barring Column No, 9 (day or days two parts as the data given therein arc closely inter· of the market/hat if any), deals with the amenitie~ like related, Part-A includes Village and TOWIl Directory, Education. Medical, Drinking water, Post and telegraph, while Part-B includes Village and Town Primary CensU5 Communications etc, In sucil cases where no facility is Abstract. In Part-A, Village Directory .will contain available within a village a dash (.) has been shown In information about the name of Village: 'total area of the column hut next'to it in buckets the distance in village, land use pattern, amenities hke education, broad ranges viz. -5 kms., 5·10 kms. and 10+ kIDS. of medical, drinking water, posts and telegraphs, the nearest place where such Educational, Medical, Post

10 and Telegraphic and Communication facilities are to May is spring and from September to October is available have been shown. Column 11 relates to the autumn. it has two distinct climatic zones .. the wet and state of road leading to the village. Column 12 deals the arid. Only the area south of the great Himalaya with the information regarding nearest town and its receives monsoon rains. This area roughly covers distance from the village and Column 13 with the Power Baspa valley and the lower reaches of the Sutlej valley. Supply, In the upper reaches of the district the monsoon showers progressively decrease and one can notice Columns 14-18 deal :with the tand use pattern the beginning of the complete arid Zone from the place which conform to the pattern of cias-sification of land called Spilo at a distance of 255 kilometres from Shimla. use as recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture. situated at an elevation of about 2,276 metres above Column 14 .deals with Forest, 15 with the land irrigated the Sea level. The vegetation aDove Kalpa rapidly by sources, 16 with un-irrigated land, 17 with culturable beconles sparse'r ultimately to remain only along the waste and 1~ with area not available for cultivatioD. river. Along the valley of the Sutlej as rar east as Wangtu the rainfall does not greatly vary from Shimla, Physical Aspects but beyond Wang1u the difference in considerable. The Boundaries: rainfall_becomes less and less as SIUpki is approached so that the climate of the upper Kinnaur is semi-arid. Kinnaur is bounded on the east by the Ngari West of Wangtu, the Sutlej valley has an annual rainfall region of western Tibet; the district is separated from of 175 centimetres. At Kilba. 16 kilometres east of the Tibet by the Zaskar mountains. The Dhaula Dhar Wangtu, this drops to 107 centimetres, and at Poo to range of mountains forms its southern boundary and it 40 centimetres. In the lower portion of Kinnaur, June separates Uttar Kashi district of Uttar Pradesh and is the warmest month and in the upper regions July Rohru tahsil of Shimla district from it. Srikhand Dhar and August are the warmest months. From 2.500 to separates the district from Kulu and Rampur regions in 3,000 metres there is a favourable situation such as at the west. In the north Kinnaur district is separated Chango, Leo and Morang where the temperature of from the Spiti region of Lahaul and Spiti district by the July and August ranges from 20' to 23'C, the October tivfTS Spiti and Pate near the internalional I>ollndary temperalllre is about' IO'C. At 3,50D metres '~e Sllmmet with Tibet. temperature appears from 13'C to 3'C. May and October Physicd Features : have very low relative humidity and are generally the The face of the district presents high hills drought months. Clouding is more heavy, persistent and low dales. with rapid and rushing streams and and prolonged in the long winter seaSOD. There, are streamlets and is marked by precipitous sky-high strong winds in tbe winter months. mountains with their peaks perpetually covered with snow, Tbe district is almost equally divided by the Geology ; main Sutiej valley. The river Sutlej enters the dis~rict from Tibet in the north-east ncar the village of Namgia According 'to Geological Survey of India, the and leaves it at the western end at Chaura ncar Wangtu knoW)) geological formations in the district are as bridge. The district is situated at a height between follows :- 1,220 and 3,050 metres above the sea level. River Sutlej Recent·Sub'Recenl Soils enters the district at an elcvatio,n of 3,050 metres and leaves it at an elevation of 1.220 metres_ There are Triassic-Rhaetic Limestone~ Shales. three more or less parallel mountain ranges: the Zaskar dolomite etc. mountains. the Great Himalaya and the Dhaula Dhar. The crest of the Zaskar mountain~ forms the eastern Carboniferous Quartzites and mternational boundary of Kinnaur with Tibet: the great limestones. Himalaya extends from the north-west to the south and the crest of the Dhaula Dhar constitutes the Silurian Coral limestone. southern boundary of Kinnaur at the south-eastern quartzites. corner where the last. two ranges merge. The general elevations of the peaks on these mountains vary Late-pro-cambrian Hairnanta system­ between 5,180 and 6,770 metres, and hence are covered cambrian phyllites, quartzites, IVlIh snow all the year round. conglomoraies. shales and slates. Climate: Pre-cambrian Schists, gaeisses. Kinnaur. due to its geographical situation has granites, quartzites , long winter from October to May, the snowy season; (Vaikrita system). and a short summer from lune to September. From April Rocks varying in age from Pre cambrian to

II Permo-carboniforuous are exposed in the Kinnaur land whereas there is better pasturage on the right district The district can be sub divided in three main bank. Taranda; Wangtu and Rogi are the prominent sectors on the basis of geological formations as cliffs in this valley. follows:· Located on an elevated tract, Hangrang or Spiti (i) Between the border of Kinnaur and Shiml. valley is drained by the river Spiti. It is bounded on district and Jangi : the south and west by the Hangrang, on the north lies The geological formations exposed in this area 'ladakh while Tibet is situated on the east. The valley have been named as Sarahan Series. The Sarahan Series joins the main valley of the Sutlej near Khab village constitute schist and gneisses with granite and and passes about thirty two kilometres on Spiti river ppegmatite instructions and basis roacks. The main lies in' the district. type of ,schist arc biotite schist, quartz-muscovite schist The Ropa, Shyaso and Sunnam valley is and quartz-tale schist. These are iIrtruded by basic drained by Ropa stream which traverses through instructions, which have been 'metamorphosed \ to inhabited area only for about eighi kilometres. ampbibole schists. Gneisses of the Sarahan Series are The Baspa or Sangla Valley is drained by the grey in colour and medium to course grained is texture. Baspa river. The impotlant villages of Sangla, Kamru. They frequently pass in the schist. Igneous rocks Chhitkul and Rakchham etc. are situated in this vaUey belong to three different period of instructions. The which is about 72 kilometres long. The upper part of rocks of the Saraban Series belong to Pre·cambrian this vaHey is surrounded by barren ranges whereas in period. lower parts there are a plenty of green pasture lands (ii) Between Jangi and Shipkila : on both sides. The rocks of this sector have been designated The Tidong valley, being rugged in nature. full as Jangi Series. It comprises slates, carbonaceous of rocks. caves and full of huge boulders is often refer slates. graphite phyllite, chlorite phyllite, sand stone to a scene of savage grandeur. The stream which runs gradIng into quartzite and thin bands of limestone. its course in the valley is known as Tining and the These formation range from pre combrian to cambrian valley encloses the villages of Kunu, Charang and in age. Thangi. (iii) Area nortb and west of Sbipkila : Besides the above principal valleys, there are The formations exposed in this area belong 10 few others of lesser extent such as Gyanthing or - Ordovician, Silurian, Denonian and Permo Nesang, Wangpo or Bhabba, Pojur or Lippa, Kashang, earboniferuous. The Ordovitian and Denonian nre Mulgoon and Yula. represented tiy red quartzite and'grit~s, o(tc:n underlain Rivers and Streams: by conglomerates and passing upwards into shales with bands of limestone and dolomite. The-lime stone bands The sources and the run alongwith other have yielded fossils of molluses, brachiopod, corals, characteristics of the important rivers and streams gastropod and trilobites. The overlying rocks known draining various parts of Kinnaur are mentioned as'Muthquartzite belong- to Deniman age. The Denonian hereunder is succeeded ~y a great development of limestone and dolomite belonging to l6wer and upper carboniferuous Sutlej : and Permian system. The limestone which are Sutlej the principal river of the district arises extensively crushed and brecciated vary from pUTe in the Himalayas and has plentiful and perennial limestone through dolomite limestone to pure dolomite. source: of water, It enters Kjnnaur district fro-m the These formations are rich in fossil remains. Tibetan terrhory by a pass and reaches the border of V~leys : Kullu. This river is calledSbataruru in Sanskrit literature. Kinnaur is not essentially a land of valleys. Sutuhdri in vedic Jiteratu(,e. Zaradros or Hcisidrus in The valleys of Kinnaur are narrow to the extent that Greek, Zungtee and Muksung in Tibetan, as well as they. mostly form the passages of stream. others being Sampoo, .Sumudrung and Sutoodra. It nses' The largest river in the district, SuUej, .passes from the lake Mansarover on the Tibetan highland and: through a very Harrow valley which is gorgeous in cuts the Zaskar range at Shipkila and enters the distric~ nature a long most of the course. Most of the villages of Kinnaur. The tributaries of the river Sutlej in this in Kinnaur are situated near springs and along the district are the Spiti river (razing torrent at Khab·· valleys of river streams which are principal sources of village) the Ropa, the Taili, the Keshang, the Mulgoon.· water. The Sutlej valley is the largest river valley of the Yula, the Wanger, lhe Shorang, and the Rupi on' the district and traverses for nbout 146 'Kms. in the the right bank whereas the Tirung, the Gyanthing, the' region. It lies mostly in north east to south east Baspa, th~ Duling and the Saoldung are its left bank' direction. The level space in the bott6m is con tributaries. .J inconsiderable being usually not much broader than is sufficient for the passage of the rivcr~ The viHages are Spiti (Lee) : located on the left banks of this river being the flat It is the second, m_ajor river of ~he district ...

12 has its. source in the far-north all the eastern slopes The Tidong rises on soulh-east -frontieG of the mountain ranges which run between Lahul and towards Garhwal and holding north- westerly course SpitL Before meeting the Sutlej at a place called Khab, along the north west!,rn base of the huge Ruldung at an altitude of 2,589 metres, Spiti is joined by seve ..1 range, it faUs into the ,Sutlej near Rispa on Ine left feeders which meet the river both at right and left bank, banks, The Chaladokpo, the Yulang, the Lipak and the Tirasang are its main tributaries. The only mentionable Lakes and Springs: tributary on the I,ll bank is Chaladokpo existing between Chango and Changrizang, whereas on the right There is no large sized lake in the district. side are the Yulang, the Lipak and the Tirasang, There is one lake in Nako situated, on the western declivity of the large mountain of Leo Pargial about The Baspa : 1.6 Kms, above the left bank of Ihe Spiti river. Another small lake, locally called Sorong, is situated above the The Baspa river, another feeder of the Sutlej, villages of Ramni and Jamni -in Nichar tahsil. A small rises'from Dhaula Dhar mountain of the Himalayas and lake is also situated above the Labrang village of POD passes through the valley bearing its name and meets tahsil which is locally called Tomchho, Springs mostly the Sutlej at a place called Karchham, at an elevation come from snow are scattered all over the district. The of 5,945 feet, after a distance of about 72 kilometres, water of spring is used for drinking purposes as well Its channel is wide and forms many lceland of stones as for irrigation by Constructing kuhls, There are number and pebbles, overgrown with streams and streamlets of hot water springs in NichaT tahsil. One such spring on both the right and left sides, The Zupkia. the is found at Na\~pa three at Tapri and one at Joktiaring Thathang. the Boring, the Rukti and the Suthi are its hamlet about five kilometres towards east of Nichar important tributaries. Major CharacteristicI of tbe District The Yulang originating between Shiakhar and Forests: Leo joins the Spiti river after c~ursing for about 13 kilometres. Prior to 1850, no records were available of the early history of the forests of Kinnanr district. It seems The Ropa rises on the south-western declivity almost certain that larger areas must have been under of a range which bounds Kinnaur on the side of Lahul forest. In 18SI. Lord Dalhousie, the then Governor and Spiti and after coursing for about 45 kilometres. it General of India. deputed Captain Longden to explore falls into Sutlej near Shiaso village, The Pojur or Taiti and report on the forests of the Western Himalayas is one of the largest feeder of Sutlej which runs for which included Bnshahr. A favourable' report was about forty kilometres independently in a south-easterly submitted in 1952'H. In 1864 the forests of Bushahr direction through the journey. state were managed bY'the British Government and a lease concluded with the Raja of Bushahr in ,The Kashang, a hill torrent with considerable consideration of certain payment. water volume has a south easterly direction and joins the Sutlej, It cross by the route and falls between Before the merger. the forests of Bushahr state Pangi and Sunnam. were taken from the Durbar of the Punjab Government on lease, According to the terms of the lease, certain The Mulagoon is a large torrent which after fQrests were kept reserved for the use of ruler. With crossing for about 24 kilometres in a south-easterly the merger, the.lease was annuled and the 'management direction falls into Sutlej. It rises on the range that and control of all the forests was transferred to the separates Kinnaur from Lahul and Spiti.The Hindustan HimachaLPradesh Administration. Tibet Road ciosses it near Pangi whereas it is crossed by National Highway-n near the point the Kalpa link Two Forests Divisions viz. Nichar and POQ are road bifurcates the National Highway" presently functioning in Kinnaur district. The forest area in the district according to legal classification is The Yula originates on the eastern declivity of 834897.41 hectares, Out of Ihis, the demarcated Ihe range forming the boundary between Kinnaor and pro~ected.forest area is. spread over in 2],804 hectares Lahut and Spiti districts, E nows independently for a (Nichar 16.465 hectares, Poo 5,339 hectares) whereas distllDce of 23 kilometres and then jqins the Sutlej, undemarcated protected forest is spread over in 619025 hectares (Nichar 464269 hectares, Poo 154756 ~hectares), Tile Wanger formed by the torrents of Bhabha The remaining area of 194068 hectares·- are termed as and Soorchi falls into Sutlej on the right side at unclassified forest area. Wangtu, It flows from the eastern declivity of Damuk Gllue, Kinnauras are primari iy agro·pastorai people

13 and their laud utilisation and management practices are The forests have been termed as crude and primitive. Large scale felling of forest tracts 'Green Gold" and there is heavy pressure on within out side reserved and demarcated forests took forests due to requirement of fuel wood during place in an unrestricted manner for house construction, the long and harsh winters and requirements for the extension of cultivation and for finding grazing of timber by the right holders for the grounds for the ever increasing cattle. These fellings construction of houses. combined with fires, loppings and over grazing resulted in the destruction of large areas of forests and pasture The forests of Kinnaur are va luable lands. To overcome this problem the forests timber forests and source of considerable department has closed certain areas in Nichar and Poo revenue. for grazing throughout the year. Besides, it is also being ensured that there is no breach of Forest Rules. Wild life Sanctuary:

The forest type fall naturally into three The tract of Kinnaur district due to great " : main divisions in Kinnaur district - . v.ariation in its elevation, climate and topography (i) The moist zone forests a~e ·found on the left represents varied fauna and flora. For· the reasons of side of the Sutlej valley with northern exposure their ecological, faunal, floral and geomophelogical upto Nichar. They comprise the Tranda range importance three wild life sanctuaries have been created of forests. The forests arc particularly in this district these are : continuous. From the river side at 3,500 feet to I. I Rakchham - Chitkul Sanctuary alpine pasture at 12,000 feet on the right base 2. Lippa" Asrang Sanctuary consists of grass lands and higher up are the 3. Rupi - Bhabha Sanctuary forest belts. Along the side stream, the forest are well developed and Pinus Longifolia, Pinus The main objective of creation of thesc Wallichiana, Cedrus· Deodara, Pices Smithiana, sanctuaries is protection, propagation and development Abies Pindro, Pinus Gordiana (orm a broad belt of wildlife there in and its environment. of forests along with sides of the Sutlej valley The other two wild life sanctuaries of Kinnaur and the side streams between the cliffs of the namely Lippa-Asrang and Rupi-Baspa are situated In gorge below and alpino pastures. On the [ower the north-eastern part of this district. The Lippa~Asrang slopes up to 5,000 feet, Chir pines ·occurs in is in the upper catchment of Taiti Stream which is an pure form and higher up given way to Quercus important tributary of Sutlej river. in~ana and Rhodeondron arboreum. ·On shelter Flora: ravine bank between 5,000 to [2,00 fect Cedrus No sysiematic botanical survey have been Deodara and Pinus Wallichiana form .intervine conducted in Kinnaur district. The following yarious forests, higher up from 7,000 to 10,000 feet. spices of the plants and forest trees are generally found Picea Samithiana ~ith mixture of broad leaf in the Kinnaur district species predominate. Botanical Name Local Name (ii) The dry zone is spread in middle Kinnauf where the deodar reaches its optimum L Borboris aristata Komal development and forms Iluge areas of pure 2. Borboris lycium Kashoala forests. It extends from Nichar to Chini and 3. Borboris potiolaris Karundu also .found in Sangia valley. At the lower levels, 4. Botula utilis Bhojpatra pine trees .abound while in the higher tracts 5. Cap paris spinosa Bussar blue pine, spruce and silver fire trees are found. 6. Cedurs deodara Deodar Neoia pines (Chilgoja) which produce edible 7. Clematis Luchananiana nuts grow in this zone and are the only forest 8. Clematis larbellate of neoza in India barring the Peer Panjal range. 9. Clematis connate 10. Clematis graveolens Bailen climbars (iii) The arid zone includes the parts 11. ClelIlatis grata adjoining to Tibetan border where the deodar 12. Clematis momtana develops well only on cool aspects and 13. Clematis qrientalis comparatively at higher elevations than else 14. Cotonoaster bacillar is Reesll where. In this zone, the forest is consisting of 15. Corylus colurna Sheloi rose dog and dwarf bushes and vast barren, 16. Daphno qleoides Agru desolate and rocky areas are devoid of tree 17. Elsltoltzia polystachya Pag cover. 18. Frazinus xarithoxyloides Thun

14 19. [lex dipyrona Kaderu 25. Leopard or Panther (Tendwa) 20. Indigfora gorardina Kathi 26. Long eared rat 21. Juglana zogia Akharot 27. Musk deer 22. Myraino african3 Chitrillg 28. Red dyn, or caracal (Sinaghush) L1. Pbetronthus rugosus Pag 29. Rhesus Monkey 24. Pinus excelsa K:liJ 30. Serow 25. Pinus gerardiana Neoza 31. Sinall Tibetan grey fox lk. Pinus longifolia Chir 32. Small grey fox 27, Pi stacia integerrina Kakzosan 33. Snow leopard 28. Painsopia utilis Bhekumi 34. Upland hare 29. Prunus anneniaca Chuli lS. White nosed weasal 10. Prunus padus Jamu 36. Yellow bellied weasel 11 Prunus persixa Baimi, Aau 37. Himalayan Wolf or chanku in local parlance 32. Prunus puddum Phaja 38. House hare. 11 Pyrus communis Nashpali 14. Pyrus malus . Sea OUI of the mammals that are denizens of this 35. Pyrus pashia Kainlh arca better known are brown bear, musk deer, Tibetan 36. Rhus punjabensis Tillri (Harku) antelope and ibex.-The wild cal. leopart cal. civel cal. 37. Rhus syccedanca Sish jackal and hill fox are commonly found. 38. Rumex lastatus Shrub 39. Rumex napalansis Shrub Birds: 40. Spiraoa eindbeana Kushl 41. Syringa embedi Shapar Peasant5, monats, hawks, eagles, dove. pigeons, 42. Vibusnum cotinifotium Tustuskbatele snow cock, trapogan, plash, koklash and chakor are commonly found in the area. Raven and the common i"auna: indian crows are plantiful.

No systematic survey of the local fauna has Reptiles: ever been conducted in the area: Nature has endowed Lhe tract WIth various fauna due to considerable Snakes of various ·kinds are found some times. variation in the elevation and climate. The following Common reptile species are the spotted agama, Indian are lhe species of fauna found in the district ; chameleon. common krait 'and the other harm less crealures. In lhe emphibia family. frogs arc found at I Bharal some places. Among the lizards, monitor lizard, common 2. Brown bear (Lat Bhalu or snow bear) house gecko and garden lizard are found occasional1y. J Hill fox (Lomri) 4 Common jungle cat Fish: S. Porcupine 6. Common Enropeonbat Among the prominent species of fish found in 7. Common Musk threw mUSI ral (Chachmdor) the streams and .rivers of the district, two families of 8. Common euer udbilao Salma fario and Oreinns sinuatus are to be _found The 9. Common rat indigenous "fish fauna is uniformly distributed in the 10. Common lndian rat or root rat waters of the district. The exotic .fish species brown 11. Common House mouse trout (Salma fario) was introduced in Baspa river in 12. Dark brown leat bat 1926 and fishery is being revived. In 1961-62 Slale 13. FlYIng fox Fisheries department has established a Trout Farm at 14. Ghoral Sangla incubating the' trout eggs, which were brought 15 Greal Himalayan leaf nosed bal from Barot fish Farm in Mandt District. 16. Himalayan Langur 17. Himalayan black bear (Bh~lu. Richh) De,ert Development Project : 1&. Himalayan thar 19. HImalayan Palm Civet There are vast tracts of browns yellow and 20. HImalayan ibex black mountains with deep and dangerous· ·gorges. 21 Indian mounljeck migrating· (Jungle Bakri) occassionally spreading inlo long' plains behind the 22. Jackal (Oidhar, shial) ever green forests and mountains. ··These arc'as are 21. Large brown fluying squirted having desert like conditions with no vegetables, loose 24. Leopard cal (Chita Bill) and shallow s:l.ud like soil and Illerefore. have lieen

15 termed as cold deserts of great Himalayas having arid was felt that c(mi.fe~us species such as juniper and and temperate climatic condition. These deserts spread Chilgoza are more adopted to the local conditions as I in an area of approximately 10,000 sq. kms. existing compared to poplar and willow. from Baralacha Pass (16,000ft.) in Lahul & Spiti diftrict So far Desert Development Project POD bas covering the entire Spiti Sub Division of Lahul & Spiti covered an area of 276.70 hectares upder afforestation and ex.tends up to Poo Sub Division of district Kinnaur. and has planted about 6.00 lakhs plants. The survival In 1977, a wor.!

16 large number of perennial snowfed streams. The SUIlej increasing the yield PCl unit of area lS being given river and its tributaries provide many suitable sites for higl1est priority by adopting vanous programmes/ hydrQ-electric projects. measures like ·seed distribution programme' of high yielding varieties, pol~to development scheme, control Two small hydel stations set up at Rukti aDd of pests and diseases. development of, vegetables and Pangi NaHah cater the local requirements out of which seed production prog..amme, use of improved implimems, Pangi Nall.h unit has been washed away in 1980 by development of oil seeds and pulses, development of flood. The unit of Sanjay Vidut Pariyozna. conceived local manure resources, subsidy in fer,tilizers and soil to divert Wangar river and pass through a long tunnel consef\lation. to underground power station near Kandar village with a generation capacity of 120 MW per day has been Uorticulttare : commissioned in 1990. Nathpa lhakri Project under execution in the collaboration with Haryana Government The climate of Kinnaur district is very and National Hydro Electricity Corporation has been .congenial for the development of horticulture and cleared by the Central Gevernment and the prelIminary apples in particular. With the introduction of improved work has already been started. Investigation work on techniques, expertise in orchard growing and Wangtu. Karchham and some other projects are going transportation' facilities, the production of fruits is also on. Increasing year 10 year. Kinnaur district ha.s'a distinct place in the country for its quality apples and tempera1e Land and Land U,. Pattern : fruits like walnuts, almonds, chilgoza, rai'in, apricot etc. The ~ain commercial varieties of apple grown are The district is spread over in deep valleys and Royal Delicious, Rich . Red, Red Delicious and Golden high elevtions and cultivation is possible only in small Delicious which arr· directly marketed to Chandigarh, terraces of land holdings in the high hills or in the Delhi, Madras, Calcutta and Bombay markets. basin of streams and Khads. It is only in the basins of the river, streams and khads that the Jand is a li~t]c Ever since the creation of district, constant bit Oal and fertile and the cultivation of cereals and emphasis has been always given on th,e b01tlcul1ure to pulses as well as off season vegetables is extensively boost up the traditional economy and considerable rum •. Sloppy areas of high altitudes are most suitaole strides have been made in this regard after th~ creation for horiticuliUral purposes especially in the growing of of district The area under apple was 2,025 hectares in delicious apples aDd ,olher _stone fruits such as 1980-81 which has increased to 4,431 hectares in 1991- almonds, walnuts, apricots etc. 92. While the production of apple in the district has increased from, 7,151 tonnes te 16,530 tonnes during Except for the village sites and the grazing this period. Total production of fruits in the .district, grounds there is no shamlat deh or village common which in.cludes apple, nuts and dry fruits, citrus fruits land. All uncultivated waste is the properly of Slate. etc., was of 7,812 tonnes in 1980-81 which has Settlemenl Qpera~i(}ns in the district were carried out in increased tOo l6.879 t(mnes during 1991-92, different times. Departmental bee keeping stations arc also Agriculture: functioning in the dislrict at Paond., Shabha, Kilb., Urni and Giabong which produced 900 kgs. of honey Kinnaur is predominantly an agricultural district. during the year 1990-91. Agriculture development in the hilly areas posses Animal Husbandr~ : peculiar problems due to steep and difficult terrain, small and scattered holdings, depleting fertility of soil Livestock resources of the dimict consist of by constant erosion_ the crop yield are vary ·low. The sheep and goats. Milch cattle arc very few and yield crop season is limited (0 only six, monlhs due to very liWe milk. With the exception of Chaur. village, intensive cold a!1d snow fall. However, the economy buffaloes are co_...nspkuous by their absence all over of the district is highly agro-pastorage. Land holdings ~jnnaur. Before the percolation of modern developments are generally small and scattered almost every family in Kinnanr the wealth of the family used 10 bc measured bas a piece of land. ·Soils generally·.consists of sand, in terms of the sheep and goalS the family had. sandy loam, clay loam, stony and graval. WhCai, barley, Kannauras had the Oourishing trade wilh western Tibet maize, potato, vegetables and pulses are the main crop' and Ladakh until and beginning of siXties patricularly of the district. in wool. pashrnina, goats and sheep through barter system. For the developm~nt of tbe district ·in the agricultural front, intensive agrisult.tlre aiming at The improvement of the breed ef livestock is

17 the main concern of the department of animal Whatever [rrigation is possible is provided througb husbandry in the district which has been taking a kuhls from the perennial Khads. With the creation of considerable stride in the di,(ricL, There were J 8 separate irrigation department, much atlentioD is being vetcrir., ry hospitals, 28 veterinary dispensaries and 1 given to construct and improve the kuhls, The -mobiJe veterinary dispensary in the district in 1991. implementation of minor irrigation scheme is the Apart from these, 3 I artificial j nsemination centres were responsibility of Community Development Blocks also functioning. Besides there are two poultry units functioning in the district, but the major and medium at Pe<> and Tapri. two bull centres at Kilba and Sangla, irrigation schemes are with the Irrigation and Publk one sheep breeding farm at Karchham and a yak Health Division of tbe Pubtic Works Department During breeding centre at Sangla. Cross breed jersey cow and the year 1990.-91, as much as 5,218 hectares of marino breed of sheep have beoome very popular among culturable command area ha,e been brought. nnder kuhl the progressive farmers. irrigation.

One fodder development farm run 'by the Animal Roads: Husbandry department is functioning at Thangkarma. To solve the fodder problem the department [s Before the formation of Stale. there were no providing improvement variety of fodder seeds like motorabIe 01 even jeepabJe roads in the district. The lucern, berseen~. orchard grass arid grass roots to tile only link with the outside world was the Hindustan far"mers. Tibet Mule road. After the formation of Hlmachal Pradesh an ambitious plan of road development was Fisheries: prepared for this area. The National Highway No. 22 was aligned by Public Works Department and by early There is a vast Det work of perennial rivers. 1961 was made safely jeepable up to Tapri. With the streams and khads in the district and there is a g'reat transfer of this road to Border Roads Development scope for the de,elapment of fish culture. The Himachal Board early in 196 I. the road construction has been Pradesh Fi'heries department has estabiished a Trout carrie

18 of district. TIle following banks have been opened in of the festivals whicb are by and large celebrated all the district up to the year 1990-9l. over the district is given below·

Name of Bank Branches Sazo:

I. State Bank of India I. Pooh, 2. Chango, This festival is observed in the month of 3. Oiabong, 4. Lippa, January. On this day the people take their bath In the 5. Moorang natural springs and few 'even go to 'Sutiej river for 2. United Conunercial Bank I. Nathpa Zula,2. Katgaon bathing if they happen to live near lbe river. Poltus, 3. Tapri, 4. Sangla, rice, pulses, vegetables, meat, ha/wa, chi/ta and pug 5. Arainzula, 6. Spillo, are the principal dishes prepared on this occasion, In 7. Yangtbang tbe morning the family god is worshipped with the J. Punjab National Bank I. Nigulsari, 2. Reckong food except meat. The hearth is also worshipped. Ncar Pea, 3, Kalp. noon time the deity is brought out and worshipped 4 Union Bank of India I. Nicbal with wine and ho/wa. A folk dance is held. Thereafter, 5. HP State Co-operative I. Kalpa, 2. Reckong Peo, th~ deity is believed to have gone to Kinner Kailash. Bank 3. Pooh, 4. Moorang, 5. Sangla, 6. Tapri, Pbagul or Sukar ; 7. Nichar, 8. Sungra 6. H.P. Land Mortage I. Rcckong Peo It is celebrated in the month of February­ Bank March. In this festival the spirit of Kanda (Peaks) called kali is mainly worshipped which lasts abut a fortnight Trausport : and is celebrated all over Kinnaur. Each day of the festival is called by different name and several peculiar The road transport is the life line of the functions are held each day. On tbe last day a feast economy of the district. National Highway No. 22 is prepared and people worsbip Kali on the roof of the passes through the heart of the district up to Kaurik. bouses and then partake of the food. It is belie~ed All the tahsil headquarters are connected with the that after tbe functions and festivals are celebrated district headquarters by motorable roads. In order to with full zeal, Kali the spirit feels bappy and blesses provide maximum transport fadlities to the people, the the villagers with prosperity and plenty in tbe coming government is constructing additional link road with years. view to connect each panchayat with their respective tahsiIlblock headquarters. Tapd region of Himachal Baisakhi or Beesh : Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (H.R.T.C.) is operating a fleet of more than 25 buses daily in 37 It is celebrated in the month of April-May. The routes. out of which two are interstate and 15 are villagers prepare good food like poilU, ha/wa and interwstrict. koya.hid. The image of .the goddes is brought out of the temple and a fair' is held in the courtyard of the Social and Cultural Events temple. It is an occasion to get together and to dance Fairs and Festivals: and drink. This festival marks the end of winter season also. New woollen cloths are worn from the wool spun In Kinnaur district various fairs, festivals and during the winter, community dances are the traditional meaDS of amusement and recreation for the vil!agers. The fallS Dakbraini: are held on festival days and are 'accompanied by dancing all round the year in different parts of Kirmaur. This fesiival is celebrated in tbe month of July· During these fairs and festivals, they drink and dance August. On this day a feast is served. The deity is in joyful mood. The women dancers sing songs which brought out and the villagers dance before her. longor invariably consist of some old or contemporary locai and Lshoskar flowers are brought from the Kanda peak legends. Musicians, which mostly belong to Scheduled and their garlands are offered to the goddess. After Casles, with drums, wind·instruments and cymbals this these flow~rs are distributed among the vill?gers. accompany the dancers as they circle, arms entwined. One or two members from the family where death might with slow, rhythmic steps round their villages deity in have ocourred before this festival go to the peak of tbe temple courtyard. Fairs in Kinnaur district do not the hill and offer some food and fruit to the shepherd always signify commercial or trade activities of the in memory of departed soul. A white flag on which region. They are organised generally in tbe festivals. some Buddhist mantras .are written is fixed there as a Different fairs and festIvals, however, a brief account sort of prayer for lhe peace of the departed soul.

19 Flakh or DI>-Khayang : district The vallcy is richly cultivated. It ftas green pasture lands on both the sides and the meadows near I[ is • fcsm'al of flower oolebrntcd in [te lllcntll tbe valley arc fuU of flDwers and fruit trees. of Septcm~e,. This f

A look at Ibe availability of educational Losa.r is celebrated in the month 'of December' facilities in the villages at Ihe C.D. Block level r.\·eals to welcoIT!e the new year. On this day in the morning that in Poo C.D. Block 52 villages have 56 primary a 5P""ial preparation o(parched 'barley mixed with butter 5chool., 19 villages have equal no tni>er of middle milk i> iaken by all the family m~mbers and they put ,ct.""ls. 10 villages h~ve equal numot, of hIgh school,. on garlands of chilgoza. Visits to the neighbours and onc village has a higher secondary school. While all friends are redIlfocated and greetings O[ losuma "tashis. of t~e 3 other ·institutions, reported io Ihe preceding meaning 'happy new year, are e,changed While lbe para, are located in Poo C.D. Block. There arc 26 villages eldeIly per:son b.est.ow their Josltma s.h.aJki.d or in the Block having no edut'lllioDal iacilities. KaJpa C.D blessings. 1wo or three days before the losar Testival Block has 53 primary schools located in 33 villages, Z2 ~hap. is obseTVed. On i!tis day it is customary to middle schools located in 19 .iIlages, 11 high ,cllools fetch small branches of a thorny bus)J and place ii on located in 10 "ilIages and one village has also a higher lhe doo!s. It is meant t~ wa,d off the evil spirits. On secondary school. Nichat C.D. Block bas 58 primary thoe next day tbese tbom:{ h'lo1.gs ~tt reIl1O,-ed and" schools in 53 village', 17 middle and g high ""hool' t"'own fa' away from the .illage and .• fesl follows in in equal nuruber of villages. while there are 30 villages the night. in the Block I'mvlng no eaucational facility. As ,egalds medical r.dlilies, Appentlix 1 shows Places of Historical, Archaeologicn.! and Touri't that 'in the dislriet 3& villages have 39 disponsa"es. 5 Int-erest: ,mages "ave equal. number of hospitals, I() villages have equal number of primary heallh centre. and J I There are" no piaces in Kinnaur dIStrict which vill_ge. have equal numb., of primary health SUD' can ,be historicaUy/archacologieally considered as centres. While one village is having oth" illStltutiou.. ...s,ignificanl excfp1 Moenmg ,md Labnmg [orrs wlllcn are bClievcd to have been construoted hy Pandava,. C.D. Blo.k wi«, POD has 16 di,pnn,ane,. t Besides these thele is a Kamrn fOri whe,e the Raja of hospiial. 5 primary health centres and 8 primary health the erstwhile slato of Bushahr used to take shelter at. sub~cenlres in equal number of villages under lhe the lime of need. Howeve" almost every village in respective category of medical facility. While 44 villages Kinnaur district has a temple 'which is taller in s~ze of p~Q. C.D. Blocl< .have bCelI recorded 3. having 11

poten1lal for attracting the tourists l : nature l'9yers. J I plimary health sub-centres located in the equal trekl!.ers ::md 3lhentur'es alike. The Baspa or Sallgia number of villages 'under each of the respecthre vaHey is thc most be.utiful and romantic in Kin.aur category. While lhere are 63 vUJages in Njchar.S.D

20 Brock ha\'in,g n(l medical facility witltln the village. Communication wis., only 88 villages out of total 228 inhabited villages in ahe district enjoy the Regarding drinking water facilities. as has beell facilities of bus stops thereby presenting a discouraging stated earjjer~ all of the 228 inhabited vi]Jages in the '«Dario in lhis regard. Of these, 35 viUages fall in Poo district have this facility. Presenting the source of C.D. Dlock followed by 30 villages in Kalpa C.D. Block drinking wa1er in the village Appendix I reveals that j and 23 vmages in Nichar' C.D. Block. Due to its 166 have tap water~ t bas tank water, 29 have riveI topograpnical constmints, road transporl is lb. (01)' W2tet, 17~ han Kubl -or canal watf"r iln.d 91 ha",f' other ffit;:ans of c'()mmu.ni-cation and orher, means of sources of drinking water. The category of 'others' communication 1ike railway and navigable water way includes sources of drinking water like bowli, spring, are non-existent in the district. na1hb etc, which are being extensively used in the district. There are 179 villages in the distIict having J[1 Kinnaur district, 187 villages have heen mor~ than ()ne source of drinking water in the: district. electrified. The number of electrified villages reponed

I from .Poo C.D. Illock is 66 followed by 6S villages in C.D. Block wise. Poo C.D. Block has 59 villages Nichar C.D. Block and S6 villages in Kalpa C.D. Bl<>,k connech:d with tilp waler :i)·stem. Th~ rivr:r Wil-ter is A, reg.His non-availability of ]lower ~upp!)' in tile hemg used for .dlinkirlg purptne:s in ~ villages Dna 70 "jllaBes, there are 41 villages in the district having no viHages ha",'e a source of watet from Kubl or Canal. 23 power supply. At the C.D. Block level. Nich.r C.D. villages have 'other' sources cf drinking waler supply Block has 20. POD C.D. Block has 14 and Kalpa CD. and 67 villages have got more than (lne :source of Block has 7 such villages wbere power supply is not drinking water. In Ko19. C.D. Block 49 VllIage. nave a"ailabfe. !he facilities of tap water. The tank wattl is being used for drinkLng purposes in one village, 16 villages have Appendix 11 of the Villages Directory deals wilh the source of water from river and 52 villages have the Jr.e la:ld utili:sation d;e~a jll respe::cl of Don~murJLcjpal !

As regards poslal facilities, 60 villages of ~l1e il.llpendix IV



Population : workers. The next Iwo decades, 1971-81 and 1981-91, District Kinnaur has returned a population of register a steady growth of population in the district 71,270 at tile 1991 Census as against a population of which is 19.49 per cent and 19,69 per cent respectively. 27,232 persons at the 1901 Census, indicating thereby The table given below gives the sex ratio l.e,. thai the district has registered an overall increase. of number of females per 1,000 males since 1901. It may 162 per cent. This growth rate is, however, slower wilen placed against 169 per cenl growth rate for the be seen therefrom that it has always been unfavourable State as a whole during the corresponding period of to females except in the 1951 Census. Ailer 1961, last 90 years. Tile growth of population during the last howeveJ. the sex ratio shows a disti"nctly decTeasing 90 years, flOm 1901 to 1991. according to the present trend. One of the contributory factors for lower sex jurisdictIon of district Kinnaur has been elaborated in ratio in the district may be that the entire district is the table given below : iural and the students are compelled to go out for availing higher. educational facilit·ies. Besides, presence Decadal Variation in Population Since 1901 of army and para-military organisations in the district Oi'bjct Year Persons Males Females Decadal Percentage may also have added in the prevailing trend of lower variation decadal sex ratio. The sex ratio in the district comes to 856 as variation against 976 for the state.

Sex Ratio Since 1901

Kinnur 1901 27,232 14,252 12,980 Year Females p~r 1,000 Males

1911 28,470 14,710 13,70~ (-+)1,238 (-+)4.5.5 1901 911

14,664 (~)279 1911 2g,I91 13,527 (-)0.9R 1911 '3> 19.21 922 1931 30,44' 1.5,68~ 14,760 (+)2,254 (+)8.00 1931 941 1941 3:3,238 17,400 1',838 (-1)2,793 (+)9.17 1?41 9)0 11}51 34,475 16,654 17.821 (-+)1.237 {-4-)3.72 19'1 1,070

1961 40,980 20,808 20,172 (;)6,505 1+)1887 1961 969

1971 49,835 26,407 23,42S (+)8,855 (+)2161 1971 887 1981 ., 1981 59.547 31,.598 27.949 (+)9,711 (+)19.49 . 1991 8,6 1991 71,270 38,394 32,876 ("I")J 1,723 (+)19,69 Tile 1991 Census presents data up to Community Tile above table indicates that tbe population Development Block level. Kinnaur dIstrict has three C.D. of Kinnaur district has registered a gradual increase Blocks, namely, Poo, Kalpa and Nichar. Poo C.D. Block ever since 1901 excepting during 1921 when it has comprises Poo and Morang tahsiLs and Hangrang sub­ decreased marginally to the extent of 2.'79 persons (0.98 tahsil, Kalpa C,D. Block comprises Kalpa and Sangla tahsils per cent) which is attributed to sp.read of epidemics in whereas Nichar C.D, Block consists of only one tahsil of the region which had taken 3 heavy tol1 of lives. ]n the same name. Table 1 gives C.D. Block wise nopn\ation the first SO years, ie, upto 1951, the growth of and number of villages. population is comparatively slower. The decade 1951- TABLE 1 61 registers an abrupt increase in population by 18,87 Population and Number of Villages, 1991 per cent. Whereas· next decade, 1961-71, shows a Name of C.De' . Population of villages No. of Vlllage.

25 The district has returned a population of 71,270 Table 2 shows the tahsil/sub·tahsil wise persons at Ihe 1991 Census of these 38,394 are males distribulion of population during 1981 and 1991 and and'n,876 females. Kalpa, with a population of 26,137 the percentage ~ecadal varia lion. The table Shows' thaI (14,108 males and 12,029 females), is the biggest C.D. the population of Kinnaur district has increased frQm Block in lerms of population followed by Nichar C.D. 59,547 in 1981 to 71,270 in 1991 tbereby showing an Block with a population of 23,861 persons (13,167 males increase of 19.69 per cent during the last decade. Tahsil and ]0,694 females).While C.D. Block Poo has a wise, Nichar tahsil has registered a. growth rate of population of only 21,272 persons (ll,119 males and 26,04 per cent with the absolute increase of 4,930 10;153 femalesl. There are total 662 villages in tbe persons which is the highest among the tahsils of the district of these only 228 are inhabited. At the 1981 district followed by Kalpa tahsil with 20.96 per cent Census there were only 77 villages in the district ~nd and Poo tahsil with 18.54 per cent. Hangrang sub· all of them were inhabited. This drastic increase in the tahsil, which is the smallest in terms of population, number of viJIages is as a result' of resettlement has registered a growth rate of I7~91 per cent, while operation carried out in Ihe district during 1985 and Sangla, numerically the third biggest tahsil of the 1987. Prior to it a vast area of the district had not district, has registered a growth rale of 13.60 per cenl. been eade;lically surveyed due to its difficult terrain. The lowest growth rate .during the ·decade has ben After resettlement, the viJIage boundaries ~avc been observed in respect of Morang tahsil which is only redemarcated. 12:20 per cent.

TABLE Z Decadal Change in Distribution of Population

Tahsill p larion Percentage decadaf Suh.tahsil IQSl 1991 P9B\-91) vanation Total Ruru ilion Total Rural Urban Total. Rural Urn ..

to Hangran.g (ST) 3.394 _3,3114 4,002 4.002 (+)17.91 {1o)17.9l Poo (T) 6,2)4 6;254 7,414 7,414 (+)IS,H {+-)lfU4 Matug (T) 8,7i4 8,7g4 9,856 9,8"6 (+)J2,20 {i-)12.20 Kalpa (T) 12,730 12,730 15,391 15,397 (+)20.9' ("1-)2G.96 Sangla (Tr 9,454 9,454 10,740 10,140 (+)J3.60 ("1-)13.60 Nichar (T) 18,931 18,931 23,861. 2J,i61 (+)26,f14 (,..)26,04

DlJtric:t. 59,54'1 59.:547 71.17() 71.270 ("')19.1)9 (»1 •. 69"

C.D ..... Block wjsc djstrjbutloJ) of vj]]agcs' by 41.27 per cent. A compaI3tive anaJr,sis 'of the 1991 population ranges lias been elaboraled in Table 3. [t Census data on distribution of' villages by popuJalioIl would appear Iherefrom that the majority 117 (51.31 ranges when compared with that of the prevIous 1981 per cent) of the villages are very small si~ed villages Census, shows that al tbe 1981 Census there we" havi'ng a population of less tban 200 persons. Tbere only j (6.49 per cent) villages-in population of 105' are 64 (28.07 per cent) villages in the popuiation range Ihan 200, 31 (40.26 per .cent) in the popUlation range of 200·499. In the next higherLpopulaton range of 500· of 200-499, while 37 (48.05 per cenl) feil in the next 1,999 there are 45 (19.74 per centy villages, while there higber range of 500·1999 and there were 4 (5.20 per are only 2(0.87 per cent) villages· falling in the cent) villages in the next higher range of,2,OOO·4,999. An population range Of ·2,O.oO.4,9~9. II i's evidenl that unprecedented rise in the number of ve~ small village. topographical factors like difficult hilly terrain.in the having a population of less than 20q. persons frQm 5 at district has restricted growth of large sized vIllages' in the 198.1 Census 10 117 at the· 1991 Census may be the district. A look at the distributi~n of villages in viewed in the light of the ract that during the resettlement various population ranges . .at the C.D. Block level of the vill~ges in Ihe. dislrict a eonsider.ble number 01 indicates that Nichar has comp~ratively larger (he bigger 'villages had been divided into more smallei proportion of very small sized villages which is 60.00 villages and it resUlted. if!. an. increase of inhabited villages per cent, followed by Poo 50.00 per cent and Kalpa from 77 at the 1981 Census to 117 at the 1991 Census

26 TABLE 3

Pe~centage Distribution of Village. by Population Rang'" 1991

Name of NG. aI1d percentage No. and percentage ()f villages' in each range (Figures in parenlhcsfl C D. Block of inhabIted villages indicate pereentage ofviUages in each'range)

Less than 200 200-499 500·1,999 2,000·4,999 l,OOO-9.999 10,000 and above

Poo 80(100.00) 40(50.00) 25(31.25) 15(18.71) Kalp. 63(10000) 26(4l.27) 1&1 28.57) 18(28.") t(I.'9) Nichllt 85(lijO.OO) Sl(60.00) 21(l4."Il) 1'2(14.11) 1(1.18)

Distrid 228(100.00) 117(5LJ2) 64(28.07) 45(t9.74) 2(0.87)

Table 4 presents the distribution of villages by Table 5 presents C.D. Block wise sex ratio ie, density range. The maximum number of villages i.c> 43 number of females per 1,000 males at the 1991 Census. comprising 18.86 per cent of total villages fall in the The sex ratio for the district comes (0 856 as against density range of 101-200 persons per sq. km. There are 976 for the state. As has been stated earlier, s~x ratio' 19 villages each in density ranges of, 11-20 and 301- has been recorded to be quite low in Kinnaur district 500 comprising 8.33 per cent. Villages are almost evenly ever since 1901, except in 1951. At the C.D. Block level distributed in the remaining density ranges. A it is lowest 812 in Nichar. comparison of these data with that of the earlier census presents some interes.ting trends As has been stated TABLE 5 earlier, after resettlement the number of smaller viJIages Sex Ratio for Rural Population for C.D_ Blocks, 1991 ~ad abruptly Increased in the district. While at the 1981 Census there was no village having density range Nam' of C.D. Block. Number of femalcg per 1,000 males )f up to 10 persons per sq. km., at the 1991 Census lUmber of such villages has been recorded as 33 (14.47 Jer cent). At the 1981 Census the number of villages Paa 913 n the lower density ranges is negligible and most of KaJpa 853 he villages, 72 (93.50 per cent) were distributed in the Nichar 812 lensily ranges of 201-300. 301-500 and more than 500. District 856 n fact, among these three density ranges also the naximum number 42 (54.54 per cent) had returned from Scheduled Castes constitute 26.87 per cent of .he density range of 301-500 persons per sq. km. It Ihe tOlal population of the districi. It would be Nould also be worthwhile to note that while at the interesting to mention here that the previous census 1991 Census the number of villagos in the lower density had regislered a considerable dccllnc in percentage of 'anges has increased considerably.! the number of Scheduled Caste population in the district from 19.-40 fill ages falling III the highest density range ie, more at the 1971 Census to 10.63 in the 1981 Census. It is .han 50Q persons per sq. km., has also increased from probable that at the 198 I Census some of the Scheduled 18 at the 1981 Census to 29 at the 1991 Census. Castes may have ~onsciously returned themselves as Scheduled Tribes with a view to enhance their social TABLE 4 It Distribution uf Villages by density status. may also be seen in the light of the fact that RIlnge of density Tota! No. of villages Percentage of villllg¢s the entir~ area. of the district has been declared as :peft-sq. km.) in each density Tange in each density range scheduled area according to presidential Order, 1956 and as sUch all the inhabitanls o(Kinnaur district may enjoy Scheduled Tribe status. Therefore_ Ihe phenomenal increase in the percentage of Scheduled ·to 33 14.47 tJ-20 19 8.33 Caste population during the last decade, from 10.63 in ZI·,O 30 13.16 1981 to 26.87 in 1991_ may, perliaps. be seen as a move 11-100 32 14.04 among Ihe Scheduled Castes -to coming back ·10 their (01·200 43 18.86 own fold. Proportion of Scheduled Caste population to lOt·300 13 10.09 the total population, according to percentage range in '0'-500 19 8.33 the villages, has been elaborated in Table 6. It may be ,01+ 12.72 seen therefrom that out of 228 inhabited villages in " Kinnaur district, no 'scheduled caste population has ~J.trltt 228 10(1.00 been returned in 64 (28.07 per cent) villages. While in

27 23 (10.09 per cent) villages their proportion is up to the total population of the village~H~wever, the 1981· 5 per cent. Howove" in 94 (41.23 per cent) the 91 CensllS data in vi11ages' are not comparable, Scheduled caste population constitutes more than 20 stri~ly per cent of. the total population of the village. Of as has been stated under Table I, due to increase ~f these in 28 (12.28 per cent) villages their population inhabited villages from 77 at Ihe 1981 Census to 228 al falls withIn the range of 21 to 30 per cent and in the 1991 Census. "sgecI of 66 (28.95 per cent) yill.gos they constitute 31 per cent and .bove of the total population. TABLE 1 Proportioo ofScncduled TribcPopulatioD to TABLE 6 Tolal Population in tbe Vill.~., Pro~ortiGO of Scheduled Caste Population 10 Tot.l Percentage range (Iof No. uf villages Percentage of POJluJatiod in the Villages scb.edulerj tribe p()puiation in eadt rarage viUaget: Pe[~ntage lange (If No. ofvilla.ges f'ercenitge of to total poplllation in_each range 5Ched~!eJ caste porulatiofl iJ1 each range villages to tOlal pupl.liation in eaw range

Village with no 5chedufe..1 15 6.58 N1L 64 28.07 u1be popu1:ttion: .. , 21 10.09 0·' 1.75 6·10 IS 1.89 6·15 3.51 [[·1:5 17 7.46 1,,-2-5 10 4,39 16.:20 II 5.26 ZIj-3) IS 7.89 2L·30 '2< ILl8 36·:50 25 10.97 3i and 100\'(: 66 23.95 }I and .tOOve 148 64.91 Di:ilr[l::t 22. tOO.OO I1i~frid ". lOO.lUl Scheduled tribes constitute 55.58 per cent of Table 8 gives C.D. Block WISe literacy rate the tOlal population of the district. Consequent upon population by sex in the district.· 'In the 199 I Censo in.crease in the percentage of Sclt-eduled .Caste Kinn.ur has registered a literate popUlation of 58.3 population in the district. as stated carHer, the per cent as compared'to 36.&4 per ceni in 1981. ' proportion of Scheduled Tribe popUlation has come comparison of sex wise literacy rate during the qcca down from 74.87 per cent at the 1981' Census to 55.58 1981·91 shows thaI it has increased from 5J..JO 1 pet cent in the 1991 Census. While the previous cent to 72.04. 'per cent in case of males and from 2(' ,decade 1971·81 had registered an abrupt increase in per cenl to 42,04 per cent in case of females. Tt Ihe percenlage of Scheduled Tribe population from literacy achievement of 58.36 per cent for males ., 68.41 to 74.87. T:ible 7 px.s,m, proportiou of 42.04 per cent for females is significant when compan Scheduled Tribes population to the total popul.alion. with lhat of the rural population of the slate according to per cent range in tbe village,. Out of 228 Himachal Pradesh as a whole wherein it i, 61.86 p' cent, 73.89 per cent aDd 49.79 per cent respectiv

28 Table 9 presents C.D. Block wise ·percentage of main working population shows that Kalpa has maximum ~orkers, marginal ~orkers and non-workers in the proportion of total workers which is 54.81 per cent, of dIStrict. Out of total population of 71,270 persons in t~.ese 50.75 p~r cent have returned as main' workers the district, 33,723 or 47.32 per cent, have been and 4.06 per cent marginal workers. It is followed by classified as main workers and another_ 3,638 persons, Nichar wherein percentage of total workers to total or 5.10 per cent. as marginal workers. In other words population is 51.87, of"these 44.34 are main workers 37,361 persons or 52.42 per cent of the lotal population and 7.53 are marginal workers. Poo, with 50.10 per of the district have returned as workers and 33,969' cent total workers, ranks third. Of these 46.44 per cent perso~s •. or 47.58 per cent, as. non-workers. Sex-wise are main workers and 3.66 per cent arc. marginal analysis of working population shows that among the workers. It may be Seen therefrom that though in males 58.85 per cent are main workers and 1.23 per percentage of total workers to total population Poo cent are- marginal workers. While among the females C.D. Block is slightly lower than Nichar C.D. Block. 33.84 per cent· are main workers and 9.64 per cent" are however; if shows a distinctly hIgher percentage· of marginal workers. The percentage of main. workers in main workers than Ihe laller. In fact, as regards male the district ie, 47.32 for total persons, 58.85 among main workers Poo C.D. Block with 59,87 per cent ranks malcs and 33.84 among females is fairly higher when first, followed by Kalpa C.D. Block 59.51 per cent and placed against corresponding figures in respect of nIral then comes Nichar C.D. Block with 57,28 per cent. In population for the State as a whole which are 34.50, respect of female main workers, K'alpa C.D. Block wilh 48.79 and 20.08 .respectively. 40.47 per cent stands distinctly at first place, followed by Poo C.D. Block 31.74 per cent and Nichar C.D. A look at the C.D. Block wise position of Block with 28.39 per ceni ranks third

UBLE9 Pcn:cntage of Main W.rk..... M31"I.inBl Workers and Non-W.rkers r.r Rural P<>plllation.r C. D. Blocks, 1991 Name of Pcrceotage of

C.D. Block Main workers to Marginal workers to Toul WOlken 10 Non-workers to total population total popUlation talai population total population Pers(.lRS ~ Females Persons Males

10 II 12 13

POD 46.44 ,59.87 31.74 3.66 0.90 6.58 50.10 60.77 38.42 49.90 39.23 61.58 Kalpa 50.75 59.'s1 40.47 4.06 1.14 7.49 54.g1 -60.65 47.96 45.19 3935 's2.04

Nichar 44.34 57.28 28.39 7.53 1.59 1486 51.87 58.87 43.2l 48.13 41J3- ~§-?S

DI.trh:t 47.32 .58.85 33,84 5.10 1.ZJ 9.64 52.42 60.08 43.48 47.58 39.92 56.61

Table 10 deals wilh C.D. Block'wise distribution cent) villages, with a population of 23,362 persons, of villages according to the availability of various were approachable by a pucca road. As many as 187 amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post (82.02 per cent) villages in die district, covering n and telegraph, communication, approach road and population of 69,352 pcrsons, have been electrified. power supply to them. While the proportion of rural population served by these different amenities has been A comparative look on availability of different elaborated in Table II. As stated earlier, whole of the amenities al Ihe C.D, Block level indicales that Poo Kinnaur district has no urban 'area and as such its CD. Block stands.in a better position. Its 67.50 per population refers-to rural area only. AS.per the ..l99.1 cent' villages have education facility. 37.50 per cent Census the district has 228 inhabited villages with a villages have medical facility and 36.25 per celli villages population of 71,270 persons. Of these 142 village~ have posi and ·telegraph facility. However, as regards (62.28 per cent) having "a population of 62,921 persons other amenities like communication. apprcath by putca are having educational facilities of one type or the road and power supply arc concerned .Kalpa C.D. Block other. Availability of mcdical facilily of one type .or appears to be in slightly better. positlo.!l as.47.62 per thc other has been. reported from 72 (31,58 per cent)' cent of its villages have communication facility, 25.40 villages covering a population of 43,956~ persons. All per cent villages are approachable by pucca road and the 228 villages of the district' 'are Iiaving drinking 88.89 per cent villages h~v~ b~en electrified. Nichar water facility. Post and telegraph facmiles are available C.D. Block, I)aving .maximum ·.number of .inhabited to 69 (30.26 per cent) villages covering a population of viJJages ie, 85, is comparatively lagging behind in 42,281 person~. Facility of communication has been availability of different a'menities in its villages; recorded in respect of 88 (38.60 per .cent) villages covering a popUlation of 41,744. Only 49 (21.49 per It would be worthwhile fo mention here that in

29 Kinnaur district, in most of the cases, approach "by a much below, As such in a number of villages recorded pucca road is a misnomer. Since most of the villages as having communication and appruach bY'pucca road are located at a higher altitude than the National facility, the bus service and pucca road may technically Highway No, 22 alongwith the river Satluj which is pass through periphery of the village but do not provide these amenities in practical sense ruLE 10 Distribution of'Viilages According to tbeAvailabitity ofDifferent Amenities Na.me: of No. of • No. (with percentage) of villages having one or more of the following amenities C,D. Block inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post ud Marketl Communi Appr~ach by Power viUagcs water telegraph hat -cation pUCCI. road sapply


Poo 80 54 30 80 29 3S 18 66 (67.l0) (37.50) (100.00) (36.25) (437l) [22 ..S0) [82.l0)

Kalpa 63. 33 20 63 20 30 t6 J6 ('2.38) (31.7') (100.00) (31.75) [47.62) [2lAO) (88.89)

Nichar 8) 12 20 23 1, 6S (64.71)" (25.88) (100.00)" (23.53) (27.06) (17.6') (76A7)

District 228 142 72 228 69 88 4. 187 (62.28) '(31,58j (100.00) (10.26) (38.60) (21.49) (82.02)

TABLE 11 Proportion ofRllra] PopulatioD Sen'ed by Different Amenities Name of Total Proportion of rural Population wvoo by the amenity of c.o. BI~k population Education Medical' Orinlcing Post and Ma,rketl Communication Approacb by POWCI of inhabited Wda' telegrapb h.1 puce. roac supply villages in C.D. Rloclt


Po. 21.272 19,"807 14,502 21.272 11.t91 13.464 4,991 2(),875 (93.11) (68. 171 .(100.00) (62.01) (63.29) '(23.46) (9 •. tl)

Kalpa 26,137 21,674 i.6,569 26.137 16,684 16.957 10.507 25,745 (82.92) (63.39) (100.00) (63.83) (64.88) (40.20) (9850)

Nicoar 21,361 ~1,440 12,&85 23,861 12,406 11.323 7,86, 22,732 [89,85) ('4.00) (100.00) ('1.99) (41.45) (12.96) (9'.27) District 71,270 62,921 41,95~ 71.270 42,281 41,744 23,362 69,152 (88.29) (61.68) (100,0\)) (59.3J) (58.5'7) (31.78) (97,31)

Table 12 shows the distribution of villages not have io avail this facility beyond a distance of 10 kms. having certain amenities arranged by .distance ·from the There are 159 (69.74 per cent) villages in the district having pJaces where these are available. Out of 228 inhabited no postal service benefits in the village itself. Of these villages in the district, no educational institution" is 129 villages have postal services available within a available in '86 (37.72 per cent) villages. Of these, 80 distance ofless than 5 kms. whereas another 22 villages villages have this facility within'a distance of less than 5 have the facility'available within a distance range'of5-1O kms. Another 5 villages have this facility within a distance kms. and the. remaining 8 villages have this facility range of5-10 kms. and the remaining I village has \0 avail available b\,yond a distance of 1.0 kms. Of the total this facility beyond tbe distance of IO kms. No medical inhabited villages, 14Q (61.40 per cent) villages are not institution of any type'is available in -respect of as ma~y having communication facilities. Of these. 76 villages avail as 156 (68.42 per cent) Villages. This facility is available this facility within a distance of less than 5 kms .. Another within a distance range of less than 5 kms~ in respect of 33 villages avah this faciliiy within a distance of 5·10 kms. liB villages. Another 28 villages have gOI this facility and in (he remaining 31 villages the villagers have to go within a distance of5·10 kms. and the remaining 10 villages beyond a distance cif I 0 kms. f~r availing thIS facility.

30 TABLE 12 availability of different amenities. As already stated earlier, Kinnaur is entirely a rural district. The neareSt town Distribution of Village, Not Havfng Certain Amenltie, for the entire district js Rampur, There are only-J) villages Arranged by Distance Ranges from the Places Where within a range of 16-50 kms"" from Rampur. Of these. 10 (16.92 per cent) vlllages have the educational facilities of These are AvaU.ble one type or the other within the village while 4 (30.77 per Villagel not Number ofvillagc5 where the amenilY iS~10t cent) yiJJages have the medical facilities. ~II the 13 havrng the available a!1d 8'iHiiable at II di~tance ot . villages are having drinking water'whereas 5 (38.46 per ~5 kms. S-10 kms. to+kms. Total (Culs.2-41 amenity of cenl) villages have the facilities of post and telegraph and 6 (46.15 per cent) villages are, linked by bus services and h.ve approach by pucca road. There are II (84.62 pe, cent) villages which have the facility of electricity. There Education 80 86 are 215 villages which afe situated beyond 51 kms. froln Medical 118 28 10 150 Rampur. Dftbese. 132 (63AO per cent) villages have the Drinking water educational facilities. 68 (31.63 per cent) villages have medical facilities orone type or the other. 64 (29,77 per Posl and Telegraph 129 22 159 cent) villages have the pos.t and telegraph facilities, 82 Communlcation 76 )) 11 140 villages (38.14 per cent) have the communication facilities, 43 (20.00 per cent) villagesare approachable by pucea road ,while 176 (81.86 per c~nt) villages have been Table 13 deals with the distribution .of village. 1 electrified. All 'of these 215 vll1ages have drinking w"ater according to distance from the nearest town and the facilities.

TABLE 13 Distribution ofVilJages According to the Distance from the Nearest Town and Availability ofdifferent Amenities islance ranges No of inhabited No. (with percentage) of villages navill~ the amenity of Jm th~ nearest villages in each Education Medical Dri[l.King Pos.t & Market! Communication Approach Power ~n (in Kms.) range waler Telegraph hal by pucea supply "','



I-50 II ,10 4 Ij 5 6 6 II (76.92) ()0"77) nOOOO) (38A6) '(4615) (4,"15) '(8H2)

51' 215 132 b8 215 64 82 43 116 (6).40) (lL6) {LOO.OOt (2U7) (18J4) (20.00) (8L86)

District 28 t42 72 228 69 88 49 1~7 (62.28) (JLS8) '(I00.00) (30.26) (38.60) (21.49) (82.02)

Table 14 gives the distribution of villages according have educatiomiLfacilities. 33 villages (73.33 per cenl) :opo'!'JUlation ranges and amenities available therein. Out have m'edica'l facilities and al1 the villages have drinking ,fthe totalnS inhabited villages. 1&1 villages have a water facilities. While.31 (68.89 per cent)"have post and population of 499 or less. Of these. 97 (53.59 pet cent) telegrapb facilities, 27 (60"00 per cent) v"iliages havt "illages have the educational facilities and 37 (20.44 per communication facilities and 9 (20.00) viJl.ages are :eDt) v,ilages have medical facilities" Aillhe 181 villages approachable by puce. road. All o"fthe 45 villages falling in this population range are having power supply. There ,ave gal the drinking water facilities whereas' 36 (19"89 are only 2 villages falling in the next higher population fer cent) villages have post and telegraphs facilities 59 range of2.000 - 4.999" All oftbese villages have got all :32"60) villages have communication facilities and 38 (20"99 . types of facilities. It may be mentioned here that number ler cent) villages have approach by pucca road. As many of villages in the population tange of 2.000 - 4,999 h" IS 140 (77"35 per cent) villages have the facility of reduced from 4 in the 1981 Census to 2 in the 1991 Census. ~Iectnc-ity. There are 4S villages faBing in the population It appears due to the carrying out of revenue settlement range of500-1999. Dfthese, 43 (95"56 per cent) villages in the district as has already been mentioned earlier.

31 TABLE 14 Distrihution of Villages Aceordiq,g to Population Ranges and Amenities Available Population No. of Number (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of I'anges inhabited Education Medical Drinking water Post & Market! Communication Approach by Power villages in telegraph hat pucca road su~?ly each J'lInge


-499 181 91 31 181 36 59 38 140 (53.59) (20.44) (100.00) (19.8') (32.60) (2Q.99) (77.35)

.5(lo.-1.9~9 45 43 lJ ., 31 21 9 ., (95.56) (13.l3) (100.00) (68.89) (60.00) (20.00) (100.00)

MOO-4.99~ Z 2 2 (100.00) (l00.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (l00.00) (100.00) .5.000+

Dbtrict 22. I4Z 1, "8 6' 88 .. 187 (6Z.28) (31.58) (100.00) (30.26) (38.60) (ZI.") (82.02)

Table 15 presents C.D. Block wise distribution of Nichar C.D. Block has lhe highest number of inhabit" villages according to land use. It also gives details of villages ie, 85 and these viUages are studded over an are, available cultivable area. Cultivable area includes irrigated ofl9,350 hectares. Oftbis, 2,584 hectares or 13.35 pe (is well .15 un'j'rrigated area, It further elaborates that1wbat cent is cUItivaole area. However, only 294 hec!ares or 1J.31 is the extent or cultivable area under irrigatlon. There are per cent of the total cu1ti'vab1e area ofNichar bas irrigatiOi 228 inbabited vjllages in the djstrict having total area of 56,878 hectares. Of these, 7,295 hectares constituting facilities which is lowest at the C.D. Block level. 12.83 per centto total area, is cultivable. 4,228 hectares or 57:96 per cent of the total cultivable area has got the TABLE 15 irrigation facilities. Tb~ area fJgures have been collected from revenue records maintained for each village by the Distribution .rViIlages Aocording to Land Use State Government. Name of No. of 10\.11.1 9'tfttfltll.gt tlf Percenta.ge 01 C.D. Block inhabited area (in cultiV1lble irrigated area- to lola\ area to total -A look at the land use pattern at tbe C.D. Block villages heclares) aTea c111tivable are level shows that 63 inhabited vill.g~ ofK-alp. c.D.-B1ock cover an area of 14,04.5 hectares. Of this total area, 2,587 hectares 0[-18.42 per cent is cultivable which is the highest at the C.D. Block level. Out oftbis c_ultivable area, 2,064 Poo SO ,23.483 2,124 1,810 bectares or"19.78 per cent is under irrigation. (9.04) (88.04)

l(alpa 63 14,D45 2.587 2.064 In area, Poo C.D. Block is the biggest block baving (18.42) (79.18) total land area of 23,483 hectares comprising 80 inhabited 2,584 294 \Ii1lages. However; of the total area only 2,124 hectares or Nichar 8l 19,350 9.D4 p~r cent is cultivable while the_irrigation facilities are (13.)51 (11.38) available to 1,870 bectares or 88.04 per cent urtbe Dhtrld 228 56.878 7.295 ',228 cultivable area. This percentage of irrigated area to't~.tal (12.83) (51.96) cultivable area in Poo is highest at the C.D. Block level in .C'ultlvable area. =·irrigaled.r unirrigated area. the district.





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IJ(J(,\J.>.R¥. Ttll..... ' .. """ J~;~:~.~B ..... kSl - @ - ~;~!s~ ~~~~~~,~~~.,l ~$

SIZE '". :~~~~E~~;~_~~~l:"~ . ·,A·" .....,lfD'Il ... G[<,."tM . l~CJ.TIO~ :COt IIrvE".HOK"AD PO~l GfFICE "'051 "~D 'hlCUr"orFICI' toG" S: I l:)j_,'1!", 'II SEC~'fJ""¥' SCHOOL r'('clCLSlt<'ICVPOltl;EPCSl I




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l>- e,


+ "' I ~ .' « ~ -..i~mol-.ftwft list of Villages, arranged In Alphabetical, Order

~ I!Iam! _, 'P m".,,, Community Oevetopm&nt Block: Poo Code NO'. : 1

1991~ 1981~ 1991 Census 1981 Census· _..m "..(~) ~lfii""" (""''''1. "'(~I -"""I_I _" ... .., '_ ~I Location Location Code Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Location S!.No. Location Code - Tahsil Code Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual)

""-lIri'fII::Y/t4A Sub-Tahsil: Hangrang I~ 'Chang Chimo (9) 911 211/4B , 091121001010048, 2 Chang Jang (3S/2) 9/12J113 09I121OO10/00G3 , Chango Nlchla (2912)c 911211/15 091121001010015 -""- 4 ... ""'" Chango Uperl. (2911) 911211/14 09112100101001. 5 Chuling (8) 911211/47 091121001010047 7/1 21117 071121001010007 6 """ Otlarchangcnimo (10) 911211/49 091121001010049 7 "''''''''' Ohar Charath;a.ng (11} 911211/5& 09J12JOO1Q1005S S "'- Ohar Chof)it\ i42) 911211/11 091121001010011 S Ollar OemchI.J (33) 911211121 091121001010021 10 "'- Ohar Ougofla (3S) 9112111? 091121001010007 "'''''"'~ tlltJlll"l'll1l Ohar Dumdum TI18ng \12) 911211151 091121001010051 12 "''''' Ohar Harm; (43) 9112J1J12 091121001010012 13 "'- Ohar Jabar (13) 911211/52 09112/001010052 I' "''''''' OhW Jhamsum ()5) 911211/54 091121001010054 1, ChaT Kalo!&a (24) 9112111')2 09I121OO10100:l2 16 """'" Ohar Karsi (16) 911211/55 091121001010055 IJ "'-"" .... Dhar ~awe (30) 91121,1/'8 091121001010018 18 "'''''''' Dnar Khakhsa (18) 9/1211/57 -. 091121001010057 19 Dhar Khirpjcht (27) 911211/37 09112JOO1D10037·

20 "'~ Ohar Kfta (2:l) 9112111:11 09I1210010100:l.1. 21 "'- Ohar Kugrang (28).' 9/1211/:l8 091121001010038 22 ""'¢I"''''''' Dhar Kukri (40) 9J12)1~ 00/1210010/0009 n Ohsr Lagstnang (}:) /9112111N 09/121001010024 14 "'- Ohar Lahmok (22) 911211130 0S/12/001orOO30 25 Dharlamgarfa (1) ./ 91121112:l 091121001010023 ;(l "'- Dl'lar langthar Kheyu (44) 911211/13 09I121OO101001:l """''''1 27 Dnar ~9Ue~l1he (37)' 9/1211/6 091121001010006 28 "''''''' DMrLipak(14) . 911:ii1/53' 091121001010053 • ;g "'~ Ohar Uyosu (34) 9112/1f22 091121001 QfOO22 "'- Dhar _Matld~sa (39) 9/121118. 091121001010008 10 "'- D~Bi Pangpochhe(31) 9I1:ii1l19' 091121001010019

12 Dhar Pegru ~5) 911211127 091121001010027 "'''' ~ "'- Dhar Phu (41) 911211110 091121001010010 ""'i. ~ .. Dhar Pijof19 (32)' 9/1211/20 0911210010(0020' 15 .. - Char Pota!i (5) 9(1211/28 ""0911210010,6028 39 .... ~

1991_ 19B1~ '\991 Censu\ '961 Cef\SU$* ...... Tlitfllir"M (~-.{o) .... (~) (~) """- (...... ,..) If;iI~O (~)...... lmI Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Location Location Location Coda SI.No. Location- Code - Tall Code Code (Computer) {Computer) (Manual) (M.nu.l)

~-mftw :~ Su~Tahsil ~ Hangrang 36 "''''''' Dhar PrNcha (4) 9/12/1126 09/12/0010(0026 37 "'1""'" Dhar Pulang Chhang (3)' 9/1211/25 09/12/001010025 38 Dh.r Purgyul (26) 9/1,i1l36 09/12/001010036 "'~ 39 "",,. Dhar Shansar (2S) 911211133- 091121001010033 40 """"" O"ar Thana (11) 9/1211150 09/1210010/0050 41 UR~ Dhar Yungdang (36) 9/12/1/5 09/1210010/0005 42 Dung (19t:l) 911211/44 09/12100 1010044 43 '" Hangmat (7/2) .,. 9/1211146 091121001010046 44 - Hango (7/1) 9112/1/.016 Q9/121ootO/0045 - 7'12/118 07/12/001010008 45 Fi1 Hemo (20m 9/1211/41 09/12/001010041 46 '" Ka (21/3) 9/1211129 09/1210010/0029 47 .... leo (19/1) 9/1211142 09/121001010042 7/121116 0711210010/0006 48 1l

-.,.,~ 63 -- Danmochhe (31~) 911212156 09112/002010056 64 Oawling (3012) 9/12.'~n5 09/12/0020/0075 7f1p2/12 07/1210020/0012 65 -""",. Dhar Aye (19) 911212149 091121002010049 68 Dllar Binathag (8) 9112/211' 09/12/002010014

67 URWPJ:3I\ Dhar Chagguar (49) 911212124 0911210020/0024

68 "'-!lRWr-a.mr Dhar Changdowsa (22) 911212162 09112/0020/0062

40 ""'~-.nlilaft'l,'ll List of Villages arranged In Alphabetical Order

~ Iinmr _ , 'l",.;g..n:, Communiq, Development SloCk : Poa Code No. : 1

1991~ 19B1~ 1991 Census 1981 Census· ...... 1ISIowt I_>io)· • I~) _m(_) I"""'IP") .!.I .- ..... Name of Village (Had bast No.) location- -. Location Location Code SI, No. location Code Tahsil Code Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manu",) (Manual)

-''lJ Tahsil: Poc 69 ",-.1 Ohar Chho (18) 9/1212148 09/12/0020/0048 . 70 Char Chhopan (36) 9/1212/65 09/12/0020/0065 71 "'- Char Dolam (38) 9/12121'" 091121002010067 72 "'l" Ohar Ouba (20) 9/1212150 09/1210020/0050 73 "'- Dhar Dulasal1yag (33) 9/12l2179 09/1210020/0079 ~~

74 "'''''l.'' Char Gyabyum (21) 911212/51 09/121002010051 75 ",m Ohar Khaw (10) 9/1212135 09/121002010035 76 Ohar Mandai Gurunag (9) 9/12/2/15 09/1210020/0015 77 "'-- Dhar Manela (50) 911212125 09/121002010025 18 "'-'" "T' Char Maryul (25) 9/1212169 09/1210020/0069 19 "'..,.. DharNyowal {5') 911212128 Il91nlOO20m02S iO Char Patan (37) 9/1212/613 09/121002010066 i1 "'''''' Dhar Rishi (24) 9/1212/68. 0911210020/0068 82 ""0'" Char Thunsa (28) 9/1212172 0911210020/0072

i3 UR~ Char Wali (27) 911212171 0911210020/0071

84 ""'l"!i'" Char Yorfuk (23) 9/1212/63 09/12/002010063 85' Doling Kanda (3114) 9/1212153 091121002010053 ,. "i,~.it-198-- D.P.F ,C. 198 (26) 9/1'212170 091121002010070 i7 fttl't11"1i.ll't-199 O.P.F.C. 199 (29) 9/12/2113 09112/0020/0073

i8 ~.1Il-200 O.P.f.C. 200(48) 9I1212J23 09112/002010023_ i9 itofur:fi.1fI-201 OP.f.C. 201 (47) 911212J22 09/121002010022

90 ~.ll't-202 o P.F.C. 202 (46) 9I1212J21 09/12/0020/0021

91 i:q'r~.ll't-2Ql OP.f.C. 203 (45) 9/1212120 091121002010020

92 'i.~.'rItlt-204 o P.FC. 204 (44) 9/1212119 091121002010019

93 "~~-205 D.P FC. 205 (42) 9/1212134 09/12/002010034

94 iI.~~-206 ~PF6.206(41) 911212133 091121002010033

~~ "'«;.~-'l~1 b.p.f.e. 2~714~) ~1\2rm.2 0011 21002~'~)(m

96 M~1fI-2D8 O.P.FC. 20B (11) 911212136 091121002010036

97 ft~:~"#-209 D.P F.C. 209 (12) 911212137 09/121002010037 98 -ftm'iit-21o g.P.F C. 210 (14) 9/1212141 09/1210020/0041

99 ~1fI-21I O.P.F.C. 211 (7) 9/1212113 0911210020/0013

100 itt(t~.lft-m D.P.F.C. 212 (5) 9/1212!5 09/121002010005

101 ~,~-m O.P.FC 213 (4) 9/121214 09/1210020/0004 102 "ft.'*-'rfi.lft-214 OP.F.C. 214 (2) 9/121218 09/121002010008

41 ""''"''''J'11<-.mil-.ftwft List of VJllages arranged in Alphabetical Order ~fiI

1991~ 1981_ 1991 Census ...... 1981 Census" 'JialN'iIPf (~"'o) o(*J'Il'I) o(*J'Il'I) -""'("""'!P) _"'"~) Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Location Location Location Code SI.-'" No. Location Code Tahsil -Code Code (Computer) (Compute~ (ManuaJ) (Manual} -

-,'l' Tahsil: Poa 103 J'f'i>' Oubling (30) 911212/74 091121002010074 104 Dulse Thang (3015) 911212178 091121002010078 105 ""'" Ouphang (1512) 911212143 091121002010043 ~ 106 .... Giabong K.,'las (39/1) 9I12121"ZT 091121002010027 71121215 011121002010005 107 - Giabong Parta (3913) 911212129 091121002010029 lOB Gyamil (6/4) 9112/2112 09/1210020/0012 -- Jang Phachho (39/2) 109 -"" ... 911212128 091121002010028 110 Kanam Khas (6/1) 91121219 091121002010009 71121213 071121002010003 111 -""'"-- Kanam Nichla (612) 911212/10 091121002010010 112 "'" Khabo (3211) 911212160 0911210020/0060 711212111 011121002010011 113 ..... """ Khancf Mama (151'4) 911212145 091121002010045 114 ""'" Labr.ng (3112) 911212155 091121002010055 71121211 071121002010001 115 Labrang Khas (311) 91121211 0911210020/0001 116 Namakatang (312) 91121212 091121002010002 117 Namgia Kanda (3512) 911212159 091121002010059 118 """- Namgia Khas (3511 ~ 911212158 091121002010058 711212110 071121002010010 119 "'" - Phoche (1(2) 9112/'2f7 0911210020l0007 120 'I!' 'p?O (31/1) 911212152 091121002010052 71121219 071121002010009 121 R[shi Kanda (30/3) 911212176 091121002010076 12, - Rizlng Kanda (31/5)- 9112121S7 091121002010057 123 ..""--- _ Rop. Kh.s (4311) 911212116 091121002010016· 71121214 0711210020/0004 12. Rush Kalang (1311) 911212138 091121002010038 71121216 071121002010006 125 Sannam Khas (1511) 911212142 091121002010042 711212J7 071121002010007 126 ... Shive (3914) 911212130 091121002010030 127 'l'".I Shurpu (et3) 9/12f2l11 091121002010011 128 """ 'Shy'so (17) 911212J47 091121002010047 71121218 07112JOO20/000B 129 ~"'" Spilo Kh •• (111) 91121216 091121002010008 71121212 0711210020/0002 130 "f'i'" Suml.! (4313) 911212118 091121002010018

131 Taling (1312) 9112121~9 09/121002010039 132 -""" .... Taling Kanda (313) 91121213 991121002010003 133 ""'"'" Tashi Gang (35'3) 911Z?J64 091121002010064 134 "'" Thoropa (43/2) 911212117 091121002010017 135 ""'- ThunsB Kanda (3~~) 9/1212161 09/121002010061 136 ... - Yang Koksa (34) 911212180 0911210020l00BO 42 'lVi~rillft'f'lt Llst of Villages a!"anged In Alphabetical Order ~fuI>m_''iW.';'';l Community Oevf!lopment Block: Poo Code No. : 1

1991~ 1981~ 1991 Census 1981 Census·

~ ",",1fil'~ (-.,;,) (.,.,.) ... ..w(.,.,.)~- _..w~) ,lio ... Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Location ~) Location Location Code -.. No. - LocaHonC_ Tahsll C_ Cod. (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual)

..... ,'iJ Tahsil: Poo 37 ""' .... Yangti Kanda (3014) 911mrr7 09I1211lO2010077 -,~ Tahsil: Morang

38 ~~ Akpa Khas (3311) 911213157 091121003010057 71121314 071121002010004 39 Asoo Kanda (4816) 911213181 09l1211lO3OIOO81 "0 -- Asrang Khs$J111) 9112J3125 091121003010025 71121311 071121002010001 f41 nl-- .. SeeM Tl"taCh (7/4) 9/1213110 00/121003010010 142 Chakr. (1615) 9/1213120 0911210030/0020 143 "''P Chang Kuwa (4815) 911213184 0911211lO3010084 144 Chang Meng 11614) 911213117 091121003010017 145 -...... Charang Kha. (5911) 9112~91 091121003010091 711213112 071121002010012. 146 '""- Chetang Kanda (4817) 9/1213177 09I121OO30100n 147 "" Chhappan (2814) 9/1213140 0911210030/0040 l.oa II'< Chhuylan (40fT) 9/1213162 09112/003010062 "9 """ .... Dagrang Kanda (1613) 9/1213114 091121003010014 150 ..... 'IV Dhar Bhring MoChhe (1) 91121311 091121003010001

151 ",-..;t Ohar Brati (73) 9112~96 09I121OO3Oi0095 152 "'-"" Ohar Charnangsi (86) 911W141 091121003010 141 153 "'m_ .. Dhar Cnangak KacI1e (57) 911=3 091121003010093 154 - Ohar Changmang (19) 911213116 09lWOOJOlOO15 155 I.!IfftUlffl'ltl)m Ohar C,.,hiJing Khola (66) 9)12/3/98 09I121OO30i0098 158 ... Ohar cnogeta (35) 911213139 091121003010039 157 ...... - Ohar Oanro (79) 9/12131104· 091121003010104 158 ..... Dhar Orang (14) 9112~8 0911210030/0036 159 .. ~ Dhar oulmnisn (75) . 9112131108 091121003010108 160 101,," Ohar Gara (47) 9112/3/67 0911210030/0067 161 "' ...... Dhar Gramangwal (68) 9112131125 091121003010125 162 .. ".. Dhar Gunjang (3) 91121314 09/12/0030/0004 163 "''J'''I Dhar Guntang (74) 9/12131105 0911210030/0105 164 "'i¢o Dhar Jetutang (44) 9/1213/66 09112JOO301Q066 liS ... Dhar Joganchan (87) 9112131139 091121003010139 158 ...... - Dhar Jubling (30) 911213/47 091121003010047 1S7 Dhor Kagt. (4) 91121317 09/121003010007

168 "''''''"'",." Dhar Khatocll (29) 911213146 091121003010046 169 .. ..., Ohst Khayo (OO) 9/12131107, 091121003010107

43 ..m~mjm Tahsil: Morang 9/12/3/76 09/12/0030/0076 170 """l"'K Dhar Kushkat (46) 09112/0030iOO06 171 Dhar Kya" (6) 9/1213/6 172 "" """"" Dhar Kyowrang (84) 9/1213/110 09/1210030/0110 ""- 9/12/3/94 09/12/0030/0094 Dhar Lalanti (56) 173 ""~ m_ 9/1213/109 09/12/0030/0109 174 Dhar Lawar (82) 175 m1'ilm:r phar Lochhas (70) 911213/135 091121003010135 9/1213/11 09/1210030/0011 176 t.IR~ Dhar Lungkumar (83) 177 """"" Dhar Lungpha (88) 9/12/31114 09/1210030/0114 178 ""_, Dhar Mangla (58) 9/1213195 09112/003010095 179 ",,~. Dhar Maleng (10) 9/12/3/15 0911210030/0015 160 Ohar Panah (45) 9112/3175 0911210030/0075 09/1210030/0087 181 ... ~ Dhar Patmali (55) 9/1213/87 Dhar Piwung (90) 9/12131138 09/1210030/0138 182 ""~ 183 ""-,,t., Dhar Ratian (81) 9/1213/108 09/1210030/0108 Dhar Sangchawal (71) 9/1213/117 09/1210030/0117 184 ""~ 09/1210030/0118 185 ""fllMl'I Dhar Chilachh (72) 911213111.8 186 Dhar Shyangla (9) 9/1213/8 09/12/0030/0008 """""'" 911213188 09112/0030/0088 . 187 ''''IF'''''' Dhar Sunklam (54) 188 """"'" Dhar Tapuio (85) 9/1213/140 0911210030/0140 189 UR-eo:irr Dhar Tepang (2) 9/12/313 09/12/0030/0003

190 Dhar Timchhe (67) 9/12/3/99 09/1210030/0099 191 1lIl"ll!< Dhar Tiwur (77) 9/1213/103 09/12/0030/0103 192 ""- Dhar Warchha (89) 9/1213/113 09/.1 210030/0113 """"" 193 ",,"", Dhar Wari (5) 9/121315 09/12/0030/0005 9/12/3/11 09/121003010011 194 ""~ Dhar Weshlum (18) 9/12/3/126 09/121003010126 195 ""~ Dhar Wishlang (69) 196 "".- Dhar Vamdaling (76) 9/12/3/97 0911210030/0097 197 "ft:lft.1(";". ft'frqf-191-192 D.P.F. Rispa 191·192 (50) 9/1213173 091121003010073

198 'fttf).~. mru 189-190 D.P.F. Satra (189-190) (49) 9/12/3/80 09/1210030/0080

199 ~.~~.1116 D.PF 186 (43) 9/12/3/59 09/1210030/0059

200 ft~.~.1111 D.P.F. 187 (42) 9/1213172 09112/0030/0072

201 il.G\.~.166 DP.F. 188 (41) 911213163 0911210030/0063

202 ft:q't.~.193 D.P.F. 193 (51) 9/1V3/122 0911210030/0022

203 'ft.~.1(IJi.194 D.P.F. 194 (52) 9/1213/123 091121003010123

204 il:~1(CIi.195 D.P.F. 195 (62) 911213/83 09112/0030/0083

44 -..'t-:rm:"""-.lI"J.'ll List of Villages arranged ill Alphabetical Order ~;m",.,""""'l"."D:' COnlmunity Development Block: Peo Code No. : 1

t991~ 1081 '\1R1IVr-!J 1991 Censl!1i ...... 1931 Census· (~~o) (~) (~) -"'("""'!P) ...... ", ., (""""")...... Na"", of, VIII,go (Hadba$t No_) loca.tlon--- - Location location Code S1.No. LocaUon Code Tahsil Cod. Cod. (Computer) (Computer} (Manual) IManual) _.'i<" Tahsil: Morang

205 'fI.oft~.19b D P,F_ 196 (61) 9/12131120 0911210030/0120

206 ttl"i.191 D PF 197 (63) 9/1213182 09112/003010082

107 tt~.215 D.P,F. 215 (21) 9J1213J22 09/1210030/(1022

206 t.t.~.11f1o o P,F 216 (20) 9/1213123 09/12100'30(0023

209 im217 D PF217 (17) 9112/3/24 09/121003010024

210 t.~21a O,P_F_ 218 (11) 911213118 091121003010018

211 i:4't~:1I9('f) DP_F, 219 (A) (13) 9/1213126 0911210030/0026 212 1tit-rr.219(i\) DP_F.219(8)(12) 911213127 09/121003010027

21J 1t:4t.fI· 220 D,P.F. 220 (15) 9/1213130 09/121003010030

21. t.t.'I"'.221 D,PF 221 (22) 911213J31 09112/003010031

215 t.i.l't:m' DP_F, 222 (23) 9/1213132 0911210030/0032

216 tt~1U DP_F, 223 (25) 9/1213133 09/1210030/0033 '

217 H~22' D.P_F_ 224 (26) 911213/49 0911210030/0049 218 tt"" ns DP_F. 225 (24) 9/1213155 09/12(003010055

219 ~226 D.P.F_ 226 (27) 9/1213/56 09/121003010056

220 i.t.N.m D.P.F, 227 (32) 9/1213154 09/12/0030/0054

121 1:t.f'II 2.8 D.PF 228 (31) 911213153 09112100:JOlOO53 121 t:'t'Ri.n9 .D,P_F_ 229 (36) 911213152 091121003010052

223 t:t.11'Ii". 2~D DP_F_ 230 (37) 911213/45 0911210030/0045

224 it.~.231 DP_F 231 (38) 911213/42 09/1210030/0042

225 H.~~32 D_P_F_ 232 (39) 9/1213136 09/121003010036

226 "i""'"' FuJang Thacl1 (7/5) 911213/9 09/121003010009

227 ~ Giyunglilng (5912) "911213192 09/121003010092 228 Gramang (64/6) _9112131130 09112/0030/0130 129 ""'" Gyomflng (7814) 9112131115 091121003010115 230 Gyangra (34/4) 9I12131:l5 .0911210030/0035 111 Hold,ns (40/4) 911213165 0911210030/0065 232 - Holdang (4813) 9'12001 {!91121003OJOO71 233 -... "" Horang ~awa (78J2) 911213/142 091121003010142 234 Jagechan (7Bn) '9112131137 09112/003010137 235 .....- Jangi Khas (2811) 911213148' 09/1210030/0048 711213J3 071121003010003 236 lOIiI Khadi (78/6) 9/12131116 09/121003010116 237 "'I" "Khadura (34/2) _911213151 09/121003010051 238 ..... Khokpa. (64/2) 9112131128 091121003010128 2)9 "'" Kota _(601l) 9/12131102 09112/003010102 45 ""'~",",lIfi"<{'!l List of VlI1ages arranged In Alphabetical Order ~ 1lnIlm ...... ''l''..mr-.ro;, Community Oevefopment Slod: : Poe Code No. :

1991~ 1981~ 199tCensus ...... 1981 Census· tn'tr~i'fIIII" ",,",,""I, .(~) _. .(~I ...... (_1 ""' Nam. of Vlliag. (lIadb.. 1 NO.) location ~I Location Location Code .- SI.No.... - location Code Tahsil Cod, Code {Computer) (C"!,,puter) (Manual) (Manual) 3.

-,~ Tah$if : Morang 240 Kuno Khas (6011) 9112131101 091121003010101 . 7i12/3111 071121003010011 241 "-'""'"- Kulpo (4015) 911213169 091121003010069 242 'li"T Kulang (26121 911213129 091121003010029 243 v-< Kutian (4013) 911213161 091121003010061 244 Ky,,,,o (6(JI3) 9112131100 091121003010100 245 "'"'" Lambar (5313) 911213166 091121003010086 246 ... Lapo(I6121 911213128 091121003010028 247 Lljing (48121 911213179 091121003010079 248 "" .... Lippa Khas (161t) 91121311~ 091121003010019 71121312 071121003010002. 249 - Nakai Kuwa (6417) 9112131131 091121003010131 -'!i" 250 Nesang Khas {7Bi1} • 9112/31134 09112/003010134 711213/9 0711210030I0009 251 """- Pan.h (4816) 911213174 091121003010074 252 """ Parga (4012) 911213158 091121003010058 253 "'" Piana (7B/5) 9112131112 091121003010112 254 ,.,..' PioHar(53I2) 911213165 091121OO301OOS5 255 ~~ Porang Kanda (713) .911213112 091121003010012 256 ... Rarang Khas (34'1: 911213144 091121003010044 71121315 071121003010005 257 - Ribba Kha. (4011) 9112/3/64 091121OO301OQS4 71121316 07l1210030100OS 258 ... Rijing (28/3) - 9112/3121 091121003010021 259 1l>1flm""" Rlngchil Kanda (3312) 911213150 09/12/003010050 260 -two ... Rispa Kha, (48/1) 9I121317~ 091121003010078 71121317 071121003010007 261 ..... Roowang (6413) ·9112131121 091121003010121 262 -. Samodayan (65) 9112131133 091121003010133 26~ ilIlol Sang (3415) 911213134 09112/003010034 264 ... Sate" (3413) !lI12i3h7 091121003010037 265 Shaklang (7813) 9/12/31136 091121003010136 256 """l' Shee!apur (3416} 9/1213141 09/12/0000/0041 267 -... Shiling Khas (6411) 9112131129 091121003010129 268 -1Jill""" Shuti Galang (8) 911213/2 091121003010002 269 Sir MOling (4018) !lI1213160 09/121003010060 270 Skiba (4814) !lI1213170 091121003010070 271 ~..ti""- Surtingting (59/4) 911213190 091121003010090 272 -P""" Surwa Kanda (6414) !lI12131132 0911210030/0132 273 Swaden (3417) 9/1213143 091121003010043 . 274 "'" Swanng (5314) 911mi124 091121003010124 275 ""'- Thangi KhBO (5311) 9112131119 091121003010119 7112/3110 071121003010010 276 -'l"il' Thuw,ring (6415) !lI1213112? .09/12/003010127. 277 Tokto(712) 911211'13 0911210030/0013 278 .,;t Wato(40IO) 911213168 09112/OO30i0058 279 ....- Wewgya (5913) 911213189 091121003010089

• Due to settlement ot the vilages it is not feasible to give 1981 Census rnaflU!1 asweU Computer OcatiOnai code number$1n resped Of villages agall'ltt which column 11I.rnOO1'16 and 7 have been left blank.

46 Note Explaining the C{)des Used in the Village Directory

Village Directory which has been canvassed during provIded in a village has been shown in the tbe- 1981 Census is aho being canvassed for thc 1991 abbreviations giv.on as under Census, The Village Directory schedule can broadly be di.,jded into two parts. The first part deals with the'basic 1. Primary and Elementary p amenities like education. medical, drInking water, post & Schools upto 4th. class telegraph. communications. approach to viJIage and power 2. Junior Secondary or Midtlle: M supply. In this pan it bas been ascertained whether the School jbOve amenities/ facHWes exist in a viJIage and if these 3. Matriculation or Secondary H ~o then to whllt level. If the above amenities fl'r:e not 4. Higher Secondary/Intermediatel available then the nearest vUlageltowo with a. distance Pre-university/Junior College PUC where the aforesaid facilities/amenities have been made 5. Adult Literacy ClassJCentre AC available. 6. Other educational institutions like Sanskrit The second part deals with the land use pattern. Pathshala, Senior Basic School, ihe hmd use pattern in the Village Directory conforms to Maktab ere. o \be- paUerll of c1a::;sification oJ land use as recommended bylbe Minimy of Agriculture. GOV1. ofIndia. The Ministry Where tbere afe more than one institutions of (If Agnculture bas recommended the maintenance of the same type in a village, the same have been indicated

records of land use pattern under the five categories. These in figure' against the appropriate abbreviation like P(3)~ are as [oHows : M(l), H(3) etc. If no educational facllity is available within the village a dash (-) has been shown but to it 1. Forests in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.

2. Not available for cultivation 5-10 Kms.~ and lO+:l(.ms" of tbe nearest place where

(a} Land put to non4 agricuitural uses the most modest educational facility viz. pnmary school (b) Barren and unculturable lands is avallable has been shown as -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 3. Other uncultivated lands excluding fallow 10+ Kms. etc. lands (a) Permanent pastures and other grazing (b) l"tledical Amenilies : lands (b) Lands ullder miscel1aneolls tree crops Anyone of the following amenities avaUable in

and the village has been shown in abbreviations a~ajnst the (c) Cuiturable waste name of each medical institution: 4. Fallow lands

'Edpcational Amenities: 10. Village Health Guide yHG

Thl~ various levels of the educational amenities 11. Others 0 47 3. Telephone Connection Phone If there are more than one institutions of same type in the village, the same have beel! indicated in the (e) Day/Day. of the Market/Hat : numbers against the abbreviation e.g. H(2), 0(3) etc. In No such practice exists in the entire distri(

view of a variety of ~edjcal amenities for which a number of codes as indicated above have been used, it will not (I) Communication: be possible to provide too many details under each This indicates the type of public transf such amenity as such all the Registered Medical amenities available. It is only to see wh~ther the viII Practitioners whether Ayurvedic, Unanl or Allopathic is served by any mode of public transport. have been covered under the codes 'RP'. It would be abbreviations adopted are given as under : appropriate to mention here that the term 'Village Health Guide' does not refer to workers in extension programmes I. Bus Stop BS like malaria eradication. agriculture etc. It refers to only 2. Navigable Waterway (hose para and medical personnel who have been trained (induding river. canal) NW for dispersing medicines for minor ailments. Where no facility is available within the village a dash (-) has If no such facility is available within the vill been shown in the relevant column. But next to it in a dash (-) has been shown in the relevant column. : Brackets. the distance in broad ranges, viz. - 5 Kms,. 5- next to it, in brackets, the distance in broad ranges'

10 Kms .• and 10+ Kms .• of the nearest pla~e where the ·5 Kms .• 5·)0 Kms .. and 10+ Kms .• of the nearest pld most modest amenity like dispensary, Village Health where the facility is available has been shown. Guide is available bas been given. (c) Drinking Water Amenities: (g) Approach to village:

The type of ihe potable drinking water supply The approach to village refers to the state ~ources available within the vi1lage have be.eJ? shown in road leading to the village. This is to see whether the abbreviations as u~er village is approachable both in fair and foul weal and whether it is inaccessible only for some time in I. Tap water T year. The approach to viHage has been indicated 2. Well water W the follOWing codes: 3. Tank water TK I. Pucca Road" PR 4. 'Tube-well water TW 2. Kutcha Road KR 5. Hand Pump Hp 3. Foot.path FP 6. River R 4. Navigable River NR 7. Fountain F 5. Navigable Canal NC 8. CanaJ C 6. NavigabJe Waterway 9. Lake L (other than river or canal) NW 10. Spring S II. Nallah N If lbere are more than one such facility 12. Other sources same has been indicated separately by "individual c( (like baori.s etc.) 0 (h) Nearest Town and Distance:

(d) Post and Telegraph ~menities : The following codes have been ~hown for the _ The distance of the nearest town is given post & telegraph amenities: .Kilometers 'in brackets. This information has been fill in purely on the basis of the local enquiry. The near! I. Post Office PO town so indicated need not be situated within the sll 2. Post & Telegraph Office PrO itself. The nearest town even In another· state 'ha 48 been indicated alongwith the name of the state wherever pattern under five broad categories. Total area of the it was found necessary. land and its five broad categories have been compiled (i) Power Supply: from the revenue records.

If the power is actually available whatever may In the first Category land under forest has been be the form of its use it has' been shown as available. indicated and in the second and third information aboul The codes used for various categories are as under : irrigated and un irrigated area has been shown. The I. Electricity for domestic ED irrigated area has further been split-up as per the purpose only sources of irrigation. Fourth being the acea undtr 2. Electricity for agriculture culturable waste including meadow,s. groves and purpose only EAg. pastures etc. Lastly the area not available for cultivation 3. Electricity for the purposes such as barren, unculturable lands and lands put to like industrial, commercial etc. EO non-agriculture use. 4. Electricity for all purposes listed above EA Abbreviation used for different types of irrigation facilities are detailed below: Land use: 1. Government "Canal/Kuhal GC The l¥nd use pattern in the village directory 2. Private C.nallKuhal PC conforms to the pattern of classification of land use as 3. Well (without electricity) W recommended by the Miu'lstry of Agriculture. 4. Tube-well "(without electricity) TW Government of India. The Ministry of Agriculture has 5. Tube-well (with electricity) lWE recommended the maintenance of records of land use 6. Others 0

49 1991-.ft'""""""-""'~ 1991 Census· Village Directory

,""_ '"""" ...... ,'1' .... ,' Community Dl;!veiopment Block: POQ Code No. : 1 ""'~""""'"IJfll!mi(~p""'~""""''''''m(-) """',. ... ~ ...... jt_ pail jt~ _;f -,_, .-lB_'!OlO._lIlt ..... _;fll."ft) AmenltiB$ available (if not available within the Village a dash(.) has been shown In the Column :lnd next to It In bl'3ckets,the distance In broad ranges vlz.·5 Kms.,5·10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of tile nearest place where the facility Is available has been given) 'W'Ilfil' ~~w:i iterfiJlmi) o;ljp Location Nam. of Village Totalal'Ga Total Edllcational Medical Drinking Pest and Cay or Communi· CodeNa. (with Haclbast No. In brackets) of the populatiOn water Telegraph days cations (Bus Village-Cln .n' (Potable) ofttle stop, hectares) number of mar· Railway households ... station, (In brackets) hat if Waterway) any


l3II-~i1'ffl1T.;{'1 SuMahsn : Hangang CClde No. : 1 ... Sumra (45) 225 205(47) P,M,H o T,N PO ·(·5kms) Shalkar(35'1} 329 357(83) PHS T,N PO BS Changjang (3512) 179 Uninhabited Vulang (3513) 267 Uninhabited "'".. Dhar Yungdang (36) 1,276 Uninhabited "'-"- Dhar Lauechhe (37) 1,504 Uninhabited "' .... Dhar Dugona (36) 1,315 Uninhabited ., Dhar Mandasa (39) 1,202 Uninhabited "' .... Dl\ar Kukri (040) 949 Un:nhabited 10 "'''L Oha~Phu (41) 2,773 Unin'habited 11 .. Ohar Choni!i (42) 1,683 Uninhabited 12 "' -... Dhar Harmi (43) 2,080 Uninhabited 13 "''''''''''l Dhar Langtharkheyu (44) 1,372 Uninhabited 14 ... - Chango Uperia (2911) 269 547(129) D t,N -(-5 kms) '(·5kms) 15 ... Chango Nichla (29'2) 389 566(121) P,M,H +5 km.) T,N PO BS " ... - Lltl(29J3) 35 Uninhabited 17 ."".,.. Thangkarn1a (2914) 1,555 Uninhabited 1B .. "" Ohar Kawe (30) 8,542 Uninhabited m .... Dhar Pangpochhe (31) 2,435 Uninhaeited 20" Ohar Pijong (32) 3,239 Uninhabit:ed 21 .. io;' Dhar Oemchu (33) 1,187 Uninhabited /' 22 ..."'- "", Ohar Uyosu (34) 1,098 Uninhabited 23 Ohar Lamgarfa (1) 1,311 Uninhabited 24 Dhar lagsthang (2) 932 Uninhabited 25 "'-"'"",", Onar Pulangchhang (3) 1,961 Uninhabited ChaT PiWcha(4) 1,953 Uninhabitea "27 "''''''""'< Dhar Pegtu (5) 703 Uninhabited 23 ...... Ohar Potali (6) 1,181 Uninhabited 29 Ka (2113) 837 43(20) -(10+kms) T,C,N -(10+kms) BS 30 "'".;,,; Dhar Lahmok (22) 4lI7 Uninhabited 31 m_"' ... Dhar Kila (23) "1;110 Uninhabited 32 Ohar Kalosa (24) 928 Uninhabited

50 .... ~~'!!'t""'"" Amenities and Land use

'i!'I- Land Us. (",,",,'f!li-"~ - ~.m .. _

...... -._"_ .. -Il.~l "" ..,- "i'>"'"' ~ .- "fi'IoI=- --tl...... ~t('*",", "" -""' ~,1IiaR aIIt~'If'r .Approach Nearest Town and dlstanc:& Power Forest Irrigated by ioul1:G Unlrrigatad Culturable waste Area not Co Village ~in Krns.) Supply ('nciudl'lg avaOab!efor gauchararld cultfvation _1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

FP RarJ1)ur (198) 'ED PC(22) 171 25 PR Rampul(171) ED pe(9) 279 33 Uninhabited 162 13 Uninhabited PC(S) 249 10 Uninhabited 1,112 164 Unil1habrted 1,251 253 Uninhabited 1,117 198 Ur11nhabited 1,020 182 Unlnhabi1ed '20 529 Urunllabi1

51 1991 lift"""""", -_f.ll1lm 1991 Census - Village Directo!

~ te.m .... I~.oto:l Community Development Block: Poo Code No. : 1 .... iI_~(~p""'~""""''1tI ... (-) """, ... ~ ...... jI_ p.il jI'I!I _il-._ .-.. _ ... lO+_lIft ...... _il-.It"H) Amenities available (If not available within the Village a das~ has been shown in the Column and !1extto it In brackets,th distance In broad ranges vlz.-5 Kms.,5-10 Kms. and 10+ KIn, the nearest place where the facUlty Is available has been glvi ,!",-"" -... ~lETqFfr WIf~lIR 1IItft1t1 ~am *;(0" (_~ ...... ;,ft>or_t) ~~-'" qooaltt1kal (~) ~~ (R~, (_if I ("'-lil) ftol"" -,' - ftol.tt - "") wirfjf Location Name of Village Totalaraa Toul Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Convnll! Code No. (with Hadbast No. In braCkets) . oftha populatlon water Telellraph days tatlonl~ Village lin an. (Potable) 01 the stC'lp, hectares) number of A.allwa households kotl slatior (In brackets) ha'if Water. any


'l5'I~tmh',FR'lII.:(;1 Sub-tahsil Hangring Code No. : 1 " "' ... Dhar Shansar(25) 1,607 Uninhabited 34 Nako (21/1) 282 443(1031 P,M 0 T,C,L PO as 35 """ Yangthang (21/2) 424 91(40) P +5kms) T,N PTO BS J6 -"'1"l" Dhar Purgyul (26) 4,273 Uninhabited J7 "' .. ~ Dhar Khir Pichi (21) 2,992 Uninhabited J6 Ohar Kugrang (28) 3,929 Uninhabited J9 Maling (20/1) 313 230(53) PHS T,C -(-5kms) BS 40 "'- Maling Dogrl (20121 119 128(25) +5kms) -(-'kms) T,C -(-5kms) BS - -"""' .... 41 .. Hemo (2013) 19 Uninhabited " ,,~ Leo (1911) 188 675(158) P,M,H 0 T,R,C,N PO as .. Shuni (1912) 119 Uninhabited "44 Dung (1913) _72(17) \' 18 , -(-5kms) -(5010kms) T,C,N -(-5kms) ~S.I01

Namaklang (312) ,72 38(10) M,H +5kmsl T,C,N -(-5 kmsl +5~ms Tapang Kanda (3/3) 129 Uninhabited

52 ""'~1f"''J!lI'''''"'' Amenities and Land use

"If'- L3nd Use (~'l)lI-1il'l""'-'1""'-.>A1il-

~-~il ...... -at"'""""""''"'''il_) (i.e. area under different type of land use in hectares _..:I rounded up to two decimal places) .. -...... 'l!"(1.,l ... "' .. ffilI "i'R'"""- --""""'"111("".":iI) .,q:I\I -.:ntIfli:w:n~ .. i!t'1....,.., ... d_.) .... l(~"" -""- ~,'ii>iR >It~'l!" Approach Nearest Town and distance power Forest Irrigated by source Unlrrlgated Culturable wIatt Ar.a not toVlnaga (in Kms.) Supply (Including available for gaucharand cultivation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 1S 17 18

Uninhabited 1,603 4 KR Rampur{185} ED PC(50) 210 22 PR Rampur (181) ED PC(4) 390 30 Uninhabited 577 3,696 Unilhabiled 2,818 174 Uninhabited 2,619 1,310 KR Rampur(I84) ED PC(21) 286 6 PR Rampur (182) ED PC(4) 92 23 Uninhabited 1 18 KR Rampur (177) ED PC(40) 95 53 Uninhabited PC(3) 86 30 f'P Rampur (183) ED PC(9) f'P Rampur (195) ED PC(27) lB9 14 f'P Rampur (184) ED PC(31) 229 13 KR,FP Rampur (185) ED PC(27) 297 25 Uninhabited 421 4 Uninhabited 1,565 70 Uninhabited 1,104 236 Uninhabited 816 184 Uninhabited 1,800 513 Uninhabited 1,162 889 Uninhabited 875 306 Uninhabited 705 63 Uninhabited 1,399 200 Uninhabited 663 445

PCI37T) 48 5D,833 22,523

KR Rampur (138) ED PC(34) 39 18 KR Rampur (137), ED PC(24) 42 6 U"inhabited PC(26) 95

53 1991 ... """"""'-..... ~ 1991 Census - Village Direcl,

.~ .... .'l'oiI; ..... ' Community Development'"""" Block: Poo Code No. : 1 _i!_~(1Ift1Jh_it_""h\(-) """ .... _"""il_1f'I""""~_;j-5~ '-W_"';lO+_"''''''''' _ilo\"U) . Amenities avallable (Jf not available wlth]n the VllJage a dasl has been shown in the Column and next to it In brac:kets,U dmtance in broad ranges viz.-S Kms.,5-1fJ Kms. and 1G+ Kim ttl. nearest-pJace where the facilHy Is available has been_ gi\I.. ¥~~ .fri:tlE1~~~llR"Wl'\!m:1 ""' __ oOt ...... -...... (_ ...... tl>o ... t) (.. ) mifil (OlZA, - (_w) (_0) - t

Code No. jwlth Hadbast No. In brackets, of the population water Telegraph days cations 1 Village (In and (Potable, oltha stop hectare.) number of mar- ""'OW housebolds koV statio (Inl:lrackets) hat If Water~ any


~1'ilIY.U:"'11 Tall." : Poo Cocte No.! 1 tt'!"i"4l1U D.P.F.C.-213 (4) 97 Uninhabited

~212 D.P.F.C.-212 (5) 31 Uninhabited ...... Spilo Khas (til) 455 624(148) P(2) PHC T,C,N PO BS ... Phoche (1/2) 156 Uninhabited t"~2U D.P,F.C.-214 (2) 179 Uninhabiled Kanam Khat (611) 78 597(IQl) D T,C,N -(-Skins) -{5-10kmj 10 K_BJ'!am Nichla (612) 250 349(61) -(-5km,) T,C,N PO· , BS 11 --1'l Shurpu (613) 270 5(5) -{-5km,) -(-Skms) C,N -(-5km,) -{5-10kms] 12 Gyamil(6l4) 1,078 5(5) -(5-10 kms) -(5-10 kms) C,S,N -(-5'm.) BS

13 ~-.ft~11I211 DP.F.C. 211 (7) 83 Uninhabited - , ,. Ohar Binathag (8) 2,544 Uninhabited ,. "' ...... ohar Mandai Gurunag (9) 1,351 Unln/labited 1...... "'- Ropa Khas (4311) 218 496(91) PHS T,R,C,N PO . BS 17 ... Thofopa (4312) 299 Uninhabited 18 Sum~I(4313) 145 76(16) -(-5km.) T,C,N -(-5km,) -(-Skms)

l' ~:!l't20. D.P.F.C. 204 (44) 25 Urlinhabited 20 -M~1it203 DP.F.C. 203 (45) 43 Uninhabited , 21 fI'~1I't202 D.P.F.C. 202 (46) 10 Uninhabited 11 1l''l\''ritOl O.P,F,C. 201 (47) 10 Uninhabited l3 D P.F.C 200 (48) 32 Uninhabited 14 -'"...,"" Ohar Chagguar (49) 2,142 Uninhabited "' ..... ChaT Manela (50) 23,001 Uninhabited .16." r ...... _ 'Dha Nyowal(51) .9,241 Uninhabited 27 - Diabong Khas (39/1) 225 347(9 1) P,M,H PHC t,C,N PO BS ,,_ " Jang Phachho (39t2) 3,970 Uninh.ablted 29 9iabong Parla (39/3) 102 195(45) D -(-5kms) T,C,N -(-Skms) -(-5kms] 30 ...-- Shive (39t4) 158 Uninhabited 31 ... Chakhi (3915) 1,471 Uninhabited 32 t.~~W1 D.P.F.C. 207 (40) 2\ Uninhabited

54 .... ~'!1i>J.fit..­ Amenities and Land USB

'lliI­ laAdUso (""'"' 'l!lr 1I.""iI.p.. - 'p,.",m ... "'""" ...... -~;j_ ...... _...,if~) (i.e. area under different type of land use In hectares rounded up to two decimal pIsces)

-""- - .,...--'ll"(nifwmriAA1lI; _"',m ""."..'ll" Appfoach Nearest Town aM dIstance Power Fore$t Irrigated by source Unirrlgated CulturabJe walfte Area not to Village (In Kms.) SUpply (Including available for gauchar and cultivation groves)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Uninhabited 97 UninhabHed 31 PR Rampur (135) ED pe(75) 326 M Uninhabited 156 Uninhabited 179 KR Rampur (139) EO 28 36 13 PR Rlimpur (139) EO,EO 25 205 20 KR !lampur (140) ED,EO 48 201 ,. PR,KR Rampur (140) 6 1,017 55 Unmhabited 83 Uninhabited 2,542 Uninhab"ed 1,349 2' KR Rampur (175) ED 173 1'C(19), 16 10 Uninhabited 235 PC(20) 27 17 KR Ramp'Jr(174) ED 86 Pe(15) 10 28 Uninhabited 25 Uninhabited 43 Uninhabited 10 Uninhabited 10 Uninhabited 32 Ul'oil1habited '2,f42 Uninhabited ,- 23,961 Uninhebiled '9,241 KR Rampur (172) ED 118 PC(49) 15 13 30 Uninhabited 3,970 FP Rampur (164) ED 55 'PC(7) '1 33 Uninhabited 153 PC(1) Uninhabited 1.469 Uninhabited 27

55 199181l""""""'-..... ~ 1991 Census - Village Directe

~ fOoim .... :'1WI_ ~ >1>;1\_ .. -,- .-,oel\o";,o+ fOm>Il,oft"""", _if>!",!) Amenities available (If not available within the village a das has been shown in the Column and next to It in brackets,tJ d1!tance in broad ranges viz.#S Kms .• 5-10 Kms. and 1(]+ Km! tile nearest place where the facility Is available has been gi~ .... ,,"'" ""' .. ~~1f8 ",,_ -... it;%~-qr-ft -m'i~Q'R mIltl """ ~p..."._oft_, .. .-...... (~1l~"",oftmmnt) ('"') m~(~~, (_'l) (_.) ,.."" """,1 ~~ .m) ..It I Location Nama of Village Total_rea Tola( Etlucatlonal Medical Drinking Post and Dayof COfM\1 Code No. (WIth Hac1ba1t No. In brickets) of 1110 population wat&r Telagrapta days catlonll VllJa~(ln end (PotabllJ) of the stop hectares) number of mar- Rallw. Ilouseholds ket/ "'.0 (InbracketJ) hat If W.t&rlll .ny

10 lIriIAIV· .... ,2 TahsU : Poa Code No. 2 33 t1l'rll""it-2D6 D.P F.C. 206 (41) 23 Uninhabited " fL"q'I!"1it-,o~ Dp F.C 205 (421 166 Uninhabited 35 ","" Dhar Khaw (10) 1,385 Uninhabited 36 fr>t~.1!t-to5 D.PF.C. 208 (11) 181 Uninhabited

31 t."-~:&-1(N O.P F.C. 209 (12) 80 Urtintlabited 38 Rushkalang (1311) 204 312(58) -(-5kmsJ T,C,N -(-Skm.) ·(-5 kn p- 39 .,.. Taling (1312) 95 .48(8) -(·5kms) T,C,N -(-5kms) ~5-10 k ..... Brant! Kanda (1313) 19l; Uninhabited 41" ""11'1'nl\.,,,, D.P.F.C 210J14) _107 Uninhabited 42 _Sannam K~as (1511) 156 616(118) P,O -(-5kms) T,C,N PO as " .. Ouphangl1512) 339 !6(31 -(-5kms) D T,C,N -1-5l

56 -~'I'i'{flt;roiPr Amenities and Land use

'!IiI- Land Use (".,m,_'!IiI-"''l''"'-T'''"''''''''­ ""_-~if""""''''n~''''ii~) (i.e. area under different type of 'and use in hectares _.:f rounded up to two decimal places) """--.. ...-.II1!I ..- "!"'--'I!'I(l'I'l ...... ,,;~ '1'>1'" (far.oIl .... ' ..,nI 1i;~irn'IItI -""- .... _t)..... '

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

Uninhabrteli 23 UI1!r1haMec! 166 U!)I'lhabited 1.365 Uninhabited 181 Uninhabited 60 FP Rampur(158) ED 136 PC(33) 5 28 FP Rampur(161) ED 69 pe(8) 10 Uninhabited 172. pe(S) 13 Unmhallited 107

KR Rampur(170) ED. EO 92 PC(23) 13 2B KR Rampu, (169) EO 264 PC(24) 10 40 Unil1habltet1 766 pe(IS) 28 41 Uninhabited PCll) 1,747 PR Rampur (142) ED 1.555 PR Rampur (144) EO 665 pC(n) 27 Unhthabited 547 UninhabiteD 1.836 Ullj"hacm-ed 1.992 Urrinnabited 1.670 PR RlI.mpur 1154) ED PC(43) 322 3' Urtil1habited 2 PC(2) 106 3 Urlinl1abiled PC(I) PR Rampur (152) ED.EO PC(16) 18 15 PR Rampu, (154) ED SO GC(5S) 79 66 Urtinhab.ited 9 Pe(24) 726 36 KR Rampur(169) ED Pc(3W 371 61 KR Rempur (180) ED PC(13) 203 13 PR Rampu, (165) ED PC(11) 559 42 U~i.,habiled 14

57 1991""_-""'~ 1991 Census - Village Directci

~ 1iIo;m ~ ''11'_'"'' Community Development Block: Poo Code No. : 1 ..", ~"""'" 1JIWi (*1!fOm""'i( ...... 'Il! t,,; (-) """; ",,--,,-~,,-,_t\-~-'-" '-lOf


~''l8".l(,! Tahlll: Poo Code No.: 2 62 wth_ Dh., Chang Dows. (22) 2,307 Uninhabited " ~ .... Dh" Yurfuk (23) 4,578 Uninhabited 64 .- lash! Gallg (35/3) 531 170(25) P -(10+ kms) T,C,N -(10+kms) -(10+kms) " ~ ... Dhar Chhopan (36) 2,584 Uninhabited .. Dhar Palan (37) 3,428 Unint18blled 67 "' .... Dhar Oolam (38) 2,410 Uninhabited " "'''' Dhar Rishi (24) 3,126 Uninhabited " .. """ Dhar Maryul (25) 450 Uninhabited 70 ~-29_!_ D.P.F.C.-198 (26) 35 Uninhabited 11 ",," Dhar Wall (27) 1,795 Uninhabited 72 .. "" Dhar Thunsa (25) 2,SS9 Uninhabited " ~-199 D.P.F.C.-199(29) 23 Uninhabited " ..... Dubling (30/1) 294 357(92) P PHS, T,N PO BS " Dawling (30/2) 396 39(10) P ·(-5kms) T,C,N -(-5kms) BS .....- Rishi Kanda (3013) 879 44(12) -(-5 krns) -(-Skms) T,C,N -(-5kms) BS "n Yangti Kanda (3014) 359 Uninhabited 78 --¥'~ OlJlse Thang (3015) 863 Uninhabited " Dhar Dulasanyag (33) 1,979 Uninhabited '0 "'_ Yan~ Koksa (34) 1,996 Uninhabited .. - P(19), Hll), MI4), ,..~ .. >iJI PHC(2), 95,700 7,41 411,553) 'HI'), Total of pQ() TahSil PHS(3), PUCll), D(3) 0(3) ~,~.;t , Tabell : ...rang Gode No. : 3 ...... 0l'1ar8hring Mochhe (1) 4,838 Uninhablled ...... Shuti Gatang (8) 4,510 Unlnhab~ed "''''' Dh~r Topang (2) 3,338 ~ninhabited "' ..... Dhar Gunjang (3) 5,021 Uninhabited .... DharWari(S) 9,315 Uninhabited

58 ""'~'!li'J!it""'"" Amenities and Land use

'I.f'I .... Land Use (....nt'l.f'l .... '"'l""'-'l""'~Ot-

...... -'_;j""",," ... -;t~aioiI;j_) (i.e. area under different type of land use in hectares _!IR1_rounded up to two decimal places) ~_ .. ~tl! _o!l "" "I"'*""''lI'I('''''~''''''''-.l

  • ft.') ""If\! "iml'ni"IUI~ ... "" ...... - ""''''''''l) 'li!t(m1~ -,-.!It""l"''I.f'I Approach Nearest Town and distance Power Forest Irrigated by source Unlrrlgated Culturabla waste Area not to Village (In Kms., Supply (Including avaUable for gaucharand cuftlvatlon groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited 2,307 Uninhabited 4,578 KR Rampur (180) ED 10 PC(14) 492 15 Uninhabited 2,584 Uninhabited 3,428 Uninhabited 2,410 Uninhabited 3,126 Uninhabited 450 Uninhabited 35 Uninhabited 1,796 Uninhabited 2,589 Uilinhabited 23 PR,FP Rampur (161) ED 190 PC(20) 54 29 PR,FP Rampu, (164) ~D PC(31) 341 24 PR,FP Rampur (165) ED 117 737 25 Uninhabited 99 PC(2) 238 20 Uninhabited 117 733 13 Uninhabited 1,979 Uninhabited 1,996

    GC(S6), 6,328 134 88,653 PC(604) 925

    Uninhabited 3,960 878

    Uninhabited 2,691 1.819 Uninhabited 1,931 1,407 Uninhabited 2,595 2,426 Uni'lhabited 6,403 2,912

    59 1991lOft"""""",-_~· 1991 Census - Village Dir.clol

    ~ fb;m :'!B''fI'itr';fo:t Community Development""'" Block: P90 Code No. : 1 "",>l",,_lJflltmi (..tt1JfiM_~"""'..tI'''' (-) """. _~""" ... _ 1JfiM>if ... ~ _>l-,_ S-IO_0'!li1D+_lOft"""", ~1l'lft1lft) : Amenities available (If not available within the Village a dast has beQn shown in the Column and ned: to It In brackets,th distance In broad ranges viz.-S Kms.,5-10 Kms. and 10-+ Krm the nearest place where the facility is available has been IIi¥! """'" ", __lIjR~qIi.:t_ I) """"lre"~ (1ffl'Rfll,... ""~, (~'if~""ofbnmll") - - (--) (_') - ~"" - fl>foft "') "'hl -.' Location Name of Village Total area Total Educational Medical Orin king Post and Dayor COmtl'll Code No. (With Hadbast No. in brackets) oftha populaU(ln water Telegraph days catIon${ VIllage (In and (Potable) ofihe .(~ hectaresl number of m",- Railw. households keU statiol (In brackeb) flat If Water'll any


    ~'~.~'l Tahsil: "'.. ang Code No.: 3 Dhar Kyari (6) 1.181 Uninhabited ~- ...... OharK9gte (4) 1.924 Uninhabited Char Shyall9i. (9) 2.848 Ul\il\habited ..... Fulang Thach (7/5) 12 Uninhabited 10 ..... Becho Thach (7/4) 15 Uninhabited " "' .... OharWeshlum (f8) 361 Uninhabited 12 ...... Porang Kanda (713) 193 Uninhabited ... Tokto(7/2) 247 177(34) P +5kms) T.e -(-5kms) -(IO

    ft1ft~ 21~ D.P.F.218(11) 29 Uninhabited "19 lipakhas (.16/1) 375 985(211) P.M PHS.D T.e.N PO BS 2. - Chakra (16/5) 270 Uninhabited 21 Rijing (2813) 27 8(1) -(-Slims) -(.skms) 0 -(-5kms) -IS-101m,] 22 -1t>t~.2a C.P.F. 215 (21) 241 Uninhabited ..- 2! ft,~,216- D.P.F. 216 (20) 138 Unint1abrtec 2...... C P.F_ 217 (17) 100 Uninhabited 25 Asrang Khas (7/1) 297 335(74) P.M PHS. DO T.e.N PO -(IOk"'i

    26 it"'~"219l C.P.F. 2191A) (13) 73 Uninhabitec 27 ."".-219_. D P.F. 219 (B) (12) 2' Unint1abited 28 ... lapo (1612) 332 Uninhabited 29 Kulang (2812) 253 166(29) -(-Skins) ,5-10kms) 0 ,5-10 kms) -(S-10w) 3' -;.~'l"!I-220"'" D.P.F. 220 (15) 18 Uninhabited 31 H11'Ii-221 D.P.F.221 (22) 84 Uninhabited

    32 tt'rll"-222 D.P.F.222 (23) 157 Uninhabited

    33 H'i"lI"-223 o P.F. 223 (25) -i76 Uninhabited 34 ... Sang (34/5) 358 Uninhabited 35 Gyangra (34/~) 830 Uninhabited

    36 j4.~-232 D.P.F. 232 (39) 193 Uninhabited

    60 ""'~1!a''!!'t'"'''''' Amenities and Land use

    'f!lt- Land Use I-"I'f!lt-"''l'''''-"'l'''''~'''-'' ,""",,-~i!""""''''''_i!ilfifil~) (I.e. area under different type of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal plac.$) _"JRI_ -.. "I"'-'fIltI""''im'"'''''''''' 'tIRlfl'f

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited 1,181 Uninhabited 1,B57 57 Uninhabited 2,731 117 Uninhabited 12 Uninhabited 15 Uninhabited 360 Uninliabited PC(24) 145 24 FP Rampur (150) ED PC(31) 191 25 Uninhal:lited PC(32) 543 23 Uninl1abite

    61 1991l!l1"""""",-",,,~ 1991 Census - Village Directory

    ~ fto;m .... :~ • .w:l Communily Development Block: Poo Code No. : 1 "",~"""",,~~~.,..#_-.tIhl(-) 1'PlI'llll ... _ ...... -.l_ ~'" -.l'f!l_~-5_. 5-1O~",,"1O+_.1Ift ...... _~~ ... t) Amenities avallablft (If not available within the Village a das,h(-l has been shown in the Column and next to It In brackets,the dl&tanclln broad ranges vlz.-5 Kms.\5.10 Kms. and 10+ Kms, of the nearest place..._ where the facility Is available has been given) ...... ""' ~~~ .ftot'!JiTv-ft 'm'>1{IiftR" 1ImR1 .m,..;. (~~~;:fu~'$Itt) .. R"QiI' (nmq,tm - ~"""'_.tt_ ("") - (-~) (-~) - ~ro\ --...... ~'


    tmftOI""li~llr;w;t , T."'sll: Mfkang Code No.: 3 37 ... Satera (3413) 220 Uninhabited Ohar Orang (14) 1.051 Uninhabited 39" Dhar Chogeta (35) 507 Uninhabited 40 "'''''' Chhappan (28/4) 159 2(1) -(-S'm.) -(-Skms) 0 -(-Skm.) -(-5km.) 41 Sheelapur (3416) 172 87(23) P -(-5km.) T_C,N,O -(-5 km.) -(-5kms)

    ~2 !:"~,-231""" D.P,F,-231 (38) 92 Uninhabited 43 Swaden (34/7) 236 106(24) --(-Skms) -(-5kms) T.C,N,O -(-Skms) -(-5 klns) 44 - Rarang Kh~s (3411) 139 675(161) P(2) D T.C.N.O PO 8S 45 it"l'l'll-230 DP,F,-230 (37) 34 Uninhabited 46 Dhar Kh'loch (29) 734 Uninhabited 47 .. """ Dhar Jubling (30) 580 Uninhabited •• ....."'- Jangi Khas. (2811) 498 699(155) P.M PHS.O T.C.S,N PO BS 49 H~-n. D.P,F, 224 (26) 112 Uninhabited 50 ... Ringchil Kanda ~3J2) 52 Uninhabited 51 - Khadura (34/2) 227 283(60) P.M,H -(-5kms) T,C.N.O -(-5kms) BS 52 ""t .•~n9 DP,F, 229 (36) 221 Uninhabited 53 .1It~~n Q,P,F, 228 (31) 296 Uninhabited " H'l'II",227 D,P,F, 221 (32) 469 Uninhabited 55 ttofl'<"i1125 O.P,F, 225 (24) 65 Untnh~bited " it>ito;"lr226 D.P,F. 226 (27) 210 Uninhabited 57 Akpa Kh .. (3311) 306 415(139) P(2) PHS T.C,O PO BS " Parga (40/2) 181 104(24) -(-5kms) -(-5km.) T,C.N,D -(-5kms) -(-S.m.) " '_t~146 O.P.F. 186 (43) 273 Uninhabited " Sirmollng (4D18) 28 Uninhabfted 51 -V< Kulian (4013) 40 209(48) +5kms) +5kms) T,C.N.O -(-Skms) +5kms) " q!< Chhuyian (4017) 109 Uninhabited 63 tt~.lU D.P,F, 188 (41) 128 Uninhablted " ""' ... Ribba Khas (4D11) 49_ PO(l64) 0 T,C,N,O PO BS 65 .... Holding (4014) 124 574(114) P,M.H PHC T,C,N,O PO BS 66 .. ~ Dhar_ Jetutang (44) 534 Uninhabited 67 Dhar Gara (42)~ 2.435 Uninhabited

    62 m~'I'i'l!'t"""'" Amenities and Land use

    'lIll- Land Use 1~'lIll_-.l,!,,",-,!,,",..m,"_ ~ -tmif"""""''''~~''""'''~) (I.e. area under dlffereni type of land U5.ln hectares rounded up to two decimal place5)

    -""- ..- ~""''11'' I...... ""mt ~lnJI'';NIR $~~ "",_t) '

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited PC(2) 215 Unlnhablted 1.051 Uninhabited 507 KR Rampur (125) PC(12) 142 FP Rampur (135) EA PC(15) 138 16 Uninhabited 92 FP Rampur (130) EA PC(19) 13 166 38 KR Rampur (125) EA PC(42) 2 71 24 Uninhabited 34 Uninhabited 734 Uninhabited 555 25 KR Rampur (135) EA PC(59) 377 61 Uninhabited 112 Uninhabited PC(4) 46 KR Rampur (125) EA PC(27) 11 161 28 Uninhabited 221 Uninhabited 296 Uninhabited 468 Uninhabited 65 Uninhabited 210 PR Rampur (120) EA PC(24) 10 226 46 FP Rampur (120) EA PC(32) 6 125 18 Uninhabited 273 Uninhabited PC(12) 10 FP Rampur (120) ED PC(13) 20 3 Uninhabited 3 PC(40) 55 11 Uninhabited 125 PC(2) KR Rampur (118) EA PC(34) 11 KR RampUr'\120) EA PC(62) 14 34 14 Uninhabited 502 32 Umnhabited 737 1,698

    63 199hll""""""'-""'~ lS91 Census - Village Direct"

    ~ til>;Rr .... :l(!m1fl:l Community Development Block: Poo Code No. : 1 _~"._jjIiIUl<1lJ!ffltn""'it_'fIftl:""tl «;If" Loc"tlon Name of Vl1lage Total.rea Total Educatlona' M6d~c.a1 Drinking Post.nd Da.y or Comm~, Code No. jwllli Hadbast No. In brackets) 01 the population ..... , Te!egrapf1 days CatlCM~ VlJlage(ln and (P.tablo) ofth& step, hectaruJ ftllmb,rof mar- Rilllwa: household. ke. StatiOf1 (In bracbts) hatH Watefw: .ny


    .... ,~ __ iI'.'l TahsIl: MMJng Code No.: 3 • a ... Wato(4010) 186 1(1) +51<111.) -(-5 km'l 0 ·(-5kms) ~-51

    1l "\"51~1 OFF. 187 «2) 1B2 11(4) +51I~ Chang Kuwa (48/5) 17 Uninhabited' " ... Piwar .tS3f2~ 315 Uninhabited im_ Lambal (5313) 77' 69(6) P -(IO+km,) C,N -(IO+km') ·(10. km'l "B7 OI'Iar Patmall (55) 1,252 Uninhabited " "' ...... Ohar Sunklam (54) 4,486 Unirmabited " ... We'llgya (5913) 65 Uninhabited 90 S-Ur1ingting (59/4) 18 14(2) -(5-lIJl4,331 Uninnobiloo " Illt~" Ollar Cnhiting Kl10la (S6) 1,941 Uninhabited 64 ,",,~'I'i"l!'l""'"" Amenities and Land use

    'IflI- Land Use (...m..'IflI-"''!''"'-'!'''''-..i'I'''- ...... -~iI"""''''''_,","iI_) (i.e. Brea under different type of land use' In hectares rounded up to two decimal places) r.-.."" .. """,¢ ...... - 'U"'--'IflI(m ...... mII 'Ij<>l .. lIOi,'" ~) ""lfiI - ... """",""" """'''''''''''''' -"" d_t) ~l(""IOi "" atRritb. "Art """'r''f!'! Approach Nearest Town and distance Power Forest Irrigated by source Unlrngatad Culturable waste Area not loVillage (in Kms.} Supply (Includins available for g.uchar and cultlvatlon groves)

    11 1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18

    KR Rampur (125) PC(88) as 12 KR Rampur (120) PC(34) 173 6 KR Rampu, (1151 ED PC(20) 52 25 KR Rampur (120) PC(4) 17 KR Rampur (120) 17~ PC(S) 1 Uninhabited 243 Uninhabited PC(4) 407 13 Uninhabited 1,179 2,107 Uninhabited 1,507 2,445 Uninhabited PC(3) 263 KR Rampur· (117) EA PC(52) 136 23 FP Rampu, (119) PC(9) 46 43 Uninnabited 303 PC(2) Uninhabited. PC(2) 628 Uninhabited 42 Uninhabited 3 Uninhabited PC(2) ,. Uninhabited 262 PC(20) 19 FP Rampur (145) ED .98 PC(5) 52 219 Uninhabited 968 284 Uninhabited 1,016 3,470 Uninhabited PC(5) 44 16 FP Rampur (165) ED PC(l) 11 6 FP Rampur (175) ED pe(10) 127 19 FP Rampu, (175) ED pe(10) 123 28 Uninhabited 1,305 3,719 Unmhabited 2,018 3,162 Uninhabited 2,155 12,226 Unil'lhabited 1,062 3,530 Unirlhabited 963 3,398 Unirlhabited 1,61' 333

    65 1991-.fi"""""",-_f.Iffi'ron 1991 Census - Village Directory

    ~ fmo : "tth~a 11 Community Development""" Bloci( : Poe Code No. : 1 ... "iI"'-~(1IfIID, '-"_'1<110+_>\1"""", _.>It'll!) Amenities available (if nol available within ttle Village a dash(o] has been shown In the Column and next to it in i:lrackets,the distance in broad ranges vtz.·5 Kms.,$-10Kms. and 10+ Kms, Q the nearest plac;e where the facility Is available has been given: .., 1ft;'\lIiJm~q1il'm:~1 .,,"""'" ... ~- -...... 1~~-mmr;fD ~7J'IIl\) "i"-"" (.. ) R~ (w~,~ - "i""""'-"-(_.) (_il) ~/li; --",""",, ~ ...... ) lIlhi Location Name of Village Total area Total Educatlooal Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi· Cods No. (with Hadbast No. in brackets) altha population Wlllter Telegraph days cations {Bu' Village (In . and (Potable) (lfthe Itop, hectares) numb.r of ma,- Railway hous.helds kat! ,laUon, (in brackets) hat If Wllterwllyj any


    ~,1jt'T.l{'J Tahsil: Mtrang Cede No.: 3 w .... Dhar Timchhe (67) 1,340 Uninhabited 10'" Kyarwo (60!3) 373 Uninhabited 101 - Kuno Khas (6011) 250 108(23) P -(-5kms) R,C,N PO -(10+kms) 102 "" .. "'" Kota (6012) 126 Uninhabited 103 ... "" Dtlar Trwar (77) 2,160 Uninhabited -'''' ~-"" Dhat Oanro (79) 791 Unlnhab~ed 105 Ollar Gunlang (74) 9,199 Uninhabited ,06 """" "' ..... Ohar DUlrpnlsh (75) 3,467 Uninhabited 107 "''''. Dl1at Khayo (80) 3,910 Uninhabited 108 ",.t. Otlar~tian(81) 4,999 Uninhabited 10' Ohar lawar (82) 3,366 Uninhabited 110 Dhar Ky~rang (84) 2,165 Uninhabited 111 .. """" Ohar Lung Kumar (83) 4,872 Uninhabited '12 Piana (78/5) 49 Uninhabited OharWarchha"'-(89) 2,885 Uninhabited ,tA'" Ohar lungpha (88) 1,844 Uninhabited "' byarnting (7814) 97 Uninhabited 116 -... Khadi (7816) 14 Uninhabited 117 .. ..:;:..,. Ohar Shangchawal (71) 1,913 Uninhabited 118 Dhar Shilachh (72) 1,496 Uninhabited 119 ....."'- Thangi Khas (53/1) 387 674(123) P(2),M T,C,N PO BS 12' ..1\\1!'1' !l~ DP,~ 196 (61) 57 Unillhabile<1 121 Roowang (64/3) 270 ,54(8) -(5-10'ms) T,N -(5-10 'ms) BS 122 tt.ll"i-tU D,P,F,193(51) 271 Uninhabited 123 tit~-~4 DP,F 194(52) 125 Uninhabited 124 Swaling (53/4) 347 Uninhabited '" - Ohat Gtamangwal (68) 1,862 Uninhabited 12$ ~- Dhar Wishtang {59} 1589 Uninhabited 127 .. " Thuwanng (64/5) 344 377(82) -(-5klns) T,N PTO ,-5,ms) 128 .... Khokpa (6412) 251 249(53) -(-5kms) T,N -(-5kms) -(-5km,) 129 Shiling Khas-(64f1) 165 346(85) P,M,H PHC T,N -(-5kms) -(-5 kin,)

    -- 66 ""'1Jf'Imil'l'l' '!!'I;roim Amenities and Land use

    'lJlt- Land Ustt ("""''li''-''''l''"'-'1'''''..rr ... ~ _-~iI~"'''~_il_) (i.e. area under different type of land use In hectares _1Im_rounded up to two decimal places) ~_ .. -....ft;j\ .. _ "i"'h;T{'II'I (...... "" .... lt"il) ~ ...... ""''''''"' ... """""'" - ""'''-') ~'(""%...... , ...... m~'lI't Approach Nearest Town and distance Power Forest Irrigated by source Unlrrlgated Culturabie waste Arua not loVilia". (in Kms.) Supply (including available for' gaucharand cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Unmhablted 888 452 Uninhabited PC(2) 350 21 FP ,Rampur (170) EO PC(7) 213 30 Uninhabited PQ2) 113 11 Uninhabited 930 1,230 Uninhabited 30 7G1 Uninhabited 1,219 7,980 Uninhabited 3,4G7 Uninhabited 15 3,895 Uni~habited 4,999 Uninhabited 29, 3,337 Umnhabited 2,165 Uninhabited 4,872 Uninhabited PC(1) 43 5. Uninhabited '80 2,805 Unmhabited 1,844 Uninhabited 92 5 Uninhabited 11 Uninhabited 918 995 Uninhabited 642 854 KR Rampur (135) EO 214 PC(33) 115 24 57 KR Rampur(131) ED PC(13) 228 29

    Uni~habtted 271 Uninhabited 125 Uninhabited PC(5), 329 12 Uninhabited 893 969 Uninhabited 255 1,334 FP Rampur (125) ED PC(36) 298 10 KR,FP Rampur (125) ED PC(29) 193~ ,27 KR,FP Rampur (125) ED pe(26) 91 48

    67 1991,",_-""'~ 1991 Census - Village Directo ,.,.- _ ...... ''l'.'"'' Community Development Block: Poe code No. : 1 -;;-'JfiMi(""~-~--..tf ... (~) ...... ~ ...... ~-1Jfiltmi!""¢_il-.W .-1O_'{


    ;:mfIR,~.'ii.ll lahlH : MOrang Cod. No. : 1 130 Gramang (64/6) 161 545(105) -(-5kms) T,N +5 kms) -(-5kms) '31 .... 'i" Nakai Kuwa (6417) 155 3(2) {10+kms) -(10+kms) T,N {10+ kms) {10+ k""i 13' ...... Surwa Kanda (64/4) 205 Uninhabited 133 ..... S_alJlooayan (65) 767 2(1) -(-SIms) +5kms) 0 {-5kms) ~5-10kms 13, ..... Nesang Khas (7811) 408 415(81) P,M 0 T,N PO -(10+krm: 135 "' ... Ohar lochhas (70) 3,623 Uninhabited 136 Shaktang (7813) 798 Uninhabited 137 .... Jageohan 17S(1) _5(1) {-5kms) -(-5kms) 0 -(-5 kms) ~5-10kms 138 .....w_ Char Piwung (90) 1,709 UnInhabited 13. Dhar Jogsnchan (87) 2,955 Uninhabited '<0 DharTapula (85) 1,327 Uninl1abited 1<, "'''''''::' Dhar Chamangsl (86) 2,616 UninMbited 1<, ..... Hor.ng Pawa 17&2) 427 15(4) -I-.skms) {-SIms) 0 {-5kms) ~5-10kms P(25), PHC(3), 'P'..-wlllrr 173,392 9.856(2,064) MilO), PHS(5). Total of Mil rang Tahsil H(3) 0(8)

    P(12). 'I"!nr~-

    P(19). Hll)_' M(4), PHC(2). 'l'~arrlito! 96.700 7.414 (1.653) H(4). Toul of Pao Tahall PHS(3), PUC(l). 0(3) 0(3)

    PISS). M(19), H(l). ~Qlfi'IQ:ms"lI>l. 343.873 21,272 HllQ). PHC(S). Total of CD. Block Poo (4,658) PUC(l). PHS(ll), PUC(l). 0(16) 0(3)

    68 "iiA~1(li'lill"""'" Amenities and Land use

    'lflI- Land Use (...mt'lfll"""'"'1"'" - '1""'lPi-.it_

    ...... -~iI""""'-.l.T~m.if~) (I,e, area under different type of land use In hectares rounded up to Iwo.decimal places) - ...... '!!I _'Oft ... -...... *""''lPI(1oO ... thr ... mt ~ ... ,,",.>It~) '''If/i .... "'1lI'l ...... ""'- "'"""""'.oft_f) ...... ""'(;ffi\1$ ~.'ii;;r{ .~'lPI Approach ".arest Town and distance POW

    '11 12 13 ,. 15 16 17 18

    FP Rampur (125) EA PC(35) 106 19 FP Rampur (146) PC(l) 149 Uninhabited PC(') 193 FP Rampu, (130) PC(9) 749 FP Rampur (145) ED PC(2) 385 21 Uninhabited 688 2,935 Uninhabited PC(16) 751 21 FP Rampu, (140) 1 1 Uninhabited 1,709 Uninhabited 2,955 Uninhabited 1,327 Uninhabited 2,616 FP Rampu, (150) 419 a

    5,326 PC(I,283) 91 67,735 100,957

    PC(377) 48 50,883 22,523

    GC (56), 6,328 134 88,653 925 PC (804)

    GC(56), 11,654 273 205,221 124,405 PCI2,264)




    JS, 't ';; "x "x x so " x "x


    8ourdory shown is upooted uptolst Qc:lobtr.19e9

    Based upon SUrYfy of Indio mop with UHE permission of thlr Survtyor General of Indio. Government of Indio Copyright ,19 C> ..... C/)

    'I 1:7 ~ ):,.


    ):,. " :r


    -t :r 3 6 » 3: I J> ):,. ::0_, Ul_ n I n I J> 0 Z r ; Ul "1J Gl · - » ::0 J> • ~ Z 0 J> G'> rrJ • C I (f) 3 ::0 » I -;;; r » :r


    @ , ,• I ","~-rmn>tt~ Ust of Villages arranged In Alphabetical Order ~fila;m"""" """"...r...;, , 2 Community Develoj:lment Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2 1991_ 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 Census"

    "" .... (""",>ia) , "'(i\;m<) ... (.".,.) - .... ("""'lP1 ... (-).... Name of Village (Hadbast No.) loca.tion location location Code SLNo, Location- Code .". - - Tahsil Code Code (Computer) """'" (Computer) (Manual) (Manual)

    ~:~ Tahsil: Kalpa 1 ""' Barang (37/11 9/12/4158 09/12/0040/0058 . 711214/10 07112/0040/0010 Boktu (617) 9/1214/19 09/12/0040/0019 "" 8rellngl(1712) 9/1214/29 0911210040/0029 -'" Change (1314) 9/12/4/21 09/12/0040/0021 Dakhaye (30/4) 9/12/4/52 09/1210040/0052 "'"m'l"""< Dhar Dhumpawang (24) 9/12/4/34 09112/0040/0034 ""~ Dhar Gurgurti (10) 9/1214/3 09/121004010003 Dhar Jeshtarang (50) 9/12/4/78 09/1210040/0078

    UJ"I:~~ Dhar Kurak Tasang (9) 9/121412 0911210040/0002

    10 "'-1ITl~ Dhar Kyari (4) 9/12/416 09/1210040/0006 Char Motarchakru 11 tm'~'iIQil;~ 9/1214{'f7 09112/004010077 Jeshtgarang (51) 12 "''''''' Dhar Rawsl (1) 9/12/411 09/1210040/0001 13 11!I:~'fr.:ntn Char Shulacha Pilaya (25) 9/12/4/35 09/1210040/0035

    14 w{~'Pl'~ Dhar Tikulrungthat (52) 9112/4{'f5 09/12/0040/0075.

    15 ""~ Ohar Yutingra (53) 9/12/4/82 09/1210040/0082 ;ilr;:I~~ 16 D.P.F.C. 179-180 (49) 9/12/4/66 09/1210040/0066 it 179-180 17 l"l"" Dumdumka (19/2) 9/12/4/37 091121004010037 16 J!I Duni (1711) 9/12/4130 09/1210040/0030 71121415 07/12/0040/0005 19 1!tI1WI Gaki Marang (1312) 9/1214/25 09/12/0040/0025

    20 ,j;\I Goli (17/3) 9/12/4/36 09/1210040/0038 21 >iR>T Gonang (15/31 9/12/4/33 091121004010033 Jangal Mehfuza 22 9/1214180 09/121004010080 """"""" Mehduda Anoden (36) """-'l'l'l8~ JangaJ Mehfuza 23 9/1214176 09112/0040/0076 Mehduda Dolan9 (48) """- Jangal Mehfuza 24 9/1214184 091121004010084 """_""""""" Mehduda Gramag (32) JangaJ Mehfuza Mehduda 25 9/1214/51 09/1210040/0051 '"'"""""~lI'i'RliFr246-247 Kastang 246-247 (29) ;iilWl~ Janga! Mehfuza 26 9/1214/83 09/1210040/0083 """t.R'>I Mehduda Lirang (35) Jangal Mehfuza 27 ~~ 9112/4/81 09112/0040/0081 Mehduda NaJagno (34) """- Jangal Mehfuza 26 9/1214/54 09/1210040/0054 ""'''"'''' Mehduda Rall(31) ;im:r~"""roll Jangal Mehfuza 19 9/1214179 09/1210040/0079 M~hduda Sharml (36) JangaJ Mehfuza 30 """-~~ 9/1214161 09/1210040/0061 """- Mehduda Takhawa (39) 73 a1li"""'1"'<--.ftwfr List of Villages arranged In Alphabetical Order ~ ta1'fim «I"S , lIWU ~ oio , 2 Community Development Block; Kalpa Code No. : 2

    1991~ 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 census"

    ilPItfiT';fPI' ( ...... ~o) *(.) (.) _m1lr(_) ~iiD (-)...... Name of Village (Hadbasl No.) Location - Location location Code 51. No. Location Code - Tahsi - Code """" Code (Camput... ) (Computer) {Manual} (Manual)

    _,,,,,," Tahsil: Kalpa Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 31 9112/4/65 0911210040/0065 '""'~"""~~17.(,if1l8 Tanglin9 C·176 & 178 (40) Jangal Mehfuza 32 ~~ 9/12/4n4 09/121004010074 ~'a\-182 Mehduda C·182 (45) JangaJ Mehfuza 33 ~~ 9/1214n3 091121004DIOD73 ~lT:Bl-185-~ Mehduda C·185 (43) Jangal Mehfuza 36 ~~ 9/1214/16 09/12/004010016 ~lil-2JJ Mehduda C·233 (3) Jangaf Mehfuza 37 :mm~ 911214/15 091121004010015 ~ir-2J4 Mehduda C·234 (5) Jangal Mehfuza 38 9/12/4117 09/12/004010017 ~"-n5-~ Mehduda C·235 (2) Jangal Mehtuza 39 9/12/4111 09/121004010011 ~~tft-3Jli-~ Mehduda C·236 (7) JangaJ Mehfuza 40 ~~ 9112/4/10 0911210040/0010 ~ti'J-:237 Mehduda C·237 (8) Jangal Mehfuza 41 911214/9 09/1210040/0009 ~-at-:m-~ Mehduda C·238 (11) JangaJ Mehtuza 12 -~ 9/1214f18 0911210040/0018 ~lft-~J9-2.da Mehdud. C·239·240 (12) ~~ Jangat Mehfuza 43 9/1214/31 0911210040/0031 ~~-2Al ·Mehdud. C·Z. 1 (16) Jangal Mehfuza 44 9/1214/43 6911210040/0Q43 ~"-242-~ Mehctuda (;.,42 (22) Jangal Mehfuza 45 9/1214/45 09112/0040/0045 ~"~.':nfl'-24J-~ Mehduda C·243 (23) Jangal Mehfuza 46 9/1214/46 09/12/0040/0046 • ~*r-244-""'" Mehduda C·Z44 (26) ~~ Janga(Mehfuza 47 9112/4148 09/1210040/0048 tqGl~-:l4511 Mehduda C·24S(A) (27) ~~~ Jangal Mehfuz;:!I 4B 911214/47 0911210040/0047 """-;).,,,<1\ / Mehduda C·2'5(B) (28) 49 Olf""" Japredin (14112) 9/12/4/22 09/1210040/0022 50 K.lpa(2011) 9/1214/39 09/12/oo4D/0039 711214/7 071121004010007 51 """"'"- Kashag Gramag(6/4) 911214n 09/1210040/0007 52 _itl¥I Kashang Goli9.(613) 911214/5 09112/00401000S

    53 Kashmir(1512) 9/1214/23 09/121004010023' 54 '""""- Kastyo (3013) 9/1214/50 09/1210040/0050 55 .-1\ Khw.ngi (14/1) 911214126 0911210040/0026 7112/413 07/121004010003

    56 -..in Khwatlta (6r6) 9112/4/13 0911210040/0013

    57 ~ Kibar(47) 911214/69 091121004010069

    74 ""'~>miIlIftwft List of Villages arranged In Alphabetical Order ~fb;m~,,,,,,,,

    1991_ 1981~ 1991 Census 1981 Census·

    mll'iT'OIf1f (-.-

    ","""""", Tahsil: Kalpa 58 Kolhi (1511) 9/1214/27 0911210040/0027 7/1214/4 07/121004010004 59 '"'" Mebar (6/8) 911214/14 09112/0040/0014 60 ...,'" Mebar (3311) 9/1214/57 091121004010057 7112/4/9 0711210040/0009 81 Meling Khata (41/3) 9/1214/64 09112/0040/0064 62 -="*'"~ Nang Kashang (615) 911214/4 09112/004010004 63 ~ Pangi (6/1) 911214112 09/12/0040/0012 711214/1 07/121004010001 64 Panw. (13/51 9/1214132 09/121004010032

    65 'I'lllI PawaM (41/1) 9/12/4/67 09/12/004010067 7112/4111 07/1210040/0011 66 _.nlo! Phayagchoden (33/31 911214/56 09/1210040/0056 711214/12 07/12/0040/0012 67 FIlm Purbani Khas (4211) 9112/4/68 091121004010068 68 "" Raang (21) 9/1214/41 09/1210040/0041 69 ~ Radul. (20/2) 9/12>"4138 09112/004010038 70 "l" Ragura (6/2) 911214/8 09/1210040/0008 71 t

    ]? Rawa (4212) 9/1214/71 09/12/0040/0071

    73 Reckong Peo (18) 911214/28 091121004010028 74 -Wi> Rogi (30/1) 911214153 09/1210040/0053 711214/8 071121004010008 75 001 Saryo (2013) 9/1214/44 0911210040/0044 76 "'" Sharmi (37/3) 9/1214/62 09/1210040/0062 ;7 'I""' Shudarang (20/4) 9/1214142 09/1210040/0042 78 """"'" Takhawa Kanda (37/4) 9/1214/63 09/12/0040/0063 '9 ""J'iI Talangucho (30/2) 911214149 09/12/0040/0049 BO Tangling (41/2) 9/1214/60 09/121004010060 81 - Tarkhwa (1313) 9/1214120 09/1210040/0020 B2 W Tellingi (1311) 9/1214/24 09/1210040/0024 71121412 0711210040/0002

    Bl ~ Yusaring (37/2) 9112/4/59 09/1210040/0059

    84 ~ Yuwarlngi (1911) 9/1214/40 09/12/004010040. 71121416 07/12/004010006 Tahsil;-,- Sangla ~; OAJ

    i9 ~ Baturi (13/3) 9/1216/87 09/12/0060/0087

    75 'a'O'i~"'11

    1991~ 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 Census~ _-.mr ~1J;1~ (_-';01 """(.1 """(.1 ..,. ("""'P) -"""~I D ... Name of Village (Hadbast No.) location Location location Code SI.No. Location Code Ta. -Code -Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual)

    4 ,~ ~:Wr<4f Tahsil: Sangla 90 '

    105 UR~TJ1? Dhar Damocha Gaarh (83) 911216125 09/1210060/0025

    106 whir /" Dhar Dewar (38) 9/1216159 0911210060/0059 . 107 """'" Dhar Dumti (72) 911216114 09112/0060/0014 '108 """"" Oha' Gelap (61 I 91121614 0911210060/0004 109 wfiR Dhar Gire (66) 911216/8 0911210060/0008

    110 Dhar Gundar (76) ""~ 9112/6118 091121006010018 111 Ohar Hanya Nich!i (40) 9/1216148 091121006010048

    112 ""--tm'~~ Oh.r Hany. Uperti (39) 911216147 091121006010047

    113 ORb! oh., Hilap (69) 911216111 0911210060/0011 114 ""'"""" on.r Jowly. (77) 9/1216/19 0911210060/0019 115 ""- Dhar Karu (74) 911216116 09112/0060/0016 116 tm:~~~ Dha~ Kalikutang Niehli (54) 911216137 091121006010037

    117 UR~'l!PT~ Dhar Kalikutang Uperli ~55) 911216138 091121006010038

    118 Uf{~ Dhar Kamkamphor (56) 9112/6139 0911210060/0039 .

    119 """"'!" Dhar Nakdum (78) 9/1216120 091121006010020

    76 ..w"""'J'IRm>iI..:t'l.'i\ List of Villages arranged in Alphabetical Order ~~""""_.~O'2 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2 1991_ 1981_ -.1991 Census 1981 Census" ~l!$Tm'f (~;:fo) ..-..(.,...) -..-.. ..-..(.,...) 'lPI'iio (-) -'""'(_) Name of Village (Had bast No.) location Location Location Code -.. 51. No, Location Code - Tahsil Code Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual)

    ~:l'IiJrm Tahsil: Sangla

    120 UR"'ljOl Dhar Nakurchhe (B1) 9/12/6123 09/1210060/0023

    121 Dhar Nelang (85) 9/1216127 09112/006010027 122 "'-tlR~~ Dhar Nesang Uperli (64) 9/121616 0911210060/0006 123 Dhar Nithal (73) 9/1216/15 09/12/0060/0015 124 ""-"""'"'- Dhar Noshang Nichli (58) 9/1216/41 09/12/006010041 125 t1R~~ Dhar Noshang West (57) 9/1216/40 09/121006010040

    126 UR_ Dhar Pashal (28) 9/1216[70 09/1210060/0070 127 ..... """ Dhar Rani Kanda (70) 9/1216112 0911210060/0012 128 Dhar Rupan (37) 9/12/6/58 09/1210060/0058

    129 Dhar Shonchayo (71) 9/1216113 09112/006010013 130 "'-","""" Dhar Shoshla (60) 9112/6/3 091121006010003 131 Dhar Shothang (68) 9/1216110 0911210060/0010 132 ..""- Dhar Singan (53) 9112/6/36 09/12/006010036 133 - Dhar T awla (52) 9/121615 09/12/006010005 134 "'O'OTrt Dhar Thanda Pani (82) 9/12/6124 09/1210060/0024 135 """" Dhar Vaspa (75) 911216/17 09/12/006010017 136 Ohar Wadang (26) 911216166 091121006010066 137 it.~.qq;;di-\59~""- O.P.F.C. 159 Batseri (52) 9/1216135 0911210060/0035 138 ii.>il.lrli... ft-\~7~ D,P,F,C, 157 8asering (42) 9/1216/49 09/1210060/0049

    139 t;j,_-145.zy D,P,F,C, 145 Baturi (14) 9/12/6191 09/12/0060/0091

    140 'ft~yq;jl-1S3~ D,P,F,C, 153 Chindo (35) 9/1216/56 09/1210060/0056

    141 iI;lft.~-156F"'l D,P,F,C, 156 HUN. (41) 911216160 09/121006010060

    142 tL1\T.'I('d'!-14a-141~ D,P.F.C. 140-141 Kilba (5) 9/12161110 091121006010110

    143 it'~t~-142-144~ D,P,F.C. 142-144 Kumki (8) 9/1216/99 09/1210060/0099

    144 it.1ftvq;trr-14ll1l'Ht D,P,F,C. 143 Sapni (7) 9/1216198 09/1210060/0098

    145 it;J,_-l","", D.P.F,C, 138Thikru (3) 9/12/6/108 09l12/0060/010B

    146 "~*-139~ D,P,F,C. 139 Tiuden (4) 9/12161109 09/121006010109

    147 fr.1fI.~.-162;fr D,P.F,C, 162 8 (45) 911216/45 09/1210060/0045

    148 il.1fi~.o.il.-162li1 D.P.F,C, 163 C (44) 9/12/6144 09/12/006010044

    149 tt'ft~.-163 D,P,F.C. 163 (51) 9/1216/34 0911210060/0034

    77 ,."j~ma'ialtlJ.'lT List of VlIIages arranged In Alphabetical Order ~fua;m_,_&-.ja'2

    Community Development Block: Kafpa C~de No. : 2 1991_ 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 Census" ...... "'lIi

    ~,'UI'lTMf Tahsil: Sangia

    150 ft~-137~+"€t D.P.F.C. 137 A+S (1) 9112161107 091121006010107

    151 tr.it~-14& D P.F.C. 146 (15) 911216192 091121006010092

    152 ".~-1

    153 it..fI:.~-l4'1-150 D.P.F.C 149-150 (21) 9/12/6/81 09/121006010081

    154 ".~-15H~·+i(t D.P.F.C 151-AtB (22) 9/1216182 091121006010082

    155 tt~-152{1?) D.P.F.C 152 (A){30) 911216172 091121006010072

    156 !\Qt"",;t-~, ("4\) D.P.F.C 152 (8) (31) 911216173 091121006010073

    157 it~.~-)54-JS5 D.P.F.C 154-155 (36) 911216157 0911210060/0067

    158 ft&.~-160 D.P.F.C 160 (49) 911216132 091121006010032

    159 ft.4t.'rfi"ij\-161 D.P.F.C 161 (48) 9112/6131 09fl21006010031

    160 ft.Qt._-,,, (,) D.P.F.C 162 (A) (50) 911216133 091121000010033

    161 H.~-164 D.P.F.C 164 (25) 911216185 09!12f0Q60f0085

    '162 "fl:<1l:~-165 D.P.F C 165 (24) 911216184 09fl210060Ioo64

    163 ft~:'{";:~-106 .D.P.F.C 166 (23) 911216183 091121006010083

    164 .- . Goroden (33/5) 911216166 091121006010065

    165 if"'" Gunlhar (612) 911216197 091121006010097 166 ..... Jareyo (3213) 911216169 091121006010069 167 Kamru Khas (3311) 911216161 091121006010061 7/121615 071121006010005 168 ""'-- ..... KMahl Kha. (6/1) 911216196 09112/000010096 111216110 071121006010010 169 """'" Kharogla (5912) 911216129 091121006010029 170 ~ ..... Kuba Khas (211) 9112161104 09/1210060f0104 711216/11 071121006010011

    171 '!i'" Kupa (3312) 911216162 091121006010062 172 Lachonden (3314) 911216164 091121006010064 173 - limede" (32/2) 9/1216/68 09I12101J6OiQ068 174 --. Maslrang (59/3) 91121612 091121006010002 175 ""'" Monerang (19/3) 911216179 001121006010079 176 "'.- Nagas Sarlng (1 sr.!} 9/1216/78 091121006010078 177 Nyardeem (213) 9112161106 091121006010106 178 -""'- Panpo Kanda (34/3) 911216153 091121006010053 179 """ P'lyo (13/4) 9112/6/89 09112/0060/0089

    78 ""'~-.miI-.l\wft List of Villages arranged In Alphabetical Order

    .~ fir.I;m _ , iIi1"!I"m,""o , 2 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2

    1991~ 1981_ 1M1 Census 1981 Census~ _-.m. mlflT';fPf (tmN'6o:iD) ..rnr(.,.,.) -.m.(.,.,.) _-.m.("""'P) .... Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Location (~) Location location Code SI.No. - Location Code - Tahsil Code Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual) -

    ~:~ Tahsil: Sangla 180 -., Pilachodhar (9) 9112161100 091121006010100 181 ""'" Rakchh.m (5911) 911216128 091121006010028 71121512 071121006010002 181 Regslhang (33/3) 911216/63 091121006010063 18J - S.ngl. (3411) 9/1216150 091121006010050 71121614 0711210060/0004 184 - Sangl. Kanda (3415) 9/1216/54 09/121006010054 185 --1II'fl)_ Sapni Khas (1311) 911216186 09112/00S0/0086 7/1216/9 07/121006010009 186 Seringche (43/2) 911216143 09/12/0060/0043 187 --.1m"", Shaung Khas (27/1) 9/1216174 09/121006010074 711216117 07112100soio007 IBB Shenanden (1312) 9/1216/88 091121006010088 . 189 -lim_ Shobre Yan,ng (2m) 911216175 09112/006010075 191) ~'" Supilang Dhar (I 0) 911216/101 091121006010101 191 ~ Tesh'guden (2713) 911216176 09112/006010076

    192 ""

    193 100 Thikru (212) 911216/105 0911210060/0105

    lil4 lliN'l"'m lllchkhuia Dh.r (17) 9/1216194 091121006010094

    00010 setl!ementor the villages it is not feasible to give 1961 Census manual as well Computer locatlonal code numbers in respect of villages against ~1d1 column numbers 6 and 7 have been left blank.

    79 199hft"""""", -_f.?Rflnm 1991 Census - Village Directo~

    ~ finfim ~ :~.';fu12 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No, : 2 ""'if""_~ (-.ftIJlilm .... if""""''''''lfm (-) ""'" ..,.r.m-"",,-;t~ ~ -;t"¥\ _'I -,_, ,-lOliliO'llo'/'il.+_Oall ...... _'1-n""'t) ~e~'I'ftml

    10 'IIft"If_-=ld Tahsil:"'"'" Kalpa Code No. : 4 Phar Rawal (1) 6,626 Uninhabited

    U1T~'8I1Pr Ohar Kurak Tasang (9) 8,139 Uninhabited Phar Gurgurti (10) , 996 Uninhabited ""-"''''''' Nang Kashang (613) 427 Uninhabited -"'" Kashang Getige (6/3) 231 Uninhabited "'''''' Pha, Ky'" (4) 2,857 Uninhabited -_"" Kashag Gramag (614) 363 Uninhabited Ragur' (6/2) 288 132(28) -(-6 kms) -(-Skms) T,C -(-5 kms) -(-5km'l "'" Jangar Mehfula 61 Uninhabited -""'"~'li·23a Mehdud.a C -238 (11) Jangal Mehfuza 10 100 Uninhabited -""'"~~·m Mehduda C -237 (8) Jangal Mahfuza 11 42 Uninhabited ~'iit-236-""'" Mehduda C -236 (7) 12 "'" Pangi (6/1) 161 972(202) P(3),M,H D T,C,O PO as 13 Khwanta (6/6) 294 772(155) -(-5kms) -(-Skms) T,C,N -(-Skms) BS 14 -'" Meb" (6/8) 256 2(2) -(-Skms) -(5-10 kms) R,C,N -(5-10kms) -(S-10 kin" m~ Jjmgal Mehfuza 15 236 Uninhabited ~'ii't.'J_4 Mehduda C -234 (S) Jangar Mehfuza 25 Uninhabited " """""'"~,tIt.1J3 Mehduda C -233 (3) Jangal Mehfuza 17 4B Uninhabited ~#.1J5-""'" Mehduda C -235 (2) 'Jil!l'l~~!l Jangal Mehfuza 18 311 Uninhabited Mohduda C -239-240 (12)

    19 ~ SDktu (6n) 60 10(9) -(-5kms) +~kms) l,C,N -(-5kms) BS 20 Tarkhwa (1313) 81 315(63) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) T,C -(-Skms) as 21 '" Chango (1314) 2S6 Uninhabited 22 .. ""'" Japredin (1412) 344 Uninhabited 23 Kashmir (1SI2) 93 446(101) P -(-5 kms) T,C -(-Skms) BS 2. - Tolingi (13/1) 227 230(34) P -(oS kms) T,C -(-Skms) BS 25 - Gaki Marang (13/2) 30 268(84) -(-Skms) -(-Skms) T,C -(-Skms) as 26 - Khwangi (1411) 161 1,028(295) P(3)M,H . PHS T,C,N,O -(-5kms) as - 80 \lA 1JfiItmI '1'i 'J!l! ;roitlr Amenities and Land use

    'lI'I­ Land Use ("""' 'liil-"''l'''" - 'l"'" .... "'OR!"" ""'"" -t.roiij ...... "' .. ~oio,l .. ~) (I,e, area under different type of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal placos) _<1ft ..moo_ """'" ""'--"';~'liI ~._'!ilt("'" "",",mlmt "i""'"' (~.aij) '''''If

    11 12 .13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited 6,826 Uninhabited 8,137 Uninhabited 580 416 Uninhabited PC(44) 22 341 20 Uninhabited PC(25) 11 182 13 Uninhabited 2,857 Uninhabited PC(51) 296 13 KR,FP Rampu, (129) ED PC(171 248 15

    Umnhabited 51

    Uninhabited 97

    Uninhabited 42

    KR,FP Rampu, (135) .ED PC(40) 98 14 KR,FP Rampu, (121) ED PC(43) 222 26 FP Rampu, (119) ED PC(23) 218 11 Uninhabited 236

    Unmllabited 26

    Uninhabited 48

    UninhabIted 300 PC(2)

    PR,KR,FP Rampu, (114) ED PC(9) 46 PR,FP Rampu, (118) ED PC(431 28 Uninhabited 43 209 Uninhabited PC(36) 47 256 PR,KR,FP Rampu, (119) ED PC(59) 12 12 PR,FP Rampu, (130) ED PC(19) 179 28 PR,KR,FP Rampu, (112) .ED PC(22) PR,FP Rampu, (124) EO PC(49) 76 29

    81 1991 "'h~1"RI -WI f.t

    ~ ~ .... !~1fi1l';:fn:2 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2 ""'il"""",~(~j!Iltm""'''''''''''''II!liil(-) ~ ... " f.l

    1!LR~fl -M"' .... "'8J1fi"~i'Ilt """,I m,;, ~1€tlhsiT {11lW'f,lm (_il-"' ...... ""''''''i) '!i"'"""' i"!) "",," - ("".H) (_il") - - ft;:r/l$l'hr-r,;;jlil~-- ft;r~ ,,;til'

    Locatiol1 Nama of Village Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Commun~ Code No. (with Hadbast No. In bracJ


    'lflI- Land Use (~'lflI_

    ~.,. -~iI_

    _""_ ..- "i"'i>oTt'j1lt(Wf""",oilT

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    KR.FP Rampu, (129) EO PC(39)

    PR.KR.FP Rampu, (102) ED PC (12) 27 24

    PR Rampu, (133) EO PC(24) FP Rampu, (133) EO PC (38)

    FP Rampu, (130) 86

    Uninhabited PC(12) Uninhabited PC(S3) 10 197 Uninhabited 482 18 UnInhabited 271 16 FP Rampu, (121) PC(34) 151 FP Rampu, (120) PC(23) PR.KR,FP Rampu, (123) ED PC(100) 25 :.t26 PR.FP' Rampu, (109) EO PC(62) 32 KR,FP Rampu, (132) ED PC(38) 35 PR,KR,FP Rampu, (110) ED PC(46) 131 KR,FP Rampu, (111) ED PC(49) 79

    FP Rampu, (113) ED 153 PC(tB)

    KR,FP Rampu, (117) EO PC(62) 11

    Uninhabited 3S

    Un:llilabited 18

    Uninhabited 26

    Unmhabiled 28

    KR,FP Rampu, (125) ED PC(15) 16 213 Uninhabited PC(3) 27 10 113

    Uninhabited 238


    ""~'I'i'l!'t~ Amenities and Land use

    '!i'tm Land Use (..-.fl('!i't...r. ... 'l""'" 'l""' ...... i!Rfmr

    ...... -~~""""""'''~'"''"~~) (I.e. area under different type of land US9 in hectares rounded up to two decimal placo.)

    ""n", ...... ""'1'1....ot'!!l _>01 '!'f .- .... _'llit(m"' ..... -.«lt .. ~ .. (_.il) ~ .... ~lfQf\rolirmft~~OJtff ""- _-W) (~~-, '" 'Q:~~ 'llit Approach Nearest Town and distance Power Forest Irrigated by source Unlrrlgated Culturable waste Area not toVlllago (In Kms.) Suppty (Including available for gauchar and cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    FP Rampur (115) PC(16) 314 KR Rampur (134) ED PC(27) 143

    Uninhabited 261

    KR,FP Rampur,('24) ED DC(9) 529 23 FP Rampur (126) ED 88 95 Uninhabited PC(14) 31 FP Rampur (115) ED PC(58) 26 10 PR Rampur (101) ED PC(38) 166 23 KR Rampur(110) ED PC(36) 280 33

    Uninhabited 246

    Uninhabited 14 PC(19) 14 Uninhabited PC(74) 31 141 Uninhabited 8 315 12

    Uninhabited 474

    FP Rampur (115) ED 323 PC('6) 29

    PR Rampur (117) ED PC(27) 253 33 KR Rampur (123) ED PC(63) 102 15 Unri.habited 34 45

    Un"h,blled 208 FP Ramp"r (108) ED , PC(41) 147 16 Uninhabited 133

    Uninhabited 83

    Uninhabited 45

    Uninhabited 1,928

    Unfnhabited 226 pe(l)

    85 199hft~-W!~ 1991 Census· Village Directo~

    ~ 1O?J;m ...... ,,,,,,,,"'oto,, Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2 _;r"""",,~ (1If

    i" '-lO_'FilO._"alI_ ,*""if'Ol'1f~) Amenities available (if not available within the Village a das.llj-I has been shown In the Column and next to it in brackets,the distance in broad ranges viz.-5 Kms.,5.10 Kms. and 10+ Kms.Dl the nearest place where the facility Is available has belln given) lIFIf'lJiT ~~~ ~ ~ ~~qr;ft lfRfilfI-.ft "') o;lf-.l l.ocatJon Name of Vlllage Total area Total EducatJonal Medical Drinking Post and Day or Connnun~ Code No. (with Hadbast No. in brackets) of the population wate, Telegraph days cation9iB~ Village (In and (Potable} aftha stop, hectares) number of mar~ Railway households kotl statIon, (In brackets) hat If Water wayl any

    10 lJIlO'ITmot.:. Tahsil"""" : Kalpa Code No. : 4 Dhar Matas Chakru 77 3,583 Uninhabited -... J.'htgarang (51) 78 "'-"'.."",. Dhar Jeshtarang (50) 561 Uninhabited Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda- 79 12 Uninhabited ..,_,,--"""" Sharmi (38) Jansal Mehfuza Mehd·uda 80 ...... 80 Uninhabited -..,_,,""'" Anoden (36) Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 81 55 Uninhabited -""""..,_,,~ Na/agno .(34) 82 "''Ii''fu Ohsr Yut;ngra (53) 72B Uninhabited Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 134 Uninhabited " ..,_"-"""" ... Lirang (35) Jangal Mahfuza Mehduda a4 229 Uninhabited ..,_,,--"""" Gramag (32) P(27), H(21, ~1mfut"O'!J'UlJl 15,397 M(ll), 39,122 PHS(S), Total of Tahsil Kalpa (3,6581 H(8), 0(0) PUC(1)

    miRor: limm~-.t: 6 Tahsil: 5angla Code No_ : ,.,.., Chhitkul (63) 335 505(87) P(2),M 0 T,C PO BS

    Mastrang (59/3) 299 267(3) -(-5 kms) ~5-10 kmsl C -(-5kms) BS Dhar Shoshla (60) 2,34' Uninhabited Dhar Gelap (61) 2,301 Uninhabited "''''''"'- Dhar Tawla (62) 1,567 Unin'habiled "''''''''''''' Dhar Nesang Uperli (64) 5,685 Uninhabited "''I'" Dhal Bhujaya (65) 4,857 UnInhabited ",fill Dhar Gire (66) 5,279 Uninhabited

    "''I'''''' Dhar Bhujlang (67) 2,OB4 Uninhabited 10 "'.,." Dha' Shothang (68) 2,569 Uninhabited 11 "''''''' Dhar Hilap (69) 1,898 Uninhabited 12 wn:it'lflOlt Dhar Rani Kanda (70) B,670 UnInhabited 13 "''''''' Dila, Shon Chayo (71) 5,010 Uninhabited 14 "'''''' Dhar Dumti (72) 3,726 Uninhabited 86 ""'"ljflI

    'l,1it","" land Use ("""'r'l,1it-",';""' - ';""'-...ilfi.~) U\fi'I'I_ ... • - -""'''''''''.nft_t) -.t!f(;fri\fil; ..,;." .... ~'lf't Nearest Town and distance Forest Irrigated by source - Approach Power Unfrrigated Cufturable waste Area not toVlUage (In Kms.) Supply (including available for gauchar and cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Unmhab!led 3,583

    Ur'linhab\ted 561

    Uninhabited 12

    Umnhabited 80

    Uninhabited 55

    Umnhabited 728

    Uninhabited 134

    Ul1mhabited 229

    3,719 PC(I,557) 3,264 28,344 2,238

    KR Rampu, (151) EA pe(51) 251 29 KR Rampur(151) PC(13) 265 21 Unillhabited 2,344

    U~inhabited 2,301 Unmhabited 1.567 Ullinhabited 5,685 Uninhabited 4,857 Uninhabited 5,279 Umnhabiled pe(ti) 1,653 425 Umnhabited 2,569 Uninhabited 1,898 Uninhabited 8,670 Uninhabited 5,010 Umnhabited 3,726

    87 1991-.lt """""'" -_f.IOh 1991 Census· Village Directory

    ~ ...... :~-affi;olll'2 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2 - _""""",ljfmlIi (>@'!]filur_it;rn;mr'ltf'", (-) _,t _~"""1I~ '!jfilur.n -«-,;It """","iI-.fi!;ooIlo, 5-1._'l"'10+_..:t"""", _il;!l",t) Amenities available (If not available within the Village a das~-I has been shown In the Column and next to It in brackets,the distance in broad ranges vlz.-S Kms.,5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms.t the nearest place where the facility is available has been given ",, __~~vd

    ~ 10 ...... ~.'i'j ." Tahsil: Sangla Code No. : 6 15 Onar Nitha! (73) 2,599 Uninhabited ,. "'- Dhar Kar" 1741 :1,757 Uninhabited " Dhar Vaspa (75) 5.437 UninhabIted 18 ""'J"1 Char Gundar {76} 8,096 Unjnh~bjted 19 "'''''''' Dhar JOwlya (77) 3,494 Uninhabited 20 """'l' Dhar Nakdum (78) 1,299 Uninhabited 21 _tmom-~ Dhar Ar Somag" (79) 2,545 Uninhabited 22 Dhar Churgaam (80) 4,903 Uninhabited 23 "'-urt. DharNakurchhe (81) 3,152 Uninhabited 24 "'''''' ... Ohar Thanda Pal'li (82) 5,952 Uninhabited 25 1JII'.-.i'Firr-:qq Ohar Damocha Gaam (83) 5,138 Uninhabited

    28 UIt'11F.l':r~ Dhar Chaling Gaarh (64) 2,793 Uninhabited 27 Dhar Nelaog (85) 3,808 Uninhabited 28 "'- Rakchham (59/1) 357 622(129) P(2),M,H PHS,D T,e PO BS 29 """'" Kharogla (59/21 275 43(10) P -(5-10kmsl T,C -(5-lOkms) as 3O "" .... Dhar Shadri (47) 1,263 Uninhabited " i'I!'fI.l?'1i.ft Ibl D:P.F.C_ 161 (48) 20 Uninhabited " M~1Itl"'O D.P.F_C. 160 (49) Uninhabited 33 M~~Ut.162'{ D_P_F_C, 162 A (50) 43 Uninhabited

    34 ,it.~\"'Iftltt63 D.P_F_C_ 163 (51) 11 Uninhabited

    ~1it1.s9 35 D_P_F_C_ 159 Batseri (52) 115 Uninhabited '"'"mfrn Dhar Singan (53) 1,442 Uninhabited " w~~ '7 Dhar Kali Kutang Nichli (54) 61 Uninhabited

    QIt~V" 38 -,..,. Ohar Kali Xutang Uperli (55) 1,057 Uninhabited ,. """"""'i1 Ohar Kam Kamphur (56) 2,117 Uninhabited 40 Dhar Noshang West (57) 30 Uninhabited 41 "'--I1R'm~ Dhar Noshang Niehli {58) 122 Uninhabited 42 ,,'" Batseri(4311) 167 425(89) P(2),M PHS,O T,e PO -(·SKms)

    66 ""'~'I'i"!!'l""'"" Amenities and Land use

    'lIl'- Land Use (1l1>Ii


    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    lImnhabited 2,599 Uninhabited 2,757 Uninhabited 5,437 Uninhabited 8,096 Uninhabited 3,494 UnInhabited 1,299 U!'illhabited 2,545 Uninhabited 4,903 Uninhabited 3,152 Uninhabited 5,952 Unmhablted 5,138 Uninhabited 2,793 Uninhabited 3,808 KR Rampur (139) ED PC(49) 17 207 84 KR Rampu, (130) ED PC(27) 198 48 Uninhabited 1,267 14 Uninhabited 18 2 Uninhabtted UninMbited 41


    Umnhabifed 112

    Urllnhablted 1,442

    UI~mnabiled 61

    Uninhabited 1,057

    Uninhabited 2,117 Umnhabited 28 Uninhabited 119 FP Rampur (125) EO PC(69) 70 27

    89 199hft """""'" -_ flI

    ~ fiIo;m ....,.. 1~~;fu;2 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No, : 2 _i1 ...... ~('Iffl:1jfiIur_~_'ltff .. (-) ""'S, ""'_"""W_ ~ w,.tt "'_i1-s~ . •-,.filro>Il.'l'ilO+_."""""",, iiIiIIolil~lIft) Amenities available (If not available within the Village a dashl~ has been shown In the Column and next to It In brackets,the distance in broad ranges viz.-5 Kms.,S .. 10 Kms. and 10+ Kms..! the nearest place where the facility Is available has been given ...... ""'''"- 'li" __~~~.ft ..... ~ -... tft;t1fil'1:fRl~~(fR 1lNlR1 mm-'8Im ...... (_~ ...... ;,tt.."",t) (.. ) 5R'UiT (VH~,h • (t.wmil) (_il) ~"" ...... ~'Ift "") ""hI Location Name of Village Total area Total EducaUonal Medical D~nklng Post and Day or CommunJ. Code No. (with Hadbast No. in brackets) 01 the population water Telegraph days cations (~ Village (In and (Potable) ofth. lOOp, hecta .... ) nllmbBrof mar- R.11way households koU station,

    5 lQ

    'mlIlN:~.". Tahsil: Sangla Code No." : Ii 43 5eringche (4312) 36 37(8) -(-SKms) -(-SKms) T.C -(-SKms) as 44 -fl."~ln"i O.P.F. 162 C (44) 93 Uninhabited - 45 M'\"Ii.l~2

    4. "'~ Ohar Shujlang (46) 1.427 Uninhabited 47 "''''''- Dhar Hanya Uperli (39) 2.347 Uninhabited 48 "'''''- 'Dhar Hanya Nlchli (40) 674 Uninhabited 49 tt-.a~.1~7~ D.P.F.C. 157 Bas.ring (42) 236 Uninhabited 50 5angla(34/1 ) 309 1.968(448) P(3)M.H PHC T,C PTO as ''''"... Thapa Saring (3412) 287 198(52) -(-5Km.) -(-SKms) T.N -(-5Kms) BS "52 ;,r" ... Boning Sa ring (34/4) 152 571(113) P(2).M -(-5Kms) T.R.C -(-5Kms) -(-5Kms: 53 """'- Panpo "Kanda (34/3) 1.074 4(4) -(-SKms) -(&-IOKms) 0 -(5-10Kms) -(-SKms 54 Sangla Kanda (34/5) 87S Uninhabrted " "'- Dewar Kanda (34/6) 121 Uninhabited 56 :t'll'Q'l'li'"\t lG~ 'ftm D.P.F.C. Chindo (35) 165 Uninhabited

    57' "-qq;.lll:.lS~-l~ D.P.F.C. 154-155 (36) 229 Uninhabited 58 ""- Dhar Rupan (37) 6.378 Uninhabited 59 Dhar Dewar (38) 2.582 Uninhabited a"",lI'""'''' 60 D.P.F. HUIYa/C lS6 (41) 174 Uninhabited ~.t56 61 Kamru Khas (33/1) 117 961(182) P.M.H H T.C;M.O PO 8S T,TK.R. 62 Kupa (33/2) 166 400(94) P -(-SKms) -(-5Kms) BS 'I'" C.N.O 63 "''''''' Reg Sthang (3313) 1.068 Uninhabited 64 -" Lachonden (3314) 42S 2S(4) +5Kms) -(-5Kms) T.O -(-SKms) -(-5Kms, 65 Goroden (33/S) 80S 199(40) P -(-SKms) T,R,C.N. -(-SKms) -(-5Kmsl 66 "' ... Dhar Wad.ng (26) 640 31(11) +5Kms) -(-5Kms) C.N -(-5Kms) -(-5Kros' 67 - PHS -(-5Km~ ~"" Chasti Khas (3211) 309 430(93) P.M T.R.S.N. PO 66 Limoden (32/2) 35 5(2) -(-5Kms) ~-5Kms) C.N,O -(-SKms) -(-5Km, 6' -.". Jareyo (3213) 218 22(5) +5Kms) +5Kms) C,R.N.O -(-5Kms) -(·SK·,: 70 ",,,",, Oh., Pashel (28) 1.419 Uninhabited

    90 ","~1!'i'lfil~ Amenities and Land use

    '!fit""'" land Use ("'""- 'l,fil- "''1'''" - 'l""'0Iil '" 'ft") ""!fil ~~ur~ rfi~-a~ ...I ~_t) 'IiIf (iM" ~,"a'iiR "'''''i'''"'J!'! Approach Nearest Town and distance Power Forest Irrigated by source Unirrigated Culturablo wasta Area not toVilIag9 (In Kms.) Supply (Including available for gauchar and cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    KR Rampur (126) ED PC(11) 19

    Un~nhabited 90 Unll1habited 4S Ur1inhabited 1.41S Uninhabited 2.347 Unmhabited 663 11 Urnnhabited 229 PR Rampu' (126) EO PC(10S) 24 lOS 69 PR Rampur (120) EO PC(39) 208 31 KR Rampur (122) EO PC(55) 3 62 32 KR Rampur(131) 42 216 S16 Uninhabited 177 546 152 Unmhablted 17 90 14 Unll'lhabited PC(l) 162 Unmhabited 212 17 Ulllrhabiled 6,340 38 U'lll'lhabiled 2,573

    U1unhabited PC(3) 166

    KR,FP Rampu, (125) EA PC(53) 14 47

    PR,KR,FP Rampur (126) EA 51 PC(60) 24 22

    Uninhabited 453 12 13 590 FP Rampu, (124) ED 40 PC(2) 41 29 313 FP Rampur (123) EA 49 PC(35) 36 60 625 FP Rampur (125) ED 640 FP Rampu, (119) EA 216 PC(42) 28 20 FP Rampur (120) ED 15 PC(S) 10

    FP Rampur (120) ~D 114 PC(S) 75 12 11 Uninhabited 1,419


    ""'~TFi'l!'t"""'" Amenities and Land use

    'JIil".;m Land Use (...... '!IiI".;m"''l'"'' - 'l""''''"'''''''''''" ~-~"'''''''''''''''~i!ia;'IiI~) (I.e. area under different type of land use In hectares rounded up to two decimai piaces) _.:t """'" ~-"""",",'I!l ...... ,'If'! ("""' ~ "''''.hfi 'i'fl'" (1ik,>It,i!) ""l,fiI -""'''''''" "'''''<''''''''' ". -""'- - ~-.) .... W("" .. ~,afuR """"!"I'llii Approach Nearest Town and distance Power Forest I rrlgated by source Unlrrigated Culturable waste Area not to Village (In Kms.) Supply (Including available tor gauchar and cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited 877 Uninhabited 106 Uninnabited 95 KR,FP Rampur (116) EA 91 PC(44) 31 25 34 FP Rampur (115) ED 58 6 253 18

    FP Rampur (107) EO PC(25) 238 16

    Uninhabited 92 113 Uninhabited 67 141 10

    Uninhabited 91

    Uninhabited 90

    Uninhabited 271

    Uninhabited 120 Urunhabfted 76 Uninhabited

    ,p Rampur (113) EO PC(19) 29 34

    FP Rampur (113) EO PC(10) 12 29

    KR,FP Rampur(111) ED 15 PC(13) 103 11

    UI')JfJhabited PC(2) 68 72 Uninhabited 76 212 Unlnha.bited 38 Urmhablled 31 Urlinhabited 993 Uninhabited 828 U'Ilnhabited 1,691

    Fr Rampur (103) ED PC(23) 118 15

    Uninhabited 25 55

    Urmhabited 54

    Urllnhablted 86

    93 19911t1"""'"""-"""'~ 1991 Census - Village Directory

    ~ ~ .... ~-m oro:2 Community Development Block: Kalpa Code No. : 2 "",il""_~ (~p"",~"""",",,'-') (-) """~ .. ~"""jt~ pm -U~""""'i[ -.fq;wI\o,5-IO 1<>1l'Ito'1'i1O+_1tI"""",~il<'t,,.,t)

    Amenities available (if not available within the Village a dash('1 has been shown in Ihe Column and next to it in brackets,the distance in broad ranges viz.-5 Kms .• 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms.oI the nearest place where the facility Is available has been givenl ...... "'" ""',., 'li"""*"''1'1 ~ ~",,'II'II "",'I'I1IR """I ""'- "" (""'""'il_ .. ~""t) 'W' ...... ('t>r) ""'''' ('<"",Ii -.. (_if) ~~') - ft;r~~,"",1IJ{1 -""- !lor'" "'til Location Name of Village Total area Total Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi· Code No. (with Hadbast No. in brackets) of the population water Telegraph days cations {Bt!! Villago (In and (Potable) aftha slop, hectares) number of Railway housenolds ketJ station, (In brackets) hal If Waterwa, any

    4 10 <'!1'b:~.~. , Tahsil: Kalpa Code No, : 4 100 '"""'" Pilachodhar (9) 522 Uninhabited 101 ~ Supilangdhar (10) 193 Uninhabited

    102 ..- Botyaring Dhar (11) 326 Uninhabited 103 Batingra Dhar (12) 463 Uninhabited """'''' T,R,C, 104 Kllba Khas (2/1) 258 668(14B) P(2)M,H PHS,D PO BS S,N,O T,R,C, 105 Thikru (212) 227 B7(15) P -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5M. -- S,N,O 10 • -..... N1ardeem (213) 315 Uninhabited 107 it,~t:~:lIt131~+'" D,p,F,e: 137MB (1) 101 Uninhabited

    108 D,p,F,e, 138 Thikru (3) 125 Uninhabited ..lS,af.5:'f,.- f09 D,p,F,e, 139 Tiuden (4) 175 Uninhabited """""139~ ft~1jI1'i.tt 110 D,p,F,e, 140-141 Kilba (S) 210 Uninhabited 140-141~ H(l), P126) PHC(1), tmrr rmrnlfl'llPf 10,740 138,790 M(11) PHS(7), Total of Sangle Tahsil (2,210) H(S) 0(9), SMP(1) P(27), H(2), 1Pii'fTtmlhl:1fiT1P 15,397 M(l'), 39,122 PHS{S), Tetal or Kalpa 'Tahiil (3,658) H(8), O(5) PUC(1) H(3), P(53), PHC{I), ~~fi'II~1tiT'Ilfrf 26,137 M(22), 177,912 PHS(12), Total of C.D. Block Kalp.a (5,86B) H(13), 0(14), PUC(1) SMP(1)

    94 ",,~'-.;

    ~,..;m Land Use ("",,~,..;m~1"'-1"'""'"""""""

    _-~if"""",,,,,,,,,,",,,,,iIfoffif_) (i.e. area under different type of land use in hectares rounded up to two decImal pla~e.) _ '1lt ""m _ "'.,; ~11R"""''I!l .... .- "i"" .... 'f!'t(...,"'" .. "'~ .. "I'R'" (1$.>1\ if) 01'jf.f ~tfIU"~«Jfd"ffiv~~i _') (#f

    11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18

    Uninhabited 522

    Uninhabited 192

    Uninhabited 325

    Uninhabited 461

    KR,FP Rampur (95) EO PC(61) 160 34

    FP Rampur(97) ED 95 PC(118) 98 16

    Uninhabited 15 33 261 Uninhabited 97

    Umnhabited 125

    Uninhabited 175

    Umnhabited 210

    6,091 PC(853) 942 121,162 3,142

    3,719 PC(1,557) 3,264 28,344 2,238

    9,~10 PC(2,410) 4,206 155,506 5,980




    » I

    iI , " po~

    , "0 (' ". ". ~ '" 6se.+6lPO '8 Isr~ '" lIho r"", 'on~ '", '", i~O '", , 'I' ". V ". If2 l.- ·""'I.A" "., ". ". '", .'" , f '," , \ ". , 'w '" '" '", 1AHSil HEII.MlU I>.IITE~," )'1' @ , '" YILlAOE Wil" LOCATION '" '", COOE ~U"'BER .. '" VILLAGES 'ti lTH PO~U~A"ON SIZE' . , / 11 ~Ell)w tDO',lQO_4g9; Y.IC_ii90 '" 10000AtlOAa'lVE 0.' • ". UNIN~A8ITED VIL LAG£S iIIlTH 0 LOCATICNCOOE" NATIONAL HISII ~AV .. -....!!!:!..ll. , '" ~IVE ~ ~N~ KHAO . =-"= '" PllST OHICE I POST A~O , POLlei: SMllDlOl~lIC1:POSl PSIPP HOSPlJAL,PRIMARY ~ALT~ etm~[. PRIt.<>.i

    C "'"~-.mi\'Ift

    ~lIn"'lm (...... 0) """'I"""') """("""'1 _...r.r("'""lP) Name of Village (Hadbast No.) Location -.(~) Location location Code ..- '"No, - Location Code - Tahsil Code Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manuall

    ","",,~ Tahsil: Nfchar 1 "'" Agade (3117) 9112151136 09/121005010136 .Jl'It1J~uR AtanmeJang Ohar (7a) 9112151110 09/121005010110 .,'"'' Ba~al O~ar (49) 9112151183 091121005010183 4 If Balyee (30110) 911215155 091121005010055 5 -on Balthachang Dhar (78) 9112151109 091121005010109 ~W, Bangatu DM"r (47) 911215/166 091121005010186 7 "'- Bara Kamba (7/3) 9112/5/17 09/1210050/0017 711215/2 07/121005010002 ... Baro (3212) 9/1215/47 091121005010047 711215120 071121005010020 Basharang (8/1) 9112/5/19 0911210050/0019 '0 -"I' Bayude (1413) 911215128 091121005010026 11 lII<""" Bering Choat Dhar (SO) 9/1215/117 09/121005010117 '2 '!"'1 m Bhumtal Ohar (66) 9/12/5/95 091121005010095 13 l" Burang (1110) 911215111 091121005010011 14 'l'" Burcha (6713) 9/12/5/98 091121005010098 15 Change (3512) 911215/157 09/121005010157 16 '" Chatreng Dhar (97) 911215173 091121005010073 ii "'"'''' Chaunda (3614) 9/1215/170 091121005010170 18 "'"\ill Chau'a (3711) 9112151174 091121005010174 7/1215/22 071121005010022 11 0FJ'l"" Chayuda Ohar (54) 9/12/51164 091121005010164 20 ChhaJpatrj Ollar (84) 9112151121 091121005010121 21 full< Chhireem <.30(8) 911215153 091121005010053 22 -"" Chhod Kanda (3113) 9112151132 09/121005010132 ~""" 13 ""- Chhota Kamba (BI2) 9/1215118 091121005010018 71121513 071121005010003 2' Choling (10412) 911215/84 09/121005010084 10 "*' Dabllng (117) 9112151B 09/121005010008 10 -ml'!l-93 pangrang-G93 (15) 9/1215131 091121005010031 71 MUll Devli Ohar (50) 9112151185 091121005010185 28 "' .... Ohar Barke (11) 911215123 091121005010023 19 -. Dharmaling (91/1) 911215/61 091121005010061 30 "'''' Dhar Taal (4) 91121516 091121005010006 :1 1oJ"" Ohya Ohar (64) 9/12/51145 09/12/005010145 32 itt'1't._ D.P.F. 8alaey (107) 911215190 091121005010090 33 tJ.itY'Kw::' D,P,F. Barn. (105) 911215188 091121005010088 34 U'1't.,"", O.P.F. Bargadao (101) 911215/79 091121005010079

    35 llt... ~", -&9 D.P,F. Dutrang-G·89 (26) 911215151 09/121005010051

    36 t.tit.~.~131-132 O.P.F. Jan; -131-132 (87) 9112151125 091121005010125

    37 'ftit~.~ D.P,F. Kakslhal (7515) 911215/115 091121005010115

    38 ft.4t.~.~.t~90 O.P.F. Kampoorang ·C-90 (29) 911215142 091121005010042

    39 fl.fr~.~ D.P.F. Kangarang (92) 911215168 09112100501006B

    99 ""''''''''J'''''-.milw'l.'il List of Villages arranged in Alphabetical Order ~~«I'I&,"""'-aitll'""",'3 Community De-velopment Btock : Niehar Code No. : 3

    1991~ 1981~ 1991 Census 1981 Census"

    'fIfzr'lET"'IPI ("""""")' .(~) Q(..,.,.) -Q("""'IP') iJ;1i"HO (_.) Name of ViUage (Hadbast No.) Location -. I...ocation Location Code SI.No. - Location Coda Code -Code (Computer) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual)

    4 ·6 -,_, Tahsil: Niehar

    40 fr:lf!.I'I:'fi.~ D.P.F.Kashtee (108) 911215/91 0911210050/0091 . 41 ".'iI."" S*' D.P.F.Punang (89) 9112151127 0911210050/0127 42 1\'\fr.-qq;.~ D.P.F.Rachhmanang (99) 911215175 09/121005010075 43 f:.'i'f.%- "1J'f-1'i D.P.F. Ramni (83) 9(12151120 09/121005010120 44 it~'r'Ii. ""' D.P.F. Runang (110) 9112/5192 09/12/005010092 45 -a1)'f~~ D.P.F. Tilchak (95) 9/1215171 091121005010071 46 Mt"",_ D.P.F. Tilck'" (106) 911215189 09/12/0050/0089 47 It'il.''''.• D.P.F. Tiudall!l (94) 9/1215170 091121005010070 48 M.V'l>. 'lIffr-.t-91 DP.F. Yati-C-91 (19) 9/1215/49 09/121005010049 49 ., DP.F. A.B.C. (38) 9112151176 091121005010178 50 "lfi.69-JOY,oft... "".- D.P.F. 69-70 A-8 (41) 9112151189 09112/005010189 51 1l:'1ft.~7IT{. D.P.F. 71-A (42) 9112151181 091121005010181 52 It_It'l1r.q-q;. nil. D.P.F. 71-S (43) 9112151182 091121005010182 53 ,,. D.P.F. 72-A (44) 9112151184 091121005010184 54 illfi1Ri. " .. D.P,F. 72-8 (45) 9112151179 09ft 21005010179 55 ftQ}.'1liI.13 D.P,F, 73 (46) 9/12151177 09/121005010177 . 56 fLft"l!"lli 74 D.P.F. 74 (52) 9112151162 0911210050/0162 57 ftqJ.ll'Ii. D.P.F. 75-76 (55) 9112151165 09/121005010165 58 "fVi.'Ni 77 D.P,F. 77 (56) 9112151166 091121005010166 59 tt'al.('i7. " D.P.F. 78 (57) 9112151151 09/121005010151 60 ft~.~. DP.F. 79 (58) 9112151152 091121005010152

    61 1t:Qt~"'. D.P.F. 80 (59) 9112/5/140 09112/005010140 62 1j"fii."IN'. .ill DP ,F, 81 (60) 9112151141 091121005010141 63 itG't.'!'li'. " OPT 82 (61) 9112151142 091121005010142 64 it.-qt.WJ; .. D.PF 83 (62) 9112151143 0911210050/0143 65 il:.~'t'F.tt M D.P.F.C 84 (68) 9112151101 091121005010101 66 it-.t.«'

    68 ff1fr.~lftll~

    69 ir.

    71 it1l;t~~.9Q D.?F.C 96 (10) 911215122 09/121005010022 n it:'if.~~.91 D.P.F.C 97 (7) 911215120 091121005010020

    73 :aqt~.*.12(> D.P,F,C 126 (72) 9112/5/105 0911210050/0105

    74 "~.tft127 D.P.F.C 127 (73) 9/12151106 09/121005010106 75 M%m126l( D.P.F.C 128 -A (74) 9/12151107 091121005010107 76 MIMi. .Jt126-.-12'i" DP.F.C 126-6129 (76) 9112151116 09/121005010116 77 l""'" Dulgi Dhar (85) 9112151122 091121005010122 76 """" Galding (111) 91121511 0911210050/0001 100 """~-.mif-.ftwft List of Villages arranged In AlphabaUcal Order

    . ~ f;m _ , f.mJ< ~.;o , ,

    Community Oevelopm(mt BloCk : Nlch~r Code No. : 3 1991 """""" 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 Census'"

    ~lI"l~iT"'i'Pl' (...... >in) ""'(.) (.) -"'(""'W) 'r;;I~O ("""'1.<")...... Name of Village (Hadbast No.) location Location Location Code 51. ~o. - Location- Code Tahsil Code - Code (Computer) (Comp"ter) (Manual) (Manual) - 4

    ~,- Tahsil: Nichar 79 >m'I Garade (31/8) 9112151137 091121005010137 aD "'1l Gharshu (1411) 911215126 091121005010026 71121514 071121005010004 Bl Ghumaruning (10413) 911215185 091121005010085 B2 Gramang (3514) 9112151159 091121005010159 B3 -'f'O\Mtl!< GundlU Tirmi Ohar (48) 9112151180 091121005010180 84 .... Homl. (3012) 911215144 091121005010044 as I'" Hurba (118) 91121519 09/121005010009 8. ~ Hurl (3013) 911215145 09112/005010045 al Janl (8611) 9112151123 o911ZI005010123 711215113 07112/005010013 88 "'" Joklaring (6712) 911215/97 09112/005010097 as Kachrang (1415) 911215/30 09/12/005010030 90 -"""" Kalanu (30/1) 911215143 091121005010043 ""'I 91 W Kafaur(3712) 911215/175 091121005010175 92 Kakslhal (75/2) 9112151112 091121005010112 93 Kalingo (8612) 911215/124 091121005010124 94 -"""'" Kanangrang (30115) 911215160 09112/005010060 95 Kandar (17) 911215133 091121005010033 711<15/6 071121005010006 96 -"""" Kangarang (9117) 911215167 09112/0050/0067 91 m. Kangos (33) 9112151150 091121005010150 711215118 0711210050/0018 98 "'" Karaba (30113) 911215/58 091121005010058 99 "'" Karape (3612) 9112151172 09/121005010172 100 """ Kashpo (3119) 9112151138 091121005010138 101 Katgaon (30/7) 911215152 091121005010052 102 'li""'''' Kumbrang Dhar (5) 911215114 091121005010014 103 W"lI Kulano (10012) 911215177 091121005010077 104 f.)' Lingo (3116) 9112151135 091121005010135 105 """" Majhgaon (1121 91121512 0911210050/0002 106 ~ Marpuling (3015) 911215147 091121005010047 107 Masrang (3014) 911215146 091121005010046 loa -""""''''' Mauni~at Dhar (51) 9112151161 09112/005010161 109 .... Mear" (10411) 9/1215183 091121005010083 7/12/5111 071121005010011 110 1{rfu~f Morang Kanda (75141, 9/12151114 091121005010114 111 ot.r"'" Nain Sarlng (115) 9/12/514 091121005010004 112 Nansapo (~513) 9/12151166 0911210050101 sa 113 Natpa (16) 9/1215132 091121005010032 71121515 071121005010005 114 - Neugat Dhar (24) 9/1215139 "l"'''' 091121005010039 115 ,.",. Nigani (3115) 9/12151134 091121005010134 116 ~ Nigulsari (3616) 9/1215/171 091121005010171 117 Nlvasing Dhar (65) 91i"2I5194 091121005010094

    -'" 101 ",*~..,.,;y"aftwft list of Villages arranged in Alphabetical Order

    ~f.to;m _ , f.n:m: ~ -:io , 3 Community Development Bloek : NJchar Code No. : 3 1991_ 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 Census·

    _-.ftw 'lIilll5t~ (-..--.ro) -.ftw(iloj

    4 _,f.Im< Tahsil: Nichar 118 'lIM Palingi (3411) 9/12151153 0911210050/0153 . 119 ... Pandoshwar Ohar (27) 911215/50 09/121005010050 120 - Panwi Kh.s (6711) 911215/96 09/121005010096 711215/15 07/12/005010015 121 ... Paring KhoT {31/1} 9112151130 09/121005010130 122 ---'Ill'!! Pashpa (119) 911215/10 091121005010010 123 ~ Paunda (34/2) 9112/5/154 0911210050/0154 7/1215/19 0711210050/0019 124 Phaklowa, Oh., (6715) 9112/51100 09/121005010100 125 "i!""'I'm Phulyari Dh., (~O) 9112151188 091121005010188 126 ,"""""-"" Pho!.1 Ohar (21) 911215136 091121005010036 127 'P Puje (31110) 911215/139 091121005010139 128 :fOl- Punang Kanda (9012) 9112151129 09/1210050/0129 129 'fl'l- Punang Khas (90/1) 9112151128 09/121005010128 711215/12 07/121005010012 130 :J'II"II F'unaspa (32/3) 9112151148 091121005010148 131 """Tl Raag Panung (9114) 911215164 09/1210Q5010064 132 "'""'" Rallsanthang (l00J:l) 911215/78 091121005010078 133 """ Ralpa (3413) 9112151155 09112/005010155 . 134 Ramin, Khas (7511) 9/12151111 091121005010111 7/1215114 07112/005010014 135 "" Rango (31/4) 9112151133 091121005010133 -'36 -- Rango (3513) 9112/51158 091121005010158 137 WI"" Rarag (30111) 9/12/5156 09/1210050/0056 138 "'" Rawa(3515) 9112151160 0911210050/0160 139 Reyokcharag (1412) 911215127 09/1210050/0027 140· -~:rm Rigegurgurdhar (22) 911215137 091121005010037 141 .. """ Rora Kanda (103) 9/1215182 091121005010082 142 Wru!{ Roshang Ohar (81) 9112/5/118 091121005010118 143 '"'''''''''' ROth'" Charang Ohar (63) 9112151144 09/121005010144 144 """""" Rukabwal Ohar (109) 9/1215187 091121005010087 145 ,~~ Runang Nlehla (104/4) 9/12151Bli 091121005010086 146 m.~ Runang Uperla (111) 911215193 091121005010093 147 ~~.:r Soak Kanda (18) 911215134 091121005010034 148 'ffi'IJi"~1It-92 S.ak Kanda B·92 (14) 911215125 0911210050/0025 . 149 Saki Charang (3211) 9112151146 09112/005010146 150 -"'"_u" Sararik Dhar (53) 9/1215/163 091121005010163 151 ~m Sarkund Dhar (391 9/1215/1B7 09/121005010187 152 """"'" Shagarcha (114) 91121517 09/121005010007 153 _lilt-. Shaka"",rang (91/6) 9/1215/66 091121005010066 154 Shaling Dhsr (23) 911215138 09/12/0050/0038 155 Shaling Doar (6714) 911215/99 091121005010099 156 -""""'I. Shamnu (1/3) 91121513 09/1210050/0003 102 ""'~

    1991~ 1981_ 1991 Census 1981 Census·

    llilflfiJ'OJIlI r...... -.ro) ... (~) '""""'(~) - ... ('"""'!<') ('"""1"')...... mOle .,"" Name of ViUag9 (Hadbast No.1 Location Location 51 No. - Location Code - Location Coda Tahsil Code Code (Com'Puter) (Computer) (Manual) (Manual) -.-' Tahsil: Nichar 157 ." Shango (30/12) 911215157 091121005010057- 158 Shankh.r Dhar (96) . 9112/5f72 09/12/005010072 159 Sharoog.achh DhaT (26) 9/12/6/41 09/1210050/0041 160 ~ Shil.nI137/3) 9112/5/176 09/1210050/0176 161 "'" Shorang (711) 911215/15 09112/0050/0015 162 ""'''''' Shoran-g Awal (2) 9/1215112 09112/005010012 163 ""''''''' Shorang Doyam (3) 911215/1l 09/121005010013 164 'J"I'i'I Shuthanang (7513) 9/12/5/113 0911210050/0113 165 ~\(lJuR Shutmatha Chang Dhar (98) 91121&f74 091121005010074 166 _OR Slaring (14/4) 911215129 09/121005010029 167 - Solah Dha. 188) 911215/126 0911210050/0126 168 Solding (3511) 9/1215/156 091121005010156 ,69 -... Somo (3112) 9112151131 0911210050/0131 170 ¥" Sungra (3214) 9112/5/149 091121005010149 7112/5!l7 071121005010017 171 wm Surcho (30/1) 911215/59 09/1210050/0059 172 n~~un: j andoden. Nusko Dhar (77) 9112151108 0911210050101 OS 173 mil Tapri (9113) 911215163 09112/005010063 17' Taranda (3.6/1) 9112151167 091121005010167 7112/5121 07/12/0050/0021 175 Thachh (36/7) 9/12151173 091121005010173 176 'f"'l"" Thuskeo Ohar (25) 9/1215/40 091121005010040 In lIN Tiche (m) 9/1215116 09112/005010016 178 I

    • Due to settlement of the villages it 15 not feasible to give 1981 Census manual as well computer locatlonal code numoors irl respect of villa.ges against which column numbers 6 and 7 have been left blank,

    103 1991

    ~ llta;m ""'" ; f.rnR • .;. ; , Community Development Blotk: Nlchar Code No. : 3 "",;r"""",~ ("!lft'Jf!l.tll!

    Amenities available (tf not available within the Village a d~ has been shown in the Column and next to it in brackets,~ distance in broad ranges vlz.-5 Kms.,5--10 Kms. and 10+ Kr' the nearest place where the facility is avaUable has beel\~'

    ~~~ ~ ~ tfr.t$l~~~'ftR '1i"-_'111""",(__ ) (-"I (.. I ""arr ('oJ'" ~,.; "'" ~"">olf


    Tahsil: Nlchar Code No. : 5 Galdin9 (1/1) 690 Uninhabited """ Majhgaon (112) 65 585(124) P,M,H PHC N,O PO -(10H ...,_ Shamnu (1/3) 210 Uninhabited ..... Nain Saring (1/5) 154 2(1) -(-5 Kms)- -(-5 Kms). N,O -(-5 Kms) -(10+Kr Tingrang (116) 595 Uninhabited ,I Dhar Taal (4) 9,486 Uninhabited - Shagarcha (114) 102 150(36) P D N,D -(5-10 Kms -(10+K' Dabling.(1l7) 159 57(12) P -(5-10Kms) 0 -(5-10 Kms -(10ft I'" Hurn. (116) 126 123(29) P -(-5Kms) D -(-5 Kms) -(10+K" ,. - Pashpa (1/9) 398 23(8) -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) 0 -(5-10Kms -(10+ K~ 11 Burang (1/10) 262 56(11) -(5-10 Kms) -(10+ Kms) 0 -(5·10Kms -(10+K- \2 "" ShOrang Awel (2} 4 Uninhabited \3 ""'- Shorang Doyam(3} 75 Uninhsllited \4 ""'''''''~'" Kumbrang Dhar (5) 3,715 Uninhabited 15 Shorang (7/1) 326 52(10) P -(-5 Kms) T,S.N,O -(-5 Kms) -(5-1Gll 16 "'".. Tiche (712) 277 Uninhabited \7 Bara Kamba (7/:3) 429 374(76) P PHS T,O -(-5 Kms) ·pO+KIf' 18 -- Chhota Kamba (812) 367 378(88) P(2),M,H D T,O PO -(5· 1Ot ·19 ""'- 8asharang (8/1) 112 26(5) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) N,O -(-5 Kms) .(5.101' 2. fr."i"1;!"Ii"."€t-97 D.P.F.C-97 (7) 29 Uninhabited 21 ~t.Q'li".ftt_96 D.P.F.C-96 (10) 67 Uninhabited 23 "P." Dhar Barke (11) 4,192 Uninhabited 2' M~"€I-94 D.P.F.C-94 (13) 639 Uninhabited 2' W4>~~-92 Saak kanda B-92 (14) 1,204 Uninhabited 2. Gharshu (14/1) 364 140(31) P -(-SKms) T,O -(·5Kms) ·(5-10~." 27 "'"it!f;' Bayude (14/3) 207 Uninhabited ·2. Slaring (14/4) 226 28(5) -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) R,N,O -(5-10 Kms -(1D

    'l!'rm Land Use ("""''l!'rm", 'I"'" - '1""'''''''''''''''' ;m,;r -mwm .. """",,,,..,r.-.. ai>ifiY_) (i.e. area under different type of I,!nd use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places) .,. ... ~""",;;m\l;!l _'lit ...... ffi<'!!'t (m- ... ;r.;;iI-.Ml .. (-,-) ..,- W1rli·'{fqf;;r

    11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18

    Uninhabited 659 12 17 FP Rampur(53) ED 18 30 10 UnInhabited 197 FP Rampur (55) ED 131 15 Uninhabited 587 1 Uninhabited 9.468 18 FP Rampur(65) ED 27 67 8 FP' Rampur(70) ED 12 144 FP Rampur (54) ED U 94 10 FP Rampur(54) 19 367 12 FP Rampur(62) 12 239 11 Unlllhabited '4 Uninhabited 73 Uninhabited 3.698 17 FP Rampur(62) 18 299 9 Uninhabited 7 268 FP Rampur (68) ED 50 354 15 FP Rampur(64) ED 45 317 25 FP Rampur(66) 17 90 5 Uninhabited 29 Uninhabited 8 Uninhabited 54 2 Uninhabited 4.192 Uninhabited 630 3 Uninhabited 1.173 13 '8 FP Rampur(90) ED 11 330 23 FP Rampur(90) 210 17 Uninhabited 201 FP Rampur(95) 216 FP Rampur (93) 14 231 Uninhabited 528 FP Rampur(68) ED pe(15) 10 420 17 FP Rampur(65) ED PC(7) 6 606 27 Uninhabited 34 223 Uninhabited 665 25 Uninhabited 6,451 Uninhabited 1.644 Uninhabited 1,676 Uninhabited 11.966 39 Uninhabited 9.642 40 Uninhabited 3.820 105 1991-.ft~-_~ 1991 Census· Village Directol

    , f.tm • .;", ~ liIitoq!to"Oll"""", _ii-

    Amenities avaitable (if not available within the Village a dashl has been shown in the Column and next to It In brackets,tllr distance in broad ranges viz.-S Kms.,5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms,1 the nearest place where the facility is available has been g/~fI

    'T (Olm,t - (_ii) (_if) - ft;,ral _," Ror'lf<... " "') LocfI,tion Name of Village Total area Total EducatlDnal Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communi Code No. (with Hadbast No. in brackets] afthe population water TeleGraph days catIons {8.' Village (In and (Potable) of the stap, hectares) "umber of mar- Ralooy households k.U station, (In brtlckets) hatH Wat&rwal any


    ~,Fm!r.";o,s Tahsil: Nichar Code No. 5 D.P.F. Kampoorang 42 ft""''''"l'' 13 Uninhabited C-90 (29) 43 "" Kafanu (30/1) 320 653(170) P -(-5 Kms) T -(-5 Kms) BS 44 .,'""" Homla (30/2) 220 97(18) P -(-5 Kms) T,N -(-5Kms) -(-5!(m, 45 .. Hurl (30/3) 52 100(22) P -(-5 Kms) T PO BS Mascang(30'4) 758 11(4) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) N -(-SKms) -(-5KmI "47 Marpuling (30/5) 165 Uninhabited ,. -""'"' V."9pa (30/6) 158 1,345(231) P(2),M -(-5 Kms) T,N,O -(-5Kms) -(-5K" 49 t\1l11'f.,~'#-?\ O.P.F. Yatl C-91(19) 582 Uninhabited 50 Pandoshwar I)har (27) S,680 Uninhabited 51 ft~'<'l'i:F'(jt~&9 O.P.F.Dulrang C-89 (28) 75 Uninhabited 52 -"" Katgaon (3017) 154 737(202) P,M,H PHS,O T,M PO BS 53 ....""'" Chhireem (30/8) 262 . Uninhabited 54 Volrang (30/9) 204 Uninhabited 55 .."'" Baiyee (30/10) 164 137(25) P -(-5 Kms) T,M -(-SKms) 6S 56 m. Rarag (30/11) 394 8(4) -{S-10 Kms) -(-SKms) N -(-SKms) BS 57 11Pif Shango (30/12) 175 300(57) P -(-5 Kms) T,M -(-5 Kms) -(-5 !(mI. 68 Karaba(30/13) 197 180(36) P -(-5 Kms) T -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms, 59 ,.., Surcl1o(30/14) 714 113(21) P -(-5 Kms) N -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kmsi 60 Kanan Grang (30115) 600 116(23) P -(5-10 Kms) N -(S-10 Kms -(5-10Kn', ., ",.,. Charmaling (91/1) 50 1,067(216) P D T,N,C PO BS 62 ,,_ Urawning (91/2) 72 28(12) M,H PHS T,C -(-5 Kms) ·(-SKms: T,R,C,N, 63 Tapri (91/3) 459 605(193) P(2) PHC PTO 85 "'" 0 6. Raag Panung(91/4) 347 141(24) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) T,C,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Km,) 65 ""'" Yashang (91115) 70 226(42) P,M -(-SKIns) T,C,N -(-5 Kms) +5 Kms) 55 Shaka Marang (91/6) 455 84(15) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) T,C,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5Krns) 67 ""'"' Kanga Rang (91 (7) 237 Uninhabited 6B it~.1!"ii~ O.P.F. Kangarang (92) :\17 Uninhabited 59 Yashgan Dhar (93) 1,033 42{18) ~-5Kms) -(-5~Kms) S,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-tOKm', 70 it!ft.~.<'i~ O.P.F. nudang (94) 146 1(1) -(-5 Kms) -{-5Kms) S,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10Kms 71 f1.~.~ O.P,F. Tilchak (95) 120 Uninhabited 72 Shankhar Char (96) 795 Uninhabited 73 Chalrang Dhar (97) 685 Uninhabited 74 ~'q'IJrm Shulmatha Chang Dhar (98) 439 Uninhabited 75 ~.~ D.P.F. Rachhrnanang (99) 103 Uninhabited 76 Urni Khas (100/1) 75 650(126) -(-5 Kms) 0 T PO -(S-10 Kms) 77 ""'- Kulano (100/2) 207 257(S6) P,M,H PHS T -(-5 Kms) -(5-10Krns: 7S """ Rallsanthang (100/3) 209 30(4) -(-SKms) -(-5 Kms) N -(-SKms) -(10+!(m" 79 flit~1I'I:I'1ir O.P,F. Bargadau(1 01) 15 Uninhabited .0 "'"- Yulta Khas (102/1) 380 399(72) P -(IO+Kms) T PO -(,10K", 106 ""W'l",",'I'i'll"~ Amenities and Land use

    "lflI- land Use (...nq"lfll-"'''_ - "_"m",_

    """"'-~ii_",,,,~.r..;yii_) (I.e. area under different type of land use In hectares _'Oft rounded up to two decimal places) ..- ~-'i!'!("" ... """.""" "'''''' --(.... >It .. il) ....:!'l!\ __ t) 'i"\" ""l.fiI """"""'"""" "'~"""'" >!Ii -""'- ..-t!t(~"" ~.~ oiIt""l"''i!'! Approach Noal'Qst Town and distance: Power Forest Irrigated by source Unirrlgatad Culturable waste Area not to Village (in Kms.} Supply (Including available: for gauch8f and curtlvBtion groves)

    11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

    :lnhabited 13

    KR.FP Rampur (90) ED.EO 53 241 26 KR.FP Rampur(82) ED. EO 52 152 16 KR.FP Rampur (72) ED.EO 32 II 9 FP Rampu, (70) 39 700 19 1111habited 41 134 10 KR,FP Rampur(80) ED,EO 108 34 16 i,,],mhabiled 582 Uninhabited 5,671 Umnhabited 75 KR,FP Rampur (70) ED,EO 77 58 19 u~'nh~bited 26 251 urllnhablted 12 189 KR,FP Rampur (90) EO,EO 26 125 13 KR,FP Rampu, (SO) ED,EO 375 19 FP Rampur (80) ED,EO 26 132 15 FP Rampu' (77) ED,EO 56 127 12 FP Rampu, (65) 40 646 28 FP Rampu, (64) 36 552 12 KR,FP Rampu, (70) ED,EO pe(IS) 16 18 FP Rampu, (80) 16 52

    PR Rampu, (84) ED,EO PC(26) 402 31

    KR,FP Rampur(90) ED,EO 66 259 22 FP Rampur (80) ED,EO PC(13) 50 6 FP Rampur (65) ED 136 273 46 J~'~~

    107 1991

    1991 Census - Villago Di"':!

    ~. 1m!;m f.mI< .... '1'o'3 Community Development""'" Block: Nlchar Code No. : 3 _ii""""'ijIiIt:mi (~ljIOm_" ...... '11!fw'" (-J ". "",~ ...... "iI_ ~"iIft,'<'ilD+fft,,fiI,,,,,,,,, -~;f\-"jl,

    Amenities avanable (If not available within the Village ad~ has been shown in the Column and next to it in bracke!S' distance \n broad ranges v\z.-5 Km&.,&-10 Kms. and 1'ih~ _.... the nearest place where the fa~llIty Is available has beenp -"""'" ,,-

    Location Name of Village Total area Total Educational Medical Orinkirlg Post and Oayor CQrr,11I Code No. (with Hadbast No. in brackets) of the population water Telegraph days catlon$'~ VlIIBge(in and (Potabl.) ofthlt hectares) numbGrof mar- R.au."" households keU SUlK (tn brackets) hat if WilU!\' any

    ~,~.ofu" Tahsil: NicharCode No.: 5 81 'Ii"" Yuld,ng (10212) 263 Uninhabited B2 Rara Kanda (103) 2.926 Uninhabited ., ""- Meeru (104/1) 223 544(94) P.M D T,N PO ·(~IOf' 84 "".... Choling (104/2) 218 159(56) P -(-5 Kms) T,N -(-5 Kms) BS\ ,. Ghumaruning (104/3) 986 49(10) +5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) T,N -(-5 Km.) ·(IQ;r.., 66 -.... Runang Nichla (10414) 280 135(26) P -(IQ+Kms) T,N -(10+Kms) -{IOIKe< 8' - Rukabwal Dhar (109) 2,052 Uninhabited 68 ttmil D.P.F. Kashlee (108) 23 Uninhabited 92 --'&:tll.\"Ii.t-'f11 D.P.F, Runang (110) 136 Uninhabited 93 _m Runang Uperla (111) 239 11(4) ·(-5 Kms) -(10+Kms) N -(10+Kms) ,(10',· ,4 Nivastngh Ohar (65) 261 Uninhabited 95 '<"""'''' Bhumtal Dhar (66) 1,528 Uninhabited 00 ...... Panwi Khas (6711) 300 474(93) P(2),M PHS T,N -(-5 Kms) ·(sr· 97 Joktaring (67/2) 50 179(42) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) T,N PO +5K. ,98 ~"""'" Burcha (6713) 63 276(108) -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) N -(-SKms) .(-5K 9. ... Sharing Dhar (67/4) 492 Uninhabited 100 -",",,"w, Ph.ktowar Dh~r (6715) 308 Uninhabited 101 ~ -- Shuthanang (75/3) 202 6(3) -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) N,O -(-5 Kms) ·(10IK- 114 """" Morang Kanda (7514) 343 Uninhabited 115 fI:dt.'II'Il~"'"'''''' D.P.F.Kak.thal (75/S) 288 Uninhabited 116 it:~.~-128~-129 D,P,F,-128B-129 (76) 288 Uninhabited 117 ifttI*w: Bering Choat Dhar (SO) 1.341 Uninhabited 118 mlllT Roshang Dhar (81) 309 Uninhabited 119 Upat Dhar (82) 1,025 Uninhabited 120 ttqj"~wRt D.P.F, Ramni (83) 502 Uninhabited

    108 ""~'IO''!J'r....,;m Amenities and Land use

    'lfir1l'iPl Land Use ("'"":'lfir1l'iPl>i'l""'-'l""'w1fiRm

    ,""",,-~'l·"'_.;l~~mif_) (I.e. area under different type of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

    ~1Rt ... -'l!t _.:t m.1T

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited PC(1) 17 236 Uninhabited 2.922 4 FP Rampur(85) ED PC(37) 171 10 PR.FP Rampur(80) ED.EO PC(13) 163 41 FP Rampur(80) ED PC(S) 28 941 12 FP Rampur (66) ED PC(10) 6 244 20 Uninhabited 2.048 Uninhabited 45 Uninhabited Uninhabited 3 Uninhabited 2? Uninhabited 135 1 FP Rampur(BO) PC(71 230 2 Uninhabited 261 Uninhabited 1.520 FP Rampur (66) ED 50 232 16 FP Rampur(66) ED 12 34 FP Rampur(64) ED 13 41 Uninhabited 4 483 Uninhabited 19 285 Uninhabited 114 Uninhabited 34 Uninhabited 78 UninhabIted 73 tJmnhabited 182 Uninhabited 125 Uninhabited 178 Uninhabited 365 43 lklinhabited 80 Uml'lhabited 1.512 FP Rampur(7S) ED. EO 32 116 10 FP Ramp", (80) ED 88 9 FP Rampur(83) ED 51 143 8 Uninhabited 10 330 Umnhabited 287 UnlllhabUed 2~8 Unmhabited 1.268 73 Umnhabited 301 8 Umnhablted 984 41 Uninhabited 501

    109 1991 .... """"'"'"-wr~ 1991 Census - Village Directory .._. ~ 1f.nm.-:tO:~ Community Development""'" Block: Nlchar Code No. : 3 _il"""""~ (~jjfflm_il""""''''''ht (-) _'" ",,~ ..... iI_~iI'I!I_ii-;f1Irn>llo, .-I._'l'i,•• 1illo>ll• .:t"""", ~iI1ft) Amenities available (if not available within the Village a dasht-) has been shown in the Column and next to It in brackats,the distance In broad ranges viz.-S Kms.,5-10 Kms, and 10+ Kms. ot the nearest place where the facility Is availabJe has been given)

    ""OPI'lfITomr ~~~ -... tft;f$Tqr-{t lI1i$~~ 1ITI:fIlt1 ~~ "l"...... '" *",0 (_~_"f,.,"""t) _oft .... (<0) 'Sre"!JiT (am~,~ - (_H) (-~) k-r"" _,'" - k-r ... "';) -.ill ... location Narne of Villago Total area Total Edueatronal Medical DrlnkJng Post and Oay Of CommunI- Code No. (with Hadbast No. In brackets) 01 tho population water Tel&graph days cations {Bus Village (In and (Potabla) of the stop, hoctares) number of mar- Railway houwhold$ kef! station, fIn brackets) hat If Wate1way) any

    1 4 . S 10 .f.rimm-:ro., Tahsil:"'"'" Nlcnar CodD No. : 5 121 Chhalpatli Dhal (84) BBl Uninhabited 122 """"''''l"'''' Oulg; Ohar (B5) 2,5S4 Uninhabited 123 ... Jan; (86/1) 407 491(97) P,M PHS,O T,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-IOKms; ,124 Kolingo (8612) 140 Uninhabrted 125 ft~._lJl-l.n""'" D.P.F. Jani 131-132(B7) 317 Uninhabited 126 ... '" Solah Ohar (BB) 796 Uninhabited 127 -F» D_P.F. Punang (B9) 514 Uninhabited 128 Punang Khas (90/1) 153 320(B3) P(2) -(5-10 Kms) T,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) 129 "''''F»"';' Punang Kanda (90/2) 94 Uninhabited 130 Paring Khol (31/1) 140 9(2) -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) N,O -(5-10 Kms -(S-IOKms) 131 ""'" Soma (3112) 134 11(2) -(-5Kms) -(5-10 Kms) N,O -(5-10 Kms -(5-10 Kmsl 132 "" Chhod Kanda (31/3) 47? Uninhabited 133 .."'''''' Rango (31/4) 160 Uninhabited' 13' Niganl (31/5) 61 478(120) P -(-SKms) T,N -(-SKms) -(-SKms) 135 Linge (31/6) 12S 137(40) -(-SKms) -(-SKms) T -(-SKms) -(-5 Km.) 136 '"- Agade (3117) 78 13S(45) +SKms) -(-SKms) T -(-5 Kms) BS 137 """ Garade (31/6) 49 S03(118) P PHC T PTO -(-5Kms) 136 "" Kashpo (3119) 52 S03(154) P,M,H PHC T,N,O -(-SKms) BS 139 "'" Puie (31/tO) 84 621(139) P -(5-10 Kms) T -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) O,P.F_ 80(59) 140 ""~.-8Q 42 Uninhabited 141 ft.t.1!'Ii.-81 D.P.F. BI (60) 47 Uninhabited 142 ·1i.i.~. .-'a2 D.P.F. B2(61) 46 Unlnh'blled 143 tt~'{'!i.·a3 D.P.F. 83(62) 60 Uninhabited 144 ltI:r'IItiTUR Rotha Charang Ohar (63) 122 Uninhabited 145 10", Dhy, Dhar (64) 511 Unin.habited 146 Saki Charang (3211) 102 266(67) -(-5 Kms) T.N ~-5Kms) as 147 ..."""" Bara (32/2) 166 165(39) P -(-5 Kms) T,N -(-SKms) BS 148 .... Punaspa (32/3) 77 143(54) -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) N,O -(-SKms) BS 149 F" Sung .. (32/4) 220 3,721(1,300) P,M,H H,PHS T,N,O PTO,Phon BS 150 Kangos (33) 209 492(105) P,M -(-SKms) T,N -(-5 Kms) BS 151 t:t~.-7a""'" D.P.F.78 (57) 64 37(6) -(-5 Kms) -(-§Kms) N,O +5 Kms) BS 152 fI1t~-79 D.P.F.7 (58) 333 Un1nhabited 153 Palingi (34/1) 90 566(150) -(5-10 Km.) T PO BS 154 Paunda (34/2) SO 139(40) PHC T,N,O ~5-10Kms BS 155 -""" Ralpa (34/3) 77 63(1S) -(-5 Km.) -(-SKms) T -(S-10 Kms -(-SKm': 156 Solding (3S/1) 285 125(28) P -(-SKms) T,N PO -(-5Klrs, ." Change (35/2) 85 339(74) P -(-5 Kms) T -(-5Kms) BS 15' -'"mil Rango (35/3) 114 Uninhabited "9 Grllmang (35/4) 72 41B(83) M PHS T,N PO BS ,160 Rawa (3S/5) 114 19(6) -(-S KmS) -(-SKms) N,O -(10+ Kms) -(-SKl".o

    110 'JFI ~ q

    'If't...r:r Land Use (am\lj 'llit ""'" ;il 'f"O' - ~ "'" '" ...oor

    ~ -~i!~;ilm-.,.,.,.,;,;tif~) (i.e. area under different type of land use In hectares _ofi rounded up to two decimal places) .,..- --'!'i~W 'IF' iom: 'lilt (.-.PI q,. w.r .. _ "" __ t) oFl" (ft;,>ltil) ~ """"mu ...... "fIoz""""" ...t --- - 'fIIHAA11I;_, ...... m~"J!i> Approach Nearest Town and distanco Power Forest Irr\uat.a by source Urtirrlgated Cu!turabl& waste Area not toVmagB jinKms.) Supply Iincluding available for gauchar and cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninh.biletl 860 21 J,,,b.biled 2.507 47 FP Rampur(75) ED 50 333 24 Uflinllabtted 53 85 2 !.lnlnha'oited 313 Uninhabrted 7:11 , Un.fnhabitad 505 2 FP Rampur(70) EO,EO GC(29) 5 103 16 Uninhabited 1 92 FF Ramp"r(S7) EO 5 127 FP Ramp"r(6B) EO 6 124 U,;,hablted 31 433 Un~habil.d 29 126 KR,FP Ramp"' (72) EO 36 17 KfI,FP Rampur(72) EO 38 7S 12 PR Rampur (76) EO 1 65 12 PR Rampu, (76) .EO 28 15 6 PR Rampur(74) ED 26 16 FP Rampur(72) EO 52 25 Uninhabited 41 Ullinflabited 46 UT,inhab-ited 48 Uninhabited SO Uninhab~oo' 122 Umnhabiled 511 ?R.FP Rampur(55) ED 38 50 14 PR,FP Rampur(53) ED 76 82 8 - PR,FP Ra"'pur (55) EO 30 38 ?R.FP Rampur(50) ED,EO 6 75 88 51 PR,fP Rampur(48) ED 74 112 23 FP Rampur (55) 63 U,mhabited 333 PR Rampu, (50) 1"0 20 55 15 PRJP Rampur (65) EO,EO 17 27 6 FP Rampu, (55) 17 57 3 FP Rampu, (57) ED 25 235 25 KR,FP Rampur(6D) ED 32 45 lL,inhabi1ed 45 62 KR,FP Rampur (60) EO 3B 22 12 FP Rarepur(60) 22 85

    111 1991"01'1 """""'" -"",f.llfr; 1991 Census - Vi lIage Di,et:

    ~ ~ f.ttm • -;fO: 3 Community Development"""' Block; NichaT Code No. : 3 _"""""'~(~"!jf11 ""'" ft.~ '" "'hl

    Location Name of VUlage Total area Total Educational Modical Drinking Post and Day or COf11~. Code No. (with Hadbast No. In brackets) of the population water Telegraph days cations VIllage (In and (Potable) of the ltoi hectares) number of mar· Rail. households keU sill, ~ln brackets) hat If Watc".1 any

    f.!mn"m-ro: , Tahsil"""" : NicharCode No.: 5 161 '1f.fr~Ul{ Mauni Laat Dhar (51) 875 Uninhabited 162 1T.4t·orf·... 14 D.P.F.-74 (52) 643 Uninhabited 163 ...,_ Sararik Dhar (53) 1,499 Uninhabited

    164 mg~'" Chayu Da Dhar (54) 1,2S9 Uninhabited 165 1PYl~-15-16 D.P.F. 75-76 (55) 401 Uninhabited 166 ~.it.~-n D.P.F. 77 (56) 121 Uninhabited 167 Taranda (36/1) 310 254(54) P PHS T PO 168 ""'" Nansapo (36/3) 60 227(44) P -(-5 Kms) T,O -(-SKms) 169 Tikrang (36/S) 77 11(2) -(-SI(ms) -(-5 Kms) N ·(-5 Kms} 170 -""'"... Chauhda (36/4) 97 62(15) P -(-5Kms) T,N -(-5 Kms) 171 Nigulsari (36/6) 145 49S(148) P,M,H ·D T,N PO 172 ~"" Karape (3612) 116 96(40) -(-5Kms) -(-SKms) T -(-SKms) 173 Thachh (36/7) 156 140(28) P -(-SKms) T,N -(-5 Kms) 174 - Choura (37/1) 183 294(73) P,M -(-SKms) T,N PO 175 .,.""" Kapaur (37/2) 125 144(26) P PHS T,N -(-SKms) 170 Shilani (37/3) 259 128(21) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) T,N -(-5 Kms) 177 ~it!!'li-13"""" D.P.F.-73 (41) 386 Uninhabited .178 ">ro.-6a~/ D.P.F.-66 A.B.C. (36) 639 Uninhabited 179 inft~.-n. D.P.F.-72 B (45) 73 Uninhabited

    180 ~tIlii'IUR Gundili TIrmi Dhar (48) 423 Uninhabited 1B1 /itit~-71~ D.P.F.-71A (42) 355 Uninhabited 182 ftitJlll>.-71~ D.P.F.-71B (43) 158 Uninhabited 183 Bahal Dhar (49) 183 Uninhabited 184 illj1-.l{'ii.-72-q" D.P.F.-72A (44) 69 Uninhabited 185 ""'" Devil Dhar (50) 456 Uninhabited 186 """<'" Bangatu Dhar (47) 434 Uninhabited 187 """ Sarkund Dhar (39) 487 Uninhabited '.88 """", .. Phulyari Dhar (40) S58 Uninhabited 189 tt.it~.6?-7C'i."(t D.P.F.-69-70A,B (41) 495 Uninhabited H(1), P(S8), f.:taR-

    112 ""'"ljfilmiI'f'l'''l.fiI~ Amenities and Land use

    "l.fiI- Land Use (...m.:'l,IiI'!I'iFt$'l"'" - 'l""'~$~

    """'" -~i1",""",$,"_mil_) (I.e, area under different type of land use in hectares _all rounded up to two decimal places) WI_ _m<,,"~'I!l ... .- "l""Wm-'lI"("'" ""iN .. _ ~.., (,,",'

    Approach Ne~re$t Town and dlstanee Power Forest Irrigated by source Unlrrigated Culturablc wasto Area nol toViflage (In Kms,) Supply (InCluding avaflccbre for gauQharand cultivation groves)

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Uninhabited 857 18 Uninhabited 634 Uninhabited 1,484 15 Uninhabited 1,251 Uninhabited 398 Uninhabited 121 FP Rampur (46) EO 38 251 21 FP Rampur (43) EO 20 37 3 FP Rampur(43) 9 66 FP Rampur(43) EO 31 62 4 PR Rampu, (40) EO 14 111 20 FP Rampur (41) 13 92 11 FP Rampu, (44) "ED 26 122 8 PR Rampu, (34) ED 16 145 22 PR,F? ROlmpur (33) ED 13 g. 18 FP Rampu, (33) ED 33 211 15 Umnhablted 378 V:lInhabited 629 Uninhabited 84 Uninhabited 125 296 Unrnhabited 350 2 2 Uninha.bited 156 Unlnh,bited 180 Unmhabited 53 6 Uninhabited 451 Uninhabited 162 266 L1rlnhabited 482 Uninhabited 558 Unll'rhabited 489

    GC(29), 21,858 2,673 91,947 2,133 PC(266)

    GC(29), 21,858 2,673 91,947 2,133 PC(266)

    113 ~-I Appendlx·1

    ~, fuIlImrr 'Iii """~.n Community Development Block-wise Abstract

    ~ Educational

    "",;t, -"'il" -"'i" ...... """-"W .... _/

    ..- ..- ..- VflJages Institutions Villages"'" Institutions Villages"'" Institutions Villages"'" Institutions""'"


    "!!!" Poo 52 56 19 19 10 10

    lMQJ Kalpa 33 53 19 22 10 13

    f.Fm: Nichar 53 58 17 17

    1iffl;rr District 138 1'67 55 58 28 31

    114 "'~ Village Directory

    a~ fiIo;m _~w:-.m: of Educational, Medical and Other Amenities

    Educational- ~(_;ilt..m_l ~-.,~,..... "71t._""'_~""""" Coll9ge (Graduate and Adult L.iteracy Others ..tit above) Classes/Centres ViIla9es with no educati(lnal facilities

    "'" .,.,... "'" Vlliages Institutions- Villages Institutions Villages Institutions- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17





    115 '1fi1ll!I Append;


    Medical-­ !6lfltO ~filo;m """"'" .... fll;T""""'" --",. 51. No. """''''' .... Dispensary Hospital .... ~'l'/fl!1l""""'" ... Name of the - ~ PrimaryHuar C. D. Block Maternity and Child CentrelHealth Cr welfare Centre/Maternity Home/Child Welfare Centre

    ...... , wr WI 1IPI "'" '" Villages Institutions'""'" Villages Institutions Villages .Institutions""'" Villages Inst.

    18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25.

    'i'" Poc 16 16 '5

    2 - ~ Kalpa 13 ,. 3

    f.'Rm Nic:har

    ~ District 38 39 5 10

    116 ""'~ Village Directory



    it"._ ... _ ~lQWlf~-~ - .... "'" Family-_ Planning Centre Primary Health Sub­ Village"'""''''''''''''''' Health Guide Others p""",,'<>!t Centre Villages with no medical facility

    .,.,. "" lIPf WWf"' "'" WI Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Numbers- Villages Institutions""'" 26 27 20 29 30 31 32 33 34


    12 12 43 .

    11 11 63

    31 31 156

    117 ~-1 Appendix ·1

    ~.~~-~ Community Development Block-wise Abstract

    iIiI""v.lt Drinking Water lPrtio ~ """'!" ~ ....., 'l'";t ~""flIRll SI. No. ~-"""'" Tap"" Tank Tubewell River Fount-""" Canal Others""'" iFlUlmt Name"""'''"''"' of the .In ...,. .ft>itl C. D. Block -More 1JIlM """'" than ..tI'f On. Villages Source with no drinking water facility

    35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

    'if Poo 59 70 23 67

    'Ef'ic;q( Kalpa 49 16 52 34 54

    f.'hm: Nichar 58 57 34 58

    fGri:;Tr District 166 29 179 91 179

    118 .,.~ Village Directory

    .. ~ ilIamt _-1'fl

    """oh"" >kt« _, Post and Telegraph Communications .....,.,~ """,a _.... '" _oll""'l!\'i """""'~ hN-.tM _""' .... Phone Bus Railway Navigable. Power Supply P.O. T.O ~ ~ ""'l~ ""'" ""'"P.T.O P.O& T.O. & P.T.O & Stop Station Water way Phone Phone Phone

    ~ Not Available""'" A\lailable

    45 46 47 411 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

    20 35 66 14

    11 30 56

    17 23 65 20

    60 88 187 41 ~2-_~ APPENDIX II- VILLAGE DIRECTORY m:-~...m ("""""",,...m)i!'J!lt""""'-.-.lt~ Land Utilisation Data in respect of Non-municipal Towns (Census Towns) 1!'i""""'( __ """'ol'l!"""""'iI .... """ __~if-....tonl-1 Land use (I.e. area under different types of land use in acreS/hectare~ rounded to the nearest units)..,....".­ 'l!"("""",,,, -mIIolllo, '=m:.~~'='I'I1'I" ...... -1 m"lmfi4ftm Culturable ... .., _if 'li"""""" ~'"Area not 51. NO. Name of Town and Tahsil wIthin Total Area Forest'"' Irrigated by Source Unlrrlgated Waste available 'or brackets (Including cultivation g3uchar& groves)

    - Nil-

    120 ~3-_~ APPENDIX III -VILLAGE DIRECTORY ""''"l~1>=t_'[dt..,.;"'''''II'Il'''_"""",-.!It ... ,l)'jJl!ttt Community Development BlockwisG list of villages where no amenity other than the drinking water is available.

    'fflmt ftor;::h District Kinnaur

    ~tmm"""'''''''''','W Name of Community Development Block: POD ""' .... ~~W;fo SI.No. Location Code No. Name"""""­ of Villages

    "3'f-r """ Horang Pawa


    .... $l~_~'fIdl .... o;lf>ll1jlinll

    f'.ftm ~ District Kinnaur

    ~fmmRllf'O"Wlfi'f"'lPr:~ Name of Community Development Block: Kalpa

    ~1io ... "" "lIRifwnl1Jll SI.No. location_ Code No. Name of the Villages

    ~:1fi?lT 14 Tahsil: Kalpa '"" Mebar

    ,"",,~~,"241 .31 Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda C-241 36 ~Goli 37 ~ Dumdumka 52 """,",Dakhaye ~:~ 53 Tahsil: Sangla ""'" ""'1T Panpo Kanda


    '1PiIulI~""""'''''''''''''!'ft'''''''f>ll~ 1r.t

    Community Development Blockwise list of villages where no amenity other than the drinking water is available.

    ~ ~ Dlstriet Klnnaur

    ~~~l!ffI~:f.nm' Name of Community Development Block :_Nichar

    ~"fio ~.o::jo 'lIilirl'lfiT"'f1li 51. No. Location Code No. Name of the Villages

    10 _, Pashpa Tahsil:-.­ Nichar 11 !"'T Burang 19 """ '" Basharang 29 ~ Slaring 46 ""'" Masrang 69 ,.,m !lIT Yashgandhar 70 i\.qr~.• D.P.F. Tiudang 93 m'3WIT Runang Uperla 155 ""'" Ralpa 160 '"" Rawa 169 ~"'Tikrang 172 ""'" Karape

    123 ~, ...... ~ Appendix: IV Village Directory 'WI -""'" ull W""" if 0Ifil1>iI <6 ""!"'" ~

    ~fim;m""",,~ q;-~~ Community Development Block: Poo A- Scheduled Castes ""'l'lf'm-""--(-") ~.oio _'"""" Range of Scheduled Castes population (Percentage) location Code No. Name of Villages

    2 3

    ,~ Sub-tahsil: Hangrang ""--0-5- 14 ..,."""" Chango Uperla 15 I"'" Dung 6-10 39 Mating 11-15 16-20 35 - Yangthang 21-30 - 31+ -.,,'1" Tahsil: Poa 0-5- -"'" Namak lang 47 Shyaso 6-10 27 "'"mr._ Giabong Khas 64 mil .. Tashi Gang "11-15. 6 SpUo Khas 55 ""'" Labrang 56- --~ Oanmochhe 76 fIIh_ Rishi Kanda 16-20 21-30 9 """"..". Kanam Khas 16 ""'- Ropa K_has 18 1i""'! Sumtat 52 '!!' Poo 74 ~ Dub ling 31+ Labra~g Khas 10 """""'" Kanam !'Jichla 29 """"-~- Giabong Parla 38 Rushkafang 42 ..... "'" Sannam Khas 43 "'-..,.. Duphang 58 Namgia Khas 59 Namgia Kanda -,~ Tahsil: Morang 0-5" 51 "'l,U KhadurO:il 58 """ Parga 92 ~"" Giyunglang 6-10 64 tr..""" Ribba Khas 86 ""'" Lambar 91 Charang Khas

    124 -- ~ , • "'" f.lltfmnr Appendix: IV Village Directory 'W'~ft __ (m) ~.~a Range of Scheduled Castes population (Percentage) Location Code No. Name-"'- of Villages 2 3 _,'i'" Tahsil: Morang 130 Gramang 11-15 41 1'lr.nj< Sheelapur 57 """' ... Akpa Khas 70 Skiba 16-20 48 -""- Jangi Khas 119 offlt_ Thangi Khas 134 '""".m Nesang Khas 21-30 19 fo1qJ"", Lippa Khas 44 ... "'" Rarang Khas 78 ~- R!spa Khas. 127 'I"fi'l Thuwaring 128 '""'" Khokpa .129 .... Shiling Khas 31+ 65 - Holdang 69 -~ Kurpo 79 - Ujing

    ·E.xc(udes viUages having no Scheduled Castes Population.

    125 ~'4""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory '!i"'~lOl\W-~~'"'''''l''''~~ om- ~"'" -~-..'I~~$""J'ffi""""-..'I'J:'ft List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~ fim;m W'1f , """" "'-~~ Community Development Block: Kalpa A- Scheduled Castes

    Range of~-~--(-) Scheduled Castes population (Percentage) Location--"'" Code No. Name of Villages 2 3

    ~,~ Tahsil: Kalpa

    0-5' 40 ~ YuwarmgJ 44 Sarvo 52 ""'"""" Dakhaye 6-10 '"l" Ragur8 30 ~ Ouni 41 '"' Raang 11-15 25 -... Gaki Marang 16-20 12 'Ii>!t Pangi 28 Reckong Peo 49 -""''!'it Talan Gucha 71 Rawa 21-30 13 "'"" Khwanta 26 Khwangi 39 Kelpa 55 - Rail "" 58 Sarang 68 ,...- Purban! Khas 31+ 20 Takhwa 23 '"""" Kashmir 27 ""'" Kothi 29 - Brelingi 36 ->ir.lI Goli 37 ~ Dumdumka 38 ~ RaduJe 42 !!"in Shudarang 53 M Rogi

    59 ~ Yusaring 60 Tangling Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 66 -~~ -if) 179-180 C.179-180 67 Pawari

    ~:mm>n ""'" Tahsil; Sangla

    0-5' ~ Chhltkul Mastrang 42 ...-.llI-" Batseri 6-10 65 ""'" Goroden 87 .... Baturi 11-15 96 -".1, .... Kanahi K_has 16-20 28 ,,_. Rakchham 69 Jareyo 88 -""'" Shenanden 126 ~'4""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory 'W'~-..!IW""'-iI~"'~~""""" "'" ~ii!'I -"""""-..!I~""l""''''''''l''''''''"-..!IlJ.''ft List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by tangos ~flla;m_,,,,,,,,, "'-~~ Community Development Block: Kalpa A- Scheduled Castes

    ~~O!\~_(""""') _"""". Range of Scheduled Castes population (Percentage) Location Code No. Name-""- of Villages 2 3

    ~iWr.:=n TahsiJ ; Sangla 21-30 51 Thapa Saring 31+ 50 Sangl~ 52 """"""'- Boning Saring 61 Kamru Khas 67 -- Chasu Khas """"-"">- 74 ...... Shaung Khas 77 Barua Khas 86 ~- Sapni Khas 104 ~- Kilba Khas 105 ~ Thikru

    'E;xCludes villages having no Scheduled Castes Population.

    127 ~'4""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory 'W'~

    ~~aft~~("Ifmm:) ~.olo Range of Scheduled Castes population (Percentage) Location Ct;lde No. Name-"'''''' of Villages

    2 3 _,t'Rm: Tahsil: Nichar 0-5" '5 !It Huri 55 .. Baiyee 65 Yashang 154 ""'" Paunda 167 ""'" Tarantia 174 ""'" Chaura 6-10 64 1PI'Ii;'r"'" Raag Panung 137 Garade 138 '"" Kashpo 147 .m"""'" Saro 148 l"""" Punaspa 153 PaUngl 11-15 26 -""J Gharshu 62 ~ Urawning 112 Kaksthal 135 llI'I Unge 136 Agade 155 Ralpa 157 - Change 172 Karape 16-20 .6.9 "'- Yashgan Dhar 21-30 -"!"" Hurba 18 '""- Chhota Kamba 52 """"" Katgaon 80 'IF"- YuUa Khas 93 ""''''"''' Runang Uperla 98 ;rrr Burcha 128 :J"'l- Punang Khas 13. Nigani 149 'i'TTi>iI San90 60 Kanangrang

    128 - ~'4""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory "i" - -ffij"\jWIT i't ~ $ "'¥R oq~;mRnil om: ~ 'WI -~ -ffij ~ ar-;rua $ "9"R -wit -ffij"'!:'fi List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~_"""",l'l'mt "'-.~~ Community Development Block: Nichar A- Scheduled Castes

    ""I'!!'m-oft....-r-<-l ~.oio Range of Scheduled Castes population (Percentage) Location Code No. Namo""""'"'" of Villages 2 3 _,fum Tahsil: Nichar 61 .- Oharma!ing 63 mil Tapri 66 Shakamarang 76 Urn; Khas

    77 ~ Kutano 83 ....-- Meeru 85 -"" Ghumsrunlng 86 ""'~ Runang Nichla 96 ,R

    'Excludes vllJages having 110 Scheduled Castes Population.

    129 ~'4""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory 'WI ~ <1ft wr-n if >iIIWiI

    ~,",,--,",--{-) ~.;:jo Range of Scheduled Tribes population (Percentage) Location Code No. Name-"'- of Villages 2 3

    ~-~=~ Sub-tahsil: Hangrang 0-5" 40 Maling Dogri 16-25 -""" 26-35 3S Yangthang 36--50 51+ - Sumra 'l'R1 Shalkar 14 Chango UperJa 15 """"""" Chango Nichla 29 """"""""" Ka 34 .... NaKo 39 Maling 42 1l!3il"""" leo 44 Dung 45 .nil'" Hango 46 Hangmat

    47 ~ Chuling -''l1' Tahsil: Poo

    04 5" -6-15' 76 ffflI""" Rishi Kanda 16-25 ' Namaklang 46 """"'" Chelit 26-35 29 Giabong Parla 35-50 10 -."..~ Kanam Nichfa 43 --;!I" Duphang 56 ""''''' Dan Mochhe 58 .""' ... Namgia Khas 60 ..... Khabo 74 ~ Dubllng 51+ Labrang Khas """"""" Spilo Khas Kan.am Khas 11 --'l'!l Shurpu 12 ""'" Gyamif 16 .~ ... Ropa Khas 18 Sumtat ~- 27 ",.. ... Giabong Khas 38 Rushkalang 39 Taling 42 Sannam Khas 47 -""'""'" Shyaso 52 '1! Poo 55 - Labrang ""'" 130 ~'4""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory '!i"'~ql\W'F"-i!~"'~~~ .me ~"'" -~ql\~ar.rmr"'""",,,"""ql\'{'lI List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~ 1lIffim -.: , 'i" "'-~--~ Community Development Block: Poo B- Scheduled Tribes ~",.-_.:t __ (""""') _ ... ", -,;,"'" Range of Scheduled Tribes population (Percentage) Locatfon Code No. Name of Villages

    2 3 ''l'' TahsU: Poa -51+ 64 75 Daw/iog _,>jl'T - Tahsil: Morang - 0-5' 29 Kutang 6-15 79 Lijing 142 Horang Pawa 16-25 25-35 65 Holdang 72 O.P,F-187 121 Roowang 36-50 57 Akpa Khas 51+ 13 Tokto 19 _... Lippa Khas 25 Asrang Khas 40 Chhappan

    41 ~ Sheelapur

    43 ~ Swaden

    44 l:mT ~ Rarang Khas

    48 ii#it t

    51 ~ Khadur8 58 Parga 61 Kulian 64 Rioba Khas 70 Skiba 78 Rispa Khas 86 Lambar 91 Charang Khas 92 Giyunglang 101 KunoKhas 119 Thangi Khas 127 Thuwaring 128 Khokpa 129 Shiling Khas 130 Gramang 131 - Nakai Kuwa 133 Samodayan 134 Nesang Khas

    'E~CllJdes villailes having no S~eduled Tnbes Population.

    131 ~,.""'~ Appendix: IV Village Directory 'll"''''''''''''''1'lftW''''''-it~''''''T'''~'ltlffuii 3i'tl ~1iA -~1'lft""""""'~"''''T'''lIPif1'lft'J''ft List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~fim;m1"""'~ "'-~1iA-~ Community Development Block: Kalpa B- Scheduled Tribes

    ~""'-_.tl __ (-..) _..mr""" _ut"", Range of Scheduled Tribes population (Percentage) Location Code No. Name of Villages

    2 3 _,,,",,,, iahsil : KaJpa 0-5- 6-15 16-25 28 Reckong Peo Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 66 -~~ -~-179 180 C-179-180 16-25 19 ~ Soktu 29 <1M Brelingi 42 l!'li

    ;ilm ...~~~ Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 43 ti'-242 C-242 44 Saryo

    49 ~ Talangucho 52 -...,,;! Oakhaye 55 -rnI Rali 56 Phayag Choden

    59 ~ Ysaring 68 -- Purbani Khas ~- 71 Rawa

    ;:mft;::r:~ "'" Tahsil: Sangla 0-5" 2 "",m Mastrang 6-15 16-25 86 """"- Sapnl Khas ,132 Appendix: IV Village Directory OJ" WIifum,,(l W"" il ilfUt

    '"i'lf'rnwr-_>ft-..._("""",) ~.~·1Jo wi! ;t"", Range of Scheduled Tribes population (Percentage) LocatIon Code No. Name of Villages

    2 3

    ~,~ Tahsil; Sangla 88 ;r.;".'t.! Shenanden 26-35 36-50 52 Boning Saring 69 .... Jareyo 74 --llPr ... Shaung Khas 77 Barua Khas. 105 """ Thikru 51+ ~ Chhitkul 28 """" Rakchham 29 .,.",. Khamg(a 42 ..,;m Batseri 43 Seringche 50 """" Sangla 51 - Thapa SaTing 53 ,.,.""" Panpo Kanda 61 -- Kamru Khas 62 --'!Ill Rupa 64 Lachonden 65 GClroden 66 - Dhar Wadang 67 - Chasu Khas 'Il1~'""- 68 >IPiI-,. Umoden 75 .,- Shobre Yanang 87 ....., Baturi 96 Kanahi Khas 104 ""''''''_, .... Kilba Khas

    'Excluoes .. mages having no Sqhedu!ed Tribes Population.

    133 Appendix: IV Village Directory 'W'~lJftW""'if sitfimiI,;t""Y"<~~ am: ~ __ -~lJft~~,;t~willJft'!'lt List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~fila;m""",,~ .... -~""'-1iIIflIoi Community Development Block: Nichar B- Scheduled Tribes

    ~"'-_~""'"""'_{-"') _m'io -...if '" "'" Range of Scheduled Tribes population (Percentage) Location Coda No. Name 01 Villag~s

    2 3 _,f.rnT< Tahsil: Nichar 0-5·, 10 Pashpa 11 Burang 6-15 57 """"' Shango 136 "'" Agade 149 li"" Sungra 172 .m Karape 16-25 63 mil Tapri 98 'l."" 8urcha 148 :fll"'ll Punaspa 153 Palingi 26·35 43 Kafanu 85 ""'"-'_1'01 .Gjhumaruning 86 _r-.m. Runang Nlchla 96 .... PanWL Khas 113 -~ Shuthanang 156 $oldlnQ 159 """'" Gramang 168 -...... Nansapo 171 "'-"_. Nlgulsari 52 Katgaon 61 Dharmaling 97 Joktaring 150 - Kangos 176 -""" Shilani 51+ -..",. Majhgaon """'" Shagarcha Oabling -ll"" Hurba 15 .... Sharang 17 Bara Kamba 18 =-'IIm_ Chhota Kamba 19 .... Basharang 26 T Reyokcharang 29 ...mm Staring 30 Kachrang 32 """" Natpa 33 ""'" Kandar 44 .... Homte 45 ~ Hun

    134 ~'4_~ Appendix: IV Village Directory ~'~'$tWR'ii>itlimii"'''''J'lR"~~ ail< ~ 'iiF! - unf'a>i! $I ~ ""!"'" '" ~ wi! $I 'l'fi List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ~ fua;,.. ""'" , fu:ur "'-~--~ Community Development Block: Nichar B- Scheduled Tribes ... ~w.'f-~'lIfi~~(vtmra') ~~-;io _- Range of Scheduled Tribes population {Percentage} Location Code No. Name of Villages

    2 3 _,f.t

    128 3""- Punang Kh~s 130 Paring Khor 131 'Ii>i\-'"" Somo 134 Nigani 135 -fiOI Linge 137 -.rn Garde 138 Kashpo 139 ""'"'l!\ Puje 146 Saki Charang 147 .m Baro 154 -"'" Pounda 155 """ Ralpa 157 Change 160 Rawa 167 Taranda 169 Tikrang 170 Chaunda 173 Thachh 174 Chaura 175 Kataur

    'Excludes vinages having no Scheduled Tribes Population




    Primary Census Abstract

    In this part basic population figures in respect of columns include hOllseless and institutional population 'Ich Village in case of rural areas and for each block in also. Columns 9 and 10 relate to sex-wise popUlation of ase of urban areas have been presented' in 42 columns for children within the age-group of 0-6 years. Scxwise each C.D. Block/town, separately. In census terminology Population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have Ihls statement is called Primary Census Abstract. been presented in Columns 11-14. Columns \ 5, 16 deals , with scxwise literacy figures. This abstract can broadly be divided into five parts. In the first part which contains first two columns, locational The fourth part from columns 17-40 deals with the ?rticulars in respect of each village/block have been given. working population. In columns 17-18 sexwise main workers Ihe first column relates to code number which has been have been given whereas columns 19~38 give information "'igned to each village within each tahsil in a particular relating to these workers into 9 categories of workers by ,"graphical order and for each block within a town. [n sex. These categories include workers engaged as r.~e second column~ name of each village in English and I. Cultivator, II. Agricultural Labourer, Ill. Livestock, "mdi, has been given alongwith its hadbast Number. In Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations Orchards and drban areas, the block number has been given in this Allied Activities, IV. Mining and Quarrying,' "Iumn, Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs has been fragmented into two sub parts viz. V(a) as Household The second part of the statement relates to the Industry and V(b) other than Household Industry, "formation pertaining to total area, number of occupied VI. Constructions, VII. Trade and Commerce, lesidential houses, number of households, sex~wise Vlll, Transport, Storage and Communications and [X. Other Jistribution of population, sex-wise population of children services. In columns 39-40 sexwise Population of marginal ·n the age·group of 0-6 years, sex-wise popUlation of workers have been presented. These workers are other ,cheduled CasteslTribes and literacy figures of each than the main workers and were engaged in economic village and for each block in case of urban areas. pursuits for only some portion of the year, the definition of which has been given in analytical portion of this book. In other words, this part primarily deals with '''.,graphic and social aspect. The 3rd column deals with The fifth part deals with the persons who are ,:" total area of the village in hectares as maintained in economically inactive and are dependent on others, This '~e village revenue records. For urban areas total_area in information has been presented in columns 41 and 42. g kms. down to ward has been presented. In column 4 '1131 number of occupied residential houses have been The district ,abstract of this information has been

    ~resentc:d. In this column information relating to vacant presented first and thereafter data in respect of each tahsil 'lJdother houses which are being used for non-residential has been presented by rural and urban components , jrposes, has not been included. This information is based separately. _n Abridged Houselist of 1991 enumeration unlike such Note: I District P.C.A. contains 60 columns instead of 42, 'her particulars which are based on Househst. Column 5 The difference in columns is due to the fact that from d'al, with the total number of households in the villagel column 7 onwards one more column namely "P" persons 'oct Column 6-8 deals with the 1991 Census total and have been appended under each item by adding males & ;,wise population figures of that village/block. These females.

    143 -...- DISTRICT PRIMARY _ffil _oii 1MITI'Il~~ """"-No.o( -~""""'= ~Total flfru'4illif occupied No. of ~_("""",,""am_.) Djs~rictlCommunity wftvf Rural Area in residential House-- Total population (Including institutional 51. No. De'lfelopment Block ~U.rban Kms. houses holds and houseless population) -- ~ *'" Persons- Males Females

    ",",Total 6,401.0 16,333 16,439 71,270 38,394 32,876 -,~( 12 ~Rural 6,401.0 16,333 16,439 71,270 38,394 32,816 District: Kinnaur ~Urban

    ~Total 3,438.7 4,841 4,658 21.272 11,119 10,153 ~""""''''''''''l.'' -mlftnt Rural 3,438.7 4,541 4,858 21,272 11,119 10,153 C. D. Block: Poa ;mfu!' Urban

    -zimTotal 1,779.1 5,867 5.868 2 ••137 14.106 12.029 ~-...,.,,.,,. ~RuTal 1,779.1 5,867 5,666 26.137 14,108 12,029 C. O. Block: Kalpa ~Urban

    ~ Total 1,189.1 5.825 5,913 23.861 13,167 10.694 ~""""',....- ~Ru~al 1,189.1 5,825 5,913 23.861 13,167 10,694 C, D. Block; Nichar ~l1rban

    ~~:- I~, I!~~; 111~."iJf·'li'1ffi'ilm~oV,'J!mit~.ftrliiK~"ifllIr-f,'Ifi'ffim;r.3IR~~; IVw.r.r~~'ff, V('If<) ~ttI'lTrr.;j-~,-mm..r,llfiifWy3ffi:'IJ{I>Rt:V(ll:fl ~-,ru)lr~ ~~,"ij'mu;r~.w~;Vl~;VU"&lflW#:l:~; vmqR



    11,476 5,862 5,61' 19,153 9,882 9,271 39,609 19,021 20,588 34,897 23,436 11,461 11,476 5,862 5,61' 19,153 9,882 9,271 39,609 19,021 20,588 34,897 23)436 11,461

    3,184 1,607 1,577 3,772 1,958 1,814 14,470 6,697 7,773 10,251 6,566 3,685 3,18' 1,607 1,577 3,772 1,958 I,B14 ",470 6,697 7,773 10,251 6,566 3,685

    4,141 2,141 2,000 7,828 3,985 3,843 13,BOO 6,676 7,124 13,392 B,967 4,425 4,'" 2,141 2,000 7,828 3,985 3,643 13,800 6,676 7,12. 13,392 8,967 ',425

    4,151 2,114 2,037 7,553 3,939 3,614 11,339 5,648 5,691 11,254 7,903 3,351 4,151 2,1" 2,037 . 7,553 3,939 3,61' 11,339 5,648 5,691 11,254 7,903 3,351

    INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES ,.cultivators; II-~rlcul1ural Labourers: UI-lives~ck. ForestrY, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activites; IV· Mining and Quarrying: V (9) ManUfacturing, processing', ·Servicing and Repairs in Household Industry; V (b) Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing ami Repairs in other than Household Industry' VI·Constructions: VII· Trade and Commerce: VIII·Transport, Storage and Communications; IX ..other Services.

    145 _"n,"" DISTRICT PRIMARY


    _~ftu;m""", ""'Tot.r DrstrictiCommunity rilJT Rural 'li"~_(J.IX) ...SI. -No. Development Block ~Urban Total main workeQ:(I-IX) II ~ l'" 'l'" Females· ""'" "'" Persons- Males Persons- Males Females Persons Males Females 22 23 - 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 30

    ""Total 33,723 22,596 '11,127 18,374 9,200 9,174 1,729 1,121 503 ~,~... 12 ~Rural 33,723 22,596 11,127 18 374 9,200 9,174 1,729 1,121 608 District: Kinnaur 1 ~Urban

    "",Total 9,880 6,657 3,223 4,988 2,629 2,359 809 522 231 ~flt

    "'" Total 13,264 8,396 4,868 7,729 3,456 4,273 385 264 121 ~-.-,- 1I!lfNTRural 13,264 8,396 4,868 1,729 3.456 4.213 385 264 121 C. D. Block: Kalpa ~Urban

    __.-' """', r.mn 'l!FJ Total 10,579 7,543 3,036 5,651 3,115 2,542 535 335 200 wfi'al Rural 10,519 1,543 3,036 5,657 3 115 2,542. 535 335 200 C. O. Block: Nlchar 1 ~Urban


    'l"'''''''''''''ffiif'''_~ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    III IV V(n) 3'" 'l'" 'l'" Perscns Males Females- Persons- Males Females Persons- Males Females -31 32 33 34 35 -38 37 38 -39

    1,010 872 138 16 15 944 806 138 1,010 872 138 16 15 944 806 138

    320 241 79 429 340 89 320 241 79 429 340 89

    486 435 51 313 277 36 486 435 51 313 277 36

    20' 196 8 12 12 202 189 13 2O. 196 8 12 12 202 189 13


    Industrial'1""-""' Category ..... ""-~ of Main Workers

    """'~~""'" 'ZIPJ Total om-' District/Community lll'1fttrI Rural 51. No. Development Block -:mfrnUrb';an V(b) VI VII .... l'" .... 1'" .... 1'" 1m! Persons Males Females Persons- Males Females Persons Males Females 40 41 42 43 44 45 - 46 47 48

    ~Total 519 471 48 3,922 3,479 443 782 759 23 12 lI'T1ftvI Rural 519 471 48 3,922 3,479 443 7B2 759 23 District: Kinnaur -,- ~Urban

    $rTotal 109 100 1,092 BB9 203 163 158 __ ~-''i< 'm1fIvr Rural 109 100 1,092 BB9 203 163 158 C. D. Block: Poo ~ Urban

    $r Total 267 237 30 873 747 126 321 314 ~fimml~,'iffi"'IT ~Rural 267 237 30 B73 747 126 321 314 C. O. Block: Kalpa 'OflIfu:r Urban

    "i" Total 143 134 1,957 1,843 114 29B 287 11 ~~",""f'mR ~Rutal 143 134 1,957 I,B43 114 298 287 11 C. D. Block: Nfchar omfur Urban


    ,."._""" .... ",_iloiI Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~~~~ tfiPI'iI~mR VIII IX Marginal workers Non-workers .... ,.. l'" l'" l'" Persons Males Females- Persons Males Females- ·Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 49 50 51 -52 53 54 -55 56 -57 -58 59 -60

    290 284 6,137 5,589 5411 3,638 470 3,168 33,909 15,328 18,581 290 284 6,137 5,589 548 3,638 470 3,168 33,909 15,328 18,581

    74 69 1,896 '1,709 187 778 100 678 10,614 4,362 6,252 74 69 1,896 1,709 187 778 100 678 10,614 4,362 6,252

    100 99 2,786 2,564 222 1,062 161 901 5,551 6,260 11,811 100 99 2,786 . 2,564 222 1,062 161 901 5,551 6,260 11,811

    llS 116 1,455 1,316 139. 1,798 209 1,589 11,484 5,415 6,069 116 116 1,455 1,316 139 1,798 209 1,589 11,464 5,415 6,069

    149 ~ ftoIm .... ''l''.rn. ,*,,\ lII'lmfil> Community Development Block : Poo Coda No. ; 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    ""'_ .. """".. .Itt 1m".I'lrilM un _olI __ olI ~~iIll Area of.. - ..... 'li"-(_"'''''''''' ;mo-6ll Village in - .;:fu No. of -. Total -Location Hectarea and occupied No. of Total population (including population In Code 'Wl /Cfili!n I

    ~fffi""'l"'!." C.D. Block: Poo

    ""Total 3,438.7 4,641 4,658 21,272 11,119 10,153 1,607 1,577 wl\vr Rural 3,438.7 4,641 4,658 21,272 11,119 10,153 1,607 1,577 _Urban

    ';J'q-~,~.riO:l Sub-tahsil: Hangrang Code No. : 1

    ll"" Sumr. (45) 225 47 47 206 96 110 17 20 .- Shalkar (3511) 329 83 83 357 190 167 38 2,

    Changjang (35/2) 179 Uninhabited

    >jim Yulang (3513) 2,67 Uninhabited

    tmrimTr Dhar Yungdang (36) 1,276 Uninhabited

    ~'''''''' Dhar lauechhe (37) 1,504 Uninhabited "'j'ifoIl Dhar Dugona (38) 1.315 Uninhabited /' "''''''''' Dhar Mandasa (39) 1,202 Uninhabited Im~ Dhar Kukri (40) 949 Uninhabited

    10 "''0: Dhar Phu (41) 2,773 Uninhabited

    11 U;;_ Dhar Choniti (42) 1,683 Uninhabited 12 "" .... Dhar Harmi (43) 2,080 Uninhabited 13 "'~ Dhar lang1harkheyu (44) 1,372 Uninliablted 14 Chango Uperla (29/1) 269 129 129 547 281 266 4, """""" 39 15 ""f.l';cn Chango Nichla (29/2) 389 119 121 566 301 265 36 4' 16 W< Uti (2913) 35 Uninhabited


    18 "'",. Dhar Kawe (30) 8,542 Uninhabited

    19 tm 1!\'Ir# Dhar Pangpochhe (31) 2,435 Uninhabited

    150 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT ~"","'''''>!\_iI''iI Industria! Category of Main Workert

    "l"W"'- (I-IX) ~""'--Scheduled Total main workerc Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates"""'" (I·IX) Il l'" :Jl'I fmi :Jl'I :Jl'I :Jl'I m :Jl'I m Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females- Males Females Males Females 11 -12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

    9,882 9,271 19,021 20,588 23,436 11.461 22.596 11.127 9.200 9.174 1.121 606 9BB2 9.271 19,021 20.588 23.436 11,461 22.596 11.127 9.200 9.17' 1.121 608

    1.958 1.814 6.697 7.773 6.586" 3,685 6.657 3.223 2.629 2.359 522 287 1.958 1.814 6.697 7.773 6.566 3.685 6.657 3.223 2.629 2.359 522 287

    89 108 48 32 57 61 42 57

    182 159 84 38 97 80 77 59 Jninhabited











    14 202 245 162 96 161 82 54 59 245 263 188 79 177 134 90 113 2 Jnlnhabited uninhabited

    "Inhabited uninhabited

    151 ~ ~ ~ :'il'~;:fu!l Community Development Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE-"'­ PRIMARY ~ .... ""''''''~ ""'1m "'" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    lirs'oio -Location Code ~~.rati(fiJm;t No. Name ofVillagelTownlWard III IV V(.I V(bl

    Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal~~ 23 24 - - 25 26 27 28 29 30

    ""'Total 872 138 15 806 138 471 48 wftor Rural 872 138 15 806 138 471 48 DIstrict:-,­ Klnnaur """" Urban

    ~firo;m""'l'.,!" C.D. Block: Poo

    "'" Total 241 79 340 89 100 """"' Rural 241 79 340 89 100 """" Urban ";Jq-~:~~oiO!l Sub-Tahsil: Hangrang Code No, : 1

    'PI" Sumra (45) Shalkar (35/1).• ""'" Changjang (3512) Uninhabited "!'m Yulang (35/3) Uninhabited


    fiR ;;nrl Dhar Lauechhe (37) Uninhabited

    UllJ'i'n Dhar'" Dugona (38) Uninhabited

    Ull'ry"" Dhar Mandasa (39) Uninhabited

    ur{~ Dhar Kukri (40) Uninhabited

    10 """i Dhar Phu (41) Uninhabited 11 Ull_ Dhar Choniti (42) Uninhabited

    12 Ullri Dhar Harmi (43) Uninhabited

    13 un",,,,,,! Dhar Langtharkheyu (44) Uninhabited

    14 ml]t'3'ffi'l1 Chango Uperla (2911)

    15 .mt r.;.,. Chango Nichla (2912) 16 "'" Liti (2913) Uninhabited 17 ."''''''' Thangkarma (2914) Uninhabited 16 ",,,,,,, Dhar Kawe (30) Uninhabited

    19 1m 'llll~ Dhar Pangpochhe (31) Uninhabited

    152 '""""""_ CENSUS ABSTRACT ~Wl'I'ffil:~'!I:~1f,J ~ ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    cwr";f~~ VI VII VIII IX Marginal workers Non-workers. ,. l'" ,. l'" --,. !I'" """. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females- Males Females 31 -32 33 -34 35 -35 37 38 39 40 41 42

    3,479 443 759 23 284 5,589 548 470 3,168 15,328 18,581 3,479 443 759 23 284 5,589 548 470 3,16a 15,328 f6,581

    889 203 158 69 1,709 187 100 678 4,362 6,252 889 203 156 69 1,709 187 100 578 4,362 6,252

    3 39 48

    11 93 87 uninnabited



    Uninhabited lllinhabited







    29 12 56 6 119 lB4

    68 124 130

    Unmhabited Unmhabited

    Uninhabiled Uninhabited

    153 ~ fiIQIm ~ ''it5"~oio'l Community Devefopment Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VilLAGE""''''''""" ~RiMARV

    ""'''''''''''''' -~>I< 'im'/1lJf~lni_0 if ...... _ 'li"--"'l Aroaof 'lRfi"Rf1lft~~~ 'li"""'"""t"""""oiI

    20 ... Dhar Pijong (32) 3,239 Uninhabited 21 - ""l>r.t Dhar Oemchu (33) 1,187 Uninhabited 22 ""~ Oha, Liyosu (34) 1.098 Uninhabited 23 """"""'" Dhar Lamgarta (1) 1,311 Uninhabited 24 """"""'" Ohar Lagsthang (2) 932 Uninhabited 25 ""~ Dha, Pulangchhang (3) 1,961 Uninhabited 2S ""rot Ohsr P'ivcha[4) 1,953 Uninhabited 27 """"< Oha, Pegtu (5) 703 UninhabRed 28 Dh., Potali (6) 1.181 Uninhabited 29 '"""- Ka (2113) 837 20 20 43 21 22- 30 "" ...... Oha, Lahmok (22) 407 Uninhabited' 31 u<{ fO;m Oha, Kila (23) 1,110 Uninhabited

    32 Oha, K,*,sa (24) 928 Uninhabited 33 "'-""'"" Oha, Shansa,(25) 1,607 Uninhabited 34 'IF>l Nako (21fl) 262 103 103 443 195 246 40 30 35 ""'"' Yangthang (21/2) 424 40 40 91 73 18 6 36 "'Y!!" OharPurgyul (26) 4,273 Uninhabited 37 -~ Oha, Khi, Pichi (27) 2,992 Uninhabited 38 Ull'!i'J1'l Oh.r Kugrang (28) 3,929 Uninhabited

    39 Maling (2011) 313 53 53 230 107 123 14 19 _Wril 40 - Maling Dogri (2012) ,119 25 25 128 113 15 7 41 Ioii Hemo (2013) 19 Uninhabited

    42 ~ai\ Leo (19/1) 188 158 158 675 365 310 57 52 43 ~~ Shuni (1912) 119 Uninhabited

    44 'PT Oung(1913) 18 17 17 72 36, 36

    154 '"""'""'ii_"'" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    '!l"!i""- ~.,;,-- tl-IX) Scheduled m", Total main worker.f( Scheduled~- Castes Tribos Literates (I-IX) II l'" m F' 1'" F' 1'" 1'" Males females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females""" 11 12 15 - 13 -14 -16 17 - 18 19 20 21 22










    19 22" 12 10 5 Uninhabited



    Uninhabited 10 178 238 129 93 37 40 4 6 24 59 12 64 10 5 ;"Ininhabited


    Uninhabited 12 10 90 113 71 50 70 78 44 65 10 73 6 106 6 4

    Uninhabited 263 271 ' 234 122 223 183 111 131 4

    Uninhabited 33 36 23 18 23 20 12 18

    155 ~ fmmt ~ ,"{J;.~·O:I WlIllW1ila; \ Community Development Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    Industrial'l""-""'''''''''-~ Category of Main Workers


    -;rq-mn: ~um-~o: I w_SUb-tahsil; Hangrang Code No. ; 1 20 Dhar Pijong (32) Uninhabited

    21 Ohar Oemehu (33) Uninhabited

    22 "'''''tlR~ Ohar Uyosu (34) Uninhabited 23 "''''''''''' Ohar Lamgarfa (1) Uninhabited 24 Ohar Lagsthang (2) Uninhabited 25 ""-"'~ Ohar Pulangchhang (3)· Uninhabited 26 m"" Ohar Privcha(4) Uninhabited 27 uwm~ Ohar Pegtu (5) Uninhabited

    28 Ohar Potali (6) Uninhabited 29 ""- Ka (21/3) 30 ",,,,,,,," Ohar Lahmok (22) Uninhabited

    31 "'~ Ohar Kila (23) Uninhabited

    32 tlR q;.Tillm Ollar1

    3,§- Yangthang (21/2) 2

    36 "'TW' Ohar Purgyul (26) Uninhabited 37 _'it

    38 tm~ Ohar Kugrang (28) Uninhabited

    39 Maling (20/1) 40 -""",,"11m! Maling Oogri (2012) 17 41 N Hemo (20/3) Uninhabited

    42 r..JiI Leo (19/1) 19 21

    43 1Ft Shuni (1912) Uninhabited 44 ¥ Dung (19/3)

    156 CENSUS ABSTRACT -"" 'l""",",,,,,,,,,

    'Q'ifIt"f~m VI VII VIII IX Marginal~-- workers Non-workers l'" !!'" !!'" !!'" !!'" !!'" Males Females- Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females 31 32 33 - 34 35 36 37 -38 39 -40 41 -42 ~ fih>;m .... ,'1'" .... "*',' Community Development Block : Poc Code No. : 1 VILLAGE-~ PRIMARY

    .,...,_if~ """" lm..ttniw"ri -~ _>Jft __ >Jft ~....-,~ Area of 'Wl- (-....tR '"" ~D-6if lI'ittoio"""""' Village in No. of -. Total Hectares and """"- Location occupied No. of Total population--, (including population in Code ~ AIll

    46 Hangmat (712) 273 30 30 123 59 64 11 t3

    47 Chuling (8) 349 52 52 228 11.8 110 28 28 48 """ Changchimo (9) 425 Uninhabited 49 -un:'il'l1~ Dha, Chang Chime (10) 1,635 Uninhabited 50 ""- Dhar Thana (11) 1,340 Uninhabited 51 W(~ Dha' Dumdumthang (12) 1,000 Uninhabited

    52 Dhar Jabar (13) 2,313 Uninhabited

    53 Dhar Lipak (14) 2,051 Uninhabited 54 "'- Dha, Jhamsum (15) 1,181 Uninhabited 55 """,,11 Dhar Karsi (16) 768 Uninhabited 5~ """""" Dhar Charathang (17) 1,599 Uninhabited 57 """""" Dhal)

    ft,-q't.!{Ifi1it212: D.P.F.C.-212 (5) 31 Uninhabited


    i,;; Phoche (112) 156 Uninhabited

    it~.~2lA OP.F.C.-214 (2) 179 Uninhabited

    Kanam Nichla (6/1) 78 99 101 597 268 329 43 42 10 -- Kanam Nichla (6/2) 250 61 61 349 172 177 21 19 -~ 11 Wl Shurpu (6/3) 270 5 5 3

    158 --CENSUS ABSTRACT ~-"""""""'I~"" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~~~ ~;rr.=r-~ II-IX) Scheduled "'OR Total main workers Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates II-IX) II l'" l"" l"" l"" l'" l'" "'~ Males Females- Males Females.- Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 -16 17 -18 19 20 21 22

    1':9 139 104 60 84 77 76 74

    58 64 41 24 31 39 28 39

    113 108 69 4D 75 65 39 47

    Iinhabited Iinhabited, Iinhabited






    Jllinhabited iJnlnhabited

    63 36 1,655 1,779 1,297 680 1,210 875 583 671 18

    tl8 lDl 180 248 169 102 151 162 45 109 12 14

    19 27

    Jnlnhabited uninhabited


    44 49 176 231 175 116 194 129 66 99 21



    72 91 183 238 t81 136 150 2 102 9

    86 tOI 61 72 110 73 91 58 38 39

    3 2 2

    159 ~ 1'

    tfi'Ro:io Location -Code _""""/mt,,,,_ No. Name of VillagefTownIWard III IV V(a) V(') l'" !!"" l'" l'" m Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 23 -24 25 -26 27 -28 29 30 :'tIfi;Jmo:io:l Sub·tahsil... : Hangrang Code No. : 1 ,,~ -- 45 Hango (711)

    46 irPI('1 Hangmat (712) 47 'If'm Chuling (8) 9 2 48 Changchimo (9) Uninhabited 49 -trn:'tl,r'ifui'l" Dhar Chang Chima (10) Uninhabited 50 """"" Dhar Thana (11) Uninhabited 51 """"""" Dhar Dumdumthang (12) Uninhabited 52 "'- Dhar Jabar (13) Uninhabited 53 - "" llm; Dhar Lipak (14) Uninhabited 54 Dhar Jhamsum (15) Uninhabited

    55 Dhar Karsi (16) Uninhabited 56 ""-"' ..... Dhar Charathang (17)· Uninhaliited 57 """""" Dhar Khakhsa (18) Uninhabited ~>3"I-~"EPi1mn 66 Total of Hangrang Sub-Tahsil 53 36 21

    ~,~.-.:t""":;2 Tahsil: Poo Code No. : 2

    J,.abrang Khas (3/1) 35 14 6 -- Namaklang (312) """"" .~ Tapang Kanda (3/3) Uninhabited

    ll"GI"~(fIm-""" D.P.F.C.-213 (4) Uninhabited

    1\q'r"1fl>"~212 D.P.F.C.-212 (5) Uninhabited *"- Spilo Khas (111) 3 15 9 "" Phoche (112) Uninhabited i't"'i1~il114 D.P.F.C.-214 (2) Uninhabited

    Kanam Nichla (6/1) 20 10 -""'"-- Kanam Nichl. (6/2J 20 11 11 'l"! Shurpu (6/3)

    160 CENSUS ABSTRACT -- ~""""", ...

    -_ .. .. oh 1!m:/mi'Zfil'ri- flfio>llo-if '!i1"~"9 Areaot _..:l-._..:l ~~~.ifm 'lPi 0-611 Village In ~;:::[O =-No. of -. . Total -Location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population--). (Including population in Code ~/~tariCfit"'lIJr TownMiard resident1al House- institutiona'\ and houseless the age 2 No. Name 01 ViliageITownlWard inK.M. houses holds population) group 0-6 !I'" !I'" 1m Persons Males Fema!es Males Female 2 - 7 - 10 ~'1J:lJ.-;f.'2 Tahsil; Poc Code No. : .2 12 Gyamil (614) 1,078 5 5 5 3 2 13 -tr.

    19 ~:,it;~204 D.P.F.C. 204 (44) 25 Uninhabited

    20 iI-.oit~20l D~P.F.C, 203 (45) 43 Uninhabited

    21 it-.ft_~llt202 D.P.F.C. 202 (46) 10 Uninhabited

    22 fl.Gt.~.llt-2(J1 D,P.F.C.201 (47) 10 Uninhabited

    23 't.-.?r.'I!'li.~200 D.P.F.C. 200 (48) 32 Uninhabited

    24 om ""'l'" Dhar Chagguar (49) 2,142 Uninhabited

    25 Dhar Manela (50) 23,961 Uninhabited 26 ""- Dhar Nyawal (51) 9,241 Uninhabited 27 ?-""- Giabong Khas (39/1) 225 91 91 347 160 187 18 25 2B -.. Jang Phachho (39/2) . 3,970 Uninhabited 29 """"- Giabong Parla (39/3) 102 45 45 195 94 101 16 30 firit Shive (3914) 158 Uninhabited

    31 wi! Chakhi (39/5) 1,471 Uninhabited

    32 it..qt.~.-207 D.P.F.C. 207 (40) 27 Uninhabited

    33 it-l'r~-21),6 D,P,F.C. 206 (41) 23 Uninhabited

    3. 1t1t~-20S D.P.!,.C. 205 (42) 166 Uninhabited 35 """" Dharkhaw (10) 1,385 Uninhabited 36 iI-.ft~-208 D.P.F.C,208 (11) 181 Uninhabited

    37 -a~~-2{l9 D,P.F.C. 209 (12) 80 Uninhabited

    162 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT ~~'ifiBqr;:U'Ni\ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~~~ (I-IX) ~""'--Scheduled Total main worketS Scheduled~- Castes Tribes literates""" (I-IX) II l'" Il;oIT 3'" 3'" 3'" 3'" 3'" 1l>





    62 68 117 142 176 53 195 98 69 68 36 29 IJnmhaMed

    12 10 25 29 21 11 18 17 12 10 Unin"nbited



    U'lnhabited Uninhabited

    U"habited uninhabited


    11 9 119 169 101 75 103 95 48 85 13 Iinhablted

    65 70 26 30 42 26 51 41 13 18 18 18 linhabited








    163 ~ fiF.lim ~ ''[iJlfiM=iO'1 WI"",",," Communlty Development Block : Poo Code No. :,1 VILI.AGEi PRIMARY 'l"'-"""..",~;j..;t Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~oio -Location Cod. W1{~.rati Q;J ~ No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard III IV V(a) V(b) l'" l'" 1'" Irni 1'" 1m Males Females- Males Females Males Femeles Males Females 23 24 25 -26 27 28 29 30 ~;V";f,:2 Tahsil: Poa Code No. : 2 12 """" Gyamil (614) 13 tt"it.~211 D.P.F.C. 211 (7) Uninhabited

    14 "'~ Dhar Binathag (8) Uninhabited 15 """""'Jl"'T Dhar Mandai Gurunag (9) Uninhabited 16 """'" Ropa Khas (4311) 17 """ Thoropa (43/2) 18 1!""'" Sumtat (4313)

    19 ·MI.~."6l704 D.P.F.C. '204 (44) Uninhabited

    20 "fl."it.~203 D.P.F.C. 203 (45) Uninhabited

    21 it1fi~.t\'I202 D.P.F.C. 202 (46) Uninhabited

    22 i\tI't.~201 D.P.F.C. 201 (47) Uninhabited

    23 t~'l"'Ii

    24 Dhar Chagguar (49) Uninhabited '" ""l'" 25 UR

    31 'lW Chakhi (39/5) Uninhabited

    32 ft~-207 D.P.F.C. 207 (40) Uninhabited

    33 it.~.-20h D.P.F.C. 206 (41) Uninhabited

    3' ·~:1fI.~.-205 D.P.F.C. 205 (42) Uninhabited 35 """" Dharkhaw (10) Uninhabited 36 1'I-.t.~-:!oB_ D.P.F.C. 208 (11) Uninhabited

    37 il"ll1~~.-209 D:P.F.C. 209 (12) Uninhabited


    Industrial'P-""'''''''-'''' Category of Main Workers ~ fb;~ ~ :'i8'~;fu:l WI~ Community Oeyelopment Blc;:ack : Poo Code No, : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    """"-_>1"" mt/illi",,"

    """"",","", ~~~ -,.Area of ...... lfiI-._lfiI "l""""_ ~ iIm ~O-6i1 >Itt ~-;fo Village In No. of -. Total -Location Hectares and occupied No,of Total population--) (including population in Code lJP{/~/'tI'JiI';:ftif TownM'ard residential House- Institutional and houseless the age No, Name of Viliage/TownlWard inK,M.! houses holds population) group 0-8 l'" !l;i

    42 Sannam Khas (15/1) 156 118 118 616 281 335 45 38

    43 ~. Duphang, (1512) 339 3 16

    44 ~\'fiVit Chelil Kanda (15/3) 853 Uniotlabiled

    45 Khalldrr;,1rna (1t;j4) 1,'157 Uninhabited

    46 Chelit (16) 1,563 6 26 21 '47 -....it Shyaso (17) 708 23 23 131 64 67 11 48 ",n}) Dhar Chho (18) 847 Uninhabited

    49 ""~ Dha, Aye (19) 1,836 Uninhabited / 50 ""¥' Dhar Duba (20) 1,992 Uninhabited 51 "IT..,.. Dhar Gyabyum (21) 1,670 Uninhabited 52 'l" Poo (31/1) 396 305 305 1,113 637 476 64 47 53 Doling Kanda (31/4) 113 Uninhabfted 54 --"""" Chaklang (31/6) 13 Uninhabited 55 "'"" Labrang (3112) 51 79 79 251 145 106 16 15 56 ",,>it;) DanMochhe (31/3) 283 112 112 2.51 173 78 14

    57 ~~ Rizing Kanda (31/5) 795 Uninhabited

    58 Namgia Kanda (35/1) 470 82 82 410 240 170 34 28 59 -- Namgia Kanda (35/2) 230 107 100 7 60 m Khabo (32/1) 612 20 20 141 102 39

    61 'fl"'- Thunsa Kanda (32/2) 14 Uninhabited

    62 tl[f>ilJ1r.m1 Dhar Chang Dowsa (22) 2,307 Uninhabited

    63 Dhar Yurfuk (23) 4,578 Uninhabited ""~

    166 -""CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l""_""

    "l"'l""- (I-IX) Scheduled Total main workers Scheduled~- Castes ~""'--Tribes Literates"'''' (I-IX) II

    S'" ~ ~ ~ m 'l'" ~ 1m Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 1) 14 15 16 17 18 - 11 - - 19 20 21 22

    62 59 82 102 88 38 76 72 42 62

    20 28 9 14 16 16


    .. lnhabited

    103 99. 167 236 170 141 162 197 76 155 18 27 4 3 5 4 6 Ininhabited


    5 20 4 41 57 30 19 41 35 13 24 lninhabited

    Inlnhabited Ininhabited


    137 123 321 329 463 241 396 181 118 158 Intnhabited


    14 18 90 78 99 39 96 46 33 41 20 18 78 43 98 31 137 24 9 'ninhabited

    88 67 104 103 159 72 148 52 31 36 15 35 27 98

    26 33 50 18 89 13 'ninhabiled



    167 ~ fihfim" ~ :'i.W~oiOl' Community Development Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE _"'""PRIMARI 'l"""",,*,,,,;til- .., IndustJial Category of Main Workers

    .oio -Location Code. 1.IPI /Ui'm /iI1i lfi1 ~ No. Name of VillagefTownlWard • III IV Via) V(b) 1'" 1'" ~"" 1'" l'" ,.,. Males Females-- Males Females Males Females Males Femal~~ 23 24 25 26 27 -28 29 30 ..om. 1J.'"~"':2 Tahsil: Poo Code No. : 2 38 ..- Rushkalang (13/1) 9 3

    39 lllf.m Taling (13/2)

    40 Jr&~ Branli Kanda (1313) Uninhabited

    41 alfl.V"Ji.~.-'211J D.P.F.C. 210 (14) Uninhabited

    42 Sannam Khas (15/1) 43 4

    43 ;:"- Duphang (15/2) 44' Chelit Kanda (15/3) Uninhabited 45 -- I';handrnarna (15/4) Uninhabited 46 Chelit(16) 47 -,.". Shyoso (17) 2 48 unm Dhar Chho (18) Uninhabited

    49 UK"" Dhar Aye (19) Uninhabited

    50 UK"!" Dhar Duba' (20) Uninhabited

    51 UK ""l" Ohar Gyabyum (21) Uninhabited

    52 'l!' POQ (3111) 31 13

    53 Doling Kanda (3114) Uninhabited 54 --"""'" Chaklang (31/6) Uninhabited 55 ""'" Lobrang (31/2) 2 56 .... miI DanMochhe (3113) 10 12

    57 Rizing Kanda (31/5) Uninhabited 58 -- Namgia Kanda (35/1) 2 59 Namgi. Kanda (35/2) 60 --.... Khabo (32/1) 51 'fIlI1- Thuns. Kanda (3212) Uninhabited

    62 un:w;~ Ohm Chang Dowsa (22) Uninhabited

    63 UR'f"C" Dhar Yurfuk (23) Uninhabited

    168 ~-.m: CENSUS ABSTRACT ~_""'''''1il_''' Industrial Category of Main Workers


    VI VII VlII IX Marginal workers Non~workers :!'" ~ l"" l"" --l"" ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females-- Males Females Males Females Males Females 31 -32 33 -34 35 36 37 -38 39 -40 41 -42

    2- 12 3 74 86 12 12 Uninhabited


    5 16 3 119 138

    4 Uninhabited

    Uninhabited 9

    16 6 9 3 23 32 Uninhabited




    44 4 13 2 7 155 11 241 293 Uninhabited


    10 40 49 60 5 101 9 36 54 Uninhabited

    11 6 2 15 69 6 13 67 105 98 2

    63 10 4 13 27 Uninhabited



    169 ~ fQ'I5m ~ ,~.-.rO'l Community Development Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE-""""'" PRIMARY

    ""' ~ ~;fv.n.:.. "",...... 1$0>li0'1 ...-mt __ mt '!l"...-r"'J Area of ..... '!i" ...... (Wmm"' ..... 'lfIf 0-611 Viflage in - ffiffl-'O{o No. of ""-'-, Total -L.ocation Hectares and occupied No.""'" of Total population (Including population In Code lJl1l/iflOO/~ (ffi 'i'fl1I TownlWard residential House- institutional and houseless the age No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard In K.M.2 houses hotds population) group 0-6

    j .. 11>'" ~ fCIo, Persons- Males Females Males Female 7 10 ~:1l!"-m-=i:2 Tahsll : Poo Code No . .: 2

    64 ~ Tashi Gang (35/3) 531 25 25 170 124 46 12 65 .. Dhar Chhopan (36) 2,584 Un inhabited 66 - Dhar Patan (37) 3,428 Uninhabited ""- 67 Dhar Dolam (38) 2,410 Uninhabited 68 ""RlI"'- Dhar Rishi (24) 3,126 Uninhabited 69 "'''''f' Dhar Maryul (25) 450 Uninhabited (0 t'l.'t.1(li;".'lI\.-\9& D.P.F.C,-198 (26) 35 Uninhabited

    71 ""~ Dnar Wali (27) 1,700 Uninhabited 72 ""O"! D_har Thunsa (28) 2,589 Uninhabited

    73 f1tit~-J99 D.P.F.C.-199 (29) 23 Uninhebiled

    "14 pR

    75 Dawling (30/2) 396 10 10 39 18 2.1 76 -Rli_ Rishi Kanda (3013) 879 12 12 44 37 n """"""" Yangti Kanda (30/4) 359 Uninhabited 78 .~~. Dulse Thang (30/5) 863 Uninhabited

    79 ""l"'i'm Dhar Dulasanyag (33) 1,979 U'ninhabited 80 ... """" Yang Koksa (34) 1,996 Uninhabited 263,7 Total'l"-""'" of Poo Tahsil 1,651 1,653 7,414 3,992 3,422 491 454

    ~,~*-;f.;J Tahsil: Morang Code No. : 3

    IJT{~~ Dhar Bhring Mochhe (1) 4,838 Uninhabited

    1JiII""" Shuti Gatang (8) 4.510 Uninhabited """'" Dhar Tepang (2) 3,338 Uninhabited ""'J'Wf'I Dhar Gunjang (3) 5,021 Uninhabited "">Ill DharWari (5) 9,315 Uninhabited ",'I'!rtl Dhar Kyari (6) 1,181 Uninhabited """"" DharKagte (4) 1,924 Uninhabited 170 ~- CENSUS ABSTRACT ~"'"""'''''''''' _ iMt Industrial Category of Main Workers

    '!l"~""- (I-IX) ~---Scheduled Total main workers. Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates""" lHX) II

    ~ !>«i ~ !!<>Ii "l'" fum l'" tt..i 3'" m l'" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Mates Females Ma"les Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -22

    17 52 46 96 19 104 10 20 Uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited



    Uninhabited Uninhabited

    52 43 61 89 113 42 166 95 55 78

    16 21 5 10 13 12 26 36 Uninhabited

    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    1,010 932 1,971 2,335 2,446 1,283 2,578 1,366 #. 615 1,036 178 119


    Uninhabited lIninhabited

    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    171 ~ ~ ~ : "{l)'lfftg.-;:io:\ Community Development Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE -~PRIMARY

    Industrial'J"!"""""'''''''''' Category of -""'Main Workers

    ~o:{O -Location Code "JlT1'f I1fR:m /VI't 'ail ';fPI No. Name of VillagelTawnlWard III IV Veal V(b) 'l'" 1m( 'l'" 1m( 'l'" 1m( 'i'" 'm Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ·V.";i·:2 Tahsil:"'""' Poo Code No. : 64 Tashi Gang (3513) 65 - Dhar Chhopan (36) Uninhabited 66 ""- Dhar Palan (37) Uninhabited 67 ""- Dhar Dolam (38) Uninhabited 68 "'-",full Dhar Rishi (24) Uninhabited 69 Dha, Maryul (25) Uninhabited 70 1t.>t.~.-198""- D.P.F.C.-198 (26) Uninhabited 71 m'" Dhar WaH (27) Uninhabited 72 ""W'" Dha, Thunsa (28) Uninhabited 73 tt"lil.1l"'ii.m-J99 D.P.F.C.-199 (29) Uninhabited

    74 ~ DubHng (3011)

    75 Dawling (3012) 76 -fuII_ Rishi Kanda (3013) 4 77 Yangti Kanda (3014) Uninhabited /' 76 --""'"' Dulse Thang (3015) Uninhabited 79 UR§~ Dha, DUlasanyag (33) Uninhabited

    BO '""",",", Yang Koksa (34) Uninhabited 'l"-...... 81 11 179 48 34 Total of Poo Tahsil

    _,~ ... ot" Tahsil: Morang Code No. : 3 "''""'w Dhar Bhring Mochhe (1) Uninhabited lJ'ftttfcrr Shuti Gatang (8) Uninhabited ""rn Dhar Tepang (2) Uninhabited ""TI"" Dhar Gunjang (3) Uninhabited ""'" Dha,Wari (5) Uninhabited Dhar Kyari (6) Uninhabited "'-Im"""- DharKagte (4) Uninhabited 172 ;;r""""","" CENSUS ABSTRACT '!!"'_""'""'"'''''_iI>Iit Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~;f~~ VI _ VII ._ VIII IX Marginal workers Non·workers l'" F' F' jl'! --'l'" 'l'" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females- 31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 -38 39 -40 41 42

    83 2 19 34 Uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited

    Uninhabited Uninhabited




    49 13 56 43 53 8

    12 5 20 2 Uninhabited Uninhabited

    Uninhabited Uninhabited

    400 71 73 4 35 783 67 165 1,405 1,891



    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    173 _'IIWla; ~ ~ ~ ,~~~Ojl ComPlunity Developmtmt Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    ... """",,", tmi!~a!t lm"nrrilliTl'fIl '!f'-"l -,.Area of ~r~m.mr ~!I§ ri 0--6i1 m_ '!i"....-I...... "'~ _, Total ... .., VIIIC!lgein No. 01 Heebresand """"- Total population (including populati-on in Loc::ation occupied No. of Town/Ward House.. institutional--l and houseless the age Code "1lP\"/ffflGlAnittiT ;wr residential group 0·6 No. Name of VillageITownIWard InK.M.2 houses holds population) 5'" teo

    19 Lipakhas (16/1) 375 211 211 965 447 538 67 87

    20 Chakra (16/5) 270 Uninhabited - ./ """ 21 Rijing (28/3) 27 Uninhabited 22 -it.'it~,215'" D.P.F. 215 (21) 241 23 fr_~~.~16- D.P.F. 216 (20) 138 Uninhabited -" 24 1t.ft~.217 D.P.F. 217 (17) 100 Uninhabited

    25 Jrn{IIl:'tm' Asrang Khas (711) 297 74 74 335 163 172 22 26

    26 a~~219J:! D.P.F. 219 (A) (13) 73 Uninhabited 27 il-.fl.'£'f;.p:m1ll D.P.F. 219 (6) (12) 24 Uninhabited 28 "'" Lapo (1612) 332 Uninhabited 29 Kutang (2812) 253 29 29 166 122 44 15

    30 """t1.1\\~-l"20 D.P.F. 220 (15) 18 Uninhabited 31 il4l.-.rt-:l2l D.P.F. 221 (22) 84 Uninhabited

    32 "iI:'1\~-n2 D.P.F. 222 (23) 157 Uninhabited

    33 t..~-22:!O . D'p,f. 223 (25) 176 Uninhabited

    34 111m Sarig (34/5) 358 Uninhabited


    Industrial'l"'-""''''"''''-~ Category of Main Workers

    "F"'W7~ ~,"",-- (I-IX) Scheduled "',R Total main workerS Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates (I-IX) II !'" fmi F' F' F' F' F' fmi Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females- Males Females- Males Females 11 12 13 14 16 -16 17 18 19 20 21 22





    'inhabited 81 96 51 33 46 19 41 17






    147 141 292 397 242 118 249 155 138 101 35 45 Inlnhabited

    7 7 tlnhabited



    154 17Q 107 66 99 34 65 33

    J~inhabited I,,,habited ;n.habited 2 63 100 5

    J~lnhabfted :;nhabited ;'Mabited Jmnhabited ','Inhabited

    175 ~ ftmm ~ l~.o;:jQ:l ..... '1ru!li>; Community Development Block : Poo Coda No" : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY ~"""""""",,oll_'JoI! Industrial Catego.ry 01 Main Wonters

    q-=:t"o -location Code 1tJ1J~/13Ji

    11 tlRbtw! Ohar Weshlum (18) Uninhabited 12 ""''''''' Porang Kanda (7/3) Uninhabited 13 Tokto (712) 14 - Oagrang Kanda (1613) Uninhabited f5 --tm:1t~fI Ohar Mateng (10) Uninhabited 16 "''''''''' Ohar Changmang (19) . Uninhabited 17 Changmang (16/4) Uninhabited 18 -tt:~.1!"fi ~16 O.P.F. 218 (11) Uninhabiteg IS Iffimm Lipakhas (16/1) 18 2

    20 Chakra (1615) Uninhabited

    21 -- (28/3) Rijing 7 22 -fr:<'it~ 21S D.P.F. 215 (21) Uninhabited 23 1lq').~.216 OP.F. 216 (20) Uninhabited

    24 §1.Gt~.:m D.P.F. 217 (17) Uninhabited 25 """'''''' Asrang Khas (7/1) 10 26 ;t

    27 "ft~~.~219cil D.P.F. 219 (8) (12) Uninhabited 28 "'" Lapo (16/2) Uninhabited 29 "'" Kutang (28/2) 30 fI.-lt.1l"'!i-220 DP.F. 220 (15) Uninhabited

    31 ii~.~-221 D.P.F. 221 (22) Uninhabited

    32 fr.~.1('1\"-222 D.P.F. 222 (23) Uninhabited

    33 if.'Ij1~-z2J O.P F. 223 (25) Uninhabited 34 !lm Sang (3415) Uninhabited

    176 """"""''''''CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l"""","*"foiI'l

    ""'tmiliI.t< ... ~/'lJri1:l'iT1I1i-

    ...... "' __ 11ft ~~.3llil Area of...... (l-6lf -, m'i "l"-(-.o"""'" Village in No.- of Total '""'''' -. Location Hectares end occupied No. of Total population--) (including populat1on In - TownlWard resldontial Institutional and houseless Code _""""/allf"",,,,, House- the age No. Name of Vlliage/TownlWard InK.M.2 houses holds population) group 0·6

    ~ Imi :J'" Imi Persons Males Females Mates Female - 10 ~:ljPTCfit1";f.:3 Tahsil: Morang Code No. : 3 35 """" • Gyangra (3414) 830 Uninhabited 36 a~~-232 D.P.F. 232 (39) 193 Uninhabited 37 "'" Satera (3413) 220 Uninhabited 38 ""'"' Dhar Drang (14) 1,051 Uninhabited 39 WI"'" Dhar Chogeta (35) 507 Uninhabited 40 Chhappan (2814) 159 41 1lTMw Sheelapur (3416) 172 23 23 87 43 44

    42 fi:~.~-231 DP.F.·231 (38) 92 Uninhabited 43 """ Swaden (3417) 236 24 24 106 65 41 44 Rara~g Khas (3411) 139 161 161 875 461 414 82 80

    45 itiit.'?'J>-230 D.P.F.·230 (37) 34 Uninhabited

    46 UK",", Dhar Khatoch (29) 734 Uninhabited

    47 ""~ Dhar Jubling (30) 580 Uninhabited 48 ;;fflt_ Jangi Khas-(28/1) 498 154 155 699 360 .339 69 63

    49 i\iit'N>.-224 D.P.F. 224 (26) 112 Uninhabited

    50 Ringchil Kanda (3312) 52 Uninhabited 51 --"'¥' Khadura (3412) 227 48 60 283 162 121 24 20 52 'i~qq;.229 D.P.F. 229 (36) 221 Uninhabited

    53 it.<\\1Mi128 D.P.F. 228 (31) 296 Uninhabited

    54 "ittlt1?t6:221 D.P.F. 227 (32) 469 Uninhabited

    55 fr.1jf~.225 D.P.F. 225 (24) 65 Uninhabited

    56 i\.~.226 D.P.F, 226 (27) 210 Uninhabited

    57 Akpa Khas (33/1) 306 139 139 475 261 214 33 50 58 -- Parga (4012) 181 24 24 104 51 53 14

    59 ~.>1t1Ni.166 0.1' F. 186 (43) 273 Uninhabited

    60 Sirmoling (4018) 28 Uninhabited 61 -~ Kutian(4013) 40 48 48 209 95 114 11 tl 178 """"""'~ CENSUS ABSTRACT 7"'''"''~''''"'IIt-~ Ind!Jstrial Category 01 Main Workers

    'W''l''''- ":J'l!'m","-- (I-IX) "'J'lIlnI- Scheduled ...'" Tolal main workers: Scheduled Castes Tribes Literates (I-IX) II l'" l'" 'l'" 'l'" 'l'" 'l'" Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 16 - - 11 12 13 -14 15 - 17 -18 19 20 21 22

    Imhabited "nnabited .nhabited ""habited linhabited

    2 6 28 32 25 17 33 22 9 23 14


    33 35 26 13 45 26 15 19 28 96 102 304 303 261 164 251 46 114 27 32 mhabited



    62 66 223 238 184 113 196 29 103 5 Jmnhabiled


    8 82 96 78 47 99 48 32 33 38






    27 24 104 116 162 69 177 79 46 47 26 49 50 17 15 30 35 29 35



    80 113 61 38 55 59 26 46

    179 ~ filhIo;m 'tl'lV!!" ''{if • ...rO,l WI"'. , Community OO:\lelopment Btock : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    Industrial'Jl"I-""' Category ... ., of -"'"Main Workers

    ...... -Location Code ~ /ai"m r.nt

    37 .." Satera (34/3) Uninhabited 38 ""WI Dhar Drang (14) Uninhabited 39 Dhar Chogeta (35) Uninhabited 40 """""- Chhappan (;28/4) 2 41 ~ Sheelapur (34/6)

    42 1t"il'.1Mi.-':m D.P.f.-231 (38) Uninhabited 43 ""'" Swaden (34f7) 44 Rarang Khas (34/1) 16 10

    45 ""'-itl'il.I(tfi-230- D.P.F.-230 (37) Uninhab~ed 46 """"'" Dhar Khatoch (29) Uninhabited 47 ""~ Dhar Jubling (30) Uninhabited 48 ,;to .... Jangi Khas (28/1) 3 13 2

    49 it.>it'(ll;.-224 "'b.p.F. 224 (26) Uninhabited 50 ""I'm_ Ringchil Kanda (33/2) Uninhabited 51 """ Khadura (34/2) 19 52 ft'il.l(q\".229 D.P.F. 229 (36) Uninhabited

    53 il'itVlli:228 D.P.f. 228 (31) Uninhabited

    54 i\q)l(q\".227 D.P.F. 227 (32) Uninhabited

    55 ti.1fr.Y'J1.225 D.P.F. 225 (24) Uninhabited

    56 tr.'i\.~.226 D.P.F. 226 (27) Uninhabited 57 """"'" Akpa Khas (3311) 6 13 58 Parga (4012)

    59 t.G\~.186 D.P.F. 186 (43) Uninhabited

    60 _. Sirmoling (4018) Uninhabited 61 W. Kutian (4013) 11 12 180 """"",,,"OJ({ CENSUS ABSTRACT 'F"'_""",,","".miIflIo"" Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ ~ ~ ~~lfft!~O'l Community Development Block : Poa Code No. : 1 VILLAGE_""""'" PRIMARY

    ._~"" -"",,,,,'>'I-""- -~ """" ...... ~~~ Area of __ "i"-(...... "" ..... ;rij o-6if Villago In ~-;(O No. of -. Total Hectares and """'- -Location occupied No. of Total population (including population in lITIf/CfmiITI"mtCfiT"I'Pt TownJWard --l Code resIdentIal House~ InstitutJonal and houseles$ the age No. Name ofVmagelTownlWard inK.M.2 houses holds population} group 0-6 ""'"' 1'" l'" "'" Persons Males Females- Males Female 10 ~*-;:f.~l Tahsil:"""'" Morang Code No. : 3 62 >F' Chhuyian (4017) 109 Uninhabited

    63 it.""_~.IM O.P.F. 188 (41) 128 Uninhabited

    64 1r.rr_ Ribba Khas (40/1) 49 164 164 870 399 471 76 63 65 """ Holding (40/4) 124 114 114 574 343 231 45 51 66 ".~ Dhar Jetutan9 (44) 534 Uninhabited

    -87 Dhar Gara (47) 2,435 Uninhabited 68 "'" Wato (40/6) 186 69 '1jl'i) Kurpo (4015) 215 6 6 43 22 21

    70 Skiba (4814) 97 61 61 256 130 126 22 20 71 -...... Holdang (48/3) 30 11 11 48 31 17 72 tt ...ft.'?'1'JlJ7 D.P.F. 187 (42) 182 4 4 11 4

    '!i~,,,,,m D.P.F. Rispa 73 243 Uninhabiteo 191'f92 191-192 (SO) 74 """ Panah (48/6) 424 Uninhabited 75 ".- Dhar Panah (45) 3.286 Uninhabited 76' ""'li"'" Dhar Kushkat (46) 3,952 Uninhabited 77 """"" Chetang Kanda (4817) 288 Uninhabited 78 (lro"", Rispa Khas (4811) 211 78 78 380 191 189 27 22

    79 r.;r,m Ujing (4812). 100 45 25 20

    tVit.~ffimr 80 D P.F. Satra 189-190 (49) 306 Uninhabited 169-190 81 ..... - Asno Kanda (48/8) 630 Uninhabited 82 ft41TfJi.I97 D.P.F. 197 (63) 42 Uninhabited

    83 !t.~.~.19~ D.P.F. 195 (62) Uninhabited

    84 ~ffllfiltr Chang Kuwa (48/5) 17 Uninhabited

    85 Piwar (5312) 316 Uninhabited 86 -"',., Lambar (53/3) 774 69 39 30

    182 1lfo1i101ilTm< CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Industrial'l"'-""'''''''''~'''" Category of Main Workers

    wr~- (I-IX) ...... Scheduled ..... Tota! main workerS Scheduled~- Castes Tribes-- Literates (I-IX) II :!'" l'" l'" fmi l'" l'" :!'" Males Females""" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females- 11 12 13 -14 15 16 17 -18 19 -20 21 22


    Uninhabited 38 39 353 431 221 179 208 245 116 192 58 51 111 112 81 94 63 82 237 91 39 61 Uninhabited


    22 21 9 10 8

    17 17 73 85 72 47 67 14 27 6

    10 2 23 2 4



    Uninhabited / Uninhabited


    56 49 122 140 122 84 101 22 57 11 11

    14 5 3 10 15 2



    Uninhabited Uninhabited



    20 30 32 13 30

    183 ~ f§;m ~ : ~~ ",,011 Community Development Block ; Poc Code No. : 1 VILLAGE -~PRIMARY 'I"'_ ...... ""_iMI Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~~o Location - ';QPI' Code /1Jiml /'mi uIT ~ No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard III IV V(a) V(b) 'l'" Imi 'l'" 'l'" 'l'" m Males Females Males .Females Males Females- Males Females 23 24 25 - 26 27 28 29 30 -.. !1JP'r .... ,] Tahsil: Morang Code No. : 3 62 w-r Chhuyian (4017) Uninhabited

    63 ~'Qt.~.188 D.P.F. 188 (41) Uninhabited 64 """"" Ribba Khas (40/1) 2 65 Holding (40/4) 7 41 12 66 -m(~ Dhar Jetutang (44) Uninhabited 67 ",nTl" Dhar Gara (47) Uninhabited 68 "'" Wato (40/6) 69 ;jM\ Kurpo (40/5)

    70 Skiba (48/4) 71 -""'"' Holdang (48/3) 72 ft.~.~181"" D.P.F. 187 (42) 4

    iI~.~.fur:tr D.P.F. Rispa 73 Uninhabited 191-192 191-192 (50) 74 Panah (48/6) Uninhabited 75 ""- Yhar Panah (45) Uninhabited 76 lll~~ Dhar Kushkat (46) Uninhabited

    77 ittn~ Chetang Kanda (4817) Uninhabited

    78 fu

    It.~,,,,,,,,, 80 D.P.F. Satra 189-190 (49) Uninhabited le9-190 81 """""" Asno Kanda (4818) Uninhabited 82 iI.I'it.'rI'.197 D.P.F. 197 (63) Uninhabited

    83 i\"Iir.~19S D.P.F. 195 (62) Uninhabited

    54 ""''I'" Chang Kuwa (48/5) Uninhabited 85 """, Piwar (53/2) Uninhabited 86 Lambar (5313)

    184 CENSUS ABSTRACT -'"' 'l""""q;B",,

    ...... ~ _"""",,!loit 011 _..:1""""~ __ !I.F'~~ ...... Area of "l"-r_""oIR>lm: ri 0-6it .-;10 Village in No. of Total Location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population (including population In Code "Wi~/miCJiT~ TownlWard residential House--- Institutional--I and houseless the age No. Name of VilIageJTqwnIWard InK.M.2 houses holds population) group 0·6 1'" 1'" !lou Persons Males Females Males Female '3 4 - - 10 -.. :~*';'j.~l Tahsil: Morang Code No. : 3

    87 m""",", Dhar Palmali (55) 1,252 Uninhabited

    88 Dhar Sunklam (54) 4,488 Uninhabited "" ~"""" B9 "'" Wewgya (59/3) 65 UninhaMed 90 lJ"I''''"' Surtingling (59/4) 18 2 14 13 91 -.... Charang Khas (59/1) . 156 43 43 212 109 103 10 17 92 fil>J'>"" Giyung Lang (59/2) 161 13 13 29 11 18

    93 llT{'mT

    94 ""~ Dhar Lalanti (56) 5,180 Uninhabited 95 Dhar Mangla (58) 14,361 Uninhabited 96 ",omIft Dhar Brati (73) 4,612 Uninhabited 97 Dhar Yamdaling (76) 4,381 Uninhabited 98 ""-tm:~m Dhar Chhiling Khola (66) 1,947 Uninhabfted 99 ,,",",J Dhar Timchhe (67) 1,340 Uninhabited

    100 KyalWo (60/3) 373 Uninhabited ""'" ./ 101 'lj'il- Kuno Khas (6011) 250 23 23 108 42 66

    102 W Kota (60/2) 126 Uninhabited

    103 ""~ Dhar Tiwur (77) 2,160 Uninhabited 104/ l1I1M Dhar Danro (79) 791 Uninhabited

    105 ""'f"'l Dhar Guntang (74) 9,199 Uninhabited

    106 ""~ Dhar Dulmnish (75) 3,467 Uninhabited 107 '''''''" Dhar Khayo (80) 3,910 Uninhabited lOB """," Dhar Ration (81) 4,999 Uninhabited

    109 Dhar Lawar (82) 3,366 Uninhabited 110 "'''''''''' Dhar !Syowrang (84) 2,165 Uninhabited 111 ""~ Dhar Lung Kumar (83) 4,872 Uninhabited 112 Piana (78/5) 49 Uninhabited

    113 un""". Dhar Warchha (89) 2,885 Uninhabited


    Industrial'l"'"",,""""""""_.01 Category of Main Workers

    '!i"_- ~tf~-~ (I-IX) .~- Scheduled Total main worker' Scheduled Castes Tribes literates""" (I.IX) II P" l'" l'" l'" l'" l'" Males Females Males Females- Males Females- Males Females- Males Females Males Females- 11 -12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 -20 21 22


    Uninhabited Uninhabited 13 13 73 96 85 40 72 27 ,. 17 3



    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited




    42 66 25 37 18 17













    187 ~ f.ttt;m ~ I~~-;fu:, _"""""' Community Development Block : P~Q Code No. ; 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY ¥,,'Q'ill'l~'lII'ffi~ ~ ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    1'fitw-rio -LocatIon Code 'W"f~/

    B8 URlfI'<'!'! Dhar Sunklam (54) Uninhabited

    89 ~"" Wewgya (59/3) Uninhabited 90 ~ Surtingting (59/4) 91 Charang Khas (59/1) 92 flPl'i"" Giyung Lang (59/2) 93 Dhar Changakhache (57) Uninhabited 94 OR"""""""- " Dhar Lalantl (56)- Uninhabited 95 """"" Dhar Mangla (58) Uninhabited 96 "''''''' Dhar Brati (73) Uninhabited" 97 tm~ Ohar Yamdaling (76) Uninhabited

    98 tm~$ Ohar Chhiling Khola (66) Uninhabited 99 .. Dt{ar Timchhe (67) Uninhabiled 100 - Kyarwo (BD/3) Uninhabited """" 101 :~W« Kuno Khas (60/1) ....102 """ Kota (60/2) Uninhabited 103 Ill

    10. UR",," Dhar Danra (79) Uninhabited

    105 tIi(~ Dhar Guntang (74) Uninhabited

    106 ""~ Dhar Dulmnish (75) Uninhabited 107 ""a Dhar Khaya (80) Uninhabited 108 Ill

    111 UIl~ifI'{ Ollar Lung Kumar (83) Uninhabited

    112 Piana (78/5) Uninhabited 113 "'"'''' Dhar Warchha (89) Uninhabiled 18B ,""""""m< C~NSUS ABSTRACT '!"""",,,,"""""'-"", Industrial Category of Main Workers

    lIil't';'J~~ VI VII VIII IX Marginal workers Non·workers l'" Imi l'" Imi l'" :l'" --:l'" :l'" Males Females Males Females . Males Females Males Females- Males females Males Females 31 32 33 34 35 -36 37 38 39 -40 41 -42

    Uninhabited Uninhabited

    Uninhabited 12 39 32 31 69 7·



    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited




    -/ 23 64 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited







    Uninhabited Uninhabited


    189 ~ fu'a;m ~ : "f.W"ui\:roro:l --""" CommunIty Development BlOck : POQ Code No. : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    ""'''''-_~.m: "TR/tIJi'U'il'tdi &O'IfIoif _,", __ aft ~~~ Area of ..... "l" ...... '""""""3l>-..m. ria-&~ ~;io Village In No.- of Total -Location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population flncluding population in Code lJrn/Cfi'm1'8ti WOfl'I'f Town/Ward residential House·- Institutional--I and houseles$ the age No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard inK.M_2 houses holds population) . _ groupO..s

    ~ ~ '!'" IWn Persons- Males Fema~es Males Female 7 10 .-:~~oiI3 Tahs.iI : Morang Code No. : 3 114 Dhar Lungpha (88) 1,844 Uninhabited 115 """"" Gyamting (78/4) 97 Uninhabited 116 "'"' Khadi (7616) 14 Uninhabited 117 Dhar Shangchawal (711 1,913 Uninhabited ""~ 118 urran.. Dhar Shilachh (72) 1,496 Uninhabited 119 oi

    122 i}.Qt.~.-l9cJ D.P,F, 193 (51) 271 Uninhabited 123 'ft-clt~-IQ4 D.P.F. 194 (52) 125 Uninhabited 12' Sw,ling (5314) 347 Uninhabited 125 - Dhar Gramangwat (6B) 1,862 Uninhabited 126 "'- Dhar Wishtang (69) 1,589 Uninhabited 127 !f"'fl.I Ttluwaring (64/5) 344 82 82 377 163 214 32 39 128 ,..","'- 'Khokpa (64/2) 251 53 53 249 114 135 15 21 129 Shiling Khas (64/1) 165 85 85 346 183 163 20 27 /' 130 ."",-- Gramang (64/6) 161 105 105 645 248 297 46 32 131 i{t'-"""'" 199.8 2,051 2,064 9,856 5,019 4,837 784 609 Total of Morang Tahsil

    190 wmuRl .... CENSUS ABSTRACT ~lfiPI'lI>R

    ~~~ ''>'If'm'''''-- (I-IXI Scheduled ,,"" Total main workeri' Schedule'a~- Castes Tribes Literates (I-IX) II S'" 1m; l" 1m! l'" S'" F' S'" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Mares Females- Mates Females 11 12 13 1$ -16 11 -18 19 20 21 -22 "




    Uninhabited Uninhabited 71 57 224 244 248 130 211 2 85 Uninhat>led 10 14 6 24 22 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 53 52 107 159 95 77 53 6 40 31 34 75 101 76 60 60 6 41 53 49 93 95 131 71 105 4 46 11

    20 21 226 276 153 133 103 6 81 3 2 Uninhabited

    42 33 123 164 140 58 103 10 14 13 Jninhabited lJninhabited 5 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    885 846 3,071 3,659 2,823 1,722 2,869 982 1,231 652 326 160

    191 ~ fitU;m ~ ''liS.-=iO:1 Community De'telopment Block : Poo Code No. : 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY ~_ ....'1..ar ... _,,", -­ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~ motu Location Code lI'T'f/l'lmJTlmitm~ No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard III IV V(.) V(b) 1'" tmi F' Imi 1'" F' m Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female, 23 24 25 26 27 -28 29 3D ~'~."';3 Tahsil: Morang Code No: : 3 114 Dhar Lungpha (88) Uninhabited 115 ""- Gyamting (7814) Uninhabited 116 -.ml Khadi (78/6) Uninhabited 117 ""~ Dhar Shangchawal (71) Uninhabited lIB "''''''''' Dhar Shilachh (72) Uninhabited 119 oiIiI_ Thangi Khas (53/1) 4

    120 ~:41.~.I9l> D.P.F. 196 (61) Uninhabited 121 "'" Roowang .(64/3) 12-2 -.J'I.ql.1lQi.-193 D.P.F. 193 (51) Uninhabited 123 tl-1tlZ'ft.-194 D.P.F. 194 (52) Uninhabited 124 Swaling (53/4) Uninhabited 125 -""- Dhar Gramangwal (68) Uninhabited 126 ""~ Dhar Wishtang (69) Uninhabited 127 !J'lTf!< Thuwaring (64/5) 2 12B ,....., Khokpa (6412) 129 Shiling Khas (64/1) 130 ""'"-- Gramang (64/6) 131 ~~ Nakat Kuwa (64/7) 132 'l""- Surwa Kanda (64/4) 133 """"" Samodayan (65) 134 ""'- NesBng KhBS (7811) 135 "" .... Dhar Lochhas (70) Uninhabited 136 Shaktang (78/3) Uninhabited 137 Jagechan (78/7) 138 """'""""ft DhBr Piwung (90) Uninhabited 139 Dhar Joganchan (87) Uni nhabited

    140 """'""UR~ffi DharTapula (85) Uninhabited

    141 UH_ Dhar Chamang_i (86) Uninhabited 142 """- Horang Pawa (78/2) +..-...... 94 15 125 Total of Morang Tahsil 20 58

    192 """"""'''''CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Industrial'l"'-""'''"''''' Category of ~""'Main Workers

    tm'""~~ VI VU VIII IX Marginal workers Non·workers 'l'" m 'l'" fmi 'l'" 'l'" 1m --'l'" 1m 'l'" Males Females Males Females Males Females""" Males Females Males Females Males Females""" 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42



    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 3 t04 11 71 141 238 Uninhabited 10 18 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 4 10 100 205 51 129 37 78 159 /' 1 3 15 4 143 291


    72 3 107 191 Uninhabited Uninhabited 5 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 4 6

    310 58 57 13 655 73 90 510 2,060 3,345

    193 ~ fftq;m ~ : ~1IiIl!: ;lO:2 Community Development Block : Kalpa Code No. : 2 VILLAGE-""'""" PRIMARY

    "",_if"" .. ;m.. "m;{/lricmlP't_if _QIl __ .n ~~~ Area ot ..... tIlR~(~~~ ..mO-61l' Village in - """""'lIIl!"-;;O No.ot ....--) Total location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population (Including populatlon In Code _/"""'r.nt"""", TownlWard residential House-- Institutional and houseless the age No. Name ofVlllagelTownlWard inK.M.l houses holds population) group 0·6

    S'" ~ m Persons Males Females- Males Female - 10 ~fO

    '"" Total \779,1 5,867 5,868 26,137 14 j 108 12,029 2,141 2,000 ,.,ftu, Rural 1,779.1 5,867 5,868 26,137 14,108 12,029 2,141 2,000 ~Urban

    ~tlfW'U~oi'4 Tahsil: Kafpa Coda No. : 4

    Dhar Rawal (1) 6,626 Uninhabited

    trn:~m Dhar Kurak Tasang (9) 8,139 Uninhabited "'~ Dh .. Gurgurli (10) 996 Uninhabited """"'" Nang Kashang (615) 427 Uninhabited ~-i'lf(fit Kashang Golige (613) 231 Uninhabited "'''"." Dhar Kyari (4) 2,857 Uninhabited 15ashang Gl'amag (6/4) 363 Uninhabited

    -"'"~ Ragura (612) 288 28 28 132 73 59 12 10 ;r:~~ Jangal Mehluza 61 Uninhabited ~1'I:-23G Mehduda C .-238 (11)

    iilTR~ Jangal Mellluza 10 100 Uninhabited ~~-:m Mehdud. C -237 (8) Jangal Mehluza 11 42 Uninhabited -""""~l'it-236 Mehduda C -236 (7)

    12 'tiiIi / Pangi (611) 161 .202 202 972 503 469 80 8: 13 """ Khwanta (616) 294 155 155 772 380 392 63 63 14 ,-;,.. Mebar(6/B) 258 2 2 Jangal Mehluza 15 _"""" 236 Uninhabited ~11-134 Mehduda C -234 (5) Jangal Mehluza 16 25 Uninhabited ~'at-2JJ-"""" Mehduda C -233 (3) Jan9al Mehluza 17 _"""" 48 Uninhabited ~lil-23!i Mehduda C ·235 (2) _ ~"" ~., Jangal Mehluza 18 311 Uninhabited 239-2.40 Mehduda C -239-240 (12) 19 """'- Baktu (6/7) 60 9 9 10 20 """" Tarkhwa (13/3) 81 63 63 315 166 149 31 19

    194' ~"'" CENSUS ABSTRACT

    ~""'W-t .... >it _ ... Industria! Category of Main Workers

    ""'~-(!-IX) ~---Scheduled Total main worker.( Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates"''''' (I-IX) II !!'" ~ :I'" 1" !l'" :I'" fbllJi Males Females Males Females Males Females"'" Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 -12 13 -14 15 16 17 -18 19 -20 21 22

    3,985 3,843 6,676 7,124 8,967 4,425 8,396 4,868 3,456 4,273 264 121 3,985 3,843 6,676 7,124 ' 8,967 4.425 8,396 4.868 3,456 4,273 264 121

    mnhab!ted runhabited mnhabited



    linhabited linhabited

    6 52 55 35 16 39 30 15 28 2 j)1rl~abited



    95 101 3B5 364 259 137 281 62 17B 46

    117 114 258 278 196 121 195 119 124 113





    2 6

    68 68 86 81 97 72 80 74 51 68 12

    195 ~ fimim ~ ~ ~.·liO:2 WI"","", Community Development Block ; Kalpa Code No. : 2 VILLAGE PRIMARV '1'"-",'1 .... ",,_ ... Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ...... """"'"location Code ~~./lI1tCfiT~ No, Name of VillagerrownlWard III IV V(.) v(b) l'" ~ 3'" ~ l'" l'" Males Females Males Females Males Females""'" Mares Females"" __ tao;m_,_ 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30

    C.D. Block: Kalpa -.;m Total 435 51 277 36 237 30 "WftuT Rural 435 51 277 36 237 30 .",1Izr Urban

    ~i~~~=4 Tahsil; Karpa Code No. : 4

    Dhar Rawsl (1) Uninhabited "'''''''UR"l"'- Dhar Kurak Tasang (9) Uninhabited

    UR~ Dhar Gurgurli (10) Uninhabited

    -.m~ Nang Kashang (615) Uninhabited

    5 - ~~-i'rfrriT Kashang Getige (613) Uninhabited "''''''' Dhar Kyari (4) Uninhabited Kashang Gramag (614) Uninhabited

    ~ Ragur. (6/2)

    ~~ Jangal Mehfuza Uninhabited ~'tlt~'ua Mehduda C -238 (11) Jangal Mehfuza 10 ~~ Uninhabited ~~-:m Mehduda .C '·237 (8) Jangal Mohfuza 11 -m;_., Uninhabited ~

    20 Tarkhwa (13/3)

    196 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT 'I""-...... ",,_'oloI Industria! Category of Main Wofkers

    -...... , 'Im'f"rfll'ir.f~ VI VII VUI IX Marginal workers Non.workers 1'" m S'" m 1'" m S'" m S'" m S'" Males Females Males Fe-males Males Females Males. Females Males Females Males Fema[es 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 -42

    747 126 314 99 2,564 222 161 901 5,551 6,260 747 126 314 99 2,564 222 161 901 5,551 6,260 ~ ~ T

    ""''"''"''''''_~oftt "",,,,,,",,, ... -~ ~~~ Area of """'"-.!I..wz._-.!I..... '!f'."...,.(_om-.nrr mlD-6 if """"" Village in No.- of Total Q'" Location Hectares and occupied No.'""'" of Total population""""-1 (including population in Code ~/'ffi'RITAnt?:6TOUIJ TownlWard residential House~ institutional and houseless the age No. Name of ViI"'gelTownlWard InK.M.l houses holds population) group O-ti .... ~ 1m! !l'" fCI

    22 Japredin (14/2) 344 Uninhabiled 23 -""'" Kashmir (15/2) 93 101 101 446 217 229 39 43 24 alltiil Tolingi (13/1) 227 34 34 230 .117 113 18 15 25 .- Gaki Marang (1312) 30 84 84 268 159 109 17 21 26 ,.;,tIi Khwangi (14/1) 161 294 295 1,028 617 411 76 75

    27 ml Kothi (15/1) 56 271 271 1,073 562 511 102 87

    28 ft'filffitzit Reckong Peo (18) 69 714 714 2,487 1,658 829 187 167

    29 Brelingi (17/2) 34 102 '02 454 238 216 32 34 30 -~ Duni (17/1,- 48 139' 139 608 326 282 48 35 '"'" """" ",,"'" Jangal Mehfuza 31 89 9 32 27 5 Mehduda C-241 (16) 32 Panwa (1315) 20 Uninhabiled /' 33 >m Gonang (15/3) 268 Uninhabited

    34 Dhar Ohumpawang (24) 500 Uninhabited .

    35 "'''''""'UR~f?t.::!Im Dhar Shulacha Pilaya (25) 287 Uninhabiled

    36 >il;;l Goli(1713) 193 5

    37 .~~ Dumdumka (1912) 34 4

    38 Radule (20/2) 351 37 37 170 76 94 13 14 39 "'" Kalpa (2011) 98 360 360 1,427 773 654 117 lIB

    40 ~ Yuwaringi (1911) 78 161 161 560 345 215 48 50

    41 li'l Raang (21). 180 50 50 182 91 91 18 12

    42 ll"'" Shudarang (2014) 132 71 71 350 175 175 18 22 """ """" "",,,, Jangal Mehfuza 43 175 19 19 101 49 52 '" Mehduda C-242 (22) 44 "'" Saryo (20/3) 77 61 61 375 184 191 29 2B

    19? """"""'w CENSUS ABSTRACT ~_"",,.,,;y'lll "oilfl><; "" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~~~ (I-IX) ~Scheduled ... Total main workers Scheduled~- Castes Tribes-- literates""" (I-IX) II S1'" :!'" 'I'" :!'" ~ :!'" "'" Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Female'> Males Females 13 - . 15 - 11 -12 14 16 17 -18 19 20 21 22

    68 68 86 81 97 72 80 74 51 68 12


    Uninhabited 84 110 92 104 112 59 132 104 66 81 106 110 76 58 51 49 35 47 6 25 15 78 78 122 52 104 45 18 41 159 132 267 224 456 193 385 124 86 95 6 205 223 212 220 395 243 318 198 96 154 259 129 369 239 1.208 462 1.054 113 13 13 152 162 75 51 143 71 147 132 97 123 30 28 183 204 220 148 189 142 69 113 38 13

    16 25





    4 2 2 2 2 2 26 27 39 52 49 -40 47 29 25 20 217 214 311 342 512 288 464 179 129 140 29 15 6 201 171 258 100 213 69 39 51 11 6 73 82 56 35 54 21 40 21

    101 109 62 57 116 75 93 81 62 78

    47 52 30 23 20 25 8 25

    179 180 125 76 79 106 61 104

    199 ~ fnm:r 'tzfVIJ l~. -;10:2 "",,,,,,",,,,, Community Development Block : Kalpa Codo No. : 2 VILLAGE PRIMARY 'l"'"",,,,,'li'If'lll_il

    "'Pin -l.ocation Code VPf~/micnr'itm No. Name of VlllagelTownlWard m IV V(aj V(b) l'" "' .. l'" 'I'" 'I'" Males Females Males Females Males Females-. Males Females 2 23 24 25 -26 27 28 29 -30 .- :~.':I'.:-4 Tahsil: Kalpa Code No. ": 4- 20 """" Tarkhwa (13/3) 3 21 mil Change (1314)

    22 Japredin (1412) 23 -"""" Kashmir (15/2) 8 24 ~ Telingi (13/1) 2

    25 Gaki Marang (13/2) 10 26 -""" Khwangi (1411) 51 7 2 26 27 ""., Kothi (15/1) 24 9 17 28 """''''' Re~kong Peo (18) 58 4 39 29 i!iPi Brelingi (1712)

    30 ;;1l Duni (17/1) 12 Jangal Mehfllza 31 -"",-",,,,,,, .ffi:Zdl Mehduda C-241 (16) 32 """" Panwa'(13/5) Uninhabited 33 Gonang (15/3) Uninhabited 34 -UIt"q~ Dhar Ohumpawang (24) Uninhabited 35'- "",_""'" Dhar Shulacha Pilaya (25) Uninhabited 36

    37 ~ Dumdumka (19/2)

    3a Radule (2012)

    39 "'" Kalpa (2011) 26 2 11 33

    40 '!Wi Yuwaringi (1911) 10 6 2 13 41 WI Raang (21)

    42 'l"'" Shudarang (2014) 5 2 Jangal Mehluza 43 tb"""""""""" 242 Mehduda C-242 (22) 44 "'''' Saryo (2013) 2

    200 CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l"''''''~''''''l\l_~ -"" (ndustria! Category of Main Workers

    Q;JJJ",~arn VI VD VIII IX Marginal workers Non~worker5 :I'" 1m 1'" l'" m l'" 1m --'l'" 'l'" ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females . Males Females 31 32 33 -34 35 36 37 38 39 -40 41 42

    86 75 ninhabited


    24 20 27 <84 98 2 6 3 66 61 4 61 55 63 45 51 12 105 2 47 230 240 31 <5 30 7 101 15 6 32 238 281 240 52 101 13 572 45 604 716 2 45 91 84 11 47 12 137 135






    18 29 65 53 29 151 24 4 32 305 443 28 8 11 93 11 132 146 36 70 17 82 94

    29 26

    11 105 85

    201 ~ ~ ,.,. ,,.....""' .. ,, ""'~ Community Development Block : Kalpa Code No. ; 2 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    ..... imjI'if "" _1'Ilf- .. ,.,f _if _-.l\ ~""""'~" Area of _-.lI"""..... ~...-(...... ",,~ 0-6lt' ""' Village In No.- of ...... $) TOlal -location.. Hectares and occupied No. of Total population (including population in Code 'UPI /'ttim/1lTf lfi1;lfPJ TownlWard residential House- institutional and houseless the age No. Name of ViJlage/TownJWard inK.M.2 houses holds population) group 0-6 ?" 'l'" 1m Persons- Males Females Males Female 2 -8 10 tmfti:r:~'!fil't-:f.! .. Tahsil: !(alpa Code No. : 4 """~~"IiI Jangal Mehfuza 45 35 Uninhabited Mehduda C-243 (23) """'" Jangal Mehfuza 46 ~~"IiI 18 Uninhabiled '44 Mehduda C-244 (26)

    47 """ ~ """';\ Jangal Mehfuza '26 Uninhabited 204.5 Mehduda 8-245 (2B) """ ~ """,. Jangal Mahtuza 48 28 Uninhabited Mehduda A-245 (27) 49 _,. Talangucha (3012) 245 25 25 113 62 51 6 50 Kastyo (3013) - 153 Uninhabited """'" Jangal Mehfuza 51 23B Uninhabited ~'$246-2A1-~ Mehduda B 246-247 (29) 52 """" Dakhaye (30/4) 333 16 16 78 41 37 53 .., Rag; (3011) 172 60 60 299 153 146 20 21 Jangal Mehfuza 54 """~ 261 Uninhabited ~'>lI Mehduda Rail (31 ) 55 50 111 111 SOB 250 258 51 43 Jangal Mahtuza ·61 --~ 246 Uninhabited Mehduda Takhawa (39) 62 """''''''''' Sharmi (37/3) 52 Uninhabited 63 - Takhawa Kanda (37/4) 255 Uninhabited 64 iifIiq"",- Meling Khata (4113) 335 Uninhabited

    Jangal Mehtuzs Mehduda 65 """~ 481 Uninhabited Tangling C-176-178 (40) """'-$-r16

    202 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT !"'"",,,,,,.mtoli_.., Industrial Cate-gory of Mai(l Workers

    ~¥"'- ~""'-- (I-IX) Scheduled Total main wori





    11 8 44 43 37 17 36 21 23 18



    2 35 32 21 16 21 19

    81 71 68 75 101 60 77 55 46 49

    Uninhabited -' 49 36 86 111 90 45 97 76 46 72 18 4 4

    90 90 140 180 2411 92 258 166 117 165

    113 125 123 130 127 64 140 47 122 45 99 111 123 132 139 77 147 132 103 123






    22 28 11 22 20 16 3

    72 66 50 69 135 71 155 14 48 3 16

    203 ~ fcmm:I ~ ,~.-;fDI2 _'ImIlI

    Industrial"!l""-"""""''''-""' Category of Main Workers

    ~<;:{D -location Code ~/~1'lJti1Jif'if11f No. Name of ViUagelTownlWard III IV Veal V(b) F' F' F' F' Imi Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 26 - 23 -24 25 - 27 28 29 30 ~1~.";:f.;.4 Tahsil: Kalpa Code No. : 4 Jangal Mehfuza 45 Uninhabited it-~""" 243 Mehduda C-243 (23) Jangal Mehtuza 46 Uninhabited Ut24.4-~""" Mehduda.C-244 (26) ."" """., Jangal Mehfuza 47 ~ Uninhabited '" Mehduda B·245 (28) VJ'T1'M ~ ~ v Jangal Mehfuza 48 Uninhabited 14' Mehduda A·245 (27) 49 ""'J'il Talangucha (3012) 2 50 ""","/ Kastyo (3013) U.ninhabited Jangal Mehfuza 51 ~~ Uninhabited ~fr"246-241 Mehduda B 246-247 (29) 52 """" Dakhaye (30/4) 4 53 ""' / Ragi (3011) 11 5 oi:T~~ Jangal Mehfuza 54 Uninhabited /""""" Mehduda Rali (31) 55 "" Rail (33/2) 3 56 -"'" Phayag Chaden (3313) 57 "" Mebar (33/1) 58 ... Barang (3711) 59 ~"" Yusaring (3712) 4 60 -. Tangling (4112) 2 3 5 Jangal Mehtuza 61 Uninhabited -""'" Mehduda Takhawa (39) 62 """"""" Sharmi (3713) Uninhabited 63 -"'"""'" Takhawa Kanda (3714). Uninhabited 64 _m, Meling Khata (41/3) Uninhabited

    ~~ Jangal Mehtuza Mehduda 65 Uninhabited ~-. Tangling C·176·178 (40) 1tr-176

    "", .. ;m... _~.m: lIlR"/UIt'Uil1.lii

    -~ ~ Area of _'"'..... - __ oIi ...... (-..m: .... Village in No, of ~ ~~) Total location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population (including population in Code :arn/!fi"m1'ICmfi5T~ TownlWard residential House- Instftutlonal and houseless the age No. Nama of ViUageiTownlWard ' in K.M,2 houses holds population) group 0-6

    Persons- Males!l"l Females- Males Female 2 10

    68 ~ ... Purbani Khas (4211) 180 77 77 415 182 233 26 35

    69 Kibar(47) 81 Uninhabited Jangal Mohruza Mohduda C- 70 208 Uninhabited 184 (44) 71 Rawa (4212) 207 6 6 28 13 15 Jangal Mehruza Mehduda C- 72 ~~ 133 Uninhabited ~-.Yt185 185 (43) Jangal Mehruza Mehduda C- 73 ~~ 83 Uninhabited ~ft11l3 183 (46) Jangal Mehfuz. Mehduda C- 74 """'m;;. 45 Uninhabited ~'flt11l2 182 (45) ,- 75 Dhar Tikulrung That (52) 1,928 Uninhabited Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 76 228 Uninhabited Dalang (48) Dhar Motas Chakru 77 3,583 Uninhabited Jeshtgarang (51) /' 78 Dhar Jeshtgarang (50) 561 Uninhabited Jangal Mohfuza Mehduda 79 12 Uninhabited ",,-,,--"""" , Sharmi (38) 'IJT1ri;r.~ Jangai Mehluza Mehduda 80 80 Uninhabited .~­ Anoden (36) Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 81 """m;;. 55 Uninhabited ""-""""'" Nalagno (34) 62 UJt~ Dhar Yutingra (53) 728 Uninhabited Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda B3 ~~ 134 Uninhabited ""-"""" lirang (35) Jangal Mehtuza Mehdti'da 229 Uninhabited ""-"--"""" Gramag (32) 390,9 3,657 3,658 15,397 8,493 6,9Q4 1,231 1,189 Total of Kalp. Tahsil tmfu;r:~~~6 Tahsil: Sangla Code No, : 6 Chhitkul (63) 335 87 87 505 241 264 35 42 Mastrang (5913) 299 267 267 Dhar Shoshla (60) 2,344 Uninhabited

    206 '""""""-CENSUS ABSTRACT

    ¥;) IndustrialW"""'''''''''',., Category of -..Main Workers ""J'I'f'nIi fao;m ..... ,,.,,.>m"


    68 ~"'" Purbani Khas (42/1) 69 Kibar(47) Uninhabited Jangal Mehluza Mehduda 70 Uninhabited -"""""""~1%ra4 C-I84 (44) 71 Rawa (4212)' Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda C 72 Uninhabited ~1t18"-"""" 185 (43) Jangal Mehluza Mehduda n ;:;fm:f~ Uninhabited ~~la3 C-183 (46) Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda C 74 Uninhabited """""""~~1&2 182 (45) 75 Uii~~ Ohar Tikulrung That(5~) Uninhabited 'Jangal Mehluza Mehduda 76 Uninhabited ~~-"""" Oalang (48) m~ Ohar Motas Chakru 77 Uninhabited ~ Jeshtgarang (51) 78 ",,,- Ohar Jeshlgarang (50) Uninhabited -""",, Jangai'Mehluza Mehduda 79 Uninhabited ",,-,,- Sharmi (38) Jangal MehfUza Mehduda 80 ~~ Uninhabited Anoden (36) """-Wm~ Jangal Mehfuza Mehduda 81 Uninhabited ""-""""" Nalagno (34) 82 m~ Ohar Yulingra (53) Uninhabited Jangal Mehluza Mehduda 83 Wr<'I~ Uninhabited ""-"ffR> Lirang (35) Jangal Mehluza Mehduda 84 -""",, Uninhabited Gramag (32) ~~ ...... "" _ 290 37 117 14 151 27 Total ,of Kalpa Tahsil, ~rmrmr~.",6 rahsll : Sanglo Code No, : 6

    ~ Chhitkul (63) 3 """'" -Mastrang (59/3) "'''"'''' Dhar Shoshla (60) Uninhabited ,208 ~"" CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l"''IiT'I''''''ffil!,.,_iM Industrial Category of Main Wor1

    lfiPJ";flfir.)~ VI VII VIII IX Marginal workers Non-workers 'I" 'I" 'l'" 'l'" --'l'" 3'" Males Females- Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females- 31 32 33 '34 3S -36 37 - 38 39 -40 41 42

    12 43 68 91 Jninhabited


    4 10














    535 91 258 5 67 1,610 175 31 614 3,408 3,943

    50 30 97 107 267 Uninhabited

    209 ~ filurn:r ~ !1firZIIQ'=in12 Community Development Block : Kalpa Code Nc. : 2 VILLAGE""'_ PRIMARY

    """"-~~a!< _1Olf"",,"

    -~ ~'Ift __ 'Ift "l"'"""""'~ Area.of "l"....-~a!<..." ifia-6~ Village In ~7iD -.-No. of ...... _) Total location Hectares and occupied No, of Total population Iinciuding population In - -.vPI /Q;l:m AlIi "$1 ";JPf lown/Ward institutional and houseless Code residential House-- the age No, Name of ViII.ge/TownlW.rd inK.M.2 houses holds population) group 0-6 SO" fi;o'Ii l'" Persons- Males Females Males Female'"'" 10 ~:~!I'ihr-;t!6 Tahsil: $<:Ingla Code No. : 6 "l'"'" Dhar Gelap (61) 2,301 Uninhabited Dhar T awla (62) 1,567 Uninhabited "'-"'''''''''''''' Dhar Nesang Uperli (64) 5,685 Uninhabited Dhar Bhujaya (65) 4,857 Uninhabited ""~ "",," Dhar Gire (66) 5,279 Uninhabited

    "''i'"'" Dhar Bhujlang (67) 2,084 Uninhabited 10 ",*"" Dhar Shothang (68) 2,569 Uninhabited

    11 ""Il;tq' Dhar Hilap (69) 1,898 Uninhabited

    12 ""

    18 ""'T'" Dhar Gundar (76) 8,096 Uninhabited 19 ".,""'-'" Dhar Jowly. (77) 3,494 Uninhabited

    20 /Ult~ Dhar Nakdum (78) 1,299 Uninhabited, 21 """"- Dhar Ar Scmage (79) 2,545 Uninhabited 22 "'''''''' Dhar Chorgaarh (80) 4,903 Uninhabited 23 ""~ Dhar Nakurchhe (81) 3,152 Uninhabited 2' m",... "'" Dhar Thanda Pani (82), 5,952 Uninhabited 25 URm~ Dhar Damocha Gaarh (83) 5,138 Uninhabited

    26 rm:~~ Dhar Chaling Gaarh (84) 2,793 Uninhabited

    27 rntr.t.'l Dhar.Nelang (85) 3,808 Uninhabited 28 """" Rakchham (59/1) 357 129 129 622 326 296 61 53 29 - Kharogla (5912) 275 10 10 43 23 20 210 """"""''''''CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Industrial'J"'f"""""""''''-~ Category of Main Workers

    'll"'!1""- (I-IX) ~.---Scheduled Total main workers- Scheduled~- Castes Tribes literates""" (I.IX) II !l'" !l'" 3"" 3"" .,.,. 3"" !l'" M Males Females- Males Females- Males Females- Males Females Males Females-. Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


    I uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited




    Uninhabited Uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited








    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    Uninhabited 64 58 246 234 201 102 164 124 108 120 19 17 14 8 13 11 9 4

    211 ~ faa;m '{tI"q ,lfW'U.;;i(l,2 Community Development Block ; Kalpa Code No. ; 2 VILLAGE""'''''"''" PRIMARY 'l"'"",,",,u'Olt - ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    'lfilw':fo Location - 'WJI/l.fim"AfJi CfiT';fpJ Code No. Name of VillagefTownlWard 1II [~ Via) V(b)

    ~ ~ ~ ~ 1m Males Females Males Females- Males Females- Males Females 23 -24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ,,",,,,,,,.,#, " Tahsil: Sangla Code No. : 6 - Dhar Gelap (61) Uninhabited """'" Dhar Tawla (62) Uninhabited """""~ Dhar Nesang Uperli (64) Uninhabited Dhar Bhujaya (65) Uninhabited ",!'it""- Dhar Gire (66) Uninhabited .. ~ Dhar Bhujlang (67) Uninhabited 10 Dhar Shothang (68) Uninhabited 11 11JtJt.q""- Dhar Hilap (69l_ Uninhabited 12 tm: lRl"'f'i'Wlr..- Dhar Rani Kanda (70) Uninhabited 13 ""'"""" Dhar Shon Chayo (71) Uninhabited 14 UR1!"'iI Dhar Dumti (72) Uninhabited 15 Dhar Nithal (73) Uninhabited 16 ""-11Jt_ Dhar Karu (74) Uninhabited 17 "''''''' Dhar Vaspa (75) Uninhabited 18 ""W" Dhar Gundar (76) Uninhabited /'19 """"'" Dhar Jowtya (77) Uninhabited 20 Dhar Nakdum (78) ""~ Uninhabited 21 ""orr_ Dhar Ar Somage (79) Uninhabited 22 Dhar Chorgaarh (80) Uninhabited 23 "'-.. ~ Dhar Nakurchhe (81) Uninhabited 24 """",'1RI Dhar Thanda Pani (82) Uninhabited

    25 Ull~1ftl Dhar Damocha Gaarh (83) Uninhabited 26 UR~l!1i'UTt_ Dhar Chaling Gaaril (64) Uninhabited 27 Dhar Nelang (85) Uninhabited

    28 Rakchham (59/1)

    29 ~ Kharogla (59/2)

    212 iWfI1'7RT w: CENSUS ABSTRACT 'I""_"""",,,-.

    'Mffl~mm v, VII VIll IX Marginal workers Non-workers l'" fmi l'" fmi l'" fmi l'" fmi --l'" fmi l'" fmi Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females MaleS Females Males Females 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42




    Uninhabited Uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited



    Uninhabited Ujlinhabited









    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited


    3 2 32 4 15 33 157 139

    213 ~ flIomI ..... ,"""' .... "",' community Development Siock : Kalpa Code No. : 2 VILLAGE"""~ PRIMARY

    ""'''''~ _~olIt mtAniwri _ o!\ __ o!\ ~~~ -~ '!!"_~olIt _ ...... Area of ..... ~O-61l 'l'ffA'';'(o Vill~ga In No.- of Total "- Location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population (including population in Code _1

    Tah$ll : Sangla"""" Code.... ",. No, : 6 30 UIl.mt - Dnar Bhadrl (47) 1,283 Uninhabited 31 iI.4t.~lt.l D.P.F.C. 161 (48) 20 Uninhabited

    32 'i1ft~.160 D.P.F.C. 160 (49) 3 Uninhabited

    33 tP.it~162~ DP.F.C. 162 A (50) 43 Uninhabited

    34 tt.~.~.163 D.P.F.C. 163 (51) 11 Uninhabited

    ft'it.~.61.159 35 D.P.F.C. 159 Batseri (52) 115 Uninhabited mil 36 .. ""'" .Dhar Singan (53) 1,442 Uninhabited ' Dhar Kall Kutang 37 61 Uninhabited "''''''''li'''' Nichli (54) Dha, Kali Kutang 38 1lTl~~ 1,057 Uninhabited -~ Upe,lI (55) 39 "'''''''''''''' Dha, Karn Karnphur (56) 2,117 Uninhabited 40 "' ..... Dha, Noshang West (57) 30 Uninhabited 41 - Dhar Noshang Nichli (58) 122 Uninhabited 42 ~"'-- Batsen (43/1) 167 89 89 425 208 217 31 23 ,43 Seringche (4312) 36 8 37 17 20 44 -alil."Q16.1t.l~ D.P.F. 162 C (44) 93 Uninhabited 45 1\ft.1l"Ii.162~ D.P,F. 162 B (45) 50 Uninhabtted

    46 ""~ Dhar Bhujlang (46) 1,427 Uninhabited 47 """"'~ Dha, Hanya Upe,li (39) 2,347 UninhaMed 48 Dha, Hanya Nichli (40) 674 Uninhabited 49 "'-- D.P.F.C. 157 Basering (42) 236 Uninhabited ..167~- 50 """" Sangla(3411 ) 309 448 448 1,968 974 994 173 163 51 Thapa Saring (3412) 287 52 52 198 94 104 10 17 52

    (I-IX) ~---Scheduled Total""'~- main workers Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates""" (I-IX) II !!'" !!'" !!'" !!'" !!'" !!'" Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females 14 - 16 - 11 13 15 18 19 - -12 - 17 20 21 22











    Uninhabited Uninhabited

    184 216 122 71 114 114 52 89 16 24 17 20 12 7




    Uninhabited Uninhabited


    348 333 527 637 522 332 585 586 391 564 13 10

    23 24 86 79 71 33 55 57 21 31 25 169 189 90 115 152 109 136 161 86 146 3 3 Uninhabited

    2i5 ~ hm ~ .l1i'(Iqf~~12 ""'~ Community Development Block : Kalpa Code No. : 2 VILLAGE PRIMARY ~-""''''" ...... Industrial Category of -Main Workers

    -.~wio location Code _~/lml"" ..... No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard III IV V(o) V(b) !I'" Imi !I'" !I'" !I'" fmJ Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females 23 24 25 -26 27 28 29 30 ~:~ • .r.,6 Tahsil: Sangla Code No. : 6 30 .. Dhar Shadri (47) Uninhabited 31 fI.~.~.llrl- D.P.F.C. 161 (48) Uninhabited

    32 fI~.~ll>Q D.P.F.C. 160 (49) Uninhabited

    33 1lt\~t6'~ D.P.F.C. 162 A (50) Uninhabited

    34 "8.~.163 D.P.F.C. 163 (51) Uninhabited

    35 a>?t.~.titIS9 D.P.F.C. 159 Batserl (52) Uninhabited ~ 36 Dhar Singan (53) Uninhabited

    1J1~$T Dhar Kall KUlarig 37 ""- Uninhabited Nichli (54) Dhar Kall Kulang 38 -tm1'fiT"Jt~ Uninhabited """" ,Upenl (55) 39 UR~~ Dhar Kam Kamphur (56) Uninhabited

    40 uR~l~ Dhar Noshang West (57) Uninhabited 41 UR_~ Dhar Noshang Nichli (58) Uninhabiled

    42 ~ Batsen (43/1) 43 Seringche (4312) 44 -it."~.t62't1'1 D.P.F.162 C (44) Uninhabited 45 fl.1fL~t62~ D.P.F. 162 B (45) Uninhabited

    46 ""'J'!'i'l Dhar Bhujlang (46) Uninhabited

    47 UR_~ Dhar Hanya.Uperii (39) Uninhabited

    48 m:~~_ Dhar Hanya Nichli (40) Uninhabited

    t.4t~. 49 D.P.F.C. 157 Baserlng (42) Uninhabited t~7~ 50 Sangla(34/1 ) 13 29 51 -""'."., Thapa Saring (3412) 4 52 Boning Saring (34/4) 4 31 53 --.... """ Panpo Kanda (34/3) 54 uPrHr'fIUlI Sangla Kanda (34/5) Uninhabited

    216 1iR'1"AI_ CENSUS ABSTRACT ~l!ifII'i.1i"f-t'Q'fi'U'dIi ~hi't~~ Industria! Category of Main Workers ~ fcm;:m ~ I~.oio);! WI"",""" Community Development Block : Kelps Code No. : 2 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    ""' ~ _ilol<... _"",,,,,oil_,il ...r.iJ>!I __ 'OlI '!i""'-~ Area of ..... ",,_(_am"'" riO-6 iI Village In - """"" No. of ..... Total ,.,.""location Hectares and oecupfed No. of Tot", population (including population in ~~...-mtl'5T~ Town/Ward --l Code residential House~ Institutional and houseJess the age No, Name of ViliagelTownlWard inK.M.l houses holds population) group 006 .... !l'" fR

    it~_. 57 D.P,F,C, 154-155 (36) 229 Uninhabited 154-155 58 ',n" Dhar Rupan (37) 6,378 Uninhabited 59 ""'" Dhar Dewar (38) 2,582 Uninhabited iJ~.~ 60 D,P,F, Hurua-C 156 (41) 174 Uninhabited -t1'r.156

    61 -'"!" Kamru Khas (33/1) 117 182 182 961 506 455 105 78

    62 '!i" Kupa (33/2) 166 94 94 400 186 214 26 32 63 '"''''"' Reg Sthang (33/3) 1,068 Uninhabited 64 ""'''''' Lachonden (33/4) 425 4 4 25 14 11 65 Goreden (33/5) 805 40 40 199 91 108 17 17 66 -"Tn"'" Dhar Wadang (26) 640 11 11 31 15 16 67 'iI"fa.. l:'mI: Chasukhas (32/1) 309 93 93 430 201 229 33 42 68 Limeden (3212) 35 2 2 5 3 2 69 ..."""- Jareye (32/3) 218 22 12 10 70 ",.m. Dhar Pashel (28) 1.4~9 Uninhabited 71 URf

    72 fI:9i:.'M'."(jt 152~ D,P.F,C, 152 A (30) 106 Uninhabited

    73 ·jt:Gt~.*15:zilt D,P,F.C. 152 B (31) ·95 Uninhabited 74 m._ Shaung Khas (27/1) 225 113 113 518 261 257 53 36 75 """- Shobre Yanang (27/2) 65 2 8 4 4 76 iIm~ T eshaguden (27/3) 280 Uninhabited 77 Baruakhas (19/1) 289 181 181 915 453 462 119 83 78 --.m.. Naga. Saring (19/2) 214 Uninhabited 79 Monerang (19/3) 218 Uninhabited "'""fuIt... .!l 80 D.P.F,C, 147-148 (20) • 94 Uninhabited 147-14a

    t~",."" 81 D.P.F,C, 149-150 (21) 91 Uninhabited 149-150

    218 """"""'''''CENSUS ABSTRACT ~"'''';",,"'l

    '!!"'l""- (I-IX) ~Scheduled ... Total main workers Scheduled~- Castes Tribes-- Literates""" (I-IX) II

    ~ l'" !!'" !!'" l'" l'" Males Females Males Females- Males Females- M~les Females- Males Females Males Females 11 14 15 16 18 - -12 13 17 19 -20 21 :12




    Uninhabited Uninhabited


    165 166 297 265 264 124 257 243 104 222 146 202 125 79 112 115 54 100 Uninhabited 14 11 11 11 '8 71 96 48 35 54 55 34 54 4 14 7 11 -63 73 130 155 143 72 129 65 108 80 2 3 5 2 6 3 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 151 146 102 111 153 51 150 175 126 170 4 4 2 2 Uninhabited 252 240 169 209 164 64 234 245 145 228 13 Uninhabited Uninhabited



    219 ~ t'itztiAt ~ 1'fJ1'pqf*':iO,2 WI"",",," Community Development Block : Kalpa Code No. : 2 VILLAGE PRIMARY ~_""",,,1~_'" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    lIibr"", -Location Code 1nll/~/'81'ifC61'*fI1I No_ Name of Vlliage/TawnlWard III IV Veal V(b) l'" !I'" l'" !I'" 1m Males Females Males Females- Males Females- Males Femal~ 23 -24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    1t~.'l'ft~ 57 D_P_F_C_ 154-155 (36) Uninhabtted IS"-I:5S>m_ 58 Dhar Rupan (37) Uninhabited 59 URm Dhar Dewar (38) Uninhabited

    60 "-'t~ D.P_F. Hurua-C 156 (41) Uninhabited -'ii\156 61 -... Kamru Khas.(3311) 29 5 10 22 62 "i'" Kupa (3312)· 15 6 7 63 )'>rm Reg Slhang (33/3) Uninhabited

    6-4 Lachonden (3314) 65 - Goreden (3315) 10 66 -"'''''' Dhar Wadang (26) 67 ""'.- Chasukhas (3211) 2 68 Umoden'(3212) 69 -"'"' Jareyo (32/3) 70 w,""" Dhar Pashel (28) Uninhabited

    71 "'~. Dhar Dambar (29) Uninhabited

    72 i\>1\'!rt IS2~ D.P.F.C. 152 A (30) Uninhabited

    73 t\-t~\51'(t D.P_F.C. 152 B (31) Uninhabited 74 '-I>T"", Shaung Khas (2711) 75 li'litlrAlf Shobre Yanang (2712) 76 \lm:p Teshaguden (27/3) 77 Baruakhas (1911) 22 3 78 --"""- Nagas Saring (1912) Uninhabited 79 ""'"-a_ Monerang (1913) Uninhabited 80 D.P_F.C_ 147-148 (20) Uninhabited 147-148 M.""'-'t 81 D.P.F.C. 149-150 (21) Uninhabited 149-150

    220 ,""""",,«R CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Industrial'l""""''''''''''''-'''' Category of Main Workers

    """"0;<'1",, VI VII VID IX Marginal workers Non-workers 1'" 1'" ~ ~ --~ ~ Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females 34 36 37 - 31 -32 33 35 - 38 39 -40 41 42







    22 10 11 49 249 212 12 2 2 18 74 99 Uninhabited

    6 2 . 37 53 10 4 16 14 / 3 37 101 35 43

    3 4 4 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 13 3 111 82 2 Uninhabited 19 30 3 219 217 Uninhabited Uninhabited



    221 ~ 1

    "", .. chmr _'1m lm~lfil'ri_'I 'fill""""''''!!'' Area of _>lit""",.,...- _.;I 'fiiI_(_ai1t .... 0-6 ~ ,,",'iU Village in No. of ..... Total -Location Hectares and occupied NO. of Total population--) (including population In Code 1IT1I/lfi"OO1'lnf'lfiT'ifR Town/Ward residential Hous.e- institutional and houseless the age No. Name of VlliagelTownlWard inK.M.2 houses holds population) group 0·6 ?" 1'" Females "'" Persons- Males - Males Female 2 7 10 ~:lM'U.;(.:~ Tahsil: Kalpa Code No. : 4

    82 ~."'. D.P.F.C. 151(A+B) (22) 271 Uninhabited 151 ~+1it) 83 it.~166 D.P.F.C. 166 (23) 120 Uninhabited B4 ittft~165 D.P.F.C. 165 (24) 76 Uninhabited 85 il':4t~'64 D.P.F.C. 164 (25) 4 Uninhabited 86 Sapani Khas (13/1) 92 185 185 1.194 690 504 76 76 87 ~ Batun (13/3) 60 46 46 229 100 129 19 27 aa -- Shenanden (13/2) 148 16 16 56 32 24 a9 -""'" Palyo (13/4) 156 Uninhabited 90 ~""" Baturi Kanda (1315) 300 Uninhabited 91 ~~_\lt-l" D.P.F. Baturi C-145 (14) 40 Uninhabited

    92 M.~'flH4-6 __ D.P.F. C-146 (15) 33 Uninhabited 93 aRfIItlnt Anati Dhar (16) 1.000 Uninhabited 94 ~'" Tilchakhula Dhar (17) 831 Uninhabited 95 ~Uli 8ulchodhar (18) 1,696 Uninhabited 96 Kanahi Khas (6/1) 156 130 130 352 228 124 22 17 97 'J"" G)!nthar (612) 85 Uninhabited ·98 -"''1"".- D.P.F. Sapn! C-143 (7) 55 Uninhabfied ~.-Id~ .'!t.;t.""''!j'I't\ D.P.F. Kumk! 99 87 Uninhabited 'i.1-42~144 C-142 & 144 (8) /100 ~ Pilachodhar (9) 522 Uninhabited 101 ~ Supilangdhar (10) 193 Uninhabited 102 _Ill<~ Botyaring Dhar (11) 326 Uninhabited 103 Batingra Dhar (12) 463 Uninhabited 104 Kilba Khas (211) 258 148 148 868 360 308 58 38 105 Thikru (212) 227 15 15 87 41 46 106 ---~ Nyardeem (2/3) 315 Uninhabited 107 t.~fl1ft. D.P.F.C_ 137A+B (1) 101 Uninhabited 1il131 ~-+fI 108 D.P.F,C. 138 Thikru (3) 125 Uninhabited ~-138~ 1il;t...,;; -'09 D.P.F.C. 139 Tiuden (4) 175 Uninhabited ...139 _ • 110 D.P.F.C. 140-141 K1lba (5) 210 Uninhabited 14.0-14l~ m.u;mft;;rwm 121.2 2,210 2,210 10,740 5,615 5,125 910 811 Total of Sangla Tahsil

    222 """"",-.m CENSUS ABSTRACT ~-~""

    'Ii"'!!"<- (I-IX) ~Scheduled ... .,.. total mafn workelS Scheduled~- castes Tribes-- Literates (I-IX) II 1m 1'" 1'" 1'" 1'" 1'" 1'" Mates Females Males Females M;ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females - 20 21 22 11 -12 13 -14 15 -Ie 17 18 19 -

    Jninhabited jninhabited jninhabited Jninhabited 351 382 86 116 467 187 456 211 92 200 13 B 8 90 121 56 33 55 71 32 67 1 5 5 7 7 21 11 20 10 2 8 Jninhabited Ininhabited JninhaMed

    1 Jninhabited Jninhablted Jninhabited Jninhabited -20 19 106 88 173 49 161 52 27 45 Jninhebited Jninhabited


    Jnlnhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited 144 115 185 180 236 130 186 24 122 13 25 26 16 20 27 15 21 28 21 28 Jninhabltad Jninhabited



    Ul'linhabited' 75 1,816 1,793 2,785 3,211 3,447 1,630 3,342 2,521 1,601 2,322 95

    223 ~ flh;w ~ : ~1:IiK ':fn:2 ""'~ Community Development Block : Kalpa Code No. ; 2 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    Industrial~""''''"''''"''''-'''' Category of Main Workers


    83 fr.>t~166 D.P.F.C. 166 (23) Uninhabited 54 "~.16S D.P.F.C. 165 (24) Uninhabited 85 iI".~.,64 D.P.F.C. 164 (25) Uninhabited 86 Sapani Khas (1311) 2 38 11 67 <;;.t\ Baturi (1313) 10 5 86 -- Shenanden (1312) 89 Pat yo (1314) Uhinhabited 90 - Baturi Kanda (1315) Uninhabited <;;.t\""""'" 91 jI".,.. r.;jll1l-", D.P.F. Batun C-145 (14) Uninhabited

    92 -a-.ftqq;:~+t6 D.P.F. C-146 (15) Uninhabited Uninhabited 93 ~"" Anati Dhar (16) Uninhabited 94 ~"" Tilchaki}.ula Dhar (17) 95 ¥<"ill!< Bulchodhar (18) Uninhabited 96 Kanahi Khas (6/1) 12 19 97 !l"'" Gunthar (6/2) Uninhabited 'Iljtl"'-'ll'flj- 98 D.P.F. Sapni C-143 (7) Uninhabited cfI.-143 D.P.F. Kumki 99 it>ll."'''i''''t Uninhabited ~14211144_1lR C-142 & 144 (8) 100 Pilachodhar (9) Uninhabited 101 ~'" Supilangdhar (10) Uninhabited 102 _OR~ Botyarin9 Dhar (11) Uninhabited 103 Batingra Dhar (12) Uninhabited 104 Kilba Khas (211) 20 105 """'-t;;,.. Thikru (212) 106 Nyardeem (213) Uninhabited 107 M.". D.P.F.C. 137A+B (1) Uhinhabited -~.137~1""Iit tjt~, t08 D'.P.F.C. 138 Thikru (3) Uninhabited 138~ 109 "Gl~ D.P.F.C. 139 Tiuden (4) Uninhabited 1J9~ 110 '!IGl~, D.P.F.C.140-141 Kilba (5) Uninhabited 140-1"'1~ "ffilri;n~lfiI1IliI 145 14 160 22 86 Total of Sang'a Tahsil

    224 """"""


    ~"OflhT-f~ VI VII VIII IX Marginal workers Non·workers l'" Imi l'" Imi· l'" l'" l'"-- l'" lla>li Females "'" . Males Males Females Males Males Females- Males Females Males Females Females 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 -38 39 40 41 42


    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 21 274 2 74 107 160 186 4 45 54 12 2 12 14 Uninhabited Uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 71 5 11 10 2 67 72 Uninhabited



    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 7 28 174 283 20 18 Uninhabited





    212 35 58 32 954 47 130 287 2,143 2,311

    225 ~ fhsm ~ ;f.mR'lfI1wtlOIJ _'ffil1lIa> Community Development Block : Nlchar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    "",_ .. w,.m• .,t, .... AmI,., .. _oft __ oft '!i"-"'!l Area of ...... 'l!jM~(~~~~ ~O-61l Village In - "';fu - No. of Total Location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population--) (including population in -Code 1IT1T~/imfC6f";fPJ Town/Ward residential HOuse- Institutional and houseless thaag<> 2 - No. Name ofVillagelTownlWard in!<.M. houses holds population) group 0-6 'l'" 'l'" Persons- Males Females Males Female"'" - 10

    ~--""""C.D.Block : Nlchar ..." Total 1,189.1 6,825 5,913 23,861 13,167 10,694 2,114 2,037 wfIm Rural 1.189.1 5,825 5,913 23,861 13,167 10,694 2.114 2,037 ~Urban

    ~:iirim:~~:6 Tahsil: Nlchar Code No. : 5 """" Galding (111) 690 Uninhabited Majhgaon (112) 65 124 124 585 276 309 48 57 """ Shamnu (1/3) 210 Uninhabited ·Nain Saring (1/5) 154 - Tingrang (1/6) 595 Uninhabited - DharTaal (4) 9.486 Uninhabited """" Shagareha (114) 102 36 36 150 86 64 21 11 Dabling (:In) 159 12 12 57 28 29 6 -!'" Hurba (1/8) 128 29 29 123 55 68 13 10 , 10 """ Pashpa (1/9) 398 8 23 13 10 3 11 Burang (1/10) 262 11 11 56 24 32 .,- 12 '"' Shorang Awal (2) 4 Uninhabited ""'''''' 13 -.lor .... Shorang Doyam(3) 75 Uninhabited

    14 'li"""'" Kumbrang Ohar (5) 3,715 Uninhabited 15 "'" Shorang (7/1) 326 10 10 52 19 33 16 IlIil Tiche (712) 277 Uninhabited 17 ... - Bara Kamba (713) 429 78 78 374 193 181 48 31 18 """"" Chhota Kamba (8/2) 387 85 88 378 185 193 40 4Q 19 Basharang (8/1) 112 5 26 14 12 2

    20 iI.~.'r'i".<:Ii.-97 D.P.F.C·97 (7) 29 Uninhabited

    21 it.iitli"fl.ili.-95 D.P.F.C·95 (9) Uninhabited

    22 t'r.it.~tif.-96 D,P.F.C·96 (10) 67 Uninhabited

    226 """"""'''''CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l"""",.m'lltt_"'" Industrial Category Qf Main Workers

    'li"'J""- (I-IX) ~""'--Scheduled Total main worked: Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates"'''' (I-IX) II ~ m Irni .. ~ ~ ~ Ilw ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - - - 21 22

    3,939 3,614 5,048 5,B91 7,9D3 3,351 7,543 3,036 3,;15 2,542 2:35 . 200 3,939 3,614 5,04g 5,fi91 7,903 3,351 7,543 3,036 3,115 2,542 335 200


    88 106 171 198 142 98 139 67 106 63 Uninhabited

    Uninhabited Uninhabited

    30 22 54 42 34 47 43 28 29 17 11 16 16 14 18 40 50 35 19 25 37 24 37 12 10 5 7 7

    23 30 2 10 19 20 19 20 Uninhabited

    Uninhabited Uninhabiled

    18 33 10 13 22 12 22 Uninhabited

    94 76 98 105 89 35 95 109 75 106 52 57 118 134 107 57 55 21 11 11 14 12 Uninhabited



    227 ~ ~ ~ :f.?rorr-m-ro:3 wr~ Community Development Block : Nlchar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    Industrial'l""-""''''''..;!)-''' Category of Main WorKers

    """""lilg-:io Location Code "",,,,",,,,/"aIt,,,,",,, No, Name of V.llagefTawnlWard III IV V(a) v(b) 'l'" Imi 'l'" 'l'" 'l'" 1m Males Females Males Females Males Females- Males Females 23 24 25 - 26 27 28 29 30

    ~fumm ....._ C.O.Block : Nlchar

    .... Total 196 12 189 13 134 _Rural 196 12 189 13 134 _Urban

    ~:f.!rtm:q"'.:5 Tahsil: Nlchar Code No. : 5

    -. Galding (1/1) Uninhabited

    ".,,;, Majhgaon (1/2)

    ""'l. Shamnu (1/3) Uninhabited Nain Saring (1/5) -~/ Tingrang (1/6) Uninhabited ""'" Ohar Taal (4) Uninhabited /7 Shagarcha (1/4) """' Oabllng (117) ~ Hurba (1/8) 10 Pashpa (1/9) 11 -si" Burang (1/10) 12 ""'- Shorang Awal (2) Uninhabited 13 "",m. Shorang Doyam(3) Uninhabited

    14 "~Qll Kumbrang Dhar (5) Uninhabited 15 "'" Shorang (7/1) 16 f¥\ Tich. (7/2) Uninhabited

    17 ~~ Bara Kamba (7/3) 10 ,16 ""''''''' Chhota Kamba (8/2) 19 """" Basharang (8/1) 20 ;it.

    21 -a.qt_~.lfI.-95 D.P.F.C·95 (9) L'ninhabited

    22 :aqj.~.-«I-96 D.P,F,C-96 (10) Uninhabited

    228 """"- CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l""_,..,

    If>T1I''il''lfI'i-\ mFI VI vn VIII IX Marginal workers Non·workers l'" :!'" l'" l'" --:!'" l'" Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 34 - 37 - 31 35 36 38 39 - 32 33 40 41 - - 42

    1,843 114 287 11 116 1,316 139 209 1,589 5,415 6,069 1,843 114 287 11 116 1,316 139 209 1,589 5,415 6,069 ~ ~ ~ :~.rfO:3 "",'IJ>fU; Communrty Development Block : Nichar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    .... "" ......

    -mt.l'l'fli1'tl1-~"'" m'i -~ ~~~ Area of ~triI~tIfi'

    -. ~ l'" ~ Persons Males Females Males Female 2 - 9 10 "","" fi:tmr.of.: Ta~sU : Nfcflar Code No. : 5 23 un"'" Oha,. Barke (11) 4.192 Uninhabited 24 f:.~~tL-94 O.P.F.C-94 (13) 639 Uninhabited

    25 1I1lI'i~ir.-'11 Saak Kanda 6-92 (14) 1,204 Uninhabited 26 '"'l Gharshu (14/1) 364 31 31 140 71 69 17 27 m.,,", Reyokcharang (14/2) 229 8 42 21 21 28 ~ Bayude (14/3) 207 Uninhabited 29 _0 51aring (14/4) 226 5 28 15 13 30 """" Kachrang (HI5) 254 18 18 97 53 44

    31 ~lit-n:, bangrang C-93 (15) 535 Uninhabited 32 Natpa (16) 462 76 76 36S 193 175 35 42 33 --.- Kandar (17) 646 44 44 221 112 109 21 20 34 Saak Kanda (18) 260 Un:nhabited 35 --~m Yagoran9 Dhsr (20] 690 Ul);nhabited 36 Pho!al Ohar (21) 6.452 Uninhabited

    3i ~w/ Rigegurgur Ohar (22) . 1,644 Uninhabited 38 ~"UR-'" Shaling Ohar (23) 1,579 Uninhabited 39/ ~urr Neugal Ohar (24) 12,005 UninhabJied

    40 'l""l"" Thuskeo Dhar (25) 9.682 Uninhabited 41 Sharoogachh Ohar (26) 3,820 Uninhabited

    ~ D.P.F. Kampoorang 42 ... 13 Uninhabited .. " C-90 (29) 43

    230 """"'""

    ~Y"'- ~","-- (I-IX) Scheduled ... ,,' Total main workerJ Scheduled~- Castes Tribes literates (I-IX) II 'l'" 1m 'l'" 'l'" 'l'" fmi S'" 'l'" Males Females Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 -16 17 18 19 -20 21 -22

    Uninhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited 62 62 39 18 35 31 21 21 13 5 11 9 Jninhabited 15 13 2 20 20 33 24 27 10 27 10 21 10 lninhabited 78 71 104 97 96 30 102 61 69 56 110 109 45 12 50 21 28 17 !ninhabited Ininhabited ininhabited Ininhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited


    172 165 88 87 220 66 226 139 91 126 13 47 48 28 17 18 17 10 14 41 55 37 20 27 8 11 5 3 4 6 3 Jninhabited 323 282 362 343 345 145 333 230 249 225 Jninhabited Jninhabited minhabited 93 75 169 167 268 122 259 73 64 65 Jninhabited

    231 __ """'" ""'" ,r.rm ... ..", "",'lnlIlIa; CommunIty Development Block : Nlchar Code No. ; 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY ~_""'II

    ...... -L.ocation Code ~/'l'JffiMI"lntQiT';:mt No. Name of VillagerrownlWard III IV VIa) V{b) 'l'" 1m 'l'" 1m 'l'" Imi l'" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femali's'" 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 ...... , Tahsil:"'""' Nichar .- Code No. : 5 23 """'" Ohar Barke (11) Uninhabited 24 a.~.qq;.l.l\-94 O.P.F.C-94 (13) Uninhabited 25

    47 "'jIIi>T Marpuling (30/5) Unlnhabiled 48 Yangpa (3016) 23 11 2 6I".ttt.~lffiI 49 O.P.F. Yati C-91(19) Unjnhabited -1'it-Q! 50 -"" Pandoshwar Ohar (27) Uninhabited 51 it.-qj~.~"6t-69 D.P.F.Ou1rang C-89 (28) Uninhabited 52 Katgaon (30/7) 9 15 53 r..ll. Chhireem (30/8) Uninhabiled

    232 """"""'_ CENSUS ABSTRACT 'I"'_~""'.:l_ iMr Industria I Category of Main Workers

    'ltinfOf~vnit VI Vll VIII IX Marginal workers Non~workers 1" F' 1" F' !«

    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 3 35 61 10 19 Uninhabited 7 11 26 34 Uhinhabited 2 18 19 47 72 67 19 4 31 58 57 Uninhabited Uninhapited Uninhabited Uninhabitell Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited


    6 4 97 6 4 138 146 31 31 16 18 47 1 2 Uninhabited 2 3 4 30 22 380 378 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 23 19 2 127 161 244 Uninhabited

    233 ~ fitIIim ~ !~

    .... _ifoltt,..- rm-/lni Uil.m ...... iIF'~ang Area of ___ ...... "",_(_ffimn irli'o-u II Village in - - No. of Total

    68 it.~.~~ D.P.F. Kangarang (92) 317 Uninhabited 69 -"" Yashgan Dhar (93) 1,033 18 18 42 24 18 70 iI."'.""~ D.P.F. Tiudan9 (94) 146 71 tI!ft.'f'I'.~ OJ>.F. Tilchak (95) 120 Uninhabited 72 Shankhar Dhar (96) 775 Uninhabited 73 Chatrang Dhar (97) 685 Uninhabited Shutmatha 74 ~i:im.m:.... 439 Uninhabited -"" §1jiI.~dha, (98) 75 -a

    Industrial'l"'-""'''''''-~ Category of Main Workers

    '!i"~- (I-IX) ~Scheduled .... Total main workerS Scheduled~- Castes Tribes-- Literates"'''' (I-IX) II !i'" !i'" !i'" ~ l'" .l'" Males Females Males Females- Males F=emales Males Females Males Females- Males Females - -22 11 -12 13 14 15 -16 17 18 19 20 21

    Ininhabited 52 71 44 34 35 19 19 18 6 126 120 16 27 71 43 65 37 40 24 94 86 49 22 46 39 32 32 49 48 4 26 20 37 33 26 12 30 5 27 ~02 31 9 ·186 224 266 148 228 45 152 32 36 3 14 9 13 1 11 4 4 4 135 131 68 53 267 102 254 11 51 3 6 74 57 41 18 47 22 39 20

    113 98 7J ~t3 58 52 46 52 14 12 29 29 25 15 20 16 19 16 Uninhabited Uninhabited 15 20

    / Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited· 153 151 166 172 200 100 169 181 121 174 42 42 54 79 66 45 62 66 31 57 5 6 15 15 8 6 7

    56 56 134 151 95 44 92 '83 76 80 Uninhabited Uninhabited 89 92 167 184 131 89 38 3 29 75 70 47 6 62 9 43

    235 ~ firIfim ~ If.!tim:.-;fO:3 'Community Development Block : Nichar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE-""'""" PRIMARY 'J"'I"",,,,,.,,;t>iiO_;j'II Industrial Category of Main Workers

    """""~-;fO Location Code lmf /ifrnn /lilt l'1i1 ';fl'Jf No. Name ofViliagelTownlWard III [V Veal V(b) 'l'" 'l'" !!"I 'l'" (!" Males Females- Males Females- Males Females Males Females 23 24 25 26 -28 29 2 27 30 P-raR"moi.:5 Tahsil:-. Nlchar Code t-.lo. : 5 04 Yot,ang (3019) Uninhabited 55 .. Saiyee (30/10) 56 -Wi Ra,ag (30111) 57 ri Shango (30112) 58 Karaba(30113) 59 wm Surcho(30/14) 60 Kanangrang (30/15) 61 -.- Dharmaling (91/1) 2 62 """'" Urawning (91/2) 63 ''''" Tapri (91/3) 4 12 64 """":P' Raag Panung{91/4) 65 ""'" Yashang (91/5) 66 Shaka Marang (91/6) 67 Kanga Rang (9117) Uninhabited

    68 ibil:~ D.P.F. Kangarang (92) Uninhabited 69 Yashgan Dhar (93) /' 70 M",1il¥'r D.P.F. Tiudang (94)

    71 'ft.~~~ D.P.F. Tilchak (95) Uninhabited l2 _UK'OJ"'" Shankhar Dhar (96) Uninhabited 73 Chatrang Dhar (97) Uninhabited Shutmatha " 74 Uninhabited ~-"""" §'1".l'Ildhar (98) 75 fl'fI.~ Uninhabited Rachhmanang (99) 76 """""" Urni Khas (10011) 20 4 77 ~ Kutano (100/2) 3 78 Rallsanthang (100/3)

    79 tr.>t~.~""""" D.P.F. Bargadau(101) Uninhabited 80 .... Yulla Khas (102/1) 81 - Yuldang (102/2) Uninhabited 'Ifli'l 82 iRT_ Rora Kanda (103) Uninhabited 83 "ilr< Meeru (104/1) 84 - Choling (104/2) 236 """"""''''''CENSUS ABSTRACT

    Industrial'l""-""''''"''''-'''' Category of Main Workers • .~~ ~{l' ~ =f.lrc;ri{lfImr.iol! WI"",","" Community Development Block : Nlchar Code No. : VILLAGE PRlMARY

    _""m.-_if .a.. -mtl'lll'iRrr /l'JTi 'lIiT ';tPI residential House~- institutional--l and houseless the age No. Name of ViliagelTcwnlWard InK.M.'2 houses holds population) group 0-6 'l'" l'" r...i Persons- Males Females- Males Female 2 10 -.. f.I

    90 :a!fl~.

    93_ HlI.:J'ffi1! Runaog Uporla (111) 239 4 4 11 4

    94 ~UR Nivasingh Dhar (65) 261 Uninhabited

    95 'l""" OR Bhumtal Dhar (66) 1,528 Uninhabited 96 Panw; .!

    103 i't.4tV't'€l.- ~6 ~ D.P.F.C.-66A (70) 82 Uninhabited 104 ","". .,-"., DP.F.C.-86B (71) 74 Uninhabited 105 it>ll.I!%.llt-126 D.P.F.C.-126 (72) 183 Uninhabited

    106 il~.or

    107 ft.1\'t'l'J''Ut-J.28 V D.P.F.C,-128A (74)' 178 Uninhabited Tandoden Nusko 108 408 Uninhabited Dhar(77) 109 -"""'" Balthachaflg Dhar (78) 80 Uninhabited 110 """'''''''''' Atanmelang Dhar (79) 1,520 Uninhabited 111 Ramini I(has (7511) 158 74 74 418 213 205 51 43 112 --""""'" Kaksthal (7512) 97 2 2 9 2 1 113 ~ Shuthanang (75/3) 202 3 6 3

    114 ~~ Morang Kanda (75/4) 343 Uninhabited

    115 it~~.~ D.P.F.Kaksthal (7515) 288 Uninhabited

    238 • """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT ~"fIi1'It~~!i1't~~ Industrial Category of Main Workers

    lIFf~~ (I-IX) ~Schedulod ... Total main workers- Scheduled~- Castes Tribes-- literates""" (I-IX) II l'" ~ l'" ~ l'" ~ l'" ~ l'" ~ 3'" ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males F~males Males Females Ma!es Females 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

    16 15 4 10 14 6 15 16 12 16 43 47 20 21 34 14 32 43 29 41 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninh3bited Uninhabited 2 5 6 4 6. Uninhabited Uninhabited 150 168 76 72 94 37 120 12 65 10 52 45 39 39 54 28 ·54 6 34 4 34 34 28 28 110 28 126 15 16 Uninhabited Uninhabited

    Unin~abited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 98 100 110 105 104 44 98 36 49 35 3 2 4 2 3 Uninhabited Uninhabited

    239 ~ fmImt ~ I f.ttm: •. ~O'3 Community Development Siock : Nichar Code No. : 3 VilLAGE -~PRIMARY

    Industrial'l"'''''''''''''''''-'''' Category of Main Workers

    ~-;jo -Location Code 'W'I',rq:;m lent CfiT ';fJIf No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard III IV V(a) V(b) '!'" Imi '!'" Imi '!'" ff«< '!'" I1W Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ,_ .... 2" 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 " Tahsil:"""" Nichar Code No. : 5 85 ...- Ghumaruning (10413) 86 Runang Nichla (10414) 87 ""'-"''''UK Rukchwal Dhar (109) Uninhabited 88 i't-Ql.~.'Irl- D.P.F. Barde (105) Uninhabited

    89 fr>t.qq;.~ D.P.F. Tilchaka (106) Uninhabited

    90 :ftw.~~ D.P.F. BaJaey (107) Uninhabited

    91 il.~,~~ D.P.F. Kashtee (108) Uninhabited 92 L11.~.1pK~ D.P.F. Runang (110) Uninhabited 93 ""'.,,_ Runang Uperla (111) 9' Nivasingh Dhar (65) Uninhabited

    95 '1.""""" Bhumtal-Dhar (66) Uninhabited 96 -'" Panwi Khas (6711) 14 14 97 -- Joktaring (67/2) 2 98 -!"" Burcha (6713) 4 99 .-'" Shaling Dhar·(67/4) Uninhabited 100 Phaktowar Dhar (6715) Uninhabited 101 -·f:l.q'f~*.-84 .D.P.F.C.-84 (68) Uninhabited 102 it.>:it~.-a5' D.P.F.C.-85 (69) Uninhabited 103 tt!ft.~.'ijt-96l1' D.P.F.C.-86A (70) Uninhabited

    104 ft1ft.~m.-1l6if1 D.P.F.C.-868 (71) Uninhabited 105 itlft.1(1l;,'it-126 D.P.F.C.-126 (72) Uninhabited

    106 fr.

    107 fr:tfI.o/j;','dt-12:6 ~ D.P.F.C.-128A (74) Uninhabited Tandoden Nusko 108 -;ffiUR Uninhabited Dhar (77) 109 """'""'''' Balthachang Dhar (78) Uninhabited 110 _ikffl"" Atanmelang Dhar (79) Uninhabited 111 wRI"'ffi Ramini Khas (75/1) 20 12 112 ""'""" Kaksthal (7512) 3 113 lJ""i~ Morang Kanda (75/4) Uninhabited

    115 it.-.fi1?'ii.~ D.P.F.Kaksthal (75/5) Uninhabtted

    240 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT ?"''''''m ..... '''~ ... Industrial C~te9_~~ of M-:al::_o "wc:o"'iJ<:::ern"-______~


    34 26 lninhabited !ninhabited lninhabited Jninhabited Ininhabited Ininhabited

    loin habited Ininhabited 19 -, 120 110 109 2 7 46 35 32 36 13 62 40 38 56 lninhabfted tninhabited Ininhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited UninhaMed Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited 12 6 78 109 91 2 2 2 Uninhabited Uninhabited

    241 1I1~ filQ;m ~ :~.;iQ:3 "",,,,,,,"," Community Development Bloek : Niehar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    ...... """'" ~~"" "1IRl'ri'llillfli -~ ~'iJR1WiUT~ Area of ¥...-"""""'.""" "rio-6~ ..... Village in -$I--~No. of Total Hectares and =- -location occupied No. of Total population (including population in It[lJ.Afim/'8ti~~ TownlWard residefltial House~ institutional--I and houseress the age Code - No, Name of Viliage/TownlWard in KM.l houses holds population) groupo..s ~ 1'" 1m> Persons Males Females Males Female - ,7 - 10

    116 ·~t-.jt'rl>.-128 ca. 129 D.P.F.-1286,129 (76) 288 Uninhabited

    117 iI1I'I.;m,rr Bering Choatdhar (80) 1,341 Uninhabited 118 ",Im Roshang Dhar (61) 309 Uninhabited 119 """', Up.1 Dhar (82) 1,025 Uninhabited 120 "!I.~."'.-...it D.P.F. Ramni (83) 502 Uninhabiled

    121 ~Itit Chhalpatri Dhar (84) 881 Uninhabited

    \22 !OJlit ll1 Dulgi Dhar (85) 2,554 Uninhabited 123

    127 itm'llli~ D.P,F. Pen.ng (89) 514 Uninhabited 153 83 83 320 173 147 27 31 123 ~- Punang Kilas (9011) 129 ~'lliqt Punang' Kanda (9012) 94 Uninhabited

    130 ~4tifu' Paring Khor (3111) 140 2 9 6 3 2 131 Wi Soma (3112) 134 2 11

    132 ~-~ Chhod Kanda (3113) 472 UninhaMed 133/ tPiI Rango (31/4) 180 UninhaMed 134 Nigani (31/5) 61 120 120 478 259 219 39 38 135 -fI

  • 141 ft.~.\1II'l'-81 O.PF 81 (60) 47 Uninhabaed

    142 -aQt1f'r>.~ H2 O.P.F. 82 (61) 48 Uninllabited

    143 itq),'<'i\~ BJ OFF. 83 (62) 60 UninhaMed 144 w.n'Eiflllll{ Ratha Charang Dhar (63) 122 Unlnhabrted 145 t.run Dhya Ohar(64) 511 Uninhabited

    242 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT 5"""""", ...

    'IF''J'''!- ~""'-- (I-IX) "'J'I!'m- Scheduled ..... Total main workers Scheduled Castea: Tribes Literates (I-IX) II 3'" fmi 5'" m 'l'" fmi 3'" 3'" tmI 3'" ff.Im Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FemaJes Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -IS 19 20 21 22


    Ininhabited Ininhabited Ininhabited Ininh.bited Uninhabited Uninhabited 88 81 149 143 135 42 137 124 77 120 11



    Uninhabited Uninhabited 33 33 95 96 107 51 110 16 60 10

    6 4 7 4 4 Uninhabited Uninhabited 63 59 147 141 152 66 145 31 82 30 11 49 37 69 26 60 4 13 10 4 6~ '10 71 4 2 30 180 209 188 112 153 90 72 82 9 35 12 171 154 208 84 172 45 54 35 3 108 117 168 175 147 80 159 159 22 29 76 114 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    243 ~ ftnnm ~ ,f.ft"IR~ ""0:3 _'IT'lfllo; Community Development Block : Nichar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY


    .... -locatIon Code 'Wi /alllm I1lrJ Cfit 'ifTJ'( No. Name of ViliagelTownlWard III IV Vial V(.) l'" l'" l'" S'" frnl Males Females Males Females Males Females Ma!es Females 23 24 26 27 -28 - 25 - 29 30 _" ~mot,s Tahsil: Nichar Code No. :

    116 M"'.-l28;jt,l29 D.P.F,-128B,129 (76) Uninhabited

    117 ,,",iIc?urr Bering Choatdha, (80) Uninhabited 118 ilwl", Roshang Dha, (81) Uninhabited 11~ """'" Upat Dha' (82) Uninhabited 120 i1G1~.wRT D.P.F. Ramni (63) Uninhabited 121 ChhaJpatri Dha, (84) Uninhabited 122 DuJgi Ohar (85) Uninhabited 123 "'"'''''-"" jani (8611) "'" 17 124 Kalingo (8612) Uninhabited


    127 wft~"li.~ O.P.F. Punang (89) Uninhabited 128 -'"!fI'l- Punang Khas (9011) 129 ~~ Punang Kanda (90/2) Uninhabited

    130 .~'" Paring Khor (31/1) 131 ,;;~ Somo(3112) 132 '"'~ Chhod Kanda (3113) Uninhabited 133 Uil Rango (3114) Uninhabited 134 Nigani (3115) 135 -Il!i\ Linge (3116) 3 136 "'" Agade (3117) 137 Garade (3118) 3 4 138 "'" Kashpo (3119) 3 3 139 ""'"'!'l Puj. (31110) 4 26 3 140 it.qj:'\'Qi-eo D.P.F. 80 (59) Uninhabited

    141 il.'iI:%--8J O.P.F. 81 (GO) Uninhabited

    142 ftlft,'fI\.-82' D.P,F. 82 (61) Uninhabited

    143 t.~.~-e3 O.P.F. 83 (62) Uninhabited

    144 irnl'iRlltm: Rotha Charang Dhar (63) Uninhabited 145 mm Ohya Dhar (64) Uninhabited

    244 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT 'l"'"",,.., ... oII_iMI Industrial Category of Main Workers

    1Im('if qwf wA- VI VTI VIII IX Marginal workers Non-workers :!'" :!'" :!'" frni :!'" ff<>lr' --:!'" Imi :!'" m Males Females Ma~es Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 31 -32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


    Jninhabited Jninhabited Jninhabited Jninhabiled Jninhabited Jninhabited 23 128 102 Uninhabited


    Uninhabited Uninhabited 17 12 41 61 90

    3 4 Uninhabited Uninhabited 52 89 113 99 30 21 28 24 46 16 24 20 16 12 2 33 7 44 109 107 13 1 5 89 a 129 157 5 6 3 18 159 144 Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    245 _.... fiIQ;m _ ,-. ... "",' WI """"'" Community Development Block ; Nichar Code' No. : 3 VI~I.AGE PRIMARY

    ...... -~.- _Ad"" .. ftitPfto-ij amA1:'~ ~1JFI"fittm~ Area of 'IfIf>Fif~~~!I'It ~~{~~itm" 'lI1'i O-h~ mojD Village in No. of ~ ~~) Total -Loeatlon Hectares and occupied No. of TDtal population (including population in Code ~/'ii)liIlnrt~';:fPf Town/Ward ~idential House~ Institutional and houseless the age 2 No. Name of VlllagerrownlW;"d in K.M. houses holds population) group 0·6 ~ Persons- Males. Females- Males' Female 10

    ~ f.roR-m-.i.: 6 TahsH : Nlchar Code No. : 5

    146 m

    152 ft.q't~.-79 P P F.79 (58) 333 Uninhabited 153 _ Palingi (3411) 90 144 150 566 366 200 59 55 154 .... Pounda (3412) 50 40 40 139 66 73 12 16 155 Ralpa (3413) 77 15 15 63 40 23 156 -. Saldin;) (3511) 285 28 28 125 60 65 17

    157 "" Change (3512) 85 74 74 339 171 168 33 34 158. mit Ranga (3513) 114 Uninhabited

    15~ "lIfJm Gramang (3514) 72 82 83 418 210 208 46 29

    160 00 Rawa (35/5) 114 6 6 19 9 10 2 161 "" "" urr Meuni Laat Phar (51) 875 Uninhabited 162 ,t<,'1'<-" P.P.F.-74 (52) 643 Uninhabited 163 ""'- Sararik Phar (53) 1,499 Uninhabited

    164 ~ Chayuda Phar (54) 1,259 Uninhabited 165 "m.-15-76 P.P.F. 75-76 (55) 401 Uninhabited 166 ""'."".-77 P.P.F. 77 (56) 121 Uninhabited

    167 "&I't!r T aranda (3611) 310 54 54 254 115 139 16 23 168 _. N,,,"sapo (36/3) 60 44 44 227 115 112 21 15 169 _ Tikrang (36/5) 77 2 11 2

    170 """ Chaunda (3614) 97 15 15 62 31 31 171 ~ Nigulsari (36/6) 145 148 148 495 314 181 37

    172 """ Karape (36/2) 116 23 40 96 73 23 173 Thachh (3617) 15& 28 28 140 65 75 13 16 174' >1m Chaura (37/1)· 183 73 73 294 168 126 32 26

    175 """ Kapaur (3712) 125 26 26 144 72 72 15 19 176 ""'" Shilani (3713) 259 28 28 128 67 ·61 9 12

    246 """"""'''''CENSUS ABSTRACT "!l'""",,;R,,","'_iloiI Industrial Category of Main Workers

    'li"'l""- (I-IX) ""l'JI'A- ~Scheduled ... Total main workem Scheduled Castes Tribes-- literates""" (I-IX) II 'I'" 'l'" 'I'" 'I'" .... 'I'" lm1 'I'" ...,. Males Females Males Fema~es Males Females- Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 -12 ;3 -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

    108 99 59 24 82 63 43 51 6 5 71 63 43 27 50 39 31 35 2 11 4 16 14 64 82 11 11 7 7 546 369 308 267 1,922 648 1,753 204 134 130 14 121 132 117 107 127 64 138 48 91 39 20 18 19 10 9 12 7 12

    30 11 59 60 185 45 246 49 55 33 12 4 1 52 70 39 28 29 26 13 21 1 5 26 18 27 8 21 14 11 12 42 43 15 20 30 15 35 30 22 29 22 30 141 136 90 44 96 94 77 93

    139 133 68 75 96 55 114 123 82 109 13 9 10 3 3 7 6 6 Unmhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited

    107 136 78 58 69 70 55 66 76 76 37 36 47 34 61 69 34 58 10 9 2 9 5 1 5 31 31 19 14 13 13 12 79 71 75 55 217 71 207 89 66 66 53 20 9 3 47 4 57 9 5 3 22 27 43 48 36 41 31 19 30 19 6 6 92 86 114 64 77 9 1 6 29 25 38 44 42 26 36 35 34 29 32 32 41 19 37 35

    247 ~ ~ ~ :f..n:m:~.ro:3 ""'~ Community Development Block : Nlchar Code No. : 3 VilLAGE PRIMARY ~~~

    ...... -m'" Location Code ~/~rcnictiT';fPf No. Name of VillagelTownlWard III IV V{a) Vlb) ¥" ¥" ¥" ¥" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 23 24 25 26 27 -28 29 -30 2 - - m!I;r , fitm >m '( , , Tahsil: Nlchar Code No. ; 5 146 Saki Charang (3211) 4 147 """"'">nit Bara (32/2)

    148 3"!m'tl Punaspa (3213)

    149 ~ Sungra (3214) 28 51 15D Kangas (33)

    151 il.~1!'1'.-7a D.P.F.78 (57)

    1"52 -11~~.-19 D.P.F.79 (58) Uninhabited 153 Palingi (3411)

    154 ~ Paunda (3412) 155 - Ralpa (3413) 156 $oldiRg (3511) 157 -mil Change (35/2) 158 li>iI Ranga (35/3) Uninhabited 159 ""'" Gramang (35£4) 15 160 Rawa (3515) 161 >ft

    166 ·ft~.'{'l'I-F D.P.F. 77 (56) Uninhabited 167 Taranda (3611) 4 168 Nansapa (36/3) 169 -~ Tikrang (3615) 170 ."" Chaunda (3614)

    171 ~ Nigulsari (3616) 14 172 Wt Karape (3612) 173 Thachh (36n) 174 .1" Chauta (37il) 175 Kapaur (3712) 176 "'" - Shilani (3713) 248 """"""'-CENSUS ABSTRACT

    .mdr!l!~ ;t;iI Industria!Y"-""'''''''' Category of Main Workers ~ ftumJ ~ If.'rt:n(m",o;~ WI"""",,, Community Devolopment Black : Nlchar Code No. : 3 VILLAGE PRIMARY

    "",,,,,,,,,,,", ~~'" 'm{mmm'i_if "i"-~ Area of ~'Itl~'ll'ftmtl~..... ~o-611 am-;:io Village in - No. of "- '!i"-~."'" Total location Hectares and occupied No. of Total population (Including population in -Code llPI~/1frt

    ~_ .. m. Total of Nichar Tahsil 1,186.2 5,825 5,913 23,861 13,167 10,694 2,114 2,037

    Note: ..... 'n c.inain Casas the spellings of tha names of villages In Hindi and English yarslon. do not tally with those published In the District Census Handbook 01.1981. lbisis due to the reason that the .peUings of the names of villages 'pertaining to 198'1 were sent to the concerned TahslldarJN~ib-tahliidar for confirmation. After confirmation these were further taUled wUh the tapa .heets. '.1he spelling" which bOfe near resemblance to the prevailing names were taken for the 1991 publication.

    250 \lRllOt'll"" CENSUS ABSTRACT

    IndListriai!l"'-"""""""-"" Category of Main Workers

    ~~~ ~,,",-- (I-IX) Scheduled Total main workers Scheduled~- Castes Tribes Literates""" (I-IX) II 'l'" fI>qi 5'" 5'" f!;olt, 'l'" 'l'" 1" Males femates Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 -14 15 1. 17 -18 19 -20 21 -22

    'ninhabited Jninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited -Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabjted


    3,939 3,614 5,648 5,691 7,903 3,351 7,543 3,036 3,115 2,542 335 200

    251 __ """'" ""'" ,""",u """ Community Development Block : Nichar Code No. : 3 VILLAGEWI""'""" PRIMARY ~_""'.r.rr.:\_"" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    .oio -Location Code 'Wt/"ai'm;qrilfil~ No. Mame of ViII.gerfownlW.rd 111 IV V(.) V(b) 1'" ~ 1'" ~ 1'" 1'" 1m Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females _, 23 24 25 26 27 -28 29 30 ~.";i:5 Tahsil: Nlchar Code No. : 5

    177 i'l.til.~.-73 D.P.F.-73 (41) Uninhabited

    176 fr'!jl~-6alf

    179 fl.llIT{<6-12 ft. D.P.F.-72 B (45) Uninhabited

    160 ~fu>ilUJf Gundili Tirmi Dhar (48) Uninhabited

    161 iHl'?1Ji-JIV D.P.F.-71A (42) Uninhabited

    182 ibit.~.-7!ft D.P.F.-71B (43) Uninhabited 183 Bahal Dhar (49) Uninhabited .". "" 184 iI:'!ft.~.-72~ D.P.F.-72A (44) Uninhabited 185 mt"" Devli Dhar'(50) Uninhabited 186 8angatu Dhar (47) Uninhabited ~"" 167 ''''If'DR Sarkund Dhar (39) Uninhabited 188 "l"""l'" Phulyari Dhar (40) Uninhabited -it.q]~. 169 D.P.F.-69-70A,8 (41) Uninhabited 69-10 v,;?J

    196 8 12 189 13 Total"""'-""""' of Nlchar Tahsil 134

    252 iiI'f'IIJRlllR CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ .. ''''''''T'i'l\l''_il<>i\ Industr~al Category of Main Worlo;ers

    ~'f~ri VI vn Vill L'( Marginal Yrorkens NQn~workers l'" fmT l'" !I'" l'" fmi --"l'" fml" 'l'" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 - 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - 41 42

    Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabited Uninhabite


    1,843 114 287 11 116 1,316 139 209 1,589 5,415 6,069

    253 APPENDIX __m_"_~"" - ~r...."",,",",_""'_"""_""_ Oetalls of Community Development Btocks included IJnder varlQUs Tahsils/Sub-Tahslls and the population of TahsllsfSub-tahsils ~~ Total Populatlon

    ...... ~/';l

    '!."~ 7,414 0010 Poc Tahsil 7,414 ~-""'!" m'PartiaUy Community Development Bloet: Poo 0010

    10.740 10.740 ~f.\

    4,002 4.002 ~,..,.-'!." 0010 Hafl9rang-"""" Tahsil .m>il. Partially .... _ Community Development Block POD 0010 15.397 15.397 K-alpa Tahsil m: Partially 0020 Community~-""- Development Block Kalpa 0020

    9.856 9.866 0010 Morang~- Tahsil ~--'!." m:Partially C!!mmunity Development Block PaQ 0010 t.m_ 23.861 23.861 0030 Nlchar Tahsil 'f'I Fully Community~--""" Oevel(lprnent Block Nichar 0030


    Primary Census Abstract of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes:

    In this section the Primary Census data tor Scheduled has also been given with a view to compare this data with the Castes and Scheduled Tribes far the district and far each tahsil, total population,



    _ _'_~Boom ~'iIt.mlzrftlitmlr~-- ~.;jo ~.nmttq~~ 1PI Total No. of Households Location Code State/District/Block! ~Rural With Scheduled No. U.AJTown ~Urban Castes members TolaJ Scheduled"i"~-- Castes population 'l'" Persons- Males J=emales-

    _._ • Total 4,109 19,153 9,882 9.271 12 'rivl Rural 4109 19,153 9,882 9,271 District: Kinnaur ~Urban

    tllTrTotal 779 3,772 1,958 1,814 ~"""'''''''l.' ~Rura' 779 3.772 1.958 1,814 C. O. Block: POQ ~ Urban

    ~Total 1,651 7,828 3,985 3,843 ~flt'WI't!IQ':'!fi?:Q wiFr Rural 1,651 7,828 3,985 3,843 C. D. Block; Kalpa >I'T1'l}q Urban

    ~Total 1,679 3,939 3,614 ~f


    v (1:I'i}~~~~.mtttr;rj~.o\Um:nrrt; V (~) ~mTm"«flr.oIAA+rr,~~~~; VI~; VU'!'ZiI'm:Jat1ilfilr;;q

    VIII ~.1J'Q'U( 3ih'mm:; [X 3t-

    260 """"""""For Sc~duled Castes ~_"""""<'l_"" Industrial Category of Main Workers

    '!i"~-~-iO-') Total Schetiuled Castes population '!i"''l''''-II-IX) Literates""" (0-6) lotallllaln Workeli'{l-IX) .... Sl" ...... Persons Males Females Persons Males"'" Females- Persons M;;Jles"'" Females- Persons Males"'" Fema~es"'" -10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -17 18 19

    3,65' I,B59 1,795 7,079 4,815 2,264 8,399 5,286 3,113 5,240 2,662 2,578 3,65' 1.B59 1,795 7,079 4,815 2,264 8,399 5,285 3,113 5,240 2.552 2,576

    652 339 313 1,615 1,096 520 1.SS' 1,074 490 607 342 265 652 339 313 1,616 1,096 520 1.564 1,074 490 607 342 265

    1.467 743 724 3.042 2.072 970 3,743 2.208 1.535 2.577 1,213 1.364 1,467 743 724 3.042 2.072 970 3,143 2,208 1.535 2.577 1.213 1.364

    1.535 777 758 2,421 1,647 77. 3,092 2,004 1:488 2.056 1,107 949 1.535 777 758 2.421 1,647 774 3.092 2,004 1,488 2,056 1,107 949

    'OUSTRIAL CA TE!30RIES !-Cullivators; U~riculturaJ labourers: 1(1- Uvestock, FOr$$t1)'. Fishing, Hunting and 4='laniations, OrchSrd$ and alned acttvites: I ~ Minin.g and Ql.larrylng : V(e) Manufacturing, Processing, servicing and Repairs in Household Illdustry: V (b) 'Manufacturing, 'rocessing, Servicing and Repairs in Dtherthan Housel1old Industry, Vl-eons!Iuctions; VII· Trade and Commerce; VUI.TransPQrt, ,torage and Communications; IX - Other SelVices,

    261 ~-""..- Primary Census Abstract

    ~"ffl'f~~JJit JMIfir

    "'" /ffl!m"""_ '"""" ~~-;fu ~~~/';[tft 'tIPt Total Location StaleJDislrlclJalo~k1 ~RuraJ Code No. U.A.lTown ~Urban II [[[ 1'" fmi 1'" Pefsons- Males Females Persons- Males F="emales- 20 21 22 23 24 25

    ","",- ...,Total 490 232 25B 146 ·130 16 12 wftuJ Rural 490 232 256 146 130 16 District: Kfnnaur ~Urban

    ~Total 237 108 129 19 18 -""'~-''1!' ~Rural 237 108 129 19 18 C. D. Block: Poo '111~ Urban

    mtJ Total 123 73 50 69 56 13 ~~w-,.:~ ~Rural 123 73 50 69 56 13 C. D. Siock ; Kalpa ~Urban

    ~Totat 130 51 79 58 56 -"",-_.- ~RulaJ 130 51 79 58 56 C. D. Block: Nichar ;prl}tf Utban

    262 -""for Scheduled Castes

    ~""'-.H.,,;r., .- MI Industrial CategC>ly of Main Workers

    IV VIa) V(b) VI 1m! l" ~ "r.. !l'" ~ Per$or\$- Males Females- PErsons- Ma!as Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 26 27 28 29 30 - 31 32 - 33 -34 3. 36 37

    • 725 644 81 224 209 15 600 506 94 725 544 81 224 209 16 600 506 94

    299 246 53 37 34 120 100 20 299 246 53 37 34 120 100 20

    264 241 23 115 105 10 200 154 46 264 241 23 115 105 10 200 154 46

    ~G2 157 72 70 Z80 252 28 162 157 72 70 280 252 28

    263 ~-,.....- Primary Census Abstract

    Industrial'l""-""''''''''''-"''' Category of Main Workers

    _/fuom~~ ~.;:fO ~~~/;m- ..mTotal location StatelDistrictIBlock/ 'WftuT Rural Code No. U.A.rTown ~Urban VII VIIl l'" l'" Persons- Males Females- Persons- Males Females- 38 39 40 41 42 43

    "",,,,- "'" Total 86 85 37 37 12 ~Rural 86 85 37 37 District: Kinnaur ~Urban

    ~Total ~"""'''''''i< ~Rural C. D. Block: Poo ~ Urban

    '>.iTr7Total 31 31 10 10 ~~~:~ 1!ll'a'u1 Rural 31 31 10 10 C. D. Block: Kalpa -;prt}>:f Urban

    ~ro-"", _ limTotal 48 47 19 19 ~RuraJ 48 47 19 19 C. D. Block.: Nichar ~ Urban

    264 """"""'''''For Scheduled Castes '1""""""""'"'" _ iM1 Industrial Category of Main Workers

    iIiPI':;J~~ IX, Marginal workers No.n·wori

    S.S n9 69 1,371 209 1,162 9,363 4,387 4,996 1148 779 69 1,311 209 1,162 9,363 4,387 4,996

    230 211 19 183 31 152 2,025 853 1,172 230 211 19 183 31 152 2,025 853 1,172

    352 324 28 460 88 372 3,625 1,689 1,936 352 324 28 480 88 372 3,625 1,689 1,936 .

    266 244 22 728 90 638 3,733 1,845 1,888 266 ?44 22 728 90 638 3,733 1,645 1,888



    ~""'-.m'il__ oIl_ _ ""'/~~- ~~-.io ~/il'1lfu:I~/iPR .;m Total No. of Households Location Code StatelDistrictlBlocki ~Rural with Scheduled ~~~-;mftt~ No, U.A.rrown """""Urban Tribes members Total Scheduled Tribes population 'I'" Persons- Males Females- 4

    8,466 39,609 19,021 20,588 """,,- ""Total 12 lI'Piivt RuraJ 8,466 39,609 19,021 20,588 District: Kinnaur ~Urban

    timTotal 3,201 14,470 6,697 7,773 ~~mu1:'!.W lJi>inr Rural 3,201 )4,470 6,697 7,773 C. D. Blod< : POQ ~ Urban

    'I:U1TTotal 2,864 13,800 6,676 7,124 ~f.\ifim~;lfi?U 1Jl>ilur Rural 2,864 13,800 6,676 7,12' C. D. Block: Kalpa ~Urban

    ~Total 2,401 11,339 5,648 5,691 ~~ffl»ff~.f.r.m: 1Iriilvl Rural 2,401 11,339 5,648 5,691 C. D. Block: Nichar "fll6tr Urban

    ~'~;-I~; 1(~~,'II~.~it~~.~~.fir

    v ("'I __ ~_,,,,,",,,;,",IWJ a!< ...... ; V (00) __.. f>R_, ..... _a!<""""; VI_; VII """" m_

    VIllqft'u:r,~.mm:;IX .::A=lJ~1

    268 -""For Scheduled Tribes

    ~~~ll1'Fi1'~~.Mt Industrial Category of Main Workers

    tIFf~\J'R-'iiUftf~~ (0-') .,.. Total Scheduled Tribes population Literates 'li"'l""-(I.IX) (0-6) Total Main Workett(I.IX) ¥" ¥" 'l'" ¥" Persons- Males Females Persons- Males Females- Persons- Males Females Persons- Ma(es Females- -10 11 12 13 14 15 -15 17 16 19

    6,442 3,244 3,198 195,80 11,696 7,884 17,043 9,559 7,484 12,950 6,406 6,544 5,442 3,244 3,198 195,80 11,696 7,884 17,043 9,559 7,484 12,950 6,406 6,544

    2,239 1,122 1,117 7,216 4,190 3,026 5,953 3,392 2,561 4,339 2,257 2,082 2,239 1,122 1,117 ,7,216 4,190 3,026 5,953 3,392 2,561 4,339 2,257 2,082

    2,202 1,117 1,085 7,199 4,275 2,924 6,598 3,434 3,164 5,091 2,2D3 2,888 2,2D2 1,117 1,005 7,199 4,275 2,92' 6,598 3,434 3,164 5,091 2,203 2,888

    2,001 1,005 996 5,165 3,231 1,934 4,492 2,733 1,759 3,520 1,946 1,574 2,001 1,005 996 5,165 3,231 1,934 4,492 2,733 1,759 ~,520 1,946 1,574

    INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES I - Cultivators; II· Agricultural Labourers III -,Livestock, ForestryjiB~~~.Hunting a[1d Plantations, Orchards and allied activities IV" Mming and Quarrying: V{a) Manufacturing, F'rocessing, Servicing and Repairs In Household Industry: V (b) Manufacturing,

    Processing, Servicing anlj Repairs in other than Household Industry: VI~Constructlon$; VII 4 Trade and Commerce; vln "Transport, Storage and Communications; IX" Other Services,

    269 ~~-~~~ Primary Census Abstract 'l""-...... "'-.., Industrial Category of Main Workers

    ~~o;io """""""~"""'"~/'I'PJ61.:I~/~ 1iPTTotal Location Statc/DlstrlctiBlockJ ~Rural CadeNo. U.A_(Town ~Urban II TIl !!'" If.I

    ~Total 567 301 266 525 426 99 ~,"""", 12 ~Rur.al 567 301 266 525 426 99 District; Kinnaur ~Urban

    lhrTotal 314 175 139 186 125 61 ~f'ImI_.'I." ~Rural 31. 175 139 186 .125 61 C. D. Block: POD ~ Urban

    liPTTotai 99 46 53 237 205 32 ~~~;~ RI1I'Rural 99 46 53 237 205 32 C. D. Block: Ka!pa ;p$j Urban

    timTotal 154 80 7. 102 96 llPlM Rural 154 80 74 102 96 ~--,-C. D. Block: Nichar ~ Urban

    270 """""""For Scheduled Tribes 'l""_~"">\i_i).I\ Industrial Category of Main WOrf

    IV V(a) V(b) VI 'l'" ..... 'l'" 1'" 1'" Mates Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females"'" Persons Males Females""" Persons - - - 26 28 29 30 -31 32 33 34 35 36 37 - 2T

    228 166 62 120 96 24 410 294 116 226 166 62 120 96 24 410 294 116

    131 96 35 23 19 165 67 78 131 96 35 23 19 165 61 78.

    58 42 16 76 58 16 105 68 17 58 42 16 76 58 18 105 88 17

    39 26 11 21 19 140 119 21 39 28 11 21 19 140 119 21

    271 ~""'--"'-Primary Census Abstract Industrial~-""'''''''''- Category of Mai" Workers...

    _~~f>:amt ~tim~ llJq'~'iI'\T/"PR ~Total Location StatefDifltrjc~Block1 _Rural Code No. U.A.rrown ~Urban VII "TIl l'" l'" Persalls- Males Females Persons- Males females- 38 39 -40 41 42 43

    "",,",_ 1i'PtTotal 274 258 16 144 138 12 ~'Rura! 2H 258 16 14' 138 District: Kinnaur '=PJfut Urban

    lihTTotal 104 100 56 52 4 ~~~;~ ~Ru~ar 104 100 56 52 C. D. 810("1< : Poo 4 ~ Urban

    -.mrTotal 120 116 52 50 'll'I~~~;~ llPil

    ~Total 50 42 36 36 ~fittf;re~:f.r.m: l!FiIvT Rural 50 42 36 36 C. O. Block; Nichar =mf\l:r Urban

    272 -""For Scheduled Tribes ?,,_~"''''~

    1,823 1,473 350 2,094 251 1,843 20,472 9f 211 11,261 1,823 1,473 350 2,094 251 1,943 20,472 9,211 11,261

    635 481 154 550 64 486 7,967 3,241 4,726 635 481 154 550 64 486 7,967 3,241 4.726

    759 628 133 585 70 515 6,617 3,172 3,445 759 626 133 5BS 70 515 6,617 3,172 3,445

    4~9 366 63 9!)9 117 842 5,888 2,798 3,090 429 366 63 959 117 842 5,888 2,798 3,090
