Neuromuscular Blockers/Alcuronium Chloride 1901 27
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Neuromuscular Blockers/Alcuronium Chloride 1901 27. Gin T, et al. Plasma catecholamines and neonatal condition after hyaline membrane disease but did appear to speed recov- area near the site of the injury, but such localised tetanus is induction of anaesthesia with propofol or thiopentone at caesar- ean section. Br J Anaesth 1993; 70: 311–116. ery of lung function. rare and can progress to the generalised form. The aetiology of intraventricular haemorrhage remains Treatment aims to destroy the causative organism and/or obscure but there is a well recognised association with ges- neutralise any unbound toxin in the body, to control rigid- Intensive care tational age;12 less mature neonates are more susceptible ity and muscle spasms, and to control autonomic dysfunc- The use of neuromuscular blockers in patients requiring and the incidence decreases sharply after 30 weeks’ gesta- tion. For the antibacterial treatment and prevention of mechanical ventilation as part of intensive care has been 1-3 4 tion. There appears to be an association between fluctuat- tetanus and neutralisation of tetanospasmin, see p.196. Af- discussed in a number of reviews and guidelines. Neu- ing cerebral blood-flow velocity in the first day of life and ter antibacterial therapy the mainstay of treatment of rigid- romuscular blockers are used to provide additional relaxa- subsequent development of intraventricular haemor- ity and spasms is sedation with benzodiazepines such as tion and facilitate ventilatory support in patients who fail rhage.13 Respiratory paralysis from the first day of life un- diazepam or midazolam; they may also reduce patient anx- to respond to sedation alone. It is important to ensure that til 72 hours of age has been reported14 to stabilise both cer- iety. Opioid analgesics can be added to treatment to pro- such patients are adequately sedated and relatively pain ebral and arterial blood-flow velocity and to produce a vide analgesia and additional sedation; in addition, fenta- free before these drugs are used. Patients who are consid- decrease in the incidence and severity of intraventricular nyl, morphine, and sufentanil may control autonomic ered most likely to benefit are those with spontaneous res- haemorrhage in infants with respiratory distress syndrome. overactivity. Antiepileptics, particularly phenobarbital, piration that is counterproductive to mechanical ventila- However, respiratory paralysis has also been reported to may also provide additional sedation. Chlorpromazine is tion. Patients with little inherent respiratory muscle have no effect on the development of intraventricular sometimes used with benzodiazepines to minimise rigidity activity are less likely to obtain an improvement in oxy- haemorrhage.9,10 and muscle spasms. Sedation with propofol may also con- genation. Neuromuscular blockers may also improve con- The use of neuromuscular blockers in the newborn is not trol spasms and rigidity without the need for an additional trol of intracranial pressure in patients with intracranial hy- without complications. Multiple joint contractures, possi- relaxant; however, mechanical ventilation is required. pertension, including prevention of rises in intracranial bly potentiated by use of aminoglycosides or phenobarbi- Centrally acting muscle relaxants have also been tried to pressure associated with routine tracheobronchial suction. tal, have been reported15,16 in infants given pancuronium, control muscle spasms. Baclofen has been given by the in- Pancuronium has been widely used as a neuromuscular and regular passive limb movements should be performed trathecal route, but its therapeutic range in severe tetanus blocker in intensive care because of its tendency to in- during paralysis. Marked oedema, severe disturbances of may be very narrow and deep coma and loss of spontane- crease arterial pressure and the majority of patients requir- fluid balance, renal failure and death have been reported in ous respiration has been reported. Dantrolene has also ing a neuromuscular blocker can be adequately managed 2 neonates.17 Hypoxaemia may develop after induction of been reported to be effective. When muscle spasms are se- with pancuronium; however, its long duration of action paralysis unless a significant increase in ventilator support vere or interfere with respiration, competitive neuromuscu- may be a problem in some circumstances, and its vagolytic is made;9,13,18 hypotension may also occur.19 Drugs such lar blockers have been used in addition to benzodiazepine activity can also produce tachycardia. Vecuronium, atracu- as pancuronium which are metabolised in the liver and ex- sedation, to control spasms and to induce therapeutic pa- rium, and cisatracurium have relatively few cardiovascular creted in the urine have a prolonged action in premature ralysis so mechanical ventilation can be initiated. effects, but there has been some concern over the ability of infants.7 As with adults (see above), continuous use of Control of autonomic overactivity may be achieved with the atracurium metabolite laudanosine to accumulate in neuromuscular blockers in neonates has been associated sedation; benzodiazepines, antiepileptics, and opioid the CNS (see Biotransformation, under Pharmacokinetics, with prolonged neuromuscular block on withdrawal.20 analgesics have all been used (see above). Beta blockers p.1905). Atracurium and cisatracurium may also be more 1. Coursin DB, et al. Muscle relaxants in critical care. Curr Opin such as propranolol have also been used; however, they are suitable in patients with hepatic or renal impairment as Anaesthesiol 1993; 6: 341–6. no longer recommended because of the potential for their metabolism does not lead to the accumulation of ac- 2. Elliot JM, Bion JF. The use of neuromuscular blocking drugs in intensive care practice. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1995; 39 (sup- severe cardiovascular effects. Labetalol has both alpha- tive metabolites. Other neuromuscular blockers that have pl 106): 70–82. and beta-blocking activity but offers no advantage over been used in intensive care include doxacurium, pipecuro- 3. Lewis KS, Rothenberg DM. Neuromuscular blockade in the in- propranolol. More recently, esmolol, a short-acting beta nium, and rocuronium. tensive care unit. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1999; 56: 72–5. 4. Murray MJ, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for sustained neu- blocker, has been used. Magnesium sulfate has been found Close monitoring of neuromuscular blockade is recom- romuscular blockade in the adult critically ill patient. Am J to minimise autonomic disturbance in ventilated patients mended since the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinet- Health-Syst Pharm 2002; 59: 179–95. and controls spasms in non-ventilated patients, but there is 5. Fischer JR, Baer RK. Acute myopathy associated with com- ics of neuromuscular blockers may be altered in patients in bined use of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blocking agents. need for further investigation. Electrolyte disturbance is intensive care;1-4 this should also allow the lowest effec- Ann Pharmacother 1996; 30: 1437–45. corrected with calcium and magnesium salts. tive neuromuscular blocking dose to be used, and reduce 6. Watling SM, Dasta JF. Prolonged paralysis in intensive care unit patients after the use of neuromuscular blocking agents: a re- References. adverse events. Prolonged neuromuscular blockade has view of the literature. Crit Care Med 1994; 22: 884–93. 1. Attygalle D, Karalliedde L. Unforgettable tetanus. Eur J Anaes- been related to dosage. 7. Levene MI, Quinn MW. Use of sedatives and muscle relaxants thesiol 1997; 14: 122–33. in newborn babies receiving mechanical ventilation. Arch Dis 2. Ernst ME, et al. Tetanus: pathophysiology and management. Ann Other factors that may potentiate neuromuscular blockade Child 1992; 67: 870–3. Pharmacother 1997; 31: 1507–13. include drug interactions, electrolyte imbalance, hypother- 8. Cools F, Offringa M. Neuromuscular paralysis for newborn in- 3. Farrar JJ, et al. Tetanus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; mia, or changes in acid–base balance.1,3 Conversely, dos- fants receiving mechanical ventilation. Available in The Co- 69: 292–301. chrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Issue 2. Chichester: 4. Cook TM, et al. Tetanus: a review of the literature. Br J Anaesth age requirements may be increased in patients with burns John Wiley; 2005 (accessed 20/10/05). 2001; 87: 477–87. or in those receiving prolonged therapy. Tachyphylaxis has 9. Greenough A, et al. Pancuronium prevents pneumothoraces in 5. Edlich RF, et al. Management and prevention of tetanus. J Long occurred with some neuromuscular blockers, but may re- ventilated premature babies who actively expire against positive Term Eff Med Implants 2003; 13: 139–54. pressure inflation. Lancet 1984; i: 1–3. solve on switching to another blocker. 6. Okoromah CN, Lesi FE. Diazepam for treating tetanus. Availa- 10. Cooke RWI, Rennie JM. Pancuronium and pneumothorax. Lan- ble in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Issue 1. Prolonged neuromuscular blockade has been associated cet 1984; i: 286–7. Chichester: John Wiley; 2004 (accessed 18/05/06). 11. Pollitzer MJ, et al. Pancuronium during mechanical ventilation with adverse effects and should be avoided when possible. speeds recovery of lungs of infants with hyaline membrane dis- Recovery after withdrawal of prolonged treatment may be ease. Lancet 1981; i: 346–8. longer than pharmacologically predicted due to the accu- 12. Miall-Allen VM, et al. Blood pressure fluctuation and intraven-