CENSUS 1991 PART XII· A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY mRIES-9 HIMACHAL PRADESH VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRJi\1ARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KINNAUR DISTRICT Director o/Cellsus Operal;olls, Himachal Pradesh. CONTENTS PAGES FOREWORD V PRE~ACE VII 1. MAP OF THE DISTRICT 2. IMPORTANT STATISTICS XIIl-XIV 3. ANALYTICAL NOTE 1-21 (I) Introduction 3 (ii) Census Concepts and definitions Urban area, rural area, vil1age, census house, household, scheduled castes and scbeduIe,d tribes, literates, work, main worker, marginal worker, non· worker, cultiva,tor, agricultural ,-6 labourer, household industry, other workers and urban agglomeration (Jii) Brief history of the District y The. People, Dress, Houses and Equipment, Foob Habits, Monast.i~ism, Language 6-9 (iv) History of the Distrid._Census Ha~dbook,and its scop~ 10 (v) Seo!,e of Village Directory I~ll (vi) Physical aspects Boundaries, physical features,clirnate, geology, valleys, rivers and streams, Jakes and springs 1I·13 (vii) Major characteristics of the district Forests, wild life sanctuary, flora, f"una, desert development pruje.ct, electricity and power, land and land use pattern, agriculture. horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, industry. irrigation. roads, trade, commerce and banking, transport 13-19 (viii) Social and cultural nents 1.9-20 (b) Pl8~es of historiul, archeological and tourist interest 2U (x) Analysis of village directory data 20·21 4, ANALYSIS OF THE DATA 25-32 Population : (I) Decadal Variation in Population Since 1901 25 (II) Sex Ratio Since 1901 25 Table I Population and Number of VjJ]ages 1991 2.1 Table 2 Decadal Change in Distribution of Population 26 Table 3 Percentage Distribution of Vi11ages by Population Ranges 199] 27 Table 4 Distribution of Villages by Density 27 Table 5 Sex Ratio for Rural Population of C.D. Blocks, 1991 27 Table 6 Proportion of Scheduled Caste Population to Total Population in the Vmagcs 23 Table 7 Proportion of Scheduled Tribe Population to Total Population in the Villages 28 Table 8 Literacy rate, far Rural Population of C.D, blacks by <ex, 1991 28 Table 9 Percentage of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-Workers for Rural Population of C.D. Blocks. 1991 29 Table 10 Distribution of Villages According to the Availability of Different Amenities 30 Table II Proportion of Rural Population Served by Different Amenities 30 Table 12 Distribution of Villages not having certain amenities amaged by Distance Ranges from the places where these are available 31 Table 13 Distribution of Villages according to the distance from ~e Nearest Town and Avadability of Different Amenities 31 Table 14 Distribution of Villages According to Population Ranges and ArneniHes Available ,2 Table 15 Distribution of Villages According to Land Use 32 iii 5. Par' A • Village and Town Directory SECTION I·VILLAGE DIRECTORY 39-135 (al til Map of Poo C.D. Block List of Villages arranged in alphabetic.l order of Poo C.D. Block 39-46 Note explaining the Cadell used in tbe Village Directory 47-49 Viltag. Directory of PM C.D. Block ' 50-69 (iil Map of Kalpa C.D. Block ·List of Villages arranged in alphabetical order of Kalpa C.D. Block 73-79 Village Directory of Kalpa C.D. 'Block 80-95 (iii) Mal' of Nichar C.D. Block List of villages amnged in alphabetical order of Nicbar C.D. Block 99-103 Village Direct01Y of Nichar C.D. Block l04-113 (bl Appendix I - C.D. BlocKwise Abstract of Educational, Medicil and other Amenities II4-lI9 Appendi. II - Land utilization data in respect- of Non-municipal towns (Census lown) 120 Appendi>. Ill· - C.D. Block",!s. list of Villages where no amenity other than the drinking water is available 121-123 Appendix IV - C.D. Blockwise list of villages .""oroing to pmp<>rUon of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to population by range; 124-135 SECTION II • TOWN DIRECTORY 143-173 6. Part B • Primary Census Abstract Introduction to Primary Census Abslract 143 ,oj (i) District. 144-140 (ii) Village-wise PCA 151}.2S3 (iii) Appendix 254 (b) Primary Census Abstract for S.he~ul.d C~'te, and Scbeduled Tribes (1) Primary Cen~us Abstract for Scheduled Castes 260-265 (iiI Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled rrib~s 268-273 jv FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks 1981. However, the format of PCA has been restructured (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data users. continuing since tllen with some innovations/modification:; Nine fold industrial classification of main workers has ailer each decennial Census. This is the most valuable been given as against four fold industrial classification district level publication brought out by the Census presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sex­ Organisation On behalf of each State Govt.fUnion Territory wise population in the 0-6 age-group has also been administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on included in peA for the first time with a view to enabling some of the basic demographic and socio- economic data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as all characteristics and on the avoilability of certain important children below 7 years of age have been trealed as civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected respective districts. This publication has thus proved to that the above mentioned modifications will help the be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, planners in chalking out more effective developmental academicians and researchers. progranuues. The scope of tJle DCH was initially confined to One of the most important innovations in the certoin important census tables on population, economic 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level and socia-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the instead of the traditional TabsilJTaluklPS level presentation. district. The DCHs published aIler the 196i Census contained It is expected that the presentation of Village Directory a descriptive account of the district, administratiVe statistics, and PCA data at C.D Block level will help the planners in census tables and Village and Town Directories including formulation of micro-level developmental plans, as lhe CD PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Tbwn Directories planning. and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCA) ~ere released in all the States and Union Territories. The third Part (C) of In order to facilitate the task of administrators. the Distnct Census Handbooks comprising adntinistrative planners and re~rcners intending to use Village Directoryl statistics and district census taoles, which was a/so to be peA data_. either from the magnetic tapes/floppies or from brought out, could not be published in many States!UTs the published records, both the computer and manual due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. codes for each village have been provided for lhe 1991 In 1981. some new features along with the restructuring of Census alongwith the correspunding codes of 1981. the formats of Village and Town Directory were introduced This publication is a joint venture of the State in the DCHs. These were published in two parts for each Government and the Census organisation. The data -have district aller the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village been collected and compiled under lhe direction of Shri, and Town Directories, the PeA of villages and towns (ward­ H.S.Atwal, Director of Census Operations, Himachal wise) including Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe PCA Pradesh, on behalf of the State Government administration up to tahsiVtown level were provided in Part-B. To illustrate. which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together i~ designing and coorc.ination of the publication was initiated the Village directory and if an amenity was not available in by Dr. K.P.· Ittamr.n, former Deputy Registrar General the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the (Social Studies) a'ld Shri M.M. Om. Joint Director. For nearest place having such amenity was given. Information the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/data on some new items such as adult hteracy centres, primary and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient health sub.oCentrcs and commtmity health workers in the features emerging from a micro-level analvsis of Censusl Village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook from of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, each State and Union Territory was thoroughly scrutinised information on approach to the village was also provided in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of for the first time in the Village Directory so as to giVe an Shri M.K. Jain, the present Deputy Registrar General (S.S). idea about the nllniher of inaccessible villages in each district. This task was carried out by Shri A.K. Singh, Deputy In case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the Director who was assisted by Shri N.S. Soam, Assistant requirements of the Minimum Needs Progrnmme, a Statement Director and his staff. Techni"cal guidance in the IV-A on slums was provided so as to enable the planners preparation of the maps was· initially provided by Dr. B.K. to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by other amenities in the slums.
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